#fado vadio
photographybyjenni · 10 months
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musicshooterspt · 1 year
Agenda de Abril, 2023
01 – Da Raiz ao Fado – Daniel Pereira Cristo
Teatro Municipal de Bragança, Bragança
21:00h . Preço: 6€
01 – Pink Turns Blue
Os Suspeitos
Hard Club, Porto (Sala 2)
Info/ Bilhetes
Hard Club, Porto (Sala 1)
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CriArte by Cascais Jovem, Cascais
Portas: 21:00h
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Vários Artistas: Devil in Me, Last Hope, Dead End, etc
Casa Amarela, Almada
Entrada Livre
02 – dEUS
Coliseu dos Recreios, Lisboa
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02 – Lucrecia Dalt
Salão Brazil, Coimbra
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05 – Sarah McVoy – High Priestess
Teatro Municipal de Bragança, Bragança
21:00h . Preço: 7€
Hard Club, Porto
PORTAS: 19:30h
E no dia 06 em Lisboa, no RCA Club
07 – Badtrip
Woodstock 69, Porto
Stereogun, Leiria
Portas: 22:00h
Pindelo dos Milagres, São Pedro do Sul (Viseu)
07 e 08 – Albufeira Sea Fest
Praça dos Pescadores, Albufeira
08 – Nobutthefrog
Gato Vadio, Porto
10 – Visions of Atlantis
RCA Club, Lisboa
Portas: 20:00h
11 - The Flatliners
RCA Club, Lisboa
14 a 16 – Jazz na Caixa
Teatro Narciso Ferreira, Vila Nova de Famalicão
Entrada Livre
Evento Facebook
14 - GBH + Bladders + Mau Olhado
Associação Recreativa e Cultural de Músicos, Faro
14 – David Fonseca
Teatro Micaelense, Ponta Delgada
Espaço Compasso, Porto
15 - Bill Callahan
Theatro Circo, Braga
Info / Bilhete
15 – SENZA
Teatro Aveirense, Aveiro
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15 – Down The River
JP Rock Café, Bragança
Preço: 5€
15 - Cais Sodré Funk Connection
Teatro Municipal da Guarda, Guarda
15 - Nick Oliveri
Texas Club, Leiria
Portas: 22:00h
20 – Jesus Quisto
Coliseu do Porto Ageas, Porto
Portas: 20:30h
Info/ Bilhetes
21 - Seu Jorge e Daniel Jobim
Altice Arena, Lisboa
21 – Cartaxo Sessions
Com Gator, the Alligator + HISOU + O Munas
Centro Cultural do Cartaxo, Cartaxo
22 - Party Sleep Repeat
Vários Artistas: Linda Martini, Fogo Fogo, Sunflowers, etc
Oliva Creative Factory, São João da Madeira
Info / Bilhetes
22 – Mundo Segundo
Lustre, Braga
25 - B Fachada
Zeca, Zeca e mais Zeca!
