msmercury84 · 1 year
"I Double Dare You" "The Guarneres Reminisce About the Peeping Tom of Aldebourne"
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*Author's note: This story came from my imagination. Warning: Small scene with smut.*
One autumn evening in 1945, as Bill and Leigh were seated on the couch listening to the radio, lyrics from one song made Leigh laugh. She told him,
"That reminds me of Aldebourne. Honey, do you remember the peeping tom that had the village in a bit of an uproar?" Guarnere chuckled,
"I sure do, Baby. That's (he pronounced the word as "dats") when I thought he was spyin' on us the day we had the picnic."
Training was over for the day on a Friday in May, 1943. The men of Easy Company were looking forward to having a much needed break the following day.
Since the men knew in advance about their day off, Leigh planned a picnic for herself and Bill. She made sandwiches from homemade Italian sausage and homemade bread. Spencer found some onions and garlic in the farmers' market in the village that would be cooked with the sausage.
Bill bought a good, relatively inexpensive bottle of red wine from Andrew Herriott, the owner and bartender of The Blue Boar. Leigh improvised a primitive type of antipasto from vegetables and some ham that was sold in the farmers' market. She also had a few apples and some freshly baked pizzelles.
One month before the picnic, American servicemen stationed in the Aldebourne area, the girls they dated and a few residents of the village became concerned about a peeping tom.
A soldier from Dog Company and his date thought that someone was spying on them. One week later, the same thing happened to a soldier from Charlie Company and his date. Both couples had been enjoying each other's company in a secluded pasture on a country lane.
On both occasions, when the men looked around the pasture, there was no sign of a peeping tom. The young women refused to go out with the soldiers again until the peeping tom was apprehended. The servicemen who had to wait until the suspect was nabbed by the village constable were extremely eager for this person to be caught.
Two local sisters, the Taylors, sold their parents' farm after the deaths of their mother and father. They moved into a stone cottage not far from Leigh's and Melissa's house in the village. Both women were in their early 30s and were attractive and shapely with brown hair and blue eyes.
One evening, as the eldest sister, Jean, was locking the front door, getting ready to go to bed, her younger sister, Ava, was in her downstairs bedroom. Ava preferred to sleep with the window open for fresh air. She kept the blind pulled halfway down the window for privacy.
Standing with her back to the window, Ava removed her clothing and put on a nightgown. She was planning to put her clothes into a hamper that was close to her bed when she heard the sound of footsteps outside her window.
Ava thought that someone was walking home from one of the pubs and thought nothing of the incident. She placed the clothes in the hamper and was on her way to turning off the light in her room when she froze in her tracks.
The sound of heavy breathing was unmistakable and it seemed to be outside her window. Ava went to a closet and got out her father's shotgun, sticking the barrel out of the open window. She startled Jean by shouting,
"Get away from here, you pervert or I'll shoot your bollocks (balls) off!" The sound of heavy footsteps walking away relieved Ava. Jean came into her room, asking,
"Did you see who it was? Are you OK?" Jean learned that Ava didn't see the heavy breather and that she was unharmed.She told her younger sister,
"Good job you have Father's gun and you know how to use it. I don't think we need to worry about being bothered again. Even if this peeping tom isn't in his right mind, he isn't mad (crazy) enough to risk losing his bollocks." Jean went to her bedroom and both women were soon asleep.
Early the next evening when Bill arrived for supper, Jean introduced herself and said that she was coming to speak to Leigh. Guarnere opened the door for her, telling Spencer,
"Sweetheart, Miss Taylor, the lady from next door want to talk wit'ya." Leigh welcomed Jean into the house and asked her to have a seat in the living room. Spencer offered her visitor a cup of tea and Jean accepted it. After Leigh made the tea and brought in a tray with cups, milk, the tea pot, and napkins, she served her guest, herself and Bill some tea. She told her neighbor,
"I'm sorry that I don't have lemon slices and sugar. Lemons are hard to find and sugar rationing is taking its toll." Taylor smiled, commenting,
"It's fine. We've the same situation at our house and we're all doing our bit for the war effort." She took her tea with a small amount of milk. Guarnere and Spencer preferred their tea without milk.
Jean told Bill and Leigh about her sister's experience with the peeping tom and asked the couple if they had heard or seen anything the previous evening.
Both Guarnere and Spencer said that they noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Leigh told Jean,
"We were listening to the radio. Sorry, the wireless, and the blinds were down, so we didn't see anything." Then, Jean laughed, telling them what her sister said to the stranger outside her window. Leigh laughed and Bill asked,
"No disrespect intended, but what are ya callin' 'bollocks'" Jean slightly blushed,
"It's male anatomy, two, erm...items." Bill laughed as he realized what Jean meant.
"I'm not laughin' at ya, Miss Taylor, I never heard 'em called that name before. You ladies ain't got nothin' to worry about. A man doesn't wanna lose important parts like that."
"That's what I told my sister."
"I'll keep an eye on your place. If you ladies ever need help, just call Leigh an' I'll be glad to help ya." Spencer wrote down the telephone number and handed it to Jean. She thanked Bill and Leigh, then left while she could still have enough light to feel safe walking outside. Guarnere offered to walk her home if she was scared, but Jean assured him that she was fine.
The following day, news of the heavy breathing outside the neighbor's window made its way through the village. Colonel Sink decided to send a few servicemen to help patrol the village with the constable. The soldiers who were denied recreation with their girlfriends until the peeping tom was caught eagerly volunteered.
One month later, the colonel decided to discontinue the servicemen's patrolling of the village. The constable and Sink thought that the peeping tom was discouraged from his activities due to the inclusion of soldiers who were being trained to fight in the war.
The following weekend, one soldier and his girlfriend were sitting under a tree near a rural property lined by a fence and some trees. While the couple began to remove a few items of each other's clothing, the young woman heard someone walking near the fence line that was obscured by trees.
She looked up and was startled to see a shock of red hair. Then, she noticed brown eyes gazing back at her. She screamed and her boyfriend immediately put on his uniform shirt. He told her,
"Stay here, I'm gonna teach this guy a lesson he won't forget." As the young woman buttoned her blouse and tucked it into her skirt, the soldier walked toward the fence, loudly saying,
"Clear out of here, buddy, or you're asking for trouble." He heard the sound of someone walking away from the fence line. By the time the soldier climbed over the fence, there was no sign of the peeping tom, only cattle standing in the field.
His girlfriend was in no mood to return to their previous activities and she insisted upon going home. As they walked to the village she said,
"He must have been very short because his eyes looked to be at the level of a child." Her boyfriend replied,
"He was probably bending over to peer through the leaves." Word soon spread throughout the area that the mysterious "peeper," the name given by the residents of the village, was a "ginger" (red hair), having unkempt, long hair and brown eyes.
On the day of the picnic, Leigh packed the food into a large basket along with cloth napkins, two plates, two wine glasses and a medium sized blanket. She wore a red day dress, along with the usual undergarments, stockings and a pair of low heeled black pumps commonly called 'flats.'
Spencer brushed her hair, touched up her make up and reapplied her red lipstick. Bill soon arrived with the bottle of red wine. He insisted on carrying the large picnic basket. They left the cottage and held hands as they walked on a road leading from the village to a secluded country lane.
Neither Guarnere nor Spencer had been in this area before. Leigh told Bill that the lane reminded her of home.
"If this is where ya wanna have the picnic, Sweetheart, it's fine wit' me. Let's look for a nice, quiet spot in case we wanna get up to somethin' later."
"In case we want to get up to somethin'? Are you falling out of love with me already, Sergeant Guarnere?" Bill noticed the impish twinkle in her eyes and he grinned.
"Ain't no danger o' that happenin', Baby. You got my heart for eternity. I love seein' ya in red. You look good enough to eat."
"Is that a promise? " she slightly blushed before adding, "I mean the part about 'eating.'" Guarnere had a wicked grin as he said,
"Oh, I guarantee it. You ain't the only one enjoyin' it. You taste so damn good!"
"Bill, not so loud, a farmer might be working close by."
"I'm tellin' the truth. 'course I don't wanna encourage somebody to watch us. Sorry 'bout that. I'll try to keep it down so everybody don't know our business."
"Thanks, Honey. You're very good at that...you know what I mean."
"You bet I know!" Spencer laughed,
"Smart ass." They walked past a small house with a gate surrounding it. After passing the house, they went around a curve in the lane and found an ideal spot for the picnic and privacy.
An isolated pasture with three large trees was a short walk from the road. The pasture was lined on three sides of its perimeter by trees instead of fences.
Someone must have owned the pasture because the grass wasn't tall and choked with weeds. Bill looked around to see if there was a farm house tucked away within sight of the pasture.
He didn't see a house close by and he decided that this area had enough privacy for a picnic and some erotic activity. Bill and Leigh walked toward the trees in the center of the pasture.
They decided to sit under a large oak tree that was flanked by two other oak trees. A gentle breeze was blowing and they sat in the shade after they spread the blanket on the ground.
Leigh unpacked the picnic basket, setting out the food, plates, silverware, napkins and two wine glasses. Bill got the bottle opener and the bottle of red wine out of the basket. He opened the wine bottle and poured some wine in each glass.
Guarnere grinned as he noticed the sandwiches.
"Homemade bread an' homemade Italian sausage. It smells great! You're one hell of a good cook." He stopped himself from saying what he thought, "You'll be a perfect wife, Sweetheart" Bill didn't think it was the right time to propose to Leigh. Although he was fairly sure that she would agree to marry him, he thought it best to wait and find out how she really felt about marriage.
Leigh got out a dish with a small lid and opened it,
"I made a kind of makeshift antipasto from your mom's recipe. I hope it turned out OK."
Guarnere got a fork and put some of the antipasto on his plate. He sampled it.
"This reminds me o' Ma's cookin'. You done a good job wit' this, Baby." Leigh was pleased that he liked the side dish. They enjoyed the sandwiches and they casually talked while they ate their lunch.
Leigh got out a small box and opened it.
"How about a few pizzelles, Honey? If you don't feel like having cookies I brought apples, too." Bill got two cookies out of the box,
"You're spoilin' me, Sweetheart. Ya shouldn't have gone to so much trouble."
"It was no trouble at all. I like to make your favorite dishes." Spencer laughed at Guarnere sneaking another cookie out of the box.
"Eat as much as you want. I won't slap your hand if you want another cookie. I saved the sugar rations to make them."
"I gotta keep my cookie swipin' in good shape for when we get back home. It's kind of a joke wit' me an' Ma. When I was a kid, she wanted to make sure everybody got equal amounts o' food.
Pizzelles have always been my favorite. I'd eat two of 'em real fast. When Ma wasn't lookin', I'd swipe a few more. One time, when I was real little, Maria an' Teresa were watchin' me so I wouldn't get into the cookies.
