#falling feathers [heavy content]
angelxxreaper · 10 months
...you good?
- @subtotechno
[it takes a moment before he fully registers he's awake. he feels like he can't breathe, but he just tries to keep his breathing quiet anyway. he nods kind of absently. his feathers make him look a bit more like a puffball than anything that could possibly be intimidating in this moment.]
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buckyalpine · 7 months
Imagine beefy Bucky with a baby girl. That’s his tiny princess. His little angel. She’s nearly invisible the first time he carries her, the little bundle lost in his thick arms. Her tiny hand hardly wraps around his finger, holding onto him while he caressed her soft chubby cheeks.
He’s in tears the first time she’s placed in his hold, her first instinct being to nuzzle into his warm chest.
Just like her mama.
She's so delicate and precious, he never wants to let her go. He wants to keep her warm, safe and protected forever, giving her the most feather light kisses while snuggling her close.
She loves his voice, easily falling asleep to it when he reads and sings to her. She coos when he's near by, happily squealing when she hears his footsteps, ready for the warmest cuddles in daddy's firm, strong arms. She loves to lay her head against his chest where she can hear his heart beat, falling asleep every time he carries her.
It makes everyone around the compound melt into a puddle every time they witness it. This large mass of metal and muscle cooing and giggling at the tiny bundle of pink sleeping on his chest, swaying with her while she clutches onto his dogtags.
Sam and Tony initially want to tease him over it but its just so wholesome, all the sneaky pictures they take are saved for memories. Steve could spend hours watching his best friend become a husband, a father, happy to see him get a happy ending that he deserves. He loves seeing the way Bucky's face lights up when your by his side, looking at you with pure heart eyes.
He loves to spend time with the both of you in your shared bedroom, keeping you in his lap while his little one nurses, caressing your skin, telling you how much he loves you both. He loves intimate moments like this where his kisses and touches are purely from how much he loves you. You always almost fall asleep because of how warm he is and he loves it every time. As soon as your eyes grow heavy, he takes his baby from your arms, helping you lie down before rocking and burping her. He wipes her little pouty lips, before soothing her to sleep.
As soon as she's in her crib, he's there to tend to you next, rubbing your back while you're already softly snoring, sighing contently feeling his touch.
This is the life he's dreamed of and there's nothing that could get better than this.
Until a few weeks later where he'll find out he has a baby boy on the way.
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trappolia · 2 months
SUNDAY IS FOR REST ── sunday x halovian!reader, 918
"do be careful, my dove," he murmurs as you straighten out the light feathers behind his ear.
"you haven't preened yourself in a while, have you?" your voice is soft, a hint of chiding to it that makes his heart flutter — there's a groggy rasp to your tone as well, having just stirred from your own dreams. sunday dares not look back at you, for there is a sweet domesticity to be found in the impression of rumpled bedsheets against your cheek and the heavy-lidded eyelids that make it known that you would love nothing more than to go back to sleep — proper sleep.
a hum resonates in sunday's chest as he allows himself to be fully immersed in the moment; early morning, messy hair and feathers, the sleepy press of lip against lip. his head tilts to the side, allowing greater access for you to tidy the feathers in question.
"you are correct. there's no need for me to do such preening in the dreamscape, though i prefer it when you offer your generous help," he replies, a mix of contentment and fondness pervading his voice.
"i'll help you only if you stay still," you grumble. your hands, which were straightening out his feathers, are now hovering just above them as sunday tries very hard not to shift in place again.
he cannot help it, truly. it is not just the factor that sunday is unused to, well, anyone touching something as intimate as his halovian wings, but also the fact that the slightest brush of your skin against his is a sensation like no other.
not that he would ever tell you, of course.
sunday nods, a silent affirmation that he will try his best to remain still, although a trace of a smile dances upon his lips. as you resume tending to his wings, each brush of your fingers brings a newfound appreciation for the sensation of your touch. he can feel the slight tingle, akin to electricity, every time your skin makes contact with his wings.
"my apologies," he murmurs, a chuckle slipping past his lips — as if he is not willing his chest to rise and fall rhythmically, having to manually breathe under your intimate ministrations. "i shall endeavour my utmost to be an inanimate statue. your wish is my command."
"haha," you say dryly.
in spite of your tone, sunday cannot help but chuckle at your jest. a cruel man he is, to find amusement in your grumpiness in the early morn. your nimble fingers gently untangle his feathers, and the sensation is a mix of tingles and warmth that spread across his wings. the act of having someone, especially someone he holds in such high esteem, tend to these parts of him that are reserved for only the most intimate moments is endearing, to say the least.
as you work, your movements deliberate and precise, your lover muses softly, "only you could make tending to feathers feel like a luxury."
"it is a luxury when you are not the one doing it yourself," you huff, hands moving around with practiced ease: smoothing a feather here, tugging a broken one out there.
sunday's chest rumbles with barely suppressed laughter at your huff of annoyance, but he remains true to his word and does all he can to keep still. his skin feels electrified with each brush of your touch, even more potent than before, and he wonders idly if it's because he's aware of how much effort you're taking in taking care of him. he is always the one caring and fussing, rather than being cared for and fussed over. it is strange, for the tables to be turnt. strange, had it been anyone else but you.
"perhaps," he manages to say between bouts of laughter, reaching back to catch one of your wrists and presses a chaste kiss upon it. "we could make a habit of this."
"is it truly proper of the head of the oak family to make a habit of keeping himself less than pristine?" you murmur.
how embarrassing; the passing thought occurs to sunday at your words. indeed, it is unbecoming for him, who stands at a position of such power and authority, to be so unkempt, so careless around you. it feels… freeing.
and so his response is a gentle tug upon your wrist, guiding your arms to wrap around his shoulders and link with his fingers. with a smile full of affection and a touch of teasing, he gently brushes his thumb over the tender flesh between your thumb and forefinger.
"i am simply indulging in the pleasure of being cared for," he answers in that same gentle rumble. "and if that means i am a tad bit less than pristine as a result, so be it."
"i suppose so," you hum, and from where sunday sits in between your legs, he feels you lean forward, hooking your chin over his shoulder. your own wings tickle his cheek, like a lover's kiss in the early morning. "preen me next?"
a low rumble resonates somewhere deep in his chest at the feeling of your breath against his neck. the closeness you've allowed between you is not something sunday takes lightly, and he relishes in it with every beat of his heart.
"with pleasure," he answers, unable to help the upwards tug of his lips as he squeezes your palms.
"let me take care of you, my dove — as you do to me."
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© trappolia 2024
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hwajin · 2 months
#! — [ never enough ] hwang hyunjin
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— fem!chubby!reader // nsfw // not per se a bathtub hyunjin fic but this is very wet and messy and carnal and there's hints of cannibalism if you squint and it's all very romantic and horny and ygm (also not proofread at all <3)
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"I love you."
Against heavy breathing and the repetitive drops of rain against grey aspahlt and wettened flowers by the windowsill Hyunjin's voice sounded quiet and undisturbing, taking form in the room between you, hushed, hastened words against your lips. You mewled in reponse - couldn't do much more, for Hyunjin's mouth took liberties with yours again, swallowing you whole, not giving you as much a second to recompose. Not that you needed one - you let him drown you in himself, gave your body up to him.
And your body, was, almost, his - it seemed that way, at least, for outsiders would surely be unable to tell the two apart, tangled in each other so tightly you were only limbs on limbs, melted into one, morphed into the same. Hyunjin's hands groped on your figure, squeezing your every bit closer to himself, his palms heavy and firm on your curves, the full dip in your waist and the plum in your hips, the whole mounds of your breasts. His hands were everywhere, at once, hungry, always hungry for more. He pulled you closer, pulled you further into him by your bottom, hands full of flesh before he squeezed at it, making you whine out in unison, your breath hitched in your throat.
"Love... love your body."
The words were spoken against your neck, their volume swallowed by your skin, the kisses Hyunjin planted onto your sensitivity right after. Deep kisses, sore kisses - he bit without knowing he was biting you, always needing you closer, always something so carnal within him when your body was in close proximity. When your body was as near to his own as it was now - your arms caging him in, sweat-laced palms upon his back, by the small of his neck, playing with his outgrown, messy hair, on the skin of his shoulders, firm and flexed. He saw only you, smelled only you, a view and scent so rich and deep only aquired after hours upon hours of desire, of loving the other with a vigour bordering on animalism. And he loved it. Hyunjin loved the way you tasted when he kissed and nibbled on your neck, salty and musky and entirely you, loved the way your breath never seemed to slow in the depths of your lungs, your chest, which he journeyed down to, always rising and falling, in anticipation, in exhaustion, in contentment. He loved, after looking up at you from beneath his lashes, eyes glassy and full of adoration, full of you, the way your hair fell a mess, how your pupils blew out in pleasure, how you bit your swollen lip with every kiss and bite Hyunjin planted onto your skin. Your sensitive nipples, perked up and hard, wet from his tongues' ministrations, eliciting a whine when Hyunjin blowed on them, softly. He loved the way your body reacted to him - sounds escaping your pretty lips, your fingers finding his hair, squeezing at the tiniest bit of pleasure, your muscles spamsing where he touched. He could spend hours within you, and never grow tired.
"So pretty."
And with every of his word, you grew a puddle in his hands. Hands which never ceased to dote on you, hands which gave an oath to praise, hands which promised to never stop showing love, showing his hearts' desires. His fingers dipped into your body, so deep into the full flesh of your thighs as if it was feathered pillows, as if there was no end to the depth at all. His mouth swallowed you as it went, down from your chest to the plum of your stomach, biting there, too, softly, teeth grazing your skin in a matter so delicate you couldn't help but fall further victim to Hyunjin's antics. Warm kisses placed atop forming bruises right after, and your lover pulled your body ever closer to his own, arms wrapped around your legs in hints of thirsty posession. You were almost painfully close to him, his face hovering over the heat of your sex so very near that the distance was barely measurable in inches, yet it was never enough him, never enough for you. No lack of distance would ever be lack enough, no amount of closeness would ever be the right one - both of you would always hunger for more, thirst to drown further in the depths of the other.
Your thighs had never had the chance to heal the love bites Hyunjin had left there days upon days ago before he planted new ones onto them already, though you couldn't complain. You liked it; you enjoyed seeing the faint, old marks, so different in color to the new, blooming ones. Purple and red and blue, you enjoyed seeing Hyunjin's love painted all across your body as though flowers, soft petals of the softest plants whenever you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror each morning. You enjoyed, too, how much he enjoyed it - you shivered under his tantalising gaze whenever he eyed his artwork the next day, flames burning up within his eyes and igniting your body within.
You mewled out, a whine cutting through the dimmed room as Hyunjin's mouth found itself on your sex, suddenly, without as much a warning. You were sensitive, and you tasted like him - it hadn't been two minutes since his release had filled you up, had mixed with your own. You sighed out, and Hyunjin moaned into your heat - it was erotic, purely, the way you smelled and tasted and looked, the way your combined cum lingered on his tongue. Sweet, salty, so carnally you, so carnally him. It was the base in everything the both of you were - and he lapped it up, let his tongue graze upon your slit, flat and heavy; though didn't dare to swallow. He looked up at you - lost in bliss, eyes closed, hands searching for his own. He got up, mouth full of you and him, body so close to your own as he moved to hover over your figure. Your eyes prowled open, a sultry look within, half-hooded, glassy. Your breast, full and heavy, spilled out your body as Hyunjin's hand found home on your face, fingers grazing your jaw, softly, his thumb playing with your lower lip, bitten, swollen, scarlet red. Your face was fleshly beneath his touch, your body pressed against his own the same, spilling all around him, dipping and curving into waves deeper than he'd thought he'd ever fall - he would never get enough of you.
It didn't require Hyunjin words - though he was incapable of them, anyways - nor much movement, altogether for you to understand, for you to obey. His hand, sweat-laced and warm, only had to snuck around your chin, squeezing at your jaw, barely any pressure - and your mouth slacked open, tongue lapping out, ready for aything Hyunjin would give you. Looking at him with eyes hungry, curious, chest heaving in agitation underneath his hold - and he let the perly mixture trickle down, past his lips, letting the liquid curve over the plush of his mouth and down into yours. Drop after the drop, and when the sweetness met with the taste buds of your tongue, red and ready, you couldn't contain the moan which left the depths of your throat. It wasn't the taste alone, a mixture of you and Hyunjin, everything you were - it was the way he looked at you. Hand yet on your jaw, never forceful, always soft but with a fervor so great it made you shiver in his hold. His eyes those of a siren but blown out, pupils wide, scared to miss a single movement of yours. He was barely blinking, held you captive in his gaze. His hair was wet, raven around his face, falling in messes into his eyes, though it didn't bother him. And you arched your back into everything that was him, couldn't not, when he gave you everything he was. When his arms and hands, wrapped and snuck around you, longed to hold you against him forever, when his eyes, dark and deep and salvating waters, promised you to never let you go. When his body, pressed against your own, hungered for your flesh, when his heart, beating against your own in its' confines, beat only for you. When his lips, messy and perly and white and scarlet red, found your own ones now, as messy as his, as perly and white and scarlet red, as sweet and salty and tasting of you and him, when he kissed you with a fire so bright it blinded everything that wasn't him.
You arched your back into him, wanting to be closer, needing to be nearer. You felt his hands ravel all across your body, roaming, searching, pulling and groping - never enough. His fingers found the warmth of your sex, wet as ever and hot, fluttering and hungry, playing upon your clit in movements so messy, so careless they ought to be useless, though it never was with him. Your body was a synergy to his, burning when he ignited it, and your thighs spasmed around his waist, albeit his messy fingers, his movements uncontrolled. It was his mouth which captivated you, his wet and sloppy kisses which drove you further to the edge, so close you dared to fall, if Hyunjin gave you the last push - and then he bit your lower lip, sighed out in unfettered pleasure, in crystallined satisfation, pulled you closer with a strong arm, breathed your name against your lips and increased the speed of his fingers against your heat - and you were a victim to the fall he set you off to. You fell without the ground beneath you, fell into waters that were him, and he let you. Kissed you feverishly, kissed you deeply, bruised you further.
