#fairy and ghost trainers are built different
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Would Mochi be able to handle Mimikyus true form since it's stated in a Pokedex entry that it's scary enough to cause heart attacks
id like to think so!!! when reading the pokedex entries i like to think that the people that die from mimikyu are weak ass bitches who cant handle the scaries, but probably ghost and fairy trainers can handle!!! plus i like to think its just pom under there LOL
#some weak ass researcher probably a normal type user dies from a heart attack lmao#fairy and ghost trainers are built different#you cant look me in the eye and tell me a hex maniac would die from seeing mimikyu...aint no way...#pkmn au mochis family is still very witch-esq so they must be able to handle it#she probably even thinks its cute#(never change mochi) kinda moment#(i found a friend!!)
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Type: Fairy/Ghost
Abilities: Rattled/Scrappy (Normal) or Fool's Arena (Hidden)
[Fool's Arena: Sets up a Trick Room on the battlefield when the pokemon is hit by an attack.]
Stats: HP: 75 ATK: 85 DEF: 70 SPA: 20 SPD: 75 SPE: 40 TOTAL: 365
Gender Ratio: Gender unknown
Catch Rate: 30
Egg Group: Undiscovered
Hatch Time: Egg not obtainable
Height: 2'00" (0.6 m)
Weight: 1lb (.45kg)
Leveling Rate: Medium Slow
Base Friendship: 30
Pokedex Information: Originally thought to be a variant or convergent form of Stuffel, this pokemon in fact only resembles Stuffel superfically, sharing the traits of being bipedal, ursine, and resembling a stuffed toy.
While Stuffel is not a stuffed toy, Frankenstuffel seems to be - it has been observed "building" others like itself from abandoned toys. Inexplicably, it only chooses toys that resemble Cubchoo, Teddirusa, Pancham, Stuffel, Komala, and Kubfu. No one knows how they are animated or where they originally came from. It is speculated that they were originally created by human hands.
These mischievous pokemon can have motivations ranging from playful to malicious, often targeting young children or pokemon for their "pranks". Each individual tends to be consistent in their motivations for "pranks" - playful individuals do not usually deviate into the darker motivations unless driven to do so. Malicious individuals on the other hand, have been observed to modify their behaviour when their behaviour distresses their trainer.
It is unknown if this pokemon evolves, what the evolution method would be, or what it evolves into.
Description: This pokemon is built from bear-themed stuffed toys and literally stitched together with heavy black stitches. "Shiny" individuals are observed to have white stitches instead. Each observed Frakenstuffel looks different - the "configuration" of parts is unique to each individual pokemon. They are also observed to "decorate" themselves with parts of defeated pokemon - Oshawott shells, Squirtle shells, Meowth coins, Voltorb casings (worn as "hats"), Cubone skulls, Staryu jewels, etc. They will also sometimes "modify" themselves after creation with parts of other stuffed toys. It is primarily bipedal, but has been observed running on four legs for extra speed.
Rules of Use: This was made with the pokemonirl community in mind, but it's free for anyone to use in noncommercial endeavors. I'm unsure at this time if I'm comfortable with people profiting off my fakemon with adoptables, but if someone commissions art from you for this fakemon, that is fine. Aka you can commission art of this fakemon. I'd love to be tagged in any art created :)
Each individual is unique and how you design it is up to you if you "design" one! You may not design an evolution however, as I already have that planned.
credit to @water-pokemon-appreciator for the HA name & @champion-class-hatsune-miku for the base stat spread. Special mention to @stonerghostie, who suggested "Jester" for the HA, which I will be using for a different ability in the future :)
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Essay: #924 Tandemaus and #925 Maushold
Tandemaus is the Couple Pokémon, a Normal-type of the rodent family that belongs to both the Field and Fairy egg groups. It is, on average, thirty centimetres tall. It is always seen in pairs and never alone, hence its classification as the Couple Pokémon. Their combined weight is roughly four pounds. Tendemaus is white in colour, and has large ears. Like Skwovet, its cheeks have internal pouches in which it can store food to take back to its nest to eat later. Its tails form a chord which attaches the two individuals together, forming one Pokémon.
Like many rodent Pokémon, Tandemaus has large incisors for gnawing. It uses them to collect nesting material. Oddly, its gender is indeterminate, and the relationship between the two individuals that form Tandemaus is unknown. The mystery only deepens when Tandemaus evolves.
Tandemaus evolves into Maushold, the Family Pokémon. It has two forms; Family of Three, and Family of Four. It consists of two units identical to Tandemaus, and one or two smaller units. The Family of Four configuration, totally four Tandemaus-like Pokémon, is the most common. The smaller Pokémon appear suddenly during Tandemaus' evolution into Maushold. Nobody knows where they come from or how. Though it may be tempting to assume a parent and child relationship, nobody truly knows the relationship between the larger pair and the smaller Pokémon. The larger of the group will protect the smaller ones in battle. However, if things get tough, the whole group will attack. They can come together to use a move called Population Bomb, a move seemingly unique to Tandemaus and Maushold, where all the units in a family will bombard the opponent until one of them misses.
After evolving, Maushold's nesting instinct becomes even more active, driving it to create larger nests than those built by Tandemaus. These nests contain many rooms used for different purposes. One room may be for sleeping, while another is used for eating.
Tandemaus with the Run Away ability – which allows the Pokémon to escape battle regardless of field traps – will evolve into Maushold with the Friend Guard ability. Friend Guard reduces the damage sustained by Maushold's allies by up to twenty-five percent. On the other hand, Tandemaus with the Pickup ability – wherein the Pokémon instinctively collects items it finds in its environment – will evolve into Maushold with the Cheek Pouch ability. Pokémon with the Cheek Pouch ability can restore their Hit Points (the Pokémon's energy used to protect it from harm in battle) when consuming any type of berry, including ones that do not typically restore Hit Points.
Like many Normal-type Pokémon, Tandemaus and Maushold can use a variety of moves of various types. Examples include; the Grass-type move Bullet Seed, the Water-type move Water Pulse, the Fighting-type Low Sweep, the Fairy-Type Play Rough, the Dark-type move Bite, and both Sunny Day and Rain Dance. Thanks to its broad move pool, trainers working with Tandemaus can try many different strategies. It mostly learns Physical attacks and a handful of useful Status moves, but can learn some Special attacks as well. While its Physical attacks slightly outmatch its Special attacks in terms of stats, the difference is so slight that its Nature can change this balance in favour of Special attacks. As Normal-types, both Tandemaus and Maushold are weak to Fighting-type moves and are completely immune to Ghost-type attacks.
My personal experience with Tandemaus started when I caught it near the academy. It was a very friendly Pokémon that was easy to catch. It was fun to train with and grew quite quickly. It evolved into Maushold (Family of Four) without me noticing, possibly even while it was inside its Poké Ball! We had many great battles in Ms. Dendra's class, and it helped me a lot in my Gym Battle against Katy thanks to its range of moves, particularly Super Fang and Aerial Ace. Eventually its nesting instinct and its family ties had it longing to return to the wild, and I felt it was best to release it. Maushold is out there somewhere with its family, and sometimes when I look up at the stars at night and remember our adventures together, I wonder if Maushold is doing the same.
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Aww, I'm really happy to hear you like my team building! I actually don't have any IRL experience with playing competitive or even battling friends through a DS link. But I figured if OC Rachel is a trainer, I should think like one when I decide on her team (though there is some blatantly emotional reasoning in keeping Luxray and Froslass around no matter what). I've really gone down the rabbit hole in planning. I've spent hours on researching team compositions, comparisons and picking out moves. I've been using the Marriland Team Builder, the Pokemon Showdown Team Builder (for EV / IV, items and nature), Smogon University and Pokemon Database for base stat information.
The images with tallies was from the richi3f team planner on github, which I learned of through tiktok, I stopped using it part way because I still like Marriland's more. It's easier to understand and tells me the exact weakness to effectiveness ratio. BTW, the tallies in the first pic represent Team Defense, blue tallies mean a pokemon on my team is immune or resistant to a given type. Orange means a pokemon on my team is weak to that type. In that photo you can see Fairy and Ghost have red rings around their symbols and that they both have more orange tallies than blue, meaning my overall team is incredibly weak to Fairy and Ghost type moves/pokemon. The second set of tallies is Coverage, which I'm still trying to figure out what metrics it's using. Again, I prefer Marriland.
I see your point on Rachel having Pokemon from elsewhere, though here's what I'm thinking and why I'm being a lil gung-ho about her team being Sinnoh-based: Rachel is currently being writen as a "what if we saw a game protag 10-15 years later and they're an adult now". That said, Rachel is not a stand-in for Dawn/Lucas, nor did she grow up beside them, meet the legendaries, and may or may not have played a part in stopping Cyrus. But she had her own pokemon adventure, has been a trainer since childhood and would have built a full team before she would've been old enough to leave Sinnoh. Unless I wrote her as being from a wealthy family that could travel abroad or active military family, but I have not lived those experiences, and Rachel is 90% me, so I won't. Furthermore, I see the game protags as being like 1 in 1 million level child prodigies, Arceus chosen if you will, and while Rachel is talented, she's not a living legend like Red or a hero like May and Dawn were.
However, that's not to say that her present day self doesn't have foreign pokemon, hasn't travelled, or use foreign pokemon in battle, but they aren't her primary team. Once as I'm confident about what her primary team is, I'll look into giving her other pokemon and maybe create a multinational B Team.
As far as what she's doing now, I'm not sure. I know I want her to be an artist and that I want her to keep battling as either a prevalent hobby or as a side hustle. I like how Gen 9 introduced the idea of having champion-ranked trainers who aren't The Champion of the region. Maybe she's champion or E4 ranked. Maybe she does frequent different battle facilities or has a side job as a gym trainer, battly faculty member or as a teacher. I haven't decided.
Anyway, I'm so fucking hyped that you like her and have an interest in watching her develop into a real character. And don't feel bad about the slow reply! I know you stay busy.
I see! I wish you the best of luck then! It’s a never ending research rabbit hole no doubt, but I’m confident you’ll figure something out! I can’t offer much help, but I can definitely cheer you on!
Rachel’s journey sounds super interesting! If you have any plot points or a whole story about it, I’d love to see it! I love ocs so very much! And Rachel is super interesting being a kid prodigy all grown up! There’s a million directions to take her in, and I’m excited to see which you choose!
Keep me updated please!!! And thanks for explaining the tallies and such! I appreciate it!!!
