#failed sacrifice tw
Bright lights blinded him as the bag was suddenly pulled off his head. He tried to blink awake. Something was wrong. He couldn’t move. He struggled. He was tied to a chair. He struggled more. His right hand was free. He tried to pull off the chains. He-
“Fratello.” Pavi’s voice was low and cautious.
Luigi’s head shot upwards. His siblings were there. They too were tied up to chairs, chained down, with their right hands free. What the fuck was going on? All three of them were seated around a small round table. There were three glasses of water in front of them. He searched around. It was a small cell. There was nothing they could use.
Static filled the air, startling them. A distorted voice came over the speakers, “Good morning, sunshines. I’m going to make this brief. There are three glasses before you. One of the glasses contains a deadly poison that would kill you in minutes. The other two are just plain water. You have 15 minutes to drink the glasses or I will release a deadly gas into the room and kill all three of you. Good luck.”
Static filled the air once more, then silence.
Luigi just stared at the glass before him.
Pavi struggled harder. But he was bound too tightly.
“What do we do?” Amber’s voice was small.
“He’s fucking with us, sorella. If he wanted to kill us, he would have done so already.”
“So do we just drink whatever’s in front of us?” She said shortly, but fear shone in her eyes no matter how desperately she tried to hold it back.
“Which would they logically poison? If these were rebels, you would be the likely target. So likely, your glass is the one poisoned.”
Luigi’s eyes darted to the glass before Amber.
Amber whimpered and stared at the glass. “If not rebels?”
“Then it’s likely revenge so we won’t know if The Pavi or fratello is-a the target.”
“So there’s no way to know.” Amber said quietly.
“Fuck!” Luigi growled. He slammed his free hand against the chair. What could he do? 1 in 3 chance. There was a 1 in 3 chance he would lose one of his siblings. There had to be a way to know, to choose which glass was poisoned.
“Let’s just randomly pick one. We’re running out of time.” Amber said, but her hand shook and she couldn’t reach for the glass.
She was terrified. His sister was terrified. He had to stop this. He had to figure this out. Who would they poison? Who was their target?
“Do we drink it down one by one so we know? Or kill the suspense and drink it together?” Pavi tried to keep his voice light, but Luigi heard how his voice cracked. He was scared too. They were both so scared. He had to stop this.
What if they had poisoned all three glasses and just wanted to fuck with them? Then what? All three of them would die.
“You have 15 minutes to drink the glasses or I will release a deadly gas into the room and kill all three of you.”
“Fratello? What should we do?”
Luigi just stared at the glasses. He just said drink all the glasses. He never said each of them had to drink one. If he was fucking with them, if all three glasses were poisoned, it made the most sense. He just said the glasses had to be drunk.
“Brother, what are you thinking about? We’re running out of time.” Amber’s voice shook. She was terrified.
He couldn’t look at them. He flexed his free hand. He could reach all three glasses easy. He just had to do it before the other two could stop him.
“Fratello, what are you planning?” Pavi’s voice was low.
Luigi’s hand darted forward suddenly. He reached for Pavi’s cup first. Pavi would react the fastest. He downed the water.
“Fine. Take the Pavi’s cup.” He sighed.
He grabbed Amber’s glass as she reached for it.
“Brother, what are you-”
Luigi downed it too.
“Fratello, what are you…” Pavi dove for the last glass.
But Luigi was faster. He downed the glass before his brother could stop him.
Luigi couldn’t look at her. He just stared forward at the empty glasses, breathing heavily. He didn’t know which glass it was. They all tasted like water.
“Idiota. You fucking idiota.”
Luigi couldn’t look at them. They fulfilled their part. They had to let his siblings go. But Luigi’s voice was stuck in his throat. His heart pounded in his chest. He wasn’t fucking scared. It was better. It was better than the alternative.
“Br…brother…how could you? How could you!?” Amber struggled against her bonds.
“It’s for the best.” Luigi said, forcing his voice to stay cold. But he heard the tremble in his voice. Fucking pussy.
“What good is a fucking random choice?” Luigi spat. “Won’t give that bastard the fucking satisfaction!” But he still couldn’t look at them. The man said the poison would kill him in minutes. Why didn’t he fucking feel it?
“You always do this, fratello. You always fucking do this.”
“Do what!?” Luigi snapped finally lifting his head to turn to his brother. He doubled back at seeing the pain in his brother’s eyes.
“This wasn’t-a your fucking call. You don’t-a get to decide for-a us.”
“No. I decided for me.” He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he let either of them die. This was for the best. This was for the fucking best.
“Selfish bastardo!”
“Br…brother?” Amber looked at him with tear-filled eyes.
“It’s going to be alright, Carmela.”
The static filled the room once more. “Oh. Shoot. There’s been a mix-up. It seems I made a mistake.” The voice was cold and mocking. “Sorry. What I meant to say was: all three of you have been poisoned and one of the glasses held the antidote. Sorry. My bad.” The speaker fell dead, leaving dead silence in the room.
Luigi just stared forward. Horror creeped into his chest and he couldn’t breathe. “No.” He was lying. He was fucking lying. He just wanted to mess with them. He just wanted to fucking mess with them. He was lying. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t fucking breathe. “No.”
“Do you think this is a fucking game?” Amber screamed. She grabbed the glass and threw it across the room. The glass smashed.
But Luigi didn’t look up. Something tight filled his chest. The man was lying. He didn’t fuck over his siblings. He didn’t fuck them over.  
“Fratello.” Pavi’s voice was soft. “This isn’t your fault. This isn’t on you.”
Luigi eyes darted to Pavi. He could only stare as blood dripped down Pavi’s nose. A tear slid down his face. He killed his siblings. He killed his siblings.
“Brother, it’s going to be ok.” Amber just gave him a smile through bloodstained teeth. Fear filled her features.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“This is not on you, fratello.”
One in three chance. There was a chance one of his siblings could have survived but he fucked them over. A broken cry escaped Luigi’s lips.
“It’s going to be ok, brother.” She reached out a hand and grabbed his chained forearm.
A tortured cry escaped his lips. He just wanted to keep his siblings safe. He just wanted to keep them safe.
“Fratel-” A wet cough escaped Pavi’s lips. He gasped desperately for air.
Luigi clenched his eyes shut. He couldn’t watch this. Tears streamed down his face. This was his fault. If he hadn’t…If he hadn’t…
The hand around his forearmed tightened. “B…brother…” She gurgled. Her voice shook through her tortured breaths.
Luigi’s teeth gritted. His shoulders shook. He grabbed Amber’s hand with his free hand. “I’m here, Mela. I’m right here.”
He could only hold his sister’s hand as she began convulsing. Nothing escaped his throat. Not soothing words. Not empty promises. He could do nothing but sobbed as he clutched his sister’s hand tightly.
He looked up to see his brother. Blood poured out of Pavi’s mouth. His mouth opening and closing, desperately gasping for air.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Pavi tried to speak but more blood escaped his throat. He shook his head as he gaped desperately.
Amber convulsed once more. A rattle escaped her throat as she slumped forward. Her hand was limp in his.
“Mela.” His voice as broken. “Please. Don’t do this.”
Luigi looked up at his brother. “Please.”
Pavi was desperately trying to speak. But no words formed on his tongue. He choked on the blood on his throat as he weakly tried to cough it out.
“Please. Don’t.”
Pavi could only force a weak smile on his face.
“Paviche…” He begged.
Pavi’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he took one final desperate gasp.
“Pa…paviche?” Only silence answered him. “M…mela. Please.” His sister was still. The only breathing in the room was his. “Please.” He killed them. “Please.” He did this. “Don’t…” This was all him.
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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His bullfighting days aren't over quite yet.
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#GET IT??? HIS *BULL*FIGHTING DAYS....hahah yeahhhh im so clever.....#suddenly had the urge to draw old man version matador nando bcs DC randomly called him a matador during quali#and im like oh my god....dc....youre so right....#hoping this piece works as some kind of blood sacrifice for his performance in about 7 hrs :)#get it blood sacrifice??? and hes cutting his hand in this piece???#thats supposed to represent two things.#1. hes doing a blood pact/sacrifice so his performance goes well#2. hes testing the sharpness so he can slay the bull!(and the...horse? 🤭🤭)#had a very interesting convo w Suzuki abt the implications of matador nando#based on a meme i made 😭 abt how our fantasy is that hes gonna be the bullfighter. hes gonna slay the bull#but the reality will be that he looks upon the bull from a distance#hes meant to kill the bull to overcome it. but he just ends up longing to be the bull. he fails.. hahaha get it....#lmao angst aside i think its kinda funny how i can have this reasoning for the matador au in two eras#thats long the old man has been here. has had two distinct periods of challenging the (red) bull#ANYWAYS!!!! hope ya like!!!!!! i think this is pretty relevant hopefully 🤭🤭#quite happy w this one even if it was less of an ordeal than most of my drawings#waaaahahhh hes so handsome!!!!! handsomest guy!!!!!!!#lol scheduling this like an hr before the race cause as i said. its an offering. its a sacrifice. i pray to the racing gods#tw blood#<- just a bit 🥰 he was originally just gonna be holding the sword but i realized ouch! sharp!!!#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#catie.art.#fa14#f1 art#f1 fanart#matador au
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serickswrites · 13 days
Make Me Your Villain XIX
Master list link here (includes links to chapters, summary, and character bios
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, electrocution, drugging, self sacrifice, rescue attempt, blood
"Is it true you really can heal from anything?" Jude asked as he watched the electrical current course through Nova.
Nova glared at Jude, clamping her jaw shut tightly so she didn't bite through her tongue. She could heal anything. Heal anyone of anything. But not while the power suppressing drug circulated in her system. And so she endured the burning fire in her veins of being shocked repeatedly for hours.
"I know you can, but I haven't seen anyone with powers quite as strong as yours. What are your limits, sweets?"
Nova spit in Jude's face once he cut the current. Nova sagged in the standing cuffs, a small smile gracing her face as she watched Jude wipe the spit off his cheek.
Jude's mud colored eyes narrowed. "That wasn't very nice, sweets."
"Because torturing someone to death is nice?" Nova didn't have the energy to come up with a witty comeback. The hours of torture left her bones buzzing and exhaustion threatening to consume her.
"I'm just trying to make small talk while we wait. It's the polite thing to do. Didn't Liam teach you about manners?" Jude stared down his nose at Nova.
"I've already told you again and again. Liam isn't coming for me." Nova didn't let her voice betray the pain in her heart. Liam would never come for her. Should never come for her. What she had said to Liam had been unforgivable. She deserved all the pain Jude inflicted.
Jude shook his head. "If there is one thing I know about Liam, it's that he will come. He cares about you very much, sweets. He won't let me keep you."
"You're wrong. He wouldn't risk compromising himself just for me. I'm," Nova's voice broke, "I'm expendable."
"You really don't know my apprentice very well then." Jude chuckled darkly. "But while we wait, I can have my fun." And he resumed shocking Nova.
Nova clamped her mouth shut. She would endure this as her atonement. She would endure anything as long as Liam remained far, far away. It was the least she deserved for wounding Liam so.
"You know if you talked to me, this might be more enjoyable for the both of us. How long will you think it take for Liam to arrive? I can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. I have many powers at my disposal." Jude let the current recede.
"I keep telling you," Nova panted, "Liam will never come for me."
"Never is an awfully long time," a voice came from the doorway. A voice that had Nova's heart falling. Nova closed her eyes tightly against the tears. She had failed Liam once again.
Nova opened her eyes as she felt a tickle on her cheek. One of Liam's shadows wiped away her tears. "Hey, gorgeous," Liam said with a smile. "Sorry to keep you waiting so long."
Jude turned and smiled. "At long last the prodigal son returns."
"Let Nova go," Liam said with a frown as he turned from Nova and faced Jude. "You have me, you have what you want. Let her go."
"I think not." Jude sent a pulse of electricity down Nova's back. Nova couldn't help but cry out as the pulse grew painful. More painful than before.
"STOP!" Liam roared, taking a step forward as his shadows swirled around him, coalescing into pointed blades for Liam to throw.
"If you are planning on killing Nova, by all means keep coming forward, Liam." Jude said above the roar of Nova's screams.
Liam froze. "Don't….don't hurt her." He raised his hands up, his shadows retreating behind him.
"Good. You're finally understanding how to behave." Jude stepped towards Liam, tossing him a needle with more power suppressing drug. "Inject yourself with this."
"No!" Nova cried out weakly as Liam caught the needle and stabbed himself in the arm with it. He didn't hesitate at all. And now he was rendered weak and powerless. His shadows remained on the ground, swirling but unable to rise. That was more than Nova could say about her own powers. Somehow, Liam had the strength to keep some of his power, but not enough to use his shadows as a weapon. Maybe he could still teleport and leave her. She just needed some time to convince him to leave her.
"Let her go, Jude. You have me powerless like you have always wanted. I won't fight you. You can do whatever you like with me."
"No!" Nova could not let Liam surrender himself over. To surrender was to die.
"I am begging you, Jude. Please," Liam's voice was thick with emotion, "please, let Nova go."
Jude disappeared from view. Appearing suddenly behind Liam. "How will I ensure you behave yourself if I let her go?" And he stabbed a meat hook through Liam's right shoulder.
Liam's scream had Nova's blood freezing in her veins. "LET HIM GO!" Nova roared, trying to reach the end of the chain that kept her standing. "LET HIM GO!"
"'s…..kkkkkkayyyyy," Liam said weakly as he blinked heavily. His legs wobbled as his knees started to buckle, but Jude kept him standing. He quickly duct taped Liam’s wrists together. “L-L-Let ‘errrr g-g-g-ooooo-o-o-o.”
Nova could see Liam was on the brink of fainting. "Why would I let her go when she can get a front seat to your end? I think it's the gift she deserves for delivering you to me. She could not have timed that fight with you better." Jude circled Liam. “Though perhaps it was a little more than her own timing.” What did Jude mean?
Liam dropped to a knee, blood flowing from his wounded shoulder as the meat hook pulled tight. "Let….let…let NNNNNNNNov-v-v-vaaaa g-g-g-oooo." Liam's pale eyes were hazy as he struggled to maintain his grip on consciousness.
With a dark laugh, Jude pulled the chain hoisting Liam to standing by the meat hook in his shoulder. “No.”
Liam gave an unearthly scream that ended abruptly as his slumped over, fainting dead away. “NO! LET HIM GO!” Nova roared as she watched Jude continue to pull on the chain, lowering and raising Liam by his shoulder. Blood flowed from Liam’s shoulder, quickly soaking his shirt.
Time. Nova needed time. She needed more time for the drug to fade away and out of her system. She needed time to heal Liam. She needed time to break herself out. And most of all, she needed time so that she could save Liam and atone for all that she had done.
“But where’s the fun in that?” Jude asked as he lifted Liam’s chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Shame he passed out so quickly. I’ll just have to find a way to wake him up so I can have my fun.”
