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revolutiontyre · 7 months ago
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itssimpleclub · 2 years ago
It's not just about you. Listen, understand, and be part of a bigger picture where kindness and support create a world where we all belong.
Follow ItsSimple Club now!
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needlereads · 11 months ago
I want to say the biggest thank you to @syntheticavenger for sharing their writing with the world. I am incredibly lucky to be active on tumblr at a time when Synth has been sharing their talent with us.
They literally put on a writers' retreat that I regret not signing up for. That support for fellow writers is #faithinhumanityrestored.
And of course, their writing -- so many beautiful plots and twists. Rich characterization, amazing world building. I'd like to highlight some of my favorites!
raconteur - for the fellow a/b/o hoes, this one gives us soft!dark!Andy Barber, an Alpha who goes after his favorite author. This one gets such an emotional reaction out of me, on behalf of the Reader and all the people who are trying to manipulate her. And of course, the lengths Andy goes to in order to win his Omega.
Forever and Ever More - surprise, surprise. I am a sucker for Alpha!Ransom biting off more than he can chew when he decides to claim a 'suitable' Omega and ends up with FEELS. hhehehe
I also revisit Synth's Steve Rogers masterlist, because there is such a diverse array of au's that suck you right in. dark? soft? a/b/o? YES!
and I spend time fantasizing about where synth will take Bucky in Digital Bath and Prodigal Son.
Synth’s Masterlist
Hello and welcome to my masterlist!
Please note that the majority of my works are 18+. Navigate with caution and DO NOT ENGAGE with my work if you are not of legal age. I will block if there is no age listed and if you are under 18.
I no longer have a tag list. Please follow @synths-library​ and turn on notifications. I’ll be reblogging my new content there.
Please read this before you send me an ask on my fics.
Most of what I write is Marvel but honestly, anything goes as long as I feel the challenge to try 😘. The majority of my fics are dark.  Requests/asks are OPEN at the moment. As a reminder, I don’t write RPF. You’ll see one listed that was a challenge entry.
I also strive to be inclusive with readers and body types unless specifically noted. The majority of my fics are written for black women because, well, I write what I am 🥰 but I like people to insert themselves into the stories so my tags will be noted as such if I am making a particular piece a love letter to my melanin readers. Please read and respect them.
As a reminder, I do not give permission for my work to be re-posted anywhere (even if you give credit) BUT I more than welcome re-blogs and comments.
Thank you for reading my lil fics and I hope you have a fantastic day!
If no one has complimented you today, I will.
Nice butt.
Keep reading
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facome1 · 2 months ago
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globalpositivenews · 2 months ago
Dog Brings Sick Puppy to Vet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMgGKs5U1Wk A mother dog stunned vets in Istanbul, Turkey, by carrying her unconscious, hypothermic puppy to their clinic for them to revive. The puppy made it and is healthy with its sibling! @nbcnews #hope #goodnews #faithinhumanityrestored #positivevibes #dogsoftiktok #dog #puppy #puppytiktok #doglover 🔔 Want to see the best of humanity in action? Subscribe now for uplifting news and inspiring moments that spread hope and happiness! https://www.youtube.com/@globalpositivenewsnetwork/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Important Link to Follow 🛍️ Amazon Store https://ift.tt/GSjAXYP ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/tn6QZ5i 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/XmdMgYN 👉 Tiktok: https://ift.tt/61hy5sn 👉 Snapchat: https://ift.tt/aFk81HO 👉 Website: https://ift.tt/dvOcITR 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 Recommended Playlist 👉 GPNN - Full Episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG8dwnUclTvMHYjgckHrfpE2yELwvFYB0 🎬 WATCH OUR OTHER VIDEOS: 👉Heartwarming! Community Sends Seahawks Fan With Autism To His First NFL Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDr773a84so 👉Youngest Black Mayor In US History Elected At 18 - Inspirational Achievement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtovNxwjkyw 👉Baby Pig Rescued After Mardi Gras Incident - Amazing Rescue Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4OHmWqG1ow 👉Brave Man Stops