#extending the logic
coloredcompulsion · 11 months
My dad rewatching the FNaF movie with me: So that guy's the killer right?
Me: Yes! I'm kind of disappointed he's no longer British
My dad: He's no longer What
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dennydreadful · 6 months
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@shapeshiftsilver "Idyllic island meme"
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thank you for the meme!! i liked it so much i put my own spin on it lol :3
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grahamcarmen · 7 months
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tanoraqui · 11 months
Trick or treat!
This is the askbox equivalent of a king-size candy bar, I guess.
In the late part of Fingon and Celechwes's wedding (both in a continuity where Celechwes was already pregnant or in which pregnancy was the Plan but never came to fruition, and Gil-Galad was a random sergeant from Nargothrond who stepped the fuck up), Lalwen, very drunk, leaned against Círdan's side where they sat together on a balcony overlooking the moonlit first rise of the River Sirion, and asked if he wanted children one day.
After centuries of correspondence both formal and informal, such questions were easy between them, if particularly intimate tonight. Círdan admitted that he did think of it with yearning sometimes - but he had other duties and loves, and at any rate, he'd never found someone to have a child with.
Lalwen promised that if he still hadn't found someone when this was all over ("this" the war, the Siege, the Long Peace, which they had no real hope of ending in conquest themselves but which they thought Morgoth could never break, either), she would happily marry him, and bear "more children than Nerdanel."
Círdan said, amused and fond, that that seemed excessive, and one or two would likely be quite enough.
Lalwen agreed. "All my siblings are overly ambitious." Then she slid down and fell asleep in his lap, because quite frankly Lalwen could never hold her alcohol.
About 200 years later, after "this" was, in fact, all over - and they'd both helped raise a king to adulthood, and the Sirion and all the waters and lands of Beleriand were lost beneath the sea - they stood on a new shore and Lalwen wept because she would miss him terribly, her dearest friend left, as she would miss Gil-Galad and her few other remaining niblings, and all those of their jumbled people who chose to stay...but she couldn't bear to stay herself. Too many had died, from the first steps upon the Ice - from the blood-stained docks of Alqualondë, from the Darkened steps of Formenos! - and she couldn't endure a single change of seasons more, watching the trees go dull and bear again.
Anyway, she said, wiping her nose quite unprincesslike on her sleeve, those who Sailed now needed someone to speak for them in the high courts of the West. Even Finrod, even Idril...well, they hadn't been here in the end, much as those who had arrived (and survived) through the end had never been here for the long years of joy and peace. Someone of repute needed to go who had endured through the whole long Age, and Lalwen was more or less the only one left (humble enough to seek forgiveness).
Círdan, tears on his cheeks as well, promised to see her again first thing when he one day followed (which would be many, many years in the future, they both knew, because he had long-since been bidden to Sail West last of all the Elves of Arda).
(Now, that was always a little exaggerated, because even after Círdan the Shipwright has Sailed, for Ages unto the End of the World, there may always be one last stubborn elf isolated in a forest glade who decides that enough is enough and builds a clumsy canoe from a fire-hollowed tree, or maybe no more than a raft; and so long as their aim is true, Ulmo will see them safely to their promised home.
But the fact remains: one day, Men will look back and deem that the winters have grown harsher, or awkwardly more mild, and overall less wonderfully crisp; and the summers have grown more fiery, or awkwardly lukewam, and overall less perfectly golden; and the brooks babble less happily and the rustling of tree leaves sounds less like conversation... A few will say it is because the last of the Elves has finally left us behind. Most will say, in later days yet, that it was early signs of anthrocentric climate change and the pre-industrial revolution bringing increased population and burning of etc etc…)
Some years hence, Círdan and Lalwen sat together on a bluff overlooking the eastern sea, which once they viewed as the western sea, and Círdan said, "Do you remember our conversation just before you fell asleep at Celechwes and Fingon's wedding party?" (She did.) "If you're still willing - well, the truth is, I was speaking with Ossë and we..."
Now, a thing you should know about Círdan Shipwright, in his youth called Nowë, is that he is possibly the only elf of note to have stayed on good terms with all the Elvish peoples of Middle Earth through all the ages he dwelt on its shores. Even Elrond feuded with Mirkwood for a few centuries in the early Third Age! But Círdan was universally known and respected for his patience, his diplomacy, both his deep wisdom and his common sense...
