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garbagequeer · 7 months ago
the thing about my friend eduardo social network is that because they did him like they did jesus a little bit a lot of people think he's a sweetheart and it makes little sense for him to be friends with mark based on their personalities. but actually mark and eduardo are more alike than you could ever imagine. and i think they're both in awe and jealous of the other for the things they manifest on the surface which the other finds are aspects of their personality that dont come to light naturally
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fakeoldmanfucker · 1 year ago
According to David Kirkpatrick in The Facebook Effect, the algorithm used to create Facemash could've come from chess (Eduardo) or fencing (Mark). I think it's likely that it was Eduardo, because Mark (and Dustin) consistently, if not often, try to downplay Eduardo's importance, and Kirkpatrick doesn't say anything definitive.
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reality-detective · 1 year ago
* * * Las Vegas Shooting * * *
Part 3
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On the Thursday night that followed, the White House press pool was unexpectedly called in to witness a “photo op” that was taking place with President Trump…and included various military officials & their spouses.
As cameras were rolling, President Trump said, “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm. Could be, the calm…the calm before the storm.”
As reporters shouted questions, he said,
“We have the world’s great military people in this room, I will tell you that. And uh, we’re gonna have a great evening.”
Then, when asked what he meant by “storm,” he ominously answered,
“You’ll find out.”
MEGANON, the anonymous 4chan poster that I referenced the other day posted this on 4Chan after Trump made his “Calm Before the Storm” warning...
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Then 👇
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It is interesting to point out that the very next day after Trump made his cryptic remark, a fire broke out at the Federal Reserve Bank Building.
Here is an excerpt from a 10/7/17 Zero Hedge article titled “Fire Breaks Out on the Roof of the NY Fed.”
“Dozens of firefighters are fighting a blaze which broke out on the top of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, NBC New York reports.
Contrary to recurring rumors that the fire was created from excess money creation, the FDNY said that a generator on the roof of the building caused the fire in a chimney, although the severity of the damage to the building is not known.”
☝️ Was it possible that Trump’s warning “You’ll find out” was taken seriously enough…that it lead to an emergency bonfire of incriminating documents right on the roof of the Federal bank building?
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Guess what happened after that???
On October 26th, 2017
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Funny that he releases the files on October 26th!! That’s the birthdate of Hillary Rodham Clinton!!
Reversing the curse!!
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By the way, October 28th is a date with a lot of significance.
By choosing this date,
God/Trump/The Alliance/White Hats are reversing the curses that were placed on our society by ((these)) people.
((THESE)) people are the Occult/Witches/Warlocks/Satanists/Luciferians/Illuminati/Jesuits/Crypto Jews/Khazarian Mafia/Banksters/Deep State/Cabal/Black Hats/Rothschilds/Rockefellers/Clintons/Bushes etc. etc.etc!!
Löök up famous people born on October 28th you'll get a better picture of what I'm saying. 🤔
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FUN FACT: Remember, Q started posting on October 28, 2017.
Facebook was originally launched as FaceMash on... you guessed it... October 28, 2003, (before changing its name to Facebook on February 4, 2004).
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The PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT began during the summer of 1943.
On OCTOBER 28th, 1943,
The Navy Destroyer—USS Eldridge—was placed in an electromagnetic field and disappeared…not only from the screens…but also from our reality.
During this second experiment, the ship disappeared from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.
Simultaneously, sailors stationed 375 miles south at the Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, reported the ship’s appearance for several minutes before it vanished.
Many believe that the USS Eldridge traveled through time.
Time traveling is a real thing and so is "Project Lööking Glass"
I hope this sheds some light on the Las Vegas Shooting Event, it was no random solo shooter acting out. It was all a staged event.
All links connected 👇
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werewolfcave · 5 months ago
oh well the website was called facemash. and he hacked a bunch of harvards networks to downloaded the yearbook photos of nearly every undergrad girl. and then put those photos on facemash, which would put two girls photos next to each other to have you vote on which girl is hotter, making an implicit ranking. this is the second scene of the movie btw
Hrm. 👎
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jamesusilljournal · 7 months ago
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From 'Facemash.', Ian Keaveny, 2024
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bilvy · 2 years ago
thinking about how eduardo was waiting for mark outside of his meeting after facemash
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kamreadsandrecs · 2 months ago
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wereoz · 1 year ago
tsn opening scenes w the breakup and facemash: mark is insecure and will destroy relationships when he is/feels rejected
me at the dilutions scene: woaghhhhhhh. how could i possibly have predicted this?
