#fabian sobers
ratqu33n · 8 months
oh my god so many thoughts about the new episode
The contrast between Fabian and Riz really fucking kills me. Like Riz's mom is working herself to the bone trying to find a way to help him pay for college and has to have this hard conversation with Riz before school starts because it's just that important that he starts thinking about scholarships and jobs and stuff. In stark contrast with Fabian's mom who not only got married while he was away (presumably without telling him), but also left immediately all whilst giving him exponentially more things to deal with in her absence. Like I know it's funny that Fabian apparently doesn't even know where glasses are in his own home but it's kind of really sad to me. This guy is eighteen years old and doesn't know how to do anything for himself. He has to start applying for colleges soon and has to learn how to feed himself and be a person and all these basic things all at the same time. The whole theme of the season seems to be just exhaustion so far but Fabian's whole family life just makes me really tired for him.
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whirlwindsworld · 8 months
I just keep seeing this image of Fabian in my head. This young man who so desperately seek affection and happily soaks up praise–
Standing in a massive empty house. Wandering from room to room. There’s so many rooms. Quietly drinking his milk from a glass he hunted down. He puts himself to bed. This will be the next year of his life.
He’s 18 and he just saved the world. He’s 18 and he killed his father. He’s 18 and he’s so tired. He’s 18 and maybe he deserves a long proper hug from his mom. He’s 18 and he needs to keep smiling as she leaves. (It barely feels like she was here.) He’s 18 and he’s writing his name on the face of the world. He’s 18 and his father would be proud of everything he had done in lieu of his summer vacation. (It’s not what he was worried about.) He’s 18 and he’s his father’s son. He’s 18 and he is his own man. (He was meant to be his mother’s son too.)
He’s 18 and of course none of it hurt. (She said she would start doing better.)
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kareenvorbarra · 2 years
I just started fantasy high sophomore year and I really hope we get more hallariel content this season because I can’t stop thinking about her. what is her deal? what is up with her taste in men? what is her relationship with fabian like when she’s not completely out of it?
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scalpho · 1 year
you'd think fabian would catch a break after bill's death but the second bill clocks out of giving fabian intense ominous speeches (sometimes borderline threats) embedded between "my darling boy"s and "i love you"s, hallariel comes out of 16 years of perpetual drunkenness into sobriety to clock IN to doing the exact same thing. first time we see her sober she threatens to duel fabian to the death. AND gilear is his stepdad. just L after L on the parental front for fabian aramais
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icemorgan10 · 5 months
Yo not to be a depressing angst loving bitch but someone should make an edit of Fabian to Elenor’s speech about her mom in the good place
Cause god his mom was drunk for the first fucking 16 years of his life, leaning so heavily on his dad for parental attachment and love (and that’s a thing in itself I don’t have time to get into) only for bill to die and the moment THE FUCKING MOMENT she actually gets sober and he starts to get to bond with her and explore this elven side of himself. He is forced to go on mission after mission exhausting himself only to return home probably excited to finally spend sometime with him mom that he’s only know getting to know but oh wait fuck she leaving with her new fiancée leaving him absolutely alone in a huge home, and let’s not forget she wasn’t even calling him in the fucking MONTHS she’s been gone, and now after all that ALL OF IT he has to contend with the fact that she’s probably pregnant with a child and fully elven child who will have legitimately forever to spend with their mother HIS MOTHER but one who finally is stable enough to be a real mom to them but not him.
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queencaramilflinda · 4 months
Ankarna really said: “what injustices have you faced bc you had no power to make change? what injustices did you cause that you would like to make right? What kind of restorative justice would make you feel better about the situation?” and most of the PCs were just like “idk. it’s in the nothing I can do about it now” instead of. you know. taking the opportunity to finish their season arcs.
