#facade repairs ny
reliancegroupnyc · 1 year
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noahbuilders · 2 years
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Star Shoes
"Things had been going so well for him lately. He should have expected the other shoe to drop. Or the metal pipe in this case."
In which Danny and his totally normal boyfriend who is definitely not Red Hood are abducted by cultists. Danny is super concussed, but he's got the spirit.
@deadonmayn Day 2: Jason Has Magic | Ritual | Danny and Jason are abducted by the same cult | "You were never monstrous to me."
AO3 Link
   One day! Danny had asked for just one day! One day free from ghosts and vigilante stuff! A single day off! Was that too much to ask?
    In retrospect, he should have known something bad would happen. Things had been going too well for him lately. 
   Six months ago he began his degree in astrophysics at Gotham University. Since moving to Gotham, Danny and his apartment had yet to be caught in any sort of rogue attack or crime. It was certainly odd considering he was living in the crime capital of the country, but Danny decided he would take it.
   Most of his classes were able to be taken online, which was much more accommodating for Danny’s schedule. Sometimes a baby ancient of space just had to stretch themselves out amongst the stars and let their form slip. Frostbite said it was important for his development. He even offered to write Danny a doctor's note, but something told him it wouldn’t go over well with the school. 
   Danny Fenton requires up to five days of star exposure per month or else he breaks out in fins and eyes that may cause you feelings of cosmic terror. Please excuse him from lecture.
   Yeah. That would work.
   He didn’t need a note if the lectures were online anyway.
   The online lectures were also easier for him on bad tremor days. Sometimes his legs would ache and shake and randomly lock too much for him to walk. It was so much easier to float on those days and just… let loose. His human visage had begun to feel too small and restricting. He could put up with it normally but it itched. It was harder to stay restrained when he also had to deal with the tremors. Luckily for him, the bad days had been decreasing lately.
    By far the best part of the past six months was Danny’s new boyfriend. Jason was great! Better than great! Jason was amazing! They had only been dating for a month but Danny swore if anything happened to Jason he would kill everyone in Gotham and then himself (again). He had a sharp way with words that never failed to make Danny laugh, and though he may seem rude and grumpy on the outside, he was secretly a big sweetheart. 
   Danny had once seen him cry because of a feral (possibly radioactive) Gotham rat that was “just too small”. 
   There’s really no repairing your facade after that.
   Truly, Jason was everything Danny could ask for in a boyfriend. Danny had worried that the questionable functionality of his legs would be a turn-off, but he had been pleasantly surprised. Jason never pushed him past his limits, in fact, he fought to keep Danny from doing so. On the bad days, Jason would make him soup and drape heating pads over his limbs. He would knead his knuckles into Danny’s muscles and press kisses to his trembling fingers. It didn’t make the bad days stop, but they became more bearable. 
   Danny was so lucky.
   So really, he should have expected the other shoe to drop.
   Or the metal pipe in this case.
   Groaning, Danny struggled to open his eyes. His head hurt like he had been doing shots for twelve straight hours and his mouth tasted like iron. He must have bitten his tongue. Or lost a tooth. They grew back so fast that it was honestly hard to tell. 
   Someone was talking.
   Someone needed to shut up. Danny hated that name.
   Vision swimming, Danny peeled open his eyelids. This… he was in a pawnshop? Why was he in a pawnshop?
   Jason is here.
   Hi Jason!
   “Hey, baby,” Jason huffed in amusement.
   Did he say that out loud? Fuck. He probably has a concussion.
   “I’d be surprised if you didn’t with all the blood on your head.” 
   Blood? Danny tries to feel his face for it but instead finds his hands bound behind his back. He struggles to free them, not accomplishing much besides wiggling around on the carpet like a sad worm. He pauses once for breath and then resumes his wiggling in earnest.
   Now hypothetically, Danny could just phase out of the restraints. One issue…
   Jason was completely in the dark about the whole Phantom thing. They had only been dating for a month and like- how could Danny even bring that up? 
   Hey, just so you know I’ve died before and I’m technically still dead depending on how you think of it? Apparently I’m also a baby god which is news to me too so if that’s distressing for you imagine how I feel! And while we’re at it, I should let you know that your entire concept of the afterlife is probably wrong. Enjoy that crisis!
   Okay, so Danny wouldn’t use those words exactly but that’s the gist of it. It’s some world-changing information and people have been dumped for less. Danny doesn’t want to scare Jason off!
   And even if he was fine after that conversation, what about Danny’s other form? The one that Frostbite keeps calling his true form? It was… a lot, and he hadn’t been joking about the cosmic terror. If he were being honest, Danny barely felt human some days. 
   Danny allows his head to fall back to the floor with a thunk.
   “Careful, darlin’,” Jason sounded concerned from where he was bound adjacent to him, “I think it's stopped bleeding. Don’t want you to open it again.”
   “It’s fine. Worse than it looks.”
   “...Do you mean better than it looks?”
   “Yeah, that. Head wounds bleed a lot.”
   It really was better than it looked. With Danny’s healing, it was probably entirely gone by now. 
   Jason looks like he is about to say something else when the backdoor opens. 
   In comes the most stereotypical cultists Danny has ever seen in his life. Actually, they were stereotypical but worse. The robes they wore looked plasticy and the black was off with a gross yellow undertone. Overall it was giving purchased off some shitty cheap website vibes. Like Wish. 
   They circle around Danny and Jason so perfectly synchronized that Danny knows they had to have practiced this. He imagines them running through their steps as if they were practicing for a dance recital. Did they have a choreographer?
   “Why would we have a choreographer?”
   Oh, Danny is speaking out loud again. Did he say the stuff about the robes?
   “What’s wrong with our robes?!”
   “I love you, baby, but I need you to shut the fuck up.”
   Understandable. Have a nice day.
   Danny passes out.
   When he wakes up again they are in a different room. Jason is struggling against a cloak’s hold and cursing up a storm in true Jason fashion. The cultists look a little worse for wear. The one holding his boyfriend looks like he might have gotten into a fight with a weedwhacker. 
   “Touch one hair on his head and I’ll fucking kill you!” Jason snarls.
   He’s largely ignored by the cultists who continue with their preparations.
   Danny finally takes stock of where he’s at. He’s still on the floor, but the carpet feels slightly different. The room is bare compared to the one they were in before. A desk and office chair are pushed against the wall to make room for the summoning circle. A summoning circle that Danny was currently resting in. As an offering. Great.
   Flashing lights distract him from their predicament.
   The guy closest to Danny was wearing light-up sneakers. Danny didn’t even know they made those for adults. Neat!
   “Hey man, where did you get your shoes?”
   He can’t see the cultist’s face but he assumes he’s raised an eyebrow with the way the hood crooks to the side.
   Danny genuinely wants to know! The lights look like little stars blinking in the darkness. He has to have them.
   Danny is about to ask again but is cut off by a loud curse. 
   Danny has to save Jason!
