#failtopia joker
littengamer909 · 1 month
Hey, hope you're having a lovely day/ evening!
If I may ask about your AU once more, who do you envision being the best/ worst students academically out of the main cast?
Of course you can ask!
I’d say that the best student is Friend or Bill, as both are hardworking and proactive, but Shrimp is up there too (she’s the type to ace honors biology, unlike me lol).
The worst are definitely Piranhyawn and Deko. Both are major slackers.
Joker is the type of student to bite off more than he can chew - like, he’d take an AP class without knowing what he’s signing up for (totally not projecting here, not like i was unaware of the 15 page essay i had to write for ap lang)
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gnomey22 · 2 months
Any headcanons you have regarding the season one Miis? Smuk, Simple Bob, etc.?
I'll do one for every S1-exclusive party member.
Simple Bob got his nickname from exclusively using the basic warrior techniques in his demon hunts, which he had mastered, but would not be very efficient in an RPG combat system, hence why he starts out at Level 1 at the beginning of the adventure.
Smuk is half-ogre, and lived in a swamp house with his parents until he was eighteen. Once he learned how, he did most of the cooking for his family, which propelled him into becoming a chef, and having a childlike curiosity about exploring the culinary arts in battle.
Deko was born with the name Izuku Midoriya, but due to his whole "not having a Quirk" thing, he tossed out that name as soon as he signed up for the lab experiment that turned him into an imp. He chose his new name based on his project name: DEK-0.
Lanc barely ever wore the wigs that came with their outfits, because they felt unnecessarily limiting, and since they're free from their dad's castle for once in their life, the last thing they want to feel like, is limited. They still used one for the finale, to "look professional".
Rose, after fully embracing her theft of Rosalina's identity post-S1, mothered the Lumas for about a year, until the real Rosalina won custody back. She did not enjoy the experience, and is terrified upon finding out her ex-boyfriend apparently has a daughter.
Pirahnyawn did, in fact, list Rose as Petunyawn's godmother on his will, but since he didn't remember her surname, "Rose" is all it reads, which isn't too helpful. He mainly did it to spite her for the breakup, but also because he knows no-one else with parenting experience.
Joker isn't actually Joker from Persona 5. He is a completely different guy named Ren Amamiya, who happens to look similar to Joker, so when he decided to infiltrate the party to make sure they continued buying from his family's shop, he used Joker as his disguise.
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rosetheocto · 8 months
i feel like everyone here should have the knowledge that since time in Failtopia moves with our time, that every character is currently 3 years older than they were in S2, which took place in 2021.
this means that since Dan confirmed Chi is 18 years old in S2, that Chi is 21 now.
Chin Kid Failboat Miitopia can legally drink.
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gnomey22 · 1 year
More Failtopia text posts
My brainrot is most accurately described as a brain dumpster fire
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gnomey22 · 1 year
The Realms of the Fey
As in, the two renditions of the Realm of the Fey arc within Failtopia. I have opinions on them.
In Season 1, it lives up to pretty much exactly what you'd expect from the worst area of the game. The Fab Fairies are great, and Rose is a likeable character (until her corruption arc, but that doesn't happen until later). That's about all this arc has going for it. The team dynamic is literally just "Stop quarrelling with the damn flower -> stop dating the damn flower -> the damn flower -> Joker, who barely exists." and it's really difficult to get invested in. Rose just being some normal bitch who got in way over her head in an identity theft scheme and not knowing what to do about it is a very fun idea for a character, and although it could've been expanded upon further, her descent into believing in her own power too much is quite interesting, even if it kind of destroys her general likeableness. Pirahnyawn is the resident healer, but he doesn't give two shits about the party he's stuck with for the foreseeable future, so he intentionally does a terrible job, fights with Failboat constantly, and has a very flimsy relationship with Rose. He's a fairly well-written character, but he's a complete asshole, and it's hard to buy him having any genuine friendships across the team. Unlike Erica, he never grows out of his distaste, because he never had any hope in working together like she did. Joker isn't even a character, he's a one-off joke that had to be kept around until the end of the series without doing anything, and I hate that for him, he deserved better. This arc has some good writing, but it's hard to get into when all of the characters are 1: terrible people or 2: even a character.
