#fake conservative Christians
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socialjusticeinamerica · 3 months ago
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kmscb · 1 month ago
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And the comments are mainly made up of people not liking the idea because someone they don't like might get the help they need. We are an animalistic society.
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kmscb · 30 days ago
God, I wish this was true.
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kmscb · 6 days ago
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It's time to kick ass...
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nerdykeith · 1 year ago
So a hotel has released a commercial featuring a lesbian couple, and One Million Moms have lost the plot over it. They say it's an "attempt to normalise sin". Sweethearts all you're trying to do is normalise hatred. The LGBTQ just want to normalise love. Groups like this need to find a better hobby
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bloggingforchrist-blog · 2 years ago
ADRENOCHROME INTRO Initially, I pondered to myself, “Surely, other devout Christians must be aware of this, or they have at least have heard the term, ADRENOCHROME before.” However, the disheartening reality is that the vast majority of individuals inhabiting this planet are completely oblivious to the existence of this substance. This is an egregious situation, as ADRENOCHROME is arguably one…
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kmscb · 1 month ago
It's terrorism because a rich man was shot to death for killing people by proxy...which is not terrorism.
It's terrorism because those who control us don't think we should have the right to defend ourselves against their casual murders...which are not terrorism.
It's terrorism because we are an oligarchy, run by the rich, not the people, and if Luigi gets away with it, others may get guns...which scares those who commit terrorism against us, every day..
It's terrorism when we point out our political whores and maniacal system of justice are owned by the rich and only service them, not us, and we try to change that.
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hug-your-face · 15 days ago
WHY to talk to MAGA: Because the war is not red va blue, it's oligarchs vs the people. Some of these folks could be allies.
Via https://xcancel.com/GoofballWithIQ/status/1889348239410819512#m
How to Talk to MAGA: Understanding the Different Mindsets
MAGA isn’t a monolith. To communicate effectively, we need to understand the different types of supporters and tailor our approach. Some can be reached. Others are lost causes. Here’s a breakdown:
1️⃣ The Disillusioned Conservative (Reachable)
These are lifelong Republicans who wanted lower taxes, strong borders, or a better economy—but they never signed up for authoritarianism.
They’re starting to realize Trump’s actions aren’t normal, but they’re defensive because they don’t want to admit they were wrong.
How to Reach Them:
Don’t attack them personally. Instead, ask: “Is this really what you wanted?”
Show them how Trump’s policies hurt them personally—higher tariffs, job losses, cuts to Social Security, etc.
Use Republican sources (Reagan, Eisenhower, even Bush) to contrast today’s extremism.
2️⃣ The Single-Issue Voter (Possibly Reachable)
They don’t care about Trump as a person. They just voted for him because of guns, abortion, immigration, or “owning the libs.”
Some realize Trump isn’t delivering on their issue, but they’re afraid to switch sides.
How to Reach Them:
Stay focused on their issue and show how Trump is failing them (Ex: “He promised a total abortion ban—where is it?”).
Appeal to their values, not their identity—they won’t listen if they feel personally attacked.
3️⃣ The Hardcore Cultist (Lost Cause)
They worship Trump and believe any negative news is “fake.”
They follow conspiracy theories, think he’s the victim, and will never be convinced he’s doing anything wrong.
How to Deal With Them:
Do not waste your time. They thrive on arguing.
If they’re spreading lies, debunk them for others to see, but don’t try to “convert” them.
If necessary, mock their contradictions to make others question their logic.
4️⃣ The White Nationalist (Dangerous)
They don’t just support Trump—they see him as a tool to build a more authoritarian, white Christian nation.
They want the government to punish their enemies (immigrants, LGBTQ+ people, etc.).
How to Handle Them:
Expose their real motives—make it clear to others that their support isn’t about “freedom” or “patriotism.”
Push back HARD when they spread hate speech or target marginalized groups.
5️⃣ The “Just Trolling” Edgelord (Annoying but Harmless)
They don’t care about politics. They just like making people mad online.
How to Handle Them:
Ignore them or make them look stupid. They’re only in it for the reaction.
If they cross into spreading real harm (racism, threats, disinformation), report and expose them.
🔹 Final Thought: Know When to Engage and When to Walk Away
Some MAGA supporters can be pulled back. Some can’t.
The goal isn’t always to win the argument—it’s to plant seeds of doubt that might grow later.
For those beyond reason, focus on exposing them to prevent them from spreading more harm.
🔄 SHARE THIS. We need to get smarter about how we fight back
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kmscb · 2 months ago
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The last thing that we need to do...
Is let some assholes decide who
Should be controlled. They can't tell you
They'll force their ways upon your crew.
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kmscb · 30 days ago
They're content with having a racist as president. It gives them a feeling os superiority that they stupidly think was taken away from them.
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he is literally signing away years of progress, soon enough the civil rights acts will probably be gone too
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dumbpuppyfag · 3 days ago
"porn addiction" - fake, reactionary, secularised rebrand of conservative christian dogma
tboy addiction - real, awesome, i can be silly puppy 4 u??? pls???????
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beauty-funny-trippy · 8 months ago
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The vast majority of Republicans support Christianity in theory, but not in practice. They don't want to actually live by the teachings of Jesus. They believe that merely declaring themselves to be a Christian makes them a Christian. But by supporting Donald Trump, a man whose values are in close alignment with Putin and Pontius Pilate, Republicans have given us proof that they are only pretending to follow Jesus.
