#expect to accomplish a LOT tomorrow too!
starbuck · 5 months
this morning i was just living life as usual and now i have applied for one of my dream (seasonal) jobs and have mountain goats tickets so like. :))
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skymar13 · 2 months
Opposites attract
Bakusquad x fem!reader who’s the exact opposite as them.
Class sweetheart x class hot head
The whole class adored you, that was a fact. Not on some harem shit but they all knew you were the sweetest person on earth, a quiet girl who always kept a level head never tipping over the pot. While on the other hand your boyfriend was a boiling tea kettle that could never keep his mouth shut always yelling profanities to the others. But they both knew you brought out the best in each other, bakugo riled you up in battles pushing you to do your best and making you aware that it’s okay to be upset and selfish every once in a while. While you kept him in check calming him down at times and the only person who was able to get him to quiet down when he was going over board, as well as being a safe haven for him to spill out his feelings without shame. You were the one person he could never treat unfairly, he was nice to you always helping out with your gear or training always talking to you with respect and a sickeningly sweet tone. You had him whipped and he and everybody else knew that.
Kind hearted x tough exterior
You were practically a stranger in the class room. Everyone tried to get close to you but you never mixed well. The only one that forced his way into your life was your boyfriend. At first you pushed him away over and over, denying his requests and questions. But he never gave up on you. You didn’t want to go out? That’s okay he can go to your dorm. You hate him? That’s okay you adores you. You don’t want to let him see what’s bothering? It’s okay he will sit and wait till you eventually spill everything to him. And at some point it wore you down and you let him see what’s bothering was behind those walls you had set up and he loved every bit of it. He was encouraging and loud about your accomplishments always there for you when you fell. And like wise you showed him the darker parts of the world, you showed him who was and wasn’t trust worthy amongst his friends as well you cheered him on silently like his own personal quiet cheerleader. You had a weird dynamic but everyone could tell how happy you made each other….even if you wouldn’t crack even a smirk.
Class clown x shy nerd
Kaminari was definitely not the brightest of the bunch, not the sharpest tool in the shed, not the best grape on the vin- you get it. But when you offered to tutor him he swore his heart beat out of his chest. Unlike iida or momo you you were patient with him went at his speed and he actually began to learn a lot from you. He began seeing you every other day loving the extra attention he got from you and eventually he asked you out and the rest is history. When the class noticed that kaminari grades began to rise they wondered who had been the saint to resurrect his grades from their graves and they got their answer. You walked into class hand in hand while Kami carried you bags on his left shoulder. Their jaws dropped to the floor. You not only helped with his grades you helped him in other ways too. You were able to find a healthy way for him to short circuit and shorten the span of it you also got him into healthy habits (eating sleeping studying) and he couldn’t be happier. He brought you out of your shell introducing you to many of his friends inside/ outside of UA.
Stoner x red ribbon reader
He was the school dealer so everyone expected him to get with another pot head someone like Jirou or Mina but what they hadn’t expected was the love of his life to be someone who openly participated in red ribbon week. You were an avid hater for drugs and you made this aware to sero and the rest of your classmates. But you never asked him to stop for you just because you hated it doesn’t mean you were going to force that on the one person who truely makes you happy. He had tried to get you to do it on multiple occasions to which you declined and he never pushed it further. The longer your relationship the less he smoked much to your delight and eventually he quit on his own because he never wanted to smoke near you and you had always been near him. You were his high so why did he need drugs? He noticed how healthy you were for him, not even just because of the drugs but because you were an outlet for his to rid of stress and feel at peace while he mellowed you out. You were a stressed individual but perfected healthier alternatives but sero allowed you to be stressed without any reprimand and you were thankful it was an even balance between stress and calm.
Popular girl x shy girl
You were a quiet kid all your life. You sat in the back of every class had two close friends and always had your head phones in. When you got to UA it was the exact same as it had always been until Mina showed her bright smile and horns into your life. Yadayada you two were dating and everyone and I mean everyone took notice. The influx of attention was something you had to adjust to but after a while you were used to being swarmed by Mina’s friends while you sat next to her quietly scrolling on your phone or doing you homework with you headphones in. She’s always offer to send people away but you hadn’t minded it it felt nice to have people engaging in conversation even if you got overstimulated at times it was okay. Mina had never heard of the word chill before. She was a stressed out and far stretched teen who had major fomo when you two got together she immediately found her chill she now didn’t feel the need to be anywhere that you weren’t so most nights were quiet ones in your dorm watching movies or doing each others nails.
Sarcastic queen x kind hearted reader
Sarcasm was a language Jirou spoke fluently. However for you? You could just never get it. Unfortunately for you it was your biggest downfall because you could never sense someone’s sharp tongue. Jirou at first was the one who dropped it in every sentence until she noticed you didn’t get it then suddenly she just didn’t have the heart to do it. She stuck by your side always pointing out who spoke sarcasmish and whose responses weren’t genuine at all. You thanked her every time and got slightly saddened because you could never get it. But she comforted you and even tried to get you in on the loop of the forbidden language. She took your kindness and started to speak to people without as much sarcasm which made her more ‘like able’ in the eyes of others.
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poppitron360 · 2 months
“You wanna know the truth, Jason? You wanna know what I’m hiding?” Leo cried.
“Yes! Yes, I really do!” Jason replied, defiantly.
“Fine. Okay then.”
Leo took a deep breath.
“Tomorrow night, I will face Gaea. And I will die.”
The certainty of his voice was absolute. The look on his face clear. It was finalised. There was no way around it.
And that broke Jason’s heart.
He pleaded. It was useless, but he pleaded anyway. Leo knew what had to be done, and Jason did too. Still, he pleaded.
“Jason, it has to be this way. To Storm or Fire.”
“No.” Jason said, simply. His determination was futile, and he knew it. “Leo, I’m not letting you die for me!”
And Leo just shrugged and said, with a tone so causal and unbothered you’d think he was just stating the weather:
“People have died for less.”
Jason just crumpled to the ground. Leo’s calmness, his utter acceptance of what had to happen as fact- that was what cut so deep. It was like Leo didn’t value his life at all, that he’d throw it away so casually, when Jason would do anything to keep it. He needed that life so much. He treasured it, it meant everything to him, but Leo was prepared to give it up so easily. Couldn’t he see how important it was? How precious? Leo was acting like that life was just a piece of scrap metal- an old machine to be tossed. But Leo never tossed his machines, he always had faith in them, never gave up on them. Leo was treating his robots with more care and respect and worth than his own very life. Jason just couldn’t understand why Leo couldn’t see how much value it really had.
Leo crouched down next to Jason’s sobbing body.
“Hey… look on the bright side, okay? It could be a lot worse for me. I mean… growing up… I used to think I’d end up dead in a ditch, with nothing and no-one. Now… I’ll be surrounded by friends, I’ll be content knowing that I did it for them, knowing that I’d done something decent of once, accomplished so much, and saved so many lives. Can you just be happy for me?”
He wiped a tear off of Jason’s cheek with his grimy thumb, and gently lifted Jason’s chin so that he’d face him.