In Season 2, this arc blows my expectations out of the water and becomes my favourite of the six! (By which I mean, both Greenhornes, both Neksdors, and both Realms of the Fey.) Bo is a direct parallel to Rose, but her character goes down a wholly different path with the "cautiously hiding her true self behind the Princess class" gimmick, and the ghost-assassin thing adds a whole new layer that makes for great interactions with the actually-already-likeable protagonist! Chat is literally just a self-insert for the live chat of all things, but their drive to make every situation more fun and interesting, while having zero boundaries or self-awareness of how they come across, makes them an actually compelling character, and their constant support of Bo is what leads her down a better path than Rose, who only had Pirahnyawn for support, and he never really showed his care for her that much. Chat, in complete contrast, shows it too much, although through dangerous means, while Bo struggles to show anything about herself. Chat's idolisation of her prompts her to open up, just slightly, and their friendship allows her a safety net in case her other attempts at friendship go wrong. Ironically, she actually feels safer because of Chat's influence. Her and Mar trying their best to keep Chat under control while sustaining their weird needs makes for an actually entertaining trio dynamic, and that's not even talking about Bill. His drive to help anyone and anything with the limited resources he has, taking every situation with a brighter perspective while still remaining relatively calm and reasonable, is great at making him stick out from the rest of the team (something he's all too used to, a driving factor in why he tries so hard to bring everyone closer together), but plays very well off of the other members when they do interact with him. Joker, meanwhile, has zero defining character traits to speak of, and never feels involved with the rest of the team's constant bickering. Admittedly, the Fab Faires are worse than Season 1, but Mar learning to deal with their horrifying faces, despite his instinct to cast judgement due to his past, is nice to see.
I'm tempted to label this an analysis, but it's really not, these are just sleep-deprived ramblings because I don't think I've been posting enough on this site. My point is, Pirahnyawn is a bad person, and the second Realm of the Fey arc needs so much more appreciation.
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gnomey22 · 1 year
Failtopia Soulmate AU
Specifically, a soulmark AU.
There are 15 types of generalised soulmarks in Miitopia, one for each of the Jobs (each one's respective weapon) and an extra one if your soulmate is Jobless (a reassuring smile). However, around 1 in 16 people will be so thoroughly connected to a concept, that it overrides their Job or lack thereof, and gives their soulmate a unique mark.
There are also multiple types of soulmate: the obvious romantic one, the slightly-less-obvious platonic one, and even a soulnemesis if you get unlucky enough. Most people only have one, but two isn't uncommon, and three isn't impossible.
The marks appear on your soulmate's arm the moment you are born. If your soulmate is older, you will already have the mark for them.
Now, let's go through what marks each party member gets in this.
Failboat: A cannon, representing Chat as their platonic soulmate. Up until Season 2, he was expecting it to be a soulnemesis, so getting thousands-of-children-in-one forcefully handed to him by the universe took a lot of getting used to, but better than he imagined.
Simple Bob: A frying pan and a fan, representing Smuk and Rose as his soulmates. Platonically? Romantically? He still doesn't know, but he's 100% confident that it's those two, either way, they mean a lot to him.
Smuk: A sword and a fan, representing Bob and Rose. He knows the Rose one is romantic, they've been dating for a while now, but he's still undecided on Bob. He's fairly confident in platonic, but Rose herself has raised the possibility of the other option.
Erica: A bat, representing Bo as her romantic soulmate. She didn't know it means Bo until her Vampire transformation, but the ghost thing is her only lead on who the bat could possibly mean, so she allowed herself to develop a crush.
Deko: A dagger, representing Joker as his soulmate. Unclear on romantic or platonic, but he doesn't really care anymore, because Joker disappeared into thin air after Season 1 ended. He misses him, but he refuses to admit it.
Chi: A beaker, representing Lanc as her romantic soulmate. She knew it was her from the moment they met, there was hardly any question of that, but it took a while for her to realise it was romantic instead of platonic, even with her long-lasting crush on the Scientist.
Lanc: A fire, representing Chi. This is a unique mark. Her father was very concerned about the implications of the fire for years, but as soon as she found out about Chi's fire obsession, she knew that her dad was wrong to doubt her.
Rose: A sword and a frying pan, representing Bob and Smuk. She covered up her marks with gloves to avoid spoilers, which worked in favour of her Rosalina disguise, but ended up painting Pirahnyawn as her soulmate. Thanks to her real soulmates, she knows better now.
Pirahnyawn: A dagger, but he died before meeting his soulmate, so he never knew what it represented.
