mrszeoxin · 2 months
My Favorite Otome Husbands
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There was a trend going around some of the otome community where people asked what their favorite otome LIs said about them, or it shows they have a type.
Out of curiosity I decided to think of some of my favorite otome games I’ve played, and pick my favorite from each game (decided to not do multiple per game or it’d be too much lol). Honestly, looking at them all I don’t think there’s an obvious connection between them. Other than most of them being blushy boys (which I definitely love me some blushing/shy/embarrassed otome guys). But I think the biggest thing to me is personality, I love when they are passionate about their job and or hobbies. Most importantly, I love when they have fun banter with MC, and can make me laugh or giggle irl.
But yeah! What do you think? And feel free to show me your favorite otome husbands as well!
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mlobsters · 10 months
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the great british bake off s8e9 (c5e9) patisserie week
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theelibugs · 11 months
I am sketching these and I am going to make them all into charms and then sell them.
But mainly so I can have my OWN charms LOL
Misyr has not been sketched yet cause I gotta go to bed but I wanna share since I'm vain
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filmjunky-99 · 10 months
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i n v e s t i g a t i n g s e x, 2001 🎬 dir. alan rudolph dermot mulroney
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the-huldra-king · 6 months
'“Evermore Park faced significant challenges from the beginning, which intensified in 2020 with the COVID pandemic closures, followed by reduced consumer spending in 2021 and even more so in 2023, coupled with inflation, gave us little to work with,” Bretschneider wrote in his statement. “Coming out of the new year we had a few promising opportunities that would have provided needed bridge capital and potential to grow revenue in 2024. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, things changed and as a result we are unable to continue.”'
Yet the one challenge he, of course, failed to mention, the one there from the very beginning to the very end, sabotaging the park's success at every turn, the one that would have driven the park out of business even without COVID: is himself.
You can have all the talented artists, competent project managers in the world involved in your project, but this will mean nothing if you repeatedly get in their way because of your own personal issues.
I hope this is at least a lesson to anyone else with money and big ideas, you want that dream to come to life? I want wonderful ideas to come to life too. By god, do I want them to. By god, did I want this one to. I worked alongside so many others who did too. But remember: The moment you put your own ego and self-worth in the way, is the moment you drop your lantern, and stumble off the winding path into the depths of the marsh, your gaze fixated solely on the alluring glow of your dream, your ignis fatuus, and no one else. Keep your candle lit 🕯🕯🕯 And farewell
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bandcampsnoop · 11 months
Taqbir must be great. My physical release snobbishness usually makes me not want to buy a 4th pressing. I want the first...maybe the 2nd. But I went ahead and bought this. This has two things going for it: (1) It has the motorik guitar and drum punk sound that I love (see recent post for Waldo Faldo which also mentioned Ausmuteants) and (2) It's punk from a country I don't associate with punk.
Taqbir is a Tangier, Morocco band that bring the intensity and sneering attitude I want in my punk. I get that without sacrificing the melody. "Victory Belongs To Those Who Fight For A Right Cause" is an amazing title to a fantastic 4-song 7" punk explosion. I will also readily admit that I was drawn to music described as "four short vomits of anti-religious sentiment made music. Sang in Moroccan Arabic Taqbir’s lyrics are irreverent, careless outburst of anger towards an extremely patriarchal oppressive place."
Not at all surprising that this is released by London label La Vida Es Un Mus.
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manifold-updates · 2 years
Jack replied to Banter Podcast!
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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tvseriescentral · 2 years
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Steve Being Annoyed With Waldo’s Stupidity (Part 9/?)
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Is Maxine really in a position to give Laura crap about dating Steve when she dated Waldo? Don’t get me wrong I love Waldo but he was dense as hell.
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acesartemis · 2 years
"i have feelings too.
if you cut me, do I not cough?
if you hit me, do I not sneeze?
and if you call me names, do I not eat?"
— waldo faldo
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mrszeoxin · 5 months
Cafe Enchante Review
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This game is one that honestly I just saw on the Nintendo eShop and it looked so cute I had to play it. I didn’t know too much going in, just the game summary and trailer. So I know the MC inherits a cafe from a relative and it’s actually a magical cafe (kind of like Coffee Talk?). But in excited to play, using this as a pallet cleanser from BUSTAFELLOWS, plus just as a cozy game since it’s cold out and I wanted something cozy to play.
I’m going to play in the recommended play order which I’m pretty sure is also the order of their main chapters are in the common route. Speaking of, I loved the common route, but it is wayyy longer than the individual ones. Which I always think it’s a bummer when common route is longer than individual ones.
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Oh my! I loved Canus so freaking much! I was really excited that he was first on the list as he definitely was who I was most curious about going into the game the first time. I think the concept of a headless love interest is so unique and fun, it definitely had me questioning how his route would look or work. Then on top of that he’s such a sweetie and such and kind and good hearted character. I really can’t think of a single thing I disliked about him.
