#Ler Raph
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xavitron883 · 7 months ago
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More lee Casey!!
Casey was taking a nap with Raph when he desides to wake Casey up with his signature "Raph-Berries"
Raph is such a gremlin i love him!
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veryblushyswitch · 1 year ago
Tinytello gets Tinytickles
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Summary: Leo finds out that Donnie has experimented on himself again and turned himself into “Tinytello.” With the help of his brothers, he convinces Donnie to promise to never experiment on himself again.
Lee: Little Donnie (Tinytello)
Lers: Leo, Raph & Mikey
Authors Note: Based off of this adorable art! 💖 https://www.tumblr.com/snailsnaps/701662135198023680/i-couldnt-stop-thinking-about-this-prompt-from
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“No! No! No! No!” The little version of Donnie yelled as his younger twin carried him under his arm. Well, I guess he was the younger one now. Physically that is. An experiment gone wrong had changed Donnie back into a small kid. He was still teenage Donnie, but his form was that of when he was around six years old. And now he was forced to go towards Raph’s room as Leo held onto his squirming figure.
“Oho no, Donton. I know for a fact Raph would love to see this.” Leo chuckled in a playful tone. Donnie continued to kick his little legs and try to escape. The sleeves of his hoodie, slightly longer than his arms, flapped along with his hands with each desperate attempt of freedom.
Leo shushed Donnie then knocked on Raph’s door, hiding Donnie behind his back. He walked in after hearing a “come on in.”
“You’ll never guess what I found dear hermano.” Leo smirked, making sure to keep a good grip on the still squirming Donnie against the back of his shell. Before Raph could guess, he heard a small grunt from behind Leo. “Uhh, Leo…” Raph stood up from his bed. “Please don’t tell me you stole a kid-“
“Why would I- Never mind. Look!” He exclaimed bringing Donnie out from behind his shell and holding him up for Raph to see. Raph gasped, only to then aww at his adorable little brother.
“Daww!! Look at little Donnie!” Raph gave Donnie a pat to the head. Donnie swatted at his hand before giving up and accepting the affection. “But wait, how did this happen? Leo, you didn’t do this to him did you?!” Raph pointed a stern finger at him.
“It wasn’t me! Little Donnie here was experimenting on himself again.” Donnie tried to protest, but Raph was way ahead of him. “You what?! Donnie, I thought we talked about this. This is extremely dangerous. You’re lucky you didn’t turn yourself into some other mutant thing. We don’t need to be more mutated than we already are.” Donnie huffed and crossed his arms.
“Oh relax! I didn’t die or anything. Now if you let me go, I can go reverse this and we can pretend this never happened.” Donnie tried to sound serious with his kid voice. It didn’t work. If anything, it made his brothers smile even more.
“Not gonna happen.” Raph started. “You need to learn to be more careful. Even though this experiment seems to be the most adorable mistake you’ve ever made.” Raph’s baby voice came out in the last sentence as his pupils grew three times in size. Leo nodded his head at Raph’s comment.
“I know right!! He’s just a little guy!” Leo nuzzled his cheek against Donnie’s. Donnie pushed at his brothers face, his legs trying as hard as they could to kick at Leo’s arms. “I am not adorable now put me down!!” Donnie yelled. He yelped when Raph took him from Leo. Leo pouted, but remained where he was, letting Raph have some time to reminisce about when they were little. Raph held Donnie in one arm, the other flapping in happiness.
“I REMEMBER WHEN YOU GUYS WERE THIS SMALL!! I wish you guys could’ve stayed like this forever!” Raph couldn’t help the tiny jumps on his heals. He was having cuteness overload and Donnie would be lying if he said he didn’t find Raph’s reaction to him a little adorable. It was still embarrassing nonetheless, but seeing his brother so happy over his mistake was better than anger. A smile crept its way onto his face when Raph lifted him up and spun around a little. Leo wished he could take pictures with his mind, he had unfortunately left his phone in his room.
“Hey, I heard Raph’s cuteness overload voice what am I missing?” Mikey said as he suddenly entered Raph’s room. He immediately eyed the tiny version of their brother in Raph’s arms.
“OH MI GOSH!!!!” Mikey exclaimed, quickly snatching little Donnie from Raph. “Aren’t you just the cutest little thing!” Mikey cooed as he hugged him close. His brother was just too cute! And the oversized hoodie and glasses weren’t helping Donnie’s case.
“I am not cute!! Now put me dohohown! Hehehehe! Mihihikey!” Donnie burst into squeaky giggles when Mikey started to prod at his neck. His shoulders scrunched up with each feather light poke.
“Oh my gosh- I think my heart is going to explode-“ Leo held a hand against his heart as he stared at the adorable sight. At the same time, Raph brought out his phone to take a video. Mikey moved from one side of Donnie’s neck to the other, Donnie’s small fingers only managing to lightly push at Mikey’s hand.
“Nohohoho! Stahahahahap! Hehehahaha!” Donnie squealed when the back of his neck was targeted. Mikey felt his heart absolutely melt. And that’s when Leo thought of a plan. A plan to make sure Donnie wouldn’t make this mistake again.
“Ohokay. Mikey will let you go…” Leo paused for dramatic effect while leaning down towards Donnie. “If you promise to never experiment on yourself again.” Donnie gasped through a giggle.
“Nehever! I aham a mahahan of sciehehehence!” Donnie managed to say as Mikey continued his light flutters to the back of Donnie’s neck. Leo smirked, knowing that was exactly the answer he was going to get.
“Well right now you’re a man, or boy I should say, who’s gonna get tickled until he agrees with us.” Donnie’s eyes widened. They wouldn’t- not while he’s like this- Oh who was he kidding. Of course they would!
“Noho wahahahay!” Donnie could never ignore the sweet call of the mistress that is science. Even if it did mean getting tickled to death while being in this form.
“I was hoping you’d say that hermanito.” Cue Leo’s classic smirk before he joined Mikey in tickling Donnie. Raph stood to the side, recording video after video and trying to keep his cooing quiet. Donnie’s laughter was proving to be loud enough to cover any comments he made anyway.
“Aww~ Does that tickle, Tinytello~” Leo teased, scribbling his fingers around and around Donnie’s little plastron. He made sure to give pokes to his sides every now and then to hear little Donnie’s voice crack with each squeal.
“Nahahahahahaha! *squeal* Stahahahahahap!” Donnie kicked his legs and switched between trying to grab at Mikey’s fingers and pushing at Leo’s hands. Neither was doing much for his benefit. His glasses were a bit askew on his face and the hoodie was doing little to nothing to protecting his sensitive shell.
“Rahahahahaph! Hehehelp mehehe!” Donnie tried reaching out towards his older brother, only for a sneaky finger to wiggle under his arm causing him to shriek and pull back.
Leheohoho! Knohohohck ihit ohohoff!” Donnie yelped as Leo’s finger remained “trapped” under the little turtle’s arm. Raph giggled before deciding it was time to join in on the fun. He set up his phone against some clutter on his shelf, making sure he was able to get everyone in the shot. He walked over to stand beside Mikey and grabbed onto the tops of little Donnie’s knees.
“NOHO! Rahahaph dohohohon’t!” Donnie was still trying to keep his other two brothers at bay. He knew he would give in eventually if Raph contributed to the antics. Mikey and Donnie paused their assault, giving him time to take a break.
