#ezekiel raines
aparasims · 4 months
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Separately they are bad people, together they are even worse.
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muzarry · 4 months
Guys. Guys bear with me
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deadboystims · 4 months
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ᯓ★ ┊ leokiel ( oc x canon ) board with green and blue dazecore(?) stims for @sigmxnd !!
1 , 2 , 3 ┊ 4 , 5 , 6 ┊ 7 , 8 , 9
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of savage beasts so that they may live in the wilderness and sleep in the forests in safety. I will make them and the places surrounding my hill a blessing. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.
Ezekiel 34:25-26 NIV (2011)
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scripture-pictures · 1 year
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tom4jc · 6 months
March 15, 2024 Memory Verse
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xmachinamedia · 2 years
2:30 PM
Great Atlantean Marshlands – Paraloque Hills: A hilly region of the barren northwest Atlantean wildlands, a rare bit of land rising above the marshy sea level that dominates most of the 80,000 square mile stretch. Travelers note the hills to occasionally have lingering Dynasty Era architecture throughout the rolling greens; some believe this points to the hills formerly being one of the few colonized areas of the Great Marshlands.
Due to the more stable land and the ease of connection between Yelsin Highroad to the east and a general flat 700 mile stretch of plains leading to Playful Goblin Forest at the western outskirts, away from the marshes, it is a vital crossing point for the Great Atlantean Railroad for those seeking to traverse the wildlands without being attacked by the many savage monsters that roam the expanse of nature.
C-Rank Transport Magnet Train – Bessie: A standard-issue dual function passenger and supply train – several cabins are available for paying customers to utilize as the most reliable and rapid form of transportation between Neo Atlantis and Wavord; the quick connection also allows the train to ship decent amounts of electrical equipment, building supply, and finally tanks of ether for governmental use with its remaining carriages – making for six passenger cars and six convoy carriages where supplies are held.
Unfortunately, while a lower ranked vessel means a cheaper ticket, the seats fill up quickly in C-Rank trains… and occasionally, a very daring bandit or raider might not be scared off so easily as the typical wild animal or monster... and such is what happened on this very day, as a supervillain assailant felt keen on raiding the shipment for both supplies and ransom...
          “BWAAAAHAHAHAHAAA!!” The man cackled, the seven passengers and staff he had successfully rounded up amid the panicking masses all cowering before him and his bright red-and-yellow tights, a black-and-white mask obscuring the top half of his face – freeing up room for his scraggly beard attached only at the edges of his chin and his proudly bellowing laughter. “Ladies and gentlemen, kind citizens of the Atlantean continent and tourists alike, the mighty Bomberhead appreciates your patronage in foisting such a grand supply of ether across the wildlands! This energy will fuel my operations and funds alike for several months to come! I deeply appreciate it!”
            Bomberhead – Age 36, D-Rank supervillain – “The Explosive Bandit”: A small-time crook and bandit known for assaulting traveling convoys across Atlantis utilizing his ability to create small explosions. D-Ranked due to his ability being exceedingly limited, only able to cause lethal harm to a human with direct contact and generally lacking skill, always only narrowly evading Enforcer capture.
            A waiter from aboard the train spat out a handkerchief stuffed in his mouth and glared at Bomberhead. “Y-you idiot! How do you plan to haul the ether off the train?! Each of those ten tanks is almost six-thousand kilos apiece! I know you’re a super, but you aren’t exactly a strong one…”
            Having his grandiose speech interrupted sparked Bomberhead’s fury immediately as he rushed over to the waiter, indignance plastered across his mien. “How, DARE!”
            The back of his hand graced the young waiter’s cheek at high speed, sending some spit flying from the tied-up captive while a young woman tied up beside him screamed.
            “You don’t seem to understand the situation you’re in! It matters not how I get the ether tanks off the train, what matters is that they’re mine now!”
            “Not very strong… lemme add not very bright to that as well.” The waiter growled, earning another slap across the cheek.
            “I appreciate your concern.” Bomberhead sarcastically grumbled, stuffing the hankie back into the waiter’s mouth. “But I do have a plan, to your likely shock. As soon as I decouple this train car, some of my ‘associates’ will arrive, recouple the train from behind, and guide us deeper into the Eastern Wavord Wildlands – where, once we’re far enough in the forest, we’ll have you, our captives in the event of Enforcer interference… earn your keep by assisting us in unloading and selling these tanks.”
            The young woman wailed once more, tears streaming from her eyes.
            “Sheesh, she’s a loud bird.” Bomberhead grumbled, looking annoyed. “I can’t even explain my evil plan without an interruption now?! What next?”
            Just then, the door in the back was kicked down, and Bomberhead slapped his forehead as soon as he sensed a pair of auras enter through them – clearly not the armed gunmen he had explicit measures to deal with. No, this was a pair of supers; Enforcers, inevitably. Suddenly, his foolproof plan felt like it had a major hole as he asked himself; “Why didn’t I check for any Enforcers possibly running guard duty…?!”
            Immediately, the blond haired one took center stage, proudly grinning before Bomberhead with his young lantern jaw on full display.
            “Sorry, Bomberhead, but you won’t be hijacking any transport vessels today.” Ezekiel bellowed with a wide grin. “I suggest you surrender, before your plan explodes in your face.”
            Buster, close behind, only groaned and slammed his palm upon his face. Bomberhead meanwhile, looked less than pleased to be so rudely interrupted, leaping from his perch atop a glowing ether barrel to growl at the two. “I guess I should’ve expected interruptions, but a pair of Enforcer brats won’t be too much trouble…”
            Buster quickly darted to Bomberhead’s left, faster than the villain could react, and cut the hostages free with a swipe of the sword, Zeke in the meantime flinging his staff in a grand flourish at Bomberhead’s skull – an attack Bomberhead felt keen on giving a solid punch to the stomach as a response. Zeke flew back with a yell, slamming into the doorway above the fleeing hostages while Buster darted at Bomberhead, taking a wide, obvious downward swing at the villain that dug into the carpet and steel of the train. Bomberhead yelped seeing the size of the blade.
            “Sheesh! Is that a sword or an oversized butcher knife?!”
            Buster strained as he pulled the sword free from where it gored into the train floor, stumbling back, and falling on his rear. “Gah!”
            “…Well at least it seems size isn’t a problem for just me either. You compensating for something there, kid?” Bomberhead sneered – just as Zeke flung himself over Buster and charged again, staff at the ready.
            “Leave him to me, Buster!” Zeke bellowed, jabbing three areas across his right, staff-holding arm with his free left thumb. A burst of light emanated from Zeke’s body as he charged, Bomberhead instantly feeling a sense of apprehension as the young ward closed in.