“Can we focus on the positives? Please?”
Jason saw it in Leo’s eyes. He was begging. He needed this.
“But… but Leo…“
“I can’t lose you Jason,” Leo said, “I can’t let it be you, I just can’t. And the quicker you can accept that, the quicker you can learn to be happy for me. Because I would be happy, knowing that you’re in this world, and you’re living on. That’s what matters to me. So I need you to do that. I need you to live, and be happy. Can you do that for me?”
Jason looked down, but Leo tilted his head back up again. His busy brown eyes scanned Jason’s face, searching… hoping…
“Please... Please, Jason… I need you to do this for me. I’m not asking for much. I would die content if I just know… can you be happy for me?”
“Leo… I can’t let you do this…” Jason muttered weakly. He knew he was fighting a useless battle, but he’d be damned if he didn’t try. If he didn’t try everything to save his everything.
Leo rose to his feet, looking down at Jason. “Do you want me to die unhappy, Jason? Do you want be to be unfulfilled? I need you to promise me… that you can move on. Because I’m doing this. Either way, I’m doing this. You can’t do anything to stop me, so the best thing you can do is just accept right away. Tomorrow, I will face Gaea. And I will die. And if you can accept that, I will die happy. That’s the best thing you can do to help me.”
Jason couldn’t believe it. Leo was asking Jason to be happy with his plan to end his own life. How could he? How could Jason possibly live without Leo?
“How can you ask such a thing?” Jason roared, rising to face Leo, “How can you seriously ask me to let you do that? How can you expect me to accept that my best friend is giving up his life for- for-“
“You would do the same for me,” Leo stated, plainly, “You would do it in a heartbeat. And you would’t let me stop you.”
“Exactly!” Jason yelled, “Let it be me, Leo. I can’t- I can’t lose you!”
“Please, Jason, don’t make this harder than it already is.”
“I c-can’t, Leo. I-I c-can’t let you… I ca-can’t lose you…” He placed a hand over Leo’s heart, and felt the pulse throb beneath his skin. He could not allow that heart to stop beating, “It has to be me. You said it yourself- to storm or f-fire. I’ll do it.”
Leo shook his head, and gave a slight chuckle in disbelief, “You have so much to live for, Jason. You have Piper to take care of- not that she needs it, but still. You gotta build all those temples in New Rome. You gotta show Frank the ropes of Praetorship, make sure your legion is being looked after. You’ve got duties and responsibilities. People need you, Jason. You’re much too valuable to go.”
“You’re saying that like you’re not!” Jason cried.
“Hephaestus cabin will get a new counsellor. My machines will be re-used. And I’ve programmed Festus to go rescue Calypso once… once it happens. My family… my blood relatives… they won’t care. Life moves on, and I won’t be needed anymore.”
“But what about me?” Jason whimpered, his voice the same pitch and register of a crying infant, “I need you, Leo. I need you. You… you can’t go.”
"I have to,” Leo said, his voice gentle, but firm.
Jason knew it was hopeless. He knew that Leo was right, that his mind was set, and there was no changing it. Jason wanted Leo to be alive, but what he wanted more than anything was for Leo to be happy. And if accepting his death was what he had to do… Jason didn’t like it. He wanted to protest, to shout, to scream, to beg on his knees. It wouldn’t have been very Praetor-like of him; Jason no longer cared. The only thing that mattered was Leo. But he knew. With a sinking heart, he knew that he would only be causing Leo more pain if he stopped him from doing what he needed to do.
He searched Leo’s eyes. He loved those eyes, so deep and bright and busy- chocolate-brown, rich and warm. He’d always tried to count the emotions in them as they flashed past like speeding cars. He watched now, and counted desperation, panic, melancholy, concern, peace, worry, fear. He could see that lying underneath it all. Leo was terrified. Terrified that he’d leave this world, knowing that Jason would be unhappy. Terrified that he was doing the wrong thing. Terrified that Jason might refuse his request.
Oh Leo… I could never refuse anything to you.
It killed Jason to do so, but he nodded. “Okay.”
He held Leo tightly in his arms, “I don’t want to… but… okay. If it’s wh-what you have to d-do, then… okay.”
“Oh, Jason…” Leo sighed, placing a hand on Jason’s tear-stained cheek, “Nothing lasts forever. My dad told me that once. Nothing lasts forever-
“Not even the best machines,” Jason recited. He broke down with fresh tears, his head cupped in Leo’s hands. “L-let me stay with you, at least… Please, Leo,” he begged, “Tonight- let me stay with you. I-I don’t want you to be alone.”
They curled up on the cool metal floor of the engine room. Jason held Leo, and stared into his eyes. He scanned his face, as if trying to commit it to memory.
“L-Leo…” Jason tried to search for the words to express how much the precious life he was holding in his arms meant to him. He wanted to celebrate the wonderful thing, in all its brilliance and accomplishment. In sixteen years, Leo had done more, suffered more, overcome more, and lived more than most people do in six lifetimes. What Leo saw as broken, and disposable, Jason saw as beautiful. Leo had taken the crappy cards he’d been dealt in life, and he’d made them into a weird and wonderfully messy sculpture. Jason held it, tight, and treasured it with all his heart.
“I-I…” was all he could manage.
“I know, Jason.” Leo said in response. And Jason could tell that he really did.
“What are you gonna do… when you get to Elysium?” Jason asked, trying to keep what little conversation he could make going. Trying to hear Leo’s voice, so that he could remember it. Keep it. Memorise the weird vocal inflections, the pace of the syllables, the way he’d dip in and out of different accents from places he’d been over the years, the way his hispanic accent would seep through the cracks, enriching his words with warm tones. The way he’d slip into a southern drool when he was relaxed. Jason wanted to take it and frame it, so he’d never forget it.
“I’ll see Mom again,” Leo said, his voice small, “I’ll tell her everything about you guys. About our adventures. I’ll tell her I’m sorry-“
“I know.” Leo said, “I’ll still tell her. If she’s there, I’ll tell her.”
Jason looked at Leo sadly. Even after all these years, Leo still thought mother’s death was his fault. Jason knew that the remorse and regret drove him to feel this worthlessness. He worried that part of the reason Leo was sacrificing himself was to punish himself for what happened.
“I’ll finally avenge her. Tomorrow, I mean.”
It sounded like he was talking about Gaea. Jason hoped that was all he meant.
“But I might finally see her, talk to her. I could get closure for what happened. I can’t wait, Jason! I could see my mom again!” He looked up at Jason, and Jason saw giddiness poke through in the fast flash of emotions.
He could tell Leo had sensed that Jason needed him to keep talking. “And when I get to Elysium… if I get to Elysium…” Leo sighed, “I’ll wait. For you. And the others. Take your time, though. No rush. I’ll be there… I’ll wait for you.
“Oh, Leo…”
“It’s okay, Jason. Really. I’ll wait. And, in the meantime… I’ll enjoy paradise. You don’t have to worry about me. Boy, I’m exited now.”
