#f/o: okuyasu
jayjamjary · 2 months
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Guys who say ORA
Bonus Majima <3
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hazysurrealist · 1 month
okay so... uhh new f/os added to the list!
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Okuyasu Nijimura (JJBA) and Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou Project)
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
So I’ve once again realized something really freaking depressing about Childhood Friends
Out of all the kids…… Koichi is going to be the one having the hardest time getting used to a normal and safe life
Josuke grew up with his mom and only started getting traumatized when Dio got involved, and for the Nijimura brothers, while Vanilla was an absolute shit bag of a father, they at least had a little bit of time with their mother(though Keicho can remember more than Okuyasu) and during the first couple years Vanilla was getting involved with Dio the two were mostly left by themselves and were at least safe in that sense
Koichi…… wouldn’t have any of that. He’s been quite literally raised in Dio’s mansion since he was an infant with only Hol Horse as a positive, no strings attached relationship. And as the years went on, Hol Horse was forced to spend more and more time away from the mansion on jobs for Dio, leaving him without protection
Koichi’s never really known true safety. He was almost constantly at risk, be it by Stands he couldn’t see, the more twisted and crueler minions under Dio’s command, or even Dio himself. The only time Koichi was ever close to the definition of safe was when he was by himself. So when the other kids are brought to the mansion and adjusting to everything that’s been dropped on them, Koichi’s already gotten every trick and rule figured out and memorized. He knows which minions are safe to talk to, which should be avoided at all costs, how to go unnoticed, how to tell when a Stand is there, what to do if you end up bumping into Dio, everything because his safety and wellbeing depended on him knowing these things. He’s probably got more than a few scars from his earlier times spent on the mansion before Josuke showed up with his ability to heal things
And when they move to Morioh…… it’s going to be incredibly difficult for him to adjust because he’s never experienced anything close to this. The framework in which he’d built his childhood has now become useless. He doesn’t need to hide in nooks and crannies anymore, he doesn’t need to dash from room to room with quiet footsteps so he won’t get caught, he doesn’t need to sneak food when nobody’s looking, he doesn’t need to hide injuries out of fear of showing weakness, so many things he’d taken as law in his life he now doesn’t have to do and it leaves him floundering in his new life
He’s not alone, he has Tomoko and Hol Horse and Josuke’s grandpa teaching him how to be safe, but it’s going to take a long time for him to unlearn his behavior
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 6 months
I've been thinking about this for a while! But I want to know what you all think!! (They'll be like $8-$15 depending on how many words they are)
If the answer is mostly yes, I'll work on writing some example letters from my f/os to me (romantic letters from Vanilla and Bel, platonic letters from Okuyasu and Avdol, familial letters from Ramón (son) and Emmanuel (cousin-in-law)) so everyone can see what kind of stuff I can write 💪✨
(enjoy pictures of the cute little void dweller man!)
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noaltbruh · 2 years
Hi! Congratulation for the 200 followers! I've seen you've got a lot of asks for this event, and that shows that so many people love your writings!
Mind if I join the celebration? May I request 💭 ❗️👐 💍⏳ for my favourite himbo JoBros Okuyasu and Polnareff (yes I consider Pol as a JoBro) with f!reader?
Again, congrats to the 200!
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Thank you thank you!! 😭💞 and I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long, school's been really rough lately and finding time to write hasn't been easy.
Also Pol is not a Jobro, he's the whole ass protagonist of part 3 😤💕
Hope you enjoy :)♡
💭 How do they imagine their future with their S/O to be like?
Okuyasu just...Wants a simple future for the two of you. This boy doesn't ask for much and doesn't like to carefully plan his life, he prefers to go with the flow and just see how things evolve over time. You can figure the details along the way, it doesn't really matter to him as long as you're by his side.
He'd really love to form a family with you though, to be the good father he never really had. I feel like he gets along with children very well, and he will treat both you and them like you're his most trusted treasure during your entire marriage.
Also, kind of random, but I think that Oku would want to become a chef after high school and probably open his own restaurant. Because of this, he's always fantasizing about you coming to visit him after work some day, as he prepares for you the best meal you'll ever have.
Polnareff's future is...Way too idealistic lol-
What can I say? This man is an hopeless romantic, he seems like the type to believe in fairy tales about love. He wants the two of you to have a perfect life, where nothing ever goes wrong and you're always happy and together.