Tags: @dutifullykrispyland@jesssmolfur@parad0xical2@st0rmm@keeper-of-all-the-random-things
@pigeonwhumps@gala1981@allylovessweets@whumpitywhumpwhump @giggly-evil-puppy
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decarbry · 2 years
Ok, addition to the laser point eyes? Aizawa can move them correct? I can just see the game of chase the eye around his body 😂
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Too Far.
Summary: He's like a wounded animal when he's angry, lashing out when he feels cornered. He's gone too far this time, snapped and said something he definitely didn't mean, so now he has to fix it.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader (No use of Y/N)
TW: Fighting. Daryl is a dick, but not really, but also he is. Apologetic!Daryl. Alexandria Era. Sex.
A/N: Inspired by an excellent post by @love-norman which I'll link in the comments. I wasn't sure if you were okay with smut, so there's a fairly brief mention of sex but nothing overly explicit.
He’s a surprisingly effective communicator, once she can convince him to talk more and with enough time to work out exactly what ticks and grunts mean what. Daryl Dixon’s entire bag is self-sacrifice, so if he can assume that she needs him to tell her what’s going on in the always too busy head of his, he can do that for her without much care for how it impacts him. It’s not his most healthy coping mechanism but it certainly isn’t his worst and the reward? Oh, the reward is sweet. The reward is comfort and kindness and being held; being loved. What’s a moment of discomfort for a lifetime of her?
He's had to practice letting his walls down, slowly but surely since he met her, all the while failing to realise she was just digging her way underneath them. She didn’t ever pry, not really, not in any way that felt invasive, but she’d patiently wait him out; ask the question quietly, softly, and let him linger in the comfortable silence until he chose to answer back. Sometimes she’d work out the information without his need to speak at all; it happened the moment he realised he was fucked, that he was absolutely, irrefutably hers. She’d worked out exactly who he was as a person and he’d barely sad a word.
He’s attentive, and whilst that shocks him it comes as no surprise to anyone around him. He has spent his life fearing that he is exactly who he feared, but those who are lucky enough to consider themselves, correctly or not, close to Daryl never fear for much but his wellbeing. That he is a careful, thoughtful and tender partner surprises nobody but him. That’s not to say they don’t argue, the end of the world comes with its own set of tensions even without the usual relationship concerns, but he’s learnt not to bite first.
He shouldn’t have drunk anything, in hindsight, they’re both in bad shape, overwrought and under-fed and they shouldn’t have been at a fucking party, of all places. He definitely shouldn’t have had the four glasses of scotch Reg offered him on a mostly empty stomach. He can’t get used to the Alexandria walls, the houses he never could have afforded to breathe near let alone buy, the soft comforts he’d never had even before the end of the world. He’s never been to a party that hasn’t had a piss-stained couch or an overly full ashtray.
“You know that’s bullshit, Daryl, you’re being ridiculous!” She yells, firmly back in their own living room after he’d practically stormed out of Deanna’s. One minute they’re in full swing, standing talking about vacations from the old days with some new faces, the next his hand is dropping from around her waist and thudding from the front door like she’d said, ‘fuck off’ rather than the word ‘Canada’. He’d slammed the door behind them and snarled about how he would have embarrassed her and her fancy fucking vacations in ‘the real world’.
“Lil’ miss travel abroad and see th’ world cause she’s better than Daryl fuckin’ Dixon”
“What? That’s not-“
“I’m jus’ an idiot redneck with nothin’ an’ you’re this smart chick who saw the world, I get it, I ain’t dumb, th’ fuck would ya have wanted wit’ me?”
Her heart would shatter for him if she wasn’t seething quite so much, the sheer desperation in his words at odds with the tension in his body, clenched hands dragging through his finally clean hair. His eyes are stinging and he absolutely refuses to cry, has never gotten over thinking it makes him weak even when he feels weak.
“Daryl, what the fuck? Why are you being such an asshole?“
“Shut up, always yappin’ about stupid shit, fuckin’ hate ya sometimes!”
He turns quickly, wants to throw something, wants to scream, broad shoulders and harsh angles and all the wind leaves his body when he sees her flinch away from him. She’s cowers backwards, he feels like he’s going to be sick, body collapsing in on itself as he feels the anger leave his bones, replaced with ice laced panic. For a second, a horrifying second that feels ten times as long, he’s his old man. Shitfaced and angry with a glass in hand and if he had a mirror, he knows exactly whose face he’d see staring back at him.
“I would never hurt ya” he whispers, voice low and so broken, full of conviction as his breath hitches in the middle and crumbles at the end and she’d hug him if she wasn’t so shell shocked. Neither of them move for a beat, standing stock still as he trails his eyes over her, clocks the way her gaze refuses to lift to meet his. He can’t breathe. The room is too small for everything he’s feeling, like the walls are inching close and closer and the air is getting less. He tries to move like lightning but his whole body feels sluggish and slow as he inches past her and out the front door, flinching as it closes behind him and he wanders out into the street. He stares back at the house for a moment before deciding he needs a walk to clear his head.
When he comes back she’s sitting on the couch waiting for him, thumbs twiddling, head still down and worry eating her alive. He eases the door shut behind him, loud enough to tell her he’s home but soft enough to show he’s not mad. He wishes a door could convey remorse but it’s taken him long enough to be able to do it with words he doubts a block of wood would be able to in the timeframe he needs. He shucks off his boots, realising he shouldn’t have been wearing them in the house in the first place.
The fresh air has cooled his body enough that he feels less of the alcohol circulating around his system. He tries not to squeeze the flowers he’d plucked from the bush outside Aaron’s place as he stands with his back against the wood.
“’M sorry” he whispers before clearing his throat and repeating it at a higher volume. She turns her face towards him, looking at him over her shoulder. The anger is gone from her face, replaced with a dwelling worry that spikes at him, makes him replay his words over and over.
“What did I do?”
“Nothin’” he insists quickly, pauses before he realises he should say more, that she sometimes needs him to say more, they’ve talked about this “Ya didn’t, I promise”
“I’m sorry”
That does it, rips him from his safe haven by the door because he can’t stand the thought that she deserved anything he said to her, that she’d said anything wrong when he knows she hadn’t. Talking at a party, about stupid old-world stuff whilst her spare, wine glass free hand kept his back warm. She hadn’t said a damn thing wrong, and he’d scared her.
He strides over to the couch, coming round to kneel in front of her. He places the somewhat squashed flowers on the couch cushion next to her. He hovers a hand above her knee, placing it gently on the fabric of her dress when she doesn’t flinch away at the sight. He doesn’t want her to flinch ever again.
“Dun’ apologise to me when ya ain’t done nothin’ wrong”
“I’m so-“
“Dun’ ever apologise to me when i’s my fault. ‘S my shit an’ I shouldn’t take it out on ya”
She knows he loves her, has proven it time and time again, has put his body in front of hers in the face of almost certain death, would protect her with his last breath, would love her with it. But she knows she’ll never be able to unhear it, that some things you can’t take back, that she’ll always wonder, just a little bit if its true. Logic and love are very rarely intertwined.
He can still hear his fathers words ringing in his head, he knows, more than most, the power that words hold over people. He tries not to say anything he doesn’t mean, and he’ll admit he’s acerbic, pointed sure but never cruel, never unnecessarily unkind. He doesn’t know why tonight was different, but he takes her hands in his, locking his eyes on her so she understands.
“I dun’ get t’ speak t’ ya like that”
“No, you don’t” she agrees, voice firmer, back to her usual tone, the one he’s always loved going hand in hand with the certainty she can hold her own. She pauses, bringing his hands up to press a kiss to his knuckles, soothing because she’s terrified that after all this time, he’s still going to break them by thinking he’s not allowed to claim his hurt “You alright?”
He doesn’t answer, instead sitting back on his feet, raising a small hopeful smile at her.
“Tell me about th’ vacation”
“I don’t-“
“Please. Ya said ya still think ‘bout Canada all th’ time”
He really does want to know, he hadn’t been outside of Georgia before everything went down, and she’s mentioned travel but Canada hadn’t come up; he’s not sure if it was that, that set him off or that he felt inadequate in a room full of people with experiences he never got to have.
“I think it was my favourite trip. Packed a bag and went alone on a whim, found a lake in the forest with a little cabin. Just mountains and trees and lakes. It’s the most peaceful I’ve ever felt. I never wanted to mention it, I know you missed out on so much, but then everyone was talking and I-“
“Nah, go on, ‘S’alright”
“When Reg asked…I was going to say that’s what I picture, when I think of life outside of all of this, me and you in Canada”
“Ya think of that with me?” his voice is low, incredulous awe pulled tight at the edges, he was so busy feeling less than everyone else that he’d missed out on the fact she was thinking of him. She nods, smiling at him, working it out without him needing to say it, figuring out what drove him to snap without asking, under his walls and right in the centre of the internal world he’s built.
“We’d have a house, out near a lake with a wooden porch, and a dog, big scruffy one who likes to catch fish. We’d have coffee together overlooking the water in the morning. You’d work at the local garage, ‘cause you’re good with your hands and tools, wouldn’t have to deal with people all day, fix up all the bikes you’d secretly want...”
He’s staring her at in silence, watching her wistful face glow in the lamplight, he can barely breathe let alone find words knowing that she’s not just dreamt about a life with him, she’s thought it out in detail. He wants it, wants that life with her so badly it aches, thinks it’s the first time he’s wanted anything from life except to get through it.
“I’d work at the bar, play guitar at crappy open mic nights and you’d come for a beer after my shift to walk me home”
He hums, all the response he can manage, guilt chewing at him from the inside, clawing at his mind knowing that he’s taken his own problems out on her, told her he hates her all the while she’s dreaming of something so utterly fucking perfect.
“We’d make dinner together and dance in the living room, go camping at the weekends and make love all night long”
“In another life?” he chuckles, warm and full, knowing he’ll dream about this for the rest of his life.
“In every life…If you’d find me”
“I’d find ya”
He runs her a bubble bath, still amazed and confused that he can, that they’ve spent months on the road starving and struggling and here there’s a pantry that has bubble bath. The flowers from Aarons front garden are perched in a glass of water by the bed, the lamps turned off and the doors are locked up as tight as they can be. He’s insistent that he shows his apology, but he’s never had a way to do it outside these walls, nothing beyond words and affection and his experience with what women might like is limited at best.
He stands in the doorway, watching as she wraps herself in a dressing gown. He wonders idly if the amount of love he feels for her could kill him; he feels it so deeply in his bones that he physically isn’t sure it should be able to fit inside of one person. He feels it explode warmth around his body when she shuffles forward to rest her head on his chest.
“You know you don’t have to do all of this? I’m not mad”
Later, when he’s apologised again, reassured her and comforted her and she’s convinced him he’s worth loving in return, he takes them both to bed. Touches her with soft, repentant hands that have always been gentle, hands that are gentle exactly because he knows how dangerous they can be. Atonement seeping from every inch of him as he inches home inside of her, cherishes the contended sigh she lets out at the feel of him. He could never hate her, not even if he tried.
He stills when he bottoms out, rests his forehead against hers as her hips press against his firmly, dragging him as deep as he can go.
“Wha’ ya see in me, anyway?” he whispers against her lips, full of self-doubt.
She looks into him with an intensity that almost hurts, brings her hands to the sides of his face, makes sure he believes her as sincerely as she believes his apology.
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idkfitememate · 10 months
A Boar! In This Economy? Pt. 2
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : Gn!Boar Reader x Bennet & Razor (Genshin World)
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 2k
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : crack, fluff
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So… you may have head but Razor.
He just, POPPED UP outta NOWHERE! How else were you supposed to react?! By not attacking on sight???
So now here we are. With a knocked out Razor on the grassy floor as you and your family of churls and slimes stand over him.
You had no fucking clue what you were supposed to do now. Do you… drag him out of the forest? Find a wolf from his pack??
Maybe not the last one cause wolves eat boars…
Dragging him out means that you’d have contact with other characters and you were NOT prepared for that. I mean, at this point you had built such a strong connection with the mobs around you that you kinda forgot about the characters?
You also had to focus on the fact that you were a boar now. Not a human. For survival.
You are now something that poofs into meat after it dies.
So as you stared, you failed to notice a rustling of bushes behind you, but when another human form rose from them…
You ended up kicking Bennett in the head via hind legs.
૮꒰づ˶• ༝ •˶꒱づ ˚ʚ ꒰⁐⁐⁐⁐୨🍰🍧🍫୧⁐⁐⁐⁐꒱ ɞ˚
So, apparently churls enjoyed the average human sacrifice every once and a while. Which is fair cause sometimes you gotta let off a little steam, you know?
But not like this.
The two were tied to a rather long stick over a fire as churls of every type danced around while singing.
You simply sat your fine boar ass in the grass looking a little less than pleased at the situation.
As they continued to roast the preteens over an open fire like chestnuts, you finally realized that “Holy shit they are actually cooking them I need to stop that-“.
And stop that you did!
By spitting up the equivalent of a lake onto their fire.
As water logged churls stood by in shock, you began to nibble at the startlingly strong vines wrapped around the duo.
And by gods those were strong vines.
But your jaws were stronger.
And now you have two children at your feet, drenched and still somehow passed out Jesus it’s been a few hours how hard did you hit them?-
And now you had no clue what to do. Right back at the same dilemma that made you hesitate to save them. Wtf do you do with them now???
Your hesitation was apparently apparent as you felt a had rake through your fur. Looking back you noticed a hilichurl petting you softly, gently directing you towards an opening in the forest.
Allowing it to guide you, you found that a couple adventurers from the guild calling out for Bennet.
૮꒰づ˶• ༝ •˶꒱づ ˚ʚ ꒰⁐⁐⁐⁐୨🍧🍮🍩୧⁐⁐⁐⁐꒱ ɞ˚
Now they were tied to a tree deeper in the forest. Only difference is that they were now awake.
And thrashing about.
And maybe a bit sacred.
You sat on your haunches in front of them as they thrashed against their bindings. Something you noticed was that they weren’t using their visions.
Anyway as you continued to stare at them and them at you are they pulled against the vines, you noted that Bennett had stopped and was now just staring at you.
He was opening his mouth.
Holy shit was he gonna speak to you?
“Hey there little guy..?”
“W-would you be a good little boar and get help?.. or something?.. please?”
Your only response was a snort, then you turned to Razor. You wanted to see if he’d have anything to say.
(Not that that was gonna change anything you’d still help them-)
“Uhh… Good boar? Friendly boar? Boar smell weird… boar help Bennet and Razor??”
Yep you loved them.
Giving a small squeal, you finally made up your mind. This was enough human interaction for a while, so you’d find a wolf, bring it back and then let it guide them to the Wolvendom in order to drop them off with Razor’s pack.
While you stood triumphantly with small sparkles surrounding you, the two boys sweat dropped at the sight of a somehow smug boar?
Boars can’t move their faces like that, can they?
Bennett hesitated… can they?
Coughing and shaking his head, Bennett finally noticed you were walking away and the hardcore growling Razor was doing.
“Hey! W-where are ya going little guy?” He called out.
You just turned, snorted, then continued on your way.