They were silent for a while. Jason listening to the rhythmic beat of the engine room, and the drum of Leo’s heartbeat. He tried to keep his breathing steady.
“… Jason?” Leo whispered into the throbbing room.
“Are you happy?”
Jason didn’t answer.
“Try to be happy, Jason. Please? Please don’t be sad, at least.”
“Are you happy?”
Leo closed his eyes, and made a face like he was fighting back tears. He lay there, slowing his breathing for a few seconds. Then he spoke. “Goodbyes are hard. They always are. But it’s not forever. It’s never forever. I’ll wait for you,” He looked up into his eyes, “Everything goes eventually, Jason. But… I’d rather go out like this, knowing that I did it for my friends, than go out any other way. And at least I’ll be going out in style. This… this is what I want. And it’ll be hard. I’m not pretending it’s easy. But I couldn’t ask for it to be more perfect. So… yeah. I’m happy. I am.”
Jason took a heavy breath, “Then, yeah… I’m happy, too.”
Leo smiled, “Now, get some sleep, Sparky. Big day tomorrow.”
Selecting what bits of canon I want like it’s a character-creation menu.
Leo tells Jason about his plan. There is no physician’s cure, or at least there’s little chance it might work. Or maybe there is, but it’s irrelevant- Leo is still making that choice to die. Also Valgrace.
@lavenderfairiez @keefessketchbook @sleepyycapybara @imnoturfriend-im-a-swiftie13 @euryvices @ottpopfic
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rohansdisciple · 11 months
𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 ★ .
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summary : elliot breeding after you say ‘yes’ to him asking for a baby ♥︎ .
warnings : romance / smut / nsfw . fem / afab reader . established relationship / married . pet names used . nipple play . sex toy ( vibrator ) . oral ( fem receiving ) . squirting . p in v sex . light marking . breeding . and i think that’s it ! tell me if i missed something ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ! 
word count : about 3.1 k *
reading time : about 12 minutes * 
other : 16+ ** . takes place in the stardew we all know and love, i believe i changed some minor things so the plot makes sense ! may have some minor grammatical errors && the entire story is written in lower case and the punctuation has double spacing in between the words * .
a / n : so last month while i was playing stardew valley elliott asked for a baby . which made me freeze in my seat by the way , then i said yes and moved on . then when my character had the baby , i froze once again . but that time i got an idea to write about him asking for the baby and the first baby making attempt :D ! so enjoy pookie bears ^ ^ ! 
credits to @ rookthornesartistry on tumblr and @ crispyporkbelly on deviant art for the dividers !
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" finally , i reached the 100th floor ... " you sigh , finally arriving at the location you've been attempting to reach for weeks . you look at the time to see how long you've been down in the mines — it's almost 11 p.m . " i should call it a day and go home , " you think as you board the elevator to the top . when you exit the mines , you choose to use the warp totem to get to the farm since you have no desire to make the 30 - minute walk back to the house at this hour .
once you get to the house , you toss all your findings and valuables into a chest until you can sort and look at them all tomorrow . because right now , all you were concerned about was showering and then getting in bed with your husband . when you walk into the house , you head to the bathroom quietly , trying not to make too much noise since elliott is usually asleep at this time . when you switch on the bathroom light , you discover a nicely folded pair of your pajamas resting on top of the counter ; which is just a simple tank top and shorts . and it came with a note on top that said , ' enjoy your shower , love elliott ' . you grin once you finish reading the short note , and you have to remember to thank elliott for being so thoughtful and conveniently setting out your pajamas for you .
after enjoying your hot shower , you get out, get dressed , and then you make your way to the bedroom to rest for the night . you notice a dim light glowing beneath the bedroom door as you approach it . " maybe elliott forgot to turn the light off before he fell asleep ? " you think to yourself , still under the impression that he's sleeping . when you enter the bedroom , elliott is fully awake and reading a book in bed . it seems like he was waiting for you to come and join him .
“ hey babes , i didn’t expect to see you up at this hour ; whatcha doing up - ? ” you ask while you get into bed with him . “ i was too deep in thought that i couldn’t fall asleep , so i decided to read a book and wait for you to return , my love ... ” elliott chuckles as he places his book and reading glasses on the nightstand before lying down with you . " oh , by the way , thank you for setting out some clothes for me , sweetheart . i really do appreciate it , " you say softly . elliott places a kiss on your forehead and then says , " no problem, honey ... it's the least I can do when you work so hard every day , " he replies .
" did everything go well today , sweetheart ? " elliott asks as he caresses your cheek with his thumb . " mhm ... i got really lucky today in the mines , so i got a lot accomplished , " you reply in a hushed tone , closing your eyes for just a moment . " that's wonderful , my love ... " he says softly , his words trailing off .
for a while , neither of you speaks ; you're too busy enjoying elliott's touch , and he's preoccupied with his thoughts , which creates a brief moment of silence between the two of you. he can't decide whether this is a good time to talk to you about what’s been on his mind or if he should just drop it and talk to you about it some other time . once elliott convinces himself that now is the perfect time to talk about the thing that's been on his mind , he speaks up . 
" can i talk to you about something , honey ? " " it's been on my mind for a while now - " elliott nervously says to you . " of course , what's on your mind , honey ? " you ask , sitting up and leaning against the bed's headboard . once he knows he has your full attention , he speaks , " so , i've been thinking about ... talking to you about trying for a child . " he pauses for a few seconds then continues , " i've always wanted to be a father , and now that i have such a lovely wife , i'd really like to have kids with you — if you want them , that is . " when he stops talking , elliott anxiously awaits your reply .
you consider what he said for a moment , and it suddenly hits you as to why elliott has been ' subtly ' mentioning babies and talking about how you two would be ' wonderful parents , ' and how the farm would be ' an amazing place for a child to grow up in ' . you sit there for a few minutes , silently considering whether you and elliott are ready to start a family , and all signs lead to the answer being yes . the house has enough space to raise a child ; you're financially secure , and you've always wanted to be a mother . " sure , let's try for a baby , elliott , " you say , smiling .
" a - are you sure , honey ? " elliott asks you . " mhm , i thought it through ; i think we're ready for a baby , " you say . elliott hugs you tightly and exclaims , " that's amazing , darling ! i'm happy that you said yes ! " " i'd be down to start trying right now, actually , " you offer boldly . " really ? ! r - right now , hon ? but aren't you tired from the day ... ? " elliott asks , slightly flustered by your suggestion . " i'm not that tired , sweetheart . and , besides , i can see you want to start trying now , too , " you tease , looking at the slight bulge in his sweatpants.
