#fa: toga himiko
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ripheart: a private, selective and exclusive multimedia multimuse. troubling themes will be present on this blog due to the nature of the various source materials. follow at your own risk. [ as adored by vic. she and her, 22, eastern standard time. ] please read all pages prior to interaction. personals and minors do not interact. activity changes with muse and real world events.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ atsushi. kanae. pinterest.
currently featuring yuno grinberryall of black clover.
this blog operates on low activity. most of my time will be spent on my single muse blogs. PLOTTING IS REQUIRED TO INTERACT WITH SOME OF MY MUSES. in general, please do not follow me if you do not intent to or are unable to create and maintain pre-plotted dynamics.
rules and regulations.
one. vic, 22, she and her. two. this blog is low activity, low effort and inspiration based. i write here when i feel up to it and don’t bother with graphics unless i feel like it! three. don’t be a bigot. don’t press me for replies. don’t be an asshole. the basics. four. multis, specify muse or i will not respond. five. pre-plotted dynamics are preferred. i will not be entertaining spontaneous dynamics on this blog. i just don't have the brain or energy for it. six. i remove those who make no effort to interact after being mutuals for a prolonged period of time. i also remove individuals who repeatedly leave me on read or on delivered. seven. only one starter will be posted per individual blog. once you reply to the starter, it becomes a thread, and you’re welcome to another starter. but i won’t have three unreplied to starters for everyone anymore. eight. the only posts that are reblogable from me are in character content. do not reblog content that is not yours to reblog. do not interact with threads or asks that are not yours to interact with. reblogging my headcanons and ooc posts will get you blocked very quickly. nine. idk this is just my silly little blog and i’m here to do silly little things and have fun.
character roster.
⋆ norogami : iki hiyori. ⋆ black clover: noelle silva, mereoleona vermillion, yuno grinberryall. ⋆ hell's paradise: tao fa, yamada asaemon sagiri. ⋆ my hero academia: toga himiko, yaoyorozu momo. ⋆ bungo stray dogs: tsujimura mizuki, yosano akiko, miyazawa kenji. ⋆ doctor stone: amaryllis. ⋆ castlevania: trevor belmont. ⋆ various comics: laura kinney, kyle rayner, karolina dean, donna troy, mark grayson. ⋆ original: otawara michiyo ( kny ), sasaki maiya ( bnha ).
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#AO3 Feed Link#☠️#AO3 Togachako Plus#♧#Togachako#Izuocha#🎈#💉#⚢#⚤#R:M#W:D#W:S#A:Fa Jin100#Mental Illness#Angst
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MHA Chapter 349 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
tagline 死柄木の元へーーー急げ‼︎ しがらきのもとへーーーいそげ‼︎ Shigaraki no moto e---isoge!! To where Shigaraki is---hurry!!
1 浮遊と発勁発動 セブンスとサードはつどう SEBENSU (kanji: fuyuu) to SAADO (kanji: hakkei) hatsudou “Activate the Seventh (Float) and Third (Fa Jin).”
1 擬似100%ならすぐに…! ぎじ100%ならすぐに…! giji 100% nara sugu ni...! “If I use Faux 100% I can quickly...!”
2 早く…! はやく…! hayaku...! “Faster...!”
3 速く‼︎ はやく‼︎ hayaku!! “Faster!!” (Note: The kanji switch here is suspicious, because this word is a homonym for “earlier.”)
4 動転してるな どうてんしてるな douten shiteru na “Don’t get upset.”
5 判断が曇ってるぞ はんだんがくもってるぞ handan ga kumotteru zo “Your judgment will become cloudy.”
1 或いは あるいは arui wa “Or”
2 俺の異能を使おうとしたか? おれのいのうをつかおうとしたか? ore no inou wo tsukaou to shita ka? “did you try to use my meta ability?”
3 ……はい “......hai” “......yes.”
4 その選択肢は そのせんたくしは sono sentakushi wa “Those options”
5 最後に取っておけと言っ��筈だ さいごにとっておけといったはずだ saigo ni totte oke to itta hazu da “I’m sure I told you to save them for the end.”
6 OFAの強化と共に俺たちの異能も強化されている ワン・フォー・オールのきょうかとともにおれたちのいのうもきょうかされている WAN FOO OORU no kyouka to tomo ni ore-tachi no inou mo kyoka sarete iru “Along with OFA’s strengthening, our meta abilities also were strengthened.”