Galeria Zé dos Bois, Lisboa
Info / Bilhetes
25 – Boy Harsher
Os Suspeitos
Hard Club, Porto
Info / Bilhetes
27 a 30 – SWR Barroselas Metal Fest
Barroselas, Viana do Castelo
Info/ Cartaz/ Bilhetes
28 – Canto Nono
A FORÇA (O PODER) DA PALAVRA – Um Canto a José Mário Branco
Coliseu do Porto Ageas, Porto
Portas: 20:00h
Info/ Bilhetes
28 – Alquimia
Teatro Micaelense, Ponta Delgada
Info / Bilhetes
29 – The Slow Readers Club
Os Suspeitos
M.OU.CO., Porto
29 - Big Thief
LAV, Lisboa
29 a 30 – Freedom Fest
Vários Artistas: Earth Drive, Asimov, My Master The Sun
Associação Desenvolvimento artes e ofícios ADAO, Barreiro
Portas: 22:00h
*OBS: Recomendamos verificar estas informações junto dos promotores ou sites oficiais
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idanielcosta · 3 years
Nos meus doirados Anos sessenta Abril o turismo a dar brados Cheguei ao céu sonhado A Lisboa do meu eu Da janela do meu quarto Na casa onde morava Era Zeus, ou um Zeu Avistava o Tejo Via o Rio benfazejo No Bairro da Graça Rua bem comprida Como se fora desejo Pouca gente passava Santa Engrácia Calçada do Monte Luzes em noite de breu Portas de Santo Antão Teatro Dona Maria Mês em que este ardeu A desgraça via Deus meu! Olha a D. Amélia Colaço! A Liberdade subia A Avenida a trazia Parque Mayer, Café Lisboa Pedaços do meu sonho Não apareciam à toa Sonho de um dia Concentrado Nos artistas, que via Max, Paulo Renato, Francisco José Tristão da Silva António Mourão Mais velhos do que eu Do tempo de então O dos capilés Das limonadas Das salsaparrilhas Tudo com soda, como refresco Saborosos licores de controlo Ginja com ou sem “nellas” Como dizia o espanhol Eduardino, Timpanas registado Da designação desviado Lisboa do fado Fado vadio Cantado nas baiúcas ao desafio Alfredo Marceneiro António dos Santos Não o carpinteiro Mais sofisticação A Amália Rodrigues Popular a Hermínia Silva Perpetuava a velha “Tendinha” Mais a Popular Ginjinha Templo onde iniciei Razão porque a queria como minha O Café Lisboa o Parque Mayer A velha Lisboa, O fado e a ginjinha
Daniel Costa
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ioannannan · 4 years
#4_Στα όρια της γραφής Σύνδεση - Ασύνδεση Log in - Log out           fun κόκκινο κόκκινο κόκκινο            μαύρο            μαύρο            μαύρο         νερό ακου ακου ακου             • Σημάδια στο χαρτί στις σκέψεις στα όνειρα *Ο Vadio δεν ήθελε να γίνει ποιητής. Αγαπούσε το fado.
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strictlyfavorites · 4 years
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Lisbon Street Art
Mouraria is a important neighborhood for Lisbon street art scene. Close to the Castelo São Jorge, there’s a car park that looks like an authentic art gallery! Several Portuguese street artists have painted the walls of the car park. You are allowed to enter to admire their works for free. Then, on the Escadinhas de São Cristóvão, different artists also created a mural depicting the traditional Fado vadio.
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liv-studyblr · 5 years
