#extremely vague and devious and on purpose
suguruuuuu-chan · 4 months
Lawlu is perfect because ofc Luffy would get with the guy who has 'eat' tattooed on both hands
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hobgobknowsbest · 1 year
So gremlins, huh? I'm noticing a rise of gremlins lately, which has inspired me to continue my extremely limited series of brain vomit posts.
Let me preface this by admitting that, unlike goblins, I did not systematically devour anything related to them when I was a child, so I'm playing catch-up in the here and now. However! I insist on including them into my extremely biased worldview.
Gremlin (n.)
20thc., "an imaginary mischievous sprite regarded as responsible for an unexplained problem or fault, esp. a mechanical or electronic one".
So, while the term goblin is extremely vague, the term gremlin is much less so. It's essentially a specialization. To put it quite simply: all gremlins are goblins, but not all goblins are gremlins.
"The earliest reference to the aerial mischief makers that would come to to be known as gremlins may have been in The Spectator, a British magazine, which noted just after World War I that “the old Royal Naval Air Service in 1917 and the newly constituted Royal Air Force in 1918 have detected the existence of a horde of mysterious and malicious spirits whose purpose in life was…to bring about as many as possible of the inexplicable mishaps which, in those days as now, trouble an airman’s life.”
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"It is one of the most storied of aviation legends: the idea that flying machines are sometimes infested with nefarious gremlins—“little people” who tinker wantonly with various aircraft components. Endlessly creative in their antics and completely devoid of scruples, their devilment seems to know no limits. Physical descriptions of gremlins vary widely, though oddly enough, few airmen have claimed to have actually seen one. Gremlins are usually said to be about a foot tall, with long noses and brightly colored skin, most often hues of green or blue. Especially large feet with suction grips allow for walking in and outside the plane. The gremlins’ overall features are cartoon-like. They wear parts of vintage flight gear and bug-eyed goggles, although, as with other cartoon characters, clothing can be optional. They invariably sport wild and devious expressions when on their appointed rounds. All have magical powers."
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The gremlin specialization is obviously a mechanical one. Or, more specifically, the destruction thereof. Their motivations for such mayhem have been the target of much speculation over the years; some have said they match a pilot's mood (i.e. if a pilot's mood is dark, so shall his flight be, or if it is good, then all will be well, etc.). Some have theorized that it is simple pride, and if they feel as if they are insulted or laughed at, their chosen method of retaliation is the tampering or annihilation of property.
The etymology of the word “gremlin” is murky. Some say it derives from the Old English greme or gremian, meaning to vex or annoy, which was then coupled with goblin. But there are other plausible explanations. In Irish Gaelic gruaimin can mean “ill-tempered little fellow.” The German gramlein can be rendered into something like “a small bit of grief.”
Honestly, gremlins are quite the fascinating cousin to all goblin-kind, and I find myself regretting skipping over them when I was younger. The meagre research I've done over the past few days has actually resulted in much, much more than I could hope to squeeze into a single post.
I apologize, cousins. I never gave you the credit you deserved.
So! In closing:
Gremlins are
Extremely colourful
Enemies to machines of all types
Comfortable in, and protective of the sky
Incredibly sneaky
Incessantly talkative
Pack animals
No friend to humans
As a bit of a silly afterthought, I feel the need to bring up a conversation I had with someone recently about gremlins, and how they were compared to a beaver's innate compulsion to stop flowing water. Except with them, it's machines and technology.
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senorarelojes · 4 years
Fic: But Not Tonight (7/?)
Summary: Dave asks his best friend Alan to go to the prom with him. Pairing: Dave/Alan Notes: One of the silly little things I wrote for @pinksyndication @what-could-have-been @songsofgayanddevotion @rvphinas-blog!
Part 1: here. Part 2: here. Part 3: here. Part 4: here. Part 5: here. Part 6: here.
The hall is filled with almost the entire student population of Barstable; even most of the lower secondary students are attending as dates or friends. The music booming over the speakers is something bright and poppy from the current UK charts, and Dave laughs at the open disdain on Alan’s face. He can’t wait to surprise Alan later with his own secret song request, provided that Daryl doesn’t forget.
Fletch is already waving at people and greeting acquaintances whom Dave also vaguely recognises, while Martin’s wings attract several gasps of delight and wolf-whistles. Alan seems happy to blend into the background, shooting Dave an extremely amused look as a flock of girls run over to squeal over Martin’s outfit. Martin is laughing, face a little red with embarrassment and the alcohol they’d already consumed in the limo. Dave just shakes his head with a grin, hoping his friend truly does get crowned Prom King tonight.
“Let’s go say hi to Vince and Daryl,” Fletch suggests, pointing to one of the tables near the sound booth. After they manage to extract Martin from his fans, the four of them make their way across the dance floor, Dave nodding and smiling as various people clap him on the shoulder in greeting. Everyone else looks utterly glamorous, the girls dolled up for the night while the blokes are dressed sharply in long-sleeved shirts and pressed trousers, some of them wearing blazers like Dave and Alan.
Still, no one else in the entire place could even compare to the bloke beside him. Dave can’t quite take his eyes off Alan, who is his usual calm and cool self, observing everything around him and occasionally leaning back to share a remark with Dave. Dave just nods at whatever Alan is saying and smiles giddily at him, trying not to stare at his mouth. He still can’t believe Alan is here as his date.
“...you’re not listening to a word I’m saying, are you?” Alan’s words jolt Dave out of his haze. Alan’s expression is both amused and fondly exasperated.
“Sorry,” Dave says, not at all apologetic as he licks his own lips. “My mind was somewhere else.”
Now Alan’s gaze has dropped down to his mouth as well. “Be patient,” Alan says with a chuckle, squeezing Dave’s arm. “The night is still young.”
Daryl and Vince welcome them with cheers and several glasses of fancy punch, which is sadly non-alcoholic as the teachers are standing guard by the punch bowl. Vince is actually dressed in a proper pinstriped suit, while Daryl is wearing jeans and the school t-shirt, the uniform for the AV team tonight. “Are you two aware that you’re wearing matching blazers?” Daryl says, gesturing towards Dave and Alan with his cup. 
“Yeah, it was on purpose,” Alan says, much to Dave’s surprise. He flashes a sideways apologetic grin at Dave. “Sorry, Sue sent me a picture when you went shopping. I couldn’t resist.”
Dave is in awe of his devious sister and his equally devious-- friend? Boyfriend? He doesn’t know yet. “Bloody hell,” he says in an admiring tone. “Clever bastard.”
Vince’s eyes are roving over the both of them, taking in Alan’s corsage and Dave’s rose. “You’re here together,” he says, deadpan. “Like, together together.”
“Very much so,” Alan says without batting an eyelid, while Dave just reaches down and takes Alan’s hand in his.
“Huh.” Vince doesn’t look very surprised. Instead he holds out his hand to Fletch, who mutters something and fishes out his wallet, plonking a fiver on Vince’s palm as Martin and Daryl laugh very loudly at this exchange.
“You lot bet on us?” Dave is more amazed than upset, while Alan is just grinning at the whole thing. Dave’s wondering if he’s recently been more obvious than he let on.
“I thought Vince was off his head,” Fletch says with a sigh. “But I knew I lost when Mart figured out you two were going together.”
“I told you not to take that bet,” Martin chides him. “Why do you never listen to me?”
“Oh well.” Fletch shrugs it off. “So you lads want to dance?”
“Can’t,” Daryl groans, checking his watch. “I’ve got to head back for DJ-ing duties before some smartarse takes over and plays Nickelback for an hour.”
“I hardly think playing a Spotify playlist qualifies one as a DJ,” Alan says dryly, ducking when Daryl tosses a balled-up napkin at him in retaliation. Daryl drops a wink at Dave before he heads back to the sound booth, which assures a relieved Dave that he remembers his request for Alan.
They sit around Vince’s table and chat loudly over the music, groaning and booing Daryl every time he picks something by Ed Sheeran. “I’m going to go over and cheer up Flood,” Alan tells Dave at one point, gesturing towards the sound booth. “Poor sod picked the short straw and is on duty tonight as well.”
“Tell him I said hi.” Dave tries his best to look as unaffected as possible, the way Alan always does so effortlessly. But some of his jealousy must show on his face, because Alan is smiling before leaning in to brush his lips against Dave’s, lingering a little longer than he had for the previous kisses. 
“I’ll be back.” Just three simple words, but Alan’s voice is laced with promise so Dave’s smile is far more genuine this time. Dave watches him stride off to where the AV crew are. 
“Wow,” he hears Vince say. “If I’d known how bad it was, I would have wagered more money.”
“Me too,” Martin says with a laugh. “Could have afforded a halo to go with my wings.”
“Excuse me, are you pissheads discussing how you want to rob me blind?” Fletch says, pretending to be indignant.
Shaking his head, Dave leaves his friends to squabble it out while he goes to fetch more punch for himself and Alan. The dance floor is heaving with people, many couples provocatively entwined as they groove to the rhythm of the music. Dave is pleased to see that he and Alan aren’t the only same-sex couple in attendance. There’s a few girls dancing with each other, and even the blond captain of the visiting football team from Brum is here with his boyfriend, the equally tall, dark-haired bloke that all the girls in school keep sighing over. 
“Already shopping around?” Alan’s very amused voice huffs in his ear, a hand wrapping around his waist. “I’m very jealous.”
Dave relaxes and leans back in Alan’s hold, smiling like a lunatic. “You’re just in time, Al. I was about to run off with the mailman.”
Alan merely chuckles before pressing a kiss to Dave’s neck, which makes him shiver. The music has changed to something slow and dirty with Spanish lyrics; although Dave barely understands a word of it, he lets the melody wash over him as his hips sway from side to side.
“This song’s really good,” he hears Alan remark. “What’s it called?”
“No idea.” Dave jerks his head towards the crowd. “Want to dance?”
Alan is eyeing the masses thoughtfully. “I’m not really good at it.”
“It’s easy, c’mon.” Dave turns around in Alan’s arms, putting down their glasses of punch on a nearby table for safekeeping. Now they’re standing face to face, Alan’s eyes warm as they slide down Dave’s body. Dave clears his throat, reminding himself not to jump on Alan in front of almost the whole bloody school.
“Okay, so-- like this.” Dave puts his hands on Alan’s hips, his throat going dry at the feel of that firm muscle under his palms. “Just follow the beat of the snare, yeah? So, on every ‘two’, just move your hips to the right. On every four-- the left. Got it?”
Alan nods, an adorable look of concentration on his face as he tries to follow Dave’s directions. Dancing is something that comes so easily and naturally to Dave, so it’s hard to break it down into instructions for someone else. Then again, playing the piano is second nature for Alan, but Dave is completely crap at it despite Alan’s repeated attempts to teach him.
“Am I getting it?” Alan’s frowning a little, his hips rotating a little stiffly.
“You’re overthinking it, mate.” Dave tries to guide him with his hands, but Alan is still trying too hard to get it perfect. So he tries to think of the best way to distract Alan, to catch him off guard so that he’ll let his body take over instead of focusing too much on that brilliant mind of his.
Dave tips Alan’s chin up, grinning at him before he leans in and kisses him slowly, their lips brushing together, his tongue tracing the edge of Alan’s teeth. He feels it the exact moment Alan’s body loosens against his, his hips pliant under Dave’s grip now, both of them moving along to the sensuous rhythm like they’re part of it. When Dave breaks the kiss, he laughs at Alan’s stupefied expression. “Yeah Charlie, just like that.”
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mikaa-mina · 4 years
At Garden’s Edge- Ch 7: Curses and Blessings
“This is boring.”
Crowley did not even look up from the scattered pieces of her new camera system, instead just gave a distracted hum.
Anathema scowled, kicked her feet in the air again, and accidentally banged one heel off the cabinets of the counter she was sitting on. “Oh come on Crowley, you’ve been at this all day.”
Crowley squinted at the wires, shoved her sunglasses up into a makeshift headband on top of her head and gave a hum of contentment at being able to see the color differences in the wires better without the tinted lenses in the way. “I did tell you this is what I’d be doing today.”
“But all day?”
“Oh quit your whining, I could just kick you out. And get off my counter, it’s not a chair.”
Anathema blew a raspberry at her. "This coming from the Crow that can't sit properly in any chair."
"That's everyone else's problem."
"You're my problem."
"Damn straight."
"Damn queer you mean."
They both gave a quiet huff of laughter at that before falling into a companionable silence for a short while. Anathema fiddled on her phone, debated on doing tarot readings for people on twitter, then glanced at Crowley and could not, for the life of her, see any difference in the scattered pieces of technology around her. She groaned.
"You're killing me. How long are you gonna be at that?"
"Not my fault you invited yourself over despite knowing this is what I’d be doing."
"I really don’t understand why you think you need all this, let alone to reconstruct it all by hand."
"Don't trust anyone. Much less things you didn't build yourself. Spyware, shitty running speeds, space eaters... everything’s loaded with this shit."
At the mention of spyware Anathema straightened up and her voice turned more serious, "have they bothered you?" Is that why?
Crowley looked up. "Not yet. I mean, no. I just- ugh." She looked away, her face screwed up in a grimace as she struggled for words. "It's just... this is the first time I've put down roots since the-" here she did a nebulous hand wave in the air "-and I want to make sure I can stay here. Protect it. Not have to leave. Whatever- you know what I mean." She hoped.
"Yes. Yes, I know what you mean even with your extremely vague-" She mimicked her hand wave here with an eye roll, "can you not say it?"
Indignantly, "I could."
Anathema arched an eyebrow in challenge.
Crowley scowled, muttering as if preparing for a normal person’s response to her next words and unhappy about all of this "the walls have ears Ana, you never know."
At Anathema’s skeptical look she bristled defensively, "what."
"They're your walls! And don’t call me Ana."
"Well I didn't build them so how would I know if there's anything in them!"
Anathema paused, leaned back on the counter, thought about it, and then said, “huh. I wonder if they’re listening to my conversations.”
Here Crowley faltered, having forgotten for a moment that she was talking to Anathema and not a normal person.
“I could curse your walls and their contents for you.” Anathema offered.
“Absolutely not. You fried my security system the last time you tried to curse something in here.”
“Eh. You’ll be back.”
“...More like you’ll never leave.”
“Same difference.” Anathema hopped off the counter then reached over and yanked Crowley out of her chair by the shoulders. Crowley flailed a bit, trying to catch the piece she was working on and her balance at the same time with a yelp she would absolutely not admit to on pain of death.
“Crowley!” She countered, “we’re going out.”
Crowley barely had enough time to try and set the piece down on a counter before she was turned about by her shoulders and steered towards her door. “Oi! Just what do you think you’re doing?! I still have-”
“You’ve been at this for literally all day. You need a break!”
“I don’t want a break Ana!”
“You need a break you work-a-holic and don’t call me Ana.”
“I’ll call you Ana all I want when you’re being an insufferable-”
Anathema gave one big shove to Crowley’s back and sent her flailing with a cheerful “Out!” and laughed as Crowley struggled to find her balance again before nearly running into the front door with her face.
Crowley peered closer at the “mummified alien hand” sitting in the gaudiest display case she’d seen yet. In this shop at least.
“Well... That’s a scam.”
Anathema looked over her shoulder to see it and scowled. “£560? God yeah, that’s a scam.”
Crowley blinked, spluttered, and turned on her, “no you daft witch! You can see the seams! It’s a scam because it’s fake not because it costs an arm!”
Anathema wandered closer, leaning in towards the case so dramatically that her nose was practically smearing smudges across the glass. “Hm... Probably an alien glove then.”
“A- guh- glove?! I- Ana please tell me you’re joking.” One look at her face confirmed she was not, indeed, joking... Crowley dragged a hand down her face as she groaned loudly, in exasperation and muttered “of course you’re not.”
When she opened her eyes again she could see the shop keep making a bee-line for them and decided she was ‘nope’ing the fuck out of that incoming confrontation. Crowley turned, grabbed Anathema’s arm, and hauled them both bodily out of the shop before she could even start with the shop keeper. Again. For the fifth time that evening. With the third shop keep.