And none of you would ever get enough of it.
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@es-kay-zee @jeyelleohe @angelwonie @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @bintificreads @svintsandghosts @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry @minniesvenus @junebug032 @noellllslut @wolfennracha @unexceptional-h @like-a-diamondinthesky @katsukis1wife @binniesbang
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diorcities · 3 months
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♡ pairing: haechan x afab!reader. ♡ genre: tooth-rotting fluff. ♡ content: sleepy hyuck, kisses. ♡ wc: 0.5k ♡ an: not proofread (: small fluff version excerpt of a couple of drabbles in my drafts, from prompt #3 on @nctpromptmeme (send more their way) happy reading <33
your scent was everywhere. on his pillow, in the sheets, in the space of the bedroom, in every corner of his apartment; in the safe and warm space of his heart; between dreams, he smiles.
the rise and fall of his chest under your cheek accompanied by the gentle beating of his heart made the same sedative effect of melatonin; hushed breathing and feather-light touches at midnight. you could seriously watch him sleep for eternity. battling the sleep that closes your eyes and numbs your muscles —your fingers, drawing lines that connect his moles.
his lips in a pout are slowly kissed. imprinting the love and fond you feel, too heavy to carry on your own. his full cheeks. his jaw. the visible extension of his neck. everything is touched by you. only you. like cardinal points that you know by heart, by inertia. and you want to be as effusive as you can, and also as careful and caring. kisses as soft and light as feathers, as tender and gentle as you can be, as deep and immense as outer space.
where do you put all this feeling if not in him? hoping that he will want to take care of it. your eyelids grow heavier with thoughts swirling and turning to stardust. you're just about to give in, closer to the moon, eyes closing with the image of his serene face sleeping when his heart picks up pace.
“can't sleep?” his voice sounds distorted by sleep.
you hum in denial. “no.” you can't. not when you're full of love.
he brings you closer to him; it's impossible. his lips rest on your forehead and his hand caresses your back. you let his warmth envelop your body and suddenly you realize that you're made of liquid tenderness and longing. “did i wake you up?” you wonder guiltily.
his head shakes, “what were you doing?” he adds then, slurring his words.
loving. admiring. wondering. stargazing. “nothing.”
his lips drift from your forehead to meet yours. haechan kisses you, love-filled kisses each fading away as he falls asleep. his breathing more rhythmically, making purring sounds as sleep begins to gain ground, and he ultimately murmurs, “keep doing it.”
“what thing?” you whisper quietly.
an hourglass later, and a complicity, “nothing.”
his lips curl into a slight smile when he hears you hum, slowly erasing from his mouth until he falls asleep imprisoning you with his body, peacefully, quietly, fully. your fingers comb his hair away from his face and barely any light comes through the heavy curtains of his room, and even then, you don't have to see to know; you know his moles by heart.
you love him. as deep as the ocean.
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pumpkinbxtch · 2 months
Hi!! Idk if this is against ur guidelines but would you be okay with doing hcs for aftercare w Jason Grace? I love your writing sm and I love my heroes of olympus boys 😔🙏❤️
ᬊ jason grace | aftercare headcanons
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☆ radiostar is playin': my girl by the temptations...!
warnings: sexual references, aged up (as everything in my writings) a/n: Heyyy, YES. this kind of content is accepted in my rules, which you can read here — rules. thank you sm for your cutie words 🥹🫶🏻 and thanks for passing by my blog! — kisses from Jupiter 💙
Jason is one of the best at aftercare because he's an amazing lover and boyfriend, no more to argue about.
Whatever position you end up in, he carefully slides out of you, not wanting to hurt you.
He's probably feeling a bit too much, just like you, so the first thing he does is ask if you're okay, without hugging you yet to avoid overwhelming you.
It's only when he sees that you're fine that he cuddles with you for a few moments while your breaths regulate and your hearts stop threatening to burst out of your chests.
And as soon as he feels a bit better, he'll be checking on you. He'll run his fingers through the hair on your neck and give you sweet kisses. "Are you okay?" he asks in his husky voice while stroking your bare shoulder.
It's so cute because he treats you like a delicate piece of glass after nearly breaking you in two and just telling you the dirtiest things, but you live for those two sides of him because damn, he's hot, right?
Jason always thinks about the type of aftercare you'll need depending on how you're feeling afterward. Some days he knows you need some time alone after reaching your orgasm and coming back to yourself, while other times you need to cuddle with him until you both fall asleep.
Jason has many things planned; for example, he'll have supplies ready, so after kissing your cheek, he'll put on his boxers and go get water or snacks for you. He helps you sit up in bed and brushes your hair away from your face.
He loves seeing your sleepy face and the sleepiness in it, as well as how flushed is.
He can't help but give you delicate kisses, trying not to overstimulate you again.
He also shows his concern in words, asking or saying sweet things like "Is my girl tired?" "You're so cute" "Come on, honey, drink some water."
He'll also ask if he crossed any boundaries with you. "Was I too rough?" You just shake your head, and he smiles.
"Come on, let's clean you up," and he carries you to the bathroom when you're feeling better. Literally like a feather, no matter how heavy you think you are, he can carry you.
Some days you both shower together, and other times he waits outside the bathroom while you shower. Maybe he'll be changing the sheets and tidying up the bed so you can rest better afterward.
You have your clothes in his place for moments like this, but still, Jason always prefers to give you one of his sweaters; he loves seeing you in them.
That man will cook for you and bring it to bed.
Once you're both changed, clean, and you've eaten something, you can finally cuddle up and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.
Kisses and caresses.
Him humming while he strokes your hair.
You resting your head on his chest and him holding you tight.
Small "I love yous" whispered in your ear and hugs.
Until you both fall asleep.
This sometimes changes, but it's always Jason paying attention to your needs at that moment, because for him, you're his whole world.
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boorines · 9 months
the first time | kwon soonyoung (M)
warnings/tags: fem reader, established relationship, bf!soonyoung, so much love, he is soo sweet, fingering, belly bulging, he talks u through it, praise, use of pet names ‘baby’ ‘angel’ ‘love’, multiple times, profanity. smut. MDNI
in response to this ask by @horanghaezone
you’re sitting on the end of the couch, your legs draped over soonyoung’s knees as he traces lazy circles on your calves. the tv drones in the background but the two of you don’t hear it, cocooned in a comfortable silence.
you’ve been dating soonyoung for just over a year now and you couldn’t be happier. from the gentle touches and soft glances he throws at you, followed by the warmest smiles, you know he feels the same. for the most part, you’ve been taking it slow. no matter how heated it had gotten, the two of you haven’t explored beyond passionate kisses and teasing hands.
tonight, though, the air is blanketed in a heavy something.
you try your best to ignore the desperate, achy feeling in the pit of your stomach as you adjust your place on the couch. pulling your legs off soonyoung’s lap, you opt to rest your head on his chest instead.
“all good, baby?”, he speaks softly as his hand comes up to rub your back. you nod, letting out a content sigh.
you shiver subconsciously when soonyoung’s hand drops to your waist, kneading your skin slowly. you look up at him in question and he shoots you a small smile. but there’s something in his eyes you just can’t place.
you brush it off and focus your eyes on the tv screen, trying your best to ignore the dull ache between your thighs. you don’t know it, but soonyoung can feel every shaky breath and shudder against his chest.
“hey, gorgeous?”, he prods. you tilt your face up to look at him, urging him to continue. “you doing okay? need anything, water, a blanket? different movie?”
“i’m okay, soonie”, you assure him with a soft smile. he nods and drops a feather-light kiss to your temple before turning his attention to the screen.
you curl into his arms with a leg flung over his knee, getting more worked up with every stroke of soonyoung’s fingers against your arm and every squeeze of your waist. you don’t even realise when you start rutting against his thigh, the movements first small and barely noticeable. he’s alerted, however, when he hears a soft whimper fall from your lips.
soonyoung’s eyes widen in surprise when he looks down and catches sight of the wet patch steadily growing on his sweatpants.
“baby”, he breathes out, voice strained. you look up at him, grinding against his thigh harder. your blown out pupils and shuddering breaths make him twitch in his sweats. “what are you doing?”
“soonie, i…”, you trail off, at a loss for words. you feel his hand snake around you and press against your pussy. the soft moan you let out makes his eyes roll back.
“keep going, pretty, it’s okay”, he whispers. you nod softly, getting needier by the second. “use my hand”.
“s-soonyoung, i need you”, you mumble desperately.
“i know, baby, i know”, he shushes.
“no, soonie, i need you. please”, your voice is trembling. and today just feels right.
soonyoung’s eyes widen and his breath hitches. he needs to make sure he heard you correctly.
“you want me, my love? completely?” he asks, careful, and you nod your head frantically.
“are you sure? i need to hear it, baby”. this is new territory for you and he’ll gladly wait another two years for you to be ready. but if you’re ready now, he has to be sure of it.
“yes, yes, soonyoung. please, take me”, you whine.
soonyoung swallows, heart beating out of his chest, and nods. he gently shifts you onto your back and locks his lips with yours, the kiss soft and slow.
“where do you want me?”, he whispers against your mouth. he’s going to make it as comfortable for you as possible, knowing this will be harder for you than it is for him.
“here, soonie”, you respond, pawing at the couch. he nods, in complete awe. he can’t believe you’re here, laying in front of him, and giving yourself to him.
“give me a second, baby”, he mumbles and you give him a small nod. he gets off the couch and jogs over to the bedroom, returning with a small foil-wrapped packet in his hand. he smiles softly, “i’ve had some on hand, you know, just in case we…”, he trails off. the shy smile you give him in return makes his heart swell.
soonyoung places his hands firmly on your hips, silently asking for permission to undress you. when you needily paw at his arm in response he chuckles and tugs your t-shirt up, lifting your back slightly to get it over your head. he hisses when he realises you aren’t wearing a bra, eyes drinking in every inch of your body. he’s seen you before, but the context of the situation takes his breath away and he runs his hands over your waist in awe.
he moves down to your shorts, gently sliding them down your legs. he discards them on the floor next to couch and turns back to look at you.
his breath catches in his throat. one of your hands is clutching the couch cushion behind you, the other resting on your stomach. you’re breathless, thighs parted ever-so-slightly, giving soonyoung a perfect view of your clothed pussy and the wet patch staining your panties. he leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your lips, and then one more, before moving down to your jaw. he suckles at the skin, trailing wet kisses down to your neck. he nips and licks at the skin as his hands slide up your stomach to fondle your breasts.
you moan softly as his large hands knead your tits, massing the skin carefully before flicking each nipple. you hiss and arch into his touch. the smile you feel against your neck makes you melt into a puddle on the couch. soonyoung trails kisses past your breasts, stopping to suck on your nipples quickly, and down your stomach. he stops right at the waistband of your panties, looking up at you to scan your face for any hesitance.
seeing none, he makes quick work of his own clothes, shucking his jeans off his legs and losing his shirt in a matter of seconds. he holds his breath as he pulls his boxer shorts down and off his legs. the breath he hears you suck in does nothing to help him maintain control. he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of your panties and tugs. you kick them off your legs when he brings them below your knees.
he sits up on his knees and his eyes rove over your body, committing every inch to memory. “you’re beautiful”, he mutters. “fuck, you’re the most beautiful thing in the world”. you push your thighs closed, cheeks colouring pink at his words.
“no, no”, he says, gently pushing your legs apart. “you’re perfect, baby, just try to relax, okay?”
you nod. soonyoung throws you a deep, loving smile and turns to your wet cunt. he rubs a finger along your folds slowly, drawing out a small whimper from your throat. “just gonna stretch you out, angel. won’t be too long”, he whispers, dropping a soft kiss to your hip before carefully massaging your clit. he slides his digit lower, collecting your wetness on his finger and smearing it over the nub. he rubs slow circles onto your clit, coaxing soft whines from your throat, before gently easing a finger into your warm entrance.
you mewl loudly, earning a light chuckle from soonyoung. after pumping one finger into you, pulling shuddering breaths from your lungs, he slowly pushes in a second finger. “that’s it, so pretty, just a little more, baby”. he leans his head against your thigh as he works his fingers into you, scissoring them open gradually. he suckles bright marks into the skin of your thigh, revelling in your soft whimpers as he eases you open.
he feels you start to shake around him and quickens his pace. “good girl, so good, almost there”, he mumbles against your hip, pumping into you with fervour. “cum, baby, cum for me, yeah?”, he encourages and you do. the coil in your stomach snaps and you shudder, a loud mewl leaving your mouth. he continues to fuck his fingers into you as he listens to your breathy whines.
soonyoung looks up at you and smiles, propping himself up to give you a long, sweet kiss on your mouth. he takes his time, savouring the taste of your lips and the feel of your tongue against his. he deepens the kiss, the air around the two of you getting heavier. “you ready, my love?”, he whispers against your lips. the firm nod you give him makes him groan into your mouth.
he leans on his heels above you, eyes trained on yours. he reaches for the packet next to him, hastily ripping it open with his teeth. he maintains searing eye contact with you as he rolls the rubber onto his leaking dick. the pink colouring your cheeks and the shy look in your eyes is such a contrast from the way your thighs are spread in front of him and he throws his head back with a groan, pumping his cock once, twice before lining it up at your entrance.
the sinful moan that leaves your mouth when he pushes himself into you gently is enough to make him cum, he thinks. “that’s it, pretty, fuck”, he breathes out as he inches himself deeper into you at a snail’s pace. he spots your hand clawing at the couch in an effort to take all of him and his heart swells. he reaches for your hand and holds it tight, rubbing small circles onto your knuckles. “taking me so well, baby. just a little more, yeah? you can do it”.
you whine loudly as he gradually bottoms out inside you, stilling to let you adjust to his size. “all good, baby?”, he asks carefully, squeezing your hand when he sees your watery eyes.