            “Uh oh..!” Bomberhead raised his arms in defense, bracing his body for impact as Zeke roared, swinging the staff at full force into Bomberhead’s ribs.
            Pressure Surge – Overwhelm: A Boost Art that briefly drastically enhances physical capabilities for a singular strike or a duration of time, at the cost of the user having a fraction of the overall impact rebound back upon them, with a greater recoil based on how long and how fierce their exertion. The surge also inherently bolsters the concussive force of one’s attacks, making them possess greater launching power and general intensity. Should the situation call for it, Ezekiel can put more overall launching power into the blow rather than raw strength, minimizing damage recoil and allowing his attacks to launch his adversaries easily.
          “Gh--!!” Bomberhead choked out, tumbling head over heels into the floor. Buster struggled to his feet as Zeke bashed the villain thrice across the chest, the shoulders, and finally the cheek, dazing the madman.
            “And now…!” Zeke said with a prideful grin. “The coup de grace!!”
            Rushing forward with his staff primed, Bomberhead regained his focus briefly to feel the edge of the pole bore into his chest, taking his legs from the ground and sending the air rocketing from his lungs as Zeke drove him into a nearby wall with a powerful roar.
          Buster was only beginning to stand back up when the train lurched to the side, Bomberhead collapsing to his knees as he spat out a puddle of saliva alongside the air in his lungs with a gurgle, unable to fight back any longer. With him slumping down in defeat, the train too bounced back into place on the tracks.
            And then, silence. Zeke stood tall and triumphant, grinning from ear to ear in victory.
            “HAHA!” He cheered, pumping a fist up. “A stellar performance from yours truly, the Enforcer to define the next generation, Mr. Ezekiel Reis!” He proudly bellowed at Buster finally got to his feet, dizzy and gurgling from nausea. “I truly am the embodiment of Enforcer honor.”
            “Y-yeah, awesome, Zeke… now can you point me to a bucket…? I think I’m gonna hurl…”
            Zeke, however, was busy still flaunting his success as Buster fully got himself upright, looking down at Bomberhead as the villain began crawling toward the ether tanks… a small, malicious chuckle in his voice as he did.
            “At this rate, I won’t just be an Elite, but I’ll be worthy of Kingslayer… man, I can’t wait to tell dad about this!” He giggled to himself as Bomberhead finally reached the tanks behind him.
            Now, Buster’s mind was still very scattered thanks to his amnesia. He was forgetful, prone to tripping, and generally absentminded. But even he could sometimes get a twinge – be it in training when he’d suddenly pummel one of those annoying surfer dudes in a random flash of brilliance, or sudden lucidity out of nowhere that ends as fast as it happens… Buster sometimes can just catch on to things even Zeke doesn’t.
            And here… something caused that to happen as soon as he saw Bomberhead reach the ether canisters, and the villainous name began to repeat itself in his mind more and more… going from a faint whisper to a roaring yell.
            “…Zeke…?” Buster nervously called out.
            “I wonder how that snotnose Wade and his Surf Rat goons will feel about this, when he learns we could take down a supervillain on our own…” Zeke sneered to himself, laughing away as Bomberhead… Bomberhead… Bomberhead began to rear back…
            “ZEKE!!” Buster screamed, tackling his friend into the back car suddenly as Bomberhead suddenly slammed his skull into the canisters.
            X-Ability: Mindblowing!! – Bomberhead’s personal X-Ability, suited for an Ether Type whose powers center on the mind and concentration. Any time he focuses on his cranium, he can generate a powerful explosive aura that simultaneously shields him – creating dangerously explosive headbutts. He can use this with other parts of his body, but his head generates by far the most powerful and lethal explosion.
2:35 PM
          Wavord Enforcers Miniship – A small-scale aerial vessel built for flying short distances across the wildlands. Built to transport only three to four passengers at once to deploy Enforcers across the continent. Fuel-efficient, but rather cramped and lacking in more innovative tech due to budget cuts.
            They had been following this train for a good three hours, at the orders of the Jr. Enforcer who took up this job. Why he didn’t just join the two others who already accepted the mission on the train, neither the pilot nor his assistant knew. But it seemed that might’ve been a good choice, considering what they were witnessing now – a burning cargo train hurtling along the tracks, its roof completely stripped and every ether canister within it demolished, freshly detonated with three bodies surrounding the exploded rubble, each of them stirring, alive, but clearly groggy aboard the flaming platform.
“Closing in on the assailed train!” The pilot called back to the passenger, clicking away at the radar. “SOS went out five minutes ago! Seems we’re just a little too late – even though your hunch was right.”
            “Tch. I knew that shipment was too easy a target… and leave it to Reis to screw it all up.” A young man with long, black hair swore under his breath from the passenger’s cabin, shaking his head as chains jingled in his hands. He wore a raggedy black cloak over an equally black shirt and a pair of gray denim jeans, each of his wrists bound in a spiked collar. Even in the darkness of the passenger’s cabin, one could see dark circles around both his eyes, striking upon his pale skin. “Close in as low as you can. I’ll take care of the perp from there… as well as any backup he might have.”
            Varicose Armess – 17 years old, C-Rank Jr. Enforcer: A grim and dour young Chaos Type superhuman, known infamously for using a pair of chained sickles and over 108 poisons he managed to infuse into his very aura itself, creating an immunity for himself and a perpetual threat for every enemy he faces.
            X-Ability: Cursed Rot – A nasty X-Ability wherein the user utilizes poisons and other curses to steadily wear down the enemy for a fatal finishing strike. Limited only by the number of poisons the wielder is willing to inoculate their body to (and thus absorb into their aura), and the fact that full contact and piercing must occur to apply the various techniques and their effects.
            “Yessir, Jr. Commando Varicose!” The pilot replied, lowering the ship toward the burning train.
            Varicose, the passenger, gnashed his teeth and shook his head again, growling. “Mr. Hero just had to go and cock this up…” He grumbled under his breath as he rose, the chains he held dragging along a pair of sickles attached to each end. Varicose quietly breathed in, preparing himself as he marched toward the steadily opening backdoor, wind suddenly whipping away at the interior cabin.
            “You’re clear to jump!” The pilot called out – and just as he did, Varicose leapt from the doorway, landing squarely upon the burning train between a completely unconscious Ezekiel, and a stirring Buster Raine, just as Bomberhead fully rose to his feet with a cackle.
            “HAH! Little fools didn’t seem to remember my name!” He cheered seeing Ezekiel down… only to look up and see Varicose standing right beside the supine young Enforcer, a sickle in each hand and a very, very bored expression on his face. “…Ah, brilliant.”
            Varicose sighed. “Now that the idiot is too unconscious to screw this up, you’re under arrest. Please, make this easy for me, will ya?"
