#extra tag :: secret santa.
Hello!  My DCA Secret Santa submission!  I had some trouble getting the idea off the ground at first, but with the amazing help of my wife @zaidnovi I’m happy to announce my gift for @spaghetti-doodles !!!  I know I went a little overboard on it, I had oonly meant to write 5k or so and it kind of... exploded, anyways!  Here’s your gift!!  I hope you all have a wonderful and gentle holiday season!
Inspired by @castercassette ‘s Cowboy AU:
Sun and Moon take one last job before the worst of winter sets in, to bring home a wayward bride to her would-be husband.  Would you go willingly?  Or will you make Sun and Moon fight for every red cent they were to be paid?
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zihcn · 2 years
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˚。  ㅤ ㅤ      ㅤ ㅤSECRET SANTA @ haneul complex . 
━━ meu amigo secreto é... acho que, antes de mais nada, alguém que segue me impressionando. quanto mais coisas eu descubro sobre essa pessoa, mais me encanta. a força, a determinação, o talento e, claro, a ousadia.  ━━ jihan fez uma pausa em seu discurso ali, para rir. mesmo que tivesse baixado os olhos para o embrulho em suas mãos para evitar estragar a surpresa, talvez a resposta já fosse óbvia. de todo modo, tornou a erguer o rosto para seguir com a parte mais tradicional da brincadeira e dar aos outros a chances de jogar palpites: ━━ essa pessoa tem cabelos escuros, é alta - 1cm maior que eu! -, um estilo muito legal e não é daqui... é o @danilcc!
o presente de amigo secreto de jihan para daniel é uma jaqueta de couro com detalhes pintados à mão, não por ele porque seu talento para pintura é questionável. ainda assim, achou que era um trabalho muito bonito e que combinaria com o estilo de alguém que tem uma natureza rebelde e, ao mesmo tempo, sensível.
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gaevl · 2 years
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˚。  ㅤ ㅤ      ㅤ ㅤSECRET SANTA @ haneul complex .
━━ meu amigo secreto é o @yangnaseon.  ━━ disse, esquecendo completamente que deveria fazer algum suspense a respeito de quem tinha sorteado. é que estava um pouquinho empolgado demais com os presentes. por isso, mal esperou que ele abrisse o embrulho para começar a explicar:  ━━ é uma luminária e um terrário! cogumelos tem a ver com boas energias e evolução do espírito e os cristais azuis são ótimas ferramentas de cura, purificiação e paz interior.  ━━ dizia, enquanto estalava os nós dos dedos nervosamente. estava, provavelmente, perto demais do outro, mas queria que ele soubesse o que estava ganhando e por qual motivo. os outros não precisavam saber, apesar de estarem no meio da brincadeira. então, era naseon que tinha toda a sua atenção. ━━ e a vela é de lua azul. na verdade, é lavanda - que é muito bom para dores de cabeça e sono, porque ajuda a relaxar -, mas lua azul é algo raro, cheio de magia e boa sorte. então uma vela de lua azul é para atrair oportunidades únicas. faça um pedido quando acender. se... acender.  ━━ completou, junto a um sorriso nervoso e um suspiro. 
os presentes de amigo secreto de gaeul para naseon são, em primeiro lugar, uma luminária de ferro com um terrário artificial dentro, cuja decoração é de cogumelos e cristais. o outro era uma vela perfumada de lavanda que ele mesmo tinha confeccionado, em uma latinha azul, com detalhes de estrelas em alto-relevo. gaeul estava ciente que o presente talvez fosse bem mais a sua cara do que a de naseon, mas acreditava na troca de energia e era justamente essa a intenção de seus presentes. 
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wndaswife · 9 months
secret santa | wanda maximoff & fem!reader
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Your stepmother could not be more happy to have you back home for the holidays. To celebrate, she’s planned a very special surprise for you.
Word count: 9143
Tags | MDNI: smut, fluff, some angst, strap-ons, blowjobs, spanking, cunnilingus, i don’t know the word for usage of a leash and collar, but there is leash and collar usage in this, so i suppose… mild pet play?, mommy kink, praise kink, dom!wanda maximoff
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gif credit to vanessacarlysle
Since mid-November, neither you nor Wanda have had very much time to see each other; exams had started for you, and Wanda was working exceptionally hard within the Church Committee to organize the upcoming Christmas events. 
As such, you hadn’t been able to do much but call each other when you could during some evenings and text throughout the day. 
It was a pain, because although calling and texting stayed some burning desire to see each other, it also simultaneously added fuel to the fire, knowing that neither of you were really with the other.
So you were extraordinarily excited to spend the next two whole weeks with Wanda, and she was excited to see you too. While you were packing, you had even been on a call with her as she got ready for bed, making sure you packed all that you needed to and that you were ready for your trip home. 
There was always something so captivating about watching Wanda get ready for bed, whether it was the brushing of her hair or the way she applied her expensive moisturizer and ran her fingers across her face and down her neck, or watching her do it all in her silk slip that revealed so much of her smooth-as-cream skin — really, all you knew was that you couldn’t wait to see her again. 
On the twentieth of December, you came home, and it was your father who came out of the house first and greeted you, asking how you were and taking your bags from the trunk. 
Though you told Wanda practically everything that happened while you were away, there were some things she kept to herself — things that stayed between the two of you. Sometimes you forgot that Wanda didn’t tell Vision everything, for you were surprised, here and there, that he asked about things that you’d already told his wife. 
He did ask Wanda about you, for he knew you seemed much more inclined to speak with your stepmother about your day-to-day life than you were in speaking with him, which was rather natural. 
In these instances, Wanda liked any excuse to talk about you, to gush about how proud she was of you and to share in the excitement of having you back home. 
In fact, with the holidays coming around, the mothers at the Church Committee began to speak more frequently about their children coming home for the holidays too, and Wanda loved when they asked about you. She’d been spending hours upon hours a week planning events with the church, and because Westview was rather small, the church had ties to nearly every city event as well as those for the elementary school, so being able to talk about you during those tiresome hours was especially refreshing. 
“Wanda’s inside just about to finish baking the banana bread,” Vision said as he began advancing up the stairs. “Some of Wanda’s committee friends are joining us for dinner in an hour. I’m not sure if she told you.”
She didn’t tell you about that. 
But no matter; you could deal with a few extra guests, because what mattered now was that you were home and Wanda was in the next room. 
When you entered the kitchen, Wanda’s hair was tied back and she had an apron around her waist — a telltale sign that she had been cooking if not already obvious from the smell of dinner coming from the dining room. She had just put the banana bread in the oven, and she straightened and turned to you. 
She took her oven mitts off and you immediately approached each other with Wanda’s arms outreached and a warm, happy smile on her lips. You wrapped your arms around her waist and hers came around your torso.
You buried your nose in her hair and she kissed your shoulder and up your neck. 
“Y/N…” she muttered into your skin, slowly warming from the cold air outside. One of her hands pushed up the back of your neck and she rubbed the pads of her fingers against the back of your head.
“You smell really good.”
Wanda laughed and she pulled away to hold your face in her hands, rubbing the cold of your cheeks away with her warm thumbs. “It’s because I’ve been cooking for nearly three hours,” she said. 
She looked down at you still in your jacket. “What are you still doing in this, hm?” she asked, letting go of you and unzipping your jacket. She slid it down your arms. “That is no way to greet your stepmother — still in your jacket and all.”
You smiled. “I missed you so much, Wanda,” you said. You leaned forward and kissed her lips. There was flour on the bottom lip. You raised your hand and parted from her lips to brush it away gently. 
With her arms still around your shoulders, Wanda pulled you closer for a deeper kiss, then parted to pepper kisses across your cheek and down your neck. “I missed you too, angel,” she whispered.
The sounds of Vision’s footsteps echoed down the staircase and Wanda straightened and you parted from each other. She began undoing her apron.
“How was the drive, sweetheart?” she asked, rubbing her thumb against your cheek adoringly, then pulling her hand away to untie her apron. 
You and Wanda spoke while you helped clean the kitchen, with her telling you how things led up to her inviting some of her committee friends over for dinner. It felt like it normally did, talking with Wanda over the phone, but this time when you looked over at her, she was really there. 
This time, you could really reach over and touch her, sneak a few kisses, hold her, watch her as she was wiping down the counters and setting the table. 
Gods, how you missed her. 
“You should get changed,” Wanda said, setting down the cloth and undoing her hair. She hooked her fingers around the waistband of her pants and pulled you towards her, turning you so your ass was pressed against the counter and her hips were pressed against yours. 
You flushed and craned your neck to the side to see if perhaps your dad was coming down from upstairs without having been heard — he had said he was going to make a few work calls while he could so he was available throughout the evening. 
With her fingers against your jaw, Wanda turned your head so you were looking at her again. “You’re going to make me jealous,” she whispered low, “giving your attention to anything but me.” She grinned as she watched your cheeks tint in a warm blush. 
“How I’ve missed teasing you, sweetheart.” Wanda wrapped an arm around your hips and trailed her hand down to squeeze your ass. “Tell mommy you miss her teasing,” she pried, sticking out her bottom lip and pleading with her eyes. 
“M-Mommy, I missed your teasing,” you replied with a swallow. Having Wanda talk to you this way was nothing like it was over the phone, and certainly not over text either. You were almost ashamed that you’d nearly forgotten how much of an effect she had on you. 
Wanda seemed delighted, but not only because of your submission, but because it’d been so long since you’d been home with her. Even in visiting you at your place when she could, it wasn’t the same as having you home. It was the warmth and comfort of having you close at home that was special, and knowing you’d be there for a good while, during the mornings and the evenings. 
She kissed the tip of your nose. 
“Would you like to choose what I’m going to wear tonight?” she asked. 
You nodded, incredibly eager.
Wanda’s smile widened and she released you from between her and the counter. She wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close as you walked upstairs together. She rubbed your side with her warm hand while you nuzzled your face against her shoulder. “My little angel missed her mommy this much?”
You turned your whole body around in her arm and hugged her, burying your face in her neck and nodding. 
“Oh, honey…” Wanda whispered, rubbing her hand against your back, her other arm secure around your waist. “I know. I missed you too. I’m so happy that you’re home.”
Now that you were in Wanda’s arms, being held close to her while she comforted you, you were reminded just how much you missed being home. The visits weren’t the same as being home with her. Maybe you were overestimating because of how difficult this semester’s exams had been, but regardless, you were so happy to be with her. 
“Baby, I have a surprise for you,” she said, kissing the side of your head. You raised your head from her shoulder and looked at her curiously. “I booked a hotel for us to stay in for the next two days. I need to get a bit more Christmas shopping done, and I wanted to spend some time with just you.” She explained how she had worded it to Vision. 
You beamed. “Really?” you asked. You could only imagine it — spending some of the snowy season with just Wanda, having your own hotel room to come back to after spending the day together, being with her from the moment you woke up to the moment you fell asleep. 
Wanda pinched your nose and wiggled your head side to side gently. “Yes, really, sweetheart,” she said and let go of you to peck your lips. “We’ll leave tomorrow morning.”
The way your body was practically vibrating told Wanda that you were on the brink of shouting out excitedly and she quickly told you to keep it down because Vision’s office was just down the hall and that he was still taking calls. She kissed you tenderly. “And I have one more surprise for you once we get there,” she told you. “But you’ll have to be a good girl and wait — no hints.”
As promised, Wanda let you pick out her outfit for the dinner, but because Vision had been so close and was likely going to finish up his calls soon, she didn’t allow you to watch her get changed or vice versa; you changed alone in your bedroom and Wanda in hers.
During dinner, you were reminded of the earlier days before you had started seeing your stepmother — watching her from afar, her charming smiles and her warm laughs, her subtle glances at you and how easy it was for her to slip into and start conversations. That is all to say, however, that for the entirety of dinner, you were watching Wanda from afar, interacting very little with her aside from the casual conversion that the typical stepmother and stepdaughter had.
Conversation with her, when had, was affectionate, certainly, but was nothing close to what you wish you could partake in with her after so long of being without her; you could hardly wait to spend all of the next two days together.
In the evening after dinner and while you were getting ready for bed — Wanda’s committee friends insisted they do all the clean-up — Wanda came up to your bedroom after her friends had gone. There was a quiet knock on your bedroom door, and you opened it to Wanda stepping into your bedroom and giving you a kiss.
She closed the bedroom door behind her.
“I know we didn’t get to spend much time together tonight, honey.” She held your face in her hand, stroking your cheek with her thumb gently. You held her other hand with yours. “But for the rest of the holiday, especially during the next two days, I’ll be all yours.” She kissed your forehead tenderly.
She pressed her forehead against yours, meeting your eyes with a soft smile as she uttered a soft, “Goodnight, Y/N. I’m so happy that you’re back home.”
In the morning, you began to stir from your sleep when your bed dipped beneath you. Then you were enveloped in a warmth, one that reached your body through your blankets.
Wanda had an arm wrapped around your torso and she leaned down to you while sitting on the edge of your bed, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Wake up, my angel,” she uttered softly. “Let’s get to packing, so we can leave early and get lunch together.”
“Mommy…” you muttered against your blankets, still half-asleep and slowly rousing from deep sleep.
Wanda couldn’t help but smile at seeing your sleepy face, and she nipped at your earlobe before lifting your blankets and getting under them with you. You initially groaned at the cold until Wanda turned you around and wrapped her arms around you, covering your face and neck in warm, soft kisses.
You whined, “Mommy, I’m sleepy!”
“Aw, you’re sleepy, huh?” she teased. She bit down on her bottom lip and brushed the tip of her nose against yours. Her fingers tugged at the waistline of your pajama pants, pulling you against her hips. “Is my baby sleepy?”
A small smile pulled onto your lips and you tried hiding it in Wanda’s shoulder, but she wouldn’t let you shy away once seeing you all cute and giggly. She let go of your pants and ran her hands up your shirt, her cold palms flat against your warm stomach. 
You couldn’t stop your giggles this time and Wanda chuckled. Her fingertips brushed against the underside of your breasts and you began squirming. 
Then without warning, Wanda groped your breasts with both hands, kneading then softly with her fingers. She watched close as your face contorted, squeezing your eyes shut and repressing a moan as you tried burying your face in her chest.
“Why don’t you lay back, honey, since you’re so tired?” Wanda suggested innocently, then released one of your breasts to push you down onto your back with her hand on your shoulder. She lifted your shirt up without hesitation and exposed your breasts to the cold air. 
She immediately dove down to wrap her lips around one of your nipples, using her hand to tug at the other. Her tongue circled your erect bud, flicking over it lightly as she sucked and eventually parted, giving your nipple a gentle tug between her teeth as she did. Then she moved to the other and did the same. 
“Mommy…” you moaned, trying your best to open your eyes and look down to savour the sight of seeing your stepmother touch you for the first time in a while. You could see her mess of blonde hair between your tits, splayed out a mess against your chest. 
Wanda pressed a kiss to both your breasts then pulled your shirt back down before moving up your body and kissing your lips. “Feeling awake now, doll?”
You rubbed your eyes, slightly lighthearted to have been touched in such a way after having just woken up. You nodded. “Yes. Awake,” you answered. 
