#false paradise au
mugzymiik · 2 months
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Treeo forgive me for i have sinned
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falseparadiseau · 6 months
Ask JSaB: False Paradise AU!
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AVAILABLE CHARACTERS *All characters use they/them pronouns unless stated otherwise
Friend (she/they/any)
The Boss (any)
+ more to come!
NO NSFW ASKS! The owner (me lol) of the AU is a minor!
Please keep in mind that responses will be drawn in Whiteboard Fox!
Uhh, more might be added :[ Womp womp
The Blue Player of Paradise
Usually considered "the leader" of The Four Players, however Two often challenges them and whatever they may happen to say
The shortest of The Players
Makes most of the plans for the group, and makes many of the more-important decisions
The Yellow Player of Paradise
Often rebels against anything and everything One decides
The second-tallest of The Players
Has an attitude almost 90% of the time
The Green Player of Paradise
Seen as "the smart one" of the group; but, in reality, they're just the most logical
The second-shortest of The Players
Confused by, like, everything
The Orange Player of Paradise
Very silly; likes to make jokes and goof off
The tallest of The Players
Extremely loud and excitable
She/they/any pronouns
Protector of The Pieces
Very quiet and soft-spoken; doesn't talk much either
Dedicated to her duty, often watches The Tree in silence to monitor its state
The Boss
Any pronouns
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many-faced · 5 months
Made this gift for my friend, @mugzymiik >:]
here are GIFs of the run cycles bc I'm proud of them
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empressgeekt · 8 months
Trolls - Burning Branches AU part 1
Or alternate title, I have now been sucked down the sudden black hole that is this fandom and now the troll plot bunnies are running ramped around my Fanfic farm, because the creators of this franchise has added my weakness...Sibling relationships... Now I have plans for a two story saga in this fandom of which I wouldn't have glanced at with interest at all a month ago.
Well, that's enough rambling, Time to get into the meat of the fic plot.
So, while browsing on Ao3 I noticed that there was this Rock!Branch au, where Branch is separated from the pop-trolls as a kid and ends up being raised by Barb and Thrash of the Rock Trolls. I love this concept, more then some relatives of mine. But I want to put a little spin on it. I've been a big fan of amnesia/memory loss fics, and I noticed there was a lack of them in this fandom.
Brozone breaks up and Grandma dies like in canon, same old same old. However, in this AU Branch is forced to leave the Troll Tree as a kid, because there is a larger sigmatism about trolls who went grey. The Trolls are very clear that they want nothing to do with Branch. They are all already living with death at their door step and they don't need a grey child to constantly break the false image of happy paradise that the adults try to maintain in the Tree to keep themselves sane. Branch, with nothing else left for him in the tree, packs up and tries to leave to find his brothers, though he does worry if they would even want him now that he was grey.
After successfully escaping the town, (the bergens don't notice if a small troll vanishes in the middle of the night, they didn't notice the whole village packing up), Branch spends a terrifying night in the woods. Running away from what are "predator's" in the eyes of a small child. Until he accidentally, stumbles in the a wormhole. The wormhole sucks Branch away from, Pop territory to the outskirts of the Rock badlands. But in this new hot volcanic he is still far from safe. (I'm adding that their are harsh powerful dragons that roam around the Rock trolls territory, as there has to be some type of reason behind they turned their own music and instruments in the to energy weapons while the other tribes didn't. Not to mention the active volcanic activity everywhere!) While running away from some of these actual predators and dangerous lava pools, Branch gets shoved over a cliffside, and falls into one of the few rivers nearby. In the raging rapids, the little troll strikes his head against the rocky river bed. Knocking him out.
Meanwhile, Still-King Thrash is leading an expedition to the river to fetch water for the people of Volcano Rock City. Being the very soft and caring Father he is, once he sees a small child floating in the river he jumps in without a second thought, and pulls the child to the shore. He leaves the expedition in the hands of another Troll and brings the some how still alive child back to the City and into the care of a capable doctor. While waiting to hear if Branch will live, Thrash goes through the little sack the kid had with him. There's enough evidence for the king of rock to come to the conclusion that Branch was running away, and needless to say Thrash is furious. Who would be so cruel that dared to make a child in his kingdom feel so scared and unwelcomed that they would run away! (at this point due to Branch's greyness and the high emotions of the situation Thrash hasn't realized Branch is from Pop yet, not that it would matter in the long run he's still ticked off).
Eventually, the doctor (an old friend of Thrash's whom they have a deep trust between, I haven't named them yet), calls Thrash in. Thrash finds Branch unconscious on the medical bed with his head bandaged. The doctor tells Thrash that's its a miracle that Branch is even alive, but it would take a bigger one for the child to wake up. The underneath the blood of the wound was a skull fracture and possible brain damage. Then he mentions it would probably be better if Branch never woke up, and further explains Branch's nature as a pop troll, and his greyness. Thrash takes this information in with a sad heart. Stigma against pop was still running high in the Rock kingdom, despite Thrash wanting to believe his people could spare their bias to care for a wounded child, he knows that no foster family would take a pop troll in. He asks the Doctor to keep quiet about Branch, and that if the boy would wake up Thrash would take him in himself. He goes home and hugs Barb after an exhausting day, and asks her if she was open to having a little brother.
After a few weeks, Branch wakes up, but he has no memory of anything. Not his name. Not where he's from. Not how he got there. At this point the medical staff that were allowed to know about him, have taken to calling him Charcoal, or Char, after his perfectly black and shiny hair, and it just kind of stuck after that. Thrash has taken to visiting Branch, even before the boy was conscious, quickly growing fond over the boy and until he'd recovered enough to be taken to the royal cavern. Barb takes to having Char around very well. Having a younger sibling, gives her something to put her protectiveness towards. Thrash makes and announcement, claiming Char as his own to Rock, and putting the boy as second in-line for the throne.
Still it isn't all cupcakes and rainbows with Char in his new home. He has lasting effected form his head injury in the form of migraines and fainting spells. The child is plagued by nightmares, of Giants coming to eat him and old ladies. They frighten him so much he draws and designs traps and bunkers to keep himself safe. Some of the designs Thrash actually considers building in case of emergency. Music brings him to tears if it's too loud or sudden, or if Barb asked him to sing-along. His room is sound proofed, and he has a pair of headphones to block things out if needed. Thrash also finds that his new adoptive son, is far more book-smart then him or Barb, the rarely used Rock library becomes Char's second home. The child become well educated in History, engineering, math, sciences and politics.
It would take two years before, Barb managed to talk Char into coming to her music practice, where the kid learns that music is more then just noise that makes him feel scared/unsafe. Seeing the weapon music can be, something he can learn to protect himself with, Char becomes hooked on the idea of learning it. Too everyone's surprise, it comes to boy like second nature, and his voice is like that of an angel's.
Eighteen years pass, and Branch grows up to be, Prince Char, second born son to Thrash King of Rock. He's a known expert with a guitar, both as an instrument and a weapon, his reputation is that of a eerily smart and organized strategist, who is loyal to his family and people to a fault and ruthlessly protective. With Thrash's health, both physical and mental, in rapid decline, Barb is forced to take on the mantel of Queen earlier then she wanted, but this time she has a brother to lean on as an advisor. Which is a good thing, because between the two of them Char is a much better planner.
Pressure is turned up on the royal rock siblings, when an unexpected earthquake destroys the farmlands that feeds the city. Sure, volcanic soil can been great for growing plants, but rivers of lava and giant fresh trenches don't help at all. Barb flies off the handle, and begins to panic in quiet about what she needs to do to protect the people of Rock, while Char looks into historical records to see if the past king ever had to deal with issues like this. Eventually he stumbles on the knowledge that during ancient times if one of the tribes was in trouble they would call upon their sister tribes for aid.
"Oh that's great advise your books have, let's ask for help from our sworn enemies!" Barb would exclaim, "Wait...the other tribes! If they lasted as long as we did, then they must have resources! But they wouldn't help us...not unless they were just like us. We could use our string to convert..."
"Barb! I'm going to stop you right now. First one our string isn't powerful enough to over-write someone's genre, believe me I looked into it-"
"But if we get all the strings..."
"You mean steal them?"
"No, if we were to fail that would only sour relations between genres further and our people would still be starving. We'd be better off forging an alliance with a tribe, rather then wasting already limited resources conquering one."
"URGH! Why are you always right....So, alliance...that's our best plan?"
"Currently yes."
"With people that hate us! Are we sure we can't conquer them?"
"Barb, were trying to make a harmony. You can't make harmony with everyone using the same voice. They all need to be different, and they all can't be forced into something they they aren't or it all falls apart."