7 その結果 そのけっか sono kekka “As a result,”
8 あれは極めて特異な力へと変貌した あれはきわめてとくいなちからへとへんぼうした are wa kiwamete tokui na chikara e to henbou shita “that transformed into an extremely special* power.” (Note: This word tokui I believe is the word used for “singularity point” in the canon.)
1 行ったね…! いったね…! itta ne...! “So he went...!”
2 良かったわ よかったわ yokatta wa “Thank goodness.”
3 緑谷ちゃんはこの子を無視できないだろうから みどりやちゃんはこのこをむしできないだろうから Midoriya-chan wa kono ko wo mushi dekinai darou kara “Midoriya-chan probably can’t ignore this girl (literally ‘child’).”
4 人が大事にしまっているモノを暴かれるなんて ひとがだいじにしまっているモノをあばかれるなんて hito ga daiji ni shimatte iru MONO wo abakareru nante “For her to reveal those whom [other] people cherish...”
5 もう mou “That’s”
6 いい ii “enough.”
7 出久くんもお茶子ちゃんも梅雨ちゃんも いずくくんもおちゃこちゃんもつゆちゃんも Izuku-kun mo Ochako-chan mo Tsuyu-chan mo “Izuku-kun and Ochako-chan and Tsuyu-chan,”
8 大好きだけど だいすきだけど daisuki da kedo “though I love you,”
9 もういいよ mou ii yo “I’m through with you.” (Literally “That’s enough already.”)
10 なりたい自分になりたいの なりたいじぶんになりたいの naritai jibun ni naritai no “I want to become the version of myself I want to become”
11 私は私が当たり[...] わたしはわたしがあたり[...] watashi wa watashi ga atari[...] “I will [...] according to my [...]”
12 ねェ? neE? “Right?”
1 私はトガヒミコ わたしはトガヒミコ watashi wa TOGA HIMIKO “I am Toga Himiko.”
2 ヒーローはいらない HIIROO wa iranai “I don’t need a hero/heroes.”
3 だから消えてねさようなら だからきえてねさようなら dakara kiete ne sayounara “And so you disappear, farewell.”
4 いやだよ! iya da yo! “No way!”
5 私も私の当たり前を全うする わたしもわたしのあたりまえをまっとうする watashi mo watashi no atari mae wo mattou suru “I will also complete what is obvious to me”
6 麗日お茶子として! うららかおちゃことして! Uraraka Ochako to shite! “as Ochako Uraraka!”
1 ちょっと前の事なのに ちょっとまえのことなのに chotto mae no koto na no ni “It was a while ago, but”
2 懐かしい光景だ なつかしいこうけいだ natsukashii koukei da “it’s a nostalgic scene.”
3 俺は保須のあの戦いを見て おれはほすのあのたたかいをみて ore wa Hosu no ano tatakai wo mite “I saw that battle in Hosu”
4 動き始めたんだ うごきはじめたんだ ugoki hajimetanda “and began to act.” (Literally “and started to move.”)
1 あぁ…ごめんな?自分語りしちまって あぁ…ごめんな?じぶんがたりしちまって aa...gomen na? jibun gatari shichimatte “Ah...sorry huh? I got to talking about myself.”
2 また俺を見てくれなくってよ またおれをみてくれなくってよ mata ore wo mite kurenaku tte yo “Don’t keep looking at me.”
3 テンション下がっちまってさ テンションさがっちまってさ TENSHON sagacchimatte sa “The tension’s gone and dropped.”
4 三男と さんなんと sannan to “The third son and”
5 側近3人 そっきん3にん sokkin sannin “his three aides.”
6 これが俺に対する答えかってさ これがおれにたいするこたえかってさ kore ga ore ni tai suru kotaeka tte sa “So this is your answer to facing me then.”
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1 環境を変えたい かんきょうをかえたい kankyou wo kaetai “I want to change the environment.”
2 壊したい こわしたい kowashitai “I want to break it.”
3 黙認されあちこちに…蓄積されてきた歪み もくにんされあちこちに…ちくせきされてきたゆがみ mokunin sare achikochi ni...chikuseki sarete kita yugami “The distortion that is acknowledged here-and-there and has been accumulated;”
4 超人社会の限界 ちょうじんしゃかいのげんかい choujin shakai no genkai “the limit of a superhuman society;”
5 それが俺 それがおれ sore ga ore “That is me...”
