theartisticendeavor · 4 months
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Art by Gahan Wilson
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accuratebodylanguage · 8 months
Can you read this?
If you can read the letters, but not understand the meaning, then it’s kinda like interacting with others, but not understanding what their BODY language revealing to you.
Flip the switch and gain greater Accurate Body Language clarity.
On this eye chart, if you show the reflection, then you capture the meaning with good vision.
Similarly, if you know how to detect, decode, and understand BODY language, then you capture the meaning of what’s going on with greater clarity.
What you don’t catch is costing you … more than you ever will realize.
Connect with Janette Ghedotte, MS, MA LLP to empower YOU
💡 Spot the Lies
💡 Get to the Truth
so that you can
💡 Avoid Costly Mistakes
which means you will
💡 Minimize RISKS
💡 Maximize WINS in Life
From Head to Toes, the BODY Always Shows the TRUTH.
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aropride · 6 months
you know what a cool dystopia would be. yknow how in real life we have Friends and Family, which is normal and cool and awesome. well what if in this evil alternate universe theres a New kind of love. we could call it romanze or something and it's this special secret kind of love that you unlock as a teenager and then you have to Choose someone to be in romanze with or else there's huge societal consequences and also the government bases a lot of its laws on the idea that everyone will experience romanze. and everyone thinks youre a weird loser freak if you dont so it's like super important that you experience the secret type of love that unlocks when ur between 8 and 16. BUT ! our main character, whose name is *throws darts at an eyechart* megara arommaz, never experiences romanz, so she has to decide if she should settle and pretend, or if she should undo the system once and for all ...
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texasimmer · 8 months
Willow Creek Medical
I got tired of not being able to find a medical clinic that fit into my Willow Creek aesthetic so I altered one I found on the gallery. This lot is on the gallery if you are interested.
Galleryid - Mangold123
Original build created by - Rhdadx3
Mod used - Simrealist Private Practice
CC used - Eyecharts by SYB & Kids toys by Sixam
Everything else is base game
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cc credited to @syboubou @simrealist and @imfromsixam
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queerdrow · 9 months
I need help finding a few wall decor items! This is my screenshot but someone on Reddit asked where they could get the wall decor and I’m stumped on 3 of them.
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The I Want To Believe picture. I know it’s on Anye’s industrial chic eyechart mesh I just can’t find that particular recolor. I can find it in my downloads but not anywhere online. It’s by Jessy.
Then the cat picture next to it. It’s just called “painting” in buy mode. Very helpful lol.
Then the cat wall decal under it. That’s on the half height wall writing mesh but again, can’t find it. Maybe I’m just bad at google.
Thank you to anyone who can help!
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qumiiiquinnquin · 11 months
im wondering if my dad is unwilling to accept the fact that i will very likely be unable to drive in the future and now seems to think what i said about the eyechart at the dmv is some excuse to not drive, like im trying to get out of ever having to drive. he says my condition isn't unique and that he has met people with my exact same condition and says strabismus and nystagmus go hand in hand, so really lots of people have my same condition. he's pushing for doing anything that could possibly help my vision be better, like vision therapy. he wants to see my old eye surgeon, who could say if i need another surgery. apparently my optometrist is confident i can drive.
im honestly more worried about what could and/or would be done to my vision than driving. i dont want to feel sick. i dont want an even higher prescription when mine is already pretty high. i honestly dont want another surgery. i dont want to go through anything that would stress my eyes or strain my vision way more than i already have to on a daily basis (i need to strain my eyes just to see anything clearly). i dont want to do anything that could potentially make my vision worse.
i know he wants me to be independent. so i need to learn how to drive and be able to drive myself around. nobody can help me all the time and i can't expect anyone to, and some places ill have to go to are just too far away to walk. i need to get a job so i can pay to ride public transport, but that money will end up draining pretty quickly.
but i dont want to be put through stressful and rigorous vision stuff just so i can drive...if i cant drive, then there's nothing i can do about it.
i think i need to just accept my dad's idea and get over it. im going to be forced to start driving either way.
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biwi23 · 1 year
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MS Paint Chaotix 1 amy's pov [by Ranger]
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solidpit: Amy: Build FORT using IMAGINATION
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Beezo’n’Weldar: Death: Go take care of Amy.
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Mashi: Amy: Ogle the eyechart in a contemplative manner.
