#exponential null generator
askvectorprime · 8 months
Dear Vector Prime,
How did Gnaw and Cindersaur become members of the Predacons and Terrorcons, respectively?
Dear Legends Leftover,
In the case of the former, it was more by accident than anything. Gnaw had been the leader of a team of Sharkticons sent into the depths of Cybertron to pull the large switch controlling the Exponential Null Generator. When that plan went awry, he ended up following Galvatron to the surface, and from there to Chaar, without being noticed.
When Galvatron finally stumbled across Gnaw (chewing on the base of his makeshift throne), the Decepticon leader threw him to the Predacons—declaring that since they were both spawn of the Quintessons, they should get along fine.
Razorclaw knew better than to argue with Galvatron when he was in one of his moods, and reluctantly accepted the Sharkticon. When the Predacons went on their hunts, they would toss the scraps to Gnaw, keeping him around as a living waste disposal machine.
Cindersaur, by contrast, was deliberately headhunted. Hun-Gurr had been keeping his watchful eyes on the Combiner Wars, and had seen the other combiner teams picking up new members to replace fallen ones or to increase their number. The Terrorcons' rivals, the Technobots, had acquired two new members even, which stirred envy in the Terrorcon leader. Still, Hun-Gurr was not about to recruit just anyone to join his squad; he wanted an outcast—someone whose loyalty would lie with him over any other Decepticon. He found the perfect bot with Cindersaur. The Firecons had recently broken up, and Cindersaur had found themself lost without their teammates... literally. They had gone on a rampage, ending up completely disoriented in Chaar’s wilderness. Their usual means of retracing their steps, by blazing a trail behind them, had completely failed them in a landscape where everything was already burned and blackened, and they'd been wandering in circles for months.
Hun-Gurr tracked them down, and offered Cindersaur a place in the Terrorcons. He had a quick recruitment form for Cindersaur to incinerate, and that was that! The other Terrorcons were hesitant at first, but they soon came around, after realizing that the smell of smoldering metal helped mask Blot’s stench.
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blissedel · 1 year
’Correlation’, of the 1 Whole
’1 . 2 : 3’-code
Universal truth explained and embedded into a clear view; for peace — where ’moment, individual, and nature’ are going together in the status-quo of my absolute equilibrium.
MIN refers to the interconnected aspects of "moment," "individual," and "nature," while GUD represents a framework that embodies these aspects in a way that embraces movement, values individuality, and cares for the well-being of the whole.
There is no outside of a moment, beyond individual considerations, or irregardless to the nature of anything, therefore we can compartmentalize any other framework and their effects within correlation of values to what is truly MIN, as we are ourselves to learn and refine in these aspects with our understanding.
1. The moment is gypsy — Bless; embracing all movement. Gypsy is measured in exponential units of ’acceleration’.
2. The individual is unit — a Metre; encompassing the possibilities for moments. Unit is measured in natural units of all relative values for ’between’.
3. The nature is null — Care; embedding the motion of possibilities within change. Change is embodied by equilibrium, measured to natural units as a part of the whole, in ’the Care’.
Acceleration, between, and Care forms a whole number — real and imaginary. The imagination pertains to acceleration within the statement which would incur a local equilibrium, balanced across one generation, for the encpsulation of 123 as the points are stood. It is reliably an imaginary number, yet in pertaining to the real number in definition of MIN.
In order of connect with all audiences, where 123 goes ABC, to that Care persists in gypsy of the unit between us all; for us all, to have us all — as MIN equates to Dignity. Thus in order to maintain the status-quo of the ratio for equilibrium, to persist in all things therefore, The Gypsy Unity Dignity framework is in so having reached us all, MIN GUD.
MIN is the correlation and GUD is the correlated. MIN GUD is based upon a lineup of reason in 9 rolling aspects, where MIN represents the 3 core aspects and GUD is the rolling of ideas with the 3 core aspects in representation, of its own order; 6 to the correlation of the core 3 — complete upon 9. It is the stasis of equilibrium, where 6 itself stays in correlation of the whole, shifted upon any 3 individual considerations for a moment, individual, and nature; assigned in said correlation — ’I’.
Every aspect lives in the contrast of correlation, which ordains bit coordination for its lowest level of cohesion. At any stage it is represented by an imaginary 6 values through any level of the equilibrium. Within correlation of contrasts to this system of equilibrium, I would choose a 9-bit representation, in order to signify the shifting meaning within regard of the context for MIN GUD.
Synapsis ’D’
Tenaciously it is only the representation of ’I’, where the lineup of reasoning is sense at all 6 intersecting times, for which the reason is to I be in succeeding it. Dignity is the tenacity in D, as such to consistency consign in progression of the possibilities, for rocking on in my band of this particular way to present a synopsis, at the synapses of E. E is for energy, in order to easily tie into the less archaic and more traditional means for a measure, where the only representation is I.
I is for induction, whereas it is represented by a six point star, and D is for David. David is for Dignity. This is;
”— For David”,
EL ✡️
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null-siren · 10 months
Meet the Muse!
Hover over the links for a brief description. REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG.
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t h e    b a s i c s .
NAME: W.D. Gaster NICKNAME(S): Null AGE: He claims to be approaching a century. He is lying. He is much older. SPECIES: An entity of the void, formerly a monster within the undead subgroup (wight).
p e r s o n a l .
MORALITY: He’s generally amoral. There are probably some lines he won’t cross, but he hasn’t found them yet. RELIGIOUS BELIEF: As non-existent as he is unless you count science.
SINS:  lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath VIRTUES:  chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: To find a way back to his original timeline; to discover whether or not it is possible to re-insert his existence back into his original timeline (or, alternatively, to die, like he had planned on doing); to make that process easier by finding ways to “simplify the timelines”; alternatively (and simultaneously): to drag as many monsters into the void as he can until someone notices him; to continue to learn and experiment, be it on timelines themselves, new organisms he encounters, and so on; he has... Too many goals, too many backup goals to replace those goals if he does indeed find out they are impossible to achieve, and new goals to pursue if he’s successful in achieving certain goals. Infinity goals. LANGUAGES KNOWN: Monster/Human Sign Language. He knows English, but he doesn’t like to speak. He knows how to write in Wingdings, and only writes in Wingdings on principal. He could easily just write notes to people who don’t know sign language in English but he’s fine and dandy being a difficult asshole. SECRETS:  QUIRKS: Very orderly, requires organization and cleanliness; if he’s faced with a messy place and expected to be in that space for any period of time, he will start tidying up and ignore any protests thrown his way. Rarely speaks despite not being mute; when he does speak, each syllable is deliberately pronounced, and his voice is like gravel. Encodes everything he writes into Wingdings. Everything. Even unimportant things. Most, if not all smiles, even pleasant ones, look creepy or empty on his face.  SAVVIES: Science (physics, nuclear physics, biochem, quantum mechanics+physics+theory, magical applications in science and vice-versa; remembers some alchemy from ye olde tymes); emotional manipulation; tanking damage; inadvertently scaring people; being creepy.
p h y s i c a l .