6 …俺たちだ …おれたちだ ...ore-tachi da “...is us.”
7 ……
8 生きてたなら いきてたなら ikiteta nara “If you survived”
9 何で帰って来なかった…! なんでかえってこなかった…! nande kaette konakatta...! “why didn’t you come back home...!”
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1 知りたいか?じゃあ しりたいか?じゃあ shiritai ka? jaa “You want to know? Then,”
2 教えてやる おしえてやる oshiete yaru “I’ll tell you.”
3 腐っても兄ちゃんだしな くさってもにいちゃんだしな kusattemo niichan da shi na “Even rotting, I am your big bro.”
4 俺が荼��になった経緯… おれがだびになったけいい… ore ga Dabi ni natta keii... “The background of how I became Dabi...”
5 最高傑作以上の熱を おまえいじょうのねつを omae (kanji: saikou kessaku) ijou no netsu wo “[how I gained] a heat greater than that of you (the greatest masterpiece),”
6 絶やすこと無く生きてこられた理由を たやすことなくいきてこられたりゆうを tayasu koto naku ikite korareta riyuu wo “the reason I have lived without being extinguished.”
tagline 復讐の火元ーー今語られる ふくしゅうのひもとーーいまかたられる fukushuu no himoto---ima katareru The flame origin of revenge---now he tells it
#my hero academia leak translations#bnha 349#mha 349#my hero academia manga spoilers#final showdown spoilers#i have got such a Second OFA meta incoming#also the potential plot twist#ohhhhh boy
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Chapter 1: Preparing for a normal show (Muppet!Various x GN reader)
A/n: Ah! Hello reader! This is one of my first fics so I apologize if it's not that great lol! Anyways this will be a reader x various fic so multiple muppets will be into you, it won't a big part of the story tho-
I want to make this into a longer, full story/ fic but I'm not sure, so for now this will just stay as a lil onshot/ pilot chapter to get to know people :)
(Also, Himko Toga from MHA exists in here for some reason, mainly because I love Toga and will include her in anything and everything haha)
Anyways, enough with my ranting, let's get on to the story! I hope you enjoy! :)
I shot up from my chair due to the loud noise that nearly gave me a heart attack. I realized I fell asleep in my dressing room Kermit gave me. I get up and exit my room, going to investigate what that noise was.
I hear a bunch of yelling so I hurry over to where the source of this all was. After reaching the source of the commotion- which turned out to be backstage, I quickly looked over the room to make sure nothing was broken or on fire. My eyes then landed on a hole in the wall and Kermit and Gonzo seemingly panic-arguing.
“What in the world happened here?!”
The two muppets stop their frantic selves and looked over to me in the doorway.
“Y/n! There you are! I was practicing an act I was gonna do on the show later tonight, but the bowling ball got stuck in my fingers. Eventually it shot itself into a wall…” Gonzo struck a wavy smile, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
I gave them this wide-eyed stare in disbelief of what I was hearing. I know these muppets can cause trouble a lot of the time, but sheesh did these guys need to learn to chill out.
“It's fine I suppose, I'll just call in some guys to fix the wall later. You should really be more careful though, someone could've gotten hurt”.
I walked closer to the two as I lightly scolded Gonzo for what he did, but didn't say much else hoping he got the gist without a long lecture like a parent would give to their child. Kermit soon pipes up in the conversation, as I had momentarily forgotten he was there.
“Alright, well putting that aside, the show isn’t gonna start until later tonight, so hopefully everythings ready by then. Y/n, you got everything ready? You made sure we have everything prepared?”
Kermit looks over to me, anticipating my answer. After all, working in showbizz isn't as easy as it seems.
“Aye aye, captain! All the props and lines should be in order and everyone's working tooth and nail to make this performance goes right for once.”
I salute Kermit, flashing a smile with my remaining hand on my hip.
“Well, that's good. Why don't you check in on everyone one more time to make sure they're doing alright?”
“On it!” I say, turning to head over to the door to find the others as Kermit asked me to do.
Walking through the streets, we see 3 girls, walking and talking, having fun on their day out together.
“Man! I can't believe Mei said that to you, she's crazy I'm telling you.” Said Himiko Toga, a blonde teenager wearing a schoolgirl uniform, with her hair up in strange buns that realistically shouldn't be holding themselves in place.
