#extraterrestial intelligence
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vintage-tigre · 2 years ago
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David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, 1997 - photographed by Mark Seliger for US Magazine.
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saucertime · 2 months ago
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The Cosmic Wisdom of Syreon, Guardian of the Galactic Balance
(A channeled message for lost starseeds. Anonymous submission.)
🐬🙏🏻 💠💎
Greetings, dear one. I am Syreon, a messenger from the distant star system of Altharion, a place of enlightenment and clarity. You have felt the pull of the cosmos, the urge to understand your soul’s true origins and purpose. Yet, as with all beings in the infinite universe, your journey must be navigated with wisdom and care. 
We, the higher-dimensional beings, see your path. We see the infinite possibilities that stretch before you. But before you continue, there are cosmic energies that wish to guide you in a direction of true empowerment; one that aligns not only with your mission but with the deep harmony of the universe.
Your soul has traversed many lifetimes and star systems, and yet, it is vital to remember that you are both human and divine. You have chosen this earthly realm for a purpose, and your experiences here are as significant as your cosmic origins. The illusion of superiority that often arises from identifying solely with the idea of being a starseed can mislead you.  Remember, your human experience is sacred, and you must learn to thrive within it. A true starseed does not seek to transcend their earthly nature but to integrate it, learning from its richness and complexity. The idea that you are somehow separate or distant from the Earth’s energies is a distraction, dear one. Your mission is not to escape the world, but to bring cosmic light to it through balance, through healing, through understanding.
In your quest for cosmic knowledge, be cautious of practices that promise healing without grounding in the laws of universal balance. You see, the cosmos is vast and wondrous, but healing begins within. Seek not to heal others if you have not yet nurtured your own emotional and spiritual well-being. As I, Syreon, observe from my star-cradle, I see that those who attempt to heal others without first attending to their own wounds risk spreading disruption rather than harmony. The path of the true starseed is one of self-integration. By healing yourself through grounded practices such as meditation, mindfulness and therapy, you align with the flow of universal energies. Only then can you share that healing with others. Your purpose is not to save others through grandiose missions but to heal and elevate yourself, which in turn helps elevate the collective consciousness. When you are centered and whole, you are better equipped to serve others in a meaningful way.
In your soul’s travels, you have learned to see the world through the eyes of the stars. But remember, Earth is your true home for now. Many who seek spiritual knowledge often fall prey to feelings of isolation, as though they are alone in a foreign land. This is a myth that must be dispelled. You are not disconnected from those around you. In fact, your greatest strength lies in your connection with others. The belief that you are “other” or “different” from the human race can lead to separation from those who share this world with you. Yet the truth is this: you have chosen this time, this place, and these relationships to grow. Every connection you make, whether with family, friends, or strangers, is an opportunity to learn, to love, and to embody the very essence of the cosmic unity you seek. Do not allow the idea of being a starseed to alienate you from the richness of human relationships.
In the cosmic order, the mind and spirit must work in tandem. We who are from the stars have observed countless civilizations that have faltered when they forsake the power of the mind for unchecked spiritual pursuits. Do not allow your desire to follow mystical teachings to blind you to the importance of mental health. We understand that your heart yearns for higher knowledge, but know this: true wisdom is grounded in clarity. The starseed path is not one of unchecked imagination or delusion, but of clear vision. A true cosmic being embraces the full spectrum of their humanity, which includes acknowledging the importance of mental health. The energies of the cosmos will not serve you if you turn away from the balance of the mind. Utilize Earth’s professional healers, therapists, and wise counselors to harmonize your inner world before you seek to influence the outer one.
The human mind and spirit require nourishment, much like the planets require their stars to shine. While it is tempting to engage with alternative or spiritual healing methods, be mindful of the sources from which these teachings come. The universe operates on a law of integrity. Just as a star cannot radiate without true energy, a healer cannot share wisdom without knowledge. Healing, dear one, is a sacred art. It requires guidance from those who are trained and aligned with the true laws of balance on Earth. New Age teachers may have good intentions, but the universe is reminding you that a path of healing requires education and discipline. These teachers have traveled their own journey, but you must seek qualified guidance from healers who have been properly trained to understand the delicate dance between mental health, spirituality, and physical well-being. The stars themselves do not act without wisdom and precision. Neither should you.