Fig should’ve brought justice to her mom by summoning her and telling her that she knows about Bobby Dawns abuse and grooming, and then reassure her mom that that was not her fault and a deep injustice in her life. Maybe then they would ask Ankarna to kill Bobby Dawn (bc also he was aware of and on board with the Porter/Jace scheme?? did we all just forget that??) or give Sandra Lynn the chance to move on.
Kristen said the stuff about her parents was in the past, but for her brothers it’s still incredibly current and real. She talks about wanting a sister but she has 3 brothers she abandoned when she escaped her parents. She could have addressed that injustice by summoning her brothers or altering a memory with them where she told them about how she felt trapped with her parents and how oppressive Helio could be and how she found something so much more freeing, tell her brothers to come with her or give them a chance to spend more time with her. (or could have talked about being failed by Bobby Dawn for no reason!)
Fabians scene with his dad was fine but it was a plot point that’s kind of already been resolved a long time ago. He feels like his father put pressure on him to follow in his footsteps, we spent 2 seasons on that already. Why didn’t he call for his mom, express anger abt the injustice of her emotionally neglecting him for his entire childhood through her addiction and then getting sober and immediately physically neglecting and then effectively replacing him with another child?
Adaine could have talked to Aguefort or the Wizard teacher about the classist injustice of making the wizard students pay so much money for materials, something she resolved for herself but is still going to be a problem for students in the future.
Riz had the right idea of talking to his friends but I wish it had been more the injustice of him having to support them all the time while also being a full time student and in all the extra curriculars because he couldn’t afford college otherwise. Yes he pushed his friends but also like. when you have ADHD (like Kristen and Fig and I do) that kind of push can make all the difference. (he also could have talked about the injustice of college costing so much and having to get perfect grades and do all the extracurriculars.)
IMO Gorgug was the only one who really understood the assignment. It wasn’t about smiting whoever hurt you it’s about recognizing that change can’t be made without having the passion and drive to make it happen. Ankarna is the manifestation of righteous anger and new beginnings, the embodiment of “if not now then when? If not me then who?” But with the exception of Gorgug none of the Bad Kids really dealt with this theme. There’s a very real middle ground between egotism or anger for the sake of anger, and forgive and forget/complete complacency with the way things are.
I just feel like there was a perfect opportunity to tie up loose ends, finish character arcs, and summarize the seasons theme through these scenes that didn’t happen.
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deconstructthesoup · 6 months
I've seen some good ones floating around, so here's my take on a Fantasy High Swap Class AU:
Adaine: She's a College of Creation bard, something that stemmed from needing something to keep herself sane growing up in the Abernant home. She channeled her studies of the cosmos and magic into songs, and she actually managed to pass herself off as a Conjuration wizard... until she got found out and sent to Aguefort. Luckily, it's the perfect place for her to hone her craft, and she winds up becoming an incredibly well-known songwriter---more on the indie folk side of things than punk rock, but still. (And she does also become the Elven Oracle, if only by accident.)
Kristen: She starts out as a Zealot barbarian under the Church of Helio, but it doesn't take long for her faith to waver, and she eventually falls into the unpredictability and beautiful chaos of the Path of Wild Magic---and eventually multiclasses into an Oath of the Ancients paladin, inspired by claiming Cassandra as a deity. She's got a lot of righteous fury and craziness at her disposal, and she's never gonna back down from a fight.
Fig: While still keeping her rebellious attitude, she decided to still accept the girly side of herself when her horns grew in and be more pastel-punk (kinda like K Tanaka), and she embraced her devil side by becoming a Trickster Domain cleric---specifically, a cleric of Asmodeus. She's still a lover of disguises, a shameless flirt, and has a shaky relationship with the truth, but it's cranked up to eleven due to her serving a deity of all that. She does eventually multiclass into being an Alchemist artificer, which is... just as chaotic as you might expect.