I started cryin' 'cause I wanted another cookie. They felt sorry for me, an' they said,
'Oh, the poor baby! He must be hungry.' Then they each gave me half a pizzelle. I made out like a bandit an' I showed those dirty (he pronounced the word as 'doity') rats. I was smart, like a fox." Leigh giggled at the story,
"How many times did that work for you?"
"Just a couple o'times. Ma got a real kick out o'it, so I didn't get in trouble." He noticed that Spencer's glass was empty.
"Would ya like a little more o' the wine?"
"Yes, just a little bit. It's really good."
"The guy at The Blue Boar said this was a nice red wine. It ain't bad. I think I'll have a little more, too." Guarnere poured the wine. He leaned back against the tree. Leigh moved back to sit with him and Bill put his arm around her shoulders.
They sipped the wine and relaxed, enjoying the sunshine and the peaceful pasture. When they finished the wine, Bill decided to recline on the blanket. He rested his head on Leigh's lap.
She stroked his hair and had her arms around him. Guarnere reached up and gently pulled her close for a kiss. The kiss quickly deepened and he sucked the tip of her tongue into his mouth.
Bill reluctantly broke off the kiss,
"Stretch out beside me, Baby. It'll be easier than bendin' down to kiss me. He moved aside and Leigh lay beside him. Guarnere put his arms around her and the kissing resumed.
They enjoyed the slow, sensual kisses. Leigh sighed into Bill's mouth as his tongue explored her mouth.
Guarnere moved his hands down to Spencer's hips, pulling her as close to him as possible. He paused to kiss her eyelids, then he gently nipped at her ear before kissing her neck.
Bill loved the little gasp from Leigh when his lips touched the soft skin on her neck. He unbuttoned the top button of her day dress, kissing every inch of exposed skin as he unbuttoned the next button on her dress.
Leigh was caressing Bill's back, loving the feeling of his lips on her skin.
"If you keep this up, I'll be tempted to strip off everything and ask you to make love to me. We've never done it outdoors." Guarnere found the idea extremely arousing.
"I love the way you're kinda wild. Sweetheart, I don't wanna disappoint ya, but I didn't bring anything' wit' me for protection, 'cause I wasn't sure if ya would wanna make love outdoors."
"You're not disappointing me, Bill. I'm sure we can think of something. How about I do what you promised to do for me? I enjoy it, and I need to practice so I can be good at pleasing you that way."
"Only if ya really wanna do it, Baby. I don't want ya to think ya have to do that."
"I love all of you, and you taste pretty damned good, too."
"Then, I'm all yours. Do whatever ya want wit' me. Seems like I was gettin' ready to do somethin'..." He moved down and started to slowly trail kisses up Leigh's leg, moving her dress up a little.
Bill repeated the same actions on her other leg and Leigh felt herself becoming wet. She moved her dress up above her knees.
"Looks like my angel is tellin' me to move a little faster." He chuckled before kissing his way to her thigh. Leigh opened her legs slightly to accommodate him. Bill lowered his voice for only Leigh to hear,
"I think my beautiful baby is already nice an' wet. I'm gonna enjoy takin' those panties off so I can taste you." He moved her dress up further and licked the silk fabric between her legs.
" Baby, you taste good!" Bill sucked her silk covered clit.
"Oh, my God! That feels wonderful." Guarnere continued sucking her clit. A few minutes later, Leigh came. Bill enjoyed her sounds of passion. He began to remove her panties.
Suddenly, she heard the sounds of heavy footsteps near the line of trees in front of them. Keeping her voice down, she told Guarnere,
"Somebody is on the other side of those trees." Bill turned away, to rearrange himself in his trousers to hide the sign of his arousal and swore under his breath. Spencer quickly pulled her dress down to cover herself.
"Where did ya hear the noise, Baby?" She pointed to the trees closest to them. Bill looked in the direction Leigh was pointing, keeping his voice low as he told her,
"I don't wanna scare ya, but I see some brown eyes an' red hair. That guy almost has hair in his eyes. He must be a nut. No wonder he's watchin', no girl would go out wit' somebody lookin' that bad. I know one thing, his peepin' days are over!"
Guarnere got up and quietly approached the area where the peeping tom stood. Leigh followed behind him, not feeling afraid since Bill was with her. She was angry that the peeper spied on them and she was ready to give him a piece of her mind.
Bill used a type of hand signal that was becoming second nature to him. He had his right hand, palm down, pushing in a downward motion.
"What does that mean?"
"It means stand down, stay back. Sorry, Baby, we've been learnin' all sorts o' hand signals lately." All at once, a large tongue appeared from behind a branch. Guarnere replied,
"What the hell...?" Leigh started laughing,
"It's a cow!"
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She moved a small branch and revealed the face of a bovine absorbed in eating a few leaves. Leigh quickly looked down, wanting to see the underside of the animal so she would know if it was a cow or a bull. Bill told her,
"I see horns on that thing. It's a bull. I may be from the city, but I know bulls are dangerous. We gotta get movin'!"
"Cows can have horns, too. I looked at its undercarriage, so to speak, and I saw udders. You're right, bulls aren't something to mess with. If I'd seen something else, I would've kicked off these shoes so I could run faster and told you to run like hell." She looked at the cow, still munching on leaves,
"I wonder if this is the local peeper. Think about it, the cow has shaggy red hair and brown eyes. It walks with a sort of heavy step and sometimes cows sound as if they're doing some heavy breathing."
"You might be on to somethin', Sweetheart. It makes sense. No wonder nobody saw the guy when they went lookin' for him. A cow standin' in a field ain't an unusual sight around here. How can we prove what you said?" Leigh thought about a solution and carefully went through the branches to get closer to the cow.
"This always worked when one of my grandpa's cows got out of the fenced in pasture or if he was trying to get the cows into the barn to milk them." She gently swatted the cow's rump, telling it,
"Go home!" The cow turned around and started walking away. Leigh followed it,
"Don't worry about the basket and the blanket, we can get it later. Let's follow the cow home and we can talk to the farmer. Once you're in this pasture, remember to look down frequently or you could have fresh cow pie on your boots.
Cows 'go' whenever and wherever the notion strikes them, and there might be several smelly 'land mines' scattered around." Bill chuckled, thanking Leigh for her tip.
"I learned somethin' new today. Too bad we never had the chance to get Sobel in this field an' not tell him about those land mines. It would have been funny as hell to see his boots covered in cow shit." He took Leigh's hand as they walked across the pasture.
As they strolled toward the barn, Bill noticed a man who appeared to be in his late 60s walking toward the cow. The tall, slightly heavy set man was bald with a fringe of white hair and blue eyes. He wore sturdy boots, well worn brown trousers, suspenders and a light brown shirt rolled up to expose his sun tanned arms. Both Bill and Leigh heard the man say,
"So there you are, Delilah. I see you broke out of the barnyard again. I've half a mind to sell you next market day." He noticed the American soldier and presumably his girlfriend approaching him, asking,
"Young man, are you and your young lady lost?" Guarnere smiled,
"Sir, my name is Bill Guarnere, Sergeant Guarnere, an' this is my girl, Leigh Spencer. No, Sir, we ain't lost." The man introduced himself to the couple,
"My name is James Alderson and this is my farm. If you don't mind my asking, why are you following my cow?" Leigh grinned,
"This will sound as if I'm crazy. Have you heard about the local peeping tom? I have reason to believe that your cow could be the 'peeper'." Alderson looked a bit puzzled,
'Yes, I know about the peeper. Why do you think Delilah is the perpetrator?"
"Mr. Alderson, as you know, the peeper is supposed to have unruly red hair and brown eyes. Delilah wasn't in your pasture when she made her presence known during the picnic we were having.
The peeping tom is supposed to have a heavy footed walk and is also known for heavy breathing. I grew up in a rural area of Ohio and I'm familiar with cattle. I'm guessing the heavy breathing is Delilah sort of snorting, for lack of a better word.
Does she have a habit of getting out of your pasture?" Alderson considered what Spencer told him, then he started to chuckle. The chuckle grew into loud laughter as he said,
"I never dreamed that my cow would cause havoc in the village." He laughed again, "She flummoxed the constable. He couldn't find a man and even got some of you Yank soldiers to help find the elusive peeper." He opened a gate to the barnyard and Delilah walked in, heading for some food in the barn. Before the cow got past him, Alderson patted her back and chuckled,
"You made quite a stir." Then, he answered Leigh's question, "Yes, Delilah has a bad habit of getting out of the fenced in area near the barn. She likes an occasional stroll in the village, too." Spencer asked,
"There were no peeping tom reports for a month, did you find a way to keep her at home?"
"I kept Delilah in the barn during that time. It seemed the perfect solution to her escaping, but she was unhappy. She didn't eat as much as she normally did. I rang (called) a veterinarian, thinking she was ill.
He said that she was depressed, not physically ill. I never realized that cows could feel depressed. The doctor also told me that she's getting out because she's looking for companionship. Delilah should be very happy next week, I'm getting her bred with a bull who lives down the road." Bill made Leigh blush a bit when he asked Alderson,
"In other words, Sir, are ya sayin' that she's lookin' for some action? I know I'm happier..." he noticed that Leigh was blushing and decided to leave well enough alone, adding, "Never mind, Sir, I'm talkin' too much." Alderson tried to suppress a grin as he figured out why Spencer was embarrassed.
"Yes, that's another way of saying the same thing. No harm done, Sergeant Guarnere. If you or your young lady see Delilah again, just send her home. I'm going into the village to speak with the constable and clear up this peeper situation.
Would you and your young lady like a lift into town? My vehicle isn't working at the moment, so I'm taking my horse and wagon." Both Guarnere and Spencer thanked Alderson, declining the ride back to the village. Bill replied,
"We appreciate ya offerin' to take us into town, but we need to get the picnic basket an' some other stuff. It ain't that much of a walk." Alderson excused himself in order to go to the barn and get the wagon and horses ready for the trip into the village.
Bill and Leigh left the farm and went back to retrieve their items from the picnic before they walked back to the house Leigh shared with Melissa. Residents of the village were relieved to learn that the peeper situation was over and they were amused to learn that a cow straying from her pasture was their suspect. Leigh was jokingly called "Sherlock Holmes" and "Cowgirl" by George Luz since she figured out the identity of the peeping tom.
After Bill and Leigh finished reminiscing about the peeper, Bill told Leigh,
"I had another run in wit' a cow in Normandy. The krauts shot a cow on some guy's farm. We were hungry an' a guy from C Company was fightin' wit' us. He got separated from his unit an' he tagged along until he caught up wit' 'em again.
This kid grew up on a farm an' he said we could eat some fresh beef instead o' those lousy rations. He told us that he would dress the cow an' then we could start cookin' the meat.
I didn't know he was talking' about cuttin' up the carcass for meat. I thought he was nuts an' he was gonna try to put a dress on the cow." Leigh laughed,
"Was the meat good?"
"It was real good, but we had to be careful eatin' because there was a lot o' shrapnel in it. We cooked it over a fire we built. I wonder if that guy got back home?"