Joker: A spear, representing Deko as his soulmate. He still wonders if it was platonic or romantic, but he's settled back into his old life after the events of Season 1, so he doesn't feel like he can return to check. Maybe he will someday, if he ever figures out Deko's location.
Mar: A sword, representing Orion as his romantic soulmate. He had a feeling it was romantic the moment they started flirting at the café, but Orion seemed convinced it was platonic, so he let it go for a while. After Season 2, they finally figured it out.
Orion: A bat, a frying pan, and a smile, representing his wife and Mar as his romantic soulmates, and the GUNie as his soulnemesis. Common belief with three soulmarks is that you'll get one of each type of soulmate, hence why he wrongly thought Mar was platonic.
Friend: A smile, which they've gone back and forth on whether it means Lee or not. They first thought he was a platonic soulmate, then a soulnemesis, but now they like to think their soulmate is the concept of bringing people smiles with healing and therapy.
Shrimp: A wand, representing Big Bill as her platonic soulmate. She didn't immediately think it was a platonic mark, or that it even referred to Bill, but everything made sense once he multiclassed, and she was far from disappointed.
Bo: A sword, representing Erica as her romantic soulmate. She had a strong feeling it was Erica as early as the garden outing, but she didn't know she was counted as a Vampire and not a Princess, so she was thrown off by the marks mismatching, until her transformation.
Chat: A claw, representing Failboat as their platonic soulmate. They knew from the start that it was him, and the platonic nature of the mark, so they didn't relent on their search for their father until they finally caught up to him in Karkaton, and latched onto him quickly.
Big Bill: A microphone, representing Shrimp as his platonic soulmate. He knew it was Shrimp the first time he caught sight of her. He was a little confused when their marks mismatched at first, but even if he was wrong on the soulmate thing, he wouldn't regret helping her.
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gnomey22 · 5 months
A sample of Failtopia text posts
You know, I put a lot of effort into the composition of these things, keeping them easy on the eyes at a glance, making sure I use every character enough, et cetera. I wonder if anyone notices.
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littengamer909 · 1 month
The Failtopia High School AU
I think it's high time I actually posted about this au!
It's exactly what it sounds like: I put everyone in high school!
The grades are as follows:
Freshmen (9th Grade): Shrimp, Chat
Sophomores (10th Grade): Chi, Lanc, Deko, Joker, Big Bill
Juniors (11th Grade): Erica, Failboat, Friend, Rose, Pirahnyawn, Bo
Seniors (12th Grade): Orion, Mar, Simple Bob, Smuk
Bonus: Petunyawn and Slapo are both in middle school (7th grade, to be precise)
The AU still takes place in Miitopia, so everyone is still whatever variety of nonhuman they originally are, but Chat and Friend look a lot more humanoid.
Most of them are band kids (and I will post what sections they're in eventually, or sooner if someone asks about them!). Kronkui is the band director, because I think that's the closest think high school has to a god (trust me, I'm a band kid, I would know).
Relationships: Lee in this AU is Friend's ex who goes to a different school, Rose and Pirahnyawn have the most superficial and strained relationship you've ever seen, Chi and Lanc are in that limbo of are-we-friends-or-are-we-dating, and Erica and Bo definitely like each other but nobody has made a move yet.
Other trivia: The school is called Greenhorn High and the mascot is the Banshees!
PLEASE ask me about this au i REALLY want to tell people more about it
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rosetheocto · 27 days
Hey! If you'd be open to it, I was interested in hearing your thoughts on any Failtopia pairings that you particularly enjoy and the reasons you do? Whether they be platonic or romantic-
YESSSS I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO YAP ABOUT CHARACTER INTERACTIONS YWUAJSJEJJEJR!!! OKAY!! So idk how put together this is since there is a mix of my typing when I’m super tired + typing when I just woke up so I’m praying that what I’m saying makes sense LMAO. TLDR: I really like failtopia’s characters
So starting off with what is probably the most popular dynamic in this series: Bo and Erica!! To say they’ve both Gone Through It is an understatement, and them both finding comfort and safety in each other is amazing to me!! Like. Erica’s had so many people die on her and the reaction to finding out that was nearly impossible to lose Bo was just. Flawless. Can’t believe Dan improvised that. And Bo was sent to just kill Mar and work for Screamith but Erica was pretty much the start to her letting her true self shine and developing an actual attachment to The Incident!! It’s so awesome how Dan has wrote them. we love our gay level 6 “friendship” girlbosses ‼️‼️
Mar and Orion have also gone through a handful of things before the series begins, and the relationship they develop as the series progresses is pretty dang interesting! as much as the fandom focus on EriBo as a romantic thing, more people need to talk about how Mar has explicitly shown he has a crush on Orion. MULTIPLE TIMES. The idea of Orion opening up to Mar after he lost his wife and Mar opening up to Orion after his time as the Dark Curse and AGGHH I love these two so much and the way they interact every time they’re on screen is amazing. old man yaoi
I imagine C!Failboat and Erica as exes. like they dated for like a week and were both mutually like “that was awful let’s just stay friends”, They had a bunch of small interactions together (especially in S1) and I like them being friendly towards each other, Erica finding a friend in C!Fail was a pretty good step for her arc! I also think the idea of C!Fail and Erica being childhood friends in non-Miitopia AUs very intriguing!! Any content of those two interacting (that isn’t romantic) is always a nice thing to see!
