#falling in love with a boy :(:(:(:(
artsymeeshee · 4 months
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Pride boys :D
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pyxiscowboy · 8 months
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why would they say that.
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bloodbruise · 9 days
college barista james falling in love with college radio host regulus through song.
james tunes into the campus radio every tuesday night—not because he’s really into finding new music, but because regulus is the voice behind it. regulus’ show is all late-night jazz, obscure indie tracks, and that smooth, low commentary that james could listen to for hours. the first time james hears it live, in person at the café, he nearly spills the iced latte he’s making all over himself.
he isn’t completely pathetic, though—he flirts a little, drops hints here and there. memorizes regulus’ favorite drink so it’s always waiting for him when he walks in. asks about why his favorite songs are his favorite. still listens every tuesday as he falls for him more and more.
james has never called into the show—he wouldn’t know what to say—but regulus’ voice still fills his dorm every week.
one night, regulus runs a quiet segment where listeners can request songs and share a few words. james, maybe a little tipsy from the cheap wine he and sirius scored by charming the lady at the corner store, finally decides to call in. he keeps it simple, asking for a song he knows regulus loves—"the only love song he can tolerate," as he once told james. when “the boy” by the smashing pumpkins starts playing, james hears regulus laugh softly into the mic, a sound warmer than any wine. “someone out there has good taste,” regulus says, and james feels his heart skip.
on air, regulus doesn’t let on if he knows it’s james, but the next day, as james makes his usual coffee, regulus gives him a small, knowing smile—like he just might.
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technically-human · 1 month
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Remember when I said I need to be in a very specific mood to draw kisses? well it finally happened
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jibberjibbsart · 1 month
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Supernatural “Power Hour” Part 20!!
Reveal time 👀
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lilybug-02 · 2 months
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Final Blow.
Bug Fact: The New Zealand Glowworm is a species of fungus gnat endemic to New Zealand's cave systems. The larval stage produces a blue-green bioluminescence.
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Some pictures of this amazingly unique creature and it's habitat.
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twinkskeletons · 2 months
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get fall out boy on ur phone!
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pinacoladamatata · 3 months
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blink and you'll miss it moments around skyhold....
#solavellan#solas#gotta put out some tender stuff to balance the chaos target team leader solas has caused.#look i just need to go feral in the tags for a moment#okay the fucking. what's he call himself? the great adversary of her people's mythology....falls in love w a woman being forced into a role#not unlike his own#i t makes me c r a z y#like at one point he's all ooooh we're elves need to make sure the humans trust us to ensure safety. gives them a castle......#then he's all ''ooh you cant change the way your legend is getting out of hand. might as well accept it''#but he disapproves if you lean into it/call yourself the herald.#he approves of you fighting against the status quo. encourages sera to sow chaos and has a VERY interesting convo w her about power#''what lop of the top?'' ''yes.'' ''well what's that do except make room for a new top to come and fuck it all up?''#at which point he fuckin STUTTERS and is like. oh fuck. you're right. my bad. and then he shuts up in quiet contemplation#he's clearly wrestling w himself. and Ohmygod the felassanstuff.#like the Guilt. the Regret.#haunting that fucking rotunda.#and yet he's so in love w lavellan if they go that route.#like clearly some stuff was missing/fumbled in game. but like#how he fuckin screams for the inquisitor at the well?????!?! OK BOI?!#im just. the dread wolf. great adversary of the dalish pantheon.#turns out to be some somber grim guy with a fatalistic sense of humor who hates tea and greatly values free will#pina art
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vaxpire · 4 months
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autisticrosewilson · 7 months
While we're on the topic of De-aging AU's I wanna talk about Jason and Damian if Jason was 14 again real quick.
Do you guys think that Damian looks at this version of Jason, so different from the version he knows, nothing like the person he was told Jason was, and feels uncomfortably seen?
Damian was always told that Jason died because he was reckless, because he disobeyed orders, he was fired as Robin and he got himself killed. A cautionary tale, not a threat to his position. He dismisses Jason because Bruce does, because Dick does, because sometimes even Babs and Alfred do.
That's not the kid that he's looking at now. This Jason is happy, and smart, and full of love that has not yet soured into grief. He hangs on Bruce's every word, trains until his hands bleed and his body gives out to perfect the moves Bruce teaches him. He looks at Bruce with stars in his eyes and he calls him dad.
And Damian can't help but think, that this is the perfect Robin. The perfect son. And if Jason - sweet, loving, strong, Jason - can be fired, can die and have his room locked away and his pictures torn down, can have his last memory as Robin be as A Good Soldier, how could the rest of them ever compete? What could Damian do to stand a chance?
Jason will never grow out of the shadow of Robin, like the rest of them did. As long as Bruce, and Dick, and Babs, and Alfred look at him and see a dead kid who came back wrong, he will never get to be anything else. He will not get to be looked at through who he is now without the shadow of a dead boy looming over him.
And the worst part? Jason is exactly the same person he was back then. Bitter, sure, angry, justifiably, but he is still the boy with too much love in his heart and righteous fury festering in his gut. He is exactly the same boy who threw himself in front of an explosion to save his mother.
(The lines between the mother that betrayed him and the father that disgraced him are so very blurred. Fire or blade or crowbars or fists it does not matter. It ends the same way it always does because Jason Todd always dies, in every universe, in every timeline, Jason dies and crawls out only to be killed again and again and again.)
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artsymeeshee · 2 months
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I saw some extra backstory on Stan from the website and uh… I’m an emotional wreck TwT So I needed to draw at least something to let him know how loved and important he is
He deserves it.
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hot-boy-autumn · 30 days
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mintjeru · 6 months
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"but there is nothing more beautiful and terrifying than innocence."
open for better quality | no reposts
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cute first date idea: you escape hell and bring me a lantern and i ask you questions about being a ghost and then you read to me as i slowly die of hypothermia and internal bleeding i sustained from getting hatecrimed 💕
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mrsducky · 2 months
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THE FALL GUY 2024, dir. David Leitch
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aesthetinkie · 29 days
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I am so normal about him actually
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