“That’s my good girl. Come. Let’s have breakfast before we pack.”
It was only Christmas Eve and onwards that your dad would have his holiday break, so for the next two days, Wanda was really all yours. 
Wanda made you eggs and waffles, and made them just how you liked them too. She knew how tiring and a bit lonely living on your own could be, and she really wanted to pamper you and treat you as all sweet little girls ought to be — and she simply just loved to spoil you. 
You felt so taken care of with Wanda.
Mommy helped you back your things, making sure you didn’t forget anything and offering to carry some of your things in her bags in case yours didn’t fit; she was always taking care of you, always making sure you were loved and attended to. Sometimes you felt like there wasn’t a single thing she did that she did without thinking of you. 
The drive to New York felt like a dream — and quite literally. Often, when you were away from Wanda, you dreamt about things like watching movies together or making dinner or going on a long car ride with her, such things that were rather casual but meant so much. 
In the warm car listening to Christmas tunes while both you and Wanda spoke about an assortment of things, the snow blew wildly past your windows. 
“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” Wanda asked, eyes on the road though her right hand came to rub your thigh affectionately. 
You looked over to her, garnering your stepmother’s attention for a split second before she looked back to the road. “I’m just happy to be here with you,” you answered.
You watched as a smile spread onto Wanda’s face.
“Oh, Y/N.” She practically gushed; she even seemed like she was blushing. It wasn’t rare for Wanda to blush with you, but you always really liked when she did. “I’m happy to be here with you too.” She squeezed your knee. 
The hotel Wanda had booked was rather nice, and seemed expensive, though that could’ve been partly attributed to how beautifully decorated it was for the holidays; there was a large lit up and decorated tree at the center of the lobby, as well as lights and hanging holly and ivy, with prop gifts and other decorations placed around lobby, but also throughout the entirety of the hotel. 
“Would you like to go shopping after dinner?” Wanda asked as the two of you set your bags down on the bed in your room. 
You slumped down on the bed, a singular Queen in the center of the room, and ran your arms up and down the expanse of it. “Yes — dinner then shopping,” you answered with a nod. 
Wanda grinned at seeing you laying down so relaxed and she approached you. Walking between your knees, she pushed your shirt up and pressed a kiss to your belly. Then she pulled it back down and stood above you, looking down at you. She rubbed her hands against your sides. 
“Let’s shower first?” she suggested, looking at how sleepy you looked. 
You opened your eyes and smiled. “Yes, please,” you answered. 
In the shower, Wanda lathered your body in soap with her hands then washed your hair, making sure to rinse you thoroughly in the warm shower water.
When it was your turn, she was enjoyably surprised when you chose to massage her shoulders beneath the water, stepping back against you and letting you touch her. More than simply being massaged, she liked just simply being touched by you, and how sweet and gentle you were with her and her body. 
“Y/N, that feels good…” she muttered at one point. Then, “I’ve been so tense the last few weeks. That feels wonderful. Thank you.” You weren’t sure if you were really blushing that hard or if it was the shower’s hot water. 
You loved being able to take care of each other; there was something so special about just being able to lather each other in lotion after showering and talking while drying up and getting dressed. With Wanda, it was so easy, and even the most simple things with her made you feel so warm. 
You always had a place to go with Wanda — a place you belonged.
After dinner, shopping in New York City just a few days before Christmas was rather chaotic, but you found yourself enjoying it all in spite of how busy it was. The snow and the Christmas lights decorating the city and the stores, the bustling people all eager to spend time with their loved ones while wrapped in their warm jackets and hats, and especially, walking hand-in-hand with Wanda made the experience really special. 
Coming back to the hotel, where it was just you and Wanda as it was in the morning and the entirety of the evening, solidified in your mind the idea that it was only you and Wanda that mattered in the whole world. It was only Wanda who needed your focus and attention, and it was only you in the whole world who needed hers. 
You’d have to be heading home in the morning after tomorrow, reintroducing the reality that there was more than just Wanda to think about, but for now, you were entirely comfortable in this temporary truth wherein only she and you mattered. 
If you were comfortable enough, you could almost make yourself believe that you had Wanda all to yourself for the entire holiday. 
“Are you ready for bed, my angel?” Wanda asked as you set down your bags of gifts together. 
“Not yet. Are you?”
Wanda shook her head, taking her jacket off and hanging it in the closet along with yours. “I’d like to show you the last surprise I kept for you,” she said, a mischievous grin forming on her face. “Would you like to see?”
Your stepmother loved when you begged, even when she knew she was already going to give in; she just liked when you asked her for things, so desperate for her attention and permission. 
“Pleeease,” you pleaded, tugging on her hand and making her giggle. 
She immediately gave in, of course. “Okay. Sit on the bed and close your eyes. I’ll have to get it out of my bag.”
You did as you were told, sitting on your bed with your hands folded in between your thighs, your eyes closed. You heard the unzipping of her bag and rustling of her clothes and other things she brought. Then you heard the padding of her feet against the carpet as she approached. 
“You look so cute sitting so polite and patient,” she teased, tapping the tip of her finger against your nose, making your face scrunch up. The bed dipped beside you and you felt Wanda’s thigh press against yours. A box was placed in your lap. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
On your lap was a light blue box patterned with little snowmen and reindeer, tied with gold ribbon. Wanda kissed your temple and wrapped an arm around your waist, anticipating your reaction. 
Buzzing with anticipation, you opened the box and carefully pulled back the sparkly white tissue paper to reveal a red and white lingerie set, and upon closer inspection, it was Christmas themed.
It was a two piece, with the top appearing to look like a red bow that tied together in the center between your breasts, a little bell hanging from it. It was also rimmed with faux white fur. 
The bottom was coloured with the same red, frilled around the top with one ribbon bows on both sides where your hips would be. At each corner, above the ribbon bows, was an identical ribbon-like strap that went from one front edge, up your hips to wrap around your waist to the adjacent edge where the back of your hip was so the two ribbon straps conjoined just below your bellybutton. 
On the side of the box, there was a headband with two reindeer antlers with a little bell at the base of each of them. 
“Isn’t it cute?” Wanda asked. “Do you like it?”
You put the box over to the side of your hip so as to not drop it so you could quickly turn and wrap your arms around your stepmother’s shoulders. “I love it, mommy!” you cheered. “Thank you, thank you! I can’t wait to wear it for you.”
Wanda laughed and hugged you back. “Oh, I knew you’d love it, angel.” She pecked your cheek repeatedly. “Ever since I bought it, I couldn’t stop thinking of you all wrapped up like a gift, and those adorable reindeer antlers… I must admit, some of the pictures I’ve sent you of myself were when I’d been thinking of you wearing that exact outfit.” 
She pulled away to speak low in your ear. “But, of course, mommy couldn’t tell you exactly what made her so wet when I sent you them. I had to keep it a surprise.”
“Do I get to wear it now, mommy?” you asked, pulling away and placing your hands on her thighs so you could lean close and plead. “Can I wear it for you now?”
“Baby, if I have to wait even another hour before seeing you with that on, I might just go absolutely mad. Please do put it on now.”
You started carefully taking the things out of the box while Wanda also took some of her own things out of her bag. She told you to get dressed and wait for her while she got changed in the washroom. 
Mommy knew you so well; you loved how the lingerie looked on you, and you thought it looked really cute. Your favourite part was the bells and the ribbons. You really looked like a gift all wrapped up. 
You wondered what else mommy planned. 
You sat at the center of the bed like mommy asked, waiting patiently for her to come out from the washroom. 
After a moment, Wanda stepped out in a lacy maroon lingerie set of her own. She had a black harness and a red strap already attached to it hanging from her hand.
Your whole body felt like it began to heat up at the sight of her body and her lingerie and how pretty and soft her skin looked, how beautiful mommy’s curves were, how nice and soft her hair looked, and the strap in her hand that was picked especially for you. 
“Oh, Y/N, look at you!” she said in awe as she looked you up and down, setting the harness on the bed and tugging a bit on your lingerie. “The sweetest Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten. You look adorable all dolled up for mommy.” She leaned down with a grin and kissed your lips.
“Mommy, you look so pretty.” You admired her in awe as she straightened and looked down at you from the side of the bed.
“You’re gonna make me blush, sweetness,” she gushed, taking your chin into her hands and brushing the pad of her thumb against your bottom lip.
She stepped into the harness then turned so you’d be able to have access to where it had to be fastened. “Won’t you fasten it together for me?”
You nodded immediately then got onto your knees and leaned down to fasten her harness. Wanda watched as your back arched and your ass moved up slightly in the air. She felt her clit throb seeing you in your adorable little outfit all focused on helping mommy. 
“That’s a good girl,” she said once you finished. Wanda climbed onto the bed and took a seat beside you. She wrapped an arm around your hips and pulled you close. 
“Why don’t you make me happy and take mommy’s cock in your mouth?” she proposed, brushing her nose against your cheek. “I want to see my pretty girl’s mouth full of mommy’s cock.” 
Excitedly, you moved onto your knees and positioned yourself closer to her hips as Wanda rubbed your back soothingly. 
“Let me take this off of you for just a little,” she said, carefully removing your reindeer ear headband. Its bells jingled slightly as she set it down on the side table. She leaned forward and kissed the top of your head before sitting back against the headboard.
On your knees and leaning down to suck Wanda off with her hand resting on your lower back, you licked up Wanda’s cock, making eye contact with her as she looked down at you affectionately. You broke eye contact to spit down on her tip, before using your hand to gently jerk her off and lather it in your saliva.
With the way your stepmother kept warmly rubbing your back only encouraged you further, and you became rather impatient, excited to take her cock into your mouth. You looked up at her briefly, to which Wanda was still looking down at you attentively with her warm gaze, and you finally wrapped your lips around her cock and carefully bobbed your head down.
“That’s right, honey,” she urged gently, her hand moving up your back to rest against the back of your neck. “Deeper, if you can. I’d like to hear my cock in your pretty throat.”
You uttered something unintelligible as you kept Wanda’s cock in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down, each time you went down slowly taking more and more of her into your mouth. 
“Oh, that’s it, sweetheart,” Wanda cooed as your lips finally reached the base of her cock, drool dripping down the sides of your mouth. She listened as you steadied your breaths as you took her cock down your throat. Her hand came to the back of your head, her fingers gently weaving through your hair.
To please her even more, you began moving your head again, and this time, taking her whole cock into your mouth each time you bobbed your head down. 
Wanda audibly moaned when you began softly gagging around her strap, your eyes shutting as tears began forming with the way her cock was entering your throat repeatedly. She never forced your head down, her hand only gently guiding you and massaging the back of your head and playing with your hair, but your desire to please her was so great that you were thoroughly enjoying having your throat fucked by her cock.
Though she wasn’t one for aggressive sex nor was she one for throatfucking, the throbbing of Wanda’s clit as she watched you gag and drool around her cock was too great a pleasure to refrain from jerking her hips up just a little — just to feel a little of the base of the strap rub against her cunt. She shut her eyes when she felt the slightest bit of friction against her clit and Wanda laid her head back against the headboard. 
“Okay, that’s all, baby,” Wanda said, now feeling rather eager to move on and fuck you with how desperate she was feeling now. She leaned forward and cupped your face with her hands, wiping your saliva from around your lips and from your chin. Then she kissed you tenderly, stroking your cheeks with her thumbs. “You did such a good job, my good girl. I love seeing my beautiful angel trying her very best to make mommy happy.”
“Are you happy, mama?” you asked, laying your hands flat on the bed and looking at her curiously. 
“I’m very happy, Y/N,” Wanda answered with a soft smile. “I’m so happy to be here with you.” She turned you around and repositioned the both of you so you were on all fours. “Stay here for a moment.”
Wanda moved over to the side and stepped off of the bed. You heard her rustling around through her bag and then her getting back onto the bed, sitting beside you. You sat back on your heels and looked at what was in her hands. “Honey, I might have lied — I have one more surprise for you.”
In her hands was a pretty red collar with a bell at its center, along with a black leather leash to match. You immediately felt your cheeks flush and your thighs press together; you had never been collared by Wanda before, and the image of her tugging you by a leash excited you immensely.
“Does this look alright to you, sweetheart?” Wanda asked gently, moving to you closer and stroking the back of your hand with her fingers. “I know we’ve never done anything like it before, but I thought it might be cute — treating you like my sweet puppy with a collar and leash. But if it’s too much for you, we don’t have to use it. It’s purely experimental, and I bought it only out of curiosity, so don’t be afraid to tell me no, okay?”
“I want to try it, mama,” you told her honestly, holding the leash in your hands and feeling the soft leather with your fingers. “But not very tight on my neck.”
Wanda kissed your forehead. “Alright. I’ll put it on now, and tell me how you like it.” She undid the collar and wrapped it around your neck. She kept checking in with you as she tightened it, making sure it was just right for how you wanted it. Then she tugged on it with the leash, also making sure it wasn’t too harsh on your neck.
When it was on comfortably, it made you giggle a little because the little bell jingled every time you moved. 
That made Wanda laugh too; she thought you looked so cute. Then she put your reindeer antler headband back on and kissed your forehead.
Wanda was on her knees behind you, and you returned to your position on all fours. With the leash circled around her knuckles, she tugged on it and your neck was pulled back slightly. “How does that feel, honey?” she asked. She tugged again, a bit harder this time, so you knew exactly how rough it could feel in the case that you might want to change your mind.
You squeezed your thighs together and repressed a moan. 
God, how could you describe how it felt to have Wanda pull you by a leash? You couldn’t think of anything sexier than being on all fours in a cute outfit she chose for you, fucking you with her cock and tugging you by a leash while you were wearing a collar she also chose specially for you. “That feels good, mama,” you replied, hanging your head and whimpering.
“Does it now?” Intrigued by your response, Wanda tugged harder, watching closely for your reaction as she pulled you all the way up so your back was pressed against her body. Her hand came to your neck and you whimpered. “That feels good, hm?” she asked with a smirk, her lips ghosting over your collar and up to your ear. 
You squeezed your eyes shut and swallowed. “Th-That does feel good, mama…” you replied.
“Remember, you can tell me to stop whenever you need, pumpkin. It’s been some time since we’ve had sex, and we’ve never used a collar and leash before,” Wanda reminded you gently. She used her free hand to stroke your hip with her thumb. “Like always, it’s okay to need to take a break to feel the need to stop — even if we’d been having sex regularly, and even if you do enjoy the leash.”
You nodded. “I know, Wanda,” you answered. “Thank you. I know I’m always safe with you.”
Wanda smiled. She craned her head forward over your shoulder and kissed your cheek. “That’s right, angel. Always,” she said. Her hand moved up your back and gently pushed you forward until you were back on all fours. She pushed her hips against your ass and you could feel her strap press against your clothed cunt.
With her leash still wrapped around her knuckles, she placed both hands on your hips and began slowly thrusting her cock against your clothed pussy. The collar and the leash’s tautness wouldn’t let you loll your head forward, and so you were forced to whimper out unabashedly as Wanda’s cock prodded at your clit.
“You look so adorable, honey.” Wanda rubbed her palm in circles against your ass. She delivered a soft spank to your ass and giggled when your body jerked in response. 
