#fallen london shitpost
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shrike-sorokoput 1 year ago
me in the neath, after going insane: mr manager sir do you know that in your city there was this guy who sold really shitty copper
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ghoastbatte 10 months ago
Barbershop Bats
In a foolish attempt to get the Masters to get along for once, Beatrice tries to get the other Masters to join it in a nice sing-song.
"Let's all go to the Khanate! Let's all go to the Khanate! Let's all go to the Kha-aaa-nate..." Veils, walking in: "And get ourselves a snack!" Everyone else, in actual unison for once: "NO, NONE OF THAT!"
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reliably-derogaffectionate 5 months ago
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inflict situations on your characters (or yourself, i wont stop you, im not a constable)
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bobcat-pie 5 months ago
i need to be completely honest. for the past year i've been seeing posts about "fallen london" and i thought people were just making jokes about normal london
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nameimpending 6 months ago
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fun game
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hells-dear-heart 2 months ago
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I keep making stupid memes
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thegreatyin 12 days ago
my last-minute batshit insane never going to happen ideal fallen london TRPG kickstarter goal is having one of the masters as a principal. but like. specifically not one you would expect. not pages or fires or veils or anything like that. i'm talking a spacebat coming completely out of left field for no apparent reason just for funsies. i'm talking the grand return of mr cups as a character in the main plot. i'm talking mr iron employing the players as fucked up hitmen. i'm talking mr barleycorn with a steel chair
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the-avaricious-meddler 10 months ago
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Recruiting people to the Liberation of Night like
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viric-dreams 1 year ago
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Want both an increase in Monstrous Anatomy and a fresh shave and a haircut? The Rubbery Barber Surgeon is here for You! Dual-trained in the style of the old practitioners, The Rubbery Barber Surgeon promises customer satisfaction, with an Echos back guarantee*!
*guarantee subject to conditions. The Rubbery Barber Surgeon is not responsible for unexpected missing bones, amber-encrusted mullets, increases in nightmares, wounds, or sudden loss of respect within society. Please ssossoffoorossth responsibly.
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grimm-the-tiger 2 months ago
A day in the life of my Fallen London main
Beat people up and steal their books so you can make yourself tougher.
Trade mind-melting secrets for a Starved Woman's skeleton.
Con a guy into trading shitty wine for honey by telling him you got it from Mr Wines.
Drive yourself insane so you can catch a hyena.
Drink your freshly-conned honey and make terrible sketches for a commission you never intend to finish so you can make yourself less insane.
Hire a dubiously-qualified medical professional to stitch up the wounds you got during your Labyrinth of Tigers shenanigans.
Write maybe three pages of a short story, then put it aside for another day with the promise that you are absolutely going to finish it tomorrow, knowing full well that you thought the same thing last month when you put it down and forgot to pick it back up again.
Pull Spy vs Spy shenanigans at an embassy so you can get funny clockwork trinkets.
Go to the docks to see if you finally have enough clockwork trinkets to get a zubmarine.
You do not have enough clockwork trinkets.
Back to the espionage, I guess.
Recall that you also need fancy magnifying glasses to get your zub for some reason.
Go down to see if you can commission said fancy magnifying glasses.
Find out you need 60 Correspondence plaques. You have 20.
Go back to the Labyrinth of Tigers and fight a lizard for shrieks.
Drive a bunch of philosophers insane with said shrieks because you think it's funny watching them run around like their arses are on fire.
Somehow convert their screaming into Correspondence plaques.
Go back to the magnifying glass people and get your magnifying glass.
You need 5 more magnifying glasses. You still have Correspondence plaques left over. You do not have the big fancy diamond that is also needed.
The most efficient way for you to get said big fancy diamond is to launch a whole-ass archaeological dig and hope you dig one up in the process.
Go home and write sad poetry to my early-game Dangerous alt, who is starting to grow very concerned with the sheer amount of frustrated and/or depressing letters she is receiving from my main.
Decide to make yourself feel better by beating up assassins an ex has sent after you.
Get bored halfway through and go back to the Labyrinth of Tigers so you can beat up more lizards.
Go back home feeling slightly better, but knowing full well that you're probably going to forget what you're supposed to be doing halfway through and repeat this song and dance next month.
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shrike-sorokoput 1 year ago
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ghoastbatte 1 year ago
How the Persistent Inquirer starts every meeting of the GHR board: *addressing Virginia* "Listen here you little shit, vote the way I tell you or I'll put Southwark on the Board."
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the-dawnburnt-captain 5 months ago
my hungry ass could never work at a chandlery
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laz-lana 7 months ago
Since all my outfits in-game are for stats it got me thinking about how some of them would actually look so...... here's the professors BDR maxed outfit..
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They show up like this and Slowcake's Amanuensis falls over in shock from how cool they look and instantly gives them seven notoriety
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look-at-that-right-there 9 days ago
You reckon Poor Edward's hair naturally flips at the bottom like that, or is he gelling it with egg whites or whatevertheehell Victorians used for stuff like that?
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rsquid2 1 year ago
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im sure nothing bad will come of this
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