Less well-known, though never deliberately hidden, was the fact that his dearest friend in the world was Ossë, Lord of Storms, and nothing delighted him more than to sail a sturdy one-elf coracle out to the heart of a wild sea-storm and fling his heart open to the crashing waves, the howling winds, the crash and the flash and the rain so hard and seas so high that the songs of air and water, up and down, tangled together in a glorious symphony that wasn't discordant, not anymore, but couldn't be said to be safe either... But Círdan was one of the greatest sailors the world ever knew and the ships of his own hand were steadier yet, and Ossë was only there to play, not to rage. Together they danced and sang, while Uinen kept a discreet eye out from a distance to be sure everything stayed safe, sane and consensual.
(This might explain, a little, why Círdan got along so well with the ever-tempestuous Noldor.)
Meanwhile, Lalwen had a reputation for being "the normal one" of the House of Finwë. She hadn't put any particular effort into this, she'd just never died in battle nor told a Vala to fuck off to their face, nor even created any legendary objects of power. She threw a good party and had a well-honed knack for stopping fights before they started.
Their wedding was extremely tame by Noldorin standards, and only a little dramatic by the standards of the Falas - a simple beachfront affair with extended family and a few dozen good friends, with no more glitter than the gems mixed into the sand and Eärendil sailing brightly above. (In balance, Fingolfin, who'd been shipping this since roughly 200 FA and not just because it would've been wildly politically convenient, threw his sister THE most glorious gaudy bachelorette party. Possibly ever.)
They were entirely open about the fact yes, naturally, they were marrying because they loved each other dearly and, after so long apart, they looked forward to being bound together for eternity - though probably not living together all the time, because Lalwen was at heart a city girl and now that Círdan never had to worry about random large predators, bandits or shadow-laced bad weather, he slept on the beach or on a ship 9 nights out of 10 -
- and also that Lalwen was going to more or less serve as a surrogate birth mother for a child brought into the world by Círdan and Ossë. Ossë couldn't bear it himself, see; his nature was too inherently destructive...
People who didn't know them well tended to blink at this; think, Well, it's Círdan and Lalwen - they must know what they're doing. It must be reasonable and not insane; and move on thoughtlessly. Some even forgot as soon as the subject changed, because it wasn't in line with what they knew.
People who knew them well asked things like, "What?" and "How!?!", and even, "Is that safe? Have you consulted Thingol, the Vanandili, the Fëantúri - "
(Lalwen shrugged at her older brother. "We're going to make it up as we go. Don't worry, Nolo! Uinen will be involved as well, to keep everything as peaceable as an infant fëa needs, and myself as well. We've literally had foursomes before - and this time, it won't be stretched across several thousand miles plus the Straight Road.")
Faliel ("daughter of the waves") is a basically normal Elvish girl, except she casually runs on water, and breathes it if she gets into the rhythm of it (saltwater is much easier, but freshwater works, too.)
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butchsaint · 8 months
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Xeno a
Since I use them so much, they probably deserve some form of introduction.
This is Xeno a:
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Xeno a is from Len'en Project. A Spellcard Shoot em up series inspired by Touhou Project
They are the Extra Stage boss for the neutral route of "Brilliant pagoda or haze castle"
They also have one of the most epic and snazzy boss themes in all video games.
Xeno a is considered to be one of the most powerful characters in Len'en Project. This is because they have the power to manipulate probability, on a mostly unconscious level to an absolutely broken extent.
For Xeno a, coins land on their side, sickness never affects them, everything with a non zero possibility will happen in their favor. This ability makes Xeno a effectively immortal, essentially unbeatable, and extremely bored. In a way, sort of cursed because their luck effectively makes others around them unlucky by extension.
Xeno eventually got a job working as a dealer at Dhanya Nakta Hotel & Casino. Both as it's just an insanely practical job for someone with their power and as a way to avoid boredom.
Being a corrupt dealer eventually got them into a fight with an extremely powerful character named Tsurubami Senri. So powerful that it overcame Xeno a's power. This caused Xeno a to flee for their life experiencing fear for the first time ever. Xeno a became addicted to the feeling and became long time evenly matched sparring partners with Tsurubami. Until they left
(]This is a very abridged introduction[)
Here's a Wiki link:
Xeno a doesn't really have anything in common with Sannyo beyond being a dealer, but I like Xeno a. So I play with them anyway.