Purse Thief To Help 87-Year-Old Grandma | Heroic Act Caught On Camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1roEnIXL4nc 👉G-Eazy And Chance The Rapper Pay Tribute To Late Drifter In New Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsUFhPyIBj8 ============================= ✅ About Global Positive News. Welcome to Global Positive News! Here, we share good news from all over the world to brighten your day and bring a smile to your face. We aim to inspire and uplift people's spirits, giving them hope for the future. We spread positivity and hope, showing you the best of humanity. You'll find heartwarming stories that will restore your faith in humanity. From unexpected acts of kindness to adorable moments caught on camera, these stories will warm your heart and make you smile. Join our community, and let’s celebrate the good in the world together. Every day is a chance to discover something amazing, and we’re here to remind you that kindness & joy are everywhere. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Hit that subscribe, and don’t miss out on inspiring news and heartwarming stories that uplift your spirit & spread hope! https://www.youtube.com/@globalpositivenewsnetwork/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Global Positive News. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Global Positive News via Global Positive News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6DlJsNtOKphYRYEowAHyNA January 19, 2025 at 03:27AM
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k8-says-------hi · 3 months ago
i got doxxed by beautiful fans who all came together to sing me happy birthday 4 months early #FaithInHumanityRestored
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jehovahsaintscom · 1 year ago
"Path to Global Peace: A Biblical Perspective" - Evangelism - Bible Stud...
"Join the Cause: A Dollar for Change" https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
Become part of our volunteer team by sharing our website with your friends. In a world where an estimated 150 million people are homeless, Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints, felt called to make a difference. Believing in the power of compassion and the strength of collective efforts, Michael had a vision that if everyone in the world donated just one dollar, it would amount to a staggering amount. This generous sum could effectively meet the needs of those struggling with homelessness and poverty around the globe.
With unwavering faith and determination, Michael reached out to the community, urging them to show empathy and solidarity towards their less fortunate brothers and sisters. He knew that every act of kindness, no matter how small, had the potential to bring immense relief and hope to those who were without a home or a sense of security.
Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures, Michael reflected on the teachings of compassion and generosity. In Matthew 25:35-40, it is said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Michael knew that by extending a helping hand to those in need, the love and kindness shown would be reciprocated tenfold.
With a heartfelt plea, Michael asked the world to come together and donate just a dollar. He knew that this seemingly small contribution could make a profound impact, providing food, shelter, and care to those who needed it most. Michael believed that when we show compassion and give selflessly, we not only uplift others but also receive the blessings of unity, empathy, and love in return.
With a heartfelt plea, I ask the world to come together and donate just a dollar. God Bless. 1-573-891-1933 USA https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
#homelessness #shelter #poverty #assistance #support #outreach #community #resources #housing #vulnerable #religion #education #faith-based #curriculum #freedom #belief #spirituality #values #controversy #separationofchurchandstate #abortion  #unborn #pregnancy #advocacy #fetal #humanrights #antiabortion #choice #ethics #prisonoutreach #rehabilitation #inmates #faithbased #support #reentry #criminaljustice #redemption #healing #transformation #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #beautiful #happy #art #cute #picoftheday #smile #faithoverfear  #hopeinadversity  #godsplan  #loveendures  #strengthinstruggle  #nycstreetlife  #BlessingsFromStrangers #FaithfulPrayer #GodsLovePrevails #inspirationalstory  #CityLifeChallenges #dailystruggles  #findinghope  #godsgrace #copingwithadversity  #spiritualstrength  #godsprovision   #neverlosehope  #kindnessmatters  #miracleshappen  #communitysupport  #helpeachother  #NYCCares #actsofkindness  #SpreadLove #godsguidance  #believeinbetterdays #faithoverfear  #strengthinunity  #resilienceinhardship  #miracleseverywhere  #hoperestored  #powerofperspective  #togetherwecan  #lookforthegood  #brighterdaysahead  #loveconquersall  #staypositive  #bekind #inspireothers  #createchange  #lovewins  #unityindiversity  #faithinhumanityrestored  #bethelight  #believeinmiracles  #keepgoing  #dreambig  #nevergiveup  #embracechallenges  #seekadventure  #pushyourlimits  #livefearlessly  #cherishmoments  #celebratelife  #makeadifference  #practicegratitude  #stayhumble  #ForgiveOften #learnfrommistakes  #choosehappiness  #staycurious  #ValueFriendship #prioritizeselfcare  #trustthejourney  #inspirepositivity  #spreadkindness  #beresilient  #investinyourself  #connectwithnature  #challengeyourmindset  #stayauthentic  #becompassionate  #nurturecreativity  #supportothers  #FosterUnity #thinkbig  #takerisks  #embracechange  #livepassionately  #bebold  #neversettle  #EmbodyEmpathy #radiatepositivity  #leadbyexample  #FindJoyInLittleThings #striveforexcellence  #believeinyourself  #embraceimperfections  #seekunderstanding  #expandyourhorizon  #liveintentionally  #expressgratitude  #achievegreatness  #practicemindfulness  #staypositive  #bepatient  #celebratesuccess  #learnfromfailure  #stayfocused  #facechallenges  #stayoptimistic  #stayflexible  #takeaction  #makeadifference  #contributetosociety  #bekindtoyourself  #HonorDiversity #showrespect  #createopportunities  #staygrounded  #empowerothers  #takeresponsibility  #RecognizeOpportunities #beadaptable  #stayorganized  #beopenminded  #staymotivated  #offerhelp  #prioritizeselfcare  #staycurious  #embracevulnerability  #staycommitted  #showempathy  #stayinformed  #promoteinclusivity  #learnfrommistakes  #encourageothers  #stayinspired  #abuse · #biblicalworldview  · #biblestudy  · #christian persecution · #church · #coronavirus  · #deconstruction · #end times #evangelism . Living Waters #apologetics  #gotquestions #makeadifference #staypositive #logic
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motivationaldad86 · 2 years ago
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deineip · 2 years ago
Gemeinsam den Eingeklemmten befreien
Menschenmenge befreit einen Mann, der zwischen Bahnsteig und Ubahn mit dem Bein eingeklemmt ist. Es muss nicht immer Gewalt und Bullshit auf Bahnhöfen passieren! faithinhumanityrestored
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michaelsquillacemusic · 4 years ago
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The longest Tuesday of our lives.. #faithinhumanityrestored *slightly* 📸 @evolution.images (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTJEilFFws/?igshid=1716kd0t8yrnl
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the-hauntess-blog · 6 years ago
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This jellybean has sure grown into a fine #familiar . #themadmadam sure is going to have her hands full when this #kitten is weaned. Help us save more orphans from the streets by making a purchase @ Facebook.com/familiarfarms . . . . . . . . . . . #familiarfarms #whitecat #catsofinstagram #kittens #kitten #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #orphans #rescuebaby #supportlocalwitches #karma #faithinhumanityrestored #meow #purr https://www.instagram.com/p/BxjAVnrn-d-/?igshid=wugz2pz6wedv
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blacknote-design-studio · 2 years ago
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Red onions (also known as purple or blue onions in some mainland European countries, though not the UK) are cultivars of the onion (Allium cepa), and have purplish-red skin and white flesh tinged with red. They are most commonly used in cooking, but the skin has also been used as a dye. So why do we call purple onions Red Onions when they are clearly purple? Follow @emperialdrip and found out why tomorrow! #jointhemovement #thepurpleonion #savetheworld #faithinhumanityrestored #design #fashion #trend (at Asheville, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoYJuCYOw7Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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globalpositivenews · 2 months ago