“Aw c'mon Himiko! She's not that kooky I'm telling you!” Elaina- our second girl reassured Himiko with a soft smile. Elaina had a bit darker skin than the other two, with half of her head shaved, a black tank top/crop top torn at the top and bottom, a purple-plaid skirt and black leggings, with one of the legs being fishnet stockings instead.
The two were talking about their school and the crazy fiascos that occur on the daily. While the two were talking, the third girl, Botan, walked beside them. She had a small smile paired with a dead look in her eyes, many would find her facial expressions creepy and get naturally scared of her. But she couldn't care less of those people's thoughts. It wasn't their fault after all.
Botan was wearing a mandarin colored kimono, with white tracing the edges of the kimono. Botan had extremely pale skin, almost making her look like a ghost. She had white hair and a pixie cut with the front of her hair being a decent amount longer than the rest.
Her bangs looked like any regular bangs, aside from the slight uneven choppy look at the end, but somehow her hair looked good despite the weird haircut she had.
Finally, Botan decided to speak up, as she does not talk much.
“I've observed Hatsume Mei before. While her personality is a bit strange, she’s not crazy and has a good heart.” Botan gave a look to the two, keeping her gaze on Himiko for a bit longer, as the message was slightly aimed more towards her. Himiko gave a ‘are you kidding me’ look to Botan, slightly lowering her posture, she jokingly gave herself duck lips due to the fact she was the only one with her opinion.
“Aw, you guys never let me have my conspiracy theories, do you? One day, you'll all see she's as crazy as can be”
Himiko flipped her hair– well, more so her bangs and pieces of hair that weren't tied up in buns, and speed walked ahead of the other two.
“says you.” Botan deadpanned; knowing Himiko was far more crazy than Mei.
Himiko abruptly stopped walking and peered over her shoulder to Botan, giving her an offenced glare, despite knowing it was true what she implied.
“How about let's not argue for now, eh?” Elaina tried to save the conversation while holding a nervous smile with a sweat drop rolling down her face.
“I agree. I shan't contribute to a petty thing such as this.” Botan agreed with Elaina, quickly shutting down the tension that was once there for a moment. Himiko decided to let it go as well and slowed down so the other two could catch up with her.
As they were walking with each other once again, Elaina noticed a poster on a promotional brick wall, filled with advertisements put up by multiple companies, shops or anything of the sort. Elaina stopped walking as the others soon stopped as well to see what had caught Elaina’s attention.
“Hm? Whatcha lookin’ at?” Himiko stood beside Elaina as she gazed at the poster Elaina was staring at.
“Muppet Show. Purchase tickets now at Saint Mary's theater on 34th street. Show starts at 8pm and ends at 8:30 pm on Thursday, November 10th.” Himiko read what the poster was saying out loud to the other two. After she was done reading, she looked over the others to see their takes on what they were seeing.
Everything was silent for a minute.
“Himiko, I apologize in advance but are you blind?” Botan said to Himiko, breaking the short silence.
“WHAT?! What do you mean “am I blind?” Of course not!” Himiko retorted to Botan, clearly salty about what Botan had just said to her.
“Look at the imagery, y/n's on it.” Botan then pointed to a familiar h/c person.
“Oh-” Himiko said bluntly, embarrassed she didn't notice sooner.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go buy some tickets to the show now!” Elaina said, eager to see their friend again at such a sudden notice. You could practically see the stars in her eyes paired with her wide closed-lip smile.
“Alright! Let's roll!” Himiko jumped up in joy and put a fist to the air in determination.
“The show is later tonight so let's hope we can make it in time, or that the tickets haven't sold out.” Botan said, her previously ‘creepy’ smile on her face being replaced with a warmer, softer smile.
A/n: ah! Did you actually read this silly lil thing?! I'm so happy! I really hope you enjoyed it, reader! :)
#Muppets#the muppets#muppetxreader#Readerxvarious#x reader#Fanfiction#Fanfic#Oneshot#The Muppets x reader
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LOV pining over a pro-hero
Includes: Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki, Twice
Pro-hero! Reader GN! Reader
Warnings: Some cursing, Shigaraki being a creep
Author Notes: This is my first actual post! If there are any tips or suggestions please send them. My request are always opened! Mr. Compress was supposed to be in this but I can't really write him that well. Repost are always a huge help and please enjoy <3
Himiko Toga
She couldn't care less about the heros and what they were doing
The first time she saw you was when she stole Camie's identity at the provisional hero license test
You were sitting with Aizawa and Ms. Joke laughing at the latter's horrendous puns
Toga thought you were adorable
Kept sneaking little peaks your way while trying to get the mission done
Wanted to collect some of your blood so she could turn into you and just stare into the mirror all day long
Got scarily possessive of you
Yandere type shit
If anyone in the league says anything bad about you *boom* there's suddenly a knife to their neck
If she hears anyone on the street talking bad about you *boom* suddenly their throat has been sliced
Never shuts up about you
Every time she opens her mouth its just
(Y/n) this and (Y/n) that
Everyone is annoyed
She probably has a ton of your merch
She's literally your entire income
Sleeps in a sweater with your face on it
Oh, this is your favorite place to eat??