“good, soonie”, you manage to push out, “just a s-stretch”. your face is flushed and your pupils are blown wide, the sight makes soonyoung twitch inside you. he nods and pulls your hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your fingers and mumbling soothing words of encouragement and praise against your skin.
“shit, you’re so tight. look so good around me, baby”, he says breathlessly. he remains still, letting you get used to the intrusion completely. he looks down at your connected bodies and catches sight of his cock bulging in your stomach. he feels his mind short circuit and before you know it he’s tugging your hand down to rest on your lower tummy.
“i’m going to move now”, he speaks softly, waiting for your nod before starting to move inside you. you mewl, letting out little gasps and whines as he buries himself into you and pulls out gently. you feel his cock move against your hand and your eyes roll back. “feel that, baby? feel my cock inside your tummy? fuck, taking me so good, my love”.
with every careful thrust soonyoung has you seeing stars. “soonie, more, please”, you whine and you hear him chuckle above you, pushing his length back into your soaking cunt. “fuck, soonyoung, feels so g-good”.
every now and then soonyoung checks in on you with a gentle, ‘this okay, my love?’ as he fucks into you. the needy moans and the desperate bucking of your hips is all the answer he needs, but he’s extra careful anyway.
he continues sliding his cock in and out of you, his pace now quick and consistent. he mumbles sweet nothings to you, occasionally letting filth fall out of his mouth just so he can feel your sopping hole clench around him. when you start clawing at his forearm, legs shaking and high-pitched whines tumbling past your lips, he knows you’re close.
“such a good girl, so pretty for me”, he grunts, pushing into you relentlessly. “gonna cum, baby? yeah?”. the frantic nod you give him has him spearing into you deeper, hitting the gummy spot in your hot cunt just right.
“g-gonna cum, soonie”, you whine, and soonyoung’s hand instantly finds your clit, rubbing tight circles around the nub as your back arches off the couch.
“yes, that’s it, baby, cum for soonie”, he mutters, flicking your clit as you clench around his cock.
your eyes roll back and your vision flashes white, lewd moans tumbling out of your mouth as you release all over soonyoung’s cock. your legs are shaking and your pussy is fluttering around your boyfriend as he fucks you through your high.
“oh, my love, that’s it. such a good fucking girl for me”, he breathes, close to his own release. “soonie’s almost there, baby”.
the whiny noises you make from the overstimulation of his cock sliding against your walls pushes soonyoung to his high. his thrusts get sloppy, hips snapping into you as he groans sweet praises into your ear. he throws his head back as he empties himself into the condom, his hands gripping your hips tightly. he gradually stills inside you, dropping wet kisses to your mouth, your jaw, your neck and wherever else he can reach.
he pulls out of you so so slowly, hissing as he pulls the rubber off his dick and ties it closed. he effortlessly tosses it into the trash can behind the couch. he turns his attention to your blissed out face, eyes scanning your features for any sign of discomfort.
“how are you feeling, baby?”, he asks softly, hand moving up to stroke your cheek lovingly.
“amazing, soonie”, you whisper in response. “felt so good”.
“yeah?”, he smiles at you, eyes crinkling with fondness. “you feel okay? does it hurt? do you need anything?”
you shake your head with a soft smile, wincing slightly. “all good, just sore”, you pout. his eyebrows knit together as he kisses your mouth gently, pouring all his love and care onto your lips. his hands reach down to massage your thighs, hoping to soothe any soreness and you sigh in relief.
the couch is ruined with the remains of your treasured moment with soonyoung, your juices and the remnants of your first time staining the fabric. “shit”, you mutter in panic.
soonyoung laughs. “it’s okay, baby. it was worth it, hm?”, he finishes with a wink. you slap at his arm in exasperation.
“it’s ruined, soonyoung. we can’t sit on this”, you groan. “we can’t even get this cleaned…”, you trail off.
he stands up from the couch and reaches for the wet wipes on the coffee table. you can’t even remember how long they’ve been there. he gently begins to clean you up, wiping at any juices staining your thighs.
“we’ll get a new one, angel. we’ve had this one for so long i’m surprised you didn’t feel the springs poking into you. you were pressed right into it”, he quips with a raise of his eyebrow.
your cheeks bloom red and you swat at his arm again, “soonyoung”, you hiss.
he tosses the used wipe into the trash can and looks at you with a grin. “you can’t be shy after that”, he says. “and it’s true. you were, and it surely won’t be the last time”, he adds.
you blush a bright pink at his words as he leans down to kiss you. he gently props you up and continues peppering kisses to your lips and heated cheeks with a chuckle. “i’ll run a bath for us, hm?”, he says, massaging your thighs and lower stomach to dull the ache. he hopes you won’t feel it as much after a warm bath. you hum in acknowledgment.
as soonyoung pushes himself off the couch with another kiss to your forehead, you think you couldn’t be happier. you feel so safe, so secure with the fact that you placed your trust in his hands. your first time in his hands.
and you know he feels the same. soonyoung would place his life in yours.
omg this one is long…. but ahh!! this was so much fun to write!! sweet hoshi talking u through it is my weakness..
thank u @horanghaezone for requesting this ask and i hope u enjoy it!!
as always, asks and requests are open and reblogs and comments are so so appreciated!!
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lunargrapejuice · 1 month
i saw a post while scrolling down your profile and i came up with a req of sleepy sex with seph whos just a super exhausted husband who wants to spend time with his wife but doesn't have the energy to go all out
eeee anon!!! i love this request - i am but a puddle against this man🥺🩷 husband!seph my beloved<3 i hope you enjoy, thank you for requesting this! my heart was all warm writing this🥰💕
sephiroth x fem!reader | 3.3k + words
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, pre nibelheim seph, soft n sweet, size kink if you squint (i will repeat this man is huge), cream pie
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slow and heavy, your eyes blink and through your bleary vision the animated movie about the baby chocobo who ran away from home that you had started about an hour ago continues to play quietly on the television screen. you can hear their small voice, make out the tuft of pale yellow feathers at the top of their head but don’t register what’s being said or what they're doing. 
your thumb fiddles with the band around your finger, the motion trying to keep you awake for just a little longer in hopes you’d be able to wait for your husband to get home. it’s late, with the moon high above your shared apartment on the top floor of the building and the quiet streets below set in the glow of the streetlights that emanate the color of the mako that powers them. 
the world was in a similar state when sephiroth had left early this morning and you suppose you were too. though instead of being tucked into bed that clung with his warmth, wiggling more and more onto his side until you could bury your face in his pillow, you were now laying on the couch in a half comfortable position with a soft blanket wrapped around you. it also happened to smell like him.
blinking again, or what you thought was you blinking, you’re surprised when your eyes open and in the dim light the only thing you see is the familiar dark leather of sephiroths coat against his pale skin, so very close you could reach your hand out to touch him with little effort, could feel his warmth. the apartment is quiet, like you had slept through the rest of the movie even though it feels like only a minute has passed since you closed your eyes.
“welcome home,” you coo, your voice clinging with sleep and happiness.
“i didn’t mean to wake you,” he replies quietly, caring. tired.
“you didn’t,” your assurance is sweet as you stretch out your arms towards him. even kneeling he’s so much larger than you and you have to sit up a bit to wrap your arms around his neck properly, wanting to hold onto him and not the armor he still adorned. he must have just walked through the door. you smile when you look up to meet his shimmering eyes, loving how tenderly they look back at you but there’s no ignoring the dark circles under them either.
bringing him into your embrace, needing no strength or words to do so, large arms envelope around you. he smells like leather and sweat and the flora of his shampoo, an intoxicating combination that has you snuggling closer, shamelessly taking in a deep breath. only a moment passes before he pulls you from the blanket, effortlessly lifting your body and so easily you follow, wrapping your legs around his waist as he stands and starts to make his way to the bedroom. dressed only in one of sephiroths old tshirts and your panties, in the cool air your bare legs break out in goosebumps and you cling to him harder, soaking in his natural heat.
sephiroths hold on your thighs grows tighter. 
“were you waiting for me?” he asks, murmuring softly against the side of your head where his lips place a long kiss but there's a teasing lilt to his tone that makes your heart flutter wildly.
“of course i was, i wanted to see you. didn’t mean to fall asleep,” you mumble the last part, feeling your heart contract.
perfect pink lips still pressed to the side of your head, he hums in contentment at your words. what had he done to deserve you? “i’m sorry to keep you waiting.”
shaking your head, you hug him tighter, nuzzling the tip of your nose into his soft skin. “it’s okay seph. i’ll always wait for you.”
so often you have left him speechless, longing to never let you leave his embrace. he felt the same when he came through the door and spotted your figure curled up on the couch. his little love, so adorable and even more thoughtful in a way he wasn’t sure he’d ever be used to. 
in sephiroths long strides the walk to the bedroom isn’t long but he wasn’t ready to let you go just yet and instead of placing you on your side of the bed and leave you curled up under the blankets to get ready to join you, he sits at the edge of it and rests your legs comfortably on either side of his muscular thighs. perhaps he should have shed his armor before he came over to you on the couch but upon seeing you there, his feet immediately brought him to your side. all he wanted after every day, long or not, though lately they had been constantly long, was to end it with you in his arms.
shifting your weight on his legs, you move your arms from around his neck, letting your fingers roam from the column of the throat, over his exposed collar bone and to his shoulder. he sighs under your touch and you can feel his eyes on your face but your own can’t be torn from the rise and fall of his chest and the milky soft skin you want to kiss over and over again. 
your hands are gentle and delicate as you pull at the straps that keep his pauldrons secured to his jacket and you have to grip each one with both hands as you lift them off his shoulders, forgetting how heavy they actually are. he helps you shrug them off of him and place them at the ground near his feet, one after the other, and as you undo the clasps of his belts, he sheds his gloves and spreads his large hands over the span of the top of your thighs.
he feels lighter, in so many ways and all of which lead back to you; your love, your soft touch, your tender flesh under his hands that were never meant for anything but to be a weapon, a tool, and yet to you they’re nothing of the sort. home, you had once called them so fondly. you had always trusted him to touch you with gentleness he once believed he was not capable of.
“i missed you,” your voice, barely above a whisper, breaks the silence in the room as you undo his jacket, moving onto the suspenders of his soldier uniform that cross his chest. you work on unbuttoning them and look up at him, feeling your body flush with heat under the glow of his mako eyes in the moonlit room and the pulse of his thin pupils that blow wide and return to their normal thin slits at the locking of your gazes.
the warmth of his left palm leaves your leg and his large hand cradles the back of your skull, bringing you to his lips. tips of silver locks tickle your cheeks, act as a sheer curtain of starlight and it is all you can see against the sparkle of the lifestream in his beautiful eyes. “i’ve missed you too darling,” he says lowly, his words spoken on your lips before capturing you in a deep, breath stealing kiss that has you clinging to his chest for purchase and his right hand traveling from your thigh, over the hem of your panties and under your shirt to your lower back to press you against him.
years of training, experiments, mako, have made his body hard, every inch of him defined in thick cords of muscle and scars that you’ve counted and mapped out like constellations and loved endlessly but there’s a distinct press between your legs and with each kiss you share, it only grows harder, more evident and you can’t stop yourself from wiggling your hips to feel more of him.
sephiroth groans against your lips, his fingers flexing and pulling you further into him until there’s nothing that could slip between your two bodies. a languid roll of his hips has you gasping into the kiss and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside, exploring your mouth and bucking his hips at the touch of your tongue against his, so sweet and needy.
you don’t know how long you stay like that, on the edge of breathlessness and pleasure that wasn’t enough and was all you need at the same time but suddenly your world is turning and your body becomes caged between the plush sheets and your husband's firm body. the hand on your back moves to keep him hovering above you, so as not to crush you with his full weight, and your thighs spread instinctively. through your panties his thick clothed cock rubs against your clit, making you gasp.
at the breaking of your lips, you take in cool air that does nothing to quell the heat building inside of you, especially when his own finds your neck and begins to kiss the span of your throat, the tip of his tongue licking along your pulse point, tasting your skin without hurry. but you can’t help the worry building inside of you either. he must be so exhausted. you saw it in his eyes, felt it on his skin and your own longing was a reminder of how much he had been working of late.
“seph- wait.”
he pulls away from your neck to look into your eyes, stopping the soft rutting of his hips. worry flashes through his eyes as he looks down at you, his breath heavy and hot in the little air that surrounds you.
“what’s wrong?”
“nothing,” you’re quick to assure him, bringing your hands up to cup his cheeks. he leans into your touch, long dark lashes fluttering closed. “i just - aren’t you tired? we don’t have to ton-”
your words are cut off by sephiroth bringing a hand over one of your own, holding it there as he kisses your palm and speaks against your skin. “i’m okay. i want you,” another kiss to your palm. “i need you.” as if to emphasize his point, he rolls his hips again, letting you feel just how hard he is for you. “can i have you angel?”
“please.” you all but whimper as you arch into him and your free hand on his face sinks into his silver locks, soft and silky between your fingers. he always asked but he never needed to. “i’m yours seph.” yours for the taking. yours to love. yours for eternity, in every life, in every universe.
