#Emeto dreams: Dove
scpwiki-official · 8 months
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restless thing
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tax1dermyangel · 8 months
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🏚️character info
🕯️Dove . it/he .
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🏚️Content warnings .Gore .Torture .Mentions of Self Harm .Abuse .Flashing lights .Depictions of vomit and blood .Animal death .Religious mentions .Cults 🏚️Tagging System
.Of starving birds and dead things: Doves inner thoughts
.Give it up for the milk carton angel: Asks questions ect
.Televangelism: Doves work in the Church
.Butcherbird: ????????
.Waves of static masking the code: ???????
.You drank the blood and bit the meat: Dove's "Nature walks"
.God as her witness, she'll smile: Sunday is livestream day
.Spirit box: mod/OCC talk
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
Nightmare 3
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Just one more. Hope you like it~
CW// Graphic content, death, vore, dream whump, emeto, blood, situational whump, creepy whumpers, guns, monsters, body horror, flesh, failed escape attempt, horror and demons.  CANT STRESS ENOUGH THIS ONE IS VERY GRAPHIC. Ask to tag
Someone´s view was filled with neon colors and black.
Someone looked around.
And Someone thought it was a busy street with lots of people wearing black.
Someone heard a muffled voice nearby.
Someone turned to their right and saw a freckled boy with a heavy looking armor.
He was screaming something at Someone.
“I…I can´t hear you…” tried saying Someone.
They boy apparently heard them and showed surprise in his gray eyes. Then the boy shooked Someone without ceasing the screaming.
He looked so worried about something.
But there was many people in the street just walking.
What was he so worried about?
“…un! …urry…we…ne…ind..t…EXIT!” Finally, Someone could hear everything. Inhuman screeches flooded the air. War cries trying to overthrow them.
“Hurry, Someone! we need to go! they found us! We need to find the exit now!” He screamed with desesparation on his voice.
“What´s…?” Someone started.
“Now run! RUN!” The boy grabbed Someone´s hand and sprinted across the carpet of people.
What Someone thought was people just walking, were actually humans with the same black armor of the boy.
The neon lights were not just lights. But some kind of fleshy mass with bat wings, whose screeches were making a hole on Someone´s head.
The sound of shotguns and the ground filled with corpses, made very difficult to keep up with the boy.
“WHAT´S HAPPENING?! WHERE ARE WE?!” Yelled Someone at the boy.
“Why? Why did this had to happen on the second floor? We are not even close!” Someone heard say the boy, completely ignoring Someone.
“HEY! WHAT´S HAPPENING!” Someone yelled again. The boy still didn´t listen.
Someone heard a screech too close. And when they turned around, one of the creatures was flying in their direction with its mouth completely open.
Someone saw its fangs were the size of a grown adult.
It was moving too fast, and they didn´t have anything at hand.
So, Someone jumped at the boy making him trip.
Someone felt how the creature passed above them at full speed.
Someone looked on the sea of corpses trying to find a gun.
There was one covered in blood a few feet apart.
“IT´S COMING BACK!” The boy yelled unable to move.
Someone had never hold a gun on their hands. But the movement they used to recharge and aim at the creature, came out as natural as breathing.
As if they had used it their whole life.
Without even falling over the hit of the gun on their shoulder, it shoot with a deafining sound.
The creature took all of it and exploded in a rain of yellow water.
Only for more to appear right behind it.
Someone wouldn´t be able to take them all at once.
Someone ran towards the boy and grabbed his hand while they hurried to get away.
“WHERE CAN WE HIDE?” Someone screamed at the boy, behind them.
The boy sprinted beyond Someone. The place they were in looked like a street in the middle of the night.  
But it was all fake.
The stars don´t move at the speed the ones in the ceiling did. Neither the sky suddenly opened in a horizontal line for other set of horrendous creatures to come out of it.
The boy kept running and took a fallen person´s gun, pointing at the newly emerged creatures with fearing accuracy.
Someone tried to help him.
The boy, having cleared the path from monsters, ran towards a control panel and attacked the keyboard.
Soon enough the wall that looked like a real city, cracked on a horizontal line, allowing to see a little metal room with tackles in each point.
The boy´s scream fell in some of the closest people ears. And with a tremendous sound of their boots crushing the bodies below them, they dashed to the elevator.
Someone saw themselves inmersed on a sea of people that didn´t care about pushing or hurting each other.
“GET US OUT KID” Someone heard someone yell.
The boy who was just beside Someone, slammed a botton just moments before another swarm of people jumped into the elevator.
The metal system, dropped to the ground like if gravity was even heavier than normal.