“No more occult shops.”
“What? No. I was shopping!”
Crowley scoffed, “that wasn’t shopping, that was you harassing other occult shop owners and instigating arguments between the two of you over their prices and whether or not their curses were ‘ethically sourced’.”
Anathema huffed and crossed her arms. “Well, it’s not my fault that they get so huffy about it. They’re reasonable objections to their absurd prices.”
Crowley looked at her. Took a breath, tried to hold on to calm thoughts like maybe-no, that’s not calm. Whatever. Just- Steadying her voice, she tried to calmly say, “Ana. You run an occult shop. A competitor occult shop.”
Seemingly uncomprehendingly she said “yes...”
Crowley was loosing her grip and just about to attempt calmly expanding on that when Anathema’s blank face suddenly cracked into a Cheshire wide grin.
“Oh- oh you little witch!” Crowley smacked her arm before devolving into laughter that Anathema quickly fell into. “You minx! Antagonizing them on purpose, oh I love you, you devious thing.” Crowley cackled.
Anathema grinned right back at her, “love you too you old crow. C’mon, let’s go, before they really do call the cops on us.”
Crowley flushed, still unused to receiving casual affection, and forged ahead instead of addressing it and said, “not old. And you. You mean before they call the cops on you.”
“Me. And my charming partner in crime!”
Crowley’s face darkened a shade and she turned her face away, grumbling at both her reactions to fondness and to Anathema’s teasing. She grumbled under her breath, “not your accomplice.”
The knowing smile Crowley could hear in Anathema’s voice was not any less smug than being able to actually see it in conjunction with her next words. “You’re just mad because you didn’t think of doing it first.”
There really wasn’t a way to disagree without sounding petulant and also like a big fat liar so Crowley only glared and said nothing.
Anathema took this as the win that it was and laughed victoriously before elbowing her in her bony ribs. “Flower shops next?”
Crowley’s grin nearly split her face, “hell yes.”
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vorcotec · 4 years
Personality Traits.
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Rules - Use BOLD to highlight your muse’s personality traits. Use ITALICS for traits that only apply in certain situations.
tagging: feel free to just steal it
Abrasive ∥ Abrupt ∥ Agonizing ∥ Aggressive ∥ Aimless ∥ Aloof ∥ Amoral ∥ Angry ∥ Anxious ∥ Apathetic ∥ Arbitrary ∥ Argumentative ∥ Arrogant ∥ Artificial ∥ Asocial ∥ Bewildered ∥ Bizarre ∥ Bland ∥ Blunt ∥ Boisterous ∥ Brittle ∥ Brutal ∥ Calculating ∥ Callous ∥ Cantankerous ∥ Careless ∥ Charmless ∥ Childish ∥ Clumsy ∥ Coarse ∥ Cold ∥ Colorless ∥ Complacent ∥ Complaining ∥ Compulsive ∥ Conceited ∥ Condemnatory ∥ Conformist ∥ Confused ∥ Contemptible ∥ Conventional ∥ Cowardly ∥ Crass ∥ Crazy ∥ Criminal ∥ Critical ∥ Crude ∥ Cruel ∥ Cynical ∥ Decadent ∥ Deceitful ∥ Delicate ∥ Demanding ∥ Dependent ∥ Desperate ∥ Destructive ∥ Devious ∥ Difficult ∥ Disconcerting ∥ Discontented ∥ Discouraging ∥ Discourteous ∥ Dishonest ∥ Disloyal ∥ Disobedient ∥ Disorderly ∥ Disorganized ∥ Disputatious ∥ Disrespectful ∥ Disruptive ∥ Dissonant ∥ Distractible ∥ Disturbing ∥ Dogmatic ∥ Domineering ∥ Dull ∥ Easily Discouraged ∥ Egocentric ∥ Envious ∥ Erratic ∥ Escapist ∥ Extravagant ∥ Extreme ∥ Faithless ∥ False ∥ Fanatical ∥ Fanciful ∥ Fatalistic ∥ Fawning ∥ Fearful ∥ Fickle ∥ Fiery ∥ Fixed ∥ Flamboyant ∥ Foolish ∥ Forgetful ∥ Fraudulent ∥ Frightening ∥ Frivolous ∥ Gloomy ∥ Graceless ∥ Greedy ∥ Grim ∥ Gullible ∥ Hateful ∥ Haughty ∥ Hedonistic ∥ Hesitant ∥ Hidebound ∥ High-handed ∥ Hostile ∥ Ignorant ∥ Imitative ∥ Impatient ∥ Impractical ∥ Imprudent ∥ Impulsive ∥ Inconsiderate ∥ Incurious ∥ Indecisive ∥ Indulgent ∥ Inert ∥ Inhibited ∥ Insecure ∥ Insensitive ∥ Insincere ∥ Insulting ∥ Intolerant ∥ Irascible ∥ Irrational ∥ Irresponsible ∥ Irritable ∥ Lazy ∥ Malicious ∥ Mannerless ∥ Mechanical ∥ Meddlesome ∥ Melancholic ∥ Messy ∥ Miserable ∥ Miserly ∥ Misguided ∥ Mistaken ∥ Money-minded ∥ Moody ∥ Morbid ∥ Muddle-headed ∥ Naive ∥ Narcissistic ∥ Narrow ∥ Narrow-minded ∥ Negative ∥ Neglectful ∥ Neurotic ∥ Nihilistic ∥ Obnoxious ∥ Obsessive ∥ Obvious ∥ Odd ∥ Offhand ∥ One-dimensional ∥ One-sided ∥ Opinionated ∥ Opportunistic ∥ Oppressed ∥ Outrageous ∥ Paranoid ∥ Passive ∥ Pedantic ∥ Perverse ∥ Petty ∥   Plodding ∥ Pompous ∥ Possessive ∥ Power-hungry ∥ Predatory ∥ Prejudiced ∥ Presumptuous ∥ Pretentious ∥ Prim ∥ Procrastinating ∥ Provocative ∥ Puritanical ∥ Quirky ∥ Reactionary ∥ Reactive ∥ Regimental ∥ Regretful ∥ Repentant ∥ Repressed ∥ Resentful ∥ Ridiculous ∥ Rigid ∥ Ritualistic ∥ Ruined ∥ Sadistic ∥ Sanctimonious ∥ Scheming ∥ Scornful ∥ Secretive ∥ Sedentary ∥ Selfish ∥ Self-indulgent ∥ Shallow ∥ Short-sighted ∥ Sloppy ∥ Slow ∥ Sly ∥ Small-thinking ∥ Softheaded ∥ Sordid ∥ Steely ∥ Stiff ∥ Stupid ∥ Submissive ∥ Superficial ∥ Superstitious ∥ Suspicious ∥ Tactless ∥ Tasteless ∥ Tense ∥ Thievish ∥ Thoughtless ∥ Timid ∥ Transparent ∥ Treacherous ∥ Trendy ∥ Troublesome ∥ Unappreciative ∥ Uncaring ∥ Uncharitable ∥ Unconvincing ∥ Uncooperative ∥ Uncreative ∥ Uncritical ∥ Unctuous ∥ Undisciplined ∥ Unfriendly ∥ Ungrateful ∥ Unhealthy ∥ Unimaginative ∥ Unimpressive ∥ Unlovable ∥ Unpolished ∥ Unprincipled ∥ Unrealistic ∥ Unreflective ∥ Unreliable ∥ Unrestrained ∥ Unstable ∥ Vacuous ∥ Vague ∥ Venomous ∥ Vindictive ∥ Vulnerable ∥ Weak ∥ Wilful
Absentminded ∥ Ambitious ∥ Amusing ∥ Artful ∥ Ascetic ∥ Authoritarian ∥ Big-thinking ∥ Boyish ∥ Breezy ∥ Business-like ∥ Busy ∥ Casual ∥ Cerebral ∥ Chummy ∥ Circumspect ∥ Competitive ∥ Complex ∥ Confidential ∥ Conservative ∥ Contradictory ∥ Crisp ∥ Cute ∥ Deceptive ∥ Determined ∥ Dominating ∥ Dreamy ∥ Driving ∥ Droll ∥ Dry ∥ Earthy ∥ Effeminate ∥ Emotional ∥ Enigmatic ∥ Experimental ∥ Familial ∥ Folksy ∥ Formal ∥ Freewheeling ∥ Frugal ∥ Glamorous ∥ Guileless ∥ High-spirited ∥ Hurried ∥ Hypnotic ∥ Idiosyncratic ∥ Impassive ∥ Impersonal ∥ Impressionable ∥ Intense ∥ Invisible ∥ Irreligious ∥ Irreverent ∥ Maternal ∥ Mellow ∥ Modern ∥ Moralistic ∥ Mystical ∥ Neutral ∥ Noncommittal ∥ Non-competitive ∥ Obedient ∥ Old-fashioned ∥ Ordinary ∥ Outspoken ∥ Paternalistic ∥ Physical ∥ Placid ∥ Political ∥ Predictable ∥ Preoccupied ∥ Private ∥ Progressive ∥ Proud ∥ Pure ∥ Questioning ∥ Quiet ∥ Religious ∥ Reserved ∥ Restrained ∥ Retiring ∥ Sarcastic ∥ Self-conscious ∥ Sensual ∥ Sceptical ∥ Smooth ∥ Soft ∥ Solemn ∥ Solitary ∥ Stern ∥ Strict ∥ Stubborn ∥ Stylish ∥ Subjective ∥ Surprising ∥ Tough ∥ Unaggressive ∥ Unambitious ∥ Unceremonious ∥ Unchanging ∥ Undemanding ∥ Unfathomable ∥ Unhurried ∥ Uninhibited ∥ Unpatriotic ∥ Unpredictable ∥ Unsentimental ∥ Whimsical
Accessible ∥ Active ∥ Adaptable ∥ Admirable ∥ Adventurous ∥ Agreeable ∥ Appreciative ∥ Articulate ∥ Aspiring ∥ Athletic ∥ Attractive ∥ Balanced ∥ Brilliant ∥ Calm ∥ Capable ∥ Captivating ∥ Caring ∥ Challenging ∥ Charismatic ∥ Charming ∥ Cheerful ∥ Clean ∥ Clear-headed ∥ Clever ∥ Colorful ∥ Companionly ∥ Compassionate ∥ Confident ∥ Conscientious ∥ Considerate ∥ Constant ∥ Contemplative ∥ Cooperative ∥ Courageous ∥ Courteous ∥ Creative ∥ Cultured ∥ Curious ∥ Daring ∥ Decent ∥ Decisive ∥ Dedicated ∥ Deep ∥ Dignified ∥ Disciplined ∥ Discreet ∥ Dramatic ∥ Dutiful ∥ Earnest ∥ Educated ∥ Elegant ∥ Eloquent ∥ Empathetic ∥ Energetic ∥ Enthusiastic ∥ Exciting ∥ Extraordinary ∥ Fair ∥ Faithful ∥ Farsighted ∥ Flexible ∥ Focused ∥ Forgiving ∥ Forthright ∥ Freethinking ∥ Friendly ∥ Fun-loving ∥ Gallant ∥ Generous ∥ Gentle ∥ Genuine ∥ Good-natured ∥ Gracious ∥ Hardworking ∥ Healthy ∥ Hearty ∥ Helpful ∥ Heroic ∥ High-minded ∥ Honest ∥ Honorable ∥ Humble ∥ Humorous ∥ Idealistic ∥ Imaginative ∥ Impressive ∥ Incorruptible ∥ Independent ∥ Individualistic ∥ Innovative ∥ Inoffensive ∥ Insightful ∥ Insouciant ∥ Intelligent ∥ Intuitive ∥ Invulnerable ∥ Kind ∥ Knowledgeable ∥ Leader ∥ Logical ∥ Lovable ∥ Loyal ∥ Many-sided ∥ Masculine ∥ Mature ∥ Methodical ∥ Meticulous ∥ Moderate ∥ Modest ∥ Multi-leveled ∥ Neat ∥ Objective ∥ Observant ∥ Open ∥ Optimistic ∥ Orderly ∥ Organized ∥ Original ∥ Painstaking ∥ Passionate ∥ Patient ∥ Peaceful ∥ Perceptive ∥ Perfectionist ∥ Personable ∥ Persuasive ∥ Playful ∥ Popular ∥ Practical ∥ Precise ∥ Principled ∥ Protective ∥ Providential ∥ Punctual ∥ Purposeful ∥ Rational ∥ Realistic ∥ Reflective ∥ Relaxed ∥ Reliable ∥ Resourceful ∥ Respectful ∥ Responsible ∥ Responsive ∥ Romantic ∥ Rustic ∥ Sage ∥ Sane ∥ Scholarly ∥ Scrupulous ∥ Secure ∥ Selfless ∥ Self-critical ∥ Sensitive ∥ Sentimental ∥ Serious ∥ Sexy ∥ Sharing ∥ Simple ∥ Skillful ∥ Sober ∥ Sociable ∥ Sophisticated ∥ Spontaneous ∥ Sporting ∥ Stable ∥ Steadfast ∥ Steady ∥ Stoic ∥ Strong ∥ Studious ∥ Suave ∥ Subtle ∥ Sweet ∥ Sympathetic ∥ Systematic ∥ Tasteful ∥ Teacherly ∥ Thorough ∥ Tidy ∥ Tolerant ∥ Tractable ∥ Trusting ∥ Uncomplaining ∥ Understanding ∥ Upright ∥ Urbane ∥ Venturesome ∥ Vivacious ∥ Warm ∥ Winning ∥ Wise ∥ Witty ∥ Youthful
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jedilegacied · 5 years
Personality Traits.
