#fallout 4 preferences
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Obsessive Cleaning (FO4 Preference)
Fandom: Fallout 4 Request: x x Pairings: Danse x Reader, Hancock x Reader, MacCready x Reader, Nick x Reader, Preston x Reader.
I included Nick because he should be romanceable.
Idk if manic cleaning is the correct term for this so I didn't use it because I didn't want to be offensive.
Zero uses of Y/N or Sole so you can decide if Reader is Sole or not.
Trigger Warning: Reader obsessively cleaning and neglecting their own needs.
Danse wakes up to an empty bed and immediately heads out to find you. He discovers you engrossed in your task of cleaning and making repairs to Sanctuary, impressed by your attention to detail.
He joins in to help, using his military training to streamline the process and increase efficiency.
Danse appreciates your dedication to improving your surroundings and sees it as a reflection of your strong work ethic.
After a bit when he notices that you're showing no signs of slowing or even taking a a break, that's when Danse would intervene. He'd make sure you're okay and encourage you to at least stop long enough for food and water.
"Alright, soldier, you're no good to anyone passed out from hunger. Let's just sit over here and take a brief respite."
Hancock wakes up and immediately notices your absence. He follows the sounds of cleaning to find you fully immersed in your task, determined to make Sanctuary perfect.
He admires your dedication but worries that you're neglecting your own well-being.
Hancock encourages you to take breaks and assures you that Sanctuary already looks great.
He'd even join in once he realizes that you're probably not going to stop until you believe Sanctuary is as good as it's going to get. And he'd do his best to keep the mood light.
"Damn, sweetheart, you keep at it like this you'll make the rest of us look like a bunch of do-nothings. How about we take a quick...nap?"
When MacCready wakes to find you missing and sets out to locate you. He discovers you hard at work, fixing and cleaning various areas of Sanctuary with a determined expression.
He's impressed by your dedication but also concerned that you're pushing yourself too hard.
He offers to help and tries to convince you to take breaks, knowing how important it is to avoid burnout.
He admires your commitment to making Sanctuary a better place and supports you throughout the process, ensuring you take breaks and stay hydrated.
"Sweetie, you need rest...and breakfast. I promise this rubble will still be here in a couple of hours."
Nick Valentine:
Being a synth, Nick doesn't need sleep. He was, however, going over some information on a case he was working when he noticed faint noises. He decided to investigate and found you diligently working around Sanctuary.
He's intrigued by your hyperfocus and deduces that you won't stop until you're satisfied with the results.
Nick offers his assistance, impressed by the progress you've already made. You were cleaning up trash and rubble, recycling anything that could be repurposed.
He keeps an eye on your well-being, reminding you to take breaks as you work together to improve
"You're definitely impressive but unlike me you do need food and sleep. How about you take a break and while I finish up?"
Preston Garvey:
Preston wakes up in the middle of the night and notices your absence. Concerned, he sets out to find you and is surprised to discover you tirelessly cleaning and fixing things in Sanctuary.
He admires your dedication to helping others but worries that you're neglecting your own needs.
Preston offers to assist you and encourages you to take breaks and rest.
Preston appreciates your commitment to making Sanctuary a safe and comfortable place for everyone and supports you throughout the cleaning process.
"You know, you really are amazing. But even you need water to continue going, honey."
#no use of y/n#fallout 4#preferences#fallout 4 preferences#fallout 4 companions react#fallout 4 romances#fallout 4 headcanons#cait x reader#curie x reader#paladin danse x reader#porter gage x reader#john hancock x reader#gender neutral reader#maccready x reader#nick valentine x reader#piper wright x reader#preston garvey x reader#tw: self neglect#tw: reader neglecting biological needs
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Fo4 companions + Maxson react to accidentally falling into worm hole and getting sent to the past for a week and end up meeting their younger self. (Danse meeting himself as M7-97)
So this was one super interesting, lol! I had to get a bit creative for some because I didn’t want to leave anyone out + I added Strong and Dogmeat!!
The moment her former self was in currently, was what Cait then believed was the peak of her life. She felt the strongest she ever was due to her own raw strength and the unmentionable addictions keeping her going at a hundred-percent all of the time. Being loved was a foreign concept and there were no thoughts of ever inheriting a real friend or someone who cared enough to save her. Even if she were to speak to that version of herself, Cait knew she wouldn’t be able to get through to her then. There was really no point of exercising the thought to her that there was good in the world willing to take her in. That was left up to Sole, for she believed only they could ever be the one to get through to her no matter her state.