“So Tinytello~” Leo bent down to gently talk into Donnie’s ear, knowing it was a sensitive place for Donnie. “Are you gonna stop being a menace to yourself? Or are you gonna die of adorable squeaky giggles. Your choice.” Leo chuckled at the way Donnie shook his head but couldn’t help but giggle at the whispers.
“Leo’s right, Donnie. If you don’t agree, we’ll just have to keep you like this forever and ever. Tickling you aaaallll night long.” Mikey punctuated his sentence with some squeezes to the back of Donnie’s neck. Donnie snorted and curled up best he could, unable to make any sort of comeback.
“And then we’ll have to tell April. And I’m sure she’d loooove to tickle little Donnie until she feels satisfied.” Raph started squeezing Donnie’s knees. A high pitched squeal followed by louder giggles filled the room. Leo lifted Donnie’s arm that was closest to him and slowly wiggled his finger towards the outstretched underarm. He snickered at how Donnie barely even tried to pull at his arm, accepting his fate and giggling his little heart out.
“All together hermanos!” Leo declared, his finger finally touching its target and wiggling away under Donnie’s arm. Donnie kicked and squealed and snorted and swore. His other arm flapping due to happy stimming and not really knowing what else to do. Mikey gave Donnie a big raspberry to the side of his neck and that’s when he finally brought out the white flag to wave in surrender.
“OKAY! OKAHAHAHAY! I GIHIHIHIVE! I WOHON’T- GAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP!” Donnie lost himself in laughter when Raph interrupted him by quickly lifting up his hoodie and blowing a raspberry on his plastron.
“Sorry what was that? Didn’t quite hear ya.” Raph teased, blowing another small raspberry on his side. Leo continued to hold onto Donnie’s arm, the other lightly smacking at Raph’s head with the hoodie sleeve.
“I WOHOHON’T EHEXPERIMENT OHON MYSEHEHELF! NOHOHOW STAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHEHEHEASE!” Raph and Leo finally backed away. Mikey letting Donnie go limp in his arms, cradling his little big brother. Raph went over and grabbed his phone, ending the video and saving it to watch later. He turned back and saw Leo covering his mouth. Looking closer, he saw that Donnie had fallen asleep in Mikey’s arms. I guess staying up for hours experimenting then being tickled by your three brothers really takes it out of you.
“Aww, he’s so peaceful!!” Mikey whisper screamed. He lent down and gave Donnie a kiss to the forehead, tearing up when he saw the smile widen on Donnie’s sleeping face. Leo carefully took off Donnie’s glasses, walking alongside Mikey and Raph as all three of them took him to his room.
“Should we tell dad?” Mikey asked as he gently laid Donnie down in his bed. He grabbed the blanket and carefully draped it across Donnie. Raph shook his head.
“Let’s wait till the morning. Let the little guy sleep for now. Seems like he needs it.” Raph put a stuffed animal next to Donnie’s hands, watching as Donnie unconsciously grabbed it held it close. Leo put his glasses on the nightstand, being sure to check that Donnie was all tucked in all warm and cozy.
“Goodnight, Tinyello.” Leo gently whispered, giving Donnie a small rub to his back. Raph quietly snapped a few more pictures before having to be dragged out of the room by Mikey and Leo. The affects would wear off eventually. But until then, Donnie slept more than he had in a really long while.
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savemeafruitjuice · 9 months ago
Lee Casey comfort tkls? Like he has a nightmare about his past (future?) and his new family helps him calm down (April, Mikey raph Leo Donnie)
la di daa~
(this has spoilers for the Rise! movie, so beware!!)
TW!: ANGST (Flashbacks), NIGHTMARE, CHARACTER DEATHS (Canon to the movie)
Lee! Casey Junior, slight Leo
Ler! Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, April
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It's cold.
Everyone is scared, and tired.
"We lost.."
Casey Junior was lying stiff as a board on the ground. He held his breath. They could come at any moment, and he'd be unprepared. The horrible Krang would invade their home, and kill the rest of his family. They'd already lost so much- he knew he wouldn't be able to go on if they got Master Leonardo, or Michelangelo. No matter how tough his senseis are, there is no guarantee they'd survive.
Oh, Michelangelo. His kind eyes were wise well beyond his years. He remembered how he would smile and comfort him after a stressful day, and how incredible he looked when using his ninpo. The bright glow never failed to amaze him. Especially the portals he'd make-
Don't think about that.
But it was too late. Reality hit Casey like a brick, and he remembered the last time he saw him, saw any of his family, and even the world he grew up in, being pushed into a portal after Mikey's sacrifice.
He startled with a gasp, jolting upwards and scanning the dark room he was in. Right, he was in a different timeline now. A safer one, but a much lonelier one.
All of the despair that lingered in his chest from the dream overwhelmed him, tears carrying the sadness from his eyes as he brought a hand to his mouth- a habit he'd picked up as to not bring attention to himself. Any noise could be the difference between life and death in The Resistance.
Casey sat there for a moment on the soft bed that was set up for him by Raphael. He knew the Krang were gone, that the horrors were over, but why was it so hard to move on? He sighed. He couldn't just forget and live a normal life after that. He was the only piece of evidence anyone would ever see that his world existed. Moving on would be too difficult.
It was what Master Leonardo would have wanted for him.
He grimaced, sobbing helplessly into his hand once more. His sensei would want him to be happy.
There were footsteps down the hall.
They were coming closer.
Casey backed up on the bed, pressing up against the wall behind him. There was a soft knock on the wall, a quiet voice calling out to him.
"Casey? Are you alright? I heard a noise.."
It was Donatello.
He'd know the voice anywhere. The raven-haired teen relaxed his shoulders slightly, a weak answer coming forth.
"Yeah, I-I'm fine."
Yikes. He definitely sounded like he'd been crying. There was a slight pause at the door.
"..Can I come in?"
"Yeah, sure."
Casey wiped his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. The olive-skinned turtle pushed back the curtains at the doorway, assessing the situation. He sat next to the disheveled looking boy.
"You're not hurt, are you?"
After a small head-shake, the purple-themed turtle fidgeted with his fingers. "I'm not the best at this.. Would it be okay for me to get the others? I'm sure they wouldn't mind- If you're okay with them being in here, that is."
"I'll be right back then."
A minute or so later, Donnie returned with his brothers and April, all groggily stumbling into the train car. "Are you alright, future boy?" April asked, noticing the red tint in his eyes.
"I'm okay, just a bad dream I guess."
A very sleepy looking Leo walked into the train car, slumping down next to Casey and resting his head on his shoulder. Casey couldn't tell if the turtle had fully processed what he was doing, but judging by the slurred muttering, he guessed not. "Ya know.. 'S okay to be sad, things'r gonna be tough.."
Mikey was next to come in, sitting to the boy's left and offering a tired smile, all too similar to that of the one his future self wore. "Is it about what happened a couple days ago?" he nodded, and the youngest brother gently took his hand, squeezing ever so slightly. The rest of the crew had come into the room, sitting on the ground as they provided various comforts.
"It's just hard to get over, you know? I mean, my whole world was literally stripped away.. Everyone I care about." the teen was met with empathetic eyes, and looked down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for waking you guys up. I know it's late, and you're all tired."
"Hey, don't be sorry. We wanna make sure you're good. You're family, and we take care of family, no matter what." the artist assured, prompting April to add on. "Mikey's right. We'd hate to see anyone we care about upset."