Rules - Use BOLD to highlight your muse’s personality traits. Use ITALICS for traits that only apply in certain situations.
tagged by: @chrxnicempathy
tagging: @nouveauimperium @fullyeclecticbouquet  (for any of your charaters)  @sinsof-ourfathers @writelikeyouarerunningoutof @nickyrp (for any of your charaters) @hopegained
Abrasive ∥ Abrupt ∥ Agonizing ∥ Aggressive ∥ Aimless ∥ Aloof ∥ Amoral ∥ Angry ∥ Anxious ∥ Apathetic ∥ Arbitrary ∥ Argumentative ∥ Arrogant ∥ Artificial ∥ Asocial ∥ Bewildered ∥ Bizarre ∥ Bland ∥ Blunt ∥ Boisterous ∥ Brittle ∥ Brutal ∥ Calculating ∥ Callous ∥ Cantankerous ∥ Careless ∥ Charmless ∥ Childish ∥ Clumsy ∥ Coarse ∥ Cold ∥ Colorless ∥ Complacent ∥ Complaining ∥ Compulsive ∥ Conceited ∥ Condemnatory ∥ Conformist ∥ Confused ∥ Contemptible ∥ Conventional ∥ Cowardly ∥ Crass ∥ Crazy ∥ Criminal ∥ Critical ∥ Crude ∥ Cruel ∥ Cynical ∥ Decadent ∥ Deceitful ∥ Delicate ∥ Demanding ∥ Dependent ∥ Desperate ∥ Destructive ∥ Devious ∥ Difficult ∥ Disconcerting ∥ Discontented ∥ Discouraging ∥ Discourteous ∥ Dishonest ∥ Disloyal ∥ Disobedient ∥ Disorderly ∥ Disorganized ∥ Disputatious ∥ Disrespectful ∥ Disruptive ∥ Dissonant ∥ Distractible ∥ Disturbing ∥ Dogmatic ∥ Domineering ∥ Dull ∥ Easily Discouraged ∥ Egocentric ∥ Envious ∥ Erratic ∥ Escapist ∥ Extravagant ∥ Extreme ∥ Faithless ∥ False ∥ Fanatical ∥ Fanciful ∥ Fatalistic ∥ Fawning ∥ Fearful ∥ Fickle ∥ Fiery ∥ Fixed ∥ Flamboyant ∥ Foolish ∥ Forgetful ∥ Fraudulent ∥ Frightening ∥ Frivolous ∥ Gloomy ∥ Graceless ∥ Greedy ∥ Grim ∥ Gullible ∥ Hateful ∥ Haughty ∥ Hedonistic ∥ Hesitant ∥ Hidebound ∥ High-handed ∥ Hostile ∥ Ignorant ∥ Imitative ∥ Impatient ∥ Impractical ∥ Imprudent ∥ Impulsive ∥ Inconsiderate ∥ Incurious ∥ Indecisive ∥ Indulgent ∥ Inert ∥ Inhibited ∥ Insecure ∥ Insensitive ∥ Insincere ∥ Insulting ∥ Intolerant ∥ Irascible ∥ Irrational ∥ Irresponsible ∥ Irritable ∥ Lazy ∥ Malicious ∥ Mannerless ∥ Mechanical ∥ Meddlesome ∥ Melancholic ∥ Messy ∥ Miserable ∥ Miserly ∥ Misguided ∥ Mistaken ∥ Money-minded ∥ Moody ∥ Morbid ∥ Muddle-headed ∥ Naive ∥ Narcissistic ∥ Narrow ∥ Narrow-minded ∥ Negative ∥ Neglectful ∥ Neurotic ∥ Nihilistic ∥ Obnoxious ∥ Obsessive ∥ Obvious ∥ Odd ∥ Offhand ∥ One-dimensional ∥ One-sided ∥ Opinionated ∥ Opportunistic ∥ Oppressed ∥ Outrageous ∥ Paranoid ∥ Passive ∥ Pedantic ∥ Perverse ∥ Petty ∥ Plodding ∥ Pompous ∥ Possessive ∥ Power-hungry ∥ Predatory ∥ Prejudiced ∥ Presumptuous ∥ Pretentious ∥ Prim ∥ Procrastinating ∥ Provocative ∥ Puritanical ∥ Quirky ∥ Reactionary ∥ Reactive ∥ Regimental ∥ Regretful ∥ Repentant ∥ Repressed ∥ Resentful ∥ Ridiculous ∥ Rigid ∥ Ritualistic ∥ Ruined ∥ Sadistic ∥ Sanctimonious ∥ Scheming ∥ Scornful ∥ Secretive ∥ Sedentary ∥ Selfish ∥ Self-indulgent ∥ Shallow ∥ Short-sighted ∥ Sloppy ∥ Slow ∥ Sly ∥ Small-thinking ∥ Softheaded ∥ Sordid ∥ Steely ∥ Stiff ∥ Stupid ∥ Submissive ∥ Superficial ∥ Superstitious ∥ Suspicious ∥ Tactless ∥ Tasteless ∥ Tense ∥ Thievish ∥ Thoughtless ∥ Timid ∥ Transparent ∥ Treacherous ∥ Trendy ∥ Troublesome ∥ Unappreciative ∥ Uncaring ∥ Uncharitable ∥ Unconvincing ∥ Uncooperative ∥ Uncreative ∥ Uncritical ∥ Unctuous ∥ Undisciplined ∥ Unfriendly ∥ Ungrateful ∥ Unhealthy ∥ Unimaginative ∥ Unimpressive ∥ Unlovable ∥ Unpolished ∥ Unprincipled ∥ Unrealistic ∥ Unreflective ∥ Unreliable ∥ Unrestrained ∥ Unstable ∥ Vacuous ∥ Vague ∥ Venomous ∥ Vindictive ∥ Vulnerable ∥ Weak ∥ Wilful
Absentminded ∥ Ambitious ∥ Amusing ∥ Artful ∥ Ascetic ∥ Authoritarian ∥ Big-thinking ∥ Boyish ∥ Breezy ∥ Business-like ∥ Busy ∥ Casual ∥ Cerebral ∥ Chummy ∥ Circumspect ∥ Competitive ∥ Complex ∥ Confidential ∥ Conservative ∥ Contradictory ∥ Crisp ∥ Cute ∥ Deceptive ∥ Determined ∥ Dominating ∥ Dreamy ∥ Driving ∥ Droll ∥ Dry ∥ Earthy ∥ Effeminate ∥ Emotional ∥ Enigmatic ∥ Experimental ∥ Familial ∥ Folksy ∥ Formal ∥ Freewheeling ∥ Frugal ∥ Glamorous ∥ Guileless ∥ High-spirited ∥ Hurried ∥ Hypnotic ∥ Iconoclastic ∥ Idiosyncratic ∥ Impassive ∥ Impersonal ∥ Impressionable ∥ Intense ∥ Invisible ∥ Irreligious ∥ Irreverent ∥ Maternal ∥ Mellow ∥ Modern ∥ Moralistic ∥ Mystical ∥ Neutral ∥ Noncommittal ∥ Non-competitive ∥ Obedient ∥ Old-fashioned ∥ Ordinary ∥ Outspoken ∥ Paternalistic ∥ Physical ∥ Placid ∥ Political ∥ Predictable ∥ Preoccupied ∥ Private ∥ Progressive ∥ Proud ∥ Pure ∥ Questioning ∥ Quiet ∥ Religious ∥ Reserved ∥ Restrained ∥ Retiring ∥ Sarcastic ∥ Self-conscious ∥ Sensual ∥ Sceptical ∥ Smooth ∥ Soft ∥ Solemn ∥ Solitary ∥ Stern ∥ Strict ∥ Stubborn ∥ Stylish ∥ Subjective ∥ Surprising ∥ Tough ∥ Unaggressive ∥ Unambitious ∥ Unceremonious ∥ Unchanging ∥ Undemanding ∥ Unfathomable ∥ Unhurried ∥ Uninhibited ∥ Unpatriotic ∥ Unpredictable ∥ Unsentimental ∥ Whimsical
Accessible ∥ Active ∥ Adaptable ∥ Admirable ∥ Adventurous ∥ Agreeable ∥ Appreciative ∥ Articulate ∥ Aspiring ∥ Athletic ∥ Attractive ∥ Balanced ∥ Brilliant ∥ Calm ∥ Capable ∥ Captivating ∥ Caring ∥ Challenging ∥ Charismatic ∥ Charming ∥ Cheerful ∥ Clean ∥ Clear-headed ∥ Clever ∥ Colorful ∥ Companionly ∥ Compassionate ∥ Confident ∥ Conscientious ∥ Considerate ∥ Constant ∥ Contemplative ∥ Cooperative ∥ Courageous ∥ Courteous ∥ Creative ∥ Cultured ∥ Curious ∥ Daring ∥ Decent ∥ Decisive ∥ Dedicated ∥ Deep ∥ Dignified ∥ Disciplined ∥ Discreet ∥ Dramatic ∥ Dutiful ∥ Earnest ∥ Educated ∥ Elegant ∥ Eloquent ∥ Empathetic ∥ Energetic ∥ Enthusiastic ∥ Esthetic ∥ Exciting ∥ Extraordinary ∥ Fair ∥ Faithful ∥ Farsighted ∥ Flexible ∥ Focused ∥ Forgiving ∥ Forthright ∥ Freethinking ∥ Friendly ∥ Fun-loving ∥ Gallant ∥ Generous ∥ Gentle ∥ Genuine ∥ Good-natured ∥ Gracious ∥ Hardworking ∥ Healthy ∥ Hearty ∥ Helpful ∥ Heroic ∥ High-minded ∥ Honest ∥ Honorable ∥ Humble ∥ Humorous ∥ Idealistic ∥ Imaginative ∥ Impressive ∥ Incorruptible ∥ Independent ∥ Individualistic ∥ Innovative ∥ Inoffensive ∥ Insightful ∥ Insouciant ∥ Intelligent ∥ Intuitive ∥ Invulnerable ∥ Kind ∥ Knowledge ∥ Leader ∥ Logical ∥ Lovable ∥ Loyal ∥ Many-sided ∥ Masculine ∥ Mature ∥ Methodical ∥ Meticulous ∥ Moderate ∥ Modest ∥ Multi-leveled ∥ Neat ∥ Objective ∥ Observant ∥ Open ∥ Optimistic ∥ Orderly ∥ Organized ∥ Original ∥ Painstaking ∥ Passionate ∥ Patient ∥ Peaceful ∥ Perceptive ∥ Perfectionist ∥ Personable ∥ Persuasive ∥ Playful ∥ Popular ∥ Practical ∥ Precise ∥ Principled ∥ Protective ∥ Providential ∥ Punctual ∥ Purposeful ∥ Rational ∥ Realistic ∥ Reflective ∥ Relaxed ∥ Reliable ∥ Resourceful ∥ Respectful ∥ Responsible ∥ Responsive ∥ Romantic ∥ Rustic ∥ Sage ∥ Sane ∥ Scholarly ∥ Scrupulous ∥ Secure ∥ Selfless ∥ Self-critical ∥ Sensitive ∥ Sentimental ∥ Serious ∥ Sexy ∥ Sharing ∥ Simple ∥ Skillful ∥ Sober ∥ Sociable ∥ Sophisticated ∥ Spontaneous ∥ Sporting ∥ Stable ∥ Steadfast ∥ Steady ∥ Stoic ∥ Strong ∥ Studious ∥ Suave ∥ Subtle ∥ Sweet ∥ Sympathetic ∥ Systematic ∥ Tasteful ∥ Teacherly ∥ Thorough ∥ Tidy ∥ Tolerant ∥ Tractable ∥ Trusting ∥ Uncomplaining ∥ Understanding ∥ Upright ∥ Urbane ∥ Venturesome ∥ Vivacious ∥ Warm ∥ Winning ∥ Wise ∥ Witty ∥ Youthful
7 notes · View notes
dirkgentle · 5 years
Personality Traits.
Rules - Use BOLD to highlight your muse’s personality traits. Use ITALICS for traits that only apply in certain situations.
tagged by: stole it from my Crowley blog @thatcertainnight​ !! :p
tagging: @protectiveforce​; @theresastargirl​; @infinitelydiverse​ ( dragon boi !! ); @everybodyelsedying​; @brokenthimbles​; @servinglies​; @neomacaught​; @dxspereaux​ ( Didi? ); @ozwolff​; @riggsanity​; @kindheir​; @the-young-rosebud​; YOU !! 
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Abrasive ∥ Abrupt ∥ Agonizing ∥ Aggressive ∥ Aimless ∥ Aloof ∥ Amoral ∥ Angry ∥ Anxious ∥ Apathetic ∥ Arbitrary ∥ Argumentative ∥ Arrogant ∥ Artificial ∥ Asocial ∥ Bewildered ∥ Bizarre ∥ Bland ∥ Blunt ∥ Boisterous ∥ Brittle ∥ Brutal ∥ Calculating ∥ Callous ∥ Cantankerous ∥ Careless ∥ Charmless ∥ Childish ∥ Clumsy ∥ Coarse ∥ Cold ∥ Colorless ∥ Complacent ∥ Complaining ∥ Compulsive ∥ Conceited ∥ Condemnatory ∥ Conformist ∥ Confused ∥ Contemptible ∥ Conventional ∥ Cowardly ∥ Crass ∥ Crazy ∥ Criminal ∥ Critical ∥ Crude ∥ Cruel ∥ Cynical ∥ Decadent ∥ Deceitful ∥ Delicate ∥ Demanding ∥ Dependent ∥ Desperate ∥ Destructive ∥ Devious ∥ Difficult ∥ Disconcerting ∥ Discontented ∥ Discouraging ∥ Discourteous ∥ Dishonest ∥ Disloyal ∥ Disobedient ∥ Disorderly ∥ Disorganized ∥ Disputatious ∥ Disrespectful ∥ Disruptive ∥ Dissonant ∥ Distractible ∥ Disturbing ∥ Dogmatic ∥ Domineering ∥ Dull ∥ Easily Discouraged ∥ Egocentric ∥ Envious ∥ Erratic ∥ Escapist ∥ Extravagant ∥ Extreme ∥ Faithless ∥ False ∥ Fanatical ∥ Fanciful ∥ Fatalistic ∥ Fawning ∥ Fearful ∥ Fickle ∥ Fiery ∥ Fixed ∥ Flamboyant ∥ Foolish ∥ Forgetful ∥ Fraudulent ∥ Frightening ∥ Frivolous ∥ Gloomy ∥ Graceless ∥ Greedy ∥ Grim ∥ Gullible ∥ Hateful ∥ Haughty ∥ Hedonistic ∥ Hesitant ∥ Hidebound ∥ High-handed ∥ Hostile ∥ Ignorant ∥ Imitative ∥ Impatient ∥ Impractical ∥ Imprudent ∥ Impulsive ∥ Inconsiderate ∥ Incurious ∥ Indecisive ∥ Indulgent ∥ Inert ∥ Inhibited ∥ Insecure ∥ Insensitive ∥ Insincere ∥ Insulting ∥ Intolerant ∥ Irascible ∥ Irrational ∥ Irresponsible ∥ Irritable ∥ Lazy ∥ Malicious ∥ Mannerless ∥ Mechanical ∥ Meddlesome ∥ Melancholic ∥ Messy ∥ Miserable ∥ Miserly ∥ Misguided ∥ Mistaken ∥ Money-minded ∥ Moody ∥ Morbid ∥ Muddle-headed ∥ Naive ∥ Narcissistic ∥ Narrow ∥ Narrow-minded ∥ Negative ∥ Neglectful ∥ Neurotic ∥ Nihilistic ∥ Obnoxious ∥ Obsessive ∥ Obvious ∥ Odd ∥ Offhand ∥ One-dimensional ∥ One-sided ∥ Opinionated ∥ Opportunistic ∥ Oppressed ∥ Outrageous ∥ Paranoid ∥ Passive ∥ Pedantic ∥ Perverse ∥ Petty ∥ Plodding ∥ Pompous ∥ Possessive ∥ Power-hungry ∥ Predatory ∥ Prejudiced ∥ Presumptuous ∥ Pretentious ∥ Prim ∥ Procrastinating ∥ Provocative ∥ Puritanical ∥ Quirky ∥ Reactionary ∥ Reactive ∥ Regimental ∥ Regretful ∥ Repentant ∥ Repressed ∥ Resentful ∥ Ridiculous ∥ Rigid ∥ Ritualistic ∥ Ruined ∥ Sadistic ∥ Sanctimonious ∥ Scheming ∥ Scornful ∥ Secretive ∥ Sedentary ∥ Selfish ∥ Self-indulgent ∥ Shallow ∥ Short-sighted ∥ Sloppy ∥ Slow ∥ Sly ∥ Small-thinking ∥ Softheaded ∥ Sordid ∥ Steely ∥ Stiff ∥ Stupid ∥ Submissive ∥ Superficial ∥ Superstitious ∥ Suspicious ∥ Tactless ∥ Tasteless ∥ Tense ∥ Thievish ∥ Thoughtless ∥ Timid ∥ Transparent ∥ Treacherous ∥ Trendy ∥ Troublesome ∥ Unappreciative ∥ Uncaring ∥ Uncharitable ∥ Unconvincing ∥ Uncooperative ∥ Uncreative ∥ Uncritical ∥ Unctuous ∥ Undisciplined ∥ Unfriendly ∥ Ungrateful ∥ Unhealthy ∥ Unimaginative ∥ Unimpressive ∥ Unlovable ∥ Unpolished ∥ Unprincipled ∥ Unrealistic ∥ Unreflective ∥ Unreliable ∥ Unrestrained ∥ Unstable ∥ Vacuous ∥ Vague ∥ Venomous ∥ Vindictive ∥ Vulnerable ∥ Weak ∥ Wilful