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Eevee and Flareon (Fire) Vaporeon (Fire/Electric) Jolteon (Fire/Dark) Espeon (Fire/Ice) Umbreon (Fire/Electric) Leafeon (Fire/Fairy) Glaceon (Fire/Psychic) Sylveon (Fire/Grass)
Fuzevee -(Rocket Fuse)-> Rocketeon
Fuzevee -(Fountain Fuse)-> Fountaineon
Fuzevee -(Wheel Fuse)-> Wheeleon
Fuzevee -(Mine Fuse)-> Mineon
Fuzevee -(Roman Candle Fuse)-> Candleon
Fuzevee -(Sparkler)-> Sparkleon
Fuzevee -(Cake Fuse)-> Cakeon
Fuzevee -(Barrage Fuse)-> Barrage
(Based off various types of fireworks)
Battle Info:
^ Speed, Attack
v Defense
Fuzevee, Rocketeon
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Rock, Ground, Water
Resistant to(x1/2): Bug, Steel, Grass, Fire, Ice, Fairy
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): N/A
Fountaineon, Candleon
Weak to(x4): Ground
Weak to(x2): Rock, Water
Resistant to(x1/2): Flying, Bug, Fire, Grass, Electric, Ice, Fairy
Resistant to(x1/4): Steel
Immune to(x0): N/A
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Fighting, Ground, Water, Rock
Resistant to(x1/2): Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, Dark
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): Psychic
Weak to(x4): Rock
Weak to(x2): Fighting, Ground, Water
Resistant to(x1/2): Bug, Grass, Fairy
Resistant to(x1/4): Ice
Immune to(x0): N/A
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Poison, Ground, Rock, Water
Resistant to(x1/2): Fighting, Fire, Grass, Ice, Dark, Fairy
Resistant to(x1/4): Bug
Immune to(x0): Dragon
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Ground, Rock, Ghost, Water, Dark
Resistant to(x1/2): Fighting, Steel, Fire, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Fairy
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): N/A
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Flying, Poison, Rock
Resistant to(x1/2): Steel, Electric, Fairy
Resistant to(x1/4): Grass
Immune to(x0): N/A
Info: Fuzevee’s tail emits bright, colorful sparks at a constant rate. Using special strands of gunpowder, often found in different types of fireworks, Fuzevee can evolve into many different forms.
One of the most common Fuzevee evolutions, Rocketeon is built for speed and strength. In battle, it can strike its opponent over a thousand times in before they can even know they’ve been hit.
Fountaineon uses powerful electric attacks to overwhelm opponents, leaving them too stunned to move. It is named for the way its attacks seem to flow like water from a fountain when used.
Wheeleon are strong physical attackers that can be identified by the spiky mane surrounding its head. They tend to be highly aggressive and territorial.
Mineon are almost completely hairless, save for the vibrantly colored fur on thier tails. They are commonly used in Pokémon contests and were popularized because of them.
Candleon’s attacks take the form of searing hot balls of fire and electricity. Getting on the wrong side of an attacking Candleon can cause serious injuries, including the loss of digits or even entire limbs.
Sparkleon is not quite as strong as it’s fellow evolutions and is more often bred as a domestic companion. They get along easily with other pokemon and small children, making them the perfect family pet.
Despite its lax nature, Cakeon can be a powerful foe. It can fire many powerful attacks at once, leaving the battlefield covered in flames.
Bred more for aesthetic appeal rather than power, Barrageon come in a variety of bright colors. This pokemon is highly popular among lgbt trainers.
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The magicians as pokemon trainers
Idea by @inhumanshadows
Dean Fogg
Alakazam is the Dean's only Pokemon but he has never lost a battle with it. He opened the Brakebills academy to teach promising trainers he hand picks himself who he believes could change the world some day. To him being a trainer of such high status isn't just about battling but understanding pokemon and creating an unbreakable bond with your own team.
Quentin Coldwater - flying
Growing up Quentin was always told to reach for the stars so that's exactly what he did. His first pokemon was a tiny pidgey and they taught each other how to fly high, though only for pidgey was it literally and not metaphorically. With his pokemons aerial capabilities he's always able to think out of the box during battles and when not battling he's flying around on pidgeots back seeing all that the world has to offer.
Julia Wicker - grass
Julia knew she wanted to be a grass type trainer because it made her feel closer to the earth and her pokemon help her understand how life itself works. Julia started making pharmaceuticals and speciality pokemon food with her vileplume, they became so popular she needed the aid of the rest of her pokemon just to keep up. She wants to be one of the worlds best breeders, learning everything she possibly can about pokemon.
Kady Orloff- Diaz - fighting
Kady is a fighter and so are her pokemon. They train hard and learn techniques others could never learn no matter how hard they try. She still has a lot to learn about defensive battling but her offensive is nearly flawless because of all the hours she put into training in ways others don't even think about. Her and lucario have built a special wavelength and intuitively know the other's next move while sparring and lucario can take down it's opponent without Kady saying a word.
Margo Hanson and Eliot Waugh - water/ice
Margo and Eliot specialize in double battles. The day they met they instantly became best friends and trained their teams to work as one. Together their lapras' are basically unbeatable. They are equally as tough battling separately but there are very rare circumstances where they aren't teaming up to fight side by side. People are often confused as to why Margo has nidoking and Eliot has nidoqueen and Margo's only response is "because I'm the motherfucking king."
Penny Adiyodi - psychic
When Fogg recruited Penny he and xatu were putting on side shows telling people their futures. They drew in crowds of people every day and some traveled across the country to have their future told by Penny and xatu. With his pokemon Penny has seen other dimensions and done things not believed to be humanly possible, well in this world at least. He's not much of a battler but when he does battle it's quite the match because his pokemon battle with their minds instead of their physical bodies.
Alice Quinn - normal
Alice's mom was a well known ghost gym leader and when her brother followed in their mothers footsteps she felt like she was a disappointment. Alice became a normal type trainer because she sees the strength and determination of normal pokemon that are often overlooked. Her mother tends to criticize her pokemon for being "ordinary" but Alice see's her team as nothing less than extraordinary.
Fen - fairy
There is no other type of pokemon for Fen than fairy types. The type tends to be described as silly or odd but that makes Fen love them even more. Fen is a fierce battler and her pokemon can easily rise from underdogs to champions. Fen is like a completely different person on the battle field' she goes from being incredibly kind and gentle to doing the kind of damage that is inflicted by the sharp blade of a knife.
Todd - bug
Todd is a bug trainer. Why? Purely because his twin brother Randall hates bugs. Especially spiders. Todd's first pokemon was a spinarak who he taught to drop down from the ceiling over Randall's face while he was sleeping. He was always getting in trouble with their parents for messing with Todd with his bug pokemon and to this day he stills loves scaring people who are afraid of bugs.
#the magicians imagine#pokemon au#quentin coldwater imagine#julia wicker imagine#kady orloff diaz imagine#margo hanson imagine#eliot waugh imagine#alice quinn imagine#penny adiyodi imagine#fen imagine#todd imagine
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Had my mind on a Fire Force Pokemon AU and wanted to real quick type up some teams and misc. headcanons I was brainstorming, so here's Company 8 Pokemon teams, lol
Shinra; I considered giving Shinra the classic Charmander as a starter, but realized that was ridiculous when Scorbunny is right there. I mixed his team between Fire and Dark types to play on the aspect of his "devilish grin." I imagine he's a young, ambitious gym challenger, likely exploring with Arthur, Tamaki, Iris, and Maki! I also liked the idea of him having an Absol due to the aspect of it showing up after sensing danger to play on his origins with the fire.
His team;
- Cinderace
- Houndoom
- Absol
- Chandelure
- Ninetails
- Mightyena
Arthur; I wanted to play into the aspect of Arthur's love for fantasy by giving him a good mixture of Dragon and Fairy types, but him having an Aegislash as his primary partner was a must. Aside from doing the gym challenge, he has a lot of fantasies about meeting different legendaries. He had a chance encounter with Celebi as a child and has loved them ever since.
His team;
- Aegislash
- Grimmsnarl
- Togetic
- Salamence
- Turnator
- Tyrantum
Tamaki; I couldn't help myself but to make a cute cat themed team for Tamaki, it just makes sense. Tamaki doesn't care much for strategizing and creating a team with a balanced type theme, but she has an adoration for feline Pokemon. It doesn't stop her from wanting to pursue the gym challenge, either.
Her team;
- Incineroar
- Delcatty
- Persian
- Luxray
- Meowstick
- Liepard
Iris; I was very unsure about what theme I wanted to give Iris. I wanted to give her a theme of light to go with her being a Nun, but also involve her love for nature, so I settled on an Electric and Grass types! She isn't as interested in the gym challenge as her friends, and is considering becoming a breeder and caretaker when she grows up!
Her team;
- Lilligant
- Roserade
- Bellossom
- Flaaffy
- Vikavolt
- Joltik
Maki; I considered giving Maki a pure Fighting type team, but wanted to save that for Oubi. Instead, I added her witch theme by giving her a Fighting and Ghost type team. She's a very strong, passionate trainer who raises her Pokemon to have both good offense and defensive strength.
Her team;
- Mismagius
- Scrafty
- Pangoro
- Lucario
- Gourgeist
- Mimikyu
Vulcan; Admittedly, Vulcan was hard to choose for. I didn't particularly have a type theme I wanted to give him, so I settled for a lot of Pokemon with horns that're deer/bovine related to match with things like his welding mask. I imagine he works a lot in Pokemon tech, trying to find new wats to innovate things like the Flying Taxi in Galar, as well as being a huge advocate for Pokemon Preservations.
His team;
- Stantler
- Sawsbuck
- Dubwool
- Tauros
- Bouffalant
- Gogoat
Viktor; I like the idea of Viktor being an expert on whatever form of EV and IV training there are in-universe. I figured it'd be cute that he starts with an Eevee, but slowly learns how to raise a great purebred Eeveelution team he built up whilst researching evolutions. However, despite them being super strong, he's not great in battle, as he spaces out while strategizing and often gets lost in thoughts of research. As a kid, he took on the gym challenge with Joker, Leonard, and Benimaru.
His team;
- Espeon
- Umbreon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Vaporeon
- Sylveon
Hinawa; I can picture Hinawa as a very serious, no nonsense Steel gym leader for some reason. His Pokemon are all hardened to fight and aren't a very easy challenge, hence why he's a leader whom comes pretty late into the challenge. However, he softens when someone gets a win on him. They earned that badge, in his eyes.
His team;
- Aggron
- Steelix
- Skarmory
- Metagross
- Duraludon
- Bastiodon
Oubi; As stated earlier, I see Oubi as a purely Fighting type kind of guy, naturally. Like Hinawa, he's a gym leader, but he's much more relaxed. He doesn't take a lot of things seriously and would much rather think of Pokemon battles as a fun time to bond with your team than an all out competition. In his younger years, he and Hinawa used to compete together against the gym challenge.