To be fair though, he will work the hardest he can, so that so you'll be able to have the closest thing possible to what he had originally in mind. Pol Pol is very devoted to you and your relationship, he'd be perfectly happy even if he was the only one to work and you preferred to become a housewife.
However, this man has sworn to himself one thing: he will always support and help you through any decision you may take in life. No matter what, he'll be right by your side to make the journey easy for you, don't ever doubt his commitment to you.
❗️How would they surprise their S/O?
I feel like there would be two occasions in which Oku would most likely try to surprise you.
A- either school has just finished and he's thought of something cool to do that you would have never come up with. Or...
B- there was no reason at all for this, he just felt like it one day and now you're going to join him. No, it is not negotiable.
If he wanted to go with something safe, he'd probably just get you a game or a book he knew you would have liked, so that you could play together. He knows your tastes very well.
Alternatively, he'd buy tickets for the first train he could find and take you sightseeing for an entire day to a city you had never been to before. And before you ask, yes, he's just as clueless as you about the place you are in. Good luck.
First of all, Polnareff loves surprisingly you so much. He loves your excited look whenever he does something you didn't expect, and he doesn't want your relationship to become too...Static, or ad he calls it, "boring".
I think Pol Pol would most definitely try to surprise you through either acts of service or gift giving...Or maybe even both, he'll go no any extend to impress you, honestly. He thinks it's a nice way to always remind you that he truly cares about you and that he'd never give your love for granted.
Immagine this: you've just come back home from a long day at school/work, only to find out that your house has been perfectly tidied, there's a bouquet of flowers waiting for you together with a nice home-made meal. Can you guess who is behind this?
👐 what sort of things would they like to match with their S/O?
Okuyasu would like to match so many things with you, he's just so proud to have you as his girlfriend and he wants to show it off as much as he can.
You have so many options to choose from, honestly. You could match plushies, and be assured that this boy would hug his one any time you're not near him, pretending that's actually you. Same Okuyasu, sane.
OR, you could match something related to your outfit! Maybe you could wear his iconic dollar pin and he'd add something to his look that reminds him of you :)
Also you two would definitely have those "If lost, return to Y/N" / "I'm Y/N" shirts.
Polnareff would definitely be the one to ask you to match things with him. It's something he's always wanted to do as soon as he got a partner, it makes him feel like you're more of a power couple and he thinks it's just a sweet gesture in general. Moreover, he wants you two to stand out, he just loves to show off.
I think he'd basically beg you to match his heart shaped earrings with him. He'd give you one half and would refuse to take his off, no matter the time. Even during stands battle, he uses it as a reminder on who he's fighting for.
He'd be so happy if you always wore it like him, but he won't pressure you into doing so, he wants it to be a spontaneous gesture for you as well :)
💍How would they propose to their S/O?
It's funny that you asked this question, because Okuyasu has no clue either lol-
Whenever the word "wedding" comes up, the only thing he's able to think of is how beautiful you'd be in a bride dress, how he can already feel his eyes filling with tears as soon as he sees you walking down the isles, and how he'd vow to live you for the rest of your life.
...In his head. It's too bad that he's going to need a small reminder that, if he wants this to happen, he'll actually have to propose to you. That is when he actually begins to go into a spiral and realizes how scared he is to actually take this step. What if it's too soon? What if you you don't accept? What if he makes a fool out of himself and trips while trying to get on his knee?
With some advice from his buddies, however, he'll muster up the courage to take this step. I believe he'd propose to you, unlike how it's usually done, in the afternoon or maybe even in the morning, on top of one of the beautiful hills of Morioh, surrounded by a stunning view of the entire city.
"Y/N...Maybe I'm rushing in doing this, m-maybe I'm doing something wrong a-and I haven't even realized it, but...This has always been my fear ever since we...Got together, b-but you never made me feel like I messed up! Sweetie, when I'm you, I feel like...I actually matter, l-like I'm more than just a dumbass, and...You don't know how happy this makes me, how happy YOU make me. I...I really love you, Y/N, and uhm, i-if you take this, I'll keep on loving you forever and ever! So, will you...Will you marry me?"
To be honest, the Crusaders probably had to stop him from proposing to you way too soon at least, like, three times or so. He just thinks with his heart rather than his brain, and sees marriage as the ultimate way to make your relationship as authentic as possible.