" you got me there , my love . the very thought of me getting you pregnant is exciting ... " elliott whispers , his face flushed as he caresses your waist . " you're just too beautiful to resist ... " he mutters as he draws you into a kiss . the kisses you two share start off soft and slow , but they quickly turn into more passionate ones as you both begin to caress and crave one another . elliott's hands quickly find their way under your shirt , and you tremble when you feel his cold hands grope your bare boobs . " mmh ... your hands are so cold - " you pant once you pull away from the kiss .
elliott chuckles when he hears you say that his hands are cold , and he says , " sorry, baby , they'll definitely warm up if i touch you some more , though ... " elliott teases as he removes his shirt and begins to shift his body on the bed . you watch as elliott positions himself to lean against the headboard of the bed . " come sit , my love ... with your back to my chest , " elliott says to you , patting his lap and pointing to the space in between where he wants you to sit . " o - okay ... " you murmur as you crawl closer to him , your gaze fixed on the growing tint in his sweats .
once you get situated , elliott takes off your shirt and places his big hands over your boobs . " you have such beautiful breasts , honey ... i love how sensitive your nipples are to my touch ... " elliott whispers in your ear , making you shiver . " ngh- " you moan as his fingers run over your nipples . " you like that , baby ? " elliott asks , placing soft kisses on your neck . " m-mhm ... i love it - " you gasp , savoring the sensation of him rolling your nipples in between his thumb and index finger . laying back and letting elliott pleasure your body has to be one of your favorite things ; every touch he gives you makes you tremble with excitement .
when elliott notices that you're practically shaking from him teasing your nipples , he knows you're craving for him to touch you . " e - elliott , please , touch me ... " you whine . elliott chuckles as he hears your desperate pleas for his touch , " alright , hon . lift your hips for me ... " he says as he begins to remove your shorts and panties . you do what he says , feeling yourself getting wetter with each second he doesn't touch you .
" open your legs too, darling ... i need to feel how wet you are for me , " elliott tells you as he puts his hands on your knees . " mmh , okay ... " you say breathily as you slowly open your legs for him . elliott's hands then run down your body slowly , making their way down to your wet pussy . " you're so wet for me , sweetheart ... it seems like the thought of me breeding you gets you excited too ... " elliott says teasingly as he spreads your pussy lips . " i - i charged the vibrator the other day ... could you use that on me , baby ? " you ask him . " oh , of course, darling ... anything for you , " he replies as he opens the nightstand drawer and pulls out the vibrator .
" you want the lowest setting first , right , hon ? " elliott asks as he sets the vibrator on your clit and switches it on , the low vibrations causing your entire body to flush with heat when it comes into contact with your sensitive clit . " mmh ... y - yeah , that's good right there ... " you mumble . elliott moves the vibrator in slow circles against your clit while he teases your nipples with his unoccupied hand . " m - mph ... m - more ... please , baby ? " you whine . elliott turns the vibrator on the highest setting when he hears you ask for more .
" okay , hon ... does that feel good ? " he asks . " hngh-! y - yes ... " you moan loudly as you grip onto elliott's thighs , attempting to stay in place . not even a minute later , elliott notices you were about to cum from how uncontrollable your moans became . " i - i'm gonna cum - ! c - can i cum ... " you cry out . elliott then takes the vibrator off your throbbing clit and puts it aside , which causes whimpers to fall from your lips . " not yet , dear ... i want you to cum on my face , " he says to you as he shifts his body to where he's laying on the pillows . 
" come sit , sweetheart , let me take care of you ... " elliott says inviting you to sit on his face . you immediately do what he asked , hovering your wet pussy above his mouth since you're desperate for some sort of release . that , combined with the fact that you enjoy it when elliott eats you out because he has a very good tongue got you even more excited than you already were . " i - is this good , babe ? " you ask elliott . " i told you to sit , not hover , darling ... " elliott replies as he squeezes your ass . " but , honey , i don't want to suffocate you - " you explain , having only sat on his face once before . " you don't have to be worried , sweetie . " elliott says , " just sit ... " he says , guiding you down until you are fully seated on his face .
" o - oh my god ... e - elliott ! " you moan in pure ecstasy as his tongue begins to suck on your aching clit . elliott laps and sucks at your clit like he's a starved man who hasn't eaten in weeks , causing you to only think about the immense pleasure you're feeling . elliott can tell how close you are to cumming from how much your body is shaking . " hngh! b - baby ... i - i'm so close ... " you say , holding onto the headboard for support as the knot in your stomach tightens . 
when elliott hears those words leave your lips , he focuses on getting you to your climax , continuing to slip his tongue in and out of your wet hole , his nose brushing over your clit as he does . seconds later , you feel the knot in your stomach beginning to unravel . " mph! m'cumming - ! " you moan loudly as your intense orgasm hits you , making you accidentally squirt on elliott's face .
when you come down from your high , you return to your senses and you get off elliott's face . " are you okay , babe ? " you ask , staring at all the fluids you've left on his face . " hehe , i'm more than okay , baby , " elliott says with a contented smile as he wipes his mouth and sits up . " but i'm not done with you yet , darling ... " he says as he removes his boxers and sweatpants, revealing his stiff cock . the pre - cum dripping from his rosy red tip alone is enough to make you drool . you want him inside of you badly ; you desperately want him to breed you right now . " now , on your back , honey ... we're not done just yet . " he whispers in your ear .
when you lay on your back , elliott traps your body beneath his , pinning you down to the bed . " i love you , y / n , " elliott says softly as his fingers intertwine with yours and your lips meet in a passionate kiss . " baby , is it alright if i put it in now ? " elliott maintains a low voice . " i'm afraid i won't be able to contain myself for much longer . " " as i said earlier , you're too beautiful for me to resist ... " he adds , his cock twitching against you . " mhm , go ahead , darling ... " you reply , touching his flushed face . elliott then rubs the tip of his cock on your clit before slowly pushing his cock inside your warm pussy while letting out a low moan .
" you doing okay there , love ? " he asks once he bottoms out . " m - mhm ... m'good , " you say , your walls clenching around elliott's shaft . " do you need a minute to adjust , my dear ? " elliott asks . you merely nod in response . " alright ... let me know when you're ready , okay ? " he adds lovingly as he caresses your cheek .
after a few moments , you say , " i've adjusted ... you can move now , baby . " alright , darling ... " elliott says as he begins to move . elliott let's out a soft grunt as he thrusts into you , your warm walls feel amazing around his cock . that , combined with the fact that you two haven't had sex in weeks , makes him feel like he's in heaven right now . " y - you feel so good , my love ... " elliott says as his pace quickens . " mmh ... s'good - " you moan softly as you rub fast circles on your clit .
elliott's hands then grip your waist to keep a steady pace , so every thrust gives you the pleasure your body deserves and desires . "  mph ... y - you're so beautiful , y / n ... " elliott whispers in your ear through his moans . elliott begins to place small hickeys on your neck as he attempts to find that spot inside of you that drives you insane every time . when the tip of elliott's cock hits your g - spot , your eyes roll to the back of your head with ease . " hngh-! r - right there - ! d-don't stop - ! " you moan loudly . " you like that , baby ? i'll keep doing it then - " elliott pants .
the bedroom is quickly filled with the sounds of skin slapping together , your moans , and elliott's low groans and pants . both of you are clinging to each other so desperately , like the pleasure you two are feeling would just stop if either of you let go . elliott pounds into you mercilessly as you feel the knot in your stomach becoming tighter and tighter by the second . elliott can tell you're close to your orgasm from the way your walls are clenching around him . " y - you're gonna cum , yeah ? j - just let go , baby - " elliott says to you . with a few more deep thrusts and touches to your clit , you can feel the knot in your stomach unraveling . " mmph ! m'cumming ! " you moan , your whole body shaking violently as you cling to elliott . 
it took every fiber of elliott's being not to cum inside of you right then and there as your walls pulsated around his cock as he continued to thrust into you as fast as he could . " mph! it's s'deep - " you whine . you couldn't deny that elliott looked so hot with his hair clinging to his sweaty forehead as he pounded into your sloppily wet cunt . you can tell from how erratic and rough elliott's thrusts were becoming and the way his face was twisting in pleasure that he was close to reaching his orgasm .