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
idk this is a discussion for Jews (and other marginalized people) but I’ve always felt really iced out of or even disturbed by people esp goyim casually stating support for Jews “killing our oppressors” as the Solution for all our problems when the reality is that antisemites outnumber Jews by such incredible numbers that the result would be incredible carnage and also it’s all a sign of how little goyim really reckon with antisemitism as a widespread and potent modern force.
Furthermore while I am in no way here wishing to describe Palestinians as our oppressors, the idea that what an oppressed group actually needs to be safe is just violence and to be armed- to be Jews with guns, Jews who can fight Back, Jews Tough Enough to respond to what happened to Us- is a huge aspect of the modern ideology that keeps justifying anti Palestinian violence as well as the Zionist “new Jew.” Like the reality here is there’s no way out without asking Jews to profoundly disarm themselves and reevaluate our relationship with militarism, lay down the arms, and that fits uncomfortably with the global reality of antisemitism- also begging the question, why do discussions center the Jews’ culpability for turning towards armed nation state based solutions rather than the world’s culpability for making a profoundly non violent people kneel at the hour or organized militaries and mandated conscription as the only means of safety. The answers to these questions lie at complex junctures of Israeli demilitarization and disarmament and return of land and nation but also global culpabilities to create a world in which Jews don’t need to be Jews with Guns to live but either way it strays so far from either Christian centrist rhetoric of turning the cheek and tumblr cultural Christian rhetoric of maybe if we just killed the right people everything would be fine and the route to Justice of all oppressed peoples is violence (regardless of what happens when multiple oppressed peoples have been turned against each other, as imperialism loves to make happen)
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phantom-of-the-keurig · 6 months
I love when ppl try to throw shade at codywan or insist it’s unreasonable because like okay baby, ur so right, codywan is totally impossible but Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi would 100% fuck his padawan, the literal embodiment of angsty mental illness Anakin Skywalker
We’ve been so blind. Two extremely competent and responsible adult men growing close over the course of a war and finding comfort in each other? Ridiculous. Who would think such a thing 😒 everyone knows clones don’t have dicks, clones don’t fuck. Unless it’s a self insert OC of course, then the clones may fuck
But absolutely, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi would definitely get down and dirty with Anakin. Padme? Who the fuck is that? The only Pad I May need is extra padding for my ass when I sit and read a 300k fic about Jedi power bottom Kenobi taking back shots from Anakin.
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In case you couldn’t tell, this is satire. One of my biggest pet peeves is people trying to justify their ship by insisting its only logical, basically canon tbh, anything else is silly and helllllloooo who would ever ship that other thing haha it makes no sense right?
Stop it. If you want to see Obi-Wan get his back blown out by Anakin, just say that. It’s okay to wanna see ur fave characters fuck or suck each other off you don’t have to gas light urself + everyone else preaching about how it’s the only reasonable / most believable / most practical ship. And yah some people may find your ship a little fuckin weird but who cares, show ur fave ship + characters some respect and stand by them without some twitter level performative nonsense
Do you wanna see two characters touch peepees? Okay then, that’s all the justification you need. And especially if you’re gonna ship something a little dicey at least have the balls to be proud and upfront about it smh 💀
TLDR: you don’t have to craft some grandiose analysis to justify why you ship something, the best ships sail with vibes alone. Stand by your ships / ideas / headcanons don’t be a coward. Y’all be barking and yapping too much except when it comes to standing on business 💀💀💀
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superbellsubways · 2 years
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been wanting to implement the spider limb concept on my design for a while. finally drew it out
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deathbydarkelves · 5 months
Okay sorry I went on a rant in the tags of that "stop misusing epithets" post, here is my super basic guide on how to actually do that. Using them is fine in early drafts when you're still figuring stuff out, but they really shouldn't linger into your final draft when every scene is supposed to be clear and solidified.
Establish which characters are involved in the scene, what they're doing, and where they are, using their names.
Use pronouns to refer to them (yes, even if they both/all use the same pronouns) from here on. The things they say and do, if your scene is clear and/or your characters have distinct enough speech patterns, will be clear enough indicators of who is who.
Use names again if ever a sentence/series of sentences may get confusing, or if you've been using only pronouns for a while and a refresher is in order.