When the time actually comes around to ask you the infamous question, this man just cannot wait. He's spent enough time dreaming about it to know how to put his plan into action, and he has no hesitation whatsoever. He knows what he wants, and that is you and you only, no time to worry or rethink.
He'd propose to you in one of those immense gardens of flowers in his hometown, he wants everything to be as romantic as possible and to leave you absolutely baffled.
"Ah, mon amour...I don't think you understand how long I've been yearning for this moment. We were destined to meet, tu comprends ce que je veux dire, n'est pas? Of course you do, chéri, you're the most brilliant person I've ever met, after all. And you're so much more than just that, you are...My true love, my other half, what makes me complete. We were always meant to be, and the ring I'm holding if the proof of it. Will you give me the honor of marrying you?"
⏳How long would it take for them to fall for their S/O?
Okuyasu probably already had a small crush on you even before he actually met you, if he somehow saw you walking down the school halls sometimes. He's quick to fall for someone and always thought you were pretty, so you had already won him over before even knowing it lol.
When you do actually begin to talk, this boy will only get more and more convinced that he's in love with you. Everything you do or say just pushes him to think that you're the one, especially if you show him kindness.
He may try to push his crush on you aside a little, since he thinks you'd never reciprocate his love, but he's the kind of person that just can't keep his emotions at bay, and his feelings for you will come out soon enough, before you even know it.
Alright, let's he real here: Polnareff wanted to marry you since literally the first moment you two ever met. Yes, he does have the habit of falling in love way too quickly, but he was right at least this time. He just knows you two are a match made in Heaven and sees no point in "taking it slow".
Depending on how quick YOU are to fall in love, you might as well get together with him a week after you two met, to be honest. But, of course, he's not dumb entirely and can take a hint, so if he notices you just see him as a friend for the time being, he'll respect.
100% won't stop bragging about how he knew from the beginning that you would have become a couple, as soon as you actually do. He doesn't care if you think he's extra or way too dreamy, when he says this, he means it.
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have-some-candy · 4 months
new pinned!
hello everybody i am the sideblog of @clown-around-and-find-out. i use this account as a selfship blog so i can post more about the characters i love without absolutely clogging up my main account! i am 100% ok with sharing f/o's, the more the merrier!
i am autistic while also being diagnosed with anxiety (generalized and social), panic disorder, spd, depression and cptsd. i use self-shipping as a way to cope with the difficulties life may throw my way and also because i find it fun!
here is the extended about for this blog (includes dni/byf and main f/o's)
my archival tags currently consist of "#clarice txt" and "#🦈: (character name)"
King Candy/Turbo - Wreck-it Ralph
Phineas T. Ratchet - Robots (2005)
Toshinori Yagi - My Hero Academia
f/o's and comfort characters below the cut...
Bold = LOML
Italicized = hyperfixated on currently
Bold + italicized = SUPER MEGA AUTISM BLAST (the highest regards of love and affection)
Main F/O's...
King Candy - Wreck-it Ralph
Phineas T. Ratchet - Robots (2005)
Squidward Q. Tentacles - Spongebob Squarepants + Spongebob Musical
Furina - Genshin Impact
Richard Hayden - Tommy Boy
Stripe Heeler - Bluey
Ennard - Five Nights at Freddy's
Dr. Facilier - Disney's Princess and the Frog
Spamton G. Spamton - Deltarune
Reginald Tetra - Cemetery Mary
Hu Tao - Genshin Impact
Risotto Nero - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Donald Duck - Disney
Serval - Honkai Star Rail
Dr. Eggman - Sonic the Hedgehog
Toshinori Yagi - My Hero Academia
Tatsu - Way of the Househusband
Zhongli - Genshin Impact
Bowser - Mario
Man-Ray - Spongebob Squarepants
Ace Ventura - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Doralee Rhodes - 9 to 5
Leona Kingscholar - Twisted Wonderland
Robin - Honkai Star Rail
Sokka - Avatar the Last Airbender
Kuzco - Emperor's New Groove
Ernesto de la Cruz - Coco
Klara - Pokemon
Ed Nygma - Batman
Knuckles - Sonic the Hedgehog
Bruno Madrigal - Encanto
Mr. Snake - The Bad Guys
Alastor - Hazbin Hotel
Lucifer - Hazbin Hotel
Husk - Hazbin Hotel
Sir Pentious - Hazbin Hotel
Peter Quill - Guardians of the Galaxy (MCU only)
Comfort Characters...