His team;
- Machamp
- Hitmonlee
- Hitmonchan
- Sawk
- Mienshao
- Hariyama
#fire force#enn enn no shouboutai#company 8#shinra kusakabe#arthur boyle#tamaki kotatsu#iris#sister iris#maki oze#vulcan joseph#viktor licht#hinawa takehisa#obi akitaru
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Research File #10-06 pt 3
Current Team Standings:
Cinderace lvl 47, Blaze, holding Charcoal Dubwool lvl 46, Fluffy, holding Silk Scarf Toxapex lvl 47, Limber, no item Sneasel lvl 48, Inner Focus, holding Black Glasses Haxorus lvl 48, Mold Breaker, no item Meowstic lvl 47, Infiltrator, holding Odd Incense In universe progression was stopped early yesterday after completing the “Ghost” and “Fairy” gyms and arriving in the town that hosts the “Ice” gym.
I have been asked to continue 10-06′s research study but The Eye has insisted that the previously mentioned “Surpriselocke” glitch should be placed on hold for the time being. I have suspicions as to why they would put off investigations on such an obvious glitch but I will not argue with The Eye. After my base research I am to report to The Council for the briefing of a case I am to take on related to 10-06.
As for now I will focus on documenting basic field notes and later come up with a proper document explaining the different elemental typings of these Pokémon.
In the past we have seen that the best way to “train” these creatures is by challenging other trainers or by spending countless weeks fighting the untamed beasts of the land. In the case of 10-06 things have become rather easy.
I previously have mentioned “dynamaxing” and the unique dens found across the region. Each den holds the energy needed for this phenomenon yet not every den has a Pokémon within. While fighting and possibly catching the creatures inside does not provide any shown signs of increased strength for one’s own creature, it does often provide rare goods.
The berries and odd trinkets are probably due to the creature harvesting them for their own sake and dragging them into these dens for safety before becoming “dynamaxed”. However, if you look carefully, the energy built up from the creature’s prolonged state crystalizes the energy into “candies”. These can be fed to Pokémon to bolster their strength permanently. I hardly find this appropriate and feel as though it’s encouraging the “accelerated evolution” or mutation these creatures go through faster than their bodies can handle. I have yet to see any negative side effects with my own creatures.
A very obvious note, but weather is a huge factor on what can been seen and found in this region. As expected, creatures with certain elemental attributes are predisposed to different types of weather. That isn’t what concerns me. It seems this region has a very alarming weather system where there can be isolated blizzards, sandstorms, thunderstorms, and blistering heat waves in the same area without warning and without harming the indigenous life. The human inhabitants of this region seem unphased by these strange events, but perhaps it could be due to the excess energy that causes “dynamaxing”? Next time I enter 10-06 I will try to speak to Sonia or Professor Magnolia about their theories on the matter.
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Moemon-Type Chart
Just thought this would be a fun way to look at Moemon/Pokemon. Please note that these aren’t iron-clad rules. It’s just that these are all stereotypes built up since many Moemon tend to share these traits, and thus are put into these categories.
Bimbo - Normal: Disregarded by most Trainers, Bimbo-Types are incredibly loving and loyal, acting more like pets than combatant. They’re naturally more inclined towards love instead of war-however, they’re not to be underestimated. What they lack in style and grace, they make up for in being a ‘Jill-Of-All-Trades’, able to tip their tools into the pools of almost every other Type. Be wary, however, as Bimbo-Types tend to go into a raving heat cycles; each one is different and when they’re going through it, you’d best be able to handle them.
Punk - Poison: Rude, crude, and often with some kind of attitude, Punk-Types are notorious for being territorial. A Trainer with multiple Punk-Types should be careful, as they might fight amongst themselves for superiority-unless you’re into that. It’s commonly believed that their sour disposition holds a softer, gentler side-this is not a fact, some of them are, indeed, just bitches. Culling a Punk-Type from her bad habits is close to impossible, but some trainers have managed to make it happen before.
Smart - Psychic: While Psychic Powers doesn’t necessarily make on smart, Smart-Type Moemon tend to have a greater leaning towards gathering information. They have a reputation for being incredibly powerful, to the point where there was a point in time in Kanto History where Smart-Types with their psychic abilities were heavily sought after. They can be pretty hard to train, however; a Trainer that isn’t capable of reeling in a Smart-Type’s natural curiosity or their superiority complex might find themselves on the other end of the social leash. Recently, it’s been studied that Humans born around a community of Smart-Types have shown to exhibit Psychic Powers...
Milf - Grass: Milf-Types aren’t all moms from the get-go, but when they reach maturity, they tend to have a very voluptuous body type, gaining their name for just how fast they mature. It helps that no matter how many kids they may or may not have, they have very strong maternal instincts, making them great with kids and often used as nannies when not in combat. They’re often generous and loving to a fault, but a Trainer that can capture their hearts can find themselves with a very loyal Moemon. It’s often recommended that new Trainers start with a Milf-Type, as their more mild temperament makes them much easier to get along with.
Round - Ground: There’s a lot of debate about how to apply this ‘type’, as Generally, Round-Types tend to be towards a certain...body-type. They’re naturally built more towards a broader build, some of them having bigger butts or boobs, some of them having some noticeable chub. It’s unwise to be insensitive about this to your Moemon, as they may start a good rampage if you push their buttons. They may be quick to forgive you, given their softer personality, but everyone has a breaking point-as does your spine.
Frigid - Ice: Frigid-Types tend to have a a very ‘cold’ personality; they’re stand-offish, and more often then not will push you away even after being captured. Frigid-Types play a long game of ‘hard to get’, and only the most dedicated Trainers will be able to see their heart under all that ice. They’re stereotyped as ‘Kuuderes’ and ‘Tsunderes’, and while that isn’t entirely true, it takes time for them to warm up to their trainers. Be sure to keep your Frigid-Types plenty cool, as they tend to overheat pretty quickly.
Sassy - Fire: Temperamental, proud, and more than a little bratty, that is the Sassy-Type. They’re incredibly stubborn, and love to tease and get a rise out of their Trainers. Members of this type tend to love combat and will seek out battle no matter what shape it takes, be it a Pokemon battle to wanting to fight you over what you guys eat for dinner. Plenty of new Trainers are put through the ringer when they pick the Sassy-Type Starter and find themselves with a girl that’s too hot to handle.
Dumb - Rock: Intelligence is something hard to measure, but Dumb-Types certainly earn their name. It’s a mean title to give a type, but there is a kernel of truth to it; these types tend not to be concerned with knowledge, relying only on brute force and their naturally tough exterior. They may be a little slow, and perhaps somewhat forgetful, but Dumb-Types make up for their lack of brain power with their heavy heads. Keep in mind, however, that while they have a 1 in INT, long-lived Dumb-Types tend to have a 20 in WIS.
Bully - Dragon: If you hear the distinct ‘oh ho ho ho’ of a Bully-Type, they’ve already deemed you as their prey. Bully-Types get their names because of their inherit superiority complex, partially due to their rarity and partially due to how powerful they are. Trainers won’t have the luxury of giving any less than their best when dealing with them, as with even the slightest inch, they’ll try to dominate any situation. Bully-Types only respect those who are stronger than them, so Trainers will need to display their strength in order to keep them loyal.
Beach - Water: Surf, sand, and sand-witches, that’s the eternal motto of Beach-Types, called so since a majority of them hang around beaches or wear beachwear as though it’s normal clothes. While not vain, many Beach-Types tend to take a lot of stock in their physical appearance. They want to look good and be appreciated for looking good, so Trainers are recommended to compliment them plenty so they feel secure. They make for very charming partners for New Trainers, but more easy going than Sassy-Types, but aren’t as smothering as Milf-Types.
Drone - Bug: “The strength of the hive is the Bug, the strength of the Bug is the Hive”. Drone-Types are eternal followers, soldiers dedicated to a single cause-well, actually, they’re mostly made up of really shy, timid Moemon who form large colonies for safety. Drones are known for electing a ‘Queen’, or leaning on a Trainer, for leadership and guidance, and while some Moemon are more up to the task than others, it’s not uncommon for particularly meek Drones to seek out other, stronger Moemons to follow. Lately, there’s been an upswing in popularity in Drone-Type Moemon.
Goth - Dark: No, you cannot attract Goth-Types with Christian Death or 45 Grave, that will only upset them. Goth-Types are mostly loners, with few noticeable species working in tight, close-knit communities. Goth-Types are tough nuts to crack; it doesn’t help that Humans have persecuted them in the past and, even today, often treat Goth-Types as devils instead of sentient humanoids, no different from...well, Humans. They tend to come off as nasty, but they’re really just shy and often scared, so recruiting one can be difficult for the impatient.
Muscle - Fighting: Muscle-Types are pretty straight forward, with the members of the type pursuing the art of combat. Some are martial artists, some study the blade, and some just love to fight, to the point Trainers commonly refer to them as ‘fightsexual’. It’s not completely unheard of, as it’s common for Muscle-Types to seek out Trainers who will often train them and train with them. Trainers who can’t handle rigorous activity don’t make the best parnters for Muscle-Type, as they can get anxious if their Trainer isn’t striving for strength with them.
Spooky - Ghost: Have you ever seen a girl wonder through a graveyard? You might’ve encountered a Spooky-Type if you have. These Moemon absorb an odd energy called ‘ectoplasm’, which gives the properties of ‘ghosts’: they can turn invisible and intangible, many are capable of minor levitation, and the results tend to leave them sickly and pale, even if they’re perfectly healthy. Spooky-Types are known for being rather mischievous: some being no more than mild pranksters, some maliciously violent, so be careful and always carry a flashlight and a vacuum cleaner.
Toy - Steel: Toy-Type Moemon are an odd bunch; their bodies tend to be made up of some kind of inorganic matter, be it having titanium bones, iron skin, or steel teeth. Toy-Types are also notorious for having a very dry personality, if not coming off as disinterested, they can be rather strict and stern. Despite the playful name, Toy-Types are very rigid and unflinching, with many types not fully grasping common emotions naturally, either needing to learn them or learning to mimic them. They’re not cold and unfeeling, it’s just that they’re not naturally capable of expressing them.
Glam - Flying: Most scratch their heads at this choice in naming, but Glam-Types truly live up to their name. Glam-Types are incredibly graceful, these winged Moemon being able to soar with pristine elegance. Many Glam-Types work tirelessly on their appearances once they hit maturity, wanting to stand out as much as possible in the hopes of attracting a mate-and more often then not, they’re looking for a Human-Trainer or otherwise. For a Glam-Type, having a Human for a mate is a status symbol, and Glam-Types are all about making themselves appear to be more important than others and showing off.