" y - y / n ... i - i can cum inside , right ? " elliott asks , wanting to make sure that this is what you wanted . " y - yes ... mph- ...stuff me full w - with your cum - " you say in between moans . now that you've told elliott that you wanted him to cum inside of you , he's only focused on two things — getting off and , most importantly , breeding you . elliott continued at his rough and fast pace , not letting up until he felt his orgasm approaching . " hngh-! baby , i - i'm cumming - ! " elliott moans as his body shakes as he cums deep inside of you , his cock filling your pussy with thick ropes of cum .
when elliott comes down from his high , he lays his body on top of yours and places his head in the crook of your neck , softly panting in your ear , attempting to get your body as close to his as possible . " i wasn't too rough , right , hon ? " elliott questions you once he catches his breath . " of course not , love . i feel amazing , actually , " you reply with a slight chuckle as you run your fingers through his long ginger locks . " you being satisfied is all that matters to me , my love , " elliott adds softly . " now , let's get you cleaned up , dear , " elliott says , lifting his body off of yours .
when elliott pulls out , his face immediately flushes with a red tint when he notices his cum slowly oozing out of you . " i - i'll be right back , honey - " elliott says as he gets out of bed and dashes out of the bedroom flustered . a few short moments later , elliott comes back to the room with a bowl and a washcloth in hand . " what's inside the bowl ? " you ask as elliott places it on the nightstand . " just some warm water to wipe you off , dear , " elliott replies , dipping the washcloth in the water . " all right , hon ... open your legs for me , " he says as he climbs onto the bed .
when you realize he's just trying to wipe you off down there before you two go to bed , you open your legs . " is the water too hot ? " elliott asks as he gently wipes you down . " no , it's warm , baby ... " you respond with a breath of relaxation . you lay there in bed , relishing in the sensation of the warm cloth and elliott's gentle touch , your eyes beginning to feel heavy .
" there , all done , " elliott says as he puts the washcloth back in the bowl . when he looks at you , he immediately smiles when he sees how relaxed and sleepy you look . elliott then lays next to you in bed and pulls you close . " i love you so much , y / n ... " he says in a hushed tone while rubbing slow circles on your back . " i love you even more , elliott ... " you murmur , clinging to him for warmth . elliott watches as you begin to slowly fall asleep in his arms . you truly were his world , his everything . " whatever the future holds for us , i'm looking forward to spending each moment with you , my love , " elliott whispers as he kisses your forehead before drifting off alongside you.
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍 ★ ...
read the second part here 🍂 !
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part sixteen: "The Time You Saved Daredevil"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Matt is shot trying to help stop an armed bank robbery and you can't get ahold of him. You take it upon yourself to find him and get him home safe.
You discover Matt in a dumpster without his senses and find yourself communicating with him in a strange and stressful version of charades.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 4.9k
a/n: I like symmetry so of course there had to be a hurt/comfort installment where Reader helps out Matt! You can find all of the installments for this series that are on tumblr here.
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Pressing the heels of your hands onto your closed eyelids, you slouched over your desk at The Bulletin. There had been a large scale robbery at a bank just a few blocks away in Hell's Kitchen and Ellison had called quite a few staff back in to cover the breaking story for tomorrow’s issue. You had been among them, expected to help pull together information from whatever sources you could.
But you were too busy stressing over the fact that Michael's outside source was telling him that Daredevil had shown up and had been attempting to diffuse the situation at the bank. 
And he was being shot at.
Your nerves had been pushed to their limit for the past twenty-seven minutes, your eyes mostly glued to your phone as you waited for any update from Michael's source or the actual Devil of Hell’s Kitchen himself. You had been unable to focus on anything Ellison wanted accomplished for the duration of the robbery. All you could think about was something happening to Matt. 
"More news!" Michael called out, rising in his cubicle so everyone in the office could see him.
Your hands immediately fell from your face as you sat bolt upright in your chair. Holding your breath, you prayed everything was over and Matt was alright. Prayed that you could sneak to the bathroom and call his burner phone in fifteen minutes and hear his voice telling you he was fine and he'd see you later.
"So the robbers have been finally apprehended by police," Michael continued, the room breaking into applause. "No casualties as far as I'm aware, but one person was injured. My source heard reports that Daredevil was shot, though."
The room felt like it was spinning at this bit of news. You couldn't breathe. Matt had been shot? 
"But he's got that suit, right?" Katy called out beside you, her voice breaking through your panic. "So he's okay, isn't he? Being shot at isn't new for him."
Michael shrugged, turning his attention to Katy. "I mean usually, yeah. But my source was saying Daredevil seemed off. Barely made it out of the building before the cops showed up. Said it looked like he was struggling or something."
You felt sick. You were definitely going to be sick. 
Shaking, you pushed back out of your chair and rose to your feet. Katy shot you a look, concern on her face.
"You okay?" she asked you. "You look pale."
"Fine," you breathed out. "I'm going to–to check with one of my sources on–on something. Can you let Ellison know?"
Katy's brows furrowed as she nodded. You swallowed hard, grabbing your purse off your desk and throwing it over you. 
As you made your way out of the office on trembling legs, your stomach churning and twisting uncomfortably, you tried hard to think of a plan. If Matt wasn't okay, you'd need to go and find him. He probably wouldn't be too far from the bank if he couldn't make it home. 
First thing you needed to do was call Matt's burner phone. If he answered, then there was no need to worry. If he didn't, well, then you'd figure out what the second thing you needed to do was.
You pulled your phone out of your purse, typing in the number Matt had you memorize as you hurried down the few flights of stairs. As you neared the first floor, his burner phone only continued to ring in your ear with no answer. You cursed, hanging up and trying to think of step two. 
If Matt wasn't answering, he either needed help or he was on his way back to his apartment. Not wanting to waste time, and being unable to be in two places at once, you quickly dialed Karen's number. The phone rang twice before she answered. 
"Hey," you said quickly, feeling a little out of breath from running down multiple flights of stairs. "Are you busy?"
"Uh, no?" Karen answered.
"Matt was shot," you told her, continuing over her loud intake of breath. "He was stopping that robbery and one of my co-worker's sources said Daredevil was shot and seemed off. Like he wasn't okay. And he's not answering his burner. I'm going to get spare clothes from my apartment for him and go search around the bank. See if he's hurt somewhere and can't get back. Can you check his apartment? See if he shows up? I'd do it but I can't be in two places at once. I don't want to waste time waiting to see if he shows when he might be bleeding out in an alley."