Papyrus - Undertale
Bandit Heeler - Bluey
Squilliam Fancyson - Spongebob Squarepants
Hangyodon - Sanrio
Kamek - Mario
Lyney - Genshin Impact
Jevil - Deltarune
Pietro - Animal Crossing
Twyla Sophio - Cemetery Mary
Arataki Itto - Genshin Impact
Amy Rose - Sonic the Hedgehog
March 7 - Honkai Star Rail
Okuyasu Nijimura - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Queen - Deltarune
Loretta Geargrinder - Robots (2005)
Velvette - Hazbin Hotel
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charliesinfern0 · 1 year
josuyasu and michi for 47 :^)
HI 6 TY FOR THE PROMPT!!! i have to go to bed now sorry this took a bit to write <3
(here is the prompt list and my f/o x oc list if anybody else wants to send in some prompts!)
Kiss During Conversation with Josuke, Okuyasu, and Michi:
A yawn escaped Josuke’s mouth as he turned the page of his magazine, the heat of the afternoon sun making him feel sleepy. He was lying down on his side on the grass underneath the shade of a big tree near his school, and was enjoying the afternoon with his partners. Michi and Okuyasu had been deep in conversation with one another, and Josuke was all the more happy to just listen to it in the background while he relaxed. 
“And-And! I finally got BioHazard 3, I was planning on staying up late to play it.” Michi grinned and clapped her hands together.
“Really? You sure you won’t be too scared?” Okuyasu asked as he fished another chip from the bag he was eating.
“I’ll be fine! I’ve been waiting practically forever to finally play it, and it’s honestly not all that scary to me.” Josuke could see the excitement radiating off of Michi, and he couldn’t help but smile.
Okuyasu spoke with his mouth full of chips. “Of course you would say that.” 
Michi quirked an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’d say you’re creepier than whatever zombie or monster shows up in that game.”
“Really?” Michi looked at Okuyasu confusedly, tilting her head in a way that caused her bangs to slightly cover her eye, creating a harsh shadow over her face. “Do I scare you?”
“W-Well…,” Okuyasu looked away from her unintentionally intimidating expression, scratching his cheek. “No, I mean, you just scare the shit out of me whenever you walk up behind me without me noticing! It’s unnerving how quiet you are!” He pointed an accusatory finger at her.
Michi’s expression changed back to a smile and she laughed. “I’m sorry! I can’t help it!”
“You can totally help it! You could just tell me that you’re behind me! You could say something like, ‘Hey Okuyasu! I’m right here!’” Okuyasu attempted an impression of Michi, which caused both Josuke and Michi to laugh.
“Hey, why are you laughing!? You can’t tell me the stuff she does isn’t scary as hell!” Okuyasu yelled at Josuke. 
“Well, she doesn’t do it to me. I think she only does it to you because you look cute when you get scared.” Josuke teased. 
“What?!” Okuyasu’s head whipped over to Michi, who giggled. “Guilty!”
Okuyasu covered his face with his hands, his cheeks growing warm. “You guys are so mean to me, you know that?”
Josuke got up from his spot and sat down next to Okuyasu. “Aw, we’re sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
“We are, honest!” Michi tried to pull Okuyasu’s hands from his face, but he stayed put.
“Really? You’re really sorry?”
“Yes!” Josuke and Michi said at the same time.
Okuyasu finally moved his hands away from his face, and once he did, Michi and Okuyasu kissed his cheeks at the same. 
“GAH!” Okuyasu exclaimed, jumping up from his spot and turning around to see his partners laughing again, his face growing hotter.
“I-I’m gonna get back at you guys for doing that, you know!”