Ditz - Electric: Not quite Dumb, but not quite Bimbo; Ditz-Types are often perceived as being eternally curious and full of energy. While I stress these Types are more like STEREOtypes, Ditz-Types have been shown to have severe lapses in judgement, with some being as foolish as to use their Electrical Powers on Round-Types, who are immune to them. Scientists believes that the access electricity going to their brains short circuits them, leaving them to be rather forgetful and easy prey for other Moemon to take advantage of until they reach maturity. Despite this, however, most Ditz-Types are rather upbeat, with many of them even showing traits of creative problem solving.
Cute - Fairy: A new type discovered, with their name still being developed, but Cute-Types really are just that: cute. They tend to have an aura of desirability, some of them even weaponizing this unassuming trait to lure in prey and showing a much more ‘combative’ personality lying underneath. Their sweet disposition is even enough to dissuade even Bully-Types from working their usual tactics on them-though it might help that their Draconic Ancestry gives them a fatal weakness to the distinct energy that Cute-Types radiate. Scientists are still trying to properly understand what this energy is, as we’re not totally sure what it is, how it affects them, or even why many types retroactively became or gained the ability once the type was discovered...
I mean, by this logic, my Bulbasaur is a Milf/Punk-Type. Which, I mean, I’m cool with that. Might even draw that at some point...
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An idea for a Poke-clone
So since Pokemon day just passed, I started to think about a kind of Poke-clone type of game/series of my own, since that seems to be an upcoming trend. I already thought up the base idea for my own Pokemon region before, and I’m not sure if I’ll eventually combine that idea with this one, but anyways…
The very broad idea is that it’s sort of the best of Pokemon, mixed with the best of Digimon, and I guess for fun’s sake we could say it’s sort of got a Bionicle flair to it a bit too.
I feel like there are some conceptual pitfalls in Pokemon that they’ve sort of tried to step across over time, that obviously aren’t too big a deal but I can probably fix with this idea. The big one that hurts them in the real world is that, by the Pokemon being presented like animals or pets, it makes battles feel like some kind of unethical dog fighting at first glance. Obviously they make it seem like Pokemon have personalities and minds like humans, in that they do genuinely want to battle, and that they genuinely like and want to fight with their trainers, which is fair, but it also begs into question other things, like why they’d want to sit on the floor and eat brown pellets out of bowls instead of on plates with actual food like the humans. Also, it makes you wonder why they even want humans to tell them what to do. In the wild, they can clearly fight on their own, so why do they instantly do what humans say when they’re caught? I guess the assumption is that humans are better with strategy, but even better than Pokemon like Alakazam or Metagross, who are supposed to have superior intelligence? Also, when a Pokemon is given to another trainer, like in the opening of the Deoxys movie, why does it not do anything and wait for its new trainer to tell it what to do, even when it’s being bombarded with attacks, and with its trainer clearly frozen in shock?
Also, back to the idea of catching, what makes the Pokemon want to obey the trainer? At first it almost seems like Pokeballs brainwash the Pokemon into liking whoever catches it, but what about Pokemon like Ash’s Charizard, who don't obey trainers? In the games it’s related to badges, but then why would any Pokemon obey a trainer without any badges? Do they just accept that it’s their lot in life to be caught by a human, and when that happens, you just obey them if you’re not good enough yourself? Obviously a decent amount of Pokemon just become friends with a human, and then they catch them just out of a formality. But, what about Go in the most recent season of the anime? He just catches anything he sees instantly, without much of a fight at all, and he has no badges, so how can he just instantly use anything he catches? Surely not every single Pokemon they come across just wants to bow down to him instantly. Obviously a lot of this lore stuff is just in the background, since the primary purpose is gameplay and whatnot, like Go just sort of representing the catching style of Pokemon Go, and with badges being a logical progression that keeps you from just using the strongest Pokemon traded from a friend and wiping the game clean. Still, even if you just accept it, it’d be nice to just not have to accept it, you know?
Then in terms of design, I kind of like the prospects of Digimon a bit more. Visually, though, I think Digimon are universally worse looking than Pokemon, but the fact that they seem more like friends than pets solves so many problems. First, that they’re made out to be actual sentient (sapient if you want to be pedantic about it) beings, instead of animals. This makes it so much easier to understand why they’d want to fight and protect their less-than-capable humans, and why they’d be willing to fight at all. They’d just understand it’s basically a sparring match or a sport. Also, it makes the humanoid designs so much easier to think about. When you see that classic image of Mimey sitting on the floor picking at the “Pokemon food” from a dog bowl alongside the rest of the Pokemon, it just doesn’t feel right.
Also, what the hell are humans in this world? Why are Pokemon regarded as such special beings in the world? They always say “Welcome to the world of Pokemon” like they know of a different world full of non-Pokemon, and that Pokemon aren’t just animals. It almost made more sense in the first few seasons of the anime, where you’d just see some random fish swim alongside Magikarp or whatever. That made it clear that there are normal animals as well, showing that Pokemon are separate things entirely. But, now, they’ve retconned that, and I don’t think that was how the games worked in the first place at all. Then, the age-old question that all the Youtube game theorists try to answer: Are humans Pokemon? They sure seem resilient to Pokemon attacks, but don’t have any themselves, apart from like Tackle or whatever. It feels like animals were a thing way back when, but through natural selection the animals that developed supernatural power obviously became the dominant species, and over time the supernatural animals were called “Pokemon,” and humans with their technology/taming abilities managed to survive the onslaught of dangerous creatures by using them as protection from others. Then, I guess way down the line humans can’t keep up and die out, creating the Mystery Dungeon series, since it’s strange how the Pokemon there seem to know what humans are despite them never existing in the series. That, or maybe Mewtwo just fuses people with Pokemon like he did in the Detective Pikachu movie.
Anyway, enough of me talking about stuff probably explained in the manga or whatever. Here’s the Poke-clone idea:
The creatures were there first, and at least most of them have human-level intelligence, if not higher-level intelligence. There are some supernatural animals around, alongside supernatural people and monsters, and there are 7 primary elements they can have: Earth, Fire, Water, Electricity, Air, Light, and Dark. Earth is basically Earth in Temtem, Fire/Water/Electricity/Air are all self-explanatory, Light is basically a more generalized Fairy type, and Dark is like Dark but with also including Ghost. These creatures can be born with any of these types, and can naturally wield them, getting better at it as they grow. But, these types can be combined using elemental essences, creating new types. Earth and Fire creates Metal (because smelting), Light and Earth creates Crystal (Again think Temtem, just can’t get enough of it) Water and Dark create Ice (because ice does feel different enough to be separated from water elementally imo) Fire and Water creates Air again (“steam” doesn’t feel special enough) and Electricity and Fire creates Plasma (basically generic magic). Chances are I’ll think of more combinations but whatever. There are different areas themed after these elements, and in these areas a specific element is boosted in power, so the “gym” equivalent will reside in these places, and “badges” will prove that you can defeat an element at its strongest level. Also, the areas that connect the main areas either double up types or use the secondary type which they combine into, so not all “gyms” would be super straightforward.
Here’s where humans come in, though. They’re not just “humans.” They’re actually a species of these creatures called “Humans” (capital) and are mythical beings which did not originally exist on the world. Originally, it was just the other creatures. At that point, humans were only a myth spread around as myths do, and they were said to be creatures with the ability to combine every primary type and use them simultaneously, being the most powerful species of creature of them all. However, when they did magically appear on Earth, they seemed awfully weak. In fact, they couldn’t wield any element naturally, but could by using elemental essence, which is just normal for creatures. Some thought they just needed to be trained and grow like the rest of them, but others just saw the myths as being dramatic. It was especially troubling to see Humans grow and die of old age without being able to use that mythical power. Regardless, many Humans were highly respected, and many teams of these creatures would look to them for guidance during battle, even though there are many teams that don’t even have a Human on them. Humans, of course, are expected to battle alongside their teammates, even if they’re not quite as capable, because that’s how their society is expected to work.
Over time, everyone sort of let go of the idea that Humans are somehow superior and they just became equals, although the trend of Humans advising a team stuck for the most part (partially because they can’t do much else, they wanted to feel inclusive). Even with their normal social standing, though, some creatures scoffed at them claiming they’re not even worth having on a team at all. Others tried their best to draw out the mythical Human power, sometimes by capturing and experimenting on them in less-than-ethical ways. Some of them claim it’s helping them draw out their full potential, but others unabashedly say that they want to harness the Human power for their own good.
So yeah, that’s basically the lore of the idea. I’ll probably think of a specific Pokemon-Digimon-Temtem-esque name equivalent for them eventually, but for now let’s just call everything a “creature.”
The overall design prospects of the creatures are basically at the same level as Pokemon, where some of them are clearly inspired by animals but others are just general monsters/humanoids. I’m not entirely sure if I want them to all be intelligent or if some should still be animal-like in behavior, but the latter definitely makes more sense world-wise. The areas the creatures live in are built up using the elements they wield, obviously. I could imagine the general usage of the elements being more like Avatar in a way, but obviously with more than the base four elements.
As for the elements, any individual creature would start out in only one of the primary elements, and I guess if you beat a “gym” you’d get the essence for that gym element, essentially unlocking new types for your team. You can use each essence infinitely, and outside of battle the form of the creature you use it on would permanently change if it creates a secondary type (until you use another one). However, in a battle, you can switch them on the fly, and they will revert back to however they were before the battle. I’m also thinking that they could only be used on a creature if they create a secondary type, and I’d just add more of those in so it’s less limited, and so not every creature has the exact same potential, which would make recruiting different ones just pointless (although I can see it being useful for just choosing your favorite creatures to fight with, so no loss either way). Maybe the effects could just be timed in a battle. Also, secondary typed creatures would be a different form entirely. So, if an Earth creature was given Fire essence, they’d go from looking like they’re made of stone to being made of steel, etc and etc. Think of it sort of like character customization. For the Human you’d inevitably play as, I guess you could just change their hair/eye color depending on the essence, maybe add some special particle effects or light textures on the skin.
Thematically, this is more like a tag-team sport than a battle. In a 1v1 or 2v2 scenario, you’d tag out with your teammates, since the term “tag” makes for a good reminder that everyone involved is working at the same level as you pretty much. You could also name your team as well, making it even more sport-like. Also, instead of “capturing” teammates, you’d just recruit them, logically by proving yourself in a battle. Maybe you’d have to fight them only with you as a Human so it’s much better proof that you’re a worthy leader. It also opens the possibility to just talk with NPCs and recruit them that way. Maybe you could even recruit different Humans with different body types, and therefore different stats. I guess the trouble would be how you’d keep them all by your side at all times. Maybe there could be some Telefang-esque communication device you’d use to call in the specific members of your team you’d want in your battle.