It's hers too
You like this song??
Well toga knows it by heart now and never stops humming it around the base
Goes on missions hoping to see you there
They'll be leaving the base and she's like
"I wonder if (Y/n) will be there, I hope they are!"
Like toga
Who's side are you on bruv?
(Y/n) is trying to arrest you stop being a simp for like one second
Toga will gladly get arrested if it's you who arrested her
Had never heard of you or seen you for that matter
The two of you first met when the league attacked the training camp
You and him were fighting it out
And you were majorly kicking his ass
He would never admit it but he was impressed
If Dabi ever ended up dating anyone it would be someone like you
You were everything he wanted
Strong, brave, determined, sexy, sane, etc.
Wants you to step on him
He was able to sneak away while twice sent some copies your way
They watched as you demolished those useless clones
He could not wait to see you again
Would pay attention when ever your name was mentioned
Whether it was on television, on the radio, on a fan page, during meetings
Would walk past your agency in hopes of seeing you again
He would be in disguise which consist of a black sweater with the hood covering his face
And that's it
This dude must want to get caught with that mediocre disguise🙄
Has only actually seen you like once or twice since your always out patrolling
Is always asking Hawks about you
Hawks was over it
He don't get paid enough for this
Hawks told him that you have a dislike for Endeavor too
And Dabi swears he's in love
He's like "we can murder my dad together and rain hell fire upon him"
You literally taught him how to love again
And you don't even know it😭
Tomura Shigaraki
All he knew was that you were a hero and that's basically it
Never really looked into you thinking you weren't gonna be much of a problem
Boy was he wrong
You showed up at their base along side All Might, Kamui Woods, and Edgeshot to try and save Bakugo
His eyes trailed down your figure and moved up too where he was now staring at your face
You made eye contact with him and he visibly tensed while looking away
You were the most beautiful thing he ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes upon
Ever since that day all he could think about was you
You and your fitted costume that hugged everything flawlessly
You and your immensely strong quirk
You and all of your perfect imperfections
He was down bad😌
He has a video of your official debut saved on his computer
Silently hopes he doesn't have to fight you any time soon
He can't bring himself to ruin your amazing and gorgeous face
Goes into stalker mode and watches you from afar during his free time
Has probably learned your entire schedule
He knows when you wake up and go to sleep
He'll look at the clock and be like
"(Y/n) should be leaving for work right now"
He knows more about you than you know about yourself
Has seriously considered kidnapping you and forcing you to join the league
Every morning he looks out his window while smoking his daily cigarette
Today there happened to be a robbery and he was watching from his window sill, amused
Then out of no where you come running after them with eyes filled with anger
You looked so determined
He thought it was hot ngl
The scene was replaying in the back of his head all week long
Ask the other members of the league if they knew anything about you
They all said no so he took matters into his own hands
Went and did some research
And now he has all this information on you for no particular reason
The first time you guys talk is when you decide to interrupt one of their missions
Shigaraki is already scratching his neck in annoyance
Toga has her knifes out
Spinner has that huge sword thing he carries around
You have already activated your quirk
Everyone is out for blood
Twice is over here trying to de-escalate the situation
"Please just leave! Run! I can't have them ruin your amazing face!"
Then his alter self kicks in
"Stay right damn there so we can get rid of your disgusting self already."
The voices in his head are fr having world war three
One wants to keep you safe and tell you how he's a huge fan!
While the other wants to watch as toga cuts you into pieces
He was very conflicted
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it and just request for any more scenarios! Check out my page and see if I write for any of your fandoms! Bye for now, babes<3
shxyo-sho © 2021 | all content and its rights belong to me. please do not modify or repost on any other websites.