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Absentminded ∥ Ambitious ∥ Amusing ∥ Artful ∥ Ascetic ∥ Authoritarian ∥ Big-thinking ∥ Boyish ∥ Breezy ∥ Business-like ∥ Busy ∥ Casual ∥ Cerebral ∥ Chummy ∥ Circumspect ∥ Competitive ∥ Complex ∥ Confidential ∥ Conservative ∥ Contradictory ∥ Crisp ∥ Cute ∥ Deceptive ∥ Determined ∥ Dominating ∥ Dreamy ∥ Driving ∥ Droll ∥ Dry ∥ Earthy ∥ Effeminate ∥ Emotional ∥ Enigmatic ∥ Experimental ∥ Familial ∥ Folksy ∥ Formal ∥ Freewheeling ∥ Frugal ∥ Glamorous ∥ Guileless ∥ High-spirited ∥ Hurried ∥ Hypnotic ∥ Iconoclastic ∥ Idiosyncratic ∥ Impassive ∥ Impersonal ∥ Impressionable ∥ Intense ∥ Invisible ∥ Irreligious ∥ Irreverent ∥ Maternal ∥ Mellow ∥ Modern ∥ Moralistic ∥ Mystical ∥ Neutral ∥ Noncommittal ∥ Non-competitive ∥ Obedient ∥ Old-fashioned ∥ Ordinary ∥ Outspoken ∥ Paternalistic ∥ Physical ∥ Placid ∥ Political ∥ Predictable ∥ Preoccupied ∥ Private ∥ Progressive ∥ Proud ∥ Pure ∥ Questioning ∥ Quiet ∥ Religious ∥ Reserved ∥ Restrained ∥ Retiring ∥ Sarcastic ∥ Self-conscious ∥ Sensual ∥ Sceptical ∥ Smooth ∥ Soft ∥ Solemn ∥ Solitary ∥ Stern ∥ Strict ∥ Stubborn ∥ Stylish ∥ Subjective ∥ Surprising ∥ Tough ∥ Unaggressive ∥ Unambitious ∥ Unceremonious ∥ Unchanging ∥ Undemanding ∥ Unfathomable ∥ Unhurried ∥ Uninhibited ∥ Unpatriotic ∥ Unpredictable ∥ Unsentimental ∥ Whimsical
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Accessible ∥ Active ∥ Adaptable ∥ Admirable ∥ Adventurous ∥ Agreeable ∥ Appreciative ∥ Articulate ∥ Aspiring ∥ Athletic ∥ Attractive ∥ Balanced ∥ Brilliant ∥ Calm ∥ Capable ∥ Captivating ∥ Caring ∥ Challenging ∥ Charismatic ∥ Charming ∥ Cheerful ∥ Clean ∥ Clear-headed ∥ Clever ∥ Colorful ∥ Companionly ∥ Compassionate ∥ Confident ∥ Conscientious ∥ Considerate ∥ Constant ∥ Contemplative ∥ Cooperative ∥ Courageous ∥ Courteous ∥ Creative ∥ Cultured ∥ Curious ∥ Daring ∥ Decent ∥ Decisive ∥ Dedicated ∥ Deep ∥ Dignified ∥ Disciplined ∥ Discreet ∥ Dramatic ∥ Dutiful ∥ Earnest ∥ Educated ∥ Elegant ∥ Eloquent ∥ Empathetic ∥ Energetic ∥ Enthusiastic ∥ Esthetic ∥ Exciting ∥ Extraordinary ∥ Fair ∥ Faithful ∥ Farsighted ∥ Flexible ∥ Focused ∥ Forgiving ∥ Forthright ∥ Freethinking ∥ Friendly ∥ Fun-loving ∥ Gallant ∥ Generous ∥ Gentle ∥ Genuine ∥ Good-natured ∥ Gracious ∥ Hardworking ∥ Healthy ∥ Hearty ∥ Helpful ∥ Heroic ∥ High-minded ∥ Honest ∥ Honorable ∥ Humble ∥ Humorous ∥ Idealistic ∥ Imaginative ∥ Impressive ∥ Incorruptible ∥ Independent ∥ Individualistic ∥ Innovative ∥ Inoffensive ∥ Insightful ∥ Insouciant ∥ Intelligent ∥ Intuitive ∥ Invulnerable ∥ Kind ∥ Knowledge ∥ Leader ∥ Logical ∥ Lovable ∥ Loyal ∥ Many-sided ∥ Masculine ∥ Mature ∥ Methodical ∥ Meticulous ∥ Moderate ∥ Modest ∥ Multi-leveled ∥ Neat ∥ Objective ∥ Observant ∥ Open ∥ Optimistic ∥ Orderly ∥ Organized ∥ Original ∥ Painstaking ∥ Passionate ∥ Patient ∥ Peaceful ∥ Perceptive ∥ Perfectionist ∥ Personable ∥ Persuasive ∥ Playful ∥ Popular ∥ Practical ∥ Precise ∥ Principled ∥ Protective ∥ Providential ∥ Punctual ∥ Purposeful ∥ Rational ∥ Realistic ∥ Reflective ∥ Relaxed ∥ Reliable ∥ Resourceful ∥ Respectful ∥ Responsible ∥ Responsive ∥ Romantic ∥ Rustic ∥ Sage ∥ Sane ∥ Scholarly ∥ Scrupulous ∥ Secure ∥ Selfless ∥ Self-critical ∥ Sensitive ∥ Sentimental ∥ Serious ∥ Sexy ∥ Sharing ∥ Simple ∥ Skillful ∥ Sober ∥ Sociable ∥ Sophisticated ∥ Spontaneous ∥ Sporting ∥ Stable ∥ Steadfast ∥ Steady ∥ Stoic ∥ Strong ∥ Studious ∥ Suave ∥ Subtle ∥ Sweet ∥ Sympathetic ∥ Systematic ∥ Tasteful ∥ Teacherly ∥ Thorough ∥ Tidy ∥ Tolerant ∥ Tractable ∥ Trusting ∥ Uncomplaining ∥ Understanding ∥ Upright ∥ Urbane ∥ Venturesome ∥ Vivacious ∥ Warm ∥ Winning ∥ Wise ∥ Witty ∥ Youthful
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snakeley · 5 years
Personality Traits.
Rules - Use BOLD to highlight your muse’s personality traits. Use ITALICS for traits that only apply in certain situations.
tagging: @itsybitsyparker; @inmydrcams ( Mary Stuart ?? ); @riftmeanewverse ( Georgie? ); @fortitudina ( Ramiel? ); @warringpeace ( Ursula? ); @outlawiism; @hdtvtits; @futurepop; @chaosandprotectors ( Seb? ); @ashccra; @lettergave; @godkeing; @tcrnishedgrace ( Gabriel? ); @moonbeammuses​ ( Frankenstein? ); @eidetic187​, YOU !! 
Note: I filled this in for my King Richard II verse. Crowley’s version is here! 
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Abrasive ∥ Abrupt ∥ Agonizing ∥ Aggressive ∥ Aimless ∥ Aloof ∥ Amoral ∥ Angry ∥ Anxious ∥ Apathetic ∥ Arbitrary ∥ Argumentative ∥ Arrogant ∥ Artificial ∥ Asocial ∥ Bewildered ∥ Bizarre ∥ Bland ∥ Blunt ∥ Boisterous ∥ Brittle ∥ Brutal ∥ Calculating ∥ Callous ∥ Cantankerous ∥ Careless ∥ Charmless ∥ Childish ∥ Clumsy ∥ Coarse ∥ Cold ∥ Colorless ∥ Complacent ∥ Complaining ∥ Compulsive ∥ Conceited ∥ Condemnatory ∥ Conformist ∥ Confused ∥ Contemptible ∥ Conventional ∥ Cowardly ∥ Crass ∥ Crazy ∥ Criminal ∥ Critical ∥ Crude ∥ Cruel ∥ Cynical ∥ Decadent ∥ Deceitful ∥ Delicate ∥ Demanding ∥ Dependent ∥ Desperate ∥ Destructive ∥ Devious ∥ Difficult ∥ Disconcerting ∥ Discontented ∥ Discouraging ∥ Discourteous ∥ Dishonest ∥ Disloyal ∥ Disobedient ∥ Disorderly ∥ Disorganized ∥ Disputatious ∥ Disrespectful ∥ Disruptive ∥ Dissonant ∥ Distractible ∥ Disturbing ∥ Dogmatic ∥ Domineering ∥ Dull ∥ Easily Discouraged ∥ Egocentric ∥ Envious ∥ Erratic ∥ Escapist ∥ Extravagant ∥ Extreme ∥ Faithless ∥ False ∥ Fanatical ∥ Fanciful ∥ Fatalistic ∥ Fawning ∥ Fearful ∥ Fickle ∥ Fiery ∥ Fixed ∥ Flamboyant ∥ Foolish ∥ Forgetful ∥ Fraudulent ∥ Frightening ∥ Frivolous ∥ Gloomy ∥ Graceless ∥ Greedy ∥ Grim ∥ Gullible ∥ Hateful ∥ Haughty ∥ Hedonistic ∥ Hesitant ∥ Hidebound ∥ High-handed ∥ Hostile ∥ Ignorant ∥ Imitative ∥ Impatient ∥ Impractical ∥ Imprudent ∥ Impulsive ∥ Inconsiderate ∥ Incurious ∥ Indecisive ∥ Indulgent ∥ Inert ∥ Inhibited ∥ Insecure ∥ Insensitive ∥ Insincere ∥ Insulting ∥ Intolerant ∥ Irascible ∥ Irrational ∥ Irresponsible ∥ Irritable ∥ Lazy ∥ Malicious ∥ Mannerless ∥ Mechanical ∥ Meddlesome ∥ Melancholic ∥ Messy ∥ Miserable ∥ Miserly ∥ Misguided ∥ Mistaken ∥ Money-minded ∥ Moody ∥ Morbid ∥ Muddle-headed ∥ Naive ∥ Narcissistic ∥ Narrow ∥ Narrow-minded ∥ Negative ∥ Neglectful ∥ Neurotic ∥ Nihilistic ∥ Obnoxious ∥ Obsessive ∥ Obvious ∥ Odd ∥ Offhand ∥ One-dimensional ∥ One-sided ∥ Opinionated ∥ Opportunistic ∥ Oppressed ∥ Outrageous ∥ Paranoid ∥ Passive ∥ Pedantic ∥ Perverse ∥ Petty ∥ Plodding ∥ Pompous ∥ Possessive ∥ Power-hungry ∥ Predatory ∥ Prejudiced ∥ Presumptuous ∥ Pretentious ∥ Prim ∥ Procrastinating ∥ Provocative ∥ Puritanical ∥ Quirky ∥ Reactionary ∥ Reactive ∥ Regimental ∥ Regretful ∥ Repentant ∥ Repressed ∥ Resentful ∥ Ridiculous ∥ Rigid ∥ Ritualistic ∥ Ruined ∥ Sadistic ∥ Sanctimonious ∥ Scheming ∥ Scornful ∥ Secretive ∥ Sedentary ∥ Selfish ∥ Self-indulgent ∥ Shallow ∥ Short-sighted ∥ Sloppy ∥ Slow ∥ Sly ∥ Small-thinking ∥ Softheaded ∥ Sordid ∥ Steely ∥ Stiff ∥ Stupid ∥ Submissive ∥ Superficial ∥ Superstitious ∥ Suspicious ∥ Tactless ∥ Tasteless ∥ Tense ∥ Thievish ∥ Thoughtless ∥ Timid ∥ Transparent ∥ Treacherous ∥ Trendy ∥ Troublesome ∥ Unappreciative ∥ Uncaring ∥ Uncharitable ∥ Unconvincing ∥ Uncooperative ∥ Uncreative ∥ Uncritical ∥ Unctuous ∥ Undisciplined ∥ Unfriendly ∥ Ungrateful ∥ Unhealthy ∥ Unimaginative ∥ Unimpressive ∥ Unlovable ∥ Unpolished ∥ Unprincipled ∥ Unrealistic ∥ Unreflective ∥ Unreliable ∥ Unrestrained ∥ Unstable ∥ Vacuous ∥ Vague ∥ Venomous ∥ Vindictive ∥ Vulnerable ∥ Weak ∥ Wilful
Absentminded ∥ Ambitious ∥ Amusing ∥ Artful ∥ Ascetic ∥ Authoritarian ∥ Big-thinking ∥ Boyish ∥ Breezy ∥ Business-like ∥ Busy ∥ Casual ∥ Cerebral ∥ Chummy ∥ Circumspect ∥ Competitive ∥ Complex ∥ Confidential ∥ Conservative ∥ Contradictory ∥ Crisp ∥ Cute ∥ Deceptive ∥ Determined ∥ Dominating ∥ Dreamy ∥ Driving ∥ Droll ∥ Dry ∥ Earthy ∥ Effeminate ∥ Emotional ∥ Enigmatic ∥ Experimental ∥ Familial ∥ Folksy ∥ Formal ∥ Freewheeling ∥ Frugal ∥ Glamorous ∥ Guileless ∥ High-spirited ∥ Hurried ∥ Hypnotic ∥ Iconoclastic ∥ Idiosyncratic ∥ Impassive ∥ Impersonal ∥ Impressionable ∥ Intense ∥ Invisible ∥ Irreligious ∥ Irreverent ∥ Maternal ∥ Mellow ∥ Modern ∥ Moralistic ∥ Mystical ∥ Neutral ∥ Noncommittal ∥ Non-competitive ∥ Obedient ∥ Old-fashioned ∥ Ordinary ∥ Outspoken ∥ Paternalistic ∥ Physical ∥ Placid ∥ Political ∥ Predictable ∥ Preoccupied ∥ Private ∥ Progressive ∥ Proud ∥ Pure ∥ Questioning ∥ Quiet ∥ Religious ∥ Reserved ∥ Restrained ∥ Retiring ∥ Sarcastic ∥ Self-conscious ∥ Sensual ∥ Sceptical ∥ Smooth ∥ Soft ∥ Solemn ∥ Solitary ∥ Stern ∥ Strict ∥ Stubborn ∥ Stylish ∥ Subjective ∥ Surprising ∥ Tough ∥ Unaggressive ∥ Unambitious ∥ Unceremonious ∥ Unchanging ∥ Undemanding ∥ Unfathomable ∥ Unhurried ∥ Uninhibited ∥ Unpatriotic ∥ Unpredictable ∥ Unsentimental ∥ Whimsical
Accessible ∥ Active ∥ Adaptable ∥ Admirable ∥ Adventurous ∥ Agreeable ∥ Appreciative ∥ Articulate ∥ Aspiring ∥ Athletic ∥ Attractive ∥ Balanced ∥ Brilliant ∥ Calm ∥ Capable ∥ Captivating ∥ Caring ∥ Challenging ∥ Charismatic ∥ Charming ∥ Cheerful ∥ Clean ∥ Clear-headed ∥ Clever ∥ Colorful ∥ Companionly ∥ Compassionate ∥ Confident ∥ Conscientious ∥ Considerate ∥ Constant ∥ Contemplative ∥ Cooperative ∥ Courageous ∥ Courteous ∥ Creative ∥ Cultured ∥ Curious ∥ Daring ∥ Decent ∥ Decisive ∥ Dedicated ∥ Deep ∥ Dignified ∥ Disciplined ∥ Discreet ∥ Dramatic ∥ Dutiful ∥ Earnest ∥ Educated ∥ Elegant ∥ Eloquent ∥ Empathetic ∥ Energetic ∥ Enthusiastic ∥ Esthetic ∥ Exciting ∥ Extraordinary ∥ Fair ∥ Faithful ∥ Farsighted ∥ Flexible ∥ Focused ∥ Forgiving ∥ Forthright ∥ Freethinking ∥ Friendly ∥ Fun-loving ∥ Gallant ∥ Generous ∥ Gentle ∥ Genuine ∥ Good-natured ∥ Gracious ∥ Hardworking ∥ Healthy ∥ Hearty ∥ Helpful ∥ Heroic ∥ High-minded ∥ Honest ∥ Honorable ∥ Humble ∥ Humorous ∥ Idealistic ∥ Imaginative ∥ Impressive ∥ Incorruptible ∥ Independent ∥ Individualistic ∥ Innovative ∥ Inoffensive ∥ Insightful ∥ Insouciant ∥ Intelligent ∥ Intuitive ∥ Invulnerable ∥ Kind ∥ Knowledge ∥ Leader ∥ Logical ∥ Lovable ∥ Loyal ∥ Many-sided ∥ Masculine ∥ Mature ∥ Methodical ∥ Meticulous ∥ Moderate ∥ Modest ∥ Multi-leveled ∥ Neat ∥ Objective ∥ Observant ∥ Open ∥ Optimistic ∥ Orderly ∥ Organized ∥ Original ∥ Painstaking ∥ Passionate ∥ Patient ∥ Peaceful ∥ Perceptive ∥ Perfectionist ∥ Personable ∥ Persuasive ∥ Playful ∥ Popular ∥ Practical ∥ Precise ∥ Principled ∥ Protective ∥ Providential ∥ Punctual ∥ Purposeful ∥ Rational ∥ Realistic ∥ Reflective ∥ Relaxed ∥ Reliable ∥ Resourceful ∥ Respectful ∥ Responsible ∥ Responsive ∥ Romantic ∥ Rustic ∥ Sage ∥ Sane ∥ Scholarly ∥ Scrupulous ∥ Secure ∥ Selfless ∥ Self-critical ∥ Sensitive ∥ Sentimental ∥ Serious ∥ Sexy ∥ Sharing ∥ Simple ∥ Skillful ∥ Sober ∥ Sociable ∥ Sophisticated ∥ Spontaneous ∥ Sporting ∥ Stable ∥ Steadfast ∥ Steady ∥ Stoic ∥ Strong ∥ Studious ∥ Suave ∥ Subtle ∥ Sweet ∥ Sympathetic ∥ Systematic ∥ Tasteful ∥ Teacherly ∥ Thorough ∥ Tidy ∥ Tolerant ∥ Tractable ∥ Trusting ∥ Uncomplaining ∥ Understanding ∥ Upright ∥ Urbane ∥ Venturesome ∥ Vivacious ∥ Warm ∥ Winning ∥ Wise ∥ Witty ∥ Youthful
9 notes · View notes
acrophobicjack · 5 years
Personality Traits.