Riz: He's still a detective at heart, of course, but he winds up using his smarts and sneakery to become a School of Illusion wizard. This actually makes him perfectly suited to being the guy who's always trying to figure out the truth, even if his disguise habit is almost as bad as Fig's sometimes, and he takes on his secret-agent style way earlier than in canon. He's not strictly lawful---he's a big fan of finding out loopholes---but he's definitely the team's designated "smart guy."
Gorgug: His subclass was the hardest to figure out, but I decided he would be good as a Cavalier fighter---his martial prowess is still focused on helping and supporting his friends, regardless of whether it's through rage or skill. Eventually, though, he gets inspired by Adaine's creative ways of using magic and multiclasses into a College of Valor bard. And yes, he uses these skills in part to become a band member of hers. Fig is also part of the band.
Fabian: And last but not least, our Fabian got inspired by both Cathilda and a much more sober Hallariel to become a Swashbuckler rogue. His story is kind of an inverse of canon, with him learning from his mother and mother figure more than his father---partly due to the fact that Bill died before canon in this---and gaining a lot more pride from that (and yeah, that includes him introducing himself as "Fabian Seacaster, son of Hallariel Seacaster, the greatest swordfighter who's ever lived!"). But after his Bad Day, he realizes that there's worth in appreciating what his father has to offer, and he becomes a Fiend warlock of Old Bill---Pact of the Chain, of course, so the Hangman can be his familiar.
So, uh... yeah!
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3rdsleeper · 7 months
r/s fics rec list!
(simplified by highly specific tropes)
remus does not want sirius paying his rent and sirius is having a normal one
inflations, invitations and flirtations by mblematic
summary: The Li-Lo at Lupin's. In which plenty of people crash on Remus' air mattress after Hogwarts, and Sirius isn't jealous at all. complete - 9k
practical oddities by lurikko
summary: Regulus needs a place to stay, Remus needs to get over Sirius. It’s August 1979 and things are getting out of hands. complete - 47k (ok this one technically they do live together, but its not necessarily remus' first choice iykyk please read it)
how remus got his groove back by RealityShowJunkie
summary: Remus Lupin becomes king of the cockroaches, Fabian Prewett writes a book, Gilderoy Lockhart is a catfish, and Sirius Black realizes he's a fucking idiot. complete - 42k
the son and heir of nothing in particular by aeridionis
summary: Remus is nineteen and tired, now. And he knows that if he and Sirius were ever going to become anything—if Sirius loved Remus the way Remus loves, and will probably always love, him—it already would’ve happened. complete - 23k
frog and toad aren't friends anymore by swordfishtrombones
summary: “Some people just aren’t good flatmates. I wasn’t trying to say I liked Adrian and Mary better than you, or whatever you’re thinking.” Sirius runs a hand through his hair and squints at the streetlight, twisting his mouth like Remus is truly hopeless. “It hurt,” says Sirius, “my feelings.” complete - 10k
an episode of skam (in the sense that remus is avoidant dismissive /j /j)
the lord of desperate longing by reyghost
summary: Sirius has a lot of feelings, Remus has his own issues too, and James is a very good best friend complete - 13k
and only felt good while moving by aeridionis
summary: The summer before university, Sirius falls in love and throws a punch and then he makes a friend. complete - 17k
SHAME by wiltedtddaisy (taotu)
summary: Sirius has some figuring-things-out to do. He’s not sure if Remus helps or makes things worse. complete - 82k
angle of doubt by mblematic
summary: The Map had been going missing. Or—not missing, exactly. Sirius always knew where it was; Remus had been spiriting it away. Which, it should be said, was fine. Really. complete - 9k
a bird at your door by moongnome
summary: Of pub quizzes, old films, Chinese takeaways, broken arms, and impassioned discussions of literature: Remus is confusing, and Sirius is just trying to figure him out. complete - 31k
if you're the bassist, and i'm the lead singer, then who’s flying this plane?
