#expected from the reigen fucker
berryhotel · 2 years
larry from the new pokemon game is so babygirl...
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January 9 is Vivi’s birthday \;w;/ The date’s cheeky, it’s when I reached ShB on him ingame. A year ago. JUST A YEAR. No other oc of mine had such an intense development process. I wanted to try writing a disaster, and, well....
Lemme have today as an excuse to ramble about his influences. Of course I didn’t merely lump these together, I kept realizing the likeness as time went on.
The concentration of unhinged blondies and literal idols is past the critical level, take cover, it’s gonna blow.
Spoiler warning for everything.
Anarchy Panty
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Because his full name’s Vivien Fucksalot Rell x’D A good number of their tropes match perfectly.
This speech could as well be copypasted into his final battle with Emet:
Panty: You're right, I'm just a little bitch and I'm proud of it. But guess what, douchebag? That's not the point. News flash, I don't need special fucking powers to beat the shit out of you. You know why? Because I'm a bitch who doesn't give a fuck. You and your half-dead face can preach about hymens and demons and other weird words that supposedly mean shit, but that doesn't change the fact that if any of you fuckers get in my way, I'm gonna kick some twisted-ass ass. You hear me dick? I'm a hot bitch angel named Panty. And no matter what anyone says, I DO WHAT I FUCKING WANT!
Princess Ai
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An edgy fashion icon that I'm still in love with. Brainstorming the visual styles for Vivi, I simply decided to indulge as hard as I can.
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Howl gets his redemption arc, Vivi, uh.... Surprise, the entire ShB part of Fragments is his redemption arc of sorts. But he exists outside ShB as well. He’s not meant to be a goody two shoes. But hey, his drama queen moments are entertaining to watch.
Raha has a lot of Howl in his character too. With Vivi, he’s basically this, except he doesn’t swallow him.. Okay he does but in a different way *kicked*
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Arataka Reigen
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Because I’m physically incapable of writing a classic hero.
Vivi has a complicated relationship with his career and a pragmatic approach to most things in life. He also prefers words to violence, will fight only if that fails.
When confidence and persuasion carry so hard you don’t really need anything else. Vivi firmly believes in everything he says and does. He doesn’t derive any fucked up joy from being right, but he knows as a fact that he IS right.
Sakuma Ryuichi
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Duality my beloved \o/ And dorkiness. Other than that, Ryuichi doesn’t have as much influence on his character, but the visuals?
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I mean I literally use this shirt and necklace as an easter egg/homage. Gravitation triggered my queer awakening in the faraway 2006, might as well give it the acknowledgement it deserves.
And, lastly, the he.
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What else do you expect from a character tailored for a ship \o/
Short. Sassy. Dorky. Gremlin. All of their direct likeness stems from ARR, while the more subtle parallels and extreme opposite values form later.
If Raha’s eccentric, Vivi takes that just a tad bit further, simply because he’s always been allowed to.
What Raha keeps repressed, buried deep down, Vivi embraces in full. He’s an unruly, effervescent spark of life, he’s meant to be Raha’s “manic pixie dream boy” according to tvtropes, to slowly lure him out of his shell and teach him confidence, the joy of living, and find a way to stop him from killing himself over and over again.
Words of praise and affirmation have no effect on them. Both are competent in some field, but never brag about it. While Raha has a severe imposter syndrome, Vivi knows he’s cool as a fact, which still doesn't mean he loves or values himself as he should. He just acknowledges and uses his status for his own benefit as openly as the world keeps using himself.
Destiny (affectionate) and destiny (derogatory).
Raha’s The Adult (tm) Vivi needs to stay somewhat stable. This’s the reason they don’t quite get along in ARR yet, Raha must go through that century of suffering that, despite all common sense, refines him into something delightful, Vivi must go through HW-SB to realize his priorities in life and frankly get fucked up enough to form a perfect chemistry with Exarch.