“Oh dear, was I always floating about this rusty in the beginning?” The new synthetic-bodied Codsworth stands ashamed of his former self. The robot floated before him with his rusty exterior and only motive to try and rid the world of its new radiated filth.
“Um, did you say I? I do believe you are confused, sir. Perhaps all of this radiation is altering your thought process. My Sir and Mum should be back any minute now and they would love to help you!” The robot version of himself gleamed at the opportunity to help someone in need, not realizing the person before him was actually himself in another time and body. He was also mistaken about the timing of which only part of his family would return to him. The synth decided it wasn’t in his best interest to tell the robot all of this information, as he always remained hopeful.
The synth looked upon her former robotic self with two strong feelings; one of relief and one of sorrow. She was of course relived to be able to roam free among the world and view it as a human, for which she loved humans very much. However, part of her was longing for the former connections she had while in this state. The scientists she was built up with and the experiments she held while as the robot were dear parts of her past that she held closely to her synthetic-heart. Though with all of the reminiscing, she is able to remind herself of why the change happened and how she can move forward with her new connections and experiments that she also appreciates.
Danse doesn’t quite understand why he sees the synth with a blank personality, meant to take his own. He doesn’t remember his life before it was stolen, but meeting him, who took his own life. The version of himself now was standing before that same version. “You know you aren’t me.” He is still astonished with the entire thing, hoping this thing doesn’t yet have his personality.
“I am supposed to be Paladin—“
“M7-97.” Danse cuts him off sternly. “That’s who we are… We become Danse with time.” Though still struggling to understand himself after learning of his true identity, he doesn’t allow this to be a setback and instead finds satisfaction in seeing himself as a synth in an earlier stage of creation. It gives him peace knowing that he has the freedom to write his own story now.
Deacon absolutely loathed seeing his past self. The younger leaving destruction in his path. He had no desire to speak to him or allow him to know of his future’s presence. Instead he only watched from the shadows intently, forcing himself to endure what he thought he deserved. Watching himself completing ravaging tasks was torture to his new role. He swallowed back all of the hate and anguish for that version of himself until this wormhole was done tormenting him with it.
Dogmeat is overjoyed seeing himself as a puppy and immediately wants to play! He can’t even remember what it was like being that small, but that doesn’t matter now. He is content with just playing chase with his younger self until they’re both too tired to run any longer.
Seeing himself before the corruption of being a raider was like a punch to the gut for Gage. He saw optimism and light in his younger eyes, bliss from what he believed was protection then. What was soon to come for him was an awful awakening and the Gage now knew that, so he felt more sad than anything. He assumed anger would have been his first emotion, but he couldn’t bring himself to be angry with the past any longer.
“Things turn out alright for us… eventually, at least. You’ll meet so many shitty people ‘long the way, but one’s gonna come around and change all that.” Gage makes sure to tell his former self about his admiration for the Overboss, no matter their current relationship. He owed his newfound happiness to them.
“Thing’s get serious with this ‘one’?” His former preteen self giggled at the ‘old-man’, teasing at any hints of a relationship of some kind.
Gage chuckles and shakes his head, “They’re alright by us an’ that’s all that matters.”
“Yeah, I figured the day’d come.” The smooth-skin John chuckled a his later state. His eyes scanned over the ghoulified version of himself dressed in historical attire, but wearing it with definite swagger. “Say, that brother of ours ever come around? This fight worth it?”
“McDonough’s a lost cause, but the fight’s always worth it. Lot’s a people come around for you because you never lose sight of what’s right.” Hancock smiles as he reminisces on the upbringing of his people. A lot was sacrificed along the way; his skin being part of that recklessness within the upbringing. In his mind everything happened in its place for a reason. He had to be the mortar for his people and for that, he absolutely held no regrets.
There’s so many things MacCready thinks to tell his former self, but when it actually comes down to meeting him, he can’t bring himself to relieve the munchkin of knowing the future. Those unchangeable experiences couldn’t be passed through stories, so instead he interacted in the only way his 12-year old self knew.