"Yeah, yeah sure," Karen said in a rush. "I'll be there in less than ten minutes."
"Thank you," you breathed out. "I owe you. Text me if he's there or if he shows up. I'll text if I find him."
You hung up, pushing out of the doors to the building and hailing the first taxi you could find.  Giving them your apartment address, you settled anxiously in the back, chewing your nails and willing your phone to ring with good news.
Your phone hadn't rung with good news.
You'd been searching the alleys in a two block radius around where the bank robbery had taken place for thirty minutes now, practically sprinting around all of the blocks. Karen was waiting back at Matt's apartment in case he showed, but she'd said he hadn't been there. 
The longer you spent looking for him with no answer on his burner phone–the one you were occasionally calling every few minutes hoping you'd at least hear it if he didn't answer–the worse you felt. 
Were you going to find him dead somewhere? 
Nope. No. Not a thought for right now.
Your body was shaking and it had been for awhile now. Your hands clutched nervously to the straps of the backpack on your back as you continued your search. You'd stopped at your apartment only long enough to grab the backpack and one of the shirts and sweatpants Matt had left at your apartment. The ones you occasionally stole to cuddle with while you slept when he didn't stay the night because they smelled like him. Now you needed them in the event you found Matt and he couldn't get himself home as Daredevil, you'd have to find a way to get him home in less conspicuous clothes.
It was when you'd reached one of the last few blocks of the perimeter search around the robbed bank that you heard it. You'd called his burner again and in the distance down a darkened back alley you heard the sound of a phone ringing. 
Instantly you paused at the sound, slowly turning and looking down the alley. It was poorly lit but seemed empty except for a couple of dumpsters. Nervously biting your lip, you ended the call and listened with bated breath. The ringing in the alley stopped also.
"Please don't be a really strange coincidence and someone is actually waiting down there to murder me and throw my body parts in a dumpster," you mumbled to yourself.
Ignoring everything in your body telling you not to wander down a darkened alley just two blocks from a robbed bank at almost eleven at night in Hell's Kitchen, you wandered down the darkened alley. Your eyes swept back and forth as you moved, your hand clutching the pepper spray you'd grabbed for protection in the hand that wasn't holding your phone. When you reached the dead end of the alley, you frowned. You hadn't found Matt lying on the ground anywhere, where was he?
Hesitantly you called his burner phone again, waiting anxiously. The sound of the ringtone came loud and clear just a few feet behind you and you turned, brows furrowed as you tried to decipher where the sound was coming from. And then your eyes landed on a dumpster. Slowly you headed over to it and sure enough the ringing was coming from inside.
Ending the call, you slipped the phone and pepper spray into an outside pocket of the backpack before you cautiously called out to him. "Matt? It's me," you said. When he didn't respond you called out your name, but he still didn't answer.
He's not dead. He's not dead. Maybe he just fell asleep. In a dumpster. Or passed out. But he's not dead.
Carefully you kicked some boxes on the ground towards the dumpster, testing your weight on them. They felt like they would hold so you nervously stepped onto them and grabbed onto the edge of the dumpster, pulling yourself up the best you could. Sure enough you were met with the sight of Daredevil laying on a pile of smelly garbage. He was curled in on himself and didn't seem to be responding to your calling out to him or your presence.
With drastically less upper body strength than Matt had, you pulled yourself up and into the dumpster, gagging at the stench. You were both going to need a shower real bad after this. With Matt's senses, you might need to scrub off the top layer of your skin.
At the feel of the garbage bags shifting, Matt immediately turned towards you and swung a fist. Eyes wide, you ducked down to a particularly smelly garbage bag as you shrieked.
"Matt, it's me!" you called out again. "Don't punch me or we're both screwed!"
He swung at you again and you awkwardly dodged it, your hand landing in something damp causing you to cringe as Matt's body fell over into the garbage on his other side. Fighting back a wave of nausea at whatever you'd gotten on your hand, you wiped it off onto your jeans as you studied Matt. 
He was acting strange. He wasn't responding to you talking to him; instead he was trying to hit you. Laying in a dumpster didn't seem like something he'd be particularly fond of, especially with how much it had to smell to him. He wasn't throwing punches quite that well, either. If Daredevil wanted to hit you he'd have hit you. There was no way you'd ever have been able to dodge his blows, but for some reason he couldn't seem to land one on you.
And more obviously–why would Matt try to punch you?
Were his senses not working right now? Could he not smell the disgusting garbage you were both laying in? Could he not hear you calling out to him? Talking to him? Hear your hearbeat that he'd often told you was a familiar sound, one he could easily pick up on in a crowded room? 
Could he…not sense it was you? 
The realization dawning on you had panic rising in your gut. You'd have to find some way to get him to realize it was you who'd found him, especially if you had any hope of getting him out of that suit and back to his apartment. And if he was already throwing punches for just someone being near him, you couldn't imagine what he'd do if he realized someone was taking his suit off of him.
"Shit," you grumbled. "What the hell will make you realize it's me?"
You sat for a moment, smelling the horrible stench of garbage that was sure to have seeped into your clothes. For a moment you almost ran that dirty hand through your hair, pausing and shooting it a resentful look before you lowered it back to your side. 
Then a thought struck you. Carefully you maneuvered yourself closer to Matt, grateful he'd stopped trying to swing at you for the moment. Using the hand that hadn't gotten something disgusting on it, you very cautiously reached out and ran the tips of your fingers along the bit of stubbled jaw exposed under his helmet. Matt instantly tensed, his body shifting as if he was about to throw another punch, but then he hesitated.
"Come on, Matt," you muttered nervously. "Who else would jump in a dumpster with Daredevil and stroke your jaw after you'd just tried to punch them? It's me. You know it’s me."
Cautiously you continued the movement, watching as his arm slowly lowered. His head shifted around a few times, like he was searching for who was touching him. He said your name quietly, like a question. You smiled, grabbing one of his hands as you continued to stroke his jaw before placing it on your cheek. Slowly, you nodded your head in response, hoping he could understand the movement.
His mouth twitched briefly, his gloved fingers lightly grazing your cheek. He whispered your name again and you nodded again.
“I–I can’t hear,” he whispered, his voice sounding full of fear and a little off. “Can’t get–get back. Everything is off. Shot in the head.” You winced at that. “Helmet protected me but–but everything is off.”
You fought back tears at how terrifying it must be for him right now without sight or sound, along with his senses being dampened. But you couldn’t focus on that right now. Matt needed you. You’d have to find a way to communicate with him so you could get him home and then you’d figure out what to do after that.
Quickly you pulled the backpack off of your back, Matt keeping his gloved hand on your cheek. You figured it was probably comforting to him. As you pulled his spare clothes from the backpack, you were at a point to which you ignored the pile of garbage you were both settled in. Placing the clothes in front of you, you paused, trying to figure out how to get him to understand that you were going to have to change him out of his suit. 