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Gunstar X: Amy: REMOVE the cords, LEAVE the HOSPITAL BED and APPROACH the eyechart in an attempt to read the small text.
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Food_Eater: Amy: GET SCISSORS and KNIFE
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unstar X: Amy: USE the DEFIBRULATOR to vent your DEPRESSION and RAGE out on the guy who called you a nutjob.
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daxxglax: Amy: You are reminded how your maternal parental unit used to punish you by putting soap in your mouth. GET SOAP and intend to get revenge on society.
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daxxglax Amy: Wonder where your DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES are. Your damaged psyche cannot take any more and you hurl yourself into the hallway onto a passing morgue cart
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the next pov is angsty teen tails tails
anyway to be continued
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anumberofhobbies · 2 years
Is Animal Vision 20/20?
May 22, 2017   Ever wondered how we actually know how other animals see?  Measuring visual acuity in animals is not as straightforward as it is for humans, you can't just sit them in front of a Snellen eyechart and hope they'll tell you what they see. In today's episode I tell you about three alternative ways for estimating acuity.
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daisyiln3001 · 2 years
My notes on Hito Steyerl, How Not to be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File, 2013
Overall i found this piece quite strange. Personally I would dub it as 'arty farty' because of the mildly unsettled atmosphere. However i think i picked up some points that I could use in my own research. Below are my notes from watching the video. Most of the notes are a transcription of the voice over. The following section is what I can take from this.
Uses the daniel TTS voice
Lesson 1 how to make something invisible for camera. to hid it (hand cover), move it, take it off screen, disappear. Resolution target marks visibility of an image.
zoom out of a map, of the earth. whatever is not captured by resolution is invisible
Lesson 2, how to be invisible in plain sight. 7 ways: Pretend you are not there, hide in plain sight, scroll, wipe, to erase, to shrink, to take a picture, (hypnotic imagery?)
Love is invisible. so is war. capitalism. images of desert and lines on a grid
In the 1950s and 60s US Airforce installed grayscale resolution targets in the California desert.
Lesson 3. 7 ways of becoming a picture camoflague. conceal, cloak, mask, to be painted, to disguise, to mimicry, to key (aka chroma key)
In 2000 a new standard for resolution targets is introduced. Pixel based resolution target. 1966 photographic resolution = 12metres per pixel. today it is one foot. to become invisible you must become smaller or equal to one pixel.
ensue epic montage of people with box heads, being pixels
lesson 4. 13 ways of becoming invisible by disappearing gated community, living in a military zone, being in an airport factory or museum, owning an anti paparazzi handbag, wearing an invisibility cloak, being a superhero, being a woman over 50, surfing the dark web, being a dead pixel, being a wifi signal moving through human bodies, being a documented au pair, being spam caught by a filter, being caught as an enemy of the state, eliminated liquidated and the dissimulated
Digital revolution.170,000 people disappear. they are deleted, filtered
invisible people kept in 3d animations. they reemerge as pixels . they merge into a world made of images.
people in green niqab-like outfits spin menacingly on a computer desktop screen
Lesson 5 54 ways to merge into a world made of images. The green screen from before has shown up again!! in the desert!!
In 2006 this pattern used bc analog photography lost its importance.
haha text on screen says shoot real background, and then it becomes said background. Shots of the camera being used to film the scene. 3D animation walks out of the pop up screen and into the real world. and then eventually disappear.
Lots of text production notes pop up on screen. but they are not fulfilled.
invisible chroma people fight the line grid. fade to black
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Figure 1. USAF 1951 optical calibration target.  
This is the first time I learned about 'greyscale resolution targets'. they were used for ariel photography for the US airforce in the 1950s and 1960s. The bars used for it have a similar function to an optometrist's eyechart.
"...the smallest group of bars that can be resolved marks the limit of the resolution for the optical instrument that is being used. For aerial photography, it provides a platform to test, calibrate, and focus aerial cameras traveling at different speeds and altitudes. The targets can also be used in the same way by satellites.
Many of these resolution test targets are found in the Mojave desert of California, one of the principal development and test areas for surveillance aircraft. " (Photo Calibration Targets | The Center for Land Use Interpretation, 2013)
Many technological advancements start as military tech before being used by a wider scope of people, for example, GPS devices. Considering the resolution test targets were used in conjunction with surveillance aircrafts, the grid could be incorporated into my own visual outcome.
