#ezzy answers
homecomingvn · 1 year
Henry would probably be a Selkie! I can see them being of the California Sea Lion variety specifically - although, he'd for sure be a bit of a outlier within their herd, given their obsession with a certain human....^^;
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kendallroysmethpipe · 6 months
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This is a little bad bc my hand got crampy halfway through but happy birthday to youuuu, Maisy!!!
Hope it was awesome!! <3
OHHHHHH MY GOFD EZRA ?????? WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT THIS IS ADORABLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 🥹🥹🥹🥹 WE LOOK SO CUTE AND U DREW US BORH SO PERFECTLY AND I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH I CANT EVEN PUT IT INTO WORDS . I need to explode into a million pieces it's PERFECT thank u so so sosoosososososososososoosososo much 😭💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗 !!!!!!!!!!
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a-streakofblue · 1 year
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back 😊 Now let the hugging begin! 💜
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AHK 😭❤ Ezzie, you're so sweet! I'm sending an infinite amount of hugs your way, you deserve all of them :)
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dollythesheepp · 1 year
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Sometimes I wish they had kept the original ending of Heathers, with JD succeeding in blowing up Westerburg, just because I'm a sucker for angst and I think that would have been interesting to see.
As for Mean Girls, I would have loved to see an actual confrontation between Janis and Regina, where they actually talked and apologized for all of the shit that they did to each other.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
I love all of them. Every single comment I receive makes me go "ldljsjfjweslkdnl" in my head, so I can't pick. (Basic ass answer, I know, but it's true!)
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
I love to write in the middle of the night, when I'm in bed, my kid's asleep and I've already done everything I needed to do during the day (I just wish I didn't have the attention span of a child and could actually stick to writing without distracting myself every 5 minutes)
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srk8t · 7 months
Not a question but I just want you to know that every single time I open this app I always check your blog to see if you've posted any new mapledragon cause you are so CREATIVE!! And your ideas are sososososoos COOL?! Silly?! Mischievous!? Nefarious!? /pos,,,
I want to tell you something too about your art block; I suggest you try do it unconsciously, like doodling while your teacher is explaining a boring speech, and whenever your bored, just put yourself on autopilot and draw on paper, draw eyes, random poses, characters in fits or redesigns & etc. Don’t work for the image in your mind and just let the lines do it for you.
Lastly : I hope that you get better soon with your problems, don’t go to harsh on yourself as your the only person who’s you, everyone makes mistakes; I probably made one right now in this text,,, and Everytime I see your art I print it and eat it.
That’s all!! Sorry if I’m using the ask feature wrong I didn’t know where else to put this!!
DUDE... oh my gosh i haven't been on Tumblr for weeks but you don't know how much your words mean to me!! like, really! i was feeling so depressed and down a few weeks ago but ive been doing better since school has reopened once more! Thank you so much for your encouragement and support, and I really hope I can continue to make wonderful creations for everyone and I hope, it will bring joy, happiness, and inspiration to everyone. and hearing it from you... ahh... it makes me feel so happy! i admit there were a few times i felt unsatisfied with my work, but... you are one of the people that proved otherwise. Again, i have no idea who you are, but i wish you a successful and fulfilling life, and have a wonderful year throughout all of it! Thank you so much, really! and i didn't even know other people actually enjoy mapledragon because the nature of the ship too aidhsihdjdhf!!!! I'll try to do more of them after ramadan! I'm going to get busy with exams too, so please do expect an absence of the two for this whole year... But nevertheless, I will try as much as I'm able to!
Once again anon, THANK YOU so much, from the bottom of my heart. I will kiss you on the lips (if you are comfortable with it) and offer you a virtual hug :D And, take care of yourself as well! I wish you the best of luck in whatever you're trying to achieve and just know that im rooting for you!!!!!!!
+ and op, regarding your last sentence, i am ABSOLUTELY writing this down in my journal and read it whenever i feel down <333
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nothingtoseehd · 1 year
happy birthday :)
thank you ezzy !!!!
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howlofhades · 1 year
Hey blue!!🩵 You're definitely stargazer (with a dash of online and cool dice)
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definitelynuwonhere · 2 months
Idk if we’ve done this quiz yet but i just found it and I just uquiz to work for me again
Anyways 🤩 https://uquiz.com/quiz/eJawKq/the-perfect-redacted-asmr-character-for-you
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I’m tellin you, we are meant to be.
Tagging the pookies: @sereh624 @sharkluvr73 @miyaheestar @ezzie-things @sugar-33
I’m forgetting so many usernames,,, my little rocco brain cannot,,,
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bangfantanfic · 1 year
Bring The Fire: 7
Warnings: May contain mentions of murder, rape, animal abuse/deaths, yandere behavior and sexual scenes.
NOTICE: as this story progresses, I do intend for it to be rather dark. Future themes of this story may become triggering. I do not believe any of BTS would truly behave this way, it is purely imaginative. Please do not repost this anywhere. 
Genres: Yandere, romance, Royal!AU, Isekai.
Tags; @ratherbefangirling @teugiie @trtlthts @p-i-e-d-p-i-p-e-r @xyahrinx @outsidersbinoculars @deluluisme @jewishmommy @devils-blackrose @ezzy-witch @ctrllamb @potterbrooke @mageprincess7 @imagine-forlife @blaaiissee @millenniumspec @inlovewithallmusic @toughbook @ungodlyjoon @everrrlasting @kooookie @anachikartadze @walkxthexmoon @sukunabitch @lachimolala22019 @darkuni63 @demarie04
-Please let me know if you would like to be removed or added to the taglist!
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Spring had settled, the snow all but an unpleasant memory. The chill to the air still hung heavy in the early hours of the morning, but by early afternoon the sun had warmed the air. You would be a liar if you said you weren’t curious how Spring looked in the Empire, just how different did it feel compared to your timeline? Everything felt different compared to where you were supposed to be. But maybe that’s nothing unusual. You weren’t even sure if this was a different timeline. What if it was a whole different universe? Or, the easiest theory to stomach, a coma dream. Maybe none of this was real and you were in a hospital bed, drugged out of your mind, and having crazy dreams. 
