content-77 · 1 year
The land of Egypt has always been a source of fascination and mystery, with its rich history and ancient artifacts. It’s hard to imagine a world where there was no knowledge of Egypt and its treasures, but in the late 18th century, the country was still largely unexplored by Westerners. The beginning of the first Egypt expedition in the world marks a significant turning point in the history of…
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without-ado · 7 months
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SpaceX Dragon undocks from ISS l Andreas Mogensen
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feuillant · 5 months
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worstjourney · 6 months
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I'm cleaning out my temp folder, mostly screencaps. Thought this deserved an airing.
R-L Tigger, Arthur Shappey, Doc Brown, and the Designated Dad
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"Fun", yeah, let me get back to you on that one.
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birdiebowers · 2 months
A gift from a friend for my birthday, with the note:
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"Barbie said you can be anything and they took it to heart"
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I love Tumblr because on Instagram the people who say they're "left wing revolutionaries" are openly decrying anyone who says anything non-sympathetic about the rich people in the submarine, while here people actually stick to their damn "eat the rich" stances.
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rpgchoices · 9 months
What rpgs do you recommend? This blog made me find out about a lot that ive never heard of and wanna play some day ^_^
Ohhh hello!! I think it depends on what you like in an rpg in general or what rpgs you played before and your priorities!
For me the main elements I want are characters and good story, but characters will always be first so I basically only play rpgs with companions. I also love romance but I tend to play only queer romances so I mainly play rpgs that allow me to play a wlw or mlm romance.
You can also check my series of useless recs and what to expect for different recs!
Let me know what kind of games you'd like to play and I can give some more personalized recs!
In general my absolute favorites are (divided in types)
ISOMETRIC (so a lot to read, and you look everything from above):
Pathfinder Kingmaker: amazing character, fav polyamorous romance with a lady elf and an orc guy, the story is okay and the mechanics are fine, but the characters really make it shine.
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous: incredible customization of player character, great companions and romances, AMAZING story and villain. The mechanics and gameplay are like Kingmaker and not my favorite, but here they added turn based.
Pillars of Eternity (and sequel): amazing amazing story and very well created characters, the romances are not my favorite but I still love Tekehu!
Rogue Trader: this is set in a very bleak world where everyone is a villain so well, everyone is horrible. It is still quite a fun game if you do not mind the setting! And it has one of the most messed up romances ever (Marazhai)!
Shadowrun Hong Kong: I love the setting and the companion so much, but no romance.
Expediton Viking: Historical setting is not my favorite, but the game is still quite good and allows you do play as an usual companions rpg. It also has romanced!
DISCO ELYSIUM: I know I said I mainly play games with romances, and this has none, but everyone in the world should play Disco Elysium. One of the best isometric rpgs ever made.
Divinity Original Sin 2: If you liked BG3 maybe you will like this one too! The tone is much more humorous and absurdist, the story is quite good and the companions are amazing. The romances are also pretty good and as BG3 you can play as one of the companions.
ACTION RPG (is this even the name? Rpgs like Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate 3, so you can see the characters, and they speak)
Of course these need no introduction (but I put them in order of how much I love the companions and romances): Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Origins, Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Mass Effect trilogy.
Enderal: If you have Skyrim you can easily install Enderal for free, it is a mod but it is an indipendent game with its lore and characters. The only game that destroyed me and makes me cry when I think about it, so... play at your own risk. Amazing romances, incredible story.
The Technomancer: While the gameplay is a bit repetitive, the game is still pretty good! The characters are all interesting and the romance is kind of cute even if short.
Sorcery!: This is an rpg that is basically the adaptation of a text game. It is absolutely perfect, one of my favorite games ever. It also has one of my favorite romances (Flanker)
Not exactly classic rpgs but still amazing: (I just wanted to recommend two of my favorite games that have roleplay elements):
Heaven's Vault
Dreamfall chapters (and the series in general)
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monarch-afterdark · 25 days
Superspecies History: Hellhawk
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
Today, we return to our superspecies coverage series by diving back into the Hollow Earth and looking at the aerial menace that greeted Monarch, Apex and Kong at the ancient Great Ape temple; the Hellhawk!
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(Pictured above: A flock of Hellhawks residing in the Hollow Earth, circa. 2027)
Monarch Database File: Hellhawk
Monarch Designation: Accipiter infernum
Height: 9 feet
Weight: 14,000 tons (Northern Hemisphere), 4,600 tons (Southern Hemisphere)
Species Designation: Avian superspecies
First encountered by the joint Monarch-Apex expedition of 2024, the Hellhawks are among the smaller superspecies known to Monarch's current record, but nonetheless just as remarkable and deadly. Hellhawks primarily use their sharp beaks and talons as weapons, and are capable of echolocation and producing frequencies at 200,000 hertz
Combining traits from known avian and bat species, the Hellhawks were found initially to prefer cavernous environments where they perch on the rocks and lay in wait for prey to happen across them. Hellhawks will aggresively pursue potential prey due to the rarity of such prizes in their chosen habitat, even fighting amongst themselves over possession of corpses.
Despite this, there is a gentler side to the Hellhawks not often on display for Monarch observers. Coupled pairs of Hellhawks will mate for life, and allow their offspring to accompany them on their travels so the young can learn to mimic their parents' behaviours.