   He growls, eyes flashing for the briefest of moments before he can tone them down. Jason can’t know about Phantom. He’ll have to figure something else out. Actually, he might not need to figure anything out! Depending on who this circle summons this could be a nonissue. 
   Danny cranes his head to look at the circle. 
   Groaning, he allows his head to fall back against the floor for the third time that night. 
   This isn’t just any summoning circle. This is his summoning circle.
   He lifts his head again to double check and yup, these idiots are using him as an offering for himself. Great job. Gold star.
  This is both good and bad. Good because they are in no immediate danger outside of the world’s worst Grim Reaper cosplayers. Bad because Eldritch horror.
   If these yahoos actually go through with the ritual and summon Danny, he’ll be forced into his ancient form in front of Jason. Probably. Danny wasn’t entirely sure that the ritual would work in the first place what with him already being there.
   Danny spends too long thinking about the summoning logistics and not enough time actually stopping it. Before he can come up with a plan the cultists are chanting. He can feel the tug in his chest getting stronger and fins pushing against his skin. This was happening whether Danny wanted it to or not.
   “Jason, close your eyes!”
   “Danny!” Jason was still squirming in Weedwhacker’s hold and valiantly trying to get to Danny. His teeth snapped dangerously close to the cloak’s fingers. Ancients, Danny loved his boyfriend.
   “Trust me, Jason!” Danny yelled, choking down the mist trying to escape from between his shark-like teeth, “Close your eyes!”
   With one last glance to verify that his boyfriend’s eyes are squeezed shut, Danny lets go.
   His very being unravels.
   It feels good to be this big, no longer vacuum-sealed into a too-small bag. The fins along his tail flick, stretching now that they are no longer confined. The luminescent lights travel up and down them as if doing a calibration run. His body parts disappear into fine vapor whenever they move before reforming in their new positions. The very pulse of the universe thrums in his chest. He can feel so much. He can see so much. He lets out a cool, dead, misty breath.
   His eyes open.
   The screaming starts. 
   Danny grins, displaying his sharp teeth proudly. He flies through the air, knocking person after person to the ground. They fall like blades of wheat to a scythe, small and inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Just a speck in the eye of a giant. 
   Jason’s eyes are still closed. Good.
   Danny plucks him from Weedwhacker, setting him gently to the side. He can’t stop himself from getting into Weewhacker's face and screeching. He watches with satisfaction as he crumples to the ground seizing.
   The screaming eventually stops, the cultists catatonic on the carpet. Jason’s eyes are tightly shut. He’s breathing heavily, unmoving from where Danny had placed him. 
   Softly, ever so softly, Danny covers Jason’s eyes with his hands, careful not to prick him with his claws. He winds himself up tight, shoving himself back into his body like clothing in an overpacked suitcase. Gradually his claws shrink back into normal human digits. 
   His fingers shake with familiar tremors, still covering his boyfriend's eyes. Danny breathes shakily as Jason’s hands slide over his own.
   “Can I open my eyes now?”
   He swallows hard, mentally preparing himself. Jason’s going to leave. Jason heard the screaming and felt his claws. He’ll see the cultists and know what he’s done. Jason knows what Danny truly is and he is going to leave.
   “...Yeah,” it already sounds heartbroken as it leaves his lips.
   Jason’s hands take Danny’s with care, removing them from over his eyes. He blinks, surveying the room and Danny knows this is it. He’s waiting for the look of horror or sneer of disgust he has become so achingly familiar with. 
   Jason’s eyes meet his own.
   “Hey baby,” He presses kisses to Danny’s quivering fingertips with careful affection. Just like on the bad days…
   Danny sniffles, turning away with watery eyes and grit teeth. He wasn’t expecting this last scrap of kindness from Jason. 
   “No no no,” Jason squeezes his hands with gentle pressure. Not enough to hurt, never enough to hurt. “Look at me, Danny. Please?”
   Danny’s head pounds, his vision is blurry, his skin itches, and his heart hurts. He just wants this night to be over. But he could never deny Jason. 
    Jason smiles at him, hands coming to rest on his cheeks. He wipes a stray tear away with his thumb, smudging some dried blood away with it. 
   “There you are, handsome.”
   More tears race down Danny’s face. His voice cracks, “I don’t… I don’t understand.”
   “What don’t you understand, baby?” Jason asks, checking his hair for a wound that’s probably already gone.
   “You’re still here.”
   Jason pauses his minstations, “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
   “I-” Danny stops, addled brain thinking. Jason waits patiently for him to form the words, “I’m wrong. I’m not supposed to be like this,” Danny’s not sure how much sense he actually makes between the persistent concussion and rampant emotions, “I’m a monster.”
   The look in Jason’s eyes turned steely, “You're not a monster, Danny.”
   “No buts. You're not a monster. You wanna know how I know?”
    Danny remained silent, swallowing around the lump in his throat. Jason considers him for a minute then continues anyway.
   “I’ve seen monsters before. Monsters do awful things with only themselves in mind. Monsters go out looking for someone to hurt just because they can.” 
   Danny turns to look away again. It doesn’t matter that the timeline is gone or if he’s trapped in a thermos, the very concept of Dan will always haunt Danny.
 “Danny,” Jason redirects his attention, gently turning his face back to him. Danny’s not prepared for the pure unbridled devotion in his eyes.
   “You are the most selfless person I’ve ever met. You go so far out of your way to help others even when it becomes an inconvenience to you. It doesn’t matter if they are a stranger or not. Sometimes I worry you're going to get yourself kidnapped.” 
  Like today goes unsaid. Jason looks like he’s on the verge of tears too.
   “You were never monstrous to me, and you never will be. How could you possibly be a monster?”
   Danny sniffles again, leaning into his boyfriend’s touch. Jason readily accepts him into his arms, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
   “Sorry…” Danny finally mumbles into his… shirt? Whatever Jason is wearing feels hard against his cheek. Danny doesn’t really care. His head hurts too much to think about it, “I shoulda told you.”
    Jason quietly laughs, “Technically you still haven’t told me anything.”
   Danny nods solemnly, wiping the last of his tears away, “Complicated.”
   “Yeah, I get that,” he scoops Danny effortlessly into a bridal carry. 
   Danny yelps as the movement jostles his head. Jason makes a sound of apology.
   His boyfriend’s eyes scan the room again, “How about you explain it all to me when you're no longer concussed? Besides, I have some things I need to explain to you too.”
   “Sounds good,” Danny slurs as Jason walks them to the door.
   They are about to step over the threshold when Danny suddenly REMEMBERS.
   Jason startles, looking around wildly, “What?! What is it?!”
   “The shoes!” 
   “The shoes?”
   “Yeah! The shoes! The star shoes!” 
   “...do you mean the light-up sneakers?”
   Danny pouts at him but nods anyway, “The star shoes.”
   “The star shoes, then,” Jason easily confirms, “What about them?”
   “I need to take em.”
    Jason grimaces, “...Why? I can just buy you your own pair.”