Pasadena Cleans Up Parks after Fire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gftqMRbyJE Community members with tools in hand head to local parks to clear brush to prevent any #fires during this week's #santaana winds. We ❤️ the LA Community! 👏 @alex.paisley.stedman #losangeles#hope#goodnews#faithinhumanityrestored#news#hopecore#positivevibes#angelenos#LA#wildfire#LosAngeles #amazing #peopleareawesome #humanity 🔔 Want to see the best of humanity in action? Subscribe now for uplifting news and inspiring moments that spread hope and happiness! https://www.youtube.com/@globalpositivenewsnetwork/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Important Link to Follow 🛍️ Amazon Store https://ift.tt/AzdKi3w ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/pz3JIEy 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/eGgElLa 👉 Tiktok: https://ift.tt/qg3ZNtO 👉 Snapchat: https://ift.tt/hSmdLFT 👉 Website: https://ift.tt/KSlkg4i 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 Recommended Playlist 👉 GPNN - Full Episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG8dwnUclTvMHYjgckHrfpE2yELwvFYB0 🎬 WATCH OUR OTHER VIDEOS: 👉Heartwarming! Community Sends Seahawks Fan With Autism To His First NFL Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDr773a84so 👉Youngest Black Mayor In US History Elected At 18 - Inspirational Achievement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtovNxwjkyw 👉Baby Pig Rescued After Mardi Gras Incident - Amazing Rescue Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4OHmWqG1ow 👉Brave Man Stops Purse Thief To Help 87-Year-Old Grandma | Heroic Act Caught On Camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1roEnIXL4nc 👉G-Eazy And Chance The Rapper Pay Tribute To Late Drifter In New Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsUFhPyIBj8 ============================= ✅ About Global Positive News. Welcome to Global Positive News! Here, we share good news from all over the world to brighten your day and bring a smile to your face. We aim to inspire and uplift people's spirits, giving them hope for the future. We spread positivity and hope, showing you the best of humanity. You'll find heartwarming stories that will restore your faith in humanity. From unexpected acts of kindness to adorable moments caught on camera, these stories will warm your heart and make you smile. Join our community, and let’s celebrate the good in the world together. Every day is a chance to discover something amazing, and we’re here to remind you that kindness & joy are everywhere. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Hit that subscribe, and don’t miss out on inspiring news and heartwarming stories that uplift your spirit & spread hope! https://www.youtube.com/@globalpositivenewsnetwork/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Global Positive News. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Global Positive News via Global Positive News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6DlJsNtOKphYRYEowAHyNA January 15, 2025 at 05:11AM
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frankwolftown · 2 years ago
EXCLUSIVE: Servers dressed as Power Rangers at Oakland restaurant Noka Ramen save woman being attacked - ABC7 San Francisco
Not all heroes wear capes, some use Power Rangers helmets.
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jehovahsaintscom · 1 year ago
"Emily's Crusade: The Return of Bible Classes" - Evangelism, Bible Study...
"Join the Cause: A Dollar for Change" https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
Become part of our volunteer team by sharing our website with your friends. In a world where an estimated 150 million people are homeless, Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints, felt called to make a difference. Believing in the power of compassion and the strength of collective efforts, Michael had a vision that if everyone in the world donated just one dollar, it would amount to a staggering amount. This generous sum could effectively meet the needs of those struggling with homelessness and poverty around the globe.
With unwavering faith and determination, Michael reached out to the community, urging them to show empathy and solidarity towards their less fortunate brothers and sisters. He knew that every act of kindness, no matter how small, had the potential to bring immense relief and hope to those who were without a home or a sense of security.
Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures, Michael reflected on the teachings of compassion and generosity. In Matthew 25:35-40, it is said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Michael knew that by extending a helping hand to those in need, the love and kindness shown would be reciprocated tenfold.
With a heartfelt plea, Michael asked the world to come together and donate just a dollar. He knew that this seemingly small contribution could make a profound impact, providing food, shelter, and care to those who needed it most. Michael believed that when we show compassion and give selflessly, we not only uplift others but also receive the blessings of unity, empathy, and love in return.