“Hey butt-muncher, you got cave fungus all over your upper lip.” He chuckles, getting on his own nerves very easily.
“Can it, mungo! This is a mustache!” MacCready can’t help but to laugh at himself. Though he made plenty of bad decisions in his childhood, growing that ‘mustache’ was quite possibly his worst small mistake he ever made.
Squire Maxson was quite the sight to the older; having only aged 8 years since then, however appearing to have fought many battles that physically aged him tremendously. The young boy was still in training by his predecessor Sarah, yet untouched by the cruel world. Two years to come for this boy before his entire world changed and he would become the war-machine that he now knows so comfortably. Elder Maxson was struggling to find the words to convey to him former self, knowing nothing would change. He cannot label feelings neither, for that was a difficult task. The younger fears the man before him but not because of appearance but instead his demeanor. There was a darkness that loomed over him and despite only being 12 years old, the younger knew things were not well for himself later in life. “I become Elder…” His voice trembles slightly only then realizing what that means for Sarah. “Oh.”
“I do what’s best for the Brotherhood. I know what’s best.” Maxson says to himself, though it comes out more as if he has to convince himself of that. There were a lot of battles in his life but none bigger than the self-battle he is always going through. He wish things could be different for the young boy, but with the greatest responsibility among his shoulders, nothing could ever change for him.
Nick’s former self is a prototype synth, factory fresh and one of the first of his kind. As a prototype, his personality still wasn’t fully there as the Institute were attempting to develop prewar people into their synths. Nick realizes he never knew himself as a separate personality then, he has no memories before Nick Valentine. The image before him didn’t feel like him, so he merely watched as the Institute performed more experiments on him. Experiencing this wormhole creates more doubt in his mind as he tries to understand himself as his own Nick of his time.
The urge to approach her younger self and warn her of upcoming events was very hard to fight for Piper. She knew no matter what there was no changing the past but part of her hoped if she could just spiel enough knowledge to her younger self in this worm-hole, she would be able to break through the wall and change the order of events. Solemnly, she decides to instead nurture the young Piper as she needs.
“How different are things in the future? Is the grass greener? Do we find love? What is Nat like?” Her younger self, full of ambition and curiosity bombards her with several questions.
Piper cringes at the truth and does her best to mask the truth; “Uh, well, things are actually a lot different, but it turns out alright. There’s people there for us and we take care of them too… We’ll be okay.”
Content with this answer, the younger Piper goes back to drawing a portrait of her little family with the newest addition of baby Nat. Piper was only happy the innocence still had a few years before it would be lost.
In a nightmare-like tone, Preston was sent to himself at his lowest point. Though it wasn’t too far into the past for himself to see noticeable changes in his appearance, he was able to instantly notice the change in demeanor. His past self held no hope for the future or himself, he was lost in all ways and ready to give up. “The good fight is worth all of this sacrifice.” He tells himself. Seeing the future and what it holds definitely brings a twinkle of light to his former self, however he was still at a loss in his current state. “Good people give their all so the Commonwealth can stand for the future generations. You give your all.”
“What other choice do I have? These people are counting are counting on me.” The past Preston chokes back on his words. They come out a lot more confident than he felt in himself at that moment. He knew in his heart it was the right answer, as his fight will always be for the good of the people. Finding the courage was becoming onerous, but he was finally willing to accept the help of those around him to guide him.
“So this is what I become…” Strong’s former self wasn’t as shocked at the sight of his future as he was now knowing what would eventually happen to the world. “They actually did it, damned us all.”
Strong studies this human timidly, still not fully convinced at one point this was him. He decided to instead lecture himself for being sad about his current state, “HUMAN SHOULD BE HAPPY. HUMAN STRONG AFTER BOMB.”
Human Strong crosses his arms, “Human was strong before. I, er, you worked out a lot before… this. At least you still take pride in your athleticism.” Though the human version of himself was glad that teeny bit of self-sense was still there, he was still deeply distraught at his outcome with life.
Depending on the path Sole takes, X6 meeting himself in his early stages of creation could be broken down in two ways;
A) Sole “rescues” X6 from the confinement of the Institute and he lives at a settlement after the Institute is blown up.