Driven by the thrill of seeing her pretty doll all sensitive, Wanda tugged on your leash and spanked you again. She tugged on your leash again in a quick jerking motion to make the bell on your collar jingle.
Wanda pulled her hips back a little and took her cock into her hands, prodding directly at your clothed hole and twitching her hips forward to apply pressure. “You’d come if all I did was keep going like this, wouldn’t you?” she inquired with a terrifying amount of curiosity. 
“I… M-Maybe…” you stuttered. It was true — you were really that sensitive to your stepmother. 
You supposed, paired with the clothed fucking, that she’d only have to utter a few dirty words and deliver a few spanks in order for her to bring you to orgasm. 
With that knowledge of her power over you, there was no telling what kinds of teasing mommy would feel like putting you through. 
“Maybe?” Wanda repeated, clearly still preoccupied with watching the way her strap pressed against your cunt. She slowly slid its tip down and applied pressure to your clit. “Shall we see how fast it takes?”
Your stomach dropped and you immediately protested. “No, mama! Please, I want… inside. I want you, mommy,” you pleaded.
Wanda didn’t respond for a bit of time. She put her hands on your hips and slowly began thrusting her cock against your cunt, watching as it slit down your clothed slit and brushed against your throbbing clit each time her hips moved forward and she pulled your ass back. 
You hung your head as you moaned out softly, but also because you felt some defeat for what seemed like Wanda being determined to get you off with your clothes still on. 
Your leash was tugged back and your head was forced to position itself upright. 
“Where’s my little girl’s enthusiasm now, hm?” Wanda tipped her head to the side to get a look at your expression. “You’ve always been such a sore loser, baby.”
At the sight of your protruding bottom lip, Wanda added, “Oh, don’t pout now, angel.” She rubbed your ass soothingly. “You want mommy to fuck you? Is that what you want?” She leaned forward, her cock slotting itself right in the slit of your cunt and against your clit, and tugged your leash back so she could look at you better. 
“That’s what I want, mama,” you answered obediently. Your stepmother loved when you begged for her. “Please, mommy. Please fuck me.”
With a pleased smile, Wanda used the hand with your leash around her knuckles and pulled your head back by your hair. She leaned forward further and pressed a kiss to your neck and then your shoulder. “I’ll fuck you good,” she obliged, her voice low and vaguely threatening. “Don’t you worry, princess.”
While she rubbed your lower back with her warm palm, Wanda slowly pulled your underwear off. You heard her coo in amusement, “Honey, you’re the first Christmas gift I’ve opened all season.” She pulled it down your thighs and you felt your cunt part from its sticky confines. “And I have to say, I’m rather pleased.”
You felt her move backwards and her hands were placed on both sides of your ass. She ran her tongue through your cunt and audibly moaned, her fingers moving down to your hips and pulling you against her face.
The warmth of her tongue and the coolness of her face against your swollen, desperate pussy felt incredible. You let out a long moan and grasped at the bedsheets. Her tongue explored your soft cunt lips, tracing through your labia and moving gently over your throbbing clit. She dipped into your opening and groaned at the flavor of where you tasted the sweetest. 
Greedily, her lips wrapped around you and sucked, her tongue flattening to taste as much of you as she could. When your moans became breathless and more restrained, Wanda pulled away against her own urges of gluttony, but not before lapping up around your inner thighs and around your cunt. 
“I missed tasting you,” Wanda told you and completely removed your underwear from around your knees and tossed it aside onto the bed. 
“Mommy…” you uttered quietly, feeling your cheeks flush. 
Wanda reached back, where she had placed down a bottle of lube that she’d brought with the harness. She lathered enough onto her cock and laid it down where your panties were. Then she tightened her grip on your leash again. “Are you ready, baby?”
You nodded, nearly about to cry from how pent up you were feeling. “I’m ready.”
With a hand around your cock and the other around your hip to keep you steady, Wanda slipped her tip past your opening then steadily pushed herself inside of you. She watched as your cunt wrapped around her cock, your body jerking forward slightly as you adjusted to her size.
“How often do you masturbate, my love?”
Struggling to reply as you braced the entrance of Wanda’s cock, you uttered, “Only the times when I send you pictures and videos of myself, mama.”
“Only then? You never touch yourself without letting me know?”
“That’s good,” Wanda cooed and rubbed your lower back. From the last time you sent a video of yourself, that meant that the last time you’d touched yourself was about a week and a half ago. She would deep in mind how sensitive you were.
A sigh was released from her as her hips finally met your ass. Her hand rounded your hips and she pressed her fingers against your lower stomach. “Do you feel that, angel?” she asked. “Mommy’s all in now. You did such a good job.”
Tightening her hold on your leash by wrapping it once more around her knuckles, Wanda put both hands on your hips and began pulling you back onto her hips. The tautness of the leash made it so you maintained the arch in your back, and so all your moans and adorable little noises were released out loud so Wanda could hear them. 
“Ah, fuck,” she mumbled. “You’re so adorable, my angel.”
Watching your ass as she pulled you against her hips drove Wanda slightly mad with desire, and she began to thrust her hips forward, your bodies meeting with a greater amount of force. Then Wanda placed a hand on your upper back and pushed you down so you were on your elbows. Her thrusts quickened and Wanda delivered a spank to your ass, making you yelp. 
“Tell mommy how much you love getting your cunt fucked by her cock,” she demanded, tugging on your leash and grinning as she listened to how difficult it was for you to speak with how harshly she was thrusting against your ass.
“Mama, I- ” Your words were cut short when Wanda tugged you by your leash so your face was away from the pillow in front of you and you could speak properly. “I love when mommy fucks me with her cock,” you drolled out between moans. “I’m… mommy’s needy cockslut.”
Your wording awakened something within your stepmother and her fingernails dug into your hips. She slid out of you and turned you around. She repositioned the both of you so she was laying down, one elbow holding herself up. With your leash around her knuckles, she tugged you forward as if you were a dog so you had to crawl up her legs and up her body.
It made your whole body thrum with a warm heat as you watched how Wanda looked at you, with unabashed hungry desire — and all for you. She placed her hands on your hips and had you sit on her cock, your thighs straddling her hips and your hands on your knees. She smiled at your strained little face as you took her thick cock into you again.
“I would like to see you without this now.” Wanda reached up and you leaned forward to allow her to reach your torso. She undid your bra and wrapped her arms around your waist, bringing you forward to allow her to wrap her lips around one of your nipples. 
Her warm hands moved up the smooth curve of your back as she kissed your breasts and then up to your neck. She straightened you back up and sat herself up so she could reach back and unclip her own bra. 
A hand came to the back of your head and she led you towards her breasts, and you wrapped your lips around one of her nipples. A soft, relieved sigh escaped from your stepmother’s lips and she laid down flat against the bed. 
As you suckled from Wanda, she placed her hands on your hips and began moving you up and down along her cock, guiding you into riding her. Your warm exhales warmed her breasts and hardened her nipples and she brought you closer. “Always so gentle with mommy,” she said and kissed the top of your head.
Gently, she straightened you up again and made you part from her breasts. “I want to see you ride, Y/N,” she told you and placed her hands on your hips. “Come on, baby. Make mommy happy. Let me see my little girl come.” She let go of your leash and let you ride her freely, at times pulling you down onto her hips harshly when she wanted to see you yelp — which she quite frequently did.
“That’s right,” she encouraged. Her eyes shut in pleasure as the rolling of your hips ground the base of Wanda’s strap against her clit. When shopping for which toys to use with you, Wanda had been curious about a different kind of harness that was positioned a bit lower than what was typical, so it allowed for more stimulation against the wearer’s clit. She was rather pleased with how well it was working for her.
Her hands worked at keeping your hips rolling forward, and even you seemed to be reaching closer and closer to orgasm, resulting in your speed quickening and with greater force as you came back down and met her hips.
“M-Mama…” you moaned out. “I’m gonna come.”
“It’s alright, baby,” she permitted. “Come for mommy. Let me see my good girl. Come here.” She moved her hands up your sides and wrapped her arms around your waist as she pulled you down and rolled on top of you. Her hand cupped the side of your face and she thrusted into you as you laid on your back, your thighs tightening around her. 
Wanda’s forehead laid against yours as she moaned, her hips thrusting in a slightly upwards movement as well as forward so she was able to rub herself against the base of her strap. You watched with your eyes half-open as mommy seemed to inch closer to her own orgasm. 
Your arms wrapped around her waist and Wanda grasped as the side of your ass, pulling you up against her desperately as she sought the pleasure of fucking you at the same time as grinding her sensitive clit against her strap. Her hips quickened and your moans meshed together in time with the slapping of skin below your sweaty bodies.
Naturally, with how sensitive she had built you up to be from the moment she began, you came first. Wanda raised her head to watch as you came for her, and she stroked your cheekbone with her thumb supportively, whispering out gently, “That’s right, honey. Come for mommy. Let it all out. I’m here.”
Wanda came second, just in time before her thrusting would have become overstimulating for you. She buried her face in your neck and you wrapped your arms around her warm body. Her shampoo smelled so good, and the way she moaned against your skin sent her warm breath down your clavicle and brushed her soft lips against your neck.
You loved when mommy came like this — all close to you so you could hug her and make her feel cared for just like she always did for you.
“Mommy, are you okay?” you asked when Wanda came down from her climax and was gently panting against your neck. You felt her nod and she tightened her arm’s hold around your waist.
“I’m feeling perfectly fine, my angel.” She pressed kisses to your jawline and up to the lobe of your ear as she slipped from your body and brought you against her body. “I feel happy.”
With her other hand, she undid her harness and lifted her hip from the bed so she could slip it off of her body and place it where the rest of your lingerie and the bottle of lube were laying. Then, she took your headband off and your collar too.
When the two of you had been cuddling together laying together, warm under the bed’s blankets and talking about how much you’d been enjoying your time together so far, you lifted yourself onto your elbow. “Wanda, I brought a gift for you,” you said, proudly and with a smile. “I want you to open it early, while it’s just the two of us.”
Wanda smiled at you and ran her hand up and down your side. “Do you? Shall I close my eyes while you get it?”
You nodded and Wanda smirked at how adorable you looked when you were excited. Then she closed her eyes and sat up a bit against the pillow and the headboard, the blankets wrapped around her body comfortably. 
She listened as you stepped off of the bed and went through your bag. She heard the crinkling of some wrapping paper as you took the gift from your back and lept back into bed, making Wanda laugh as you hurriedly tucked yourself back under the sheets with her — but she kept her eyes closed like she promised. 
“Okay, open your eyes now,” you said and laid the gift down in her lap. 
The wrapped gift was a rectangular shape wrapped in light pink wrapping paper patterned with gingerbread houses and tiny gingerbread men, with a glittering silver bow wrapped around the gift. Beneath it, was a thin cardboard gift tag that wrote: ‘For Wanda.’
Wanda smiled warmly at the sight of it, and she smiled and scooted herself close to you so your bodies were pressed against each other. She rested her head on your shoulder and began opening the gift. 
What was beneath the wrapping paper was revealed to be a book, and when Wanda fully opened it to see what it was, she felt herself melt completely. “Y/N…” she whispered quietly, running her eyes down the details of the book’s cover and its perfect preservation. 
“It’s a first edition copy,” you told her, carefully opening the cover and pointing to the print date of 1950. 
Many months ago, Wanda told you of how she often had to move around with her family, often displaced by the war in Sokovia, and unable to secure permanent housing due to her family’s financial situation. During the many moves, her family was often forced to leave a majority of their things behind, especially once they found a route to America. 
One of the things Wanda had lost was her copy of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, her very favorite book during her childhood. At home, she had a small statue on the living room bookshelf of a lion that reminded her of the book, but other than that, she’d never bought herself another copy.
It wouldn’t be the same, she told you, if she bought the book for herself in order to replace the old one, for it had been a gift from her late parents when she was young. 
“Y/N, thank you,” she said, setting the book down on her lap and wrapping her arms around you, hugging you tightly. “You really have no idea how much this means to me. This is such a special gift.” She sounded tearful as she spoke against the side of your head. 
“I love you, Wanda.”
She pulled away and quickly swiped at her eyes to kiss you. “I love you so much, Y/N,” she spoke against your lips and kissed you again, and again against your cheek and then against your temple and your forehead. “I love you so, so much.”
It’d been so long since Wanda immigrated to America. Her parents had passed years ago and though she often spoke with Pietro, she saw him most commonly during the holidays and sometimes during the summers. As such, sometimes Wanda forgot parts of even her own life — parts of herself. 
It wasn’t at all that she forgot about her childhood and her life before America, but more so that as life went on and as she grew and aged, she thought less and less about such things in the past.
She cried after she received the gift while you comforted her, and she told you how much she missed her parents and how she felt guilty for not having thought of them and Sokovia for some time. 
“Can you read the book to me, Wanda?” you asked once Wanda had stopped crying, but was still laying her head against your chest. She looked at you and smiled when you met her eyes in affirmation.
For the rest of the night, you laid in bed with Wanda, your head on her shoulder as she read the book to you. She had only ever read it in Sokovian, and she kept mentioning things about the English translation and how it was interesting how things were worded differently between the two languages. She recalled memories of her family and of Sokovia as she went through the chapters — when her parents had read the book to her and how she would be read to while laying in bed with Pietro before bed, and anything else that came to mind as she spoke of her childhood and her family. 
You could tell how happy it made her to recall all those things, and also, how happy it made her that she was reading the book to you. 
There was something really special about recalling and reawakening such memories with you; it was true that she couldn’t ever revisit the past nor speak with her parents again, but it was something rather special to share all of this with you. She couldn’t get it back, but she could keep it all alive, and that could truly only be done if shared with someone she loved. 
With the gentle flakes of snow falling outside the hotel window, illuminated by the warm light of the nightstand by the bed and contrasted by the dark moonlit skies of the evening, Wanda spent that night sharing with you what she shared with no one else — what she would never share with anyone else. 
To share such precious memories with you was to make them all eternal. It could only be you, after all. 
Wanda had forgotten important parts of herself, only to find them within you. Love has a unique ability to do that — giving you a map of yourself, and a home within another.
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awesomefringey · 9 months
I haven't been able to find a good fic to read in about 7 months, I've only read A Distant Hazy Light over and over, but I need a good fic to get this out of my system
Ok, I understand we need to do something about it but first of all @greenfeelings wrote a brilliant series! So, I get it!!!
I read so many wonderful fics this year, here are some of them, maybe they’re for you too:
Is This Flying Or Falling by Holdingontochaos (A/B/O) It’s very sexy and very emotional. It’s also a lot of hurt and comfort. (Harry is traumatized from a past relationship, see the tags for triggers)
Quiet People Have The Loudest Minds by @2tiedships2 (A/B/O) I rediscovered it this year and couldn’t put it down again. It’s so very very sweet and made me feel warm and fuzzy.
Danger I Can’t Hide by CelticSky This is the most epic fic. I was worried it would be too dark and too real for my liking with the WWII setting, but the author finds a great balance to create a very real and life threatening atmosphere without it being too unbearable. Although I cried a lot! It is one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Great writing, amazing pacing, a truly unique love story.