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dark-side-blog3 · 7 months
I am CONSUMED with cute aggression right now I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to kill and bite and rip and tear and cuddle my f/o so bad
Narancia will emerge liteally unrecognizable. Same with Okuyasu <3
Like ofc they get sweets and cuddles and trinkets and expensive brand items whatever they want but hrrnnbngngnnnn I need to bite them so bad I have rabies I am shuddering and convulsing on the ground and making whining noises while foaming at the mouth
Even non-f/o, like ANYTHING whiny and either tsundere/himedere/Oujidere should be on guard because I am sprinting towards them rn
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v0mitgh0st · 1 year
Hello, this is my F/O list ! ✨
The ones that have locks on them simply mean that I don’t wish to share them. Of course, anyone is absolutely free to ship themselves with any character but I might interact very little with those who ship themselves with these locked characters ! Thank you for understanding ! 🙏💖
Will be updated in the near future !
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure F/O’s:
🔒Rudol Von Stroheim ⚙️
🔒Robert E.O Speedwagon 🎩
🔒Giorno Giovanna 🐞
🔒Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli 🫧
🔒Josuke Higashikata (part 4) 💎
Vinegar Doppio 💖
Dio (part 3) 🌙
William Anthonio Zeppeli 🌼
Jonathan Joestar ☀️
Risotto Nero ✂️
Enrico Pucci 💿
Joseph Joestar (part 2) 🌟
Funny Valentine 🇺🇸
Jean Pierre Polnareff 💔
Secco 💙
Rohan Kisibe 🖋️
Okuyasu Nijimura 💲
Bruno Buccirati 🤐
Yoshikage Kira 🐱
Guido Mista 🔫
F/O’s from other media (in order from locked to not locked):
🔒Sora (Kingdom Hearts) 🌥️
🔒Alucard Tepes (Castlevania) 🩸
🔒Emperor Mateus (Final Fantasy II) 👑
🔒9s (Nier Automata) 🤖
🔒Loki (Marvel) 🐍
Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts) 🍆
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil) 🥚
Raven (Teen Titans) 💜
Alois Trancy (Black Butler) 🕷️
Akira Kusuru/Joker (Persona 5) 🃏
Young Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts) ⏳
Ryuji Yamazaki (The King of Fighters) 🔪
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) 💚
Madara Uchiha (Naruto) 🔥
Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler) ☕️
Mavis (Hotel Transylvania) 🦇
Riddle (Twisted Wonderland) ♠️
Terry Bogard (The King of Fighters) 💥
Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5) ☠️
Harley Quinn (DC) ♦️
Vergil (Devil May Cry) 🗡️
I do mention dead dove content and Nsfw scenarios with a lot of my F/O’s, even the ones that are considered underage. They are fictional and are not real people. Please do not interact or follow if you are uncomfortable with proship/dead dove content. Thank you !
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hazysurrealist · 25 days
⏰,😪,💤,🧸,🧶 for whichever f/os you'd like? :3
i'm so sorry for taking 400 years to finally answer this 😭
i tried to make the answers look as detailed as i could since... i think it would be the best to do after the fact you've been waiting for so many time... so here we go.
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⏰ Do you and any of your f/o's sleep schedules align? do any of them prioritize getting 8hrs or going to bed at a reasonable time?
Hazamada doesn't get his 8 hours of sleep. Why, do you ask? Well, maybe because he spends half of the night reading manga or watching anime. And when Yukari is with him, he can easily convince her to spend the night reading manga 'till they doze off.
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😪 What sleeping positions do you all sleep in?
Ken never admits this, but he LOVES cuddling. Cuddling with anything in his reach: his parents, plushies, pillows, Yukari (his step-sister), etc. He also enjoys sleeping curled up like a sleeping puppy. Now, for Yukari, she likes the same cuddling position (both siblings sleep cuddled up, fitting like puzzle pieces).
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💤 Do any of them snore? are we talking loud, freight train snores or soft, almost inaudible snores?
Okuyasu snores a lot, and quite loudly. Even though Yukari doesn't like repetitive, annoying noises, She can't help but feel like it just makes him more adorable than he already is. It's pretty useless trying to make him stop – Okuyasu sleeps like a rock, so waking him up isn't that easy... Yukari just needs to put up with his snoring. He also cuddles her sometimes, so it's a little... nightmarish to hear his snores right on your ear.
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🧸 Does any of your f/os sleep w/ stuffed animals? are they the type to name them or give them in-depth backstories?
Rukia totally does. She adores stuffed animals: especially rabbits. Her favorite is a white one called Chappy! It doesn't have a backstory, but she named it and cares for it. She also has Kon, a (sentient) lion stuffed animal which stays with Ichigo most of the time (as Kon is very much of a pervert and Rukia often kicks him out). Actually afaik she has a LOT of rabbit things, such as her soul candy dispenser, which is bunny shaped. And in a (official but non-canon episode) she said her boss, Jushiro Ukitake, bought her a giant Chappy.
