#musings: mio .
renim-gauge · 10 months
yoo happy birthday matthew mercer 🙏 you've voiced so many iconic characters from my childhood, hope you're having a good one! it's not often you turn 40
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gainprincess · 1 day
Is Mio a snuggle expert?~
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Just like her mother, indeed, but the fuzzy-gut kitty is even better than her at it, according to everyone in her household. She's the favorite of a lot of people, for whatever reason...
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bxrninglegends · 19 days
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"Do you think he's noticed we're back?"
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"Mmm, No. I don't think he has. Should we get Venus to yell at him again?"
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"Maybe, I think he hardly recognizes me too."
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rottingaches · 1 month
kicks feet... going around liking people's writing calls hoping someone will message me because i'm too nervous to message first someone PLEASE write with me i'm withering away... i'll do anything
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dreampedia · 4 months
WHERE: pride month art crawl, just outside top pot doughnuts WHEN: 8th june, 12pm WHO: anyone! ( @anchoragestarters ) CAP: CAPPED
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The clock hands had only just reached that great big twelve at the top and yet Mio was already out at full-force as a volunteer for Top Pot Doughnuts, waving down any passers-by who might be in want of a free doughnut. Or two, or more. She wouldn't judge. Except that she was really only supposed to give out one per customer but, hey, let's not get bogged down on the details. Ever the chatterbox, she'd spent the whole week talking off the ears of any customer who'd let her and for her first target of the day, it'd be no different.
"Wow, the big parade's tomorrow, huh? It feels like it's come super quick," she said, almost wistfully, as she looked out toward the road with the distant sort of glimmer in her eye that suggested she was well in the midst of picturing it all. "I can't wait to see all the floats, I bet they'll be super pretty. Oh, have you bought any art yet? There's some really nice stuff there, a lot of really talented local artists and it's nice to support the community---" She stopped, abruptly, and sucked in her lips. Mio had a lot to say! But, because she always had a lot to say, she didn't suppose she needed to make it anybody else's problem. "Sorry, I'm talking a lot, huh? You want a doughnut? You're here early so that means...first dibs out of everything in this box!"
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
there were so many remakes and so many new things and also new ace attorney port? now? and also and also and also
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
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🌸。*゚+. Give this post a ♡ for a starter; Specify the muse you would like to interact with in the comments, and if you're a multimuse, specify which muse you would like it written for.
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miomediator · 8 months
I kinda baffle me that Strifing in Homestuck is generally accepted and never questioned, like there's never an opposing stance in any fan work. [excluding Dave's relationship with it] As someone pacific in nature, I woulda expect some stories, maybe with original characters, covering anti-strife topics. You know, like with challenging gender norms and societal expectations. Threads/messages on social media would be like: "It's okay if you don't like strifing" or "I never liked the idea of fightning, am I weird?", "my parents and relatives keep pushing me picking a strife specibus but the thought of it makes me nauseous, help", "everyone's picking on me cause I suck at strifing", "the reason of why I stopped strifing"…
Strifing seems to be such an expectation in HS, and I know it's because of Lord English's influence. But beyond the main cast, it would be logical to have people questioning and even rejecting fighting as a regular societal practice.
Hussie may be allergic to worldbuilding, but it would be neat to see this kind of thing in fanfics and fan comics.
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do u ever hit a block while writing and change the font colour of your paragraphs to make things feel less dreary? i colour-coded sections of my essay in coral-pink, violet, baby-blue and lilac, and it's making the writing process more enjoyable :)
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nulltune · 2 years
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one room sugar life ! I COULDN'T FIND A VIDEO WITH FULL TRANSLATIONS FOR THE LYRICS 🥹 but egad a cute song with lyrics that are cute but actually pretty Concerning(TM) when you look a lil closer?? that is so hakunocore ....... the full lyrics rlly do be remindin me of hakuno and the mv's so cute so ofc i just had to remake a couple of shots with her !!!!! 🫶
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
the urge to give salvador floppy bangs and an undercut,,,,,,,,,
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gainprincess · 1 day
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She loves Glimmer very much. Lots of free cuddles for her favorite sister.
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bxrninglegends · 4 months
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"If you fall for me, I'm not easy to please. I might tear you apart. Told you from the start. I'm only gonna break your heart."
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beholdenning · 2 years
It is not as if it is not used to the silence. How many days had it whiled away among others of its kind, unspeaking, unthinking? How often had it sat idle, until Lord Nergal called upon it? It should not be unused to the silence, but it is learning, swiftly, that there is an active sort and a stale sort of it.