Bold your muse’s personality traits. Italicize what’s circumstantial.
TAGGED BY: @clonelyboy​ TAGGING: Whoever wants to!! 
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abrasive. abrupt. agonizing. aggressive. aimless. aloof. amoral. angry. anxious. apathetic. arbitrary. argumentative. arrogant. artificial. asocial. bewildered. bizarre. bland. blunt. boisterous. brittle. brutal. calculating. callous. cantankerous. careless. charmless. childish. clumsy. coarse. cold. colorless. complacent. complaining. compulsive. conceited. condemnatory. conformist. confused. contemptible. conventional. cowardly. crass. crazy. criminal. critical. crude. cruel. cynical. decadent. deceitful. delicate. demanding. dependent. desperate. destructive. devious. difficult. disconcerting. discontented. discouraging. discourteous. dishonest. disloyal. disobedient. disorderly. disorganized. disputatious. disrespectful. disruptive. dissonant. distractible. disturbing. dogmatic. domineering. dull. easily discouraged. egocentric. envious. erratic. escapist. extravagant. extreme. faithless. false. fanatical. fanciful. fatalistic. fawning. fearful. fickle. fiery. fixed. foolish. forgetful. fraudulent. frightening. frivolous. gloomy. graceless. greedy. grim. gullible. hateful. haughty. hedonistic. hesitant. hidebound. high-handed. hostile. ignorant. imitative. impatient. impractical. imprudent. impulsive. inconsiderate. incurious. indecisive. indulgent. inert. inhibited. insecure. insensitive. insincere. insulting. intolerant. irascible. irrational. irresponsible. irritable. lazy. malicious. mannerless. mechanical. meddlesome. melancholic. messy. miserable. miserly. misguided. mistaken. money-minded. moody. morbid. muddle-headed. naive. narcissistic. narrow. narrow-minded. negative. neglectful. neurotic. nihilistic. obnoxious. obsessive. obvious. odd. offhand. one-dimensional. one-sided. opinionated. opportunistic. oppressed. outrageous. paranoid. passive. pedantic. perverse. petty. plodding. pompous. possessive. power-hungry. predatory. prejudiced. presumptuous. pretentious. prim. procrastinating. provocative. puritanical. quirky. reactionary. reactive. regimental. regretful. repentant. repressed. resentful. ridiculous. rigid. ritualistic. ruined. sadistic. sanctimonious. scheming. scornful. secretive. sedentary. selfish. self-indulgent. shallow. short-sighted. sloppy. slow. sly. small-thinking. softheaded. sordid. steely. stiff. stupid. submissive. superficial. superstitious. suspicious. tactless. tasteless. tense. thievish. thoughtless. timid. transparent. treacherous. trendy. troublesome. unappreciative. uncaring. uncharitable. unconvincing. uncooperative. uncreative. uncritical. unctuous. undisciplined. unfriendly. ungrateful. unhealthy. unimaginative. unimpressive. unlovable. unpolished. unprincipled. unrealistic. unreflective. unreliable. unrestrained. unstable. vacuous. vague. venomous. vindictive. vulnerable. weak. willful.
absentminded. ambitious. amusing. artful. ascetic. authoritarian. big-thinking. breezy. business-like. busy. casual. cerebral. chummy. circumspect. competitive. complex. confidential. conservative. contradictory. crisp. cute. deceptive. determined. dominating. dreamy. driving. droll. dry. earthy. effeminate. emotional. enigmatic. experimental. familial. folksy. formal. freewheeling. frugal. glamorous. guileless. high-spirited. hurried. hypnotic. iconoclastic. idiosyncratic. impassive. impersonal. impressionable. intense. invisible. irreligious. irreverent. maternal. mellow. modern. moralistic. mystical. neutral. noncommittal. non-competitive. obedient. old-fashioned. ordinary. outspoken. paternalistic. physical. placid. political. predictable. preoccupied. private. progressive. proud. pure. questioning. quiet. religious. reserved. restrained. retiring. sarcastic. self-conscious. sensual. skeptical. smooth. soft. solemn. solitary. stern. strict. stubborn. stylish. subjective. surprising. tough. unaggressive. unambitious. unceremonious. unchanging. undemanding. unfathomable. unhurried. uninhibited. unpatriotic. unpredictable. unsentimental. whimsical.
accessible. active. adaptable. admirable. adventurous. agreeable. appreciative. articulate. aspiring. athletic. attractive. balanced. brilliant. calm. capable. captivating. caring. challenging. charismatic. charming. cheerful. clean. clear-headed. clever. colorful. companionly. compassionate. confident. conscientious. considerate. constant. contemplative. cooperative. courageous. courteous. creative. cultured. curious. daring. decent. decisive. dedicated. deep. dignified. disciplined. discreet. dramatic. dutiful. earnest. educated. elegant. eloquent. empathetic. energetic. enthusiastic. exciting. extraordinary. fair. faithful. farsighted. flexible. focused. forgiving. forthright. freethinking. friendly. fun-loving. gallant. generous. gently. genuine. good-natured. gracious. hardworking. healthy. hearty. helpful. heroic. high-minded. honest. honorable. humble. humorous. idealistic. imaginative. impressive. incorruptible. independent. individualistic. innovative. inoffensive. insightful. insouciant. intelligent. intuitive. invulnerable. kind. knowledgeable. leader. logical. lovable. loyal. many-sided. masculine. mature. methodical. meticulous. moderate. modest. multi-leveled. neat. objective. observant. open. optimistic. orderly. organized. original. painstaking. passionate. patient. peaceful. perceptive. perfectionist. personable. persuasive. playful. popular. practical. precise. principled. protective. providential. punctual. purposeful. rational. realistic. reflective. relaxed. reliable. resourceful. respectful. responsible. responsive. romantic. rustic. sage. sane. scholarly. scrupulous. secure. selfless. self-critical. sensitive. sentimental. serious. sexy. sharing. simple. skillful. sober. sociable. sophisticated. spontaneous. sporting. stable. steadfast. steady. stoic. strong. studious. suave. subtle. sweet. sympathetic. systematic. tasteful. treacherous. thorough. tidy. tolerant. tractable. trusting. uncomplaining. understanding. upright. urbane. venturesome. vivacious. warm. winning. wise. witty. youthful.
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mysteriesdelved · 5 years
Personality Traits.
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Bold your muse’s personality traits. Italicize what’s circumstantial.
TAGGED BY:  @warsraging​ TAGGING:  @tyranted​ @rembrin​ @clonelyboy​ @bookburnt​ @revulsicn​ (mio)
abrasive. abrupt. agonizing. aggressive. aimless. aloof. amoral. angry. anxious. apathetic. arbitrary. argumentative. arrogant. artificial. asocial. bewildered. bizarre. bland. blunt. boisterous. brittle. brutal. calculating. callous. cantankerous. careless. charmless. childish. clumsy. coarse. cold. colorless. complacent. complaining. compulsive. conceited. condemnatory. conformist. confused. contemptible. conventional. cowardly. crass. crazy. criminal. critical. crude. cruel. cynical. decadent. deceitful. delicate. demanding. dependent. desperate. destructive. devious. difficult. disconcerting. discontented. discouraging. discourteous. dishonest. disloyal. disobedient. disorderly. disorganized. disputatious. disrespectful. disruptive. dissonant. distractible. disturbing. dogmatic. domineering. dull. easily discouraged. egocentric. envious. erratic. escapist. extravagant. extreme. faithless. false. fanatical. fanciful. fatalistic. fawning. fearful. fickle. fiery. fixed. flamboyant. foolish. forgetful. fraudulent. frightening. frivolous. gloomy. graceless. greedy. grim. gullible. hateful. haughty. hedonistic. hesitant. hidebound. high-handed. hostile. ignorant. imitative. impatient. impractical. imprudent. impulsive. inconsiderate. incurious. indecisive. indulgent. inert. inhibited. insecure. insensitive. insincere. insulting. intolerant. irascible. irrational. irresponsible. irritable. lazy. malicious. mannerless. mechanical. meddlesome. melancholic. messy. miserable. miserly. misguided. mistaken. money-minded. moody. morbid. muddle-headed. naive. narcissistic. narrow. narrow-minded. negative. neglectful. neurotic. nihilistic. obnoxious. obsessive. obvious. odd. offhand. one-dimensional. one-sided. opinionated. opportunistic. oppressed. outrageous. paranoid. passive. pedantic. perverse. petty. plodding. pompous. possessive. power-hungry. predatory. prejudiced. presumptuous. pretentious. prim. procrastinating. provocative. puritanical. quirky. reactionary. reactive. regimental. regretful. repentant. repressed. resentful. ridiculous. rigid. ritualistic. ruined. sadistic. sanctimonious. scheming. scornful. secretive. sedentary. selfish. self-indulgent. shallow. short-sighted. sloppy. slow. sly. small-thinking. softheaded. sordid. steely. stiff. stupid. submissive. superficial. superstitious. suspicious. tactless. tasteless. tense. thievish. thoughtless. timid. transparent. treacherous. trendy. troublesome. unappreciative. uncaring. uncharitable. unconvincing. uncooperative. uncreative. uncritical. unctuous. undisciplined. unfriendly. ungrateful. unhealthy. unimaginative. unimpressive. unlovable. unpolished. unprincipled. unrealistic. unreflective. unreliable. unrestrained. unstable. vacuous. vague. venomous. vindictive. vulnerable. weak. willful.
absentminded. ambitious. amusing. artful. ascetic. authoritarian. big-thinking. boyish. breezy. business-like. busy. casual. cerebral. chummy. circumspect. competitive. complex. confidential. conservative. contradictory. crisp. cute. deceptive. determined. dominating. dreamy. driving. droll. dry. earthy. effeminate. emotional. enigmatic. experimental. familial. folksy. formal. freewheeling. frugal. glamorous. guileless. high-spirited. hurried. hypnotic. iconoclastic. idiosyncratic. impassive. impersonal. impressionable. intense. invisible. irreligious. irreverent. maternal. mellow. modern. moralistic. mystical. neutral. noncommittal. non-competitive. obedient. old-fashioned. ordinary. outspoken. paternalistic. physical. placid. political. predictable. preoccupied. private. progressive. proud. pure. questioning. quiet. religious. reserved. restrained. retiring. sarcastic. self-conscious. sensual. skeptical. smooth. soft. solemn. solitary. stern. strict. stubborn. stylish. subjective. surprising. tough. unaggressive. unambitious. unceremonious. unchanging. undemanding. unfathomable. unhurried. uninhibited. unpatriotic. unpredictable. unsentimental. whimsical.
accessible. active. adaptable. admirable. adventurous. agreeable. appreciative. articulate. aspiring. athletic. attractive. balanced. brilliant. calm. capable. captivating. caring. challenging. charismatic. charming. cheerful. clean. clear-headed. clever. colorful. companionly. compassionate. confident. conscientious. considerate. constant. contemplative. cooperative. courageous. courteous. creative. cultured. curious. daring. decent. decisive. dedicated. deep. dignified. disciplined. discreet. dramatic. dutiful. earnest. educated. elegant. eloquent. empathetic. energetic. enthusiastic. exciting. extraordinary. fair. faithful. farsighted. flexible. focused. forgiving. forthright. freethinking. friendly. fun-loving. gallant. generous. gently. genuine. good-natured. gracious. hardworking. healthy. hearty. helpful. heroic. high-minded. honest. honorable. humble. humorous. idealistic. imaginative. impressive. incorruptible. independent. individualistic. innovative. inoffensive. insightful. insouciant. intelligent. intuitive. invulnerable. kind. knowledgeable. leader. logical. lovable. loyal. many-sided. masculine. mature. methodical. meticulous. moderate. modest. multi-leveled. neat. objective. observant. open. optimistic. orderly. organized. original. painstaking. passionate. patient. peaceful. perceptive. perfectionist. personable. persuasive. playful. popular. practical. precise. principled. protective. providential. punctual. purposeful. rational. realistic. reflective. relaxed. reliable. resourceful. respectful. responsible. responsive. romantic. rustic. sage. sane. scholarly. scrupulous. secure. selfless. self-critical. sensitive. sentimental. serious. sexy. sharing. simple. skillful. sober. sociable. sophisticated. spontaneous. sporting. stable. steadfast. steady. stoic. strong. studious. suave. subtle. sweet. sympathetic. systematic. tasteful. treacherous. thorough. tidy. tolerant. tractable. trusting. uncomplaining. understanding. upright. urbane. venturesome. vivacious. warm. winning. wise. witty. youthful.
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spiritmaiden23 · 5 years
Bold your muse’s personality traits. Italicize what’s circumstantial.