The brain glosses over pronouns and names like it does with "the" and "and". You have to be trying to make them repetitive. And even repetition is much better than a jarring, wordy, unnecessary epithet. If this is a scene where a woman is comforting her sister, who she's known for her whole life, her and/or the narrator suddenly focusing on her hair color is very strange and ruins the atmosphere!
Look, I used mostly pronouns in that sentence and you still knew who was who because I established what was going on at the start!
I promise you can write about even large groups of characters who all use the same pronouns without resorting to irrelevant epithets. I promise you can write a sex scene with two characters who use they/them just fine without them. Your goal is to immerse the reader in the emotion and action of the scene, not to intermittently take them out of it by randomly reminding us character A, who we already know, has red hair. And not in a "They laughed and ran their fingers through their hair, red turning to orange where it caught the sunlight" way. That's not an epithet and it works great. I mean in a "The redhead laughed" way. If you really want to mention part of the character's appearance, for example if the POV finds it noteworthy, do it the first way, because that actually takes us deeper into the scene and atmosphere instead of taking us out.
Epithets have their place. Practice avoiding them as much as you can, and you'll figure out where their rightful place is when it comes to your style of writing.
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agnesmontague · 6 months
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orchideae · 10 months
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I still promise that I haven't gone anywhere, life just remains hectic. I'd found some solid footing, routine and peace before November hit (moving countries and then also settling into life that got flipped 180 degrees is something else), and then everything decided to act up again. I am here, I promise, and I will be around more as I slowly succeed at finding calm again, but it's taking longer than anticipated. All in all: I hate adulting so much.
P.S.: Have you ever desperately wanted a specific 4 star from a banner, and for 50+ wishes, it gives you the other 2 featured ones, and then one that isn't even on the damn banner, and a 4 star weapon too, and just no Kuki Shinobu? Kill me, Genshin.
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maddy-ferguson · 7 months
i think the reframing of girls disliking pink and other stereotypically feminine things as internalized misogyny that you should overcome by the time you're an adult woman is an immense feminist loss
#retrospectively...#and like i say: brf slt#like when you think about it. the needing to overcome it. that's crazy?😭 because in the end what are you ACTUALLY encouraging#do i think a lot of girls reject pink at some point growing up in part because it's associated with girls and girls and by extension things#associated with girls are seen as inferior yes...but i think that's kind of a superficial analysis? like maybe it's not just bc we hate#being girls it might also be because liking pink and whatever else is FORCED upon us. and pink itself isnt a big issue its a harmless color#but when you apply that logic to other big things women are encouraged to do...i dont KNOW but SOMEHOW we've come right back to women being#encouraged to like pink and makeup because if they don't they're antifeminists and 'not a girl's girl'? 😭#i want you to know that as i'm writing this i'm wearing a skirt and tights with hearts on them i dont even have a vested interest in people#thinking stereotypically feminine things like stereotypically feminine clothes are like bad#but yeah when you think like that about pink it's kind of whatever because yes pink/blue is the simplest most basic gender dichotomy#but its not like theres anything actually wrong with the color pink. but when you extend that to things like say shaving and makeup things#that cost women time and money......if you think any critique of that is misogynistic because a lot of women do it/because its things#only women do (almost)...you just have a problem with not just critical thinking but with thinking in general. it's just...very frustrating#and i've thought like this in the past i think it's kind of a step when you're getting into feminism and going hm...this is kind of fucked#up...but i think it's still very superficial and i guess it makes sense that it has a lot of appeal Because it's superficial?#but it's like if you don't think anything needs to change and if you think women who aren't following gender norms as much and who aren't#interested in ''''''reclaiming''''' femininity (bc it's literally just doing what's asked of us 24/7 from birth) are misogynistic for#it...like it's actually crazy you do realize that at the end of the day you're saying you should promote/praise gender roles#and if you disagree you hate women#like at least acknowledge that liking makeup and shaving your legs isn't just about personal taste and liking how smooth legs feel when#in your bed it drives me crazy when people refuse to acknowledge that i remember in high school i told my sister like if you were on a#deserted island would you like heels and she was like yes i would :) and i was like NO we had this conversation for years then she had#sociology classes in high school and she was like okay i see what you mean...like yeah of course you do because i'm right#of course people who think like that are like its about respecting everyone's choices!!!! but they're also very much saying stereotypically#feminine things is the best choice and i think it's so insidious to be expected to get over your distaste (like that's literally just.#what's expected of girls/women in general. not liking things when you're a kid is frowned upon but you're expected to grow out of it and if#you dont then it becomes a real issue) and not being allowed to CRITIQUE IT from a feminist lens is literally crazy like it makes me unwell#they're like um only women wear dresses/skirts why are you implying that pants are more practical and advocating for women to be able to#wear pants do you perhaps hate women especially women who are brave enough to embrace their inner traditional femininity?