“Stupid weird smelling boar…”
૮꒰づ˶• ༝ •˶꒱づ ˚ʚ ꒰⁐⁐⁐⁐୨🍫🧁🍭୧⁐⁐⁐⁐꒱ ɞ˚
Trotting across hills and avoiding the odd traveler as best you could, you finally found yourself at the Wolvendom. Shaking off your nerves, you head inside.
You slowly made your way through the grass, acutely aware of all the wolves surrounding you. Letting out little huffs you found yourself in a clearing.
A clearing….
“Hello little one.”
“What is a small boar like you doing here where it is not safe?”
His voice had a teasing tone to it, which confused you. This was the literal Wolf of the North, the man who embodied wolves. An actual GOD of the pack. Why wasn’t he hunting you down on sight???
Your confusion was plastered on your face, causing the wolf to chuckle.
“As a creature connected to Teyvat, did you not expect me to realize when The Creator stands before me? My head bows to you, O Mighty One.”
And now a kneeling Andirus was in front of you, as well as seemingly every wolf in the forest.
… So they weren’t going to eat you. Nice to know.
As you tried to communicate with the large blue and white wolf what you needed, only small squeals and oinks made it out. God this was pissing you off. With the churls, they just seemed to know! While it would be nice to talk with someone, you hadn’t needed to for a long while. This was bullshit! Now you’re getting pissed off!-
“Breath my Lord. Have you forgotten?”
Forgotten what? Huh?-
“It seems you have, the boar is not your only form. Any beast that has its soul connected to the heart of Teyvat. Every creature, every animal, they are you children. You have taken the forms of all as you encompass all. Try taking the form of a wolf and speak to me.”
He was acting like a god damn tutorial. Which… was actually fairly needed in this time of… well, need.
So you could do other animals huh? Let’s just see about this. Focusing all your willpower into it, your skin began to shift and turn, fur growing longer… slowly you transformed…
Into a fucked up half boar half wolf abomination.
Loud whines and whimpers mixed with loud squeals and barks left you maw as you hopped around, before forcing yourself back into your now more favored form, a boar.
Yeah never again. You’d rather struggle.
Sighing and placing ‘shapeshifting’ on the back burner for now, you simply walked forward and grabbed some of the larger wolves fur in your mouth in order to drag him. Staring down he let out a small chuckle (He can chuckle???) and began to walk forward, allowing you to trot in front of him.
“Of course my Lord, lead the way.”
Thank the gods he had nothing to say about that mishap. (Maybe he was scared of you smiting him… hehe…)
૮꒰づ˶• ༝ •˶꒱づ ˚ʚ ꒰⁐⁐⁐⁐୨🍡🍪🍬୧⁐⁐⁐⁐꒱ ɞ˚
Keeping a brisk pace, your small form had finally found itself in front of the two boys once more. It seemed as though they had tired themselves out from struggling, but we’re still awake. And Bennett’s eyes lit up upon see you. As they should.
“Hey there little guy! Did you get h-h- OH MY BABRBATOS!-“
Andrius, in all his glory, walked behind you as you sat there with a somehow even smugger expression than before. A large abundance of wolves had taken their place behind him, looking like a sea of grays and blacks.
“H-h-h-h-h-“ You’ve broken Bennett, now to check on Razor.
…The poor wolf boy also looked shocked.
You slid your tusks under the vines and pulled, snapping them off and allowing the boys to fall to the grassy floor. And then two hilichurls gave them their visions.
Oh. So that’s why they weren’t using them-
You watched as Razor nudged at Andrius and a few other wolves before turning to you.
He was walking towards you…
His hand outreached towards you…
And he rested it gently on your head.
You nuzzled in to his hand as small happy tears began to run down your cheeks. You basically rammed your head into his palm, sucking up all his attention. He seemed shocked, then happily began to rub both his hands into you, a small smile on his face.
Bennett watched with in astonishment, before grinning and laughing, rubbing your back with his hands. And h o l y s h i t did it feel good.
Hell, even Andrius began to nuzzle you.
At some point the petting stopped - which made you sad you will admit - but as you watched them walk off you felt pretty good about yourself because like, you just helped some characters! Even if you were the reason they were in trouble in the first place…
But that’s not the important part!
The important part is now you had some friends! And they were pretty neat.
But now you had to figure out how the fuck to deal with your newfound ‘shapeshifting’ powers… May God have mercy on all vision holders.
૮꒰づ˶• ༝ •˶꒱づ ˚ʚ ꒰⁐⁐⁐⁐୨🎂🍭🍰୧⁐⁐⁐⁐꒱ ɞ˚
Omake~~ A Boar and two Boys walk into a bar~~
“Is this the onE NO IT IS NOT RUN RAZOR-“
Ever since that day, Razor and Bennett have been trying to find that weird boar that both kidnapped then released them.
The reason they had been out that day was because it was Razor’s turn to hunt for his pack. Sure, wolves hunt in groups but Razor ironically enjoyed hunting alone, but Bennett was always welcome.
Razor had seen the boar, saying that it had “smelled weird”, whatever that meant, and began to follow it. Of course, Bennett lost him for a moment but when he found him, he was met with the back hooves of a boar.
And the rest was history.
When they went around trying to tell the tale of the boar that had summoned Andrius, the people of Mondstate thought it was just that.
A tall tale.
The only person who seemed mildly interested was the bard Venti, but that was quickly shut down when he started trying to figure out rhymes and how to make a song out of it.
So they decided to find it on their own.
“Bennett need to stop running up to boars. Razor will smell weird boar.” Razor had grabbed onto Bennetts shirt while saying that.
“But the faster we find it, the faster we can show it off!” Bennett argued.
The two began to bicker in the field they had been searching in, it was near where the forest they had found the boar in, and the field was currently occupied by boars so common sense dictated that it should be out and about, grazing away.
Of course, you don’t follow their stupid mortal logic.
“Do… do you hear that, Razor?”
“Yeah. Sounds like pig in sky.”
“Well pigs can’t fly so-“
Razor forced Bennett’s head down, pushing them both to the ground as four wild winds whipped around them. A large dragon and a hawk flew by as an equally large lion and wolf speed past.
“The four winds…” Bennett whispered.
Razor sniffed the air.
૮꒰づ˶• ༝ •˶꒱づ ˚ʚ ꒰⁐⁐⁐⁐୨🍮🍧🍰୧⁐⁐⁐⁐꒱ ɞ˚
Today was a good day for you.
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : Thank you to all who’ve enjoyed Boar!Creator so far! My inbox is always open for requests and what to do with Boar!Creator! Have a good day/night!<3 ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚
(P.S. if you want to be tagged, don’t be scared to ask! I’m still getting used to Tumblr, so please let me know if I do it wrong! The same goes if you want to be removed!~ ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა)
(P.S.S. would anyone be interested in hearing about my Genshin OC’s/My personal Genshin AU ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა?)
໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ Tag list: @genshin-impacts-me , @resident-cryptid
I apologize to anyone else who wanted to be tagged, Tumblr is beating my ass rn and not letting me tag anyone else! Sorry again!-
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serene-faerie · 4 months
Fall of Númenor Dashboard Simulator
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🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
I don't know what kind of propaganda everyone's been drinking lately, but some of y'all are really starting to scare me.
So friendly reminder:
We're not. Meant. To be immortal.
We already have a longer lifespan than most normal humans. Stop being so entitled, y'all.
💎 immortal-warrior Follow
How is it entitled to think that it's unfair that we don't get to be immortal? If it weren't for us, Sauron would've conquered all of Middle-earth!
We deserve immortality for kicking Sauron's ass!
🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
This is exactly the kind of entitlement I was talking about.
#my posts #the gift of men
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🔥 priestess-of-melkor Follow
You became Melkor's acolyte to gain immortality.
I became Melkor's acolyte to
✨ fuck Zigûr ✨
We are not the same.
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🛡️ lordofandunie18 Follow
This will be my very last post.
For the sake of Númenor, I have to try and appeal to the Valar, just as Eärendil did back in the First Age. If I fail to return, I want all of my followers to pack up and prepare to leave. It's only a matter of time before this island comes to ruin.
Before I leave, I must spread the truth about the king. Though it pains me to do this, I cannot stand by and let his cruelty pass anymore. Here's the truth about Ar-Pharazôn, King of Númenor.
TW: rape, incest, domestic abuse, blasphemy against the Valar, violence.
Read more
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🌾 farmgirlofnumenor Following
Okay, anyone else seriously angry about this new temple that the king's building right now???
Before anyone yells at me, I'm not a Faithful, but I'm not one of the King's Men. I'm just sick of the king's overspending on stupid projects and his obsession with becoming immortal.
There are food shortages in the countryside! People are starving to death and all the king cares about is building this temple! But all these nobles care about is immortality, and I'm just so tired of it all.
Oh, and if you come at me about how I should be blaming the Valar or worshiping Melkor, I will block you.
🌿 forest-lover Follow
Well said, my friend!
All the people criticizing you in the notes must be city people feeling so called out for spending their money on cheap makeup and fake treatments. If you feel insulted by this post, then you're part of the problem.
Quit focusing on making yourselves immortal and focus on helping your people for once!
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👑 jewel-daughter-miriel Following
The storms are growing worse. The ground is shaking beneath my feet, and I can see smoke coming from the Meneltarma.
This will most likely be my last post. Númenor is lost, and there's no hope of saving it.
I can only hope that the end will come quickly.
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🕊️ pelargirl Mutuals
Istg the King's Men are so entitled.
They all act like they deserve immortality because they happen to have longer lifespans than most humans.
But you're all ready to sacrifice innocent people and wage war in the south, all because you kicked Sauron's ass thousands of years ago.
You're all awful people and I hope that Eru smites you all.
#i'm so glad i fled to pelargir #to all my faithful friends still in romenna #please stay safe #vent posts #do not reblog
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🦂 harad-traveller Follow
Reblog if you want a giant wave to swallow Númenor
Likes to charge, reblogs to cast!
💠 long-live-westernesse Follow
Wow, this is so rude. We literally introduced so many things to you Haradrim and this is how you thank us???
And y'all wonder why we destroyed your cities.
🏜️ deserts-of-the-south Follow
Anyways, reblog to destroy Númenor!
#entitled numenoreans
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⚔️ soldier-of-armenelos Follow
*kicks down door*
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🐋 nostalgic-numenor Follow
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The coastline of Hyarrostar, before the Shadow
#vintage photos #numenor #faithful #elendili #hyarrostar #nostalgia
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🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Is it bad that I actually kinda enjoy watching Númenor sink? I mean, it sucks that my home is gone, but after everything that Ar-Pharazôn did, I'm just glad that the trash took itself out.
I hope Sauron also got swept up in that wave.
🌊 maidenofandustar Follow
Bro people are dying wtf is wrong with you???
I say this as someone whose sister was sacrificed by the King's Men. I know we all suffered, but not all of those people were King's Men!
We should never celebrate innocent people dying, or we're no better than Ar-Pharazôn and Sauron.
🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Girl my entire family was sacrificed in the Temple of Melkor.
I really don't care about 'being the bigger person'.
I just hope Ar-Pharazôn and all of those pathetic King's Men are drowning like rats right now.
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🗡️ isildur3209 Following
We finally arrived in Middle-earth. It was a rough journey, but we're all safe, if not a little tired.
My brother, wife, and son are safe and sound. However, we got separated from our father's ship thanks to the waves. Don't know what we're gonna do, but for now, I'm gonna take some time to rest and grieve for my home.
#personal #numenor
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Previous post here
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str8rat · 1 month
In Stars And Time Fear and Hunger AU
Today, we've got THREE CHARACTER SHEETS!!!
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TW!! i'm actually not sure LOL UHHH mentions of anxiety?? mentions of grief?? mentions of Erotophobia ( fear of sex and genitals, but nothing graphic dw, a mere mention and explanation ) but yeah if you are any familiar with fear and hunger, i think nothing can really surprise you ._.
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love how her hair turned out here :D
~ ~ ~
Mirabelle; Atychiphobia ( fear of failure )
Effects; Severe Anxiety
The Blessed Housemaiden of House of Dormont. Immune to the Curse of Time Freezing. Unfortunately, the public is not as fond of her as one may assume, with her being the Savior of Vaugarde. The public puts immense ammounts of pressure on her, even antagonizing her venomously, claiming that she is not trying hard enough, fast enough to get to the King, as the party ventures through the country.
Mirabelle is at constant brink of an anxiety attack, especially while she is around strangers, causing her to develop a light stutter, that gets worse when she is in a stressful situation. While alone with her party, she becomes a lot more open and calmer, so grateful for everyone's support and being there for her. She picked up the breathing exercise from Siffrin, and uses it regularely. She also cannot forgive herself for Isabeau's sacrifice for her, still having horrible dreams about that day.
Other than her phobia of failing to free her country from the King's grasp, she also shows signs of Erotophobia, which is a fear of genitals and sex. Sometimes, Housemaidens weren't seen as just maidens of the House, but also, prostitutes, earning on the side. Being associated with such an oppinion from her youngest years - ever since becoming a Housemaiden, really - she refuses to ever indulge in any of those gross activities.
Also, the constant use of healing craft puts immense toll on her body, causing her to be get craft-exhausted for short periods of time. If she happens to overuse healing craft, it may cause her to nosebleed, cough up blood, inability to use crafts or even loss of consciousness. Overall, Mirabelle does not have it easy.
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MOMMY i mean what
~ ~ ~
Odile; Acrophobia ( fear of heights )
Effects; Fragile ( she old )
An Outlander from Ka Bue, a country from across the ocean. Researcher of.. something. Due to being an old lady, Odile has a much more fragile body, making up with her powerful craft skills and knowledge. During battles, her first turn always consists of Analyzing an enemy, in order to work out a tactic against it. She is scared of heights, and that is commonly known throughout the party, being the one thing that they can genuinely get back at her for relentlessly teasing them at times.
She is also subconsciously considered a mother figure of the party. She had seen many, many messed up things throughout her own travels, as well as after joining the others. Because of that, she may have became a bit numb towards violence and overall gruesome displays, which in turn sometimes greatly disturbs the rest of her companions. Still, Odile remains highly protective towards them, especially Bonnie, sternly forbidding them from joining in on actual battles, and instead staying in the back and sometimes helping out with tonics.
The things she wouldn't do in order to keep those she deems dear to her safe. One could easily underestemite her for being just an old lady with a love for books and learning more about the world around her, when in reality, she is ruthless towards those that dare to land a hand on her family.
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poor bonnie ;w; give them pinapple and headpats
~ ~ ~
Bonnie; Atelophobia ( fear of being useless )
Effects; Traumatized, Emotionally unstable
A pre-teen from the Vaugardian village Bambouche. Bonnie is severely traumatized, their young brain quickly folding under the cruelty and unfairness of this world, and always strives to impress those around them. Their entire village have been frozen in time, the curse swallowing everyone they knew, alongside their older sister Petronille. The only thing they've got left is their hat, oversized, damaged, and yet, very important to them, because it belonged to their sister.