TAGGED BY:  shIT I THINK IT WAS @imaginembrace​ kels i’ve almost forgotten your url i am so sorry  TAGGING:  steal it yo it’s been years and idk who’s where or active 
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abrasive. abrupt. agonizing. aggressive. aimless. aloof. amoral. angry. anxious. apathetic. arbitrary. argumentative. arrogant. artificial. asocial. bewildered. bizarre. bland. blunt. boisterous. brittle. brutal. calculating. callous. cantankerous. careless. charmless. childish. clumsy. coarse. cold. colorless. complacent. complaining. compulsive. conceited. condemnatory. conformist. confused. contemptible. conventional. cowardly. crass. crazy. criminal. critical. crude. cruel. cynical. decadent. deceitful. delicate. demanding. dependent. desperate. destructive. devious. difficult. disconcerting. discontented. discouraging. discourteous. dishonest. disloyal. disobedient. disorderly. disorganized. disputatious.disrespectful. disruptive. dissonant. distractible. disturbing. dogmatic. domineering. dull. easily discouraged. egocentric. envious. erratic. escapist. extravagant. extreme. faithless. false. fanatical. fanciful. fatalistic. fawning. fearful. fickle. fiery. fixed. flamboyant. foolish. forgetful. fraudulent. frightening. frivolous. gloomy. graceless. greedy. grim. gullible. hateful.haughty. hedonistic. hesitant. hidebound. high-handed. hostile. ignorant. imitative.impatient. impractical. imprudent. impulsive. inconsiderate. incurious. indecisive. indulgent. inert. inhibited. insecure. insensitive. insincere. insulting. intolerant. irascible. irrational. irresponsible. irritable. lazy. malicious. mannerless. mechanical. meddlesome. melancholic. messy. miserable. miserly. misguided. mistaken. money-minded. moody. morbid. muddle-headed. naive. narcissistic. narrow. narrow-minded. negative. neglectful. neurotic. nihilistic.obnoxious. obsessive. obvious. odd. offhand. one-dimensional. one-sided. opinionated. opportunistic. oppressed. outrageous. paranoid. passive. pedantic. perverse. petty. plodding. pompous. possessive. power-hungry. predatory. prejudiced. presumptuous. pretentious. prim. procrastinating. provocative. puritanical. quirky. reactionary. reactive. regimental.regretful. repentant. repressed. resentful. ridiculous. rigid. ritualistic. ruined. sadistic. sanctimonious. scheming. scornful. secretive. sedentary. selfish. self-indulgent. shallow. short-sighted. sloppy. slow. sly. small-thinking. softheaded. sordid. steely. stiff. stupid. submissive. superficial. superstitious. suspicious. tactless. tasteless. tense. thievish. thoughtless. timid. transparent. treacherous. trendy. troublesome. unappreciative. uncaring. uncharitable. unconvincing. uncooperative. uncreative. uncritical. unctuous. undisciplined.unfriendly. ungrateful. unhealthy. unimaginative. unimpressive. unlovable. unpolished. unprincipled. unrealistic. unreflective. unreliable. unrestrained. unstable. vacuous. vague. venomous. vindictive. vulnerable. weak. willful.
absentminded. ambitious. amusing. artful. ascetic. authoritarian. big-thinking. boyish. breezy. business-like. busy. casual. cerebral. chummy. circumspect. competitive. complex. confidential. conservative. contradictory. crisp. cute. deceptive. determined. dominating. dreamy. driving. droll. dry. earthy. effeminate. emotional. enigmatic. experimental. familial. folksy. formal. freewheeling. frugal. glamorous. guileless. high-spirited. hurried. hypnotic. iconoclastic. idiosyncratic. impassive. impersonal. impressionable. intense. invisible. irreligious. irreverent. maternal. mellow. modern. moralistic. mystical. neutral. noncommittal. non-competitive. obedient. old-fashioned. ordinary. outspoken. paternalistic. physical. placid. political. predictable. preoccupied. private. progressive. proud. pure. questioning. quiet. religious. reserved. restrained. retiring. sarcastic. self-conscious. sensual. skeptical. smooth. soft. solemn. solitary. stern. strict. stubborn. stylish. subjective. surprising. tough. unaggressive. unambitious. unceremonious. unchanging. undemanding. unfathomable. unhurried. uninhibited. unpatriotic. unpredictable. unsentimental. whimsical.
accessible. active. adaptable. admirable. adventurous. agreeable. appreciative. articulate. aspiring. athletic. attractive. balanced. brilliant. calm. capable. captivating. caring. challenging. charismatic. charming. cheerful. clean. clear-headed. clever. colorful. companionly. compassionate. confident. conscientious. considerate. constant. contemplative. cooperative. courageous. courteous. creative. cultured. curious. daring. decent. decisive. dedicated. deep. dignified. disciplined. discreet. dramatic. dutiful. earnest.educated. elegant. eloquent. empathetic. energetic. enthusiastic. exciting. extraordinary. fair. faithful. farsighted. flexible. focused. forgiving. forthright. freethinking. friendly. fun-loving. gallant. generous. gently. genuine. good-natured. gracious. hardworking. healthy. hearty. helpful. heroic. high-minded. honest. honorable. humble. humorous. idealistic. imaginative. impressive. incorruptible. independent. individualistic. innovative. inoffensive. insightful. insouciant. intelligent. intuitive. invulnerable. kind. knowledgeable. leader. logical. lovable.loyal. many-sided. masculine. mature. methodical. meticulous. moderate. modest. multi-leveled. neat. objective. observant. open. optimistic. orderly. organized. original. painstaking. passionate. patient. peaceful. perceptive. perfectionist. personable. persuasive. playful. popular. practical. precise. principled. protective. providential. punctual. purposeful. rational. realistic. reflective. relaxed. reliable. resourceful. respectful. responsible. responsive. romantic. rustic. sage. sane. scholarly. scrupulous. secure. selfless. self-critical. sensitive.sentimental. serious. sexy. sharing. simple. skillful. sober. sociable. sophisticated. spontaneous. sporting. stable. steadfast. steady. stoic. strong. studious. suave. subtle. sweet. sympathetic. systematic. tasteful. treacherous. thorough. tidy. tolerant. tractable. trusting. uncomplaining. understanding. upright. urbane. venturesome. vivacious. warm. winning. wise. witty. youthful.
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hatad · 5 years
Personality Traits.
Bold your muse’s personality traits. Italicize what’s circumstantial.
TAGGED BY:  @mysteriesdelved​ TAGGING:  @ghrizleys​ , @forseit​ , @desertbroad​ , @mindsmade​ 
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abrasive. abrupt. agonizing. aggressive. aimless. aloof. amoral. angry. anxious. apathetic. arbitrary. argumentative. arrogant. artificial. asocial. bewildered. bizarre. bland. blunt. boisterous. brittle. brutal. calculating. callous. cantankerous. careless. charmless. childish. clumsy. coarse. cold. colorless. complacent. complaining. compulsive. conceited. condemnatory. conformist. confused. contemptible. conventional. cowardly. crass. crazy. criminal. critical. crude. cruel. cynical. decadent. deceitful. delicate. demanding. dependent. desperate. destructive. devious. difficult. disconcerting. discontented. discouraging. discourteous. dishonest. disloyal. disobedient. disorderly. disorganized. disputatious. disrespectful. disruptive. dissonant. distractible. disturbing. dogmatic. domineering. dull. easily discouraged. egocentric. envious. erratic. escapist. extravagant. extreme. faithless. false. fanatical. fanciful. fatalistic. fawning. fearful. fickle. fiery. fixed. flamboyant. foolish. forgetful. fraudulent. frightening. frivolous. gloomy. graceless. greedy. grim. gullible. hateful. haughty. hedonistic. hesitant. hidebound. high-handed. hostile. ignorant. imitative. impatient. impractical. imprudent. impulsive. inconsiderate. incurious. indecisive. indulgent. inert. inhibited. insecure. insensitive. insincere. insulting. intolerant. irascible. irrational. irresponsible. irritable. lazy. malicious. mannerless. mechanical. meddlesome. melancholic. messy. miserable. miserly. misguided. mistaken. money-minded. moody. morbid. muddle-headed. naive. narcissistic. narrow. narrow-minded. negative. neglectful. neurotic. nihilistic. obnoxious. obsessive. obvious. odd. offhand. one-dimensional. one-sided. opinionated. opportunistic. oppressed. outrageous. paranoid. passive. pedantic. perverse. petty. plodding. pompous. possessive. power-hungry. predatory. prejudiced. presumptuous. pretentious. prim. procrastinating. provocative. puritanical. quirky. reactionary. reactive. regimental. regretful. repentant. repressed. resentful. ridiculous. rigid. ritualistic. ruined. sadistic. sanctimonious. scheming. scornful. secretive. sedentary. selfish. self-indulgent. shallow. short-sighted. sloppy. slow. sly. small-thinking. softheaded. sordid. steely. stiff. stupid. submissive. superficial. superstitious. suspicious. tactless. tasteless. tense. thievish. thoughtless. timid. transparent. treacherous. trendy. troublesome. unappreciative. uncaring. uncharitable. unconvincing. uncooperative. uncreative. uncritical. unctuous. undisciplined. unfriendly. ungrateful. unhealthy. unimaginative. unimpressive. unlovable. unpolished. unprincipled. unrealistic. unreflective. unreliable. unrestrained. unstable. vacuous. vague. venomous. vindictive. vulnerable. weak. willful.
absentminded. ambitious. amusing. artful. ascetic. authoritarian. big-thinking. boyish. breezy. business-like. busy. casual. cerebral. chummy. circumspect. competitive. complex. confidential. conservative. contradictory. crisp. cute. deceptive. determined. dominating. dreamy. driving. droll. dry. earthy. effeminate. emotional. enigmatic. experimental. familial. folksy. formal. freewheeling. frugal. glamorous. guileless. high-spirited. hurried. hypnotic. iconoclastic. idiosyncratic. impassive. impersonal. impressionable. intense. invisible. irreligious. irreverent. maternal. mellow. modern. moralistic. mystical. neutral. noncommittal. non-competitive. obedient. old-fashioned. ordinary. outspoken. paternalistic. physical. placid. political. predictable. preoccupied. private. progressive. proud. pure. questioning. quiet. religious. reserved. restrained. retiring. sarcastic. self-conscious. sensual. skeptical. smooth. soft. solemn. solitary. stern. strict. stubborn. stylish. subjective. surprising. tough. unaggressive. unambitious. unceremonious. unchanging. undemanding. unfathomable. unhurried. uninhibited. unpatriotic. unpredictable. unsentimental. whimsical.
accessible. active. adaptable. admirable. adventurous. agreeable. appreciative. articulate. aspiring. athletic. attractive. balanced. brilliant. calm. capable. captivating. caring. challenging. charismatic. charming. cheerful. clean. clear-headed. clever. colorful. companionly. compassionate. confident. conscientious. considerate. constant. contemplative. cooperative. courageous. courteous. creative. cultured. curious. daring. decent. decisive. dedicated. deep. dignified. disciplined. discreet. dramatic. dutiful. earnest. educated. elegant. eloquent. empathetic. energetic. enthusiastic. exciting. extraordinary. fair. faithful. farsighted. flexible. focused. forgiving. forthright. freethinking. friendly. fun-loving. gallant. generous. gently. genuine. good-natured. gracious. hardworking. healthy. hearty. helpful. heroic. high-minded. honest. honorable. humble. humorous. idealistic. imaginative. impressive. incorruptible. independent. individualistic. innovative. inoffensive. insightful. insouciant. intelligent. intuitive. invulnerable. kind. knowledgeable. leader. logical. lovable. loyal. many-sided. masculine. mature. methodical. meticulous. moderate. modest. multi-leveled. neat. objective. observant. open. optimistic. orderly. organized. original. painstaking. passionate. patient. peaceful. perceptive. perfectionist. personable. persuasive. playful. popular. practical. precise. principled. protective. providential. punctual. purposeful. rational. realistic. reflective. relaxed. reliable. resourceful. respectful. responsible. responsive. romantic. rustic. sage. sane. scholarly. scrupulous. secure. selfless. self-critical. sensitive. sentimental. serious. sexy. sharing. simple. skillful. sober. sociable. sophisticated. spontaneous. sporting. stable. steadfast. steady. stoic. strong. studious. suave. subtle. sweet. sympathetic. systematic. tasteful. treacherous. thorough. tidy. tolerant. tractable. trusting. uncomplaining. understanding. upright. urbane. venturesome. vivacious. warm. winning. wise. witty. youthful.
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gentlejack · 4 years
Personality Traits.
Rules - Use BOLD to highlight your muse’s personality traits. Use ITALICS for traits that only apply in certain situations.
tagging: @notoccultx​, @ann-waking​, @ofcrownest​, @vorcotec​, @explosiveheroics​, @onlyliberty​, @trickstercaptain​, @floracaptus​, @thirtnth​, @thefifthtm​, @piraticalwit​, @projectgalatea​, YOU !! 