Just Breathe With Me by @she-bear369 The Yoga fic. I couldn’t put this fic down. I loved their chemistry and how it was immediately palpable that there was something between them. Also Yoga instructor Louis is truly inspiring! Both Louis and Harry come with a bit of trauma they need to work through, but I loved to watch them process them and grow to be even better people, for themselves and for each other.
Love Is A Word You Gave It A Name by @larrydoinglaundry (3 part series) This one is pretty popular, so maybe you’ve read them already? If not, you must! I can’t really prepare you for it, other than that Louis and Harry will build a room in your heart and never leave it. I’ve read this one (and the 2nd part) multiple times, just to spend time with them.
Secrets, Santa? by @indiaalphawhiskey This fic is a gift to our fandom. I still don’t understand how we deserve authors like India. I’ve been wheezing and screaming over Harry, he’s absolutely hilarious and I love him to bits. The way Harry stubbornly thirsts after Louis is as silly as it is understandable because DAMN Louis is a CEO and Harry is his assistant and why isn’t this a Hallmark Christmas movie and thank god it isn’t because this one is so much better! I read this multiple times and it’ll be forever my go-to fic to get into the Christmas spirit.
And a little extra rec because you’re into A/B/O:
Behind Smoke Stained Curtains by @jaerie This fic was recommended to me recently and I haven’t read it yet but will before the year ends. So if you’re curious, give this one a go.
You can check my tags as well: larry fanfic rec, abo larry fanfiction or larry fanfiction (which is all of my reblogs for fics)
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shimonerin · 9 months
Secret Santa w/ the Jujutsu High Students
Content: Giving Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara their favorite gifts Tags: fluff Words: 1.7k
a/n: literally my first time writing again after a year or two and also my first time actually putting myself out there and posting lol I apologize if it's messy or lengthy TvT
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Itadori Yuji
I feel like Yuuji would ask for a DVD/cassette collection of his favorite movies and TV shows since he really is a “TV child” and grew up watching those. And also because DVDs/cassettes are not really a thing nowadays, it kind of gives him nostalgia to be watching the same movies he used to when he was younger. 
Another thing I think he’d like is a snack basket. Just a basket filled to the brim with sweets and snacks and sodas. Just something he can eat and share with someone while he’s watching his shows.
Yuuji doesn’t ask for much and he’d be completely fine if you only managed to buy one of them or even a completely different gift. I mean, he’s basically going out every weekend in the cinemas and he’s more than capable of buying a few snacks for himself at the store. Everything else is just a bonus.
What he didn’t expect was for you to go out of your way to buy him everything on his wishlist and even gave him a meal voucher to one of the popular ramen restaurants in Japan. You know he likes rice bowls a lot and what’s better than giving him a voucher that’s worth at least three different rice bowls.
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“No way! You bought all of this for me?” He exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with stars as he looked over the rack full of DVDs, a large snack basket, and a meal voucher. He could feel the tears well up in his eyes, seeing you make an effort into giving him something special. 
You smiled fondly at him, chuckling softly at his lightly pouting face “I might as well, right?” You tell him so casually, as if you didn’t just crawl your way into this man’s heart with your gifts.
Without a second thought, he threw himself at you, wrapping you in a tight, almost suffocating embrace before burying his face at the crook of your neck “You’re so awesome, you know that? I was secretly hoping you were my secret santa.” He murmured softly, which you find extremely endearing. Nobara and Gojo snickered behind you and you knew you’d find yourself in the middle of another teasing session over the next few days.
As soon as Yuuji let go of you, he grabbed both of your hands, holding it in front of your chest “We should definitely stop by that ramen restaurant later! You’ve only been there once, right?” He suggested as he shook your hands excitedly like a child.
As much as he wanted to hang out with his friends this Christmas, he didn’t want to miss out on some one-on-one time with you. He’s basically begging the universe for it so he wouldn’t trade it for the world or for an extra day of training. That can wait.
Megumi Fushiguro
I feel like Megumi isn’t even interested in joining Secret Santa. Poor boy was just forced by Gojo and Itadori lol. As he’s not interested in receiving any material gifts anyways, at most he’d probably just ask for a book.
He didn’t even give you any specific book he’d want you to buy so you had to ask Gojo “Oh, he’s not really into fantasy books, if that’s what you’re thinking,” He tells you as he leaned back onto the sofa “He’s leaning more towards nonfiction novels. Like the classics, you know?”
Heading straight towards the bookstore after training hours, you decided to go for “In Praise of Shadows” by Junichiro Tanizaki, simply because the title reminded you of his cursed technique. Though, the synopsis for the book isn’t too far off from his tastes.
Giving him only the book felt empty so you decided to look for mini figurines for his shikigamis at a nearby pottery shop. You wanted to give him something to symbolize his immense care for these animals, which was one of the things you loved the most about him. In the end, you had bought a total of 10 mini clay figurines. You placed it alongside the book inside a neat box with Japanese wrapping paper and a small bunny origami that resembles one of his shikigami on top to finish it off.
When it was time to give your gift to Megumi, he was quite impressed with the way it was wrapped but kept his reactions to a minimum “Ah, thanks.” He’d say, with a hand behind his neck
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Only when he opens his present will you see the visible change in his expression. He pulls out the book and the mini figurines of the Divine Dogs, his gaze darting all over it in subtle fascination.
You purse your lips, tilting your head slightly “Do you like it?” You asked him, albeit a little nervously.
“Hey! Say something, won't you?” Nobara shouted, crossing her arms at the boy “Don't just sit there and stare!”
Megumi lifted his head off your bundle of gifts as he gazed back at your smiling face, a sudden feeling of happiness swelling in his chest but he kept it in.
“It’s…nice. I like it.” He spoke quietly, as if he’s only talking to you, blocking out all of the other sounds around him “You shouldn't have bought so much.”
He wanted to say more than that but his real feelings can't be summed up in a few words and he didn't want to come off so cheesy in front of his friends.
You laughed in response, waving off his words “No, no, I want to! You seem so indifferent with Christmas and I just wanted to give you something to smile about!” You lightly teased him, knowing you would have loved him either way.
At this point, Itadori and Nobara were forcing Megumi to smile for you as a joke, poking and prodding at his cheeks like they always do.
In the middle of the teasing session, you could definitely make out a small genuine smile from his otherwise stoic face, one that's easy to miss if you’re not looking closely enough. 
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Later that evening, when you finally got home, you received an unexpected call from Gojo, saying “Hey, just called to tell you Megumi loved what you gave him.” He tells you “In fact, he’s arranging those figurines you bought him at his bedside table.”
Without a second thought, you could hear Gojo put his phone closer to Megumi’s room, as the faint sound of soft clashes of wood on wood fills your ears.
Gojo puts himself back on the call “Oh, and the book that you gave him? Yeah, he started reading it on the way home. Looks like you really got him this time.”
You couldn't help the smile slowly spreading across your face like a child “Really?” You say, trying not to let your voice give out what you're feeling “That’s…that’s great! Tell him to cherish it for me, Gojo-sensei!”
Unbeknownst to you, you were on speaker the whole time.
Kugisaki Nobara
Oh it was anxiety-inducing to think of what to give to Nobara. She’s a girl who knows her worth and knows exactly what she deserves. And while that was an aspect of her personality that you love and admire a lot, there’s only so much that you can do with your allowance.
Her wish list states that she wanted stylish clothing, accessories, or anything that looks good on her, given how much she loves shopping. Of course, she didn’t ask for Balenciaga or Onitsuka Tiger. She’s not that delusional.
But you can’t help as if every gift you’d think of wouldn’t be good enough for her. You only wanted to give her the best things because that’s when you’ll see her smile the brightest. And you’d probably do anything to see it on her all the time.
Over the weekend, you made a plan to go to Shibuya, going straight to the popular fashion mall, Shibuya 109. Entering one of the more affordable clothing chains in the establishment, you purchased a cute, oversized graphic tee for her. You also decided to buy her a box set of accessories like hairpins, bracelets, chains, and scrunchies.
Buying one last thing for her with the money that you have, you go to a local chocolatier and order a box of macaroons. Nobara has always been a fan of sweets, after all.
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On Christmas Day, when it was your turn to give your gifts, you glanced towards Nobara who was sitting beside you before handing her a beautifully wrapped gift with a ribbon on top.
“Merry Christmas, Nobara. You’re gonna love this.” You’d sweetly say as she widened her eyes, delicately loosening the ribbon string.
As soon as her eyes landed on the top you bought for her, chic accessories, and the box of macaroons, she couldn't simply contain her excitement.
Her eyes were basically stars as she immediately tried on the shirt, twisting and turning to see how it looked “(Y/N), this is gorgeous!” She exclaimed 
Opening the box of accessories next, she quickly tried on the hairclips and wore the bracelets, hurriedly trying them on all at once “Where did you buy all this? It honestly looks so good.” She asked you, a wide smile plastered on her face
You scratched the back of your head and grinned “I…I honestly went to Shibuya this Saturday. I thought I might find you something different from the shops there.”
She immediately dropped everything she was holding and perked up in interest “And you didn't bring me with you? That would have been the best Christmas gift you could give me!” She says, her warm hands immediately wrapping around yours “Then maybe you shouldn't have spent all your money on me. I heard some stores there are so expensive.”
Your grip on her hand tightened into a gentle squeeze “You don't need to worry. I got my money's worth so it’s okay, really.” You reassured her.
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You could see the tears forming on her eyes, only for her to wipe it off as she pouted “Well, at least let me share my macarons with you!” She tells you before picking one from the box and feeding you a strawberry cream-filled flavor macaron.
Nobara made a promise to be the one to take you to Shibuya next time and even go as far as to spoil you, even when you told her not to. 
How could she not? She’s so picky with everything but you’re the only one who seems to pinpoint her tastes so well. She’s never met anyone who could match her as good as you do so she’ll make sure to return the favor.
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Happy holidays x
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kedsandtubesocks · 10 months
12:07 am - Gojo Satoru
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☽ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Happy birthday to our Sagittarius boy, you are so deeply loved Gojo
tags: sweet fluff with a surprise ending - just like how the birthday boy would want it
wc: 1.6k
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The weeks leading up to Gojo’s birthday have been a nightmare.
Whenever you casually tried asking your boyfriend what he wanted for a birthday present, his answer was always the same -
“You. You’re all I need.” And he said it with the same toothy genuine grin.
You still wanted to try and get him something though.
However… fate decided she instead wanted to fight you at every step.
The special outfit you ordered with the hope of it arriving in time for his birthday ended up back ordered and wouldn’t be shipped for another week. The cake shop you planned to grab his birthday cake from had an unexpected construction issue. The surprise trip you had been secretly trying so hard to plan grew harder and harder to figure out with Gojo’s constant meddling. Plus, with his hectic unpredictable schedule you wondered if a trip, surprise or not, was even possible.
Discouragement consumed you fast and the bitterness still lingered on your tongue. Even now, as you hung up streamers in your shared apartment, you wondered if this would even be enough. Were you even enough for a man who could have anything in this world?
Climbing down the small stepladder, you glance at the clock.
Just a few minutes short from the time actually turning into his birthday.
You’re at least thankful this week’s mission would keep him away until the morning. The extra time became a blessing and allowed you to decorate before he came home. You wanted to try and stay awake to greet him. But as more and more yawns over took you, you think maybe you might not be able to.
So you decided for the next best option. You already had most of the table set up for Gojo to see when he walked further into the apartment. Large balloons covered most of the table. Vibrant streamers hung from above. Your card for him sat waiting. And now you’d place out the final piece.
It wouldn’t be the cake you had hoped for, but the assortment of cupcakes you snagged from a bakery nearby were pretty adorable. You now move to set them out on the table.
The keys jingling however suddenly ring into the apartment.
No. He couldn’t be home now. Then the apartment door unlocking ignites panic. You rapidly place the cupcakes down on the table, and scurry to the door.
And there he is. The strongest sorcerer.
Satoru, even still in his work uniform, looks like a quiet dream in the soft light. Even as he unceremoniously drops his travel bag without a care. He shoves his blindfold up and those mythical cerulean eyes of his twinkle.
“Well now, what are you still doing up?” Gojo grins, his voice warm and curiously excited.
“What are you even doing here?! I thought you weren’t supposed to be back till this morning?!” You fire back.
“What? Can I not sneak back early for my birthday?” Satoru smirks while he walks towards you to already lean down to kiss you.
Then, he freezes. His eyes flicker to stare out behind you and you turn around. A balloon softly rolling out gives you away.
“Oh?” His damn amused voice twinkles brighter. “You having a party without me?”
“Yeah. I was waiting for my secret other boyfriend to come over until you showed up.” You playfully tell him.
“I just got home! Why do you wound me so?!” Gojo shrieks in horror. Quickly he draws you into his arms and holds you tight. You can’t help but burst into giggles as he playfully kisses every inch of your face.
You just accept your surprise is slightly ruined. However, in your boyfriend’s arms, defeat doesn’t feel so bad. Once he sets you back on the ground, Gojo follows right behind you giggling like a gleeful kid about to meet Santa.
“Alright,” you sigh. “I wanted to surprise you when you got home and-”
As you walk into the kitchen, instead of seeing the cupcakes on the table, they now sit on the chair and are flipped over in their container.
Your excitement deflates and a wave of sadness swallows you whole. In the frenzy of Gojo coming home, you must have not place the container fully on the table and they fell.
“Wow!” Satoru cries loud and excited. “You set up all of this?! Look at all the balloons?! And the streamers!”
You can’t even look at him, or even acknowledge him. Your focus is only on the ruined sweets you silently approach.
His voice vaguely behind you now sounds distant and concerned.
Tears begin clogging your throat and you furiously, angrily, blink them away. You shouldn’t be this upset. They’re just cupcakes. Gojo could buy a whole bakery if he wanted to. But maybe the exhaustion of the day catching up to you, or the frustration leading up to this, all of it has you crying.
Gojo cries out your name worried, panicked.
“Is this about the cupcakes?” He asks and his voice floats around you like a comforting balm.
“Because they’re not that messed up! Actually, they still look pretty intact if you ask me-”
“No.” You sigh through the hot tears. “It isn’t just about this.”
You explain everything. Before you can even get to how upset you were about the cupcakes falling, Satoru’s hands suddenly cradle your face. Swiftly he’s titling your head up and capturing your lips with his.
He kisses you fierce, dizzying, as if he’s trying to steal your breath away while also ground you completely to him.
“You damn adorable and gorgeous dummy.” Satoru whispers fiercely against your lips. “How many times did I tell you? You’re all I need.”
It gets harder fighting back the tears for another reason, one that’s sweeter than any confectionery.
You also realize you shouldn’t have doubted Satoru’s sugar skills because, like he prophesied, the cupcakes are actually pretty salvageable. And after pouting with the worst puppy dog eyes, Satoru manages to get you to at least split one of the cupcakes.
You glance at the clock.
It’s officially his birthday.
Your heart grows against its cage thinking of how grateful you feel getting to celebrate this incredible man. Even now as he tries to sneak another cupcake like you won’t see him.
Playfully you swipe your finger through the messy icing. You childishly place a dot of it on his cheek. Satoru’s sky blue eyes go wide a bit confused and stunned at the action while he turns to you.