"Whoa, that's deep. Where'd ya learn that?"
"I-I don't know...but the point still stands we need to befriend another tribe not conquer one!"
"Okay, so how do we do that?"
"Well, apparently theirs more ways then one, all of them include paper work, so leave that to me, but one of them we actually have a unique opportunity to ally with."
"Oh? And how do we take advantage of this unique opportunity?"
"You're not going to like this...but we use me..."
Branch would go on to explain his plan to ally the Rock kingdom with the Pop trolls...through an Arranged Marriage between him and the Pop princess. Barb hates it, especially after all the pop trolls did to her brother when he was young, but she can't argue the logic. The pop trolls live in a forest rich with food and plant life, and water sources. However, they have zero defenses other then how deep they live in the forest. (how he knows all of this Branch has no idea) If the alliance managed to go through, the Rock trolls could get the needed food supplies, and the Pop trolls could gain the knowledge of how to use musical weaponry.
Barb still hates it, it feels like her little brother is throwing away his future. But Char assures her that he's okay with it, and that it's his turn to take on the burden of the crown he supposed to wear. As a bio-pop troll the possibility of an heir from the alliance marriage is higher then if they use a random Rock citizen, and as Rock Prince that will give more creditably to the pleads of their people to Pop. He tells Barb to just take care of Dad when he's gone and that they always have debbie to talk to each other through letters.
So they send a message to Pop Village...requesting to consider the marriage.
At Pop village, Poppy is busy with her new duties as a fresh coronated Queen, caring for the village needs and further establishing peaceful relations with the Bergens after the fall of Chef. When the message reaches her, delivered Via Debbie and Biggie, Peppy tries to take it from her before she cane read it. And then she demands that he Explain why she just got a proposal in a letter from a Rock Prince?
Peppy reluctantly explains the history of the Tribes, and how some times they would form alliances between the genres by wedding members of the royal families together to ensure peace. He makes it very clear that He doesn't want Poppy to even think of answering the Rock trolls even if to decline the proposal, but she fights back saying hat this might be their only chance for peace between the genres for years to come if its taken this long for them to reach out this time. Peppy then tries to argue that if Poppy were to accept the proposal that she would have to marry this prince, this stranger, and he never wanted that to happen to her. He knows Poppy is queen now and he can't order her to do anything, but he asks her to think about this before making any kind of decision.
Poppy needless to say, deeply contemplates the proposal. She wants to help reunite the tribes, but bonding herself to a stranger she never met was a daunting thing. She talks with Cooper and Bridget who are surprisingly helpful with everything, and decides that she'll accept the proposal with the condition that she and her future groom have the chance to meet and get to know each other before the wedding.
Barb and Char readily accept the condition, and calculate that they can give one month of courtship before the Rock kingdom is without food. They respond back to Poppy, and tell them that Char and a few others would arrive in Pop Village a few days after she would receive the letter that confirmed the betrothal.
Char arrives at Pop Village with much fanfare from his travel companions, but shushes them quickly and addresses Poppy and Peppy in a polite manner. Poppy is kind of thrown off by how grey her future husband is, not that she shows it. Char is just as shocked about how bright and colorful she is.
The romance is awkward at first. The cultural differences get in the way sometimes. But eventually a connection is formed. Char learns to feed off of Poppy's energy and Poppy learns that there's more to this grey prince then gloom. With the wedding scheduled for the end of the month, Poppy decides to introduce Char to her BFF Bridget.
Needless to say, it doesn't go well.
Char's underlaying trauma comes back in a panic attack and flashback upon seeing the Troll Tree and bergens. The memory of his Grandmother's demise suddenly becoming clear as day in his mind. In the panic he accidently fires his guitar at Grisle and Bridget, with makes Poppy panic and angry at him. So he runs off into the woods.
Bridget and Poppy end up having a heart to heart where Bridget says that Char looked scared. Having heard about how Char was acutualy a pop-troll and was adopted into the royal family, Poppy connects the dots rather quickly. Realizing that Char used to live in the Troll Tree but didn't escape with the others. the whole visit was triggering for him.
She runs back to Pop Village looking forh im, only to find that Queen Barb had arrived to help set up the wedding, and she wants to know where her Brother is. Poppy blurts out what happened while trying to defuse the situation, and that only serves to rile Barb up further. Until Poppy snaps, yellling at Barb that they need to go looking for Char not fight here! This impresses Barb into agreeing.
Poppy finds him and they end up having a heart to heart, and confessing...
The wedding goes on as planned. On the neutral ground of the Troll Tree, allowing Char to visit his late Grandmother's home for the first time in twenty years.
All seems well...Until one John Dory screams, "Stop the Wedding!"
I will post part two in a separate post because this is long!
Part two, and Part three
Edit: The prolog for this fic, which is basically Char's child hood is now posted on Ao3. Link
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darkfluffydragon · 4 months
Operation Abundance: About Golden Cheese Cookie
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Note: Golden Cheese will be referred to as Aureate, as that is her AU name.
Why would Aureate allow Shadow Milk into her body? She can very well force him out of it, the Light of Abundance is not compatible whatsoever with the weakened Light of Deceit. Yet, he still controls her, using her as a host. Her story isn't all that different either, there is no grand tragedy that leaves her kingdom in an unfixable shamble. Sure, there were more glitches and errors in canon. and a bit more horror, but the conclusion was still the idea of her becoming more greedy, to become more powerful. Enough that she would be able to bring not just their souls, but their dough as well. To bring back her Golden Kingdom in its entirety.
One important detail that did change though was that she didn't follow Gingerbrave and the others, Instead, she told them that she would go to the Vanilla Kingdom later (never getting the closure of seeing her friends again after assuming Pure Vanilla died, and waking up as the only one to try and dig his body out of the Vanilla Kingdom rubble after Dark Enchantress’ bannishment), instead wishing to spend some time with the Cheesebirds she had originally forgotten and neglected for so long. To bathe in the sunlight of her real kingdom.
Then Shadow Milk came and dragged her into the false paradise of her dreams. She would fight, knowing none of the people there had souls, not like her kingdom. That they were not real, not what she desired. Not even when the other ancients were there, not when the dream was far grander, far more perfect than her own reality.
The real reason why she eventually relented, was when Shadow Milk, Charcoal Cheese, would reveal information about the other beasts. Specifically about Burning Spice.
The Souljam of Change. The other half of her Light of Abundance.
Surely, it was rightfully hers, was it not? If it had been stripped away from the injured Beast by the witches, then surely, the other half was justifiably, meant to be under her ownership? They had, after all, deemed her worthy of Abundance. Was this not the world giving her a sign? An opportunity, like so many centuries ago when she first found her Souljam? She would take the power, she would become more than simply Abundance, she would become Change. She would return all that had been taken from her, back into the golden sunlight so that her treasure, her temples, her streets, her cookies, they may all bathe in her radiant glory once more.
Having her closest friends there really only made the offer even more enticing...so she took it. She would bide her time, she would wait. And when the moment came, she would make her soul whole.
After all, Aureate had always been a greedy, selfish cookie.
To explain what I meant by her never getting closure, Aureate never got to see Pure Vanilla alive. Sure, she got the message from Gingerbrave, but she never saw him and the others with her own eyes. The last she saw of him was at the hall with Dark Enchantress, and the explosion. Before she would wake up in the ruins, alone. She’d have panicked, thinking that the others had died when in reality, they got separated and woke up at different times. She was the last one, and would start digging through the remains of the vanilla castle trying to find her friends. For hours, perhaps the entire day despite her wounds. She would come across a message left behind by Hollyberry, telling anyone who found it that she was returning to her kingdom. Then a message from Dark Cacao. She would find traces of White Lily’s magic, and she would find Pure Vanilla’s flower staff. The one he never left behind, unless with one of them because he trusted them dearly. That could only mean one thing
‘How could they leave so readily? How could they not even leave a memorial for our Treasure?
How could they leave me?’
They didn’t leave her and Pure Vanilla, they searched as well. They repeated the same cycle she did and had assumed that she, too, perished in that battle. Each grieved and mourned in their own way. They were simply not fortunate…unfortunate? Enough to find the staff.
She would leave the staff behind, a memorial, where the flower would always be able to see the sunrise. And then, she would leave, to find her fallen empire. She never got to properly see Pure Vanilla be alive, nor did she get to have a talk with the others to sort out their misunderstandings. Yet still, in her false dreams, they are what she desired the most.
The staff would also be how Pure Vanilla knew she was alive. Unlike Hollyberry and Dark Cacao, who were still known, had traces of their existence, Golden Cheese vanished. But it hadn’t been Hollyberry or Dark Cacao who placed his staff in such a place in such a fond way. There was only one other person he knew who would do such a thing.