He’s definitely the warm-hearted stoic type so if you like those characters and wanted a fun and magical twist then Canus is the perfect guy for you.
I love how they changed the color of his flame to represent different emotions, and found it impressive how well they could communicate how he was feeling without a head. It was really impressive and super creative. On top of that, I loved his story and world, it was all so unique and fun. He is from the world of fairies which is so cute, and a lot is based on western fairy lore which is unique for an otome game. On top of that some aspects of this route reminded me of Sailor Moon R, which since I loved that as a kid, being reminded of that made it feel extra special.
Overall I love Canus a lot, and while I’m definitely interested in the other guys, I really wonder if they’ll be able to pass Canus as my favorite because I just love this guy so much!
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I decided to play him second because I honestly wanted to just get his route over with. I’m sure he’s a great guy but realistic age gaps weird me out way more than impossible ones. Also his “chapter” is second, and I’m basically following that original chapter order. But honestly I wasn’t very excited going into his route, and maybe that’s not fair, but he’s just the least interesting and his age gap weirds me out the most (some people like age gaps and probably would like him because of that, but personally I like it when they are either close to my age or so crazy older because they are immortal it doesn’t even matter lol).
Okay rant time. I started this review in January, but the first episode of Rindo’s route made me so upset I literally stoped playing for three months 😭. So spoilers ahead.
I really didn’t like this route. I already wasn’t a Rindo fan, and then add the main conflict for his route and I was UPSET. I had a feeling since the main route that Kuu was a nonhuman, to me that much was obvious. HOWEVER, I was not expecting Kuu to be dating Akira, and to be Rindo’s sister 😭. That reveal at the end of episode one literally made me stop playing because I was so upset. It took a lot to come back to this game after that.
But I forced myself to come back and finish Rindo’s route, and oh boy, it just kept getting worse. I think it is really cruel and unethical to keep Kuu alive. It was a totally selfish act, and while the game does address that, it still made me very upset and uncomfortable. They then parallel this with Rindo and MC, when MC forces Rindo to become nonhuman. It made me so upset. It was like “no consent the dating sim”. I’m not usually a stickler for that stuff, but it actually made me very upset. I know it’s fictional and it’s meant to be a good story, but I just hated it. It made me miserable and uncomfortable. It made me not like MC, and it really soured my view on the game. This is like if you were unconscious but had expressed not wanting a certain treatment prior, and then your significant other forces it on you knowing your against it. It’s just so messed up, and I know it’s addressed as being messed up, but I just couldn’t vibe with it. Not to mention Rindo got even uglier when he became nonhuman which is so stupid 😭. I’m just glad it’s over, and I’m sorry for being a hater, but I had to say it.
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Now see I’m excited to play Ignis’ route. He reminds me of Kyo from Fruits Basket, who I had such a big crush on growing up. So because of that I’m super excited to play his route. Plus he’s just really funny, and seems really sweet. He’s also closest to MC’s age which is nice. So because of all these things I’m really excited to play his route next. I really hope I like it more than Rindo’s 😩.
As expected I really loved Ignis’ route. He’s such a big softie, and he’s so cute. I laughed, I cried, I felt so much as I played. Now I won’t lie, this route has some disturbing and gorey parts. But I love Ignis so much, and this route was really compelling. It had so much intrigue and things that built on one another. I just really liked the story, it really had me at the edge of my seat the whole time. Also we got so much Kororo content, which I absolutely adored! I just really liked this route, so far it’s my favorite 🥹 it’s just so good I really can’t put it into words. 💕💕💕
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I’m super excited for Il’s route. His appearance isn’t what I’m usually drawn to, but his character design is so unique, and similar to Canus I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character like him. Not to mention his obsession with otome games is so endearing and he’s such a cutie. So overall I have been really excited to get to play his route.
Oh my lord. This route actually destroyed me. First off, I just want to say, I love Il, like I love him so much, he’s so precious, and he deserves the world. I enjoyed this route, it was so good, but it absolutely destroyed me emotionally. I was screaming, I was crying, I was ugly sobbing, I was laughing, I was squealing. I felt so much while playing this route, which feels extra fitting since it has a focus on emotions.
I will say, the assistant thing didn’t surprise me, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. But wow. I just don’t even know what to say. I wanted to actually slap MC in the face at the climax/ending of chapter two, because honestly, how dare she?! But honestly this route was extremely good, and Il might be my favorite 😅. Don’t get me wrong I still loved Canus and Ignis, in fact Ignis is still a close second in my heart. But oml, Il’s story just really hit me, and even though I don’t usually like characters that look like him, this was truly such an exception. He’s so beautiful, and so kind, and so pure, with so much potential! I’m just upset we couldn’t see more of their lives together.
One thing that stood out to me though, was how similar Il’s route was to Shiraishi’s route in Collar X Malice. I feel like their backgrounds and stories have a lot of similarities. The difference being that they have very different personalities. But I would say their backgrounds are very similar, and they are both very pure and deserve so much better. But I am curious if anyone else noticed how similar these two are, because once I started to notice it, I just saw so many similarities between the two.