I was taged by @gabrielakay thaks a lot ✨🌸
So the rules are: Put your entire library on shuffle. Tell us your first 10 songs, then tag 10 peeps to join in the fun.
Baudelaire - Angus & Julia Stone
Can’t hold out on love - Jason Mraz
My heart is broken - Evanescence
Sing - Pentatonix
Queen of hearts - We The Kings
You give love a bad name - Bon Jovi
Shimbalaiê - Maria Gadú
My type - Saint Motel
Fado boémio e vadio - Piedade Fernandes
It’s not right but its okay - Twin Wild
In my defense, i hv more than 4000 songs ‘haha
And i tag: @sonistrella @nanamsc @studyingbooksandthings @bellebestudying @pinetreestudies @astudyinpharmacy @amylouiz @medstudies101 @agusmaverino @danisstudyblr
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edisonbotelho · 7 years
Que me toque
Que me toque
Uma gota de poesia
Uma brisa de alegria
Uma onda de utopia
Que me toque
Um fado de amor vadio
Uma dor de ciúme tardio
Toda saudade do meu Rio
Que me toque
Um chorinho em si bemol
Um reflexo de girassol
Teu abraço sob o lençol
Que me toque
O gosto do teu licor
A ousadia da tua flor
A pimenta do teu sabor
Edison Botelho
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welcometolisbonblog · 3 years
Q&A - リスボンのおすすめファドレストランと日帰り旅行先
Q. ご質問
初めてお便りさせていただきますが、いつもポルトガルからの情報を楽しく、興味深く拝見させていただいております。 私は10年ほど前にリスボンからポルトまでをレンタカーと電車で一週間ほど旅しましてポルトガルという国が大好きになりました。その昔仕事でかつての西ドイツに4年間少し住んでおり、ポルトガルとノルウェー以外の大きな国はすべて行ったことがあるのですが、帰国後に海外旅行でポルトガルを選択して以来虜になってしまいました。その際リスボンの泥棒市でお土産に買った2枚のファドのCDを毎日のように聞いていたところファドに魅了され、東京近くでポルトガルギターを教えてくれる先生とポルトガル人先生の語学教室を探し当てて通っておりました(ギターはまだ続けています)。 昨日、まりあさんの情報でバイロ・アルトの素敵なレストランを紹介していただき、感激してコメントさせていただいたところ直ちにお返事をいただきありがとうございました。10年前はいろいろな都市を転々としたためリスボン自体は数日間の滞在でしたので、この秋(冬時間に変わる日に到着します)はリスボンのみの滞在で8日間を予定しています。今リスボンのスポットを研究しており、楽しみで仕方ありません。買い物、料理、そしてメインの目的はファドを聴くことです。今現在私のポルトガルギターの先生がファディスタのTAKUさんと一緒にリスボン滞在中ですので、帰国されたら同様の質問をしようと思っていますが、まりあさんお勧めのファド・レストランはありますでしょうか。前もってそのレストランのHPを検索して、私が実際に聴きたいファディスタやギタリスタが出演するかどうかを調べてみたいと思っています。まあ、有名なアーティストの出演がなくてもリスボンの本場のファド・レストランであればどこでもいいのです。 それともう一つお聞きしたいのですが、リスボンから日帰りで観光のできる都市でまりあさんのお勧めはどこでしょうか。今の段階の計画では、前回行っていないカルダス・ダ・ライーニャ、トマール、エヴォラを候補に考えています。
A. 回答
ファドとの素敵な出会い、お話を聞かせていただき感激です。わたしも単身でポルトガルを訪れた後、ポルトガル人の人柄や文化に魅せられ、縁があって住むことなり、心から幸せです。 Fado Vadioと言う言葉を聞いたことはありますか?商業化されていないFadoのことで、今世界で知られているファドのルーツと言われています。意味としては「流浪のファド」とでも言いますでしょうか、感情を歌う真のファドのことをさして、地元の人はそう呼びます。ご質問者様はファドと密接に関わっておられるようなので、ローカルとしては、このFado Vadioをぜひ聴いていただきたいです。ベストな場所はTaberna do Chicoでしょう。ここはマリーザも飛び入りで歌ったりすることで地元の人に有名です。そもそもファド自体が飛び入り要素たっぷりなんですが。Fado Vadioは商業化されていませんのでプログラムなどは存在しません。Taberna do Chicoで「Fado Vadio」をもっと聞きたいとお店の人に聞いてみるのがベストだと思います。
#ポルトガル #リスボン #ファド #日帰り
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oraculodosbasbaques · 3 years
Coronatório #361
Esta viagem surrealista planetária comum continua. Não será  mais fácil correr uma ultríssimamaratona quando antecipamos as coordenadas da sua meta? Assim, parece que andamos numa Iron Man semi-eterna a riscar continuamente um 8 no Sahara. E numa caravana solitária. Em milhões de caravanas de camelos distanciados, todos à espera de oásis patrocinados pela Pfizer.