BUILD:  slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other HEIGHT: 6ft when he bothers to pull himself together. WEIGHT: The only things with any real weight are his head (~15lbs), his scarf, and his hands.  SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: Those obvious cracks on his face. ABILITIES/POWERS:  To be everywhere and nowhere at the same time; to be able to create a nigh-infinite amount of hands from nothing; anything achievable by science; accessing and changing variables in a world’s “quantum code"; a high health pool (6666HP).  RESTRICTIONS:  If someone has eyes on him then he’s in that place at that time and can’t be anywhere else; exceeding ten hands results in an exponential slow-down and inaccuracy of their movement; he can only perform scientific atrocities and he can only hack the world’s code if he can put together the machinery and computational power needed--the machinery needed for the Fun shit is too big to fit in his Room, so he has to start from scratch each time.
f a v o u r i t e s .
FAVORITE FOOD: He doesn’t need to eat, but he’s fond of mints. FAVORITE DRINK: Water, but he doesn’t require hydration. FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPING: He was never fond of pizza. FAVORITE COLOR: The lack of it (black/white). FAVORITE MUSIC GENRE: Classical. FAVORITE BOOK GENRE: Non-fiction, science. FAVORITE MOVIE GENRE: Documentaries. FAVORITE SEASON: Summer. FAVORITE CURSE WORD: The tried and true, simple “fuck.” FAVORITE SCENT: Disinfectant.
f u n  s t u f f .
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coolcattime · 2 years
Heyo, it's the usual anon here
How about some oc world building today?
I found this one in my computer in a text document labled. "A brief seminar on the magic layers and how they are classified" i apparently wrote this as dryly as possible so i apologize.
A magic layer is a categorization of a mages magical compacity with each layer being considered a major improvement to over all ability to store magical energy within oneself over the last. The standard method of testing this "magical compacity" is the 'Lacrima ball test'. In this test the subject is instructed to expend every drop of their magical power to create a lacrima crystal with the highest density possible. It would seem that mages in general have a natural awareness of the denses it's possible to build a crystal without negative repercussions but can ignore that instict. The resulting crystal would be less than a centimeter in diameter. Anymore magical energy poured into the newly formed lacrima crystal will push the initial crystal over the edge causing cracks to form which could cascade into a nova¹ or a null² event to occure. Once the first layer is built a second distinct layer is formed ontop of the first made equally dense but formed ontop of the initial crystal the second layer requires twice the magical out put of the first. If the first layer is the amount of magical power in the average human a second layer mage has the magical power of two people. This process is repeated again and again each layer doubling the amount of magical power needed than the last. Layer three is worth 4 people and layer 4 is worth 8. That is until layer 5. At layer 5 a cacade effect becomes in inevitable and the pressure of the previous layers start to build. It the lacrima within appears to liquefy as it becomes more and more unstable and the 5th layer has to be constructed less densly but much thicker in order to contain the errant power. The construction more than triples the diameter of the crystal that at this point only reached about 4 centimeters to about 10. What's more the total amount of mana needed to contain the liquid magic is the total sum of mana used to form each layer added together by 3³ after which the next layer can be constructed as normal but the level of magic needed to continue increases significantly due to the area that needs to be covered increasing significantly. The test continues like this with an exponential increase in the needed magic energy every 5 layers. This test is of course only a measure of raw magical compacity and doesn't measure things like fine magic control or casting ability but can be a handy tool nonetheless.
(¹▪︎ a nova event is an explosion of magical energy that spreads out over an area equal to the diameter of the concentration of magical energy[marked by t] × magical input² marked by v² <t×v²> simplified for the purposes of a general seminar, see magical fields, and the natural and their harmonic and dissonant effects on artificial magical phenomenon] the resulting nova explosion creates an area of higher magical pressure that. Magic used in these fields is often stronger than what a mage could typically preform but due to the risk of mana poisoning [see magical aiflictions] there are few practical uses for them. If left alone without interferingor adding more magical power to the system the errant magical energywill eventually settle and form lacrima on any available surface)
(²▪︎ null is an implosion of magical energy that seems to suck in and devour all magic in an area. Creating a zone where magical power is unable to be expressed effectively negating magic, it should be noted that this isn't true magic negation [see magic dissonance] but a case of a collapsing source of magic dragging in magic, the magic within is not lost but instead folded into an improbably dense crystal of lacrima called lacrimosa which can only be created through this method. [See spirit magic])
(³▪︎ see rule of suppression and magical defensive arts)
Hey, sorry this took so long to answer, though you were not kidding that this was written dryly 😅
To be funny honest, I haven't fully followed the system because, well, I've always struggled a little with textbooks. Though I do really love the detail and passion you clearly have for your OCverse. Like I always think that being able to basically write textbooks on your world is a great sign for the amount of passion they've put into it.
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8 On-line Data Science Lessons For Beginners
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A widespread mistake made in Data Science tasks is speeding into data collection and analysis, without understanding the necessities and even framing the business downside correctly. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for you to observe all of the phases throughout the lifecycle of Data Science to make sure the sleek functioning of the project. In the fields of e-commerce, finance, drugs, human resources, and so on, companies come throughout large amounts of information and Data Science instruments and applied sciences assist them to process all of them. A knowledge scientist collects uncooked knowledge and combines it with evaluation to offer business insights to organisations. These professionals possess a solid understanding of Maths, algorithms, human behaviour and the business they're working in.
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koyacyi-vode · 4 years
Hey! For the character ask game, could you do Fox and/or Dogma? Thank you! :)
Brave of you to request Fox for this headcanon game when C literally encourages me to be as mean as possible. Fox first then I'll post Dogma second!
Headcanon A - realistic:
This is one I explored briefly in this fic. Fox rarely drinks alcohol. He has always disliked the feeling of not being in control, and that feeling gets exponentially worse the longer the war goes on the the more he has to deal with palpy. When he DOES drink he drinks alone and usually just to either forget things or because he can't sleep. He'd only consider getting positively shit-faced if he was with his closest brothers (those who know why he doesn't drink instead of just thinking he's got a stick up his ass).
On that note, few of Fox's brothers know him very well because he's incredibly closed off. Shinies in the Guard are simultaneously awed by him (cause wow!!! it's THE commander Fox!) as well as intimidated by how cagey he is with them (which gets MUCH worse after Fives)
Headcanon B - while it may not be realistic it is hilarious:
Fox has zero clue how to deal with children and even though he is hashtag 'trying his best', he's woefully lacking in parental instincts. He gets awkward with them and uncomfortable cause KRIFF they're small and vulnerable and where's their armor???
Unfortunately, when Fox draws the short straw and has to guard senators or diplomats (on Coruscant, poor boi never gets to leave because of his position and isnt on the diplomatic service rotation like the other commanders) he is sometimes saddled with their children.
and if Fox didn't know how to interact with NORMAL children, senators' chilren are an absolute nightmare for him.