Raha has a moral compass that he may adjust at will, Vivi has none at all. How much more questionable would they be if they weren’t cute and charismatic :’D
They’re feisty and competitive towards each other, Raha especially so. Vivi has a red cloth effect on him. Forever wrestling for that imaginary control (yep, in bed too). On the emotional side, it’s forever “you matter, I don’t”. They’re mirrors of each other, reflecting some parts as they are, twisting others in most peculiar ways.
Vivi literally wouldn’t exist without Raha, both ic and ooc. So I daresay Raha has the most influence on his character, at the same time he’s his own guy enough to stay interesting. I’m so proud of him. I’m holding him by the scruff and helplessly shaking him in the air.
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darkspace7 · 16 days
Been frantically trying to shift around stuff because I wanted to play games on my phone but it unfortunately has the memory capacity of a potato so I've been looking through my notes app in search of things that could be deleted. Here's some ideas that have cursed my ever waking hours so now I foist the burden onto you!
A restaurant called "Subversion" that aims to do just that to your expectations. Food that looks all leafy and green so you'd expect a savory vegetable type deal? Nope you blue raspberry flavor. Or how about a large dessert covered in some sort of icing and now the waiter is bringing out a torch? So is it something like Baked Alaska mayhaps? No, the "icing" melts away to reveal it’s a steak. And the deal isn't limited to the food, oh no. You go in thinking it’s gotta be some fancy high end place but it looks like just a mom and pop cluttered shop. Then you get led through a door and suddenly faced with the most ostentatious place you’ve ever seen. Then the bartender gestures for you to follow them behind the counter and suddenly you're led through a trapdoor in floor. You now think you’re outside but suddenly a a door opens from behind a pile of trash bags against the back wall and then suddenly you’re in another version of the mom & pop store. The price is reasonable but you're the server now. This is your home now, you can never leave.
Bleach/Promare AU (Not gonna lie, I didn't know where I was going with this other than the potential for seeing Ichigo/Uryuu and the Zangetsu Duo in the colour pallet/artstyle. Also, shirtless fire fighters and weird fire aliens?
Candy Barrel Fairy Floss (Cotton Candy made from Various Candies? What types would work best? What would be the worst? Would they taste good???)
The Aizen from my one story idea (the one where he is genuinely the personality he presents himself as and maybe role-swaps Ichigo?) gets isekaied into an alternate past where Juhabach is his Dad. (Based on a dream I had, apperantly?)
• There's a group chat for the zanpakuto that Zangetsu was a part of before the timeline fuckery (reference to my one Ichigo/Uryuu story.) He gets pulled in again via Sode no Shirayuki and eventually gets Zanpakugo (Zanpakuto!Ichigo) in. Many cryptic memes x2 because they're both time traveling millennials. Of course they meme in various worrysome and increasingly unhinged ways. Yachiru also hops in sometimes much to many's confusion. (One of the others: "Yeah. You learn not to question it.") (This is obviously non-canon.)
•(In regards to Bleach) What happens if two people go inside a gigai at the same time???
•(Also in regards to Bleach?) What if Keigo is related to Reigen Arataka? (Reigen's his uncle)
•Pre!Canon Izuku gets isekaied into Fantasy AU decides to essentially say fuck it to his old world and stay with found friend family adventuring and doing hero shit in the new world.
•Crack Vestige AU where Izuku and then Bakugo get to haunt people with their found ghost family when Melissa finally gets passed the quirk due to shenanigans. Scenes & further shenanigans occur but not sad shit because fuck that noise.
•(In relation to last point) Fucming Vestige Bakugou & Izuku going whole ham on Shiggy, just decimating his shit. AFO steps in and then there's Yoichi coming in from behind with the steel chair-
•Also, En's coat is colour changing.