"C'mere, Case." Raph, who had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, made grabby-hands at Casey, to which the boy timidly stood, causing Leo to grumble and prop himself up with one arm as an alternative to his shoulder. The teen shuffled closer to the snapper, until he was in arms reach. The oldest pulled him into his lap, cradling the smaller teen in his legs.
Casey readjusted, lying on his side as his back now faced Raphael. April leaned over, cupping the raven-haired boy's face, rubbing the base of his ear with her thumb. He scrunched up slightly at that, a smile forming on his lips as he brought his shoulder up instinctively to protect himself.
In between fleeing and fighting for their lives, there had been many times when Casey had been tickled by his family. And though it became less common as he got older, Leonardo had still made sure the boy laughed and had as much fun as possible, one of his favorite methods being via tickles.
This timeline's Leo slid down from the bed and crawled over to the group, followed by Mikey. The slider seemed to be very cuddly, as he draped himself over the two, nuzzling into Casey's neck, smirking when he started giggling. "Wahahait- that feeheels wehihird!"
The futuristic teen squirmed lightly, though the sword-wielder's weight pinned down his left arm, forcing him onto his back. Mikey smiled brightly, newfound energy emanating from him as he joined in on the fun. "You're ticklish? Aww, that's so cute!"
Mikey scribbled over the other side of his neck, grinning wider when he all but melted into the touch. Pink spread over his cheeks, and he tilted his head back, indirectly opening himself up for more scritches. Leo happily took this offer, tickling under his chin. "Dohon't- Don't sahay thahahat!"
"What, that you're ticklish, or that you're cute?" April switched to tracing the shell of the boy's ear, a fond smile splayed on her lips as Casey Junior struggled to keep his composure. He had to admit, even though his fight or flight response was going a little crazy, the affection was taking his mind off of his troubles, calming him down and clearing his head.
"Neihihither!" an overly-dramatic gasp sounded, followed by a halfhearted chastisement from the intellectual soft shell. "Gasp. I think you might be in denial, Casey Jones Junior, because you reside with both of those adjectives, whether you like it or not." and with that, Donnie leaned around Leo, worming his hand under his belly to reach Casey's side. "Nardo, move. You're blocking all the good spots."
Leo squealed, pausing his attack on Casey's chin to curl up, shaking his head as Donnie continued to burrow underneath him. "Dohohonniehe! Stahahap!" The scientist quirked a brow. "Then move, you doofus!"
Donnie's attention redirected to Leo, now squeezing both of his sides as the mentioned turtle thrashed atop of the others, giggling like mad. "OHOKAHAY! IHIHI GihiHIve uhup!" Donnie pulled his hands back, allowing his brother to roll into Raph, his shell pressed against the oldest's plastron as he calmed his giggles.
Donnie paused before sticking his tongue out at Leo, squeezing Casey's left side, rather than the one the blue-themed turtle had been covering in the first place. Leo managed a glare through his residual laughter but got over it pretty quickly, going back to nuzzling the raven-haired boy's neck.
Raph smiled down at his family, enjoying the peaceful time spent together. He decided to join in as well, lifting up Casey's borrowed t-shirt, which was way too big for him, but because they had been trying to recover and recuperate, they hadn't had time to go shopping for clothes for him, and traced along his belly, also giving Donnie more space to tickle as the younger now targeted the teen's ribs.
It was safe to say that Casey was losing his mind. Between Mikey fluttering at his neck, April now scratching at his scalp and Leo practically boring into him, he had no chance of holding back any noises that came from his mouth as Donnie pinched at various places on his ribs and Raph skittered over his torso, who chuckled as he struggled to curl in on himself, part of him wanting desperately to escape, while the rest of him was happy and relaxed in his new friend's- no, family's arms.
"GUHUhuys, Ihi caHAHAn't!" the teen yelped, eyes screwed shut as he hid his pink face behind Leo. "Ah ah ah~" Mikey tsked, "No hiding, we want to see your cute little face!" the artist moved his fluttering up to the boy's jaw, making him giggle a little louder and turn his head to block out the offending fingers. "There we go! Your smile's so pretty, Junior!"
Casey squeaked as Donnie hit a particularly sensitive spot on his ribs, making him arch upwards slightly, before descending into louder giggles as the olive-skinned turtle stayed there. His free hand, which had been previously gently pushing at Leo's head, went to grab Donnie's wrist, only to have fingers wiggle into his armpit.
"MIHICHELAHAHANGELO! NAhahaHA, PLEHEHEASE!" He immediately clamped his arm down, but that did little to stop the orange-themed turtle from pressing into the sensitive skin. Casey tried to roll over to his right to dampen the sensation, but Leo prevented him from doing that as well.
April cooed, still playing with his hair, as Raph went to squeeze at the boys knees, smiling wider as he kicked his legs out. His knees were a bad spot, and Casey squealed, unsure of how much more he could take before tapping out.
His last bit of resolve flew out the window when Leo blew a raspberry against his neck, making him jolt away. "NOHOHO MOHORE! IHI CAHAN'T!"
Everyone's fingers slowed, Mikey and Donnie backing up a little to give him space. Casey panted, wrapping his unpinned arm around his torso, trying to catch his breath.
"You okay? We gotcha pretty good there." Mikey asked, snickering at the giggly puddle they had reduced the tense boy to. "Yeheah, just need toho- cahatch my breheath." He managed, taking in lung fulls of air.
The eldest brother picked up the two in his lap, gently placing them atop his chest, letting out a grunt when April crashed into him to join them. Donnie lied beside Raph, pressing against his side, Mikey crawling on top of all of them, making his siblings laugh.
Casey yawned, relaxing under the bodies, and began falling asleep, the rest taking his lead. "You don't mind the extra weight, right Raph?" Leo asked, to which the sai user chuckled. "Nah, Raph doesn't mind."
This was an older ask, but my brain refused to let me work on anything else, so here you go! This was so fun to write, and turned out to be really sweet and fun! 😊
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 2 years ago
The Shelly Painting
A/n: This idea came from 2 ppl One was from a request i posted a day or 2 ago and @tastybluesprite With the Fan fic named face painting! Enjoy!!!
Warnings: Just Fluff! Nithing bad unless u dont like Fluff
Love: Brothely in other words Plantonic so stay outa this Pro-shippers and t-cesters
Summary: Mikey made a small prank on his brother , he can't run and can't hide for long tho-
People in this: Lee Mikey, Ler Raph. Extra: Donnie and Leo
It was morning. Like 6-7am. Leo and Donnie sat in Donnies lab to talk about things(science they go too each other when they can not sleep) Meanwhile the snapper sleepy as hard as a rock the Box turtle was awake. Why?Simple! He was bored. He didnt know what to do and was simply bored. He got and idea. Science his eldest brother slept. Why not a simple small prank? He didnt prank Raph that offten, thats Leo's jobb. But science it was a long time ago he pranked Raph why not prank him now?
He went to the snappers room where He was sleeping. He took some paintbrushes and started to paint his face.
The next day the snapper woke up. He streched, yawned and went too kitchen where he meet his brother's.
Leo was talking something with Mikey and Donnie was looking at his phone secretly litsening.
❤️:yawn* Good morning! Whats for breakfast?
The turtles turned around when they heart Raphs voice too look at him. Leo started giggling meanwhile Donnie tried not to laugh. Mikey tried not to make it obvious that he did it so he giggled instead of smiling and begin quiet. Leo spoke up first.