   “No! It’s not the same!” Danny whined, “They summoned me using me as an offering. I didn’t actually get anything!”
   “Okay, I’ll go get his shoes-”
   “My shoes.”
   Jason laughs, setting him down on the table just outside the door, “Wait here.”
   Danny waits. His vision is still swimming in a blur of colors. Colors. He’s pretty sure he can taste colors now. The dull brown carpet is disgusting. 
   Jason remerges victoriously with star shoes in hand. Danny cheers, immediately making grabby hands. Jason passes them over with a look of mild disgust.
   “You ready to go now?”
   Danny bats his eyelashes, throwing his arms (and shoes!) over Jason’s shoulders and around his neck. He presses in to rub his nose against his boyfriend’s, “Take me home?”
  “Of course.”
Danny had the best boyfriend.
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senselessviolets · 5 months
"So come on, mess me up."
Cassian Andor x Fem!Original Character
Rated M (Smut/Angst)
Word Count: 4.1k
AO3 Link
Unprotected sex, age gap/difference, power imbalance, rough sex, oral (f recieving), taunting, lots of arguing.
Author's Notes:
Song title (and fic very loosely inspired by) "Come On Mess Me Up" by Cub Sport. I'd let this man snap me in half like a toothpick, what more can I say?
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Nyla Haccard is the 23-year-old daughter of a high-profile senator from Ralltiir and has secretly joined the Rebel Alliance fight against the Empire. She figures her overly-protective mother would annihilate her for joining the band of rebels, but Nyla knows she'd absolutely implode if she knew the kind of man her daughter had been working closely with for months now.
There was something delectably frustrating about him. It was innate as if his sole purpose in life was to throw me off balance. Our relationship hadn’t begun to take shape until we started being assigned to the same missions. We were efficient and always managed to get the job done relatively unscathed. Our case officer, General Draven, saw value in Cassian taking someone like me under his wing. I’d shown enough promise or they wouldn’t have recruited me in the first place. My family ties to the Senate gave me access that they couldn’t afford to lose. 
We represented Ralltiir, hailing from a long line of masons who became wealthy mining the endless deposits of marble embedded in the planet’s core. Regardless of what riches we’d come into; a long successful lineage was the truest indicator of wealth in the Inner Core. It’s why my parents shelled out every last cent they had to send me and my five other siblings to the finest educational institutes across the galaxy. My brothers and sisters all attended university on Coruscant. They dreamed of securing cushy jobs in the Senate all the while playing dress-up as politicians. I made a point of getting as far away from that way of life as I could, begging my mother and father to let me attend Theed University on Naboo. I’d said I wanted to pursue the arts and embrace my creativity. Of course, this was all a lie and a cover to join the Rebel Alliance in the fight to overthrow the Empire.
It was a relatively simple facade to maintain. Due to me being the ‘middle child’ and the most average of the family, I was able to fly under the radar rather easily. The vast amount of space in between us didn’t hurt either. I would have to take the occasional holotransmission and pray they couldn’t hear the loud metal clanking sounds of X-Wings being repaired in the background. Every family gathering—a bornday, Life Day, or some Imperial soiree—was an opportunity. At least that’s what General Draven told me back when I initially joined. Did part of me feel some intense pang of guilt in my stomach every time my mother would wrap me in a big embrace, knowing I was secretly siphoning intel off of her personal datapad? 
Of course. But that was a small price to pay for the cause. 
Gods know people had given up far more to get to where we are now. Cassian never let me forget that. Any hint of ungratefulness from me and he’d chew me out like there was no tomorrow. This latest briefing was no different. Me, him, and several other rebels were summoned at mealtime. We were meant to be discreet and to keep things strictly on a need-to-know basis which Cassian also hounded me for on the way to the briefing.
“...Draven means it, Ny. He does not want any chatter about this. It stays on the ground floor so no gossiping to your friends about it. Do you got it?” he chastises. 
“Oh, I’ve got it,” I say, my eyes finding their way to the ceiling, “Thanks for the much-needed reminder though.”
I pivot through the doorway of the mostly vacant strategy room. Draven, Vesti, Amon, and Zu-Lee stand waiting quietly around the holotable. A figure adorned in white walks into view, right out of the corner of my eye.
“Senator Mothma, I-I wasn’t expecting to see you,” I say, caught off guard by her appearance. 
Her presence was rare due to her being an incredibly busy woman but when she was here, you could feel it everywhere else. The energy becomes different. Things felt more certain and objectives became clearer. Mothma was more than pivotal; she was practically the lifeline of the cause.
“...how is your mother?” she asks, giving me a modest smile. 
“She is well,” I nod, “Thank you.”
Draven stands up straight, casting the blueprint of an unknown building onto the holotable. 
“Well, now that we’re all accounted for…let’s begin.”
“This is not gonna work,” Cassian mutters to himself, moments after exiting the strategy room.
I don’t think he had intended for me to hear him because when I intercept him in the hallway, Cassian feigns ignorance. 
“What did you just say?” I frown. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he says, even quieter.
“Don’t do that. Don’t be like that,”
“Don’t be like what?”
“Like a damn child! If you’ve got a problem with something, how about you speak up and come at it like an adult? Instead of this grumbly mumbly shit you love to pull whenever something doesn’t go your way,”
I can see something snap behind his eyes. I’m sure being deemed a child by someone so much younger than him had to be a major blow to his ego. He takes me by both shoulders and pulls me out of the flow of foot traffic and over to the side. We’re better secluded in the nook we find ourselves in. He briefly looks over his shoulder, ensuring we haven’t caused any disturbance. 
“I’ll have you know I didn’t have any expectations for this mission! Any! I didn’t know what base we were meant to infiltrate or which Imperial Officer we were supposed to track down!” Cassian says through gritted teeth, “How could I have any idea what this would entail?”
“Gods, you know what I mean. Just say you don’t think I can handle it. Just say you don’t think I’m good enough for the job—”
“You know that’s not how I feel!” “Then stop acting like that’s how you feel, asshole!” 
I storm away from Cassian, not giving so much as a glance back at him. But suddenly my movements are halted and I find a firm hand around my wrist. It’s tight, not enough to hurt or bruise but hard and swift enough to send a shockwave throughout the rest of my body. 
“Let go of me,” I say, lowly.
I hardly struggle. His jaw is clenched and brown eyes attempt to pry open my soul. We’re so close, that our breaths repel off of each other. A loose lock of umber-colored hair falls in front of his face—just above his eyelashes—and I try to suppress any sort of expression that follows. I’d be panting from the sheer tensity of the argument but pride tells me to keep it together. I can’t afford to unravel in front of him. Then I’d only be confirming his seemingly preconceived notions of me; that I’m not good enough. 
That I’m not cut out for the job. 
“Let go of me, you bastard!” I yell, far too loudly.