Overcome by anger and grief, they made the impulsive decision to go through the country all on their own, wanting to face The King by themselves. Of course, they were too weak for that, being just a child, and as their exhaustion caught up with them after days of traveling on their own and desperately avoiding Sadnesses, they were eventually forced into a fight with one. It would've killed them, if it wasn't for Siffrin, which noticed them and saved them just in time.
Bonnie feels immense guilt at the sacrifice of Siffrin's eye for their life, and distances themselves from the situation. And even though their childish nature still shines through their numb shell, they will never forgive themself for having another person lose their eye for them. They try to make up the fact of them being utterly useless in combat, with the fact that they can cook very well. They're trying their hardest.
They are also incredibly clumsy, especially when stressed- leading them to getting hurt often, resulting in countless band-aids and bandages on their body. One particularely nasty occurance was that they accidentally knocked a pan off of the stove, causing oil burns across their left arm, left wrist, and chest. They are also emotionally unstable, and consider acting angry to be "strong," and "adult-like," so that's exactly how they act like most of the time, especially towards Siffrin. As time goes on though, they warm up more and more towards the members of the party. And now that their home, their friends, their family is gone- they eventually start considerring the rest of their party as family- even though they won't admit it.
~ ~ ~
YAY I actually speedran drawing THREE CHARACTERS!!! We already had Siffrin, we had Isabeau, now we have Mirabelle, Odile and Bonnie! Who's the last one? :0
The Universe's Favorite Cosmic Joke, of course! Look forward to that tomorrow, alongside some more doodles regarding the AU probably :D
( also, to the bozo relentlessly spamming my inbox, pls do keep harrassing me. it's funny )
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 4 months
Hope you're doing well for this week and good luck on your exams! I have a request!
Baldwin has a wife who's a secretly witch, she came from a royal family with ties of witchcraft but had to keep it a secret because of the church, but she loves him a lot and was willing to do little spells of good luck everyday or before a battle.
Baldwin doesn't know this but he does get a tad suspicious with the luck he's been having.
♡ My Lucky Charm - King Baldwin x Reader ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: Hello Chicken Blitz! I hope you are also doing well, and thank you for wishing me well on the exams 🤞. Thank you for this lovely request, its so cute and I had fun writing it. I hope you enjoy it! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figgures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
Y/n and Baldwin the fourth had been married for three years. Wed at sixteen years old, now nineteen. Three years of marriage and having been acquainted since the age of seven but still the young king suspected nothing of y/n’s true nature.
Y/n had been a practicing witch since she could walk. Her mother had taught her everything she needed to know, from spells of protection to powerful curses. She had learnt quickly and by the time she was sixteen was a very powerful witch.
The spells she performed were legend in her coven. Her family was descended from English royalty but broke away to travel to the Holy Land in hope to build an alliance. The women in her family were witches.
That was how it had been for generations. And every single man in the family was oblivious to it, if they knew then the coven would be burnt to the ground. Sacred sites destroyed, spells of protection over land ruined. It was not possible to allow anybody to gain access to the true nature of their family.
Y/n was no different when she was wed to Baldwin. And how she loved him. They had been acquainted for many years prior to their marriage and already loved each other greatly, even before they were married.
The night of their wedding, y/n swore to herself that she would never let anybody hurt her sweet husband. She held him in her arms for the first time that very night. She whispered to him that she would never let anybody harm him and if they did, she would make sure they died in an awful and painful death.
He had not heard her say this, for he was already peacefully asleep. Exhausted from the wedding, the long hours of standing taking its toll on his diseased body. She had stroked his hair and promised to always protect him. No matter what.
She placed spells of protection over him and his army when they went to battle against Saladin just a few months later. They returned victorious.
She kept the kingdom safe with regular sacrifice and rituals. But most importantly, every day she placed spells of protection over her beautiful husband. He needed all the strength he could get and she was more than happy to provide it all.
She would spend her days in the woods, collecting ingredients and used every last one ensuring his safety and strength. Her tireless work started to show greatly when the young king's disease began to have less and less of an physical impact on his body. He grew stronger and stronger day by day. The painful looking sores clearing and the feeling in his limbs began to return slowly.
She spent long hours in the forest and her private chambers, performing spell after spell, sneaking ingredients into his drinks, doing whatever she could do until every trace of disease that plagued him was gone.
It was a miracle. The physicians were baffled and Baldwin was equally as confused. But y/n was overjoyed. She had done it, but she continued her relentless efforts. She did not stop until every last trace of disease was rid from his beautiful body.
“Y/n, I have some news” he confessed to her one warm spring afternoon, attempting to hide a smile and failing slightly. “Yes my husband?” y/n had replied, looking up from her book with a forced curiosity, already knowing exactly what he was going to say. “I am cured my love, my leprosy is gone! The physicians don't know how it is possible, but it is truly a miracle!” he picked her up and spun her around, with the biggest smile on his face. She giggled and smiled at his words.
He placed her down and cupped his hands around her cheeks. “Do you know what that means? It means we can be together forever y/n!”. The two were overjoyed at the news but only she knew the truth. This was no miracle. It was simply the love of a witch, manifested in the form of riding a frail body of disease. Returning it to its true strength. Out of nothing but love.
It was not just this. The luck he had been experiencing since being wed to y/n was shocking. Everything had been going well in the kingdom. Battles had been won, alliances had been formed, conflicts had been resolved, famines had been lifted and now his disease that would have seen him in an early grave had been cured? This was incredible.
“It must be you, my love,” he confessed to her one night. “You are my lucky charm”, the young queen had blushed at his words. Indeed she was. And as long as she lived, she would be.
Even after everything, Baldwin remained oblivious to her abilities. And y/n was more than happy to keep it that way. She would much rather him remain in the dark about her talents than be exposed to the church. She hoped that he was too happy with his success to grow suspicious.
Even though the possibility of a witch's intervention had crossed his mind at the comment of a physician, he chose to ignore it. There was no reason for him to question anything. He was healthy, all was well in his kingdom, and he had a wonderful, caring wife who adored him. What more could a young man wish for?
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michibap · 2 months
1. ur hockey fic was AMAZING. 2. i was thinking abt a hockey!reader getting into a fight and schlatt cheering her on
yes 😈
Jealousy Fic
idek if i can call these fics to be completely honest
tw: violence and being mean to men
Jealousy Whatever The Fuck I've Got Going On Ig
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚:⠀ ⋆.:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
-Schlatt knew coming into this that there were going to be times where you had to fall off of the face of the earth for a while
-he understood how much your sport meant to you, constantly reassuring you that he would never want to take you away from something that you held so dearly
-and while it was a sacrifice he was willing to make
-that doesn't mean it doesn't suck total ASS
-when the end of the season comes rolling around the corner, he barely gets by on the scraps of attention he can get
-whether it be sitting in on your practices, hanging out in your room while you nap, joining you and the team for post-practice meals
-Or showing up to your games over an hour early so he could snag his favorite seat, next to your team's penalty box
-which is where he finds himself now,
-content to camp out there for the remaining time until the game, doomscrolling reddit to keep himself entertained for the time being
-he glances up from his phone when the door to the rink opens, just in case of the off chance it was you coming in late (he knew you wouldn't dare)
-he still huffs a little and returns to his scrolling when he sees it was just another student, decked out in the university's merchandise
-his eyes are once again torn from the small screen when he sees the only other person in the auditorium come and take the seat right next to him in the corner of his eye
-what the fuck????
-he tries to ignore her as she frantically rustles through her bag, taking out a notepad and pen, before turning to him
"Hi!" she chirped, "I'm Sarah."
-jay's eyes dart from her outstretched hand to her face, doing everything in his power to make sure his face remains neutral
"...Hi?" he returns, unsurely reaching out and awkwardly shaking her hand
-failing to notice the way 'Sarah' blushes when his larger hand encompasses her own
"Hi," she breathes again
-schlatt doesn't bother hiding his judgmental expression now, pulling his hand out of hers and wiping it on his (your) sweats
-He frowns when she squeaks, shyly covering her mouth with her hand,
"Oh my god..." she mumbled, muffled by her hand, "This is so embarrassing, I'm sorry."
-he doesn't dignify that with a response
"I'm Sarah, I'm a new journalist for the university's athletic magazine." she explained, "Coach told me you'd be here, said you could answer some questions for me?" she finished hopefully, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth in anticipation of his answer
"Coach?" schlatt repeated, bewildered
-he didn't even know that motherfucker knew he existed
-and now he's volunteering him for shit?
"Yeah, I hope that's okay..."
-he sighed, pocketing his phone, "I mean... I guess, I don't really know shit about hockey, but I could tell you about the team."
-he can't help but give her another judgemental look when she claps her hands together and squeals, kicking her feet a little bit
"Perfect, thank you so much!"
-schlatt presses his lips into a thin line and gives her a short nod, watching as she holds up her notepad and pen, eagerly looking at him from over the ledge of her glasses
"Now, can you give me a quick rundown of the season so far?”
he blanches,
“You didn’t do any research before showing up today?”
she giggled and blushes, caught,
“I told you I’m new…”
-he spends the remaining time answering questions about the team, their positions and playing styles all while masterfully dodging anything that seemed a little too much like smalltalk
-actually cuts her off when the lights dim and your team's entrance song begins playing (LIVING DEAD GIRL?? RAHHHH)
-you follow the rest of your team out onto the ice, coming out at the tail end alongside the captain
-you're fuckign hype, grabbing your teammates helmets and shaking them, punching their shoulders, shoulder checking them
-Jay and Sarah watch as you make your way onto the ice, your presence impossible to be left unnoticed with your cocky grin, standing a solid head over half of your teammates
"Who is that?" Sarah asked, voice raised so jay could hear her over the roaring crowd, plucking her pen from behind her ear to scribble down your jersey number in her notepad
-schlatt sat up a little straighter, his chest puffing out in pride
"That's my girlfriend."
-once the national anthem begins, you're forced to settle, so you use the spare moment to search the crowd for a familiar set of muttonchops
-you eagerly sift through the many unrecognizable faces, but when you find him...
-your teammate nervously glances at you from the corner of her eye when she feels your energy shift
"Dude, what's your problem?"
-you don't respond, eyes dead set on their target, jaw clenching so hard she swears she can literally hear your teeth grinding
-she turns to see what's got you so pissed, letting out a low whistle when she spots it
-it's your mans
-which would usually be a normal occurrence
-if she hadn't caught him right at the wrong moment
-she catches him leaning down so the bird sitting next to him can whisper something in his ear
-when the anthem ends, she claps your shoulder with a laugh
"That's rough, bud."
-you don't respond, squaring your shoulders before you make your way over to the face off, bumping her shoulder hard enough to knock her off balance as you pass
-once you're in position you maintain a perfectly still stance, holding your stick firmly in position as you wait for the puck to inevitably be passed to you
-but you can't keep yourself from glancing to where you know jay is sitting
-he manages to catch your eyes when he turns his attention from the random sitting next to him to you
-his face lights up and he sends you an excited wave, and you can feel your lips trying to twitch into a grin
-but then you see sarah doing the same next to him
-his lips pull into a confused frown when your eyes narrow to send him a nasty glare before focusing back on the face-off at hand
-your efforts to focus are futile, whirlwinds of thoughts of "Who The Fuck Is That?" distracting you enough that you miss the puck shooting at you
-luckily, one of your teammates manages to recover it, you shoot after her with a frustrated curse
-the game begins to move pretty fast from the get-go, which you were expecting
-having been warned about aggressive and dirty players along with unsportsmanlike spectators
-usually, games like this were your speciality, coach keeping you on the ice for the majority of the game to act as an enforcer.
-and as excited as you were for a barnburner
-you were off your fucking game today
-you'd been kronwalled by a goddamn pylon
-let the other team's offensive nab the puck a handful of times
-fuck, you'd even let yourself get pokechecked
-after enough chippy comments from the team and a good amount of shouting from coach, he pulled you off the ice
-he didn't even say anything to you when you first got back back to the bench, leaving you to do nothing but stew as you cooled off, pouring some water on the top of your head for good measure
-after a beat of silence, you look up to find coach standing over you with a frown
"I don't know what the fuck your problem is."
he started, you only scoffed and rolled your eyes, rearing to defend yourself, but he cuts you off before you get the chance
"But those girls need you out there. They're wiping the fucking floor with you guys."
both of you pause to look back out at the ice as one of your defensemen is knocked off of her feet in what was obviously a foul play
"And I'll be damned if we lose in our own barn 'cause you can't keep your eyes off some fucking bird."
-your mouth snaps shut and you feel your face heat up, looking up at him with wide eyes, unsure of what to do now that you know you've been caught
-coach only sighs, disapprovingly shaking his head, but you can see him biting back a smile,
"Now get back out there and bring this shit home, you hear?"
-you rise back to your feet with a determined nod,
-your teammates on the ice send one another unsure looks when you step back out onto the ice, the captain pausing her conversation to make her way over to you,
"You better lock the fuck in," she hissed lowly, "Because if you plan on keepin' this hoser act up then you best get off my fuckin ice."
-her firm expression cracked a bit when you brought your gloved fist up to bump her own,
"Oh, baby," you start, a rogue grin spreading across your lips, revealing a sharp row of teeth, "I'm fucking locked."
-the rest of the game passes in a whirlwind (or maybe you just don't remember it because of how many times you rattled your brain)
-you spent the majority of it ducking low and hitting hard
-and swinging even harder
-with you back on the ice to keep the opposing team's goons at bay, your team had managed to bring the score back into their favor
-at the cost of you being sent to the penalty box what felt like every few minutes
-which would have usually been a highlight of your game, being allotted 2-5 minutes to chat up your boyfriend through the plexiglass
-but that wasn't the case today
-everyone in the rink knew what was coming when the pylon who had flattened you out earlier came lumbering up to where you and one of her teammates were getting in one another's faces
-you blanched when she came between you and her teammate, broad shoulders completely blocking the view of the other player, and you had to strain your neck a bit to look up at her
"Why don't you save some for me, pretty?" she cooed mockingly, "Been waitin' ta get my hands on you all night."
-never being one to back down (even if you should),
you straighten up and push further into her space, bumping chests before you bring up a hand to give her shoulder a rough shove
"Yeah?" you ask with another one of your brazen grins, "Do something."
-before you had the chance to think about the consequences of your actions, a large, gloved palm was pressed hard enough to your face that it sent you back on your ass, gliding across the ice with the force
-you stay on the ground for a moment, bewildered
-you glance up at your teammate, who is already looking down at you, equally horrified
-before chancing a glimpse into the crowd
-and much to your pleasure, you find yourself only a few feet away from where your boyfriend was watching with wide, worried eyes
-and the bitch sitting next to him with one hand clapped over her mouth,
the other gripping his forearm
-your lips curl into a snarl
-and you're pushing off the ice without another thought, dropping your gloves and tearing off your helmet before rushing to get your fingers twisted in the face guard of the pylon's helmet, taking her's off as well
-to add to the chaos, your teammate whom you had shared a look with grabs two fistfuls of the jersey of the player who you were originally getting into it with
-and before anyone had the chance to stop it, a full blown scuffle breaks out
-"Oh Shit."