—X6 is faced with a version of himself that is no courser to the institute, but merely just a test subject of a synth. This version has plenty of training to endure before he could ever be a courser. While X6 thought he would be disgusted, or even envy the given fresh start, he felt nothing but pity for his former self. “One day you will be freed of the Institute’s reign. Your savior is powerful and compassionate enough to forgive a synth like you for all of the trouble you have caused them.” He tells his younger self, stating fact of what he knows now. However, this version would hear none of it and he knew that.
B) Sole becomes director of the Institute.
—X6 feels nothing when meeting himself in the early stages of creation. He knows from that point to where he is now, things would never change for him. This was his destiny after all; A machine made to serve and kill.
#fallout#fallout fandom#fallout fanfic#fallout 4#fo4#fallout 4 cait#fallout 4 codsworth#fallout 4 curie#fallout 4 danse#fallout 4 deacon#fallout 4 gage#fallout 4 hancock#fallout 4 nick valentine#fallout 4 maccready#fallout 4 piper#fallout 4 preston#fallout 4 x6 88#fallout 4 maxson#fallout 4 strong#fallout 4 dogmeat#fallout 4 companions#fallout 4 fanfic#fallout 4 preferences
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There’s nothing to cover up ( no nip deacon )
#art#is it even considered art…#sorry for posting this#deacon fallout 4#deacon fo4#fallout#fallout 4#personally I prefer bald deacon but I see a lot of people draw him with the wig so :P
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who died and made you sole survivor? wait. oh shit. dude I'm so sorry.
#fallout 4#sole survivor#fallout 4 sole survivor#inspired by kinkshamer69's post about batman#or gothicprep#whichever one they prefer to immortalize this with
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I missed drawing these two hehe
#fallout 4#cait#cait fo4#cait fallout#piper wright#piper fo4#piper fallout#fallout fanart#fan art#i prefer girls#wlw#gl
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i need ideas for the fallout jacket 😭
i already have a Goodneighbor patch and a Valentine Detective Agency patch and have a railroad one in mind - along with the game was rigged from the start , war never changes , the nuka world disciples flag , and a nuka cola bottlecap (and a Vault boy if I find the creative talent to paint it)
plus thinking a Caesar's Legion one as well but ahhhhhhh need ideas
#preferably not Brotherhood of Steel or NCR related since I'm complicated 😭#fuck it main tags so I can get some ideas#fallout#fallout 4#fallout new vegas#fallout 3#fo4#fnv#fo3#fonv#val's little hellhole
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Ghoul in Knight Armor!
Friend and I discussing about fallout armor and how much leather and metal they use, which devolves into how they like knight armor and how cool would fallout characters be in knight-like armor and then BAM Ghoul in knight armor So, this is Sir Aldric Manford, a pre-war Ghoul who was a Museum curator with a love for history and medieval times.
#I wasn't supposed to make more fallout ocs but he just came to me while my friend and I were talking about armor and ghouls#I couldn't help myself! his long hair through the helmet is 100% DBD knight inspired i just love that look lol#it'll be a good excuse to start practicing how to draw amor anyways lol#Making him a melee build who prefers to keep to himself and is usually quiet but oh boy when you get him talking about his favourite topic#fallout oc#fallout ghoul#ghoul oc#fallout 4 oc
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I think Danse not having a first name (or last???) is less tragic than people make it out to be cause like more than 1/2 of the wastelanders have only one name or some outlandish name/title/nickname.
Not to mention Danse’s memories were of being a wasteland scavenger in the capital wastes of all places. Even if it is normal for BoS soldiers to have a first and name he wasn’t born into the order and would deviate a little like any recruited wasteland member.
#like it’s likely he only has one name and it’s odd for the brotherhood but not for the wasteland as a whole#which I think makes him blend in better after BB but before he always preferred his whole title used because it made him feel less#out of place and inadequate to BoS standards#fallout#fallout 4#fo4#paladin danse#Danse
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What if. What if I made my sole survivor trans. House wife lawyer turned themself in the wasteland. What if. What if I did that.