the cadence of part-time poets by motswolo
summary: After losing his mother at age eleven, Remus has spent the better part of the last four years bouncing from school to school or else running around London and pretending as though he wasn't the kind of well-bred boy his father brought him up to be. Now, with his chances all run out, Remus is sent to Hawkings Independent School as a last-ditch effort to clean up his act. There he meets the very people who will set up the rest of his life, and is forced to confront the pieces of himself he'd long thought had been lost. complete - 979k
dress up in you by MsKingBean89
summary: Sirius attends a charity rock gig organised by his best friend's girlfriend, and the tall, quiet bassist catches his eye... complete - 88k (ok sirius is not in a band in this one but please just go with it)
sirius black & the six by BellaBabe
summary: Remus shrugged. “Not much for the spotlight.” “Right,” Sirius drawled. “I bet you’re also not much for the rock ‘n roll perks.” Remus tensed, sparing Sirius a scathing glance. “I’m sober now.” Sirius quirked a brow in disbelief. complete - 79k
saturday nights and sunday mornings by SoupyGeorge
summary: A story about music and family, the price of fame and finding love somewhere completely unexpected. (its an arctic monkeys au) complete - 121k
sirius black learns the meaning of true love. remus lupin does too but in a much more put together and chill way
a series of sketches done in black ink by musntgetmy
summary: Sirius had always imagined the aftermath of falling in love would mean lightness, and an escape from all the horrors of his childhood. But the past never leaves, and even love can't stop bad memories from resurfacing. complete - 57k
dissonance by renaissance
summary: Remus searches for solace in all the likely places, but somehow he keeps coming back to Sirius Black. Featuring sad acoustic indie, spearmint gum, and irresponsible usage of social media. complete - 4k
the time when you were mine by renaissance
summary: the walk from Grimmauld Place to Parliament Hill is just under an hour, but it's easier going at four in the morning complete - 9k
as red as hearts and autumn by Rosie_Rues
summary: it's the autumn of sixth year, theres a flu epidemic at Hogwarts, and the Blacks want their heir back. complete - 43k
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dullgecko · 1 month
Maybe a bit of a sad one but does this count as a headcanon?? might put this on my d20 sideblog
Fabian acts like the only reason he hates the idea of a baby sibling is because of Gilear, but really it’s because of Hallariel. He loves his mama so much -he really does- but she was also uninvolved and drunk throughout almost all of his childhood. So he - he’s not scared exactly, but this feeling of worry and jealousy just kind of, hangs over him in a way that looks like disdain to everyone else.
He doesn’t want to talk about it, he’s thought about telling Jawbone or Cathilda but everyone around him seems excited. The feeling hangs over his head… over his eye, where his scar is, that serves to remind him of the day his father died, the day his mother woke up. Lived. Changed. After sixteen years. He thinks about when he was born, when she first(?) changed, but for the worse. He wonders if when the baby is born she’ll change again, for the better?
The jealousy spikes. Why couldn’t he have that version of mama, the version that lived for him, not just loved him (and he knows she did love him) drunkenly from the sidelines, who tried for him, who was there for him, to anything for him.
What if she changes for the worse? What about this baby? What if- it’s more of the same? What if she checks out again for good? He will NOT stand for Gilear trying to raise this thing. He doesn’t think— he knows Cathilda would try, she always has, but maybe it’s not fair to her. Could he… try to raise this child? He doesn’t know if he would. Well of course he would if he had to, he’d feel bad for the little creature if he didn’t try, but…
The feeling of doubt sits in Fabian’s chest, shallow and uncomfortable. Worry and jealousy make him ache. He hates the idea of a baby sibling.
He puts on a front about hating the idea of it, but as soon as that baby arrives he's going to love it more than anything else in the world (ive had my sibling for five minutes and if anything happened to them i'd kill everyone in this town then myself).
The fear is probably two-fold, either he's worried that his mum will check out again as soon as the baby is born (leaving Cathilda, himself and gods forbid GILEAR to raise the poor thing even though he does have a proven track record of raising awesome kids) OR she'll be an active sober participant in this kids life.