Silence overtakes the hallway and several passerbys stop in their tracks. I recognize one of them being a sentry from the recon-tower above base. He must be off for the night. I bet this altercation he’s just witnessed will worm its way into his and his pals’s topics of discussion in the Mess Hall later on. My mind is going a mile a minute. I can feel the blood thumping in my ears and the warm red hue that floods my cheeks. Embarrassment was an understatement. 
“I said, let go…” I say, sighing as he releases me. 
I speed off in the other direction, heading straight for my quarters. I don’t look back until I’m safe and secure behind the sliding door of my barracks. My heart still beats with vigor. A puff of air escapes my lips as I take a few steps forward and let myself fall face-first into my sleeper, groaning into my pillow. Cassian must really be that exhausting because, after a moment, I find myself drifting off. 
And away I go.
“Ny…Nyla? I-It’s me. Are you in there?” a haggard voice asks behind the door of my quarters, “Nyla?”
My eyes snap and I lift my head begrudgingly. 
“No, I’m not. Come back later perhaps?” 
“We need to talk. Sooner would be preferred,”
“Maybe I don’t care about what you prefer. Or what you want. So piss off.” I spit. 
The doors slide open before I even have time to react. I scramble to my feet as a silhouette–a mere blur in my peripheral—strides towards me. I pivot so I’m facing him. In my sleep, I must have shed a few layers. I’m only left with my bare essentials; attire he’d seen me in plenty of times before aboard his ship during particularly long journeys. I’m not entirely sure how much time has passed since we last saw each other but Cassian’s still wearing the same clothes. His jaw is clenched. There’s a fervor behind his eyes. 
Clearly, he came with an agenda.
“Oh, did you not hear me correctly? I believe I said…‘scram’,” I mock, making dramatic gestures in front of his face. 
“Enough of that,” he grunts, “You did a real good job making a fool of yourself back there. But then again, you’ve never been the most subtle, have you?”
“Subtle? You wanna talk about subtlety? How many bodies have I had to drag out of sight because you couldn’t show some damn trigger discipline, hm? And you want to paint me as the brash, impulsive one. That’s cute,”  
He paces across the room, letting his emotions drive his movement. 
“I should never have taken Draven’s offer. Evidently, it was a mistake. Us being assigned together. You’re impossible. You’re immature, spoiled, selfish, and have no grasp of what we’re up against,”
“Don’t you say that! Don’t you ever say that! I know what’s at stake. I know the risks. I’m not in it for the same personal glory you are. Who are you trying to impress seriously? No, seriously. Who? The other girls on base?” I scoff, “Please. If only you knew what they had to say about you,”
“I don’t care about that,” Cassian tries to convince himself.
I saunter closer to his position. His feet stay firmly planted. He doesn’t turn away. Our eyes are locked on one another. I don’t think I’ve ever held someone’s gaze for this long, much less a man’s.
“Sure you don’t,” I say in a drawl, “...y’know, it’s a big galaxy, Cass, but word travels fast. I know your type. I know how the second you see a married woman…you do cartwheels. You’re a complete and total skeeze. Through and through,”
Something shifts within him.
“...what else…what else have you heard about me, hm? Do you think a man like me…the type of man you think I am…would be able to stand this close to a beautiful woman and not be able to resist her?”
“W-Well, I’m not married so…I wouldn’t do it for you, I don’t think,” I say, lowly. 
I notice a stray piece of lint on the shoulder of his jacket. Nonchalantly, I go to brush it off of him but Cassian’s reflexes beat me to it. In a split second, his hand has encased itself around my wrist. His reaction startles me so much, that I laugh from the brief terror.
“Gods, would you relax! There was something on your jacket, I was just–”
“Don’t laugh at me like that.”
“...why not? I thought you didn’t care about what women thought of you. Mm, but maybe…maybe I’m the exception…am I just that irresistible, huh?”
I notice his eyes dart slightly down several times. It wouldn’t be until later that I’d realize he was fixated on my lips. His grip on my wrist doesn’t loosen but I’m not exactly itching to get him off of me. 
“Well…,” he begins.
“Well, what, Cass?”
“...aren’t you going to yell for me to let go?”
Ignoring the heat from somewhere deep within me, I decidedly pursed my lips, simultaneously sealing my fate. Leading the way, I pull us in the direction of my sleeper. He follows along as if my wrist were his guide. I sit on the edge of my bed, scooting back until we’re both completely on it. He props himself up with his free hand, pinning my hand to the mattress. A slight roll of my hips brings my thigh right into the front of his pants. This simple manuever has rendered him breathless it seems. Those frantic eyes don’t know whether to land on my own or my lips. I choose for him, leaning upwards into a firm but passionate kiss. His eyes flutter shut and I feel his lashes brush against my own. I swear I hear the slightest rasp of a whine in the back of his throat but before I know it—his two hands have found purchase on both sides of my face. He takes charge, his tongue ghosting across mine. I swear I feel lightheaded, even though I’ve done nothing strenuous enough to warrant such a symptom. 
“We…,” he moans in between kisses, “...we can’t be doing this,”
My lips find their way into the crook of his neck, grazing my teeth against the firm flesh. 
“Why?” I immediately challenge, “Because you’re older…because you’re my superior…because if they found out, they’d find the nearest moon and dump me there? No chance. They don’t give a shit. Are you even listening to yourself right now?”
“Less talking,” he says slowly, dragging his cold calloused hands up my stomach, “...fuck. You’re warm.” 
The fabric of my tank top catches on his fingertips and he pulls the shirt above my chest, exposing myself to him. Maybe a more decent man might take a delicate pace but Cassian wastes no time exploring my body. His hot wet mouth is everywhere. I don’t stifle my whimpers in the slightest. 
“It’s wrong….it’s wrong to want the things I want from you,” he growls, mouth full of flesh.
“What do you want from me then?”
In an instant, he’s off the bed and using my hips as handgrips to tug me to the very edge so my rear is hanging limp off of it, only held up by his shoulders. It’s a swift and seductive show of strength that I quickly try to take a mental snapshot of, knowing I’ll be thinking about it later. I wonder briefly if it's a technique he mastered over the years spent with many lovers. Beyond the obvious slick gathering between my thighs, my level of excitement only blooms at the thought of what else he might have in store.  He makes quick work of my bottoms, speckling my thighs with kisses all over as he traverses upwards to where I want him the most. Sometimes those kisses turn into gentle little bites. I practically squeal at the sensation, giggling as I feel him smile against my skin. I’m too shy in the moment to look down in his direction but I let my hand wander until I feel his umber locks, stroking softly when I find him. And then two chilled fingers run from the top of my mound downwards, pausing to circle my opening.
“This wet already, hm? What? Am I just that irresistible?” he playfully mocks me. 
I yank on his hair roughly in protest, to which I receive a light slap on my thigh.
“Hey. Behave,” Cassian says, dipping his tongue into me.
The whine that emits from my lips is so pathetic, that I expect him to give me a hard time about it—maybe do another hilarious impression of me. Instead, he has found far more productive uses for that mouth of his. That mouth I’ve wanted to slap him because of more times than I can count. The same one I’ve fantasized about absolutely devouring me ever since we first met. It was exactly as I’d imagined it.