They went so fast.
Too fast.
“WE ARE GOING TO CRASH” Someone told the boy beside them.
Oh how the tables turn.
“WE MUST STOP THIS!” yelled Someone back.
“DO YOU WANT TO DIE SO MUCH?” Someone screamed trying to reach the keyboard of inside the elevator.
“NO!” The boy screamed too late. Someone had pressed the stop button.
The sudden cease on falling made everyone fly a little bit on the air before crushing their skulls into the ground.
Some quicker people, had put their hands or arms before their heads just a second before touching the floor.
But that couldn´t help them escape the great pain it caused.
Someone was quicker than half of them and had put their hand.
Someone was not as affected as the half that broke their skulls even with their hand cushioning the fall.
Someone was of the few who survived the interrupted fall.
And Someone had the fault of all that.
But Someone didn´t care a single bit.
Because Someone knew all of them would have died if they didn´t had stopped it.
However, other people weren´t as understanding.
And as soon as they could stand up, they started crying their partners deaths.
Someone felt how they were grabbed and pinned to the wall.
“WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?!” the boy punched Someone in the face. “We don´t have time for this nonsense! We NEED to get to the 5th floor if we want to survive” Someone felt their nose bleeding uncontrollably.
And Someone squeezed the boy´s hand until he let them go.
“I don´t think you understand what was going to happen if I didn´t stop it” Someone said looking at the boy from above. “I saved your sorry ass. A thank you would be nice, don´t you think?”
Someone was enraged.
And so was the boy.
“Do you know how hard we worked to get to the second floor in this six months? No, of course not. Why would the captain know how their underlings suffer and die in this hellish place” his teeth were clenched so hard Someone feared he would break them at any second.
“ok darling but haven´t you seen that little number on the monitor? We are on the 4th floor” The boy´s look immediatly fell on the big “4” the monitor showed. “We got this far, and all of this people died, and we´re finally here?”
A silent response.
The boy looked at Someone perplexed. And then started laughing histerically. Putting every survivor eyes on them.
“Okay, that´s just… whatever we didn´t need at this exact moment” tears started to flow from the boy´s eyes. “great. Just… GREAT”.
Someone felt sorry for him.
“We shouldn´t chant victory yet” A man´s voice resonated “Whatever is in the other side of this gates, is certainly going to kill us before we can even yelp for help” he aggravated.
“We are screwed then” the juvenile voice exclaimed. “There´s not enough of us”
“Not necessarily” Someone blasted out without thinking. Making every eye go on their direction “I-I mean, we can do it! we have the guns and this armors. We just need to think positively!”
The survivors looked at each other.
“We have tried making something that would get us out of the view of the demons to not make our numbers decrease, but…” the man looked away, disgusted by the very words he wanted to say.
“It didn´t work” Someone finished.
“It failed miserably”
“Then we could…” Someone started.
“STOP!” the boy screamed making everyone jump. “We are on the fourth floor right? We did it! Even tho, the fall from the second to this one, made half of us die, maybe we can actually get out of here”.
Everyone dripped a single tear of sweat.
Someone felt uneasy, but it was the only option they had at the moment.
“Let´s do this” Someone talked. “But we gotta prepare for the fall. We need to lay down while we´re at it. That way the impact won´t be as big”
“Alright, I will push the button and let you know” The boy confirmed approaching the keyboard.
Not a second after, the walls, just like a piece of paper, were teared apart.
The monster who came out of the hole, was an enourmous black mass with one eye and lots of teeth. So big, that they could only see its face. If that could be considered a face.
“HELL NO!” Someone yelled aiming the gun at the thing´s eye. As Someone shoot, Someone felt how, suddenly, the ground pulled them as strong as before.
Someone fell into their backs only to see the monster´s eye getting crushed between the elevator and the wall.
Someone felt so heavy.
Someone threw up turning their head to the sides in the fall.
It was too much to handle.
But finally they had reached the bottom.
The last floor.
Miracously the elevator had decelerated before reaching it.
Allowing a somehow soft landing.
Nevertheless, only courses vent out Someone´s mouth.
“Is everyone ok?” They asked grabbing their bloody head.
There was no response.
“Hey, I said…” Someone looked up.
There was not even one person alive.
The freckled boy´s head was smashed against the button he had pressed before.
The others…
Someone threw up once again.
Someone panted in horror.
But Someone wasn´t going to die.
Someone wouldn´t allow their body to die.
So Someone grabbed all the guns they could carry and strapped two of them together. Someone noticed how they merged to their hand,as if it was skin trying to cover a wound.