Biting your lip, you grabbed the gloved hand that was on your cheek and lowered it, unclasping the glove and sliding it off. Carefully you placed the soft shirt in his hand, watching as his fingers inspected what he was touching. And then you let him feel the pair of sweatpants you’d grabbed, his hands inspecting the fabric of it carefully next.
“You…need me out of the suit?” he asked, his voice still sounding off since he couldn’t hear himself.
You raised his hand to your cheek, nodding your head again.
“I can’t leave the suit,” he mumbled.
You shook your head, exaggerating the gesture. Then you lowered his hand to the backpack, dragging it along the pouches and zippers. 
“Okay,” he agreed.
You reached out, trying to tug him up by his shoulders. You’d need him out of the dumpster and probably standing to be able to peel him out of the suit. Thank God you’d helped him out of it a few times now and you knew how to open it and get it off of him. But that didn't mean this wasn't going to be difficult.
It took a few tries of you tugging him to get him to realize you wanted him out of the dumpster. And as you struggled to help him out of it, you cursed him quietly for choosing to climb into a dumpster in the first place. Even if it was a good way to hide. 
Eventually you’d both gotten out and you’d managed to maneuver him against the alley wall, but it was incredibly dark and took you a long time trying to find all the hidden buckles, snaps, and zippers in the dark while also keeping an ear out for anyone who might stumble upon the pair of you. And once you'd managed that feat, you were struggling with trying to pull the suit down off of his body. It was practically skin tight, though Matt tried his hardest to assist you the best he could. 
When you finally managed to tug the suit down past his hips and his ass–which was very difficult considering Matt had an ass on him and his suit clung to it about as badly as you'd like to–you'd finally had an easier time tugging the suit down the rest of the way. You sighed in relief when you could fold it up and stuff the suit, billy clubs, his helmet, and gloves into your backpack and zip it up. Then you worked on helping him into his sweatpants, showing him what it was before you knelt down, tapping one leg at a time to get him to lift them and get his feet in them. He slid the pants up the rest of the way himself and you took the moment to shoot Karen a quick text saying you'd found him and were going to bring him to his apartment. 
You helped pull his shirt on afterwards, tugging it down over him and making sure he was fully dressed. Relieved that you'd managed to get him safely out of his Daredevil suit, you hesitantly wrapped your arms around his hips, carefully drawing him into a hug. Matt's arms were quick to encircle themselves around you, his face burying itself against the top of your head. The hold he had on you was tight, almost crushing you to his body, and as much as you both probably wanted to continue to seek comfort from the other right now, you knew you needed to get Matt home. Reluctantly you began to release your arms from him, but Matt was a bit slower to follow suit. 
Unfortunately you didn't have shoes for Matt as you glanced down at his feet, but you were contemplating hailing a cab and pretending Matt was drunk. It'd be faster getting him home that way then trying to half carry him while toting the backpack across Hell's Kitchen. 
You grabbed his hand, nervously chewing your lip and hoping he could kind of figure out what you were trying to tell him. You knew he mainly read braille, but you also knew he was able to trace the indentation of words that weren't in braille with his heightened senses, so he should still understand what you were going to trace onto his hand. 
You spelled out C-A-B on his upturned palm before anxiously staring up at his face. His eyes narrowed and you chewed your lip harder. You tried a second time, tracing the same three letters onto his palm again, this time even slower.
"Cab?" he asked. "Taking a cab?"
You placed his hand to your cheek, nodding. 
"My place?" he asked hopefully.
You nodded again, eyeing him carefully. After a moment he nodded in response. With another relieved sigh, you threw the backpack onto your back before wrapping an arm around Matt's waist. He threw his left arm over your shoulders, leaning some of his weight on you. 
It was a struggle getting him down the alley and you'd had to walk about half a block in the direction of his apartment before you found an available cab and flagged it down. You were exhausted by the time you reached it, placing Matt's hand on the door first so he knew what was going on. He nodded and you took that as your cue to open the door and help him in.
The cab driver gave the pair of you strange looks, but once you'd given him the brief explanation that Matt was drunk and blind, not wanting to risk him piecing anything together about the man beside you possibly being the infamous vigilante, he didn't pay either of you any mind. Instead, he focused on driving to the address of Matt's building. 
The entirety of the drive you were holding Matt's hand in the backseat. He, on the other hand, was clutching your hand desperately as if it was the only thing grounding him. And it probably was considering he couldn't see or hear a thing. As the full realization of that hit you, you gave his hand a gentle squeeze, sliding your leg towards his. A moment later his left hand snaked its way over and grabbed onto your leg as he leaned against you, his forehead coming to rest along your shoulder. You couldn't even begin to imagine what he felt right now, and that only made your heart ache further for him.
Thankfully getting him up to his apartment once you'd both gotten to his building wasn't too difficult. You'd easily navigated him through the lobby and into the elevator, riding it up to the sixth floor. Once on his floor, you led him to his apartment where Karen quickly let you inside.
"What happened?" she asked, watching in concern as you led Matt to his living room.
"Said he was shot in the head," you answered, still struggling to carry his weight. "His helmet I guess took the brunt of it but he can't hear. His senses aren't working properly. Found him in a dumpster." 
You placed one of his hands on his leather sofa, watching his face as his hand slowly dragged back and forth across the surface. A look of calm washed over him.
"My couch?" he asked hopefully.
You placed the hand he had enjoined with yours to your cheek as you nodded. Instantly you saw his shoulders droop, his body relaxing a little.
"Jesus," Karen breathed out. 
"Yeah," you said, leading him around the couch. "It wasn't easy getting him out of the dumpster and changing his clothes before trying to hail a cab. Now I'm…not sure what to do."
"Maybe his nurse friend Claire needs to look at him?" Karen suggested. "Or he just needs to do that meditation thing he does?"
You slipped the backpack off and placed it near the coffee table before lowering onto the couch beside him. You grabbed his palm, turning it over and tracing C-L-A-I-R-E onto his hand very slowly. His eyes narrowed for a moment before he spoke.
"Claire?" he asked.
You nodded against his hand. A moment later he shook his head 'no' and you frowned.
"I can–can meditate," he answered.
You nodded against his hand before glancing back at Karen. "Thank you for helping tonight. Keeping an eye out here for him," you told her, Matt shifting beside you to lay on the couch. "I don't want to hold you up all night though. If he's just going to lay here meditating I'll probably just lay here with him. I think having something to ground him has been helpful."
"You sure?" she asked. 
"Yeah," you said, shooting her a tired smile as Matt tugged on your hand, a silent question for you to lay with him. "Thank you though. Seriously," you told her.
"Anytime," she replied, smiling back. "You know Foggy and I are always here for you and Matt. Will you let me know what's going on? If he's okay?"
"Absolutely,"  you assured her, feeling Matt tug your hand again.
As Karen made her way out, you returned your focus to Matt. Carefully you laid down, rolling onto your side and facing him. You both reeked of garbage from your time in the dumpster and you desperately wished you could wash your hands at least, but you were pretty sure Matt wouldn't want you to leave him. So instead you settled in next to him, reeking of who knew what.