Gameplay-wise, it would definitely be cool if it were a much more live battle like Kindred Fates, where you’re controlling the active creature and using their moves on the fly. It would also make for fun multiplayer battles, where you could even have a full team go against another all at once, in a sort of battle royale. Maybe even have a true BR. Even though visually I’d love for it to be like Pokken Tournament with the circular battlefield and movement (no switching, just normal movement all the time), I definitely think having super limited and easily understandable movesets is better for having multiple teammates.
The main story of the game is sort of set out by the lore, too. Naturally it kind of has a “chosen one” protagonist who’d inevitably bring out the mythical Human power over the course of the story, with the people trying to capture you and stuff for that power being the evil team analog. Also, for those Pokemon fans anal about having an asshole rival, they could easily be a team of only creatures that doubts Human abilities. The “gyms” being for each type is pretty standard, and having combo “gyms” definitely makes things more challenging. Maybe you could enter the “league” at the end only once you get all the essences, and the secondary type “gyms” are just for a challenge.
I’m not sure if I want the overall age of the world to be more modern, but there would definitely be certain areas that are more ancient-looking. That’s basically why I thought the idea was a little Bionicle-like, because they have super ancient-looking areas that are themed but also have a weirdly cool degree of technology in them. It’s a seriously cool aesthetic that I want more of, but I guess certain towns and cities could keep a modern structure (roads, buildings, shops, etc) but with drastically different building designs based on the relevant element. Surely with such crazy elemental powers they wouldn’t need crazy technological transportation, but maybe that would be for the Electric elemental cities. Surely some Humans would need something to be proud of.
Obviously the biggest selling point for Pokemon (at least for me) is the monster designs, so I’ll probably put some stuff together in the future. Right now I can see there being some sort of tall Metal knight-like lady character who carries their Human around like a baby. That is, it’d be her character, and not a thing of the species. Also, I drew a cute fur seal pup recently that could easily be worked into one of these creatures. Designing monsters is too fun as is so giving me a good reason to do it is just perfect.
Of course, as is common with ideas that literally were thought up yesterday this isn’t going to be a thing unless some millionaire game designer contacts me right after posting this so yeah, I’m just spitballing right now. Spitballing is fun, though.
#pokemon#clone#pokeclone#idea#thoughts#rambling#monster#poole#etc#ideas#digimon#temtem#kindred fates
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pokemon au. basic information.
aizawa was born and raised in the kanto region. when he set out on his pokemon journey at age ten, as most do in this universe. his starter was bulbasaur, and he had no travel companions to start out with -- only his pokemon.
at age thirty one, he currently resides in the sinnoh region. he never challenged any pokemon leagues because he had no interest in making a name for himself as champion. he did, however, spend his teen years ( 11 - 18 ) traveling and gathering gym badges. he collected all of the badges from kanto, johto, hoenn, and sinnoh over those seven years.
verse variants.
version one: for crossover interactions -- he’s in a subsection of the international police force, perhaps a mostly underground operation/squad, dedicated specifically tracking the movements of evil organizations. he goes wherever he’s called, but his home is in sinnoh. additionally, he hasn’t challenged any gyms in his adulthood but, his job has taken him to unova, kalos, and even alola on more than one occasion. he may not have badges from these regions, but he’s caught pokemon just about everywhere.
version two: elite four, bnha parallel -- he’s the psychic trainer in the sinnoh elite four, staying nearby in sunnyshore city. i’d like to imagine some of the fellow bnha teachers might be at his side as elite four, but that’s neither here nor there.
pokemon teams.
there are enough differences between what his main six would be like that it’s worthy of noting, so here’s all the versions! the original applies to both versions, because the verses only diverge when it comes to his adult life.
ORIGINAL TEAM: type, variety.
this is the team that he traveled the many regions with in his youth, and his obscene amount of gym badges can be accredited to them.
BULBASAUR. grass. nicknamed beans. MEOWTH. normal. EEVEE. normal. VULPIX. fire. DROWSEE. psychic. SHINX. electric.
eventually through evolution, this team became venasaur, persian, umbreon, ninetales, luxray, and hypno. this is just their state at the beginning of their journey.
those who don’t travel with him in one of the below teams live with him at his home, retired peacefully after many, many years of fighting hard with him. aizawa’s relationship with them is unbreakable and he’s very affectionate towards them. pokemon are better than humans.
this is the team he started using as he gained more experience and saw different parts of the world. still strategic as ever, he keeps a variety of pokemon types so that he’s ready for any circumstance. in this team, they’re significantly higher leveled because instead of a gym where the objective is guidance, this team was built for defense against evil, so he trains them much differently and for optimal success.
MEOWSTIC. level 56. psychic. nicknamed hime. LUXRAY. level 55. electric. LUCARIO. level 54. fighting & steel. ALOLAN MAROWAK. level 54. fire & ghost. ONIX. level 52. rock & ground. WEAVILE. level 55. dark & ice.
ELITE FOUR TEAM: type, psychic.
in a gym, you gotta pick one type, so aizawa’s? psychic. some pokemon have a double type, but that’s true for most gyms in any case. he’s a tough one to beat, so he’s probably either third or fourth to be challenged in the elite.
MEOWSTIC. level 42. psychic. nicknamed hime. MR. MIME. level 40. psychic & fairy. HYPNO. level 40. psychic. ALAKAZAM. level 40. psychic. MALAMAR. level 40. psychic & dark. GALLADE. level 41. psychic & fighting.
#[ ; | * au. some kind of metal made up from glue. ( pokemon ) ]#i put... so much work and type research into this#mainly for the version 1 team because i wanted it to be aizawa - levels of balanced#i THINk i did a good job but idk man#long post /#anyways PLEASE rp this verse with me and appreciate this
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oh heck i was tagged by @twinkrevali!!!
Rules: Answer ten questions, then tag ten people to answer ten questions of your own creation
I Was Asked:
1. Are there any animals that you would love to have as a pet?
Definitely a cat. They fit my lifestyle a lot, and they’re a standard in the family. I’d love to get one as an emotional support animal, and taking care of a pet might help me get into my own cycle of self-care.
2. Do you know any music artists that have had a heavy impact on your life?
Weird Al, most definitely. I grew up listening to his stuff, and I would say it’s definitely allowed me to appreciate the surreal a bit more and be more laid-back.
3. If you could choose any fictional piece of media to live in, which one would you choose?
Bruuuhhhh I couldn’t fucking choose. I guess Mario verse since that’s my current fixation.
4. Do you have any high aspirations you hope to achieve one day?
My main goal rn is to start on my hecking webcomic, Mispi Clans. I’m proud of the world I’ve built so far, and I wanna definitely share it with the world.
5. If you were a Pokemon trainer, what would your team of six consist of?
FFFFF THAT’S REALLY HARD BUT UUUHH I’m gonna give myself a ‘no legendaries’ rule or else I’d be here forever.
So like a strong Grass/Ghost/Fairy user
6. What’s the most interesting way you’ve lost a tooth?
Uhhh I’ve lost my teeth pretty normally, actually but a fun story about what happened to one of my teeth shortly after:
I kept my tooth on my headboard instead of under my pillow for some reason, and when I woke up it had split perfectly in half. To this day I still don’t know what caused it.
7. If you woke up one day with superhuman capabilities, what would your power be?
I’d love the power of transformation, to be honest. Changing into animals, making myself fit my mental appearance, etc. It’d just be so useful.
8. If, for one reason or another, you had to give up a part of your body, which part would you give up?
Uhhhhh I suppose one of my legs. My hands are too precious to me, so hmmm
9. Do you have any spiritual beliefs?
Nope! None. At all. Not even atheist or agnostic. I’m just too busy/distracted for all that sort of stuff. It’s never really been to my taste, anyway.
10. Positivity time! Pick at least five things you like about yourself.
My art skill
My worldbuilding/character design capabilities
My humor
My compassion
My patience
My 10 questions:
What’s your favorite animal that you think is often underlooked/not too common?
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve lived in one place (as in houses--if you moved to a different spot in the same city, it still counts)
What’s an aesthetic you love seeing on character designs? (color schemes, anatomy traits, etc.)
How many songs are in your itunes/youtube/spotify playlist right now?
Favorite flavor of pie and favorite flavor of cake?
Can you curl your tongue?
If you were in the Danganronpa world, what would your Ultimate talent be?
How big is your immediate family? (siblings, parents, aunts/uncles, cousins/niblings, and grandparents)
What’s your favorite video game genre?
Where are you sitting right now as you answer these questions?
I think that’s it! Yeee! I taaaggg
@karaoke-bomber @abraca-mari @brokenpocketwatch @aquarian-villain @calicocopperhead @supermarblesoda @raccrew @jutsei @zacharie-quackarie and @cammie-chan64!!
Plus anyone else who wants to do this!!
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This is basically my declaration of love for Sterek, the best ever OTP, and for the amazingly talented Sterek fandom which has given me so much joy and happiness throughout the years. Here's hoping the years post-canon will be even better and brighter. #eternalsterek
Big thanks to @halekingsourwolf for the beta! (Also on AO3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12178566 )
For Sterek
You meet for the first time on private property – 147 pounds of pale skin, fragile bones and sarcasm, and a majestic wolf with bunny teeth in a too big leather jacket.
Derek Hale: you're the king on Stiles' chessboard, his anchor, the prettiest alpha with the flower crown and Stiles your flower queen. You're the alpha of Stiles' heart.
Stiles Stilinski: you're Derek's anchor, his second in command, the emissary in training, the most loyal member of his pack. You're Derek's mate.
Mieczysław and cousin Miguel. You meet each other in a thousand different ways, in a thousand lifetimes. You impress each other with your Polish roots and fluent Spanish skills. Together you suffer through endless family dinners and visits to Grandma's only to be interrogated about your intentions. You'll have your informal occasions, too: relaxed get togethers and movie nights and bbqs in the backyard, letting the pack and your respective families mingle. You're no strangers to loss but the tragedies of the past make you appreciate your self-made families all the more.
Perhaps you're orphans and make your own families. Or you meet as kids and become instantly inseparable. Or you meet in school but have a hard time fighting through your different social cliques to reach out and make your special brand of jock and nerd work, connecting through mutual love for pop culture or music or literature. University fraternities may try but they can't keep you apart forever.
Sometimes you meet later in life, when you already have kids, but all that friendly neighbourhood DILF will charm your pants off. Often enough you get to have your kids together, carry your own pups and join your beautiful everything (Herald being the infamous exception, of course).