“Happy Birthday Satoru.” You warmly tell him.
His handsome face melts, like he’s staring at the sun first breaking over the horizon and your heart trips over itself.
“You gonna lick this off me now?” He tilts his cheek and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. You laugh, shaking your head.
Suddenly an entire messy half cupcake smashes into your face. It mainly catches the side of your lips and more of your cheek. But icing is all over you now.
“What was that for?!” You screech.
“You started it first! You know I had to finish it.” He grins triumphant and it makes you want to pummel him, birthday boy or not.
“I’ll clean you up if you want?” He purrs suggestively.
“No! And no more cupcakes for the rest of the night!” You swat at the container as you close it. Satoru effortlessly and swiftly however sweeps you in his embrace.
He also flattens his frosting covered cheek against yours and rubs them together making you shriek at his ridiculous actions.
“Aw! Come on baby! It’s my birthday! You can’t do this to me!” Gojo wails.
“I’m tempted to lock myself in the guest bedroom for the rest of the night now.” You snap back.
“Oh like that would stop me.” Gojo snorts almost insulated and you know it’s true.
While still in his arms, Satoru suddenly kisses your cheek with his lips pressing against the icing. The sensation is squishy, strange but makes your lips twitch giddy.
“You’re my extra sweet treat.” He whispers grinning.
“You’re ridiculous.” You scoff without any malice.
Gojo simply beams bigger as he dives in to kiss your cheek again. He even playfully bites at your skin causing you to let out surprise squeak.
Unfortunately, another surprise yawn also escapes you.
“Alright, let’s put this party on hold till later.” Gojo says.
The cupcakes are put away. He drags you into the bathroom to help clean up the icing properly. As the night begins to unwind, you glance over at your boyfriend.
He really does seem carved out of a dream, so handsome it’s unreal. Yet a bright color of frosting faintly lingers against his cheek. Of course he didn’t wipe it off fully. So wetting a small hand towel you lean up to clean the last bit of frosting painting his cheek.
Gojo’s eyes flicker to you and his gaze stays intently glued on you.
“Next year I'll just have us plan a trip for your birthday.” You sigh thinking of how a trip to the hot springs sounds so nice now.
“Next yeah, huh?” His voice is colored playful, a shade just below a tickle-me-pink color.
“Yes, next year.” You playfully elbow him. “Unless you already have plans without me?”
He snorts. “No…I want as many birthdays as I can get with you.”
His words cause your heart to sprout wings and flutter wildly in your chest.
“Even if I decide to stick around and let you annoy me forever?” You offer light, delicate, and cautious.
Satoru chuckles softly. “Funny enough, I’m kind of hoping for that.”
His words, so simple and soft, wrap around you. Suddenly his hand again cradles your face. His thumb strokes your cheek tender and delicate. Your eyes can’t help but look up to him. In the warm bathroom light Satoru’s sky eyes shimmer like the ocean at dawn, deeply reflective, yet so bright.
He says your name and it’s caressed with such tenderness you feel it sinking into your bones.
“I realize what I want for my birthday today.” Gojo mutters. His eyes flicker to your lips.
“Oh?” You wait for his answer to be something crude.
But it isn’t.
“Yeah…I wanna marry you.”
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bilbao-song · 11 months
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(all credit for the original idea [and a significant portion of this text] goes to @quiet-beatle​!)
ho ho ho, classic rock fans! Christmas is coming and so is The Secret Rocker Santa project! if you are looking for an opportunity to make new friends who love classic rock, or just want to make someone happy, this is your chance!
** if you don’t want to see posts about this anymore: filter the tags #secret rocker santa and/or #srs23 — click here for an explanation of how to filter tags **
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What is Secret Rocker Santa?
Secret Rocker Santa is a tumblr-wide “match-maker” in which you will anonymously send asks to (and hopefully befriend!) a tumblr user who is assigned to you. you will also be assigned to someone else, who will send anonymous asks to you. the event will run from december 1st through december 25th. while this might seem complicated, it’s actually quite simple, and you will only need to answer a minimum of two questions to sign up.
How it works:
you must read these instructions!
the deadline to sign up is november 28th. there are two ways that you can sign up: the first option is to sign up via google forms. the second option is to send me a submission (or an ask) with your completed questionnaire (found here). while the first two questions are required, you can otherwise provide as much or as little information as you want.
please reblog this post! (this isn’t a strict requirement, but it would be greatly appreciated and helps to ensure that enough people will participate!)
your ask box must be open to anyone! this means that anon asks will have to be enabled. if you want, you can wait until the first day of the project (december 1st) to change this setting, but please make sure you remember!
your blog doesn’t have to be classic rock-related, you just need to be a fan. (we will also be using a very broad definition of “classic rock,” so nearly any music from 1950s-1990s counts.)
(those are the main things you need to know, but more details + some helpful tips are below the cut!!)
shortly after signing up you will be assigned a number — you probably won't need it for anything, but it's a backup way for me to keep track of who is who in case we run into any problems :)
during the last days of november, i will be assigning people to their Secret Rocker Santas. you will receive a message from me telling you who you have been assigned to, either in the form of an ask or direct message.
you will start messaging the person assigned to you ANONYMOUSLY on the 1st of december and continue until Christmas (december 25th), which is when you will reveal your identity and (hopefully) have made a new friend!
you can send your partner whatever you want (as long as you do not reveal your identity). your job is to make your partner feel happier! (some ideas: send lyrics, pictures, or facts; play games, chat, and of course do things that are not only associated with classic rock).
be careful - make sure you are messaging your assigned partner anonymously.
please tag messages that you receive from your secret santa and any other related posts as #SRS23, so your santa will be able to find your answers more easily.
some people might get more than one santa or will be assigned to more than one person, depending on how many people participate and how many suitable matches i have for certain people. if you are certain you will not be able to be a secret santa for two people, please mention this when you submit your form (you can also let me know if you would prefer to be a santa for two or more people! anyone who volunteers for this will get first pick if the need arises)
if you’re not committed to sending asks to your partner and/or responding to your santa at least a few (2-3) times a week, please do not sign up.
while the primary focus of this project is classic rock, any additional interests you list may be used as a secondary way of helping to find a good match for you. with that in mind, don’t hesitate to list any interests and hobbies you might have, whether they relate to classic rock or not! this will especially come in handy if there are many applicants who like a particular band, or if i am having trouble finding a match for you based on your favorite bands.
if your santa has not contacted you in over a week, message me and i will gently remind them or find you another one.
as a general rule, be nice! anyone who is rude to the another participant will be removed from the project.
make sure to answer all of your santa’s messages! you don’t have to answer right away, but don’t ignore them.
please let me know if you experience any problems at all (for example, if i have made a mistake, or you are having problems with either your own santa or the person you are assigned to)
if you are not already following your partner’s blog, you probably shouldn’t do it right away, because they might guess that you are their santa.
it’s useful to have an easy-to-find “about me” page or pinned post so that your santa will have a better chance of finding something to talk to you about!
please try to keep a note of who you’ve been assigned to, as well as your assigned number!
IF YOU CHANGE YOUR URL AT ANY TIME DURING THE PROJECT PLEASE LET ME KNOW. if you don’t let me know about your new URL (or otherwise make it clear that you have moved), i will not be able to assign matches for you.
please be patient! i will assign matches and answer questions as quickly as possible, but please keep in mind that i have other responsibilities too!
you don’t need to be following me, but i will be sharing updates here, so it would be a good idea to at least keep an eye on that page/tag.
please don’t hesitate to participate! this is supposed to be a fun, lighthearted, seasonal activity, and if you do encounter any issues, i will help you :)
google forms sign-up
copy the questionnaire here (to sign up if you don't wish to use google forms)
paste questionnaire, fill out, and submit here
FAQ page
all future updates will be posted in this tag!
lastly, if you have any questions or want to ask for advice, do not hesitate to message me or send an ask!
please spread the word if possible! :)
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skeletonpunching · 2 years
Buddy Daddies extra materials compilation post (sticky notes, Miri's diary, etc)
The Buddy Daddies website updates every week with some extra material related to the new episode - 1) a sticky note showing their “household communication”, 2) a diary entry written and drawn by Miri.
I'll be archiving and translating all of these, but I'd rather not make a new post for every single one, so they will all be kept in this big index post!
This post will be updated regularly (under the cut).
LAST UPDATED: Apr 3 (episode 12 sticky note)
Sticky Notes
Episode 1: Kazuki to Rei
I threw out the cat food too
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Episode 2: Kazuki to Rei
Put the dangerous stuff out of reach
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Episode 3: Rei to Kazuki
Buy more choco puffs
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Episode 4: Kazuki to Rei
Pay for your own toys!!
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Episode 5: Rei to Kazuki
I bought Hamburg steak.
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Episode 6: Kazuki to Rei
Don't eat the bento by yourself!!
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Episode 7: Kazuki to Rei
Buy: - Fresh cream - 6 slices of bread - Eggs Make sure to keep it under 1000 yen!
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Episode 8: Rei to Kazuki
Thank you
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Episode 9: Rei to Kazuki
Bought compresses
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[no sticky note for episode 10]
Episode 11: Kazuki to Rei
You do the housework for a while. My shoulder hurts.
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Episode 12: Miri to Kazuki & Rei
Thanks as always, Kazuki-papa, Rei-papa 💕
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Miri's Diary
Episode 1:
What Happened Today: I played tag with Papa. It was yummy.
[Translator’s note: I’m pretty sure she’s referring to the cake with “yummy”. It has nothing to do with the previous sentence, but she’s a kid, after all...]
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Episode 2:
What Happened Today: I played hide and seek with Papas. It was fun.
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Episode 3:
What Happened Today: We all ate hamburg steak. It was yummy.
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Episode 4:
What Happened Today: I made friends. I was happy.
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Episode 5:
What Happened Today: Papas, keep up the hard work.
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Episode 6:
What Happened Today: We all went to the zoo. Rabbit-san and Alpaca-san were so cool.
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Episode 7:
What Happened Today: We made French toast. It was really hard.
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Episode 8:
What Happened Today: We celebrated Papa Rei's birthday. It was fun.
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Episode 9:
What Happened Today: The three of us won a gold medal. I was happy.
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Episode 10:
What Happened Today: The three of us went out. I want to go again.
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Episode 11:
What Happened Today: I ate hamburg steak with Mama. But it was different this time.
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Episode 12:
What Happened Today: We had a Christmas party. Santa-san was there. It's a secret who they are.
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soobadnoonecanstopher · 10 months
Can I Stay? (A Baekhyun Story) Part 16.
Pairing: You x Baekhyun
Rating: M
Word Count: 7.2k
Warnings: whoops plot. I didn't really proofread this — sorry. Also sorry it is taking so long for the chapters to come out. I hope you still love me.
A romance between two adults with an unspecified age difference between them, an English story that uses the word Noona for lack of another word in English that carries the same feeling, if you don’t like this, then don’t read this story.
Links: Part 1, ….. Part 15, Part 16, Part 17
Tag List: @andimoon @his-mochi-cheeks
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Maybe it was the expensive clothes you were wearing. Maybe it was the understated, quiet luxury of the handbag you walked through that office door carrying. Could it be the shoes? Surely the casual observer couldn’t have noticed the bright red soles of the brand new Louboutins on your feet as you walked.
Perhaps there was some extra oxygen filling up your chest somehow making you carry yourself with an added bit of confidence; making you feel as if you could float away with even the slightest breeze.
You felt as if you were a completely different person. You felt as if the others could tell. It couldn’t just all be happening inside of your head either because you caught evidence of some reactions to you; little things. Tiny double takes as you walked by. Slight widening of eyes when you entered your meetings; slight twinges in the expressions of their faces; barely detectable save for how very aware of yourself and of all of them you felt inside of your skin right now.
So much was new. So much felt different.
You were, in very new and very real ways, very suddenly and unequivocally … somebody’s.
And that somebody he was — he was yours too.
It had a taste to it — it was rich and sweet and secretive and quick. A fresh baked cookie swiped when Mom’s back was turned. Hasty kisses stolen behind heavy wooden doors and brushes of warm fingertips over the back of a hand as you walked by. The whispered lean of a warm shoulder against your own as you both stood in an elevator; surrounded by people; acutely aware of the rhythm of only eachother’s breathing.
A smell like very early morning just before dawn on Christmas Day; the smell of pine and cinnamon and the crisp chill of snow outside, like hiding at the top of the stairs to catch a forbidden glimpse of Santa Claus.
Warm brown eyes from across a hectic room touched into yours again and again. You knew you were staring. You had very little control over it though. This was so very unlike you. Baekhyun was as busy as you had been. The project was wrapping today and loose ends had to be tied up. Final documents had to be submitted to clients. Plus he had been training his replacement on all of his tasks and duties. Tomorrow would be the wrap party. You could hardly wait to unclench. You’d have some drinks with your team and you’d even get to dance. Maybe you could get away with a dance or two with your soon to be ex-assistant without drawing too many curious gazes.
You could dance together one or twice, couldn’t you? You could stand to be held in his arms and swung around the dance floor without leaning in too close or gazing too deeply into his deep brown eyes as you did it, right?
You did your absolute best to look at something else; at anything else.
Those deep brown eyes had found yours once again. Again and again, he found you. Maybe it wasn’t only you who had been staring at him as he showed Assistant Cha the ropes; as he leaned in and spoke very closely with her; as he told her things that made her head roll back and big belly laughs erupted from her bosom that shook like jelly when she laughed dramatically with her whole body.
She reached a hand out and her fingertips touched lightly along his forearm; making contact for a fraction of a second — no more time than the width of a strand of hair. Not enough time of actual contact to warrant any sort of comment about it at all. It was not even any real touch on his skin even; she got his shirt sleeve. This was nothing. This certainly wasn’t anything that warranted such a ridiculously detailed description inside the ever-present internal monologue that played through your head when you thought about this man. It could hardly even be called a touch, really.
Still…she touched his arm. She laughed and giggled and smiled a sickeningly sweet smile at him and you knew, you knew what it felt like to look at him and talk to him and feel that attraction and desire and lust and want. You knew of the kinds of irrational and impossible fantasies that would fly through her head at the very thought of just one of her desperate touches being returned by him.
You could not blame her. He was beautiful.
He moved his arm down and away; probably purposefully. He was reaching for something and just before he spoke, just before his movement nagged at her focus and pulled her dreamy eyes away from his pretty face and down onto what he had to show her, just before his focus dropped to the papers or notebooks or tablet or whatever the hell it was that he held inside his hand, you had them once more; those deep brown eyes that looked into yours from across this space; those brown eyes of his that found yours again and again no matter where you were and no matter where he was — it was like a magnet. He looked at you and you looked at him and the sound and the commotion and the ever present din inside of this busy workspace fell weirdly silent to your own ears.
You had to stop this.
You pulled your focus away from the two of them and you looked around the room at your team. It took so much effort to do.
With the exception of one person, the entire team was immersed in their own tasks. There was a bittersweet vibe in the air and each and every one of these people, to the very end, was giving it their all.
As your eyes made their way around to each desk, glimpsing lightly over its occupant, you reached a person who’s presence had been so familiar to you that you only half jumped to find her looking right at you.