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levshany · 1 year
Where’d you get the name Hamayun? Is it the name of the type of bird Philip is?
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Short story:
Hamayun is the name of a bird creature from slavic folklore
Long story:
Hamayun is a bird of paradise, the messenger and herald of the gods. She sings for people and predicts the future for those who wish to know it. She's wise and knows everything about the origin of the world. Able to cast a dream with a glance. Her cry portends happiness
Hamayun is described either as a bird without legs and wings, forever flying with her long tail, never landing on the ground, or as a being with the body of a bird and the head of a man. Her head and neck are often adorned with jewels
Phillip is not biblically accurate Hamayun. He is much bigger, definitely not from paradise, and his cry doesn't portend anything good. Then why this design couldn't be called "harpy", which is more familiar to people? Well, because we already have Eda. I didn't want people to make unnecessary associations with her, so I decided to take something from fairy tales that were read to me as a child
Turned out that between Phillip and Hamayun it is possible to draw a couple of interesting parallels: they are similar with their wisdom and pride, and different in that Hamayun is the true messenger of the gods, while Phillip is false
The name "Hamayun" in my AU is used as an analogue of "Belos". Phillip was given this name by people. He did not come up with it. "Belos" doesn't exist in my story, neither as a name nor as a character. Hamayun is cruel, but only towards those who come to him with evil intentions. He kills people, but he doesn't have the mindset that humanity deserves to die. Therefore, calling him Belos in this case is incorrect
Thaaat's it
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
hi i had an idea but it would not work out in hels canon at all so. consider an alternate alternate universe where there’s a decked out hels counterpart? maybe it’s a sentient dungeon near spawn designed to lure people into a false sense of security and perhaps bravo is the creator of it… or the bait? other game component ideas like peace(hazard) or stillness(clank)
hehe i’m just spitballing silly ideas to you for fun >:) sorry if you’ve received an ask like this before
:0 now this is an interesting (non-canon ofc) concept. bravo would absolutely make a decked out in hels just to one-up tango. but since he’s annoyed and fatigued by the brutality of hels, he wouldn’t just make a more intense, deadly decked out: he’d make it an escape. a sprawling map safe from the outside world, filled with beautiful scenery and fun puzzles and some damn peace and quiet for once.
but what he didn’t anticipate is that the dungeon can take on a mind of its own, and this one would want to keep players ‘safe’ forever and ever- by never letting anyone leave. it’d do its best to make players want to stay, but it’s not above trapping them if it has to.
timmy would 100% fall victim to the dungeon, happy to finally be safe and provided for. he’d even try to discourage other hels players from staying- not as a warning, but for his own sake. he doesn’t want more hels players ruining his sanctuary, even at the cost of incurring the dungeon’s wrath.
it’s like the opposite of @hybbart’s deepfrost cast au, where jimmy acts as a dungeon guide. timmy would be a territorial (but still pathetic) herald of doom, desperately trying to get hels players to leave this apparent ‘paradise’ before it’s too late (because he wants this place all to himself, thank you very much).
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otherworldseekers · 10 days
FFXIVwrite2024 Day 9: Lend an Ear
WoLNero- Orpheus and Eurydice AU? 358 words
Attempting something a little different.
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Lend me an ear and I’ll sing you a song. A tale of the world from long ago. 
When the sun shone down on lands free from suffering, free from pain. And the stars, jewel bright in the sky, never failed to guide lost souls home. And flowers bloomed in colors we no longer have names for. When the world was a paradise without want or woe. 
There was a mighty city with sparkling spires and transcendent towers. And the people there gave their love to the star tenfold. Beyond the city many rivers flowed through fertile plains. For the star answered their love with every bounty. 
And in the river delta three children met to play. They fashioned creatures out of clay and wished them to life. They built boats out of reeds and used the wind to race them. Such were their games. And when the sun drew down towards the horizon they clasped each others’ hands and promised eternal companionship. 
But the children didn’t see that the Fates hovered over them, whispering in their ears. To one they whispered of pride. And to the next they whispered of sacrifice. And to the last they whispered of change. The whispers settled deep in their hearts and none knew what secret dreams the others clutched in their souls. 
And the Fates laughed at the children’s vows, knowing with the intimate knowledge of a craftsman what the tapestry of the future showed. For none in any age can defy their Fate.
“Why do you tell such an unhappy tale?” said the girl lying in the grass beside the river. 
“Because it came to me,” said the boy, sitting beside her and quietly strumming the lyre held in his lap.
“Is it true?”
“Everything I sing is true.”
“Yes, but did it really happen?” the girl knew by now that the boy had an odd way of looking at things like truth. 
“Who can say? But I do not think the Muses would send me a song that was false,” the boy said with charming naivete. 
“Perhaps,” replied the girl, for she new of the capriciousness of the gods.
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randomficrecss · 2 years
Eruri fic rec <3
Part 1
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ugh they are so perfect, this is one of my most fav ships ever!!
these are gonna be all longer fics like 90K+ words but i’ll definitely post another part with shorter ones!
The Blue by bowowline
E | 176.1K | 14/14 | Hitman Levi, AU modern setting, Slowburn, Smut
“Look, kid. Don’t listen to what Uri says, you hear?” Kenny combs his hair with his hand, although there’s not a single strand out of place. “Don’t ever listen to him. You only have one kinda people you have to listen to. You know that, yes? Who do you listen to? Tell me,” he orders, kind of frantic.
“I only listen to the Family,” Levi says absently.
As a child, Levi refused to finish a job. He has not made one blunder after that. Twenty years later, fate catches up to him again.
Birds of Paradise by obiwhat12
No rating (check tags) | 94.9K | 14/14 | Hurt/Comfort, Sick Levi, Domestic Fluff, PTSD
On an expedition gone awry, Erwin and Levi find themselves stranded in the forest, fighting for their lives. They are graced with no other option except to put their faith in one another, despite their vast differences.
Under the same bright stars, they discover a new kind of consolation in each other that neither has known before.
In These Fallen Leaves by masksarehot
E | 210.2K | 32/32 | Temporary Character Death, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Smut
[Post-Basement canon-divergent AU] Ten years after the end of the war, Levi, still heartbroken over Erwin's death, is living out a quiet existence with a few Survey Corps survivors. But signs are beginning to surface that Erwin is not truly dead, and they're getting too vivid to ignore...
This fic explores (canon-divergent) choices that the survivors made after Erwin's death and their consequences for the world. It's also about healing, and Erwin and Levi learning to put words to things that have always been unspoken between them. And beneath it all are the paths, whispering to them that the fate of Paradis still rests upon their shoulders...
Corps-à-Corps by onthearrow (loved this one)
E | 223.6K | 25/25 | AU fencing, Slowburn, Smut
Meeting people in New York City is hard. When Erwin’s last good friend moves away for greener pastures, he joins the local fencing club in his Upper East Side neighborhood in hopes of rekindling both an old hobby, and his wilting social life.
The newest member of Levi's fencing club has it all it all-- money, a highly successful career, overbearingly good looks. Levi doesn't have any of that. But he sure as hell wants Erwin Smith anyway.
The Means by calacreda
E | 130.2K | 16/16 | Post-ACWNR, Pre-AOT, Prostitution, Slowburn
'He hears him say “Do not tell a soul, Levi” and wants to laugh. Tell anyone? To what end? So that others have the images that Levi now has running through his head; of grabbing hands and harness marks, hard words and soft lips, of lies upon lies upon lies in a desperate attempt to get to the truth?'
Levi begins to notice Erwin leaving HQ alone and not returning until the dead of night.
Slow-burn, pre-show Eruri.
He Chose Titans by masksarehot
E | 486.1K | 43/43 | Semi-Canon Prequel, Truama, Fluff, Smut
Erwin swore he would never again be distracted from his fight against the titans, but when an unexpected bond begins to form with Levi, he must decide whether he will follow his heart or his head.
Mail Order Spy by 35g (Jaackdaw)
M | 230K | 24/24 | Slowburn, Espionage, PTSD, Fake/Pretend Relationship
2091. Titans are no longer the frail oddities they once were. They're changing, growing. Governments aren’t changing with them. The International Military Police is tightening their leash. Erwin Smith orders a spy.
Dresden by hedera_helix (one of my all time favs)
M | 334.4K | 26/26 | AU, Historial, WWII
When Levi acquired his false identification he knew that the key to survival would be to stay unnoticed and to contain the bitterness and anger he feels inside himself. As the tides of war start to turn against Germany, however, Levi finds himself in a position to make a choice.