"I hope he got back. I'm glad you got home, you're somethin' else, Honey. Even if you did tell Mr. Alderson that we were sleeping together." Guarnere smirked,
"Are ya telling' me you don't feel happier after gettin' up to somethin'?"
"Of course I feel happier, you adorable smart ass!" Bill winked at her,
"That's my baby!"
*Author's note: The story of the cow in Normandy came from Bill's and Babe's book. I paraphrased the story. The story about Bill's older brother and sisters giving him extra cookies is true. I changed it from doughnuts to cookies. The quotes about "Oh, the poor baby" and "Smart like a fox also came from his book.*
@marycorleone @billguarnereimagine @hbowar @william-guarnere @billguarneresmut @bellewintersroe @wildbillguarnere @footprintsinthesxnd @alluringmoonlightbabe @cielie-voss @breadsprinkles @belladonnange @wexbandxofxbrothers @f-1-and-shiz @brassknucklespeirs @leksi-rae @cagzzz107 @lenabob @lizziebitch33 @vibing-away
9 notes · View notes
m3-kk · 6 months
Sharing my TCF notes because sharing is caring 😬 ⬇️. (All of them… so far)
Ch. 086- sad time for Raon :(. REVENGE HAHAHA LETSGOOOO
Ch. 335- Eruhaben protect Roan & Cale from ugly WS 😆
Ch. 352- Cale’s greatest fear…😭
Ch. 378- Choi’s uncle (DS) left info book written in KOREAN?!?! 😵
Ch. 394- Letter from Death & shiz show😬
Ch. 395- CALE IS AFRAID?!?! 😱
Ch. 401- “Plavin was laughing on the outside but crying on the inside.”😌
Ch. 404- “And Miss Cage, please cuss out the God of Death for me.” -Cale 😇
Ch. 411- They were talking about the Lion King (person) and I thought they were talking about the movie 😭
Ch. 414- Choi Han woke up crying “Kim Rook Soo” 😰
Ch. 415- “What am I supposed to call the friend of my nephew once removed?” -Choi Han 😳
Ch. 423- “Oh, by the way, the original owner of your body is living well too. He said he is happy.” -Lee Soo Hyuk ☺️
“It's a new record! You were unconscious for 20 days, 1 hour, 32 minutes, and 19 seconds!”- Roan Miru🤠
Ch. 431-
“You son of a bitch!” -Bear King
"Why am I your son? Such an idiot.”
-Whale Archie🫡
Ch. 434- Which Henituse sibling wants to become what?🥱👑⚔️
Ch. 435- Sworn brothers 🤞
Ch. 455- Ron says he has a cute young master (Cale) who he doesn’t want to disappoint.🥹
Also that Roan is cuter than Cale 😂
Ch. 457- “This is nice.” Beacrox commented before swinging his greatsword horizontally.🙂
Ch. 461- Cale’s merchant name is Bob XD
Ch. 465- The Sound of the Wind was a top underneath a boulder surrounded by whirlpools.
The Indestructible Shield was a pit under the tree.
The Scary Giant Cobblestone was a stone in the Super Rock villa.
The Fire of Destruction was a sculpture at the center of the magma.
The Vitality of the Heart was a stone pillar at the center of a whirlwind.
The Sky Eating Water was a chained spear.
Ch. 476- More Dragon Family Drama wtf
Ch. 481- To the Fake World Tree
Ch. 501- Illusion of Other World..RAMEN!
Ch. 504- Stick from World Tree (Cale’s blood is special?!)
Ch. 515- Vampire Duke Fredo (seems nice)
Ch. 516- Demonic Race, Rosalyn, White Star after cookie prince?! NOOO
Ch. 520- WEAKLING. Alberu is a mage swordsman badass dark elf
Ch. 526- These brothers are so cute OMEGALUL
Ch.555- Sealed god test, wtf this is so sad I’m crying I’ve never been so genuinely sad
Ch. 584- Cale saying he could beat 3 strong peeps
Ch. 589- Alberu goes to Blood Boulder
Ch. 618- Cale explains to LeeSooHyuk the truth
Ch. 627- @Capital w/ Dad y Alberu YAY
Ch. 629- We are a big family!
Ch. 640- 2 Cats are Molan house’s future 🥹.. They can’t go berserk?..
Ch. 645- Roan & Cale Solo Fight letsgo!!
Ch. 646- Cale uses ‘instant’ to destroy 2 unranked monsters.. I’m crying actually..
Ch. 647- wtf I’m crying, goosebumps fr
Ch. 649- Roan has grown so much 🥹
Ch. 655- Cale is healing❤️ OG Cale!KRS
Ch. 656- SOO much info from OG Cale!!
Ch. 662- OMG Cale’s BioMom was cooking
Ch. 670- World Tree-nim
Ch. 677- Explaining ALOT lore dump!!
CB. 681- WOW the end of that chap tho
Ch. 682- I stan Cale’s hatred for the White Star. We love the PJs! Alberu is moon that’s so *legs in air kicking*
Ch. 683- So are we gonna kill WS or whatt?
Ch. 685- omg.. DANGGG!! Our Cale is truly terrifying! New Pokémon acquired! White star!! 😏 wait we have a tiny WS in our pocket how cute! 🥰
Ch. 688- Rashell says he wouldn’t be able to sleep if many humans died 🥰
Ch. 694- DEAFEATED! Alberu faints and thinks he’s like Cale now 😭
Ch. 700- This chapter is just amazing, these people are so smart ughhh I’m screaming! In a happy way tho
Ch. 701- OK we have Choi Han, Clopeh, Rosalyn and Cale so far.. MARYYY
Ch. 702- +1(Roan) Cale can use the cintamani to contact other world. PEOPLE CAN SEE HIM YAY!
Ch. 705- Talking with Cale & others through the Cintamani :>
Ch. 706- Tonka! And Dark elf Tasha&Alberu
Ch. 707- My heart, Alberu was so sad and lonely back then…
Ch. 709- Eruhaben! WS is badddd
Ch. 710- Whyyyy I’m actually feeling despair it’s so complicated ugh and no ones receiving correct info ughhhhh
Ch. 713- Mary is #GIRLBOSS for not being tricked! ❤️❤️
Ch. 717- So glad that was settled 😮‍💨
Ch. 718- So the test Cale was in wasn’t the original one so now we are doing the actual sadness test ok 👍
Ch. 719- WOW NOT CALE ALREADY FINISHING BLUE TEST.. also someone else?
Ch. 721- Toonka left the test, Cale met Choi Jung Gun, I’m I’m scared 😶
Ch. 722- Rosalyn finally put the tests goals into words! She’s so smart. I love herrr
Ch. 726- Cale confronts CJG and he’s being used as bait bc a hunter is here oh no. Cale is going to cause chaos ialrk
Ch. 727- WOWW Cale was about to be isekaied lol. Good thing we have ancient powers! 2 Hunters?! 🫣
Ch. 730- Cale actually skipped a level bfr
Ch. 731- Cale has to observe past Roan (during the night) and Alberu (during the day)
Ch. 735- Freeing Roan! Again Again?
Ch. 739- Still loving how Choi’s test is taking care of tiny KRS. Alberu test completed!!
Ch. 740- I’m loving Clopeh during this test so far. He knows his goals and he sticks to them. He’s crazy!
Ch. 744- Damn Dodam Miru. I think DM’s world is not an illusion. Cale “tricking” the Wrath test is crazy I love that sly bastard!
Ch. 745- Cale hates when the children hate their side dishes ahah! The Wrath test is actually really difficult it surprised me frfr! Clopeh & Cale are angy
Ch. 749- How dare this low-life Dorph ever consider sacrificing the great and mighty Roan Miru. I pour all of my hatred and anger toward him. He needs to die. 😡
Ch. 750- Finally! Flipping every over heh!
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meowmeow422 · 4 months
Just one day, one moment... (pt. 1)
Aight I got this idea at like 3am now you all must suffer from it as well. Picture this:
It's been quite a while since Vox knew of Alastor's appearance. Vox is of course scheming and planning all day to try to get back at him. Val is having breakfast with Vel, chatting iddly. Than at some point the moth complains about how the radio demon is all Vox cares about nowadays. I mean, sure Val 'loves' Angel Dust, but if Vox called him, he'd dropped the spider like hot garbage.
And then Velvet, not realising the severity of the situation and thinking this was just a regular rant says, "Heh, guess he loves Alastor as much as you love him—maybe a shiz ton more even."
Val goes silent and just continues eating.
For the rest of the day, Val goes and buys 'random' stuff. Each time texting and calling Vox to ask something, in which the tv just waves him off or dismissed him or says he doesn't care. At one point, at the studio, Val sends him a flurry of messages just before a final shoot. Then Vox calls him, furious, and starts loud repriminding him plus bringing up some really personal/ private/ vulnerable stuff. The electricity cuts off and everyone is just quiet.
Valentino gets up and heads to his office. While everyone is avoiding him cause they think he's also really pissed, Vel happens to notice just moments before the moth disappears his expression. She immediately drops everything and follows after
Cue her stumbling upon the moth curled in a corner, wing wrapped around him. Soft sobs and sniffles coming from him. Silently, Vel sits down beside him. After a while, he unfurls his wings a bit, revealing he was crying. And the girl know damn well the difference of Val's real and fake tears.
"Guess you were right bisch..." he chuckles, "he loves him more than me..." Of course Vel tries to reassure him, but Val's not listening. He stares at his ring quietly muttering, "y'know, I don't actually give a shiz if he want to go and f that radion twink..." He hides his face, body literally shaking, "I just thought, only for today even if it's just one freakin' second, he'd spend it with the guy he promised every day to..." Vel eyes widen, finally seeing the gravity of the moment.
Without another word, she gives Val a hug.
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I’m doing a little collab with my lovely moots @straykidsreactionsandscenarios and @ateezreactionsandscenarios throughout April. The month has been divided up amongst us and we will post our own version of each trope on our designated days.
We used a random name generator to assign us days and all the ones highlighted in red (because my name is Ruby, duh) are the idols I'll be writing for.
I will be using randomly generated 'smut' dialogue prompts from this blog:
My fics will be on the shorter side, around 500-1K.
All will contain smut and be 18+.
All of my fics will have a gn!reader so this series is accessible to all.
I also got a little bit too excited and wanted to use a random kink generator so all these drabbles will have an assigned kink too (the random kink generator had some INSANE kinks omg but I'm going to try my best).
If you want to join in please feel free, you can write for all tropes listed or a select few of your choice, just use #stayteez trope’pril in your tags so we can see them 😁
I am so excited as this is my VERY FIRST COLLABORATION with such amazing writers and I can't wait for you to all read them.