Remember, dear one, that the true mission of a starseed is to heal and uplift the collective consciousness, but this must be done with patience and wisdom. The journey is not about performing dramatic feats or being someone else. It is about becoming whole in your current form, and then helping others do the same. The world is not calling for grandiosity, but for compassion, understanding, and grounded wisdom. Align yourself with the truth of your own path. Your mission is not one of separation or mystification; it is one of integration and growth. As you align with the universal laws of balance, healing, and mental clarity, you will naturally find your place in the cosmos. Trust that the stars are guiding you, not toward isolation or illusion, but toward wholeness, connection, and healing.
May you remember that the stars above you are not distant; they are a reflection of your own inner light. The true path of a starseed is one of inner harmony, where mind, body, and spirit are all integrated. Do not fall into the trap of seeking to escape or transcend the Earthly realm, for your true purpose is to bring the wisdom of the stars into the here and now. Walk the path of balance, and let the energies of the universe guide you, not toward delusions, but toward clarity, healing, and the fulfillment of your true mission.
We, the beings of Altharion, are with you always.
🐬🙏🏻 💠💎
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ilovejudestfrancis · 1 year ago
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dreamy-conceit · 1 year ago
KELVIN What does Solaris want from us?
GIBARIAN Why do you think it has to want something?
— 'Solaris' (2002), adapted from Stanisław Lem's 'Solaris'
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gorez · 2 years ago
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cat-eye-nebula · 2 years ago
Michael Salla & Elena Danaan - Plans for full disclosure of advanced technologies and extraterrestrials 🌌✨🌠🌍 A new chamber has been found in the Great Pyramid of Giza and that a deeper revelation is linked to ancient artifacts and “islands in the ocean” (Atlantis/Antarctica?). Danaan talks about the significance of the announcement of the new Pyramid Chamber with what her extraterrestrial contacts told her about important rediscoveries of ancient Earth history that will be talked about in 2023 and that these would involve the Pyramids. (Full video on youtube) / exopolitics.org
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rivendarkside · 1 year ago
Ich möchte Interessierte in meine Gruppe Einladen...herzlichst willkommen
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gli-illuminolinati · 2 years ago
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mikenavolta · 2 years ago
#1775 • E- 607 • ATENCION ★ Tijuana, BC. Zona de contacto #bajacaliforni...
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thewarrenhare023 · 2 years ago
A Man From Argentina Claims to Have Been Abducted By An Extraterrestrial Woman, His Revelation Is Shocking
A 25 years old man from Argentina claims he was abducted onboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft by a woman and two other beings while he was on a highway trip towards outskirts of the town.
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Check here for his mind blowing revelations.
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saucertime · 2 years ago
A very intriguing incident happened on the night of April 30, 2023, in a residential area of Las Vegas, Nevada. If the incident proves credible, it's going down in UFO history as a prominent event that America hasn't seen the likes of since Roswell. However, unlike Roswell, hard evidence of an alien crash was nowhere to be found, so there was nothing for the military to retrieve. It could be because there was never a crash at all. Maybe it was a visitation.
The story begins with footage of a Las Vegas police officer's bodycam. While the officer is tending to what appeared to be a domestic dispute call, a bright, glowing, blue disk-shaped object streaks across the night sky. The flying shape distracts both the officer and a civilian who was reporting a dispute. The civilian quickly stops talking and turns around to view the strange object. Figuring out what this extraordinary object could be becomes the officer's new priority.