“you’re mine,” he says, leaning down to kiss your lips softly while keeping your palm pressed to his cheek. “and i’m yours,” he murmurs against your lips before he’s completely too far away from you, now standing at the edge of the bed while you lay enveloped completely in it.
you can feel your heart pounding in your chest and how it reverberates throughout the rest of your body. you can hear it in your ears, heating you from head to toe, feel its pulse through your throbbing cunt as you watch sephiroth shed the rest of his clothes, starting with his jacket. 
he has always adored calling you angel but you were constantly reminded of his ethereal beauty and were convinced, truly and totally, that he was the actual angel here. or so much more than that, you thought as you watched long and thick fingers against pale skin and dark cloth, pulling down his pants and underwear in the same movement, lifting over the unbelievable length of his cock before sliding down his thighs and hitting the ground with a dull thud.
yes, so much more. your breath caught at the sight of your husband in the moonlight, his flushed mushroom tip leaking on his abdomen, every dip and curve of muscle and inch of skin you know is soft to the touch despite how marred it is from years of war and battle. cat-like eyes that shine and swirl with devouring, all consuming, love and devotion. a god among men but with the way he worshiped you, you were always his equal, regardless of whether you believed it yourself.
even in his much larger grasps his cock looks big and your mouth waters at the remembrance of the weight of it on your tongue as he pumps it slowly once, twice, with heaving breaths as he crawls back over to you. 
truthfully, he is as exhausted as you worry he is. he knows he is but this time apart from you has taken more of a toll on him than the tiredness could. all he wants is to be with you, his precious wife, and now you are finally underneath him, pliant and sweet and needing him just as much as he does you. nothing could keep him from you.
you lift your hips to help him slide your panties down your legs, the wetness of them trailing along your skin and deliciously evident to sephiroth in the dim light.
“so wet for me,” he purrs and sucks in a sharp breath as he taps your clit with his cock head again and again, a wet, lewd, noise filling the air. 
your essence is slick and drooling down his length, onto his hand at the base of his cock the more he slides it along your slit until it catches at your entrance and he sinks into your tight hole just a little more. he nearly collapses on top of you, the last of his weight held up by his forearm near your head and is joined by his other that cradles your cheek and brings you to his lips once more.
he takes his time sheathing fully himself inside your velvety walls, swallowing each of your whimpers and murmurs of his name the deeper he delves into you with each roll of his hips and the pleasurable ache between your legs from the stretch makes your body burst with the flames he controls so well.
the way sephiroth sighs your name as he stills inside of you, now completely enveloped by you and letting his forehead rest on yours, is like the most beautiful and sinful melody. one that stirs you to your core and makes you cling to him like you needed reassurance he was really there. your fingers sink into the soft flesh of his back and the strands of hair that spill over his frame and shoulders, your legs squeezing around his hips so he might not slip from your grasp.
when he finally starts to move, his thrusts are slow and deep, barely pulling out of you before he’s reaching deeper than before, the thick vein on the underside of his cock rubbing and throbbing against your walls. you’re so full of him, in every way you can possibly think of. every thought is only of him, each breath heady with his scent, everywhere your bodies touch pressing you further into the plush mattress and keeping you right underneath him, right where he needs you, where you don’t know where he ends and you begin.
you’re so tight around him, taking him perfectly, and moaning his name with a particularly deep roll of his hips that has him thinking he won't last much longer. you could bring him to his knees with your smile alone but like this..
“oh, seph~”
“say my name again,” his voice is low and husky with desire and laced with tiredness but he doesn’t stop, doesn’t want to stop. he needs to be as close to you as possible.
you do, over and over at the drugging feeling of him making love to you, filling you like you were made for each other, like the missing piece of your soul you couldn’t go without. you can feel the tautness of his muscles when he’s so very deep and your walls squeeze around him in white hot pleasure, pulling him in deeper, begging for more. 
“seph.. mmm.. please -  sephiroth!!”
you gasp his name as he grabs ahold of your leg and brings it up to his chest, still thrusting in and out of you as he easily maneuvers you so you’re laying on your side and without sliding out of you, he takes the place behind you, pressing your back against his chest with the hand that snakes underneath you and presses on the space below your breasts underneath your shirt.
he gingerly guides your leg back down, soaking in the feeling of your soft skin under his palm and this new angle with you in his embrace. his pace remains unhurried and overwhelming at the same time; you whine each time he pulls his hips back, feeling unbearably empty despite how much just his tip splits you open, and cling to his arms around you desperately, mewling and writhing in his hold when he pushes back into you slowly and fluidly, hitting that perfect spot inside of you that has you burning and trembling. 
“look at you.. my beautiful darling.. i love you,” his voice is hot and heavy in your ear, a seductive purr that breaks the hold on the tightness below your belly. a rare curse leaves his lips, “fuck - you always take me so well.” his hold on you tightens, keeping you in place as his thrusts become less paced and more desperate, not able to retract from your heat, but bringing you down on his cock more and more.
your voice cracks around his name on your tongue, your pretty pussy fluttering around his length and he stills inside of you to feel every last squeeze as you milk him for all he’s worth.  
“just like that angel, take me..” 
you’re still throbbing around him, his release plentiful and sticky, unable to be kept all inside of your cunt with you so full of his cock but he doesn’t seem to mind the messiness between your legs and keeps you held close even after you’ve both come down from your highs. 
nuzzling his nose into your hair, you feel his weight sag against you and the expanding of his chest with the deep inhale he takes that’s wafting with sex and your sweet scent and that melts the remnants of his strength, what little of it had been getting him through these last few days. none of it mattered anymore now that he was home with you. 
“seph?” you ask, feeling his breath fall into a steadiness that reminds you of when he’s sleeping in your arms without a worry.
“let me clean us up,” you offer, wanting to take care of him, though he hadn’t had you ever do so before. cleaning you up after was a duty and privilege he took very seriously, as if he needed to care for you in that way.
you try to wiggle from his hold, shivering at the over stimulating movement of his half hard cock still sheathed in your cunt, but he doesn’t budge and you aren’t strong enough to escape, even if you were to give it an honest effort.
“stay like this with me for a little longer,” his voice sounds so full of sleep and boyish. it makes your heart stutter and your cheeks warm.
you can’t deny him. you don’t think you’d ever be able to. so you give in to your own tiredness, fitting perfectly in the curled up space of his chest and thighs when you snuggle closer, letting the weight of him surrounding you, inside of you, drift you into sweet and steamy dreams featuring your soldier.
when you wake, moonlight still fills the room but the mess between your legs is gone, the sheets are clean and your husband holds you so impossible close, the warm metal of his wedding band clinking against your own as you lace your fingers together and fall back asleep to the sound of his steady heart in your ears.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 2 months
hii can you write about bale!bruce being an ass guy and just constantly grabbing and squeezing your ass whenever you’re on his lap and especially during sex, he would be doing all that and slapping it a lot? thank you sm i hope this isn’t too weird to ask!! 😭🫶
That's not too weird at all!! 🩷
This isn't exactly what you asked for, my the horny part of my brain took over, and there was no stopping it lol
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Sweet as a Peach 🍑
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Okay, but imagine this...
You're laying on your bed, turned on your stomach while reading a book or looking through your phone. It's late already, only the faint glow of the lamp on your bedside table illuminating the room.
Your legs are bare, as your usual sleep attire consisted of a top of some sort and a pair of panties. Sleep us tugging at your limbs, your eyelids begin to droop and your head feels heavy.
In comes Bruce, your husband, dressed in a pair of pajama pants and, fortunately for you, no shirt. He takes a moment to admire your form.
The curve of your back and your shoulders, your hips that look so soft and comfortable to grab and your legs, moving around a bit as you adjust your position.
And then, his favorite part. Your ass that looks like it was crafted by the gods. At least in his eyes. It's so perfect, he can't find a single flaw. It fades into your thighs so nicely and the shimmering stretch marks accentuate its form even better.
Next thing he knows, he's staring at your behind with dilated pupils and a slack jaw. He's itching to take a handful, wanting to feel the supple flesh spill between his fingers. Bruce steps closer, the mattress dipping under his weight.
The tips of his fingers ghost over the curve of your ass, making a shiver run up your spine. You giggle, knowing exactly what's about to happen. As ridiculous as it sounds, Bruce was almost hypnotized, completely focused on your rear. His feather light touches turn into a gentle kneading of the fat, to digging his hands into the flesh.
You wiggle your hips from side to side with a cheeky smile, watching as he shot you a look before his lips were pressed to the backs of your thighs, trailing sloppy kisses up your leg. The soft hum that falls from your lips turns into a gasp when Bruce nips at your cheek, soothing it with a soft kiss.
He sucks hickeys and gently bit at your ass and thighs, covering them in various blooming shades of purple and blue. You could swear he spent hours worshipping your behind to his heart's content.
He hums against your skin, running his tongue up the inside of your thigh, nudging your legs to open wider. Bruce gently rubs his hands over the many marks, leaning forward to press a kiss to your shoulder before he settles back into his favorite place.
He noses the gusset of your underwear, making you instinctively arch your back, which in turn makes a wicked grin spread over his face.
He ended up eating you out until the sun rose, reveling in the beautiful sounds you made and how your body reacted to his tongue running along the seam of your cunt.
Whenever your hips would flinch away from his mouth, he'd deliver firm spanks to your ass, scolding you for interrupting his meal. He's obsessed. Your thighs clenched around his head, his cheek resting agaisnt your rear as he lazily licked and flicked his tongue over your clit.
He made you come undone so many times that you had to fend him off with a stick by the end.
Bruce loves to use your ass as a pillow. He'll collapsed onto of you and use your cheeks as cloudy head support while he knocks out for a good few hours. Mainly after patrol.
Because where you see your ass, Bruce sees two perfectly good clouds to take a nap on.
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I hope it was satisfactory nonetheless!!
《tag list》: @allysunny @arkhamknightscxnt @gaozorous-rex-blog @hellonheels-x
(Lmk if you want to be added! Currently writing for Bale!Bruce, Jason Todd and Dick Grayson!)
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We absolutely do have the same kinks I will consume anything you put out involving breeding?? Raw?? Dirty talk?? I'm playing bingo and you're out here hitting EVERY SINGLE ONE. I appreciate all the content even the fluff! Take all the time you need, I'll be busy lurking on your page while I'm at work don't mind me <3
I went a little wild in Shane’s tbh because I love him but like enjoy!!
The bachelors and breeding kinks
Content warning: afab reader implied and afab parts used, smut, lotta cum talk, little bit of bondage in Shane’s MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT
Definitely has a bit of a breeding kink
Loves to cum inside you and will use a plug to keep his cum inside you if you’ll let him
Like one of those remote control vibrators
He has you on your back on the bed while he fucks you
Cock slamming into your sensitive cunt at a quick pace
“Doing so good for me love, just a little longer yeah?”
Can’t stop imagining what it would be like to get you knocked up with his kids
Wants to have your tits heavy with milk while he fucks you so he can suckle them
That being said best believe he’s sucking on a nipple while he fucks you, hand toying with your clit, the other supporting his weight on the bed while his tongue swirls around your nipple
“Gonna fill you up, be good and take it”
Gasps when he cums inside you, stays there for a few moments to catch his breath before very quickly replacing his softening cock with a remote control vibrator
“Can’t have any of that slipping out now, can we?”
Fantasizes about cumming inside you, always hated pulling out because your cunt is so warm and wet and inviting
Thinks it’s a waste of his cum to blow his load on your stomach, not that he doesn’t love the site of you being marked with his seed
Your on your knees on his computer chair bouncing on his cock while he plays video games
“Shit baby, just like that. Don’t fucking stop”
Meets your bouncing with sharp thrusts up into your cunt, loves the moans you let out
Sets his controller down, threads his fingers in your hair and pulls you into the deepest kiss while you grind on him
Hand wrapped around your throat, gentle enough to still breath but hard enough for that lightheaded rush
Cums in your warm cunt with a whine, doesn’t let you get up
Makes you cock warm him while his cum threatens to spill out of your cunt
You take a nap stuffed full of him in his gaming chair
King of stamina, can go multiple rounds in one session
Loves to stuff you full of multiple loads, wants to see how much of his cum your cunt can take
Holding you up against the wall, hands under your ass supporting you while your legs are wrapped around his waist, arms around his neck
Slamming his hips up into your cunt at just the right angle to drive you insane
“That’s it baby, take my cock, gonna stuff you full of my cum yeah? Think you can handle the third load of the night?”
Your brain is overstimulated mush so all you can manage is a high pitched whine and nodding
Loves seeing you like this, all dumb on his cock
“Fuck baby feels so good”
Cums inside you with a loud groan, face buried in your neck while he mouths at the skin there
His cum is slowly dripping out of your cunt and down your thighs
Loves how sensual of an act it is, letting him cum inside you, to claim you in such a way that may create life
Absolutely over the top romantic and lovely
Feather light touches and whispered praises while he works you up
“Doing so well for me my love, that’s it, cum on my fingers. Let me feel you”
Slow deep thrusts when his cock is inside you, passionately making out while his hips drive into yours at an agonizingly slow pace
Leaving soft open mouth kisses down your neck and chest while pulling you down to meet his slow thrusts
“You feel amazing darling, so good for me”
Cums with a groan of your name, hips pressed deep into your center
Cuddles up with you as you cock warm him, will fall asleep in this position, loves the intimacy of the act
This man has the biggest breeding kink out of all of them
More then ready and willing to oblige at any point in time
Absolutely will bend you over the kitchen table, hands flipping the bottom of your dress up, running along your thighs and ass, letting the lacy underwear your wearing scrunch in his hand while he gropes you
Pulls both of your hands behind your back and secures them there with his belt wrapped around your wrists and arms
Fingers gently ghosting along the growing damp spot on your panties, rubbing circles where your clit is before he’s shoving them to the side and jamming three fingers deep inside your cunt to stretch you out for his cock
“Fuck baby gonna make sure your nice and ready to take this cock yeah? Gonna stuff your slutty little cunt till your dripping”
When he feels like your adequately prepped he shoved his whole cock in, in one harsh thrust. Bottoming out inside you with a low grunt
“Fuck yeah, take it, fucking take it”
Harsh thrusts while one hands reaching to rub your clit, the other reaching forward to grope your chest and pinch your nipples
When he cums inside you he slams his hips into your as hard as he can getting as deep as possible, one hand in your hair pulling you up a bit so he can groan in your ear
“Fuck that’s such a good girl for me, taking it so fucking good”
Pulls your panties back over your weeping cunt and tells you to spend the rest of the day feeling his cum soak into your panties
You’ve been edging him for the past hour and a half now, his cock is so sensitive inside your gummy walls
Your bouncing on his cock, he’s a subby mess beneath you while he whines out
“W-wanna cum inside, please let me, fuck please lemme cum inside baby”
You pretend to give it some thought while speeding up, his hands are all over your body groping your tits, your ass, rubbing your clit
“Hmmm, have you been a good boy?”