#bnha x reader#bnha toga#toga x reader#twice x reader#bnha#bnha fanfiction#bnha headcanons#mha headcanons#mha#bnha dabi#dabi x reader#bnha twice#tomurashigaraki#tomura x reader#shigaraki hcs#bnha shigaraki#my hero academia#my hero fanfic
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Okay, so I have a weird dream today. It was after I’m having sahur (a meal before fasting) because yeah... it’s Ramadhan.
I slept around 4.30 am after dawn prayer, mostly I dreamt about random things but one of them is when I encountered hualian (yes, I’m currently binged reading TGCF at these days)!
I saw them at some strange maze and decided to follow them, at first quietly, but eventually I got caught. Turned out they were fine with me, we have brief conversation, but the next thing is kinda bizarre, because it ended up with Hua Cheng doing my hair!!
I think perhaps HC intended to do a stylish Guan Fa (丱发) for me, idk.
But in the end my hair ends up like Toga Himiko, but it’s dark with bluish ombré, and with big flowers on top of my head- OMG, it’s so anime (LOL).
I forgot the detail of what we talked about, but more or less just a casual introduction.
I don’t remember whether they asked my name, if only they have asked, I should have told them that my name is “Yingyue” (LOL).
Oh, I wish I can dream a sequel about this.
FYI, hualian in my dream is their Live Action designs.
And from now, my headcanon of HC is that he’s secretly a pretty good hairdresser.
#tgcf#hualian#hua cheng#xie lian#personal stuff#weird dream#toga himiko#tian guan ci fu#bnha mentioned#heaven official's blessing#tgcf live action#dream becomes headcanon#my headcanons
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Cosplays with a BLONDE WIG
A/N: This is a list of characters to cosplay with a blonde wig based on the animes and video games I have watched/played. I will update it as time goes on!
Lengths: short, medium, long, and pigtails.
Fandoms: My Hero Academia, Danganronpa, Haikyuu!!, Black Butler, Spy x Family, Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Bakugo Katsuki (My Hero Academia)
Kaminari Denki (My Hero Academia)
Ojiro Mashirao (My Hero Academia)
Monoma Neito (My Hero Academia)
Best Jeanist (My Hero Academia)
Hawks (My Hero Academia)
Ryukyu (My Hero Academia)
Fatgum (My Hero Academia)
Muscular (My Hero Academia)
Setsuno Toya (My Hero Academia)
Togami Byakuya (Danganronpa THH)
Ultimate Impostor (Danganronpa GD)
Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko (Danganronpa GD)
Izayoi Sonosuke (Danganronpa FA)
Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu!!)
Tanaka Saeko (Haikyuu!!)
Baldroy (Black Bulter)
Finnian (Black Butler)
Midford Edward (Black Butler)
Dagger (Black Butler)
Peter (Black Butler)
Minamoto Kou (TBHK)
Minamoto Teru (TBHK)
All Might (My Hero Academia)
Aoyama Yuga (My Hero Academia)
Togata Mirio (My Hero Academia)
Bakugo Mitsuki (My Hero Academia)
Mitarai Ryota (Danganronpa FA)
Kizakura Koichi (Danganronpa FA)
Yachi Hitoka (Haikyuu!!)
Chamber Aleister (Black Butler)
Forger Loid (Spy x Family)
Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Tsunotori Pony (My Hero Academia)
Ustushimi Camie (My Hero Academia)
Pixie Bob (My Hero Academia)
Mount Lady (My Hero Academia)
Shield Melissa (My Hero Academia)
Nevermind Sonia (Danganronpa GD)
Akamatsu Kaede (Danganronpa KH)
Iruma Miu (Danganronpa KH)
Redmond Edgar (Black Butler)
Camilla (Spy x Family)
Nakagame Tatami (My Hero Academia)
Toga Himiko (My Hero Academia)
Saionji Hiyoko (Danganronpa GD)
Midford Elizabeth (Black Butler)
Hope this helps! ❤
#cosplay#blond wig#my hero academia cosplay#boku no hero academia#mha cosplay#bnha cosplay#danganronpa cosplay#sdr2 cosplay#ndrv3 cosplay#haikyuu cosplay#black butler cosplay#kuroshitsuji cosplay#spy x family cosplay
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Not Gonna Let You Burn
not gonna let you burn by vuullets
Dabi was one who never particularly decided to listen to fate or anything of the like. But when his soulmate, who happens to be Hawks of all people, nearly gets himself killed, Dabi figures he might as well help out. It's just quirk training - there's nothing more to it. Or is there?