            “As if! I’m never gonna be taken alive by you snotnose enfor—” Bomberhead couldn’t even finish his sentence before Varicose flung a sickle his way; the villain quickly ducking down as the blade grazed his cheek and curved back into Varicose’s hand. Bomberhead smirked evilly as he brushed off the miniscule cut. “Hah! Nice try, punk!”
            Varicose simply raised his eyebrow and smiled.
            Bomberhead’s smile was maintained… and held… and held, the villain going completely silent as he stood frozen like a statue. Buster had finally fully awoken to see the scene and Varicose standing there, having sheathed his sickles and now just letting his dark hair flap along wildly in the wind. Zeke too, finally began to stir as he too, saw the scene before him, and Varicose as well, who only gave the young ward a dismissive glare.
            “Reis. How unsurprising to see you involved with this mess.”
            Zeke nervously laughed, seeing the canisters detonated behind the frozen Bomberhead and  putting two and two together. “Heheh… maybe I should keep the bad guy’s name in mind next time…” He mumbled.
            Buster coughed, pulling himself to his feet and clinging to a still-attached bit of wall and railing at the front of the train car and taking some deep breaths while he asked: “What’d you do to him, anyway? He’s gone completely still and hasn’t said anything since your sickle missed him…”
            “Oh, this?” Varicose pointed to the frozen Bomberhead and proceeded to march over to the statue-like stance of the madman. “This is an Art of mine, rookie. You’ll pick up a few as you begin to master your X-Ability. I call this Cursed Rot – Medusa’s Glare. Freezes whoever is affected by its poison for a solid minute at minimum… and that’s against supers. If I used it against a normal human, well… it’s called Medusa’s Glare for a reason.”
            Just as he finished explaining, he then socked the frozen Bomberhead in the stomach, the villain suddenly returning to cognizance and wheezing as he fell to a knee again, this time passing out from the pain on the spot – mission accomplished.
            Zeke looked on in bitter failure as Varicose shook his head. “Very weak villain y’all got here, though. I mean, seriously, Ezekiel. Even you should’ve crushed this loser.”
3:10 PM
          Lucane, Atlantis: A small wildland town at the apex of the Atlantean continent – and one of the few major settlements on the grand road toward Kelp Port and Neo Atlantis beyond it, the grandiose capital atop the ocean waves.
            While there is little to speak of in the small town, save its scenic cliffs to the north overlooking the sea, it is nonetheless often considered a nostalgic, comfortable stop amid the dangerous marshes, and also a crucial pit stop for trains making the long journey toward Neo Atlantis.
            Miraculously, the train arrived on time, and the terrified passengers were granted reprieve, free food, and a guaranteed ticket on a more secure train toward Neo Atlantis.
            The mission, however, couldn’t have been a more colossal failure… sans the capture of Bomberhead. Varicose Armess was given many a cheer and proud pat on the back by other Enforcers and local police once they pulled into Lucane with Bomberhead in tow. Zeke and Buster, however, sat blackened with soot in the exploded car, only able to endure quiet sneers and jeers from local enforcement.
            “Another day, another failure, eh One Chop?” A policeman cackled at Zeke.
            “I would have simply remembered the bad guy’s name…” Another chuckled.
            “Senator Reis must be a little tired of seeing his son on the news…” One more giggled.
            Buster shook his head, still rubbing some soot off his face as he gazed out at the sun, steadily approaching its setting time amid the frigid winter day. “We really botched that one, dude.”
            Ezekiel, however, was seemingly unbothered by both the freezing air and his abject failure. Nay, he flipped through the paper he picked up earlier with a proud smile, shaking his head. “No need to worry about what we can’t change B. We’ve still got a match to catch tonight… and I think I already know our next mission.”
            Buster raised an eyebrow as Zeke continued his flitting, smiling. “Really…?” He asked, before shaking his head too. “Don’t answer that. I can tell you’ve already got something cooked up.”
            To that, Zeke nodded proudly. “You bet your behind, I do. An Enforcer’s always gotta be quick to take any opportunity.” He said as he found the page at last and put it before Buster’s eyes. “Check this out, B. We nab this guy… and I’m sure we’ll be one step closer to Elite status… and investigating your lost memories.”
            Buster took the magazine with a shrug, reading the page over before nodding.
            “The Junker, huh?”          “Uh-huh!” Zeke nodded proudly. “When we snatch him, and I promise, we won’t just be on route to recovering your memories, but we’ll be hailed as heroes for years to come. Bet on it!”
Excerpt of Volume I - Partners; Available now on Amazon and Kindle! (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BWPF1CQP)
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crazycoke-addict · 1 year
Island of the slaughtered assumption.
1. It was pouring down rain when Tyler died.
2. The killer lied to Courtney into believe she had freedom but took that away from her.
3. Since the killer saw Heather pretty. They delicately lifted her head making sure that nothing happens with it.
4. Katie was not only traumatised for what happened to Sadie. But she felt numb after seeing Geoff and Owen.
5. When Duncan and Noah were fighting, I think it probably started Noah made a sarcastic comment (seeing it as that's how Noah deals with things) and Duncan told him to be serious.
6. When Ezekiel saw the killer, he thought it was an actor that's part of the challenge for the show.
7. Heather would be the most realistic. When somebody has this hope that they may get help. Heather would shut them down.
8. Since it still follows like how the show is them being part of reality show. The cameras would have recorded everything.
9. Owen most likely died from shock since he was alive while the killer was sewing Geoff's head on him.
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Your Biker in Worn Leather
Pairing: EZ Reyes x female!reader
Category: Angst/Comfort
Word count: 353
Summary: You call EZ to pick you up and his temper goes through the roof at the state you’re in.
Warnings: Mentions of cuts, scratches, and bruises
Part 2
Gif is not mine. Credit to owner.
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“Can you please come and get me?” Those words played on loop in EZ’s head, he couldn’t get the sound of your scared voice out of his head. You didn’t tell him what happened or if you were hurt, only where to pick you up from.
Ezekiel was quick to jump on his bike and speed to your location. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest, mind racing a mile a second thinking about all the possible scenarios you could be in. By the time EZ finally found you on the side of the street, it was pouring rain and you had no rain coat or umbrella to shield you. As EZ took off his helmet and goggles, he noticed you were shaking and that’s when you immediately raced towards him, throwing your arms around his neck and clinging to him for dear life, not giving him the chance to get off his bike. EZ’s arms instinctively enveloped you in a tight embrace, his hand gently rubbing your back. Neither one of you cared that you were getting drenched and could possibly end up with a cold tomorrow. You needed him, his safety, his protection, and you needed him as close as possible. EZ allowed the hug to last a few more moments. “Let’s get you dry, okay?” He spoke softly, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
You nodded against his shoulder before pulling yourself out of his arms. As you did so, EZ caught sight of the state you were in, a busted lip, bruises decorating your arms, and a red cheek. EZ’s blood boiled more and more as he saw each bruise, scratch, and cut littering your body. “Who did this to you?” He blurted out, causing you to jump at his stern tone and clenched jaw. The movement didn’t go unnoticed. “I’m sorry, mi amor. I didn’t mean to scare you. Do you know who did this to you?” He apologized before asking again, this time in a calmer tone.