Sandi, a senior member of your translating team and the person who occupied the seat closest to your office door, the person who had worked with you for probably the longest out of all of the group, who you had shared many long nights with over the course of your career, Sandi was watching you with a quiet amusement on her face.
You met her eyes with as much strength and fortitude as you could manage but you admittedly felt a bit taken aback to have had her attention during this time; this time when you foolishly had assumed no one could possibly be paying any attention to you.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting. Perhaps a small smile in your direction and maybe she would resume her work. Or maybe she was watching you because she had a question for you. You strengthened the eye contact with Sandi and lifted your eyebrows in question. Doing your absolute best to keep any guilty expressions from manifesting in your eyes.
You definitely hadn’t expected the next words that came out of her mouth.
“You should stop watching them. She doesn’t hold a candle—“ she began out loud but just as suddenly as she spoke, her words halted abruptly as she closed up her mouth with a start, shaking her head in quick shallow passes. The small self-satisfied smile that had been coloring her lips before she opened her mouth had now slipped away and her eyes widened as she turned her head away from you; averting her eyes. She lifted a hand to cover over her mouth, clearly surprised that she would say such a thing out loud.
Sandi may have been surprised by herself, but you felt blindsided. You felt your mouth go dry and a spindly tingling slowly crept up the back of your neck.
She knew.
Sandi knew.
You felt sick.
The panic that surged through you was swift and complete and it took your breath and what was left of your rational mind.
Without your mind working, all you could manage was to stare down at the girl in silence until you exhaled a purposefully slow breath through your mouth. She had both of her hands over her parted lips and she was reeling. You felt similarly but thankfully years of working through impossible and stressful situations where your facial expression mattered, kept the reeling happening inside of you where it should stay.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry, Miss Manager. I didn’t mean—”
“Sandi — come see me in my office, please.”
Sandi knew you better than most. You’d worked closely beside her for so many years, if anyone would have noticed the obvious change in you since you’d met Baekhyun it would be Sandi. It made the most sense that she would have noticed something was going on. But still, you felt blindsided by this revelation. It wasn’t that you didn't trust the woman, you did. If anyone in this office was going to know such a damning secret about you, it might as well be Sandi.
You felt guilty. You felt very much in the wrong. You’d always strived to set such a good example to your team members and here you’d been caught red-handed, having done such a thing with your direct subordinate of all people, with your assistant! Yes, yes you had already processed his transfer, met with his new team lead, you were doing your absolute best to remove Baekhyun from any and every position beside you, beneath you, any connection to you as quickly as you possibly could. But the fact remained, you were in direct violation of company policy. You should have come clean to HR the second you’d realized just how inappropriate the professional relationship with Baekhyun had turned to have him transferred out that very day.
But you had been weak.
You had delayed it; torn by the very thought of losing him from your side and now…now someone knew. What if she had the wrong idea? What if she thought you used your influence over him to coerce him into the relationship? What if she thought it was one sided, or what if she used this new-found information to hold over you?
You shook your head back and forth as she walked through the doorway of your office and quietly closed the door behind her. Her head was downcast and she moved slowly through the space to take a seat beside where you sat with your hands clenched together in your lap on the small sofa in the center of the room.
“Miss Manager, I really didn’t mean anything bad by what I said. I was just thinking out loud and it slipped out.” She began quickly, as soon you felt the cushion dip when she sat down.
“Can you tell me what you meant by it?” You kept your voice low and careful as you replayed her words again in your mind, a quiet disbelief dancing along the edges of your memory. Maybe you heard her wrong, or maybe she didn't mean it exactly as it sounded to you. Maybe your guilty conscience had you running when nothing was even chasing you.
She didn't speak for a few moments and you swallowed the moisture inside your mouth, lifted your head and looked around the clean space of your office.
“You said that I can stop watching them, who do you think I was watching?” You probed again, realizing that your face, which was angled away from her now, might have not been as in control as usual. You could feel the dampness in your eyes and you blinked quickly.
“Baekhyun and Assistant Cha. Nothing is going on there. There is nothing to worry about. I’m on your side, by the way — both of you.”
You had confirmed it.
She knew.
You felt your steady resolve crumble with the deep sigh of defeat that left your chest and the oxygen leaving your lungs pulled your eyelids closed until all of the light was shut out for a moment. Just for a moment.
You only needed one moment.
“How did you know?” The delicacy of your words, tantamount to a confession, balanced lightly on the tip of your tongue. Your voice sounded so much smaller than you were used to hearing from yourself.
Her reply did not come instantly but the delay in her response, you knew, was more imagined by your own sense of urgency than in anything she was doing. Still, you were impatient to know; enough to turn your gaze from the safety of the silent bookshelf full of items you had owned and controlled for years to look anxiously upon the expressions written on her face and the unpredictable and uncontrollable harsh truths you might find in her eyes.
“Does anyone else know?” You whispered another quiet question, despite the fact that she hadn’t answered the first one yet.
Her eyes watched your face and in them you saw a lightness and warmth. On her lips was the smallest sweet smile that brought you back again to the woman you knew so well; the woman you had worked with closely over the years on several projects, through countless sleepless nights, tirelessly and side by side. The valuable member of your team who proved herself to be trustworthy and reliable. The woman you sought out first when something needed to be handled discreetly and quickly.
She was watching your face and she inhaled a small breath to speak.
“I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who could possibly know,” she said with that soft smile still inside her warm eyes. She was reaching into her pocket to pull out her cellphone and you looked down at her illuminated screen as she opened up an app. It was Instagram. She clicked a few times and eventually landed on a profile that was familiar. It was Baekhyun’s account and a few harmless pictures down his feed, her fingers stopped scrolling when she reached something that you knew would be a picture he had posted one of the nights he’d spent in your bed.
It was an innocuous shot of his hand holding your hand with only an alarm clock visible in the background. The time read 02:16 A.M. and it sat atop a wooden bedside table. Nothing else was in focus. The background of the picture was blurred beyond recognition with only a hazy outline of the very tip of the tail of your darkened bird lamp but definitely not anything that was recognizable about it. Neither of you wore any jewelry that might possibly come back to you. You looked at the words he wrote below the image — ‘I die for any little bit of you, my love.’ — and while yes, it had filled you with butterflies and made you kick and scream under your covers in secret when you saw what he wrote, for the purposes of Sandi identifying you from just this— was she a witch? How could she possibly have known?
There was nothing there. Nothing that pointed to you so conclusively that she would present this evidence to you with such conviction.
“From his posts, I knew he was seeing someone, but when I saw this, it suddenly made sense — how you could have changed so much since he joined. Anyway, I bought you that clock as a Secret Santa gift last year. So obviously I would be the only one to recognize it. I am glad to see you still use it.”
“Would you believe me if I said I gave the clock away to my sister, so that couldn’t possibly be me in the picture?”
You said it jokingly; feeling as if a switch had been flipped with Sandi since she knew something so very damning about you. What authority and respect? This woman saw and knew too much. You now had a confidant and maybe even a friend. Oh no! What if you had to transfer her to another department too? You couldn’t keep losing your best people like this just because you couldn’t keep your work life separated from your personal life.
You honestly felt as if you’d lost all control in this job the moment that man walked through your office door on his first day of work.
“You don’t have a sister.”
“Right,” you conceded quickly.
“Miss Manager,” Sandi began after a few moments, “you don’t need to feel so guilty about this. I really don’t think either of you have done anything wrong. And isn’t that why he’s being transferred so suddenly? To avoid any problems with the company.”
“And let me guess. He made the first move, right? I’m certain of it. I noticed how he looks at you. Since last year even.”
“Last year? You knew him from before this project?”
“You don’t remember him? He was interning with Manager Jung Ho. Ahhh maybe it was the red hair and the glasses.”
Sandi still had her phone out and was scrolling again, this time through her own photo albums that went back through the years. You recognized yourself in many of the shots. Candid pictures as you both worked, a few of the group laughing together as the team unwound after some particularly hectic days. Her scrolling stopped abruptly and you looked down to where she touched with her index finger on a pretty boy with wavy red hair, wearing round gold wire glasses and standing literally right beside you, his eyes looking at you while you were about as busy as could be focusing on putting out several fires at once.
“Here he is. Always following around Miss Manager Noona. Always staring at Miss Manager Noona and talking about Miss Manager Noona. He was so annoying,” she said with a hearty laugh. She scrolled again and image after image showed a similar scene, Baekhyun taking stolen glances at you and you with your mind so occupied at the time you didn’t even remember him. The more pictures you saw of the young red-head with the glasses the more the actual memories of him popped into your mind.
He was bright and chipper and you never did catch his name at the time. He was noisy and full of laughter and full of life and you…well, you had a dark storm cloud hanging over your head back then. Last year was a hard year for you. You had some professional failures that you still dwelled on and some even worse personal failures involving one relationship that still burned you to think about. You’d nearly given up on all things romance at the time; sworn off men forever with their lies and their cheating ways. It was no wonder your eyes had been so blind to the entire person standing beside you; rooting for you; building you up as he had done back then.
You remembered him more as you looked at the pictures. Now his face was so recognizable to you, after you had fallen in love with everything about him, you’d even be able to spot him with bright blue hair and a fake mustache on. But apparently all it had taken was a pair of glasses and a wavy red perm.
“I can’t believe he pulled a Superman-Clark Kent on me — ohhhh…look at how cute he was!” You cooed right out loud. A momentary lapse made you forget where you were and as soon as the sickeningly saccharine words left your lips you lifted a hand to cover over your parted lips.
She laughed out loud , “Oh no, you’ve got it bad. You’ll invite me to the wedding, won’t you?”
She was joking when she said it but you closed up your mouth and pulled both of your lips between your teeth, biting down to try and keep from doing something stupid like squealing from the pent up excitement you felt when you thought about marrying him. Your strong reaction was yet another confession. She had gone motionless the moment you didn't laugh it off as just a funny joke.
“Of course you are invited,” you whispered just under your breath and her laughter quit suddenly, her lips hung open, and her eyes widened significantly.
“Oh my god. What? What?!” She was whispering, but it was a very loud and very excited sounding whisper. “Are you serious?”
You felt her hands grip around your upper arms and she gave you a good shake. It made the laughter break free from your chest and you were giggling now. It was useless to fight it. You could feel the excitement building the more she shook you and the louder her whispering giggles grew. You lifted both hands to cover over your face as your entire body shook with laughter.
You gave into it; the joy and anticipation that her genuine excitement brought out of you and by the time you heard the soft two knocks on your office door you had to wipe away moisture from your eyes from giggling so much before you could compose yourself enough to call out to whoever was knocking that the door was unlocked and they could come in.
The door was pushed and a familiar head of blond hair poked inside just before you saw the rest of his face.
“Miss Manager,” Baekhyun spoke cautiously with his face carefully controlled as he said it. Not even any flirtatious tones hidden in a sweet grin or a secret wink. He was on his best behavior today with so many witnesses around. You hadn’t had a single pointed look from him in hours. It had been at least two hours since you felt the warmth of his fingertips on the skin of the back of your hand. It had been a solid hour since he had looked into your eyes for longer than thirty seconds and allowed those eyes to slip down and steal a glance at your lips.
“You have a meeting upstairs in five,” he said and he pushed the door open further. You could make out Assistant Cha standing just behind him; a thick and heavily scribbled notebook held up to her chest with both of her arms wrapped tightly around it as if it carried all of the secrets of her very new and scary universe.
You nodded your head to the pair of them and quickly gathered your end-of-project meeting materials.
Sandi was excusing herself quietly; if not rather slowly. You caught the lingering examination she gave to Baekhyun as she made her way around the sofa you both had been squealing on moments earlier and seemed to be taking her time with the exit. If he noticed anything amiss, he didn't make it known, but after a few moments of her looking into his face she simply nodded her head once, smiled a sweet smile in his direction and said a quick, “Okay, okay. I can see it. I could have sworn you used to wear glasses.”
You bit down on the side of your tongue to suppress any remaining giggles.
Baekhyun’s eyes danced around her face for a moment in mild confusion and he frowned his lips with a tiny pout, inhaling lightly and parting his lips to respond. But before he could offer any explanation she turned her head back in your direction, gave you a small wave of her hand and a quick, “See you at the wrap party, Miss Manager,” and she then was gone.
You’d made it half of the way through the rows of cubicles when a tap on your shoulder halted your steps and pulled your attention behind you. You recognized that the person calling you was Baekhyun and your eyes were pulled down toward his hand in which he held a small post-it note.
“Excuse me, Miss Manager, I think you dropped this,” he said as he pushed the small folded-in-half piece of colorful paper into the palm of your hand. You knew you must have had a questioning look inside your eyes, at least for the first few seconds of this, but you quickly recovered with a nod and a quiet thank-you on your lips. You slipped the paper inside the pocket of your blazer.
As your legs moved, you noticed that Baekhyun and Assistant Cha held back some, and your curiosity about the small token from your boyfriend felt absolutely itchy. It was as if that small note was pulsing as it called to you from inside your pocket. You slipped your hand in and pulled it out, glancing around quickly to take note of the fact that no one around was paying you any attention at all and with Baekhyun’s steps so far behind you figured no one would mind if you read whatever little details might have been written just for you on this note.
‘I miss you today. You are right here and I miss you to death. I am being so brave about it. You can compliment me about it later, if you want.
P.S. Which season do you like best?’
You silently slipped the note back inside your pocket with a lovely little tap over the fabric to make sure it was secure. You felt as if this elevator you stood inside was carrying you straight into the clouds above this building. He probably couldn't text you freely because of the close proximity of his shadow, Assistant Cha. Or maybe he just wanted to hand you this adorable little note as a physical token of his affection; something you could hold in your hand and lightly touch with the tip of your finger. You half wondered if you should just text him back the answer to his question.
Instead you held your finger over the elevator button to keep it open long enough for the pair of assistants to finally join you inside and you caught the briefest touch of his brown eyes as he stepped inside.
His eyes did not linger. Yours did not chase but you did feel the distinct presence of the warmth of his body as he stepped into the space directly behind you. There were no secret touches or hidden attempts to reach for you inside this space. The high speed elevator surged up quickly; its destination was amongst the upper floors and with the abrupt movement you rocked lightly on your legs to keep your balance. You reached a hand out to rest it over the bar and a glance to your right, just over your shoulder afforded you the view of a familiar hand doing the same. Long slender fingers flexed once outward in your direction, but his hand did not move any closer to you and eventually those fingers simply wrapped around the silver pole for the remainder of the elevator ride.
You would not let your fingers leave his skin tonight.
You’d had your fill of denial.
The meeting was typical for this stage of a project. You paid exactly enough attention as you needed to. Your presentation showcased your team’s successes and honestly, although you didn’t tend to toot your own horn, your own performance looked incredibly impressive as well. Although with such a capable team it was hard not to look incredible. You gave credit where credit was due as you always did and as the other managers and directors said their parts you pulled out a small note pad from your bag and began penning a response to your boyfriend. You did your best to keep your face from showing too much but you could feel the elation pulling your lips into a small smile as you drew the little sad faced emoji in the middle of the note.