The last option seemed the most likely, and the most comforting. 
Still, you were desperate to find out what exactly was going on. You needed answers and a way home. Returning back home (if it was even possible) was your number one priority. Whatever you returned to didn’t matter, anything would be better than whatever the fuck was going on here. Asking Deoksun for help had been awkward. You couldn’t tell her exactly what was going on, as much as you love the girl, you couldn't risk her running back to Namjoon and confirming his suspicions that you were in fact a witch. Who would believe you? How could you explain that an attempted suicide had landed you here? Wherever you are. You know damn well you wouldn’t believe it. 
You had asked Deoksun if she knew of anyone who was able to read futures, read palms– anything of the sort. She had eyed you with as much suspicion as you had assumed she would. She had a few questions, all of which you were eager to answer, telling as much truth as you could without letting her know too much. You had explained you wanted to know your future, was marrying Prince Seokjin a good choice? What was life going to look like if you agreed? The maid had eyed you up and down, her nose scrunched up before she had shaken her head and told you she didn’t know anyone who was able to do such things, but she would look into it. That had been some weeks ago, and you hadn’t heard any news on the subject since. You didn’t want to push her, but what if she had forgotten? 
You had officially been here for just over two months. Namjoon had kept you isolated from himself, and his brothers. You were still stuck with the company of the old toad, your teacher, and sweet Deoksun. You loved the maid, but she was still just a child. She wasn’t a person you could confide in. So you have taken up journaling. It has been therapeutic, helping you get all your lingering thoughts out of your mind. Of course, you had been careful with what you had written, just to be safe. You couldn’t risk someone reading anything. 
The last two months had been incredibly lonely. Usually, you didn’t mind your own company, back home you had even relished in it. Now you realize, that without modern-day technology, you were most definitely not built to be alone. But, you were certain this was Namjoon’s plan. You wanted you alone, isolated. If he could get you desperate enough for human contact, maybe you would give him whatever information he was so desperate for. But what could you even say? You had told him the truth, and lying wasn’t an option. Agreeing to his suspicions was out of the question. A shiver ran up your spine at the thought of admitting to witchcraft, even if it was a lie. What would he do? 
The princes still sent small notes to your room, some nights you heard them by your door, pacing before slipping envelopes under the door. At first, you had ignored the letters, throwing them into the fireplace unopened. You would watch the fire eat away their words, a sense of satisfaction in your chest. But as weeks went by and loneliness began to eat away at you, burning their letters no longer gave you any satisfaction. You had begun to read their notes and letters, but you never responded. A small pathetic part of you was relieved they hadn’t forgotten you yet, that they still thought of you. It made you feel a little less lonely. 
How pathetic.
Namjoon still allowed you to go outside twice a week, always accompanied. You had been assigned a regular guard, a man roughly your age, named Wonwoo. He was tall, quiet, and handsome. Wonwoo took his job seriously, never letting you stray too far. He kept you at arm's length at all times. You assumed Namjoon gave him details on what everyone's schedules were, seeing as most days he avoided going to certain areas of the palace. You had yet to run into the princes yet. You couldn’t help but feel a teeny tiny bit thankful toward Namjoon for the effort, he may think it was a punishment but in all honesty, you didn’t want to see them as much as Namjoon didn’t want to see you. It worked in your favor. 
Deoksun hadn’t accompanied you on your morning walk, which was a first. When Wonwoo arrived at your door, the young girl missing from his side, it almost had you declining your only form of ‘freedom’. The guard had given you a deadpan look, arms crossed over his wide chest as he looked down on you. 
“I’m a busy man, Lady Kim. I have far better things to do with my time, so please, make a decision.” 
The bitter bite to his words had your pettiness bubble over. You may not want to go, but you’ll put on your big girl pants and be off. If it would piss off the man, you would be damned if you declined. 
Huffing, hiking your poofy hanbok into your hands you shoved passed the man, marching down the hall. The Palace which had once felt like an unfamiliar maze was slowly becoming familiar. Maybe not the entire building, but the halls that you needed to know were engraved into your brain at this point. Every outing started on the same route, with a few changes depending on the Prince's schedule.
Your door slammed shut, heavy footsteps thundering behind you until your guard was at the same pace he always was. In the beginning, you had hoped to form a friendship with the man, desperation clinging to you heavily. You had tried everything you could to get the man to conversate with you, and every time he brushed you off. You were nothing more than a nuisance to the man. You had learned that quickly. You had also quickly learned he was easily irritated, often biting his tongue to hold back scolding you for running off or being too loud. So on the days he seemed particularly pissed off with your existence, you made sure to do everything you could to worsen his mood. You had very few joys in this life, you’d be damned if you didn’t take advantage of annoying an unnecessarily attractive, moody guard. 
“Lady Kim, please stay close.” Wonwoo groaned, his pace picking up. 
You ignored the man's begging, your steps picking up speed. The sun was out surprisingly early, reflecting off the dewy grass. It had rained heavily the night before, leaving the grass soaked through., and the earth mushy. You missed your boots. The hem of your dress was caked with mud, and for a moment you felt guilty. It was such a pretty outfit, and you had ruined it within only two hours of putting it on. Deoksun was going to be so upset with you. 
The stables come into view, and your excitement picks up. Deoksun and Wonwoo had shown you the horse stables two weeks before, introducing you to the giant horses bred for battle. You had never seen horses so large before. Deoksun had been so excited to show you the beasts, that even Wonwoo had a little pep in his step. But your attention had been ripped away when your eyes landed on the fattest cat you had ever seen! The tabby was waddling toward the stables, its stomach bulging at the sides. You could have cried in delight. Deoksun had quickly explained the tabby was the pest control for the stables, her name was ‘Cat’, so very creative. She also happened to be heavily pregnant, hence the roundness. You had quickly befriended the cat, surprised with how friendly she was. You had honestly expected her to be feral.