Taking a break from the more popular relationships/friendships in this series, we have Deko and Joker!! For two characters that barely interact in canon there’s a lot you can do with them! They’re just two anime boys trying to survive in this weird party. I have a lot of thoughts on them but I just can’t form it aghahajsjjs but the main one is that they aren’t alone in what they’re going through, and no matter what backstory you use for Joker it still has a lot of potential!! I’m sure people can explain this one better than I can I just really like this rarepair!! while on the topic of Joker, shoutouts to his friendship with Lanc!! You can’t convince me Joker didn’t have a crush on them. Just watch their interactions in Karkaton and you’ll probably get what I mean lmaoo
I just need to mention the sisters!! even if they aren’t sisters by blood, Chi and Erica both have the energy! Chi being the thing that really gets Erica out of her “I hate everything” phase in both seasons needs to be talked about more. They bring out the best in each other I swear,, again I promise I can talk about them more my brain just isn’t giving me the words rn, but I think Gnome explains it best!
While on sibling dynamics, Bill and Shrimp is so great to me. Like. Bill helping Shrimp out not only because he likes her music, but also out of the genuine kindness of his heart is so sweet to me!! They’re so nice every time they’re on screen together and it’s fun to see them battling by each other’s sides!! plus the matching outfits in the finale was also a great touch :]
I’ve mentioned these two before, but Bill and Chi are criminally underrated imo. Like. They’re the only members of the Incident who have just recently turned 18, Chi’s literally Bill’s mentor after he changed jobs, and their dynamic is just so fun to work with!! Bill’s more mature and ‘normal’ while Chi is Chi and will set things on fire For Science and I think scenarios where they’re together are really fun to come up with!! Same with Shrimp and Chi!! The sister dynamic they have is also super underrated, like they’re a Fire and Water duo!! I think there’s a lot of things you can do there :0
look I am more than aware these two have never interacted but that’s cuz Dan is a COWARD and knows that Bo and Lanc being in the same room would lead to so much mayhem lmaoo. Out of everyone in The Incident (apart from Chi obviously) I see Lanc getting along with Bo the best! a lot of stuff I have for them is pretty based on fanon but you can’t tell me they wouldn’t gossip about the lastest drama with the party and the outside world. I swear they’re besties, they relate to each other, just hear me out. I also think Rose and Bo can be great friends and they really have a LOT in common!! Princess who faked their whole identity gang ‼️‼️
I love Erica and Rose just being each other’s biggest hater, it’s my favorite thing ever. it’s canon that Rose only shows off for Erica to prove to her that she’s better than her and that’s amazing to me. They’re both just so done with each other lmaoo (also the headcanon of them each other’s gay awakenings is perfect)
I think Friend and Mar interactions could be cool!! Like for starters they had some pretty huge connections to Hank they could bond over. also I find Mar being canonically a demon mixed with the headcanon of Friend being an angel very fun!! I also think Friend and Erica could be fun to see, especially with Erica’s past as a Cleric!! shared jobs and trauma!!
Mar and literally any FailFleet member can be funny I think, like we already have the Neksdor Three obviously, but I think an ACTUAL Bob and Mar reunion will lead to someone getting beat up lol, everyone in the S1 Squad would all have very different view points on if Mar deserves to be forgiven or not, or if he’s a good leader, etc. and I think that there should be more done with that!!