Quis a má - fortuna que tivesse  passado já um ano desde a última vez que pousámos os copos de vinho na madeira boémia de um qualquer bar de uma Lisboa à pinha e completamente desviralizada. Pensando bem, nem me calhou das piores sortes, foi esse vinho e essa última mesa os da Tasca do Chico, no Bairro Alto, no dia 7 de Março. (Acabo de me recordar que há muitas vidas atrás, à saída da estação de metro da Baixa-Chiado, ali como quem vai levantar dinheiro sem mostrar o código ao Pessoa, uma francesa muito bonita e muito francesa perguntou - me num inglês napoleónico se "a discoteca Bairro Alto estava aberta? ". Eu disse-lhe que o Bairro Alto era um bairro e que os bares estavam abertos até tarde e que depois até podíamos ficar nas ruas de Lisboa a beber e a cantar porque as ruas ninguém podia fechar. Afinal, Amandine, uma merdinha microscópica que nem viva consegue ser  provou-nos o contrário.) Nesta outra noite de há um ano, depois dos trinados vadios, a rua não chegou a ser pink e talvez pairasse já no ar algum prenúncio  de que o nosso fado colectivo estava prestes a mudar. Regressei a casa pensando que o Jamaica havia de estar lá no próximo sábado, no mesmo sítio de sempre. Nunca mais estará. Já a mesma música de sempre, provavelmente sim.  A certeza é a de que não será o regresso que imaginei naquele último Ubber-ébrio.  Não dá para passar só mais uma antes da valsa?
Por falar em música, está um enfermeiro na TVI a cantar o "Maravilhoso Coração" do Marco Paulo e eu não sei se me parta a rir, se sinta vergonha alheia, se me comova ou se cante com ele. Pelo menos o horário nobre continua o mesmo freakshow de sempre. É sempre bom quando algumas receitas  continuam familiarmente loucas e próximas. Sobretudo nestes tempos ensandecidos em que tudo o resto parece tão pouco parente e tão estrangeiro. 
 Pensando bem, é melhor mudar para  a RTP2.
Gonçalo Fontes
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chronicbodylove · 7 years
Sitting in Dublin airport waiting for my gate to open to see friends I haven’t seen since I returned to Ireland from 4 years of travels from 2011 to 2015 had my heart in a flutter. I didn’t think I would even make it this far so excitement was an understatement. I booked long-term parking for the week (€35) so I could drive straight to the airport car-park and back without bothering anyone. I never thought of how much energy that alone would take out of me and I kind of resigned myself to not going but… needless to say the Universe works in mysterious ways and so began a very spontaneous holiday when my sister offered to get me to the airport and I borrowed my mam’s spare walking stick – a mind-melt in itself; but I could barely hold myself up so this was a good compromise to get my waning ass to a sunny destination. I could feel everyone in my family rooting for me to make it. (Thanks guys!)
Two days prior to departure something inside of me started tightening and it happened all day. A feeling like someone was pinching and putting every one of my muscles and nerves in a vice grip; it was excruciating and left me very weak. If you know those cold compresses that you snap the button and everything inside hardens and freezes up it’s a similar body sensation to that, only I’m not a cold compress so my body – through no fault of its own – is definitely mis-firing for some reason. I had just one more day in work to push through but that feels like climbing Everest to anyone with M.E. and fibro or chronic pain. I finally broke down and had a big cry and hug with my mam in the morning (natural medicine at it’s best). I was nearly falling asleep at my desk in work because I had to take mini doses of xanax (0.125mcg) to just take the edge off the spasms and burning pain. Up to this point I have only ever taken cbd oil, thc oil, edibles or xanax at night; but it all comes full circle and just when you think you are managing your condition someone pulls a rug and you realise you haven’t been out-running your pain at all; it’s actually getting worse in ways.
  Not knowing if your body can hold itself up is a humbling experience, even more so when you leave your routine to travel by yourself, but I didn’t manage alone. I reached out to the group in Chronic Pain Ireland asking them to hold a good thought for me for a lower pain day and someone suggested to ask for airport assistance which I did when I was checking in online. But when I reached the airport, I checked my cabin luggage in and never thought to ask the desk about the assistance. I figured I had to find a specially dedicated desk. Well through fatigue and stubbornness I made my way level by level to the departure gate. Drinking a decaf coffee after check-in and after an hour’s rest I made my way to the gate. This all could have been helped if I had just sought out the airport assistance but my fear of being judged ‘not sick enough’ and the enveloping brain fog both kept me operating on auto-pilot to just get to the gate. Using the stick was a trip in itself. I had to slow my pace right down so it helped me conserve energy. It also made me realise how fast our society paces itself at – it’s too fast people! Fellow travellers bumped off me and stood on my feet trying to get around me faster and I thought: ‘Have I done this to people using aids?’ And the answer is Yes! Unfortunately I have tried to get in front of people many times, not considering anything but that they were in my way; slowing me from my destination and for that I profusely apologise right now.