You communicate via notebooks full of scribbles in sparkly pens, you text and sext and skype and type and call using few words or none. The anonymous postcards are instantly recognizable and always welcome. And when you're not using words, you know to interpret each other's eyebrows and the eyerolls. Your love translates without sound or sight, with a simple sign or touch.
You're studying for your exams, learning anatomy bone by bone while lying in bed. You connect the multitude of moles, admire all those brilliant tattoos covering each other's bodies, magical and ordinary alike. You make having gray hairs okay because getting them means growing old together.
But first you're still young and you meet in the forest, lay on a rock and share a smoke. It's a club – it's always a club – dark, loud and full of people invading your space. You leave the wolfsbane laced drink and craft beer behind and move to the dancefloor where your sweaty bodies gyrate together, following the beat of the music while you learn each others' curves and angles by heart. Later you're in no hurry, you're vegging indoors, tangled on the sheets, kissing and watching the smoke twist and curl up, up, and up in lazy patterns. Taking turns shotgunning your spirits and dreams from lips to lips. You lose your virginities together... maybe you lose it to save your life, to avoid becoming the next sacrifice, but it always, always means something. Because you're soulmates, your innermost thoughts and desires appearing on your skin, helping you to find your missing piece, connecting you two old souls time and again.
Then the wildest dreams of your high school band come true and you love and play and break up and make up while touring and conquering whole continents. You give and take dance lessons, to seduce and be seduced; you clash your classic and street style backgrounds, a strict follower of rules and the other forever bending them, creating something altogether new just for the two of you. You paint each other like one of the French girls; you do portraits, make sculpture and pottery and nude drawings, sometimes in secret and sometimes in plain sight. You participate in the theater club, and the whole audience will get to witness your first kiss.
You travel the world with your magical circus; you are firemen, enjoying their pies. You meet as police officers and delinquents, as actual superheroes or vigilantes. You're PIs or FBIs. You're cowboys on a ranch, vagabonds, florists and tattooists, doctors and patients, bakers, chefs, sportsmen, football players representing rival teams. You're hot mechanics getting down and dirty under the hoods and jeeps. You're thieves, magicians, horse trainers, students and teachers and professors. You own a bookshop, magic shop; you work in a library, you're a TA. You drive a tow truck and you have a thing for your dispatcher who is calculating the shortest distance from you to him. You're a rentboy surviving on a stranger's kindness; you're a rich sugardaddy who starts with all the material goodness and ends up giving his heart and soul. It's omegaverse and neither of you believes in the society's unyielding hierarchy, yet there you both are, reluctantly taking part in the annual heat run.
The UST between you two is legendary and it burns hotter than a thousand suns. And when you finally snap, you do it against the wall, in and on the Camaro, in every single room and on every available piece of furniture to christen your new apartment. You do it on a motorcycle in space despite the raving zombies all around. You do it in captivity, not minding Derek's beta form in the least. You do it in secluded cabins in the woods, surrounded by snow, far from the rest of the civilization. Knotting is your thing. And despite what anyone might think, your BDSM and private club performances and role plays are fifty shades of okay.
And when it comes to porn, you're naturals. Made for recording videos online, letting the camera love your angles. It really is all about Neckz'n Throats. And in a real studio, you're famous stars colliding but doing it like professionals all the same. You have a good time, many many times, several times in a row, in several different positions, and yet it's the undeniable power of human love which penetrates you the deepest.
Everyone else sees what you have before you do. The witches teach you a lesson. You have to narrate your own life or you can only talk by singing or you are forced to speak your mind or you can only speak the truth or hear each other's thoughts or you are physically bound together until you learn better. And even if magically stolen away, your love will grow back organically, like the plants in the strong earth of the garden because there is no stopping such a force of nature.
You're involved in politics: the first son and his long suffering but lifesaving bodyguard. You're celebrities, you're famous models and authors, actors and larger than life movie stars returning home and given another chance at making things right. You're bloggers and vidders. You're food critics. You own restaurants and bars and work in diners and cafes and make coffees as black as your soul with a lot of sugar and extra cream.
You're royalty throughout the ages. In modern day, you hide from paparazzi and try to reign in your desire in the face of social expectations and pressure from the media. In ancient times, you struggle with archaic laws and wars, fighting for your countries and sending your most trusted knight or assassin to turn the course of war for you, to win the war for you and it's the biggest sacrifice every time. Or you're heirs or less important sons needed to seal the alliance of your kingdoms, to be wed to maintain the peace and strengthen the union of your countries. You've only ever seen a portrait of your intended, a horrible troll of a creature, and you can't believe your eyes when your fiancé turns out to be love at first sight. Or it's regency and you hesitate with even the slightest touch; you barely dare to dream of holding hands and yet a single look across the room makes everyone else disappear, leaving just the two of you with your unparallelled chemistry.
Stiles, you're Squirrelinski, a fennec fox, you are the fox to Derek's wolf. When you're given the bite, you become the most natural beta ever, challenging Derek's alpha at every turn but matching him step by step. Derek, your seedwolf makes the most adorable minifriend Stiles has ever had. And then there are sheepgoats and bunnywolves, androids being built and mermen coming ashore. There are demon creatures summoned and adopted. There's more than enough to handle in one set of you but sometimes it's either the Stilinski twins or a Derek's doppelganger and the only available option is to groupsex it away.
You're possessed by demons and chased by hunters. Even death can't keep you apart. You make a perfect werewolf-vampire couple or haunt each other as ghosts, or go to purgatory and back to fix it, to prove everyone you're not done yet and that you never will be. You're driven together by a curse, magic or fairies make you do it. It's fate or chance or accident. But that's only the beginning. It's what happens after, when you learn from each other, show respect and understanding, trust each other, and inevitably and irrevocably fall in love. Every single time.
And even when the whole world is on fire, you serve through the World Wars to see each other again. It's the apocalypse and the zombies are roaming the earth, they have spread all over the galaxy and you're fighting for your survival, still not letting each other go. Werewolves are known, there's slavery, you're kidnapped and held in captivity. You join forces, start a revolution and fight against the oppressors. You are each other's lifeline, you pull each other through it all and end up saving your city, your nation, your world, the universe while re-discovering your humanity with your love. And when you return to civilian life the war has left its mark on you, as the veteran with PTSD, you have your scars and battle wounds but sometimes the invisible scars can only be seen without sight and you manage to mend them together.
Your love transcends time. You travel back and forth through different timelines, you cross multiple universes just to be together. You chase after hurricanes and want to start all over. You take a gap year, you go on a roadtrip to see the world but the further you drive, the closer the two of you get and all that breathtaking scenery pales in comparison with your self-discoveries and budding love.
So, just so you know, Derek, Stiles is not afraid of you and he hasn't been for a long, long time. There's no need for ripping any throats out with teeth. Though it's still Stiles' house and Stiles' rules, buddy, whenever he's harbouring your fugitive ass. And Stiles, if one of these days you get lucky, Derek will show you that big ol' fist and you can be sure it's not the only big thing the big bad wolf has in store for you. But, most importantly, you trust each other now and you still need each other to survive, still keep each other alive and won't ever let go.
You're drift compatible, you fit together in every possible universe with every version of yourselves. You're Diego and Sid, the abominable snowman and sourwolf, you're big bad wolf and not so little red with the trusted baseball bat or the lacrosse stick. You two make a pretty good pair.
You belong to fandom. You belong to no one. You belong to each other.
Stiles and Derek. Derek and Stiles. Your love is eternal.
Canon is closed. You're finally free.
Long live Sterek.
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dreams fight with machines inside my head like adversaries come wrestle me free clean from the war
pyrrha nikos was raised for war. from childhood, they knew their destiny was to head mistral's arms and fight. mistral had been fighting the great war for as long as pyrrha could remember, long before their birth. but pyrrha gave the people hope, and pyrrha would do anything in their power to protect their people. they began fighting on the battlefield soon after they turned thirteen, taller and stronger than their peers, though they didn't truly have anyone their own age to compare to. by the time they turned fifteen, the battlefield was no longer daunting, the death and blood no longer enough to make them feel sick. three years passed and no hard battles had occurred, allowing pyrrha to hope for peace as the war seemed to calm and peace negotiations began. they petitioned to leave mistral, wanting to explore beyond the planet they had been on all their life. it took far less time than they expected, and at age twenty, they were finally permitted to leave their home planet.
they explored and stopped at a myriad of places before choosing to stay at yen sid. pyrrha began to build a life there, joining the rangers hockey team. the agression of the sport and the ability to use their strength and speed for something other than battle was appealing, as well as the teamwork involved. they made friends, including their best friend jaune arc and close friends nora valkyrie and lie ren. they had found home at last.
but happiness couldn't last forever. after many years, pyrrha was called back to mistral. there had been whispers that the peace had fallen through, that the war was heating up once more. their parents had kept it under wraps until it was official, not wanting to worry them. so, without too much explanation to their team, they went back home. they showed no signs of being out of practice on the battlefield, taking risks to ensure victory that would have been considered outright foolish by any sane individual. they were fighting for months, unsure if they would ever return to the space station.
the move that would secure peace negotiations once more would also be the one that would return them to yen sid. pyrrha managed to capture the enemy's crowned prince. but they had also managed to be shot in the chest by an arrow at point blank. there was much doubt that they would even survive, dashing any hopes of returning to their friends, to their life back on yen sid that didn't require their hands to be covered in blood. death was almost certain.
but, by some strange miracle that pyrrha hopes they never understand, they lived. machinery now living in their chest and their mind haunted from the war, they returned to the space station- this time for good. they were afraid their friends would be mad at them for being gone for so long, without much explanation, but that never came to fruition, at least not to their face. it took them far longer than they would have liked to get back on the ice. pyrrha still avoids discussing what happened back on mistral, only her closest three friends having a ghost of an idea about what happened. they have a new life now, one that doesn't rely on war and death. they'd rather have their friends know a life without such as well.
long hair pulled up in a ponytail, fiery red. the way that armor feels : familiar yet alien for how long you've been away. the implications of destiny. spear and shield : weapon and protection. perfect aim. the way a workout burns. a gold circlet; the weight of it. favoring bravery over strength. warrior. bruised knuckles. overworking yourself. flash of a smile. golden stars and fairy lights. brown boots. finally, finally, making a friend.