Orion’s friendship with the rest of The Incident is also a very important part of why the party is the way it is!! There’s absolutely characters with awful relationships to their dads, fathers that are barely around, or just never had a parental figure at all. I LOVE that Orion was able to fill that void for those party members, and he does a damn good job at it too!! And of course the parallels he has with Erica is great, both are stubborn warriors with a lot of baggage, but also have a lot of differences, like their views on stuff like becoming a healer!! Orion being like a mentor to Erica is great. also shoutouts to Slapo, we love her. I think her interacting with other members of The Incident is also something that’s needed more!!
Speaking of fathers, scenes with Chat and C!Fail are downright hilarious! Chat’s insanity mixed with C!Fail’s attitude always leads to some crazy thing going down! Chat with anyone really is always a treat, since they’re way more than too much to handle most of the time, and seeing how everyone reacts to their shenanigans is always gonna be fun!!
Smuk, Rose, and Bob’s relationship is just perfection. Bob obviously crushing on Rose is so great to see when they have scenes together and Smuk basically proposing to Rose (but not really) with that ring is also cool!! And of course we gotta mention Smuk and Bob’s bromance in Greenhorne, those two were inseparable a lot of the time I swear, I love them a lot, I’m praying if we get S3 we have those three come back (along with Petunyawn)
Deko’s friendship with both Chi and Lanc is vital to his arc!! Similar to Erica, he had gone through quite a lot before S1 and traveling with them got him to warm up to them and helped him get better control of his powers!! Lanc and Chi being absolute goofsters while Deko has no energy is VERY amusing!! also Deko, someone who was experimented on, being paired up with two soon-to-be scientists is vile lmaoo, why do you do this Dan /pos
SPEAKING OF THOSE SCIENTISTS!! If you thought I wasn’t gonna bring up Lanchi at all then you’re wrong. These two. These two are my everything. They’re undoubtedly my OTP!! There is quite a handful of canon evidence (in both seasons!) that point to Something going on between them!! I’d list them all out rn, but imma save that for another time, so I’ll just stick to saying everything I like about them!! The way Lanc and Chi just bounce off each other is insane. I swear they can read each other’s minds sometimes, they actually just share a braincell!! Lanc being all nervous in the Finale and Chi comforting them,, and ofc Chi being inspired by Lanc to switch jobs in S2 is just GAHAJJJJW I LOVE THEM!! They’ve been living rent free in my head since 2021 and I can’t get them out even if I tried!! EVERY SINGLE INTERACTION they have can be read as romantic. I refuse to believe they’re just friends lmaoo
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gnomey22 · 1 month
Any opinions/ headcanons on Spamtang? I get he was basically a re-skin of an existing character, but I just love the idea of a living advertisement for an orange juice company swindling Chat with impossible charm-
I feel like I keep giving unideal responses to your asks specifically, but I promise it's nothing personal.
I really don't like SpamTang. His very existence breaks the Failtopia timeline, no character has any reason to be friends with him besides his scams, his apparent motive to take revenge on Failboat is never explored, and he falls into the very same pitfall Joker did back in S1, being a Cool Thief who's literally just a character from a different series with a coat of paint. Not to mention how Dan called Lanc "uninspired" while SpamTang was on-screen, a much clearer example of just taking a Deltarune character and slightly modifying them.
There is potential for an antagonist in SpamTang. He doesn't make any sense to be an ally to the team, he has zero positive relationships that aren't built on lies, but if we take his compelling relationships into account, you could theoretically do something more interesting than the random hodgepodge of ideas SpamTang currently is.
Here's my pitch: SpamTang rocks up to the team, not intending to fight with them, but to do business with them. Specifically, he wants to do business with Shrimp, who's a pretty famous streamer/idol at this point, and her branding would be great for his weird orange juice business. He doesn't have Spamton mannerisms, he's actually the smooth-talking charmer you described in your post, except he isn't targeting Chat, their energies are too similar for them to be his main foil. Shrimp is a much better character to pit him against, because of her usually strong sense of justice, and high capacity to call out the bullshit in the party. SpamTang's offer would challenge her, in these regards. On the orange man's side, this keeps both the "he's scamming a child" angle from Chat, and the "he hates dealing with this child" from Petunyawn, refined into one conflict. His motivation to kill Failboat is scrapped, but he is prone to going off on murderous tangents when he's not in smooth-talking mode.
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gnomey22 · 5 months
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rosetheocto · 1 month
Hi! Hope this ask finds ya at a good time.
I was wondering what characters from Failtopia you think have a lot of angst potential (besides Erica—I do really like her, but I admit I feel like the majority of the community ignores most of the others). Personally, I'd say both Shrimp and Friend have backstories that allow for a rollercoaster of emotions.