Since then, you had begged to visit the stables in the hope of kittens. You had even snuck some chicken and other meats into your sleeves to bring along to bribe the cat to be your friend, and it had been working. Unfortunately, you didn’t have any leftovers for your new friend. You were a little worried she wouldn’t like you as much without the treats. 
As you reached the back entrance of the stables, you made a beeline for where Cat had been setting up her nesting spot. She had been a little thief, stealing cloths and other soft things from the palace to make her birthing place as comfortable as possible. You had even brought along a blanket from your room to give to the sweet girl. 
As you reached the back entrance of the stables, you made a beeline for where Cat had been setting up her nesting spot. She had been a little thief, stealing cloths and other soft things from the palace to make her birthing place as comfortable as possible. You had even brought along a blanket from your room to give to the sweet girl. Your excitement quickly disappeared at the sight of a trail of blood leading to where Cat was nesting. Your stomach tightened, that was too much blood to be from birthing. You turned on your heel, bumping into Wonwoo’s chest. The man grunted, his back going rigid. 
He stepped around you, following the trail stopping at the pile of loose straw and bedding that you had helped the animal build up over the last few visits. The poor cat had been torn to shreds, by what he could only assume was a dog. It looked like the babies had been eaten, considering there weren't any of their bodies around. He knew the cat had given birth a few days after the Lady’s last visit, but she wasn’t aware. Deoksun had wanted to surprise her. 
Wonwoo signed, rubbing his hand over his face. The poor girl was going to be devastated, he couldn’t let her see the gory scene. Making his way back to where he had left the Lady, he frowned, finding the space now empty. Wonwoo felt his heart rate accelerate. If he lost the damned woman, he would lose his head– and he was quite happy with his head where it was! 
“Put it down.” You shrieked. 
Wonwoo felt his bones nearly melt in relief at the sound of his Lady’s voice. Quickly, the guard took off toward the direction her voice had sounded from. He found the woman at the front entry of the stable, one hand on her hip while the other pointed toward a man's back. 
“I said, put it down!” She hissed, crouching down to pick up a small stone. 
Wonwoo eyed the man’s back, his brain working overtime trying to figure out how–why– a man's back was so familiar to him. His eyes widened, scrambling to grab your arm as you pulled back, but he was too slow. The stone had left your palm, soaring a short distance before hitting the man in the back of the head. 
The man spun on his heel, eyes narrowed with unfiltered rage. 
Prince Min Yoongi, future Emperor. 
Yoongi had skipped his morning engagements. Meeting women of noble clans wasn’t exactly the way Yoongi had wanted to spend his morning. Families he couldn’t remember tripping over themselves to catch his attention, begging for their daughter to be the next Empress. It was embarrassing, honestly. Instead, he decided to take Taehyung and Jeongguk's dogs out with him. By order of the Emperor, Yoongi wasn’t supposed to go anywhere alone. Guards were always supposed to be flanking him. But sometimes, a man just needed his own space. The dogs were trained just as well as any royal guard– they were also excellent hunters. Unfortunately, they weren’t always the best listeners. His brothers were far too lenient on the mutts. 
He had honestly tried to rein them in when they had spotted the tabby cat trying to sneak its way back into the stables. But they were Poongsan’s, famous Korean hunting dogs. What was he supposed to do? Stop their instincts? If he could act on his own, so could the dogs. Yoongi had hung back, listening to the dog's joyful barking and the cat's pained screeching. It was over quickly, for him at least. But to his surprise, one of the dogs returned with a tiny tiny kitten hanging from its mouth, unscathed. He plucked the tiny thing from the dog's mouth, holding it up to inspect it. It was tiny. Yoongi wasn’t sure if he had ever seen a living thing quite this small. 
It was all black except for a tiny white spot between its nose and mouth. The closer he inspected it, he realized it was wounded. A small amount of its ear had been ripped off. Not enough to kill the thing, but what chances does it have without a mother? 
Sighing, the prince held the tiny creature out toward the dogs, taunting them. The tiny kitten whined in his grip as he swayed it around, the dog's tails wagging as they watched eagerly. They wanted it, and he would gladly let them fight for it. As he pulled his arm back to throw the creature to the dogs a loud voice caught him off guard. 
He turned, raising a scarred brow to the woman. He hadn’t seen her before, but judging from her attire, she was well off. His best guess was she was here to be introduced to him, a prospective bride. She was certainly pretty, but what drew him in was the rage in her eyes. The woman looked positively murderous. Her chest heaved in anger, her hand shaking as she pointed to the rat-like creature in his hand. 
“What, this thing?” He questioned innocently, looking down at the newly lowered kitten. He pursed his lips. “No, I don’t think I will.” He grinned, turning back to the dogs that had begun to whine. 
The woman let out a sound of anger. Yoongi could practically feel the heat radiating from her body from the few feet away she stood. He could hear her shifting behind him, getting slightly closer, only to freeze when the dogs growled at her. 
“My dogs are hungry.” He shrugged, glancing over his shoulder and giving her a lazy smile. Turning back to the dogs he waved the cat around again, reigniting the dog's excitement 
“I said, put it down!” She hissed.
A new set of footsteps had caught Yoongi’s attention, but he didn’t bother to look toward it. His heart was beating erratically, a new emotion he wasn’t familiar with pulsing through his veins. It felt similar to excitement, but the word didn’t sit quite right. This wasn’t excitement, thrilling absolutely, but that wasn’t right either. He wasn’t sure there was a word to describe whatever it was that he was feeling. Whatever it is, he wasn’t sure he liked it, but fuck was he already addicted to the feeling. 
Yoongi made a move to toss the animal to the dogs, but the moment his shoulders had flexed, the woman seemed to have noticed. Something hard hit the back of his head, a soft thud. It didn’t hurt, but anger filled his veins. In all his years, not a single person (besides maybe his brothers or father) had ever disrespected him in such a way. Who in their right mind throws something at a prince? Let alone their future Emperor. 
