#fairy kim taehyung
zxmm4 · 11 months
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87 notes · View notes
chaoticasfbread · 2 years
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159 notes · View notes
xanni-devito · 1 year
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Witch Seokjin
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Dragon Hoseok
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Siren Yoongi
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Dragon Namjoon
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Fae Jungkook
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Dragon Taehyung
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Fae Jimin
Moodboards for a VERY long running RP, Summer Thunder, where dragon coven Joon, Hobi, and Tae kidnap for ransom in order to survive as the last living dragons. They fall in love with their most recent catch, though, and a whooooole lot of shit happens, including but not limited to, Yoongi reaching maturity via soulmate bond, Taehyung becoming consort of a fairy kingdom, and Jin and Joon reviving a dead language. Also, a fuck ton of heinous smut.
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thearmyprof · 1 year
Waiting for Sunflowers to Bloom
Rating: M
Pairing: Jin/Jungkook
Word count: ~17k (ch. 1: 3,455)
Chapter: 1/5
Genre: Fluff, Non-idol!AU, Fantasy, Fairy Tale
Warnings: No major warnings, see tags below for more details
Event: This fulfills the squares: Jungkook x Seokjin & Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace for the Sound of Music kpop writing bingo @kpopwritingbingo
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Prince Jungkook was foretold to have a prosperous and fulfilling life, as long as he weathered the storms on the horizon first. Luckily, he has his trusted companion and best friend, Seokjin, and a wood full of fae folk to help him. A bedtime story about a kind-hearted prince that defeats evil, heals his people, and finds love along the way.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44570485
Chapter List:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Minor Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied Sexual Content, Fairy Tale with a Twist, Fairy tale remix, Nymph Kim Namjoon | RM, Dragon Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Leprechaun Min Yoongi | Suga, Pixie Park Jimin (BTS), Changeling Kim Taehyung | V, Protective Bangtan Boys | BTS, minor character death
Prince Jungkook was born under a set of auspicious star signs in the waning weeks of summer. The King and Queen of the Kingdom were elated to finally have an heir after many years of waiting. The people rejoiced, taking the prince’s birth as good tidings for the kingdom as a whole.
During the Harvest, the soothsayers were brought to read the fortunes of the royal family, as is the tradition of the people during the bountiful time of the year. The soothsayers, in a private audience with the King and Queen, foretold the prince would weather many storms, but his trials would ultimately bring glory and prosperity.
While the royal parents fretted over the hardships their son, only weeks old, was fated to have, they took solace in a foretold good outcome. Celebrations lasted all Autumn season in the kingdom, which was also blessed with a particularly plentiful harvest.
The first few months of Prince Jungkook’s young life were blissful. During the Winter Solstice, the fairies of the realm came to bless the new child. The fae blessed him with sweetness and innate beauty. The tree nymph blessed the prince with patience. The dragon blessed him with twin conviction and compassion. And finally, the leprechaun gifted the baby a pair of well crafted shoes to take his first steps in. As their fairy dust tickled his nose, Prince Jungkook giggled and cooed benevolently. The King, Queen, and subjects all sighed at the sweet-hearted prince and knew he would grow into a kind and wise leader someday.
Prince Jungkook’s first storm came the following springtime. While the realm blossomed and warmed, a terrible plague ripped through the lands. Soon, many succumbed, with the healers unable to find a cure for the often fatal disease. The Queen was one of scores who lost their life that year.
Although the prince was too young to understand, the kingdom was changed irrevocably. The King fell into a fit of melancholy in which he closed himself off from the world, only attending to those duties of utmost importance, leaving everything else to advisors and servants of the realm.
Prince Jungkook’s care was placed primarily in Nanny Yeonhi, an older woman who cared deeply for her ward. The two lived comfortably with their own retinue of servants in the prince’s wing of the castle. Here, the prince was insulated from much of the goings-on in the castle and the outside world.
The realm suffered dearly for many years after the plague decimated the population. Harvests and crafts were impacted from lack of a workforce. The economy hobbled along, unable to generate enough for trades with other kingdoms. The lack of decisive leadership further exacerbated these issues.
Relations with the fae folk and other kingdoms languished under the King’s absence. Soon, the nymphs and pixies were not attending to their blessings of the crops and weather. Not out of smite or laziness, but a lack of an invitation—something the fae need in order to use their magic in another’s boundaries. Babies, humans and animals alike, were born sickly. It was as if the King’s desolation had cast a wide shadow across the entire realm.
When Prince Jungkook was five-years-old, a young boy was sent to him from another wing of the castle. The boy was an orphan of a Duke who had died in the plague. The Duke’s estate fell into ruin in the years proceeding the Duke’s untimely demise. The boy was eventually sent to the castle to serve until he came of age. 
At ten-years-old, Seokjin was perhaps too grown up to be a companion for Prince Jungkook, but for the pair age did not seem to matter. Never did the older complain when giving additional tutoring lessons to the prince, assisting with tasks such as dressing the younger boy, or chasing him through the grounds. The pair did everything together, carefully tucked away in their wing of the castle under the watchful eye of Nanny Yeonhi.
The second storm of Prince Jungkook’s life began slowly, with dark clouds first gathering off on the distant horizon. The creep was so slow, even, that the prince did not even know he was in a storm until it was far too late to escape the torrential winds and pouring rains.
The King of the realm was convinced by his advisors to take a new bride.
The new Queen Hana brought new life to the castle. Her father, a king of his right in a neighboring kingdom, spared no expense at her dowry, sending a large retinue of servants, a small militia, and much in the way of goods and libations. 
The wedding was a grand affair in the summer of Prince Jungkook’s tenth year. It seemed the entire kingdom had turned out, with many grand celebrations both within the castle and without. During the ceremony and grand feast, Prince Jungkook was sat at the royal table on his father’s left hand side. It was the first time the prince was so near the King in well over a year. Prince Jungkook took solace in the proximity, even if his father did not deign to speak with him.
The Queen was sweetness and light. Her smile seemed to glow as brightly as the hundreds of candles they used to illuminate the hall. She even danced a song with Prince Jungkook, much to the delight of all the Lords and Ladies present. Even the King’s melancholy seemed temporarily abated as he smiled at his new bride.
After the month-long celebrations, life returned to normal in the prince’s wing of the castle. Prince Jungkook rarely saw the King and Queen and was never summoned to court for any reason. The prince, however, did not mind. He was mostly timid outside his small circle of people in his wing of the castle. He did not revel in attention being drawn to himself. He was happy to continue his tutoring lessons, practicing sword fighting and archery, and exploring the forests abutting the gardens of his castle wing.
Life, for Prince Jungkook, was peaceful. Little did he know of the storm brewing on the horizon.
“Your Highness!” Seokjin yells as he runs through the corridor, his light armor clanking as he goes. “Your Highness!”
“What is all this racket, Master Seokjin?” Nanny Yeonhi admonishes as Seokjin slides into the kitchens wildly looking around for the missing prince.
“His Highness has been summoned by the King,” Seokjin pants out, doubling over as he catches his breath. “Have you seen him?”
“I believe he is with his tutor now,” Nanny Yeonhi says with pursed lips. “This is probably just to do with the prince’s fifteenth birthday celebrations.”
“The King hasn’t summoned His Highness in so long,” Seokjin says, breathing more under control. “I must find him.”
Seokjin turns on his heel and heads to the library to find his prince.
“Do you think this outfit is enough, hyung?” the prince says, with his eye trained on the long mirror before him. He fidgets with his sleeves, a habit Seokjin has been trying to break him of when he’s nervous. “I don’t want to disappoint the King.”
“Let me just fix your hair a bit, Your Highness,” Seokjin stands behind the prince with a comb and practiced motions. Soon he has the prince’s long, unruly hair off his face with the top half of his hair in a bun. He settles the thin silver metal of the prince’s crown underneath the crown in a most pleasing way.
“You look as Prince Jungkook should, Your Highness,” Seokjin says, his eyes tracking up and down in the mirror.
Jungkook is wearing a simple silver blue hanbok with enough layers to denote his stature. Thankfully, he has not yet gone out riding or to the training yards, so he is still tidy and unmuddied. He thinks, as he often does, that the gods must be smiling down upon him.
“Prince Jungkook, dearest, don’t stand on formality, come, come,” Queen Hana coos. She sat regally on the Queen’s throne wearing a rich purple dress. Though her face wears a bright smile, she is still intimidating.
The King’s throne is conspicuously empty.
Jungkook rises from his bow and steps forward towards the Queen. Two steps behind him, just to his right, Seokjin mirrors his motions, per protocol. However, with only 6 steps left to reach the throne, Seokjin stops as is respectful for his standing in the court.
The Queen reaches out her hand, a small pout on her lips, to Jungkook. He swallows down a nervous turn in his belly and obliges her by resting his palm in hers. He tries to quell the voice inside his head that tells him, like this, he is trapped.
“Prince Jungkook, my heart, how have you been?” the Queen says, voice sweet like songbirds. She uses both her hands to hold his, caressing his knuckles.
“My Queen, I have been well,” Jungkook says. He prides himself that he does not sound as anxious as he feels.
“A little bird told me that our dearest Prince is turning fifteen in only a few weeks!” Queen Hana exclaims. “We must prepare celebrations in your honor. It is not everyday in this kingdom a royal prince comes of age!”
“You are too generous, Your Majesty,” Jungkook replies, looking down at their hands.
“Nonsense, nonsense,” the Queen says. “I have heard many good things of your growing up, dear Prince. You have grown into a fine young man.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Jungkook bows his head.
“I also hear we have Master Seokjin to thank for many of your accomplishments,” the Queen continues.
“Yes, Your Majesty, he’s been an invaluable companion to me these many years,” Prince Jungkook takes the opportunity to praise the older. “His skill in sword and bow have become unmatched in the castle.”
“Wonderful,” the Queen says, a smile splitting her face. “I think a reward for Master Seokjin is in order, don’t you?”
Jungkook, unsure of what she might mean, nods meekly. 
“Master Seokjin, step forward,” the Queen says, waving him forward with one of her hands.
Seokjin steps forward two steps and bows low. “Your Majesty does not need to reward me. Seeing Prince Jungkook growing in his own skills and coming of age well is reward enough for me.”
“Very commendable, indeed,” the Queen says. “Still, your father was a Duke, was he not?”
“He was,” Seokjin replies. Jungkook is the only one in the room who knows his companion well enough to discern the tension in his jaw, the tightness in his tone.
“And you have been of age for almost five years now, yes?”
“I have,” Seokjin says, his eyes still lowered. Jungkook, watching him, noting the tension in Seokjin’s frame.
“Well, I think being a simple companion, now that the Prince is coming of age, is no longer appropriate for you,” the Queen continues. “You are deserving of something more.”
“Your Majesty?” Jungkook asks. He feels his skin prickly with anxiety and wonders if she can feel it where their palms touch.
“I shall be promoting you to head of the Royal Guard,” Queen Hana presses on, ignoring the prince completely. “I believe that the time between now and the Prince’s celebrations will be sufficient to make the transition.”
“Yes, Your Majesty, thank you,” Seokjin says with another low bow.
Jungkook is bewildered by this turn of events. A part of him knows that this promotion is good for Seokjin, much more prestigious than his current post. However, a much larger part of him is already mourning the loss of his friend. The Royal Guard are stationed at the barracks at the front of the castle. To Jungkook, Seokjin might as well be relocating to the other side of the world.
“You must remember everything hyung has taught you, Your Highness,” Seokjin whispers to Jungkook.
The pair are hidden together in the darkness of night under a large comforter in the prince’s quarters. They are not touching, but close enough that Jungkook can feel Seokjin’s warmth. He longs to reach out a hand and grasp his friend’s in his own, but there is already too much uncertainty in the air.
“Yes, hyung, I’ll remember everything you say,” Jungkook murmurs.
Jungkook can barely make out the smile on his hyung’s face in the darkness.
“Now that you are coming of age, there will be many dangers ahead,” Seokjin says. “There will be more pressure, especially if the King continues his absences in the court.”
Jungkook nods. “I’ll be careful, hyung.”
“I know, this is not what you want, in your heart, my Prince,” Seokjin says. “We are bound by fate not our choosing, I’m afraid.”
“I know, hyung,” Jungkook says. He feels the heat of tears unshed and refuses to let them fall. Not on their last night together. “I’ll remember your words, hyung.”
When Jungkook wakes the next day there is a single parchment left on the pillow where Seokjin had lain the night before. On the parchment is a drawing of a sunflower and the single word, “remember.” Jungkook smiles and allows a single tear to fall before he tucks the note carefully into the book at his bedside.
The meaning of sunflowers is loyalty, longevity, and adoration.
In the year that follows, unease begins to spread in Prince Jungkook’s wing of the castle. Little does he know, the disquiet spreads throughout the rest of the castle and, therefore, the kingdom as well. The Prince, however, is distracted by his own loneliness as one by one, those important to him are dismissed or leave the castle. To further his own sense of isolation, he’s only been able to visit with Seokjin a handful of times. The visits are short and never enough.
Just week’s before Prince Jungkook’s sixteenth birthday, Nanny Yeonhi dies. Her illness and subsequent passing came as a shock to the young prince. The servants and physician explain that she was old, this was her time. Her body is sent off to her distant family, as is custom. Prince Jungkook is left completely alone.
“Your Highness, the sun set long ago, we should prepare you for sleep,” a middle aged servant says as Jungkook sits by the fountain in the garden just off his wing of the castle. 
“Momentarily,” Jungkook murmurs. He had spent the day thinking of a way to ask for the resources to create a small memorial for Nanny Yeonhi. He hadn’t come up with anything—yet. 
Jungkook pulls out a small folded parchment from inside his breast pocket. The paper is soft from being folded and unfolded and touched so often. On it the sunflower is somewhat faded. Jungkook runs the tips of his fingers lightly over the petals. Then he caresses the word “remember” gently. 
It had been at least two months since he last saw Seokjin. Even then, it had been in passing, when the prince was summoned for something or other. Jungkook feels a pang in his heart at the longing for his best friend.
The servant, undeterred, clears their throat. Jungkook sighs quietly, not wanting to seem put out, and replaces the note into his pocket before standing up to head back inside.
Jungkook is startled awake by a hand shaking his shoulder.
“Your Highness, Your Highness, please wake up,” the whisper of a voice sounds familiar and anxious.
Jungkook groans and half-opens his eyes. The room is dark, lit by a solitary candle on the bedside table. Standing over him is Seokjin.
“Hyung?” Jungkook mumbles.
“Please, Your Highness, wake up,” Seokjin says again. “Prince Jungkook?”
“What’s happening?” Jungkook feels a trickle of dread as his mind becomes more awake. “Why are you here?”
“You must away, now,” Seokjin says. He turns towards the chests and cabinets along the wall of Jungkook’s bedroom. He has a sack that he’s adding some clothing to.