MISC ://
pyrrha comes from the planet mistral. it is a planet filled with wind-swept cliffs and swamps, featuring a diverse set of cultures and levels of technology depending on the geography and natural resources of different areas. those that live in the cliffs are renowned for their contributions regarding architecture, theater, fashion. and that is where pyrrha is from. they grew up hearing of the great war they waged against those that lived in the swamps - as these people were thieves, assassins, characters of ill repute. from childhood, pyrrha trained to take her place at the head of their armies.
they were eighteen when they petitioned to leave the planet. the war was winding to a close as far as anyone could tell - there had not been a hard battle since they were fifteen years old, and there were peace negotiations. and pyrrha ... pyrrha had never left the planet on which they'd been raised. never had the chance to explore. they were twenty before permission was granted, and still that was sooner than they had expected. the space station was not the first place they found, but it was the place they stayed.
it was just a few months ago that they were called back home. there had been whispers, rumors that the war was heating up once again. that their hopes of peace had been dashed, that pyrrha would be called again. but their parents hadn't wanted them to worry, hadn't warned them that they would be called until it was made official. so they came home. they left their team without a center forward - left someone to sub for them even though it was not their position. they left for months. and they only returned home - to the space station, to their new home - when they had been hurt too badly to continue.
peace negotiations returned when pyrrha secured the crowned prince of the rival kingdom as a hostage, but that was only after they had taken an arrow to the chest at point blank range. they never expected to survive the damage, and they nearly didn't. they nearly died on mistral. but somehow, in a miracle that pyrrha cannot hope to understand, they survived. no longer exactly the person that they once were, now with a piece of machinery in their chest and a shadow over their heart, they returned home - to the space station. for good, this time.
pyrrha very much likes the life that they have built for themselves at the space station. it is a life that does not revolve around war, does not circle around a future that they do not want to deal with. it is a life where they have more friends than they could have ever asked for, and where their speed and strength can be used in a way that is productive without hurting anyone. well ... without hurting anyone too badly. there is a certain aggression to hockey that they also enjoy. and more so, there is a camaraderie with their teammates that means more than words can express.
jaune arc : best friend and teammate.
lie ren & nora valkyrie : teammates and close friends.
ruby rose, weiss schnee, & blake belladonna : teammates, slowly becoming friends.
yang xiao long : sister of teammate ruby rose; always hanging around.
heather walker : trainer. pyrrha takes her classes to stay at the top of their game.
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Pokémon Moon, Episode 18: In Which I Reluctantly Embrace My Alleged Destiny
Four islands, seven trials, four Kahunas, all behind me. In the old days, I’m told, that would have basically been it. I mean, there’s supposed to be a rematch against all four Kahunas up on Mount Lanakila. As far as I can tell, though, that’s traditionally less about the battles themselves and more about getting absolutely plastered on the beach afterwards. The after-party for Professor Kukui’s Final Trial is said to have been the stuff of legends, and saw the genesis of three new cocktails, twenty-four herbal hangover remedies, the Alolan form of Grimer, the character of the Masked Royal, and a devastating new Rock-type move that was instantly banned by sixteen different Pokémon Leagues. Sadly, Kukui’s own plans for the Alola region demand a few sacrifices, and one of those will be taking the whole ritual of the Final Trial more seriously than the Alolans have previously been accustomed to. I gather that he means to assemble the Kahunas on the mountain as a sort of ready-made Elite Four, then invite any and all trainers who have previously completed the Island Challenge to run the gauntlet, leaving any who make it through to compete for the spoils of victory. Personally, I’d rather leave them to it, but unfortunately, that’s not an option – Tapu Koko is the Tapu of Conflict, of competition and ambition; it didn’t give me a Z-ring and send me out on a quest so I could save the world from Lusamine and her Ultra mumbo-jumbo, it gave me a Z-ring and sent me out on a quest so I could take part in pointless sporting events for its sadistic entertainment. The show must go on.
When I travel to the base of Mount Lanakila, Gladion meets me there to shoot the breeze for a bit. He has the good sense to stay out of this Trial nonsense, of course, so won’t be joining me for my trip up the mountain. He just wants to thank me for deciding to help his mother rather than leaving her to die in the Endless Void, which of course I would have been well within my rights to do. “I know we aren’t friends. But we aren’t enemies anymore either.” I give him a wry smile. “Honestly, dude, I don’t think I’ve met anyone in these islands that I like better yet.” He looks puzzled. “My sister?” “Clingy and irrational.” “Professor Kukui?” “Loud and obnoxious.” “Kahuna Hala?” “Oh, don’t even get me started…” “…my mother?” “Well… you have to admit she’s got style…” I muse. Gladion pauses. “…Hau?” he hazards. I stare in amazement, then burst out laughing. “BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAH! Ahhhh… no.” Gladion stares back at me. “Ah, I… guess he’s growing on me. He’s got… kind of an infectious mood, you know?” “Believe me, I do,” Gladion answers, smiling. “But yeah, seriously. You’re competent and pragmatic, but honourable. It’s a rare combination. Besides, I like how you hate everything. It reminds me of me.” “I’ll… take that as a compliment,” he replies hesitantly. “So, rivals?” I suggest. “We gonna battle or what?”
Gladion has apparently gotten his Golbat to evolve into Crobat, which speaks volumes for his psychological progress towards inner peace and balance, and he’s added a Lucario to his arsenal, another Pokémon that would be unlikely to follow a trainer with a deeply conflicted soul. More interestingly, though, he has also managed to evolve his partner, the enigmatic artificial Pokémon designated Type: Null (or at least, I think it’s evolved; the Rotomdex registers it as a new species, anyway) – it has shed the control mask that once kept its powers in check, revealing a feathery white griffon head, and now has full command of the type-changing abilities the Aether Foundation stole from Arceus, including a Judgement-like type-shifting technique called Multi Attack. Gladion has renamed it Silvally, a name of his own choosing since it is the first of its kind in existence. That was the missing element to ensure the eventual success of the original Aether Foundation experiment – they neglected to give their created Pokémon any sort of companionship or care for their psychological health, warping them to the point that they couldn’t control their abilities. You’d think the sciences would have learned from the mistakes of the Mewtwo incident… but at least Gladion has.
Mount Lanakila has a “Victory Road” of sorts, in the form of the rugged and often freezing route up the mountain, though it doesn’t actually bear the name and is shorter and more straightforward than other paths that have been given the traditional moniker in regions we’ve visited, or even in comparison to the Vast Poni Canyon. I suppose Kukui and the Alolans simply didn’t think that particular bit of the Pokémon League template was a super high priority. I’m sure in a few years they will have renovated it into some godawful fifty-kilometre-long deathtrap with spike pits, acid wells, rolling boulders, and so on. By the time I get to the end and check into the Pokémon Centre just below the summit, Hau is right behind me. He’s been busy – in the days since we raided Aether Paradise, he’s zipped around Alola finishing all the trials he missed, including defeating his grandfather and the other Kahunas. Dude’s crazy motivated, you have to give him that. He’s levelled up, and added a surprisingly powerful Komala to his team – certainly an appropriate choice, given their similar carefree attitudes towards… everything. He’s not confident in challenging the Elite Four yet, though, and I suppose there’s no reason he has to, now that the Final Trial isn’t really a thing anymore. After a quick battle, he wishes me luck and sends me on my way to Kukui’s shiny new Pokémon League building.
The new complex is built inside the mountain’s peak itself, which must have been a tremendously expensive operation, but I suppose the Alolans must have felt it was worth it to have the Pokémon League here, at one of the holiest places in the entire island chain. There’s a gate close to the summit, where the path stops; only an experienced climber could hope to get any higher than this. Professor Kukui is waiting for me outside, and ushers me into the chambers of the Elite Four. The inside of the peak is a huge cavern, its walls studded with brightly coloured crystals, with four smaller caves branching off from the main one. Taking a page from the books of the Unova and Kalos Leagues, the Alola League seems to allow trainers to choose the order in which they challenge the Elite Four, before returning to a dais in the main chamber that transports you to the Champion’s room at the summit. “Mount Lanakila is where we’ve always finished up the Island Challenge. We built our Pokémon League up here, as high into the heavens as we could get, to show our respect for our legendary Pokémon and honour it,” Kukui explains. “I’m just glad you decided to spring for central heating,” I say, still shivering a little from the cold outside. He laughs. “I went all the way to Indigo Plateau, yeah! Right to the Pokémon League headquarters… and I went right up at them, cousin! I saw my team battling for me through it all, pouring their souls into their moves for me. And then that last guy, that Dragon user in the cape…” Kukui trails off into silence, lost in the memory. “Yeah, he… has that effect on people.” I wrinkle my nose. “It’s the Blackthorn heritage. They have a devotion to Pokémon and battle that’s… almost religious. Intense. Kinda scary actually. That last battle… that was the moment, wasn’t it?” He looks up at me, puzzled. “The moment you decided you had to form a new Pokémon League here in Alola? You wouldn’t be the first person to completely change the direction of your life after a battle with Lance. Like I said, he… has that effect on people.” Kukui laughs again. “That he does. Well, you know the drill!” He sweeps his hand around, gesturing to each of the chambers of the Elite Four. “I expect you to show me some intense moves and real heart-stopping battles in there! Good luck!”
I expected the four Kahunas to make up the Alolan Elite Four, since they’re traditionally the opponents you face in your Final Trial, but it turns out only two actually answered Kukui’s call. Hala and Olivia occupy the chambers on the cavern’s western side. Hala has brought a range of powerful Fighting Pokémon, including one I haven’t previously encountered, the mighty Crabominable, an Ice-type evolution of Crabrawler with massive bruiser arms. Though strong, they are no match for my Toucannon and Psychu. Olivia manages to mess me up a bit more when I try to use Zygarde’s Dragon Dance to steamroll her, but get stopped in my tracks by her Carbink’s colossal defences and Fairy attacks. Decidueye manages to bring things back under control and secure a win, though. Nanu evidently couldn’t be bothered to answer Kukui’s summons, because he is clearly far more sensible than me. When Tapu Bulu decided to appoint him the Ula’Ula Kahuna (for reasons known only to itself), refusing would have invited the wrath of the divine, but refusing to join the Elite Four incurs only the wrath of Professor Kukui, which Nanu is perfectly comfortable with. In his place, the young Ghost specialist Captain Acerola accepted a position at Mount Lanakila. She has some interesting Pokémon too, including a giant sandcastle called Palossand that can only be the evolved form of Sandygast, and another Pokémon entirely new to me by the name of Dhelmise – a seaweed-draped living anchor that looks like it should be a Water- or Steel-type but is actually Grass/Ghost, confusing me long enough to beat the brains out of my poor Decidueye and forcing me to deal with all her other Pokémon without any decisive advantage against Ghost-types specifically. Still, Golisopod, Salazzle and Zygarde are able to salvage the situation. Hapu isn’t on the Elite Four either, presumably because of her still recent promotion to Kahuna and lack of experience compared to Olivia and Hala. Her place is filled by… a champion golfer? Because… sure??? Kukui has filled the final slot with an invitation to Kahili, a Flying Pokémon master who was an accomplished trainer in Alola years ago and has been travelling the world as a pro golfer ever since. Despite my initial scepticism, she’s as strong as any Kahuna. Thanks to her Mandibuzz’ toughness and Dark attacks, she defies my efforts to sweep her Flying-type team with Psychu, and her Skarmory was able to lay down some Spikes before being defeated to mess things up for me. My own Toucannon winds up being instrumental in this fight. With all four enemies defeated, I return to the central dais. Professor Kukui is no longer in the main hall. Nor, for that matter, are there any other challengers; I haven’t seen any since I got here. Hesitantly, I step onto the dais and am teleported away.