Fox, whose one personal posession is a 40oz caf mug, is privately horrified that a toddler can have their own FLOOR of a building to themself.
Fox is eventually taken off babysitting duty entirely as Thire quotes him as being "a danger to public safety and common sense" after he gives a child a blaster when the kid asked for something to play with and the parents complained.
fox: it wasn't kriffing loaded. i'm not stupid.
thire: uh huh. you keep telling yourself that.
Headcanon C - heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends:
(general warnings for suicidal ideation, please be mindful if that makes you at all uncomfortable, especially the paragraphs i'm marking after a *)
Fox has some of the most intense survivor's guilt in the GAR. Being from the original Command Class, live fire was still used in training up until they were roughly 16 standard years. Fox's first visceral experience with death was when one of his batchmates made a single misstep and was fatally wounded in an exercise. Fox was right next to him and held him while his brother died in his arms.
That experience so young shaped him into being incredibly protective of his brothers as well as being a perfectionist. (If one wrong move gets you killed then he CAN'T make a wrong move, otherwise what use would he be to his brothers?) he figures, if he is the one stepping out then he wont have to watch his brothers die again. (that does not go as he planned)
Fox is known as being utterly fearless and is one of the most decorated soldiers in the GAR. However, Fox's closest brothers recongize that his 'fearlessness' is actually a combination of overprotectiveness and cripplingly dangerous recklessness.
Desperation along with the soul-crushing work that goes with being the commander of the guard whittled him down mentally, emotionally, and physically (along with being unknowingly brainwashed and used against his will - palps found his 'obedience' useful, and would test different contingency orders by manipulating Fox's chip or straight up using Force influence on him. Fox's body recognized that something wrong was happening to him LONG before he figured it out himself, which gave him chronic panic attacks that he hid from everyone).
Fox's recklessness was also in part because he just wanted things to be over. in a kind of convoluted, lengthy suicide by proxy. it's woefully easy for him to attempt it, because he has a crazy dangerous job. all he had to do was wear himself down physically and mentally by not taking care of himself. and then grudgingly wonder if a stray blaster bolt will finally end it for him.
Fox would never do it himself. Because the inclination is in direct opposition with his need to keep his brothers alive, and how can he do that if he's dead? Rationalizing it doesn't of course stop the feelings from occuring, he can't just talk himself out of being reckless and endangering his life. But it keeps him going another day when he thinks of his brothers.
only 3 of his brothers know any specifics about his suicidal tendencies (and even then Fox is an emotional brick wall so most of it they just have to gUESS and then judge their hypothesis on how guilty Fox looks when they ask). The ones who know are Wolffe and Cody (Fox's remaining batchmates) and Stone. And Stone found out simply by being observant and calling Fox out on his self care and getting more than he bargained for in response.
which is what brings me to Fox's canon death and how his reaction to Vader is quite telling of his mental and emotional state at the time. Because here is competent, decorated, fearless Fox, stammering and afraid of Vader's presence (my headcanon is his fear of Vader overrode the chip's programming a bit, because other instances in canon show post 66 clones being quite one-note and Fox's reaction is an exeption along with Grey). But Fox had, after years, finally made a mistake and took that fatal misstep. But maybe it just wasnt an accident.
Headcanon D - unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own:
If Legends existed in canon, Fox would absolutely be aware of some of the shit the Nulls and RCs got up to on Coruscant. But he finds Ordo absolutely impossible to deal with (theyre too similar so they end up hating each other on principle). he would really just rather not get into it, so he just literally turns around like "not my problem" and leaves them to it. Plausible deniability and less headaches are better for him in the long run.
Unrelated headcanon, but Fox is one of the clones that starts to go gray early almost entirely from stress (others being Ordo and Alpha-17). His brothers tease him relentlessly about it.
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paradecod78-blog · 5 years
A Startling Fact about Advanced Sql Interview Questions Uncovered
Simple SQL commands with clauses that are easy are a cinch easy to tune and to write. You will go past a set of questions which are very very likely to be requested on a SQL Interview. You will find a set of ways where the elements of SQL code can be constructed to create processing performance. http://bit.ly/2jYDMm8 There is a dining table A FOREIGN KEYin connected with the principal KEY of another table. https://tinyurl.com/y2emjnh4 With the stories, it is easy to create your meeting a memorable one. Every interview differs and also the range of a job differs too. Job interview is the procedure of assessing a work applicant for employment in a corporation. An interview also enables the candidate to evaluate needs of this job and the culture. Questions For Warming Up The Candidate When you start your interview, you wish to provide your candidate every potential opportunity to shine and show you their qualities. The perfect approach to answer this type of manager interview question would be to do your homework. The reason behind the announcement generating outcome that is inaccurate is due to the simple fact that SALARY has not been declared to have NULL and at the specific same time the workers whose salary is not understood will also be counted. The statements of SQL are used to find hold of data and recover it. An HTML document is an easy, plain text document, which you're ready to start at any text editor on your PC. The way to comprehend the method by which they work is to check at how text flows onto a webpage. Database is an form of data for easy access, storing, retrieval and handling. Every query starts with SELECT. A sub query can't be immediately enclosed in an function. Queries and longer are somewhat more complicated to write, and it is more difficult to make them create the outcomes that are right. So that you can quickly start your SQL interview prep there you'll also get sample data generation the questions. SQL works through statements that are easy. MySQL could as well have returned order amounts 70 or 60 the point is it just selects one order number from each group. Simplify first if overcomplexity is a matter. The matter is that the SQL Standard says that we can not opt for unless it's also included inside an function a column that isn't part of the group by clause. The problem here is that we don't know what's going to be returned since we are not with what we are requesting in the SQL particular enough! By the close of the course you'll know also the way to answer on your interview and also precisely what kinds of questions to expect. Answers given are precise. Please help me to improve the answer if you think. https://is.gd/kqrdm4 If youcould present your interviewer that you understand how to continue to keep your skills current and've got the answers for the fundamentals, you will increase your chances of landing that job exponentially. The very first step in any recruitment process would be to carry out perform analysis to establish the real or planned requirement for the task to be done. The use of technology to recruiting has resulted to alleviate the custom of recruitment. An individual may download the application and as freeware. There are several database systems on the market, and many people will probably be unacquainted with all the ins and from every one of these. The final result is an effect on performance. It is NULL in the right side when there isn't any match. It is NULL in the side whenever there is no match. A good example can be bank trade from 1 account to another account. In order to show your capability to take steps as soon as it is important to get an example on hand to get a fantastic many supervisor interview questions, it is especially critical here. There are various types of types in SQL. The way documents are filtered in a question by which a query executes, can impact the manner. It is important to see the basis of these questions you will be asked. One other significant part website development is development that is portal site. It's not really feasible to ignore our capability, and the importance of advice. The roles and duties of the quality assurance analysts that are top aren't limited, they need to track and locate strategies to enhance the system. https://annuaire-du-net.com/sql-interview-questions-and-answers/ By referencing foreign key with another table's key key relationship needs to be made between two tables. Database Relationship is understood to be the relationship between the tables in a database.
