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musingmemories · 7 months ago
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Mind numbing, the blasted subway system. Infinitely more so than the originals the tubes were modeled after throughout the world. Compared to Tokyo’s metro system and forced to deliriously solve the lines in Japanese while bleeding out from a bullet wound in her thigh and on her period that had actually been a complete cakewalk. At least that way she would’ve been home in time for supper. But fuuuuuuuck. The thought of a home cooked meal, her cozy bed— a shower— oh that had Lila so feral she was willing to strangle kittens for it. Yes. Kittens. Plural.
Instead, she’d been cursed to consume rat over the years. Sometimes she dreamt about it— no, not the rat— of sheets tangled from a war for overnight coverage, the smell of burnt coffee, gorging herself on flapjacks and bacon which she now feared would taste like rat, laughter the sweetest siren’s song, sets of arms strong and petite clinging tightly to her tiny frame.
Safety. Comfort. Home.
Dammit— no sense in getting sentimental, Lila… you’ll fall into that nasty pit of despair. Again. In the moments when Five wasn’t looking. When she could finally scream into a jar so ferociously it shattered the glass or she threw it against a wall. She’d become a bit of a collector specifically for this reason. But lately… home felt so distant it felt like a dream. An idea of it somewhere out there waiting for them. And Five’s reminding confirmation of ‘We will find them.’ a sort of motto or mantra said to one another when things felt too dark— hopeless, giving the other a the push why they were on this eternal ride through damnation surely meant for them to repent for their past sins.
Or to put a more positive spin on it: A Prolonged Timeline Tourism Session. Because maybe Five was right. Maybe a prolonged timeline tourism session could change a person. After all… Five had been the one to survive the apocalypse alone in the past. Had been able to successfully find his family every single time. So perhaps there was some wise to his madness in having survived alone all that time. Talking to himself, keeping himself going… if he was frustrating to her and everyone else that interacted with him, Lila wondered if he’d been his own worst enemy. Ironically, timelines they’d narrowly escaped from he’d almost been one of the worst.
Five versus Five.
Currently, a matchup of Five versus Lila, triumphant grin pulling across chapped lips when laughter spilled out. “Lose? Funny coming from the crowned loser if our past fights are anything to show for it. I’ve kept score.” Picking scissors, Lila was already on her high horse over the fact Five had actually agreed to whatever the hell popped into her mind at the time— wearing down Five a pastime in their Groundhog-not-Groundhog Day situation. That high horse was short-lived, Lila bucked off of it seeing scissors… and rock. “You little cheat. Isn’t it hilarious to think that if I’d had a gun on me I would’ve actually shot you right when you said shoot~? Good times~” They’d done this song and dance of being relentless and mortal enemies trapped in each other’s orbit since their Handler days. “Course I wouldn’t do it now… I’m not at that level of starving yet. And I’m comfortable sharing my secrets.” Partially, anyway. “Besides… you’re not the worst apocalypse partner to have.”
A tad bit too vulnerable, the walls climbed back up. “Does that count as a secret I’ve never told anyone~?” A faux pout, Lila knew the answer more than likely wouldn’t be acceptable, and lithe fingers drummed on bony knees thoughtfully. “When I was a kid, I cut my own bangs with scissors and they were so uneven I completely shaved my head because I was furious.” Choosing scissors seemed to have triggered the memory. “Would I do it again? Absolutely. The wig game nowadays? Phenomenal. I could pull it off better than you in a fake mustache— Greek serial killer.” One of her most amusing memories. And in positioning her hands, Lila was now picking rock.
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                   ˜”*°•.        Again  and  again  would  they  board  the  cars.  Again  and  again  would  they  hope  to  find  their  timeline  above  the  subway  station.  Again  and  again  would  they  find  nothing  but  destruction .  Years   had  passed  by  -  could  he  do  it  again ?  Being  stuck ,  away  from  his  family,  without  a  promise  of  return .  At  least,  he  was  not  alone  now  -  for  as  many  downs  the  two  of  them  had  shared,  they  could  at  least  keep  each  other’s  sanity  intact .  Or  well ,  as  intact  as  visiting  hundreds  of  timelines  could  let  it  be .