CODA by crownlessk_ing
M | 222.2K | 27/27 | AU 80’s, Musicians, Canon Disabled Character, Period-Typical Homophobia, War Flashbacks
France, 1986 - The last time Erwin was in Paris, he had it all. Youth, love, success, and his place in some of the most prestigious orchestras of the world. His cello had been his faithful companion through it all, and many said Erwin was the most talented cellist of his time. With such a bright future, it was easy to pretend everything was perfect.
But a lot had changed in ten years.
Now, all he had left were ghosts in his shadows, blurred memories of what used to be, and a body broken beyond repair.
He hoped going back to where it all started would be enough to recover what he’d lost: his ability to hold a cello, to feel, to love. He’d been wrong so far. But there may be another soul just as broken as his, someone who was also wandering in search of their own missing pieces.
Final Tour by gouguruheddo
M | 131.9K | 22/22 | Friends to lovers, PTSD, Modern America, Mid-Life Crisis, grief/Mourning, Trust Issues, Hurt/Comfort
It's been twenty years in the army, and Levi is finally home--retired, bored, directionless. The world has moved on without him, including his friend Erwin. He struggles to learn to adjust, to deal with his nightmares, to flourish in a world he's never understood, only to find that Erwin is dealing with the same thing.
Pledge by EllaBesmirched (El_Bell)
E | 123.9K | 15/15 | AU college, Frat Boy Erwin, ex-thug Levi, Slowburn, Light Hazing,
Levi is not in a fucking frat.
The Laws of Survival by pasiphile
E | 120.8K | 7/7 | Slowburn, Dom/Sub Undertones, PTSD, Non-binary Hange
His friends are dead, and now he’s trapped in a world where he has no voice, no control, and no one on his side except for the bastard who forced him to join in the first place.
Trust doesn’t just grow in one day.
Vespers by Valisi (series)
E | 109.5K | 12 Works | read tags
A series of stories detailing Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman's private life together. Pieces can be read individually or as a whole.
Some pieces will reference things that have happened in past parts of the story, but it's nothing so major that you'll feel left out.
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mugzymiik · 5 months
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shenanigans <3
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and also gay people
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falseparadiseau · 6 months
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i was gonna queue this for exactly 2 years from now but im impatient
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sunyandmony · 6 months
New au time😭
I can't come up with a better name so just slide along with it;-;
It was a God of its own little world, the life that surrounded it was truly unnatural yet.. Breathtaking. To think that it created all of it under the circumstances of the universe. Sure, time was broken before, but it managed to fix it. Somehow... And got life back on the surface of what he called 'paradise', its second chance to be better at the job it was given.
And yet, the creation it made was not perfect as meant to be... You, the first living being of this universe... You were definitely special, but you were also dangerous. It could not rid of you now, could not turn back.. It made a huge mistake, but couldn't take it back now- not when you stood in front of it with such admiration and devotion for a being that only brought darkness and dismay along its path. Despite your devotion, which it accepted, it wasn't like it'd let you go live on your own, whatever life had been growing by itself was dangerous, and so, you were kept just at eye range.
Your God was always strong, always wise and always one step ahead of you.. You knew this was the right choice, your God is always right. And you never doubted it.
That all changed when new life appeared, and your God pushed you aside to care more for the others. You were still faithful nonetheless, and every bit of attention, every glance, was taken in consideration by your human eyes. But... On that day, the last glance your God gave you before vanishing was... Not right... Not a way a God would look at the most faithful of followers..... And since than, you have been left under the care of a 'false' God, who was just under the Original' right arm always, now ranked up to take the said place. You doubted the disappearance of your God, and continued praying. You did not believe in the new God shown right in your face, or the fact your own God could've been the true fake... You weren't planning on changing your mind any time soon. You believed in your God more than yourself. And that was just a simple fact, there was far more than what was shown on the outside. A simple day in your life always consisted of first thing praying for exactly 3 hours before moving on to eating and than to your duties, which weren't even that many.
Everybody took you as the 'non-faithful' type towards the actual God, but you didn't care. Even your friends thought so, and that was painful at once. But you had to do it for their sake, they were drifting away from the truth unlike you. There is NO other God than THE Original, and that was it for you. Nothing more or less.
You are still the same person on the inside though, careful, gentle and curious as a human would be. The earth and the living beings you weren't allowed to see before were truly beautiful, from small bugs to flying birds and to freely roaming foxes.. Truly something to admire.. You assumed your God just didn't know they were harmless as the reason it didn't let you go far. Definitely, even a God makes mistakes!
That's about it y'all- Motivation gone💔
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ssplague · 2 years
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Track One of SSplague’s Super Psycho smut and song fic spectacular
Still taking submissions—>InfoHere
Warnings: Stalkerish/Aggressive behavior, mentions of abusive family, radicalized religion, Vampire AU, blood, blood sucking, virginity loss, slight blood play, degradation, chains, SEX, Let me know if I missed any!
“Some people call it a one night stand but we can call it paradise”
🌃. You saw me standing by the wall, 🚏 Corner of a Main Street & the lights 🚥 were flashing on your window sill 🪟 all alone ain’t much fun  🪩 so you’re looking for a thrill 🪞 and you know just what it takes 🫦 and where to go
It was with apprehension you reorganized your vanity after deeming your face fit enough to withstand a night out. You’d become something of a recluse over the last few months, and when anyone asked why they never got a straight answer. You’d rather not tarnish your reputation by admitting the truth behind the matter, deeming it better to keep your lips sealed and replaying the truth late at night while you lay awake in bed. Secret to remain hidden between clenched thighs and twitching hands that were desperate to wander.
You had been naïve, going out on the town all alone, but you hadn’t known any better. Having grown up in some small town in the Bible Belt.
You ran off to your freedom under the cover of night with two strange young women who had been camping in the woods near your home for a week. You happened upon them by chance as you’d slipped into the woods to avoid the preacher’s son. The “godly” young man who’s wandering eyes seemed to always linger on and outline your figure these days. After introducing yourself to the duo, the two had provided a listening ear to your tales of woe. Once you’d finished, they began to share stories from their lives back home, the tales that would be normal to anyone else were riveting to you. You visited their camp every day after that, and when they offered you the chance to return with them you took it. Your heart pounded in your chest as you rode away in the back of that jeep, there truly was more to life than fire, brimstone, abstinence, womanly duties, & utter misery.
Stealing another glance at yourself in the mirror you wondered if this was really a good idea? Luck had been on your side last time, but what if this time luck wasn’t enough? All you could remeber clearly were piercing red eyes, and the way he made you feel that night. Feelings so strong that you still felt echoes of pleasure, and mixed emotions half a year later.
You glance out your dingy window to survey the streets below, the tingle on your skin serving as an inkling that someone’s eyes had been on you.
It was just a trick of the light that had a lone figure smoking a cigarette appear to have that same flash of ash blonde hair that comes and goes within the reel of memories from that night. 
This night was different than that one, you aren’t going out with something to prove, with someone to defy. It was a simple night out with friends, no expectations other than returning home alone and falling asleep happy you had went.
Shuffling inside the club you were pleased to find a somewhat comfortable atmosphere. The heat wasn’t stifling and bodies didn’t occupy every single space of the building. People were still dancing but the bass wasn’t overpowering to the point your rib cage was rattling either. A familiar pinkette catches your eye with an eager wave and you approach the table of familar faces, only to realize that not all of them are ones you recognize. You were lured out under false pretenses it would seem, you fight the curling of your upper lip and offer a slight grin.
“I’m so happy you came out! These two didn’t believe me when I said you were coming!” Mina exclaims happily. You already know she’s referring to Jiro and Uraraka, and not the three men that also occupy the table. Six people that already seemed to be paired together and you just happen to be unlucky number seven, a third wheel.
“Have I really been out of the loop for that long?” Translation: All three of you are in relationships now? Last time I checked I thought you all were “smart, independent, etc.
The first man to be introduced was the largest, his stature and bright red hair weren’t what got you, it was the sharpness of the teeth he flashes you when he smiled. The second was only slightly smaller than the first, he had a boyish charm that was stark in contrast to his black suit and mop of green curls. The third was average in size but what he lacked in brawn was made up for with his seemingly larger than life personality, his electric blonde hair was as shocking as the enthusiastic greeting he gives you.
Kirishima, Midoryia, Kaminari, three friends that happen to be seeing Mina, Ochako, and Jirou. You knew it wasn’t a coincidence that they happened to all be in the same place at the same time. Just as you were about to excuse yourself to grab a drink, one is set down in front of you, the same one you’d had on that solo night out six months ago. You quickly reach out for the women that brought it over as she began briskly walking away, “Excuse me! Who is this from?”.