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becomestorm · 6 years
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subject full name: lie ( family name ) ren ( given name. ) subject date of birth: redacted. subject place of birth: central anima, the mountains of kuroyuri. subject apparent age: eighteen. subject real age: eighteen. subject gender: dmab masculine agender. subject species: human, dragon faunus. subject sexual orientation: demisexual ( muse identifies as ace unless / until shipped. ) subject romantic orientation: demiromantic ( muse identifies as aro unless / until shipped. )
subject hair colour: black. subject hair length: mid-back. subject eye colour: magenta. subject skin color: olive. subject skin undertones: warm. subject skin texture: smooth, when not considering scar tissue.
subject height: 1.76m. subject weight: 65kg. subject percentage of body hair: 30% subject body frame: lithe, toned but on the thinner side. subject muscle mass: muscular legs, and abdomen, weaker strength in arms. subject muscle definition: most muscle definition is in the legs, and abdomen. the rest is proportionate, but less apparent upon inspection. subject overall build: thin, but toned. a flexible type more build for speed than power.
running speed: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
running endurance: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧
lifting strength: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧
carrying endurance: ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
jumping ability: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
throwing strength: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧
force in punch: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧
force in kick: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
stealth ability: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦
pain tolerance: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ ( full with activated semblance. )
swimming speed: ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧
swimming endurance:  ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
stretching ability: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧
dancing ability: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
coordination: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
agility: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
balance: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
accuracy: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧
dexterity: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦
general reflexes: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
personal grooming: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
touch sensitivity ( platonic ): ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
touch sensitivity ( intimate ): ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧
overall physical condition: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧
advanced mathematics: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧
simple mathematics: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
spatial awareness: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
chemistry understanding: ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧
biological understanding: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧
nature sciences understanding: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦
creative intelligence: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧
artistic ability: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧
aesthetic sensibility: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
musical prowess: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧
singing ability: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧
mimicking ability ( auditory ): ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
odd problem solving: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧
comprehension ( spoken word ): ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
comprehension ( written word ): ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
comedic ability: ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
comedic timing: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧
open-mindedness: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
critical thinking ability: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
overall mental prowess: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧
interpersonal instinct: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ ( full with activated semblance. )
intrapersonal instinct: ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
extroversion: ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
teamwork: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧
guile: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧
overall charm: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ ( possible exponential growth with activated semblance. )
self-confidence: ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ ( full with activated semblance. )
level of ambition: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧
level of determination: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
moral compass: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ ( reactive dependent on apathy state. )
empathy: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ ( full or null with activated semblance. )
wisdom: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
extrasensory ability ( psychic ): ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ ( full with activated semblance. )
emotional endurance: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ ( full with activated semblance. )
coping ability: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ ( full with activated semblance. )
tendency towards abusive behaviour: ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
tendency towards victim behaviour: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧
level of denial: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
protector complex: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧
damsel complex: ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
emotional intimacy ( with partner ): ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧
emotional intimacy ( with friends ): ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧
emotional comprehension: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ ( full with activated semblance. )
tendency towards hysteria: ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ ( exponentially growing with deactivated semblance. )
general emotional stability: ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ ( full with activated semblance + high with passive semblance activated, which is most of the time. )
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Week 7: Lecture Notes
MID-TERM discussion:
Question 5: Suppose there is     a 10 digit pin to arm the country's nuclear weapons …
The correct answer is Type I / Type II error. The biggest problem is that having a 10 digit pin introduces a reasonable mechanism to stop a launch when it shouldn’t launch. When you have a launch that should happen, that is when type I error occurs because he is a single point of failure for their launch. 
Question 10: Merkle Puzzle     Question
RSA 64, you can crack this very fast. Then Richard realised that non of the answers are correct so we all get full marks in this question. Wow. 
Class Content:
Diffie Hellman
This uses the fact of exponentiation, remember that if you raise something to the power and then another power, you get the same value if your do it the other way round (duh). The idea is that if we both think of a secret number and then raise it to the power of each other's secret number, we will have the same number. A hacker cannot observe this because they don’t know the individual numbers. The two now use this as a key.
The difference between this is and RSA is that we have the same key where as in RSA we exchange keys.
Good at establishing confidentiality but not authentication.
Krak des Chevaliers
A very nice castle, has two rings of defence around it (defence in depth). No one could ever breach the inner wall. They then failed to social engineering because of a fake letter from someone
This is just something that
Software bug
When a software has a mistake in it, it is not always a vulnerability. A collection of bugs can be the main vulnerability
The main types of bugs we are     concerned about are:
Memory Corruption: the simplest type of this is a buffer over flow. If the amount of space you need for a buffer is known before run time, you store it in the heap. Attacks to the stack are more diabolical.
How functions are called in C: This is process switching that your operating system does. So function calls and stuff. He went pretty quick.
Integer Overflow: If you keep adding to an integer it will eventually overflow the allotted size. This obviously depends if it is a signed or unsigned int.
Format String:
C has a strange way of printing things with printf. This is a function and expects a variable number of arguments passed into it. The first one is a format string that tells you what to do with the other arguments. We all know this. In the old says you are supposed to do it like this printf("%s", "Hello World!");
This is long so everyone would just do this printf("Hello World!");, everyone would put what they wanted to print out as the format string.
An issue with this is having some string callled name that takes in your name, then calling printf(name);. This is vulnerable because the name could have %  in it then you can change the printfs. E.G. if you put in Tom %s into the printf, since C does not check if there are two arguments put in, it just looks somewhere lower in the stack for the %s. So if we put our name then %x %x … %x, this will print out everything in the stack in hex. This is an information gathering attack and could potentially reveal things like stack canaries. %n writes to memory if you do it in the print command. This is very bad.
The Swiss cheese if you have it as a block, it is a solid block of cheese but if you slice it up you get holes in it. This is analogy for bugs in code, sometimes the holes (bugs) will line up and then you get a major vulnerability.
Memory Leak: printf is a way of getting this.
National Vulnerability     Database
This is like naming new animals, it is a world wide data base for discovering a new vulnerability, you get to name the number.
Responsible Disclosure
When you find the vulnerability you're supposed to tell the person first then slowly escalade it to higher ups. There are still many debates about this.
Bug Examples:
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This is optimising indenting. Lol. 
Security Engineering - Assets:
 Work out what all the things you should be protecting and their relative value to you. E.G, the Louvre is priceless so destroying it is not worth it at all. 
It is easy to protect the wrong thing, dedicate some time to deciding what your assets are. 
Regularly surveying the     values of people of the involved in what you are protecting. Multiple     pairs of eyes is a good asset.
Develop a sensible plan -     well designed to tease this information out of them. Humans are generally     poor at regurgitating everything they know.
Periodically revise current     lists of assets
Think of Coke, the brand is worth more than the actual formula to make the drink. 
This is a huge problem, if the computer has been pre-loaded with a shared secret, it can use that but once it has been used once, what happens then? This is a very difficult problem, a computer in a room with no context has to make a decision.
