#fairy tail alvarez
fanstuffrantings · 4 months
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Wanted to draw mullet Natsu and then got the urge to make it a hug.
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zqttixx · 23 days
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i’m never gonna finish this 💔💔
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rose-void-789 · 6 months
I just realized something two of my favorite ships are shonen protagonist going feral after something happens to their lover. The similarities, both in war too. In know I'm bringing up old wounds but you can't deny its all pretty romantic.
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penguilie · 1 year
Lucy against Jackal will forever be my favorite fight in the whole serie <3
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It was such an amazing fight from the start to the end. Her luckily being the only survivor, fighting alone against 2 demons and the other thing, opening 3 gates simultaneously, summoning the celestial king in order to save her friends by sacrificing Aquarius, one of her most precious friend, unlocking star dress and wining against jackal with urano metria. Like everything in this fight was just perfect?? She was just amazing in this fight and with the discover of star dress it was an opening of how her magic can improve.
That’s why I’m still so mad at Mashima for not giving her a real proper fight like this one in the final arc.. During the disband, she trained hard to unlock all of her star dress, I was hoping she could have a big fight where we would have been able to see her full potentiel not just some small fights or the one against Brandish.
At least in 100 years quest she have some really good fight but I still wish she had gotten more in the original serie :(
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rustictealeaf · 27 days
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fairy tail if it was that one fuckass dsmp meme
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nyxtsu · 4 months
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STOP IT THIS DIDNTR HAPPEN IT DIDNT. ITR DIDNT . it never happened and they lived happily ever after #truth
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luckyrave · 3 months
Fairy Tail Discussion: Lucy Heartfilia is an Amazing Character!
There have been many female heroines in anime, and some more than others don't get the recognition that they deserve. Lucy Heartflia is one of those many female leads that starts from the bottom and slowly grows into becoming one of the most strongest and powerful female characters by the end of the original series. Even when you look at the sequel series, Lucy Heartfilia continues to grow as a character both mentally and physically from an intelligence stance that defines her as a truly amazing character.
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Yoooooooooop got any headcanons of the Spriggans to spare?
Most definitely!
Brandish and Dimaria do not like Irene, but they fear her enough not to voice that. It's more like sharing a look when Irene speaks during meetings
Larcade tries to speak to August and homie will literally just walk away halfway through the conversation
Invel is basically the mom of the group. They all run to him to snitch on each other. Invel could not care less
God Serena is the weakest member. Also the most annoying
Ajeel starts fights on purpose all the time. He loves causing problems
One time, Invel had him forcibly removed from the palace because Ajeel said "Fuck the Emperor". That's all it took
August took Brandish under his wing when she was a child. While not obvious, he watches her closely just to make sure she is safe
Bloodman accidentally kills people all the time? Like "oopsie, was he important?"
You can get frost bite from just bumping into Invel. Brandish is convinced he does it on purpose to keep people at arms length
Irene uses really old slang. Like no one knows what she is saying
Also her native language is an old dead language and sometimes she just slips into it on accident. Zeref is the only one that also speaks it and they carry on the convo like normal
Zeref's native language is also a dead language but it is a different one. Very confusing for everyone else
Jacob straight up won't look at any of the women in the twelve. None of them cover up enough for him. He tries to offer them cloaks to cover themselves during meetings but they get mad
Larcade tries to make everyone pray before meetings and meals. He usually gets laughed at. Tho Invel will actually join him from time to time out of politeness
Neinhart is not well liked among the twelve. He has a habit of randomly bringing up their dead loved ones.
To no ones surprise, Bloodman and Neinhart are good friends
Ajeel, Dimaria, Brandish, and Neinhart make up random 'human' facts to tell Wall and throw off his programming. Wall has no idea what is true or not and just fully trusts everything they say
Irene also joins in on this but mostly because she doesn't wanna talk to Wall and just gives him a random answer without actually listening to what he asked
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I know that we all love subverting the princess/prince romance with princess/dragon when it comes to nalu, but every so often it hits me that natsu is literally a prince twice over. He’s the prince AND the dragon and the same time.