Friend and Shrimp are definitely good characters to explore with the trauma they’ve gotten before/during the series. As much as people talk about Friend and Lee together, we need more people talking about Friend’s emotions in the aftermath of Lee’s betrayal. Lee was very much abusive to Friend and their relationship (no matter if you see it as romantic or platonic) was undeniably very toxic!! And Shrimp literally had her father leave her to go exploring or whatever he did in that D&D stream (idk I didn’t watch it fully) AND she got bullied at a young age for her dream of being a singer, plus being on a world saving team at the age of 14 isn’t exactly the best thing to happen to a child like her!
I’d also like to mention Mar has amazing angst potential! dude had to witness first hand the effects The Consequences Of His Actions had on Miitopia from the hero’s side, and it is NOT PRETTY. Plus a good chunk of his now teammates were had to deal with this twice, the first time being directly his fault! like. Mar hurt members of his family! Yea it was in the past before The Incident’s formation, but you can’t tell me he doesn’t feel SUPER guilty about it!! Imagine how he felt with Hank’s reveal!! He was just as much to blame for Lee’s villain arc as C!Fail was. I think more people should seriously explore Mar as a character cuz he is so interesting to me
This may seem like a strange one too but.. Simple Bob!! If there’s any angst in this series that’s overlooked, it’s his. He’s a demon hunter, not only that but just like Erica, he’s had people die on him before, with absolutely nothing he could do to save them since he’s not a healer! Punnyatta, Bob’s mentor, was killed by Hank not long before the events of S1. I just wish Bob got better treatment since all his demon hunter stuff is so interesting to me and has a lot of potential!
Rose is also good for angst too since she had to fake so much stuff just to keep up her Rosalina thing! Like, where does Rosalina end and Rose start?? She’s got a whole identity crisis more, and her becoming a worse person as the season goes on is also really cool to me!! Deko obviously has a lot of interesting stuff too that (just like Bob) gets kinda looked over. DUDE WAS EXPERIMENTED ON!! He was ridiculed for something he couldn’t control and permanently changed himself because of it. and that isn’t even mentioning meeting an alternate version of himself who’s better off than him in every way. Dude’s self esteem was low before, but now it’s in the GUTTER. Dude’s struggling
There’s so much more I wanna say but I don’t want this to get too long lol, but I swear you can make some good angst with any character (even Joker’s ‘canon’ story, with him being in an unfamiliar world and all)
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gnomey22 · 6 months
Random Failtopia thoughts
(Some of these are new, some of these are not, most aren't canon)
"Pyrotechnic" is a perfectly viable ship name for Lanchi.
Orion struggled to differentiate between Slapo's autism and Shrimp's ADHD, hence the brick for a gift.
Bill being the Cat class initially is never explained, but we know he met Chat right before his first onscreen appearance, and they're obsessed with a man in the Cat class, so the dots connect for it to be Chat who convinced Bill to take up the class.
Chi's illiteracy in S1 probably means she didn't know how to spell anyone's name, especially Pirahnyawn's.
Not one person ever questions the massive circles, grey skin, and complete lack of eye contact that make up Bo's face, because Miitopia faces are usually that fucked-up.
The reason the Dark Lord needed a ghost specifically to assassinate Mar was because the Chef himself is a ghost (Dark Curse), and only a ghost can kill another ghost.
Erica studies anatomy regularly in S2, which means she knows that a regular person begins dying at 25, her current age, so it's no wonder she always has death on her mind.
Bo and Rose being immediate family is impossible, but Rose being a descendant of Bo is not, under the assumption that despite not having children herself, Bo's bloodline didn't die with her.
The only three characters to have a canonical dynamic with Slapo are Orion, Mar, and Bo.
All we know about Chat's backstory is that they came from the Otherworld, and are obsessed with Failboat. The only big thing Failboat did in the Otherworld was the S1 final boss fight, which ended in a huge explosion. It's entirely possible that this explosion is what disrupted the Otherworld faces, to the point they formed Chat.
Erica likes to cut things short, but when she's around Bo, she keeps launching into long rambles about how great she is. These are the only times she feels like she can let her thoughts loose, since Bo did just that in the greenhouse by revealing her darkest secret.
On a similar note, Erica's past keeps being thrown back in her face, while Bo can never get her past back, no matter how hard she tries.