Her eyes flickered behind you for a split second before she pursed her lips, “I cant tell you that but I assure you it’s safe, I made it myself”. That being said she’s quick to slip out of your light hold and retreat back behind the bar.
“What will it be miss?”
“Ah um…I don’t know what exactly to call it but I want a Shirley temple with alcohol in it…”
“You have ID?”
You present the card with burning cheeks and the women nods, “Cherry Vodka okay with you?”
“Ah yes, uhm that’ll work”
The memory has your cheeks heating up again, and feeling eyes on your back has you turning in the same direction the women had glanced in. When nothing sticks out you rejoin the group you’d been sitting with. Rather than swigging your drink down in a couple gulps (like you had last time) you took note of your company and decided on small sips. Offering demure smiles in between, attempting to keep your facade as you giggled, and engaged in light hearted teasing with your friends.
You’d allowed Mina to pull you to your feet and danced with both her and Ochako for a handful of songs. Happily handing them over to their respective men as the music transitioned to something slower.
On your way back towards the table you passed a nervous looking Jiro being pulled into the crowd of dancers. Sitting back down at the now empty table, you felt the slightest bit envious. Deeming now as good a time as any to grab a smoke on the patio, you wander outside. It was somehow even darker out here than it was inside, getting a cigarette out of your bag, you cursed as you shuffled the few contents around in the small space.
You chose to ignore the feeling of being watched this time, maybe if you hadn’t, you’d of been prepared when you met that alluring crimson gaze. “Need a light?” The voice spooked you as a flame appears in front of your face. Taking a couple small inhales your cigarette is lit and you begin to thank the man. Only when your eyes meet his, the words seem to get loged in your throat.
Despite the shock, you are able to keep any trace of recognition off your face, “Th-Thank you…guess I forgot mine”. You purposely walk a few feet away, foolishly backing yourself into a corner as if he wouldn’t follow you. Silly girl, you just barely escaped him last time, and he’d been on the hunt for you ever since.
It would take a lot more than luck to save you this time.
“Here by yourself?” The raspy sound of the familiar voice leaves goosebumps on your skin. You pray he’s forgotten about you, that your face hasn’t been at the forefront of his mind since you silently slipped from his bed. You fail to realize your immediate slip up as you answer “Not this time, friends are inside”. It’s impossible to even attempt to feign disinterest in the gorgeous man at your side.
“Seems like they’re preoccupied….Since they let you sneak away outside I mean” he tries to make it sound like an off handed speculation, but you catch the implication. “Ah you’re right, they’re probably looking for me, I should go-“ your attempt to flee is easily thwarted as his larger body cages you in between himself and the patio railing.
“Nah, their too busy, I’m sure they’ll be reassured your okay if they remember to ask about you” his sudden grip on your back side has you gasp as you try to push against the chiseled chest between your delicate fingertips, “Excuse me, I really should be going-“.
“Cut the Fuckin’ act, you weren’t this disagreeable last time!” He snaps, catching your chin in between the thumb and forefinger of the hand not gripping your ass.
The shock of being called out has you gaping open mouthed back at him, “I played by the rules last time, you wanted to Dance so I asked you to dance, reassured you I was a good guy and all that other shit, I’ve been looking for you for half a year now, remembering how beautiful you looked beneath me, and the angelic sounds you made from my touch, m’sorry if I’m a bit too pent up to play your Fuckin games tonight princess”.
You bat your eyes as you pout your lips when the pad of his thumb caresses your plump appendages.
“Awww was I too straightforward? You imagined our reunion would be sweeter than this? C’mere dumbass” he isn’t gentle when your lips meet his, despite the shyness you show him once again when his tongue playfully engages with yours. Looking back on this time in the future, you’ll realize you didn’t stand a chance at ever truly escaping from him. The realization of this hits you heavy as you find yourself in the back of a fancy car with a driver taking the two of you back to the place you’d managed to give him the slip last time.
Rather than risk you trying to scamper off into the night, he scoops you up in his arms and carries you inside, up the same stairs you’d nervously followed him up last time. You felt each of the remaining beats left in your heart, relished the almost sensual rythm it pounded out within your chest. This was how you chose to remember the moments before it ceases to ever move another inch.
The first time you’d entered this lavish bedroom had you realizing just how sheltered you’d truly been all your life. 
It was so easy to forget all the warnings and lectures on saving your virtue, as you became lost in those crimson orbs. You hadn’t thought twice about lowering yourself to kneel before him, the way you stared up at him with such reverence as though he were something to be worshipped.
“I’ve never done any of this before”
That statement both saved your life and sealed your fate. Originally, he’d just planned to drain you dry and let you wither away into a husk, to be swept away by the wind at first light. Plans change.
Forever here would your innocence lie; First blood, shared and swapped between hungry lips, and any excess sinking into expensive Italian sheets as your pleasurable cries resound around the bedroom walls. Laying with you in his arms was the most at peace he’s felt in five hundred years. It was only natural for him to get some much needed rest, but waking up to an empty bed, well that didn’t sit right with him. He curses as he jumps out of bed, all terrifying snarls and gnashing teeth as he continuously berated himself inside of his head.
-Should of fucking turned her the second she’d passed out, who knows how long it will take to find her again!
When you’d made it back to your dingy little apartment the first slivers of sunlight illuminated the way as you were barely able to stumble into bed. Next time you woke up the sun was setting on Monday evening, you’d been sure you’d got home around 4 am on Saturday …What the hell had happened? The fog clouding your memory, skin being adorned by so many bruises making you look something akin to a Dalmatian, accompanied by the aching in places that had your face burning with embarrassment…That served in solidifying your decision of becoming a temporary shut in.
Returning to the present in a daze, It’s not the feeling of your clothes seeming to have disappeared as you’re tossed on the bed that has you sensing overwhelming dread.
It’s the heavy weight of something fastened to your ankle, surely put there to prevent another possible escape attempt. If news of your disappearance and inevitable death happened to reach the bum fuck town your parents continue to reside in, your mother would blame your early demise on your fascination with sin, but to the public she’d claim it on a thorn of the flesh. Apparently all the prayers herself and the other delusional townsfolk would have undoubtedly said for you by now weren’t capable of preventing this sticky end.
“Six Fucking months I looked for you…You won’t get away from me ever again…”
In the blink of an eye he was looming over you, and the inferno blazing within that crimson gaze threatened to consume you.
“I…I didn’t think-“ your stammering is cut off by the annoyed huff that escapes him, “Tch, course you didn’t think, didn’t think I’d care if you ran out on me? Didn’t think I’d look for you? Guess you thought fucking wrong then hah?”. It’s adorable the way your bottom lip trembles as you force yourself to continue staring up at him, tears shimmering behind your lashes.
The display only made him feel more desire, his teeth ached to sink into you, to condemn you to an eternity by his side.
You shuddered, eyes closing as his fingers blazed a trail down your chest, thumbing each of your nipples before tip toeing down your stomach. Only to come back up and strike each mound before pinching the stiff peaks.
“Look at me”
A whimper escapes you as you shake your head, he doesn’t like that. 
Let me in
Once again your chin is gripped between his thumb and forefinger, applying pressure that has your jaw creaking, “I said look at me”. Your eyes open and all you can see is red, it’s sucking you in, drowning you in pools of crimson.
Rummaging around inside your head, Katsuki sees you writhing around in your bed, feels the yearning you felt as you longed for his touch instead of your own. Sees the night sky and busy streets through your eyes as you sniffle, chastising yourself for calling your mother, and hating yourself for even slightly hoping that she had anything other than venom to spit. Of course she was disgusted by your confession and still furious at your desertion.
“I’m not a bit surprised that you gave away your virtue so easily. Running off to live in sin! Don’t you dare return here with some bastard child on your hip, I won’t let you pass the threshold unless you’ve decided to repent! Learn your lesson the hard way, you are no child of mine until then!”
The loneliness you felt was something Katsuki was all too familiar with.
“I…I know what…you are” your whispered words interrupted his venture into your head. Now that your eyes were wide open again, the man above you pressed his forehead to your’s. “You’re a…You’re one of them”.  Your teeth began to chatter after you managed to stutter the words out.
“What am I exactly?” His tone mocking, your lashes flutter when his tongue runs across your lips, “Are you afraid y/n? Hah?”. His lips ghost over your’s once more, and then he’s pulling away from you. You are afraid, afraid he might just melt into the shadows around the room and leave you alone. So you make a grab for him, with pleading but still lust filled eyes, “I’m not scared of you, if you wanted me dead you would have done it last time….I feel it too y’know…M’not as stupid as I look”.