The air is so stagnant, even as it peers out an open window. The Dread Isle is too quiet, even with the distant sound of crashing waves, the melody of chirping birds. The stone walls take their footsteps and throw them violently from wall to wall to wall until they fade into obscurity. There is no constant rumble, no stoic activity; The vacuum of sound it leaves is all the more obvious. They open their mouth to fill it, but words do not form. Even that repetitive missive they had given the lordlings has slipped from their teeth.
Lord Nergal, they try to say. The words crash and burn after falling from their throat, hitting the ground as a charred, mangled thing. Teeth click shut. Their voicebox rattles in facsimile of sharp breath.
The silence stretches on.
It is unbearable. Incomprehensibly, it repels them. Incomprehensibly, they resist that urge to leave. They try to stay. They cannot content themself with staying. They cannot remain as is, as still as they once had, gathering dust like the rest of the stone and stairs.
Denning paces, if only to hear something, anything at all, and it is not enough.
So, just as incomprehensibly, they leave. Nothing makes any kind of sense, anymore, it seems.
Denning has stowed away once. It has no qualms doing so again. Though vessels only visit the isle sporadically, mostly filled with curious or covetous souls combing the ruins, seeking whatever may have been left in Lord Nergal’s wake. Noone should be on the Isle. It is all too easy for the morph to slip into the hold unnoticed, to settle in between crates and barrels, under tarps and wooden covers.
Unlike how it was in their own four walls, it is somehow easier to sit still and quiet aboard that rocking ship, letting time trickle by — Listening to creaking wood, the subtle rattle of cargo, the sound of waves. Of footsteps nearby and overhead, of voices above deck, speaking and shouting and laughing.
Their throat itches, at times, yearns to join, if only to learn the shape of it. But they have no orders to speak. They do not have any orders at all. So they content themself with listening, not knowing nor caring how long, until some sailors descend back into the hold and begin hauling parts of the cargo about. Shadows move, utter swears under their breath, whistle as they work. Denning relishes in the clear sound, until the tarp above their head is disturbed, until light flashes into their eyes, until they are met with a scream.
“Shit, what the hell?!”
Denning blinks up at three stricken faces, owlishly.
It does not take long for the sailors to surmise he is a stowaway, discuss an apt punishment as he makes no move to flee or fight or speak, and set him to grueling work. For want of orders otherwise, he obeys without complaint. The sailors, accompanying some scholars, view him as an oddity, perhaps a bit daft, with a number of screws loose. But he does his work, and does not sneak from the stores. Unscrupulous as a few of them are, they tolerate him, regardless.
The menial labor fills the unbearable silence for a good few weeks until they weigh anchor. The sailors, now used to his presence, do not keep a good enough eye on him, and once again, his feet begin to wander onto shore. Bewitched, his figure disappears into the crowds at the harbor, and once the sailors notice he is gone, he is already a half day’s trip by foot to the next settlement.
The buildings and people pass by. Denning does not stay overlong in any, noting the way the area around them grows quiet if they linger overlong, how conversation grows stale when they stop to listen. They walk, and walk, and pause, and listen, and walk, until one day, some knights in red and white happen upon them, look upon their ragged clothes, the dirt and wear and caked seasalt upon their person, and stop them in their tracks.
“Sir, are you alright?” asks one, and Denning needs a moment to realise this Sir is them. Another silence lapses before they open their mouth to reply, but all that falls from their lips is a broken rattle that can barely pass for the first roll of ‘right’.
The knights are upon them in a flash. They were not commanded to defend themself, and thus barely twitch as hands skitter across their limbs, checking for… What? There is nothing to be found, no? Water wets their lips from a leather skin, a loaf of bread pressed into their dirty hands. Denning is ushered elsewhere, set with care upon a horse and led away from that damp, muddy path they had been traveling.
The sound of the knights speaking to eachother in hushed tones is appealing enough for them to stay put. Denning stares at the bread in their hands, the passing treeline, listens to words and sentences and meanings. Occasionally, a knight makes sure their eyes are still open, speaks to them, seeking a response.
“Are you mute?” One asks, after many questions that go answered with only clipped noises. Denning’s jaw works itself open to respond, but all that leaves him is an ‘a’. The knight then releases her reins for a moment to repeat her question, make a curious series of gestures alongside.
Ah. They recognise it as language, but do not yet know the words. Habit kicks in; The still uneaten loaf of bread is wedged between their legs as they mirror the gestures, then repeat the last one: Circling fingers, a tap of knuckles to his bottom lip.
It’s the most coherent response he’s given so far. The knight frowns, that strange look entering her eyes again, the same the knights had looked at them with when he was first found wandering. “I see.”