Due to Zone having both pink and black appearances, there may or may not be two Zones. That, or Friend's a good enough hat maker to alter Zone's colouring themselves. Considering her passion for his clothing, it's probably the latter.
Were it not for the S2 Greenhorne Arc, Hank would probably have a similar amount of screentime to Slapo.
Marion is a semi-canon ship, by the definition of one party canonically having romantic feelings toward the other, but whether Orion returns Mar's feelings is made comedically unclear.
Chi has inconsistent opinions on spicy food throughout the series, maybe because her fire obsession gets to the point that she has extremely high standards for what's spicy enough.
Rose holds her fan in the specific way she does to hide the mole on her face, something she's grown to hate because it sets her apart from the image of Rosalina.
"Deko" is not his real name, he was probably given Izuku Midoriya at birth, but his new name had to come from somewhere. That place may have been the lab where he was experimented on. The project name may have been along the lines of "DEK-0".
The lab experiment thing also makes it really funny that the only two people he really bonds with are the Scientists of the series.
Shrimp's in-universe fandom could very well be toxic. There are definitely people who are a little too interested in finding out where that 'mysterious' chip on her tooth came from.
Bill is the only character who consistently calls out Chat for their reckless behaviour. In other words, he's the one who moderates Chat.
If Kronkui didn't control who joined the team, TFFM would be down six members (Bob, Smuk, Deko, Rose, Yawn, Joker). TI, on the other hand, would only be down three members (Orion, Failboat, Chat).
Chi gets very protective when enemies are close to her allies in S1, and in parallel, Erica gets very protective when enemies are close to her allies in S2, especially if that ally is Chi.
Despite Failica being everything that they aren't, the first ship ever concocted in Failtopia was Smukle Bob.
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gnomey22 · 10 months
Failtopia LGBTQ+ Headcanons
If you, a member of this fandom, somehow have a problem with me doing this, fuck off immediately.
This is a comprehensive list of what I'm currently thinking, I will update this list whenever I remember to.
All of these headcanons vary on how sure I am of them, feel free to provide an argument against one you disagree with, if you want!
Sexuality -> Gender -> Pronouns
Failboat - Straight, cis man, he/him
Simple Bob - Bisexual polyamorous, transmasc, he/him
Smuk - Biromantic asexual polyamorous, cis man, he/they
Erica - Demisexual lesbian, cis woman, she/they
Deko - Pansexual, demiboy, he/they
Chi - Pansexual, gender-nonconforming cis woman, she/neos (this doesn't fit in any category, but she's also intersex)
Lanc - Omnisexual, transfem, she/any
Rose - Bisexual polyamorous, cis woman, she/her
Pirahnyawn - Panromantic asexual, agender, he/any
Joker - “Straight”, transmasc, he/him
Mar - Gay man, agender, any pronouns
Orion - Bisexual polyamorous, cis man, he/him
Friend - Aromantic allosexual, genderfluid, any pronouns
Shrimp - Sapphic (Not yet realised), transfem, she/they
Bo - Lesbian, transfem, she/her
Chat - Aromantic asexual, agender, they/them
Big Bill - Aromantic asexual, transmasc, he/him
Slapo - Unlabeled, non-binary (Not yet realised), she/they
Petunyawn - Questioning, cis girl, she/her
Hank/Lee/Floop - Gay man, cis man, he/him
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gnomey22 · 7 months
Failtopia ship headcanons: Volume Three
Formatted differently to the previous ones, but I highly doubt more than two people even remember those.
Thinking about how Erica and Bo are both so plagued by a lack of control in their life, as well as the barrage of deaths they deal with, that they make drastic decisions they never would've otherwise, given their cautious natures, to try and regain that control.
Thinking about how Lanc and Chi are both silly goobers who talk exclusively about their special interests and work together on insane science projects to distract themselves from the fact that they're way out of their comfort zone in a team filled with competent adults.
Thinking about how Mar and Orion both have horrible coping mechanisms regarding their trauma that only worsens their personal relationships, and have to try harder than they ever would've wanted to maintain the positive relationships their livelihoods rely on.
Thinking about how Simple Bob, Smuk, and Rose are all so fixated on their professions, so fixated on building themselves up as worthy and capable, that none of them truly get to show off their actual personality unless it's an interaction with one of the other two.
Thinking about how Deko and Joker are both teenage boys with zero confidence in themselves and their abilities compared to literally anyone else around them, to the point that they just want to force themselves through the adventure without expressing real emotions.