But overall, I really did love Il’s route, and I really do love him. Out of all of their routes, his makes me the most upset that this game doesn’t have a sequel/fan disk. Because I just want to see more fluff with Il and MC, to just be happy and domestic with each other. I think I deserve it after crying so much lol.
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So Misyr is last since he’s locked until you play all other routes at least once. He’s the main guy/poster boy for the game, and the prologues heavily hint about his route. Honestly, I don’t hold anything against Misyr, he has a lot of great lines and seems like a very caring guy. I love his relationship with Il in particular. But for whatever reason I just wasn’t super excited for his route. Maybe it’s because most poster boys/true routes aren’t my favorite? Or maybe it’s just because I was just drawn so much to Canus, Ignis, and Il, that I wasn’t as excited. Honestly, I’m not completely sure. But I’m going to play it, and I’m hoping I’m pleasantly surprised. However, I am now worried his route might also be depressing and dark after seeing how the others have been, and based on what we see in the main story and prologue. But I guess we’ll see, and I’ll be back once I’ve finished.
So I feel very conflicted. On one hand I do like Misyr as a character, and the overall plot was very interesting and had me constantly wondering what was going to happen. However, I really don’t tend to like “true” ending routes, and unfortunately his route did a lot of that “true” ending stuff I just don’t like. Mainly, the fact that my poor baby boy Il had to go through all that suffering AGAIN. Like oml can’t he catch a freaking break 😭. But also the ending was pretty sad, and yet it also kind of felt like a cop out? Like I just feel all over the place. I didn’t hate him, or the route, but I just couldn’t find it as enjoyable as other routes. And even though it was definitely sad and heartbreaking, it didn’t emotionally impact me as much as Il’s route. So I think unfortunately Misyr is just another victim of the poster boy and true ending syndrome. Where the writers want to tie every previous story together, and spends so much time on the plot and other characters, you don’t really have time to focus on their romance. Which personally makes their unyielding love less believable. This is definitely a personal preference thing, and so I think if you like when all endings are tied together you’d probably like it more. Also if Misyr was your #1 pick you’ll probably also like it more. But for me I just don’t think it was a great fit.
Playing this game was such a journey. As I mentioned before I started playing this in January then had to take multiple months off before finishing it in April. I thought this was just going to be a cute cozy supernatural dating sim, that has a unique cast of characters. Which to be fair, the music, sound effects, voice acting, the CGs and artwork, it was all so stunning. It was an amazing game and there are so many things I really loved about it.
However, this game can get pretty dark and depressing, which I wasn’t really expecting. I think if I knew that going into the game I could have managed my expectations more, but because I didn’t it was a huge shock and definitely took a toll on me. So I wish someone had warned me 😅.
Overall, I did really like this game. It’s probably one of my favorite switch otome games I’ve played since Collar X Malice. So I would definitely recommend it. I was kind of sad to see it doesn’t seem to have an active fandom, like I couldn’t find many fanfic or fan art of the game, which made me sad. As far as rankings go I think my favorite, in order from most to least liked would be; Il, Ignis, Canus, Mystr, then Rindo. Which honestly going into the game I thought Mystr or Ignis was going to be my favorite, so Il was definitely a pleasant surprise. But I really enjoyed all the routes, except for Rindo’s, personally.
So that’s my thoughts! I’ll be graduating this week, so if I get some free time before getting a job, I’m planning on playing Cupid’s Parasite, next since I’ve heard that’s one is like a rom-com. And I definitely want a fun light hearted game after all this crying.
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kvltklvb · 1 month
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rasiooid · 2 months
Sudah Dapat Dukungan Lima Parpol, Faldo Maldini-Fadhlin Akbar Siap Maju di Pilkada Tangerang
RASIOO.id – Pasangan bakal calon Wali Kota Tangerang, Faldo Maldini dan Fadhlin Akbar, telah resmi mendapatkan dukungan dari lima partai politik, yaitu Gerindra, PSI, PAN, Nasdem, dan Garuda. Menurut Faldo, dukungan tersebut sudah lebih dari cukup untuk mengamankan tiket pendaftaran ke KPU. “Udah lebih dari cukup,” ujar Faldo kepada RASIOO.id pada Rabu, 7 Agustus 2024. Fokus Sosialisasi dan…
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convivialdave · 11 months
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First Strive, then gain Satisfaction, then enjoy the Memory of your achievement.
Pictured: the 14th green at Cruden Bay, my favorite golf hole in all the world.
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the-huldra-king · 2 years
I wanted to put together something to showcase the work I did with Faldo while at Evermore and I thought... so what if he was in a soulsborne-esque game? bitch belongs in one of those
Watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icXvUi-DF1c
If you were ever curious about Lore 2018's story* or what interactions with Faldo were like, or just want to reminisce on the opening season of Evermore, I strongly recommend taking a gander!
*a re-imagination of the story, does not reflect official canon
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