It  was  a  small  smile  that  the  other’s  words  brought .  ❝ It’s  true . ❞  This  family  had  never  been  one  for  civil  conversations .  For  opening  up ,  discussing  on  whatever  issue  emerged .  He  knew  he  was  no  better  than  them  either  -  acting  on  his  own  or  tossing  commands …  but  well . ❝ Maybe  a  prolonged  timeline  tourism  session  can  change  a  person . ❞ 
Never  had  he  been  good  at  the  whole  emotion  thing .  Never  had  he  valued  feelings  or  heartfelt  discussions  -  his  life  abounded  with  nothing  but  a  constant  race .  A  race  to  save  his  family,  to  stop  the  one  Apocalypse,  the  second,  the  third .  He  wanted  to  reassure  her  that  it  was  going  to  be  fine .  To  tell  her  that  no  matter  how  futile  it  all  felt,  how  hopeless,  they  would  find  their  way  back .  He’d  spent  his  whole  life  stuck  in  a  dystopian  world,  after  all …  If  he’d  made  it  back  to  his  timeline,  then  so  could  they.
❝ We  will  find  them . ❞  Could  he  really  make  such   promise,  though ?  They’d  been  looking  for  their  family  for  years  -  no  progress  made,  no  nothing .  And  as  much  as  he  didn’t  want  to  admit  it ,  he  was  growing  desperate  too .  Eating  rats, sleeping  on  the  floor  or  the  subway’s  seats,  having  no  place  to  take  a  break .  And  yet,  this  was  not  something  that  Lila  needed  to  know  -  not  when  she  felt  the  same  exact  way .  ❝ I  know  it  looks  hopeless  but  it  can’t  have  simply  disappeared . ❞  Or  so  he  hoped .
Still,  it  was  curiosity  that  crept  into  his  face  upon  the  other’s  suggestion .  ❝ Really  now ? ❞  But  did  they  have  a  better  thing  to  do ?  They’d  already  been  to  two  timelines  that  day  -  wrong  timelines - .  A  ten-minute  break   would  hurt  none .    ❝ Fine.  Rock, Paper,  Scissors  it  is.  But  prepare  yourself  to  lose . ❞  Provocation  filled  his  voice  -  an  attempt  to  distract  her,  maybe  trigger  the  competitiveness  in  her .  And  so ,  fist  was  brought  above his  hand .  ❝ Rock ,  paper ,  scissors,  shoot . ❞  Rock  being his  choice . 
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myhopshabit · 2 years ago
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YOU NEW-FANGLED BEERS GET OFF MY LAWN!!! 👴 While I typically… Okay, almost always order an NEIPA, my favorite beer style is an Old Ale. I get them whenever I see one. Fortunately, for me, I found one on the shelves of my favorite bottle shop, @deptofbeerandwine and had to grab one! I’m sure @stevesie_itjustsoundsbetter was wondering what the hell I was doing!!! 🤔 The @conistonbrewco Old Man Ale is a little lighter than I’m used to for the style, but it was a super tasty and at just 4.8%, an easy beer to sip. What beer style do you love that would surprise your friends? Don’t be ashamed!!! Unless it’s that new Mayo beer… I mean seriously!!! 🤣 📸 Credit: @occasionallynomadic #beer #oldale #beerstyle #oldman #getoffmylawn #myback #englishbeer #lawn #fakemustache #itsalwayssweaterseason #angry #angrygrandpa #dcab #beerstagram #instabeer #beerisforeveryone #dowhatsright #beerselfie https://instagr.am/p/Cr_q_meyjIm/
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mar2cool · 2 years ago
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thriftygiftydesigns · 3 years ago
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In honor of #tacotuesday my Fiesta baby Yoda sticker is now in shop! #fiesta #babyyoda #grogu #tacos #fakemustache #starwars #mandalorian #stickershop #stickerdesign #stickers #etsy #etsyshop #smallbusiness #shopsmallsatx #shoplocalsatx #satx #bujostickers #laptopstickers (at San Antonio, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgeblrYOhdj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bitchandroam · 6 years ago
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🐶🧡🌭 In between overseas travels, all my time is spent with this guy. #bff #inbetween #wienie #salvadoredoggy #dogswithmustaches #dalimustache #fakemustache #pencilmustache #ilovemydog #dogsofinstagram #olddoglove #olddogsrule #wienerdog #wienerdogworld #wienerdoglove #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshundsrule #dachshunddaily #ilovemydachshund (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJiZUdnNhM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17lrhk7gu6d2g