Like you’re no longer burdened by your pre-war self. A miserable person, though loving of her husband, who never got to be who they wanted to be. Or maybe never thought about it to begin with. But the wasteland? well all the structures of society that held her back before aren’t there anymore. No one knows who you are, only that you’re someone looking for your lost son and maybe that you were cryogenically frozen. Your husband is dead. Your kid wouldn’t know whether or not you’re his mom or dad, he’s a baby! It’s a clean slate isn’t it? Codsworth wouldn’t give a damn, if anything he’d put on that cheery voice qnd be proud of you…
Might make you seem less frail to the people who stole your son? Maybe they don’t recognize you, or rather, maybe they see the wasteland hasn’t killed you so much as hardened you to a fine point. I mean there’s a film noir detective running around, a zombie as mayor of an entire town, huge green dudes, and giant fucking murder lizards around. You’re only going to be half the freakiest thing around. Besides! People are getting swapped out for fakes, you’re all starving and dehydrated, radiation poisoning is constant threat, and people constantly attack each other to get any resources they can. You’re hardly their biggest worry at the moment, right?
Now that I think about it, the sole survivor is a fun character to make trans. Hmmmm.
#also as an aside why the fuck does Nora have power armor training. the game didn’t think too hard about that.#MacCready needs a boyfriend#and Kieran. well Kieran would make an excellent man#fo4#fallout 4#the sole survivor#sole survivor#fuck you. makes your house wife a man#also as an extra aside#I get why people don’t like it#but I do like the theory that the sole survivor is a synth#like inevitably it is entirely your personal preference wether or not you like the idea#but I got it started in my head when I saw some of the skeletons in vault 111 are in the same place they were as you entered#and some of your neighbors are already in the vault. despite the fact that elevator is too slow for it to have made two whole trips#the entire other section of the vault is full of dead frozen people ! how the fuck did they get there#you were in a rush to get down there as soon as it started happening#like I KNOW Bethesda isn’t that thought out#and that there are just as many weird details with that line of thinking as a plain old human sole survivor#but it’s a really fun concept#don’t know if it fits Kieran but y’know#like I know there’s not many reasons for the institute to do that#but they also don’t really get a defined#reasons for sending synths out in the first place as far as I remember#all I remember is tinker Tom talking about terraforming and maybe being right???#whatever#I like it. I’m having fun. even if I don’t super buy into it#I love the idea of it#anyways#I’m done#fallout
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"It's what I was taught... I don't know if it was right..."
Remake of this
#i had SO MANY PROBLEMS with this#tumblr hates me and hates cutler and WOULDNT LET ME MAKE CUTLER A GIF#so hes an mp4 now. ugh.#anyway idk if i improved!!!#i think my animation is better but i might prefer the 'old design' of cutler#i also accidentally made him face the wrong way which kinda messes with the whole 'recognizable burn scars' thing :/#but you get the idea. danse sad cutler dead sad :(#fallout 4#paladin danse#cutler#gif#my art#my animation#cw gif
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Sweet Doesn't Mean Naive (Fallout Characters)
Fandom: Fallout 4 Scenario: The characters meeting and falling for a reader who is very sweet and helpful and accepting. Initially they may think the reader is naive because of their nature but soon learn differently. Pairings: Cait x Reader, Danse x Reader, Hancock x Reader, MacCready x Reader, Nick x Reader + Copper Howard x Reader.
Notes: Zero uses of Y/N or Sole. I may do a part 2 for the other characters later, these are just the ones that I'm super inspired for rn. [Also this is based on me never being able to select rude options in video games unless I genuinely hate the character lol]
Trigger Warning: These may be slightly OOC as I'm still familiarizing myself with the characters (more so the FO4 characters than Coop)
Cait initially underestimates you, thinking you're too sweet and accepting to survive in the Wasteland. However, she's surprised when she discovers your savvy side, handling dangerous situations with intelligence and composure.
Your kindness and willingness to help others win her heart, and she admires your ability to adapt and thrive in challenging circumstances.
Cait falls for you deeply, realizing that your sweetness is not a weakness but a strength.
Danse is initially cautious around you, expecting you to be naive due to your sweet and accepting demeanor. However, he's pleasantly surprised when he witnesses your quick thinking and resourcefulness during a perilous situation.
Your kindness and helpfulness earn his respect, and he admires your ability to handle yourself in tough situations.
Danse develops feelings for you, impressed by your combination of kindness and savvy decision-making skills.
Hancock is amused by your sweetness and helpfulness, initially thinking you might be a bit naive about the dangers of the Commonwealth. However, he's pleasantly surprised when you prove to be street smart and savvy in various situations.