He's not sure which is worse, the first one would suck because he only JUST got his mother acting like an actual person instead of a tipsy decoration. The second stings so much worse though, because it becomes a question of 'why wasnt I good enough for her to be like that with me'.
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fangirlingpuggle · 7 months
Half asleep fantasy high time travel AU idea where bad kids are still adventuring team as adults a big bad they’ve fought manages to get away and decides to take an Arthur Aguefort approach and use chronomancy to fix their problems taking on the bad kids while they’re still kids before they start the Aguefort adventuring academy or more accurately on their first day.
So, as the bad kids are arriving, they all suddenly get attacked and are of course freaking out (Golden horde is also freaking out because this is not his plan)
However, before they can hurt any of them cur future bad kids showing up and wrecking shit all the first episode before detention bad kids seeing their badass older adult selves and then either
Bad kids have to stay in past to catch bad guy and protect younger selves as this chronomancy has gone multiverse theory and they only have a one-way trip back so cant lave til bad guy is caught.
Adaine: So we’re definitely in separate time line right?
Kristen: I mean Aguefort’s exact words we’re ‘no consequences you can go apeshit’
Adaine: Awesome *Instantly starts kicking shit out of her parents after wrapping her younger self and Alewyn in a blanket passing them Boggy*
Riz totally shots Goldenhoard, while him and Kristen are yelling out ‘HEY KALINA YOU BITCH SHOW YOURSELF’ Kristen having Cassandra’s power and kinda just going and speed running whole Nightmare king thing. Also her picking up her younger self and siblings up while her goddess appears just to flip off her parents.
Fabian’s younger self not being a fan of his older self being a bard… until Fabian kicks his ass while on his way to go get his bike for this timeline.
Younger Fig being so confused by the fact older Fig is Gilear's biggest fan and Gilear also super confused and trying not to cry because his daughter clearly isn’t going to hate him forever and he was sure she would. Fig also going to younger self like ‘Hey please stop with the transforming self you don’t need to it’s all good… hey maybe check out Leviathan for no reason’ she totally teasing her younger self because I have the best girlfriend ever.
Gorgug setting his homunculus on coach daybreak and also porter also sending a van after them to run them over.
They need to keep younger selves safe so scoop them up and throw them in the hangvan and take them to the future with them to keep them safe.
Cue all the freshman bad kids seeing how their lives are
Adaine seeing she has a family that loves her, Jawbone giving his daughter the biggest hug emotional to see her as she was when she was younger and Alewyn just uber protective over her baby baby sister and Adaine not believing she’s so loved.
Fabian shocked to see his older self as a bard (And he may have tried to sneak in and sue the weird elven sheet his older self has used not that he will ever admit it) but also his mother is sober… and a total badass. He also
Fig seeing herself with a good relationship with all her parents (also for some reason all her and her friends love Gilear) also she has a paramour whose a fucking amazing phoenix who younger Fig keeps tripping over herself to flirt with (disguising herself as her older self) Ayda thinks this is humorous older Fig is amused but also Hey get your own paramour.
Riz meeting his older self who is a badass with tattoos and so many friends. Also he works with angels. He is totally awestruck.
Kristen being shocked by how different her older self is and having a lot of realizations about herself. Also, her new goddess is the coolest and really happy to talk things through with her (Cassandra wants to keep her in this timeline, and is trying to figure out a way to break the timelines so she can get her as her prophet in the other timeline to without all the nightmare king stuff she’s the goodness of mystery she’s sure she can do it)
Gorgug meeting his older self whose a barbarian and an artificer and super smart and has a homunculus called Chloe and is so confident and smart.