-Jay finds himself on his feet, practically pressing his face to the plexiglass as he tries to find you in the midst of the riot on the ice
"What? What's happening??" Sarah asked from behind him, before coming up beside him,
"Can you please explain what's going on?" she whined, looking up at him with pleading eyes and a helpless pout
-Schlatt's lips curl into a scowl of his own,
-this girl has been on his back the ENTIRE fucking game
-trying to ask stupid fucking questions
-which, usually, would be okay
-he doesn't know jack shit about the game
-he asks you stupid questions all the time
-but throughout the entirety of the game, she'd not only been asking pointless questions, but trying to draw his attention away from the game with inane small talk
-and with a deep breath, he prepares to tear her a new one
"Isn't it your fucking job to have the slightest clue-"
-his rant is cut short by a loud THUD, both of them flinching away from the plexiglass
-where the pylon's bruised face is firmly pressed, squishing her features into the barricade for the spectators to see, smearing blood on the plexiglass
-Jay's eyes travel from the bruised face to the familiar hand knotted into the hair at the base of the player's skull, trailing up the strong arm holding her in place, over your heaving chest, all the way up to your face
-sweat sticking a few strands of your hair to your forehead and the side of your face
-your cheekbone has a splotch already blooming into a deep purple, and there's blood seeping from your nose, pouring over your lips and dripping from your chin onto your previously pristine jersey
-when he finally meets your eyes, they're already dead set on him, and he shudders
-he's rather you be glaring, snarling, gnashing your teeth, pounding on the glass and screaming at him, spittle flying from your mouth as you cuss him out
-instead, you meet him with a blank, steady stare, pupils blown out and sharklike with adrenaline
-he finds himself frozen under your gaze, unable to drag his eyes away from you, the same way a deer is unable to drag it's eyes from a car's headlights
-another second passes, but it could have been an eternity
-with a final push into the glass, you release the pylon's hair, letting her collapse to the ground as you turn your back to the crowd and making your way back to the center of the ice to watch as the brawl dies down
-as soon as the referees are no longer occupied with pulling players away from each other, you're sent to the penalty box
-you can feel jay's eyes on you as you make your way over
-but you keep your gaze dead set on the girl sitting next to him
-relishing in the way her face pales and she squirms the longer you stare
-the eye contact only breaks when you open the door and step into the penalty box
-you remain standing at attention, intensely watching the game carry on without you as you pointedly ignore... whatever the fuck it is that's going on on the side of you
-neither of them acknowledged you at first, both sitting ramrod straight and entirely focused on the game
-it doesn't last long though, you can feel the strange chick's eyes on you before she leans in, seemingly to ask another question, keeping her eyes set on you
-but you can just barely hear the lilt of her voice paired with the deeper timber of jay's over the sound of the audience and the ongoing game
-you couldn't help but sneak a glance from the corner of your eye
-and watch as schlatt plucks her notepad and pencil out of her small hands so he could scribble down something himself before handing it back to her
-your nostrils flare and your fists clench by your sides as you try to take a few deep breaths to cool yourself down before you step back onto the ice
-whatever conversation they were having was cut short by the door to the penalty box slamming closed with a resounding BANG, loud enough that they could both feel vibration in their seats
-and Jay knows he's fucked.
-capital F Fucked
-he knows damn well that having Sarah next to him was an objectively bad look
-and goddammit
-he TRIED to shake her but she just wouldn't quit
-he'd tried giving her dry answers, ignoring her, pointing out other people she could badger, taking her notepad to write things down himself and cross out whatever he deemed to be useless
-but she just Would Not leave him alone
-the one thing he hadn't tried was simply getting up and walking away, but that was out of question
-because it risked both him losing her seat, and her following him
-he can't even enjoy the rest of the game, anxiously brewing in all of the potential consequences of something that wasn't even his fault
-kind of...
-he knew he could have told her to fuck off right off the bat
-but as a fellow student employee, part of him couldn't help but sympathize with her, knowing how the university likes throwing poor, unassuming student employees right into the deep end
-so he was really caught between a rock and a hard place here
-and he fucking KNOWS you're pissed
-everyone in the fucking rink knew you were pissed
-and he's left with nothing but his anxiety and his new parasite to keep him company
˖⁺‧₊˚🎧☁️🕶️ ˚₊‧⁺˖
-when the game finally comes to a close, Jay is elated to find that your team has won, though he wasn't too sure of how
-either way, he's happy to watch the team celebrate, though his victorious spirit deflates a bit when his eyes land on you (as they usually do)
-you don't even crack a smile as your team rushes you, ruffling your hair, shaking your shoulders
-it's at that moment he decided he Needs to redeem himself
-ESPECIALLY if HE was the reason you weren't basking in the glory of your (probably) well deserved win
-he abruptly stands from his seat, before wordlessly shoving his way through the crowd, ignoring the angry grumbles and the occasional "What the hell!"s from the other spectators attempting to file out of the rink
"Hey! Where're we going?" he hears a grating voice from behind him
-he glances over his shoulder and sees none other than Sarah, attempting to follow him through the crowd, having a significantly harder time due to her lack of height advantage
-but she somehow manages to tail him all the way to the entrance of the hallway leading to the locker rooms, where he usually waits for you
-he's actually about to turn around and actually tell her to fuck off, but is interrupted by your rowdy team passing by
-some acknowledge him as he passes, others are too caught up in one another to give him a second thought
-you follow behind at the tail end of the train of players, somehow more daunting than usual
-along with your usual imposing stature, you're still riding the high of an adrenaline filled victory, standing tall as steam rolls off of you as a result of your high body temperature clashing with the cold of the rink
-he almost gets too caught up in the sight of you to catch your attention before you make your way back into the locker rooms
-but he seemingly doesn't have to
-he turns to Sarah with wide eyes when she excitedly shouts your name, frantically calling you over
-Jay watches your head whip to look their direction, and your eyes dart between himself and Sarah
-before you change your path and make your way towards the two of them
-once you're stood in front of them, Sarah immediately gets to rambling before he has the chance to say anything
"Hey! You guys were great today! I'm so happy to be here, I'm a new journalist for the university's athletics magazine. I was really hoping-"
-but you clearly aren't listening, and neither is Jay
-instead, he intently watches as you bring a gloved hand up to your mouth and bite down on the middle finger so you could drag your hand out of it, before letting it fall to the ground
-Sarah's rambling is cut short as she watches schlatt almost immediately bend down to pick it up
-her eyes dart to watch the way you drag a possessive hand over his head as he stands back up to his full height, before finally landing on you
-she gulps when she finds your gaze already firmly planted on her, a wolfish smile spread across your face as you observe her
"Whaddaya want, an autograph?" you ask with a condescending smile
-this time, it's Sarah who isn't given the chance to respond, because you're already reaching forward to pluck the pencil from where she had it tucked behind her ear, and snatching the notepad out of her hand
-all she can do is watch as you scribble your obnoxiously large signature over the majority of the notes she had taken for her article about the game
-you send her a cheeky wink before pocketing her pencil and handing Schlatt her notepad before sauntering off,
"Thanks fer comin'! It's always nice meeting fans." you call over your shoulder
-and all your boyfriend can do is hand her back her notebook with an embarrassed sigh before trailing after you like a lost puppy
˖⁺‧₊˚🎧☁️🕶️ ˚₊‧⁺˖
-he spends half an hour waiting outside of the locker room for you
-sending your teammates a tight lipped smile when they walk past him, some of them snickering and whispering to one another, others bidding him good luck
-he's left with nothing to do but plot on how he'll re-enter your good graces once he sees you
-though, he hasn't fully fleshed out his plan by then
-he barely gets the chance to look up from where he was scrolling on the weather app when he hears the locker room door open, followed by a flurry of heavy footsteps quickly approaching him
-before he knows it, he's being grappled by the front of his sweatshirt and pressed up into the wall, held up more by the force pinning him than his toes, which were the only part of him still grounded
"You wanna tell me what the fuck that was?"
-your voice is dangerously low, leaning in close enough that only he could hear you, he could feel your own slightly tacky cheek sticking to his own
-his hands instinctively come up to grab your wrists in an attempt to pull them off of him
"W-What? What The hell're you tal-"
-he's cut off by you using your grip on his sweater to pull him slightly away from the wall, just to shove him back into it before pressing further into his space, trapping him between yourself and the cool concrete
"Don't play stupid with me, who the fuck was that?"
-he turns his head away from you to nervously look around the hall for bystanders, but his gaze is wrenched back to you by a strong hand gripping his cheeks, forcing his lips into a pout
"Look at me when I'm talking to you." you hiss through gritted teeth
-he pauses for a moment to take you in, hair damp from the shower he knows you took to cool off after the game
-but upon seeing the way your cheeks were still ruddy, and your pupils were still blown out, he could tell that you were still wired with post-game adrenaline
-and, against his better discretion
-he decides to poke the bear
"What's it to you?"
-he finds his lips curling into a toothy smile of his own as he watches your eye twitch and your jaw clench
"You don't have my full attention for three fucking days so you, what? Whore yourself out to the first chick that'll look in your direction?"
-schlatt scoffs, "Whore myself out? What is this, the twelfth cen-"
-he's once again cut off, this time by you coming closer to press your chest against his, leaning in close enough that he can feel your lips brush against the same ear Sarah had been whispering into throughout the game
"What's the matter, baby? 'm I not paying enough attention to you, hm?" you hum, bringing one hand to gently pet the back of his head, before knotting your fingers into it and pulling his head back, granting you access to trail your lips along the expanse of his neck as you mumble to him
-he struggles to come up with another witty response, but his mind goes blank as he gasps at the sensation of one of your legs bullying it's way between his own,
"You could've just asked me, y'know. What's her face couldn't give you half of what I could, anyways."
-he feels you freeze before he sees it, muscles going rigid where he had snuck his hands under the hem of your shirt
-before you're pulling away, hands leaving his hair to trail down to his hips, where they grip hard enough to bruise
-you pull back, eyes intensely searching his face, as though checking if he had really dared-
"Her name was Sarah." he doubles down with a shit eating grin
-he watches your nostrils flare and a vein in your neck pop,
-but before you have the chance to retaliate, the locker room door opens
-Jay blushes when you only crane your neck to look over your shoulder, rather than pulling away from where you have him trapped
-you scowl when you see coach saunter out of the locker room with a smug grin of his own
-you push away from schlatt and begin to make your way down the hallway to leave,
-leaving him to lean against the wall to support himself, legs left in a jelly-like state, and pulling his sweatshirt down to hide his poor hard peen :(
-coach only laughs with a shake of his head as he walks past,
"Good work out there today, killer.
We wouldn't have gotten this win today without you."
˖⁺‧₊˚🎧☁️🕶️ ˚₊‧⁺˖
i didn't know how to finish this but here you are
hope u enjoyed
fuckinuhhhh sorry for being gone for a little bit i was Busy
ok later
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My Nocturnal Serenade
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Tw; Mention of possible torture, mention of sleep deprivation, a quick mention of past sex, Sukuna being his own warning.
Please do not copy or steal my work
Note; this is the longest chapter I have written until now. Like wtf, how?! I hope you will all like it! Also, I tried writing a fight scene and failed. I'll try next time 😅
Summary; Sukuna scares his vessel into abandoning his shelter, hopefully, to finally reunite with you.
@robarrazi as promised I tagged you.
They had been travelling across the country for the past few days, only stopping at night and moving on the signs of dawn. Meanwhile, Sukuna had fun keeping the brat and Gojo Satoru on their toes. The King of curses would form a mouth and bit Gojo the second the sorcerer would put his hand on Yuji to comfort him or would simply start screaming the second his vessel would be asleep.
So much that even Gojo had barely slept lately. It was clear the Sorcerer wanted to kill him but could do nothing. It would only hurt the kid more. The brat already felt so bad for being the reason they were running around and now their absence of sleep.
They also stopped watching the news and not just because of the increasing ‘catastrophes’ hitting the country. No. Because Gojo Satoru had finally explained the whole situation to a lost and worried Yuji.
- “So, you are telling me we are running away from his lover?” asked the teen, pointing at Sukuna's mouth on his cheek. “But I thought you were the strongest? Can't you just, I don't know, annihilate him?”
- “It's not that simple I'm afraid” replied Gojo with a sigh. “We are facing someone who was known as one of the strongest of his generation. Worse, we know nothing about his current abilities, besides him being able to use Sukuna’s techniques. And we don't even know how he is doing it.”
Of course, they didn't know. They ignored most of what actually was your Cursed Techniques. But he did and they weren't ready for the big reveal. There was a reason Sukuna mastered hand-to-hand combat to face you. The King of Curses could not wait to see you fight against Gojo Satoru.
Even if he suspected you would prefer to run away and face the man once he was free from the brat's body. Just to be safe.
- “Of course, the only one who could tell us is Sukuna.” said Gojo, pointing to the mouth and eye. “But I bet he won't tell us a single thing.”
- “You will know soon enough Sa-to-ru” replied Sukuna, smirking. “I already told you a lot!”
- “Eh? What did he tell you senseï?” asked Yuji
- “The only thing he told me was how I would not be able to hide behind my technique. But that could mean a lot of things.” Gojo smiled at his student. “Even if I can't use them, I will still win.” Gojo was trying to reassure Yuji, but Sukuna wasn't blind to his worries.
- “I also told you I almost envied your confidence.” laughed Sukuna.
The sorcerer was about to reply, probably a snarky remark, when his phone rang. Without a word, Satoru left them to answer it.
Sukuna’s eye fell on his vessel’s hands; the teen was picking at his skin, almost to the blood. The lack of sleep and the stress were probably driving the boy mad. The King of Curses could also feel his fear and guilt eating the boy alive.
Because none of it would be happening if he didn't run to Gojo with the name. They wouldn't have gone to your tomb and you would not have known who was his vessel. Meaning the country would not be the victim of this sick game of hide and seek. Yuji wasn't dumb, and Sukuna knew the teen had realized what you were doing. You were trying to force him out, force him to play the hero and sacrifice himself so you would stop killing innocent souls.
This was honestly a big surprise. You hated killing, Sukuna remembered that. But you were also ready to do anything for your loved one and he was all you had left.
But maybe you also expected him to give you a hand. Pushing his vessel in that direction. Yes, he could force Yuji to run away, but where? None of them knew where you were at the moment. Unless he sends you a signal you could not miss.
Like destroying a huge chunk of town too.
But that means using the deal he had with the kid. Sure, a minute would be enough, but would you be there before Gojo or anyone arrived?
It was worth the risk.
- “Oi, brat.” called Sukuna, forming his eye and mouth on the teen’s hand.
- “What now Sukuna?” asked Yuji, rolling his eyes.
- “You know why he is walking away? Because he doesn't want you to know who is dead.” cackled the King of Curses, watching Yuji’s face lose all its colour.
- “Shut up! You don't know what the call is about and if it's anything bad, senseï will tell me. He won't hide it this time!” retorted the brat.