His brows are furrowed with the effort it takes to form a coherent sentence
“Fuck I’ve been so good, please please please”
Your smiling at him as you pull him to sit up so your face to face
“Then be my good boy and cum inside this cunt”
Smashes his mouth against yours in a messy needy kiss as he cums inside you
High pitched whines and moans leaving his throat while his hands ball into fists in your hair
Quickly flips you over ready to take control for another round
“Now sweetheart, I think it’s my turn to be in control, and I think it’s payback time”
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angelxxreaper · 9 months
[he stands over the sink for far too long. he finds himself gravitating back again and again, trying to wash an imaginary filth from his hands. he cannot see it but he feels the grease on his skin regardless. it is gross. his fingers have long since pruned, the smell of soap is suffocating and yet it's still not enough.]
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reve-writes · 6 months
— a rush, a glance ; dan heng.
╰‧₊˚✩ॱ˖ honkai: star rail — dan heng — 3k words. ╰‧₊˚✩ॱ˖ summary — you might have fallen at the first kiss — well, technically, CPR — and you couldn't grapple with the fact. but perhaps the struggle went both ways. ╰‧₊˚✩ॱ˖ content — awkward pining for each other, like a lot of being awkward, trailblazer reader, lots of blushing, allusions to dan heng's past, reader is such a simp, kissing.
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When you came to, you felt a foreign weight on your lips — soft, warm, and candy-like in that it was sweet. Your eyes fluttered open and you were gazing into a pair of blue-green irises, harbouring a ceaseless depth you could see yourself getting lost in. In a rush, your senses fully came back to you and you inhaled sharply, felt his nose graze yours, felt the heaviness of his palm on the side of your face, tilting it towards him.
When you tried to speak, your lips brushed against his. His body tensed, and like you, his limbs were those of a statue, stubbornly still, cast in place.
So, this was what a kiss felt like.
A higher-pitched voice shocked you back into sobriety. Drunk on the feel of him against yours, everywhere he had not touched felt colder, and the points of contact were molten. "You're awake! Dan Heng, your CPR actually worked!"
The second figure pulled him off of you, air rushed into your lungs immediately and you let out a sigh. Dan Heng cleared his throat, throwing his gaze to the side. The apples of his cheeks burned red.
He was beautiful, almost otherworldly so.
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He sighed often.
You picked up on it early on. Dan Heng sighed a lot when March uttered something outlandish, before tasting Himeko's coffee, or as you barged into the Archives to browse through his notes. He didn't have to be in a certain mood to sigh and you began to be able to differentiate between exasperation and contentment and neutrality. Sometimes, he sighed affectionately, out of amusement.
And sometimes, you were the root of it, and it had you feeling like a feather, like you could be a pair of wings soaring through the star-littered cosmos.
"You would think—" A sneeze. "—that with a Stellaron in me, I should at least be immune from a cold."
He sighed, shaking his head. Was it empathy? No. His lips were pulled into a tight line, an attempt to conceal — Amusement. You pouted even as your insides felt warmer, lips tingling with the memory of pressing against his.
"Let's go back to the Express for now," he said, supplied with a worried glance. "We'll find something for your ailments."
Jarilo-VI was a snow-blanketed planet, showered by constant snowfall. The perpetual cold was biting and cruel on the Trailblazers, particularly you. From the moment you landed, you hadn't been able to breathe through your nose.
"We shouldn't," you protested. "I'll be okay once we get to the city. With the stellaron crisis, I should be the least of our concerns."
Unconvinced, Dan Heng lingered even as you had already trudged onwards, snow crunching underneath your boots. You abruptly came to a halt, tilting your head back and he assumed you were anticipating another sneeze, but you continued to follow through, falling backwards. He dashed to catch you before you fell to the ground, calling your name in a low, worried tone.
"I'm alright," you said, even though you were fully leaning against him for support. His hand was warm and solid as it held your shoulder, pressing you to him to keep you from lurching as you were unsteady on your feet.
"Can you hear me?" His voice sounded far away, as if you had a film over your ears. You could barely open your eyes, the white brightness of everything was a blinding stab to your vision.
You hummed in confirmation, but the next sentence he spoke fell as incoherent mumbling in your ears. Dan Heng's face scrunched as he took your temperatures, his cold hand stung by the heat of your forehead. "You're burning up."
"You're just really cold."
Then there was nothing. You didn't remember much — if anything, you had no recollection of what happened after. When you came to, there was a familiar weight on your hand and a familiar scratch of your sheets against your skin. Your eyes, though bleary, could gather that you were back in your room on the Express. You moved to pull your hand to rub your eyes; all it did was stir Dan Heng's sleeping form, sitting at the side of your bed. His grip tightened, long-fingered hands locking around yours.
"Dan Heng?" Your voice scratched against your throat, coming out in a hoarse croak. "What happened?"
Dan Heng buried his face into the crook of his elbow, letting out a soft hum. Not fully awake yet, he stayed clutching your hand, which was getting sweatier by the second. It was too casual; you didn't touch each other this way. Every time you did, it felt as if your stomach was flipped inside out, bleeding acid into your veins.
Your free hand reached to touch his head, nudge him awake, but the moment you made contact, you couldn't resist brushing your fingers through the black strands. So soft, too soft. To your delight and horror, he leaned into the touch, like a nuzzling cat. With a content sigh, he slipped into a shallow slumber once more.
You sat up, leaning closer to let your gaze rampant on his features: the long lashes fanning his cheeks, the hook of his nose and his lips. His lips.
"We're back!" March's voice echoed from the other side of the door. You jolted backwards, falling over the other side of your bed to the ground with a loud thud. Dan Heng sat up, startled. Your door slid open as you were scrambling to get off your butt. "___. Dan Heng. How has it been without me?"
"___?" Dan Heng's voice had deepened into a sleepy rasp. "What — Have you recovered? You are on the floor because...?"
March chuckled, muttering something about your silliness as she circled around your bed to help you up. Your cheeks flushed, going lightheaded from standing up too fast and being throttled by acute embarrassment.
"I was startled and fell down," you protested. "Thanks to you, March."
"How is that my fault?" March pouted.
"I need to check your temperatures," said Dan Heng. He paused, clearing his throat, hand hovering hesitantly. "May I?"
You leaned your body forward, over your single bed, and he reached over to press the back of his hand on your forehead, on your neck, before dropping back to his side. His phantom touch remained, causing you to crease your brow. "Hm, I think the fever has gone down."
"That's good news," said March. "We were all worried sick. Dan Heng hasn't been sleeping much. He won't even leave until Mr. Yang dragged him out."
You turned to look at Dan Heng. He stared back, like he was caught doing something he shouldn't, and briskly looked away.
Clearing his throat, he said, "March, is everyone back? I need to talk to Mr. Yang about the... mission."
March waved her hand. "I'll go! I'm glad you're all better now, ___. The Express was too quiet without you."
"That's not—" Dan Heng started, but March was already retreating, the door slid shut behind her. "—necessary."
You wrung your fingers together. "I'm sorry for causing a lot of trouble. Thank you for taking care of me."
Dan Heng hummed as he stretched his neck, tilting his head towards his left shoulder, and then right. "I would not have let you freeze down there. March is correct in that it has been a bit quiet since you fell ill."
"She's livelier than the both of us combined. She doesn't need me to cook up a ruckus," you joked.
"You're not wrong." A fond smile appeared on his lips.
Out of curiosity, you asked, "Did you carry me all the way back?"
"To the best of my abilities, yes," he replied. "I'm just glad you are well. It was quite a scare. You've been in-and-out of consciousness for two days. Himeko, Mr. Yang and March had gone ahead to investigate the stellaron disturbance."
"I'm sorry," you apologised again. "Why do I always fall unconscious when you're around?"
"There's no need to apologise," he reassured. "And as for your question, I have been wondering as well."
His sighed, lips quirking into an amused smile. You were a feather, you were soaring.
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"Do you have an entry about me?" You wondered, face hovering over his shoulder as he navigated the Data Bank, tapping and swiping at the screen with his long fingers.
"It is a work-in-progress," he replied. He was skimming through the data he had gathered about the Xianzhou Alliance, but you were hardly paying attention. You tilted your face to the side slightly, taking in his profile, noticing the smudged red under his eye, the intricate swirls of his earring. Oblivious, he asked, "What else would you like to see?"
"What's your favourite entry?"
"Well—" A mistake. He turned his head to the side, ending up face-to-face with you. Breath ghosting over your face, he stiffened, hand gripping the edge of the desk. You were stunned frozen in place, not unlike the ice statues littering the snow plains of the Jarilo-VI.
His eyes were blue and green and clear, the unbroken surface of a lake.
"You're really pretty," you blurted out. Your eyes widened as you straightened up, placing your palm over your mouth. Dan Heng pursed his lips, pink dusting his cheeks. "Shit—sorry. I don't know why I said that. Sorry."
"No, it's — it's alright," he said, quelling your sputtering. "That was flattering."
"I do find you... to be 'pretty' as well."
"Oh." What does that mean? You laughed, the sound off-kilter, borderline disorienting. The stuffy atmosphere in the Archives must be getting to your heads. "I think I need some air, don't you?"
He frowned. "We can leave the door open, if you wish."
"It's okay!" You were already stepping backwards, stumbling over the steps. You pointed at the door with your thumb without turning around. "I'll just—I'll check on everyone at the parlor."
Desperate to leave, the small square of his room was closing in on you. Your chest constricted, squeezed by a slither of not-so-unpleasant emotions. You felt full. You felt empty. You felt like lurching out of the window to gaze directly at the stars, or running to your room and scurry under your bed.
You found yourself face-to-face with the door and tried sliding it open, failing to do so.
"Is it locked?" He asked, chair scratching the flooring as he stood. Before you could reply, his long legs carried him towards you in an instant. You felt him behind you — around you. The brush of his arm was electric through your clothes as he pressed the dial of the door to unlock it.
You could have done that yourself.
The door slid open smoothly, but you stayed rooted in place for a beat or so. Until he called your name and your entire form seized up, like a startled squirrel ready to bolt. Everything was warm, your face, your neck, the tips of your ears.
As you dashed out of the Archives, you thought you might be coming down with another fever.
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The night before your planned arrival at Xianzhou Luofu, you were unable to sleep. Trailblazing expeditions had a way of lighting your nerves, turning you into a bundle of nervous energy and anticipation. Sleep evaded you, or perhaps you were driving it away with all the tossing and turning.
To your surprise, your phone lit up — an unmissable flash in the dark interior of your room. You stretched your hand, reaching out to your nightstand. Your heartbeat thumped wildly at the name which appeared, hand sweaty as you tapped your screen.
Dan Heng
Are you awake?
Should you ignore it? You had been avoiding being alone with the Xianzhou native as of late. Not to his fault. You were the weirdo, this much you were aware. Gnawing at your lips, you typed out:
Would it be an inconvenient time to talk?
not at all
should i find you at the archives?
No. Give me a moment.
A moment passed, there was a knock at your door. You called out for him to come in. Your door slid open with a loud rumble — perhaps not so loud during the day, but the early dawn hours had a tendency to distort one's senses.
"Hello," you greeted. He was briefly illuminated by the light flooding in from the hallway before your door slid back to a close. His hair — usually a perfect fall of jet black strands, had pieces sticking up. His bangs were swept up as well, revealing his forehead. He had shed his robes and tunic for a sleep shirt and trousers. It was the first time you'd seen him so unkempt, as if he was peeling back a layer of himself, showing you a part not meant for just anyone.
"Hello," he said, not knowing what to do with himself as he stood by your bed.
Obviously you were not going to invite him to bed. You didn't have that kind of friendship where you could lie side-by-side on a bed too small for two and be fine. At best, your palms would sweat and shake just from your shoulder being pressed against his. At worst, your heart might palpitate and burst.
"We can sit down," you suggested, pointing at the window seat, a few steps from your bed. It wasn't like March's, crowded with stuffed toys and yards of blankets. You hadn't had the time to find things to fill it, only a cushion with a couple of pillows in one corner.
He hummed and followed you as you sat down, crossing your legs, facing out towards the glass. He joined you, leaning against the backrest, legs stretching across the floor as he looked into the darkness of your room.
You could hear him swallow.
"You wanted to talk?" It was so quiet that you spoke in hushed tones — as if the whole universe was asleep, and you were the only ones awake. A thrill sizzled in your blood. The air was crackling with something like potential.
"Since you're departing in the morning," he said, sighing — Distress. "The Xianzhou... I'm afraid you will discover things about me that would alter the way you, and everyone, view me."