Yoongi felt possessed, his body moving on his own accord. Soon he stood only inches away from the woman, who only stared back with a hard glare. He could see the way her body trembled, she was scared despite the expression she bore. 
“Do you know who I am?” He asked softly, his eyes burning into hers. 
The woman's shoulders raised, before dropping back into place. “An ass-” 
“Forgive her, your Highness! She is new to the Empire, she is still learning.” Her guard cut in, stepping in front of her, bowing deeply. He kept his gaze to the muddy grounds. 
“Then allow me to educate you.” Yoongi gritted out, straightening himself up. “I am the Prince of this empire, the future Emperor, Min Yoongi.”
The woman scoffed, arms crossing over her chest. Her eyes flickers towards the kitten in his hands for a split second, relief seeming to flicker across her features before hardening once again.
“I’ve already met the Princes.” She scoffed, waving a hand around him. “You aren’t one of them.” 
The guard groaned, his face paling as he straightened himself up, leaning over to the woman's ear, whispering. Yoongi strained himself trying to hear what he said, but failed. Whatever it was, the woman's face scrunched up for a moment before she turned to face the guard in disbelief. 
“You mean to tell me there’s seven of them!” 
You felt sick. 
You had been horrified at the thought of four princes. That seemed too many, but seven? Somebody needed to castrate the Emperor right this instant. 
Your body seemed to act on its own, your back bending, nearly sending you face first into the mud. You may not have had many people to be bowing to over these last few weeks, but your teacher had basically beaten it into you. Bow, bow, bow. 
“My apologies, Your Highness.” You gritted out, arms crossed over your stomach. 
The man snorted, his empty hand wrapping around the neat bun on top of your head. He pulled your head up into an awkward angle, forcing you to cock your neck in an awkward angle to look up at him. The man grinned, the whites of his teeth and pink of his gums on display. He looked cute, almost childish, and you hated yourself for thinking that. But even you could admit that he was a soft looking man, even with the harsh scar over his brow and eye. It was the dark look swirling in his eyes that alerted you to the fact that this man’s looks were only there for a false sense of security.
“You don’t sound sincere at all.” He frowned, his grip tightening on the tiny kitten in his other hand. 
The tiny cry of the kitten had your heart aching. It was true, you weren't apologetic at all. Not even a little bit. This lunatic was about to feed one of Cat’s babies to his dogs! How on earth were you the one having to apologize for his terrible actions? 
“Please, accept my sincerest apologies, Prince Yoongi. My behavior was uncalled for, I promise you it will never happen again.” The words tasted bitter on your tongue as you forced the most sincerity into your words as you could. 
Your words seemed to have worked, a new look ignited in the prince's eyes as he looked over your face. 
“You promise?” 
Your stomach churned at the look that flashed across the mans eyes. You weren't entirely sure what it meant, but you were smart enough to know it wasn't good. Min Yoongi set a chill in your blood, he made every cell in your body scream. You had though Prince Namjoon was a man of power, a man of danger. You didn't believe you could fear anymore more than you had feared Namjoon.
Yoongi had proved you wrong.
All you could do was stiffly nod your head, your body physically going against the action.
A grin spread across the mans pink lips, a look of pride in his eyes.
"Good girl."
A/N: Hey all! Welcome back! I’m so sorry for how long this took, life has been less than pleasant! Hopefully my next update will be more interesting, and much sooner. As always, feedback is welcome and very wanted! It’s very helpful in kicking my ass into gear! I thrive off of encouragement lmao.
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so i’m not done, BUT!!
here’s what i have!! i’m allmlstt done and i couldn’t wait to share- since you seem to really like these little sillies :3
also sorry, it is Quite Long
Beth looked up as her dorky roommate flopped down onto the bed next to her with an exasperated groan, her Star of David pendant clinking against the metal of her earrings as she did.
“What’d Professor nitpick give you trouble for this time, Hun?” Beth murmured as she leaned over to rest her head by Ezra’s. The aforementioned art student sighed dramatically, springing up to pace as she stumbled halfheartedly through a sentence that was supposed to sound angry.
 “If that woman tells me that she thinks” she made air quotes with her fingers,
 “The darks in this still life aren’t dark enough!’” she stuffed her hands back into her pockets
“One more time-” She let out a semi-frustrated, semi-amused whine and rubbed her eyes with her left hand. Beth stood, gently placing her hands on her friend’s shoulders, the right closer to the base of her neck so she could rub soothing circles into the skin her thumb made contact with.
“Hey” Beth said gently. Ezra looked up to her,
“Hey?” she responded, breathlessly. Beth smiled and pulled her close friend into a tight embrace.
With her head on Ezra’s shoulder, she asked quietly “Do you think you need to blow off steam?” Ezra jolted, startled.
“What d‘yo-” she started
“I- I mean-” Beth stuttered, her face flushed as she pulled away and looked at Ezra. She was also a little red.
“I- I mean- I'm not op-” she interrupted
“I- I meant- um. My...” she took a deep breath,
“My friend, Melanie, invited me to a party at her granddad’s house, and-” she hesitated
“...and I was kind of thinking, Uhm... would you like to go with me?” she peered at Ezra nervously.
At the lack of immediate answer, she hastily added, “I- I kinda thought maybe a break from school and- and a change of scenery would help clear your mind?”
“Ooohh” Ezra drawled, avoiding her friend’s gaze “Yeah. Right, yeah, uhm.” she cleared her throat. She was a bit too off from that brief misunderstanding to give a verbal answer- so she settled for agreeing with a subtle nod.
Beth beamed at her, “Wait- really??” When Ezra looked back up, there was a toothy grin plastered on Beth’s face. Ezra nodded again, and now... Now she was too captivated by how the light reflected Beth’s warm-ish brown skin- and the way it made the woman’s eyes light up like amber –to speak.
Beth excitedly jumps from the passenger seat of Ezra’s small car, bouncing on her heels as she waits for the shorter, nervous girl to get out of the car and lock it. Ezra slowly climbs out, faced with a subtle chill from the beginnings of autumn and the ambiance of the surrounding woodlands.