- “I don't need to, not when I know my beloved like the back of my hand. We have been playing Hide and Seek long enough now, he wants us out. He knows now you won't come out for innocent strangers, but what about your friends?”
- “You are lying!” accused Yuji, but his voice shook, almost breaking.
- “I would never lie about my one and only, stupid brat. Last I remember, you know nothing about him besides the fact we use to fuck.”
That was such a bad word to use to describe the endless nights you two would share. Even now, Sukuna could almost hear your moan or taste the sweat on your skin. Or feel the whimper threatening to leave his own mouth on some humiliating occasions and see the smile, and lust, you would have when noticing it.
Shit! He wanted to feel your hands and mouth on his body again and your lips against his, stealing his breath and self-control. Sukuna would give anything just to lose himself in your arms one more time.
Soon, he told himself. He just needed to break the kid’s trust in his teacher. Force him to run away.
- “Then, what will he do if we stay hidden?” asked the teen with a small voice.
- “Oh, but make you listen to him torturing your friends, making them scream your name. He will maybe have them beg him to kill them. Maybe that's what actually happening and why it's taking so long!” laughed Sukuna. “Your senseï might be listening to their cry for help, all because YOU won't let me reunite with my beloved. How egoist of you to run away and abandon them.”
- “Shut up! Just shut up!” sobbed Yuji, slapping his hand against Sukuna’s mouth. “This is not happening. It won't happen. They are strong and at school. Your lover can't beat them all!”
- “You want to bet? We are talking about the only man able to face me in my prime and force me into my last retrenchment. And he would do it alone, without help. This generation is weak and pathetic compared to the Sorcerers of my time. They stand no chance!”
Yuji said nothing but jumped on his feet and left the room, searching for his senseï. Sukuna cursed himself, hoping he did not just screw up his plan. Because now, if the teen opened his mouth, they might be locked away until you stopped your massacre.
Worse, they could decide to execute them to force you to stop. It would be a pretty bad idea. Knowing you, you would just slaughter them all in revenge.
The brat stopped in his track when he heard his senseï’s voice.
- “Who is going to watch over them now? Nanami won't be out the hospital for a couple of weeks and we can not let Megumi and Nobara alone. How did he know about them? No, I don't care about the fingers! It was clear he would come for them sooner or later. No, what we need now is to protect my students. Nanami barely won the time for them to escape and you are telling me that whore let them run away.” Gojo’s voice was cold and angry. “He is changing the game. Now he will target Yuji’s closest people and we can't let that happen. Two days have already passed and he will most likely attack again. No, I haven't told him anything. Now...”
Silently, Yuji stepped back. Even from the hand, Sukuna could see the tears rolling down his vessel’s face and the disbelief in his eyes. Sukuna wanted to laugh. Of course, you already took the matter into your own hands! You would never let anyone play you like that. No, you had too much pride for that. He just didn't expect you to act so quickly.
There was something behind that.
Normally you should have let them think they won until they had Gojo and Yuji come out of hiding. Then you would have tricked him by capturing his friends and then try to make a deal.
Sukuna's attention returned to his vessel. The brat had taken his backpack and was escaping by the window. Quietly, Yuji landed on the ground and immediately took off. Sometimes, Sukuna forgot just how fast the brat was!
- “If we want to find him, we need to go somewhere he can find us.” he said, reforming his mouth and eye on the brat's cheek so he could hear him.
- “And where will that be?” asked Yuji, chasing the tears from his eyes.
- “Right now? Probably in an abandoned area. From there, you'll switch with me.”
- “Hell no! You'll just kill everyone around!” screamed Yuji.
- “No, I won't you idiot! That would bring the other asshole to us. No, I'm going to destroy the abandoned buildings the same way my beloved did. It will be enough for him to know it's me and not a trap.”
- “And what makes you think he's in town?”
- “His attack was two days ago. He will be expecting a slow reaction, probably knowing Gojo would not tell you right away. So yes, he is close.”
But how close? Just behind that building? On the other side of town? Soon you would be in his arms, where you belong to.
It took them a few minutes, but Yuji finally stopped in an abandoned sector. All around were industrial buildings falling apart. It was perfect!
- “Good, now switch places with me.” ordered Sukuna
- “Not before we make sure there is no one inside!” objected the boy.
- “Are you stupid? I told you I won't be killing anyone and we don't have time. That white-haired fucker is most likely after us!”
That was enough and Sukuna was finally in control. It was so good! Smirking, Sukuna walked around, destroying each building with Dismantle and watching them fall apart. Even if he knew it would be more effective to do the same in a populated area, Sukuna didn't want to take any risk. He would be immediately spotted and you would have no chance to join him.
When the last building fell to the ground, the King of Curses ran away. Not before cutting his hand and letting small droplets of blood fall behind him. Too discreet to catch anyone's eye but yours, who would be searching for his track.
After healing, Sukuna joined the crowd. He could feel Yuji trying to take control back and cursed the boy.
- “Stop that! He won't be long and since you don't know what my beloved look like you will most likely miss him.” Sukuna relaxed, feeling his vessel calming. “The fact we destroyed an abandoned place should also make him understand to not attack, so his answer to our signal will be discreet. Now let me focus!”
Walking through the crowd, Sukuna had all his senses on alert. You could do absolutely anything at that point or Gojo could appear at any second. And the King of Curses refused to be surprised or miss you.
After what felt like hours he finally saw you and froze in place, admiring you.
You sat on top of the steps of a temple, wrapped in your traditional clothes. You looked exactly the same as the day he was vanquished. Your smile was still so soft and your eyes still looked at him with the love he didn't deserve from you.
Quietly, you rose on your feet and opened your arms.
- “My love, welcome back,” you said with honey in your voice.
Without a word, Sukuna jumped in those arms of yours, wrapping his tightly around you. You returned his embrace with the same strength, one of your hands coming to play with his hair. Sukuna pressed his face against the crook of your neck, smelling you. Yes. This was really you.
- “You are as beautiful as the day I lost,” he whispered, closing his eyes. “You are as perfect as I remember”
- “And you are only smaller.” you chuckled, before kissing his shoulder and neck. “I missed you so much, Sukuna.”
- “I lost thinking you would follow a mortal life. When I woke up I thought you were dead.” Sukuna hated how his voice was weak with all the emotions he felt. “I thought I would never see you again”
- “How could have I died when you sacrificed everything for me to live? I decided to embrace the same path as you, a little bit differently, and await your return. Your heart had been keeping me company ever since.”
Sukuna wanted to answer, but could not. The brat chooses that moment to regain control of his body. Of course, you felt the change. Still smiling, you cupped Yuji’s face in your hands. The poor thing was frozen in place, his body almost shaking.
- “And you are Itadori Yuji, my beloved’s vessel. You are finally coming out of your hiding place, young man. It was time.”
- “Now what?” Yuki asked, trying to hide his fear.
- “Now? I will restore my beloved to a body closer to his original of course,” you answered, caressing his cheek with your thumb. “Don’t be afraid my boy. I will not hurt you. I hate killing without reason, unlike Sukuna. You will be free to go and hunt us down once the ritual is over, even if you should rest for a few days.”
Yuji tried to reply but fell quiet as another voice answered for him.
- “Not on my watch. I don't know how you are doing that; preventing me from using my Cursed Techniques or any kind of Cursed Energy, but I won't let you leave with my student.” warned Gojo Satoru, standing just at beginning of the stairs, his blindfold missing and his blue eyes filled with pure hate and anger.
- “Gojo Satoru. Owner of Limitless and the Six Eyes. What a rare man you are. It is almost an honour to finally come face-to-face with the legend himself. Yet, I do not see why so many fear you. You are just a mortal man with a powerful heritage.” you replied, still holding Yuji's face in your hands.
- “S-Senseï! I'm sorry!” yelled the brat, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I heard your conversation. You lied to me! Again!” he accused in a sob.
- “Yuji, this is not the time...” tried to calm Gojo, but the boy didn't let him finish.
- “He won't kill me. I don't know how many fingers he stole, but Sukuna still will be far from his twenty fingers. We will still have a chance to stop them, but at least t-that guy will stop attacking.”
- “Itadori! If you go with him...”
- “I'll be a traitor and executed? I'm already a dead man walking senseï.” a soft sob escaped Yuji's mouth as he closed his eyes. “I don’t want to, but we don't have much of a choice here. Just, if anything goes bad for me, please senseï, don't let anything happen to Megumi and Nobara. Tell them I'm sorry!”
- “You'll tell them yourself, you idiot,” replied Gojo, blue eyes not leaving his student. “I will not let you sacrifice yourself like that.”
Sukuna laughed, satisfied. He could feel the fear and remorse of his vessel, just like the pain of betraying his friend. Because Gojo Satoru wasn't just his teacher, but also a friend. How disgusting. To be crying like that for so little!
And the fear was so delicious. Why wasn't the brat affected by your Cursed Technique? Sukuna had no answer, but the curious thing was how he could still feel your presence. The powerful aura surrounding you, choking him with fear, knowing there was nothing he could do against you.
For the first time since he had joined the world of Curses and Sorcerers, Itadori Yuji was faced with a real threat.
- “Not that I am not enjoying your little talk, you two, but I think that's enough,” said Sukuna, forming a mouth on the teen's face. “You are ruining our reunion!” he smiled as you kissed his mouth
- “You are right, enough is enough my love.”,” you said, turning your head toward Gojo.
- “ENCHAIN!” exclaimed Sukuna, regaining control of the body, just in time for you two to dodge Gojo's attack.
The man had jumped toward you, trying to grab his student. Now he looked at you two with more hate than ever. Sukuna only laughed, arms wrapped around your neck as he jumped on your back before pulling out his tongue like a child.
- “What are you gonna do now? Jump again? Try to punch us? Maybe insult and curse us until we give the boy back?” taunted Sukuna, almost purring as he felt your fingers in his hair and a shiver ran down his spine.
- “Let's go before more arrive. I would like to finish the transfer before tomorrow my love. We have waited long enough and have much to do.” you said as you kissed his cheek before turning back your attention to Gojo. “I will return the boy to you within two days from now. But do not worry Gojo Satoru, for we shall meet again soon enough.”
And with that, you left.
As fast as the wind, if not more, you ran through the streets until you left the city. On your back, Sukuna could not contain his joy and laugh. Neither could you. Your hands rested under his thighs, holding them as if you feared he would fall.
Kissing your neck, Sukuna sighed with satisfaction.
- “I never imagined I could love you more. Yet here we are!” he hummed against your skin.
- “Wait until I give you back eight more fingers!” you laughed
- “That's it, I'm marrying you!” he laughed
- “You always say that and here I am, still waiting for that ring!” you scoffed with a smile.
- “Wait until you give me back a body! I'm going to this time!” he smiled and kissed your neck again. “I will never let you go. We shall never be separated again. Never.”
- “We won't let anyone try. I want to show you the world. It has changed so much in a thousand years. You will like it.” you replied.
- “The only way I will like it is with you naked before my eyes.” he laughed as you slapped his thigh.
- “You are still such a pervert!” you scolded him with a smile, blushing.
This, Sukuna thought, must be heaven or true happiness. You two were finally reunited, with nothing standing in your way. Or almost. By tomorrow he would be free from that brat. Free to show you just how much he had missed and loved you. Closing his eyes, the King of Curses savoured that victory.
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etheries1015 · 10 months
So I was scrolling through tumblr and saw this, https://www.tumblr.com/helena-and-helena-meta/733034749628710912/anyone-ever-just-be-doing-something-normal-and
So I wanted to know if you could write a fic or some headcanons based off it. Also, how are you?
Angst isn't really my forte, but I shall give it a decent shot :]
A sacrifice worth making
Featuring: Malleus Draconia
general warnings: Gender neutral reader, angst, kind of short. Sorry
TW: Depictions of injuries (Not gore) If there is anything else I missed, please let me know and I shall update this section accordingly
He thought you would never wake up. Seeing your frail body riddled with burns not reacting to any of the healing magic from the medicinal mages had given him very little hope, his heart dropping into the pit of his stomach with a sour taste in his mouth he had never felt before. He hadn't felt this much agony in a very long time, how could he let it come to this? Allowing a human to shield him using their entire body, the prince of Briar Valley, the notion that the all-powerful fae wouldn't be able to save the one person most important to him further induced the dreadful thought he was not fit to rule at all.
He had not left your side, begs from Sebek or others had fallen upon deaf ears as he continued to try and have faith you would wake up. Every time he looked your way, he could not stop hearing your screams- those harrowing screams will haunt him for years to come. Every time he closed his eyes the scene played over and over, haunting him, forcing him to look as if his eyes were stapled open in a room of mirrors with no way of escape.
Nobody could have anticipated the creation of poison imbedded fire enough to kill off the prince of Briar Valley, and he knew if you were awake and he spoke of these worries to you, you would scold him saying it was not his fault and it was an unfortunate situation that had unavoidable circumstances and sacrifice. In the end, the potion that had been meant to hit Malleus- missed as you jumped in front of him and took the blow, your body bursting into flames as the deafening screams of pain escaped your mouth he watched your body drop to the floor. Although the poison that was laced within the flames was enough to kill a specific magic-induced fae, it should have had little to no effect on the average human.
Thus, It should have been an easy enough fix- you were to come into the best care that Malleus could possibly find you, and you were going to come back to them; smiling and speaking to him as you had always done. Yet as one day dragged on longer than the next, a week had passed and you showed no signs of awakening. Full of grief, Malleus had blamed himself more and more, until he could no longer take it. He could not find solace in the company of anyone else but you, the only person who treated him as his equal- you who would give him noteworthy advice, you who would speak your mind so freely and insisted he do the same. Although he felt a little silly and perhaps it was far too late, he took you up on opening his heart.
His long slender fingers traced your peacefully sleeping face, emerald eyes melancholy and longing to peer into your lively orbs once more.
"Your sacrifice," His voice was in a low whisper, "Will not...will not go unnoticed. Your bravery will be remembered all across Briar Valley," He choked up, feeling that same overwhelming feeling of grief.
"No, that...is not what I truly want to say," He pursed his lips, bending over to plant a soft kiss upon your forehead.
"I miss you, and... I'm sorry. I failed to protect you. Please, come back...I.." He couldn't find the words to describe the heavy feeling inside of his chest where his heart lay, it was the first time he had ever felt such strong emotions for another, much less a human. Their lives are far too fleeting, and he blamed himself for seemingly cutting yours short- and although time runs in the blink of an eye for Malleus- he could have sworn the time he spent waiting for you to wake up lasted ten lifetimes. A voice called to him from the doorway, and he knew it was that time of day to leave you once again. He gave you the promise of returning the next day as he had done every time he had to begrudgingly part from your sleeping form.
The Fae turned around to exit the room you stayed in, the same as he always had done after saying his goodbyes without as much of a farewell in return. However, what he did not notice this time, was the way your fingers moved ever so slightly- almost as if trying to reach him before the door closed and his shadow faded away...
I hope that wasn't too bad. Thank you for the request <3
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savemeafruitjuice · 4 months
Lee Casey comfort tkls? Like he has a nightmare about his past (future?) and his new family helps him calm down (April, Mikey raph Leo Donnie)
la di daa~
(this has spoilers for the Rise! movie, so beware!!)