A sentence, spoken, constructs itself in its mind as she turns away and begins speaking to another knight again. Show me more. It sticks in its throat, sets it a-rumble, does not slip free. It stays there, firmly stuck, until they arrive at a series of buildings.
The Church of Seiros takes them in with open arms, does not leave them alone in their room after it takes them in, thinking them a vulnerable and lost traveler. It asks strange things of them, asking them to take in water, to crush bread and fruit between their teeth, to get up and walk around, to do those things regularly. They take to these small tasks like clockwork, washing their old clothes, given new ones. The church also keeps asking questions and providing and providing until their hair sits clean, until they are free of mud and grime, doing what is asked of them, not understanding it is to ‘maintain’ themself. Denning takes the care in with a dull confusion.
More questions are asked that he cannot answer, paper pushed to them that they cannot fill, until that one knight from the initial group that found him approaches again, sits him down, shows him more of that gestured language, speaks words to go with them. They learn the gestures with voracity, until the sentences that they set together in their mind start finding purchase in the tilt of their hands, the bend of their fingers.
On one occasion, the knight asks him, plainly; “How did you get lost all the way out there?” Her hands accompany her words, and Denning stores each sign for later. Their mirroring hands pause for a moment, before starting, haltingly.
‘by boat. i left another place.’ His hands pause, before his fingers pinch together, tap near the corner of his lips, the center of his cheek. home. He thinks that is close to human understanding. ‘quiet’, he signs next. ‘one’, follows, an implicit alone in the number. The Knight’s expression twists again, a soft flash of teeth, a furrow of her brow, eyes drooping slightly at the corners. Denning only tilts his head, hands hanging idle, before moving again. ‘wanderer’. ‘sound’. ‘wanted more’. Another pause, then with certainty, ‘quiet’.
She hand ended their session there. It was strange to observe the emptiness she left. He could have learned more in the time they usually kept going. Again he lapses into silence, mouthing the words ‘done for today’ into the stillness.
Another time, it is when the Church is no longer content with him doing the tasks it had already given him to observe with regularity. He is told to sweep the dust away from the corridors, told to help wipe the moisture from used plates and cups after failing miserably to properly size the potatoes they were to dice.
“What are you even good at, lass?” The knight assigned to kitchen duty with them asks, a bit exasperated, but with a softness to his tone that is lost on the morph; Though, a hardness would have been lost on her as well. Again, Denning needs a moment to realise she is being addressed. A moment of silence passes in thought. Good at? What is ‘being good’ at something? The knight shakes his head, an edge of exasperation creeping into his tone.
“Stuff you don’t botch. Those ‘taters’re still smarting from your handling, you know… Maybe stuff you do often?”
“… ten…” Hands put down the cup she is handling, before she again raises them to sign.
‘bow. arrow.’ The knight’s brow knits further. Denning’s lips purse, before she shifts tactics, instead doing what the other knight had taught her to do when she doesn’t know how to communicate; She mimes the pull of an arrow from a quiver, the draw of a bow. A near-perfect imitation of the sound of arrow embedding in flesh leaves her in a puff of air when she mimes the release.
An impressed whistle from the knight. “Archery?” The morph nods. “Damn, we could’ve put you to work hunting earlier, then. Want to come with us, next time?”
A pause. Want? Denning blinks, knowing the definition, but not the drive. The knight, noting how that thousand-yard-stare has come back to golden eyes, sighs. “Ah, just come with us. I want to see how you do.”
Another pause. “And let me know what you’re bollocks at beforehand, got that? If our dear guest hurts herself ‘cause she was too confident with a bow against a bear, the captain’ll shank me.”
Before she goes on that hunting trip, Denning has her knight-tutor submit a short list. It is hardly longer than two items, enough to be crammed onto a tiny square of paper: Acting without orders, doing without example. The cook-knight raises an eyebrow at the list, then at Denning, then laughs and smacks a hearty hand upon her shoulder. Her frame creaks with the strength of it, ripples through their form cumulating into a sigh.
Their knight-tutor laughs. “You’ll get used to it.” she says, nudging the cook-knight with an elbow. He shoves her back with an answering laugh.
The weight of a bow in his hands again is welcome, the movements coming back to him like clockwork. Though it is a far cry from the one that Lord Nergal had first given him, it still sits in his palms similarly enough for him to nock and let fly, like he had for years. The cook-knight is impressed with his performance, and they return to the church grounds with several shot rabbits and wildfowl in tow. Many of the knights shower them with compliments which roll off the huntress like oil. Denning nods solely to appease, otherwise uncomprehending. The trek home is lively and amicable, banter being exchanged between the small group of four knights and Denning.
The knights speak of stories, of plays, of fairytales, when the knight-tutor turns to the morph with yet another question; “What would you be in a story like that, Denning?”