The heat of his tongue, followed immediately by his cool breath as he inhales before diving in again. Before he inhales me. His head locked between my thighs, driving my lower half upwards as his strong shoulders rise. Clearly, his confidence is growing. I finally am feeling bold enough to look down. All I can see is a head of hair moving rapidly, desperate to keep up with the gyration of my hips. As if he can sense me looking down, he looks up, palming around for my other hand. I give it to him and our fingers interlock.
The intimacy brings me even closer to the edge. Before squeezing my palm tightly, Cassian then brings my hand to his scalp. For a moment I’m confused but then I realize that he wants me to use both of my hands to drive his head further into my cunt. So his hair momentarily becomes reins that I use at my discretion. I’m not gentle, but I’ve more than gotten the impression by now that he doesn’t want me to be. I’m erratic. I’m frenzied. I’m certainly not doing anything to dispel the “selfish” accusation he lobbed at me maybe ten minutes prior. 
That feels like a lifetime ago at this point though.
The pleasure growing from my depths is a warm and angry one. I didn’t know I could feel like this; I didn’t know I would like feeling like this. That same pleasure nearly spills over before Cassian positions me once again using my hips. This time he turns me over onto my stomach. The hand he has pressed into the small of my back keeps me in place. His other one is trying to free himself of his trousers desperately. Struggling to undo the buckle one-handed, I sit up, reaching back to offer him a hand of my own. My head bounces down onto the mattress as he swiftly pins both of my wrists to my back and with a grunt, manages to finally rip the belt and his pants off. 
“Not going to lie, I figure you’d make me finish,” I pant, “...but only so you could lord it over me ‘till the end of time,”
“Oh, baby. You think I’m done with you?” The combined use of baby and the intrusion of his cock entering me have me moaning wantonly. Cassian slowly bottoms out, jutting his hips so he’s as deep as physically possible. He’s almost flattened himself on top of me, the scruff of his beard prickling at my left ear. 
“Would the type of man you think I am go slow like this?” he coos, “Huh, baby? Or would he fuck you hard and rough like he paid for it?”
Cassian’s teeth nip the edge of my ear and I gasp. But the sudden punishing pace that he rails into me with practically has me winded. Every time he collides with my core, I’m left seeing stars. It’s indescribable. Like a flick of spark a flint and steel would give you. It’s hot and blinding and gone in an instant. Over and over again. 
“Touch yourself if you need,” Cass rasps, “but I’m not stopping.”
He gives me back one of my hands and I immediately go for my clit. My smaller more acute thrusts are a nice contrast to his more broad, all-encompassing ones. Meanwhile, he’s now moved on to grabbing my shoulders and using those to propel himself rapidly. It’s all so blissful and brutal. I don’t want it to end but I know if he continued like this for an eternity, I’d be broken down to a speck of nothing in no time.
It was almost a guarantee that I was going to be sore tomorrow. Future-Me was probably cursing the Present-Me for allowing him to go at it so hard but that was her problem to deal with. My only objective was to finish myself off before he could. I did not want to give that bastard the satisfaction. But the scent of myself in his facial hair made me realize what a lost cause that was. Before I know it, I’m spasming around him, cursing his name in a series of sobs. My mind goes blank and I’m pliant as he continues pushing into me. 
“Where d’you want me?” he says in a tone so husked I can barely understand him at first.
“Want you?”
“Want it. Where do you want it?” he reiterates.
“In me,” I murmur. 
“In you? Are you sure?”
“Did I stutter?” 
Cassian presses down on me hard as he cums and I groan. I can feel him throb inside of me. His hands now trace along my jaw, finally halting his movements whilst giving me a bit of reprieve. My quarters’ steady silence is soon deafening. We can hear everything; our rampant heartbeats, the wetness connecting us, the sound of skin simply brushing against skin. If he were a lover, it would be a beautiful moment. A moment of reflection, mutual understanding even. A reminder that what we were doing was okay and that we both cared for one another and we were safe.
With Cassian, these were partial truths. I have to suppress the part of me that wishes we were whole, that we had something beyond this shared neverending fight for survival. He gives me a feather-light kiss on the back of my neck. Something so tender that could only come from a partner. Maybe we could pretend. Maybe we would pretend. Show each other a brief devotion and chase off the doubts that swarmed us constantly. Outflank the regret and shame and make them both go darting off in the other direction.
Our greatest fears would fear us instead.
It was a nice escape from the happenstance. Is it strange that it wasn’t until this very moment that I fully processed Cassian being inside of me? Witnessing my most inner self. The man who I’ve wanted to punch more times than I can count. I burst out laughing at the thought. 
“What? What is it?” he smiles, lifting off of me.
“Nothing,” I giggle, “It’s nothing, it’s just…you.”
I turn over, sighing a sigh that could only be sighed from a girl who’d just gotten her brains fucked out. Cassian rolls out of my bed and I’m able to finally get a good look at his physique. He’s about as toned as I’d expect him to be and his chest hair is trimmed and neat. It’s a brief spell of sightseeing as Cassian is quick to redress. I hardly have the energy to make myself neat again, instead opting to use my bedding to obscure my lower half. Once I get the notion that he’s about to depart, I stop to query him. Not because I was hoping we would cuddle afterward (I never saw him as the type), but because I was curious what kind of shenanigans he was going to get up to before we’d have to leave in the morning. 
“...the U-wing. There’s some upkeep I have to do if we’re to make it off the surface successfully…for the mission,” he answers with a small smirk.
Color me surprised.
“W-Wait, so…you’re gonna let me go through with it? You’re not gonna blab to Draven like you said you would?”
“After having some time to reconsider…and to…cool off, I have had a change of mind,”
“Yeah, I wonder what spurred that,” I scoff, bringing the sheets up over my chest. 
“That’s not what I meant, Ny. I-I hold out on you sometimes…because I don’t want you getting hurt. Or killed. I have a lot I carry with me but…I’d rather not add you to that list if you know what I mean,”
I swallow thickly. Finally, some insight. Some clarity into this man’s thought process and psyche. But part of me questions if it’s unveiled itself too late. The damage was done. I lean forward and swing my legs off the side of the bed, looking up at him with doe eyes. He tenderly brushes a few stray locks of hair away from my face. 
“...t-that’s fine, Cass. But for this to work, I need you to believe that when the time comes and it's down to the wire and things are looking dark…that I’ll be able to handle it. Handle myself. Handle whatever gets thrown at us. I’d ask you to trust me but...we both know how little weight that word holds in this pursuit. So I’ll ask you instead…can you believe in me?”
A moment of stillness passes.
“Yes,” he says, firmly, “but that doesn’t mean I’m still not gonna do everything in my power to save your skin when the time comes. No matter how much you drive me crazy.”