The notion of spatial resolutions is intriguing. I was aware that it was a thing but didn't make my own connection to it for this project. On printed maps there is a key that tells you how the distance on the page translates to the actual size of the place. This is known as a scale.
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(Group 3, no date)
For satellite images, the same can be applied. Steyerl notes that a satellite image works in pixels. Anything that is smaller than one pixel effectively becomes invisible, because the resolution makes it invisible. She links this with imagery of a camera zooming far far out until the full earth is in view. This is effective because of the dramatic interpretation of it. The starting image is completely concealed because of how zoomed out the camera is, to the point where if you showed it to someone, they could only imagine what the starting image was, if it existed at all!
Chroma key is another form of invisibility for Steyerl's video. Chroma key is a film making technique of replacing one solid block colour, often green or blue, with another pre existing image or video. By using a green screen, you can place a subject in a completely different space. Instead of it looking like the bedroom you are filming in, it can look like you are in the jungle. A bright green tends to be used because it rarely appears in skintones or haircolour, and creates a clear distinction between a human subject and a background. Alternatively you could paint the subject green to disguise them within the background. Steyerl uses both approaches in her commentary, by painting her face with (presumably) green paint, and using a green backdrop in the production of many scenes.
Steyerl, H. (2015) ‘Hito Steyerl, _How Not to be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File_, 2013’, Artforum, 20 April. Available at: https://www.artforum.com/video/hito-steyerl-how-not-to-be-seen-a-fucking-didactic-educational-mov-file-2013-51651 (Accessed: 14 November 2022).
Photo Calibration Targets | The Center for Land Use Interpretation (2013). Available at: https://clui.org/newsletter/winter-2013/photo-calibration-targets (Accessed: 14 November 2022).
Wide Field Scanning Telescope Using MEMS Deformable Mirrors - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/USAF-1951-optical-calibration-target_fig1_230817663 [accessed 14 Nov, 2022]
What is Chroma Key? | Adobe (no date). Available at: https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/video/discover/what-is-chroma-key.html (Accessed: 14 November 2022).
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lasclprice · 2 years
Ti 84 online replica calc
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Ti 84 online replica calc for free#
Ti 84 online replica calc software#
Ti 84 online replica calc for free#
Consider meta-calculator for free graphing that is well formatted for screen sharing. They also tout their calculator as meeting accessibility guidelines. Demos offers a free calculators for both online and offline mobile use with apps. Try the online simulator, with no download needed. NumWorks offers an Open Source calculator (Creative Commons license) with an emulator that can be used on computers or with a free app on mobile devices. When you open the program, you will be asked "Do you have a license number?" please select "No - Continue with the Trial version." The same TI page has user-guides for the software.įor calculators that are not "TI" branded, but which are freely available and can be used without a 90 day limit, several options are available.
Ti 84 online replica calc software#
Please go to the TI Software, OS Updates and Apps page and download "TI-SmartView™ Emulator Software for the TI-84 Plus Family." Allow the program to install. However, there is no functional difference. Functions are all the same as on the calculators we lend out, although the graphing "screen" is in color. While remote learning is in effect, we strongly recommend you use free programs to emulate all the functions of our physical graphing calculators on your computer or mobile device.įor an exact replica of a physical calculator that you can use on Mac or Windows computers, Texas Instruments offers a 90 day trial software that will allow you to interact on screen with a calculator that is identical to their TI 84 Plus line of calculators. Vision of Eyechart With Glasses, Ken Teegardin from BoulderĪdapted from the College of Staten Island Remote E-Resources LibGuide.City Tech Resource Guides also feature the following images:.I forgot my TI-84 at home when I had every intention of grinding through some stats homework at school (I’m in college and taking a few online classes). GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING By Studio Fibonacci, US Forgot my calculator when I needed it most I am amazed, continuously, at what developers can do these days.INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS By Made x Made, AU.Smithsonian African American Museum By Ashleigh Meusel, DC.Unless indicated all icons are from The Noun Project
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politacs7 · 2 years