💙: Mhohorning dhihid aha arthihist ghohost gohot you at nhihigt?
❤️:Huh? Wha-
💜:Raphhhh lohohok in the mirror *chuckles*
Raph rushed too the mirror meanwhile the others laughed out loud. Mikey was proud of his prank... for now before he got in paint ( u see what I mean later). When Raph was in the bathroom he looked into the mirror seeing a masterpieace on his face. There were rainbows, pizzas some stickers and more things like flying snakes. When Raph saw hit first he was shoked but that suprised face turned into a soft smile.
(btw this was the part were i got inspired by @tastybluesprite and if you dont like this i can find an og idea for the first one if u dont like this i will take it down sorry btw credit for the creator of this idea!And sorry agian if that was agiants you're will i will change it :D)
(Anyways) Raph knew witch turtle drew it cuz heres the ONLY turtle that can draw that well!
Later he went to the box turtle that was in his room. He knew his plan and was going to keep it that way unless something unexpectable is going to happen. Mikey was painting something meanwhile the red turtle sneacked up behind him.
❤️:Hi big man~
Said Raph with a grin. Mikey turned around in suprise and he was overthinking.
🧡:Oh- h-hi Raph need a-anything?
Said Mikey while starting to sweat. Mikey isnt scared of him but if hes angry. He didnt mean to hurt his brother or smth.
❤️:Nahh... but I came for revange! Mikey did u do it?
🧡:D-do what-t?
Mikey tried to not be sus but sadly he could not cause he was too nervous.
❤️: Dont play dumb Mikey i know you did it. The painting? On mine FACE? In the morning?
🧡: Nope def-enetly not m-me! Maybe others did it!
❤️: Come on Donnie whould not draw on mine face and leo whould draw something ugly to make a pun out of it! Plus you're the artist in the family!
Mikey didnt know anymore what to say he hid in his shell to protect himself. Raph looked over to the painting and at the brushes. He knew. He knew EXACTLY what to do.
He took a paint brush with some paint. He started to paint Mikey's tummy. Mikey started to squeal and cackle.
❤️:Mikey~ im not mad at ya! Just whanted some revange~
🧡:Rhahaaphhhh- PHleaShe*cackling* Mikey said meanwhile Raph moved the brush to a place were it is in the middle of the plastron and armpits.
Mikey jumped out of his shell meanwhile raph brushed his armpits.
❤️: Mikey!! Dont move! Im trying to paint here!
It was going like that for 5 more minutes untill Raph stopped. Mikey took big breath's meanwhile Raph said.
❤️:Done! How does it look?
Mikey looked into the mirror. He saw a park with flowers and a blue sky with a sun and a bench.
❤️:I know i am not the best at drawing but I think it looks pretty cool dont ya think?
🧡:Mhm! It look amizing Raph!
❤️:Well good that u like it but now time for round 2 cuz I need to wash off all that.
🧡:yeah.... whait what?
Lets say the night was Cakling heh.
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xavitron883 · 6 months ago
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Raph is such a silly Ler i love him so much
Donnie is so weak to Raph's spikey beard nuzzles that he literally cant do anything
He needs to sleep and Raph is one of the only ones who can get him to sleep
(I need to draw more lee Donnie)
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years ago
I need a Mutant Mayhem fic with ticklish Leo and lers Mikey, Donnie & Raph because he’s being too uptight and they tickle him to loosen him up or convince him to go to the movies- 💙❤️🧡💜
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savemeafruitjuice · 4 months ago
Tickletober Day 23- Sweet
This is a Rise fic! Also, I can't believe I have to say this, but this is NOT Tcest! Please DNI if you support that.
Lee: Mikey
Ler: Raph
TW!: None!
Raphael adored many things. Cute things, particularly. Things like teddy bears, pets, and flowers.. but his favorite thing was baby brothers.
Now, for such a big guy, it seemed hard to imagine he'd be good with such delicate things, but he really did his best not to overdo it in the strength department. There were times when he went a bit overboard, yes, but that never stopped him from loving all of the precious things in life.
Right now, the thing bringing him absolute joy was his youngest brother, Mikey. The box turtle was laying in his lap, belly-up with his arms held over his face. Raph had only been teasing when he had first skittered his fingers across the other's stomach, but the startled squeal it came with was too cute to resist hearing more of.
If it were another brother in his hold right now, he wouldn't be able to so much as a squeeze to the side without getting attacked, but all Mikey was doing was giggling happily, his arms hiding his face and keeping him open. Maybe, the reason was that the artist had been up all night watching scary videos again, and wanted someone to comfort him. Or, maybe it was because Donnie had gotten tickled by Leo after breakfast, and the turtle just wanted in on the fun.
Whatever the reason was, Raph wouldn't question it too much, and just enjoy the silly sounds of the younger's squeaks and laughter. The snapping turtle veeery gently switched from his fingers to his claws, dragging them slowly down his brother's sides.
Mikey yelped, body arching a bit when the nails reached a bad spot just above his hips. Raph smiled, resisting the urge to squish his sibling's cheeks, which were pushed up so far up on his face the elder was almost worried it hurt. The orange-themed turtle twisted to the side, squeaks interrupting his laughter.
"Rahahaph! EEK!- Ihit tiHIhicklehes! HehEHEH!-"
But, yet again, the younger eventually rolled back into his original position, readjusting his arms on his face. Raph propped his knee up a little bit higher, cooing at the adorable action. He crawled his fingers up, slowly climbing higher on the smaller's ribcage. Mikey giggled louder the higher his brother went, until he was hiding the rest of his face, voice cracking slightly from the pitch it was at.
"D'aww, does Mikey like the tickles?" Raph murmured, before kneading into the other's underarms. The artist shrieked, wiggling around in the elder's lap, feet kicking out. "NAHAHAH! EEK!- RAHAHAHAPHIHIEEE!"
"What? Is my baby bwother too tickwish?~ Tickle tickle!" The younger's hands moved from his face, flapping at his sides. Raph was on the verge of a cuteness overload, seeing his sibling's cherry red face, and teary eyes as he laughed.
Mikey threw his head back in laughter when his ribs were squeezed instead, hands retreating back to his face. "RAHAHAhahaph, dohoHON'T!- EEK!-"
Raph smirked. "Whaat? Don't say tickle? Ahhtickletickletickletickle~" The younger shook his head as he flailed uncontrollably, nearly launching right out of the snapper's lap. "Your laugh is so sweet, Mikes!"
The box turtle squealed, trying to curl up when a raspberry was placed on his belly. "NAHAHAH- RAHAHAAPHIIIEE!" Raph had to push the other's legs down as he blew another raspberry, almost getting knee-d in the face. "Aww, Raph just wants to eat ya up!"
Mikey's arms went flying down as soon as he felt teeth latch onto his side. "AHAHAHH! EEK!- NONONOHOHO, NO NIHIHIBBLEHES! RAHAAAAPH!"
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veryblushyswitch · 1 year ago
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More turtle tots. The more sniffy brothers checking that their siblings are okay. Mikey and Leo are very cuddly and affectionate ( *´ ∀ `*)
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stup1d-lee · 6 months ago
you guys gotta hear me out here….lee raph..
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⚠️tcest dni!!⚠️
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xavitron883 · 6 months ago
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Have some more Lee Leo, i know its been a bit since i did any
Poor Lee-o >:3
Cant handle his big bro's tickly fingers
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years ago
Mutant Mayhem ~ tickle headcanons 🐢❤️💙💜🧡
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This movie was absolutely fantastic so of course I had to make my own tickle hcs for these four little dorks 💖 I fell in love with their personalities and cannot wait to watch it again and again!!