Once on the plane there was nothing I could do but put on my eye-mask and stick earplugs in and try to stop anymore stimulus making the pain worse. Once I got to the other side I was too embarrassed to ask for assistance with the language barrier (again no need to be a martyr Niamh asking would have solved it for me easy peasy portuguesey) but I managed well enough taking it slow on the stick. I collected my luggage and through the kindness of Portuguese airport staff got skipped to the top of the queue for a taxi. Small wins yay:)
Checklist for my next holiday with chronic illness
Lift to and from airport both sides (Download Uber app if used in country)
Book Airport Assistance
Use Airport Assistance
Ask for help when needed
Eye-Mask and Ear-Plugs
The Ultimate travel pillow
Walking stick/Mobility aid
Powerbank charger for phone/tablets
Suitcase with wheels
Use Google Recommendations for everything
Hoodie… because where ever you go your inability to regulate your body temperature will follow.
Copy of prescription
Is marijuana decriminilised there?
Book 2 days off to recover when you get home.
Fado Vadio Singer Joao Gonzales
The holiday itself was amazing. It took a few days of taking extra meds and powering down early at night to allow me to actually catch up with the girls, but they were so understanding we only did one or two things a day when I was feeling able and took an uber everywhere til I was strong enough to walk longer distances. Sometimes when you live with a condition you think everyone else has frozen in awesome time. But they have their battles and work and routines too, plus we had all calmed down from our backpacking days so the pace suited us all.
The sunshine renewed me. Oh how it renewed me! But more than that it was the laughter between friends that have backpacked and couchsurfed together and shared so many adventures in so many countries. Reliving our shenanigans made me feel real again. And we added so many laughs to this trip we could write a book on Portuguese faux pas. I got to watch Joao Gonzalez sing Fado Vadio – Portuguese Blues (Fado Vadio literally translates as bohemian, vagabond or loafer Fado and is used to describe Fado sung more to express emotions than for commercial ends which explains why I loved it so much.) I highly recommend it if you find yourself in the Tourist area of Bairro Alto.
The magical sound of the infamous 12 string Portuguese Guitar accompanying Joao above
We used Google Recommendations and it saved us a tonne of time traipsing around discerning between mediocre tourist meals and authentic Portuguese food and top notch local entertainment so be sure to check it out to conserve some energy on your next trip!
Marijuana is also decriminilised in Portugal so I didn’t feel like a misgreant when I needed some natural pain relief. They have adopted it so well; Irish Government take note! The whole city had a very chilled out vibe with a great park life dotted with kiosks selling 70 cent beer and €2 wine. I wasn’t drinking alcohol but I did appreciate their freshly squeezed orange juice mmmm. There was hula hoopers, circus performers, tai chi & yoga enthusiasts, just lots of people hanging out, being friendly and jamming with their instruments of choice. Plus they had park massage areas and were so dog friendly they’d probably massage the dogs too:)I felt rejuvenated when I was leaving and was sorry I had only the 6 days because by the end of it I wanted to walk more and I even got my hula hoop out for 5 mins before my leg pain put a stop to it. Who knows how much better we’d feel if we lived in a warmer climate?