You knew exactly who did this, and you knew EZ would revel in setting the score.
General Taglist: @kmc1989
EZ Reyes Taglist: @zaenight
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midnight-talescape · 1 year
𝒜𝓅𝒽𝓇𝑜𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒾𝒶𝒸 (𝑀𝒾𝑔𝓊𝑒𝓁 𝒪’𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)
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Kinktober Day 13: Size difference + Heartbeat
They’re very much implied okay, there are very few people who is larger then Miguel mkay?
But like yeah this man totally gaslighted you, also like soft Miguel. Wanted to try something different, no im not just bad.
Warning: Size difference, gaslighting, ooc, etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
Word Count: 2315
Your boss is hot.
Like really really hot and like a super nice person.
The last time you said this out loud, a few of the other spiders looked at you like you were crazy, while Jessica just laughed and said,
“I can't deny the fact that he’s hot, but a nice person?”
You open your mouth ready to defend your boss’s honor when your spider sense tingles.
“What are you guys doing here?” came a cold voice behind you,
Almost immediately everyone dispersed, within seconds until it was just you and Jessica that's still standing in front of Miguel.
“Boss!” You yelled excitedly before dive-bombing into his chest,
Miguel automatically caught you in his arm, your body nearly disappearing into his body as he wrapped his arm around you, saying gruffly,
“Stop doing that, little spider.”
You closed your eyes, smushing your face onto his pecs.
“But your hug is so nice, boss… I can stop if you don't like it…” you sound a little disappointed and begin to let go of Miguel,
With a sigh, Miguel pushed you back into his arm and tightened his hold on you,
“Fine, you can keep hugging me… just… just don't make this into a regular thing…”
Jessica raised her eyes as she saw the scene unfold in front of her, she could have sworn she just saw something like possessiveness in Miguel’s eyes.
You like your boss.
Not in a lovey-dove way, god no…
At least you don't think it's in a lovey-dovey way.
He’s just so pretty and… and… he’s just so pretty and hot! Like look at him!
You used to be able to ignore it because of how scared of him you were.
Then like you saw him one time. One fucking time! Looking at the video of him and his daughter, looking super sad, kinda like a giant sick puppy left in the rain horrible example Your brain was immediately overtaken with the thought,
I can fix him!
Ezekiel said your instinct to want to cure people of their sadness, or quote on quote fix people, stems from the fact that you wish someone fixed your younger self or something like that.
You stopped listening after the first 2 lines, already on your way to hug Miguel.
Miguel's attempt to stop you from hugging him was futile.
You were quite stubborn and you have concluded that the man is touch-starved. So it's only natural that you made it your mission to make your boss feel loved.
Your conclusion is correct as Miguel seems to get softer with you as time goes on.
This shocks Peter to no end, and after hearing your conclusion of Miguel being touched starved, immediately attempts to hug Miguel.
He had to go to the nurse after Miguel threw him through a wall in surprise.
You were talking to one of the spider people when you received a notification from your watch that Miguel wanted you in his office.
You hastily said goodbye before swinging your way to Miguel’s office.
A few minutes later you arrived in front of his office and knocked on the door.
There was no answer and after a few minutes of waiting you got a little worried, you could have sworn you heard someone groaning in there.
In a split second, you burst through the door and nearly had a heart attack when you saw Miguel curled up on the floor.
“Boss! Are you okay?!”
“C-close the door…fuck!” Miguel groaned out, his face flushing pink,
You quickly slammed the door shut and kneeled next to Miguel.
“Shit! Boss, are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?” You rambled on nervously as you held Miguel up in your arms,
Miguel groaned into your arm as he tried to get up,
”I’m fine, little spider,” Miguel managed between labored breaths, “I accidentally injected myself with some aphrodisiac, the vial wasn't labeled…”
Your eyes widen in alarm as he said that, finally noticing the shattered vial near Miguel,
“Will you be okay, boss? Do you need me to take you to the infirmary? What's an aphrodisiac?!”
Miguel coughed before looking up at you, a faint blush barely visible on his tan face as he stopped you from dragging him out the door,
“N-no, wait! It's- it's best if I don't go to the infirmary for this…”
You stopped and blinked slowly as you looked at him questioningly.
“Aphrodisiac is a chemical substance that… increases sexual desire and arousal. I would rather not go to the infirmary for this…” Miguel explained as his face burned in embarrassment,
“O-oh…” you said quietly as you froze and finally noticed the bulge in Miguel’s suit,
Noticing your rigid body, Miguel's voice was hoarse as he said,
“I know this is going to sound bad, but… do you think you can help me with my… problem?”
“W-what?” You spluttered out confused,
“I know it's an abrupt request and highly unprofessional, but you will help me right, little spider?” Miguel looked up at you, his face covered in a thin sheen of sweat,
Any question you have regarding why was there aphrodisiacs in his office, and hesitation was immediately thrown out the window when Miguel looked at you.
Your boss is asking you to help him! Your beautiful, sexy, walking dilf of a man, dominating boss who never asks for help is asking you for help!
Who can say no to a beautiful sexy hunk like him?! WHO CAN?!
You sure as hell can’t.
Almost immediately you nodded your head,
“Y-yes…of course! Anything to help you, boss….” you said your mind completely dazed from the fact that your sexy boss was asking you for help,
“I knew I could trust you, little spider…” Miguel said as he wrapped his arm around you tightly, a dark look in his eyes that screamed danger, "You're going to help me with all my problems, aren't you?"
You nodded your head, not fully understanding what you had just agreed to…
Your eyes sting with tears as you try not to gag on Miguel’s cock. Desperately relaxing your throat as Miguel grabbed your hair and deepthroated you.
You could feel your throat stretching around Miguel's cock, saliva that you can't swallow dripped down your chin and onto the floor as Miguel roughly fuck your throat.
Miguel kept pushing you down onto his cock, forcing you to take more of his length. Your lips were taut as you worked around his thick girth, the sensation of his cock forcing its way deeper into your mouth causing tears to fall from your eyes. Your mind was dazed and blurry from the taste and smell of Miguel that seemed to surround you.
"F-fuck! Little spider, you were made for this…" Miguel groaned as he felt your tongue wrapped around his cock, your face red with effort,
You out a loud gasp as Miguel forced his entire cock into your throat, groaning as your gasp send tiny vibration up his cock.