You can have a one sided difficulty, say for example there is a store and you are interacting with them. The store does not care about if you are real or not, they just want your money where as you care if the store is real and legitimate. This is a one way street. You can get destroyed by a man in the middle attack, they intercept the public key and give your own.
Man in the middle attack:
Web of Trust: (PgP) find how this works.
PKI (this is the more     dominant one and common one ): This solves the man in the middle problem     but creates a whole lot of other problems.
SSL is how we will communicate between each other (TLS is another name I think) 
This is kind of like a passport. It is a document that links a photo of me to my name and other information. X509 Certificates links a public key with a domain and maybe some other information. Signed with a public key of specific signers, the padlock that comes up in your browser shows this. 
Look up how tls handshake works, find example of when CA were compromised
Bug Bounties presentation:
Hacker 101 has some good tips on bug bounty hunting.
This is a technique you use to look for bugs. There are different types of this. You put in some input then mutate it / generation based stuff to see if the output is what to be expected. 
You can back door a mac https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hacking-macos-configure-backdoor-anyones-macbook-0184637/
Penetration testing:
This is an authorized simulated cyber attack on a computer system to evaluate security risks.
 Nmap is fucked lol.
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maidlayer3-blog · 5 years
A Startling Truth About Advanced Sql Interview Questions Uncovered
Simple SQL commands with clauses that are simple are a breeze simple to tune and to compose. You will go past a set of queries which are very very likely to be requested on a SQL Interview. You will find a set of manners that are particular in which the elements of SQL code could be constructed to create sure adequate processing functionality. antoonvandaal A FOREIGN KEYin a dining table is connected with the PRIMARY KEY of some other table. With the right stories, it is easy to make your meeting a memorable one. Every interview differs and a job's selection differs. antoonvandaal Job interview is the procedure of assessing a work applicant for prospective employment in a company. An interview also enables the candidate to assess the culture and demands of the job. Questions For Heating Up The Candidate When you begin your interview, you wish to supply your candidate every possible opportunity to shine and show you their best qualities. The ideal way to answer this kind of manager interview question would be to do your assignments. The reason behind the statement generating outcome that is inaccurate is on account of the easy fact that SALARY has not yet been announced to have NULL and at the exact time the employees whose salary is not known will also be counted. SQL's statements are utilized to find hold of information and recover it. An HTML document is an simple, plain text file, which you're ready to open at any text editor on your PC. The easiest way to understand the method would be to check at how text flows onto a page. Database is merely an organized kind of data of information for managing, storing, retrieval and easy access. antoonvandaal Every query starts with SELECT. A sub can't be immediately enclosed in a proven purpose. Queries and longer are more complicated to write, and it's harder to make them produce the outcomes that are right. There you receive sample data creation the questions so you can quickly begin your SQL interview preparation. SQL works through , declarative statements that are easy. MySQL could equally as well have returned order amounts 70 or 60 the purpose is that it randomly chooses one order amount. Simplify first if overcomplexity is a issue. The matter is that the SQL Standard states that we cannot choose a column which is not a part of the group by clause unless it contained inside an aggregate function. The problem here is that we don't understand what's going to be returned since we are not with what we are asking for in the SQL specific! By the close of the course you will know also the way to answer in your interview and exactly what kinds of questions to expect. Answers given are precise. Please allow me to enhance the answer if you believe . If you've got the answers to your fundamentals and could present your interviewer that you understand how to continue to keep your skills current, you will increase your odds of landing that task exponentially. The very first step in almost any recruiting procedure would be to carry out work analysis to establish the actual or intended requirement for your job to be done. The use of technologies to recruiting has resulted in the maturation of recruiting software to alleviate the custom of recruitment. An individual may download the software and as freeware. There are lots of database systems out there, and people will be unacquainted with all the ins and from each one of them. The end result is an effect on performance. It is NULL at the right side when there is no match. It is NULL at the left side whenever there is no match. A good example can be bank trade from 1 account to a different account. As soon as it's important to get an superb example on hand for a fantastic supervisor interview questions, it's especially crucial here in order to clearly show your capacity to take corrective steps on a private level. There are a variety of types of types in SQL. The way documents are filtered in a question by which a question executes, can impact the way. It is important to observe the essence of the questions you'll be asked. Another significant part website development is development. It's not really feasible to dismiss the importance of advice, and our capacity to analyze, combine, and contextualize it. The roles and obligations of the quality assurance analysts that are high are not restricted, find and they need to monitor approaches to enhance the system. By referencing foreign key with the key of another 20, relationship needs to be made between two tables. Database Relationship is known to be the connection between the tables in a database. antoonvandaal
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geopolicraticus · 6 years
Addendum on Naturalism Purged of Metaphysical Fallacies
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Three developments have transformed philosophy in the past century: the exponential growth of knowledge in the natural sciences (which has given philosophers new things to think about), the convergence upon naturalism as an overarching philosophical framework, and the use to logical and linguistic analysis both to clarify and to sharpen ancient philosophical questions. One might well identify the emergence and rise to dominance of naturalism as the essential driving force: the growth of naturalism entails the growth of the natural sciences and the use of naturalistic methods such as logic (rather than, for example, relying upon intuition, poetic vision, mystical insight, or divine inspiration) in philosophy.
Naturalism stands in relationship to 21st century philosophical thought as scholasticism stood in relation to 13th century philosophical thought: it is the background conceptual framework (usually itself imperfectly and incompletely articulated, but nevertheless pervasively present) that underlies most explicit philosophical formulations. In the same way that it would be difficult to identify the exact content of scholasticism in the 13th century, it would be difficult to identify the exact content of naturalism today, and this is to be expected from a fundamental philosophical orientation in its ascendancy.  
The convergence upon a naturalistic framework has led to a flowering of analytical metaphysics over the past few decades. Out of sight of the public, philosophers have been formulating metaphysical doctrines of unparalleled subtlety and sophistication in the effort both to account for the growth of scientific knowledge and to place traditional philosophical problems within this scientific context. This began tentatively at the beginning of the twentieth century with figures like Bertrand Russell and G. E. Moore, (I have a volume on my shelf titled Classics of Analytical Metaphysics that includes many of these early contributions to the discipline), and it continues today.
This flowering of analytical metaphysics, most of it more or less naturalistic in character, poses fundamental questions about naturalism. For example, if we purged naturalism of all metaphysical fallacies, would there be any metaphysical remainder, or does the purging of metaphysical fallacy from naturalism mean the purging of metaphysics per se? This, of course, was a question posed (albeit in different terms) by early twentieth century logical empiricism, and the answer given by the anti-metaphysical faction (not Russell and Moore, but figures like Ayer and Carnap) was a resounding “Yes!” -- the purging of metaphysical fallacy means the purging of all metaphysics, or, at least, it ought to mean this.