“Could Mel’s grandfather have possibly found a house any farther from civilization?” She sighs as she locks her vehicle, eyeing the sizeable building wearily. Her bubbly friend grinned and shrugged.
“C’mon, Ezzie, Let’s get going!” Beth exclaimed, grabbing the shorter, pale and anxious wreck by the hand and dragging her to the front door of the house. Ezra can’t help but regret not bringing earplugs and her headphones as she felt her head begin to throb to the beat of the blasting music they could hear from outside. Beth knocked on the front door, and they were promptly greeted by a guy from Ezra’s Jewelry and Metalsmithing class at their university.
“Wait- Giles?” Ezra seemed pleasantly surprised to see her acquaintance here. He lit up upon recognizing her and opened his mouth to speak. Unfortunately, before the young man could actually get a word in, his close friend approached and enthusiastically dragged him off to who-knows-where.
“Well, so much for that conversation” She mumbled. Beth grinned, and they walked inside. Upon finally entering the house- Ezra could already tell she’d hate it here. It was loud, the lights were too bright and colorful- without really making it easier to see, which felt counterproductive -it was too crowded and, despite the season, weirdly hot inside the house.
Not from the heating, no, but from the sheer number of people around. Beth could see her friend’s expression turn from mild disinterest to an uncomfortable grimace.
“Hey, Ez, we don’t have to stay for long, okay?” she said as quietly as she could while still being heard. Ezra nodded. Beth took a step closer to her shorter friend and grabbed one of Ezra’s hands with her right, softly cupping Ezra’s face with her left.
“I mean it, Ezzie, just let me find Mel so we can go somewhere quieter and catch up- It's about time my two favorite people meet!” Beth said gently with an encouraging smile. Maybe if Ezra’s free hand hadn’t reached up to lightly caress the hand Beth was holding her face with, Beth could tell herself she was just imagining the way her friend leaned into the contact.
...She could still pretend it didn’t make her heart skip a beat, though.
They were startled from their moment by an excited gasp and a yell from a voice familiar to Beth and foreign to Ezra.
“Bethsie!!” an enthusiastic, tall and elegant woman shouted as she rushed over to embrace her friend. She and Ezra separated as Melanie approached them and loosely hugged Beth.
“Hey Beth!! How's your sophomore year going at uni?” she asked
“Oh, you know, nothing new!” Beth said vaguely. Mel still had that delighted smile on her face as she gently pulled Beth by the wrist and asked if she was driving. Beth shook her head, gesturing to Ezra with her right as she stated that the shorter girl was her designated driver.
Mel grinned mischievously and asked, “you wanna unwind? I know it’s got to be stressful with all those complex classes and junk.”
Beth nodded, turning back to Ezra with an apologetic gaze. “I won’t be long, I promise, Ezzie!” and then the two of them were gone.
Ezra found herself alone in a corner, trying to ignore the blaring music and the headache forming because of it. Beth’s friend, Melanie, had dragged her off to catch up and unwind- Ezra was absolutely not jealous or anything, why would you possibly even consider that? -and Beth had turned to her with the promise of brevity.
...That was a little under an hour ago.
“Oh my god, is that who I think it is??” a tall brunette shouted, standing and walking over to the woman in wobbly, confident strides. Ezra shot up, feeling her heart begin to beat faster as the blood drained from her face.
“No way, it is! Ezra, right? You do remember me, don’t you; it’s Sophie, from high school?” Sophie grinned wickedly as Ezra was helpless to stop the scene that old bully was trying to make.                   “Y-yeah, Uhm. I do- anyway, I uh. I really ought’ta get going-” Ezra said shakily, trying to get out of the conversation by side-stepping Sophie with a halfhearted excuse. Unfortunately, the taller woman evidently had other ideas. Sophie grabbed her harshly by the upper arm and tugged her back.
“You didn’t think you were getting out of this that easily, did you?” she spat, malice coating her tongue. Ezra’s pupils constricted; her breath shallower than before.
“Please, soph, you don’t really want this,” the shorter lady pleaded, shaking her head with watery eyes. Her hands around the wrists of the hands that held her in place.
“Oh, but I do.” She took a step back and announced some particularly embarrassing things about Ezra that she’d rather not repeat to anyone who would listen. Ezra could feel her throat closing up and her mind short circuiting as the panic set in. She began to berate herself for even coming here in the first place, and as soon as Sophie’s back was turned, she finally made a dash for the back door.
The cool air was a delightful change in comparison to the sticky, humid air of the building that reeked of college antics and bad decisions. Ezra took a deep breath, savoring the smell of rain on the horizon and the burn of the tears on her cheeks in contrast to the chilly air.
“Gods, this was such a mistake” she mumbled to herself as she made her presence as out-of-the-way on the small porch- primarily to get out of Sophie's potential view –by crumpling down into a small ball on the wood boards of the deck.
With her legs drawn close to her chest and her head on her knees, Ezra allowed herself to spiral. She knew it was a bad idea- that certainly wasn’t stopping her. 
‘worthless. Absolutly pathetic- still the cowardly little girl you were all those years ago. You’ll never change. You should know better than to try by now- how did you ever think you could do this? Change this mess in your head?’ She sighed shakily and squeezed her eyes shut- Beth came to mind and she felt a pang in her chest.
“Beth wouldn’t like me thinking like this.” she mumbled to herself, eyes downcast. At some point she apparently zoned out, because it wasn’t till she heard the sound of the screen door to the back porch opening that her eyes refocused. She sat up straight and fidgeted nervously with her pendant.
“Ezzie!” Beth exclaimed, a little unsteady on her feet. She definitely wasn’t sober. Ezra looked up with watery eyes to the best person to ever stumble into her life, and the sight alone was enough to have Beth kneeling down, a hand cupping her cheek
“Ezz, hun, what’s” She stumbled over her words a little, “what’s wrong? What happened? I- I'm really sorry I took far, far longer than I meant...”