Jungkook sits up and rubs his eyes. “Why must I go? Where am I to go?”
“You’re in danger if you stay here,” Seokjin says as he brings a change of clothes for the prince. “I must get you away quickly. I will help you through the woods as far as I can go without it being too suspicious.”
Nothing is making sense. Jungkook is too tired to decipher his friend’s logic.
“I have put a map in your bag and some provisions to get you to the border. If you can get across the border, you might find refuge there. You are so likable, they will certainly help you.”
“I don’t understand,” Jungkook says.
“I’ll explain more once we are away from here, Your Highness.”
Seokjin helps Jungkook dress in dark clothes, fit for longer travel.
“We would go faster on horse but I don’t want to raise suspicions with the horses being gone,” Seokjin says as they head out the garden towards the woods.
“Won’t the alarm be raised once they find me not in bed?” Jungkook asks.
“No, I have already dealt with that manner. If my plan works, they won’t look for you ever again.” Seokjin’s words make Jungkook shiver involuntarily.
The woods are dark, so dark. The pair decide not to risk a light, though. They want to put as much distance as they can under the cover of the pitch blackness. They orient themselves by checking constellations whenever they get visibility through the trees. Jungkook is just glad they have dry weather and clear skies for their journey.
The year is well into autumn and the air is crisp, but cold. Seokjin explains at some point during their walk that he packed Jungkook extra furs for later, when the winter weather hits. Jungkook sincerely hopes he is settled somewhere sheltered before that happens.
The first night of walking passes in an adrenaline fueled blur. Both fell, tripping over tree branches and other invisible obstacles in the dark, on numerous occasions. By the time dawn’s light began filtering through the trees, they are muddy, sweaty, and generally worse for wear.
They find a large rock to take shelter under to nap for a few hours. When they wake again, Seokjin hunts down some rabbit for them to cook and share. Having put some distance between themselves and the castle seems to have relaxed Seokjin some.
“Hyung, how long must I stay away?” Jungkook asks after they finish eating.
Seokjin eyes the prince warily, then sighs. “I don’t know. There’s a possibility you might not be able to come back.”
Jungkook nods at this. As much as Jungkook wants to be surprised by this comment, he’s not. He had been feeling like his days in the castle were tenuous at best. The King has been absent for too many years, the Queen has too strong of a hold over the court. Despite her lavish platitudes, Jungkook knows she despises him, the legitimate heir to the throne. A throne he has never had the desire to sit on.
“Can you come with me, hyung?” Jungkook asks. He also already knows the answer to this, but asks anyway.
Seokjin’s eyes hold all the sadness of the universe in them. Jungkook regrets asking.
“I must go back, it’s the only way to keep you safe, Your Highness,” the elder says.
Jungkook nods, not trusting his voice.
After three nights of travel, which they primarily conduct after dark, Seokjin can go no further. He must turn around and find his way back in order to convince the royal court not to come looking for the prince. Jungkook is not sure how Seokjin is going to do that, but the elder promises that it will be convincing enough.
“After our parting, you are a prince no longer. Go live your life as you have always wanted, Your Highness,” Seokjin says with a kind smile.
Jungkook knows he means well, but he never intended to live any life, as a prince or not, without Seokjin by his side. He’s not going to say that now, though. Not when the elder has done so much for him.
“Remember, Your Highness, you have a light inside you. Those with pure intentions and pure hearts will be drawn to your light. Just be yourself, full of kindness and care, and you will never want for friends,” Seokjin says. He has his hands resting on the prince’s shoulders in a warm embrace.
“I’ll remember your words, hyung. I remember all of your words,” Jungkook says with conviction. “Please, be safe, and come to me when you can. I will be waiting for you. I will always wait for you.”
After a long kiss to the prince’s brow, Seokjin turns and flees back into the forest toward the kingdom Jungkook can no longer call home.
Chapter 2 >
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idllyc · 2 years
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marxy-06 · 1 year
Favorites Rec List 3
More of my favs -> Thanks to all these incredible writers for making my day a little better :))
Kim Namjoon
Stretch you out (@chateautae)
A little bit in love with you (@joonbo)
Mr. masseuse (@lavenjoon)
"Let me take care of you" (@mintelepathy)
Fantasies (@sweetwritertanya)
Kim Seokjin
24/7 Marriage counselor (@jimlingss)
A better grip (@jinkookspencil)
A helping hand (@jjungkookislife)
You again (@gashinabts)
Soarin' (@aquagustd)
Seokjin's ho ho ho (@yoongsisbae)
Jealous (@youtifulhobi)
Sacrifices (@justcallmenikki7)
Influence (@aquagustd)
Min Yoongi
Back burner (@yoonpobs)
Escapism (@yoonlattesworld)
Finding home (@helenazbmrskai)
Strawberry icecream (@euphoricfilter)
When I needed you (@dreamescapeswriting)
The cockpile: love birds (@httpjeon)
Crescendo (@ugh-yoongi)
Apricity (@delightfulserendipity)
Jung Hoseok
All it takes (@yoongiofmine)
Nibbling it (@jjksblackgf)
The promises we keep (@vyduan)
Your body is an artwork (@borathae)
Maybe the first, but not the last time (@euphoricfilter)
Park Jimin
Oh so reluctant (@back2bluesidex)
Pretty like you (@axigailxo)
Serendipity (@angellesword)
Blowing dandelions (@httpjeon)
All I need (@joonberriess)
Apricot (@vminity21)
Triads and tribulations (@rendaze)
Star light, star bright (@readyplayerhobi)
High school sweethearts (@choiwrites)
Taste of little (@maliby)
Cherry king (@jiminrings)
Turning to stone (@jjungkookislife)
He makes you insecure (@kookiesbuckethat)
Kim Taehyung
The art of touch (@chateautae)
Nude (@btssmutgalore)
Triads and tribulations (@rendaze)
Match made in heaven (@beenbaanbuun)
"I'll take care of you" (@guqwrvte)
Library kisses (@kwanslvr)
Jeon Jungkook
Way Back Home (@solemnreads)
Stretch you out (@chateautae)
Seven Days (@bonny-kookoo)
Jock!jungkook (@joonberriess)
Tracing your tattoos (@btsugarush)
Shades of red (@thatlongspringnight)
Pu$$y fairy (@angelguk)
Idealizations concerning real life relations (@venusiangguk)
Little blue pill (@dreamescapeswriting)
Brown eyed baby (@jeonstudios)
Superstar (@jinkookspencil)
Spicy n' sweet (@thvhoe)
The ability to fathom (@hanniwrites)
Bad omega, sweet omega (@helenazbmrskai)
"I couldn't live without you" (@jungk0oksthighs)
In my eyes (@axigailxo)
"Besties for the resties?" (@jessikahathaway)
You're leaving me (@delukoo)
Love; weakness (@akinnie75)
Bloodline (@jjkeverlast)
Greek god (@bonny-kookoo)
Size kink (@lavenjoon)
Ex on the beach (@beahae)
Off-league (@hansolmates)
Accidental roommates (@jjkeverlast)
Good girl (@bonny-kookoo)
Crazy (@kookiecrumb)
Curious boy (@jinkookspencil)
Confident (@h0neypjm)
Still perfect (@cupoftaae)
Trouvaille (@spookyserenades)
A comforting hand (@purpleyoonn)
Abundance (@angelicyoongie)
Appreciation (@vminizzle)
Reaction: faking orgasms (@dreamescapeswriting)
Mean kitty, soft kitty (@purpleyoonn)
Best of us (@bts-trash-blog)
You belong (@imnotlauriane)
(If you have any recs pls share, especially for Hobi, Jin, & Rm :))
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 3 months
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SUMMARY : In which you let your husband take your virginity on your wedding night.
PAIRINGS: Dilf Taehyung x virgin reader
SMUT WARNINGS: Unprotected sex (off course) ,cum eating, oral f. Eating out over panties, fingering, squirting, mention of blood (her cherry popped)! Titty sucking, aftercare ladies <3
A/N: A little something as I’ve reached 1k heheh thank you so much lovelies and i hope you liked this one and thank you my love 💖 @jj-one who helped me with this one and also @kingofbodyrolls who made this sexy banner💖
The beach was filled with fragrant blooms, an array of white and pink tulips adorned the set up, a gentle breeze softly tickles the groom's hair and he smiles looking at you walking hand in hand with your father holding a small bouquet of lilies.
Your wedding veil cascades down your back, complementing the silk lace and pearls embroiled on the dress, making you feel like a fairy princess. Nervously walking down the aisle with your father you blush the moment you see your husband, soft music and doting cheers follows in the background the moment you took each step.
Soon reaching upon you face the love of your life Kim Taehyung, your dad places your hand on your husband’s and some tears brim his eyes, asking him to always protect you and keep you happy forever. He chuckling upon his request, promising to keep you happy for the rest of his life while kissing the back of your palm and whispers "you look so beautiful my love." You visibly chuckle and mutter him a small "thanks, you look handsome as well".
You never thought you would end up with your casual fling that you met from an app, remembering it was one of your friends who had signed you up on the app after you broke up with your toxic ex. On the other side, Taehyung's friend, Jungkook, had signed him up when divorced his wife, thinking it was a good idea to get out of the grief and have some fun.
Your interests he was afraid if he came clean about his son you would leave.
He was sure he had fallen in love with you over the past year from just chatting and calling each other daily. It made him feel like he was a young man again and not a 38-year-old man who had a kid who would depend on for a few more years.
Taehyung was also afraid of the 16-year-old age gap, thinking it was too soon for you to commit to a lifelong relationship which included a child.
He had enough of it when he finally decided to take you on a date and coming clean about it. He came fully prepared to tell you about his son and break this situation you were in, he liked (read: Loves) you, but he didn't want you to live with the pressure of living with a child as you were young, and you had so much to experience.
In the cozy coffee shop, soft jazz played in the background while you nervously fidget on the chair, summing up the courage to tell him that you had started liking him and can see a future together. The man in front of you gave a crooked smile, continuing to surf through the menu.
"What will you have Y/n?" Taehyung asks as he skims each and every item written on the menu, his leg bouncing under the table due to anxiety.
"I love you Taehyung," you say at the same time as he began talking, he goes blank, the menu dropping from his hands while you mentally facepalm at yourselves. "Fuck I shouldn't have dropped this bomb this early.”
"What?" Taehyung gasps and then visibly gulps, and you return a crooked smile back. "Yes tae, I love you I've been loving you for a while now.." you confess once again, and he shutters "We-ll y/n m-e too" he says as if he's exclaiming, and you smile wide.
"But wait y/n, before I properly confess I want to tell you something," Taehyung nervously adds, becoming restless. Observing his moments you grab his spare hand which rested on the table and tell him to calm down.
"Y/n, you know I’m divorced, right? But I'm sorry I have hidden something very big from you, I have a five-year-old son Yi-hyun" he says, and you gasp "Oh my god, tae why did you hide this for so long?" you question, he fiddles with his fingers and explains his insecurities and chances of you leaving him.
"No tae, I would never, in fact, I love children and I would really love to spend my whole life with you." You blush as those words come out and Taehyung giggles, "I'll be more than glad and feel honored to stay with you for the rest of my life."
Taehyung gazes into your eyes, his eyes full of love and promises, the gentle breeze makes the few whips of your flix fly, and he thinks you look so pretty, soon the calm breeze carries out your wedding vows and seals all the promises of this lifetime commitment.
Yi-hyun stands right in the middle of you and Taehyung's parents, an uproar of cheers and claps filled the atmosphere when you exchange your rings. Glancing at him, you give a flying kiss and he acts to catch it, your husband won't stop at looking you with heart eyes.
It was soon evening while you and your husband basked in the warmth of newly wed love, surrounded by all your supporting family and friends. He occasionally steals a few kisses from you when you both slow danced and enjoyed the dance until it was time to make your grand exit and walk hand in hand till you reached your car.Your parents insisted on keeping your son for a couple of days until you come back from the honeymoon.
"Yi- hyun, don't trouble your grandparents okay baby? Be a good boy for me and your mom okay?" Your husband tells your son and he nods , he kisses yours and his father's and climbs down from his grasp and tells you both a "goodbye".
"Let's go baby been waiting for this day ever since I met you, gonna fuck you hard," Taehyung says with lust-filled eyes, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. He lays a few soft pecks, soliciting a gasp from you, letting out the smallest whimper of his name.
The ride to your house was short, your husband helped to get you out of the car and quickly thanked the driver, not even a minute later your back meets the door of your penthouse as your husband starts to devour your mouth with his, heavy kisses full of spit coats your lips.
You were taken aback for a few seconds until your mind processes his action, kissing your lover back with the same burning passion, you struggle a bit until you get the keys from the back pocket of Taehyung's pants.
"One Sec baby, let me just open this, and we can go inside," you say almost breathlessly in between kisses, turning around. Once inside, both you and his clothes join the ground soon. "I'll go slow baby okay? It's your first time, right? Gonna savour every last moment of this." Taehyung assures you, and you nod.
Never in your twenty-two years of living did you have sex with your boyfriend. Sex was a whole different thing you’ve yet to experience but you weren't a saint when it came to it either, the curious teen in you would look up porn and even tried masturbating before, but you just didn’t feel anything from it, you thought you were doing something wrong.
Taehyung helped you to get comfortable in the bed whilst he removes the last piece of his clothing, his boxers, while you had kept your panties on, feeling your cunt coating the plumpness of his lips with your slick. You moan at the movement as he hovers above you, "ready baby?" your husband sweetly asks, you nod and voice a simple "yes.”
Soft, gentle kisses are first felt on your neck and the light touch of his fingertips tickles your lower belly, coming dangerously close to your core. His nimble fingers nudge the bow on your lace panties, sucking in your breath when he slowly goes down to explore the rest of your body, sucking on your skin lightly as he trails his way down. Soon purple hues are decorated all over you.
Once he faces your core, his hot breath leaves you tingly inside, whimpering out his name as he slowly licks a wet strip of over the fabric of your panties and sucks on the ball of your clit, repeating his languid motion again and again, his eyes watching you above him. You’re left nothing short of a moaning mess, "fuck feels so good tae, just like that baby.." you express him how good he’s making you feel when he sucks and licks you over your panties, this new sensation was like no other.
Soon after a while he completely removes them off your body, groaning at the mess you made and his fingers rub over it so he could have some of you on his fingers. "Open baby" he affirms, you ecstatically take them in your mouth sucking off each finger one by one, he chuckles and bites back a moan. He thinks you’re the sexiest woman he’s ever seen.
"Gonna finger you baby, stay calm okay? I promise it's gonna soon feel okay." He assures and slowly inserts one of his fingers, you moan out loud as it feels different from what you felt while playing with yourself.