Your accepting nature and open-mindedness capture his interest, and he admires your ability to see the good in people while still being aware of the harsh realities of the world.
Hancock develops strong feelings for you, fascinated by your unique blend of kindness and savvy insight.
MacCready is cautious around you at first, assuming you're naive because of your sweet and accepting personality. However, he quickly realizes that you're more savvy than you appear when you show exceptional skill in handling dangerous situations.
Your helpfulness and compassion make a lasting impression on him, and he admires your ability to adapt and survive in tough circumstances.
MacCready falls for you, drawn to your kindness and impressed by your hidden savvy nature.
Nick Valentine:
Nick initially sees you as naive, given your sweet and accepting demeanor. However, he's amazed when you display a keen understanding of complex situations and handle them with grace and intelligence.
He finds your kindness and empathy touching, and he admires your ability to see through people's facades while still maintaining your positive outlook.
Nick develops strong feelings for you, intrigued by your combination of sweetness and savvy awareness of the world around you.
When you first met, Coop was fairly dismissive of you. He thought you were just going to get yourself killed fairly soon. Your generous nature was a sign of naïveté in his eyes. So he wanted as little to do with you as possible.
Then you gave him a months supply of vials for free. And he decided to stick with you. Deciding the best repayment was to protect you from the dangers of the Wasteland and yourself.
That's when he learned just how much he'd underestimated you. You were kind and always willing to help absolutely anyone but you were not one that could taken advantage of.
And that's what really impressed him. The more of your acumen that Cooper saw, the more he grew to care about you. Including your altruistic nature.
#fallout#fallout 4#fallout show#fallout preferences#headcanons#cooper howard x reader#paladin danse x reader#cait x reader#hancock x reader#john hancock x reader#maccready x reader#cooper howard#nick valentine x reader#tenderhearted reader
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Nick stuck in his office
The List
It’s been a while. It’s been a long time since things have changed.
Nick leans on the back of his chair, gazing out in the void. He remembers when the first change occurred in his life. The first moment he felt something... abnormal. It was the very moment when the door to vault 114 opened, not on a thug but on a vault dweller. A vault dweller in a vault has something funny in itself in the situation he was in. Then he find that this very person, as they went out of their way to get his poor little synth ass out of his dead end, was also getting the Minutemen out of the dust of their oblivion.
They had come a long way. On the trail of Kellogg, Virgil... the Institute... And some detours along the way to help all the poor lost souls they encounter.
"Nick, did you finish with the Fyfe file?" suddenly asks his secretary, Ellie.
Nick quickly returns to the present, startled from his reverie.
“Uh, yeah..yeah.” He stands up from his chair and crosses the office to Ellie, placing some sheets of paper onto her desk. “Sorry for that; I wasn’t paying attention.”
"Obviously. But, eh, that's my job to keep you back on track. What do you think?"
“Yeah, yeah, I know...” Nick shakes his head and sighs, “Just thinkin’...” He glances at the file on Ellie’s desk. “...the Fyfes are a real piece of work, huh?”
“Yes.” She looks down at his notes. “They had what they were seeking—never listening to their son.”
“Damn fools for not listenin' to the damn kid,” Nick mutters under his breath, leaning against Ellie’s desk.
"But what a chance they fall on the Great Synth Detective and his assistant," she remarks, a thin smile on her face. “Where is Sole anyway?”
Nick tries to keep his voice unwavering.
“Sole’s gone to meet with Preston about something. Didn’t tell me much, but somethin’ about a missing persons case, I think?”
"And they didn't ask you to tag along?" Is surprise Ellie.
And Nick, as well. He was surprised that Sole didn't ask him. Sole always asks him since... since they first met and teamed up. Never seems to be a day since when Nick doesn't travel with Sole. Or Sole works with Nick.
Nick frowns, feeling a tinge of confusion and worry in his heart.
“Yeah… Guess they didn’t... thought... it's... odd.”
Usually, Sole always wants him to tag along if they’re going off on some sort of case, especially if it was a missing persons case. They’d always ask him to join them if that was the case. Why didn't they invite him this time?
“Maybe they wanted to just chat with the Garvey man alone...” Nick tries to offer as an explanation to Ellie’s words, but he can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.