•"The Ruler" A non-binary royalty themed superhero who goes around carrying a wooden handheld rulestick. •Racecar Driver reverse isekai disaster lesbians? One day someone literally tries to invoke the whole 'bury your gays trope' on a recently disgraced Racer with their shitty lemon but apparently Truck-kun was having none of this bullshit and t-bones the fucker so instead of death we got this hot muscular dragon lady from the fantasy equivalent of the 1500's or whatever rolling out the back and proceeding to break a semi in half. Cut to her and the protag together as they proceed wreck the local illegal street racing circuit all the while trying to get back the protag's honour or something like that and maybe somehow catch up with the mysterious cryptid racer 'Truck-kun' so they get dragon lady home. There's mutual idiots in love, someone tries to murder protag by ramming them off road in every race, cars routinely defy the laws of physics in increasingly riduculou ways, dragon lady has an epic duel with a giant robot. It's an utter mess call it something equally stupid like "Speed Demon" or smth. •Jirou Kyoka x Daredevil (???)
•Doctor Stone Time Slip Theory AU but make it crack (or crack taken seriously) with mecha senku behind everything •Blackberry Syrup Orange Mango Mocktail with small crushed ice ("looks like a sunset." True but why?)
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malandi · 5 years
If anyone ever criticizes the mp100 art style, highly encourage them to watch the show and understand exactly why ONE's art style was preserved.
Keeping ONE's art style for the mp100 anime adaptation was a stroke of genius on studio bones' part. Imagine if mp100 got the same treatment opm did. I doubt the message would've been as accepted and treasured as it is now. Instead it would've been overshadowed by the pretty (underage) anime boys and since this show rejects toxic masculinity, the dynamics between them would only further contribute to fetishization of gay relationships.
The personalities and the character arcs of the cast are in danger of being disregarded as well. Presently there are oversimplification of characters like Mob being interpreted as a soft baby boy who needs protection and Teru as a flamboyant pining gay but if they looked like typical bishounen the odds of the characters being disrespected would skyrocket. Instead of appreciating these characters from a narrative standpoint, some fans would only appreciate them for their aesthetics.
The art style also drives home the fact that these are in fact kids who are struggling against internal and external violence and whose growth comes with a painful price. It's a big theme in MP100 that children should not be expected to shoulder adult responsibilities and by making them look like actual children, even without dialogue explicitly stating as such, we are starkly reminded of this theme whenever we see the kids being beaten up or suffering onscreen.
(I also read in an interview that they wanted to be as close to the source material as possible. In fact, ONE wanted to change the Telepathy Club's name but it was Studio Bones that refused to make any changes.)
Tl;dr By staying true to ONE's style, Studio Bones prioritized the quality of animation and the story themes and lessons over the art style especially since the bishounen character designs (since several of them are stated as handsome in canon) and the dynamics between the characters risk fetishization. It also allowed the characters to stand out for their personalities and character arcs instead of their designs. Also, it reinforced the fact that they are children in difficult situations to emphasise the theme that children should not bear adult responsibilities.
Edit: I put the link for the interview of Crunchyroll with Yuzuru Tachikawa, the director of MP100. I highly suggest everyone give it a read, it's very insightful and he goes in depth in specific scenes and the intent behind them, even about the differences of a wide shot with a close shot and how it affects the scene as a whole, among other interesting tidbits. He also acknowledged Reigen fuckers! Good for you guys because I'm not one of you and never will be
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bicodeofhonour · 6 years
some of y'all really be putting unabashed, unironic reigen thirst on my dash fully expecting to be validated
so, i need you to know and understand
i don't support you, i don't condone this and im praying for your swift recovery from the deficiency of taste and standards that clearly plagues you all.
reigen fuckers please interact bcus this is full stop aimed at y'all
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realityphobia · 6 years
I was tagged by @thirtysixsavefiles and @ledgem!! Thank <3
My Three Fandoms:
Tales from the Borderlands
Kingdom Hearts
Mob Psycho 100
The first character you loved:
Rhys, because his introduction was him being cocky and getting the shit kicked out of him
Riku, because I was 8 and he was Like That
Reigen, because he’s a lovable conman with a heart of gold and what more do you want
I clearly have a thing for walking human disasters who have names beginning with “R.”