One finger soon turned into two and you felt something weird coming out, "Taehyung stop-stop, something's coming out," you breathlessly warn but he tells you to go on and doesn’t stop fingering you, only upping his pace. Liquid soon gushes out, "fuck baby, pretty girl" never failing to fluster you and make you blush, shying away and looking everywhere but his eyes.
His frame hovers above yours and tells you to rest properly, "Baby, is it okay?" He asks before continuing. His hard cock brushing over your soaked pussy lips, itching to be inside your warm cunt, his fingers part your lips while you involuntarily twitch, feeling weightless as his thumb rubs gentle circles along your sensitive clit. "Ready y/n? Look we don't have to do it tonight you can always back out baby" he says while you whimper at the loss. "N-no want it so bad I can take it" you eagerly said, leaning in to kiss his lips. "It might hurt at first, but then it's going to be okay, I promise my darling." With that, he slowly aligns himself with you and enters inside, causing you to both moan in unison.
Kissing your forehead to calm you down when he sees faint tears brimming your eyes, he pulls out just enough so he can spit in between you two to make the slide much easier. He notices some blood as you were still a virgin— up until now, beads of sweat drip from the sides of him and some of it lands onto your boobs. He attached his lips to suckle them, seeing your pretty mouth open wide and decides to slip his finger in, your body rises a bit when he tells you to see the bloody mess and you whimper while he pets your head with his other hand.
"Calm down baby you’re gripping me so hard.." he groans from the way you’re sucking him up and you try your best to relax your muscles and try to enjoy this feeling while occasionally kissing him, moaning at his touches. He rests his forehead on top of yours and soon he cums inside, gasping from his overwhelming orgasm, he slowly pushes himself up and removes his now softened cock. You feel the cum dripping down to your ass. “Wait up baby, I'm gonna get something to clean you up.” He smiles dotingly and you nod back at him.
Soon he cleans you both up and brings you a glass of water to drink, he’s cuddling with you as his fingers lace with yours. Soft kisses resound the room until you both knock down in each other's embrace.
You decide to wake him up with a good, morning blow job but who knew it would be him to be waking you up instead.
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bbsantc · 10 months
my favorite bts fics so far (maknae!line + ot7)
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hello lovely readers, i hope all of you are doing great. i really want to share the amazing work and talent that many authors have on this app. as a literature fan and hopeless romantic myself, i made sure to pick out all the fics that i think are beautiful and amazing :) this post includes the maknae line + ot7 fics. i also made a hyung line fic rec post if you want to check it out here heheh :p
some of these fics contain nsfw content (minors dni), or some heavy themes
this is a pretty long post lmao
all pictures are from pinterest!
once again this is the key for the fics :)
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fluff- ♾️
angst- Ω
smut- ☻
crack/humor- ☼
i would sell my liver to read this again for the first time- ¶
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Park Jimin
The Promised Iris- @akinnie75 ♾️Ω
''Pair: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slight Angst, Slow Burn, Fantasy, Soulmate AU
Word Count: 20k
Summary: During one rainy summer day at the park, a stranger name Jimin suddenly confesses that he’s in love with you. At first, you thought that Jimin was a stalker, but it turns out that there’s something he’s hiding from you.''
balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n - @jungshookz ♾️☼ (there are more drabbles for this oneshot lolz)
''pairing: park jimin x reader
genre: balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n au, fluff!!!! the fluffiest fluff!!! idk jimin just really cares about y/n okAY
wordcount: 2.5k''
him after all - @mercurygguk ♾️Ω☻
''➵ summary; a guy you’ve never met before scoops in and saves you from a very embarrassing situation and you can’t help but notice how cute he is.
pairing; jimin x f. reader final word count; 17,176 (sorry y’all) rating; 18+ content; strangers to lovers au, fluff/angst/smut, infidelity, multiple appearances from jjk, oc’s boyfriend being nasty and stupid af''
lover to lean on - @sketchguk ♾️Ω☻
''pairing: neighbor!jimin x florist!reader
➳ genre: neighbor AU, flower shop AU, smut, fluff, angst
➳ wc: 20k
➳ synopsis: for months, you can hear your no face neighbor and his ‘girlfriend’ singing and dancing and laughing and falling in love. above all, you can hear their bed banging against your shared wall, and they won’t ever let you sleep. you’d much rather stay up at night worrying about your own problems, like the weight of an unrequited crush, so of course you’re bitterly single. but one day, the apartment is radio silent. and one day slowly turns into one week and then into an immeasurable amount of time since you’ve heard his laugh. so on valentine’s day, when you’re missing it the most, you beg your neighbor to open up to you with cookies in one hand and two broken hearts in the other''
beneath the water - @jungshookz ♾️Ω ☻ ☼¶
''→ pairing: park jimin x reader
→ genre: mermaid!au/fantasy!au, an extra large order of fluff, comedy!!, jungkook being a brat as per usual, a touch of angst, and of course a sprinkling of nsfw
→ wordcount: 20.5k words holy moly''
into the wilderness - @gukyi ♾️Ω ☼
''summary: alright, so last summer’s camp was… disastrous. from the murky green showers to the wasps nests, it was all-around a bad time. but none of those things could be quite as catastrophic as the end-of-camp counselor campfire, when you told park jimin that you were in love with him. and if telling him was terrible, then seeing him again this summer, one year after your fruitless confession, just might be the death of you.
{camp counselor!au, unrequited love!au, friends to lovers!au}
pairing: park jimin x female reader genre: angst, fluff, comedy word count: 27k''
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Kim Taehyung
charade- @ughcore ♾️Ω☻
'' “Why would you help me? What are you gonna get out of this?”
Taehyung looks you up and down, the humour twinkling in his eyes like the fairy lights he helped you hang above the TV. He tucks his hands into his armpits, assessing you for a few more moments that leave your skin hot and itchy. 
“It’ll be nice to see you out of those fuzzy slippers for once,”
The double entendre lacing his words is nothing new. The tingles in your stomach, however? Yeah, those are brand new.”
kth / fake dating + roommate au + fuckboy!taehyung
ongoing (35k) ''
maybe i do- @chateautae ♾️Ω☻
''➵ summary :  maybe you love each other, maybe you don’t. when a deal between your fathers leaves you forcefully wedding kim taehyung, arguably seoul’s most powerful CEO, you’re prepared for a loveless marriage of eternal regret and unhappiness. but maybe, it doesn’t turn out that way after all.
↳  part of the high-class series!
➵ pairing : taehyung x reader
➵ genre :  arranged marriage!au, ceo!tae, s2l!au, eventual smut, fluff, angst
➵ rating : 18+
➵ warnings : swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of anxiety, mentions of confrontative violence (with other characters, not each other), lots of feels concerning forced marriage, a bad ex (reader’s), mentions of bad sexual experiences with ex (consensual, just bad sex), explicit sexual content, oral (m. and f. receiving), unprotected sex, penetrative sex (chapters have their own warnings!)''
A Story that we paint - @thedefinitionofbts ♾️Ω
''PAIRINGS: Jeon Jungkook x Reader | Kim Taehyung x Reader 
GENRE: College Au, Future, Scifi, Slight Fluff and Angst
WORDS: 9K (ch.1)
DESCRIPTION: Butterfly Dream: In which the lines between virtual and reality are blurred.''
the universe of us. - @taesthetes ♾️Ω ¶
'' “I love you.” — “I know.”
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader | kim taehyung x reader genre: slight comedy, angst, fluff type: dream / fantasy / slice of life au word count: 21,112 words warnings: none''
you’re so concerned about the ending that you don’t even know the plot- @joonsgalaxy ♾️☼
''° yoongi x reader x taehyung
° 1.9 k words ° fluff/humor
🌟 you bring your broken laptop to Tae—the IT specialist—who you have a crush on. you drag your bff Yoongi along with you, who—you’re certain—has a crush on Tae too. what a mess, right? well, the thing is, you never even considered the possibility of your assumptions being totally wrong.''
stuck with you || [roommate!taehyung] - @jungshookz ♾️☼☻
''❥ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
❥ genre: university!au, enemies-to-lovers, fratboy!tae??, comedy that’ll either make you chuckle out loud or roll your eyes and snoRT or maybe u won’t laugh that’s cool too, domestic fluff because i want to go grocery shopping with tae toO (but also fluff in general!!), smutty smut so make sure to read this with your phone’s brightness lowered all the dang way, hi @ librarian!namjoon!!! fratboy!jungkook is also in here
❥ wordcount: 37k if ur reading this on mobile get rekt
❥ summary: kim taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things that have ever happened to you.''
waterloo - @kinktae ♾️Ω☻¶
''Taehyung is a famous but pessimistic art prodigy who doesn’t believe in love. You are an art student studying in Paris, who sees the world through rose-colored lens and is a certified cheesy romance film enthusiast. And this is your love story.
Or, “Well, it is the city of love. Maybe you just need to fall in love.“
pairing: art prodigy!taehyung x art student!reader word count: 13k genre: FLUFF, angst, light tasteful smut''
falling in crayolove; (kindergartenteacher!taehyung) - @jungshookz ♾️
''✎ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
✎ genre: kindergartenteacher!au, workingman!au, F L U F F, tiny bit of angst at the start :-( but this is literally 98% fluff; y/n and taehyung are like two little kids with little crushes on each other
✎ trigger warning(s): implications of getting an abortion!!
✎ wordcount: 10.5k
✎ summary: y/n is a very single mom and taehyung is a very single kindergarten teacher. emma knows exactly what she needs to do.''
freefall - @jtrbluv ♾️☼☻
''summary: hearing banging noises outside your front door at 11 at night could mean one out of two things. one, you are seconds away from getting chopped up by an axe murderer. two, someone is purposefully being an inconsiderate asshole.
or three, a fratboy from delta phi who goes by the name of kim taehyung faceplants in front of your door amidst a high-stakes game of… hide and seek?
pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: fluff, smut (pretty tame tbh! cuz it’s my first time eek), comedy, college!au, fratboy!au
word count: 10k
warnings: RATED 18+, grinding, dryhumping, palming, mentions of drugs and alcohol (yk regular frat shit), swearing, taehyung is a gentleman fr tho my gawd with a big co-''
farmer boy, i love you - @strawberrynamjoon ♾️☼☻
''– Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
– Genre: farming!au, lowkey e2l, smut, humor & tons of nagging
– Word count: 35k
– Summary: Needing change in your life you decided it would be a brilliant idea to move to your uncle’s small farm, helping him and your cousin Jimin with the daily work. What you didn’t plan was to fall in love with your beautiful yet very annoying neighbour Taehyung, who seemed to make it his personal mission to tease you every chance he got. And what you expected even less was that he seemed to like you too.
– Warnings: includes smut, alcohol and mentions death of a father''
The Crown That Is Ours - @taeshobipop ♾️Ω☻
''pairing: Taehyung x Reader
genre: fluff, angst, smut, royalty!au, arranged marriage!au, crown prince!th, princess!reader, idiots to lovers
summary: You never wished for it, but it was inevitable — an arranged marriage to a royal stranger. The Crown Prince Kim Taehyung.
A year into your marriage and life still holds you firmly in its grip. How do you plan to steer through this mess when the public suddenly comes knocking at your door, pitchforks and torches in hand, threatening: “death to all who commit fraud!”
rating: 18+ sexual content.''
Rent-a-Boyfriend - @jimlingss ♾️
''Words: 12k
Genre: Extreme fluff for all you bitter people out there (me being included)
Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Do you want love?
If you said 'yes' to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you!
Don't be alone for this Valentine's Day!
Come Rent-a-Boyfriend!™
(terms and conditions may apply. we are not responsible for any emotional or sentimental damages. please take caution with rent-a-boyfriend). ''
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Jeon Jungkook
new girl - @jjkeverlast ♾️☼☻¶
''☞ summary after finding out your boyfriend of 6 years cheated on you, you find yourself moving in with three guys in a loft. what could possibly go wrong? – inspired by the FOX series New Girl.
☞ pairing jeon jungkook x female reader
☞ genre roommates!au, roommates to lovers, romantic comedy
☞ status completed!
☞ rated mature (+18)''
Her - @jungk0oksthighs ♾️Ω☻
''bestfriend!jungkook, tattooist!jungkook, F2L, fluff, smut, angst
“And even if you don’t feel the same, that’s okay – I’ll always be here for you.” ''
like stars in a constellation - @taegills ♾️Ω ¶
''↬ meeting in reverse au
pairing: jeon jungkook | reader
genre: slight sci-fi, fluff, angst
word count: 20.9k
summary: And at midnight, as you sit there and contemplate how the two of you were like stars in a constellation, you watch the sky with bated breath. Because somehow, for the first time since you got caught up in all of this a year ago, it almost seems like the stars are finally spiraling backwards and time feels a little more still than ever before. And when you hear your name, you turn around so fast that the world stops spinning''
the universe of us. - @taesthetes ♾️Ω ¶
'' “I love you.” — “I know.”
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader | kim taehyung x reader genre: slight comedy, angst, fluff type: dream / fantasy / slice of life au word count: 21,112 words warnings: none''
tangled webs - @ughseoks ♾️Ω
''— pairing; spiderman!jungkook x reader
— genre/au; soulmate au / spiderman au / angst, fluff
— rating; pg15
— word count; 14.1k
— summary; Soulmates are tricky thing. Not everyone is lucky enough to have their destinies intertwined with their missing piece. Signs come in dreams for those fortunate souls; short bursts that are barely memorable when the sun rises. As for you? Flashes of red and blue are your only indicators to the identity of your other half.''
Hopping Mad for You - @readyplayerhobi ♾️☻
''; Rabbit Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, smut
; Word Count: 9.7k
; Warnings: Unprotected sex, handjob, blowjob, virgin sex, virgin!Jungkook, pretty sub!Jungkook
; Synopsis: For two years you’ve lived with your rabbit hybrid roommate, Jungkook. He’s been a model roommate and you’ve found yourself with little complaints. But his behaviour lately has been a little…unusual.''
Devoted to Trouble - @jeonsweetpea ♾️Ω ☻ ☼
''Spider-Man!AU | Peter Parker!Jungkook x Reader
genre: fluff, smut, comedy, lil angst rating: explicit description: In which the whole world finds out Jungkook is Spider-Man, but he doesn’t care about anything but you. OR Can you survive seven days of Jungkook pining over you while his identity is exposed to the world? word count: 11.5k''
The Love Plaza - @mayolive-writes ♾️☻ ☼
''Pairing: Jungkook x AFAB Reader
Summary: Needing to take a break from the long trip to college, you and Jungkook are forced to stay at the only lodging available within 70 miles, a love motel. And much to Jungkook’s dismay, there’s only one bed.