A beautiful flash of defiance appears in your eyes as you continue, “You made me feel more love in one night than I’ve felt my entire life…There’s something going on here…How did I know your name before you ever told me it? Just as you knew mine? It’s not possible that we met before that night…is it?
“I ran away because once I woke up I was frightened, I gave myself to a complete stranger, a being that I was taught preyed upon weak willed, easy to deceive fools out alone at night…I fell into the traps I’d been warned about for years and all I can think about is how badly I want you to ensnare and keep me trapped with you forever…” your hands aren’t shaking when they run up his muscular biceps and loop around his neck “Make me your’s again Katsuki, for good this time”.
Of course he’s more than happy to oblige, this was going to happen wether you wanted it to or not, but it was better to have you willing.
If his heart was capable of pounding it would be hammering away in his chest right now. To have you this close again brought an end to his agonizing loneliness.
Spending 400 years without you was awful in itself, but the pain returned ten fold when you’d slipped through his fingers six months ago. Katsuki wanted to hate you for tricking him into believing the all consuming loneliness had come to an end, letting that old wound scab over as he slept soundly with you in his arms. Only to awaken with empty arms and the chill of his empty bed, but I still the wound re-opened the full ache replaced with a sharp sting beginning again. You may not remember your past lives together, but he did. Then again, considering you knew his name before he’d omitted it, maybe the memories were just as locked away inside your head.
As good a control as Katsuki prides himself on having, he felt it slipping after your request. Buying himself some time to cool off, he slips down your body to settle himself between your thighs. Last time he’d split you open on his cock before getting a proper taste of you. The blood that dribbled out of you had been so sweet, so savory that he had slip his tongue inside your mouth so you could see what all the fuss was about. The memory has him rutting against the bed as he takes a bite of your thigh, flicking his tongue over the skin to soothe it. Grinning at the way your arch up off the mattress, you tug at his hair as he slurps up some of your juices, giving your clit a harsh suck and a tiny little nibble, just for the sake of hearing you cry.
“Please don’t make me wait anymore, I need you”
You quit blubbering when he’s hovering over you once more.
Trailing one of his fingers over the small trail of blood that he leftover on your thigh. You open your mouth instantly as he presses down on your tongue, keeping eye contact while sucking his finger clean.
Finally the blunt tip of his dripping cock pokes through your lips and prods at the rim of your hole. Pressing inside of you Katsuki lets out a hiss as you throw your head back, lips forming an O at the sinful sensation. The stretch is painful but welcomed at the same time, your inner walls are sucking him in, squeezing his cock just as fucking tight as last time “Fuckin hell your choking me princess, loosen up”.
His words have you doing the opposite, instead squeezing around him harder for a few seconds, before your legs are securely gripping his waist.
Good, now there is no escape for either one of you.
“Hold on tight baby, cause this next part is going to hurt, and once I get a taste of you on my tongue I really won’t be capable of being nice”
He warns you, stroking your cheek with his thumb, the emotion burning in his eyes is reassuring.
“Then I’ll remember everything? We’ll be together for eternity this time?” You limit yourself to two questions, cunt pulsing around the intrusion as you cock warm him.
“You should, once you grant me full access into your mind, you did it earlier so it should be easy a second time…You won’t ever be able to escape me princess, once I mark you I’ll always be able to find you, there won’t be anywhere you can hide” his lips press against the spot on your neck, and your trembling fingers thread together with his.
The seconds before the bite were a blur, and though you could feel yourself screaming, it was as if no sound had slipped out. It hurt so much, you sobbed as your life force was seemingly drawn out of you.
You think you’d cried for your mother at some point, when the venom started circulating through your veins. Everything was burning, it was all so excruciating! You felt the last beat of your heart, it pounded up until the very end and then it was over. The heaviness that’s weighed on you since your teen years was gone. You felt featherlight, like you could walk on air! Your mind was free from the weight of guilt, sorrow, failure, and loneliness, those feelings could be cast aside just like your mortality had been. you started to come to, Katsuki’s voice inside your head was the most beautiful sound,
“You back with me now? You did so good baby, m’so proud of you…feeling a little better?”.
Your eyes opened, a scarlet ring surrounded and faded into the e/c, they were somehow even more captivating than ever like this.
Blinking up at the handsome face hovering inches above your own you grinned at him. Your tongue found the sharpened points of your canines instantly, poking at each of the new additions curiously. A wave of intense and sudden desire had your fingers tangling themselves in ash blonde locks, with much more strength than normal you pulled their owner in for a kiss. The taste of your blood was still fresh on his lips, it stained his tongue, and you delighted at this. The internal walls of your cunt clenched around the cock still inside of it. The two of you moan in unison as Katsuki gives an experimental rut of his hips, which was quickly reciprocated by you grinding down on him.
I can’t believe this bastard had me cock warming him while I was unconscious and suffering!
The sudden loud laugh that your lover emits against your lips startled you. He continues laughing once your mouths are separated and your eyes narrow, “What’s so funny?” You practically hiss. His reply doesn’t reach your ears verbally, I can hear you idiot! rattles around the inside of your skull. You gasp loudly, eyes widening as he continues speaking directly inside your head; I was planning on fucking you through your transformation but I guess I got a bit overwhelmed once I got to taste you again….Had to make sure I did everything properly to turn you, then once I felt your fear and anxiety coming through I just needed to comfort you…
“So we can share our thoughts and emotions through some sort of mental link?” You asked out loud, muttering a quiet “Guess I’ll need to work on it…” as an afterthought.
“Our souls are bound to each other forever, without one the other can’t exist” he replies, placing a tender kiss on your lips. Which quickly becomes more heated and knowing that this intense desire is not only your feelings but also his has something awakening inside of you. You actually do let out a loud hiss when your hips are pinned to the mattress, putting a stop to their grinding against his.
“Awww Whatsamatter?” You could feel the smugness radiating off him, rather than making you Angry, it only succeeds in making you that much more desperate for him.
“Is she upset because my princess wants to get her guts rearranged? Seems my innocent little lamb has been replaced by a cock hungry whore….Beg for it if you want it” the filthy language has you clench around him once again “Like getting talked to like this baby? Fuck yeah you do, I can feel it”.
He can’t help but gently press both your guy’s hips together again, unknowingly making the head of his cock poke at your Gspot.
The soft keen you let out sounds angelic to him, and he’s barely holding himself together at this point. Katsuki could feel a pulse in his cock as it throbs inside your tight little cunt, he won’t be able to control himself when he does get around to fucking you. There was just one thing he needed first, “Tell your sire how badly you want him to ruin your sweet little angel cunt, and how you only exist to be his cock sleeve…maybe then I’ll give you what you want princess”.
The crude words easily spilled from between his lips, the expectant smirk he wore while looking down on you ignited a fire in your gut.
You opened your mouth attempting to comply, despite the burning sensation of your cheeks. It wasn’t going to be easy to get over the “ways of a proper woman” that had pretty much been beaten into you, wether you’d transformed into a “creature of the night” or not. Your bottom lip is suddenly sucked behind your pointed teeth, ending the prolonged eye contact as you begin to feel insecure.
From age five up until you’d fled from your hometown, every week you were forced to attend a class (which honestly was just a group meeting at a specific house for two hours) with other girls ages ranging from five to eighteen. The old crow that taughtlectured you each week was a bitter woman with posture so straight it was as if a yardstick was wedged up her ass, a tongue that was sharp enough to cut down any younger woman that suffered from low self esteem, often reducing them to sit there sniffling through silent tears. Supposedly Margaret was an heiress and affluent socialite in her younger years, but after her mother had been exposed as the towns resident homewrecker It filled the young woman with such despair she fled to a convent  that happily took her in. That’s how the never married, childless, bitch became “Sister Margaret”.
“No man worth anything would want a foul mouthed, continuously speaking out of turn, heard before she’s seen type of Trollip” says the sister, as she paces around  her living room. Beady narrowed eyes scan the faces of each young girl present,  judgment  always evident in her stare. Locking eyes with you as she continues; “The only time you should ever speak your mind is at the end of the night while kneeling beside your bed while saying your prayers, the all mighty above should be your only confidant, your spouse has more important things to worry about than some silly housewife dribble”.
The angry voice inside your head and hand clutching your chin succeeds in recapturing your attention. Realizing the angry blonde must have seen the memory you’d recalled had you nervously shift beneath him, attempting to break eye contact again. The anger surging through your neglected sire is thrilling as well as terrifying, the creak of your jaw can be heard as familar pressure is reapplied when his thumb forces your mouth open.