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How amazing!!! 🔥🔥🔥 @miranda_rae_xo @miranda_rae_xo @miranda_rae_xo Posted @withregram • @miranda_rae_xo Citrine 💛🌼 #birthstoneseries This is my Birthstone! November has 2 birthstones to choose from, Citrine and Topaz. I choose Citrine for this look bc i love orange and yellow together! 💛🍊 Who else has a Birthday in November!? Makeup Details - @yardiecouturecosmetics Escape 2 paradise palette @thebylcosmetics Dreambook palette @essencemakeup It's all about brow's palette @glamourvault Glitter in color "Celestial" @facebullycosmetics Yellow Neon Pigment powder @nyxcosmetics Love Lust Disco Highlighter palette @morphebrushes 9B Blush palette @essencemakeup Super Precise Eyeliner for the Lashes #birthstonemakeup #muasupport #yellowmakeup #orangemakeup #armart #eyechart #makeupartistworldwide #makeupdaily #makeuptutorial #morphebabe #morphebrushes #nyxcosmetics #glittermakeup #glittereyeshadow #yellowglitter #makeupofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CQkDGh_BmmY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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graphisch · 5 years
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V L N E . . waiting for my mom her eye getting injection a peril of age . . #haiku #poetry #eyes #eyedoctor #eyechart #maculardegeneration #waiting #watching #onebettertwobetter #photographersofinstagram #blackandwhitephotography #bnw #bnw_photography #bnwphotography #photographer #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/B1JR_cshjow/?igshid=ergj0fndza91
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maidoookini · 5 years
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Can you see all of the circles ? #pursuitoffantasy #eyechart https://www.instagram.com/p/BxgyJMGBgg3/?igshid=4x7jyraz8wu9
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point506 · 5 years
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Super happy about this π shirt! I worked hard to print in time for π Day (March 14th) and I think it’s well a well-rounded design. Pun Intended. Swipe to see the details and the last image has a surprise… I could have done something crazy detailed like I often do, but sometimes a t-shirt just needs to be a simple graphic with a clever concept, so that’s what we went for on this one. It’s an eye chart, er, Pi chart, and it helps you and others memorize more digits of π! I will be wearing mine on 3-14 and I hope you will too! Who wants to join us for a Pizza Pi Party?! Find it in our shop, on sale now for only $20 but sale ends soon! #Pi #PiDay #PiDay2019 #point506 #π #πDay #πDay2019 #314 #science #sciencetshirt #math #geeky #mathtshirt #mathteacher #scienceteacher #optometrystudent #optometrist #eyechart #pichart # #PiDayShirt #PiDayCelebration #pidayparty #nerdy #nerdygifts #geekygifts #numbers #sacredgeometry #geometrytshirt (at Point 506 Clothing/ Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buea2MpgjNO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jtoo2zy09cc9
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qumiiiquinnquin · 11 months
it seems likely that i wont be able to drive and get a drivers license
i went to the dmv today , and they have those eyecharts right there at the windows , for people that come to get a drivers license ((i just needed to get an id today))
while i stood at the window i had to go to , i looked up at one of the eyecharts , just to see if i could see any of the letters on there.
i couldn't. the only letter i could pick out was F , and im not even sure it was F because it could have been a P. thats very bad. that was at the window , with my glasses on , and i could only pick out one letter that i dont know if i saw it right
my dad has been really pushing for me to get a car soon and start driving. i cannot drive if i can only see one letter on the eyecharts at the dmv , and there's really nothing i can do about it if im denied a license due to my eyesight.
i told him about my time at the dmv today and my struggle to read the eyechart , and he and my grandpa both suggested we take me in to my optometrist , but i dont think constantly tweaking my prescription would really help. its also pretty close to the highest a prescription can be. if they did any tweaking to make it better , it'd probably give me a headache and nausea with how powerful the lenses would be. my current ones made me feel sick for a couple days when i wore them but i eventually got used to it , but im afraid to bring my prescription any higher.
my family agrees , so the only options left are really to see the surgeon who had performed both of my eye surgeries when i was little , and to go to another optometrist somewhere who could really help in making a judgment call if i can drive or not
at this point , a surgery for me is more optional. we cant really say if i need one because we dont really know what else they could really do to help , and ive been fine without another surgery so far since my first two surgeries , even though my eyesight has always been bad and caused me problems.
in my two surgeries , the muscles of my eyes were tightened so i did not constantly cross my eyes when i looked straight ahead due to my esotropia , and did limit the shaking of my eyes a little bit , though the nystagmus cannot be as easily treated via surgery as my strabismus.
i personally do not know what else could be done to help my eyesight via surgery. i dont think anything could really be done to help my depth perception issues and my near-sightedness.
so. im probably just not going to be able to drive in my life.
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