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wlwinry · 4 months
Since gorgug canonically struggles with disassociation and derealization and stuff (nightmare king forest), and fabian’s mom was kind of fully out of it for most of his life (most likely because she didnt want to put all that effort and emotion into a child that would die, given what’s going on w/ gilear), I do think a fun angst idea would be like. Gorgug tries to go in the sensory deprivation egg because it’s a seacaster party and it’s loud as fuck and sleeps there, and then wakes up and is like. Oh wow we were dating? is this real? I thought I imagined that.
and their breath smells of alcohol because everyone had alcohol last night and Fabian kinda freaks out
yeah that would fuck fabian up intensely. hallariel neglected him and abandoned him repeatedly throughout his childhood and adolescence and less than two years into being sober immediately started doing so again so i tend to hc that he has an. interesting relationship w substances where he doesnt actually enjoy them? but thinks he Has To for similar "bill seacaster's fucked up standards" reasons.
so someone he loves--gorgug, someone he's IN LOVE WITH going into the sensory deprivation egg drunk (although i believe it was destroyed in canon?) and emerging w the scent of alcohol hanging over them would scare him pretty badly, esp w the "i thought i imagined that." bc in his eyes it's like oh. everyone is leaving again even gorgug and gorgug is just ???? wait this is real why is fabian freaking out he practically ran away. excellent mishmash of angst and various traumas rubbing up against each other
keep the thistlecaster ideas coming people if i run out im gonna have to write that tangled au...
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Sometime in senior year Fabian and Fig insist on sneaking into a Bastion city college party with Ragh
Long headcanon/fic prompt post below
They try to get the others to join but Gorgug is too busy doing barbificer stuff, Kristen is working on high priestess campaigning stuff, Adaine just isn’t big on partying but agrees to pick them up once they get too drunk because she does not trust Fabian and Fig both on the Hangman while drunk off their asses, and Riz just flat out refuses to go to any party not thrown by Fabian after he went to one in junior year and accidentally drank a drink dosed with snuff powder (don’t ask how) and almost got more terrible tattoos and literally refused to get up in the morning his headache was so bad, but insists on giving Fabian a super high tech earpiece walkie talkie thing so he can talk to Fabian in case something happens (something he started doing after a party where they got separated and Fabian chucked his phone into a pool on a date and Riz almost had a panic attack because he couldn’t contact Fabian or find him), Fabian and Fig take that as an excuse to party as hard as they possibly can without any good influences around
Fig does just so much drugs she’s truly trying to live up to her rockstar title and completely forgets she’s trying to be sneaky so everybody knows that famous 17 year old high school dropout rockstar archdevil Fig Faeth is at this college party two hours away from where she lives
Fabian is very careful when it comes to drugs (his fathers entire crew and his father himself were high about 50% and it was fun but not his vibe so he treads carefully around that stuff) so he takes as little as he can while still coming off cool, he’s less careful when it comes to alcohol but sticks to beer and the occasional whiskey (somebody brought wine and he resolutely refuses to try it), does actually remember they’re trying to be stealthy but just doesn’t care, ends up challenging a 22 yo barbarian college senior who called him shrimpy to a game of chicken in the pool (he wins but that’s mainly because Ragh kicked the shins of the guy beneath the barbarian dude)
At some point Fig and Fabian just fucking full out spar on the roof, it’s a hazard to the entire house but everyone’s fucking loving the show so nobody’s complaining, it ends with them rolling off the roof into the pool
Jawbone lectures them for two hours afterwards because they stumble in at like 6 am reeking of drugs, alcohol, magic (Fig accidentally teleported into hell at some point nobody knows how but Fabian ritually summoned her back), and for some reason pool water, accompanied by Adaine, who tried her best to get them to sober up but they were going until she finally got there at 4 so they were still pretty hazey when they got in, and Riz, who was just trying to not get lectured by Jawbone for being up at 2 am by pretending he was only up to get Fig and Fabian, only to have his hair braided a million different ways by the time they got home
Jawbone insists on dropping Fabian off at Seacaster Manor so he doesn’t “keep the party going,” as Fabian described it when he attempted to whisper to Riz about his plan when he got home, Cathilda makes him a hangover cure that tastes disgusting but works wonders and her and Jawbone end up chatting over their chaotic kids while trying to get Fabian to go to sleep (because yes at some point Cathilda just started claiming Fabian as hers)
It unintentionally serves as great press for the next Fig and the Sig Figs album that comes out a week after the incident when a bunch of people start making edits of Fig dancing on tables at the party to the album (those edits eventually serve as inspo for her music video)
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sixthsensewulf · 3 months
The parents of Fantasy High. .