Trump has trampled on Jesus' virtues of being Kind, Honest and Humble. Instead, Trump has replaced them with Vengeance, Lies and Vanity. He rejects Jesus' philosophy of compassion. Instead, Trump prefers to greet immigrant neighbors with Razor Wire, and disgraces himself by ironically calling them inhuman "animals."
Trump's values are the complete opposite of Jesus' values. True Christians see Trump clearly and are appalled. But Fake Christians have covered their ears to the truth and closed their minds to reason — convinced, by the strength of their own gullibility, that they have found a new savior.
Republicans could have chosen any other GOP candidate. But instead, Fake Christians chose the most fake Christian they could find.
There are really only two possibilities as to why conservative "Christians" would support Trump over other GOP candidates:
• either, they are completely unaware of what Jesus actually taught, ...or...
• they are aware of His teachings, but choose to ignore Jesus anyway — preferring instead to embrace Trump's conceited self-worship and mean-spirited way of life. Thus, Republican "Christians" have, themselves, become the hypocrites and fake followers Jesus warned us about.
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biggest-bara-tiddies · 2 years ago
Apparently now you can claim hypothetical harm to spin up a case that will go to the supreme court and get the justices to legislate from the bench. Lorie Smith didn't even receive a request to make the website in question until after she filed suit and, on top of this already suspicious origin of the request, the gay man who filed the request for a website doesn't even exist. In reality, the man the contact info points to is a married straight man who claims he was impersonated. We have a SCOTUS case where the claim is bogus and seems like it was completely falsified just to give the case the slightest legitimacy as well as no actual harm done to the defendant, and despite all this, SCOTUS did not throw out the case. The conservative majority is so blatantly corrupt
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creature-wizard · 5 months ago
Info For Beginner Witches!
This is basically a masterpost for content relevant to new witches. A lot of it of it's stuff I wrote but I'll also link to material written by other people if I think it's useful.
Practice & Technique
Magical Correspondences 101
Closet Witchcraft: How To Get Witchy When You Can't Come Out Of The Broom Closet
How To Practice: Divination With Dice!
An approach to deity/entity work for the sort of people this sort of thing would work for
Manifestation Without Woo (a compassionate psychological approach to manifestation)
Non-Competitive Affirmations
No, you can't tell anything about a person from their natal chart.
A Brief Introduction to Energy Work
Energy Work On The Body: Hittin' The Right Spots For Tension Relief
Research & Critical Thinking
Information Literacy Basics
How to research
Distinguishing Fact, Opinion, Belief, and Prejudice
Critical Thinking: Definition, Examples, & Skills
Caution & Critical Thinking In Divination
10 Questions To Distinguish Real From Fake Science
Search for information on any witchy topic here!
"A weird thing just happened, does this mean anything? Is it an omen?"
Practicing discernment: Some ways of testing and ruling out the mundane
Research Tip: Remember the Five W's!
How conspiracy peddlers and cult recruiters make you feel like you're "thinking for yourself" when you're actually not
Remember a Previous Life? Maybe You Have a Bad Memory
Why fighting pseudohistory matters
Scams, Hoaxes, Conspiracy Theories, & Cults Everyone Should Know About
On people who assert "things are done this way for a reason!"
Dogmatism is not the solution to cultural appropriation
Some beliefs you might have to deconstruct as an ex-Christian
How the "divine feminine" and the "divine masculine" perpetuate patriarchy - and what we can do about it
Avoiding Harmful Stuff & Staying Safe
Recognizing the difference between real history and pseudohistory
Is the spiritual person a conspiracy theorist? A list of red flags
List of red flags to watch out for when joining a coven or online group
Beware of charisma mirrors
When your right to say no is entirely hypothetical
Dog whistles and symbols to watch out for
Eugenicist and bioessentialist beliefs about magic
What is spiritual eugenics?
Toxic Individualism In Modern Witchcraft
New Age beliefs that derive from racist pseudoscience
The Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis is Racist and Harmful
Allyship does not mean seeing yourself as worthless
The rules about responding to call outs aren’t working
Debunking the Pervasive Myths About Medieval Witch Hunts
Debunking Myths About Easter/Ostara
Just How Pagan is Christmas, Really?
The Origins of the Christmas Tree
No, Santa Claus Is Not Inspired By Odin
Why Prehistoric Matriarchy Wasn’t a Thing (A Brief Explanation)
Why Did The Patriarchal Greeks And Romans Worship Such Powerful Goddesses?
No, Athena Didn't Turn Medusa Into A Monster To Protect Her
Who Was the First God?
Were Ancient Civilizations Conservative Or Liberal?
PODCAST RECS - Debunking and Fact-Checking for Witches & Witchcraft Spaces
Angela's Symposium (YouTube channel about modern esotericism and witchcraft by Dr. Angela Puca)
ESOTERICA (YouTube channel about the history of Western esotericism by Dr. Justin Sledge)
ReligionForBreakfast (YouTube channel about religion run by Dr. Andrew Henry)
Let's Talk Religion (YouTube channel run by Filip Holm, lots of Islamic content but also lots of other stuff)
OceanKeltoi (Norse Heathenry)
Jackson Crawford (Norse Heathenry)
Conservation & Ecology
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Explained (all USian witches should read this, it most likely affects you)
How the Rage for Sage Threatens Native American Traditions and Recipes
(This post is unrebloggable because I plan to use it as a reference post to link, and may add/remove things to it over time.)
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