Grunting, Miguel wiped away your tears before wrapping his hand around your throat.
You let out a cry as he gripped tightly around his cock through your throat, your throat raw from the rough way he was thrusting into you.
"You're doing so well, little spider…" Miguel groaned as he looked down at your teary face,
You look so fucking beautiful with your face red, tears running down your face, and your mouth stuffed full of his cock.
With a grunt, he reached his climax and shot his cum into your throat.
You instinctively tried to back away when you felt Miguel cumming inside your mouth, but Miguel forced your head to stay still, grunting as he said,
“Stay still for me, little spider. Be a good girl for me, will you?”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your eyes as you forced yourself to stay still, you can feel the thick stream of cum filling you up.
After a few minutes, Miguel removed his cock from your throat, leaving you coughing and spluttering.
Tilting your head up, Miguel wiped away the cum that you couldn't swallow before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“You did great, Cariño…”
You looked up at him your mind still a little dazed with a single question on your mind,
“A-Are you feeling better, boss?”
Hearing your question, Miguel groaned as he felt himself harden again.
Fuck, she will be the death of me one day
Miguel lowered his eyes and lifted you onto his lap, before saying calmly,
“I'm afraid that wasn't enough, little spider… Do you trust me?”
Shivering you nodded your head.
Your boss will never lie to you, right?
“This will be a little painful, so hold on okay, little spider?” Miguel said before pushing you down onto his cock,
Your cries of agony echoed through the room as Miguel thrust into you, your body being stretched open on his cock.
Your cunt stretching painfully taunt around his cock, to the point where it looks opaque and ready to tear at any moment.
With each thrust, you could feel your insides stretching around his cock, stretching farther than they ever had before. Miguel's hands were tight around your hips as he kept your shaking body still, as he ignored your cry of agony and fucked into your tiny body.
It was more than painful, it felt like he was ripping your body apart with his cock. Your body ached, and your eyes were glassy from crying. Your cunt tightened around Miguel's cock as he continued his brutal assault on your body.
You let out a scream as you came onto his cock, Miguel grunt as he felt your wall tighten to a point its hard for him to move.
“F-fuck… relax a little, Cariño… you’re too fucking tight… shit I forgot how tiny you are compared to me…” Miguel panted into your ears as he plunge his cock farther and farther into you,
“S-stop, boss…haaaa… it hurts… I’m full!” You cried out desperately,
Miguel tightened his grip on your waist, his claw digging into your skin as he growled,
“Call me by my name, little spider…”
You clawed at his back leaving behind claw mark as you cried out again,
“M-miguel! P-please! I'm so full, t-too big!”
Satisfied Miguel slowed down a little allowing you to adjust as he kissed your neck and shoulder, leaving behind bruise and bite mark.
“And yet, you’re doing such a great job taking in my cock, my sweet spider…”
Your mouth opens moaning loudly as the pain subsides into pleasure.
“M-Miguel…t-too fast… i-im gonna cum…g-gonna cum again…” you babbled out your body covered in your slick and sweat,
Miguel's lip curled into a snarl as he began thrusting into you faster,
“Cum for me, little spider… Give yourself to me…” he dug his fang into your neck,
Your back arched and your mouth opened into a silent scream as you came into an agonizing high, your body shaking violently.
Pushing you onto his chest, Miguel slid his hand down your body to your ass, kneading it gently as your body shudder from your orgasm.
“H-hurt… it hurt… Miguel… no more…”
Miguel kissed your head as he ignored your pleas ramming into your body roughly as he tried to comfort you,
“Shhh, it's okay you can take so much more, little spider… just focus on me…fuck you’re tight…”
Panting you leaned your head against Miguel's chest, desperately trying to focus on his erratic heartbeat as he fuck you.
With a growl and a final brutal thrust, Miguel came inside you, filling your body with his cum.
Your leg shakes as he cum inside you, painting your wall white and you groan as you felt your stomach bloated out.
“Gonna stuff you with my cum, little spider… I will make you mine…” Miguel panted into your ears not even bothering to stop as his cock harden once more,
Picking you up and earning a gasp from you, he slammed you into the window. Miguel grabbed both of your legs and hooked them onto his shoulders, forcing you into a mating press before slamming into you deeper than before.
“Haaaaa… M-miguel stop… p-people will see…” you cried out trying to push him away from you,
“Then let them see, let them see who you belong to…” Miguel pushes down on the bulge in your stomach causing you to lose all your thought process, as you orgasm for the 6th time this night,
Miguel tilts your head up pulling you into a kiss and forcing you to kiss back.
“Say you love me, my little spider… say you love me…”
You couldn't hear what he was saying as your mind was just so fucked. Unhappy with your silence, Miguel dug his claw into your ass and grind his dick against your g-spot.
Your eyes flew open and you let out a loud cry,
“I-i love you… Miguel, I love you… please stop!”
“Good girl…” Miguel practically purred out as his pace got more and more brutal,
He's not letting you go, not until your soul, body, and heart all belong to him…
Miguel snarled as he saw you talking to one of the spider person.
You belong to him and no one else, how dare your attention be on anyone but him?
You don't love him, he can tell.
You don't love anyone.
The report Ezekiel gave him clearly stated your inability to feel love for anyone or anything, only the ability to fake it.
It doesn't matter, he will be the closest thing to love you will ever feel.
He will make sure of it…
He grabbed a vial of aphrodisiac he got and injected it into him, before picking up his watch and messaging you,
Come to my office immediately…
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ya-world-challenge · 2 years
25 YA Books for Indigenous Peoples Day
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NOTES: For brevity and diversity, I did not include all the North American Native books I found, but there are plenty more - feel free to post your favorites in the comments! Most books are from indigenous authors, but not all - do your own research if you like. Not all books may be “technically” YA. I’d love to hear more suggestions of Latin American indigenous stories or Hawai’ian native stories which were difficult to find.
EDIT: This is just a random list by a random tumblr blog from 2022 - get out there and find your own books or list some in the comments if you find this list lacking.