Why hadn’t Sole asked him to come along?
Nick tries to shake off the resentment that is trying to make room in his core. Or his processor. He still has difficulty locating his emotions in a... synthetic body... with a human mind.
One soul?
Sole seems adamant on the subject. Since they and Nick closed the case of Eddie Winter, Sole no longer lets Nick down talk himself. Nick can hardly use self-mockery without the General riding on their big horse about it.
Nick lets a small chuckle escape his lips as he thinks of the many times Sole had reprimanded him for speaking down upon himself. He can practically hear their voice scolding him, their hand on their hip, their eyebrow raised, disapproving of his cynical tongue.
Ellie raises an eyebrow at his chuckle.
"Some funny though?"
Nick shakes his head, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Just remembering some of the times I’ve been scolded by the Sole Survivor for my cynical tongue. Always gettin’ on my ass for my bad habits.”
"Just good they do," she answers, getting her attention back on the paper to classify. "At least, you listen to them."
Yes. Nick can't deny it. He listens to them. He is even surprising himself. He never really listens since... since he wakes up as a synth. How could a human relate to him? He even attempted to reason with Sole a few times, but his friend held a completely different perspective on the situation. Nick had really a hard time wrapping his mind around the stubbornness of Sole on this matter.
"I don't need to be a synth with the long-lost memory of a man to know you ARE your own man and a good one. And that you deserve all the better."
He closes his eyes and sighs; he can hear Sole’s voice in his mind, their words echoing around his programming.
“Damn stubborn bastard,” he mumbles quietly, but he has a small smile on his face as the memories of his friend and all the things they’ve done together flood his mind.
The case of Jack Cabot... The Institute... The Railroad... Nick and Sole had been through so much together; he’d grown so accustomed to their presence... He wondered if his friend was doing alright.
Ellie returns her gaze to him.
"You are worse than ever, you know? I am accustomed to your zone-out and your self-mumbling. But today, you really appear elsewhere. You sure are alright?"
Nick doesn’t answer for a few seconds, silently contemplating Ellie’s question. Was he alright? He couldn’t be sure of that for himself.
“Yeah, yeah… everything’s fine. Just... ah... somethin’ on my mind,” he responds after a while, still remaining leaned against her desk.
His secretary frowns, but Nick shakes his head and returns to his own desk, looking in his drawer for a pack of cigarettes.
“It’s dinnertime. You should get something to eat,” he recommends to his secretary.
"Is there another elegant method to request solitude for your menacing thoughts?"
Nick grimace. He could not say that his thoughts are dark. Just... strange... almost nostalgic.
“Oh, shut up, I don’t need you fussin’ and prying into my thoughts,” Nick mutters, half jokingly.
He fishes a cigarette out of his pack, places it between his lips, and lights it. His eyes wander around the room, not focusing on or even really looking at anything in particular.
The young woman sighs and gets up.
“Need anything? A schedule with Arturo for a tune-up?”
Arturo no longer regularly performs Nick's tune-ups. Sole is so much a hell of an engineer. Arturo has made it, but Sole is just... a high class over.
Nick shakes his head, taking a long drag from his cigarette, letting the smoke billow from his mouth.
“No, no. I’m fine.”
His eyes wander back over to the door, as if expecting it to burst open and for his friend to stride in, a smile on their face. But there was no such thing. Nick tries not to feel disappointed. He had no reason to. He glances at the clock above the door. When would they be back?
Ellie finally leaves the office, letting Nick all alone. Why did the detective feel like that? What is he feeling exactly? When did it really have begun? He is really puzzled about himself just now.
Being alone with his thoughts was not a beneficial thing in the end. He couldn’t keep his mind from going over the times he and Sole have spent together; he couldn’t stop wondering why they hadn’t asked him to come along on their trip to the Commonwealth, and he kept worrying something terrible was going to happen to them.
Nick lets out a heavy, frustrated sigh. He’d probably just sit here worrying his ass off until they return.
Nick sighs again and takes a seat in his chair. He takes another drag from his cigarette; the smoke plumes out of his mouth.
He should be used to being alone. He’d been alone for the most of his existence, only really having Ellie and the occasional client to talk to.
He’d gotten used to having Sole around, though, he’d gotten so used to having them near and always around.