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Day 1 - Enemies to Lovers - Yunho
Day 2 - Enemies to Lovers - Minho
Day 3 - Enemies to Lovers - Changbin
Prompt: 'I could take you right now'
Kink: Fantasy Au
Day 4 - Exes to Lovers - Mingi
Day 5 - Exes to Lovers - Jeongin
Day 6 - Exes to Lovers - Han
Prompt: 'I'm going to ruin you'
Kink: Exhibitionism
Day 7 - Strangers to Lovers - Hongjoong
Day 8 - Strangers to Lovers - Felix
Day 9 - Strangers to Lovers - Yeosang
Prompt: 'You're such a tease'
Kink: Somnophilia
Day 10 - Everyone can see it except them - Wooyoung
Day 11 - Everyone can see it except them - Chan
Day 12 - Everyone can see it except them - Jeongin
Prompt: 'What if I hurt you?'
Kink: Dacryphilia
Day 13 - Roommates - San
Day 14 - Roommates - Seungmin
Day 15 - Roommates - Jongho
Prompt: 'Shh, there's people in the other room'
Kink: Mutual Masturbation
Day 16 - Fake Dating - Seonghwa
Day 17 - Fake Dating - Han
Day 18 - Fake Dating - Mingi
Prompt: 'Show me how much you miss me'
Kink: Restraints
Day 19 - Friends to Lovers - Yeosang
Day 20 - Friends to Lovers - Changbin
Day 21 - Friends to Lovers - Felix
Prompt: 'I shouldn't allow myself to get this close to you'
Kink: Aphrodisiacs
Day 22 - Friends with Benefits - Jongho
Day 23 - Friends with Benefits - Hyunjin
Day 24 - Friends with Benefits - Seonghwa
Prompt: 'It's hot when you talk back'
Kink: Intercrural Sex
Day 25 - Brother/Sister's Best friend - Yunho
Day 26 - Brother/Sister's Best friend - Jeongin
Day 27 - Brother/Sister's Best friend - Wooyoung
Prompt: 'You better watch your f*cking mouth'
Kink: Camming
Day 28 - Childhood Best Friend - Mingi
Day 29 - Childhood Best Friend - Han
Day 30 - Childhood Best Friend - Hyunjin
Prompt: 'Letting me use you like this'
Kink: Clothed Sex
Taglist: @destiny-fics @umbralhelwolf  @starsareseen   @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @cherry-0420 @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @scuzmunkie @mrcarrots @reighlee-greaves @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @kodzukein @whatsk-poppinhomies @yeosdarling @hologramhoneymoon @dilucpegg3r @marievllr-abg @craxy-person @itbtoblikethatsometimes @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @thirstybchanstan @necessiteez @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @hijeongguk @berryberrytan @notastraykid @sensitiveandhungry @laylasbunbunny @sometimesiwritethings @bluelove24
If you would like to be added to the taglist, please let me know:)
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bansheeboyy · 9 months
As the evil Ler that I am, I guess I’ll throw my hat into this ring too hehe..
Imagine: it’s a nice cold winter night, you’re out and about enjoying the holiday cheer and whatnot…snow is on the ground, all the Christmas lights are up and everyone’s having a grand time. It’s late and you’re finally getting back home when suddenly everything goes black for you…
You wake up lying down on your back and try to open your eyes but it seems something is blocking your vision…a blindfold! You decide to rip it off but when you try to move your arms they won’t budge…they’re stuck above your head tied nice and snug. You try to shout out for help but realize you’re mouth is taped shut. Before the panic settles in you hear someone (me) walk into the room…”ah, you’re finally up. Took you long enough! Looks like Christmas finally arrived for me.” You try kicking your legs but they’re tied just as snug as the rest of your body, separated, leaving you in an open Eagle position. You can sense me walking closer to you. “I’m simply here to spread some…Christmas ‘joy,’ so in a way you can think of me as Santa.” You jolt at the first little poke to your armpits. “Aww, is Santa’s little elf a little…ticklish?” You shake your head vehemently, but that’s not enough to convince me. “Hmm…seems someone is attempting to lie to me! That’s an automatic naughty list sentence and you know what happens to those on the naughty list!” Before you can even imagine the horrors in store for you, I start to dig into one of your pits, watching you squirm and laugh behind your gag. “We’ll, I guess since snow is coming down pretty decently, I can stay here and make sure you get all of the naughty list treatment!”
With your arms tied up over your head I’ll start by torturing the living shiz out of your pits. Teasing them with 1 finger, 2 fingers, 3 fingers, etc. Then I’ll make sure you’re a healthy little elf and count those little ribs of yours. 1, 2, 3, 4 is somewhere in there. Now don’t move around too much and stop all that giggling and snorting, I get thrown off track easily and I’ll have to start over if you keep that up. Now then, on to those adorable little nips of yours. Lucky for you, I’m a big fan of hygiene, so I brought some new electric toothbrushes for you. Since you’re teeth are blocked behind all that duct tape I’ll just try them out on your nips first. They were on sale so I’ll keep one for your nips and another for your belly button—I’m sure you don’t give that little guy enough attention, don’t worry I gotchu! Now that all those are cleaned up I wanna see how squishy your hips are. Squeeze all around them and give them all the loving they need. And since they’re connected to those thighs of yours I guess they can get some squeezes too—I can’t leave them alone! Then to my favorite spot: your feet! Good thing they’re tied down, they won’t be running anywhere soon. And good thing you have TWO of them! One for tasting, the other for tickling! While I nibble on one, I’ll give the electric toothbrushes some more practice on the other, getting the soles and every inch of your adorable, tied up feet. And of course we’ll have to switch so the other foot isn’t left out of the fun!
Ah, so you’re a big giggling little mess. Oh? You thought we were done?? Not even close! We have so much time to spend with one another getting to know each other! And of course there’s still your nether region to explore…let’s do it, together!
Starting off with some toothbrushes let’s get you rock solid and standing tall, there. I brought some little vibrators to help you relieve some muscle tension so let’s attach those to your little nips, now. Ohhh someone’s getting excited! The best is yet to come 😉 here come the feathers! Slow little swishes around your pickle…up, down, all around…from bottom to top and top to bottom. Finally some little love to the head while I tickle other parts of your body (feet, thighs, pits, whatever I can reach). Finally, you bust! Ahhh, sweet release…for the moment. Now the fun really begins. We’re gonna find out how really ticklish you are! We have all of Christmas and all of new year to celebrate, so here’s to a week full of fun, just the two of us…Happy Holidays to us! 🥰
Now this is the kind of christmas cheer I can get into.
What they fail to tell you is that adults are judged by the standards of the Naughty/Nice List Pro™: not just no presents, but a punishment scaling up to whatever twisted shit this is depending on just how naughty you've been. Trussed like a turkey and tickled to madness.
Apparently I've been a very bad boy indeed...
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Dekusquad React to Wattpad!
Dekusquad React To Wattpad! by SourDabi
The Dekusquad react to Y/N fics -wattpad material type shiz-
...and Shouto's nephews make a lil apperance cause I can't help myself!
(Heavily inspired by natsubae! on youtube!)
Words: 957, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya
Relationships: Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Humor, Crack, Autistic Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto is a Little Shit, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Asui Tsuyu is a Little Shit, Uraraka Ochako is a Little Shit, Iida Tenya is a Little Shit, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, Mentioned Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Mentioned Takami Keigo | Hawks, Inspired by Fanfiction, Uncle Todoroki Shouto, Out of Character, Funny, Comedy, Implied Mpreg
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48898882
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
Dekusquad React to Wattpad!
Dekusquad React To Wattpad! by SourDabi
The Dekusquad react to Y/N fics -wattpad material type shiz-
...and Shouto's nephews make a lil apperance cause I can't help myself!
(Heavily inspired by natsubae! on youtube!)
Words: 957, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya
Relationships: Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Humor, Crack, Autistic Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto is a Little Shit, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Asui Tsuyu is a Little Shit, Uraraka Ochako is a Little Shit, Iida Tenya is a Little Shit, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, Mentioned Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Mentioned Takami Keigo | Hawks, Inspired by Fanfiction, Uncle Todoroki Shouto, Out of Character, Funny, Comedy, Implied Mpreg
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48898882
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sad girl hours (lmao)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dP6qhuM
by jillianzstars
written during a hpd crash sorry peopleee THIS IS NOT AS SAD AS IT SOUNDS THE PARENTHESIS MAKE IT FUNNY YALL
histrionic personality disorder
noun: pathology. a psychological disorder usually beginning in early adulthood, characterized by excessive emotional expression and attention-seeking behavior.
Words: 298, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Danganronpa: Despair Time, danganronpa shiz shiz
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, Other
Characters: Teruko Tawaki (Danganronpa: Despair Time), David Chiem (Danganronpa: Despair Time) [mentioned]
Additional Tags: Yikes, histrionic personality disorder, cluster b shit, yea the whole fic is just teruko having hpd sorry guyssssss, i wrote this during a histrio crash in less than an hour LOL, formatted like the new mv, Suicidal Thoughts, <- TOWARDS THE END, the parenthesis aren’t my personal thoughts btw i thought they would be funny thouh, no beta we die like.. idk, heed the tags, vent fic but made funny
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dP6qhuM
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Day #2
It's currently 2:09 pm. Woke up at 1 am to have lunch and now I'm back on the computer. I swear my eyes feel like they're swollen. Too bad I have to do my PTs. I promised myself that I'd wake up early so I can do y laundry. But my sleep-deprived ass couldn't sleep until FIVE FRICKING A.M!!! Like pls, I wanna sleep early so I can wake up early but it's so hard to do that. And honestly F math. Why??? Do we learn??? So much??? Complicated stuff when we aren't even gonna use it in the future!!! Like my cousin asked her cousin if they ever use any of the things they got taught in math and they are like "Not rlly".... NOT RLLY?!?! Then why the f do we even LEARN this shiz. Almost seems like a waste of our time. I know math is important, but only in specific jobs. I mean I am an ADT (Arts & Design Track) student, not ABM or STEM. It makes sense for those two strands to need to know more than the basics but an ART student?? There are only specific maths we need to know. We don't need to know everything.
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epiclamer · 3 years
this is a part two to “Why not?” some shiz I wrote recently.
CW: kinda smutty, bad use of commas, a bit of cussy wussing.
(Once again no reposts I wrote this.)
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Why not? Pt. 2
Hero relaxed against the mattress as Villain clambered on top of them. Pushing them down and pinning their wrists above their head. Hero had to admit, the feeling of having Villain so close and being so vulnerable, was unnerving. But as Villains lips ghosted Hero’s neck they found themselves leaning into it.
Villain let out a breathy laugh before planting a soft kiss on Hero’s neck, watching the goosebumps spread across the skin quickly.
Hero let out a whine as Villain did nothing more but let out the occasional peck to Hero’s neck. They wanted more.
They needed more.
“Needy, love?” Villain asked as they loomed over Hero, a knee in between their legs.
Hero scoffed—feeling brave. “I asked you in here to please me, not tease me.” They said, arms still pinned above their head. “If I wanted someone to-“
Hero’s words were cut off by Villains lips smashing into theirs and one hand sliding in between their thighs, rubbing their upper thigh harshly.
A moan escaped Hero’s lips automatically and it only fuelled Villain more as they bit down on Hero’s lip, drawing a trickle of blood.