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🧶 How many pillows are y'all using overall? how many blankets?
Hmm... I dont think much, just one. But I have a feeling Nnoitora would. He and Spica (my Bleach S/I) live in Hueco Mundo, a dark, probably cold desert, just like the desert of Sahara at night. And probably inside Las Noches, there must be rooms for each Espada to sleep in, right? I feel Nnoitora doesn't feel much cold, his skin is as hard as metal, which can be hardly cut, so I DOUBT that fucker feels any type of cold. Now Spica? Who has calloused yet sensitive skin? She easily feels cold. Nnoitora gives all the blankets available to her and Tesla, and only a single soft pillow to not hurt her precious neck.
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oberthinkin · 1 year
My back hurts… a lot. I miss roughhousing when I got excited :<
Running around, dancing to music and shaking the chair from how hard I was bangin out to the tunes, playfighting with my stuffies and romping around my bed… I’d pretend I was roughhousing with f/o like Mammon or Beel or Narancia or Okuyasu—- someone who’d have fun playing like that with me. Climbing on stuff and tickle fights and gentle hitting with pillows and stuffies.
I can’t do it anymore :c
And imagining playfigting with my fictional cg/playmates only reminds me that I can’t do it irl :’{{{
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jojolovenotes · 1 year
For the meet-cute prompts, 17 for Okuyasu, please! Hope you're doing well 😄
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17. being from different schools, they meet at a tournament, trying to win for their own school
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You weren’t even supposed to take part in this school tournament, but someone ended up getting sick and you were the person on stand by. Although you were supposed to be prepared for this, truthfully you didn’t think you would have to fill in. The tournament in question was a video game tournament hosted by the video game club. You had practiced on your home console, but playing the game in an arcade was totally different. Your palms were getting sweaty knowing you would be up after a couple of rounds. 
Your thoughts were racing now – you didn’t want to be the one to let your team down. The more you worried, the more clammy your hands felt, and you were sure you were starting to get a cramp in them too. There was no use in psyching yourself out like this… Maybe it would be good to get some fresh air. At least you had some time to calm yourself down before you were up. 
When you stepped outside you began trying to hype yourself up, “You’ve got this. You can do this. Just have fun. Have a good time.” you said aloud to yourself, not realizing you weren’t alone out here though.
“This your first tournament?” Okuyasu asked, he seemed to be studying your body language. He noticed how you kept pacing back and forth and how you would shake your hands out every so often.
“I…Yeah. I was the back up. I didn’t think they’d actually have me play. I guess someone got sick so…” You explained with a sigh.
“It’s cool. Don’t worry about it. The worst part is the before, but when you actually get to play you’ll forget all about it. Just focus on the game. That’s all.” Okuyasu reassured you.
Don’t worry about it… Yeah, right. If only it could be that simple. Both your thoughts and your heart were racing. If only you could calm yourself down and control this anxiety that kept building up within you.
“You’re gonna be ok. Promise.” Okuyasu said again when he realized you hadn’t responded to him just yet. 
“Thanks for believing in me…” You appreciated this stranger’s kind words, even if you didn’t quite believe him. Your nerves always seemed to get the better of you. You could see it now – as soon as you stepped up to the arcade, your hands would probably end up shaking, cramping, and cause you to mess everything up for your team.
“No problem. It ain’t a big deal. It’s just about fun.” Okuyasu shrugged. “I think tournaments like these are less stressful than the ones for academic stuff. Those seem like too much… Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.” he shook his head. 
“You know you’re really nice for being my competition. Won’t your club get mad at you for encouraging me like this?” You were just teasing him of course. 
You always appreciated kindness from an opposing school. You didn’t like it when they took their competitions so seriously that they were rude to you just because you were competitors.  
“Haha! They better not get mad at me. I always like meeting new people. It’s all fun… Besides, I come to this arcade even in my free time outside of my school club, so it’s nice to have more friends to meet up and play games with.” Okuyasu grinned.
“That’s really nice. I usually just practice and play on my own.” You said with a smile. You didn’t really mind it actually, sometimes it helped to practice better setting different difficulties for the CPU to really test your abilities. 