Damn it, why did he feel so worried and weird about them leaving?
The door opens again, and Nick doesn't even bother to look in it's direction at first.
“Forget somethin', Ellie?” He asks, taking another drag from his cigarette before finally looking up towards the door.
He quickly stops himself before his next sentence when he sees that it’s not Ellie who has returned.
“Sole...” Nick mutters, feeling slightly surprised and confused.
His coolant as his processor speed up slightly, which he tried to ignore. He didn’t understand why it did that, but it usually does in situations like this. He places his cigarette down.
“Nick, sorry. I know you should have worried, but I will explain you all,” they swiftly tell him with a smile.
Nick can’t help but smile back at them, their smile brightening his entire world. The strange anxiety, worry, and confusion he was feeling just a few minutes ago seems to melt away. His circuits warm up at the sight of his friend; his core is almost leaping, his fans drifting up faster and faster. Damn it, why did they always have this effect on him?
Why did they make him feel like this?
Nick clears his throat after a few seconds.
“Ah… welcome back. Thought you were Ellie for a minute, heh…”
He stands up from his chair and approaches them, stuffing his hands into his trench coat pockets.
And Sole is just eager to tell him all they’ve gone through, as always. And Nick is just eager to hear it all.
As Always.
And as Nick stands in front of them, he realizes just how much he’s missed them, how much he’s missed spending time with them and talking with them just like this.
Their smile, their laugh, their eyes...
Damn it. He missed them more than he liked to admit.
And as his friend brightly smiles up at him, Nick finally understands.
Everything falls into place.
All his questioning finds an answer.
As the smile of Sole warms up all his old, beaten-up circuits, Nick understands that the reason why he is so trouble lately is because Sole has finally given something to his synth life he never had before.
Nick is happy.
#noskipnovember#no skip november#fallout 4#fallout#fo4#nick valentine#sole survivor#fallout companions#fo4 companions#fallout 4 companions#a friend have ask if I was about to do this with Nora#but I prefer for the form to keep it as I always do with this kind of exercices...#it then will be gender neutral Sole for all the --bright side-- noskipnovember of my formula
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Paladin danse‘s personal quarters are so big in game… I know they become your personal quarters after x events but like… feels so lonely and empty and weird.
I like when fic write Danse’s quarters more as link a personal “bunk” and make it small enough to basically just fit a bed with storage box, a desk and chair, and a mirror and locker.
What do you prefer? Big open quarters or tiny personal bunk?
#Meine Tastatur wechselt ständig auf Deutsch. Sehr lästig…#fallout4reacts#fallout#fallout 4#fo4#paladin danse#Prydwen#personal quarters#bunk#headcanon#fic preferences
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If anyone makes a Knight Rhys or Proctor Ingram companion mod I will give you a smooch on the lips (pleasepleaseplease please)
#fallout#brotherhood of steel#knight rhys#proctor ingram#fallout 4#please#im sobbing i need them to follow me around#preferably rimanceable /j#.../hj
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God i fucking hate modding fallout 4. It sucksssss
#idk why but skyrim is much more preferable to mod. like id happily waste hours modding skyrim#but one too many dependencies for fallout 4 and im ready to kill everyone#doesn't help that fo4 nexus is so much more of a. goonfest#chixtalks
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I hate Nate fallout tbh like not the concept of male sole survivor but default Nate as sole survivor. He is just what? A soldier who loses his wife and baby how original.
A normal lawyer who loses her husband and baby and then turns into a terminator post apocalypse to find her baby is funnier.
Plus being a lawyer in the post apocalypse is more interesting than being a soldier post apocalypse.
Like a lawman in a lawless world, first trying to find her baby but then fights for the rights of people and against injustice. But this time not only in the courtroom but also with being a double agent and using her fists as her mind. Becoming a defender but in a different way.
Also I hate soldiers and I love women so I am super biased btw <3
#this is motivated by people acting like ss being nate is canon in youtube comments#and i dont want any hard canon about any of mcs actually#i mean i prefer my own ss over both of them but if one i must choose is nora all the time#fallout 4#geym#like who wants 2036203364th version of sad tragic soldier man lost his wife so sad#while you can also have lawyer who gave birth not so long ago wakes up and goes into powerarmor kills a deathclaw immediately
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