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pictsiegirl · 5 years ago
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#screaminscilian pizza is the best, cause I get free fake mustaches!!! #fakemustache #rockinittho https://www.instagram.com/p/CEKu1XigiUW/?igshid=v508pmx9ajlh
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evankafka · 5 years ago
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#fakemustache on my 9 year old. #insidejoke https://www.instagram.com/p/CCWkwWlBJ__/?igshid=vjqgvnsqwsrm
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goldensunflowercosplay · 7 years ago
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Posh, Posh, The traveling life, the traveling life for me! 🌍🗿🌍🗿🌍🗿🌍🗿🌍 Thanks for everyone that voted on the poll! I'll post nitw tomorrow! Also can't wait to hopefully squeeze in one more "Jake English" cosplay this year for #holidaymatsuri, just 😏 📷:@aerokascosplay 🌍🗿🌍🗿🌍🗿🌍🗿🌍 #jakeenglish #jakeenglishcosplay #grandpaharley #homestuck #homestucktrash #shipping #homestuckcosplay #floridastuck #hscosplay #pageofhope #cosplay #crossplay #grandpaharleycosplay #cosplayer #videogamecosplay #chittychittybangbang #hiveswapcosplay #hiveswapgame #epiccosplaywigs #videogame #upd8 #omniexpo2017 #fakemustache #cosplayguy #hiveswap #judeharley #joeyclaire #homestuckupd8 #homestuckupdate
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halloran-illustrations · 5 years ago
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Mustache Mishap #art #drawing #sketch #illustration #digitalart #totempoletrench #fakemustache #mustacheyouaquestion #shavingitforlater #pun #dadjokes #comic #comicstrip (at Nassau County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ATR1HDV02/?igshid=zkdlhpb3w88q
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ariamitha · 8 years ago
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Such daper. #ınstababy #fakemustache #handsome
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cringydashboard · 2 years ago
whorecruxing | ameliepoulain | fakemustache l kazurabii | shmumblr:
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Women laughing alone with salad
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jacof-alltrades · 5 years ago
Little tip for anyone who needs to make facial hair/mustaches for cosplay! (Thank you to @confusedblob for teaching me this!) So my Warfarache cosplay has had the issue of I have to shave before I can glue the mustache on my lip, but with a bit of glue and a fake piercing (like the kind you get at Halloween shops) you can attach them without having to glue your face! I plan on probably using this any time I have to have fake mustaches (and I have a cosplay planned that will need this technique) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #fakemustache #cosplay #cosplaytips #cosplaywip #cosplayworkinprogress #warfatache #wilfordwarfsrache https://www.instagram.com/p/B7003u2nMsI/?igshid=hm6hr28lft00
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citycostumewigs-blog · 7 years ago
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Get the top quality facial hair for your costume. we have a large collection of fake beards and mustaches to complete your theme party look. Shop Now. http://ow.ly/xc0Q30jPlyS
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barbz187-blog · 7 years ago
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#childportraits#child#childportrait#childphotography#kids#kinder#kind#party#christmas#christmasday#fakemustaches#fakemustache#Christmas#smile#smiling#funny#crown#Beautiful#picofday#partiedout#funandgames# (at Berlin, Germany)
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mccodylim · 7 years ago
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Howdy partner!!~ There’s a new sheriff in town!!~ . ~RAM “Wild-Wild West” Night @ The Gardens Ballroom • 17.11.17~ . FB: www.fb.com/mcCodyLim . #ootn #sheriffcostume #horseshoemustache #fakemustache #wildwildwestparty #costumeparty #RAM #ramannual2017 #wildwildwest #theresnewsheriffintown #thegardens (at The Gardens Hotel & Residences)
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ewniversal-art · 7 years ago
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drawollween - Trick R Treat . . . #Drawlloween #drawolloween2017 #trickrtreat #trickortreat #jackolantern #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtles #frankenstein #ghost #batman #astronaut #fakemustache @drawlloween
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