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Leo 💙
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*So insanely ticklish-
*Just look at him!!
*He gets ganged up on by his brothers a lot. And I mean- A LOT.
*They do it mostly to convince him to go see movies or stay out later when Leo wants to go back home after doing what they needed to do.
*They’ll also tickle him just cause he needs to loosen up sometimes.
*No matter how many times he gets tickled, whenever he’s asked if he’s ticklish he’ll deny it.
*Even while he’s being tickled to death he’ll deny it through his laughter. That is until his bothers all go for his worst spots at once.
*Oh and when April comes into the picture, you better believe they tease him even more about it.
*He thought he was flustered about tickling before?? Oh Leo honey-
*The thought of April finding out he’s ticklish and even better worse, taking advantage of that is a new feeling he’s never experienced before till that first meeting.
*He finds himself getting into lee moods, which are so confusing to him.
*Because before, he never really wanted to get tickled by his brothers. He didn’t hate it when they all goofed around, but actually wanting that type of affection from someone, let alone his crush, was something he had to get used to.
*And he never got used it to say the least.
*He’s such a ticklish little guy, and like I said earlier, gets flustered so easily.
*I’d say he’s most ticklish around his sides. Always jumps and yelps when he’s poked there and his brothers do it to him constantly.
*He’s also got a very ticklish shell.
*For some reason it makes sense to me.
*Like, running your fingers and nails along his shell will have him giggling his heart out.
*Is definitely the curl up into a ball kind of lee.
*I don’t know why but I feel like he’s so sensitive to light tickles just about everywhere. 💙💙💙
*His arms, hands, neck, plastron, everywhere.
*Leo needs tickle aftercare. So hugs and a compliment or two are a must.
*Mikey always gives him a hug, Raph will give him a noogie or a head ruffle, and Donnie is the one that gets the water and/or pats his back.
*I can’t lee Leo is so adorable 😭💙
*As a ler, he’s so playful. And can be pretty merciless when the others deserve it.
*Loves being able to have fun with his brothers when they’re not training.
*He and Mikey give the best aftercare according to all the brothers and April. Leo gives lots of compliments and reassurance.
*His favorite brother to tickle is Mikey. Something about tickling Mikey just always brings a smile to his face.
*His favorite person to be tickled by, however, has gotta be April. And my gosh he’s a flustered ler when it comes to her-
*Leo wasn’t the one to find out she’s ticklish though. It was probably Mikey or Donnie poking at her side. They seem like the little siblings to her older sister in my mind.
*Leo saw this and he went crazy- Her laugh was his favorite sound and her smile made his heart flutter. He couldn’t stop thinking about it.
*The first time he tickled her, he only tickled her for a few seconds because he got too flustered by how adorable she looked to keep going.
*April of course noticed this and tickled him till he told her why he was blushing so hard. Cue April blushing this time and tickling Leo yet again to hide her embarrassment.
*I love them so much guys they’re so cute- 💙
Donnie 💜
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*Such a bratty lee in my mind.
*But that facade crumbles after a bit, and then he starts begging.
*He’ll be all talk and then someone will wiggle their fingers at him and he squeaks.
*His laugh is just full of shrieks and squeals.
*You also cannot convince me that his voice doesn’t crack while he’s getting tickled!
*His underarms and feet are killer tickle spots.
*He’s pretty sensitive everywhere, but those two spots have him absolutely cackling.
*Raph will tackle Donnie onto his stomach and pin his legs down so Mikey and Leo can tickle his feet.
*He goes ballistic, and it’s even worse since he can’t see them while he’s on his stomach.
*Leo will tickle Donnie on his plastron and ribs while trying to sing kpop songs Donnie has shown him.
*Donnie laughs even harder at how funny Leo sounds trying to sing in Korean.
*Leo will laugh along too saying, “Hey! Ahare you laughing at me?! I think I sound great!” Then continues to tickle Donnie.
*Leo’s reassurance aftercare makes Donnie melt and get all giggly. 💜
*He secretly reads kpop tickle fics on tumblr. ✨
*And he watches all of the tickle compilations.
*He thinks it’s super cute when he sees his idols do it in a video or in a fic.
*There’s times when he likes to daydream about being in BTS. Dancing, singing, and having tickle fights with the other members.
*April is like the older sister he never had, so of course he also gets tickled by her.
*Since he wears a lot of hoodies now, April will come up behind him to pull his hood over his eyes and with her other hand she’ll squeeze his knees while he can’t see.
*Even though he tends to get tickled quite a bit, he prefers to be the ler.
*He loves teasing and using anticipation while he’s tickling his brothers.
*My mind goes back to the part where he’s dangling the phone in front of Leo’s face while Raph and Mikey hold him back.
*That screams teases his brothers into oblivion to me. Especially towards Leo because how can he not tease Leo when it’s so easy to fluster him?
*Loooooves using anticipation tickles. They work especially well on Mikey and Leo.
*Donnie and Raph are the two tickle monsters of the family believe it or not.
*Raph is the one who pins down Mikey, Leo, or April and Donnie does the tickles and teases.
*Or they’ll let their victim squirm free while they both go after their worst spots.
*He loves having tickle fights with Mikey. Who doesn’t in his family of course, but him and Mikey are really close so he doesn’t mind at all when Mikey turns the tables.
*Donnie will pretty much always win though.
*Raph is a different story.
*I don’t think Donnie has ever successfully tickled Raph without help from his brothers.
*But when he does have help, Raph is in trouble.
*Donnie’s smug and teasy attitude comes out and he goes full ler mode.
*He’s more merciful with Leo and Mikey, but since he can’t get Raph on his own, he takes his time tickling him.
Mikey 🧡
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*Gets tickled the most by everyone.
*How can you not tickle him??!!
*I love how the tmnt fandom in general agrees that all the Mikey’s have incredibly ticklish necks.
*His knees are also a really bad spot. Especially the backs of them.
*You better believe his brothers tickle him there all the time. From a random squeeze to get his attention to full on blowing raspberries on the backs of his knees.
*Poor Mikey 🧡
*I can also see him having a ticklish face. Like if you gently tickle around his cheeks and chin, he completely melts into a giggly puddle.
*Mikey got a lot of cheer up tickles before they were accepted by society and could go to school.
*Leo tickles him the most, like I said above. Leo will give Mikey random scribbles to his neck and Mikey crumbles.
*He genuinely loves being tickled 🧡
*Finds it fun and a great way to spend time with his brothers. Also just loves laughing and being able to let go of all his stress.
*Mikey’s favorite form of affection to give and receive are tickle hugs. He loves hugs in general, so adding tickles into the mix makes them ten times better.
*Hear me out- Mikey and Mondo have tickle fights!!
*Mondo and Mikey are both equally outspoken about how much they love tickles and just affection in general so of course they tickle each other.
*They’ll poke each other and squeeze each other’s sides till one gives up. Both giggling up a storm because they’re having so much fun.
*Mikey being on the improv team at school is so accurate and funny to me.
*I could see his brothers and April pretending like they’re going to tickle him because of a random scenario they improvised out of nowhere.
*And while Mikey is giggling out no’s, they go, ���The first rule of improv is never say no, Mikey!”