Hero’s hips bucked up as they searched for more friction against Villains hand. Their lips already swelling and the air already hot. Hero could hear a nagging voice in the back of their head; telling them to stop—to pull away. After all, Villain was their nemesis. But the overwhelming sense of pleasure as Villain trailed hickeys down Hero’s neck and collarbone wouldn’t let them move.
“F-fuck” Hero groaned as Villain undid the buttons to their shirt and began to kiss down their chest. “M-more” Hero tried as Villain kissed lower and lower and lower.
“Ah, ah, ah.” Villain smirked evilly as they lifted their head off Hero’s hips. “I don’t think you deserve it yet.” They sneered and Hero’s eyes went wide, the heat pooling between their legs already slowly fading.
“Nononononono, please! [Villain] please!” They begged, trying to bring their hands down only to realize their wrists have been tied to the headrest with Villains belt.
Villain tsked them as they teasingly ran their pointer finger down Hero’s chest.
If Hero wanted something tonight, they would have to beg for it.
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chixxly · 3 years
Heroes Rising
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I’m gonna point out EVERYTHING I noticed about this one scene. 
The colors... Look at the rainbow colors Hori did... You already know what I’m gonna say about that lmfao. It’s gay.
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They are forming a heart... I’m not even joking this looks like something you would see when a ship becomes canon. Hori is too loud. You can tell that this was supposed to be a huge moment for BakuDeku.
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THEN THIS SONG STARTS F*CKING PLAYING?!?! The melody to it is so beautiful. Thats why you probably cried while watching the movie. This song is called Might+U by Makayla Phillips you can search for it!
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HORI EVEN SAID “lets make them sail off on a ship.” FORESHADOWING AGAIN??!>@>@@HSIOAHD But seriously though Hori you madman you can’t do us like this. 
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This scene was small but not only did it look like he was blushing, he jumped on Kacchan like it was nothing mans had the guts to throw himself onto him lmfao. 
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Dad Might this isn’t their wedding silly. You have to wait a few more years I promise. 
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Bakugou calm your gay worried ass down your boyfriend said:
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“It doesn’t matter there is no other way. Also, All Might would agree if it’s you...”
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dandaelions · 3 years
aespa’s “savage” album thoughts! 🐍😈
from debuting in controversy to rivaling established groups in the span of a year, the meteoric rise of this group has been veeeeeery interesting to witness. though I was initially one of those people with serious doubts about their concept, there’s no denying the powerhouse talent and energy these ladies are bringing to the scene - and the gobs of $$$ SM is throwing at this social experiment. they've definitely got some of the best visual designers working on this and it shows! going into this mini. I'm not quite sure what to expect - everything they've put out has looked GORGEOUS but do they deliver on the music? let's find out...
aenergy - can't quite understand what they're saying (edit: looking at the lyrics...I'm think I'm gonna need a glossary lol) but this is a pretty epic intro...in case you had any doubt what this group is about, now you know! I've never been a huge fan of chant-y verses so not quite digging the "everydaaAAAYYY we get better" but that beat HITS. oh gosh what does this rhythm remind me of?? I swear there's another song with this beat but I can't remember...
savage - intro really reminds me of super m's one (monster & infinity), that's a great build-up going into the chorus which then...goes nowhere...ok...I'm a little confused tbh. I wish the chorus was stronger to match the fierce energy from the verses. man these girls are KILLING it though! YAS THIS INSTRUMENTAL BREAK THOUGH!!! oh wait ok was that a key change? hold on whoa ningning is blasting off and then...it ends?
i feel under- and overwhelmed at the same time with this...like there are elements that are really great but that chorus totally kills the vibe, and don't quite understand the decision to add a key change at the end. everything ends up sounding quite disjointed when put together :/ mv looks AMAZING though so this is where dftf budget went lol jk jk corporation is gonna do what corporations do also props to the members for bringing their all, this is def very unconventional and honestly they sell it. we'll see how this does in the long-term...
I'll make you cry - oh fck. hold up. there's something going on here. the skitzy synth with those staccato verses and drum machine...
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ok but that empty beat drop then that EXPLOSION at 1:15!!! THIS HITS!!! YAS I'M JUST!!! love this trap/hip-hop interpretation of a cyberpunk-y video game! I WANNA RACE A CAR TO THIS!!! the girls sound positively dangerous and I can totally imagine them as the protagonists of a futuristic action movie! OH BUT THE BRIDGE!! oh it's so sparkling and WOW they sound so amazing with their lower registers. the mixing actually sounds really incredible in this song, there's a lot going on but it's all balanced really well and all the vocal flourishes and harmonies!! despite the intensity, there's plenty of space for all of the members to shine. OKAY DOKEY I was not expecting that but MAN I was vibing!!
yeppi yeppi - the beat is PRESENT. sounds almost like they took a red velvet song and synth-ified it...oh WHOA the section that starts at 1:20 the drum machine!! the beats!! wooooo what a roller coaster ride! actually you know what, this almost seems like something that might've been slated for f(x), this song just gets weirder and weirder the more it goes on...holy SHIZ how much did they cram in here?? I'm just sitting here like 😧 producers really had fun with this one lol. def not for everyone's taste but I think I like it! might have to give this a few more listens...
iconic - ohh all right spy movie-action sequence vibes...heavy rap verses with this one, I'm glad they get to show so many different sides. nice contrast with the pre-chorus there, letting the space expand for a bit before packing the beats right back in. I am half expecting taeyong to drop in for a few lines here lol, sounds very much in nct's alley. lyrically the chorus feels a bit juvenille but I can vibe to it, the chromatic descents add enough movement to keep it going. ahhh the bridge sounds so refreshing! hmm yeah I feel this one!
lucid dreams - just based off the title I'm expecting something a bit more laid-back, and it seems like I'm right! the sustained synths add more mood and atmosphere here...really like the background noise, that's a nice touch! oh it's so nice to hear their voices a little bit more stripped back :) the trap beats are back at it again, except a bit more relaxed here. tempo is still pretty fast though. OOOOHHHH YESSSSS THE CHORUS. YES. sometimes doing less is more, and that's exactly what's working out here. the harmonies really get a chance to shine and they're able to convey so much emotion, paradoxically, by not conveying much at all. nice transition from the layered chorus to the singular vocal line, sonically a very interesting moment. love the shooting star effects and little touches going on in the background! OH THIS BRIDGE! oh wow what a way to close out the album
overall - I AM SO PLEASANTLY SURPRISED!! wow this really delivered some amazing stuff and I am so happy that a lot of this is in the vein of what I like listening to, like trap, synthwave, and electronica. sm back at it again with the weak title tracks, but I am honestly so glad the ladies got some b-sides to show what they're really about. clearly they're got the vocals and the musicality to tackle whatever is thrown at them, and I've really been impressed by them so far. even in the saturated landscape of kpop, this sounds fresh and interesting and PROPS to the producing team!! they brought it!! my playlists grew a bit today, yayyyy :)
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 3 years
For Forever and a Day
For Forever and A Day by 12cool briz21
Their life? Nearly perfect. A career being Pro heroes, had their own apartment, and friends that supported them. It was all so perfect. Until it wasnt.
Bakugo Katsuki is found in an alley covered in blood, unconscious and his fiancée finds him as such. With little to go on, Kirishima has to find out what happened before the villain attacks again.
You, as an audience will be piecing the story together from the end to the beginning. Think of it as ‘Momento’ the movie. The original story has been rewritten.
Words: 3284, Chapters: 2/10, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A, Kaminari Denki, OC Villian, Toga Himiko
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Whoops i chose violence again, Angst with a Happy Ending, i dont want to spoil too much, OC villian, Who decided to be in a stabby mood, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Kirishima Eijirou, Established Relationship, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, and they were roomates, jk, They are Fiancés, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Violence, slight PTSD?, Ill tag for each chapter, I promise a happy ending, i can always retag, they will do adult shiz, Tooth Rotting Fluff, after shit goes down tho
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34004092
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ehliena · 4 years
FilAms referring to the Philippines as the acronym PI while they are calling homelanders for the use of Filipinx and Pinxy is peak irony. That is without adding these two facts: the letter F is a loaned letter in Tagalog from the oppressors (and its corresponding phoneme too) and that the demonym is an appellation to Felipe II of Spain. And for someone like me who reads and writes in Baybayin since age 15, to write a Baybayin X seems like a dark humor scene in a Taika Waititi comedy. (Yes, I do Baybayin shiz for fun, but not as serious as Kristian Kabuay and NordenX.)
I first encountered PI among FilAms during Christmas vacation 2002 in LA; and Pilipinx when I joined the theatrical production of a FilAm musical at CalState East Bay in 2016. I understand that it is their culture and I respect it, and I assimilate. I easily assimilate with what I call my Nickelodeon voice, which I have acquired from when jailbroken cable services became a thing in Mega Manila and through my theatre background. But when in Rome, we live the Roman way, so as the Santa Mesa-born foreigner, I have to hide that dark laughter every single time someone uses PI.
But of course, 2020 had to make us see PI-using FilAms pressuring homelander to use Filipinx, citing political correctness and gender neutrality (while white American Pemberton, the killer of Filipino transwoman Jennifer Laude, was given an absolute pardon by Duterte).
So, let us start my TEDtalk.
P.I. is a colloquial acronym for Putanginamo (the equivalent of Fuck You) used by conservative Filipinos who probably are only retelling a story.
Tsismosa 1: “Minura ni Aling Biring si Ka Boying.” (Aling Biring cursed Ka Boying)
Tsismosa 2: “Oh? Ano ika?” (Really? What did she say?)
Tsismosa 1: “Malutong at umaatikabong PI.” (A hard and surging PI.)
Then I imagine PI as the curse when FilAms say some sentences:
“Are you flying back to Putangina?”
“I miss Putangina. We went to Boracay.”
“Duterte is President of Putangina.”
But it’s fine with me. I understand they mean well and I know that Americans, as first world as they are, have poor grasp of history. It’s a little sad though that FilAms have not always been reminded of this special footnote in the history of the United States:
P.I. stands for Philippine Islands. That’s the colonial name of the Philippines as a commonwealth republic under the United States, which the republic stopped using when the 1935 Constitution was enacted in 1946. Yes, in case people are forgetting, the Philippines has long been a state with full sovereignty recognized by the United Nations (of which we are a founding member of and wherein Carlos Romulo served as President) and recognized by Shaider Pulis Pangkalawakan.
Also, RP is used to refer to the Republic of the Philippines before the use of the standard two-letter country code PH.
I’m not saying FilAms should stop using PI to refer to the Philippines but I’m saying that the roots of that practice is from American oppression that homelanders have already cancelledttt.
