#eyes squick
minimanic · 2 months
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everyone look at my beautiful daughter
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finniigan-fr · 7 months
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A Grove raffle prize for ChibiFluffy! Check out their colourful abby Moss :3
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falseren · 24 days
not to open more pandora's boxes and i know this fandom hates m/f ships but i feel like false/ren should be a more popular hermitship given the vast screentime of interactions and the little coincidences and being v sweet and loyal to each other. they're just each other's special little guys y'know
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smalltimidbean · 7 months
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About a month ago someone asked if there would be a clone based on the secrets, and I have - once again - overthought the idea and ended up with too many kgklfd
So have some concepts while I try to finalise them! They will be just one character, but I might recycle unused concepts later
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cleolinda · 2 years
Twitter: December 13, 2022
I Have A Dentist Appointment This Afternoon For My Chipped Front Teeth And, Waiting For It In The Meantime, I Want To Throw Up
My sister is now at Urgent Care waiting to see if she has pneumonia, pleurisy, and/or blood clots in her lungs. I love December but man, FUCK this month
Goodish news, my sister has pleurisy but no blood clots, so we got that going for us
Newsish news, I need two zirconium crowns for my front teeth; the chips were ultimately caused by grinding my teeth in my sleep. Hilariously, zircon is my birthstone and my birthday is tomorrow (12/14).
Marriage equality is protected, I can get married someday, and a dance remix of “Total Eclipse of the Heart” is playing in the dentist’s office. A Day
Bonus info for you alone, Tumblr, where the Redacted Internet Provider does not have a presence: lmao my mom found smoking-gun photos of them fucking up our sewer line
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goodmode · 1 year
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“Foreign Object” by the Mountain Goats slaps. Easily one of the top 10 songs about stabbing someone in the eye with a foreign object
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scpwiki-official · 5 months
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tennessoui · 1 year
I was thinking abt the roadtrip au today and like we all agree Obi-Wan is a bit bitchy right.
Like he would be the snarkiest most infuriating backseat driver and Anakin would just have to take it bc he can’t snap back at his pregnant omega.
At a certain point they would both become intolerably snippy and pull over for a roadside bj to break the tension
Please obi-wan is the most bitchiest in that entire fic literally this is the guy who has figured out if he shows his bestie friend his stomach where the baby is, he’ll get his way no matter what he wants. He’s fully prepared and ready to bulldoze over anakin’s desires in favor of his own now that he has this secret weapon of patpatpat stomach
(There’s a scene I think where he wants something so he frames his tummy and anakin says no and obi-wan is confused and pats his tummy pointedly because did anakin miss that? why isn’t this working? This always works!?)
(There’s also a scene where obi-wan is mad at anakin so he doesn’t let him hold his hand and then when he gets his way he lets anakin hold his hand and anakin is like “so this is some sort of positive reinforcement?” And obi-wan is like I don’t know what you mean 🥰😘)
Bitchiest omega!! Anakin is a saint!!
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deva-arts · 3 months
...It's fitting that Nathaniel and his alternate make 66.6% of the vote honestly
I voted for Eric though. I just think he's neat
Eric really is neat, isn't he? 😁
...Nate has been eating up this poll though.. 👀
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the-yearning-astronaut · 11 months
I think.... over the last two days I think I've read just about every Murderbot fic on AO3 that meets all my (current) filter criteria... I'm pretty sure the only one I have left now is a 200k epic....
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runawaymun · 5 months
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First of all, @the-commonplace-book what did i do to deserve this. I hate you.
Second of all, since you informed me this is for the WIP word writing game while cackling maniacally. Fine. You asked for it.
"pleasure homely house"
No. Why do you do this to me. Why did you tell me this was a reference to "pleasure casino" from that awful euphemisms list asldkgsaklghasldgh i hate you i hate you so much
I don't think I've ever actually used 'pussy' in any of my writing 😭 it's such an ugly word on the page pls
"Duck" - I do actually have 'ducks' though I'm pretty sure you meant to say 'dick' (which I also don't use because man, what an ugly word on the page)
From the Elrondir modern AU:
Lindir loved the idea of holding hands with someone, falling asleep together, making waffles in the morning and going for long walks to feed the ducks that swam in the Loudwater. But he had never felt that spark people always seemed to talk about, and sex had always been rather bland.
Finneeeeee. From a later chapter of Partake in the works. A little spoilery, I suppose. It's a scene I am not entirely sure will actually wind up in the final draft. We'll see how things go.
Then Gil-Galad wraps his hand around Elrond’s cock, and the world stops.
Nope. I have used this occasionally but it's not in any as-of-yet unpublished WIPs in any capacity, sorry ;)
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cleolinda · 1 year
Content note: discussion of injury! Nothing gory, nothing broken, no blood.
Bless my nephew’s baby heart—he is six and also an MCU fan, so when my sister spent the last week prepping him for how gnarly my face looks, he thought “Aunt [Cleo] has a black eye” meant I had LOST AN EYE, Thor-style. Honestly, anything would be pretty chill compared to that.
We have small family dinners where my sister’s crew comes over on Sundays, so he hadn’t seen me in a week. And I fell down the deck steps last Monday (a week ago today). In the middle of dinner, long after we had discussed all of this, he turns to me and cheerfully says, “You look terrible, [Cleo]. I love you.” He has multiple special needs, including very hyper ADHD, but he is also the sweetest little super-empathetic boy. “I hope you feel better soon,” he told me when I hugged him goodbye.
I still look like roadkill. Most of the swelling on my face has gone down, but my cheekbone is a hard lumpy knot to the touch. My cheek is chartreuse; there’s some mulberry bruising around my eye—
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—and most of the bruising, in the weird way of bruising, “drained” all the way down to my jaw. I didn’t do shit to my jaw but it looks the most horrible. Just, like, indigo. Still got a cut over my lip. And yet, I’d still sally out to LensCrafters for new glasses, except that my cheek is too swollen to try on frames. So, another week of blurry squinting. Yay.
I will not detail how fucked up my left leg is. Just believe that it is. The right leg looks bad but it doesn’t hurt. My right arm is a little gnarly but it’s coming along well. Arnica gel has helped the bruising disperse, although you can also use diluted vinegar to break it up.
I didn’t hit my nose per se (hashtag blessed), but my sense of smell is, let’s say, compromised, between the dregs of a head cold and the bruising. So I HAVE new perfume samples, but I’m not sure any impressions of them would be accurate right now.
I was looking over my old Dracula tweet threads, but it’s a bit hard with the squinting. Significant amounts of reading are right out until I get new glasses, which may be this weekend.
Typing isn’t too bad (as you see), particularly on my phone, which I can peer more closely at. Bottom line, this fucking sucks, but we persevere.
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asbestieos · 2 years
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taketh my shitty thoughtless and fun to draw phone doodle and go forth
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wildwren · 2 years
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oofuri2003 · 1 year
in my mind palace imagining abemiha doing a little duet together when no one else is around... nothing special just a quiet moment together... aaauuaaaurgh -lesfujo
FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS but now i will commence crying bc I'm seeing this in my own mind palace 👍🏻
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