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Abrasive ∥ Abrupt ∥ Agonizing ∥ Aggressive ∥ Aimless ∥ Aloof ∥ Amoral ∥ Angry ∥ Anxious ∥ Apathetic ∥ Arbitrary ∥ Argumentative ∥ Arrogant ∥ Artificial ∥ Asocial ∥ Bewildered ∥ Bizarre ∥ Bland ∥ Blunt ∥ Boisterous ∥ Brittle ∥ Brutal ∥ Calculating ∥ Callous ∥ Cantankerous ∥ Careless ∥ Charmless ∥ Childish ∥ Clumsy ∥ Coarse ∥ Cold ∥ Colorless ∥ Complacent ∥ Complaining ∥ Compulsive ∥ Conceited ∥ Condemnatory ∥ Conformist ∥ Confused ∥ Contemptible ∥ Conventional ∥ Cowardly ∥ Crass ∥ Crazy ∥ Criminal ∥ Critical ∥ Crude ∥ Cruel ∥ Cynical ∥ Decadent ∥ Deceitful ∥ Delicate ∥ Demanding ∥ Dependent ∥ Desperate ∥ Destructive ∥ Devious ∥ Difficult ∥ Disconcerting ∥ Discontented ∥ Discouraging ∥ Discourteous ∥ Dishonest ∥ Disloyal ∥ Disobedient ∥ Disorderly ∥ Disorganized ∥ Disputatious ∥ Disrespectful ∥ Disruptive ∥ Dissonant ∥ Distractible ∥ Disturbing ∥ Dogmatic ∥ Domineering ∥ Dull ∥ Easily Discouraged ∥ Egocentric ∥ Envious ∥ Erratic ∥ Escapist ∥ Extravagant ∥ Extreme ∥ Faithless ∥ False ∥ Fanatical ∥ Fanciful ∥ Fatalistic ∥ Fawning ∥ Fearful ∥ Fickle ∥ Fiery ∥ Fixed ∥ Flamboyant ∥ Foolish ∥ Forgetful ∥ Fraudulent ∥ Frightening ∥ Frivolous ∥ Gloomy ∥ Graceless ∥ Greedy ∥ Grim ∥ Gullible ∥ Hateful ∥ Haughty ∥ Hedonistic ∥ Hesitant ∥ Hidebound ∥ High-handed ∥ Hostile ∥ Ignorant ∥ Imitative ∥ Impatient ∥ Impractical ∥ Imprudent ∥ Impulsive ∥ Inconsiderate ∥ Incurious ∥ Indecisive ∥ Indulgent ∥ Inert ∥ Inhibited ∥ Insecure ∥ Insensitive ∥ Insincere ∥ Insulting ∥ Intolerant ∥ Irascible ∥ Irrational ∥ Irresponsible ∥ Irritable ∥ Lazy ∥ Malicious ∥ Mannerless ∥ Mechanical ∥ Meddlesome ∥ Melancholic ∥ Messy ∥ Miserable ∥ Miserly ∥ Misguided ∥ Mistaken ∥ Money-minded ∥ Moody ∥ Morbid ∥ Muddle-headed ∥ Naive ∥ Narcissistic ∥ Narrow ∥ Narrow-minded ∥ Negative ∥ Neglectful ∥ Neurotic ∥ Nihilistic ∥ Obnoxious ∥ Obsessive ∥ Obvious ∥ Odd ∥ Offhand ∥ One-dimensional ∥ One-sided ∥ Opinionated ∥ Opportunistic ∥ Oppressed ∥ Outrageous ∥ Paranoid ∥ Passive ∥ Pedantic ∥ Perverse ∥ Petty ∥   Plodding ∥ Pompous ∥ Possessive ∥ Power-hungry ∥ Predatory ∥ Prejudiced ∥ Presumptuous ∥ Pretentious ∥ Prim ∥ Procrastinating ∥ Provocative ∥ Puritanical ∥ Quirky ∥ Reactionary ∥ Reactive ∥ Regimental ∥ Regretful ∥ Repentant ∥ Repressed ∥ Resentful ∥ Ridiculous ∥ Rigid ∥ Ritualistic ∥ Ruined ∥ Sadistic ∥ Sanctimonious ∥ Scheming ∥ Scornful ∥ Secretive ∥ Sedentary ∥ Selfish ∥ Self-indulgent ∥ Shallow ∥ Short-sighted ∥ Sloppy ∥ Slow ∥ Sly ∥ Small-thinking ∥ Softheaded ∥ Sordid ∥ Steely ∥ Stiff ∥ Stupid ∥ Submissive ∥ Superficial ∥ Superstitious ∥ Suspicious ∥ Tactless ∥ Tasteless ∥ Tense ∥ Thievish ∥ Thoughtless ∥ Timid ∥ Transparent ∥ Treacherous ∥ Trendy ∥ Troublesome ∥ Unappreciative ∥ Uncaring ∥ Uncharitable ∥ Unconvincing ∥ Uncooperative ∥ Uncreative ∥ Uncritical ∥ Unctuous ∥ Undisciplined ∥ Unfriendly ∥ Ungrateful ∥ Unhealthy ∥ Unimaginative ∥ Unimpressive ∥ Unlovable ∥ Unpolished ∥ Unprincipled ∥ Unrealistic ∥ Unreflective ∥ Unreliable ∥ Unrestrained ∥ Unstable ∥ Vacuous ∥ Vague ∥ Venomous ∥ Vindictive ∥ Vulnerable ∥ Weak ∥ Wilful
Absentminded ∥ Ambitious ∥ Amusing ∥ Artful ∥ Ascetic ∥ Authoritarian ∥ Big-thinking ∥ Boyish ∥ Breezy ∥ Business-like ∥ Busy ∥ Casual ∥ Cerebral ∥ Chummy ∥ Circumspect ∥ Competitive ∥ Complex ∥ Confidential ∥ Conservative ∥ Contradictory ∥ Crisp ∥ Cute ∥ Deceptive ∥ Determined ∥ Dominating ∥ Dreamy ∥ Driving ∥ Droll ∥ Dry ∥ Earthy ∥ Effeminate ∥ Emotional ∥ Enigmatic ∥ Experimental ∥ Familial ∥ Folksy ∥ Formal ∥ Freewheeling ∥ Frugal ∥ Glamorous ∥ Guileless ∥ High-spirited ∥ Hurried ∥ Hypnotic ∥ Idiosyncratic ∥ Impassive ∥ Impersonal ∥ Impressionable ∥ Intense ∥ Invisible ∥ Irreligious ∥ Irreverent ∥ Maternal ∥ Mellow ∥ Modern ∥ Moralistic ∥ Mystical ∥ Neutral ∥ Noncommittal ∥ Non-competitive ∥ Obedient ∥ Old-fashioned ∥ Ordinary ∥ Outspoken ∥ Paternalistic ∥ Physical ∥ Placid ∥ Political ∥ Predictable ∥ Preoccupied ∥ Private ∥ Progressive ∥ Proud ∥ Pure ∥ Questioning ∥ Quiet ∥ Religious ∥ Reserved ∥ Restrained ∥ Retiring ∥ Sarcastic ∥ Self-conscious ∥ Sensual ∥ Sceptical ∥ Smooth ∥ Soft ∥ Solemn ∥ Solitary ∥ Stern ∥ Strict ∥ Stubborn ∥ Stylish ∥ Subjective ∥ Surprising ∥ Tough ∥ Unaggressive ∥ Unambitious ∥ Unceremonious ∥ Unchanging ∥ Undemanding ∥ Unfathomable ∥ Unhurried ∥ Uninhibited ∥ Unpatriotic ∥ Unpredictable ∥ Unsentimental ∥ Whimsical
Accessible ∥ Active ∥ Adaptable ∥ Admirable ∥ Adventurous ∥ Agreeable ∥ Appreciative ∥ Articulate ∥ Aspiring ∥ Athletic ∥ Attractive ∥ Balanced ∥ Brilliant ∥ Calm ∥ Capable ∥ Captivating ∥ Caring ∥ Challenging ∥ Charismatic ∥ Charming ∥ Cheerful ∥ Clean ∥ Clear-headed ∥ Clever ∥ Colorful ∥ Companionly ∥ Compassionate ∥ Confident ∥ Conscientious ∥ Considerate ∥ Constant ∥ Contemplative ∥ Cooperative ∥ Courageous ∥ Courteous ∥ Creative ∥ Cultured ∥ Curious ∥ Daring ∥ Decent ∥ Decisive ∥ Dedicated ∥ Deep ∥ Dignified ∥ Disciplined ∥ Discreet ∥ Dramatic ∥ Dutiful ∥ Earnest ∥ Educated ∥ Elegant ∥ Eloquent ∥ Empathetic ∥ Energetic ∥ Enthusiastic ∥ Exciting ∥ Extraordinary ∥ Fair ∥ Faithful ∥ Farsighted ∥ Flexible ∥ Focused ∥ Forgiving ∥ Forthright ∥ Freethinking ∥ Friendly ∥ Fun-loving ∥ Gallant ∥ Generous ∥ Gentle ∥ Genuine ∥ Good-natured ∥ Gracious ∥ Hardworking ∥ Healthy ∥ Hearty ∥ Helpful ∥ Heroic ∥ High-minded ∥ Honest ∥ Honorable ∥ Humble ∥ Humorous ∥ Idealistic ∥ Imaginative ∥ Impressive ∥ Incorruptible ∥ Independent ∥ Individualistic ∥ Innovative ∥ Inoffensive ∥ Insightful ∥ Insouciant ∥ Intelligent ∥ Intuitive ∥ Invulnerable ∥ Kind ∥ Knowledge ∥ Leader ∥ Logical ∥ Lovable ∥ Loyal ∥ Many-sided ∥ Masculine  Gentleman-Like ∥ Mature ∥ Methodical ∥ Meticulous ∥ Moderate ∥ Modest ∥ Multi-leveled ∥ Neat ∥ Objective ∥ Observant ∥ Open ∥ Optimistic ∥ Orderly ∥ Organized ∥ Original ∥ Painstaking ∥ Passionate ∥ Patient ∥ Peaceful ∥ Perceptive ∥ Perfectionist ∥ Personable ∥ Persuasive ∥ Playful ∥ Popular ∥ Practical ∥ Precise ∥ Principled ∥ Protective ∥ Providential ∥ Punctual ∥ Purposeful ∥ Rational ∥ Realistic ∥ Reflective ∥ Relaxed ∥ Reliable ∥ Resourceful ∥ Respectful ∥ Responsible ∥ Responsive ∥ Romantic ∥ Rustic ∥ Sage ∥ Sane ∥ Scholarly ∥ Scrupulous ∥ Secure ∥ Selfless ∥ Self-critical ∥ Sensitive ∥ Sentimental ∥ Serious ∥ Sexy ∥ Sharing ∥ Simple ∥ Skillful ∥ Sober ∥ Sociable ∥ Sophisticated ∥ Spontaneous ∥ Sporting ∥ Stable ∥ Steadfast ∥ Steady ∥ Stoic ∥ Strong ∥ Studious ∥ Suave ∥ Subtle ∥ Sweet ∥ Sympathetic ∥ Systematic ∥ Tasteful ∥ Teacherly ∥ Thorough ∥ Tidy ∥ Tolerant ∥ Tractable ∥ Trusting ∥ Uncomplaining ∥ Understanding ∥ Upright ∥ Urbane ∥ Venturesome ∥ Vivacious ∥ Warm ∥ Winning ∥ Wise ∥ Witty ∥ Youthful
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rousseure · 5 years
personality traits
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bold your muse’s personality traits. Italicize what’s circumstantial.
TAGGED BY:  @writtenlegacy​ ♥ TAGGING: @conseille​, @shimmerseas​, @daemonry​, @yenure​, @sweetchained​, @xonismsx​, @zephyrvm​ !
abrasive. abrupt. agonizing. aggressive. aimless. aloof. amoral. angry. anxious. apathetic. arbitrary. argumentative. arrogant. artificial. asocial. bewildered. bizarre. bland. blunt. boisterous. brittle. brutal. calculating. callous. cantankerous. careless. charmless. childish. clumsy. coarse. cold. colorless. complacent. complaining. compulsive. conceited. condemnatory. conformist. confused. contemptible. conventional. cowardly. crass. crazy. criminal. critical. crude. cruel. cynical. decadent. deceitful. delicate. demanding. dependent. desperate. destructive. devious. difficult. disconcerting. discontented. discouraging. discourteous. dishonest. disloyal. disobedient. disorderly. disorganized. disputatious. disrespectful. disruptive. dissonant. distractible. disturbing. dogmatic. domineering. dull. easily discouraged. egocentric. envious. erratic. escapist. extravagant. extreme. faithless. false. fanatical. fanciful. fatalistic. fawning. fearful. fickle. fiery. fixed. flamboyant. foolish. forgetful. fraudulent. frightening. frivolous. gloomy. graceless. greedy. grim. gullible. hateful. haughty. hedonistic. hesitant. hidebound. high-handed. hostile. ignorant. imitative. impatient. impractical. imprudent. impulsive. inconsiderate. incurious. indecisive. indulgent. inert. inhibited. insecure. insensitive. insincere. insulting. intolerant. irascible. irrational. irresponsible. irritable. lazy. malicious. mannerless. mechanical. meddlesome. melancholic. messy. miserable. miserly. misguided. mistaken. money-minded. moody. morbid. muddle-headed. naive. narcissistic. narrow. narrow-minded. negative. neglectful. neurotic. nihilistic. obnoxious. obsessive. obvious. odd. offhand. one-dimensional. one-sided. opinionated. opportunistic. oppressed. outrageous. paranoid. passive. pedantic. perverse. petty. plodding. pompous. possessive. power-hungry. predatory. prejudiced. presumptuous. pretentious. prim. procrastinating. provocative. puritanical. quirky. reactionary. reactive. regimental. regretful. repentant. repressed. resentful. ridiculous. rigid. ritualistic. ruined. sadistic. sanctimonious. scheming. scornful. secretive. sedentary. selfish. self-indulgent. shallow. short-sighted. sloppy. slow. sly. small-thinking. softheaded. sordid. steely. stiff. stupid. submissive. superficial. superstitious. suspicious. tactless. tasteless. tense. thievish. thoughtless. timid. transparent. treacherous. trendy. troublesome. unappreciative. uncaring. uncharitable. unconvincing. uncooperative. uncreative. uncritical. unctuous. undisciplined. unfriendly. ungrateful. unhealthy. unimaginative. unimpressive. unlovable. unpolished. unprincipled. unrealistic. unreflective. unreliable. unrestrained. unstable. vacuous. vague. venomous. vindictive. vulnerable. weak. willful.
absentminded. ambitious. amusing. artful. ascetic. authoritarian. big-thinking. boyish. breezy. business-like. busy. casual. cerebral. chummy. circumspect. competitive. complex. confidential. conservative. contradictory. crisp. cute. deceptive. determined. dominating. dreamy. driving. droll. dry. earthy. effeminate. emotional. enigmatic. experimental. familial. folksy. formal. freewheeling. frugal. glamorous. guileless. high-spirited. hurried. hypnotic. iconoclastic. idiosyncratic. impassive. impersonal. impressionable. intense. invisible. irreligious. irreverent. maternal. mellow. modern. moralistic. mystical. neutral. noncommittal. non-competitive. obedient. old-fashioned. ordinary. outspoken. paternalistic. physical. placid. political. predictable. preoccupied. private. progressive. proud. pure. questioning. quiet. religious. reserved. restrained. retiring. sarcastic. self-conscious. sensual. skeptical. smooth. soft. solemn. solitary. stern. strict. stubborn. stylish. subjective. surprising. tough. unaggressive. unambitious. unceremonious. unchanging. undemanding. unfathomable. unhurried. uninhibited. unpatriotic. unpredictable. unsentimental. whimsical.
accessible. active. adaptable. admirable. adventurous. agreeable. appreciative. articulate. aspiring. athletic. attractive. balanced. brilliant. calm. capable. captivating. caring. challenging. charismatic. charming. cheerful. clean. clear-headed. clever. colorful. companionly. compassionate. confident. conscientious. considerate. constant. contemplative. cooperative. courageous. courteous. creative. cultured. curious. daring. decent. decisive. dedicated. deep. dignified. disciplined. discreet. dramatic. dutiful. earnest. educated. elegant. eloquent. empathetic. energetic. enthusiastic. exciting. extraordinary. fair. faithful. farsighted. flexible. focused. forgiving. forthright. freethinking. friendly. fun-loving. gallant. generous. gently. genuine. good-natured. gracious. hardworking. healthy. hearty. helpful. heroic. high-minded. honest. honorable. humble. humorous. idealistic. imaginative. impressive. incorruptible. independent. individualistic. innovative. inoffensive. insightful. insouciant. intelligent. intuitive. invulnerable. kind. knowledgeable. leader. logical. lovable. loyal. many-sided. masculine. mature. methodical. meticulous. moderate. modest. multi-leveled. neat. objective. observant. open. optimistic. orderly. organized. original. painstaking. passionate. patient. peaceful. perceptive. perfectionist. personable. persuasive. playful. popular. practical. precise. principled. protective. providential. punctual. purposeful. rational. realistic. reflective. relaxed. reliable. resourceful. respectful. responsible. responsive. romantic. rustic. sage. sane. scholarly. scrupulous. secure. selfless. self-critical. sensitive. sentimental. serious. sexy. sharing. simple. skillful. sober. sociable. sophisticated. spontaneous. sporting. stable. steadfast. steady. stoic. strong. studious. suave. subtle. sweet. sympathetic. systematic. tasteful. treacherous. thorough. tidy. tolerant. tractable. trusting. uncomplaining. understanding. upright. urbane. venturesome. vivacious. warm. winning. wise. witty. youthful.
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warsraging · 5 years
Personality Traits.
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Bold your muse’s personality traits. Italicize what’s circumstantial.