TW!: ANGST (Flashbacks), NIGHTMARE, CHARACTER DEATHS (Canon to the movie)
Lee! Casey Junior, slight Leo
Ler! Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, April
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It's cold.
Everyone is scared, and tired.
"We lost.."
Casey Junior was lying stiff as a board on the ground. He held his breath. They could come at any moment, and he'd be unprepared. The horrible Krang would invade their home, and kill the rest of his family. They'd already lost so much- he knew he wouldn't be able to go on if they got Master Leonardo, or Michelangelo. No matter how tough his senseis are, there is no guarantee they'd survive.
Oh, Michelangelo. His kind eyes were wise well beyond his years. He remembered how he would smile and comfort him after a stressful day, and how incredible he looked when using his ninpo. The bright glow never failed to amaze him. Especially the portals he'd make-
Don't think about that.
But it was too late. Reality hit Casey like a brick, and he remembered the last time he saw him, saw any of his family, and even the world he grew up in, being pushed into a portal after Mikey's sacrifice.
He startled with a gasp, jolting upwards and scanning the dark room he was in. Right, he was in a different timeline now. A safer one, but a much lonelier one.
All of the despair that lingered in his chest from the dream overwhelmed him, tears carrying the sadness from his eyes as he brought a hand to his mouth- a habit he'd picked up as to not bring attention to himself. Any noise could be the difference between life and death in The Resistance.
Casey sat there for a moment on the soft bed that was set up for him by Raphael. He knew the Krang were gone, that the horrors were over, but why was it so hard to move on? He sighed. He couldn't just forget and live a normal life after that. He was the only piece of evidence anyone would ever see that his world existed. Moving on would be too difficult.
It was what Master Leonardo would have wanted for him.
He grimaced, sobbing helplessly into his hand once more. His sensei would want him to be happy.
There were footsteps down the hall.
They were coming closer.
Casey backed up on the bed, pressing up against the wall behind him. There was a soft knock on the wall, a quiet voice calling out to him.
"Casey? Are you alright? I heard a noise.."
It was Donatello.
He'd know the voice anywhere. The raven-haired teen relaxed his shoulders slightly, a weak answer coming forth.
"Yeah, I-I'm fine."
Yikes. He definitely sounded like he'd been crying. There was a slight pause at the door.
"..Can I come in?"
"Yeah, sure."
Casey wiped his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. The olive-skinned turtle pushed back the curtains at the doorway, assessing the situation. He sat next to the disheveled looking boy.
"You're not hurt, are you?"
After a small head-shake, the purple-themed turtle fidgeted with his fingers. "I'm not the best at this.. Would it be okay for me to get the others? I'm sure they wouldn't mind- If you're okay with them being in here, that is."
"I'll be right back then."
A minute or so later, Donnie returned with his brothers and April, all groggily stumbling into the train car. "Are you alright, future boy?" April asked, noticing the red tint in his eyes.
"I'm okay, just a bad dream I guess."
A very sleepy looking Leo walked into the train car, slumping down next to Casey and resting his head on his shoulder. Casey couldn't tell if the turtle had fully processed what he was doing, but judging by the slurred muttering, he guessed not. "Ya know.. 'S okay to be sad, things'r gonna be tough.."
Mikey was next to come in, sitting to the boy's left and offering a tired smile, all too similar to that of the one his future self wore. "Is it about what happened a couple days ago?" he nodded, and the youngest brother gently took his hand, squeezing ever so slightly. The rest of the crew had come into the room, sitting on the ground as they provided various comforts.
"It's just hard to get over, you know? I mean, my whole world was literally stripped away.. Everyone I care about." the teen was met with empathetic eyes, and looked down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for waking you guys up. I know it's late, and you're all tired."
"Hey, don't be sorry. We wanna make sure you're good. You're family, and we take care of family, no matter what." the artist assured, prompting April to add on. "Mikey's right. We'd hate to see anyone we care about upset."
"C'mere, Case." Raph, who had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, made grabby-hands at Casey, to which the boy timidly stood, causing Leo to grumble and prop himself up with one arm as an alternative to his shoulder. The teen shuffled closer to the snapper, until he was in arms reach. The oldest pulled him into his lap, cradling the smaller teen in his legs.
Casey readjusted, lying on his side as his back now faced Raphael. April leaned over, cupping the raven-haired boy's face, rubbing the base of his ear with her thumb. He scrunched up slightly at that, a smile forming on his lips as he brought his shoulder up instinctively to protect himself.
In between fleeing and fighting for their lives, there had been many times when Casey had been tickled by his family. And though it became less common as he got older, Leonardo had still made sure the boy laughed and had as much fun as possible, one of his favorite methods being via tickles.
This timeline's Leo slid down from the bed and crawled over to the group, followed by Mikey. The slider seemed to be very cuddly, as he draped himself over the two, nuzzling into Casey's neck, smirking when he started giggling. "Wahahait- that feeheels wehihird!"
The futuristic teen squirmed lightly, though the sword-wielder's weight pinned down his left arm, forcing him onto his back. Mikey smiled brightly, newfound energy emanating from him as he joined in on the fun. "You're ticklish? Aww, that's so cute!"
Mikey scribbled over the other side of his neck, grinning wider when he all but melted into the touch. Pink spread over his cheeks, and he tilted his head back, indirectly opening himself up for more scritches. Leo happily took this offer, tickling under his chin. "Dohon't- Don't sahay thahahat!"
"What, that you're ticklish, or that you're cute?" April switched to tracing the shell of the boy's ear, a fond smile splayed on her lips as Casey Junior struggled to keep his composure. He had to admit, even though his fight or flight response was going a little crazy, the affection was taking his mind off of his troubles, calming him down and clearing his head.
"Neihihither!" an overly-dramatic gasp sounded, followed by a halfhearted chastisement from the intellectual soft shell. "Gasp. I think you might be in denial, Casey Jones Junior, because you reside with both of those adjectives, whether you like it or not." and with that, Donnie leaned around Leo, worming his hand under his belly to reach Casey's side. "Nardo, move. You're blocking all the good spots."
Leo squealed, pausing his attack on Casey's chin to curl up, shaking his head as Donnie continued to burrow underneath him. "Dohohonniehe! Stahahap!" The scientist quirked a brow. "Then move, you doofus!"
Donnie's attention redirected to Leo, now squeezing both of his sides as the mentioned turtle thrashed atop of the others, giggling like mad. "OHOKAHAY! IHIHI GihiHIve uhup!" Donnie pulled his hands back, allowing his brother to roll into Raph, his shell pressed against the oldest's plastron as he calmed his giggles.
Donnie paused before sticking his tongue out at Leo, squeezing Casey's left side, rather than the one the blue-themed turtle had been covering in the first place. Leo managed a glare through his residual laughter but got over it pretty quickly, going back to nuzzling the raven-haired boy's neck.
Raph smiled down at his family, enjoying the peaceful time spent together. He decided to join in as well, lifting up Casey's borrowed t-shirt, which was way too big for him, but because they had been trying to recover and recuperate, they hadn't had time to go shopping for clothes for him, and traced along his belly, also giving Donnie more space to tickle as the younger now targeted the teen's ribs.
It was safe to say that Casey was losing his mind. Between Mikey fluttering at his neck, April now scratching at his scalp and Leo practically boring into him, he had no chance of holding back any noises that came from his mouth as Donnie pinched at various places on his ribs and Raph skittered over his torso, who chuckled as he struggled to curl in on himself, part of him wanting desperately to escape, while the rest of him was happy and relaxed in his new friend's- no, family's arms.
"GUHUhuys, Ihi caHAHAn't!" the teen yelped, eyes screwed shut as he hid his pink face behind Leo. "Ah ah ah~" Mikey tsked, "No hiding, we want to see your cute little face!" the artist moved his fluttering up to the boy's jaw, making him giggle a little louder and turn his head to block out the offending fingers. "There we go! Your smile's so pretty, Junior!"
Casey squeaked as Donnie hit a particularly sensitive spot on his ribs, making him arch upwards slightly, before descending into louder giggles as the olive-skinned turtle stayed there. His free hand, which had been previously gently pushing at Leo's head, went to grab Donnie's wrist, only to have fingers wiggle into his armpit.
"MIHICHELAHAHANGELO! NAhahaHA, PLEHEHEASE!" He immediately clamped his arm down, but that did little to stop the orange-themed turtle from pressing into the sensitive skin. Casey tried to roll over to his right to dampen the sensation, but Leo prevented him from doing that as well.
April cooed, still playing with his hair, as Raph went to squeeze at the boys knees, smiling wider as he kicked his legs out. His knees were a bad spot, and Casey squealed, unsure of how much more he could take before tapping out.
His last bit of resolve flew out the window when Leo blew a raspberry against his neck, making him jolt away. "NOHOHO MOHORE! IHI CAHAN'T!"
Everyone's fingers slowed, Mikey and Donnie backing up a little to give him space. Casey panted, wrapping his unpinned arm around his torso, trying to catch his breath.
"You okay? We gotcha pretty good there." Mikey asked, snickering at the giggly puddle they had reduced the tense boy to. "Yeheah, just need toho- cahatch my breheath." He managed, taking in lung fulls of air.
The eldest brother picked up the two in his lap, gently placing them atop his chest, letting out a grunt when April crashed into him to join them. Donnie lied beside Raph, pressing against his side, Mikey crawling on top of all of them, making his siblings laugh.
Casey yawned, relaxing under the bodies, and began falling asleep, the rest taking his lead. "You don't mind the extra weight, right Raph?" Leo asked, to which the sai user chuckled. "Nah, Raph doesn't mind."
This was an older ask, but my brain refused to let me work on anything else, so here you go! This was so fun to write, and turned out to be really sweet and fun! 😊
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bxlleville · 10 months
The Sacrifice (part 1) | Elijah Mikaelson
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Summary: You sacrifice yourself to save your boyfriend and his family. (Elijah Mikaelson fanfic)
TW: violence, loss of loved one, blood, emotional damage.
idk if it makes sense to you but just let my imaginations go wild😍
word count: 2618
Part 2
taglist request
Elijah covered Gia's body and stood up. You stood by him and looked sorrowfully at Gia's body. You didn't know much about her but she didn't deserve to die because of Klaus. Klaus was so angry and killing Gia was his revenge.
"I'm so sorry about Gia, if I had been here she wouldn't have died" You told you boyfriend.
"That's alright, nothing could have stopped Klaus from killing her." Elijah hugged you from your side and kissed your cheek and turned to camille, who had just drank blood to heal herself.
"are you ok?" you asked in concern and she nodded in response.
"now that you're healed, what did you mean by Klaus had a plan? we had a plan, a plan he has mercilessly destroyed!" Elijah exclaimed in anger. You caressed his back and he calmed down.
"our plan wouldn't have worked elijah" Camille spoke up and both of you looked at her with confusion.
"when Klaus got into my head, he said your plan would fail so he had to enact one of his own"
"and what's this plan of his?" you asked her.
"he has to get her to link to him" Camille told you both and you gasped.
"My brother wishes to bind himself to our enemy? she'll be virtually indestructible." Elijah said as he separated from you and walked closer to her.
"he said I had to convince you guys that everything he had to do, he had to do alone." Camille explained and you groaned.
"he is so stupid! he could get killed! he always thinks he has to do everything on his own and thinks on his own and he doesn't ask for help" you said in frustration as you ran your hands through your hair.
"you had the wrong ingredients to kill dahlia and he has to buy time before he finds the right ones." camille explained further.
"how?" Elijah asked.
"he is going to use the dagger on himself" Camille said and your eyes widened.
"with dahlia's life linked to his, she'll drop dead with him." you realised what Klaus's plan was.
"I'm really sorry about your friend." Camille told him.
"are you?" Elijah questioned.
"I'm not condoning klaus's actions. I'm trying to help you. All I know is, Klaus will do whatever he has to do for-" Camille was probably about to say for family but elijah cut her off.
"Klaus will do whatever he has to do for Klaus! now hayley is not answering her phone. what has he done?" Elijah interrogated.
"don't blame the messenger" you turn around and saw rebekah, the real rebekah, and Marcel, coming into the compound. It was so good to see Rebekah in her old body again, she was forced into another body for so long you never thought she would go back to her old body ever again.
"Rebekah" You smiled widely and ran and hugged her and she hugged back.
"Ava, it's good to see you" Rebekah said as she hugged you back.
"no hug for me?" Marcel asked with a smiled and arms opened as you and Rebekah pulled away. you rolled your eyes and smiled as you ran to hug him and after awhile, pulled away.
"rebekah" Elijah spoke and looked at her from head to toe, surprised to see her in her old body.
"looks like Niklaus has a lot on his to-do list last night, and as for hayley" Rebekah started.
"what happened to her?" you asked.
"When Klaus attacked me, he stole the spell that i used on the crescent wolves" Marcel explained.
"so he would condemn her to the body of a beast?" Elijah asked.
"Hayley will be human once a month." Rebekah told everyone.
"Are you saying she can only see her baby once a month?" You couldn't believe Klaus would do this to Hayley.
"Not for long. we will find her and we help her. But for now we have to focus on those who need saving today. Freya called, Dahlia is incapacitated, they are two hours north at orchard near Pear River, she has Hope." Rebekah told you guys and you knew Elijah would want to go there as fast as he could.
"Take me with you" Elijah nodded and carried you bridal style and sped out of the compound and to where Freya was.
"well my adage holds, nothing good ever happens in a clearing in the woods" Freya said and you chuckled as you and Elijah walked up to her.
"nothing good ever happens where my brother is concerned, with one exception." he looked over at Hope.
"How is she?"
"she's a Mikaelson, she's resilient." Freya said.
"can I hold her?" You asked and Freya nodded and handed Hope over to you.
"hello Hope, you know your auntie Ava? I'm your cool Aunt" you cooed and Freya chuckled. Elijah smiled at your cuteness and walked over to where Dahlia and Klaus were.
"When I woke, they were like this." Freay told you guys.
"Rebekah tells me Klaus has a plan kill to Dahlia, that he knew our plan would not work" Freya said.
"Yes, according to him, our ingredients were incorrect." Elijah explained.
"Klaus infiltrated Dahlia's mind. you didn't break her heart, we needed the blood of the witch she loved most, and you are not that witch, your mother is." You continued explaining to her while rocking Hope.
"So we need esther. well that's impossible, I killed her" Freya told you guys.
"one incarnation" Elijah told Freya and you saw the uneasy expression on Freya's face and felt bad for her.
"Our mother is burried in New Orleans. Niklaus wants us to revive the original body." Elijah explained and Freya nodded.
"Let's get back to the compound" Elijah said and he went over and carried Klaus to the back of the truck before going over to Dahlia and carried her and placed her beside Klaus while you took Hope's carrier to the back seat of the truck and placing her gently into the carrier. Freya got into the passenger seat before Elijah got into the driver seat and drove off.