Thinking about how Slapo and Petunyawn are both infant girls who set out into the wider world with none of the experience to behave even remotely normally, and largely rely on surrogate parental figures to give them any actual sense of direction or proper decision-making.
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gnomey22 · 8 months
Everyone in Failtopia is trans
Again, except maybe the cis guy who created the series, but again, ignore that part.
Friend is genderfluid, and Mar crossdresses, that is canon. Bo is transfem, and neither Pirahnyawn nor Chat conform to human gender, that's all heavily implied. I'm using this post to discuss the intricacies of everyone else's transness, from my perspective.
Transmasc!Bob is interesting because he's already a character pretending to be comfortable in his pre-existing identity, and his character development revolves around embracing his actual personality traits. The way I see this hypothetical, he'd have already transitioned before S1, and believed that to be the extent of his identity exploration, only to be shown the contrary throughout S1. A metaphorical transition, if you will.
Non-binary!Smuk is interesting because the easiest way I can explain their character is 'someone who ignores all the abundant oddities about themselves to pursue the humble goal of becoming a talented chef/healer'. Them having a weird gender on top of being raised in a swamp, having protrusive green ears, and having a horrific accent, would really only heighten this characterisation. Their identity is something to be proud of, it's never a limitation to them.
Transfem!Erica is interesting for surprisingly similar reasons to Bob. She spends so long putting the team's needs above her own, claiming to be self-reliant while focusing all her efforts on other people, and it brings her to a breaking point where she gives up on all of that and finally listens to her own needs, against all her previous logic. If she had already transitioned, I can see why she'd think drastically changing an aspect of her life would be a good idea.
Transmasc!Deko is interesting because he literally canonically went through surgery that scarred him for life, because he hated his identity and wanted to change it at all costs. If he had already done this, to an actual success, of course he'd trust those scientists to fix the remaining things wrong with him, it worked the first time! Not to mention that he has the same insane fashion sense Mar does, if that's worth anything.
Transfem!Chi is interesting because she's well-established to be the 'antithesis of anatomy' and this is just another thing to add to the pile of weird shit about her body. Plus, she's willing to change her entire career path on the fly, and seemingly becomes more confident in her flashy Scientist poses than her previous Mage ones, despite their similarities. I don't need to explain the comparison I'm drawing there.
Transfem!Lanc is interesting because the only two times she ever has an especially positive reaction to one of their outfits are the overtly feminine ones. She's trying her hardest to be taken seriously in their profession despite the goofy shit that surrounds them, and seems at her happiest when she leans into the goofy shit. Again, you know what comparison I'm making there. (It should be noted that this is the only time I'm outright reversing a character's gender, Lanc is canonically male, but I don't think it really matters)
Transfem!Rose is interesting because she shapes her entire identity around who she's expected to be, rather than who she really is, and puts a whole lot of effort into keeping up that facade, despite her reluctance and initial -ignored- attempts to explain herself. If she were trans, that might give her just the slightest bit of her own identity throughout this whole ordeal, and I like that. She deserves to have a feeling of a little bit of control over her life.
Transmasc!Joker is interesting because there's literally nothing to him aside from who he's basing himself upon. He's drawn so much inspiration from people around him that he doesn't quite know who he actually is. His similarities to the real Joker are the only indicator he has of his own identity, and he goes all-in on that persona because of it. It's the only way he can, even remotely, exist as himself. He's also covered in bandages, I wonder what from.
Transmasc!Orion is interesting because he's significantly older than the rest of the cast. He'd probably have more of an inherent struggle with it than anyone else here, and considering just how prone he is to bonding with the younger party members due to relating them to his experiences, I think this could add a whole new layer to that. He doesn't just see Slapo in them, he sees himself in them.
Transfem!Shrimp is interesting because her entire backstory revolves around being beaten down by the bullies because she tried to express her wants and dreams, and no-one accepted that she'd be able to realise them. She was forced out of her own home due to this, and focused her life from that point onwards to realising that dream at all costs, now that she's been granted the opportunity. Plus, she struggles with physical differences from everyone else she knows. You can't convince me there's nothing trans about this.
Transmasc!Bill is interesting for what is essentially a combination of the former two paragraphs. He's been isolated his whole life because of his physical differences, and built himself with as many muscles as possible to protect those who face the same ostracisation he did, culminating in his eventual goal to aid Shrimp. The way I see it, he's the literal embodiment of "Protect Trans Kids".
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