Wordcount: 4102
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Smut, Best Friends to lovers, Oneshot(?)''
the underwear thief - @gukyi ♾️☻
''summary: jeon jungkook would like to make one thing very clear: it’s not his fault.
pairing: jungkook x female reader word count: 10k genre: fluff, smut''
1999 - @tattookoo ♾️Ω ☻ ☼
''summary: the year was 1999. boybands were wearing all-white outfits, everybody wanted an ibook or a tamagotchi, tlc didn’t want no scrubs, fight club was playing in movie theaters and you became jeon jungkook’s fake girlfriend in order to fix his reputation. 
pairing: campus royalty!jungkook x f reader 
genre: one shot, 90s au, college au, hockey au, childhood neighbors to friends to idiots to lovers, fake dating, fluff, crack, angst, smut  rating: 18+ 
word count: 17.9k''
tuesdays - @axialitae ♾️Ω
''tldr. you believe your very reserved, reclusive roommate jungkook is a peculiar boy who’s far too concerned with how you spend your tuesdays.
💭 prompt. “i don’t owe you an explanation.”
🤍 pairing. jungkook x f.reader.
🐻‍❄️ genre. non-idol au. pure domestic fluff. tiny angst. roomies + kinda dumb-dumbs to luvrs.
☁️ word count. 12.1k''
Tamped - @chimoona ♾️Ω ☻ ☼
''Pairing: Shop Owner!Reader x Barista!Jungkook/Switch!Jungkook/Baby Boy!Koo, Reader x Dom!Yoongi (for, like, a second) Genre: Smut, Fluff, Humor, Slow Burn, Mild Angst/Jealousy | Barista AU Word Count: 19.7K Rating: M (18+) Summary: You and your business partner/best friend Jin have struggled to find good help to run your coffee shop. Employee after employee, it just never worked out. However, Jungkook is determined to impress and deliver. He wants this more than ever, and it always feels good to want something. To need, well, that’s even better.''
(Right) Hook, Line, and Sinker - @blog-name-idk ♾️☻ ☼
''Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your horrible friends trick you into going to a haunted corn maze, where you inadvertently punch a zombie. Jungkook is, of course, in love.
Word Count: 12,353''
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The Return of an Empress - @you-are-my-joy ♾️Ω ☻ ☼¶
''Status: Completed
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Genre: Isekai, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Smut
Characters: Empress!Reader, Advisor!Jin, Advisor!Yoongi, General!Hoseok, Advisor!Namjoon, Assassin!Jimin, Knight!Taehyung, Knight!Jungkook
Summary: After one fateful night, you find yourself transmigrated into your favorite novel as the Empress that shares the same name as you. As a bookworm, most would think you’d be happy, but how could you be happy when the Empress you’ve become is expected to be killed in three months. The only thing on your mind now is to learn how to survive.
Warning: May contain depictions of violence and mentions of abuse throughout the story.
Total Word Count: 280,808''
mother knows best - @seokth ♾️☼ ¶
''pairing | ot7 x female reader (platonic), ot7 moms & female reader
summary | being the only woman in a friend group with seven men automatically makes you the love interest in seven mothers’ wistful romantic stories. though your relationship with the guys remains completely platonic, the marriage fantasy their moms frequently project onto you and their sons has them coming up with all sorts of shenanigans to make you their daughter-in-law. mother knows best, you suppose.
warnings | overbearing moms, attempts at humor, platonic, slice of life au''
The Flower Path - @stellalunatmblr ♾️Ω ¶
''Genre/Tags: isekai (kinda?), bangtan x fem!reader, not poly, oc!bestfriend, surprise romantic pairings; rom-com (romance as a subplot), slow burn (the slowest of burns holy moly i cannot stress this enough), fluff, angst (will update tags along the way)
Status: Ongoing [HOLD]
Summary: What would you feel if you find yourself transported to the world of a cheesy web novel? Ecstatic, of course (well, among other things), except you’re stuck being the main character’s best friend slash sidekick. Fair enough, you don’t think you’re main character material anyway. Determined to get through your life that has changed all of a sudden, you try to keep yourself in the shadows of your “best friend.” Let’s just try to get through the last year of high school in peace. You thought it was gonna be easy – like a walk in a flower path– but the thing about walking that road is that there are bound to be thorns along the way.
Inspired by the web novel and manhwa: Inso’s Law''
operation: love letters - @ve1vetyoongi ♾️Ω ¶
 ''Sign up for the Love Calculator today to find your perfect match?
➤ YES | NO
♡ …L O A D I N G…Y O U R…M A T C H E S… ♡
♡ ⇢ pairing: ot7 x reader.
♡ ⇢ wordcount: est 30k total.
♡ ⇢ genre: mystery, college!au, romance, fluff, eventual smut.
♡ ⇢ summary: When every student on campus is going crazy about a survey that claims to make true love bloom, your best friend manages to convince you to join in on the fun — except you’re disappointed to find out that your results just seem to be lost causes. That is until a love letter from a mysterious secret admirer turns up and you find yourself on a mission to find the person behind the pen — but you quickly realise it’s going to be a lot harder than you initially thought when you have 7 possible bachelors to investigate, right? Operation: Love Letters a-go!''
The Galaxy Above Us - @agustdakasuga ♾️Ω
''Genre: Gods!AU, Fantasy, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, God of Wisdom!Namjoon, God of Life!Seokjin, God of the Moon!Yoongi, God of Festivity!Hoseok, God of the Sun!Jimin, God of Nature!Taehyung, God of Arts!Jungkook
Summary: Just when you thought that you life was at its end, you were ready to disappear but a door appears in front of you. Above you was the milky way and awaiting you were the celestial beings that waited their whole lives for you. To show the galaxy that was made for you.''
Everything Falls (Into Place) - @blog-name-idk ♾️☻ ☼
''Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 90,211
Rating: 18+''
until the last star falls - @minniepetals ♾️Ω ¶
''— summary: it was a love you knew would never make it out alive without sacrificing a part of your happiness to receive a greater happiness. but for them, you’d go to any extreme to have them again, and for you, they will always remind you each day that you are theirs and that nothing can tear you apart, not even until the last star falls.
— pairing: underworld lords!bts × shield!reader
— genre: fluff, angst / reincarnation!au / poly!au / gods!au
— word count: 44.4k ”
Spooked - @alpacaparkaseok ♾️☼
''Pairing:best friend!BTS, maybe some secret crushes going on? 👀
Premise: You + all 7 members of BTS visiting a haunted house. What could go wrong?
So, so much.
Word Count: 4k''
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Sparks Gone Wrong
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The time when Y/N falls in love with her neighbour- a hot single father.
Warnings: Eventual Yandere. Nothing for now! This will be like a two or three part series!
"Where are you taking this adorable little one?" you inquire, approaching your neighbour and his giggling toddler. He's a handsome single dad of a 5-year-old, someone who has fueled your fantasies. Angular face with rich brown locks cascading his equally brown eyes in a set fashion. A hot wet dream. Close in proximity, yet distant in reality. It's been three months since he relocated to the apartment across from yours. 
He walks past you, leaving you mid-jig with an awkward smile plastered on your face as you try to make his daughter laugh. Did I mention he always ignores you? Well, yeah. 
You sigh as you follow him to the elevator. Yet another unsuccessful attempt. Any effort to talk made by you was always shot down with curt nods or grunts. The only time you ever heard him speak in full sentences was when he introduced himself three months back. And you were pretty sure you made a fool of yourself.
“Are you a fairy?” you mumbled as you looked at the most handsome man you had seen in a while. 
Kim Taehyung continued to look at you with a stoic face. No expression. No response. You felt the gush of embarrassment, feeling your ears turning red. A natural reaction you had every time you felt appalled. 
“I am sorry, I am not this awkward usually I promise” you tried to laugh it off as you gestured for him to come in. 
“I will leave then, thank you for your time.” You stood and watched the man turn around and leave. Leaving you mortified at the interaction. 
That feeling of being mortified followed you at every exchange you had with him since then. A never ending saga. 
You sighed again while entering the lift. You could feel the awkwardness with each passing second. What had you ever even done to him?! Enough is enough. 
Mustering your courage, feeling your heart beating wildly, you turned to look into his eyes, “You know you haven’t said a word to me since you moved in. And I am not sure what have I ever done to offend you! Because if anything I have been very kind at every instance” your voice rose, “and every time you have been nothing but a prick to me- ‘Ding! The door is opening.’
Taehyung continued to look forward without a second glance at you. 
“Maybe I am not interested” he bluntly expressed his disinterest as he walked off towards his car. Leaving you with a mix of disappointment and the sting of embarrassment, all while the lift doors closed, sealing the moment with a sense of unresolved tension.
“Oh my g-” your work friend Jin continued to laugh as you recounted the episode. He was so loud that you could feel the eyes of your colleagues at your table.  
“Can you shut it” you hiss, delivering a discreet kick under the table to emphasise your frustration.
“All right..all right” His eyes still holding the mirth. “On a serious note, Jin's eyes turning sharp and voice sombre, “I think you need to back off. Nothing’s worse than unwanted attention.” reaching out to hold your hand, “Moreover, you are a catch. Find someone without baggage. He has a daughter. And that’s a huge responsibility, no matter how hot he is.”
His words felt like a needle in your chest. The reality of you one sided crush sank in. Him having a daughter was never a problem for you because she was absolutely adorable. And despite the well-intentioned advice, it stung to acknowledge that your efforts might be in vain, leaving you with an unexpected ache in your chest.
A faint smile appeared on your face. “Maybe you are right. I need to back off.” You stood up feeling the loss of appetite. With that you went to keep your plate at the clean up area.
Some things aren’t meant to be. 
Next day, you found yourself contemplating your friends' words all the while sipping the freshly brewed coffee. The noise of daily news running in the background. 
"Perhaps it's time to move on. There are better things to explore than deciphering the mystery of Taehyung’s demeanour." Taking a deep breath, you decided- you are not going to approach Mr. Kim any longer. If it’s not meant to be, why waste your time anyway? You were a catch, so, well, his loss. 
With the new found resolution you began to dress for the court proceedings you had to attend. It was an ongoing case related to organised crime. A man had finally confessed about his involvement in cities increasing drug abuse cases and you were in charge of prosecuting him. It was going to be an eventful day indeed, you thought as you pulled up your skirt.
Taking one final look in the mirror, you headed out. As you made your way through the hallway, a familiar handsome silhouette in the muted light appeared ahead. No sight of his daughter. Well, whatever, none of your concern. Deciding to maintain a polite distance, you exchanged a nod in passing which didn’t go unnoticed by Taehyung. 
You had been pestering him for months. What changed? He wondered. He could see you were dressed in your courtroom attire. Another hearing perhaps? Taehyung wasn’t oblivious. He knew you had a crush on him. And he wasn’t blind either. You were beautiful with your luscious hair and supple skin, he desired to explore. He was sure it was soft. He knew it.
But he decided to keep to himself as usual. Now was not the time to get involved with you. There were other things that required his attention. For instance, that meeting he had been postponing for a month. And his daughter whom he adored with his life. And the household work. As he left the lift though, one thing kept resurfacing in his mind. Something had changed since yesterday with you. Taehyung wasn’t sure if he was fond of it. 
Part II
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byuljoonie · 7 months
M.list for byuljoonie
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⤷ Hi lovelies, I’ve finally made a long overdue masterlist for your convenience! It’ll be updated after every story post so that I won’t get behind on updating it. I put a few coming soon stories on here so you guys can know my drafts are never empty! Thank you for enjoying my writing, especially my earlier pieces that are not that good:3 Requests are open and AO3 link at the end. Ily♥︎ -dubu���
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⁀➴ Kim Namjoon
☾ Moonlight {5.1k} { fluff, smut // growing tension, boyfriend material, desperation }
⤷ namjoon promised to go to the grocery store with you after the gym
☾ Please Give Me A Remedy ft. Myg {3.2k} { fluff, angst // on hiatus }
⤷ 2 of your 7 best friends have a secret…
☾ Let You Break My Heart Again ft. Jhs (coming soon)
☾ A First Meeting {0.1k, fluff}
☾ Sesame Syrup {0.2k, fluff}
☾ Virgo’s Groove {coming soon, smut}
☾ Church Girl {coming soon, smut}
☾ Valentine {0.7k, fluff}
⁀➴ Kim Seokjin
☾ Cozy {6.7k} { fluff, smut // coworkers to lovers, slice of life, slow burn, OfficeWorker!AU, dom!seokjin }
⤷ you hate me, because you want me…
⁀➴Min Yoongi
☾ Never Goodbye {3.3k} { fluff, angst, smut // slice of life }
⤷ It’s never goodbye, I’ll always see you again…
☾ Please Give Me A Remedy ft.knj {3.2k} { fluff, angst // on hiatus }
⤷ 2 of your 7 best friends have a secret…
☾ Freek-a-leek { hard smut // coming soon }
⤷Tell me what you want…
⁀➴Jung Hoseok
☾ 6 Inch {4.2k} { fluff, slight smut, yearning // friends to lovers? }
⤷ your best friend convinces you to attend a launch party, without mentioning the presence of a certain someone.
☾ Let You Break My Heart Again ft. Knj (coming soon)
☾ Heart 2 Heart {1.3k, fluff}
☾ Habanera (coming soon, smut)
⤷ Si je t’aime, prend garde á toi
☾ A Helping Hand (0.3k, smut)
⤷ need a hand?
⁀➴Park Jimin
☾ Pussy Fairy {2.3k} { smut // unedited dom!jimin }
⤷ read the title…
☾ Cherry Airhead {2.3k} { smut, ftl // unedited dom!jimin }
⤷you want a piece?