The character you never expected to love so much:
Fiona, because I LOVED her but seeing her be awkward and silly made me love her more than I believed was possible
Sora, because I value his determined optimism, good faith, and unending love more every passing year
The Body Fitness Club. What good, supportive boys. 
The character you relate to the most:
Athena, because I too am gay and bad at people
Goofy. Obviously.
Mob, because he reminds me of myself when I was really struggling with emotional regulation and all of the side effects that that struggle had on my life
The character you’d slap:
Vasquez, because I rebooted the game 4 times trying to keep him alive. Fucker.
Terra, because if he hadn’t worn a sign that said ‘world’s most gullible keyblade user’ around his neck, maybe Xehanort wouldn’t be on his bullshit. Alternatively, Xaldin. He knows what he did.
Dimple. They’re all trying so hard, okay, why would I slap anyone except Dimple for any reason. Even Dimple eventually tries.
Three favourite characters (in order of preference):
Vaughn, Rhys, Fiona, all of the core cast and anyone else who appears on screen....
Riku, Sora, Axel, all of the main cast in all of the games including Re: Coded
Mob, Reigen, Ritsu, every character fuck you theyre all trying their best 
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
LB, who I still love, but also what the fuck man. Like I know it was clumsy writing but. What the fuck
Demyx, because it’s all fun and games until you’re 11 and staying up till 2am on a school night thanking every god you’ve ever believed in that Kingdom Hearts 2 has the ability to skip pre-fight cutscenes
They’re all good characters, Todd
Three otps:
Rhack, Polyperion, Rhysothy
Soriku, SoRiKai, Axel/happiness
Seirei, Ekurei, Mob/getting buffer than his wildest dreams
I’ll tag @knockabout-pigeon, @masculinedevil, @a-genderfluid-otter, @theshouldermoose, @illuminatialien, @bananasonlayaway, @lightbringer34​​, and anybody else who might want to do this.
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i guess i should make an f/o list, huh
so, like, some of these have huge, complicated backstories and conflict and tragedy because i’m a fan of melodrama. you can ask me about them if you like. some of them don’t and i’m still working out the backstory. some of them are new f/os and so we’re not really in love yet? we’re working out our relationship still. we’ll get there eventually. and some of these are quite toxic, but i like it because it’s interesting. so without further ado:
Randall Flagg from The Stand (S/I’s name is Copper)
Pennywise the clown from It (S/I’s name is Red). Note that this ship has a very complicated and tragic backstory that contains spoilers for The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
Roland Deschain from The Dark Tower (S/I’s name is Cobalt)
Severus Snape from Harry Potter (S/I’s name is Navy). I know everyone hates Snape now, but I don’t, so please don’t harass me about it. De gustibus non est disputandum, and all.
Loki and other gods from the Magnus Chase series (S/I’s name is Steel). I betcha weren’t expecting that Loki, huh?
Erik from The Phantom of the Opera (S/I’s name is Cerise)
Loki from the MCU (S/I’s name is Blue)
Pearl from Steven Universe (S/I’s name is Silver)
Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling from the Hannibal tetralogy (S/I’s name is Zaffre)
Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (S/I’s name is Robin)
David from Camp Camp (S/I’s name is Faraday)
Starscream from Transformers (S/I’s name is Doppler). Any Transformers media, I’m not picky about him.
Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 (S/I’s name is Kepler). Yeah, I’m a Reigen fucker, what are you going to do about it?
there’s a few others, but those are the ones i talk about most of the time. roland deschain is the main love of my life and i always want to talk about him. i gave my s/is all different names because it was just easier to keep track of them like that and i’ll refer to the ship by the s/i’s name. all s/is are genderqueer, because i am genderqueer, so please refer to me and all my s/is with they/them pronouns. anyway, that’s it. thank you!
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