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(Pictured above: Two Hellhawks fighting over possession of a deceased Apex soldier, circa. 2024)
During the 2024 expedition into Hollow Earth, the joint Monarch-Apex team and Kong encountered a flock of Hellhawks that had taken residence in the abandoned Great Ape temple. Initially maintaining their peace, an attack from Godzilla on the surface (in which he used his atomic breath to bore a hole into the Hollow Earth) riled up the flock, causing them to go on the immediate attack.
Most of the Apex soldiers that were on the expediton team were killed by the creatures during the chaos, with two Hellhawks briefly squabbling over possession of one of the soldiers. The loser of said squabble turned its attention to the Monarch trio, but was stopped from attacking any of them when Godzilla's atomic breath breached the floor of the temple and scattered the flock.
In 2027, a new population of brightly-colored Hellhawks were found thriving in the Hollow Earth, residing in a more open habitat and feasting on grubs.
And that's all she wrote on the Hellhawk! Much like the Warbat, the Hellhawk is a species that we have much to learn about, but seem to be a plentiful presence in the northern and southern regions of Hollow Earth.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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I wanted to make a bad joke about Wu Xie’s gayness killing ppl haha. 
But I to this day am pissed about the fact that Zi Suan was like “she was in love with you, so that means you had to take responsibility for that” like tf dude, that’s not how it works. 
I mean, so it’s true that if for example Wu Xie was sitting there, that snake would’ve been killed before the jump even by Qiling (lmao), but like whether you choose to protect/look after someone 24/7 is your personal wish, not an obligation. Everyone went on these expeditons bc they decided to go themselves. Who we have eyes on night and day is none of your business, we aren’t obligated to swim with every crew member, dgaf if they’re in love with us or not. And we’re in love with someone else, who also needs to be looked out for, so? gtfo lol
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mysticalbookkeeper · 8 months
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Frankly, I think Legends Arceus would have been much better story wise if it had more drama. Honestly, you really think the main character would be so forgiving to the Galaxy Expediton Society after all that bullshit? I mean maybe a little, but let’s be real. Someone was definitely peeved during that whole fiasco. Now I’m not naming any names, but I’m just saying if I had it MY way? I would have fucked off to somewhere else in Hisui. I hear Gingko beach is lovely this time of year. Or even just bailed to another region completely like what Volo did (jackass). And just refused to be apart of the Galaxy Expedition Society, but no. Game Freak wants us to stay for some reason (even though there’s no real reason to anymore other than to help Laventon with his Pokédex stuff, but I think I could still do the whole Pokédex thing, just no longer under the rule of the expedition society).
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enkisstories · 1 year
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For Mermay I bring you: the arctic mermaid
Arctic mermaids are adapted to cold water. They are apex predators who hunt polar bears and whales from their (mostly temporary) dens carved into icebergs. Coloration is mostly grey, white and black, and tail patterns often are reminiscent of that of the local whale population.
After the first contact with humans the arctic mermaids also became scavengers. Many a lost expediton’s gear found its way into the hands of the mermaids and they have learned to use human winter clothes as disguise - albeit mismatched and/or archaic.
(The quarry was the closest I could find to actual floes.)
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philliamwrites · 2 years
Can I ask..when..eren and reader ..kiss? Approximately which chapter?
oohhhhh nonny i got bad news for you
i can't tell you the chapter. but it's going to be after the 57th expediton.
so.... since we have Trost arc now... and there's gonna be some in-between chapters to see what everybody is doing and how things progress..... there's gonna be a few more chapters until we get there (though i am reconsidering how in depth i wanna go and retell certain events)
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quad-weave · 2 years
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Casual Red Mage
Since Mikh'to is my raiding alt, he's a Red Mage main just like my main character. But I can't go into raids with a hodgepodge of random gear (because that's how BiS gets), so I made him a nice, mostly level 1 friendly outfit. The weapon makes it a level 80 glam, but damn if it doesn't look cool.
This should be the last of glams where Twitter stops chewing up my image quality, lol.
Weapon - Merveilleuse
Head - Oval Reading Glasses Body - Anemos Suspenders Hands - Dinosaur Leather Gloves Legs - Expeditoner's Kecks in Soot Black Feet - Archaeoskin Halfboots
Earrings - Copper Ear Cuffs
I took these shots in the Crystarium with Nyanya Studio's Esfera shader!
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feuillant · 5 months
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they don't know what they lost
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worstjourney · 1 year
The Royal Collections has a selection of photographs and stuff from the 2012 Heart of the Great Alone exhibition. And you can download them! High res! Don't say the Royals have never done anything for us.
Quite a few of these have been available in high res elsewhere, and they aren't as beautifully detailed as they were in person, when the prints were feet in diameter; be still my heart. But the special thing about these images in particular is that Ponting made these prints for King George V his very own self, so they are exactly as he intended them to be seen. This includes the tints and coloured paper that look strange to us now, but do actually bring out subtleties in the values that don't show up so well in plain black and white.
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Oh, there's also Endurance stuff etc. if you're interested in that, just select it from the "Contents" drop-down menu at the top.
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birdiebowers · 2 months
oh cherry, old buddy. you deserved the last hug from them.
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