(soulmate au; when you meet your partner, you develop their quirk)
Words: 6391, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Geten, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Toga Himiko, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Tokoyami Fumikage
Relationships: Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Additional Tags to Be Added, Soulmate AU, this is a good soulmate au i promise, lots more shit to come!, spinner is anti-fa, dabi is big sad, geten and dabi have a questionable friendship, kinda enemies to lovers
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26738068
#AO3 Feed#FanFiction#AO3 Hotwings#♥#Dabihawks#Hotwings#Geten#Iguchi Shuuichi#Spinner#⚣#R:T#A:Vuullets#Soulmate AU
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tagged by @asahahi ! thank u <3
RULES: List 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
1. Ranka Lee - Macross Frontier (eternal wife)
2. Sandriline fa Toren - Tamora Pierce’s Circle universe
3. Himiko Toga - Boku no Hero Academia
4. Katarina - League of Legends
5. Tali - Mass Effect
6. Ciri - Witcher
7. Furiosa - Mad Max Fury Road
8. Tigress - Kung Fu Panda
9. Nanny Ogg - Terry Pratchett’s Discworld universe
10. Red - Transistor tagging some recent mutuals as well, @aouba @cottonbxll @bloomingneptune @shoutotodos @vespida and i’ll tag @eatshitmineta @froppylesbian @presentationmichael @otter-my-way @kykieliz ! no pressure to do it, just a fun meme <3
#THIS WAS REALLY HARD THOUGH#apart from ranka but shes no.1 on all my fave character lists anyway#personal#text post
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-I libri che volevo finire (e ho finito) entro il 2019 sono:
#Creiamo cultura insieme di Irene Facheris
#Le travestite di Alvise Spadaro
#Ave Mary di Michela Murgia
#Ne*ri f*oci Giudei & co di Gian Antonio Stella
Mi piacerebbe commentarli ma non so se ho/avrò abbastanza tempo, vedremo.
-Per le serie TV avevo in ballo la terza stagione di Penny dreadful ma non riesco a trovarla da nessuna parte quindi dovrà aspettare di farmi Netflix e la seconda stagione di Westworld + ultima stagione di OITNB (che sono riuscita a vedere)
-Cosplay: Toga Himiko è work-in-progress, ho la sailor fuku (comprata di seconda mano a metà del prezzo originale grazie a Depop) e la parrucca dovrebbe arrivare. E forse già per Gennaio riesco a farci un set, sono così grata ai miei amici! Non vedo l'ora *-*
-Per il lavoro: ne ho fatti ben due per un po' e adesso ne ho tenuto solo uno perché era un casino gestirsi lol (faccio la cameriera nella speranza che mi sia d'aiuto per poter tentare alla Disney a gennaio + è pur sempre un lavoro che fa CV e paga, diamine.)
-Per andare all'estero ammetto di non aver più cercato come si deve però a gennaio mando il CV alla Disney per l'anno in America
-Non ho più preso raffreddore/tosse da quella volta. Yay!
-Ho fatto il corso ma saprò se ho passato le selezioni solo a gennaio, speriamo bene.
Bonus: sto guardando un sacco di film (Ho finito tutto Star Wars e conto di recuperare a breve anche Solo: a SW story e Rogue One)
Programmi per quel che ne resta del 2019:
-finire tutte le ultime stagioni di serie tv ormai concluse (tipo OITNB e Penny Dreadful)
-Trovare un lavoro part-time compatibile con il corso CAF che spero di riuscire a frequentare
-Iniziare a fare cosplay
-Finire almeno uno dei 4 libri che ho iniziato (e poi ovviamente anche tutti gli altri)
-Trovare il modo di andare all'estero, possibilmente per 6 mesi / 1anno, possibilmente in modo sicuro, possibilmente con un lavoro ad attendermi che bisogna pur mangiare in qualche modo.
L'idea è tornare qui il 31 dicembre e spuntare la lista, giusto per ridere un po'.
#diariodiviaggio#diariodibordo#dear diary#diario di bordo#diario#pensiero#pensieri#pensieri.#pensare#riflessioni#2019#diario 2019#fine 2019#fine dell'anno#impegni#liste#liste di cose da fare#cosa da fare#serie tv#libri#film#star wars#oitnb#penny dreadful#westword#lavoro#lista completata#libri letti#libri 2019
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