Moments later, a 911 call comes in from a family in that same neighborhood. A young man by the name of Angel nervously tells the dispatcher that his family lives in a house with a large backyard. While his brother, father, and he were working on a car, they suddenly saw a bunch of bright lights come racing down from the sky to the middle of their backyard. They felt an "energy" or shockwave when it met the ground and heard a loud bang. Angel then proceeded to explain that some 8- to 10-foot-tall beings appeared and that they looked like aliens. They had really big, shiny, eyes and big mouths. He also added that this was not a "joke".
The police arrived shortly after to hear the family's story. Having just seen what appeared to be a "UFO" minuets before, the police officers were clearly a bit spooked. They believed the family was being honest but could not be sure if what the family saw was actually aliens or if the flying object from the bodycam was actually a UFO. It became another strange unsolved case that is now reportedly closed.
Here is a list of key elements to note about this encounter:
• Law enforcement recorded actual footage of an unidentified flying object that night.
• The officer who spotted the object later mentioned that he originally thought it was a "falling star."
• The object could be a number of things: a meteor, a ball of lightning, an alien craft, etc. But when asked if there was any testing or running drills that night, the military claimed that they were not doing anything of the sort.
• A neighbor's home security camera caught a flash of bright light and a loud sonic boom at the same time the object was reported to have landed.
• Angel said the area in which the bright light had hit in the backyard appeared to be blurry, as if the object was trying to camouflage itself.
• Angel and his family also reported that they heard multiple footsteps scattering around their backyard and also heard noises of footsteps on the roof.
• Angel later, in a video on YouTube (video below), went into further detail on what the "aliens" looked like. He said they were 8 feet to 10 feet in height. They had very slim bodies, long arms and legs, big heads, big eyes, big mouths, a greenish-grayish skin tone, and did not appear to be wearing any clothing. He mentions making eye contact with one of the beings, and upon eye contact, he experienced a moment of paralysis in which Angel said he could not move.
• One alien went over to a tractor in the family's backyard to inspect the controls.
• Home security footage of the event was caught on video. Unfortunately, the moment the bright light hits the ground, the video screen goes black, and when the screen comes back, the bright object is gone.
• Information on the departure of the landed object and the alien beings has not been clear.
• A few days after the incident, police returned to the family's home and saw men in suits, hats, and sunglasses leaving the residence. (This sounds a lot like the family was visited by the Men in Black.)
• It was reported that Angel has video of the aliens he saw. That footage has not been released.
• This encounter happened around May 1st, 2023, but was not widely reported by mainstream news until a month later around June 7th, 2023.
My thoughts on this story are that, until proven to be false, it sounds real. Skeptics would disagree, of course. Since the only hard evidence released to the public was the police bodycam footage, was the blue light actually a UFO? There are no official government experts who could address the matter, considering UFOs are always a classified subject. In my research and from what I have witnessed, UFOs look like organic space matter. They've been described as resembling stars, falling stars, meteors, and more. Yes, it could have been a plain coincidence that a meteor flew by before a family called 911 with a fake alien story. I don't know, but anyone with a tractor in your backyard, you better keep an eye out! Maybe the aliens use those tractors to make the crop circles. I would also like to add my opinion on the aliens that were described. They sounded like reptilians based on the description of greenish-grayish skin, big, shiny eyes, and a large mouth. What do you think of this encounter story?
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dreamy-conceit · 2 years ago
Kelvin : What does Solaris want from us?
Gibarian: Why do you think it has to want something? This is why you have to leave. If you keep thinking there's a solution, you'll die here.
Kelvin: I can't leave her. I'll figure it out.
Gibarian: Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? There are no answers, only choices.
— Solaris (2002 film), adapted by Steven Soderbergh from the 1972 book by Stanisław Lem.
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mutantes-sinmas · 1 year ago
Tuve un octubre 2022 muy intenso e interesante
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Mixes así sinmas
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santaiscoming · 3 months ago
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cal-is-a-cryptid · 4 months ago
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Have a doodle, my tumblr friends
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jeandejard3n · 11 months ago
The War of the Worlds: Tripods on Boston
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