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ardentpoop · 2 months ago
you’re surprised that zuck is sharing his openly misogynistic views? mark “facemash” hot-or-not harvard frat zuckerberg?
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burnt-tortellini · 7 months ago
i hate mark zuckerburg but god he was real for live blogging while he first made “facemash”
me coded i fear
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henghost · 2 years ago
You're not really "true" amykin are you? Aren't you just an amy stan?
you people and your labels! it's an incredibly nuanced and complex and situation, but if i had to dumb it down for you i'd say it's a fluid relationship. when i get really high and engage in risky sexual behavior i'm an amykin, and when i use peri's facemash of my face and amy fanart as an inspo moodboard i'm an amy stan. you'd have to call it a "superposition."
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fakeoldmanfucker · 1 year ago
Friendly reminder Mark Zuckerberg actually snuck into/broke into one of the houses at Harvard to create Facemash. Not that any of you on here have any faith in his integrity, but I feel like more people should know this.
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ladylooch · 1 year ago
Here are few videos with Timo:
These 2 videos are part of a 7 episode of Facemash series the Sharks made for the 2019-2020 season. While Timo is pretty in all 7 videos, his face is used in episodes 3 and 6, so I linked those 2 videos
https://youtu.be/SoVyIi2Mvm0?si=eujmccmXCQXdgc4o Timo bumping into a ref while skating backwards (I was at this game and saw it happen fast)
https://youtu.be/5xVL5qIkJf4?si=KyGu-Zm1M-58fLx5 Timo's all-star interview in vegas in 2022
https://youtu.be/WiDS-G7Mgsw?si=1v1b5VYYaeEHM30g Timo teaching Swiss German words to Jacob Megna and Noah Gregor in Berlin during the Global Series in 2022
I am... in LOVE with his laugh. Like I want to hear that every single day. It's so genuine and giggly and he gets so squinty. I just... *happy sigh*
Timo has so much personality! I am sad so many of these are from before he was with the Devils... we need more new content of our boy 🥺
For the last one.. RUN to 1:09 in that video because I need someone to GIF that ASAP... I always write this in my T stuff because it is so sexy... but when he runs his tongue over his teeth as he is listening to the explanation??? FUCK 😏 WHEW it's so sexy. I can't. It really is the simple things.
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trentskis · 1 year ago
hear me out. lo celso looks like a facemash of azpilicueta and mount
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kennak · 1 year ago
シリコンバレーには、最初はあまり制限がなかったものが大きな注目を集め、その後大金が関与するとすぐにすべてが企業的で不毛なものになってしまうものを生み出してきた歴史があります。 楽しみがなくなったのも理由の一つです。 ユーザーが作成したコンテンツには危険が伴います。 ��度が必要です。 誰かがその言葉の最も広い意味に不適切��方法で自分自身を表現するかもしれません。 そしてそれは法的結果につながる可能性があります。 これによりコストが増加します。 楽しくてエッジの効いたものは、通常、不適切に近いものです。 または、ユーモアのセンスがない場合はまったく不適切です。 その違いは関係ありません。 誰かが気分を害する可能性がある場合、それは危険です。 それは弁護士を緊張させます。 もう一つの理由は、壁に囲まれた庭園を建設し、その壁の中にあるすべてのものの完全な所有権を主張することに執着していることです。 それは、トップダウンで認可されない限り、創造性が基本的に歓迎されない、ロックダウンされた体験につながります。 Facebook、Linkedin、Twitter などには、API と、その上に何かを構築する人々のエコシステムがありました。 彼らが成長するにつれて、それらはすべてなくなりました。 Facebook は、非常に不適切で未熟な行為を可能にするために始まったものとして、良い例です。 マーク・ザッカーバーグは実際、facemashと呼ばれる女の子を評価するためのプラットフォームを構築し始めました。 当時でも物議を醸し、彼はトラブルに巻き込まれた。 彼が次にやったのはFacebookだ。
シリコンバレーは楽しいという概念を理解していない | ハッカーニュース
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tboybot · 2 years ago
I used to fuck a Harvard man. Absolute weirdo.
He went to school with Zucc and said the only thing the guy was notable for among most of his class pre-FaceMash was that he’d be at parties and spend the entire night introducing and reintroducing himself around the room again and again to the same people like he hadn’t done it yet. Like James st James in Party Monster but with none of the sex. pretty neat
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