Ezra sighed and wordlessly pulled the woman into a tight embrace. “Remember that girl who relentlessly bullied me in grade school?” she asked quietly.
Beth stiffened. “Y-yeah, I remember, why? Did- uh. Did you see her or something?” she pulled away from the hug, her hands on Ezra’s shoulders for what must be the second or third time today.
(time skip- i’ll come back later to make a coherent transition!)
... In the car, the two of them sat there (i literally stopped mid sentence to send this ask, lmao)
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babysitting-hellhound · 6 months
This is Ez typing again. I'm big so I can type for Chester.
He wants to first of all thank everyone for their warm wishes in our inbox. We probably aren't going to answer any of the older ones, but we both deeply appreciate it. It's making us both feel so much better already, so he and I can't thank you enough.
Now on to more serious things. TW for serious injuries and near death.
We were in a three-way car crash that almost killed one of the other drivers involved. Chester was also in critical condition, both of his legs and an arm were broken, and that's why I'm here to talk for him. I was miraculously uninjured but definitely in serious shock for a while.
He almost died on us a couple days after the accident, and I was very scared I was going to have to make THAT announcement instead...but he's going to be alright, and is recovering too. We technically shouldn't even have been released from the hospital yet according to the doctor.
Here's the scary part about the future: Chester may never walk again. I wasn't present for a lot of the details but I was told it has something to do with spinal damage. If I get more information (He doesn't want to scare me, which I understand. It could be bad for me in littlespace) I will tell you all what I can. I know that doesn't affect our online presence as much as him being in pain will, but it's an important detail we know needs to be told.
Lots of love from Chester and Ezzi, Even though we were new to the community you all helped us feel more than welcome.
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boopshoops · 6 months
For Jojo, Shishi, and Ezzie (The Twst OCs ;w;) for the OC Ask meme)
Similarly to the last post!! This is color coded: me/narrator as default, blue as Jocia, and green as Ezra
🥣what's your favorite food?
"So this is some sort of interview? Alright then," Jocia gruffly responded, slouching over in her seat upon realizing the question was actually rather simple. She grinned, "Bulgogi's a fav. It's something my sister showed me when we were kids. Apparently she was trying to learn more about our family history or somethin', did a damn lot of research too."
"It's not something I looked much into myself, but I'm a complete sucker for anything barbecued or grilled. I think... Oh yeah, we tried it out on a camping trip. I stole some of hers off her plate," Jocia chuckled, scratching at the back of her head as she reminisced, "I gave her hell during that trip. Wouldn't be surprised if that's why we never did something like that again. Made it up to her later, though."
"Ooh! How fun!" The professor exclaimed with a sharp-toothed grin, "Let's see, should I go into detail? I don't see why not. You're supposedly looking into learning more about me after all, little sprout," He cheerfully pondered aloud, politely folding his hands in his lap.
"My favorite dish is Pasta Alla Gricia. It's absolutely divine. With most of the foods I like, they've unfortunately been changing and shifting in ways I'm simply not a fan of with the passage of time. BUT! With this? It's only gotten better since the first time I tried it one hundred years ago! I'll gladly buy you some sometime, little sapling. Oh! Perhaps I can get some for the whole class... Like a day of celebration after one of our competitions! It's important for student's to destress, after all!~" Ezra hummed to himself with a firm nod.
🥰do you think you're attractive?
"Uh..." The woman droned on, crossing her arms over her chest. She offered a casual nod after perusing her own thoughts, "Like, physically? Sure, yeah," She bluntly answered.
"It's not really something I've thought too much of before. I guess looking in the mirror and seeing how far I've come gives me something to be proud of. Especially since I'm... not the best at styling. Everyone else in the family got all that."
"But, hell, I've worked hard on myself. Even if working out and such is more of a chill hobby of mine, I'm still confident in how I'm built. Not to mention I can see little parts of the people around me in myself too, yeah? Like- an old friend of mine regularly helps me dye my hair, and I got my piercings at the same time as my brother. If I didn't like those parts of myself, it feels kinda like a dig on them too. No matter whatcha think anyway, there are gonna be people out there who think you're pretty sick."
"...Eh, I'm not good at getting all sappy."
Ezra blinked, his drawing his lips into a line. His brows furrowed, "This is a difficult question to be modest about, isn't it?" He awkwardly chuckled, bringing a hand up to massage his temple.
"Oh, I don't know. I have a lot of things I have to work on, truly. It's quite an ordeal. Not that I'm not proud of my appearance! After all, a lot of it was greatly inspired by my late father."
"...Ah! I forgot to mention- I'm a changeling fae, of course. I'm not the biggest fan of shapeshifting, however, so I try my best to correlate my appearance to my adoptive human family. In that way, I suppose topics such as 'attractiveness' are a bit more complicated to someone like me, dear," He finished, dodging and weaving around the actual question through his rambles.
🏘️where's your happy place?
Jocia brightened up a bit at this, smirking as the answer came easily, "With my siblings," she replied briefly.
"They're fun as hell to be around. We got each other's backs. They're a bunch of little shits sometimes, but we know each other better than anyone else," She paused, "At least... most of us. More of a reason for me to get home, as if I didn't need any more of one already."
"My classroom, of course! Oh, it's so fun!" The teacher excitedly replied, eccentrically taking the time to pop up out of his seat and lean over the table, "It's where I spend most of my time! Working with students in bloom, watching their talents grow, listening to my favorite stars sing broadway, tending to my adorable potted plants..." He babbled on endlessly, happily explaining to no end.
"...I haven't been here for very long, that is true, but it has very quickly become my favorite place to be. So much so I often get caught up in things and forget to attend meetings. I suppose me and the other fae individuals here have that in common... I'm working on that, however! Got to make sure my memory is in top condition!"
"Is that it? 'Kay. Be seeing ya."
"This was very pleasant! Thank you kindly for inviting me."
Ask Game!