Once you guys reached the compound, Elijah called Marcel to carry Dahlia in while he carried Klaus and you carried Hope into the compound. you put Hope's carrier on the fountain and took her out of the carrier and went over to the Mikaelsons. You saw that Marcel was bent over Klaus and poking his arm.
"Nik is demented." He stated.
"are we really to dig up our mother, burn her to ash, swap said ash for Kol's and then trick Davina into using her last chance to bringing someone back from the dead, not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol, if Davina doesn't turn us inside out?" Rebekah asked.
"and we will just be killing Esther again after all this so we're just back to square one" you added and everyone turned to you.
"what? I'm just saying what we're all thinking" you shrugged your shoulders.
"we could also dig a deep hole and leave both our problems at the bottom of it" Elijah spoke up.
"I say we choose a more permanent option, find the white oak stake, kill Klaus, Dahlia dies with him." Freya suggested.
"oh yea, and so do I, and every other vampire that Klaus has turned." Marcel told her.
Suddenly you heard a trickling noise and you turned your head and looked at Klaus and your eyes widened.
"um, guys, we got a situation" Everyone looked towards your direction and saw that the dagger in Klaus's chest is melting.
"The dagger is bloody melting." Rebekah swore as Elijah knelt down next to Klaus.
"We have no choice but to finish the task niklaus has set." Elijah said out loud and everyone nodded.
"Rebekah and I will go get our mother's ashes while Marcel and Freya will stay here and find Kol's ashes." Elijah explained.
"what about me? I want to help too." You told him.
"darling, you can help by taking care of Hope, where it's safe, I don't want you to get hurt from this." Elijah told you and you scoffed.
"I can take of myself, I'm a witch from the most powerful coven and have been training with Freya for so long" you retaliated.
" I know but Dahlia is a thousand years old, she's way more powerful than you. Please, we don't have time to argue." Elijah says and you couldn't say anything and just nodded.
Rebekah and Elijah left and Freya and Marcel started looking for Kol's ashes. You weren't going to stay there and do nothing so you left for Hope's room and kissed her before placing her gently in her crib.
"I'm sorry baby, auntie Ava have got some work to do" you said and left the room, making sure to put a spell so that no one can enter into the room unless it's one of your friends. you looked for Freya and Marcel, where they were in one of the rooms, looking for Kol's ashes.
"I thought you were supposed to take care of Hope?" Marcel asked.
"I'm not going to just sit around doing nothing when I can be of use. plus i'm with you guys, nothing will happen. and don't worry I put a boundary spell around Hope's room so no one can go in unless it's one of us" you told him and Freya and Marcel nodded.
"Elijah said Klaus kept Kol's ashes in a blue urn, what he didn't do was narrow the field. Heaven forbid one thing not be a damn secret in this family." Marcel explained as he continued to search while you started searching the cabinets.
"Yet, despite your anger, here you are, casting your lot with Klaus. Is that because you believe his plan's going to work?" Freya asked.
"That is the Mikaelson paradox, you want to love and kill each other all at the same time." Marcel said.
"you got that right" you scoffed. The three of you continued to search for the urn. you missed Kol, even though he could be a hard ass, he would still look out for you whenever necessary. you promised yourself to continue to look for a spell to bring him back from the dead after all this was over.
"look who got lucky" you turned and saw Marcel bringing out the urn from a cabinet and looked inside when his smile dropped as you and Freya walked towards him. He flipped the urn and nothing came out of it and you sighed.
"either you have a curious definition of luck or someone got to those ashes before we did." You told him.
"all right we better find a way to stop that dagger from melting because if the theif is who i think it is, we've got a problem." Marcel said out loud.
"I've got an idea, but Ava I need your help." Freya said and you nodded as the 3 of you went to Klaus.
"Just follow my lead" Freya started chanting and you copied her as she poured salt onto the dagger. It was no use, the dagger is still melting.
"It's no use, we can't slow her magic, everything we're trying fails." Freya said and Marcel ran his fingers through his hair. suddenly you heard creaking and you turned to the stairs and saw vines and leaves growing towards upstairs and towards Hope's room. Dahlia is trying to get to Hope.
"There's got to be a way to kill her" Marcel said.
"there is" you looked at Freya and saw her taking out the white oak stake.
"No! Freya!" Both you and Marcel lunged towards Freya to try and stop her but she used her magic to back you guys to the stairs.
"Please Freya, you don't have to do this, we will find another way." You practically begged her to stop what she was doing and think for a second.
"do you really want to kill your own brother? the family you always wanted." Marcel added in.
"This is the family I longed for, but because of her, i'll always be alone." Freya lifted the stake and plunged it towards Klaus's chest but was stopped by Klaus, who had just woken up.
"Sister" Klaus said as he held her hand with both of his and you sighed with relief. Freya let you and Marcel go and she helped Klaus up as Dahlia got up.
"I'm almost impressed by the lengths you'd go to for your little girl, though not enough to let bygones be." She reached out and the stake from Freya's hand flew into hers
"we are still linked, dear aunt. you may not way to punish me with that particular weapon." Klaus said as he walked forward towards Dahlia.
"Hmm, I made sure that the link between us melted along with the dagger. Meaning, i'm quite free to kill you." Dahlia said and Klaus's face dropped. She used her magic to pull Klaus towards her and was about to kill him but Marcel ran forward and saved Klaus. Dahlia used this time to transport you and Freya to hope's room even though you had placed a boundary spell and took a little bit of hope's blood before teleporting to someplace you didn't know. Dahlia started dragging you and Freya inside an abandoned warehouse.
"2 centuries ago, this city hung its traitors right here, I thought it was only fitting that it be your slaughtering grounds." Dahlia told Freya.
"why'd you bring Ava here. she didn't betray you" Freya asked her.
"she may not have betrayed me, but she is the firstborn of the most powerful covern, I can use her as my power source. not to mention all of you care for her, it would be a good punishment to make you guys see her suffer while you stand there and aren't able to do anything." You feared the worse as she dragged you and Freya inside and made you guys kneel before her as she place a boundary spell around you guys.
"I actually pity you, over the course of our long lives together, I could see you were broken, I used to think it was my fault, but in time, I've learned your ability to love died long ago" Freya said with tears forming in her eyes.
"Darkness isn't born you know, it's created, by snuffing out of a light. so however you thought you might mend me, please no you never could. Whenever I looked into your eyes, I saw your mother, the sister who turned my heart to stone, and with that stone I will crush each and everyone of her children." Dahlia told her. She came to your side and cut your wrist and collected some of your blood.
"what are you doing?" Freya asked her but Dahlia ignored her. she cut her hand and blood dripped from her hand and she started chanting.
"she's linking me to her, I can feel it." you told Freya.
"I'm so sorry Ava, you should never have had to be dragged into my family's drama." Freya said with tears in her eyes. you could feel you eyes welling up too.
"that's not your fault, I knew the risk when I started dating a Mikaelson and I still stuck by, and I would do it all over again if it meant being with Elijah." you said with a smile. you had a plan of your own and you started chanting and you transported yourself spiritually/physically (you'll get it later) to where Klaus was as he is the only one who could help you with the plan
part 2
taglist request
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linkiscool333 · 4 months
Hey, guys, I am going to attempt a month-long Whump challenge. I have pulled prompts from previous challenges instead of using June of Doom. I will list it as Month of Whump instead.
Time Loop (Time, but everyone else dies at some point)
Stumbling/Magic exhaustion/Passing out/Carried to Safety/Won’t regain consciousness or unresponsive (H & L)
Kidnapping/ “Say goodbye.”/Impaled (H & Dink)
Torture/Came back wrong/no anesthesia (H, L, & Wa.)
Head wound/ “How many fingers am I holding up.” (Wild & S) HURT SKY
Nightmare (L, Marin, Hy, Ti., & Wa.)
Goodbye Note (S)
Ritual Sacrifice/ “I’ve got a pulse!” (H, Wa., & L)
Explosion/ “Stay with me.”/ Friendly Fire (Wild & H)
Touch-starved/Touch averse/Sensory overload (S & H)
“No one’s coming.”/ “They don’t care about you.” (H & Dink) Cont. 3
“Good. You’re finally awake.” (H & L) Cont. 2
Seizures/Fever (H & L)
Delirium/Hallucinations (H & L, Everyone is there) NOTEBOOK
Legend POV of 14 NOTEBOOK
Failed rescue attempt (Chain minus H) Cont. 11
Self-done first aid/ sutures (H, Pre – Lu)
Poison/Going into shock (H & L)
Infection/ “I don’t feel so good.” (L & H)
“I love you.” (Legend and Wa.)
“Who did this to you?”/Coughing up blood/Repeatedly passing out/Bleeding through bandages/ “You will regret touching them.” (H, L, Wa.) Cont. 16
Drunk (Wind & Wa.)
“You have to let me go.”/Flatline/ “Please come back.” (H, L, & Wa.) Cont. 21
Can’t Pass Out (Twi & Wild)
Lab Rat/ Transformations (L & Tw.)
Hypothermia (H & L)
“You weren’t supposed to get hurt.” (War Trio)
“You’re safe now.”/Soft words. (H & L) Cont. 23
CPR/ “They’re not breathing!” (Wind, Four)
Recovery (S, Tw, Everyone) Cont. 7
See a prompt that you want tagged for? Please pop into my ask box to make sure I get you!
To the regular people I tag for Rulie fics, this is your chance to opt out of tagging for the Month of Whump fics. Tagging will resume as normal after the challenge if you choose to opt out.
@la-sera @baileyboo2016 @winterfen @peepthatbish @awildsilver
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mikimakiboo · 1 month
Ghosts & Medium AU by @ancha-aus :3
I'M FINALLY DOOOONE I was busy so I couldn't finish sooner :(
A nice AU idea where Dust is a medium and goes to haunted places to help the ghosts leave and rest in peace :)
Until he finds Killer, a very flirty and clingy ghost who seems to have fallen in love with him at first sight
The post that started it all
And my interpretation of everyone's backstories under the cut !
Tw: mention of torture, death, starvation, possession, religious trauma, sect
Medium Dust
( official backstory )
He had a rough childhood, being bullied most of his life because he kept saying he "could talk to ghosts", that made him the weird kid
He can really talk to ghosts tho, but it depends on how strong the ghost is, if it is a weak ghost he will need material to be able to communicate with them, but if the ghost is strong (like his brother, Killer, Horror and Cross) he will be able to see and talk to them without any material needed
He later decided to use this ability to work as an exorcist and soon became popular as he was one of the rare ghost hunters to actually have good results and not doing it for tv
That's when he met Killer, and regretted chosing this job
He used to be a lone wolf, only talking to his dead brother who never left his side after Dust failed to reanimate his body after studying necromancy, but now he is a tired guy trying to monitor four ghosts and a demon, and killing himself isn't an option for a very obvious reason that is: he would become a ghost too
Ghost Killer
( official backstory )
I wrote his backstory in an ask before making this post
Quick summary: Killer was a hitman who killed a very important man (possibly mafia boss), the man's family got mad, kidnapped him, kept him tied up in their cave to torture him and make him pay for the murder, and ended up leaving him to die in an abandoned train wagon, still tied up so he wouldn't escape, due to that Killer is deeply afraid of loneliness and ropes (and just restraints in general)
He caught an interest in Dust because for the first time someone wanted to know him, and having been manipulated all his life the fact that Dust asked him things about himself and listened to what he had to say made him fall for him in an instant
He then swore to stay by his side no matter what ! Dust is not happy about that
Priest Cross
( official backstory )
Cross is the priest of the universe !
Why did he become a priest ? To please his father, and as a punishment too
Cross's father, XGaster, didn't like that his son was bisexual and after trying many conversion therapies he forced him to go to the church and become a priest so that he would devote his life to God, never take a partner, and hopefully quit being bi
Cross, of course, got influenced by his father's opinions and thinks that being a priest is the best choice, he got traumatized by the therapies and genuinely thinks that being bi is a sin and that he will burn in hell of he ever feels attracted to a man
Needless to say he didn't take it well when he realized he was attracted to FOUR men, one of them being a demon, two of them being dead, and one of them (Killer) having possessed his body to flirt with Dust (Cross was supposed to exorcize him but messed up and Killer possessed his body instead, so now Cross is the ghost following Dust around, waiting to take his body back, and having to witness his own body flirting with Dust)
Ghost Horror
Horror was born and spent all of his life in a sect in the middle of nowhere, not that he wanted to leave anyway, but even if he wanted to he couldn't have reached out to anyone because there wasn't anyone aware of their existence
Food was sacred in the sect, so much that it would be used as sacrifice for their supreme leader (Undyne) and that only the worthy would be allowed to eat, and they still didn't have much food left
Horror was part of the worthy, he believed whole heartedly that the sect was good and only ever acted for its good
Until his brother made a mistake and was left to starve
And Horror loved his brother way more than he loved the sect, so needless to say his death greatly affected him
He started questioning Undyne, questioning the sect, and of course he got into troubles for that
He was hit, his head got badly injured, and he got locked up in the room where they left those unworthy of food, he later died of hunger
He haunts Dust now, and he always makes sure he eats during the day, being very scared that he might be hungry too as he had been hungry all of his life and died because of that, he is very insecure about food and always scared that there won't be enough
Demon Nightmare
Angels don't want to hear about him as he is a demon and demons don't trust him as he has angel magic in him and angel magic is more powerful than demon magic
( official backstory )
A demon born in heaven and banished in hell, twin brother of an angel
Thanks to, or because of, the angel magic Nightmare is one of the most powerful demons in hell and quickly got a reputation among mortals who summon him quite often
But the thing is, he is too powerful, and demons don't trust him even if he never showed any sign of rebellion, but to prevent any risk they decided to lock him away, separating his spirit (not his soul as demons don't have souls) from his body, leaving him as a broken version of himself only able to do small spells
But he still has a reputation, and Dust summoned him in hope he could do something for all the ghosts already following him, and Nightmare agreed on one condition: Dust had to give him his body back
Lots of things happened, Nightmare got his body back and is now tied to Dust because of their deal, but he never gets rid of the ghosts because he grew attached to them even tho he won't admit it, he will say that he finds them untertaining instead
Anyway Nightmare has big trust issues as he was betrayed by heaven first (and by Dream who did nothing to defend him) and then by hell, so it takes a long time for him to admit liking the group as deep inside he's still afraid they're gonna turn their back on him like everyone else did
(He also tries to convince Dream to stop trying to exorcize Dust when there is clearly no need to (Dust doesn't agree with him))
God Error
A God with not many followers but the few he's got are very devoted
His followers tried to sacrifice Dust once as they recognized he had a great power (plus the fact he had a demon following him around), but of course Dust's mates stalkers intervened and killed the followers
Blood having been spilled, and followers' blood being a greater sacrifice than other people's blood, Error got summoned, but instead of being mad that his followers got killed he was actually curious of Dust and declared him as his high priest to keep an eye on him and his little teammates
Error now shows up once in a while to appreciate some drama, Nightmare also became his new gossip buddy as Error talks shit about other Gods and Nightmare talks shit about Angels and Demons
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