The very chaotic wholesome Thistlesprings. Honestly Gorgug has such a loving home. Yes his adopted parents don't really understand him fully, but they full on support him with his studies. They definitely helped him on projects during Junior Year. They help him work on the van. The tree is a safe haven, like nothing happened to them during Freshman Year prior to Prom..... They cleaned house. They have a tank... And now multiple machines that Gorgug won't bother going there.
I still feel like Gorgug's biological parents are close with the Thistlesprings. He has healthy relationships on both sides.
Applebees. . .. They deserve what hopefully will be coming to them. And I hope Kristen gets her brothers out of that house. She doesn't need to convert her brothers to Cassandra or Ankarna or the Pantheon I believe she will set up. But talk to them enough to see that there are other ways of worship, and there isn't a wrong way of doing that.
Halleniel - I think that's how you spell her name... Honestly the ongoing bit of the new baby was very funny but in character terms it's heartbreaking. She was pretty much drunk and absent from Fabian's life while he was growing up. The only time Fabian saw her sober was HIS FATHER'S FUNERAL. Then the whole Junior Year thing happened. Halleniel went travelling, and yes communication goes both ways, but it was mainly Gillear that contracted Fabian... Her having a child, yes in my head Fabian becomes a beloved brother to this sibling and the rest of the Bad Kids also become the family to this kid. Like this kid will live longer than Fabian. . Maybe. . Halleniel doesn't want to bury her kid. .
Then again . .BILL SEACASTER... The Father that the Bad Kids need. .. like yeh he is chaos. .but he loves his boy. He loves Fabian. The whole conversation with Fabian at the end of Junior Year made my heart hurt. Bill taught the Bad Kids how to fight.... How to protect each other.... How to fight for each other. How to become not only an adventuring party but a crew. And a Crew is family.
Jawbone... What more can I say about the best parent in fantasy High . . Like he cares soo much about all the Bad Kids. He wants them to succeed. He was the one that suggested The Last Stand-ard. He goes along with the Bad Kids to help protect them, offers advice. He cares about Kristen. He doesn't ask questions about the Bad Kids schemes but just goes with it, knowing that they will be safe since they have each other.
Sandra Lynn - the messy bitch. Honestly she is changing and I love that for her. She is a mess. She has trauma.. she is growing from it. She cares about Fig and the rest of them. She was there for them in Sophomore Year. She helped again in Junior Year.
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scalpho · 11 months
truly sucks that when fabian finally gets his blessing from bill to not be his carbon copy it's still got the caveat of "write your name on the face of the world". you don't have to be me, but you still have to be great. truly sucks that when fabian finally gets some kind of closure from his father, his mother gets sober and comes barrelling in with threats of duels to the death. back to square one
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satur1day · 5 months
No but genuinely Fabian being upset about potential new siblings makes me so sad. Cause it’s not just about him being an only child. It’s about him being an only child how was a victim of neglect from one of his parents. (And the other definitely had problems too)
Fabian loves his mamá and always has and but I don’t think he really knows that she loves him. Like logically she has told him she love him she has told him this repeatedly but she hasn’t really shown that to him.
Right when she started to get sober (or at least drinking less) and being more present in his life—which only happened because his other parent died and she was nearly killed which may not have happened if she was sober at the time—she gets remarried, goes on a long honeymoon (that may just end with her living in fallinel again), and starts talking about having kids.