Yuu Shi's responses are here
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ghost-whump · 9 months
sorry for the long wait, guys!! i make up for it with some oc content perhaps????
Eventually! (Part One)
CW: pet death mention, stalking, home intrusion, kidnapping, chloroform, (let me know if I missed anything!)
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As a highly paranoid individual, Ezra is prone to assuming the worst in just about every situation. A car takes the same turn he does? He’s being stalked. A friend doesn’t respond to a text? They’ve been murdered. His house smells more like gas than usual? He left the stove on, poisoned his cat, and will forever be known as the feline-murdering klutz who also happened to play music. He will admit, some fears are more outlandish than others, but that is entirely besides the point. After all, Xanax is real for a reason. 
So when his living room light is on when he comes home, he dismisses it quickly. It’s late, nearly midnight, when he finally makes it to his house, cello case over his shoulder. It’s too big to take the bus, so he’d had to shed some of his busking money to get an Uber. Not ideal, but a necessary expense. It takes him some fumbling to get out his keys, but eventually lugs both himself and the behemoth of an instrument in the door. 
A gray, furry lump comes bounding towards him, weaving in and out of his legs. 
“Hey, Noodles, buddy.” Ezra crouches down, running his hand through the cat’s raised fur. She stays near him, ears pressed back, facing the kitchen. He peers through the dark doorway, “What’s the matter?” 
Of course, Noodles can’t answer him, but she does allow Ezra to pick her up, hooking her claws into his shirt. Her sharp, yellow gaze is fixed on the kitchen, only raising Ezra’s alarm. He takes a step closer to the room, the floorboards creaking beneath his feet. If this creepy, horror-movie scenario didn’t let up soon, Ezra might actually die of terror. Noodles jumps from his arms as he approaches, skittering into another room. Fantastic. 
Before going in, at least he has the foresight to dig his keys (and attached pepper spray) from his front pocket. Wielding the plastic weapon, Ezra suppresses a small, nervous laugh at the situation. Did he even have a reason to be so nervous? Just because his cat’s acting weird and he left a light on earlier? 
Floorboards creak ominously when he breaches the dark room, only adding to the unsettling atmosphere. Feeling along the wall for the light, Ezra holds his breath. 
“Please don’t turn on the light!”
Ezra freezes. “What…?”
“Oh, jeez, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go!” Whoever was in his house mutters, and Ezra hears them start to walk around on the tile floor. “God – God, I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d get home till later, so – so I wasn’t ready yet.”
“...What the fuck?” Is the only thing Ezra can say, the only thing he can think. “W-Who are you?”
The footsteps grow closer, but he still can’t move. The intruder sighs, “Look, I’m really sorry about this. I didn’t want – I didn’t mean for this to happen. Christ, I’m sorry.”
“The fuck are you–Mmf!” Suddenly, a cloth, damp with a putrid chemical is on his face. He drops the pepper spray, his keys clattering on the floor. His attacker moves quickly, shoving Ezra into the wall. No amount of struggling, of beating on the assailant’s chest, does anything. His movements feel weak, muscles relaxing as the cloth presses harder over his nose. A moment passes where consciousness floats away, and before he even realizes it, his arms are limp. Legs giving way, Ezra’s eyelids begin to droop.
“Shh, it’s okay,” The attacker coos, in a crude mockery of sympathy. “It’s okay, Ezzy, I’ve got you. Just go to sleep, baby, it’s alright.” Continued murmurings of sweet nothings echo around Ezra’s skull, until there’s nothing left. The darkness somehow grows darker, until Ezra can’t tell if his eyes are open or closed. The long seconds turn into quick bursts of awareness, slowly spacing themselves further and further. 
Ezra tries to fight back, or at least, he thinks he does. It’s a little hard to tell, and he’s really tired. 
Maybe if he just drifted off for a moment, he’d have some strength to fight later. 
Just a little nap.
“That’s good, just close your eyes, baby,” Gentle fingers brush his hair, “I’ll take good care of you.”
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let me know what you think + if u want more <33
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Ezzie | he/they(pl) | Very Not a Minor
DID System - Autistic - Mobility Impaired
I work with dogs irl. I'm your dog's favorite teacher at school.
Helpful Tags:
Hobbies: Sketch | Art | Fiber
Life: Posts | Son Boy | Me
I love getting asks and it takes me forever to answer them.
I still like Homestuck. I love horror and smashing fictional characters together like a 6 yr old playing Barbie. Been involved in fandoms since 2005. I have a load bearing url and can't change it at this point.
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sapphira-mydnyte · 3 months
I'm making RP charas & she's my first.
Warning: Long Post
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RP Profile for: Cyrendra von Strayts
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Name: Cyrendra von Strayts
Alias: Ezmerelda/Ezzy
Nickname: Cynder
Titles: Queen of Fire
Mortal Age: 27
Actual Age: 310
Sire: Demoness Zeronia von Strayts/Vampire Leon Hyde
Species: Half demon, half vampire.
Bloodline: The von Strayts as the half-blood Queen.
Zodiac: Leo
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Category: Main Character
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Lilith: Demon Queen of Ice. Cynder hates her cold half sister with a passion & desires to steal the throne of hell from her.
Cyndarial: Demon Queen of Dragons. Cynder's cousin & favorite of the external family she has. These two love their fiery domain in the hells & get along since Cynder takes care of the dragons with her cousin.
Tyrena: Witch turned Demon by Cynder herself. Cynder won't admit it, but she's got a huge crush on the beautiful witch since she's been turned.
Lyla: Eldest Sister to Twyla & Viola, is in charge of hell while Lilith is out. Cynder is jealous of her running all of hell since it's now covered in ice, which is why she's in Arizona.
Twyla: Middle sister to Lyla & Viola. Is Cynder's best friend in hell & is always ready to answer her call instead of Lilith when she gets the chance.
Viola: Baby sister to Lyla & Twyla. Cynder looks after her when her older sisters are out with Lilith & is her ally when needed.
Abilities: Master swordswoman with long swords, short swords & daggers.