Our oldest bank in the Philippines is BPI. It stands for Bank of the Philippine Islands, originally named El Banco Español Filipino de Isabel II because it was founded during Queen Isabella II’s reign. It was a public bank by then; perhaps comparable to the Federal Reserve. Upon its privatization during the American occupation, the bank started using BPI for the sake of branding because it was the Americans who christened us with P.I. (I have a theory that Manila was a character in Money Heist because the Royal Mint of Spain used to have a branch in the Philippines and operated very closely with BPI. And my other supernatural theory is that our translation of peso which is ‘piso’ affects our economy. ‘Piso’ means ‘floor’ or ‘flat’ in Spanish.)
Now, going back. To me, P.I. is more appropriate an acronym for the ethnic group of Pacific Islanders. I don't think I need to explain further why. These would be the natives of Hawai’i, Guam, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and other islands in the Oceania continent, and maybe even New Zealand. If a curious FilAm raises a question of whether Filipinos are Pacific Islanders or Asians or Hispanics, the answer is long but easy to understand.
The Filipinos live in a group of islands within the Pacific Plate. The Philippines is an Asian country, following conventions of geopolitical continental borders from the other. We are Hispanics by virtue of being under Spain for three fucking centuries. And Teresita Marquez is Reina Hispanoamericana because why not? (We could’ve been a part of America still if not for the efforts of Quezon.) So, the quick answer is that the Filipino is all of it.
Yes, the Filipinos have an affinity with the Pacific through nature and geography. Think of the earthquakes, volcanoes, flora and fauna, and the coconuts. And they even look like us. The earlier inhabitants of the archipelago were Pacific Islanders who were introduced to Hinduism and Buddhism as being closer to the cradles of civilization India and China. Then, the Islamic faith has grown along with the rise of the kingdoms and polities in Southeast Asia. The Spaniards arrived in the archipelago, to an already civilized Islamic polity - too civilized that they understood how diplomacy is necessary in war. We knew that it resulted to the defeat and death of Magellan who was fighting for Rajah ‘Don Carlos’ Humabon. Then came the 333 years of being under Spain AND (sic) the Catholic Church which made us more Hispanic. Our Austronesian/Malayo-Polynesian languages (Tagalog, Bisaya, Kapampangan, Ilocano, Bikol, Waray, Cuyonon, etc.) have kept our Asian identity intact - unlike Latin American countries where the official language of each is one of the Romance languages; thus "Latin".
(It is only towards the end of that 333-year Spanish rule that the 'Filipino' emerged to be something the oppressed could claim, and for that we thank the poet in Jose Rizal. I see a parallel in how Christians claimed the cross, the former symbol of criminals in Jewish tradition, to become the symbol of God’s love and salvation through Jesus. Wow. That’s so UST of me. Lol.)
You add into the mix that our diaspora is so large and identifiable, the data gatherers decided to mark the tables with “Filipino” - too Asian to be Hispanic and Pacific, too Pacific to be Hispanic and Asian, and too Hispanic to be Asian and Pacific.
What many FilAms do not realize everyday is that unlike the words Blacks, Latinx, Asians, or Pacific Islanders, or Hispanics, the word Filipino is not just a word denoting an ethnic group. At its highest technical form, the word Filipino is a word for the citizenship of a sovereign nation, enshrined in the constitution of a free people whose history hinges on the first constitutional republic in Asia.
By state, we mean a sovereign nation and not a federal state. (Well, even with Chinese intervention, at the very least we try.)
By state, we mean we are a people with a national territory, a government, and a legal system inspired by the traditions of our ancestors and oppressors. It may be ugly, but it is ours, and we have the power to change it.
This one may be as confusing as Greek-Grecian-Greco-Hellenic-Hellene, but let’s examine the word 'Filipino' further when placed side by side with related words.
*Pilipinas is the country; official name: Republika ng Pilipinas. It is translated into English as “Philippines”; official name: Republic of the Philippines. Spanish translates it into “Filipinas”, the Germans “Philippinen”, the French “Les Philippines”, the Italians “Filippine”.
*Pilipino refers to the people. It is translated into English as Filipino. The plural forms are ‘mga Pilipino’ and ‘Filipinos’.
*Philippine is an English adjective relating to the Philippines, commonly used for official functions. It may be used as an alternative to the other western adjective ‘Filipino’ but the interchangeability is very, very nuanced. Filipino people not Philippine people. Filipino government and Philippine government. Philippine Embassy, Filipino embassy, not Filipino Embassy. Tricky, eh?
*Filipino also refers to the official language of the state (which is basically Tagalog).
*Filipiniana refers to Philippine-related books and non-book materials (cultural items, games, fashion, etc.) which could be produced by Filipinos or non-Filipinos, inside or outside the Philippines.
*Pinoy is a colloquial gender-neutral demonym; comparable to how New Zealanders use the word Kiwi.
The demonym Filipino has evolved from that of referring only to Spaniards in the Philippines into becoming the term for the native people who choose to embrace the identity of a national.
It started from when Jose Rizal wrote his poem “A la juventud filipina” and he emerged as an inspiration to the Philippine Revolution through Andres Bonifacio’s leadership. (But take note of ‘filipina’ because ‘juventud’ is a feminine word in Spanish.)
Today, no less than the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which was neither written by Hamilton nor a group of straight white men but by people of different faiths, genders, disabilities, and skin colors, in its first five words in both Filipino and English versions read: "Kami, ang nakapangyayaring sambayanang Pilipino", translated as "We, the sovereign Filipino people” validates the legitimacy of the word as gender-neutral, alive, aware and awake with our history of struggles.
Article 14 Section 7 of the current Constitution says Filipino is the national language. And while I agree that it is not really a real language but an alias for Tagalog, it is a conscientious codification of a social norm during the time of Manuel Quezon as he is aiming for the world to recognize the unified Filipinos as a sovereign people. People. Not men. Not heterosexual men. People.
It is a non-issue for the homeland Filipino that the word Filipino refers to the people and the language. But FilAms are concerned of political correctness due to an understandable cultural insecurity also felt by other non-whites in the US. And there is added confusion when FilAms pattern the word Filipino after the patriarchal Spanish language, without learning that the core of the grammars of Philippine languages are gender-neutral. The Tagalog pronoun "siya" has no gender. "Aba Ginoong Maria" is proof that the Tagalog word 'ginoo' originally has no gender. Our language is so high-context that we have a fundamental preposition: “sa”.
It is difficult to be a person of color in the United States especially in these times of the white supremacy’s galling resurgence. Well, it’s not like they have been gone, but this time, with Trump, especially, it’s like the movement took steroids and was given an advertising budget. But for FilAms to force Filipinx into the Philippines, among homeland Filipinos, is a rather uneducated move, insensitive of the legacies of our national heroes and magnificent leaders.
The FilAm culture and the Filipino homeland culture are super different, nuanced. It’s a different dynamic for a Latinx who speak Spanish or Portuguese or whatever their native language is - it reminds entitled white English-speaking America of their place in the continent. It should remind a racist white man whose roots hail from Denmark that his house in Los Angeles stands on what used to be the Mexican Empire.
Let’s use a specific cultural experience by a Black person for example: the black person not only has Smith or Johnson for their last name, but there is no single easy way for them to retrieve their family tree denoting which African country they were from, unless the Slave Trade has data as meticulous as the SALN forms. Let’s use a specific cultural experience by a Mexican-American with Native American heritage: the person is discriminated by a white US Border Patrol officer in the border of Texas. Texas used to be part of Mexico. Filipinos have a traceable lineage and a homeland.
Filipinos and FilAms may be enjoying the same food recipes, dancing the same cultural dance for purposes of presentations every once in a while, but the living conditions, the geography, the languages, social experiences, the human conditions are different, making the psychology, the politics, the social implications more disparate than Latinxs like Mexicans and Mexican Americans.
I don’t know if it is too much advertising from state instruments or from whatever but FilAms don’t realize how insensitive they have become in trying to shove a cultural tone down the throats of the citizens of the republic or of those who have closer affinity to it. And some Filipino homelanders who are very used to accommodating new global social trends without much sifting fall into the trap of misplaced passions.
To each his own, I guess. But FilAms should read Jose Rizal’s two novels, Carlos Romulo’s “I am a Filipino”, materials by Miriam Defensor Santiago (not just the humor books), speeches of Claro Recto, books by historians Gregorio Zaide, Teodoro Agoncillo, Renato Constantino, Nick Joaquin, Regalado Trota Jose, Fidel Villaroel, Zeus Salazar, Xiao Chua, and Ambeth Ocampo, and really immerse themselves in the struggle of the Filipino for an unidentifiable identity which the FilAms confuse for the FilAm culture. That’s a little weird because unlike Blacks and the Latinx movement, the Philippines is a real sovereign state which FilAms could hinge their history from.
I have to be honest. The homelanders don’t really care much about FilAm civil rights heroes Philip Vera Cruz and Larry Itliong, or even Alice Peña Bulos, because it was a different fight. But the media can play a role sharing it, shaping consensus and inadvertently setting standards. (But it’s slightly different for Peña Bulos, as people are realizing she was already a somebody in the Philippines before becoming a who’s who in the US, which is somehow similar to the case of Lea Salonga who was not only from the illustrious Salonga clan, but was also already a child star.) How much do Filipino millennials know about Marcoses, Aquinos? Maybe too serious? Lol. Then, let’s try using my favorite examples as a couch potato of newer cultural materials accessible to FilAms - cultural materials on television and internet.
FilAms who only watched TFC wondered who Regine Velasquez was when ABSCBN welcomed her like a beauty queen. Those with the GMA Pinoy TV have a little idea. But they did not initially get why the most successful Filipino artist in the US, Lea Salonga, does not get that level of adulation at home that Velasquez enjoys. Was it just Regine’s voice? No. Well, kinda, maybe, because there is no question that she is a damn good singer with God knows how many octaves, but it is the culture she represents as a probinsyana who made it that far and chose to go back home and stay - and that’s already a cultural nuance Filipinos understand and resonate with, without having to verbalize because the Philippines is a high-context culture in general, versus the US which is low-context culture in general. I mean, how many Filipinos know the difference of West End and Broadway, and a Tony and an Olivier? What does a Famas or a Palanca mean to a FilAm, to a Filipino scholar, and to an ordinary Filipino? Parallel those ideas with "Bulacan", "Asia", "Birit", "Songbird".