⁀➴Kim Taehyung
☾ Ramo Buchón ft.jjk {9.5k} (under construction) { fluff, smut, angst // growing tension, husband material, insanity }
⤷ You make beautiful bouquets…Jungkook notices
☾ Blue night |02|
⤷ (coming soon)
☾ Plastic off the sofa {1.7k, smut}
⤷ prologue (coming soon)
⁀➴Jeon Jungkook
☾ Ramo Buchón ft.kth {9.5k} (under construction) { fluff, smut, angst // growing tension, husband material, insanity }
⤷ You make beautiful bouquets…Jungkook notices
☾ ☆ {2k, smut}
☾ ♡ {1k, smut}
☾ ♢ {1k, teasing}
☾ ♧ {0.6k, smut}
☾ ♤ {1.1k, smut}
☾ Art Deco {coming soon, smut}
Other than BTS
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☾ Can’t get enough of you (coming soon)
Gojo Satoru
⤷ (coming eventually)
Pedro Pascal
☾ Brooklyn Baby {0.4k, fluff}
114 notes · View notes
twinkminnie · 1 year
♡ my works ♡
finished one shots
⋅˚₊ if you're ready, come and get it - 6.3K
rated: explicit pairing: jeon jungkook/park jimin summary: the one where omega porn star jimin gets wrecked by the newcomer, alpha jungkook. tags: service top jk, overstimulation, exhibitionism
⋅˚₊ everytime i see you, i don't wanna behave - 5.8K
rated: explicit pairing: jeon jungkook/park jimin summary: jeongguk can't stop thinking about it. tags: established relationship, canon compliant, bottom!jm, top!jk
⋅˚₊ we could belong together - 10.2K
rated: explicit pairing: jeon jungkook/park jimin, park jimin/park jimin summary: twenty-one year old jimin wakes up to find that not only has he traveled six years into the future but he is in a committed relationship — with jeongguk. tags: threesome, self-cest, two jimins, bottom!jm, top!jk, canon divergence
⋅˚₊ worst nightmare, sweetest dream - 3.3K
rated: explicit pairing: jeon jungkook/park jimin summary: when jungkook, a hunter, wanders too far in the forest, fairy jimin decides he has to have to him. tags and warnings: dead dove do not eat, non-con elements, dub-con, sex pollen, magical realism, bottom!jm, top!jk
⋅˚₊ punish me, daddy! - 13.2K
rated: explicit pairing: kim namjoon/park jimin summary: his daddy has wielded rigid, consistent discipline and unrealistic expectations his entire life. jimin was to be the best, the smartest, the prettiest, the most obedient child. and jimin, more than anything, wants to be good, wants to please him, wants to become the son his daddy has tried so valiantly to shape him into. but jimin is a bad boy. tags and warnings: dead dove do not eat, non-con elements, dub-con, incest, grooming, emotional manipulation, boypussy!jm with breasts, top!nj
⋅˚₊ secrets, secrets 6.3K
rated: explicit pairing: jeon jungkook/park jimin summary: “i know your secret.” jimin peers from where he’s washing his hands, lured to where the school’s resident asshole, jeon jeongguk, is stepping into the bathroom. he’s not sure if he should feel lucky or frightened that it’s only the two of them alone. or; the one where school bully jeongguk takes advantage of school nerd, jimin. warnings: dead dove do not eat, homophobia, homophobic slurs, non-con, blackmail, painful sex, unhappy ending, humiliation, degradation, top!jk, bottom!jm
⋅˚₊ vicissitude 10.5K
rated: explicit pairing: jeon jungkook/park jimin summary: popular, pretty girl bully cisfem!jm takes advantage of closeted transfem!jgk. warnings: dead dove do not eat, transphobia, blackmail, non-con, humiliation, bullying, emotional/mental manipulation & abuse, hurt no comfort, unhappy ending, heavy angst, misgendering, threats, penis in vagina sex, +more on ao3
finished chaptered works
⋅˚₊ i can be your china doll (if you'd like to see me fall) - 2 chapters, 30.5K
rated: explicit pairing: jeon jungkook/park jimin summary: it’s becoming hard to not want to be around jeongguk all the time. jimin wants to soak up all the knowledge jeongguk can offer him, to learn from the best, to be close to him. he hopes he'll have many more chances to show jeongguk that he is willing to do whatever he can to make him proud. warnings: dead dove do not eat, non-con, dub-con, emotional manipulation, coercion, power imbalance, professor!jk, student!jm
ongoing chaptered works
⋅˚₊ if you're too shy (let me know) - 39K, 2/5 chapters completed
rated: explicit pairing: jeon jungkook/park jimin, kim taehyung/park jimin summary: in order to impress his crush, jimin has to turn to his favorite hyung and well-known bachelor, jeongguk. jimin needs jeongguk to teach him how to have sex. as expected, things get more complicated. tags: boypussy!jm with breasts, endgame jm/jk, friends to lovers
ongoing series
♡ milf jimin series ♡
part one
⋅˚₊ put him on his knees, give him something to believe in 6.8K
rated: explicit pairing: jeon jungkook/park jimin summary: the one where jungkook finally gets to eat his best friend's milf of a mother's pussy. warnings: cunnilingus, aged up jm, de-aged jk, 90s au, mommy kink, munch!jk, face-sitting, bp w/ tits!jm
♡ finished twitter threads on ao3 ♡
⋅˚₊ masterlist ⋅˚₊
241 notes · View notes
chaoticasfbread · 2 years
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105 notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 1 year
—cinema | kth
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→ posted: jan 1, 2023 → pairing: kim taehyung x reader → genre/au: strangers2lovers, camboy!au, angst, fluff, smut → chapter rating: +18 / M for Mature → wc: 2,672 → warnings: very minor angst is introduced, taehyung is forever hot, misreading a situation, reader is jealous, use of pet names, light sexual punishment and praise, explicit sex, multiple orgasms, begging, if you squint there’s daddy/brattybabygirl vibes, aftercare, recording sex. → credits: biggest thanks to sunkissedwriter, you are the best for the most perfect ‘destroyer of the delulu’ plot issue. @moonleeai @downbad4yoongi​ and whippedbywonho1 for beta reading this for me! → taglist: @bts-ruu @missxmarisa @1-in-abillion @yourtmblrgirlfriend @fairy-jaykay → summary: i guess we’re in time, if you’re getting yourself wet for me. KTH is your favorite camboy, & after winning a contest, the two of you have grown closer and gotten to know each other after a one-on-one session. After realizing you live in the same city, he asks to meet you—IRL.
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part 1 | part 2 | series masterlist
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“YN…would you be interested in meeting up with me, in real life? I’d love to get to know you more, without a screen in the way.”
You never expected to be gearing up for meeting the camboy of your dreams in person, and it feels silly to you because he’s not a real celebrity, or atleast, not one you can tell your parents about. He’s just a person like you, and yet, he’s been the main star of your fantasies for months now and somehow, he’s also interested in you. 
Or so you think. From the text messages the two of you have been trading back and forth for the past 2 weeks since the one-on-one session you had, not to mention the few times that the two of you used the synced toys while he was camming (not that other subscribers knew he had it paired to you), he’s shown an interest in you that you can’t help but return. 
He promoted the toys at the beginning as a paid advertisement, utilizing them in the storylines, but those sessions were different from the others with the way he behaved during them, with themes of established relationships, with plenty of praise for how tight your pussy was and small slip ups that only you would notice, mentioning things specific to conversations you had with him. 
He would tease the toy he had, knowing you would feel it, and you got him back a few times, clamping down at the end of a session before he removed himself from it, causing him to stutter and almost scold you by name before he caught himself. 
But lately, messages continued to not be solely sexual in nature, with him asking about your career, your likes and dislikes, and it feels like the two of you are actually getting to know each other on a level that can lead to something…more.
Approaching the cafe you planned to meet at, you feel silly to think you’re someone special.
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You stare at the messages, unsure of what to say. You agreed to meet up at 5:15, and here it was 5:35 and you can’t bring yourself to walk in. Your feet keep you grounded, eyes focused on the man of your actual dreams sitting at the small table in the cafe. 
You’ve been watching him since you caught sight of him, and as soon as you finished your pep talk, ready to walk in and meet face to face, you see a gorgeous woman approach him as if she knew him, talking and smiling with familiarity as she touched his bicep and he smiled back at her just the same. 
And you wouldn’t have minded, would have walked in there despite this, if he hadn’t motioned to one of the two seats at the table nearest them, asking her to join him. The two of them continued chatting, as if he wasn’t waiting for you for your first date. Maybe it wasn’t a date…after all, neither of you called it one. 
You look down at your new outfit, bought just for today, hating that it wasn’t as cute as the one that girl was wearing. You hate the thoughts that enter your head, you don’t like to think of yourself as someone who dislikes another girl just because the guy you like is interested in them, but it’s hard to stop the green-eyed monster from appearing in your ear, whispering hateful comments that tear both the other girl and your own confidence down.  
Watching the two of them talk, you see the moment he texts you checking in, but a part of you is miffed that it took him 20 minutes to realize you were late. What if you were hurt, attacked, or hit by a car? He would be 19 minutes too late. All because he was distracted by this bitch who can’t keep her hands to herself. 
So instead of walking in and meeting Taehyung for the first time face-to-face, you let the green eyed monster convince you to walk back the way you came, typing out a lame excuse for why you couldn’t make it.
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Taehyung stares at his phone, unsure of how to feel. All day he’s been excited, full of restless energy at the thought of meeting you finally, just for you to cancel on him. It doesn’t make any sense to him, because you said you were on your way, and then all of a sudden you couldn’t make it. 
He shakes his black hair out of his eyesight as he looks up from his phone, giving a small smile to the woman who had approached him.
“Looks like my friend isn’t going to make it. It was nice meeting you!” He stands up as the woman nods, smiling widely at him.
“No, thank you! My boyfriend just got here, so thank you for keeping me company until then! That man at the counter was being a real creep, so I appreciate you. Plus, it’s not everyday you meet a local celebrity!”
“Don’t let my mother hear you say that!” he jokes, but the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes as he takes his iced frappacino to exit the bustling cafe. 
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Pausing at the bus stop near the cafe, you look at your phone to see if Taehyung read your message. 
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You hate that he’s so sweet about it. Now that you’ve walked to the bus stop and calmed down a bit from the scene you saw, the negative thoughts have vanished, instead, leaving you with a feeling of self-disappointment. A second buzz from your phone has your heart clenching once more. 
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His offer makes you feel like you’ve misread everything earlier. He still wanted to see you. He left the cafe. You feel even dumber sitting at the bus stop knowing you walked away from Taehyung and you were so close to meeting him. You begin to type out a reply. 
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You startle, standing up quickly from the bench seating. You find yourself looking up at deep brown eyes staring at you. Taehyung’s face is full of confusion, lips poking out in thought as his full eyebrows pinch together above his narrow nose bridge. In person, this close to him, you almost swoon at how handsome he actually is, and you want nothing more than to soothe the wrinkles of confusion off his face.
“I thought—you said—I’m confused.”
You worry the corner of your bottom lip between your teeth unsure of what to say.
“I, um…I guess I just got nervous.” It’s not necessarily a lie, though it definitely isn’t the whole truth. The way that Taehyung is looking down into your soul has you feeling that he is aware of this fact. 
“So you showed up to the cafe?” he asks, walking back through the events that just played out. It’s just the two of you at the bus stop, and you can’t bring yourself to move away from how close the two of you are standing. 
“Yes. I was outside for a bit…I was worried about meeting for the first time.” You look down at your feet, unable to maintain eye contact.
“Mmm,” Taehyung nods as if deep in thought. “And let me guess,” a sly grin grows on his face, “you saw me talking to that girl who was waiting for her boyfriend to show up?”
That bit of information snaps your face back up to his like a cracking whip. “Her boyfriend?”
“Yes, she was being hit on by some creep so she approached me to help save her. I sat with her since I was waiting for you, and she left once her boyfriend showed up. Funnily enough, it was seconds after you texted me that you couldn’t meet. If you had waited just one more minute, you might have been brave enough to go inside.”
Feeling stupid, you can’t help the way heat rushes to your face, burning you up with embarrassment. 
“I feel really dumb right now. I’m so sorry I flaked on you.”
“I’m sorry too, I would’ve loved showing you off…you look amazing.”
Your cheeks stay warm, but this time for a different reason.
“You do too, Tae.”
The two of you stand there looking at each other like a couple of fools infatuated with each other before Taehyung has the smart sense to break the silence.
“So, if you aren’t actually busy, did you want to head over to Yoojung Sikdang and grab an early dinner?” 
He holds his large hand out to you, and unable to think of a reason against the idea, you find yourself nodding your head with a sappy grin on your face as you place your hand in his. It felt nice. Giddy with excitement, the two of you head off in the direction of the restaurant with you feeling more and more relaxed the more time you spend in each other’s company.
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“Fuck, Taehyung…I can’t…”
“You can baby, you’ve always been so good for me.”
You keen in response, back arching away from his chest where he has you sat between his legs, his calves wrapped around your shins to hold your legs open for him. He’s in just his boxers, chest warm against your shoulder blades as his arms encase you.
“But…it’s so intense!” you moan out, and he chuckles softly.
“Look down baby, look at how wet you are.”
You try hard to keep your eyes open, gaze trailing down his veiny forearms to where his hands are in the apex of your thighs, two fingers on his right hand spreading you open as his left hand holds your bullet vibrator to your clit. The relentless pressure is dizzying as you buck in his arms from stimulation. It feels too good to be legal.
You get a moment of reprieve when he pulls the toy away from you, your slick dripping down to the end before oozing onto the sheets beneath you, clear arousal connecting your bed to the toy in a lewd display of just how wet Taehyung makes you. 
In an act so debaucherous, your eyes can’t help but to follow the movement of the toy as it continues towards the man behind you. You turn your neck to continue the path, watching with hooded desire as Taehyung’s lengthy tongue curls around the small silver vibrator and laps up the rest of the evidence of this session.
The low moan he lets out as he tastes you makes your toes curl, and you’re almost unaware as he shifts from behind you to hover over you. He noses at your neck so you wrap your arms around his torso as his lips lightly drag along your skin, continuing to tease you as he has been for the last half hour. 
“You take your punishment so well, baby.”
Pouting, you look into his eyes, no longer afraid of the man before you.
“I said I was sorry, Tae…I was just a little insecure.” 
He pecks at your bottom lip still poking out in defiance of his taunting touches. You know what he’s waiting for you to do and at this point you’re not above begging.
“Please Taehyung, I need you. I need all of you.”
He smiles, grin lighting up your heart as his lips drop to yours and begin to devour you in a rushed kiss. His hips thrust forward and you can feel how badly he’s been waiting for you to give in. Your punishment was just as hard for him as it was for you. You didn’t know it, but he was seconds away from giving you what you wanted without pleading for it.
It was torture, having you in his arms, so wet and wanton for him as you let him tease your folds until your pussy was swollen in need for release. He had to sit behind you for your punishment, or else he would have given in after five minutes instead of thirty. But it was worth it.
Now you lay beneath him, body pliant as he hitches your leg up by the knee to wrap around his hips. Moving his hand from your knee to the waistband of his boxers, he’s rough as he pulls his length free, four fingers then running along your spread center before giving himself a couple of strokes with the erotic sounds of you coating his cock with each tug filling the room.
“Breathe in for me, baby girl,” he huffs out as his tip teases your entrance, circling around as he waits for you to follow directions. “Good girl.”
You preen under his praise, and when he instructs you to let out your breath slowly, you feel him surging into you, swollen walls pushing back against the intrusion despite how good it feels to become full of him. 
“Tae, it feels so good,” you coo, and he feels goosebumps travel along his arms and his spine from how salacious you sound, his dick growing impossibly harder as he begins to piston his hips, thighs slapping against the backs of yours as he drops his face to the crook of your neck. Fingers lacing through the curls at the nape of his neck, you use this for leverage to take him deeper, his hand widening your bent leg for a better angle to bury himself into you.
“Fuck baby, tell me it’s all mine.”
“It’s yours, Tae, all yours.”
“What’s all mine, baby?”