*He is so incredibly air ticklish it’s insane.
*Raph, Mikey and Donnie will have him on the floor kicking his legs and they’re just hovering over him wiggling their fingers right above his tickle spots.
*Mikey can’t take anymore and finally yells, “Just tickle me already!”
*They all coo and can’t help but awe at the cuteness of their baby brother before tickling him to pieces.
*An absolute menace when he’s a ler.
*Starts with gentle tickles then gets harder as the tickles go on.
*Is also the master at sneaking up behind and tasing his siblings sides. Even gets April too.
*Mikey is the only ones who can tickle April and get away with it without her getting revenge.
*He’s so happy and giggly while tickling her that she can’t help but just hug him to death afterwards.
*Speaking of hugs, the man needs hugs after he’s tickled. It’s required. And vise versa.
*He always gives hugs and snuggles as aftercare.
*He’s just a snuggly little guy who deserves all the tickles and hugs in the world 😭🧡🧡🧡
Raph ❤️
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*First of all, I just wanna say how much I love how affectionate he is with his brothers.
*Picking up Leo, wrapping his arm around Leo, shaking Leo’s shoulders when he agreed to the plan, letting Mikey jump on his back, etc.
*It’s so cute ❤️
*That being said, he’s obviously a big tickle monster to the rest of his siblings.
*Also can we talk about him saying “Cootchie! Cootchie! Cootchie!” when they met Genghis Frog!! Ler Raph is canon guys.
*Will take any and all opportunities to give a little poke or completely wreck his brothers.
*Him and Leo have tickle wars. Not fights- wars.
*Raph is almost always the victor, but Leo has gotten him a good few times.
*They’re a terrifying ler duo against Mikey and Donnie. They sometimes have competitions to see who can make Mikey and Donnie laugh the most. It’s all in good fun though and they never take it too far.
*He loves pinning his victims down. He’s a wrestler so he’s great at it too. Much to his brother’s dismay.
*Raph is this big stoic guy who acts all tough, but he’s just as ticklish as his brothers.
*His ribs and plastron are his worst spots. He kind of hates that they’re so accessible too.
*But he can’t lie that he doesn’t have fun getting tickled by his brothers.
*Like how Mikey would get cheer up tickles before they were accepted, Raph gets them after because of words said before they thought they were going to die.
*His brothers decided he needs more tickles and brother bonding time after that. ❤️
*It’s mostly them pinning him down and tickling him before they all get into a cuddle pile.
*He’s genuinely terrified at how good April is at tickling-
*He can’t seem to pin her down or get her laughing as much as she can make him laugh.
*She’s just really good at tickling his plastron, and having more than three fingers on each hand definitely helps.
*I can see him and his wrestling friends having sleepovers and wrestling all night which lead to tickle fights.
*They also get curious about his shell and the fact that he’s a talking turtle. So they end up “examining” him which was just them poking and prodding at his shell and stuff which really tickled.
*He gets them back though. He’s incredibly strong and has tons of experience with tickling.
*Raph doesn’t really blush when he’s flustered. He kind of gets all defensive and tries to turn away from whoever’s teasing him.
*If he’s pinned down, however, he’ll close his eyes and turn his head away. That is until he’s getting tickled and his eyes are now wide open trying hard to fight off his offender.
*Is a big kicker so whoever’s tickling him has to be careful. He’s accidentally hurt his brothers a few time because he flails so much.
*He doesn’t mean to, he’s just a squirmy dude.
*Is a raspberry menace and no one can convince me otherwise.
*He thinks they’re silly and the sounds that come out of his brothers mouths when he uses them are so hilarious.
*His brothers are terrified of them. They tickle like hell-
*Raph is the most susceptible to them though. 🙃
*He. Lose. His. Shit. 👏
*Mikey, Leo and Donnie can make him agree to anything if they all raspberry his platoon at once.
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savemeafruitjuice · 4 months ago
Tickletober Day 20- Tease
This is a 2003 fic! I'm really feeling the tiredness from writing every day, but I think I've got it in me to do the rest of the month. I've been wanting to write for lee '03 Donny for a while, so I guess this is my opportunity!
Lee: Donny
Ler: Raph, Mikey
TW!: None!
"Oh Don!~ I need help with the tv, I think it's broken!"
"Not again, Mikey.. This is the fifth time this week!" The purple-themed turtle sighed, standing up from his desk and walking over to where his brother sat, hand stabilizing his crossbody bag as he jumped down from the platform.
"Let me see what the problem is.." He moved to the back of the many television sets, checking outlets and wires for any disconnections or fraying parts. His eyes narrowed, following a wire to its respective tv, and paused, confused when nothing seemed to be wrong.
"Hmm, I'm not seeing any issues.." he walked back around to where the youngest was, startling as he saw Raph there was well, arms crossed as he looked at the blank screens. "O-Oh, Raph! When did you get there?.."
The elder shrugged. "Heard Mikey over here complainin' 'bout the tvs not workin'." He tilted his head, running a finger along the top of one of the screens. "Thought ya fixed them the other day.." Donny sighed, nodding. "At least I thought I did. Apparently, they keep breaking. I just don't know what's wrong with them."
A whine was heard from the orange-clad. "Are you saying you can't fix it? Donnn, I need tv!"
"Shaddup, Mike. He hears ya.." the sai-user hushed, turning back to his more reserved brother. "Surprised to hear even the all-time genius is havin' a tough time. Too much stress, Don?" the elder teased, but the last sentence has a tone of concern to it. Donatello's cheeks went pink, and he began fiddling with his fingers. "Uhm, I don't know.. Everything's going just fine, so-"
"You sure, bro? You look a little flushed."
The olive-toned mutant stuttered a little. He always did get nervous rather easily.. Mikey scooted over to his genius brother, hands clasped together as he stared up at him with puppy-dog eyes. "Pleeease fix the tv! I'm begging you!"
"O-Okay, Mikey. Stop that, I'm doing my best." The youngest latched onto his leg, clinging tightly onto the limb, leaving Donny to try and step away, unable to do so with the new weight. The nunchuck-user nuzzled into his thigh, still babbling out pleas to have the television fixed. At the contact, the scientist's mouth pulled into a smile, pushing gently at the younger's head.
"Ah! No, thahat- tihicklehes!"
"Please fix it!"
At that instant, Donny crumpled to the ground, still trying to get his brother off of him. "Ooh, you'd better listen to him, Don. He sounds serious."
Mikey didn't let go, pressing his face into the other's knee instead. Donny yelped, kicking out at the feeling. "Wahait! Dohon't, I- Hehey!" Raph had sat behind the purple-themed turtle, snatching his arms up and pulling them above his head. "Get 'im, Mike. I don't think he's listenin' to ya."
Mikey giggled, letting go of the older's leg, only to sit on his waist and poke at his torso. "Pay attention, Donnyyy!" The turtle scrunched his nose up, giggles interrupting his words. "Rahaph, don't emcourahage hihim! Ahah!"
"Encourage what? I'm helpin' ya with yer listenin' skills." The elder of the three teased, leaning into his brother's ear, making him squeak and scrunch his shoulders up a bit. "Noho, you're nohot!"
"Oh, so now I'ma liar. Don't be so rude, Don." The elder darted his arm down, now only using one hand to hold up his brother's, squeezing at the side of his neck. The bo-staff-user squealed, throwing his head to the side and flailing about.