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kiriekonamistan · 2 months
So I mentioned this to @spot-of-tea a little while ago; I have an idea for any Fairy Tail fanfic authors who want some inspiration.
We all remember the Gray and Lyon vs Ur fight in the final season/arc, yeah? The one where Neinheart basically resurrected Ur and made her fight her boys. Well I love a good 'emotionally fraught battle' and 'the students surpass their mentor' moment, but for some reason that fight felt just a touch lackluster to me. Gray by that point has surpassed Ur and then some, he even points this out and admits the battle they're fighting will be more helpful to Lyon's growth than his own.
Personally, I feel like it would've been more intense and fulfilling if Lyon beat Ur by himself. Oh- but Konami stan, who would Gray have to fight? You can't just throw Lyon to the wolves and not do anything with Gray! You are absolutely right! And do you know what would give Gray the same push forward in character/personal growth as Lyon? Killing Deliora in one-on-one combat.
Zeref wrote his Etherios into books, sealing their souls into the tomes and making their bodies out of raw magic power ( also called Ether). I have always seen Lullaby and Deliora as Etherios too (I have some Thoughts™ about Lullaby and the 'seal' that Kageyama broke back in season 1, but that's a rant for another post.), and being Etherios when their bodies are destroyed they return to their books, right? In order for the aforementioned fight to play out Deliora's book would need to be lost, as in not being kept in Tartaros because we all know how that turns out.
If Deliora's book were lost and unsealed that opens the door for that monster to make reoccurring appearances throughout the entire series. So long as the book in intact (I'm not saying it was kept intact in canon, this is just a scenario for anyone to use if they want to) then Deliora and Lullaby both could've come back.
NOW- imagine Neinheart getting his hands on Deliora's book, or maybe Zeref gave it to him knowing Neinheart isn't his strongest pawn but a resourceful one all the same. Neinheart still summons Ur to fight The Boys™, but Neinheart isn't satisfied with just one woman on par with the Ten Wizard Saints- no, he wants to ensure victory by any means necessary. So he opens the book, his trump-card, and unleashed the Demon of Destruction.
Deliora rampages immediately, ruthelessly killing anything that moves (Neinheart having the book could probably order it not to kill the Alvarez soldiers), which leaves the boys in a predicament. The town is being ruined, good people are dying, and Ur is fighting on the wrong side of this war- someone has to stop her but someone also has to stop Deliora. The only one with Devil Slayer magic knows what he's gotta do. Gray is able to kill Deliora with the magic inherited from his father, he gets his vengeance for himself and everyone Deliora stole from him (his parents, Ur, and by technicality Lyon since he spent/wasted years of his life thawing it out using Moon Drip), Gray has won but Lyon is still fighting.
Lyon beats Ur one-on-one succeeding his master by himself, truly no one can ever dispute his accomplishment now. He didn't need to rely on Gray but now he's exhausted and his magic power are waning (probably), I'd imagine Lyon transferring as much of his magic power as he safely can to Gray in order to finish off Neinheart but I dunno. I don't actually remember how that battle ended. Did Gray and Lyon beat him? Or was it Jellal? I'm pretty sure it was Jellal, but I don't know.
It's out of my hands now! Go, run wild, make your fanfics people- cuz I'm sure as hell not going to! So you get my ideas, I get your fanfics, yeah? Okay, good talk.
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fanstuffrantings · 4 months
Time to rant about the Alvarez arc and issues I had with it once more now that I've posted some spriggan redesigns. This might be long.
The largest reason Alvarez and anything following Tartaros fall so flat is because you can almost tell Mashima was checked out by that point. That his excitement for the series had dwindled.
I have this theory that Tartaros was meant to be the last arc of the series but there were still things unanswered meaning that he was forced into adding more on. Now I don't say this as someone who thinks tartaros should've been the end, but because none of the villains after this point have any weight to them when honestly they should. All the reveals feel like they're done to surprise the audience more than flesh out the story.
I'm someone who always hated the Irene as Erza's mom plot because we really didn't need it. It was a trend of "villain is a blood relative" twists mashima kept throwing in and by that point it was honestly more annoying than anything. Erza never had questions about her family. She was never focused on her past so introducing her mother felt so out of left field. Irene literally could've just been the person who was in charge of creating the tower of Heaven, maybe she was even the on who corrupted Jellal, and that would've done far more towards making me invested in a showdown between her and Erza than anything in canon.