The Things She's Seen by Amebelin & Ezekiel Kwaymullina
The Boy from the Mish by Gary Lonesborough
Becoming Kirrali Lewis by Jane Harrison
Swallow the Air by Tara June Winch
The Missing by Melanie Florence
Sorrow's Knot by Erin Bow
Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson
The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline
A Girl Called Echo by Katherena Vermette
Surviving the City by Tasha Spillett
Japan - Ainu
Golden Kamuy by Satoru Noda
Latin America
Saints of the Household by Ari Tison
Tree Girl by Ben Mikaelsen
The Huaca by Marcia Argueta Mickelson
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
The Lost Dreamer by Lizz Huerta
New Zealand - Maori
The Whale Rider, Witi Ihimaera
Falling into Rarohenga by Steph Matuku
United States
Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley
Trail of Lighting by Rebecca Roanhorse
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
If I Ever Get Out of Here by Eric Gansworth
Hearts Unbroken by Cynthia Leitich Smith
Rain is Not My Indian Name by Cynthia Leitich Smith
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aparasims · 5 months
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Ezekiel Raines "If you spent your whole life working For world that feeds on doubt Let the water wash away your sins And those banks keep getting bigger While your pockets empty out Let the water wash away your sins"
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pupsmailbox · 3 months
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NAMES ⌇ aaron. abis. achira. ai. aison. andrew. apce. arachne. araignee. aranea. aranha. arácnido. bailey. benjamin. boas. boaz. boots. bruce. bryce. cancor. castor. charlie. comix. constance. cooper. dmitri. drew. dusk. einstein. emer. estella. eugene. eurina. ezekiel. fleda. gagamba. gerald. harold. harry. hobart. hobie. kansan. kona. kongulo. kumo. lawrence. lokni. mac. macdonald. marc. martha. mattie. max. maxwell. merimange. michelle. mig-el. miguel. miles. mj. morgan. neptune. norman. ocho. octavia. ohnn. otto. patton. pavitr. peni. peter. piguel. pluto. poise. pseter. punk. ragno. raine. ricochet. rio. salem. scarlet. screwball. SP//DER. spidair. spinner. stacy. sunflower. sunny. takuya. taranto. tarantula. toby. tom. toxin. twix. uttu. webbler. william. wolf.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ arach/arachnid. atom/atom.fast/fast. bit/bite. brew/brew. byte/byte. drop/drop. fan/fantastic. hazard/hazard. hero/heroe. lego/lego. mech/mech. nuc/nuclear. rad/radioactive. sense/sense. silk/silk. speed/speed. spi/der. spider/spider. spider/spidey. spin/spin. star/star. stick/sticky. synth/synth. ve/venom. weave/weave. web/web. widow/widow. ☢️/☢️. ☣️/☣️. 🔆/🔆. 🕷️/🕷️. 🕸️/🕸️.
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indigoraysoflight · 1 month
“Spicy food in India” | Caryl prompt
requested by @that-left-turn ❤️
Cardamom & Curry
Carol stared at the fish. They’d been in Munnar for three days, and Carol had already gathered three South Indian recipes to take home. She decided to try making fish curry for lunch instead of finding a local restaurant, but there was one problem. Carol had never filleted a pomfret before. Daryl was the one who always filleted fish in their home, but he was asleep, so she was on her own.
Henry and his dad, Ezekiel, had planned a trip to Kerala, South India and wanted Lydia to go with them. Lydia and Henry had been dating for three years, and Carol adored Henry. He was respectful – if a little spoiled – and he loved Lydia. She knew Daryl liked him too but was extra grumpy around the boy who was dating his adopted daughter. Henry and his dad travelled a lot and often took Lydia with them. But Daryl refused to let their kid go across the world by herself, even though their kid wasn't really 'a kid'. So, Ezekiel generously extended the invitation to Lydia’s adoptive mom and her adoptive mom’s platonic best friend, who also happened to be Lydia’s adoptive father. To say their first dinner together had been awkward would be an understatement. 
They’d been saving up for a big vacation for a year and a half now, so the timing worked out. Her catering business was going well this year, but Carol doubted they’d ever be able to afford this expensive rental. The luxury cottage was built with rustic stone and wood, and nestled on top of a hill, surrounded by tea and cardamom plantations. Ezekiel had given them the tour when they arrived, but the space was too big for her taste; she would’ve preferred a cozy but comfortable cottage with a view of the rolling hills. Still, she’d smiled graciously every time he pointed out an expensive feature on the property while Daryl sulked in the back. There was an odd tension between Daryl and Ezekiel, and she'd figured out why after what happened yesterday. Carol thought it best to stay with Daryl today and take some time to think–
“You tryna fillet the fish with your mind? Just gotta use a knife.” 
Carol blinked, realizing she had zoned out and she was still staring at the pomfret. “Is that how it works? I thought if I stared at it sternly, it would fillet itself.”
“Gimme.” He limped over and started filleting the pomfrets with impressive precision. 
“Show off,” she muttered under her breath.
His hair was dishevelled, and he wore cargo shorts and a faded tie-dye t-shirt that Sophia had made for him years ago. She pushed his fringe back to examine the cut on his face, held together by butterfly bandages. They'd been more generous with their touches lately – especially since they got here – but she didn't mind, and she didn't think he minded either by the way he leaned into her touch.  
“I’m fine. It’s just a scratch,” he said without looking up at her. 
“You’re lucky you didn't need stitches.” He looked up at her then, his eyes intense as they flicked down to her lips. She realized she was just running her fingers through his hair now and stepped back. 
She and Daryl woke up before dawn the last two mornings and, in a jetlagged daze, walked along the path through the tea plantation to catch the sunrise. They didn’t expect it to rain on their way back yesterday. She slipped and would’ve tumbled down the path, but Daryl steadied her, lost his balance, and landed in the tea plantation. Besides a large cut on the left side of his face, tea leaves stuck to his elbows and knees, and a sprained ankle — he was intact. His eyes held a fear she hadn’t seen in five years –  fear and something else – as he frantically checked her for injuries and then held her in his arms for a solid minute in the rain.  
“This fish isn't going to marinate itself,” she said in a chipper voice and mixed the spices in a bowl to calm her heart rate before smearing a generous amount of the paste on the fish. 
“That’s enough. Dunno if I need more spice.”
Carol smirked and batted her eyelashes at him. “But I thought you liked it when I’m spicy, Pookie.”   
They fell into the rhythm they had in their own kitchen. She sauteed the onions with the spice mixture while he squinted at the recipe she’d scribbled on a paper pad and started cutting the tomatoes – stopping every few seconds to pop a slice in his mouth. Carol took a deep breath and focused on the onions. Something had viscerally shifted between them on the long flight over here. She’d clung to him on the plane during turbulence, and after they landed, they kept reaching for an excuse to touch each other. She’d been so unguarded in the way she leered at him that Lydia and Henry had given her a knowing look more than once.  
“Where’s the royal family? I’m guessing Lydia is with them?” Daryl casually fed her a slice of tomato and then sucked the juice off his fingers. 
They’re gone, and I’m in trouble. Carol steadied her voice. “Lydia, Henry, and Zeke went sightseeing; they won’t return until after dinner.” It’s just us, and you keep doing that thing with your mouth, she thought.