"Hahah! NO- I dihiHIdn't sahay tHAHAT!" He squawked as the youngest began kneading his ribs, twisting and turning to try and fight the ticklish sensation. "Yeah? Then what did ya say?"
Donny's brain was frazzled, the buzzing feeling at his neck and ribs were mixing up his thoughts. He couldn't even remember what he said! "IHI- I fohorgot! Stohop it!" His entire face was dusted a shade of pink, eyes closing at the intimidating sound of his brother's voice.
"That's what I thought."
There was a moment of dead silence, both turtle's hands stopping, before Don saw Mikey share a look with the other. Before he could even utter out an apology, four hands were drilling into his sides. It took only a split second for his now free hands to dart down, but it made no difference to the ticklish agony he was plunged into.
A loud snort escaped from his mouth, making the youngest snicker as he continued wiggling his fingers into the squishy flesh of his sides, unprotected by a shell. "Gee, Don. Think ya can fix the tv now? I wanna watch some shows with Mikey ov'a here."
The scientist stomped his feet on the hard ground, elbows trying to press down over his sibling's hands to cover himself, but the tickling didn't stop. "YEHEHES! YEHES, IHI'LL TRY TO-HAHA! IHI'LL TRY!"
Mikey groaned, blowing a raspberry in the middle of the elder's plastron. "I don't want you to try, I want the it to work!" Donny squealed during the entirety of the raspberry, curling in on himself and bucking frantically until it was over.
That got the youngest to stop, but Raph only shot his hands up, squeezing the muscle in the back of his armpits. Donny screeched, face bright red as he laughed, arms slamming down, only trapping the ticklish feeling. "RAHAHAPH!"
"Alright, fine.." The red-themed mutant slipped his hands out of his brother's underarms, hoisting him up into his lap with a bear hug. "C'mere, brainiac.."
Don slumped into the hold, panting slightly as he caught his breath. He moved his head to the side, pushing Mikey away with his foot when he tried to grab onto his leg again. Instead, the nunchuck-user knee-walked around him, and sat next to Raph, who pulled him into the hug as well.
The three smiled, peacefully sitting together for a moment, until Mikey checked the time.
"My show is on in ten minutes!"
The purple-themed mutant sighed. "I'm on it.."
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sparetheninja · 5 months ago
Can I request that the reader has a snort laugh and the turtles find out by tickling them and the reader gets embarrassed by it and hides there face but they turtles reassure them that it’s cute and tickle them more please and thank you
WAHHH THAT SOUNDS ADORABLE !!! I genuinely loved writing this (as a lee) aaahhehehehe ….. sorry if this didn’t turn out the way you expected cause tbh ….. it didnt turn out the way i expected. But i TRIED. And izTs like 3 am rn.
« Give me that remote ! »
The turtles find out you snort and, oh boy, do they love it.
Includes: Tickling !!
Lee: (gender neutral) Reader ,
Ler’s : Leo , Raph , Donnie & Mikey
Itteration: written as 2003 but it can be imagined as any itteration <3
Words: 1,014
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“I’m telling you, the origional star trek series is way better than the next generation !!” Mikey attempted to grab the remote from your hand, yet you managed to lift it just out of place for him to not be able to reach it.
“You’re only saying that because its nostalgic.” You fought back.
Everyone in the lair loved watching movies and old shows. Especialy on saturday when you had no school/work. Its become a tradition where you would buy the best candy in New York City and you and your strange little green friends would choose a show or a movie to watch (and eventually fall asleep to).
You had, for good reason, chosen to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation, but the orange masked turtle himself was begging to watch the origional series.
“If we are gonna watch something Star Trek related, we have to watch the origional!” Mikey tried to jump to the controler but you managed to slip past him with the remote.
“Geez, Mikey. Can’t we just watch the origional series next saturday?” Donnie, who was sitting next to both of you and had to deal with most of the pushing and play fighting, spoke up with a sigh.
“Pshh, kids.” Raph, who was next to Donnie again, rolled his eyes.
Leo was standing behind the couch, standing over all of them with a small smile on his face. It was always humerous with you around. “I don’t have a say in this, but the nostalgia of the origional series hits hard.”
“Exactly!” Mikey cheered before looking back at you with a threatening look. “Now, give me that remote…”
You decided to see just how far he would go to get this remote. “You gonna fight me for it?” You said, knowing full well the youngest turtle wouldn’t even think of hurting a hair on your body.
“Oh, you asked for it…” Mikey slowly crawled himself towards you.
There was no way Mikey would actually hit you… right? Over a remote? Over a joke?
Thats when you saw that grin. That cheeky little grin on his face. A grin that basically told itself what would happen.
But before you could react any further, Mikey jumped on top of you, holding your right hand above your head, the hand that held the remote, and sitting on your legs.
Instead of grabbing the remote, which he could’ve easily grabbed by now, he pinched your sides.
No way. No how. You had never told the turtles about your ticklishness before because you were horrified they would discover your snort…
“Nohoho- snort Wahahait!!”
Shit. It had only been a second and you were already snorting.
You felt Mikeys hand thankfully pull away in an instant, but when you opened your eyes, you saw all four of the turtles. Staring at you.
No way this was happening.
Donnie seemed intrigued, you could basically see how much he wanted to smile just by looking into his eyes. Raph had raised an eyebrow whilst grinning at you. He thought it was hilarious how embarrassed you seemed. Leo just stood right over you holding back a chuckle from just how adorable your snort was, whilst Mikey; oh, this guy was glowing.
His smile seemed to grow ten times its size and he had a new glimmer in his eyes.
Your face quickly turned into a crimson red, pretty much resembling Raph’s mask, as you covered your face with your hands. “Oh god…” you muttered.
“Whahat was that?” Mikey held back his excitement whilst asking a question he already knew the answer to.
“If you-” you huffed, not knowing what to say. “That- you- you didn’t hear that. That was… wh- that was your imagination.” You felt your face glowing red. Even though you tried to cover it, it seemed like he redness was glowing through your hands.
“That was ADORABLE !!” Mikey squealed.
Wait… what?
“I didn’t know you were capable of doing that.” Donnie grinned, finding your snorting fascinating (as Spock would say).
“Wh- no its not cute, its embarrassing!” You managed to sit up, still partly covering your face.
Leo placed a hand on your sholder, causing you to flinch a bit. “Embarrassing? You haven’t even heard Raph yet.”
“Hey…” Raph grunted in a low tone.
“Besides, i wanna hear that cute laugh again.” Leo said as he wiggled his fingers across your side.
Did they really find your laughter cute? “Whahat?”
“Yeah, that was adorable!” Donnie added, sitting next to you and smiling.
Mikey nodded excitedly. “Yeah, you shouldnt be embarrassed of your laugh. Especially since its so cute!!”
Raph cracked his knuckles. “Oh, we’re totally doin’ this.” He spoke, still in a low tone, but more teasing this time. “Get ‘em!” Raph shouted as Mikey held your legs to stop you from kicking around whilst repeatedly squeezing your thigh, causing you to scream out laughing and snorting. Raph was sitting on the floor, digging one of his hands into your hips and the other into your stomach.
Donnie and Leo didn’t hold back either. Leo held both your hands above your head with one hand and ised the other one to scribble along your side whilst Donnie attacked your ribs.
“WAHAHA- snort WHAHAIT!! I CAHAHA- snort snort CAHAHANT!!” As much as you wanted to die from the embarrassment, knowing that the turtles found it cute made you less insicure about it and it actually made you feel happy as well. It was a tickle session you actually enjoyed.