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tintprosnyc · 4 months
NY Window Tinting: Enhancing City Living with Style
Window tinting has emerged as an essential element in enhancing city living in New York, offering a blend of style and functionality that resonates with the urban lifestyle. In this exploration of NY window tinting, we delve into its role in elevating city living with style, examining how it enhances aesthetics, improves comfort, and contributes to the overall quality of life in the bustling metropolis.
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Enhancing Aesthetics: The Intersection of Style and Function
In a city renowned for its architectural diversity and design innovation, NY window tinting serves as a catalyst for enhancing the aesthetic appeal of buildings and vehicles alike. From sleek skyscrapers to historic brownstones, tinted windows seamlessly integrate into the urban landscape, adding a touch of modernity and sophistication to the city's iconic skyline.
One of the key aspects of NY window tinting is its ability to complement a wide range of architectural styles and design motifs. Whether it's a classic pre-war building in the Upper East Side or a contemporary high-rise in Midtown Manhattan, tinted windows enhance the visual impact of facades while maintaining a cohesive design aesthetic.
Moreover, the customization options available with tinted windows allow for endless possibilities in architectural expression. Neutral tones such as charcoal and bronze offer a timeless elegance that blends seamlessly with any design palette, while specialty films allow for creative experimentation with patterns, textures, and colors.
Improving Comfort: A Sanctuary Amidst the Urban Jungle
In the hustle and bustle of city living, finding a moment of tranquility can be a challenge. NY window tinting offers a solution by providing a sanctuary from the chaos of the urban jungle, allowing residents and businesses to create comfortable, inviting spaces that foster relaxation and well-being.
One of the primary benefits of window tinting is its ability to regulate indoor temperatures and reduce glare, creating a more comfortable environment for occupants. By blocking out excessive heat and UV rays, tinted windows help maintain a consistent temperature throughout the day, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling.
Moreover, tinted windows offer privacy without sacrificing natural light or views, allowing individuals to enjoy the benefits of outdoor living while still maintaining a sense of seclusion. Whether it's a luxury penthouse overlooking Central Park or a cozy apartment in a bustling neighborhood, tinted windows create a cocoon of comfort where residents can retreat and recharge amidst the chaos of city life.
Contributing to Quality of Life: Sustainable Solutions for Urban Living
In addition to enhancing aesthetics and improving comfort, NY window tinting contributes to the overall quality of life in the city by promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship. By reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, tinted windows help create a more eco-friendly and sustainable urban environment for current and future generations.
One of the key advantages of window tinting is its ability to enhance energy efficiency by reducing the need for artificial cooling and heating. By blocking out excessive heat and UV rays, tinted windows help maintain a consistent indoor temperature, reducing reliance on air conditioning systems and lowering energy bills.
Moreover, tinted windows contribute to the overall sustainability of buildings and vehicles by prolonging the lifespan of interior furnishings and reducing the need for maintenance and repairs. By protecting against sun damage and fading, tinted windows help preserve the integrity and value of assets, ensuring a higher quality of life for residents and businesses alike.
In conclusion, NY window tinting plays a vital role in enhancing city living with style, offering a perfect blend of aesthetics, comfort, and sustainability that resonates with the urban lifestyle. From its ability to enhance the visual appeal of buildings to its role in creating comfortable, inviting spaces for residents and businesses, window tinting contributes to the overall quality of life in the bustling metropolis of New York.
As the city continues to evolve and grow, window tinting will undoubtedly remain a staple feature of its architectural and cultural landscape, reflecting the dynamic spirit and diversity of its residents. Whether it's the sleek facades of skyscrapers or the cozy interiors of brownstones, tinted windows add a touch of elegance and sophistication to city living, making it a more vibrant, stylish, and sustainable place to call home.
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sweettriumphperson · 1 year
Waterproofing Services Queens
Nuera Contracting is one stop solutions of brick roofing, waterproofing, siding, stucco, Masonry Services, Porch Railing Contractors custom builds for Commercial and Residential in Brooklyn.Waterproofing Services Queens
About Compny :-
 NuEra Construction is a family-owned construction company providing top-quality all types of general contracting services since 1999. Owners of homes and businesses in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Manhattan and Nassau County who value and demand exceptional professional craftsmanship and steadfast integrity Service may depend on us. Building Restorations & Constructions Services, All Kinds of Roofing, Waterproofing, Masonry, Exterior/ Facade Repairs and Renovations are all covered by NuEra Construction.
We provide complete building repairs and restoration services for commercial and residential buildings in accordance with New York City building codes, completing all projects on schedule and according to standards for resource efficiency.
Custom brick repairs and replacements, masonry, waterproofing, and roofing projects like all types of stone & masonry work are our areas of expertise. Restoration of landmark buildings, brick walls, parapet walls, and stone walkways. We can construct stunning outdoor walkways and driveways, as well as a stone masonry wall that will give your wine room a pleasing appearance, to improve your patios and backyards. Masonry and roofing repairs are completed on all of our projects with pride and grace. Additionally, we can handle any size masonry or roofing project; simply call us for a free estimate.
Click Here For More info.:- https://nueranyc.com/
Location :- Brooklyn: 8851 20th Ave Brooklyn NY 11214, USA
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nueranyc · 1 year
Commercial Masonry Services
if you are looking Waterproofing Services, Commercial Masonry Services, Residential Masonry Services and Block Work Services Nassau County NY, Visit here nueranyc.com. Commercial Masonry Services
About Compny :-
NuEra Construction is a family-owned construction company providing top-quality all types of general contracting services since 1999. Owners of homes and businesses in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Manhattan and Nassau County who value and demand exceptional professional craftsmanship and steadfast integrity Service may depend on us. Building Restorations & Constructions Services, All Kinds of Roofing, Waterproofing, Masonry, Exterior/ Facade Repairs and Renovations are all covered by NuEra Construction.
We provide complete building repairs and restoration services for commercial and residential buildings in accordance with New York City building codes, completing all projects on schedule and according to standards for resource efficiency.
Custom brick repairs and replacements, masonry, waterproofing, and roofing projects like all types of stone & masonry work are our areas of expertise. Restoration of landmark buildings, brick walls, parapet walls, and stone walkways. We can construct stunning outdoor walkways and driveways, as well as a stone masonry wall that will give your wine room a pleasing appearance, to improve your patios and backyards. Masonry and roofing repairs are completed on all of our projects with pride and grace. Additionally, we can handle any size masonry or roofing project; simply call us for a free estimate.
Click Here For More info.:- https://nueranyc.com/
Location :- Brooklyn: 8851 20th Ave Brooklyn NY 11214, USA
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Beekeeping Equipment
Apis bee supplies based in Ireland supplies all types of beekeeping supplies and equipment that help honey beekeepers to make their business grow.Beekeeping Equipment
About Compny :-
NuEra Construction is a family-owned construction company providing top-quality all types of general contracting services since 1999. Owners of homes and businesses in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Manhattan and Nassau County who value and demand exceptional professional craftsmanship and steadfast integrity Service may depend on us. Building Restorations & Constructions Services, All Kinds of Roofing, Waterproofing, Masonry, Exterior/ Facade Repairs and Renovations are all covered by NuEra Construction.