You could feel his gaze on you even when you were so intent to avoid it, opting to trace patterns connecting the stars outside.
"Alter how?" You asked.
"Who knows? At worst, you might find me abhorrent."
"Whoa, that is a strong word." Naturally, you were curious. What had he done? Theft? Mutiny? Murder?
"Appalling? Horrid? The adjective hardly matters." He leaned back, staring up at the ceiling. His voice was unapologetically bare, a vulnerable thing. "I find myself dreading that prospect."
Finally, you turned to look at him, studying the far away look he had. It tugged at your heartstrings. You reached for his hand, which was pressing against the cushion, propping himself up. "I could never hate you."
His head swiveled, there was bewilderment in his eyes, either from your admission or the sudden contact. You couldn't tell.
"There is little truth in that."
Despite his skepticism, he sat up straighter, turned his palm over to hold your hand in his and squeezed.
"You underestimate just how much I like you, Dan Heng." His eyebrows hiked upwards. Abruptly, cautiously, you added, "Just how much everyone likes you and appreciates you for what you do here."
He sighed — Unreadable, this time. "I guess we will know when the time comes. I suppose I should leave you be now."
He withdrew his hand and with it, his vulnerability, as he stood up, brushing himself off. You scrambled, turning around to face him fully, hands desperately clutching around his arm before he could leave. During the day, you weren't sure you could be so daring. But it was past midnight, the world caught between dreams and truths. Your breathing picked up as you spoke, trying to seize the chance before the moment passed. Word after word tumbled out of your lips in quick succession.
"I mean what I said. I think whatever it is you did, I will somehow justify it in my head. I like you too much, in a way that's foolish enough for me to do everything I can to keep liking you. If that makes sense. Even if the entire world makes an enemy out of you, I'll always have an excuse for you."
He looked at you — really looked. His scrutiny was so intense that you averted your gaze to the floor. It didn't last long before he placed his fingers under your chin, coaxing you to look up gently.
"And that is the truth?"
You nod. "Nothing but the truth."
"You like me," he repeated, breath fanning your face. The closeness with which you were staring at each other was thrilling, like the disorienting lurch of the Express during a warp. "In what way?"
"Whichever way you would accept."
His hand was shaking as much as yours. "Then what would you accept from me?"
It felt like a cresting wave, like the ringing silence between an explosion and the sound, the empty seconds between lightning and thunder. You held the key to let it crash and strike, indulge yourself in it.
And so you did.
"A kiss, for starters."
The floodgates opened, waves crashing, a pleasant relief in your heart as he leaned down and gave you what you asked for. His lips — warm, soft and candy-like in that it was sweet — moved over yours. You were full and heady, the simultaneous familiarity and unfamiliarity gave you a rush. He did not let up, pressing forward, hiking a knee on the cushion, between your thighs. His hand slid up your waist, brushed the side of your ribcage, settling at your jaw. The other braced himself on the windowsill as he hovered over you. Your hands tugged at the hair on the nape of his neck. You felt him sigh into your mouth — Content.
You wanted him, all of him, and you knew that you needed to only ask, and he would give it.
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dan heng maybe makes me a little breathless. maybe a little bit. just maybe a tiny teensy bit. i tried to keep him in character as much as i can but i kinda suck at that so im sorry. thank you for reading ♡ im trying to build my ruan mei nowadays bc i impulsively pulled for her
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Vesuvia Weekly: What it's like to hold the M6
~ my submission for this week's prompt - have some sappy headcanon drabble ^.^ ~
The sounds of leather folding and bending and creaking, of a pent up sigh, of a noble, anxious, too-big-for-its-own-good heartbeat fluttering against those thin, bird-like ribs
The smell of - yes, more leather - with a slight hint of sweat and the faded scent of the crushed herbs used to stuff doctor's masks
The feel of a well-worn, weather tested, oversized coat falling around both your frames, a cold set of bony fingers tangling into your hair through protective gloves
The sight of folded black cloth and slightly dulled metal buttons, a pale neck cradling your forehead, auburn stubble shivering over a bobbing adam's apple
The bitter taste of sea-salty lips, self-sacrifice, and coffee
The sound of an airy chuckle, a curious whisper, a deep, relaxed sigh, a heartbeat that touches your own with every gentle thump
The smell of smoking incense, sparkling spices, and syrupy vanilla, lurking beneath the petrichor of sunny spring rains on the dust of a far-off highway
The feel of a soft shawl on your cheek, sturdy linen body-warmed and slightly rough under your arms, heavy, heated hands running soothing pathways along your spine, cloud soft curls on your ears, a deceptively slight frame
The sight of golden metal and silvery blue stone on smooth skin, the barely-there rise and fall of a body slowly relaxing into yours
The taste of smoky tea, home, and desperate dedication
The sound of rustling silks, the quiet clink of bracelets and rings, the hush of long, thick hair falling over chiffon-clad shoulders, a contented, throaty hum, a lofty heartbeat
The smell of jasmine, rose, pepper, and amber, of warm silk and chilled white wine, of flower gardens and powdery cosmetics
The feel of a heavy curtain of hair against your face, body warmth passing quickly through thin, gauzy sleeves wrinkling under your movements, of strong fingers tilting your chin into her collarbone
The sight of glinting gemstones and finely crafted metal, intricate embroidery stitches swirling across lustrous fabric, scalloped hemlines along sculpted shoulders
The taste of spiced fish, wine, and plush, commanding adoration
The sound of heavy, rough cloth slowly dragging across itself, breaths hitching deep and slow, a grumble quiet and low enough to shake the earth, a nervous, powerful heartbeat
The smell of myrrh hanging around you like a cloud, of warm fur and chilly forest air, of falling leaves and running water and smoke
The feel of muscle and scruff, of radiating body heat, of massive, calloused palms alternating between gently splaying over your shoulders like blanketing weights and hovering cautiously around your waist in fluttering, feather like touches
The sight of thick, dark hair falling in choppy lengths over stubble and scar tissue, of thick green cloth over sinew
The taste of grilled forage and mead, of healing and steadfastness
The sound of an excited giggle, springing footsteps and jingling keys, a happy gasp and unstoppable heartbeat, a mischievous secret getting laughed into your ear
The smell of air-drying laundry and soap, hair oil and cocoa butter, fresh bread and sizzling butter and caramelizing berries
The feel of strong forearms, small, calloused hands, the push of energetic bouncing against your shoulder, of hair flying around your face, the plush squish of a no-holds-barred bear hug
The sight of fiery curls spilling over clean, pressed cotton, freckles speckling creamy skin, the occasional grey and white cat hair clinging to black ribbon, the dusk of a happy blush
The taste of yeasty bread, and the comforts of adventure
The sounds of nearby dogs panting, a cutlass clanking in its sheath, the mechanical whir and musical hum of an alchemical arm, a confident, snorting chuckle and a devoted heartbeat
The smell of fresh sweat, warm metal, cinnamon alcohol in a journeyman's flask, hair gel and worn cologne
The feel of a padded, quilted vest, the quick rise and fall of an active chest, the slight tilt of a shoulder forever sloped in favor of a heavy arm, the sinewed grip of a warrior's touchstarved fingers and the cool, metallic touch of a careful clawed hand
The sight of sharp collarbones and glinting curved gold, fine flaxen hair at the nape of a snowy neck, crimson cloth and leather straps
The taste of grilled meat, traveler's wine, and new beginnings
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hollowtakami · 6 months
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┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
Keigo Takami x GN!reader
CONTENT: soft hawks, lots of comfort, implications of depression (not detailed), pet names (baby bird, birdie, duckie, dove), reader calls keigo “kei”
AUTHOR NOTE: very self indulgent hehe i just wanted to write something for myself based on a prompt i thought up but I like how it came out so im posting it :)
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With his wings reduced to a few feathers after a long day of patrol, Keigo offered to take you on a midnight walk. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you walked, his jacket hugging your body and surrounding you with the scent of his cologne. Your eyes were heavy, dark circles under them only told Keigo that you were falling again; and he’d do anything he could to catch you.
As he kept you close to his side, you walked along empty streets. Lampposts gleamed down at you both, the shadows hidden in the alleyways cowering away at the sight of your guardian angel. If only your thoughts would do the same, you’d ponder.
“You look cute in my jacket, dove,” Keigo purred, the sweetest birdsong. He smiled at you, amber suns filling up with black as his pupils pinned on you.
You smiled, the sound of his voice filling you with warmth. Resting your head on his shoulder as you waited by the curb for a lone car to pass by, you crossed the road hand-in-hand. Keigo never left your side, never let go of you. Whether or not it was his protective nature, or that he simply enjoyed your presence, it made you feel loved when that voice in your head was telling you otherwise. You looked up as you walked, the stars shining and the moon hung in the sky, beaming. You felt the fur of Keigo’s jacket brush your neck, tickling you. The jacket smelled just like him.
“I can smell your cologne on your jacket.” You thought aloud, earning a small smile from Keigo, who chuckled to himself and held you closer, squeezed your hand tighter.
“It’s your favourite, right?” Keigo remarked.
Your heart burst a little at his question. He remembered the little things about you. He loved you. You were his and he was yours. The day you met was the day the planets and the stars aligned together, as perfect as Keigo said you were.
“Yeah,” you turned to look at him, stars in his eyes. “You remembered,”
Keigo clicked his tongue, stopping for a second. You stood in the street under a blanket of stars, the things you swore had brought you together; now they were here to celebrate your love, crown you in a sheet of stardust, of hope.
“Baby bird, I’ll always remember the little things about you. I find out new things I love about you everyday, the more you blossom like the prettiest flower I’ve ever seen,” Keigo cooed, letting down his walls for you.
You felt your face flush a little as you breathed a laugh, turning your head.
“That was so cheesy, Kei,” you joked, playing off your obvious blush.
Keigo only laughed heartily, cupping your face, peppering your forehead with kisses softer than cotton. His voice resonated with you, reaching deep into the catacombs of your ribs and holding your heart close.
“I can’t help telling you how I feel, duckie,” Keigo pressed his forehead to yours as if you were the only people in the world. “If it makes you smile, then I'll talk your ear off.”
You giggled, Keigo felt his heart melt away. In his eyes, you were just so perfect. Anything you hated about yourself he loved, and would help you see that beauty too. He beamed down at you, admiring how you looked in his jacket. It framed you in all the right ways, hung off you in all the right places. You were a dream he never wanted to wake up from.
“My jacket suits you pretty well, you know?” Keigo remarked, earning a sweet smile from you as your eyes met again, shining under the blessing of the moonlight, “But, a smile suits you best, birdie,”
You flushed, heart stopping. Keigo chuckled to himself at your reaction, letting you hide his face in his compression shirt, feeling his body heat against the blush of your cheeks. He held you close, just as he did with your heart. He swore to himself silently that he’d protect you, no matter what.
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pooksgetspooked · 6 months
Hierophilia pt2.
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Summary: A devout priest of unshakable faith stumbles upon what could only be called his own slice of heaven. With no creature holier than you roaming the mortal realm, it serves to be beyond troubling when Leon finds himself quickly falling into the clutches of corruption by the mere presence of you. Pairing: Leon s. Kennedy x Angel!Fem!Reader Word Count: 3k
Content warnings: MDNI! Religion, Corruption, dub-con/non-con, possessive & obsessive undertones, definitely blasphemy
“Leon? You look awfully tired,” you hummed, peering down at him with worried eyes while you placed a gentle hand atop his head, caressing the mop of blonde, “is all well?”
Was all well? By all means, he should be, but he was anything but. You were ruining him. He was losing more of himself with each day around you.
Somehow, someway, you evoked all sorts of vile thoughts he would have once cringed at, but now made his dick twitch in his pants. He had never prayed more in his life than he has in the past week or so; and despite his lust driven devotion, the notion of God abandoning him was suddenly feeling all too real.
“I’m well, please don’t worry about me,” he sighed, voice gravelly and head hung low as he sat on the bed in his quarters with you standing above him. With what had transgressed, you quickly noticed Leon’s shifty behaviour, but not the cause of it.
For the better he thought, because he was certain if you could peek into his mind, you would take off like a skittish dove at first chance.
He didn’t deserve you, or the tender care you put into him. You had thought he was falling ill despite not sensing any ailment, but you made an effort to heal him.
You made soul food for him and brought it to his quarters for him to rest, tried to haggle with the ever growing mob of believers without him, you even tried to take over some of his duties so he would get more time to himself to rest.
He wanted to cry for all too many reasons. The internal conflict wagering between his relgion and beliefs; all thing he knew prior to you was at war against the very notion of having you.
But you were so kind, gentle and soft, like nothing he had ever known in his life. You showered him with a warmth he had never known in his life, and it felt like he would cripple if you were to ever leave him. He knew he shouldn’t feel any way like he did towards you, but he couldn’t help it.
“Are you sure? I’m growing worried about you, Leon. You’re more withdrawn, less enthusiastic to go talk with the other chapel people, you’re eating far less than you should. Please, is there nothing I can do for you?” You were almost begging him now, your voice making his chest ache.
He finally dared look up at you, his eyes dragging up your legs through the sheen nightgown, breath hitching when he found himself at eye level with your chest, before forcing himself to meet your gaze.
“I- no, we- there’s nothing, dove,” he tried to stop the saliva from pooling in his mouth, and from his crotch from bulging, but the damage you dealt on him was nothing he could stop. He couldn’t dampen his heavy breaths, or stop his gaze from trailing back down to stare at your nipples and how they peeked through the fabric, thin enough to see the pretty flushed shade.
Your eyes widened as you caught his words, back straightening in attention. That only had his boner at attention, because your chest nudged an inch closer to Leon’s face, his lips now close enough to hover over where your nipples were.