You think Coach Apl.de.Ap is that big in the Philippines? He was there for the global branding of the franchise because he is an American figure but really, Francis Magalona (+) and Gloc9 hold more influence. And speaking of influence, do FilAms know Macoy Dubs, Lloyd Cadena (+) and the cultures they represent? Do FilAms know Aling Marie and how a sari-sari store operates within a community? Do FilAms see the symbolic functions of a makeshift basketball (half)courts where fights happen regularly? How much premium do FilAms put on queer icons Boy Abunda, Vice Ganda? Do FilAms realize that Kris Aquino's role in Crazy Rich Asians was not just to have a Filipino in the cast (given that Nico Santos is already there) but was also Kris Aquino's version of a PR stunt to showcase that Filipinos are of equal footing with Asian counterparts if only in the game of 'pabonggahan'? Will the FilAms get it if someone says ‘kamukha ni Arn-arn’? Do FilAms see the humor in a Jaclyn Jose impersonation? Do FilAms even give premiums to the gems Ricky Lee, Peque Gallaga, Joel Lamangan, Joyce Bernal, Cathy Garcia Molina, and Jose Javier Reyes wrote and directed? (And these are not even National Artists.) How about AlDub or the experience of cringing to edgy and sometimes downright disgusting remarks of Joey De Leon while also admiring his creative genius? Do FilAms understand the process of how Vic Sotto became ‘Bossing’ and how Michael V could transform into Armi Millare? Do FilAms get that Sexbomb doesn’t remind people of Tom Jones but of Rochelle? Do FilAms get that dark humor when Jay Sonza’s name is placed beside Mel Tiangco’s? What do FilAms associate with the names ‘Tulfo’, ‘Isko’, ‘Erap’, ‘Charo’, ‘Matet’, ‘Janice’, ‘Miriam’, ‘Aga’, ‘Imelda’ and ‘Papin’? Do FilAms get that majority of Filipinos cannot jive into Rex Navarette’s and Jo Koy’s humor but find the comic antics of JoWaPao, Eugene Domingo, Mr Fu, Ryan Rems, and Donna Cariaga very easy to click with? Do FilAms know Jimmy Alapag, Jayjay Helterbrand, Josh Urbiztondo? Oh wait, these guys are FilAms. Lol. Both cultures find bridge in NBA, but have these FilAms been to a UAAP, NCAA, or a PBA basketball game where the longstanding rival groups face each other? Do FilAms know the legacy of Ely Buendia and the Eraserheads? Do FilAms know about Brenan Espartinez wearing this green costume on Sineskwela? Do FilAms know how Kiko Matsing, Ate Sienna, Kuya Bodjie helped shape a generation of a neoliberal workforce?
That list goes on and on, when it comes to this type of Filipiniana materials on pop culture, and I am sure as Shirley Puruntong that while the homeland Filipino culture is not as widespread, it has depth in its humble and high-context character.
Now, look at the practical traffic experiences of the homelanders. People riding the jeepneys, the tricycles, the MRT/LRT, the buses, and the kolorum - the daily Via Crucis of Mega Manila only Filipinos understand the gravity of, even without yet considering the germs passed as the payments pass through five million other passengers before reaching the front. Add the probinsyas, people from periphery islands who cross the sea to get good internet connections or do a checkup in the closest first-class town or component city. Do FilAms realize that the largest indoor arena in the world is built and owned by Iglesia ni Cristo, a homegrown Christian church with a headquarters that could equal the Disney castle?
Do FilAms know the experience as a tourist's experience or as an experience a homelander want to get away from or at least improved?
Do FilAms understand how much an SM, a Puregold, or a Jollibee, Greenwich, Chowking branch superbly change a town and its psychology and how it affects the Pamilihang Bayan? Do FilAms realize that while they find amusement over the use of tabo, the homelanders are not amused with something so routinary? Do FilAms realize how Filipinos shriek at the thought that regular US households do not wash their butts with soap and water after defecating?
Do FilAms understand the whole concept of "ayuda" or SAP Form in the context of pandemic and politics? The US has food banks, EDDs, and stubs - but the ayuda is nowhere near the first world entitlements Filipinos in the homeland could consider luxury. But, that in itself is part of the cultural nuance.
Do FilAms know that Oxford recognizes Philippine English as a diction of the English language? While we’ve slowly grown out of the fondness for pridyider and kolgeyt, do FilAms know how xerox is still used in the local parlance? Do FilAms know how excruciating it is to read Panitikan school books Ibong Adarna, Florante at Laura under the curriculum, and how light it is to read Bob Ong? Do FilAms realize that Jessica Zafra, with all her genius, is not the ordinary homelander’s cup-of-tea?
Do FilAms know that Filipinos do not sound as bad in English as stereotypes made them believe? Do FilAms really think that Philippines will be a call center capital if our accents sound like the idiolects of Rodrigo Duterte’s or Ninoy Aquino’s Philippine English accent? Do FilAms realize how Ninoy and Cory speak English with different accents? Lea Salonga's accent is a thespian's accent so she could do a long range like that of Meryl Streep if she wants to so she wouldn't be a good example. Pacquiao's accent shows the idiolect unique to his region in southern Philippines. But for purposes of showing an ethnolinguistic detail, I am using President Cory Aquino’s accent when she delivered her historic speech in the US Congress as a more current model of the Philippine English accent.
Do FilAms bother themselves with the monsoons, the humidity, and the viscosity of sweat the same way they get bothered with snowstorms, and heat waves measured in Fahrenheit?
Do FilAms know that not only heterosexual men are accepted in the Katipunan? Do FilAms even know what the Katipunan is? Do FilAms realize that the Philippines had two female presidents and a transwoman lawmaker? Do FilAms take “mamatay nang dahil sa’yo” the same way Filipinos do? Do FilAms know the ground and the grassroots? Do FilAms know the Filipino culture of the homeland?
These are cultural nuances FilAms will never understand without exposure of Philippine society reflected from barrio to lalawigan, from Tondo to Forbes Park. It goes the same way with Filipinos not understanding the cultural weight of Robert Lopez and the EGOT, or Seafood City, or Lucky Chances Casino, or what Jollibee symbolizes in New York, unless they are exposed.
The thing though is that while it is harder for FilAms to immerse to the homeland culture, it is easier for homeland culture to immerse into the FilAm’s because America’s excess extends to the propagation of its own subcultures, of which the FilAm’s is one.
We’re the same yet we’re different. But it should not be an issue if we are serious with embracing diversity. There should not be an issue with difference when we could find a common ground in a sense of history and shared destiny. But it is the burden of the Filipinos with and in power to understand the situation of those who have not.
Nuances. Nuances. Nuances.
And while I believe that changing a vowel into X to promote gender-neutrality has a noble intention, there is no need to fix things that are not broken. Do not be like politicians whose acts of service is to destroy streets and roads and then call for its renovation instead of fixing broken bridges or creating roads where there are none.
The word ‘Filipino’ is not broken. Since Rizal’s use of the term to refer to his Malayan folks, the formal process of repair started. And it is not merely codified, but validated by our prevailing Constitution, which I don’t think a FilAm would care to read, and I cannot blame them. What's in it for a regular FilAm? They wouldn’t read the US Constitution and the Federalist Papers; what more the 1987 Saligang Batas?
The bottomline of my thoughts on this particular X issue is that FilAms cannot impose a standard for Filipinos without going through a deeper, well-thought-out, more arduous process, most especially when the card of gender neutrality and political correctness are raised with no prior and deeper understanding of what it is to be a commoner in the homeland, of what it is to be an ordinary citizen in a barangay, from Bayan ng Itbayat, Lalawigan ng Batanes to Bayan ng Sitangkai, Lalawigan ng Sulu. It is very dangerous because FilAms yield more influence and power through their better access to resources, and yet these do not equate to cultural awareness.
Before Rizal’s political philosophy of Filipino, the ‘Filipino’ refers to a full-blooded Spaniard born in the Philippines, and since Spain follows jus sanguinis principle of citizenship, back then, ‘Filipino’ is as Spaniard as a ‘Madrileño’ (people in Madrid). The case in point is Marcelo Azcárraga Palmero - the Filipino Prime Minister of Spain.
But the word ‘Filipino’ was claimed by Rizal and the ilustrados to refer to whom the Spaniards call ‘indio’. The term was then applied retroactively to those who helped in the struggle. It was only later that Lapu-Lapu, Francisco Dagohoy, Gabriela and Diego Silang, Sultan Kudarat, Lorenzo Ruiz, and GOMBURZA were called Filipinos.
The word 'Filipino' was long fixed by the tears and sweat of martyrs through years of bloody history in the hands of traitors within and oppressors not just of the white race. The word Filipino is now used by men, women, and those who do not choose to be referred to as such who still bears a passport or any state document from the Republic of the Philippines. Whether a homelader is a Kapuso, Kapamilya, Kapatid, DDS, Dilawan, Noranian, Vilmanian, Sharonian, Team Magnolia, Barangay Ginebra, Catholic, Muslim, Aglipayan, Iglesia, Victory, Mormon, IP, OP, SJ, RVM, SVD, OSB, OSA, LGBTQQIP2SAA, etc., the word 'Filipino' is a constant variable in the formula of national consciousness.
Merriam-Webster defines Filipina as a Filipino girl or woman. Still a Filipino. Remember, dictionaries do not dictate rules. Dictionaries provide us with the meaning. To me, the word Filipina solidified as a subtle emphasis to the Philippines as a matriarchal country faking a macho look. But that’s not saying the word Filipino in the language is macho with six-pack.
The word Filipino is not resting its official status on the letter O but in its quiddity as a word and as an idea of a sovereign nation. The words Pilipino, Filipino, and Pinoy are not broken. What is broken is the notion that a Filipino subculture dictates the standard for political correctness without reaching the depth of our own history.
If the Filipinx-Pinxy-Pilipinx movement truly suits the Filipino-American struggle, my heart goes out for it. But my republic, the Philippines, home of the Filipino people, cradle of noble heroes, has no need for it (not just yet, maybe) - not because we don't want change, but because it will turn an already resolved theme utterly problematic. The Filipinos have no need for it, not because we cannot afford to consider political correctness when people are hungry, abused, and robbed off taxes. We could afford to legalize a formal way of Filipino greeting for purposes of national identity. But as far as the Filipinx, it should not be the homeland’s priority.
We may be poor, but we have culture.
From Julius Payàwal Fernandez's post
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hxhhunterxhunter · 4 years
Onii-Chan (x child Reader)
⭐️Y/n reacts to Comments, Random scenarios and more💧
Included in this Bundle of Y/n involves ~
~ Y/n reacts to comments  ~ What Y/n calls the characters/ What the characters call Y/n  ~ Learning about Y/n ~ Headpat section (break) ~ Y/n + HXH Characters Scenarios ~Short sneak peak of season 2
(I got lazy also cuz I'm trying to write chapters XD)
Comments (I only added a few, gonna go into comments and write Y/n's reply to them BTW)
*"I'll help you find him." He smiled at the girl, hoping she would calm down. "My name is Gon!"*
'GON AHH GON I LOVE YOU😻😻', 'Gon bby 🥺🥺', 'HEY SUNSHINE BABY🥺', (+ more)
Y/n: Gon I wuv you!
Gon: I wuv you too Y/n-chan!
*The blonde haired male bend down to look at the small girl. "My name is Kurapika, where was the last time you saw him, and do you know where he was going?"*
'Why do I always read it as Kurapico!!??!?'
Y/n: Hai Kurapico!
Kurapika chokes on water
*"Thank you Pika-Pika." She smiled at him and held her plush in her arms. He smiled slight at the nickname and nodded.*
'AWW' (That's really all the comments on this)
Y/n: Pika-Pika! I want a hug!