“I guess I didn’t make myself clear enough earlier, so I’ll explain this only once and never again”  Katsuki pauses, leaning down to kiss you. Only he doesn’t…your eyes flutter shut in preparation, all you end up getting is his spit between your plump lips. He’s talking louder before you think to interrupt him.
I’m your god now, and I’m a jealous vengeful one at that…So I won’t take too kindly to any disrespect and that includes you ignoring me when I demand your fucking attention, and especially when I ask you to do something, you fucking do it without hesitation! I’m the center of your universe, your life, body, mind, all belong to me now, is that clear you Fucking whore?
His eyes glow, it’s such a vibrant red in the darkened bedroom, so much intensity directed solely on you is unnerving.
I..I can’t look away…what’s happening?
That’s right, just give in to me
“Please sire, my body and soul belong to you, please use me how ever you see fit my beloved”
Good Fuckin girl 
Drawing his hips back just to slam his cock back deeper inside of you, you cry out at the dull pain of him being buried so deep inside of you.
Any of the self restraint Katsuki previously showed you was gone, you were about to be ravaged by this feral beast of a man and you were excited. You longed for it, this was what you had desperately been seeking all your life, going against everything that had been engrained in you since childhood.
Becoming one with the darkness and finding endless amounts of pleasure in being damned for eternity. It all provided the most sensuous rush, your senses were overloaded.
You hadn’t even realized you’d bit Katsuki until the taste of him invaded your mouth. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as the gentle sucking began. Rather than rip you off of his neck, a large hand on the back of your head keeps you in place encouraging you to suck more out of him.
The gentle movement of his cock slowly rocking in and out of you clouds have literally put you to sleep in this haze you’d found yourself in. When you pull your teeth from his skin you can’t help but swipe your tongue across the punctures left on his neck, placing a gentle kiss over them as well.
You had settled back down on the pillows, the drunken smile on your stained lips disappeared when you realized what you were dealing with. Oh shit… If you thought he was a monster before you hadn’t seen anything just yet. Katsuki was completely feral now, and you were his only outlet to take it out on.
“I-I’m sorry Katsuki! I don’t know what came over me I-“ your cut off by his hand clasped around your throat. “You marked me too…So now I can’t escape from you either, not that I’d ever want to…cunning little minx!” The smile he gives you is wide and menacing as he continues “I knew you definitely couldn’t handle me like this as a whelp of a human, and even with you being turned I was still planning to take it easy on you this time! Then you just had to go and provoke me”.
I didn’t do it on purpose 
“Oh I know that, you’ve always been such a sweet soul, not an ounce of deception in your head, but all actions have consequences, what kind of god would I be if I didn’t demonstrate this…”
You didn’t even have time to praise yourself for using telepathy, once he speaks the last word of his sentence, he throws his hips forward to sink back into your depths.
The breath had been stolen out of your lungs, each over exaggerated thrust into you was sending your body up the bed. Once you’d been pushed all the way back to the headboard, Katsuki once again has a hand around your throat, and his other is holding onto the metal bars that make up the headboard.
“I know you’ll always be my good girl, but inevitably something will happen, and no matter how accidental it may be, your poor little angel cunt will get the punishment for your unintentional transgressions…understand?
Yes Sire I understand 
Bending your legs at the knees you’re instructed to hold them up on either side of your body.
Katsuki lowers his head, fangs skimming their way up and down your flesh. It must be anticipation that’s building up in your gut, you are so wound up in the best kind of way. Your bent legs start to shake and your nails dig into the meat of your thighs as your fists clench, your mouth falls open as your tongue unabashedly slips out.
You try focusing on your panting breaths in attempts to calm yourself down but it’s no good.
Without warning the sharp points of teeth once again sink into your flesh. Your world is still and silent for a moment before erupting into euphoria. The crying that outpours from your mouth is like an angelic symphony to your beloved’s ears.
Saving some of your blood in his mouth, he shares it with you as he sucks your tongue into his mouth.
You’re trembling beneath him, shaky hands trying to take hold of him.
One more baby, wanna get you there one more time so we can fall apart together 
Katsuki knows your spent, and the overstimulation has began to overwhelm you but he can’t quit now. Not until he gets the experience he’s been craving throughout all these years of loneliness. Making sure his hands are gripping the head board he starts rapid firing the deep thrusts of his hips. You’re crying as you stare up at him, but it’s from happiness. Your internal walls start tightening up again, that sweet little angel cunt loves to keep his cock in a chokehold.
I love you…I love you Katsuki 
A loud screech sounds above your head as the metal bars in his fists are broken apart and what’s left in his hands is reduced to powder. The weight of his spent body laying atop your’s is surprisingly welcomed, like the best kind of weighted blanket.
Your continuous content coo’s are like beautiful music to him.
Both of you are still so high from feeling your souls entangled, becoming one entity despite being two separate beings.
I love you 
I love you 
I love you 
It’s a mantra on repeat in each of your heads until the first slivers of sunlight find a way to slip between black out curtains.
You succumb to sleep before Katsuki, and despite everything that just happened he finds himself cuffing one of your feet to  what’s left of the bed posts, and one of your wrists to his own.
Now try and run out on me
You only let out a content sigh, unconscious but still scooting closer to his body, needing to feel his bare skin on yours. Calloused fingers gently smooth fly away hairs out of your face, before a kiss is placed on your forehead.
Taking you in his arms, he’s finally able to lay down and get some much needed shut eye.
Despite the happiness in this moment, you will eventually wake up and desperately cling to him as you hysterical cry. Your memories from the past will be back once you open your eyes, and Katsuki will be here to comfort you until you come back to the present, blinking your now red ringed e/c eyes. 
Once the tears have dried up and you lay on top of him this time, keeping his cock wedged inside your warns insides to prevent the fresh batch of your shared essence inside, your lover can feel blood lust building. For the first time it’s not actually his own. The confusion in his eyes as he questions you mentally, earns a verbal reply;
“The one that ruined everything back then, was also reincarnated in this lifetime… and I know just where to find him”.
The malicious smile appearing on your lover’s face is mirrored back at him with an identically sinister grin of your own.
“I can’t wait for you to meet my folks”
A/N: So how was that for my first time writing Vampire AU? Like I said before, I got carried away since I enjoyed writing this story so much! Are you interested in finding out what happened between these two during y/n’s previous life? Do you have any guesses on who may be the mystery villain? What sort of punishment awaits them? I may split the second half of this story in two parts. I’d love some feedback on this one, but I still have a variety of stories left to post as continuation of my event, so stay tuned ❤️‍🔥
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sopaconthinner · 1 year
Out of sight, out of mind archive directory (Twitter)
Out of sight, out of mind (Oosoom) is a horror AU based on TOH that deals with topics such as grief, idealization and identity, "A metaphor of the horrors of adolescences" I would say, it plays with the "chosen one" trope from the other side of the coin Part I (A) --------- "And ghostly in the darkness" "the original sin" "false eve looking for signs of doom" --------- THE DIARY: "Once friends betrayed so ruthless..." "omnipresence" "He will never know about you" (I) "He will never know about you" (II) "He knows" "the diary" author comments and lore explication -------- "Have an egg-cellent day" (1) "Have an egg-cellent day" (2) "Have an egg-cellent day" (3) "Cruel indifference" "it's in a better place" -------- THE WISH: "Be careful what you wish for" "what "if" is what makes wishes wonderful" "all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me" "Happy birthday in the most humanly way possible" "Prettiest star" "Between her brown locks, he blends" "Where did he go?" "that voice..." "Wishes do come true" ------- THE DOUBT: "A fateful encounter" "Man playing God" "Extension of you" "God is dying" "You (don't) want to know" (1) "You (don't) want to know" (2) "Go for the kill" ------ THE FIGHT: "The wolf's hunt starts now" "Forgotten challenge" "the beginning of the end" "Stop with the Golden guard act" "...aren't brown...." "...it isn't..." "Humanity suffers and cries... I exist" "Schrödinger's cat" "the wish, the doubt and the fight" Autor comments ------ Shitposting "POV: You are Luz showing Belos a funny meme" "the lonely loners" Part I (B) --------- "DON'T REMEMBER IT" (1) "DON'T REMEMBER IT" (2) "I need this more than you"
--------- THE AFTER FIGHT "Where are you?!" "Cinderella's mistake" (1) "Cinderella's mistake" (2) "Stray goats don't deserve to see your face" "offering as a sign of remorse" --------- "butterfly infestation in the stomach" --------- THE RODENTS: "Les petits rats" "Fausse Étoile" "Rat king" "Odile and Odette" + analysis --------- THE FAIRYTALE: "Tale of a golden prince" "what I know, is not what I see" "when you were still unaware" "kid, you're in denial" "The body never lies" “behind every joke there is some truth” "you do" "traitors don't deserve a happy ending" "Does he?" "ORTET" "The fairytale" Autor comments and analysis --------- THE LIE: "coming back home" "Pinocchio, you shouldn't lie" "you are (not) a better version of an old friend" "she would probably lie" "The lie" autor comments and analysis --------- THE GAME: "Rearrange your pieces" "Humble player" "Remembering your old rival" "the strongest pieces on the game board" "do not underestimate your opponent" "Eclipsed plans" "battle lost... but not the war" "the way back to paradise is lost" "Beginners' mistake" "sore loser" "winning by accident is not an option" "The game" Autor comments and analysis THE GAME: (tarot series) "The fool" "Knight of Cups" "King of cups (original)" / (Beast variation) "The tower" "The world (original)" / (CotH variation) / (reversed variation) "Lets lament" Autor comments and analysis on the tarot series --------- THE SHELL: "Listen up, my broken child" "breaking the shell" (original) / (final version) "Show me how" --------- EXTRAS: "use of moths and butterflies as a recurrent symbolic element"
--------- FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: "Inside my warm cocoon, I dreamt to be like you" "what do I have left to lose?" "Between two worlds" (Analysis of the last two updates)
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orionsces · 5 months
Here's a lil prom scene I wrote bout Taurianbrown info: this is a wip of my evomori au, but this takes place during yhs! other info is that i accidentally wrote grian to be super bi for both salex and taurtis lol
But it didn't matter to him, Grian was confident to know that he was going to surprise his classmates with his charm and good looks. He joked around various scenarios in his head while they were driving back with their outfits for the event, throughout it all he had a peaceful smile glued onto his face.