I had a bit of weakness after the flight was delayed home and I had to stand on the bus journey to the airplane platform but I managed somehow. I returned to work the next day at 3pm to 11pm and instantly began a flare up. I don’t know how I managed to push through… my brain was literally shutting down. By day 3 I was glaring at people, feeling like they were about to tell me I’d done something wrong or just wouldn’t understand their question because of the rapid decline experienced with M.E. and fibro flares. I’m convinced it makes us work from our ancient limbic and reptilian systems of the brain; explaining why I feel driven from emotions such as anxiety and overwhelm along with heart palpitations, my cognition is impaired at that point but my nervous system feels under attack and keeps me wired from fear. I’m sure when more funding is allocated towards research they will uncover many facets of what we have been trying to explain to doctors for years. Our day will come but until then it’s camaraderie and sun holidays all the way. I need more of these vibrant colours and belly laughs in my life!
    How Not to #Holiday with a #chronicillness #fibro #meawareness #myalgicencephalomyelititis Sitting in Dublin airport waiting for my gate to open to see friends I haven't seen since I returned to Ireland from 4 years of travels from 2011 to 2015 had my heart in a flutter.
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traveltourstrips · 4 years
New Post has been published on Lutars Turizm
New Post has been published on https://www.lutarsturizm.com/lizbon-portekizce-tapas-ile-fado-vadio-turu.html
Lizbon: Portekizce Tapas ile Fado Vadio Turu
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“Işıkları indir ve gitarları uyandır” en tipik Fado Evleri ziyaretiyle unutulmaz bir deneyim sloganı! Gelin ve Lizbon kentinin en iyi korunan sırlarından birini bulun.
Lizbon: Portekizce Tapas ile Fado Vadio Turu
Öne çıkanlar
Lizbon’un en bohem ve tipik semtlerinden birinde büyüyü bulun
Bazı Portekiz yemeklerini tadarken, herkesin şarkı söyleyebileceği bir Fado Şovunun tadını çıkarın
Fado’nun özgünlüğüne, bu şekilde ve diğer dönemlerin Lizbonuna katılın
Chiado, Bica ve Bairro Alt’ın en önemli turistik yerlerini görün
Tam açıklama
Fado, kent ve insanlar önerilen deneyimlerdeki merkezi unsurlardır. Hedef, yeni hayatı şehre ve Fado’nun görme biçimine getirmek ve halkla müzisyenler arasında ve fado şarkıcıları arasında, bu müzik türlerini dinlemek için pasif bir tutumdan kaçınmak gibi yakınlık deneyimi yaratmaktır.
Fado’nun kral olduğu ve şimdiye kadar Fado tarihinin en seçkin karakterlerini nereden öğreneceğiniz, başkentin en sembolik tarihi semtlerinden bir kısmını gezin.
Lizbon’un en bohem ve tipik semtlerinden birinde büyüyü bulun. Bazı Portekiz yemeklerini ve içeceklerini tadarken, herkesin şarkı söyleyebileceği bir Fado Şovu’nun tadını çıkarın. Gelin ve Lizbon kentinin en iyi korunan sırlarından birini bulun.
Daha azını gör
Neler dahil?
Seyahat sigortası
Özel rehber
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turkeytraveltours · 4 years
New Post has been published on Lutars Turizm
New Post has been published on https://www.lutarsturizm.com/lizbon-portekizce-tapas-ile-fado-vadio-turu.html
Lizbon: Portekizce Tapas ile Fado Vadio Turu
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“Işıkları indir ve gitarları uyandır” en tipik Fado Evleri ziyaretiyle unutulmaz bir deneyim sloganı! Gelin ve Lizbon kentinin en iyi korunan sırlarından birini bulun.
Lizbon: Portekizce Tapas ile Fado Vadio Turu
Öne çıkanlar
Lizbon’un en bohem ve tipik semtlerinden birinde büyüyü bulun
Bazı Portekiz yemeklerini tadarken, herkesin şarkı söyleyebileceği bir Fado Şovunun tadını çıkarın
Fado’nun özgünlüğüne, bu şekilde ve diğer dönemlerin Lizbonuna katılın
Chiado, Bica ve Bairro Alt’ın en önemli turistik yerlerini görün
Tam açıklama
Fado, kent ve insanlar önerilen deneyimlerdeki merkezi unsurlardır. Hedef, yeni hayatı şehre ve Fado’nun görme biçimine getirmek ve halkla müzisyenler arasında ve fado şarkıcıları arasında, bu müzik türlerini dinlemek için pasif bir tutumdan kaçınmak gibi yakınlık deneyimi yaratmaktır.