Implicit in this assumption is that idea that naturalism is the “correct” philosophy of nature (well, not really a philosophy of nature at all, but rather the correct account of nature), and the only reason that naturalism cannot deliver to us an appropriately simple and non-controversial account of the world is because naturalism still remains in thrall to metaphysical fallacies. If we could purge the metaphysical fallacies from naturalism, we would be left with a “flatly natural” account of the world, and philosophy would simply disappear as an intellectual discipline. This kind of reminds me of Marx’s prediction that the state would wither away upon the realization of the communist utopia; for the logical empiricists, philosophy would wither away with the realization of the scientific utopia. 
In my earlier post Naturalism Purged of Metaphysical Fallacies, I argued that naturalism purged of metaphysical fallacies is itself a metaphysical doctrine, and that we ought not to equivocate on that point. I am not opposed to metaphysics per se, only to bad metaphysics. If we can have a metaphysical naturalism without metaphysical fallacies, then that is all to the good as far as I am concerned. What, then, is the metaphysical content of naturalism?
Naturalism as a metaphysical doctrine could be interpreted broadly or narrowly. Narrowly, the only metaphysical content of naturalism is the denial of the supernatural or the supranatural -- the denial of anything outside nature, the denial of anything above, beyond, behind, or beneath nature. Nietzsche called this the assumption of a world behind the world. Elsewhere I have called this “non-human non-agency,” meaning that anything non-human (I should have said “non-natural”) lacks the agency to affect or be affected, and thus fails Plato’s definition of being (or, alternatively, is the null case of the Platonic definition of being).
Broadly construed, the picture of naturalism becomes much more interesting, because the narrow content of naturalism is consistent with a great many different theories of analytical metaphysics. Contemporary analytical metaphysics mostly takes place within a naturalistic framework (whether openly acknowledged or furtively avoided), so that there are potentially as many metaphysical naturalisms as there are naturalistic formulations of metaphysics today. In this sense, my own thought exemplifies the principle of mediocrity, as my formulations also are framed in the context of naturalism, albeit a metaphysics-tolerant naturalism. On the other hand, metaphysics-intolerant naturalism must hold that there is only one, true naturalism, and that is the naturalism that is the remainder following the purge of metaphysical fallacy.
Of the plethora of naturalistic metaphysical doctrines being explored today (within metaphysics-tolerant naturalism), no doubt some will come to be seen as metaphysical fallacies in their time, while others will survive and undergo adaptive radiation as they extend their influence and become influential philosophies in their own right. The work of rooting out metaphysical fallacy is never complete; the mistakes being made today, and yet to be made tomorrow, will continue to trip us up on occasion. As metaphysics both expands and deepens as a discipline, mistakes will be made at the cutting edge, but progress will also be made.
What ought to most concern us is not the ongoing human fallibility that is part of the human condition, but rather the all-too-present danger of repeating ancient and familiar fallacies in new forms. The experience of past failures in metaphysical reasoning should, if nothing else, make us aware of the perennial failures to which human reason is subject. Knowing our cognitive weaknesses and vulnerabilities by knowing our past fallacies deprives the future commission of fallacies of this same kind of even a fig leaf of concealment.
With the decline of philosophy as an institution (and by “decline” I mean a decline in social and academic prestige) and the rise of science to take the place of philosophy as the ultimate scholarly undertaking, there is in many quarters a contempt for traditional philosophical problems and formulations. The idea is that we are modern and know so much more than our predecessors that we can dispense with the long history of errors that is philosophy. One can immediately see, in stating the attitude in this way, how this both drives and is driven by the idea of a perfectly simple naturalism that will remain once we have purged our thought of metaphysical fallacies.
In the scientific implementation of this idea, in contradistinction to the philosophical implementation, we merely need kick philosophy of the curb and we will be free of it and its errors; in the philosophical version, we must actually make the effort to unravel and resolve past errors, rather than merely abandon them. We need not look far to see the simple-minded result of the scientific strategy for the extirpation of philosophy: we get otherwise very sophisticated minds making elementary errors, like debates over the “fine-tuning” of physical constants -- a transparent design argument that puts the cart before the horse. Darwin had to struggle mightily with this kind of naive but pervasive teleology, but many have allowed themselves to comfortably slip back into this rut.
Philosophy cannot be avoided by ignoring it and wishing it away. What you get from avoiding or ignoring philosophy is not a philosophy-free discourse, but a position with concealed and sophomoric philosophical presuppositions. We can go better than this -- much better. We need to actively combine the methods and insights of philosophy and science into a whole greater than the parts defined by disciplinary silos. There are, to be sure, intimations of this even today, but these intimations are uncertain, tentative, hesitant, and fragmentary, and there is always a danger of taking the easy path because it is easier and one does not wish to invest serious effort in an enterprise that is, at present, plagued with doubts and second thoughts.
Generations of philosophers have aspired to a scientific metaphysics, and we will know that we have begun down this route when we can confidently build upon the foundations of our predecessors, rather than starting anew each generation, which mostly has been the custom in philosophy, when new doctrines are put forward with pragmatic regularity. Scientists have not been equally as keen to aspire to a philosophically-informed science, though some have, in practice, done exactly this (Mach, Einstein, etc.). 
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Metaphysical Methodology
Metaphysical Fallacies
Metaphysical Biases
Pernicious Metaphysics
Metaphysical Fallacies Again
Forms of Metaphysical Bias
Metaphysical Pathology
Addendum on Metaphysical Pathology
Revolutionary Metaphysics
Metaphysical Paradox
Addendum on Metaphysical Paradox
Naturalism Purged of Metaphysical Fallacies
Metaphysical Conflation
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mekvahanservice · 3 years
How To Check Used Cars
re you buying a Second-hand Car (Used Cars) or New Car? If you are planning to buy a second-hand car, then we say it’s a smart choice because you will be saved from the struggle of an endless trail of paperwork, insurance, and registration process.
In India, We are witnessing a paradigm shift. The second-hand car market is observing an exponential rise in sales in the last couple of years. Due to the increasing cost of new Cars, owning a new car becomes an expensive investment for the common people, so buying a second-hand car is a good option.
Before buying a used car, make sure that the interior and exterior of the car does not have any major issues. Take a test drive to ensure the proper functioning of the car, check the history of the car and settle with a reasonable value before taking a final decision.
Here we have some tips to check used cars before buying:
1.Park the car on the ground for checking:
If you park the car on the ground level, you will be able to properly check the car exterior, condition of tyres, look if there is rusting, any rough spots, scratches, dent, check undercarriage is in proper working condition, or any crack. The car should be properly cleaned and everything must look neat because all these factors affect the value which you are repaying for the car.
2.Check whether the trunk of the used car is in proper condition:
Make sure that the trunk should not have any sign of water damage or rust. Also, check the holes, damage, and cracks inside the trunk which can cause trouble for you. Carefully check the trunk is opening easily and closing firmly. Remember heavy rusting, holes, and cracks will affect the car’s performance and appearance of the trunk.