We provide complete building repairs and restoration services for commercial and residential buildings in accordance with New York City building codes, completing all projects on schedule and according to standards for resource efficiency.
Custom brick repairs and replacements, masonry, waterproofing, and roofing projects like all types of stone & masonry work are our areas of expertise. Restoration of landmark buildings, brick walls, parapet walls, and stone walkways. We can construct stunning outdoor walkways and driveways, as well as a stone masonry wall that will give your wine room a pleasing appearance, to improve your patios and backyards. Masonry and roofing repairs are completed on all of our projects with pride and grace. Additionally, we can handle any size masonry or roofing project; simply call us for a free estimate.
Click Here For More info.:- https://nueranyc.com/
Location :- Brooklyn: 8851 20th Ave Brooklyn NY 11214, USA
Social Media Profile Links-
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nycerny · 1 year
The captivating architectural landscape of New York City is a testament to its rich history and grandeur. However, the passage of time and exposure to harsh elements can take a toll on the facades of buildings, dimming their once glorious allure. Facade restoration plays a pivotal role in reviving these structures, preserving their historical significance, and ensuring the safety of occupants and passersby. Also, In this blog post, we will explore the significance of facade restoration specialists in New York and how their expertise brings new life to the city’s iconic buildings.
Exterior restoration contractors in NYC are highly skilled professionals with expertise in renovating and preserving the facades of buildings. Their comprehensive knowledge of different architectural styles and construction materials allows them to undertake complex restoration projects with precision and care.
New York’s iconic facades are not just brick and mortar; they are symbols of the city’s rich history and cultural heritage. Facade restoration specialists play a crucial role in preserving this history for future generations. Moreover, By utilizing meticulous restoration techniques, they breathe new life into weathered exteriors, ensuring that the city’s architectural heritage stands tall for decades to come.
4. Ensuring Safety and Structural Integrity
Facade deterioration can pose serious safety risks to building occupants and passersby. Cracks, loose masonry, and other structural issues compromise the building’s stability. Moreover, Facade restoration specialists carefully assess and address these concerns, reinforcing the structure and making it safe for inhabitants and visitors alike.
5. The Facade Restoration Process
The facade restoration process involves several crucial steps, including:
Thorough inspection and assessment of the building’s exterior condition.
Identification of areas requiring repair and restoration.
Cleaning and removal of accumulated dirt, grime, and pollutants.
Repairing damaged masonry and replacing deteriorated materials. Additionally,
Application of protective coatings to shield the facade from future environmental damage.
Facade restoration specialists in New York are custodians of the city’s architectural legacy. Their dedication to preserving the unique facades of iconic buildings not only elevates the aesthetic appeal of the city but also ensures the safety and structural integrity of these structures. Through their meticulous craftsmanship and expertise, they breathe new life into the past, revitalizing the heart of New York’s architectural heritage for generations to come. So, if you have a historic building in need of restoration, don’t hesitate to seek the services of these skilled professionals to keep New York’s architectural marvels standing tall and proud.
Contact us at 212-279-0000 today or Use our quote form to submit all details of your project. Also, Get your Free Estimate – https://nycerny.com/quote/
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reliancegroupnyc · 2 years
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noahbuilders · 2 years
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The Art of Landmarks Exterior Restoration
Introduction: As the leading brownstone restoration contractor in Brooklyn and Manhattan, Innovation Construction NY takes great pride in preserving the beauty and charm of historic brownstone buildings. With decades of successive commitments and a track record of delivering quality work, our team specializes in landmarks exterior brownstone restoration, brick facade restoration, masonry, brick pointing stucco, and waterproofing. In this post, we will delve into the importance of preserving these architectural gems and the services we offer to ensure their longevity.
Celebrating Architectural Heritage: The historic brownstones of Brooklyn and Manhattan are not just buildings; they are treasured pieces of architectural heritage. Our restoration work aims to honor the rich history and cultural significance of these landmarks, breathing new life into their facades while preserving their original charm.
Expertise in Brownstone Restoration: At Innovation Construction NY, we have a dedicated team of skilled craftsmen with deep expertise in brownstone restoration techniques. From meticulous brickwork and intricate stonework to seamless mortar matching, our professionals employ the highest standards to deliver outstanding results.
Brick Facade Restoration: The exterior brick facades of brownstones are prone to weathering and damage over time. Our restoration services include expert brick cleaning, repair, and replacement, ensuring that the facade retains its structural integrity and visual appeal.
Masonry Excellence: We understand the art of masonry and its crucial role in brownstone restoration. Our experienced masons excel in restoring ornate cornices, window sills, lintels, and decorative elements, meticulously replicating the original design while using durable materials for long-lasting results.
Brick Pointing and Stucco: Brick pointing is essential to prevent moisture penetration and maintain the stability of brownstone walls. Our team performs precise brick pointing techniques, seamlessly matching the original mortar color and texture. Additionally, we offer stucco application services, providing an extra layer of protection against the elements.
Waterproofing for Longevity: Water damage is a common issue faced by brownstone buildings. Our comprehensive waterproofing solutions ensure that your property remains protected from water intrusion, preventing structural deterioration and potential mold growth.
Conclusion: Innovation Construction NY is committed to the meticulous preservation and restoration of historic brownstones in Brooklyn and Manhattan. By combining our expertise, craftsmanship, and commitment to quality, we help property owners maintain the beauty and integrity of these architectural treasures for generations to come. Contact us today to learn more about our services and experience the transformative power of our brownstone restoration expertise.
Remember to customize the content to reflect your company's specific values, services, and achievements.
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Facade restoration plays a central role in your external building maintenance construction. Professional facade repair and cleaning can remove built-up damage and protect against future problems. Read our top four reasons why you should prioritize brownstone facade restoration.
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#1: Facade restoration increases property value #2: Help fix weather-induced damage #3: Prevents costly future repairs #4: Identifies important facade priorities Your building facade plays a central role in the aesthetic value of your property. An up-to-date, well-maintained exterior makes a strong first impression that bolsters your reputation and attracts profitable tenants and customers.
By including proactive brownstone facade restoration in your building maintenance construction, you can preserve these benefits while lowering the cost of facade repairs over the long term. Keep reading to find out more about our four top reasons why you should consider facade restoration in Brooklyn, NY.
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Preventive maintenance for your facade involves decisions about the appropriate cleaning methods and products to use. Because every facility is unique, maintenance should be customized based on a number of factors such as building size and materials, geographic location, and types of property damage to be addressed.
TYPES OF PREVENTATIVE FACADE MAINTENANCE SERVICE IN BROOKLYN, NY Metal restoration brings back the color and luster of assets including anodized aluminum, stainless steel, and copper, and adds a layer of protection against future damage.
Window frames become facade restoration or develop an unsightly chalky appearance. When addressed early, proper maintenance techniques restore the proper color and sheen. High-performance paints can update the appearance of window frames or conceal permanent damage.