“You said we. There’s something we can do together to help you then!” You were so excited, the feathers of your wings ruffled and your halo seemed to glow just a little brighter. So naive and innocent, but he couldn’t. Not with you. Maybe he should just hook up with one of the chapel ladies he knew always eyed him during sunday masses and call it a day. Far less damaging to his guilty conscious, and he might still have a shot of maintianing his ticket to heaven.
He shook his head, lips parting as he leaned back just slightly. He needed to breathe. Had to pull himself out of proximity of your breast before he caved and did something he knew would be a point of no return. “No, no we can’t,” he breathed out, blinking hard as he scrambled to piece together the jumble of thoughts bouncing around in his head. “I mean there’s nothing. There’s nothing for us to do,” he corrected himself, cursing himself for the slip up as soon as he noticed the look of curiosity on your face.
When you were curious, you were relentless.
You whined softly as you leaned forward with him, staring down at him with sad, wide eyes and limp wings, “no, there is something and you’re keeping it from me. Please? I’ll do whatever it is, i’m okay with it!” So eager to please, Leon had to stop himself from groaning as his dick jumped beneath the cloth of his boxers. How could he resist when you made him feel like you looked up to him as your new God?
You were quickly closing the proximity between the two of you, your chest steadily approaching him as your leaned closer to him each time he leaned back, and Leon was growing dizzy as his eyes were steadfast on your chest.
He didn’t know how much more he could take before he relented. You were making it so needlessly difficult, how was he supposed to turn away from you.
It was when your hand slipped, no longer able to prop up your weight. Leon had always commented that you should eat a little more and exercise to put on some muscles on your twiggy arms. Now, Leon was a little more grateful for the bone of defiance in you.
Your chest planted into his face, your eyes growing wide as you hastily apologized and tried to pull away, “Leon! I’m so sorry, are you hurt-” any attempt to pull away was stumped by the slithering arms, toned and firm, coiling around your waist with hands creeping up your back to keep you in place.
Before you could say another word, the sensation of his tongue, warm and wet pressed flat against your nipple flooded out any previous thought. The sensation had your back arching, crotch nudging into his pelvis with hitched breath as your mind went hazy.
“Leon, wha?” You couldn’t help the pitched whine coaxed out of you when his lips wrapped around the pebbling nipple, tongue flicking and swirling around the hardened bud. Your legs were kicking, arms scrambling for purchase to try and pull away, but what use were limbs that had never worked a day in their life against someone who was well adept at labour? You were a snagged dove in the maws of a wolf. Helpless and very much fucked.
“Shh, calm down angel. You said you would help me, right?” Leon finally pulled away from your nipple with a pop, half lidded, dilated eyes staring up at your trembling form. He could feel you shaking above him, your wings fluttering with you as you panted from your struggle. Cute.
Leon didn’t give a shit anymore. He had to do something about this lust addled haze or he might actually combust and die. He can worry about any of the irreversable ramifications later, heaven be damned, because there’s no way heaven would grant him a pass to sleep with an angel as divine as you anyways.
“I- I did but this feels funny,” oh my god. You didn’t know the first thing about sex, or what it was did you. Leon almost laughed, because he knew he was actually going to hell now.
“Feels funny? Can you tell me how it feels funny?” He breathed against your nipple, admiring how it poked through the now see-through fabric as he gently tightened his hold around your waist, arms clenching like a vice.
“It- it feels like-” another whine, halfway a garbled moan as he gently bit down on your nipple, warm and wet appendage still toying at the teat, lavished with all his love and attention. “Go on,” he mumbled through suckles and kisses, “tell me how it feels. It feels nice, right?”
“No it- it feels weird, like hot and tight, Leon please,” tears gathered at the corner of your eyes as you fought to breathe through weak struggles and the growing sensation that made your head fuzzy.
Meanwhile Leon was watching you intently, blue eyes never straying, soaking in every fidget of your expression. He couldn’t help but coo at you, his dick throbbing at your confusion. Despite your words, he could feel the dampness on his pants, stained from your leaky core.
It was like your mind was only in control of your words and that was it. Every other bodily reaction was detached from your brain, and wholeheartedly honest in a manner entirely different from your words. Your body and your mind was at odds with each other, and it was stirring an odd sense of satisfaction within his chest.
Maybe it was getting to see you experience just a modicum of what he had been facing for the entirety of the last week and more. You were responsible for what could only be deemed as his downfall, it was only fair that you repent for it in some way. It was only fair for you to help Leon out in this little way that you could, just like you were so eager to before.
“Do you trust me angel?” He allowed you just a small reprieve. The last one you would ever get before he really allowed himself free of his inhibitions and commit a sin so devastating that God might have to come down and smite him himself.
He watched you eye him through teary eyes as one of his hands crept lower, skirting beneath the fabric and rubbing soothing circles into the plush flesh of your thigh. Plump lips curled into a soft pout as your thighs twitched against his hand, damp panties rubbing against him without even realizing.
“I do, but everything feels weird,” your eyes screwed shut, blinking back stray beads of tears that threatened to fall. Leon shushed you softly, his other hand crawling up your back to cradle the back of your head, before trailing across your cheek to wipe the tear away.
“It feels weird now, but I promise you it’ll feel really good later for the both of us. You wanted to help me right? My precious angel, always wanting to help everyone,” he gently tutted, discreetly brushing the tear collecting on his thumb against his lips to lick away while his gaze sharpened in on you, clinging onto every word you say and every expression you make.
You snivelled, shoulders hitching each time you did as your brows knitted in that adorable confusion Leon wasn’t used to seeing, but was quickly warming up to. You seemed so conflicted, as though you inherently knew something about this was amiss without even being taught, but Leon knew you by now. He had never seen you turn anyone away before, and he knew he would be no different.
“You promise it’ll feel good?” you hesitantly peered into his eyes, all shy and meek, Leon had to restrain himself from diving back into your tits once more.
“Oh angel, I promise.” He was going to have you seeing God again by the end of the night. Or maybe, he would have you chanting his name in place of God. That sounds far more fitting for the man who would break you down, and rebuild you into something grander.
He started off slow, wanting to ease you into deep waters. His lips found their place back onto your tit as his hands rubbed soothing circles into the soft flesh of your skin before his hand on your thigh drifted. Agonizingly slow, he kept his arm around you tight when you flinched at the initial contact with your drooly cunt through the damp fabric of your panties.
Finger rubbing along the slit, outlining your puffy pussy, paying special attention to your little clit, it wasn’t long before he had you babbling and coming undone for him. You were so easy to make a mess off with how your slick would drip down the expanse of your inner thigh. By the time he had shifted your panties out of the way, your cunt was a creamy, sticky mess.
Of course, Leon had to get a taste. He lowered himself till he was eye level to your crying slit, and said his grace for the feast splayed out before him.
“Lord God and giver of all good gifts, we are grateful as we pause before this meal, for all the blessings of life that you give to us. We ask this through Christ Jesus, Amen. Lord, as we gather here before this table, we pause to give thanks for the bounty of the earth from which this meal came forth.”
Leon had you seeing stars by the time you unraveled the second and third time on his tongue. He ate like it was his last meal on death row; a starving man who didn’t know when his next meal would be. The way your cunt squealched and cried made Leon’s dick cry all the same.
Wet llps trailed gentle kisses up your thighs, occasionally nipping at the flesh and sucking bruising hickies while his rough thumbpad rubbed at your clit. He planted his first kiss on the bud between your legs, before licking a fat stripe up your slit, collecting the slippery liquid on his tongue. He switched between suckling on your pulsating button and making out with it, pussy kissing his lips with nearly as much enthusiasm as he was putting out. His lips sealed around your cunt, slobbering into the honeyed cavern, nose bumping into your clit in a dual pleasure that was driving you dumb.
The rapidly approaching tipping point was nearly pushed over the edge. Leon moaned and hummed into your cunt, and the effects were devastating. You could feel his moan in your womb, tickling the empty organ in a way that had your cunt spasming, coiling heat growing to be searing while your thighs ached from the tension of another cresting orgasm.
He rutted against the sheets in a bid to chase his own release while eating you out, but his rapt attention remained fixated on you. He eventually dared to slip a finger in, curling in a way that had you gasping for air. With each moan and cry that got louder, Leon’s strokes grew wilder until you were spasming and clenching down on his finger and tongue, granting him a taste of the sweet cream he had prayed for.
He was serious about your prior reprieve being your last, because you didn’t catch a break for the next hour or so. After his feast that had you crying and squirming, he had you splayed on your back atop of him, your bare back flushed against the skin of his chest so that he could squeeze two fingers into your cunt, his other free hand caressing your jaw while two more fingers played with the soft little tongue past your lips.
“Leon, please, I can’t take anymore,” your words were barely coherent, but there was no need for words when you were weeping now, nearly as much as your core was. So overstimulated and sore, you didn’t know how much more you could take.
Your thighs trembled and spasmed, wings twitching while your core clenched on his fingers, pruned thumbpads driving you wild with the rough texture rubbing against your abused clit.
Leon did what he did best. Shushed you gently, drowning your words with his own lips as his fingers curled up, far enough to make your brain flicker and scramble any plea on the tip of your tongue.
“But you’re doing so, so well for me dove, and I know it feels good for you. You can feel how much your pussy is crying in joy, can't you? Just like how you are.” To drive his point home, he pushed his fingers deeper, adam's apple bobbing at how your cunt squelched in response, the ring of cream rising closer to his knuckle.
��Just give me another one, okay? Last one, and we can cuddle and rest together.”
Leon was either a dirty liar, or he flunked his math, because the next wasn’t the last. Neither was the one after that, or the one after that. It was only when you were babbling stupidly and cross eyed did he find it in his heart to give you your second hard-earned break.
“Oh angel,” he sighed down at you with dreamy eyes, his fingers slipping out of you.
For the first time in awhile, he pulls his gaze away from your face to watch the glisten of your slick coating his fingers, before curling his tongue around his digits and cleaning them until he could no longer taste you on him. “You need a break?”
You were a limp mess, your mind lagging behind on his words before it finally caught up. You could only muster a drunken whimper, brain still fried from the mind melting pleasure Leon had forced upon you ceaselessly for the past who knows how long. Spread out on the bed, sweaty and weak, a sight for sore eyes. For leon’s eyes.
He hummed softly, familiar tune of a hymn that you could barely connect as he leaned down to press his lips against yours, tongue darting past your lips while his arms caged you in. Only when you started flailing and whimpering from the lack of air did he pull away with flushed face.
“Rest up darling, I just need a little bit more of your help, and I’ll be happy again.”
He made a silent vow to himself, hushed mumble beneath his breath too soft to catch. Leon s Kennedy was going to make sure he was all you would ever know and worship once he was done with you.
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gretavanlace · 7 months
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Sugar II (part 5)
Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, unprotected sex, angst, language, dirty talk, digital penetration, etc etc.
So sorry for the wait…I’ve been so busy and I’m scatterbrained as it is. I love you all and appreciate your patience as always! My lovelies, you all own my heart ❤️ Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving, I’ll add my taglist tomorrow, I promise. Tonight, I’m tipsy and in a turkey coma. xoxo
It’s early when your heavy eyes reluctantly drift open. Quiet. Silent. Save for the serene, rhythmic push and pull of his soft breath against the nape of your neck. In and out, in and out, like a whispered incantation sent to lull you into his placid waters.
Morning light is threatening to steal the darkness away, inching its way into the room, casting a muted, purple glow against the wall. You snuggle in closer to him and watch the moon prepare to fight the battle it wages ceaselessly. It loses to the sun again and again, and this morning will be no different.
How you wish the moon could win just this once. How you loathe the sun for refusing its slumber. How dare it steal this night away from you? How dare it force you to face the gravity of this life you’ve built without him? Of choice? Of pain either way?
Jake has insisted on sending the others along, promising he won’t be far behind. That he’ll take a car, or catch a short flight…vowing to appear on stage for sound check - the prodigal son returning to whichever arena is next on the list.
You hadn’t needed to hear the opposite end of the conversation last night to know that Josh couldn’t have been happy about it…but, even after all this time, you still know them both well enough to know that Jake’s heels were dug in and that Josh - knowing this, too - wouldn’t fight him too viciously.
“You awake?” His voice, gorgeously gruff with sleep, hushes against your skin just before his lips find a place there with a delicate kiss.
A hum rasps out of you as you stroke your fingers down his forearm, not trusting yourself to speak over the lump pulsing in your throat.
If he understands the reason for your quiet, he doesn’t let on, “God, how fucking perfect is this? You smell so good.”
He trails off, nestling in against you as his arms tighten their hold, tucking you right in until you can feel the drum of his beautiful heart tapping a steady beat against your shoulder blade.
“Do you remember the first time we woke up next to each other?” His lips graze across your bare shoulder gingerly as he whispers to you, calming your mind with his soothing cadence.
“Yes,” how could you ever forget? “It was the morning you told me you loved me. Then we went downstairs and Josh shoveled pancakes onto our plates until we were sick.”
His hand disappears beneath the sheets to feather along your breast..tickling over your nipple until it pebbles, “That was a beautiful morning with my beautiful girl, but it wasn't the first.”
Confused, you sift through memories rapidly. So many of them, and so many of them him…flashes of his face, so stunning and serene in his devotion, his voice, his laugh. Darkened eyes devouring you from above, owning you like a deity you are hopeless to deny, his hands, his heart, his love.
Suddenly, there it is - crystal clear as the spring you had visited that long ago weekend. The memory brings a nostalgic smile playing across your lips. You had all been so young then. So naive of what was to come. Untouchable laughter echoing off trees that had been standing, solemn and still, long enough to know it wouldn’t last. “The UP…camping at Indian Lake. You forgot your tent when we were packing up, and Josh had the most fun making fun of you about it because—“
He interrupts with a spot on impression of his twin, “Who the fuck goes camping and forgets their tent? That’s like—“
You chime in as well, “Going to the vet without your dog.”