“My pussy, me, whatever you want,” you promise him, and it sends him reeling. You feel so right to him, the way you move with him, as if the two of you were practiced dancers wrapped in each other's arms.  
Your moans are pornagraphic, loud and breathy as he brings you to climax, your limbs trembling from the intensity of the orgasm spurring him on. Unable to stop the way your walls quiver, clenching sporadically around his cock with every stroke leads him to fill you up, cum spurting in hot ropes from his sensitive tip. 
You hold him to your chest as he collapses onto you, his hips still gyrating slowly as he releases every last drop inside of you.
“Oh, fuck, that’s my good girl,” his deep voice speaks to your core, and he peppers kisses to your chest as you cockwarm his softening length.
Slowly, he extracts himself from you, careful not to spill too much onto your sheets, but it was a fool’s errand. Reaching for his phone, he stops recording so he can get up and get a wet washcloth to clean you up. You lay there, spent, enjoying the hazy delirium that comes with the post sex euphoria until you’re as clean as a washcloth can get you and curled up in Taehyung’s arms. 
“I wanna see the video,” you say sleepily, voice muffled against his chest where you lay. His fingers smooth down your hair and he laughs at your request; you were about to pass out, there was no way he would be able to show you the playback of your session without wanting to bury himself inside of you again.
“You will, baby. Get some sleep first.”
“Why?” you whine, despite your eyes having shut several minutes ago in a “long blink”.
“Because you’re gonna need your energy for what happens after we watch it.”
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thank you for reading! feedback is greatly appreciated!! please let me know what you think of this last part! happy new year!
© hisunshiine 2023. All rights reserved.
465 notes · View notes
thearmyprof · 1 year
Waiting for Sunflowers to Bloom Ch. 5
Rating: M
Pairing: Jin/Jungkook
Word count: ~17k (ch. 4: 3,014)
Chapter: 4/5
Genre: Fluff, Non-idol!AU, Fantasy, Fairy Tale
Warnings: No major warnings, see tags below for more details
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Prince Jungkook was foretold to have a prosperous and fulfilling life, as long as he weathered the storms on the horizon first. Luckily, he has his trusted companion and best friend, Seokjin, and a wood full of fae folk to help him. A bedtime story about a kind-hearted prince that defeats evil, heals his people, and finds love along the way.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44570485
Chapter List:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Minor Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied Sexual Content, Fairy Tale with a Twist, Fairy tale remix, Nymph Kim Namjoon | RM, Dragon Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Leprechaun Min Yoongi | Suga, Pixie Park Jimin (BTS), Changeling Kim Taehyung | V, Protective Bangtan Boys | BTS, minor character death
“You are sure about this?” Yoongi eyes the younger man with a calculating stare. “You could take more time to rest, you know, little princeling.”
“I have been resting for a year, hyung,” Jungkook says with mild exasperation.
He steps out of the cottage door into the sunlight. He does not allow himself one more glance around the cozy cottage. This will not be his last time visiting, he tells himself. No need to be wistful or nostalgic.
In front of him the rest of the fae and Seokjin are waiting for the last two stragglers to exit the house. As soon as Jungkook steps fully into the sunlight, Seokjin takes to one knee.
“My King,” the general says. The fae immediately follow suit, taking one knee and proclaiming “My King.”
Jungkook’s chest constricts and his face burns red. Mustering the most commanding tone he can, he says, “Rise. Let us go free my people.”
Jungkook had been apprehensive about Seokjin’s army accepting him as King. However, his fears were for naught, as the army was ready and eager to find the late King’s heir alive and well. 
To Jungkook, it became apparent on their journey back to his castle, just how mismanaged the kingdom had been in his absence. He knew of some of the problems because of news brought by the fae in their little forested haven. However, to see the roads in disrepair and refugee camps haphazardly dotting the landscape, he fully realized the depths of his new responsibilities.
This brought him an advantage, however. For every town and village they passed, his army grew in size. It seemed that everyone was ready for the true ruler on the throne and his people were more than willing to do what they needed to to right this wrong.
The fae travel with them through the countryside. They keep themselves mostly inconspicuous as they go, but Jungkook notices they do some of their own work in rallying others to the cause. By the time they reach the castle, not only is their army vastly greater in size, but they seem to have acquired a large band of fae folk as well.
Each night of their travels, they spend strategizing and preparing for the battle ahead. Jungkook trusts Seokjin. He leaves much of the planning to his general, while emphasizing they must minimize civilian casualties where possible. His people don’t deserve any more suffering.
After their strategy sessions, Jungkook and Seokjin retire to their private tent. Both are exhausted from the efforts of traveling and planning, so find relief in just holding the other in their arms as they sleep deeply. They both knew there would be time later to catch up on the years they had missed with one another. There would be time if they made it through this next storm.
Their goal is to remove the Queen from the throne and crown Jungkook as king, the rightful heir, with as few casualties as possible. Much to everyone’s dismay, Jungkook decides to try diplomacy first, with the army ready to call in if talks do not go well.
They were quite a sight entering the royal court chamber. The room is large, enough to hold a couple hundred courtiers—not that these walls had seen that many courtiers since Jungkook’s birth—with high vaulted ceilings, colorful stained glass in the tall windows, and red tapestries. With Jungkook taking the lead in the center, his comrades fan out behind him on either side, making a ‘V’ formation. To his right, in full military regalia, General Kim Seokjin, the changeling Taehyung, and pixie Jimin. To his left, the wood nymph Namjoon and leprechaun Yoongi. The few courtiers clustered in groups throughout the room all stop their conversations to stare, open mouthed.
As soon as Jungkook in mere strides from the throne, he stops and his comrades stop behind him. None of them bow. The Queen is sitting, ornate as ever, with a sugary smile on her lips, watching the group.
“Prince Jungkook! My dear! How absolutely wonderful to see you alive,” the Queen proclaims. Her tone is simpering and sweet. “My dear General, I see you must have found him. Pray tell, in what kind of place must this miracle have occurred?”
“I thank you for your concern, stepmother. As you can see I am alive and well,” Jungkook says. “And as I am here now, I must thank you for your service to the crown. Your task as regent is done.”
The Queen giggles at this. After a moment, she says, “I am afraid I have grown accustomed to this chair, Jungkook dear.”
“Do not make me forcibly remove you from these chambers, stepmother. Let this be a peaceful transition,” Jungkook says.
“With what army do you think you can depose me?” the Queen asks, dropping her sugary mask for the first time. Her lip curls up in a sneer.
“The King’s army is behind him, Madam,” General Seokjin states clearly for the whole room to hear.
“You traitor,” the Queen says pointedly at the general. “I made you. This will be your undoing.”
“My loyalties have always been to King Jungkook, my lady. None other have ever laid claim on my heart.”
“You may have the army, but the people will never accept you. With what will you persuade them? Remember, they are a fickle lot, dear Prince,” the Queen says.
“I have my bloodline. I am the rightful heir to this throne,” Jungkook says loudly.
“That will not be enough. You have done nothing! Nothing for these people. You ran away at the first sign of trouble.”
“I will treat them more fairly and bring them more prosperity than you have ever given them. I love them. They are the reason the kingdom still stands at all,” Jungkook declares. His eyes alight with a new kind of fire. The fae look on, pride twinkling in their eyes. They see a King rising anew.
“Prosperity? Prosperity!” the Queen screams. “You offer them prosperity? With what! The lands fester and die. The animals and fields wither and waste away. The only coin has been bought by the blood of our armies marching on the weak. Do not speak of prosperity. I am the only one who has managed that in the last twenty years!”
“Together, with my brothers, I can promise my people prosperity. I have renewed relationships with all the fae folk. Blessings and good health will soon flow again in our lands.”
At this the courtiers in the room stir. The Queen narrows her eyes and stiffens at the whispers. Jungkook can see the moment she realizes he’s found her weakness.
“And there is more,” Jungkook continues. “We will be blessed once more by the dragon of the mountains.”
The whispers turn to a din as the courtiers relay their shock to one another.
The Queen scoffs. “A dragon? No dragon has been sighted in decades! You think us all fools, Jungkook? Will you play your people for fools?”
There is a clattering of the doors at the entrance of the hall as they are flung open. Flying through them comes Hobi’s beautiful dragon form, lithely turning around the columns holding up the high ceiling as he goes.
Hobi stops beside Jungkook, just to the right of Seokjin, and bows his dragon head to him. Then he turns to face the Queen with faint black smoke rising from his nostrils.
Jungkook uses all his will power to keep the smile off his face, especially upon seeing the unmasked fury on his stepmother’s. He says, “Relinquish the throne and I shall spare your life.”
The Queen gives another quiet scoff. There is silent tension in the room as everyone waits for her to make the next move.
“Bow to your King,” Seokjin commands.
Aside from the Queen, who stands as still as ice, the room is quick to comply. Courtiers fall to their knees and prostrate themselves towards the band of men in the center of the room. Murmurs of, “my King, my King” echo throughout the chamber.
“This is nonsense,” the Queen breathes out in irritation before she flies at Jungkook. If her earlier plotting and poisoning hadn’t already made it clear, the Queen seems to have some kind of magic working in her aid. In the blink of an eye, she’s before Jungkook, arm raised with a dark green glass dagger overhead.
Before Jungkook can even draw breath, Seokjin leaps to his King and throws his body in the way of the dagger. Jungkook yells in alarm as he realizes that Seokjin means to take the dagger in his stead. They both collapse to the ground and Jungkook whimpers over and over, “Hyung, are you okay? Hyung!”
At the same moment, the fae are moving as well. Some move to shield the pair of humans falling to the ground. The others move to stop the Queen. The dragon, fueled by an angry fire that cannot be subdued, is the quickest. In a motion so fast, it is blurry to the human eye, the dragon bites the Queen’s arm off completely. The glass dagger, having never found its mark, shatters to dust when it hits the stone floor.
The Queen’s agonizing screams echo throughout the chamber. However, instead of passively accepting her loss, she channels her hateful energy into a new curse. Namjoon yells a warning before she’s able to complete the spell and Hobi releases a burst of fire from his lungs.
Nothing is left where the Queen once stood but a pile of ash.
The sun is long set by the time the two humans are tucked away in the King’s chambers for the night. There was much to do in the transition to power and much that still needed doing. The army would have to spread the word of the new King. Refugees would need help in properly resettling. Trade negotiations would need to be rekindled. Removing the Queen’s cronies from key positions in the government would take time. The list goes on and on. 
However, Jungkook thinks of none of that as he washes up for bed. He pads barefoot and wearing nothing but soft pants back into the bedchamber and sees Seokjin is already turning back the quilts, having changed into a sleeping robe of his own. He looks up with a soft smile when Jungkook enters.
“Hyung,” is all Jungkook says as he approaches the elder and wraps his arms around his frame.
“You did well today,” Seokjin says and he places a kiss on the top of his King’s head.
“You could have died,” Jungkook whines. “If the others hadn’t stopped the dagger, you- you would have died, hyung.”
Seokjin hums into Jungkook’s hair. “And I would do it again, if it meant saving you.”
Seokjin pulls his face back to look into Jungkook’s. In the years they were apart, they both grew up, became men. And yet, their love for one another only deepened. Both can see it reflected in the other’s eyes.
Jungkook makes a choking noise in his throat but doesn’t argue any further. He knows the futility in it. Instead he leans forward and delicately presses his lips in his hyung’s. The order’s lips return the soft pressure. Jungkook can feel the warmth radiating off the other, causing his muscles to relax.
They both deepen the kiss simultaneously, both grateful to have lived long enough to be together in this moment. Jungkook slides his palms over Seokjin’s robe, feeling the muscled planes of his chest underneath the silk fabric. When he’s found the opening, he lets his hands slip inside, admiring the way the elder’s skin feels as if it were on fire. 
Seokjin moans into Jungkook’s mouth as he feels the cool palms of Jungkook caress his skin. His own hands wrap around the King’s biceps, only to release when Jungkook pushes the robe off the elder’s shoulders from the inside. The robe falls to the floor, leaving both parties in nothing but their soft sleeping pants. 
Seokjin steps closer, pressing against the other until they are both falling backwards onto the bed, never breaking apart from their kissing. Eventually, both pull away just far enough to gasp in air, breathing labored.
“What do you want, my King?” Seokjin pants out as he presses kisses all over Jungkook’s face.
“Just Jungkook, hyung,” Jungkook says, closing his eyes and feeling the other everywhere around him. “Here I am just Jungkook.”
“Jungkook-ah,” Seokjin breathes out, almost inaudible.
Jungkook feels the heat burst through his body. They become a frenzy of kissing and touching, ridding themselves of the rest of their sleeping clothes. Jungkook feels as if he’s floating and sinking into the bed cushions at the same time. Their love making is a contradiction of fiery and gentle.
When they recover under the quilts, tangle of limbs and soft kisses, Jungkook stares, memorizing every detail of Seokjin’s face. Jungkook lets his fingers trace all those details, learning the ways the years have changed them.
“My sunflower,” Jungkook whispers into the quiet. 
Seokjin sucks in a breath and moves his hand to cup the younger’ s cheek. He whispers, equally quiet, “My sun.”
With the mentorship and aid of his six hyungs and the love of the people, King Jungkook reigns over the realm with a golden touch. The kingdom prospers with renewed trade and peace throughout the land. 
The soothsayers, as it happens, were correct all those years ago. Jungkook, once a soft, sweet boy, weathered many storms to emerge, still sweet but with a fighting spirit. He placed his fae companions as advisors and General Seokjin was promoted to the position of King’s Consort.
The King and his love planted fields of sunflowers around the castle. The bright golden fields glowed in the summer sunlight each year. And each year, the pair walked hand in hand together through the towering blossoms. According to those who witnessed their ruler and his beloved, they would say both glowed bright as twin suns and spread their warm light to everyone who had the fortune of being in their orbit.
Master List
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
Hi Jaiiii 💕💕 So I wasn't going to send a spooky drabble request since I'm usually super bad at coming up with ideas and you're already writing my one and only wish - weird fairy outfit Jungkook - but theeeen something came over me and I may have made a moodboard...
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To me this is giving siren! jimin x human! taehyung but you can totally take whatever element that inspires you from it and do your own thing!! Fluff, smut, angst, you know I'm always open to reading anything from you, so go wild. I hope this gives you something to work with because I had fun making it! Love youuu 💞💞💞
the wind speaks | kth + pjm
Something's living under the dock at the Kim family's beach house.
○ Pairing: Human!Taehyung x Siren!Jimin
○ Rating: Mature/18+
○ Genre: Supernatural, "friends" to "lovers", angst, yandere
○ 2 / 100 Drabble Challenge (Mermaid)
○ Word Count: 2,313
○ Warnings: Emotional manipulation, Jimin is supernaturally alluring so that makes the whole thing very questionable, potential drowning and major character death? perhaps? 👀 it's an ambiguous ending so who knows!