A hand slackens around the net carrying a portion of their spoils. They thread a wrist through a hole in the net to free their hands to speak, but find no words for a long moment. The knights, used to their silences, wait for them.
What would he be? They remember moving with the others like them, like a well-oiled machine, heeding orders like clockwork. The memory of Ostia sits behind her eyes, the lordlings she failed to kill. They remember their master, gently placing one word upon their tongue after another to wrap their teeth around, to savor and understand. It remembers the silence after everything was gone. It remembers not having orders.
They shake their head. ‘i don’t know,’ she says, not conscious of the furrow in her own brow. ‘do you?’
The knights erupt back into discussion. “A soldier, obviously!” one exclaims. “A damn good huntress, if nothing else!” The cook-knight declares. “I don’t know, he has the potential to be a protagonist, all mysterious like that.” the knight-tutor giggles.
They do not need to speak for the rest of the way back. Denning finds themself listening to the assignments curiously, basks in the sound, so much fuller than it has ever been.
Their days progress onwards, an irregular clockwork, seldom quiet save for when the night settles in, never silent. But something shifts, one day.
He is offered service as a knight.
“This is an immense honor,” the knight-tutor tells him, “to be recommended towards knighthood! And at Garreg Mach, at that! You’ve done great work, and you’re getting recognised for it. Isn’t that lovely?”
“I don’t see why not,” the cook-knight congratulates her. “You’re a dab hand with that bow of yours, and I’ve never seen any kid take to work like a fish to water like you do. Practically born for the knight life, really, even if you’re weird as hell.” The corners of his lips are curled upwards. Denning recognises the expression as a smile. She mimics it as she nods.
It does not understand honor. It does not understand recognition. But the knights’ agreements weigh on it, a length away from being orders, but not all that different in feeling, but… Something burns warm in its throat, its tongue stuck to the front of its teeth to give that something voice.
When the Archbishop’s envoy comes to hear its answer to the invitation, Denning nods in clear affirmative.
“Thank you,” it utters, stilted, practiced syllables it had repeated againagainagain into the quiet of its room in the off-hours. “Thank you.”
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dreampedia · 2 years
WHERE: anywhere you'd like, just a place with a lot of footfall! WHEN: midday (no specific date, just current) WHO: anyone! ( @anchoragestarters ) CAP: 4/4 (FULLY CAPPED!)
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The first two months of the year hadn't been easy on anybody. The Valentine's week in particular had taken quite the toll on poor Mio but, as always, she was quick to bounce back and she'd returned to her ever-peppy self before the next week was out. Enough time had passed since then that all she could think about was helping everyone else to get back on their feet. Her work at the day care meant that she'd been able to cheer up the children left distressed and confused by the blackouts but there were no doubt still adults out there who'd been unable, or perhaps as yet unwilling, to get their minds off things.
That was why she was stood in the middle of a busy (relatively speaking, for a place like Anchorage) street, gripping a thick stack of fliers and trying to wave to attention anybody who passed by. It had been going on like this for a short while now and, while she'd gotten a few people to accept a flier, she wasn't convinced she'd really gotten through to anybody. Eye contact was made with someone walking by and she knew, as she had known the past umpteenth times, that she had to take her chance now.
"Hi!" she beamed, hopping in front of her target with a gleaming grin on her face, "We're doing dance classes to lift spirits. Take a look! I designed these myself!" She produced a flier from the pile and thrust it into their hands. It was a bright pink and flashy affair and covered big, blocky text. Not a single hint of the sleek sheen often associated with dance studios. But that had been by design, she wasn't looking to scare people off. "You don't have to be a good dancer. You don't even have to be very confident," said Mio, sincerely, "You just have to be ready and willing to participate! And it's a great way to meet new people." She cupped her mouth with one hand and then, in a conspiratorial stage-whisper, she added, "Sometimes hot people, if you're on the lookout for that."
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Weight: 335lbs (152kgs)
Specual Trait: By Interlinking with Noah, she can obtain her Ouroboros form.
Weight (Ouroboros form:) 2763lbs (1253.3kgs)
Bio: In some way, after the events of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 with the defeat of Mobius and the worlds of Keves and Agnes splitting apart, they actually interlink with one another and are one once more. With this, Mio and Noah meet as children in the epilogue and live a happy, fat life as adults with Noah being the bigger of the two, much, much bigger.
Art by Sweetdreamcoffee on DA
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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ : This is for @nexus-of-heavies a muse blog that requires viewers to be of the US legal age for marriage or higher. If you wish to reblog this bio for one of my muses due to the artwork, please take this into account.
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