With a heartfelt plea, I ask the world to come together and donate just a dollar. God Bless. 1-573-891-1933 USA https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
#homelessness #shelter #poverty #assistance #support #outreach #community #resources #housing #vulnerable #religion #education #faith-based #curriculum #freedom #belief #spirituality #values #controversy #separationofchurchandstate #abortion  #unborn #pregnancy #advocacy #fetal #humanrights #antiabortion #choice #ethics #prisonoutreach #rehabilitation #inmates #faithbased #support #reentry #criminaljustice #redemption #healing #transformation #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #beautiful #happy #art #cute #picoftheday #smile #faithoverfear  #hopeinadversity  #godsplan  #loveendures  #strengthinstruggle  #nycstreetlife  #BlessingsFromStrangers #FaithfulPrayer #GodsLovePrevails #inspirationalstory  #CityLifeChallenges #dailystruggles  #findinghope  #godsgrace #copingwithadversity  #spiritualstrength  #godsprovision   #neverlosehope  #kindnessmatters  #miracleshappen  #communitysupport  #helpeachother  #NYCCares #actsofkindness  #SpreadLove #godsguidance  #believeinbetterdays #faithoverfear  #strengthinunity  #resilienceinhardship  #miracleseverywhere  #hoperestored  #powerofperspective  #togetherwecan  #lookforthegood  #brighterdaysahead  #loveconquersall  #staypositive  #bekind #inspireothers  #createchange  #lovewins  #unityindiversity  #faithinhumanityrestored  #bethelight  #believeinmiracles  #keepgoing  #dreambig  #nevergiveup  #embracechallenges  #seekadventure  #pushyourlimits  #livefearlessly  #cherishmoments  #celebratelife  #makeadifference  #practicegratitude  #stayhumble  #ForgiveOften #learnfrommistakes  #choosehappiness  #staycurious  #ValueFriendship #prioritizeselfcare  #trustthejourney  #inspirepositivity  #spreadkindness  #beresilient  #investinyourself  #connectwithnature  #challengeyourmindset  #stayauthentic  #becompassionate  #nurturecreativity  #supportothers  #FosterUnity #thinkbig  #takerisks  #embracechange  #livepassionately  #bebold  #neversettle  #EmbodyEmpathy #radiatepositivity  #leadbyexample  #FindJoyInLittleThings #striveforexcellence  #believeinyourself  #embraceimperfections  #seekunderstanding  #expandyourhorizon  #liveintentionally  #expressgratitude  #achievegreatness  #practicemindfulness  #staypositive  #bepatient  #celebratesuccess  #learnfromfailure  #stayfocused  #facechallenges  #stayoptimistic  #stayflexible  #takeaction  #makeadifference  #contributetosociety  #bekindtoyourself  #HonorDiversity #showrespect  #createopportunities  #staygrounded  #empowerothers  #takeresponsibility  #RecognizeOpportunities #beadaptable  #stayorganized  #beopenminded  #staymotivated  #offerhelp  #prioritizeselfcare  #staycurious  #embracevulnerability  #staycommitted  #showempathy  #stayinformed  #promoteinclusivity  #learnfrommistakes  #encourageothers  #stayinspired  #abuse · #biblicalworldview  · #biblestudy  · #christian persecution · #church · #coronavirus  · #deconstruction · #end times #evangelism . Living Waters #apologetics  #gotquestions #makeadifference #staypositive #logic
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mattattridge-smith · 3 years ago
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🪨 🌁 after walking for miles and sweating buckets and buckets it was all worth it to be standing here with you living in the moment 💗 Ps the lift back from friendly locals topped it all of 🚙 🇪🇸 🐶 #makingmemories #livinginthemoment #stonebridge #sweatybetty #ibiza #onlyyou #attridge-smith #faithinhumanityrestored https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf_AQMfDowb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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