○ Notes: Hi Ivi bby, I hope you didn't think I forgot about your AMAZING moodboard 🥹 I really need to commission you to make all my moodboards for me cuz I'm seriously obsessed with this one. It gave me so many ideas and it fit perfectly with my 100 Drabble Challenge. I hope you like what I've come up with, even tho it's a lil bit intense jhskjdfs 💜 ily
○ Post Date: January 4, 2024
○ Masterlist | Send me ur thots
○ What was Jai listening to? A spooky siren Spotify playlist
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“Taehyung-ah! You have two hours before dinner, okay?” 
“Yes, eomma!” 
“Don’t make me have to come find you!” 
“Yes, eomma!” Taehyung calls out before closing the sliding glass door to their deck. 
The Kim family beach house sits just behind the sand dunes separating the beach from the homes lining the streets of their quiet town. The homes are nothing special, just boxy buildings with large windows built on high foundations to protect from flooding. The residents’ real treasures are boats, and the Kim dock is where Taehyung heads. 
Taehyung’s fluffy hair whips in the cool autumn wind during his trek through the cleared walkway between the dunes leading to the beach. Reaching the sand, the toes of his boots darken as he trudges through it. All morning, it rained, making the sand clump like wet dirt. Slimy seaweed and other debris cake the shoreline, so Taehyung carefully walks along the beach. 
The Kim dock isn’t anything fancy. Taehyung’s father built it himself out of wood he cut, sanded, and treated with his bare hands years ago. They keep their small fishing boat anchored to it – Singularity, named by Taehyung. He didn't know what to say when his parents asked him what it meant. He couldn’t outright admit that the word came to him in whispers in the wind when he sat at the edge of the dock, feet kicking in the air above the water. Taehyung has told one too many stories in the past; his parents are tired of hearing about his conversations with the wind. They said he would grow out of it, but Taehyung is freshly twenty, no longer a child, yet the wind still speaks. 
It’s cold without the sun to chase away the rain clouds. Taehyung zips his windbreaker up to the base of his throat and crouches at the edge of the dock to peer out at the ocean. The water is clouded from the rain kicking up the sandy floor.
“Hi,” Taehyung speaks to the wind and hopes it remembers. 
He left his phone at home, so he has no way of knowing how long he waits. The dock is rain-soaked, but his thighs burn from crouching. He opts for kneeling and shivers when his jeans absorb water at the knees.
“My Tae?” 
“Yes!” Taehyung perks up, eyes searching the horizon where the gray sky meets the murky ocean waters. He never sees anything; it’s just the wind. He looks anyway. 
“Where have you been, my Tae?” The wind sounds disappointed, and guilt makes Taehyung shrink further into his jacket like a frightened animal backed into a corner. 
“I’m sorry. I go to college now,” Taehyung admits sheepishly, “Far from here, so I can only visit during school breaks.” 
Waves lap at the legs of the dock. Sometimes, Taehyung thinks he sees things in the water, shadows bigger than the fish he catches off the dock in the summers. His father insists that the water is too shallow for large fish like sharks, but Taehyung doesn’t believe him. 
“I miss my Tae when he isn’t around…” 
Is it possible for a voice to be addicting? Taehyung swears the wind’s voice calms him. It’s silvery and alluring, a lullaby he could find himself falling into. He imagines himself falling asleep on a note, riding the soundwaves of the wind’s voice, ringing pure and cutting through the splash of waves meeting the dock. Sometimes, he wishes the wind would sing to him, knowing it would be a kind of heaven on earth if it did. 
“I miss you, too. It’s hard making new friends. I can’t just talk to them about anything like I can with you.” He closes his eyes and feels the wind kiss each eyelid.
“You are my only friend,” the wind whispers, sounding so close that Taehyung thinks he can feel the wind swirl against the side of his face. 
The air smells stronger now, a mixture of saltwater and petrichor. A cold front must be approaching. Taehyung worries it may rain again, but he doesn’t open his eyes to check. Something tells him not to, that it’s safer if he keeps them closed, though he doesn’t know why he’d need to be kept safe. Safe from what? The wind? 
“Open your eyes, Taehyung,” the wind whispers softly, alluring, a temptation so sweet that Taehyung feels himself falling into it, “See me.” 
“I’m scared,” Taehyung whimpers with a shiver. He tucks his hands between his thighs and holds his breath when he feels something caress his jaw, a light pressure like an index finger trailing from his earlobe to his chin. 
“Why are you scared? I love you, my Tae.” The light touch sweeps back along his jaw and then trails down Taehyung’s throat until the collar of his jacket stops it. His wind loves him. “I would never hurt you. Now open your eyes.” 
Cold hands gently cradle Taehyung’s face, palms to his cheeks. The hands are soft, slightly damp, and very much real. The wind can’t have hands, he tells himself. The wind is just wind. Taehyung’s stomach churns, tumbling like it does when his father’s boat hits a patch of rocky waves, sending fish flopping onto the bed of the boat and making Taehyung’s boots slide against the aluminum. 
With his heart fluttering like a caged hummingbird, Taehyung slowly opens his eyes. 
The wind is not air, but a young man with eyes a murky green like the sea who stares at Taehyung with parted glossy lips. Taehyung catches a glimpse of sharpened teeth behind those luscious lips, but he can’t focus on only one thing when there is so much of the man to take in. His shockingly white hair is messily braided with strips of seaweed and strings of pink pearls and draped over his shoulder – his naked shoulder – and Taehyung realizes the man is shirtless. Little jewels, pearls, and other shimmery gems decorate the man’s chest, outlining his sides until they reach his waist – covered in green scales that gleam despite the lack of sun. Taehyung inhales sharply when his eyes finally land on the sparkly fishtail draped over the side of the dock. 
“I–” Panic swells in Taehyung’s chest. He gasps as though he’s been pulled underwater, the moisture in the air like the ocean in his lungs. “Who, who are you?”
“I am your wind, Taehyung,” the man says with a small smile. When he slides one hand up Taehyung’s face to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, he makes a sound like a cat purring. “But in the water, I am called Jimin.” 
“Jimin,” Taehyung whispers. Jimin. It is such a soft name; Taehyung likes how his lips pucker when he says it. “Why didn’t you ever tell me your name? Why didn’t you show yourself to me?” 
Jimin gives Taehyung a sad smile. “I was scared, too.” 
Taehyung’s heart still beats frantically in his chest, but he calms down as Jimin plays with his hair, caressing and running his fingers through the strands. Jimin calls out Taehyung’s name, whispering it like a secret only they know, “My Tae, my sweet Tae, my precious Taehyungie, so happy to finally touch you.” 
Taehyung finds himself closing his eyes and leaning into Jimin’s touch, letting out a quiet whimper when Jimin lightly scratches his scalp. Hypnotizing – the word bubbles up to the surface of Taehyung’s mind, his thoughts murky like the water beneath the dock. The wind, Jimin, is hypnotizing. 
“Why?” Taehyung asks without explanation, but Jimin knows everything. 
“I want to keep you.” 
“Hmm?” Taehyung lifts his head, realizing he has rested it on Jimin’s shoulder. It’s comfortable in Jimin’s embrace, even though Taehyung’s pants are thoroughly soaked from rain and ocean water, and Jimin’s scales feel strange under his fingers when he skips them along Jimin’s waist. 
“I want to keep you, my Tae. I can’t let you go.” 
“Keep me where?” Taehyung asks with glossy round eyes. He points to the waves lapping at the dock. “In there?” 
Jimin licks his lips, and Taehyung feels his stomach churn and dip like the climax of a rollercoaster or a freefall from a plane. 
“Yes.” Jimin runs his thumb along the apple of Taehyung’s cheek. His touch is just as soothing as it is terrifying; Taehyung can’t comprehend how that is. “Will you come with me?” 
Taehyung can’t. He can’t survive in the ocean; doesn’t his wind know that? 
But there’s still the pull. The source of it sinks lower until it’s tugging at Taehyung’s belly, making him heat up despite the temperature quickly dropping around them. It’s almost night; he’s unsure if he has already missed dinner or if his mother is searching for him. Looking over his shoulder, he sees nothing– hears nothing but the chirp of gulls and the crash of waves. 
Jimin’s fingers curl around Taehyung’s chin and force Taehyung to face him again. The color of his eyes seems to have darkened with the sky, a light gray now when it was once green. 
Taehyung’s name sounds so pretty, coming from Jimin’s pillowy lips, lips glossy and pink like the pearls in his hair, and the gems decorating his body. 
Taehyung feels the pull, and he wonders if it’s Jimin giving him sealegs, even though they’re both sitting down. Something is terrifying about his beauty, something uncanny, like an android that looks a little too real, or the feeling you get when you realize a photograph is actually a painting – still beautiful but deceptive. There’s something scary about Jimin that Taehyung can’t fully understand before it slips through his fingers like sand. 
Taehyung wants to kiss him. 
“I want to kiss you,” he says, not knowing why he admits it out loud. He can’t stop himself from leaning into Jimin when he pulls Taehyung against him. 
“My sweet Tae,” Jimin murmurs into Taehyung’s mouth. 
Jimin’s tongue is slippery and tastes like saltwater, but it’s warm and deft as it flicks against Taehyung’s lips and slithers along Taehyung’s tongue. His hands tangle in Taehyung’s hair, yanking his head to the side to deepen the kiss. It’s fast and desperate, Taehyung moaning and gasping into Jimin and Jimin taking it with bites to Taehyung’s lips and groans of his own. Taehyung has never been kissed like this, held so gently but ravaged. His lungs burn as he drowns in his wind. 
Taehyung groans when Jimin releases his mouth to suck on his neck, just above his jacket’s collar. Taehyung can do nothing but let Jimin pull his head back, and he watches the stars come into view when he’s laid flat on his back. Water soaks his hair, making the strands turn black, and Taehyung’s body shivers from the cold. Only his torso is relatively dry. 
“Jimin,” Taehyung calls out, voice gravelly, nearly stuck in the back of his throat. “I can’t.” 
I can’t survive in the ocean, he thinks, and can’t speak because Jimin suddenly straddles his thighs. 
“Stay with me, Taehyung,” Jimin pleads, but it’s spoken with an authority Taehyung can’t imagine disobeying.
“Your legs,” Taehyung chokes and tries to push himself up on his elbows. 
Gone is Jimin’s elegant tail. He has legs now, pretty legs with a smattering of green scales at his hips and along his calves. Jimin grips Taehyung’s hips with fingers that are greenish at the tips. His nails are sharpened into points and dig into his skin, even through his jacket.
“If you will not stay with me, let me give my Tae a gift,” Jimin whispers, his eyes sparkling like the ocean under the moonlight. 
Taehyung nods quickly and squirms beneath him. “Something to remember you until I can visit again?”
Jimin licks his lips, eyes boring into Taehyung’s, and Taehyung gets another glimpse of sharp teeth. He rakes his nails down Taehyung’s body, from his hips to the tops of his thighs. Taehyung hears the denim rip and fray, but Jimin’s nails don’t break his skin. 
“You’ll never forget me, my Tae.” 
“Of course not,” Taehyung pants with a heaving chest. He feels wild, an animal taunted by the rattle of his ribs when Jimin suddenly shakes him. 
“Your gift,” Jimin whispers as he leans forward, walking his green-tipped fingers up Taehyung’s torso until they’re hooked around his shoulders. 
“My gift…” 
Taehyung watches Jimin’s eyes change, shifting from gray to bright white, and his pupils turn into pinpoints. 
“My heart is pierced by Cupid; I disdain all glittering gold,” Jimin sings softly as he yanks Taehyung into a sitting position and straddles his lap, “There is nothing can console me, but my jolly sailor bold.” 
The song sounds familiar, but Taehyung doesn’t know why. The memory sits on the tip of his tongue and dances to the haunting tune of Jimin’s cadence, just out of Taehyung’s grasp. He finds that it doesn’t matter – not the memory, nor anything else. 
“His hair, it hangs in ringlets, his eyes as black as coal. My happiness attend him wherever he may go.” 
Taehyung’s head lolls to the side. He no longer holds it up, just lets Jimin’s warm palms squeeze his cheeks to keep him upright. He goes where Jimin moves him, tips his head backward when Jimin wants to stare into his eyes. 
“From Tower Hill to Blackwall, I'll wander, weep, and moan, all for my jolly sailor, until he sails home.”
Jimin’s nails puncture Taehyung’s jacket. He hooks his fingers through the material as he wraps his legs around Taehyung’s waist. Before Taehyung has the chance to do anything but let out a startled gasp, Jimin falls backward into the water, taking Taehyung with him. 
There is no splash when their bodies slip past the ocean’s surface, only bubbles that pattern the otherwise still waters. The waves no longer lap against the Kim family’s dock. The wind no longer speaks. 
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@jooniesxbby @taegeum
Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here.
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Fragmented Glass
Chapter 10
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
Warnings: This story deals with a miscarriage. Eventual Smut. Mentions of death. Dubious consent (not in this chapter)
Word Count: 3,572
Genre: Angst, Smut, Enemies to Lovers.
Summary: You had the choice of an arranged marriage, upon meeting Namjoon he acted as if he actually cared for you but as time passed you realize that this would not be a fairy tale.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading, if any of the topics above make you uncomfortable please don’t read.
A/N2: I’ve neglected this story for so long that it makes me sad. I definitely do not want to leave this unfinished, I realize it has been over a year since the last time I updated and with life being hectic it just has been extra hard to update but this story has not been left to die.
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Whatever the plans had been they had quickly changed after Olivia’s phone call. You stared at your phone, unable to move. You rushed to the hospital to see your father. Olivia mentioned he had taken a turn for the worse over night. She had urged you to stay calm as the stress would not be good for the baby. 
You felt panic set in as you tried to remember what Taehyung had said the last time you saw your father. You wanted to rush to the hospital and Yoongi made sure to take you. He tried reassuring you, and asking for you to calm down but you couldn’t. 
As you arrived at the hospital it didn’t take long for you to find Olivia. She tried stopping you but you kept trying to make your way towards his room.  
“You can’t see him right now. I tried explaining Y/N.” Olivia rushed to pull on your arm gently.  
“How is he?” you couldn't look at Olivia. 
“These things happen, go to the cafeteria, get something to drink and I’ll be there shortly.” She suggested directing her words to Yoongi. 
You were looking towards the long hallway before finally giving in and allowing Yoongi to lead you to the cafeteria where you both sat for what seemed forever. 
“Stop it.” Yoongi placed his hand on top of yours. “Stop picking your nails.” he clarified. 
“I can’t.. I keep abandoning my dad and whenever things like this happen, I just…. I realize I don’t spend as much time with him as I should.” you stared at the cup of water in your hands. 
