#eyegore tw
ragnarot · 1 year
I never fully wrote a full response , but I’m going to have to eventually . but @lunarscaled answered a prompt once where lyric ripped out jack’s magick eye , and it’s a concept I just … adore . it’s gross & nasty , of course , but it is such a turbulent event TO HIM , that it’s its own little timeline on this blog . :) because whoever has the audacity to even try to go for that with Jack , it was a master stroke of writing on dogma’s behalf . Jack , as anyone could imagine , is the worst in that timeline . it’s … special to me :)
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wubbelwubbwubb · 1 year
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That one mission where the enemy apparently had run out of bullets.
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sightburdened · 6 months
Lestat knows he's a distraction. Many times when they've spent evenings together, Will has become lost in his eyes and whole sentences have been abandoned for the simple touch, fingers sliding through golden hair. So, he waits, patiently as a vampire can, until Will's lecture is over before showing himself proper, almost meandering his way, hips swaying, up to the lectern, eyes taking in the last slide of the projector. "I could listen to you talk about killing for the rest of my life." He says, casually turning to admire the size of the auditorium, thinking about all the young minds Will is influencing. "There's something so sensual about the way you describe it, mon coeur. I get shivers."
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Never in his entire life had he counted down the minutes to sunset, so much so, that he was considering getting a smart-watch just so he could know when Lestat would wake up and meet him. He found himself gazing into the corners of rooms more often, his right hand idly scribbling some errant thought he wanted to tell the vampire later, which bled into the notes he needed to take for staff meetings. More than once, one of his colleagues asked if he was okay, because he continuously began to stare out into space with a smile, which he always said was because he was, "okay, just thinking," and no one reacted to that in any sort of way.
Of course, people thought he was odd anyways, so they just kept their distance and he didn't make any attempt to stop them. It worked out in his favor.
He was smiling at nothing. He was thinking about how happy his French Mastiff made Lestat, a recent edition to his pack at home. Benjamin, named after Benjamin Button and all of their wrinkles. Anyone whom his dogs trusted, he could trust.
Last night, he had wanted to tell Lestat about something that happened in class, right up until his eyes connected with the vampire's. His heart seized in his throat, his eyes wandered the length of Lestat's jawline, his high cheekbones, the effortless bounce of the man's hair, and whatever manner of thought he had within his being evaporated immediately; he had spent over a full minute, staring, it was so incredibly rude of him, but Lestat had only smiled at him and said it was quite all right.
He tried to laugh it off, but he wound up choking on his own saliva instead.
He reaches for a pen that fell off the podium earlier, one of his favorites, with blue ink and a reassuring click, his left knee connecting to the wood as the object of his -- thoughts, desires, a subtle squiggle into obsession -- affections came into his view.
"It's good to see you," he says, promptly dropping the pen on the carpeted floor of the lecture hall again. He was normally, not this ungainly, he's not sure what's gotten into him. "I like it when you show up like this, it makes me feel...as if I'm worthy of being waited for. As if I'm...special in the right way." There was a wrong way to be special, after all.
His index fingernail begins tracing a pattern on the surface of the wood, a loop, he's doing a figure-eight. The symbolism isn't lost on him.
He turns to look at the slide -- there's a man with his eyes torn out that had them replaced with silver coins, they were calling this Dante's Inferno -- and promptly looks away, something like ashes filling his throat.
"This killer is someone who understands their canon well. Demons and angels, trying to buy their way to the underworld. Greek, the river Styx, stygian waters, all of it. I'm---" so tired, I can't begin to describe how tired I am, "so glad you're here."
He leaves the pen, walking half-blind to Lestat, his face connecting into the vampire's shoulder, breathing long and deep.
"You can always stay for the lectures. People will assume you're observing the classroom, no one will notice you." Well... "Okay, they will, but how could they not? Look at you," and his eyes travel the length of Lestat's clothing, his face coming to rest in the bergamot scent of golden curls. "Of course they'll notice you."
He's tired of death. He's tired of knowing what the person who placed those bodies there wanted.
Mon coeur. My heart.