“I woke up beside you and I just…” he falls silent for a beat and then marches on with a shaky breath, “You were sleeping so peacefully, so sweetly, like an angel - and he was out there by the fire causing chaos and frying eggs. I laid there beside you and pretended you were mine. Made up a little life for us in my head. We had three girls and a cat who sunbathed at their feet during tea parties in the backyard. They looked just like you. I loved you, and you loved me back.”
“Tell me more.” You urge so softly, you’ve hardly made a sound. “Tell me about our life.”
He cuddles in closer, cheek nuzzling into your tangled hair. “I buy you the most beautiful house you’ve ever seen. And it has a great big covered porch where we like to sit in the evenings. We hold hands on the swing and watch the girls make up elaborate games with the fireflies. Our youngest is the bossiest, and you say she reminds you of Josh. There’s a place in the side yard. I leveled it out just after we moved in so you could plant a garden, and I help you harvest tomatoes in the evenings because you always plant too many.”
“I do not plant too many,” your laugh is gentle, wistful. “I make salsa for your stupid brothers.”
“Yes,” he agrees, nodding along as he continues stroking over your chest, abandoning your breast for the thrum of your heart beneath his palm. “You make salsa for my stupid brothers. The girls complain and bargain for time when we tell them it’s time for baths, but you step in and order them inside because I can’t tell them no.”
“You’re no help at all.” You sigh, sinking into the soft domesticity of the picture he is painting just for you.
“Yes, I am.” He argues, kissing along your jaw. “I help with baths, and then I play them all the prettiest songs I’ve ever written for you until their eyes are hazy enough to drift away. And then I hold your hand some more down the hall, and I close our bedroom door, and I lay you down and remind you of how much I love you until you sound like all those pretty songs I’ve written for you.”
“Yeah?” You can’t help the girlish giggle that floats off your tongue. He turns you into liquid bliss so effortlessly, speaking to you like a lullaby until warm, worshipful devotion swells in your chest, leaving room for nothing but Jake.
“Yeah.” His tongue travels over the shell of your ear as he breathes promises into it, twisting and tightening your belly way down deep “And sometimes I remind you slow and sweet…sometimes I hold you like bone china and move gently, and softly, until you’re shaking and fluttering around me, all silk and velvet walls like flower petals. And other times, I give it to you nasty. Fuck you filthy, and dirty, and hard so you’ll remember who my pretty little fuck doll is…and you take my cock like a whore with my hand over your mouth so you don’t wake the neighbors.”
His touch remains far too innocent for the words dripping from his lips like salacious prayers. It’s still playing softly over your heart - perhaps just to feel the quickening of its beats, perhaps just because he has missed it so.
“Touch me.” you shiver as the plea rolls off your tongue, anticipating the way he will give into you, and the way it will feel when he does.
“I am touching you.” He’s burying his face in your hair, breathing you in, filling his lungs with everything he has missed so desperately.
“Don’t tease me.” There’s a pout edging its way into your tone, and he is positively weak for it. He’d like to think that you have never sounded this way for anyone else. He’d like to believe that he has never heard you sound this way…that you have never begged for him with such soft urgency on your tongue.
“Shh, sugar,” he soothes, and the way it slows your pulse like a drug…well, you can almost believe that nothing has ever been wrong with your world. You can almost believe that you’ve lived all of your lifetimes here in this room with him, wrapped up in the sheets, safe and so, so loved. “you know I’m gonna take care of my girl. You just close your eyes, baby, alright? Just close your eyes.”
Your eyes flutter shut as though he has willed them so, and then his fingers are winding the gentlest trail down your body, slipping like hot silk down your stomach, and then to your thigh to pull it to the side, opening you up for him.
“I think about this all the time.” he confesses, sweeping his fingertips against your entrance and then over your clit once his touch is slick and warm. “Lying with you. Talking with you in bed the way we used to. Feeling your hair tickle my cheek. Watching you sigh for me, wet and aching for me, for what I can give you…nobody else.”
“Nobody else, Jake,” you nod feverishly as he begins drawing delicate circles over your swollen clit. “Nobody else.”
“Do you think about me, too?” his mouth hovers over your pulse, tracing an S for his sugar against it. “When you’re all alone?”
His touch is picking up in pace, those goddamed fingers of his that seem to somehow vibrate, they know every inch of you…how to touch you. How to take you apart. How to play you. You are his favorite instrument.
“Yes,” it stutters out of you, inarticulate and clumsily, but he loves it all the more for it.
“Yeah?” there it is, that smug air in his tone that makes your entire body throb with want. “Does my sweet little girl touch herself when no one is around to see? Does my sugar call my name when she slips her hand between these pretty thighs?”
“Jake, please…” your grip has found its way around his wrist, tight and sure, to keep his hand where you so badly need it.
“Stop begging, baby,” he croons, pressing kisses against your temple, “I’m gonna take care of you. I’m gonna make you feel good. Gonna make you cum, soft and gentle, ‘cause you’re my beautiful fucking girl. And then you’re going to ride my cock filthy, fuck doll.”
A sound that you ought to be ashamed of claws its way out of your chest, feral and furious in your need as you rock your hips into his hand. His pace never falters, never varies, as he whispers praise and vulgarities into your ear, skilled fingers swirling and swirling and swirling over your clit until you’re right fucking there.
“Come on, pretty girl…” more kisses to your temple as adulation tumbles from his lips endlessly. “Give it to me, sugar, give it to me.”
It spreads itself out in your body like a heavy swallow of red wine. unfurling inside you like euphoric heat, curling your toes and prickling your scalp as it trips up your spine. It’s so delicate and light, his touch like a feather against your clit as it trembles and twitches…and just like always, he knows, and works you through it softly, gingerly, reverently, until the tide pulls back.
“You made a mess, baby.” he teases, whispering into the crook of your neck with a smile on his lips and his fingers now curling across the pillow of his tongue.
“Whose fault is that?” you pant back, working hard to chase down your breath.
“I’ll own making a mess of your pretty cunt any day, sweetheart…any fucking day.”
You roll your eyes without much conviction, for you adore his obscene prose “Poetic.”
He rolls onto his back, tugging you along for the ride until you are perched above and straddling him.
He looks like a fallen, arcane angel beneath you, with his hair snarled and knotted against the pillow, eyes clouded with lust and darkened with blown pupils, lips pink and tumid - parted and pretty.
“You’re beautiful.” you shake your head in wonder. He is exquisite. Ethereal. Flawless. Precious.
He shakes his head right back, cupping your cheek, “You’re beautiful. My beautiful, beautiful sugar. I have loved you forever and I will love you always.”
With your cheeks heating under his awestruck scrutiny, you bite down on your lip coyly…you haven’t forgotten that he likes a hint of innocence now and then. “Did I hear you mention something about riding your cock filthy, Jakey? Or did I misunderstand?”
His palm is wrapped around your throat in a breath, pulling your mouth down to his. He licks against your tongue with a menacing hum. “You wanna ride my cock, baby? You wanna fuck me dirty while I lie back and watch you do all the work like my good little girl?”
A shiver shimmies your shoulders as your gaze flutters away abashedly, inexplicably shy.
“Aw,” it isn’t taunting, he sounds genuinely starstruck by the bashful blush coloring the apples of your cheeks. “Look at my sweetheart. Does it still make you a little soft when I tell you what a good girl you are for me? You like that?”
You nod, and this time, when your teeth sink into your bottom lip, it isn’t contrived.
“I know, sugar…” he pets at your face like you’re fragile, made of glass and dear to his heart. “It always has. You are, you know? You’re my very good girl and I love you more than anything in this whole fucking world. Nothing even comes close.”
Emboldened and driven half crazy by the love he is wringing from his heart, you rise up on your knees and issue an order, which doesn’t make you a very good girl at all. “Put it in.”
A huff of wanton breath escapes him, and then, with one hand wrapped around his thick cock, and the other digging into your hip, he pulls you down and buries himself inside you.
“Oh fuck, sweetheart…” it’s a hitching groan that rattles in his chest. “Look at you, wrapped up sweet and pink around me. Pretty as a picture, aren’t you, baby? Taking this cock. So fucking tight. You feel so good.”
“Yeah,” you can’t manage much else as your nails dig into his chest for purchase, head tipping back as you begin to ride him fast and hard, forgoing an easy lead up…you need him too badly.
His tip, so thick and perfect, begins spoiling over the sweetest spot inside you when he angles your hips…knocking against it until the air is punching from your lungs with every downward swivel of your hips.
“That’s the spot right there, isn’t it, sugar?” he voice, rasping and strangled with pleasure drags you closer and closer. “Right there, huh? That’s where my girl needs my cock…right fucking there.”
“Yes! Right there…” you repeat, blathering on with your hands on your own tits, twisting and tugging at your nipples as your thighs burn and scream for mercy you don’t care to give them. “Right there right there right there…”
“Yeah? You want it right there?” his thumb drops to your clit as he drinks you in, savoring you as you work yourself into a frenzy above him. “You take it right there, pretty girl…you just fucking take it.”
You can feel him twitching and straining inside your clenching cunt, and you know desperate little spurts of precum must be steadily leaking from his cock…the thought only serves to make you coil around him even more viciously.
“Sugar,” there’s a frantic edge coloring his tone now. He’s close. “Please, baby…you’re squeezing me…so fucking…fuck, fuck…ease up, sweetheart, please. Relax that sweet little cunt for me. Baby, baby, baby…” he thrashes his head back and forth against the pillow, brow furrowed and tipped up as though he is anguished.
“No.” you’re wild and panting, sweating and clawing at his chest with unhinged need. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Oh god…” it hushes out of him, winded and ragged, like he’s afraid he won’t make it long enough to get you there. “C’mon, pretty girl, come on. Right on my cock. Soak it, sweetheart. I want you all fucking over me.”
“Fuck me back,” you’re clutching at his shoulders now, scrambling for purchase against his drenched, glistening skin. “Hard. Fuck me back.”
His hips begin driving up to meet you, hard and fast, slamming his cock into you over and over through gritted teeth and gutteral grunts of pleasure and agony as he fights his own release.
Arms up suddenly, he curls them violently around your shoulders, holding you still against his lap as best he can, but you continue to grind into him, working yourself back and forth over his cock, chasing and chasing and chasing that end you so badly need.
“Hold fucking still,” grits out through clenched teeth as your lips press and sway against his sweating forehead, “I’m gonna cum, sugar. Don’t move, don’t move!”
His palm lands hard against your ass in punishment for your disobedience, gripping and pulling at it, but it merely spurs you on.
“You said you wanted me to ride your cock filthy,” your words are airy puffs of taunting breath. “so fucking take it Jakey, take it.”
He doubles over into you, burying his face between your breasts and crying out into their rounded softness as he lets go inside you, painting you warm and wetter than you already were…biting and sucking, consuming you as if he wants to swallow you whole.
It’s your name, whimpering and keening out of him like a psalm that sends you tumbling along right behind him with a gushing pulse and a shaking inward pull of breath that exhales with his name to match your own still lingering on his lips.
A strange calm finds you both as you struggle to breathe wrapped up tight and tangled together in the ruined sheets and humid air. But it is a familiar calm…one that so often crept in between the two of you after you had lost yourselves the way you’ve just lost yourselves.
“No one,” his fingers tap down your spine and linger in the dimples that grace the base, “could ever make me feel the way you make me feel, sugar. No one. Ever.”
“Jake.” you sigh, and he hears a thousand words inside it.
“I know, baby.” he’s stroking through your hair now, pacifying you so all of that feverish energy will seep from your veins gently. “I know.”
The sun has bullied its way into the sky fully, washcloth he so lovingly swept over you now rinsed and folded over the bathroom sink, glass of water he carried in, sipped at and now lazily dripping condensation onto the nightstand.
Top sheet pulled over the fitted sheet in a half-hearted attempt to rectify the wrongs inflicted towards the bed, your bodies are twisted up below the soft, generic duvet.
“You’re going to leave, aren’t you?” He whispers, tracing his fingers along the bridge of your nose. “I can feel it.”
“What happens now, Jake?’ You stroke his nose right back. “I’m just going to walk away from my life and follow you around the world? Like nothing ever happened?”
“Yes.” He says it like it could all be just that easy, and how you wish that were so.
“It doesn’t work that way.” He’s a dreamer. Always has been.
“So, tell me how it works then, sugar.” He pulls you into a blink of a kiss. “You go back to him, and I go back to misery and that’s it for you and I? We wake up every morning for the rest of our lives wishing things were different? Aching for each other? You tell me how that makes fucking sense.”
“Because this is real life, Jake.” Do you even believe your own bullshit? You have to, right? “This isn’t some pretty little story you’re telling. We aren’t picking tomatoes in the garden.”
God, how you hate yourself.
“We could be though.” His promises would be so lovely to slip away into…if only it could be that simple. It’s as if he can read your mind when he says, “It could be so simple, sugar. None of this other shit matters. We matter.”
He can’t be argued with, so instead, you simply nestle your cheek against his chest and linger in this time you have left with him.
“Will you at least leave me your number before you go? So I can call to say hello every once in a while?”
He’s giving in far too easily. He’s lying. You know he is, and he knows it just as well. He isn’t going away, and he doesn’t plan on giving up.
He has decided to stand his ground this time around. This time, for you, he has decided to fight…
and god help anyone who tries to stand in his way.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @gretasmokerising @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @thelvnternskeeper @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @jakesgrapejuice @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordie-gvf-admin @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake
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