“Hey, don’t say that.” he hesitated for a moment. “You can’t control how his body reacts to his medication. It’s a miracle he has made it this long.”
“It’s true. And still I always run away. I was gone for months. Before that I was gone for a month and before that months.. It’s like two years I wasted being selfish and weak.” tears finally began spilling freely the time you had left with him was borrowed and you kept taking it for granted. 
“Stop, you needed that time. There was nothing you could have done. This is in the hands of the doctors and how well he responds to the treatment.” he pulled on your hand until you finally faced him. “This isn’t your fault.”
“Hey guys.” Olivia took a seat across from you. “I called you because there was a change, because I always want to be honest. But you need to calm down. It’s not good for your pregnancy.” She looked at Yoongi. “It’s not a high risk pregnancy, but because of her past history we need to be careful.” 
“Because of the misscarriage?” you asked not looking at her. You felt ashamed. 
“It’s better to be safe than sorry. Try not to stress too much. You have a couple of months left. Enjoy them. Right now we changed the medication on your father and he seems to be stabilizing. I just called you because…” she stopped and looked away unable to finish her sentence.  
“Because?” Yoongi inquired, when there was no response it was you who answered. 
“Because he might die.” you finished for her. 
“She doesn’t mean that.” Yoongi looked at you, but when Olivia didn’t answer again he looked at her. “You don’t mean that right?” 
“Unfortunately, we are not sure. He could be stable and then take a dive. For now like I said he is stable. But I will keep you updated.” she got up from her seat and looked at you both. “I think you should go home. At least for now. You being here stressed out of your mind doesn’t help him or you.I will let you know of any changes but I strongly suggest for you to go home.” 
For some reason that rubbed you the wrong way. 
“Why because I've already neglected him?” you didn’t mean to raise your voice. It just happened. “Because I am never here regardless so why would now be any different?!” your voice just continued to rise. 
She looked affronted by your questions. 
“Not at all Y/N.” she responded quietly, doing her best not to trigger you further. “I can only imagine how difficult this must be. The last thing I want is something happening to your baby.” 
But you were not letting it go. 
You rose from your seat suddenly, almost knocking the chair out in the process. Yoongi reacted instantly, getting up almost as quickly as you.
“Say it!, I am a bad daughter! That’s what you meant!” By now tears were running like a river. 
“Y/N no, I swear I just meant there is no need for you to be here if your father’s health depends upon the medication.” she stuttered trying her best to explain that whatever happened it would be no one’s fault. “This has nothing to do with you. Even if right now you were not here the changes would have happened the same.” 
“Liar!, you are a liar!” At this point you seemed hysterical. 
Yoongi grabbed your face with his hands as gently as possible. 
“Y/N!” he yelled trying to catch your attention. “Y/N! Look at me!” Finally your eyes focused on his. “She wasn’t saying that. She is going to keep an eye on your father. And if anything happens she will let us know. Do you understand?” Finally after what seemed like forever you nodded still crying. 
Yoongi looked at Olivia and then back at you.
“Uh.. can you let me know of any new developments please?,” he requested softly. 
“Yeah, of course.” 
“Me. Not her.” you seemed as if you were going to protest but he just smiled softly. “Let’s go, I’m taking you home.” Yoongi walked out of the cafeteria with you. 
Olivia stared as you let Yoongi guide you through the double set of doors. She turned to go back and check on your father when she spotted Namjoon.
“Did you …” she trailed off looking back to the doors you had just walked through. 
“Yeah, bad news?” he had seen how you had lost any sense at the mention of something happening to your father. 
“Yeah, he is in really bad shape. She just lost it.” Olivia mumbled. “Did you have a chance to talk to her?” she started walking towards the exit of the cafeteria. 
When no response came from Namjoon she turned to search for him. He was still standing on the same spot. 
“Namjoon?” she called out. 
“I heard you say she needed to be careful.” he was staring at the double doors you had just walked through. 
“Well yeah, I mean stress and anxiety is bad enough on anyone. And she is pregnant.” Olivia was confused. “Namjoon she is okay, the pregnancy is okay she just needs to be careful.” Suddenly something dawned on her. “No, you HAVE to tell her.” She reached out to him but he moved away. “Namjoon!” 
“Don’t you see?, she is already stressed as it is. I will not add to her stress by asking her to choose between Jimin and me.” He looked away sad all of a sudden. 
“Namjoon you don’t have to do this. Are you scared? Is that what this is?” 
“No, I’m putting her well being before anything.” he started walking away. 
“Namjoon ! you have to tell her.” he didn’t stop walking as Olivia got increasingly more annoyed. “Namjoon!” but he was already gone. 
He drove towards Yoongi’s apartment as if in a daze. His brain was on autopilot. He realized then he had never truly given up on you until that particular moment. He felt like something inside him was being torn apart. But he had to be grateful. By some miracle you had conceived a child. He realized then that even if he couldn’t have you as his wife, he could see his child grow. He would be tied forever to you regardless of anything. He would get to see you happy, even if it wasn't with him. 
He knocked on the door and Yoongi answered with a roll of his eyes. This he expected. Yoongi wasn’t a fan of his. 
“Look, can you come back some other time, she is not feeling great.” he blocked the door already sounding annoyed. 
No, he needed to talk to you. Or he might take it back. If he left without telling you what he had made his mind up to do Olivia or Seokjin would try and talk him out of it. 
“It will just take a second,” he pleaded. 
Yoongi looked behind him and then ever so slowly opened the door just enough to let him in. 
“If I hear any garbage you leave and never come back.” he threatened in a whisper. 
Namjoon walked further into the apartment to find you in the living room. Your eyes were swollen, your body shook slightly as you clutched a blanket to you. He finally stopped directly in front of you. Your eyes looked up and finally settled on his face. He sat in front of you on Yoongi’s center table. 
“I heard about your dad.” a tear rolled down your cheek and he felt his heart breaking for you. 
“Yeah, I’m not…. I don’t….” you couldn’t seem to form a sentence. 
“I know we had a pending conversation. All I wanted to say was…” he loved you and he wanted to be the one to make you happy. The one to be with you always. “We are adults, you said it yourself. My private life is my private life and you have yours. I will respect it and ask for you to do the same. You can always call me for anything, and I will be here for our child for everything. I don’t want you to stress about anything else. I know the situation with your father is a bit touch and go but I will be here for anything that you need. You are the mother of my child and you will always be able to count on me.” 
You stared at him as he finished. He wasn’t looking at you but at your hands. You tried meeting his eyes but he looked away. 
“Is there anything you want to say?” His tone was soft, but his words felt harsh. 
“No,” you whispered. “You’re right. Thank you.” tears spilled again but you weren’t sure if they were for your dad or the finality of the situation. 
He looked at Yoongi then, “If she needs anything let me know. I’ll pick you up for your next doctor appointment.” he rose to his feet but stayed for a few seconds, before leaning in and kissing your cheek softly, lingering just a few seconds before fully walking away. 
He managed to make it to the elevator before the tears finally drenched his cheeks. 
❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖ ❁
“He didn’t say that.” Yoongi said as he handed you a warm tea. 
“He basically did. He said his private life is his. What else can it mean?” you sipped slowly still sitting down on the couch. 
You were bothered. Namjoon continued to hide Nari from you. Or maybe she had asked to not know anything about you. This was about avoiding stress on her. Maybe she was just so trustful of Namjoon she knew nothing would ever happen that would be deemed improper. She was that sure of his love. 
“He loves her so much.” your voice broke. 
Yoongi groaned. “I hate how that bastard still makes you feel like that. He somehow still manages to get a rise out of you.” 
“I can’t do this to Jimin.” you mumbled softly. You turned your gaze to Yoongi who wasn’t looking at you.
“I know.” he sighed and walked to the kitchen. He came back with a beer bottle. “I thought all you needed was to be around him, let him pamper you and you’d get over Namdouche, but… I was wrong.” 
“He deserves someone who loves him and is not hung up on her ex. I need to just get rid of the choice. I don’t want it. I don’t deserve it.” you broke again and Yoongi hugged you tightly to him. 
You asked to talk to Jimin a couple of days afterwards. Somehow, Jimin sensed the topic of conversation. Everything had become far too complicated, he knew you had never gotten over Namjoon. And with a child on the way your feelings could only grow stronger. 
Despite Namjoon having another family. 
Despite Namjoon not loving you. 
You still did. 
The conversation had been pleasant as most things with Jimin were, it was a tragedy you could not fall in love with him. But you couldn’t ask for him to wait indefinitely for something that might not even happen. Jimin wanted to be close to you still. No matter what he still cared for you even if you only allowed for a friendship he would take it. 
Namjoon kept checking up on you. But contact had been limited to doctors appointments and polite check up texts. As time kept passing your grudge began to grow causing you to become bitter and resentful. 
Yoongi had driven you to your latest doctor appointment. Namjoon was out on business but had vowed to return quickly. This would be the first appointment since your arrival he would not be attending to. And it bothered you more than you cared to admit.
Yoongi remained quiet as you walked silently towards your check up. He sensed something bothering you but opted not to say anything until you decided to bring it up. 
“Very strong heartbeat,” Olivia commented almost to herself as she spread the gel around your belly. 
“That’s good right?” Yoongi asked from where he stood with his arms crossed. 
Olivia looked away from the screen to look for the voice and smiled. 
“Oh yeah absolutely. Having a healthy heartbeat is definitely what we want.” She grabbed a paper towel and began cleaning your belly. 
“What is Namjoon having?” You asked. 
Olivia looked at you surprised. 
“I thought you wanted it to be a surprise.” 
She had insisted on telling you the gender but you had opted for a surprise instead. Namjoon had respected your wishes and decided to wait for the birth as well. 
“No, what are Namjoon and Nari having?” Your voice sounded harsh, almost broken. 
Olivia sighed loudly. “Y/N I’ve told -”
“No!” You interrupted. “You guys treat her like she is this precious treasure and will not tell me anything about her. I know Namjoon must be so happy he finally married the love of his life! But if we are to have a semblance of a family shouldn’t I know about her pregnancy too? I mean I’m sure you all tell her about mine!” 
You were slightly out of breath, and you hated how bitter you sounded. Somehow you couldn’t move on from Namjoon but he had started a new family with the woman he had loved his entire life and even if you sounded like a ridiculous petty bitch you wanted for them to know you were hurting. 
“I can’t tell you. And I’m sure you don’t want any details that could upset you.” She tried reasoning. 
But you were past that point. 
“Olivia..” your voice came out in a warning but you stopped at the feeling of Yoongi pulling on your arm.
“She is right, let's just go Y/N.” He tried pulling on your arm but you pulled back. 
“He is a fucking asshole. He destroyed my life and all this time I thought that I was okay..” tears were finally filling your eyes. “I can’t be okay knowing that this baby might have the same fate I had and I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t let him hurt my baby in the same way he has hurt me.” Tears finally streamed down your cheeks. 
“Y/N what are you talking about?” Olivia’s voice came out almost in a whisper. She was trying not to upset you but you were letting out all your pent up feelings. 
Granted you should have let them out to Namjoon but he wasn’t there. 
“I’m leaving.” You turned to leave but she rushed to stand before you. 
“Hey move!” Yoongi tried to move her but she pushed him. 
“Think about what you are saying, okay?, you are upset at this whole ordeal but all you need to do is have a fucking honest conversation with my brother to see his side of this.” Finally Olivia’s voice came out much harder than it should. 
“I’ve always been honest with him!” 
“Oh have you?!, after your miscarriage you disappeared! After you came back and were supposedly happy with my brother you disappeared again! You always fucking disappear and make it seem like it’s okay to dish out whatever the hell you want at Namjoon! You know what? He is not perfect but neither are you!” She pointed her finger at you. 
You all stood in silence staring at each other. 
“We are leaving.” Yoongi declared pulling you to the exit.
You were left speechless and you didn’t know how to respond. She was right. You always ran away to protect yourself, but also you never believed it had any type of impact on Namjoon. 
Namjoon never showed any type of love or any type of hurt whenever you left or disappeared. On the contrary it felt like you were doing him a favor. The last time you left you’d left him to do his own thing with his family which is what you assumed is what he wanted. To make a family with Nari. 
“I tried.” You mumbled at Yoongi as he walked ahead of you. He made no to acknowledge what you said, you stopped walking then and raised your voice. “I said I tried!” You repeated. 
Finally he stopped walking, his hands went to his hips as he sighed loudly and looked up at the sky as if searching for an answer. 
“I heard you the first time.” He turned to face you. “You tried to protect yourself and that’s completely fine.” He reasoned, but you could tell he was just trying to sugar coat it.
“I’m selfish, just say it.” You folded your arms as you felt a chill go through you. “Just tell me how I fucked everything up.” You were already tearing up, your voice cracked as you said it.
“I am not saying that, look, it takes two to break up a marriage. I just feel like you have never taken responsibility for things.” The tone in his voice was soft as if he was trying to cushion the blow. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Let’s just go home and we will talk there okay?, this isn’t the place.” He reached out for you but you recoiled. 
“Just fucking say it!” 
“When Nari told you she was pregnant, why did you believe her? Why did you just leave without fighting for Namjoon if you loved him so much?” This cut through you like a knife.
“You supported me!, you sent Jimin my way to help me escape and now you are asking me why I didn’t hang back and what? Investigate?” You were openly crying now. 
“Yes, I did. I never liked him! Your relationship was always toxic and when this happened I thought it would finally be the last blow for you to let go of him and be happy! But things are worse now!You are worse! You are bitter and resentful, do you think I haven’t noticed you crying at night? At you always wondering out loud about Namjoon? You didn’t even try with Jimin because you still love Namjoon for whatever fucking reason he is in you like a fucking disease and I thought throwing you with someone who was the complete opposite was the cure but it wasn’t! Now I wonder why on earth I didn’t push you to fucking stay back and try to figure it out!” 
You reeled back at his rant. He was right as usual. 
You tried thinking back to when everything had first happened and you couldn’t remember having hope at all. All you could think about was how when you learned of Nari’s pregnancy all you could see was an in for Namjoon to be happy. 
“I didn’t know I was pregnant!” You yelled back. 
Yoongi’s face contorted into confusion. 
“If I’d known I was pregnant I wouldn’t have left like that!, but I thought I was in the way of his happiness. He never denied having feelings for Nari, he never made me feel like I was important to him and that is what made me leave and not look back.” 
“You said things were different, after Paris. You said you were happy, that things had changed. That HE had changed.” 
“Yes, but I would never be Nari would I?” You cleaned your tears and finally Yoongi wrapped his arms around you. 
“Maybe you should just talk to him, like you talk to me.” He mumbled against your hair. 
“I can’t do that I’d -” you felt something at your feet. 
You looked down and started. 
“Did…” Yoongi trailed off.
“Did my water break all over your shoes?” You were breathing hard. “Yes I fucking think it did.” 
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