‘You are very brave, and doing so much better than I am. I got caught staring at you today. :( Sandi knows now.
P.S. I like the fall. Winter is too cold, Spring is too sneezy, and Summer is too hot. Although you kissed me in the summertime so I like it now too.
P.P.S. I remember you now, from Jung Ho’s project. I didn’t know you wore glasses.
P.P.P.S. It’s not fair for you to look so handsome in every hair color. ’
You stopped writing when you ran out of space. This all could have gone so much smoother in a text message, but there was something magical about writing all of this out in a note to secretly pass to him in person.
Your meeting ended and there was another meeting coming up just after lunch. Your busy schedule and the ever present assembly of people around you didn’t give you any opportunities to pass on the note. And when you would have normally both found yourselves alone with each other, now there was an entirely new person around with her own set of eyes, watching and learning all sorts of things about her new position. And hopefully just that.
She was fine. You could tell that Baekhyun was right about her. She would do well and she would succeed in her new role. You would come to depend on her and appreciate her too. Maybe even the strange undeserved bitterness you felt when you looked at her pretty young face would fade.
But now, you wished she had some other place she desperately had to be.
You found your chance just after lunch when Assistant Cha had departed to the bathrooms. You spotted Baekhyun leaning against a pillar on the ground floor checking the time on his watch, looking about as handsome as could be in his suit and ignoring the many curious glances from various ladies and men who walked by him. He seemed to be waiting for something and you slipped closer to where he stood, careful not to be spotted as you made your way around the other side of the pillar.
You’d reached a hand out to tap on his shoulder at the exact moment that a ping sounded out on his cell phone and he moved out of the way just as your fingers extended so that they touched nothing. You felt a little silly.
While you felt a tinge of disappointment that you’d missed your chance, you also felt a surge of mild curiosity about what he was up to. He made his way toward the security turnstiles and met with a run-of-the mill food delivery man who handed him a small black bag from a local bakery down the block. You’d recognized the logo of one of your favorite shops that had the absolute best fruit tarts you’d ever had and a chocolate cake slice that you’d just about sell your soul for.
He was walking back with his head and his focus turned down into the small bag and you spun on your heels behind your pillar so he would not see you stalking him.
Your feet moved lightly, feeling like you were in some sort of spy movie as you moved along with him, yet just out of his sight as he made his way toward the elevator. The button was pressed, the lights illuminated and after a few moments the soft ding let you know that he would be stepping forward into that quiet space. What kind of deal with the devil did you have to make for that elevator to be empty?
He stepped inside and you held back. You counted in your head just a few times before moving and just as the doors were closing you slipped inside the space, earning the quiet gasp from the very center of his chest when he saw you.
It was empty. You had him alone for a few seconds at least.
“Excuse me, Assistant Byun, I think you dropped this.” You did your best impression of him and held up the little colorful note you had with a cheeky smile that he returned instantly as he reached out quick fingertips to grab the note.
Baekhyun wasted no time. His fingers pulled the small sheet apart and his mouth moved as he silently formed the words of your message with his lips.
“Oh my god,” he gasped quietly; having absorbed the bad news from the note first, “Sandi knows? How?”
“She’s a better detective than Batman,” you shrugged rather casually. Both because you trusted Sandi and you figured if you weren’t freaking out about this, then maybe he would take it in stride as well. “She showed me some pictures of you from last year.”
“Did she?” His lips were pulled into a smile and you caught the little lift of his chin and the scrunch of his nose.
You nodded twice, acutely aware of how telling the smile on your face must look to him. “I remember you. I didn't know your name though. But you looked very cute with the little glasses and the hair,” you lifted a hand to make a waving motion with your fingers above your own head. “Did you get LASIK? Where are the glasses?”
He was reaching a hand out to press a button on the elevator panel and his eyes narrowed slightly as he pursed his lips.
“Oh, that was just fashion. They never had any lenses in them. I have perfect vision.”
His clarification made you laugh out loud. You leaned against the back wall of the elevator and looked into his face freely, feeling every bit of the affection and attraction you had for the man fill up your chest with contentment. At last, you had a moment alone with him. You could look at him. You could stare at him and you could daydream and you could let every single recent memory of the love you shared with him flood your mind freely in this shared space without onlookers or witnesses.
Baekhyun leaned against the side wall, doing just about the exact same thing to you and when his head leaned back against the elevator wall his eyelids sank down half closed, his jaw relaxed, and his lips parted with a slow exhale of air from deep within his lungs.
“I wish I could touch you,” he whispered under his breath.
“Me too,” you confessed, “stupid cameras,” you added without breaking eye contact with him; although you did let your head fall some to rest against the back wall.
“I’ll kiss you in the wintertime,” he said with a smile pulling at his lips, “so you don't feel the cold so much.” His sweet words and that pretty smile pulled a matching smile from you. You lifted a hand to cover over your mouth, tapping lightly over your lips with your fingertips.
“Let’s have a winter wedding,” he said.
“This winter? So soon?” You didn’t hear any objection in your voice. Only curiosity.
He nodded and blinked his eyes slowly; a truly dreamy expression taking over his features.
“We can honeymoon somewhere without pollen and I will kiss you in the springtime.”
You couldn’t stand it. You felt ready to burst right here inside this elevator; just from his sweet, romantic promises that coated you from head to toe.
In the recesses of your mind; in the bargaining parts, you could hear the questions parading by.
What if you reached a hand out and pressed the button for the ground floor on this elevator panel. What if you pulled him by the shirt sleeve — didn’t give a good damn about who saw — and marched him right out of this office building, out onto the street, and hailed a cab destined for your apartment. What if you said screw who knew the truth, screw the wrap and the endless droning meetings, screw this job. What if you took him home and you locked both of you inside your home for a month straight. Nothing but the two of you and the privacy you would find in that bedroom.
“I miss you,” he said softly under his breath with his eyes still locked onto your face. Your mind had been wandering but his words pulled you back into yourself.
“I’m right here,” you said with a small smile, blinking your eyes slowly and purposefully in his direction again and again, as if you could send him a message with their movement — I love you, I love you, I love you — your eyelids called out to him.
“I miss you, though,” he said again with a long exhale from his lungs. “What am I going to do next week when I can't look up and see you whenever I want?”
The elevator slowed its rapid upward movement and you could feel it in your stomach as it slowed to a stop. Someone must be joining; you hadn’t yet reached your destination but it appeared that someone would come and interrupt this. Damn them. A soft ding let you know the doors were about to open. Your few moments of alone time with him was coming to an end.
Baekhyun was still talking though; still lost inside his own head and caught up in the dread of the upcoming changes you both would need to adjust to.
“I sound pathetic, don’t I?” You had to look away from his face but from your peripherals you caught the small step he took in your direction as he moved closer to you.
“Baekhyun, someone is coming in.” You didn’t have time to reassure him that this feeling he was going through was not something he was alone in. You also felt the loneliness and the ache to touch him. You were also feeling the sense of dread for the upcoming weeks without him by your side.
But right now was not the time. Not with this camera above both of your heads and the elevator doors about to open and whoever it was that had called the elevator was about to walk in.
A few simultaneous sensations happened. You could feel the jolt as the elevator came to a full stop and, at the same time, Baekhyun’s soft fingertips brushed against the back of your hand. He had taken another step it seemed and he was beside you; his wandering hand reaching down to run a slow path over your skin down the back of your hand. You felt the moment his fingers wrapped around your palm and slipped lower as each fingertip slipped just in-between your own fingers.
You had to pull away. The doors opened.
You pulled your hand out of his grip quickly, if not a bit forcefully, and you stepped away at the same time; putting a good two steps worth of distance between the two of you. You brought your hands in front of you and clasped them together and you looked up just in time to make eye contact with a terrifyingly familiar set of brown eyes. Brown eyes that bore a strikingly frightening resemblance to the very same brown eyes that had been burning a hole into your heart all day long.
You were sure the first few moments of the eye contact, you had a look of absolute panic. You were certain he would have seen fear in your eyes.
You did your best to push a smile to your face. Inside of your chest your heartbeat had jolted to life, sending thundering booms through your entire torso. You felt the trembling from it. You swallowed nervously and you could hardly hear your own words from your lips over the echo of your racing heart inside of your eardrums.
“President Byun,” you said softly; wincing internally at just how terrified you sounded as you said his name. “Lovely to see you, Sir.”
Your greeting earned you a curt head nod and his eyes immediately moved to touch upon his son’s face.
“What floor?” You were closest to the buttons and you inhaled through your parted lips and forced the air back out slowly, desperately hoping your question hadn’t sounded stupid. He was the president and every one knew his offices occupied the top floor.
“Top?” Your finger hovered over the button and your nervous question another swift nod of his head. He spared you only a fraction of his attention before he was standing beside Baekhyun, who kept his eyes fixed securely on the closing elevator doors.
The doors closed and you stepped back, holding your hands together in front of your abdomen so they wouldn't tremble and give away the raging anxiety that was surging through you right now.
You hadn’t been ready for this. You knew seeing his father again after all that had transpired between you and Baekhyun would bring some strong emotions but you were having about as strong a reaction as you could take quietly. It was the suddenness of this.
You kind of just wanted to run away from this. Yet you were trapped inside this moving box with these two men who hadn’t spoken a word to each other despite sharing a familial bond, sharing a bloodline, sharing a home for most of Baekhyun’s life, you couldn't help but notice that Baekhyun hadn’t even said hello to the man. Nor had the man said anything to his son, but the two of them merely stood side by side in this elevator and looked ahead with blank and passive faces.
You felt a tickle in your throat. It was the nerves. You fought the urge to cough and quickly realized it was useless and you turned your head a little and cleared your throat, trying to rid yourself of the annoying feeling without actually coughing inside a closed elevator in a time when coughing in public was a major faux pas.
The sound of your own throat cleaning was timed perfectly with the sound of President Byun’s feet as he took a single step forward so that he was standing ahead of the both of you and he inhaled a breath into his lungs to speak out loud into the space right in front of his face.
“I have received some very interesting news this morning,” President Byun said in a steady and confident voice without any flinching in his body language to favor one side of him or another. There was nothing given to indicate that he was speaking to any one of you in particular.
“What is that, Sir,” Baekhyun said; at last acknowledging his father. You couldn't find the nerve to get your own voice to work. You held your breath and then tried your best to keep your breathing steady and even. You felt the slight pain in the back of your hand as your nails gripped hard into your own flesh.
He didn’t turn around to look at either of you when he spoke again, he merely inhaled a breath, opened his mouth and dropped a bomb right on top of both of your heads.
“I heard that you think … that you’re getting married.”
[To Be Continued]
Links: Part 1, …. Part 15, Part 16, Part 17
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ffviiicharacterweek · 12 days
FFVIII Yuletide Exchange!
I am very happy to announce a 2024 Yuletide Exchange for FFVIII!
This is the first exchange I'm coordinating, so please bear with me, and if there's something weird feel free to tell me!
Now, onto the main event!
The Rules
Rules are very straightforward, so please make sure to read them before joining:
You'll need to sign up using the form linked below.
During sign-up, you will be asked what you'd like to receive and what you're willing to give.
1 request = 1 gift to give, so please don't sign up multiple times if you're not willing to draw/write multiple gifts.
Your requests will then be paired with a matching creator.
You won't know who's your "Secret Santa" until your gift will be posted.
It is very important to follow the guidelines provided. Make sure to include what was asked for and avoid the "do not want" specified, to ensure a nice experience for everyone.
Of course, no character bashing unless it's explicitly asked for!
The Phases
There are a few phases to ensure everything will run smoothly. These are:
Phase 1, September 8th - September 15th: sign-up phase. Everyone can join! That means you can sign up even if you never took part in FFVIII Character Weeks or never requested a bingo card at @ffviiibingo. You can send multiple forms, but every request means one gift to give, so make sure to be ready for that.
Phase 2, September 16th - September 22nd: matching phase! Every request will be paired with a creator, who will be contacted with the info provided during sign-up.
Phase 3, September 23rd - January 15th: creation phase! You can start working on your gift, and if you need extra motivation, there's always our Discord server, with its brand new Yuletide Exchange channel.
Phase 4, January 16th - January 31st: posting phase! You can finally post your work. Make sure to tag the person you're gifting the work to (or use the gift feature on AO3 if you're publishing fanfiction!).
The Sign-Up Form
So, wanna sign up?
Fill out the form!
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malecsecretsanta · 9 months
The Malec Secret Santa 2023 Reveal Post 
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Ho Ho Ho!
It’s time to conclude the eight edition of the Malec Secret Santa :)
Hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas and that you’ve enjoyed all the amazing gifts that were posted!
The fantastic @vaguelyrotten, @crankyfossil, & @banesapothecary deserve extra love and gratitude for being wonderful Christmas Angels this year in helping me out to create last minute gifts, making sure no one would be left empty handed this year! Thank you darlings, I really appreciate that you wanted to help me out in a pinch! <333
If you’d like, you can still add your works to the AO3 Collection! Just poke me if you do, and I’ll add the link to the Tumblr gift post as well. You can also repost your gift(s) to your own Tumblrs now, of course :)
That’s all from me in terms of service announcements, hope to see you all again next year! 
-x- Leonie (leetje)
Are you all ready to find out who your secret santas were? :D
Most of you should know the drill by now. The list is in alphabetical order. 
@aceon-ice made a gift for another-random-stranger - gift here
@another-random-stranger made a gift for gloriouspomelo - gift here
@banesapothecary made a gift for insomniaccoffeebean - gift here
@banesapothecary made a gift for shipnotised - gift here
@cam-ryt made a gift for moonlight-breeze-44 - gift here
@carelessflower made a gift for banesapothecary - gift here
@cheezieball-blog made a gift for schreiberling2021 - gift here
@cinberella made a gift for thatnerdemryn - gift here
@crankyfossil made a gift for dicaculus - gift here
@crankyfossil made a gift for evadne01 - gift here
@decadentwerewolfstrawberry made a gift for nancyloumm - gift here
@dicaculus made a gift for squiggly-lines-on-a-page - gift here
@em1000 made a gift for cheezieball-blog - gift here
@evadne01 made a gift for sweetpeapod - gift here
@forensicsisabelle made a gift for crankyfossil - gift here
@gospi made a gift for i-have-not-slept - gift here
@greentealycheejelly made a gift for kohdono - gift here
@i-have-not-slept made a gift for aceon-ice - gift here
@insomniaccoffeebean made a gift for gospi - gift here
@jamessxcarstairs made a gift for skylar102 - gift here
@justawanderer made a gift for tarlos_spain - gift here
@kaijuusandkryptids made a gift for la-muerta - gift here
@kasper-tag made a gift for greentealycheejelly - gift here
@kohdono made a gift for kasper-tag - gift here
@la-muerta made a gift for carelessflower - gift here
@livinglifebehindthemask made a gift for forensicsisabelle - gift here
@maddummel made a gift for decadentwerewolfstrawberry - gift here
@magnus-the-maqnificent made a gift for vaguelyrotten - gift here
@nancyloumm made a gift for secretphilosopherwitch - gift here
@nyctophile-shadowhunters made a gift for kaijuusandkryptids - gift here
@schreiberling2021 made a gift for em1000 - gift here
@secretphilosopherwitch made a gift for maddummel - gift here
@shipnotised made a gift for nyctophile-shadowhunters - gift here
@six-of-snakes made a gift for jamessxcarstairs - gift here
@skylar102 made a gift for magnus-the-maqnificent - gift here
@squiggly-lines-on-a-page made a gift for six-of-snakes - gift here
@suchawannabe56 made a gift for cam-ryt - gift here
@tarlos_spain made a gift for suchawannabe56 - gift here
@thatnerdemryn made a gift for livinglifebehindthemask - gift here
@thelightofthebane made a gift for cinberella - gift here
@vaguelyrotten made a gift for justawanderer - gift here
@vaguelyrotten made a gift for thelightofthebane - gift here
Go forth and tacklehug your no-longer-secret santa! They definitely deserve some loving!