Fado’nun kral olduğu ve şimdiye kadar Fado tarihinin en seçkin karakterlerini nereden öğreneceğiniz, başkentin en sembolik tarihi semtlerinden bir kısmını gezin.
Lizbon’un en bohem ve tipik semtlerinden birinde büyüyü bulun. Bazı Portekiz yemeklerini ve içeceklerini tadarken, herkesin şarkı söyleyebileceği bir Fado Şovu’nun tadını çıkarın. Gelin ve Lizbon kentinin en iyi korunan sırlarından birini bulun.
Daha azını gör
Neler dahil?
Seyahat sigortası
Özel rehber
0 notes
anzacdaygallipoli · 4 years
Lizbon: Portekizce Tapas ile Fado Vadio Turu - Lutars Turizm
New Post has been published on https://www.lutarsturizm.com/lizbon-portekizce-tapas-ile-fado-vadio-turu.html
Lizbon: Portekizce Tapas ile Fado Vadio Turu
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“Işıkları indir ve gitarları uyandır” en tipik Fado Evleri ziyaretiyle unutulmaz bir deneyim sloganı! Gelin ve Lizbon kentinin en iyi korunan sırlarından birini bulun.
Lizbon: Portekizce Tapas ile Fado Vadio Turu
Öne çıkanlar
Lizbon’un en bohem ve tipik semtlerinden birinde büyüyü bulun
Bazı Portekiz yemeklerini tadarken, herkesin şarkı söyleyebileceği bir Fado Şovunun tadını çıkarın
Fado’nun özgünlüğüne, bu şekilde ve diğer dönemlerin Lizbonuna katılın
Chiado, Bica ve Bairro Alt’ın en önemli turistik yerlerini görün
Tam açıklama
Fado, kent ve insanlar önerilen deneyimlerdeki merkezi unsurlardır. Hedef, yeni hayatı şehre ve Fado’nun görme biçimine getirmek ve halkla müzisyenler arasında ve fado şarkıcıları arasında, bu müzik türlerini dinlemek için pasif bir tutumdan kaçınmak gibi yakınlık deneyimi yaratmaktır.
Fado’nun kral olduğu ve şimdiye kadar Fado tarihinin en seçkin karakterlerini nereden öğreneceğiniz, başkentin en sembolik tarihi semtlerinden bir kısmını gezin.
Lizbon’un en bohem ve tipik semtlerinden birinde büyüyü bulun. Bazı Portekiz yemeklerini ve içeceklerini tadarken, herkesin şarkı söyleyebileceği bir Fado Şovu’nun tadını çıkarın. Gelin ve Lizbon kentinin en iyi korunan sırlarından birini bulun.
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sea-cerulean · 4 years
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Fado Vadio - Lisbon, Portugal.
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desiredtastes · 5 years
After a nice Michelin-starred dinner, I met up with Hugo, another local I found through Withlocals who brought me to a few bars in Barrio Alto where we sipped wine, drank beers, and listened to authentic fado – a type of Portuguese singing that is renowned for its expressive and profoundly melancholic character.
  Cobblestone Pavement
Our first stop was a small bar where we were able to squeeze into the last vacant spot near the entrance. Hugo handed me a glass of wine and then it was time to watch and listen.
  Live Fado
Lisbon Bars
Simply comprised of a solo singer (fadista), an acoustic guitar, and a pear-shaped Portuguese fado guitar, the distinct emotional style of music was hauntingly beautiful.
  There are short breaks throughout the performance. We stepped outside to finish our wine, then it was off to the next bar.