Kurapika hugs Y/n
Y/n: Thank chu~"
'Why are you killing me' 
Y/n pouts: Sowwy for killing you 👉👈😭
*"I was following you then I was lost, and Gon helped me with Kurapika and liorio!" She said as she held her fox plush in her arms, Hisoka's looked down to notice a badge, neatly pinned onto the stomach of the fox.*
'That's Mr Leorio to you, mr Leorio'
Y/n: his name his Leorio? and not Liorio?
*HJAHJS THIS BOOK IS SO CUTETTETE 🥺💖, AHH ADORABLE✨💖(+ like 100 comments lol)*
Y/n: Let me give you a headpat! You are adorable too! And you deserve it!
'These titles f*cking scare me.'
Y/n: How does Onii-Chan Hisoka scare you? Let me give you a hug to help you not be scared :3
*"His the Imposter"*
'(All among us comments)'
Y/n: Can we skip vote?👉👈
*"You were a bad Onii-chan! You mustn't hurt people with cards!"*
'We a badass five year old🤣🤭😗✌'
Y/n tilts her head: what does that mean?
What Y/n calls them (from most to least used/never used)
Gon - Onii-Chan, Gon-OniiChan, Gon-oniisan, Oniisan,Gon
Killua - Kil-Oniisan,Killu, Killua
Kurapika - Kura-Oniisan, Pika-Pika, Kurapikachu, Kurapika
Leorio - Leo-Oniisan, Liorio,Mr Oreo, Leorio
Hisoka - Hisoka Onii-Chan, Hiso-oniisan, Hiso-Chan, Hiso-Hiso, Hiso, Oniisan, Hisoka
Illumi - Illu-oniisan, Illuminati, Illu, Illumi
Netero - Grandpa, Chairman, Netero
Mr Oinks - Mr Oinks, Oinky, Piggy
Foxy - Foxy, Fox
Chrollo - Chrollo Oniisan,Mr Spider, Chrome, Chrollo
Machi - Machi-neesan, Neesan, Machi
Feitan - FeiFei, Fei-Oniisan, Fei, Feitan
Pakunoda - Paku-Neesan, Pakunoda
Uvogin - Uvo-Oniisan, Uvo, Uvogin
Shalnark - Shal-Oniisan, Mr Bat, Shalnark
Shizuku - Shiz-neesan, Ms Blinky, Shizuku
Phinks - Phi-Oniisan, Pharaoh, Phinky, Phinks 
Nobunaga - Nobu-Oniisan, Nobubaka, Nobunaga
Franklin - Fran-Oniisan, Franklin
Bonolenov - Bono-Oniisan, Mr Mummy, Mr holes, Bonolenov
Kortopi - Kort-Oniisan, Kortopi
Kalluto - Kal-Oniisan, Kallu, Paper Prince, Kalluto
What the characters call Y/n (from most to least used/never used) (thanks for suggestions <3 you can suggest more if you want)
Gon - Lil sis, honey, flower, Bee, Y/n-Chan, Y/n
Killua - Brat, Baka, Y/n
Kurapika - Sunshine (so many people asked for this nickname),Butterfly, Angel, Y/n, Tiny, Bubble, Bumble Bee, Ball of sugar, Little red, Bubble gum, Cub, 
Leorio - Munchkin, lil bug, Kid, chibi, Kiddo, Little one, Oreo, Little devil, Shortie, Bubbles, Little assistant, Y/n
Hisoka - My sweet little fox, Y/n, Little Fox, My Fox, Cotton Candy, My little bungee gum, My foxy unripe fruit
Illumi - Y/n
Netero - Flower, little flower, Y/n
Mr Oinks - can't talk
Foxy - Can't talk (other than mentally)
Chrollo - Princess, clown child, Angel, little spider, Y/n
Machi - Little Spider, mini hisoka, kid, It, Thing, Y/n
Feitan - Shorty,Little Spider, brat, little devil, devil child, Y/n
Pakunoda - Darling, Little Spider, Y/n, Dear 
Uvogin - Kid, mini danger, Little Monster, Little Spider, Y/n
Shalnark - Shorty, player 2, Little Spider, Y/n
Shizuku - Hisoka jr, little helper, Little Spider, Blinky 2, Y/n
Phinks - little girl, bunny, Little Spider, Y/n
Nobunaga - little devil, Tiny Hisoka, Little Spider, Y/n
Franklin - Little Spider, Y/n
Bonolenov - Little Spider, Y/n
Kortopi - Little Spider, Y/n
Kalluto - Friend, Y/n
Learning About Y/n
1. She was created as a 12 year old first, til I decided to age her down into a child since I wanted to create a child reader book and her personality was perfect for it
2. Foxy was previously a polar bear
3. Y/n's nen was gonna be an enhancer, but I changed it for plot reasons (hehe)
4. She was gonna appear in a different one of my HXH books (Sweet Bunny) instead of Teki
5. She doesn't actually have a real name lol, I just call her Little Fox or Lil Sis
6. For people who are curious, Y/n is bisexual- (this is a joke BTW she isn't old enough to date and plus all of her lovers would be ded)
7. Her previous backstory was that Hisoka had killed her family and took her because of her nen, but this changed and I'm not gonna reveal the story behind Y/n...yet.
8. Y/n is actually planned to adopted 2-3 more animals in her journey, but has a possibility of changing (hint- one of these animals have been mentioned above)
9. This is already known, but the story was gonna end on the chapter 'Bai Bai!' and plus a chapter that goes into the future when Y/n is older.
10. Y/n was Kalluto's first friend :3
Headpat section! (Author-Chan/Skypie is on break! Y/n is taking over!)
Y/n was standing on stage with a microphone in hand, Mr Oinks and Foxy were with her on stage as she held flash cards.
"Hewo everyone!" Y/n smiled at the audience. "I'm here as Sky-Neesan is on her break! She hopes you like the book. And that she can provide you with a chapter once a week and she is sowwy if she can't do that." Y/n was saying, without looking at the flashcards that she was handed, so what she is saying could be true or not.
"Mr Oinks and Foxy and Me wanna say that you need a headpat, give everyone a headpat. The first person you see after this, give dem a headpat! Bai Bai!"
Y/n was about to leave stage when a paper plane hit her head, Y/n picked it up and read it.
"Oh, well Skypie is going to bed, We might as well start with a small mini spoiler for season 2 of Onii-chan!"
Sneak peak 1
Y/n hummed to herself as she skipped over to the mini arena that was on the bottom floor of Heaven's Arena. She stood in the middle with some other child, who was trying to reach the top, He had black hair, and his hair was covering one of his eyes that were bright vibrate Green, in the back it seemed to be a few people were cheering on him, teenagers, guessing they forced the Child to do this.
The kid stood ready, shaking slightly from fear, but he still seemed confident in beating her, he came close to the female. As he tried to kick the small 5 year old down, She stepped out the way and instantly was behind the kid, she used her finger and flicked the back of his head.
"Flick!" She said softly to the male as he was flicked across the room and into the wall, making a dent into it. The audience of participants either pitied the boy or stared shocked at the female, who was thinking to herself. 'I didn't even use my nen that much...aww man I wanted to show off to Hiso-chan and get headpats...'
"Oh Y/n, you were here before, last year correct?" The small girl looked at the referee and nodded her head slightly, she went here with Illumi and Hisoka before.
"You should head up to the 200th floor, good luck kid."
"Thank you Mr Referee!"
Y/n ended the clip and smiled at the audience. "Hope you liked it! Skypie is waking up now! Hope you will enjoy season 2, and remember to give everyone headpats...ALSO Bombfetti has the properties of Bombs and Confetti! Bai Bai!" Y/n ran off stage with Foxy and Mr Oinks following her.
(Skypie has returned from her sleep and will continue writing)
Y/n sat in her room, she had been going on her own mini adventure for a few days. 
She managed to get a treasure chest from finding it in an abandoned cave on the beach. She started to head out when She was starting to be pulled away.
She tried to stop it, using Gyo she noticed the familar Pink aura that was attached to her back
"Hello Y/n~" A familiar voice made Y/n look up and smile
"Hai Onii-Chan!"
Y/n was standing with Hisoka, Gon and Killua as they were all outside.
It started to rain. Y/n-Chan shivered and tried using her hand as an umbrella, since Fox didn't like getting wet and would be mad at her for the next week
As she tried to stop the rain with her Hand, Gon picked her up and used his Jacket to cover their heads so they wouldn't get wet
"Thank you OniiChan!" She smiles at Gon
"Oi! What about me Gon!" Killua yelled at him
Sneak peak to season 2
Y/n was watching Hisoka's fight, as she was cheering on him, she soon found herself bored at the scene.
She decided to go and grab some food so she got out of the stadium quickly, with Mr Oinks following her, and Foxy in her arms, she made it out into the hallway.
She went to the elevator and reached the bottom floor, grabbing a box of Chocolate robots.
She hummed as she noticed on the TV the match was playing and watched it from there.
As Hisoka's match ended, she ran to go and see him
"Hiso-Oniisan! You were cool!" Y/n cheered on her older brother as he patted her head as a thank you.
"Let's go back to your room~ I have now 7 wins and 1 lose~"
"I'm in the lead Hiso-Oniisan! I have 9 wins and 0 loses! Hehe!" She stuck her tongue out at him, giggling.
"Well Y/n~ How about we have a friendly sparing and see who wins~"
Hope you enjoyed! Hope you will Enjoy the next chapter (AKA chapter 16)
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ducktales-wco-oo · 3 years
Tumblr media
is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual | identifies as pansexual | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men | enjoys sex with women | enjoys sex with multiple people at once | initiates | waits for partner to initiate | spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night | prefers sex anytime | no sex drive | low sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive | fluctuating sex drive
small build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build | voluptuous build | wears boxers | wears lingerie | wears other | goes ‘commando’ | trims | shaves/waxes | doesn’t shave/wax | laser hair removal | cup size a-c | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length | 6-9″ in length | 10” or over in length
is silent/makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | moderately vocal | is very loud | grows in volume over time | bites hand/partner/pillow to muffle themselves | calls out/says/whispers partner’s name | curses (only like- Once and he was just ‘omg never again because good boi’) | pillow talk | fakes/exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner
having their hands pinned | pinning their partner’s hands | having their hair pulled | pulling their partner’s hair | being watched (by their partner) | being watched (by a third party) | watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner ‘daddy’ (or other names deferring to their dominance) | being called ‘daddy’ | giving praise | receiving praise | biting/marking | being bitten/marked | spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal | giving vaginal | receiving vaginal | choking | being choked | dirty talk | being tied up | tying their partner up | being worshipped | worshipping their partner | humiliating | being humiliated | degrading | being degraded | knife play | blood play  | being pegged | pegging their partner | Being hypnotised | Hypnotising their partner | cock warming - partner inside | cock warming - inside partner |
Tagged by: Stolen from @calvinssins​ because Reasons
Tagging: Whoever has Hornt muses
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