Carol let the curry simmer while they stepped onto the balcony and lounged on the chairs, staring at the green expanse. The air was dewy and perpetually scented with a hint of cardamom. Sophia would’ve loved this place. She would be perched on the balcony with her sketchbook, scribbling away and absentmindedly picking at her nails. 
“Why didn’t ya go with them? I’m sure Henry’s dad will miss you.” Daryl growled and picked at his nail. 
The tension between Daryl and Ezekiel got worse when he limped on their way back yesterday, and Ezekiel offered to pay for a doctor to take a look at him. Carol knew he would refuse, and thankfully she had packed some first aid supplies because she knew this man too damn well.
Carol rolled her eyes. “I wanted to stay and take care of Lydia’s dad, so he understood.”
Daryl’s lips quirked up, summoning a flutter in her belly. What are we doing here, Daryl? She wanted to ask. They’d been tip-toeing around each other for years now. Or she thought they were. Maybe this is all they’d ever be – platonic best friends who lived together, who raised a daughter and lost another. Two people who let their touches linger too long, reached for each other when they were afraid, longed for each other when they were apart, and sometimes slept in each other’s arms but never crossed that line. Always something more, but never quite enough. 
“Surprised he hasn’t asked ya out yet.” 
Carol blinked at Daryl, wanting to point out the irony in what he’d said. Irritation coursed through her as the curry burbled away, and she decided to come clean about what had happened the previous evening. 
“He did after dinner last night.”
“What?” Daryl looked like he’d been punched in the gut; Carol tried to ignore the twinge of guilt and failed. 
Ezekiel had helped her load the dishwasher in the kitchen and asked her out before they retired to their rooms last night. He’d been a perfect gentleman – charming, respectful, and chivalrous. But all she’d thought about was how Daryl’s eyes had lingered on her lips before dinner when he’d told her she looked beautiful. 
“I told him I’ll think about it.” They weren’t in a position to anger their host, even though she felt that Ezekiel would accept defeat graciously and not put them in an awkward position. 
“Why didn’t ya say yes?”
“Why does it matter?”
Daryl’s behaviour was giving her whiplash. He practically undressed her with his eyes last night and almost launched himself at Ezekiel for complimenting her at dinner. Now, he was pushing her to date the man.
Daryl peered through his fringe, his eyes earnest. “He’s real charming, rich, generous, and clearly has a thing for ya.”
Carol crossed her arms. “If he’s so great, why don't you go out with him?”
“Pfft. Ain’t my type.” 
“What is your type?” Carol raised her eyebrows, ignoring the heat that crept up her cheeks as Daryl’s eyes roamed her face and lingered on her lips before he pried his gaze away.
“Don’t change the subject. He’s corny and a bit pretentious, but he doesn’t seem like an asshole.”
“So, that’s what you want then? For me to date Ezekiel?” Her voice wavered, but she held his gaze, her anger now simmering to the surface and prickling at her eyes. Is that what he wanted? Then why did he look at her like that all the time — like he was afraid of losing her? Had she gotten this all wrong? Did she spend years pining after a man who was finally telling her he was not interested? 
Daryl looked away. “I want ya to be happy. He’d treat you like a Queen and-”
“-I should get started on the appam.” 
Carol went to the kitchen before the tears formed in her eyes, hating the open plan of the cottage where she could feel Daryl’s eyes follow her. Her hand reached for the pink bauble pendant resting on her chest. After Sophia died, they’d grown closer and built a wall between them at the same time. But when Lydia came into their lives, the wall started breaking down. She hoped, in time, they could pick up where they left off. Now, she didn’t know why she thought this vacation would be a new beginning for them. Daryl was never going to see her as anything but his best friend. She’d waited too long. 
Daryl loved watching her cook. Her hair was tied up in a bun; she wore a loose Bowie t-shirt, baggy sweats, and soft fuzzy elf socks Lydia got for her last Christmas. The aroma of cardamom and chilli lingered in the air as she poured rice batter on a pan to make the rice crepes they called appam. He wished he could walk up and wrap his arms around her, kiss the nape of her neck and see if he could taste cardamom on her skin. I bet Ezekiel didn't think this hard before he made his move. He sighed. 
Daryl didn’t know how many days he had left to savour her presence, reach for her hand when they walked up a crooked path and watch the sunrise wash over her freckles. She looked radiant last night in the blue dress that hugged her form and illuminated her eyes. He knew sooner or later, she’d meet a man who deserved her. I didn’t think it would be this soon. To think he’d hoped this vacation would give them time to figure out what their future looked like. Even if Daryl selfishly wished to be with her, Carol deserved someone who could offer her the world. Ezekiel sure as hell checked all the boxes.
Carol deserved all of this. Lavish vacations, a charming partner, and children who adored her – who were safe and in her arms. She deserved a comfortable life after everything she’d been through.  
Daryl’s work as a contractor was unpredictable, and renting a cottage of this size for twelve days was out of the question. He thought the trip he’d taken her and Sophia on to the Grand Canyon had been extravagant because he’d spent a chunk of his savings to upgrade them to a big cabin with a mini-pool. Now Henry’s rich father entered the picture and showed him up with one effortless, generous gesture and an offhanded “We vacation here every summer”. The universe could’ve kicked him in the balls, and it would’ve hurt less. 
Daryl walked into the kitchen and started slicing some red onions to soak in lemon juice because he needed something to do before his thoughts choked him. Carol’s eyes were far away when she held up a spoon so he could taste the curry; the heat from the spices hit him straight in the back of his throat and lingered on his palate. 
“Why did you stay after Sophia died?” 
Daryl coughed. “What?”
“You heard me.”
It didn’t even occur to him to leave after Sophia died. When he’d rented the basement apartment in Carol’s house all those years ago, he only wanted a cheap place to rest his head as he went through trade school. Daryl hadn’t expected to fall so deeply in love with Carol and co-parent her child with her. Before he knew it, he'd moved upstairs into the spare room, and he walked the kid to school every day and helped with her homework. He’d come to love Sophia like she was his own daughter. When she died, he and Carol had anchored each other through their shared grief over the loss of their little girl. Then, another kid walked through the doors, and they were given another chance.  
“I loved that kid. I know Sophia wasn’t mine, but she was.” He didn’t expect his voice to break as his eyes lingered on Carol's pink bauble necklace. 
“I know. But that’s not what I asked.” her voice was soft, her eyes crystal in the afternoon light – she was crying in the kitchen when he was busy leering at her. He wanted to kick himself for being an idiot again. 
Carol pinned him with her gaze. “Why’d you stay?” 
“Why didn’t ya say yes to Ezekiel?” he deflected.