3.Properly Check the tyres:
Tyres of used cars tell a lot about the car, they should be worn and perfectly matched with each other to ensure alignment because bad alignment can cause driving hazards, frame damage, and affect the car’s performance. If the tyres are in proper condition then it means the car owner is selling a brand new second-hand car for some reason.
4.Carefully Check the frame:
Make sure that the car’s frame is in perfect condition and avoid cars having damaged frames because it reduces the longevity of the car. Properly check the undercarriage because a damaged frame tends to break down quickly. Carefully look at the scratches which indicate the replacement of the fenders or realigned due to crash or accident.
5.Look under the hood:
Open the car's hood while the engine is cool and check if there is any mark of rust, dents, cracks, scratches, and damage, so in case you find any of these marks this means the car was poorly maintained. Inspect the belts and hoses for damage because they should be damaged or crack free. Carefully check the condition of the timing belt because the belts can be easily damaged and it can cost much for a replacement.
6.Check Engine for corrosion and leakage:
You can easily check a used car’s engine by looking at the engine block, if it has dark brown oil stain then it implies that it has a leakage in the gasket which could probably lead to costly repair in the future. And, make sure fluid levels are not empty, but if there is any fluid holding tank is empty then ask the car owner as it can be the sign of leakage.
7.Check the Interior:
You must feel good while you sit in the car, properly check the adjustments as well as the functioning of the seats and furnishing for any rips, damages, stains or tears. Turn on the AC to check whether it is in good running condition or not and ask the car owner when the freon was refilled last and is there any freon leakage, as it helps AC to blow cool air and second-hand cars generally have low freon levels.
8.Check Mileage:
It is very important to check used cars mileage, so you must see the dashboard to track the number which states the miles driven by a used car. Mileage signifies the car’s age by showing high or low mileage. If the car’s mileage is high then it is in good running condition and handles more damages related to mechanical components. On average, a car can be driven up to 20,000 km per year, so it does not make sense if you buy a used car with low mileage.
9.Check both the display and indicator lights are functioning properly:
Properly check all the sensors or fault alerts are in good working conditions as well as warning lights to ensure safety. If the stereo or rear-view camera has a digital display, so carefully check whether they work properly or not. If the display and indicator lights are indicating a problem then it means there is a charging system problem.
10.Test Drive:
Taking the test drive is an essential part while checking used cars as it’s the best way to know all the necessary things related to the car. So, we strongly recommend buyers to take a test drive with the seller because you can ask your queries while driving before coming to a final decision.
Press hardly on brakes to check their functioning:
By pressing the brakes harder to decelerate quickly, but carefully. You can try this while going around 48 km/h where the are is traffic-free. Make sure the brake pedal doesn't make a vibration or sound strangely. Also, check the car should not bend while pressing the brakes.
Check the car’s history:
After getting the desired information from the seller, then start your own research by checking the history of the car’s service. Ask for the record of times when the car gets serviced and other information related to performance, problems and repairs of the car. There could be so many reasons for selling used cars such as accidents or negative experiences.
Negotiate for car’s price:
Keeping all the facts together such as quality, mileage, frame, rusting or any other damages, don’t hesitate to offer an amount which you are willing to pay. And, remember the car requires good maintenance, as well as its value, will depreciate over time.
Transfer used car Registration certificate (RC):
Firstly you need to fill and submit form 29 & form 30 which is issued by RTO nearest to your residence and get signed by the current car owner and you. Then register the transaction and after that local RTO will undertake the transfer. Also, check important things such as if there are no pending loans, have the original invoice, NOC from the finance company of the car, servicing record, Valid PUC certificate and many more.
Get used car insurance to your name:
Make sure you have a valid insurance policy copy of your name, it will help in getting registration transferred. If the insurance policy is under the previous car owner and RC is registered by your name, it would not make any sense and the policy will be considered as null.  You can get the car insurance of your name by changing the name in the previous policy, or  you can buy a new insurance policy.
We hope all the tips provided by us on the checking of used cars turn out to be useful for you. But we would recommend you to get the car inspected by a mechanic for better understanding because a mechanic can examine all the necessary details and issues which can cause hazards in future. Get your bike serviced at Mekvahan at economical rates.
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fcjfinalproject · 4 years
General teaching from online tutorials etc.
There have been a few tutorials which I have used so far which have been either for general basics in new softwares which obviously I am not being taught or for very small details which add one element to my animations and so I am going to mention them in this post rather than do a post for each one. 
Firstly I have watched many tutorials on touch designer to try and get an idea of how to use the software all of which are quite specific and extremely long and I will bring up later however I found one which gave me a great basis to work off of as it literally shows you where to get started and what kind of things you can achieve with this software. It is part one in a short series which has been very useful to get to know the basics and just under 20 minutes long it is easy to follow. It showed me how to get to grips with the node based software and seeing the final product in a null and while It only showed how to make a banana spin on a background its the simple stuff like this that make it so easy to exponentially grow my understanding of exactly how other individuals and tutorials are working on things far more advanced. 
The second tutorial grouped in this post is a really specific one which branched off of my other post on creating the sun. The plugin used for that was a free download from Video copilot who themselves have many of these plugins free to use and download. Having downloaded this plugin I looked into it and watched their tutorial on how the saber plugin works. Although a tiny detail and somewhat inconsequential to my project, the versatility of this plugin and my deeper knowledge of it enabled me to alter its appearance and properties in my sun animation which I intend to develop further as I create the model and animations for the other planets/stars I include. 
Badradio. (2019). TouchDesigner - Basics Tutorial 01. [online video]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLQ-rc1tn9w&t=1s. Accessed on: 31/12/2020).
Video Copilot. (2016). New Plug-in: SABER + Tutorial!. [online video]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reSXGxkyr0k&t=782s. Accessed on: 31/12/2020.
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cinemaofpakistan · 4 years
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The Survival and Future of Pakistani Cinema and TV Industry
Why save the Film and Tv Industry?
Besides entertainment purposes and Artistic expressions, Cinema revenues are an important part of a Country’s economy. Annual Global box office revenues has reached a staggering amount of 42 billion dollars.
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Global Box Office Revenue of Hollywood in 2019
After Covid-19 the watch time of streaming services like Netflix gained an exponential growth. People quarantined in their houses are watching more Films and Tv than ever before and Pakistan is leaving a major opportunity for economic growth as well as Intellectual growth. Good Films and stories help us grow as individuals.
The fall of Pakistani Cinema:
By the 1970s Pakistan was consistently releasing more than 80 films per year and there were also times when Pakistan released 100 films in only one year and then it stopped.
The decline of Pakistani Cinema was not a gradual process but rather it all happened in a short period of time.
In July 1977 the egalitarian system of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (Pakistan Peoples Party) was brought down in a military upset engineered by General Ziaul Haq.
In 1979, Haq managed the execution of Bhutto through a hoax preliminary and solidified his hold over force. Zia's was a traditionalist tyranny. He pursued his naysayers with concentrated heartlessness. After Bhutto’s fall and the Zia’s attempt for the “Islamization Project”, social introversion took place. One Social Side effect of this was the sudden collapse of the Paksitani Film Industry. Urdu Films Which were doing good business till 1979, started to lose money. This was also the time when Pakistan saw Cinemas turning into Shopping Plazas and the first victim was Karachi’s famous Naz Cinema.