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valeriefauxnom · 6 days
A Discarded Plot Line in Scaling
So, this is a potential plot line that I was really thinking I'd use but shied away from it in Scaling, early enough that not a single word was devoted to it in my drafts. Thus, I've nothing to put on Lost Scales, as it's not even a discarded snippet.
But it was funny even if it would have been treated as generally serious.
So, you know the whole thing about Euden being designated as a ward as the fam tries to give themselves a more solid legal lock on Euden to corral him?
Well, one idea I had where that one was going to go was Euden, upon learning of this, taking rather strong umbrage to this notion and starts flexing his legal knowledge of the royal courts. He's filing requests to dismiss, he's pushing all the right buttons to get his case in front of a judge to argue against the ward status' continuous application.
Before he can do that, though, he needs a lawyer. The court system in Alberia is modern enough that they have the ethical principle that minors and supposedly-incompetent minors need competent representation to best express and protect their wishes.
Euden's like OK.
He finds Jupiter. Jupiter, who has long been complaining about how boring these humans are since they're not assassinating each other and all that, is more than happy to play pretend as a lawyer.
One problem, Jupiter only knows bird-dragon law. He was roleplaying his way all throughout Dazzling Defense in canon, there's no way he actually knows how to navigate any court, much less a royal one.
But just as Euden is unfamiliar with the laws of the area that he was stuck in that time, he has a pretty decent idea about how the national/royal courts work. He can just help coach Jupiter what to say to act like a good lawyer as Euden digs through umpteen million books to find that one trial that he thinks will help him argue his way out of being a legal ward.
And besides, Jupiter's a GREATWYRM. A dragon. Gotta help balance out the intimidation factor when his opposing side is the entire rest of the royal family!
So it just devolves into this mess where Euden's passing Jupiter scripts that say,
"But in section 5.89 of the Alberian civil code, for a durable ward status to be applied, additional criteria need to be satisfied, including the fifth requirement, which needs evidence of a persistent incapable state, -as demonstrated through injury or mental capacity, -with 'persistent' indicating incapacity for over a year and expected to continue for a year or more in the future..."
....And other stupid happenings like
Jupiter: Your Honor, it is indubitably clear that my client, er... Euden: Euden. Jupiter: Euden. Euden here is no less competent than the average teenage, human boy, -which may admittedly not go very far, -but still does not necessitate such an unjust and cool-" Euden: Cruel. Jupiter: Cruel punishment!
In the end, it serves both as an immediate signal to the fam that Euden really knows a lot more than what he lets on, since it becomes increasingly obvious that it's Euden pulling the legal strings and researching and all that.
I'm not sure how I would have 'decided' the case in favor for, but darn, it was a funny idea. Too bad I don't really know much about the whole legal system aside from a brief skim over certain topics and laws and statutes and all that, to say nothing of the general plot implications that would have had to happen...
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ilovebeingaturtle · 1 year
the rise fam in the aatmnt au have mystics/ninpo, BUT!
in canon rise it shows that you dont have to be blood related to share the magic family ninpo stuff, as long as you are considered family (read: rise!april).
does that mean in the aatmnt au, would 03!don and MAYBE 03!mike be able to turn into magic fucking dragons?? like they did in canon 03 for that brief period of time?
(i remember 03!mikey being rise!donnie's weird uncle who tags along on cases but i cant rememember how close they are)
these are my silly thoughts, thank you for listening
I know this isn’t what you meant but this ask immediately made me want to draw thIS AHA
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creative-anchorage · 4 months
And I don’t know which tv show viewers need to hear this but even if a show that's on your watchlist was not able to be completed, it's still worth watching if it looks intriguing to you. I've never regretted watching a show that was put in this position, because they were good and a time of joy is never wasted
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