Kids that would be full elf. Kids that are likely to be raised at least after he’s gone in fallienel and will be immortal. Kids that won’t remind her of her dead husband. Kids that won’t die in the blink of an eye to elvish lifespan. Kids that won’t miss on a majority of their formative years with their mother. Kids that will receive her full attention (because he asked her to be more present in her life).
Fabian just wanted to actually get to know his mother. He had a year with her and then she left and started planing a new life. Even if she includes him in that life he won’t live long enough to really be a part of it.
Fabian and his mother make me so sad.
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indigo--montoya · 1 year
I'd like to request drunk partners meme for the WIP Wednesday game please.
I ended up not writing any more but I think it's finished so here
"Fiiiiiig," Fabian slurs, leaning towards her and landing on her shoulder. "I have a secret." 
Fig stares back at him, eyes blown wide. "What is it?" 
"You gotta promise you won't tell anybody. Especially Riz." 
"I can't." Fig pouts. "I've gotta tell Ayda. I tell her everything." 
Fabian considers this for a moment, slumping further. "Well. As long as you only tell Ayda." 
Fig nods. "Only Ayda. Cause she's perfect and smart and beautiful and she won't tell anybody either." 
"Okay." Fabian pushes himself up, solemnly looking Fig in the eyes. "I have a crush on Riz," he says. "Like a really big one. I think maybe I'm in love with him." 
Fig nods solemnly. "AYDA! FABIAN LIKES RIZ!!" 
"Shhh! You gotta tell her quiet!" Fabian whispers, louder than regular talking. 
"Sorry," Fig whispers back, just as loud. "Ayda! Fabian likes Riz!" 
"Really?" Ayda says from directly across the table. "I had no idea." 
"That was good," Adaine says next to her. "You've gotten a lot better at sarcasm." 
Ayda doesn't smile, but she tilts her chin up. "Thank you." 
Fabian stares at Riz forlornly. "The Ball, why are you all the way over there?" 
"Where else should I be?" 
"Right here. Next to me." 
"Maybe you should be here next to me." 
"It's so far away though." 
Riz sighs, taking pity on his boyfriend, and slips underneath the table. There's barely time for Fabian to gasp in horror before he reappears, climbing into the seat next to him. 
"The Ball!" Fabian says, delighted. "You're here!" He reaches for Riz, pulling him halfway into his lap. "I love you." 
"Hey!" Fig cries. "You said it was a secret!" 
"It's my secret so I can tell him." 
"Fine." Fig narrows her eyes. "Riz, how did you get over here? I need to get over there." 
"I crawled under the table," Riz says. "But you should really get out and– oh, never mind." 
After bumping into the table legs twice and swearing loudly and creatively for half a minute, Fig finally wriggles up in between Adaine and Ayda. She glances between them, eyes huge. "Hey, Fabian? Can I tell Adaine too? I didn't say it before cause we're not dating, but she's also perfect and I wanna tell her." 
Behind Fig's back, Ayda and Adaine exchange glances. Fabian squints at Fig. "Fine. She can't tell Riz though." 
"She won't!" 
"Fig?" Ayda says before she can yell about Fabian liking Riz again. "If you want to date Adaine as well I'd be happy to have a talk about it. She's one of my best friends and very attractive and Jawbone said dating more than one person is perfectly normal as long as you all know and consent. However, you will need to be sober." 
Adaine, who has been turning steadily more pink as Ayda talks, speaks up. "I mean, I'd certainly be willing to date one or both of you. I don't know that I'd want it to be romantic, but a queerplatonic relationship would be lovely." 
Fig looks between the two of them, eyes growing impossibly huger. "I can have… two girlfriends?" 
"I don't see why not." Ayda looks at Adaine. "Especially if I can as well." 
"Yeah!" Adaine pushes a lock of hair behind her ear. "I mean, let's talk about this when we're all sober, but yeah, that sounds great." 
Fig smiles extremely wide and passes out. 
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