"I like it when you call me that," he admits, the shock of his open affection dulled only by the peace he feels in seeing Lestat. He forgets where he is, anyone could walk in at any moment and see their teacher in this state of unprofessionalism, but he doesn't much give a shit right now.
He slides the remote that controls the slides into Lestat's right hand, he can't look anymore.
"Could you...turn that off? Please? I don't want to look anymore, not at that, I want to look at you instead." His heart's a roar in his ears, he doesn't know what to do aside from chase the feeling.
"Tu es un ange." You are an angel. He knew that term. "Can I---call you that?"
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twig-the-edgelord · 1 year
WARNING: really shittily drawn gore
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Goretober Day 5 (mushrooms) & Goretober Day 6 (cannibalism)
(Sorry for them just being sketches)
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spitefulgames · 4 years
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transfirestar · 5 years
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“Uh sir I’d like a refund the contact lenses didn’t help at all”
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phmonster · 5 years
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HOOKS ft.battle Omega
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Day 1 of inktober/goretober~
The prompt was "eyes"
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ryanisce · 4 years
BLOOD TW!! and technically eyegore? it's The Host afterall.
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ok I'll be honest....... i don't like this drawing??? it's just so weird and wrong looking. :((( it's also my first drawing of the Host too gdi,,,
maybe next time it'll be better.
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deadly-devotion · 8 years
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
Peer Into My Character’s Memories / Dust: here
[Trigger Warning: textual eye gore, torture, self-harm. ]
“Please stop…No. No.”
Throat raw from minutes of screaming, Frisk had enough cognizance to smile at his audience’s plea, the calm normally present replaced by pain and malice. Blood dripped down the left side of his face, his nails clawing into his forehead in a feeble attempt to counter pain with pain - to counter the sensation of a dagger scrapping around in his eye socket. 
The scratching of metal against bone deep inside his head. 
It didn’t help. And he could only let loose another pained scream as pain briefly robbed him of his control again. His teeth chattered as his gaze left the ground and back to his audience.  
“Ha…ha…That’s no good, friend. You take your turn and then ask to quit?”
With what remained of his left arm, Frisk patted the head of his new playmate like one would a dog, leaving streaks of blood across his hair. His remaining hand, missing a pinky, grabbed his new friend’s chin and forced him to meet his eye. 
Even with half of his vision in darkness, he could see every emotion on the man’s face. 
Horror at what he just witnessed. Denial of the current reality. The dawning realization of what’s coming. Pure unadulterated fear.
“I wonder how your victims would say if they saw how unsightly you looked right now,” he whispered quietly into his ear.  
His friend was missing the same arm he was - same pinky too. And foot. An ear. His left cheek was sliced all the way to the end of his jaw. Nicks and cuts and stabs to numerous parts of his body, leaving him covered in so much blood. When it came to mutilation of the body, they were practically twins.
Aside from one important bit. 
“There, there,” he patted the man’s bloodied cheek with a genial smile, “don’t be afraid. Knowing the pain of what your victims go through is important, no?”   
The bound man could only respond with a fearful whimper as Frisk went behind him and wrapped his arm across his shoulder in a hug. A loving smile, the sort a parent would give to their child, settled on Frisk’s lips. 
“The game must continue.”
His hand leveled the ooze-covered knife with the man’s face, red-tinged virtuous fluid still dripping off the edge.  
“And so, let’s complete your turn, friend…”
Frisk grinned as the knife plunged forward.
“An eye for an eye.”
A scream.
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wubbelwubbwubb · 4 years
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ZR S6M19 - Catch Us If You Can
Runner Five, those butterflies are the adult stage of the flesh-burrowing larvae. They will attempt to penetrate your suit using their enhanced proboscises. If they can, they will then liquefy your flesh and strip the skin from your carcass.
Thank you @crownleys for reminding me of this mission and suggesting I draw it!
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fossilizedalien · 6 months
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There was this art prompt inspired by U.ndertale's quote going around... but since Eerie has dissiciation issues regarding their own reflection and self image, I took it in a different route...
Eerie comes from a very abusive household, which have left mental scars in them that Eerie has yet to address...
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