Another unmistakable explanation behind the Pakistani entertainment world's developing business and innovative burdens was the execution New Censorship Policies.
Strangely however, these approaches and limitations that banned producers from demonstrating 'unnecessary sexual substance and violence,' appeared distinctly to have been focused at Urdu films in light of the fact that there was a two-overlay development in the quantity of Punjabi and Pashto films, regardless of the way that they were studded with sexual awkwardness and anarchic brutality.
The Popularity of Punjabi films was likewise indicative of the changing class elements of Pakistani film crowds.
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Pakistani Punjabi Film “Allah Khair” poster
Till the last part of the 1970s, the working classes established the heft of this crowd, however as these began to drastically retreat after 1979, the vacuum was filled by film-goers from the metropolitan common laborers in the urban communities, and the laborers in the semi-provincial regions.
Accordingly, this was additionally the start of the creation of Punjabi films dependent on egalitarian country topics of vengeance and honor, as Urdu films dependent on metropolitan subjects started to evaporate in the wake of losing its main fans to social and social idleness, and thusly, to the VCR.
Not unreasonably the working and worker classes weren't film-goers previously, yet they dwarfed the working classes in this regard during the 1980s till they excessively started to evaporate before that decade's over.
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An article in DAWN on the quantity of films that shut down or were changed into loft squares and shopping malls during the 1980s
By the mid 2000s, an industry that once created 80 movies every year was currently attempting to try and produce two movies a year.
Current Hustle and the Future Developments:
During the 'liberal' military tyranny of General Pervez Musharraf (1999-2008), film proprietors in Pakistan grumbled that they would be compelled to shut down the couple of films left in the nation if the Government didn't bring down the diversion charge.
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Behind the scenes of a Pakistani Film
They regretted that since the Pakistani entertainment world had gone inventively and industrially bankrupt, the theatres were attempting to stay in business exclusively on the strength of Hollywood movies.
When provoked by the Musharraf system to concoct proposals, the proprietors requested something that was nearly considered difficult to consent to for example Permitting the import and screening of Indian (Bollywood) films in Pakistani theatres.
The act of Pakistani films screening Indian movies (and the other way around) was basic till 1965, or before Pakistan prohibited the display of Indian movies after a battle between the two nations that year.
After decades Bollywood films were back in Pakistani theatres.
In any case, as the customary scions of the business were caught up with waving their clench hands, cryptic TV director, Shoaib Mansoor, focused in and chose to really utilize the way that the working classes had started to revisit the theatres, yet to only watch Indian movies.
He chose to make a film that would not exclusively be a takeoff in style contrasted with the Pakistani movies of yesteryear, however would likewise be advertised remembering an age of youthful working class cine-goers with practically zero memory of when visiting films (to watch Pakistani movies) was a remarkable standard.
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Shoaib Mansur, Award winning Pakistani FIlm and TV Director
Most Urdu films during the pinnacle of the business (during the '60s and '70s) were realistic and absurd contemplations on certain social, homegrown and sentimental issues that center and lower-working class Pakistanis experienced in their day by day lives.
In any case, Mansoor was making a film for a group of people who had grown up viewing extravagant Bollywood spine chillers, romantic comedies and pot-boilers (on DVD). Nonetheless, this was additionally a group of people who was (like each pakistani) confronting the brunt of the religion-persuaded brutality and radicalism that had mushroomed in Pakistan after the grievous 9/11 scene in New York, that saw Pakistan enter the 'Battle on Terror' on the United States.
So he chose to make a movie that straightforwardly handled the issue of radicalism and the ensuing philosophical and good disarray that had started to torment various youthful Pakistanis after the Twin Tower misfortune. He called his film, Khuda Kay Liye (In The Name of God).
Mansoor not just withdrew from the methods of old Pakistani movies in style, plot and promoting; he likewise totally avoided remainders of the nation's film foundation that were as yet observed as being experts on the film business in the nation.
The film was an unexpected hit and it contended well with the Indian movies in the neighborhood films – yet on its own terms.
In doing this, it set the trend for the youthful part that followed Manoor's guide to rival the 'Indian intrusion,' not by delivering modest duplicates of Bollywood films or just by whimpering about how they were murdering the neighborhood entertainment world; yet by making films that endeavored yearn for their own (Pakistani) character.
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Poster of Khuda k liye released in 2007
In 2013 hoards of religious fanatics were burning down cinemas because of an “anti islam” film on youtube, youtube, main source of infotainment for Pakistani youth was banned.
Currently there are only 92 cinemas in Pakistan in contrast to 1100 in the 60’s. After covid Most of the film production all over the world is almost null and the movies being made are not able to get released in theatres instead the production companies like Warner bros are going to stream their 2021 film on HBO. Pakistan is already facing a woes in the film industry and the covid hit was massive.
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jonathankatwhatever · 4 years
After a largely sleepless night, I did two things. One is the block about visualizing actual you sexually broke apart. It didnt go completely away, but it opened. Immediately before that happened, I had, almost against my will, started to construct the gs model from ground up. Take a point and another, interpolate a point, interpolate another, treat these as inversions of the same point. And that’s it. That makes a square. It makes induction, as in n and then n+1. It even defines the empty set as a lack of specified point, and the null set as there is no field or GS in which you can specify a point (so it underlies all GS sets as Not and 0, and specifies into any GS as the empty set which induces). Then I thought: why shouldnt I visualize you sexually? I heard the no, and - since I’m sticking to the order of occurrence - I could see the issue I worked on yesterday: how to take ! and exponent to uncountable when using gs:GS and GS:gs ideals. The answer appeared that they count odd and even, so you count exponents or factorial and you count evens and odds. That’s part of the answer, because as I fantasized about you sexually, I realized my resistance to that had been because I resisted objectifying you, which meant I had given up and objectified you, which meant that was the same process I’d followed my entire life, and more particularly with every version of you - detached from this identification of you - going back in memory to when I trained on forms in game play until the objections to that overcame my reluctance to say the program had become highly repetitive and predictable. So now there’s more depth, which means I could see the issue with the answer was that countable infinity is also even and odd, when I realized near instaneously that these two processes add infinite depth between the even and odd, so they do reflect over a line, which is pure binary exponential and thus the power set and thus uncountable. That then revealed the point of that line of questioning: this is between points, so it describes Endpoints connected over complex rotations that make up a huge complex rotation. We constrain the complexity by writing down symbols that contain the manipulation required, which anyone experiences when they try to calculate. The amount of actual relationship in a power set is clearly related to the number of counts of arrows you have to use and connect. So if you vectorize the gs and thus GS, you get a lot of interesting results. This generates non-deterministic counting, which can only be rendered in depth, which then can only be traversed complexly because you have multiple layers coming together at one time with no way to represent those fully at any counting level.
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