Bairro Alto
The next spot was Tasca do Chico, a cozy traditional bar that was packed with people. It’s a popular spot to get a true taste of the Portuguese music culture. Numerous photos of both amateur and professional singers cover the walls.
  Fado Bars
Fado Guitar
We made our way to the bar to order a couple beers. The flaming chorizo looked really good, but I just grabbed my beer and looked for a spot to stand.
  Flaming Chorizo
Super Bock
It was a male singer this time. The bar features “Fado Vadio” live on Monday and Wednesday nights where fado is sang by non professionals.
  Tasca do Chico
Fado Singer
  I really enjoyed listening to fado. It’s something you have to experience while visiting Lisbon. Hugo had one last stop in mind, a cool bar located at the top of a parking garage. Let’s go!
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The hip rooftop bar equipped with a nice garden terrace offered drinks with a view.
Cheers, Lisbon!
It was a great spot to chat, hang out, and end the night with a couple more drinks. Hugo gave me a taste of the energetic Lisbon nightlife. From the small authentic fado bars to a hidden rooftop bar hotspot, I had such a great time! Thank you, Hugo!
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Hugo walked me back to my apartment and it was finally time to get ready for bed. I couldn’t believe the amazing 24 hours I spent in Lisbon! I had an early flight to catch and tried my hardest to fall asleep, but I was still wired from the eventful day and excited for the rest of my trip. My next stop was Berlin!
WithLocals Lisbon, Portugal Website
Lisbon Nights: Wine, Beer, and Fado After a nice Michelin-starred dinner, I met up with Hugo, another local I found through…
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douglasena · 3 years
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Porque Lisboa é considerada a cidade do Fado ? 🎸🇵🇹 ⬇️⬇️ Primeiramente para quem não sabe o fado é um estilo musical português. Geralmente é cantado por uma só pessoa (fadista) acompanhado por uma guitarra clássica (nos meios fadistas denominada viola) e uma guitarra portuguesa. O fado foi elevado à categoria de Património Cultural e Imaterial da Humanidade pela UNESCO[1] numa declaração aprovada no VI Comité Intergovernamental desta organização internacional, realizado em Bali, na Indonésia, entre 22 e 29 de Novembro de 2011. A origem histórica do fado é incerta. Não é uma importação.É o resultado de uma fusão histórica e cultural que ocorreu em Lisboa. Surge na segunda metade do século XIX, embalado nas correntes do romantismo: melopeia exprimindo a tristeza de um povo, a sua amargura pelas dificuldades que vive, mas capaz de induzir esperança. Contaminando mais tarde os salões da aristocratas, tornar-se-ia rapidamente expressão musical tipicamente portuguesa. Tanto antigamente como ainda hoje as suas origens boémias e ordinárias provêm das tabernas e bordéis, dos ambientes de orgia e violência dos bairros mais pobres da capital. Tornava por isso o fado condenável aos olhos da Igreja, que desde cedo tentou impedir a sua evolução. As tabernas, primordialmente, eram palco de encontros de fidalgos, artistas, trabalhadores das hortas, populares e estrangeiros, que se reuniam em noites de fado vadio, ou seja, o fado não profissional. É com a penetração da fidalguia nos bairros do castelo, com a presença constante de cavalheiros e fidalgos titulares, que o fado se toca ao piano em salões aristocráticos. Os nobres que se aventuravam naquele ambiente bairrista foram traduzindo as melodias da guitarra para as pautas das damas chiques que até ali só investiam em modinhas. Passada a década de 1880, torna-se o fado assíduo nesses salões. Por outro lado, as guerras civis dos meados do século criaram um clima de insegurança, que envolveu vicissitudes na vida parlamentar e política, provocando um maior apego popular ao fado.Nascido em Lisboa o fado é hoje conhecido mundialmente pode ser (e é muitas vezes) acompanhado por violino, violoncelo e a famosa guitarra portuguesa! (em Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQLzbERh5TM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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