In general the Spriggan 12 being set up as characters involved in the various arcs would've been so beneficial because it would've given readers actual reasons to be angry or upset. What if Invel was the one who created Deliora and consistently tried to create new ice demons to impress Zeref. What if Layla's death was originally believed to be an accident but as time goes on Lucy uncovers more deaths and incidents connected to her mother that eventually lead back to Brandish. The tartaros group answering to August, who is still devote to Zeref, giving us a more solid reason to believe him as a Wizard king and actual tangible terror at the thought of facing him if tartaros itself would bend to him.
And this isn't even getting into how all their designs seem so slapped together causing them to look more like mid level/filler villains than actual final arc antagonists. Compare them to any of the tartaros characters and it just instantly becomes so obvious which ones Mashima actually cared about. By that point he knew he just had to make the women scantily clad and his die hard fans would ignore everything else. Jacob Lessio is one of the first Spriggan I think of whenever I get angry over how rushed their designs are.
Even Zeref himself felt so disappointing as a villain because any hype built for him really peaked during the tartaros arc. I was sure he'd be the one to appear instead of Mard Geer. It felt like that's what tartaros was building to. But instead we someone new and Zeref was pushed back. We could talk about him torturing Mavis and how Mashima still wanted to paint things between them as romantic because heaven forbid Mavis actually be a human with emotions who gets mad and vengeful when she's hurt, but we'll move on.
Beyond just this, Alvarez kingdom could've been so very interesting to have in the background, mentioned every now and then off handedly by side characters or guild members when discussing the world around them. This idea of it always existing but just never seeming important to our leads who aren't thinking about the political side of things. Us getting Alvarez hints early on and Alvarez only increasing in importance would've been something for fans to hold onto and engage with.
Mashima really dropped the ball on the series following Tartaros from the gray villain arc that amounted to nothing, a 1 year time skip setting up Natsu and Lucy collecting guild members that ended with everyone miraculously back at the guild with no persuasion necessary, to his final antagonists carrying non of the weight he wanted because titles don't create fear. And it makes me so incredibly furious because all it would've taken was actual care and interest in his own creation.
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zqttixx · 3 months
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dimaria n brandish ideas
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Erza’s dad moodboard
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ammy246 · 11 months
Irene: *summons meteor*
Erza: *destroys meteor*
Most badass mother and daughter in anime
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naluenthusiast · 1 year
Y’all ever thought about how distraught Natsu was in episode 281 (“evil” gray ep)?
His face and the way he yells when that man was about to cut Lucy in half just makes me get chills every time. But I only just stopped to think of how terrified he must have felt in that moment, because he’s already traumatized by future Lucy’s death. Me thinks I should write a lil thing about what his thoughts could’ve been.
I mean no one reacts like that and isn’t a lil bit in love.
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I know I've been non existent for a few months (college has been kicking my ass) but oh my god.
I did not have a Fairy tail 2 RPG on my list of expectations this year and I find out through an IGN article about Nintendo direct announcements.
My hopes for this-
More playable characters since it looks like those from the first one have been carried over so perhaps some more of the Fairy tail guild members or even some from other guilds. (Please give me Freed, Rufus or Cobra to play. That would be the best thing ever.)
It would also be cool if some of the non playable characters were modelled too. Especially since the Alveraz arc does involve most of the cast getting involved with things.
A possible mode that lets you use some of the villains. They've modeled most if not all of the springan alongside Zeref and Acno so it would be cool to try them out, maybe even let us play around with villains from the first one like Rogue or Mard Geer.
A variation to the trophies so they aren't almost completely identical to the first one for my trophy hunting heart. (Also make the platinum image that really pretty rainbow fairy tail guild mark again. It's so pretty)
As for other things, I wouldn't be too bothered if it doesn't get dubbed similar to the first game, especially since the English cast will probably be busy with dubbing 100 years quest but if it does get dubbed that would be cool.
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