I am standing under a vast crystal dome, the open sky visible above. This is the highest place in all Alola, above the clouds and bathed in the light of the sun. With the wind kept out by the dome, everything is eerily still. A staircase in front of me leads up to the arena of the final battle – circular, its floor glowing a gentle blue. At the opposite end is a simple stone throne emblazoned with a Pokéball symbol. No one is sitting in it. I can’t hear any voices; no one else is here. There is no Champion to battle, no Totem Pokémon to face, no other successful challengers to compete with. I walk to the centre of the arena. “Hello?” I call out. “Hello?” My words echo back to me off the dome, but there is no answer. A minute later, I hear the teleporter pad behind me activate again, and Professor Kukui walks up the stairs. “Well, you made it, cousin. Congratulations!” he tells me. I look around again and turn to him. “I made it,” I reply. “But no one else is here. Aren’t there a lot of trainers who were waiting to challenge the new Elite Four? Wasn’t there going to be a… like, a tournament or something? What happens now?” Kukui grins at me. “Now,” he says, “you take your seat.” He gestures to the throne at the end of the arena. I look at the throne, then at him, then back at the throne, then back to him. “My seat?” “You’re the first to defeat Alola’s Elite Four. The first in history!” He pumps his fist in the air. “If anyone else gets this far, they’ll have one more person to battle: you. Now you’re the Pokémon League Champion, oh yeah!” My eyes widen. “Oh, I knew it; I f#$%ing knew it. This is what that ridiculous bargain-basement Zapdos was planning all along – make me the Champion so none of you have to deal with it. Well, I- I- I don’t want it! And what’s more, you don’t need it!” “Having a Champion is what puts Alola on the map!” he replies emphatically. “We gotta have someone we can hold up and say ‘this is our strongest’ to compete with the rest of the world! Someone who can stand for Alola’s ideals!” “And I’m the best you can find? For goodness’ sake; I’m not even Alolan!” “So much the better. This region needs some new blood to help us change things up a bit! An outsider to be the Metronome that lends us a bit of unpredictability so we can Transform!” “No, no, listen, listen. There’s a lot to be said for having a Pokémon League, for having a central authority that manages Pokémon training, punishes abuse, sponsors educational programs and local tournaments, codifies rules and move lists, raises funding for research, all that good stuff. It’s more than you can do with just four Kahunas and a bunch of teenage Captains, ‘specially with a secret cabal of four lazy, absentminded, egotistical legendary Pokémon running everything. But it’s not like you need a Champion to lead it. Honestly that whole idea’s pretty archaic.” “What’s that supposed to mean? Kanto has a Champion, and so do Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh…” “Yeah, but sometimes the Champion is a huge dickbag!” I interrupt. “I mean… the strongest trainer makes all the rules? It’s very… ‘the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must,’ don’t you think? Imagine what would happen if a real bastard became Champion and tried to use the Pokémon League to seize political power!” “No Pokémon trainer strong enough to become Champion could be that bad,” Kukui counters. “Defeating the four Kahunas takes the teamwork of Helping Hand, the empathy of Heal Pulse, the protectiveness of Wide Guard, and the selflessness of Lunar Dance!” “…this is me we’re talking about here,” I remind him. “And Pokémon battling is literally the only sport that works like this. Can you imagine if FIFA were run by whichever team won the last World Cup?” Kukui thinks about it. “Yeah; I reckon it would be a huge improvement.” “…okay, that was a bad example. But you see what I mean.” He nods. “Well, it sounds to me as though you have a lot of very interesting and worthwhile ideas about how to run a Pokémon League.” “Exactly!” I agree – then notice him smirking. “Er- I mean- no! No, absolutely not! It’s bollocks, all of it! I’ve not a sensible thought in my head! And more to the point, I’m on holiday!” “Maybe… but you’re still a trainer, aren’t you, cousin?” That smirk is back. “Yes…” I reply warily. “And there’s one thing no trainer can ever refuse.” He reaches into his lab coat, pulls out a Pokéball, and summons a solar Lycanroc. “Bring it!” I don’t have to battle him. I can turn around, leave, and never look back. I should turn around, leave, and never look back. “…oh, Arceus $#!tting DAMN IT!”
Kukui is well-travelled and highly experienced, with a team of powerful Pokémon worthy of any Champion. Besides Lycanroc, he deploys a Braviary, Magnezone, Snorlax, a strange new Alolan Ninetales with Ice powers, and a Pokémon instantly recognisable as Litten’s final form, Incineroar. It looks like yet another Fire/Fighting starter, with a wrestler’s powerful build and bulging chest muscles, but unfortunately for my poor Psychu, it turns out to actually be a Dark-type, and promptly slams my Pokémon into the ground with its signature move, Darkest Lariat. It even manages to put some serious hurt on my Zygarde with Outrage, but ultimately doesn’t have the endurance to outlast the World Shaker. Kukui is very nearly my equal… but not quite. As Incineroar falls, he laughs deep and loud. “Amazing! It’s like I always say, the strongest moves are the ones a trainer and Pokémon choose together in the heat of the moment, and you just proved me right! The Pokémon and the trainers in Alola really are the best… and I want everyone in the world to know that, too! That’s always been my dream!” “You chose an odd way to show it, then,” I tell him. “Making a foreigner your first Champion.” “It’s funny how life works out sometimes,” he shrugs. “But maybe that’s just what we need? Someone to give Alola something to aspire to… and something to challenge and defeat!” “Hmph. Fine, fine, whatever. But the moment someone makes it here and beats me, I am out of here, no ifs, no buts.”
The team:
Tane the Decidueye Male, Timid nature, Overgrow ability Level 50 Steel Wing, Leaf Blade, Synthesis, Spirit Shackle
Rhea the Toucannon Female, Lax nature, Keen Eye ability Level 51 Bullet Seed, Roost, Beak Blast, Brick Break
Ashley the Psychu Female, Timid nature, Surge Surfer ability Level 50 Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Psychic
Joanna the Salazzle Female, Timid nature, Corrosion ability Level 50 Flamethrower, Nasty Plot, Sludge Bomb, Dragon Pulse
Sigourney the Golisopod Female, Careful nature, Emergency Exit ability Level 49 Brick Break, Liquidation, First Impression, Leech Life
Zygarde Genderless, Sassy nature, Aura Break ability Level 50 Outrage, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, Thousand Arrows
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Pokemon/Moana AU characters
@sleeplesssquidkid @jays-fictional-fun
((Fam, I completed the thing for the pokemon AU~))
Name: Kate Age: 21 Team: Lycanroc (Midday Form), Metagross, Mimikyu, Dragalge, Mewtwo, Jolteon
More Info: Kate has worked with many types of pokemon, not secluding herself to any one type over the years so she can make sure every pokemon on her team can make it through a battle thanks to their varying abilities. Even her choice of clothing isn’t very specific. One day she could be wearing something colorful, the next she could be wearing all dark. Her only consistent article of clothing is a baggy, lime green jacket with a Carracosta on the back. Each pokemon with her are her closest companions, one being a young, oddly-colored Mewtwo she befriended several years ago –a story she shares with very few.
Occupation: Being a freelance trainer and artist, Kate doesn’t do much outside of spending time with her pokemon, battling, creating artwork, and looking for the next place to go exploring now that her initial pokemon Journey has ended. On a whim of curiosity and interest, she followed her friend Echo to the region in the South Pacific, finding herself on the island of Lalotai where she feels right at home with her brother and their guard.
Name: Lian Age: 19 Team: Charizard (with mega stone X), Lapras, Lycanroc (Midnight Form), Dratini, Garchomp, Aggron
More Info: Somewhat the outcast of the family, Lian specializes primarily with Dragon types, save for the few oddballs. He’s also built his team to defend against Fairy types for that reason. Thanks to his Dragonite-like temper, he can easily keep the other dragons under control and they have become some of the most powerful pokemon among the regions since he decided to be a trainer. A few of his pokemon are often at odds with each other, but they are quick to resolve their differences in the face of battle. Lian is the near opposite of his sister Kate; wearing mostly stark white or variations of black and dark blue, and mostly wears his bandanna and sunglasses to keep light from bothering his eyes. He carries at least one super soaker on his back at all times, since his sister said letting his Charizard use Flamethrower on irritating people is considered “rude.”
Occupation: Like a child, Lian follows Kate just about wherever she goes and mimicking the freelance lifestyle. He can well take care of himself of course and often wanders off when he pleases. While in Lalotai he’s worked with the gym leader and ruler Tamatoa before, as he found a good deal of respect for the man, but he doesn’t really work for him. For the most part Lian stops by the Lalotai gym to visit Echo, but hasn’t challenged the gym.
Name: Thorn Age: ??? Team: *Shiny Aegislash, Froslass, Shedinja, Mismagius, Trevenant, Palossand
More Info: Thorn has a team completely comprised of Ghost type pokemon, as he seems to get along with them better than other types which seem to be unnerved by him. Pokemon from Kate and Lian’s teams are wary but respectful. He appears to be somewhere between his late 30s and early 40s, but no one knows for sure and he rarely battles unnecessarily. His main pokemon is his Aegislash, which travels outside its pokeball like Kate’s Lycanroc, and neither he or his pokemon are much for conversation. Still, they are highly protective. Most of the time he has a fairly calm or indifferent demeanor, which comes off as ominous and eerie to others, causing those he’s met briefly to wonder if he’s a ghost himself. He dresses with dark red and black colors and wears two pendants, one being a silver cross and the other a rose, and he wears a dark leather jacket.
Occupation: He serves as a sort of guard to Lian and Kate in their travels, having been appointed by Kate herself a few years ago after the incident with her Mewtwo, and has also been a friend of theirs as well as Echo Michaels’. Thorn doesn’t always travel with them, however. While the siblings are in Lalotai he travels from island to island just to see what there is to be seen, and has even considered making a home for himself on X-Isle since he prefers the quiet atmosphere as opposed to that on Lalotai. Every now and then he will stop by to check on the siblings and their friend, but mostly stays in his own solitude with his pokemon unless he’s needed.
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