“I’m not interested in him.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t love him.” Carol’s voice was a desperate whisper. “Ezekiel wasn’t the one who held me through my grief. He didn’t take my daughter trick-or-treating or scour ten game stores to find the obscure video game she wanted. He didn’t make her chicken soup with alphabet pasta when she was sick. He didn’t treat me and my daughter like we were the center of his universe-” Carol’s voice broke, and she wiped her tears. 
“-I thought we were on the same page, Daryl, and hoped we’d have a stroke of luck with the change of scenery, but I guess I was wrong.” 
Did she really not know? Had he not been clear enough about how he felt? He loved her so much he’d let her walk into a pretentious rich guy’s arms—shit. As he played the thoughts over in his mind, he realized how they must’ve sounded out loud. I fucked up. Words chased each other in his mind as he struggled to explain. 
“Our luck’s run out,” Carol sighed and turned to leave.
Before he could think too hard, he pulled her close and kissed her. Her lips tasted of cardamom, and her. Carol. A small part of his mind worried about her shoving him away, but instead, she melted in his embrace and drew him in for more. 
His lips were softer than she’d imagined. He kissed her deeply and slowly like he had all the time in the world. His hands were everywhere – caressing her face, gripping her waist, tangled in her hair – like he was tracing her silhouette in his memory. When they came up for air, her mind was molasses, and her thoughts returned to her slowly. He traced her jawline with a featherlight touch and looked at her like he worried she would disappear. Carol blinked away the tears and ran a finger alongside the butterfly bandages on his face. Their eyes met, and he held her hand to his cheek and kissed it. 
“Why’d you stay?” she asked again. 
“I stayed because I belong with you.”
There was nothing else she could say but kiss him again and wonder why she hadn’t done it sooner. 
“Why did you tell me to date Ezekiel?” she asked between kisses. 
“I’m an idiot.” He kissed her back.
After their make-out session, they took a quick break to catch a breath and have lunch – a bowl of fish curry with rice crepes or appam. They’d been eating spicy food for days, and he always regretted it in the morning, but that didn't stop him. He dove in immediately, savouring every bite as the sharp taste of chilli and cardamom hit his palate. Sooo good. He could still taste the fish, and it melted in his mouth. He couldn’t slow down if he tried, so he helped himself to a red onion slice soaked in lemon juice and hummed as the acid cut through the savoury richness of the curry.
Carol watched him with a smile – her gaze soft and open. Most of her hair had escaped the bun, her cheeks were flushed, and her lips looked swollen and kissable. His brain short-circuited; he didn’t know whether to continue eating the curry or kiss her. She solved his problem by scooping some fish with the appam and feeding it to him; Daryl held her gaze as he ate and licked the pads of her fingers with his tongue. 
He didn’t know which one of them closed the gap. He didn’t care because he was kissing the woman he loved. His hands pulled her close, and her fingers grabbed his hair as they stumbled toward her bedroom. The taste of cardamon and curry lingered on his tongue as he pressed openmouthed kisses to her neck.   
“Your lips taste spicy, Pookie.” 
“Thought you like it when I’m spicy.”
Her laughter bounced off the walls as he kicked the bedroom door shut behind him. 
A few notes: 
Munnar: Munnar is a hillstation in India’s Kerala state. It's surrounded by rolling hills dotted with tea, coffee, and cardamom plantations.
Appam: Appam is a thin and lacy fermented rice pancake. Traditionally, it’s eaten with stew or coconut chutney. 
Pomfret: This delicate white fish is a staple in coastal regions of India.  
Fish curry recipe for the curious minds (if you plan on making it, please don’t forget to marinate your protein). 
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kinderartifact4 · 2 months
Wings of Fire AU Assigned Tribes: Gen 1
I’m redoing my Assigned Tribes post for my WoF AU because I’ve gotten used to separating my list posts by gens/casts
Noah- Rain/Sand
Owen- Sea/Mud
Cody- Sand/Silk
Duncan- Sand/Night/Hive
Tyler- SkyWing
Izzy- LeafWing
(A pyromaniac LeafWing is ironic and I like it)
Eva- Night/Mud
Bridgette- SeaWing
Justin- Silk/Rain
Alejandro- Sand/Sky
Heather- IceWing
Courtney- RainWing
Sierra- Rain/Mud
Geoff- Rain/Sky
Gwen- Ice/Night
Trent- Night/Leaf
Ezekiel- HiveWing
(Given his upbringing and the vibes HiveWings have, I’d say it fits)
Leshawna- Mud/Hive
Sadie- Mud/Silk
Katie- Silk/Hive or Rain/Hive
(Open to other suggestions)
Harold- Rain/Sea
Beth- HiveWing
(Open to other suggestions)
(Maybe half something else)
Lindsay- Rain/Silk
(Open to other suggestions)
DJ- MudWing
(Tusks maybe?)
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prototypesteve · 4 months
An open letter to those of my Christian friends who really, really, really don’t like Pride Month:
⚠️Content Warning: This is a letter to people who don’t like some of the people on this website, and it’s going to quote religious texts and talk in terminology that may remind you of times when religious people were awful to you. If you’ve been hurt by people of any faith, please skip this post. We all love you, and you don’t need to fight this fight. We’ve got this. If you need to talk to someone about it, you can message me. You matter.⚠️
Ok? Ok…
“Now, this was the sin of Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” - Ezekiel 16:49-50
Don’t worry about Pride Month. Worry about what God thinks about you glibly not tipping your subsistence-wage food delivery driver who just dropped off your ruinously high-calorie lunch, while you ignored Gaza (or even enjoyed the carnage).
I don’t mean this in a “haha I found an Uno reverse-card” funny way. I mean this as a Christian, to other Christians. Trust me when I say every Christian 2SLGBTQIA+ person I know has found a way to bring their sexuality into alignment with their faith, and talks to God about it, a lot.
But a terrifyingly high number of my angriest straight Christian friends have let their anger or their indignant pride in their heterosexuality push their lives 180° away from Christ, towards homemade counterfeits.
Plot Twist (Possibly a Spoiler):
By the way, not to rain on your parade or anything, but in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is quoted hinting that everyone is going to be resurrected aromantic & asexual.
Matt 22: 29-30 Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”
Yep. You’re gonna be the A in 2SLGBTQIA+. DM me if you want a pin, or something. That’s where my username Prototype Steve comes from. My AroAce friends and I are in the public beta of Resurrection OS.
But you might be thinking, “Jesus can’t have meant that, because aromanticism and asexuality aren’t biblical, because in the first letter to the Corinthians, Paul says if we do not have love…” etc.
Aromantics and asexuals have all kinds of love. Platonic love, neighbourly love, love for our community, reverential love for God, and more. All the forms of love you saw between Christ and the Apostles & the community of earnest followers. Don’t worry about us. Maybe worry that you’re neglecting to explore those other expressions of love.
Have a joyful and happy June, however you choose to!
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