TAGGED BY:  @writtenlegacy​ thank youu hun <3 TAGGING:  @ghaisgeach​ (andy), @biggergiants​ (sherry), @imaginembrace​ (beast), @storytelers​ (eric), @mysteriesdelved​ (farrah), @serenitystored​ (beth) and whoever else wants to do this!
abrasive. abrupt. agonizing. aggressive. aimless. aloof. amoral. angry. anxious. apathetic. arbitrary. argumentative. arrogant. artificial. asocial. bewildered. bizarre. bland. blunt. boisterous. brittle. brutal. calculating. callous. cantankerous. careless. charmless. childish. clumsy. coarse. cold. colorless. complacent. complaining. compulsive. conceited. condemnatory. conformist. confused. contemptible. conventional. cowardly. crass. crazy. criminal. critical. crude. cruel. cynical. decadent. deceitful. delicate. demanding. dependent. desperate. destructive. devious. difficult. disconcerting. discontented. discouraging. discourteous. dishonest. disloyal. disobedient. disorderly. disorganized. disputatious. disrespectful. disruptive. dissonant. distractible. disturbing. dogmatic. domineering. dull. easily discouraged. egocentric. envious. erratic. escapist. extravagant. extreme. faithless. false. fanatical. fanciful. fatalistic. fawning. fearful. fickle. fiery. fixed. flamboyant. foolish. forgetful. fraudulent. frightening. frivolous. gloomy. graceless. greedy. grim. gullible. hateful. haughty. hedonistic. hesitant. hidebound. high-handed. hostile. ignorant. imitative. impatient. impractical. imprudent. impulsive. inconsiderate. incurious. indecisive. indulgent. inert. inhibited. insecure. insensitive. insincere. insulting. intolerant. irascible. irrational. irresponsible. irritable. lazy. malicious. mannerless. mechanical. meddlesome. melancholic. messy. miserable. miserly. misguided. mistaken. money-minded. moody. morbid. muddle-headed. naive. narcissistic. narrow. narrow-minded. negative. neglectful. neurotic. nihilistic. obnoxious. obsessive. obvious. odd. offhand. one-dimensional. one-sided. opinionated. opportunistic. oppressed. outrageous. paranoid. passive. pedantic. perverse. petty. plodding. pompous. possessive. power-hungry. predatory. prejudiced. presumptuous. pretentious. prim. procrastinating. provocative. puritanical. quirky. reactionary. reactive. regimental. regretful. repentant. repressed. resentful. ridiculous. rigid. ritualistic. ruined. sadistic. sanctimonious. scheming. scornful. secretive. sedentary. selfish. self-indulgent. shallow. short-sighted. sloppy. slow. sly. small-thinking. softheaded. sordid. steely. stiff. stupid. submissive. superficial. superstitious. suspicious. tactless. tasteless. tense. thievish. thoughtless. timid. transparent. treacherous. trendy. troublesome. unappreciative. uncaring. uncharitable. unconvincing. uncooperative. uncreative. uncritical. unctuous. undisciplined. unfriendly. ungrateful. unhealthy. unimaginative. unimpressive. unlovable. unpolished. unprincipled. unrealistic. unreflective. unreliable. unrestrained. unstable. vacuous. vague. venomous. vindictive. vulnerable. weak. willful.
absentminded. ambitious. amusing. artful. ascetic. authoritarian. big-thinking. boyish. breezy. business-like. busy. casual. cerebral. chummy. circumspect. competitive. complex. confidential. conservative. contradictory. crisp. cute. deceptive. determined. dominating. dreamy. driving. droll. dry. earthy. effeminate. emotional. enigmatic. experimental. familial. folksy. formal. freewheeling. frugal. glamorous. guileless. high-spirited. hurried. hypnotic. iconoclastic. idiosyncratic. impassive. impersonal. impressionable. intense. invisible. irreligious. irreverent. maternal. mellow. modern. moralistic. mystical. neutral. noncommittal. non-competitive. obedient. old-fashioned. ordinary. outspoken. paternalistic. physical. placid. political. predictable. preoccupied. private. progressive. proud. pure. questioning. quiet. religious. reserved. restrained. retiring. sarcastic. self-conscious. sensual. skeptical. smooth. soft. solemn. solitary. stern. strict. stubborn. stylish. subjective. surprising. tough. unaggressive. unambitious. unceremonious. unchanging. undemanding. unfathomable. unhurried. uninhibited. unpatriotic. unpredictable. unsentimental. whimsical.
accessible. active. adaptable. admirable. adventurous. agreeable. appreciative. articulate. aspiring. athletic. attractive. balanced. brilliant. calm. capable. captivating. caring. challenging. charismatic. charming. cheerful. clean. clear-headed. clever. colorful. companionly. compassionate. confident. conscientious. considerate. constant. contemplative. cooperative. courageous. courteous. creative. cultured. curious. daring. decent. decisive. dedicated. deep. dignified. disciplined. discreet. dramatic. dutiful. earnest. educated. elegant. eloquent. empathetic. energetic. enthusiastic. exciting. extraordinary. fair. faithful. farsighted. flexible. focused. forgiving. forthright. freethinking. friendly. fun-loving. gallant. generous. gently. genuine. good-natured. gracious. hardworking. healthy. hearty. helpful. heroic. high-minded. honest. honorable. humble. humorous. idealistic. imaginative. impressive. incorruptible. independent. individualistic. innovative. inoffensive. insightful. insouciant. intelligent. intuitive. invulnerable. kind. knowledgeable. leader. logical. lovable. loyal. many-sided. masculine. mature. methodical. meticulous. moderate. modest. multi-leveled. neat. objective. observant. open. optimistic. orderly. organized. original. painstaking. passionate. patient. peaceful. perceptive. perfectionist. personable. persuasive. playful. popular. practical. precise. principled. protective. providential. punctual. purposeful. rational. realistic. reflective. relaxed. reliable. resourceful. respectful. responsible. responsive. romantic. rustic. sage. sane. scholarly. scrupulous. secure. selfless. self-critical. sensitive. sentimental. serious. sexy. sharing. simple. skillful. sober. sociable. sophisticated. spontaneous. sporting. stable. steadfast. steady. stoic. strong. studious. suave. subtle. sweet. sympathetic. systematic. tasteful. treacherous. thorough. tidy. tolerant. tractable. trusting. uncomplaining. understanding. upright. urbane. venturesome. vivacious. warm. winning. wise. witty. youthful.
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thezabrakassassin · 5 years
Personality Traits.
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Rules - Use BOLD to highlight your muse’s personality traits. Use ITALICS for traits that only apply in certain situations.
tagged by: stolen from @jedilegacied​
tagging: @ariadne-inthesky​ @durasteel-muses​ @dcsertwizard​ @therapardalis​ @darksidewalker​ @doesntlikesand​
Abrasive ∥ Abrupt ∥ Agonizing ∥ Aggressive ∥ Aimless ∥ Aloof ∥ Amoral ∥ Angry ∥ Anxious ∥ Apathetic ∥ Arbitrary ∥ Argumentative ∥ Arrogant ∥ Artificial ∥ Asocial ∥ Bewildered ∥ Bizarre ∥ Bland ∥ Blunt ∥ Boisterous ∥ Brittle ∥ Brutal ∥ Calculating ∥ Callous ∥ Cantankerous ∥ Careless ∥ Charmless ∥ Childish ∥ Clumsy ∥ Coarse ∥ Cold ∥ Colorless ∥ Complacent ∥ Complaining ∥ Compulsive ∥ Conceited ∥ Condemnatory ∥ Conformist ∥ Confused ∥ Contemptible ∥ Conventional ∥ Cowardly ∥ Crass ∥ Crazy ∥ Criminal ∥ Critical ∥ Crude ∥ Cruel ∥ Cynical ∥ Decadent ∥ Deceitful ∥ Delicate ∥ Demanding ∥ Dependent ∥ Desperate ∥ Destructive ∥ Devious ∥ Difficult ∥ Disconcerting ∥ Discontented ∥ Discouraging ∥ Discourteous ∥ Dishonest ∥ Disloyal ∥ Disobedient ∥ Disorderly ∥ Disorganized ∥ Disputatious ∥ Disrespectful ∥ Disruptive ∥ Dissonant ∥ Distractible ∥ Disturbing ∥ Dogmatic ∥ Domineering ∥ Dull ∥ Easily Discouraged ∥ Egocentric ∥ Envious ∥ Erratic ∥ Escapist ∥ Extravagant ∥ Extreme ∥ Faithless ∥ False ∥ Fanatical ∥ Fanciful ∥ Fatalistic ∥ Fawning ∥ Fearful ∥ Fickle ∥ Fiery ∥ Fixed ∥ Flamboyant ∥ Foolish ∥ Forgetful ∥ Fraudulent ∥ Frightening ∥ Frivolous ∥ Gloomy ∥ Graceless ∥ Greedy ∥ Grim ∥ Gullible ∥ Hateful ∥ Haughty ∥ Hedonistic ∥ Hesitant ∥ Hidebound ∥ High-handed ∥ Hostile ∥ Ignorant ∥ Imitative ∥ Impatient ∥ Impractical ∥ Imprudent ∥ Impulsive ∥ Inconsiderate ∥ Incurious ∥ Indecisive ∥ Indulgent ∥ Inert ∥ Inhibited ∥ Insecure ∥ Insensitive ∥ Insincere ∥ Insulting ∥ Intolerant ∥ Irascible ∥ Irrational ∥ Irresponsible ∥ Irritable ∥ Lazy ∥ Malicious ∥ Mannerless ∥ Mechanical ∥ Meddlesome ∥ Melancholic ∥ Messy ∥ Miserable ∥ Miserly ∥ Misguided ∥ Mistaken ∥ Money-minded ∥ Moody ∥ Morbid ∥ Muddle-headed ∥ Naive ∥ Narcissistic ∥ Narrow ∥ Narrow-minded ∥ Negative ∥ Neglectful ∥ Neurotic ∥ Nihilistic ∥ Obnoxious ∥ Obsessive ∥ Obvious ∥ Odd ∥ Offhand ∥ One-dimensional ∥ One-sided ∥ Opinionated ∥ Opportunistic ∥ Oppressed ∥ Outrageous ∥ Paranoid ∥ Passive ∥ Pedantic ∥ Perverse ∥ Petty ∥ Plodding ∥ Pompous ∥ Possessive ∥ Power-hungry ∥ Predatory ∥ Prejudiced ∥ Presumptuous ∥ Pretentious ∥ Prim ∥ Procrastinating ∥ Provocative ∥ Puritanical ∥ Quirky ∥ Reactionary ∥ Reactive ∥ Regimental ∥ Regretful ∥ Repentant ∥ Repressed ∥ Resentful ∥ Ridiculous ∥ Rigid ∥ Ritualistic ∥ Ruined ∥ Sadistic ∥ Sanctimonious ∥ Scheming ∥ Scornful ∥ Secretive ∥ Sedentary ∥ Selfish ∥ Self-indulgent ∥ Shallow ∥ Short-sighted ∥ Sloppy ∥ Slow ∥ Sly ∥ Small-thinking ∥ Softheaded ∥ Sordid ∥ Steely ∥ Stiff ∥ Stupid ∥ Submissive ∥ Superficial ∥ Superstitious ∥ Suspicious ∥ Tactless ∥ Tasteless ∥ Tense ∥ Thievish ∥ Thoughtless ∥ Timid ∥ Transparent ∥ Treacherous ∥ Trendy ∥ Troublesome ∥ Unappreciative ∥ Uncaring ∥ Uncharitable ∥ Unconvincing ∥ Uncooperative ∥ Uncreative ∥ Uncritical ∥ Unctuous ∥ Undisciplined ∥ Unfriendly ∥ Ungrateful ∥ Unhealthy ∥ Unimaginative ∥ Unimpressive ∥ Unlovable ∥ Unpolished ∥ Unprincipled ∥ Unrealistic ∥ Unreflective ∥ Unreliable ∥ Unrestrained ∥ Unstable ∥ Vacuous ∥ Vague ∥ Venomous ∥ Vindictive ∥ Vulnerable ∥ Weak ∥ Wilful
Absentminded ∥ Ambitious ∥ Amusing ∥ Artful ∥ Ascetic ∥ Authoritarian ∥ Big-thinking ∥ Boyish ∥ Breezy ∥ Business-like ∥ Busy ∥ Casual ∥ Cerebral ∥ Chummy ∥ Circumspect ∥ Competitive ∥ Complex ∥ Confidential ∥ Conservative ∥ Contradictory ∥ Crisp ∥ Cute ∥ Deceptive ∥ Determined ∥ Dominating ∥ Dreamy ∥ Driving ∥ Droll ∥ Dry ∥ Earthy ∥ Effeminate ∥ Emotional ∥ Enigmatic ∥ Experimental ∥ Familial ∥ Folksy ∥ Formal ∥ Freewheeling ∥ Frugal ∥ Glamorous ∥ Guileless ∥ High-spirited ∥ Hurried ∥ Hypnotic ∥ Iconoclastic ∥ Idiosyncratic ∥ Impassive ∥ Impersonal ∥ Impressionable ∥ Intense ∥ Invisible ∥ Irreligious ∥ Irreverent ∥ Maternal ∥ Mellow ∥ Modern ∥ Moralistic ∥ Mystical ∥ Neutral ∥ Noncommittal ∥ Non-competitive ∥ Obedient ∥ Old-fashioned ∥ Ordinary ∥ Outspoken ∥ Paternalistic ∥ Physical ∥ Placid ∥ Political ∥ Predictable ∥ Preoccupied ∥ Private ∥ Progressive ∥ Proud ∥ Pure ∥ Questioning ∥ Quiet ∥ Religious ∥ Reserved ∥ Restrained ∥ Retiring ∥ Sarcastic ∥ Self-conscious ∥ Sensual ∥ Sceptical ∥ Smooth ∥ Soft ∥ Solemn ∥ Solitary ∥ Stern ∥ Strict ∥ Stubborn ∥ Stylish ∥ Subjective ∥ Surprising ∥ Tough ∥ Unaggressive ∥ Unambitious ∥ Unceremonious ∥ Unchanging ∥ Undemanding ∥ Unfathomable ∥ Unhurried ∥ Uninhibited ∥ Unpatriotic ∥ Unpredictable ∥ Unsentimental ∥ Whimsical
Accessible ∥ Active ∥ Adaptable ∥ Admirable ∥ Adventurous ∥ Agreeable ∥ Appreciative ∥ Articulate ∥ Aspiring ∥ Athletic ∥ Attractive ∥ Balanced ∥ Brilliant ∥ Calm ∥ Capable ∥ Captivating ∥ Caring ∥ Challenging ∥ Charismatic ∥ Charming ∥ Cheerful ∥ Clean ∥ Clear-headed ∥ Clever ∥ Colorful ∥ Companionly ∥ Compassionate ∥ Confident ∥ Conscientious ∥ Considerate ∥ Constant ∥ Contemplative ∥ Cooperative ∥ Courageous ∥ Courteous ∥ Creative ∥ Cultured ∥ Curious ∥ Daring ∥ Decent ∥ Decisive ∥ Dedicated ∥ Deep ∥ Dignified ∥ Disciplined ∥ Discreet ∥ Dramatic ∥ Dutiful ∥ Earnest ∥ Educated ∥ Elegant ∥ Eloquent ∥ Empathetic ∥ Energetic ∥ Enthusiastic ∥ Esthetic ∥ Exciting ∥ Extraordinary ∥ Fair ∥ Faithful ∥ Farsighted ∥ Flexible ∥ Focused ∥ Forgiving ∥ Forthright ∥ Freethinking ∥ Friendly ∥ Fun-loving ∥ Gallant ∥ Generous ∥ Gentle ∥ Genuine ∥ Good-natured ∥ Gracious ∥ Hardworking ∥ Healthy ∥ Hearty ∥ Helpful ∥ Heroic ∥ High-minded ∥ Honest ∥ Honorable ∥ Humble ∥ Humorous ∥ Idealistic ∥ Imaginative ∥ Impressive ∥ Incorruptible ∥ Independent ∥ Individualistic ∥ Innovative ∥ Inoffensive ∥ Insightful ∥ Insouciant ∥ Intelligent ∥ Intuitive ∥ Invulnerable ∥ Kind ∥ Knowledge ∥ Leader ∥ Logical ∥ Lovable ∥ Loyal ∥ Many-sided ∥ Masculine ∥ Mature ∥ Methodical ∥ Meticulous ∥ Moderate ∥ Modest ∥ Multi-leveled ∥ Neat ∥ Objective ∥ Observant ∥ Open ∥ Optimistic ∥ Orderly ∥ Organized ∥ Original ∥ Painstaking ∥ Passionate ∥ Patient ∥ Peaceful ∥ Perceptive ∥ Perfectionist ∥ Personable ∥ Persuasive ∥ Playful ∥ Popular ∥ Practical ∥ Precise ∥ Principled ∥ Protective ∥ Providential ∥ Punctual ∥ Purposeful ∥ Rational ∥ Realistic ∥ Reflective ∥ Relaxed ∥ Reliable ∥ Resourceful ∥ Respectful ∥ Responsible ∥ Responsive ∥ Romantic ∥ Rustic ∥ Sage ∥ Sane ∥ Scholarly ∥ Scrupulous ∥ Secure ∥ Selfless ∥ Self-critical ∥ Sensitive ∥ Sentimental ∥ Serious ∥ Sexy ∥ Sharing ∥ Simple ∥ Skillful ∥ Sober ∥ Sociable ∥ Sophisticated ∥ Spontaneous ∥ Sporting ∥ Stable ∥ Steadfast ∥ Steady ∥ Stoic ∥ Strong ∥ Studious ∥ Suave ∥ Subtle ∥ Sweet ∥ Sympathetic ∥ Systematic ∥ Tasteful ∥ Teacherly ∥ Thorough ∥ Tidy ∥ Tolerant ∥ Tractable ∥ Trusting ∥ Uncomplaining ∥ Understanding ∥ Upright ∥ Urbane ∥ Venturesome ∥ Vivacious ∥ Warm ∥ Winning ∥ Wise ∥ Witty ∥ Youthful
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