Professional glass restoration corrects etching, hard water damage, oxidation, and other problems that cannot be addressed by cleaning alone. Window glass is vulnerable to hard water and moisture buildup, ultraviolet light, extreme temperatures, and precipitation. It also takes abuse during manufacturing, distribution, and construction.
Brownstone facade restoration contractor includes cleaning and sealing to protect against future damage. Other stone maintenance services include power washing, vandalism or graffiti removal, and removing efflorescence from brick surfaces.
One of the reasons why facade restoration contractor is all too easy to neglect is that most of the damage accumulates slowly, over months or even years, rather than from a single, dramatic event.
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Characteristics of the building, including age, construction materials, and texture Volume and type of traffic patterns The local climate, including hot or cold temperatures, high winds, and precipitation Salt and organic deposits in coastal regions like Brooklyn and New York City Soiling and pollutants build up over time and may include acid rain, industrial emissions, or environmental oxidation
Extensive deterioration hurts the value of your property and can become a safety hazard. It’s also more difficult and more expensive to fix the longer you wait.
Soiling from dust, dirt, and other debris doesn’t just degrade the appearance of your building. It also conceals structural defects like deterioration, corrosion, fractures, and cracks, so they’re more likely to remain undetected. Harmful water penetration can weaken the structure, increasing the risk of mishaps including falling debris or even facade failure. You may also be held liable for injuries caused by accidents in which neglected damage was a factor.
Regular inspections by a trusted service provider are the first step toward making facade restoration in Brooklyn a routine part of doing business instead of something you put off until later.
Look for surface damage such as warping, cracking, loose screws, building settlement or shifting, and water leaks. Check all building openings which could be a source of water leakage, such as doors, windows, and vents. Identify structural damage that could cause leaks or moisture build-up, including cracks, disappearing sealants, and pollutants. Inspect for damage to roof elements including copings and flashings, as well as debris clogging gutters, downspouts, and drains. Keep detailed records of all inspection findings along with the results of prior maintenance and repair activity.
Do you have questions about facade restoration for your facility? Contact Captain Renovation & Contracting Inc Specialty Services today! We have a Great Reputation with three decades of experience as a brownstone contractor providing excellent service in Brownstone facade restoration, masonry repointing, and cornice repair contractor. We also serve related general construction services like Roofing Restoration, Brick Pointing, Cement Plaster, Waterproofing, Stucco Renovation, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Remodeling, Conice Replacement, Cornice Repair, And Paint Contractor in Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York.
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stucco1 · 3 years
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Why You Need a Stucco Contractor For An Effective Finish
When they are trying to decorate their homes with stucco or other siding projects, many homeowners often overlook the importance of hiring a qualified and dependable stucco contractor. Some might think that a novice easily accomplishes the job of painting or staining. This might be true in some cases, but the process required to get the final product is not straightforward in most cases. The result is a damaged surface with uneven color. Such damage can occur if the finishing compound used is not of good quality or wrong ingredients are used in mixing the stucco.
A Stucco contractor should be consulted when there is a problem with the drywall or plastering of interior walls. Drywall problems can occur when there are cracks in the drywall, the wall is uneven in shape, the joint between the drywall and the plastering is rotten, or the wall has been completely gutted. A skilled contractor can check whether all these conditions are present in the house before proceeding with the repair. If any of these are the case, they will suggest remedial action.
Stucco Contractor Las Vegas have different approaches to different jobs. Some specialize in only wall finishing, while others work on complete structures such as facades, porches, and exterior doors. Therefore, it is essential to hire a contractor with the right expertise and who is experienced in finishing houses. The contractor should know about various stucco products such as joint compounds and be familiar with different paint techniques. The contractor should also be familiar with the various types of finishes available for the exterior surfaces.
Stucco is a mixture of Portland cement and sand. It is used as a building material that can prevent water from entering the interiors of homes. While stucco has many positive effects, it can also cause damage if not installed correctly and maintained properly. If water penetrates the surface, it may cause damage to the structure of the house. Moreover, excessive moisture can also cause structural damage to home improvement.
The main reason why stucco contractors are necessary is that many people use stucco in their houses. It is seen on walls, ceilings, doors, and windows. However, it is not advisable to use it for other purposes as it might cause harm to the structure and health of the people residing inside the house. It is recommended to get a new siding done once in a while. Many homeowners prefer to use vinyl tiles on the walls and roofs.
A stucco contractor is important because they provide quality services at reasonable rates. For example, getting a licensed and insured stucco repair contractor is essential to avoid damage or injury to you and your property. You can look for licensed and insured contractors online. Once you have their contact number, you can call them, and they will respond to you within 24 hours. Besides providing quality service, licensed and insured contractors also offer a guaranteed finish on stucco installation.
There are different types of stucco materials that you can choose from. In addition to wood, there are also ceramic tiles, ceramic blocks, and natural stones. Each one has its properties, so you should know the specific requirements of the job you want to have done before buying the materials. For example, wood is more suitable to be used for exterior walls. However, you can also use stone and clay for interior stucco installation. Although it costs more initially, it will last for a long time because wood is a natural product, whereas ny cement is artificial and will quickly degrade.
Moreover, it is best to consult a professional stucco expert before you start the stucco installation work. Although you can purchase any cement from hardware stores, you should ask the experts about the stucco materials that are suitable for your home. A reputable stucco expert can help you get the perfect finish for your home exterior walls without compromising on the price.
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sweettriumphperson · 1 year
Roofing Services Brooklyn
Nuera Contracting is one stop solutions of brick roofing, waterproofing, siding, stucco, Masonry Services, Porch Railing Contractors custom builds for Commercial and Residential in Brooklyn.Roofing Services Brooklyn
About Compny :-
 NuEra Construction is a family-owned construction company providing top-quality all types of general contracting services since 1999. Owners of homes and businesses in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Manhattan and Nassau County who value and demand exceptional professional craftsmanship and steadfast integrity Service may depend on us. Building Restorations & Constructions Services, All Kinds of Roofing, Waterproofing, Masonry, Exterior/ Facade Repairs and Renovations are all covered by NuEra Construction.
We provide complete building repairs and restoration services for commercial and residential buildings in accordance with New York City building codes, completing all projects on schedule and according to standards for resource efficiency.
Custom brick repairs and replacements, masonry, waterproofing, and roofing projects like all types of stone & masonry work are our areas of expertise. Restoration of landmark buildings, brick walls, parapet walls, and stone walkways. We can construct stunning outdoor walkways and driveways, as well as a stone masonry wall that will give your wine room a pleasing appearance, to improve your patios and backyards. Masonry and roofing repairs are completed on all of our projects with pride and grace. Additionally, we can handle any size masonry or roofing project; simply call us for a free estimate.
Click Here For More info.:- https://nueranyc.com/
Location :- Brooklyn: 8851 20th Ave Brooklyn NY 11214, USA
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