“You can’t?” Mikey asked the question that wasn’t a question. “Too bad!”
“Yeah, thats right!” Donnie cheered on, loving the sound of your snorting and laughing. “You’re not going anywhere!”
“This might just be better than binge watching old shows,” Raph said. “We should do this every Saturday instead.”
“NE- snort NEHEHEVER!!”
You knew you couldn’t get out. I mean, they have been training since they were pretty much babies! No way you would ever get out of this.
In your mind you sighed cause you knew you were going to be here for a while.
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soft--dragon · 1 year ago
Snow Day
Just a small drabble for you guys to snack on before I post the bigger one :D
Word Count: 1,177
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Casey was practically vibrating with excitement, booted feet doing mini stomps - a stim he’d picked up from Donnie at a young age - as he looked out over the white powered landscape of New York City Park. Mikey, who was stood right beside him snickered at his child-like behavior, giving a friendly grin.
“You’ve really never seen snow before, huh Junior?” 
Casey shook his head rapidly, eyes so wide as if he was trying to memorise every single detail of the park. “There was never white snow in the future, it was like ash, but this… Michelangelo, this is amazing!” 
Mikey’s brow dipped slightly at the mention of the harsh, desolate future Casey had come from, but he gave the boy a gentle nudge to dispel the memory. “Mikey, Casey, call me Mikey,” he reminded lightly.
Whether Casey registered the soft words was up for debate, the boy’s spellbound expression never wavering when Leo seemed to drop out of nowhere to sling an arm around Casey’s shoulders. 
“Not a bad view, aye Casey?” he grinned.
“It’s incredible,” the young warrior murmured, his smile lifting his eyes.
“Well what are you waiting for? Come on!” Leo grabbed his students hand and ran, dragging along Casey who almost fell flat on his face from the sudden force.
“Wait up Leo!” Mikey yelled after his brother, taking off right behind the pair, with the rest of the family in tow. 
Leo didn’t even hesitate before he dove into the snow with a gleeful whoop, dragging Casey into the soft powder and laughing when the boy just about screamed.
“JESUS! It’s cold, Leo!” “Welcome to the ice age, Jones!”
There was an audible scoff from above the two. “Incorrect Leo, the ice age was thousands of years ago when creatures such as mammoths used to roam the earth and- hey!”
A snowball smashed into the back of Donnie’s head from non-other than April who was grinning similar to a Cheshire cat. “Sorry, did I interrupt you?” 
“Yes actually, I was trying to educate Leo on his very historically inaccurate claim- ow!” A second snowball had splattered straight into Donnie’s face, the teen being thrown to the ground with the force of it. “APRIL!”
Raph high fived the girl in passing, moving to Leo and Casey who were still lying in the snow. “Don’t you two go catching a cold alright? We don’t want to get the whole fam sick.” “We’ll be fine, Raph, don’t worry,” Leo smirked up at his older brother, “We’re well protected from the cold.” “Yes, but some of us aren’t that used to winter, remember?” 
“Oh, I know.” Leo’s hand planted itself in Casey’s mop of unruly hair, messing with the black locks and making the kid yelp and squirm in protest. “I’ll keep an eye on the snow baby.”
Casey baulked from under Leo’s fingers. “The- the snow what?” Raph sighed with a small, fond smile. “If he gets sick you’re taking care of him.” “Don’t I always?”
“Fair enough.”
“I’m right here you guys.” “Hush snow baby,” Leo scooped up some snow and shoved it in Casey’s unsuspecting face, trying and failing to hide his grin at the boy’s wild screech of alarm and offence. “The adults are talking.”
The snow removed, Casey tried leaning away only for Leo’s hand to come back and to pinch his cheek. “Augh! Stop! Your hands are freezing!”
“Oh, are they actually?” Leo’s hands were then diving under Casey’s scarf to press them against his neck, and the scream the boy gave was almost ear splitting.
“NO! Off, off, off! Get away from me!” Casey scrambled across the snow to escape, only for Leo to follow with an evil gleam in his eyes. “Guys help!”
Casey, who had fallen victim to Leo’s schemes more than once, knew the outcome of this dilemma, and scrambled off the ground in an instant. He was running laps of the park, laughing over his shoulder at the turtle who was pursuing him with outstretched hands and taunting loudly. 
“Should we stop them before they fall into the lake?” Mikey asked with a laugh.
Raph shrugged, smirking. “Eh, let em tire themselves out, it’ll be easier to get them to sleep later.”
“I concur, I do not want to deal with a hyperactive Leo,” Donnie raised a hand from where he was still lying on the ground from April’s snowball attack.
The green jacketed girl rolled her eyes. “Donnie, get up.”
“Can’t. I’ve been shot.”
A scream echoed through the park, making the group whip around in alarm to where Leo and Casey were tussling on the ground, the blue coded turtle pressing his fingers underneath Casey’s scarf to target his neck. The raven haired teen was screeching at the chill spreading through his skin, bursts of laughter mingling with his yelps as Leo refused to let up. 
“LEHEHO! Stohohopihit!” 
“What? Can’t hear you Snow Baby, sorry, I’ve got ear muffs on.” 
“Invisible ear muffs are the modern style Case, I thought you’d know that cause you’re from the future.”
One of Casey’s hands came up to shove at Leo’s face, the other trying to push away the turtle’s fingers assaulting his sensitive skin. “Thahat’s soho duhumb!”
Leo’s mouth dropped open and gasped loudly. “How dare you insult my invisible earmuffs, that is so mean.” 
Casey cracked an eye open to peer up at Leo smugly. “Thought you couldn’t hear me with those ear muffs?” 
Scoffing an incredulous laugh, Leo furrowed his brow playfully. “Alright, wise guy, you asked for this.” Leo lightened his touch enough so that his fingernails were just grazing along Casey’s neck, causing the boy to try and turn into a turtle himself and scrunch his head down, all the while in fits of panicked giggles.
“DahAHAamnit LehehEHEO!” He cried, grappling with the turtle’s arms to dislodge his freezing fingers. “Nohohoho!”
Using the tassels of Casey’s scarf to dust along his cheek just to be annoying, Leo cooed, “I warned you bud; insult the muffs, get the fluff.”
Pressing his cheek into the snow, Casey batted at his mentor with horribly uncoordinated movements. “Yohou suhuck!”
“Ouch, what a burn. Good thing we’re surrounded by so much ice that I can treat it.”
Casey landed a smack on his shoulder, rolling his eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn’t roll right out of his head. “Dork,” he bit out between peals of laughter.
“Oh I’m a dork now am I? Wow, really laying it on thick with the insults today, kiddo,” Leo snorted. The attempts of ‘insulting’ Leo really weren’t really that cutting at all, he was gonna have to teach this kid some curse words to help him along. Raph may kill him for it, but he was the sensei of Jones Junior, not his big brother.  Casey did end up catching a cold from the snow, though Leo held up his promise and was vigilant during the boy’s recovery. This was his kid after all, he was always going to look out for his Snow Baby.
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xavitron883 · 6 months ago
Since you are such an amazing at drawing Rph being a n amazing ler to his brothers... Can you do lee!Mikey?
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I was already working on a Lee Mikey so here you go :3
Raph is pretending that Mikey is a Violin, or rather a Mike-olin :3c
And poor Mikey cant do anything against his biggest bro
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