Someone´s new weapon was attached to their hand, but it didn´t hurt.
Someone was ready to fight whatever there was passing the closed doors of the fifth floor.
They opened.
And Someone saw hell.
These weren´t normal walls.
These were walls made of Flesh.
Adornated with skulls and black ropes forming beautiful patterns.
These weren´t shapeless monsters.
These were demons.
Elegant and deathly with their white skin covered in red tatoos and golden eyes.
Thousands of them.
Thousands of eye pairs locked on Someone.
But not Someone, nor the demons, attacked.
They quietly grinned. And the most close to the elevator, stood up showing the glowing white and toned naked body.
Its claws beautifully gloved with glowing scarlet.
They stood in front of a freezed Someone.
And then bowed before them.
The others followed it.
“My highness” the demon hissed. “You have done a great job. You promised us with new flesh to eat. And we´re glad your highness could accomplish the floor trials succesfully to bring the best of the best to us”
Someone was speechless.
Someone felt how the weapons attached to their hand turned into a snowy white.
Little by little covering Someone´s body.
Someone´s skin transformed into a toned white with golden tattoos.
Someone couldn´t move an inch.
“Don´t fret my highness” the same demon who bowed at first finally stood up. “for us to not die of starvation. For us, you decided to become the best meat we would ever taste by completing the floors trial made by our merciless god”
“THANKS YOUR HIGHNESS!” the demons acclaimed.
But Someone´s now elongated ears wouldn´t be fooled.
Someone´s new eyes, could perfectly see the hungry looks the demons threw at them.
“And now, would your highness allow me to take the first bite?” The demon asked Someone.
Unable to move.
Unable to think.
Someone could just tremble.
“OH! Thanks your highness!” The demon acclaimed smiling with his pointy teeth. Someone hadn´t said anything.
And in a second the demon sprinted towards Someone.
Someone moved in the last second.
Someone wasn´t going to be eaten.
Someone ran for their life.
But the demon´s tail captured them and threw them to the soft and fleshy ground.
Someone screamed as they felt the demon´s teeth ripping a piece of their body.
Then every single demon took a bite.
It must had been a delight as they went for more after tasting it first.
Millions of teeth.
Thousend of delighted moans.
And one single being screaming in pain as they were torn apart.
After some time, Someone started to not feel anything at all.
Someone´s head was all there was.
Someone´s eyes finally let go of the last teardrop.
But Someone isn´t dead.
As Someone is still dreaming.
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CW// Graphic content, death, vore, dream whump, emeto, blood, situational whump, creepy whumpers, guns, monsters, body horror, flesh, failed escape attempt, horror and demons.  CANT STRESS ENOUGH THIS ONE IS VERY GRAPHIC. Ask to tag
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scpwiki-official · 8 months
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scpwiki-official · 8 months
yippie (wip)
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scpwiki-official · 9 months
alone, hate, and hide for dove!!
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Dove during its time alive was never really alone both physically and mentally since they lived with Pastor and aside from the tv show they produced together she usually worked at home
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This is a surprisingly normal answer for dove but he hates anything bitter and Sundays for (spoiler)
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Its physical wounds luckily hes only a puppeteer who never appears fully on set
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scpwiki-official · 8 months
top ten dove lyrics?!
1. Have You Seen Me? - Nichole Dollanganger
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2. Scroll of Sorrow - Machine girl
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3. Moonlite- Nichole Dollanganger
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4. God’s Country - Ethel Cain
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5. Strangers - Ethel Cain
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6. carpenter / rebuild the body out of birds - Jordaan Mason & the Horse Museum
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7. Dead Hearts - Dead Man’s Bones
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8. Batsu Forever - Machine girl
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9. Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain
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10.Observatory Mansions - Nichole Dollanganger
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scpwiki-official · 8 months
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vengeful wet cat of a spirit
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scpwiki-official · 9 months
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scpwiki-official · 9 months
Does it have any comfort items? Things it wears or just tries to keep close as much as possible - 📗
in the good ending au Jupiter finds and gifts him a stuffed fawn other than that he has his puppet and his cross necklace
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scpwiki-official · 9 months
ok this isnt from the ask game but what would doves favorite food be? im just genuinely curious
its a big fan of venison especially when is rare that or raspberries
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scpwiki-official · 7 months
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art therapy
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scpwiki-official · 8 months
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bird boy
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scpwiki-official · 9 months
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Bang my head against the wall//Grab the knife, grab the salt
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scpwiki-official · 6 months
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scpwiki-official · 6 months
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sopping wet rag of a man
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