Fire, blood & demon magic.
Secondary commander of dragons.
Transform humans that are loyal to the hells into demons at will.
Inhuman speed & strength.
Can feed on sick mortals as a vampire without contracting the disease herself, but instead, can spread it if she feeds on a healthy mortal afterward.
Normally: Hell in the rings of fire.
Currently: Deserts of Arizona, just outside of Phoenix, under the shifting sands.
Feeding: Hates cold foods with a passion.
Feeds on humans due to being half vampire.
Will eat almost anything cooked, whether it's mortal flesh, rebellious demons, or even mortal foods.
Has a particular liking to anything spicy & the hotter, the better.
Looks: This largely depends on where she is & the time of day. Since she's in Arizona, she has two outfits.
Due to the fact that she's half demon, she can walk in the sun, so she wears a skimpy, silver outfit that looks like an armored bikini with her glorious long horns coming out of what looks like a bandana, but is actually part of her demonic form.
By nightfall, her vampire half shows & she mixes it with her demon horns. Although the horns are shorter, she now wears red armor with boots that reach up to her knees & is more covered for the coolness of the dark. Her sword of fire is drawn, ready for battle as well.
Demeanor: To her allies in the hells & the witch, Tyrena, she's relentless in demanding loyalty & respect from them. However, she's also one of the hardest working queens in helping her cousin, some of Lilith's own allies & especially when helping Tyrena with her spells. She doesn't demand it for no reason, as she proves time & again that she does have a heart for a few souls. As long as they remain loyal & respect her, she'll not end their lives.
Nature: Cruel, tormenting & hateful around humanity. She punishes sinners & ends their lives as she sees fit. If she's feeding on humans instead of killing the sinners, she's still cruel with her bite, but far nicer depending on who she's feeding on.
Flaws: Unfortunately, even though she's a demon, her vampire half does mean that she's weaker during the day than at night. If one were to face her in the sun, they have a higher chance of beating her.
Another drawback of her vampire half is that she has to drink blood every so often & if she goes too long without feeding, she also becomes weak, even in hell.
As a demon & vampire, she is weak against holy relics & magics of any given sort, especially either during the day or when she hasn't drank blood for a period of time.
History: Zeronia & Leon, two sides of the coin of darkness. Zeronia was the right-hand lady of Tyren the Terror until she was sent out to Europe. She was said to have been chosen for an arranged marriage to the demon king, but on her travels, she met Leon. Leon was a rich, well-liked man who ran a gondola making company in Venice, Italy. He never revealed his vampire side to his workers, nor those he loved most, but it broke his heart to have to feed on the innocent every night. Zeronia fell in love with him, although she was assigned to kill him for betraying the Hyde family that pledged loyalty to Tyren. Zeronia, feeling the same as he did as in not wanting to hurt anybody that didn't deserve it, ran away with Leon.
Cyrendra was born five years after they got together, with Leon & Zeronia taking their mortal forms to go have her at the hospital. The doctor & nurses knew something off about the little girl, as she was stronger than the other newborns, louder & ate more. She never gained a lot of weight despite how much she ate, but for the most part, Cyrendra was a well-behaved little girl. She grew into a fine young lady as the years went on, usually on her best behavior too. Once she hit sixteen, her vampire & demon powers increased dramatically, throwing the young teen into a depressed state. She didn't understand why she hungered for blood, nor why she had fangs, claws, horns & scales or why, when she was in an extreme mood, her looks changed & she summoned fire in her emotional outbursts. When she asked her parents, they told her the truth & revealed their true forms to her. They loved her & told her so many times, even after she changed & they revealed themselves.
Unfortunately, the peace was not to last. Their home was attacked just before Cyrendra's eighteenth birthday, besieged by Tyren's army for her mother's betrayal to him. Leon was murdered by the king's sword & her mother was thrown into the fires of hell, burned alive in her mortal form. The teen was chained to a slab, forced to watch her parents die in the hells, but with their senseless ending, she awakened fully into her strength. To this day, she's never forgiven Tyren for killing her parents & seeks to end his reign forever, even if it means betraying Lilith.
To Coven: Cyrendra has her beloved witch, Tyrena running a coven in her name. Although the witches are few, they do Cyrendra's bidding in the mortal world. The coven name is simple, "Sisterhood of Strayt." This small coven & its followers hope to put Cynder on the throne, but to do it, bloodshed is required. To House She was once a part of the Hyde house when her parents were alive, but she's returned to the von Strayts house. Her father's betrayal was the Hyde family's downfall, but with her as their only child, she's reclaiming her mother's place in hell. Her coven members are part of her house just as much as her cousin is & she wouldn't trade them for the world if it means Tyren is dethroned.
Religion: Obviously, being a half demon-vampire hybrid, she's bound to the darkness & all seven deadly sins. However, each demon does have a beating heart within them, so even they are capable of love, but it's a rare trait in hell.
Work: She was trained in the ways of the sword by her father & magic by her mother, so for Cyrendra, she writes spellbooks for her followers & forges the finest weapons as well. She makes a good paycheck in the mortal realm when she's in Italy for anything. Europeans love to read about as much as they love to fight & with firearm regulation being tight in a lot of places, her daggers are what many call their best friend in the house. What friends her parents had & their children are the ones that usually buy them, but the books are loved in every sense. Although they're labeled as fiction, her books are in the libraries across Italy & in a few parts of Europe.
Hobbies: Besides crafting weapons, writing books & taking care of dragons, she's also fond of swimming. Not many demons take to enjoying the cool waters of the mortal realm, but Cyrendra does. This hobby stems from her childhood in Venice as her father let her go swimming in the canal that he had his finest gondolas docked in at his port. She doesn't go swimming very often, but she makes time to go though.
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xxmarsishotxx · 9 months
do u and ezzi want a third ? let me skooch in there
For our three year aniversary i return to this blog to finally answer this old anon. The answer is difinitevely NO! hehe u WISHHHHHH hahahaha
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