“Aw, you should hang out with me and my friends sometimes. We come here often. It’d be cool to be able to play games with you too.” Okuyasu suggested.
You were surprised at the suggestion… At first you wondered if maybe he was just messing with you, but his eyes really did look sincere. He just seemed so kind, but at the same time you were afraid you might look foolish if you accepted his invitation right away.
“...We’ll see.” You said. It would be nice to see him again, but you were still on your toes just in case he really was just messing with you. Of course you wanted to believe he wasn’t though…
“Aww, ok. I’ll take it.” Okuyasu seemed to frown for a moment, but then gave a small smile. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to… it’s just… We can figure it out later. After the competition.” You felt a bit nervous now. His little frown was so cute - you wondered if he was actually disappointed by that ‘maybe’. 
“Sure. Later.” Okuyasu said with a nod. “Just don’t leave me hanging. I’d hate for you to leave without us exchanging e-mails!”
“...We’ll see.” You said again, “See you.” you were quick to head back inside.
Okuyasu raised a hand to wave, but you had already gone back inside. Now he was smiling to himself like an idiot - he couldn’t wait to tell Josuke about this amazing person he had just met. He wanted to make sure not to lose sight of you after the tournament ; he really wanted to make sure he’d be able to see you again. 
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 9 months
I'm such a freaking dork-
One of my favorite things to tell people when it's like, "what's a useless fun fact you have?" Is the fact that my favorite Jojo characters share a voice actor in the English dub
(I say this like... Every 2 weeks I swear 😭)
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I listen to Vanilla's voice lines all the time, but I was like, "I should listen to Okuyasu's voice again and make a comparison!"
It made me giggle- now I can see why when Vanilla was yelling and gets that rasp in his voice (he usually has a very smooth voice like the video below) somebody went, "Jeez, calm down there, Okuyasu!" Ugh these two are just the best 💪😭✨
Vanilla's normal voice without the rasp:
(also hearing Okuyasu getting excited and stuff is adorable, he's my best friend f/o ever 🥹😭)
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pencerism · 14 hours
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never really shared them before (except on instagram which i dont use anymore lol), buuuut i have another f/o 😭 its rohan, from jjba. ignore the cheesy ass thing pencer said...lol
actually now i do remember posting him here once, but i deleted it ajshja
and the other guy is a jojo au pencer, i havent drawn him in a while QuQ he has a different backstory than pokemon pencer and pretty much everything about him is changed except some of his hair, his earrings, and the fact that he is german and brazillian. he'd exist specifically in an au where stroheim, his father, didnt die, and ended up having him. pencer hates him anyways
pencer also has a stand called infinity on high, based on a fall out boy album.......i need to work on how it works and i have a design of a sheep in mind referencing the album cover. i originally had a backstory for him getting his stand because of a deal he made with dio...but i remembered that he'd be dead or really fucked up like okuyasu's father because dio died. lmao 😭😭
heres a REALLY lazy and bad drawing of them i did a year ago...my art style really changed 😭
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kylos-starlight · 5 months
Something to distract you a little bit, some gushing and fun facts about my f/o!
So, Vanilla is one of those characters in Jojo to go through a ton of aesthetic changes, until they decided to go with the anime version (brunette and purple as his main color!)
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Also, Vanilla's Japanese voice actor, Sho Hayami, reprised his role as Vanilla Ice/Cool Ice multiple times, and even voices him in the anime! Vanilla is the only character to have a mainly consistent voice actor.
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Additional fun fact. The English VA, Jalen K. Cassell, not only voices Vanilla, but he also voices my second favorite character in the series! Okuyasu Nijimura 😎
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Sorry it took me awhile to get to this! My inbox was being an arse yesterday and today well, I've been ill T_T Whoa, your mans has been through a lot of adaptations! All of them look awesome though! (Please tell me Tippy helps him dye his hair pink in the one panel hehe slkdjfdslf)
Absolutely love it when shows are consistent on who they bring back for voice acting! If they switch the VA's around too much I'm the one who starts having an identity crisis for them LOL AYYYYY! That's awesome that two of your faves share one VA! Thanks so much for sharing friend! I always love learning about my friends f/o! ^_^
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formysomeone · 3 years
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mini comp. of happy/excited oku! ♡
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