When they were all getting ready for prom, Salex was putting on her makeup while the two boys were showing off to each other with their formal wear.
Grian twirled around with glee, watching his dress spin elegantly with him. Their voices were muffled but Salex was able to tell that Grian cheerfully talked about his dress to Taurtis who listened to his friend with adoration.
Posing and strutting into the scene while Salex carefully placed her false lashes onto her lid, slowly turning to look at the two while they failed to dance to Britany Spears' Toxic together.
Gently she giggled at their dance training before she took a picture of them with Grian's camera he put on the table next to her. Putting the photograph on a clear spot on the table so it wouldn't get damaged as she continued to admire their energy.
Their excitement for the dance was bursting throughout the room, Salex could tell that Taurtis was doing his best to help ease any anxiety that Grian was having before they went dancing.
Taurtis danced with Grian as they bopped around the melodies coming from his phone, taking his hands before showing him how to slow dance. Knowing that Grian was as clumsy as him, they both fell and laughed loudly while Salex concentrated on her eyeliner.
As she brushed more blush along with glittery eyeshadow onto herself, she noticed the avian took interest in her shimmering makeup and rhinestones in her makeup bag. She chuckled before calling him out with a cheerful tone.
"If you want me to help you put them on, you could've just asked Griande~" She poked at him while she picked up the small gems with her tweezers for Grian to marvel at. Snickering at his reaction, he puffed up his cheeks while she stopped herself.
His eyes were sparkling as he nodded a yes out before Salex sat him down to help put them on him. Tilting her head, she put some blush onto her friend and gently placed the gems on his cheeks and under his eyes.
Grian's tail wagged from excitement as he was pumped up to dance with his friends and classmates, he never went to any of the dances before from his other schools so this was his first one.
He was going to make this night last forever, he was sure of it.
Taurtis was checking his phone and watching funny videos while he waited for his two friends, looking up as he heard the sounds of footsteps approaching him he smiled brilliantly at the two.
"You're so….so shiny and incredible! Oh my god, my brain is not thinking!" His words escaped him instantly as he rushed over to lift Salex, spinning her around.
They laughed gleefully as Taurtis spun them around together gently. Their eyes returned to each other once more, the two lovers blissfully smiled at the other with adoring eyes.
Her eyes glistened a honey glow as her shoes returned to the ground from her moment of paradise, and she whispered into his ear.
"I love you."
Smitten, his words evaporated as he stared at her with a shocked expression before softening his gaze. Taurtis blushed and earnestly smiled with his eyes as he answered with a warm tone like honey and summertime.
"I love you too."
Oh, how he fell in love with her all over again as she did in return, he looked at her like she painted the sky he was under, Grian felt a faint blush as he watched the two's display play out comfortably in front of him.
To be in love like that, what a dream, to be admired by Taurtis like he sewn the stars in the sky would've been a wonderful experience.
They soon were brought back to Earth from their shared paradise as they heard Grian fake gagging over their romantic display. He took a picture and left it next to the secret one that Salex took earlier of them, it was a slight revenge on his part as he poked at the two lovebirds.
Reddening from embarrassment Taurtis astonished his friend as he raised Grian as he did before with Salex twirling with him in his arms. Taurtis was soon blinded by Grian's wing hitting his face and inhaling a feather as he topped over to the couch with Grian in his arms.
They sat up and shook off the feathers from themselves, laughing at each other while Salex helped brush off the rest she could spot. In a silent agreement, they would clean the chaos of feathers in the morning.
Laughing out the door, Salex grabbed her handbag as Taurtis did one last check around the house for anything else they needed before they left for the dance. Grian pushed him out the door as he sarcastically poked at Taurtis.
"Come on, we got everything! Let's go!" Grian called out to his friend who snickered at him, stretching out his wings to prepare. Noticing the stars in Grian's and Salex's eyes, he chuckled as he nodded. They were ready, he locked up their house before he turned to reply to the two songbirds.
"Okay, okay fine let's go then Mister On-time." He playfully shoved Grian into Salex, elbowing his shoulder as they joked around before their flight over. Grian giggled around and messed with Taurtis about his fake injuries as his wings flapped happily.
Grian held onto both of their hands gently but enough to know he'd never let them go, his wings flapped as the dust around them flew away as they did. The stars gathered around them as they soared across the town under them, she felt like a comet as they arrived at the starlight-decorated doors in front of them.
Taurtis opened them for the two, taking a bow as they entered the building with a grin he walked behind them joining their shared marvel at the scene in front of their eyes.
It looked amazing, fairy lights hung up delicately from the various wires across the ceiling. They were shaped like various stars, planets, and phases of the moon, hues gleamed from the lights as they strolled more into the building.
Cutouts of crescent moons, aliens, and spaceships littered the walls of the place next to it was a large piece of paper. The top middle of the paper had elegantly written with the tagline: 'Write something memorable here!'
Along the crumbled paper were litterings of miscellaneous names, doodles, expressions, and phrases from the school. Pens and various other writing materials were spread across the table nearby, and they all decided to leave their stamp on the wall.
Grian drew himself and his friends as their Minecraft skins, he was proud of himself as he turned to look at Taurtis resisting the urge to draw cat whiskers on his and Salex's faces. Snickering at the two lovebirds' melody he grabbed their arms to join in the dancefloor.
Twirling his best friend as Salex carried him to dip him gracefully, grinning along as his eyes sparkled with stars as he was in speechless awe as he was lifted back up.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 5 months
Update/ Coming soon list
Baby, I Do part 2- Austin Butler! Elvis
When the Clock Strikes part 2- AU Hobbit
Winter’s Gate part 5- Game of Thrones
Courage Under Fire part 6 - Band of Brothers
Under False Pretenses part 3- Band of Brothers/Masters of the Air AU
On the Outside (rewrite) part 1- The Outsiders
The Way Things Are part 6- Black Sails
Little White Church part 2- Austin Butler! Elvis
London Grey one shot prequel to Free Fallin’- Masters of the Air
Charming Town part 11- Sons of Anarchy
Life in the Fastlane part 8- Fast Saga
Game Changers part 2- Mighty Ducks
Livin’ on A Prayer part 2- The West Wing
Star Crossed Lovers (rewrite) part 1- Twilight x Titanic crossover
Paradise Undone part 3- Hawaii Five-0
Royals part 2- Harry Potter
Too Little Too Late- Avengers
Among Angels part 2- Top Gun Maverick
Courage Under Fire part 7
Current State of Affairs part 4
They Need You- Two shot- Triple Frontier
At Dusk- one shot- the outsiders
Silver Bells- one shot- band of brothers
Green Isn't Your Color- one-shot- band of brothers
I Am Trouble- rewrite one shot- Austin Butler!Elvis
New York State of Mind- Sons of Anarchy x Suits crossover
From Paris, With Love- Austin Butler! Elvis
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