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darknebulablader · 11 months
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Hey y’all, welcome to the Baki Secret Santa 2023! Come join, create some Baki fics or artworks, and get a great holiday gift!
Details for signing up under the cut!
Whoop whoop secret santa time
Vague schedule:
Nov. 6 – Nov. 13 (ish): Sign up! Fill out the google survey here! It’s about a dozen questions and should only take 5-10 minutes.
Nov 14 – 20 (ish): I’ll close the survey and assign everyone a Secret Santa. I will message everyone about the gift their giftee requested.
Nov. 20 – Dec 24: Work on your gift!
Dec. 25 – Jan 1: Give your gift!
After Jan 1: Let me know if you haven’t received a gift yet. I’ll contact your Secret Santa and arrange for a way for you to still receive a gift.
That being said, dates might change because life exists.
Other important points:
-Please let me ASAP know if you need to drop out for any reason! This way I can assign a back up Secret Santa so that everyone still receives a gift.
-If, when creating your gift, you want to get more directions from your giftee, let me know and I can ask them. Or, you can message your giftee directly anonymously.
-When posting your gift, please use the tag “Baki Secret Santa 2023″. If you’re giving a fic, pls include a link to it. If your gift is a NSFW picture, you can message it directly to your giftee (and maybe post a censored version if you can??) (If I make NSFW art I’ll probably just post it to AO3 and then link it on tumblr)
-One of the questions in the survey is if you’d be willing to create a second gift if someone has to drop out. Don’t feel pressured to say yes if you think won’t have the time! At the end of the day, if the need arises, I’ll create any extra gifts for those who’s Secret Santa dropped out.
-I will also be participating in the gift exchange, so unfortunately I will know who my Secret Santa is.
-If you can, pls reblog to signal boost so we can get as many people as possible to join!
If you have any comments, suggestions, or concerns, let me know! I hope you can join and have fun!
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 9 months
Advent Month Master list
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The Act of Healing It didn’t take long to realize that it wasn’t normal—that Harry wasn’t normal. That no one else could see the strange lights and dented auras that surrounded everyone. Harry had learned at an early age to hide it, to tell no one else about it. It worked. At least until he encountered a boy in a robe shop with the largest light he’d ever seen.
But what did it mean?
Renatus Reborn “I know Potter,” Draco began, leaning forward slightly. “I wasted six years observing him only for him to die in that forest. I don’t know who you are, but you somehow managed to get inside his body.”
Or the one where the rest of the world believes that Harry Potter came back, alive and whole. But to those that knew him, he didn’t come back at all, for it wasn’t Potter who stood before them. It was someone else.
Predicting the Present Malfoy—of all people—was the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, and Harry didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one bit.
“Professor Malfoy said we’ll be learning the basics on how to cast a Patronus!”
Oh really? That, Harry had to see.
Where to? Date time, only why does Scorpius think he gets to tag along? And is that a suit he's wearing?
Tricks and Giggles Professor Malfoy rarely gave extra credit, the harsh and bitter teacher that he was. So, when it was announced that all they had to do was get his son—Scorpius, who was still a baby—to interact with their Magic, they all assumed it would be a walk in the park.
How hard could it be?
Because it's you 'They are only together because they are soulmates.'
They were so much more than that and it was about time the world realized it. This is a story of how Harry and Draco fell in love and how very little being soulmates had to do with any of it. 
Crude Coffee “—this coffee tastes horrible.”
“Of course it does.” The drawling tone was biting and held derision. “We here at Cup of Crude promise coffee in a timely manner, we never promised that it’ll taste good.”
Harry snorted, unable to help himself.
Resting Rumors Rule one as a new Ministry recruit, avoid Harry Potter. He's rude, mean, intimidating and grouchy. Except—wait—why is he smiling? Wait, he's married to who?
Present Meets Past Harry expects a lot of things. He expects to grade papers in his quarters alone, expects to prepare for a full day of lectures, expects a night of peace and silence. What he doesn’t expect is the arrival of his and Draco’s 14-year-old selves crashing into his quarters and completely destroying it in the process.
The Only Hope (was you) Join the Dark Lord, they told him. Become a true Malfoy, they said. Only, he didn’t want to. Draco knew he had one shot at escape, one chance to get out of there and it all boiled down to one thing: Potter.
Draco didn’t know where else to go.
Curiosity Killed Everything Harry was used to getting love letters after the war, but this? This one didn’t quite count.
'I can't stand you.'
Rudeness aside, Harry found it funny. He continued to find it funny as his last year of Hogwarts was filled with more and more hate mail from an anonymous admirer.
One Wish Harry finds Scorpius’ letter to Santa and he positively melts at the request. Can he make his son’s one wish come true?
Our Voices Fans wanting to meet the Harry Potter was always an annoying part of owning the Tornadoes Quidditch team for Draco. But when a little boy stands in front of him clutching a Quibbler magazine, eyes wet pleading to meet not Quidditch player Harry Potter but instead the Harry Potter that came out as bisexual, Draco knows that he's about to break his firm no fan meeting policy and allow the kid to meet his husband.
Secrets Undone (the Lightning Order) It started out as a secret. Their love was hidden just between the two of them until it became a revolution. One where Harry and Draco would change the world. He just had to pass his O.W.L examinations first.
Imaginary Playground Draco owns the biggest toy store in Diagon Alley, and he makes all of the wooden toys himself. Business is good, but his favorite part of the day is when his favorite customer brings in their father, even if that father is Potter.
Memos of Originality Harry owns a publishing company, and his best employee is Malfoy, who sends daily updates from home, but doesn't realize that Scorpius sends his own daily updates to Harry through the Floo every morning. And Harry? Well, he knows exactly what to do with them.
Not Needed Harry Potter went missing the night the Potter’s died. The Magical world looked for him but to no avail. No Hogwarts letter was ever sent, no messy mop of black hair appeared on the first day of school. To the rest of the world he was as good as dead.
A shame that no one counted on adoption.
Gift of Love Christmas Eve, sneak attacks, a mild prank war and a gift filled with so much love that Harry knows it's the best Christmas he'll ever have.
Darkest Shadows Shadows. Shadows were everywhere. They followed Harry, whispered to him, promised him the world. All he had to do was use them, control them, guide them—become them. Harry became the shadows but also mastered them at the same time.
Patented Daydream “Did they blackmail you too?” Malfoy asked, nose lifting in the air. “No good bloody Gryffindors that should’ve been in Slytherin. When I get my hands on the Weasley twins I’ll—”
“Blackmail?” Harry’s brows rose. “I’m here because they suckered me into it.”
“I’ve always known you were daft, but damn.”
Harry was going murder Fred and George and blame it on Ron.
Please Want Me The public gushes over their darling relationship, and Harry wants to as well, only it's not real. What they have is fake, and fleeting. It never lasts longer than a night on the dance floor as they pretend to be in love. Except for Harry it's not pretend. It is real. He just wishes that Draco wanted him too.
Benevolence As a teacher, Harry shouldn’t have a favorite student, but Scorpius Malfoy was definitely his favorite. A story of how Harry’s heart was filled with a little boy who loved his father very much and how the both of them showed Harry that they had room in their hearts for him too.
Archaic Enemies and Royal Weddings It was the wedding of the century, talk of the town and the gossip in the papers. Only it was born out of revenge when Draco refused to marry any of Lucius’ suitors, and his father invokes an ancient and archaic law forcing him to marry his enemy. There’s nothing he can do to change it, but does he really want to try?
Someone should have told Lucius what happens when revenge backfires.
Cursed Lies Harry felt like he was cursed to only ever whisper lies despite telling the truth. No one ever believes him. Except for Malfoy.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Perfect Present
Okay crack drabble time. Christmas fuckery. Took inspiration from something and flipped it on its head because why not. That’s a warning in itself. This is short and stupid. Like me :) 
“WE’RE DOING SECRET SANTA” Tony announced, already a little drunk, swaying slightly as he passed around a bowl while everyone sat in the living room “Also this time I added some extra people in there since we already did it so many times before” 
“Fantastic” Nat snorted, seeing Tony’s name scribbled on her piece of paper. “I want to switch” 
“No take backs" Tony rolled his eyes, while Bucky rummaged through the bowl, pulling one of the tiny crumples of paper. He hated secret Santa, mostly because he didn’t know what to get anyone and he hated shopping. Actually, he didn’t understand shopping. Especially during Christmas. 
Why did people like crock pots so much.
What was the deal with kitchen aid mixers.
Who is this elf, why was he always on a shelf, what was his problem, why did he always stare at him (the elf lasted two days before it magically disappeared)
But as soon as he unfolded the paper and saw the name his eyes lit up. He knew exactly what to get, there wasn’t a single doubt in his mind. This was the perfect gift. He wouldn't even have to go shopping.
“Who’d you get Buck” You watched him curiously while he shuffled through wrapping paper, for some reason he actually looked excited this year. 
“It’s a secret” He smiled to himself, pleased with his choice. He’d already packed the box, it just had to be wrapped and decorated. He wasn’t big on wrapping presents; you had offered to help which he immediately accepted. not at all because he had a crush on you, no sir
“This box weighs a ton, what the hell is in here?!” You grunted, trying to lift the box to get the paper around it. Bucky snorted, helping you while you looked at him with the utmost confusion. 
“The perfect present” 
“Rocket, there’s a package for you” Nebula eyed the colorful box curiously, a giant ribbon on top of it, dropping it at his feet. He tore the giant bright red ribbon open, ripping the paper off, tears immediately welling in his eyes, looking at the prettiest most prized possession he’d ever have. He picked it up with two furry little hands, it was magnificent.  
“He remembered” 
“You sent him your arm?!” 
“It was just one of the prototypes, doesn’t do much damage” Bucky shrugged, highly pleased with himself while you stared at him in disbelief. You were both cuddled up on the couch along with the rest of the team while everyone opened gifts and munched on cookies. 
“Bucky there's no such thing as less damage when there's a talking raccoon involved! Do you know where he smuggled Thor’s new eye? I’m pretty sure he hid it right up his a-” 
“Ahem” Tony stood from behind you both, a thick bundle of mistletoe tied to a stick hanging above you both. Your face flushed, butterflies erupting in your belly. 
“Shuri made like 10 of them, you can have one too doll” Bucky smirked, his eyes flicking up to the mistletoe that hung above you both. 
“I’ll take one” Sam yelled, only to be smothered by Steve, intently watching you and his best friend, mere centimeters from kissing, just a little closer....
“I want this first” You whispered, leaning into him while he cupped your face, pressing his lips to yours making your insides melt. He smiled against your lips, his tongue gently tracing your lips, deepening the kiss. He blinked when Tony bonked him on the head with the mistletoe stick, snorting when you both pulled away. 
“Okay, if you want to make baby super soldiers take it upstairs” 
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@glxwingrxse​  @hungryyeyess​  @sebsgirl71479​  @beabutterfly987​  @teambarnes72​  @witchywhore​ @jamesbuckybarneswify​ @slutforsexyseabass​  @chrisdrysdale​ @littlemarvelmenfan​  @buggy14​  @whimsyplaty92​  @sergntbarnes​ @inkedaztec​   @pono-pura-vida​   @moonlightreader649​ @brooklynscherry-z​  @elle14-blog1​ @justsebstan​ @littlelightnings​ @psychomanniac-blog​  @happyt0exist​   @emmabarnes​  @bethyruth​ @matchat3a​  @cjand10​   @getwellsoontana​a  @cherryschaos​   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog​  @buckybarnessimpp​   @potatothots​  @goldylions​  @high-functioning-lokipath​ @morganemorganite-blog​  @kingfleury​  @peaches1958​  @spiderman-stilinski​  @peaceinourtime82​  @gublur​   @wintersmelodie​ @geeky-politics-46​   @lolawassad​  @almosttoopizza​   @a-poor-gryffindork​ @alternativeprincess​   @buckycallsmeaslut​  @kamaria-sweet-writes​  @charmedbysarge​    @xnorthstar3x​  @kryoee7​ @alina02​  @gh0stgurl​  @polishprincess999​ @jessybarnes​ @alltheficsiwant​ @chemtrails-club​
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Welcome- again!
Hello and welcome to the Dungeons and Daddies winter gift exchange official blog! This gift exchange (also called a “secret santa” in some places) will be run by fans, for fans, and will be a place to spread some DnDads joy. This is our second time running the event!
If you don’t know how this works, basically: Soon, we will be releasing a Google Form where we will gather general preference information from everyone who wants to participate. We’ll be using this information to both assign you someone to create for, and assign someone to create for you! Who’s creating for who will be kept a secret until it’s all revealed during the final week of February(the 22nd-29th), where everyone will be gifted their works. Fun!
(edit, Novem. 19th: the form has been released!! here's a link)
This event will be accepting all kinds of creations: fanfics, fanart, cosplay, crafts- you name it! Here’s our official rules, which include some regulations on what you can request content-wise. Returning people should make sure to reread them! They’ve changed since last year.
This event will be celebrating season 1 AND season 2 of Dungeons and Daddies, along with some of the miniseries when possible. All of this will be tagged accordingly so people won’t be spoiled, and in your preferences on the sign-up sheet you’ll be able to state what you are and aren’t interested in. Easy as pie!
Our current schedule is:
November 15th to December 15th: Sign-ups open!
December 15th to January 1st: Sign-ups close and assignments are sent out, including a link to the (once again optional) Discord server.
February 22nd to February 29th: Gifts are revealed!
Returning people may notice the creation period is a little shorter this time around- this was unavoidable since February is a short month, but after careful consideration we’ve concluded that the lack of holiday chaos will probably mean people have more free time, even without the extra days. If this ends up actually being an issue, we’ll extend a little into March! Winter starts then for people in Antarctica anyway.
When the time for gifts being revealed comes, we’ll be asking everyone to post their gift here on Tumblr with the tag “#dndads winter gift exchange 2024″. There will also be a collection on ao3 for any fic that ends up posted there!
(p.s… you may notice we skipped a year, even though the events have been consecutive. we’re basing our event year title on what year gifting week takes place in- and since it’ll be in 2024, there you go!)
And as always, here’s our little FAQ for some more common questions.
The ask box and our DMs are open and will remain open for the whole event. Feel free to send in any questions! Or you can email us at [email protected] , which we check regularly. We’re so excited to get back at it!! See you all November 15th :]
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