"Having you here is helping," Matt murmured to you once you'd stopped squirming beside him. "Just wish I could hear your heart."
An idea struck you a moment later and you reached down for the hand he had resting on your hip, tentatively clasping your hand over it. Swallowing hard, hoping he wasn't thinking you were trying to do anything strange, you slipped both of your hands up under the hem of your shirt, your eyes fixed nervously on his face just beside yours as his brows furrowed. You slid your hands up further, Matt's warm hand gliding up your stomach and passed your bra, your hand pausing with his just over your heart. 
You could feel your own heart racing, waiting for him to react so you knew he knew you weren't trying to have him cop a feel in his vulnerable state. A smile slowly spread across his mouth before his palm pressed itself firmly against your chest. You released the breath you didn't realize you'd been holding, relaxing beside him. Your hand slid back out of your shirt, but Matt's remained, feeling your heart beating under his hand as his eyes slowly closed.
"Thank you," he whispered.
Closing your own eyes, you fell into a comfortable drowsy state, only falling into a light doze in case Matt needed you. The warm hand he had over your heart was a comfort to you as well as him after the fear you'd had the majority of the night. While you dozed, Matt dropped into a meditative state beside you; he'd once told you how he used it to heal himself, though you had no idea how it worked. But right now, you were grateful if it did.
You weren't sure how long you both had been lying on the couch before you felt Matt no longer motionless beside you. His shifting woke you from your light sleep and your eyes opened, taking in his expression. His brows were knitted together and his nose was scrunched up, his eyes opening slowly. Your heart jumped in your chest, worried something was wrong or that he was in pain. 
"We smell terrible," he announced. 
A laugh burst forth out of you, loud and unforgiving. A massive smile instantly spread over Matt's face, his eyes crinkling at the corners and the lone dimple on his right cheek making an appearance. You knew everything was alright when you saw that damn dimple.
"I don't think I could think of a better sound to have my hearing come back for," he said.
Your cheeks flushed at his words, your laugh trailing off. "I found you in a dumpster," you told him, unable to stop the smile on your face. "I'm pretty sure I got something disgusting on my left hand, I have no idea what. I didn't want to leave you so I haven't had a chance to even just wash my hands. But are you…feeling okay? Do I need to call Claire? Take you to a hospital?"
"Everything isn't fully back yet," he told you. "But I can hear a little more now. This happened once before. In a bit everything should come back fully." His eyes dropped down near where your hand was and he grimaced before grinning. "You definitely don't want to know what's on your hand."
"Oh my God, really?" you asked, eyes widening as you looked down at your hand in horror.
He chuckled softly, his thumb brushing the skin of your chest where his hand still rested above your heart. "Yes, really."
"Okay, do you mind if I go scrub my hands a million times now?" you asked.
He shook his head, grinning wide. "No. Honestly we probably both could use a shower. Though I'm not sure I could quite navigate one right now."
"Is this your way of getting me naked in your shower with you?" you teased. 
"Sweetheart, I'm pretty sure I couldn't navigate that right now, either," he answered with a sheepish grin. "Which is a shame, because this isn't exactly how I pictured showering with you for the first time."
"Alright, well," you said, sitting up as Matt reluctantly removed his hand from inside of your shirt, "let's go get the mystery substances washed off of ourselves."
"They're not a mystery to me, unfortunately," Matt murmured with a cringe. 
Your nose scrunched up at his words. "I don't even want to know," you said, helping him up off of his couch. "You're probably going to want to clean your couch. And toss your clothes."
You led him carefully down the hall to his bathroom, pointing out obstacles and where to turn since his senses weren't fully back yet. Flipping on the light in the bathroom, you felt Matt's hand grab your wrist, pulling you to a stop.
"Thank you," he whispered, face serious when you looked back at him. "For coming to find me. Bringing the clothes and getting the suit back like you did. For–for staying with me. It…means more than you could know."
A soft smile slid across your mouth, your hand reaching down to cover his over your wrist. "It was worth it, knowing you're okay. I can't imagine how that must've felt losing almost all of your senses and being alone," you said.
"It…was not pleasant," he admitted. 
"I'm going to get the shower warming up," you told him. "So we can stop smelling like trash and I can stop wondering what is on my hand."
He released your wrist and you turned, pulling back the glass door and switching the water on. As you turned back around, you saw he was already tugging the shirt over his head, revealing his very defined abdominal muscles. Your heart sped up despite the situation you were currently in, your gaze lingering on his body. 
"Don't get too excited," Matt teased, his voice drawing you back and causing you to blush in embarrassment. "I told you I can't manage that right now. Though the moment I can–" he said, shooting you a cheeky smile, "–I'll give you a proper thanks for saving me."
Breathing harder, your eyes darted away, biting your lip in wonder about what a proper thanks would entail. Matt laughed lightly, the sound echoing in the bathroom.
"Been a few months and your heart still races when I say things like that," he said. "And I hope it always does."
"Knowing me," you said, nervously slipping out of your own shirt in front of him, "it probably will."
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unluckiestmember · 2 years
Goldi (Puss In Boots) X GN! Reader
Characters: Goldilocks, Baby Bear, Mama Bear and Papa Bear (Puss In Boots).
Tags: Fluff, family dynamics, robberies/heists, physical affection, sibling bickers and teasing.
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: Yes, I went to see Puss In Boots: The Last Wish TWO times in theatres. Yes, I love Goldi and her family and yes she almost stole the movie from everyone. Sue me! XD
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Goldi is definitely someone who will show off to her lover.
If you tag along on a heist, she’ll perform tricks and deliver playful banter like there’s no tomorrow.
Hope you’re ready for her family to tease you on and off expeditions.
Though you’re allowed on missions, Goldi will try her best to make sure you don’t get hurt or killed.
If she sees a single scratch on you, she’s going feral on who caused it.
For the most part, Goldilocks is someone who is playful in public, especially when she’s making a great heist with her family.
Behind closed doors on the other hand? She’s like a big grizzly bear of love.
She’ll snuggle into you when you spend the night at her place.
If you’re too cold, she’ll hold you close and warm you both up as much as she can.
If you’re too hot, she’ll make sure to do anything to cool you off.
Due to being new to dating, she’ll always ask her Mama and Papa advice on how to be a good girlfriend for you.
Even if they assure her she’s already perfect, she’ll still ask for ways to impress and woo you.
Yes, Baby teases and messes with you a lot. Yes, Goldi beats him up everytime.
If you are of royalty, Goldi can’t promise she’ll live up to expectations.
But she does promise to try her best to be proper around others for you.
For how long though is the real question.
No matter what, if you two are dating, you better pass the vibe test with her family.
If you fail, there’s no way they’re letting you near their family.
And if you pass, then good news! You can be Goldi’s lover and a part of the family!
Goldi’s love language is physical affection and gift giving.
If you perform and accomplish a huge robbery just to get a priceless jewel for Goldi, she’ll be wanting to ask for you hand in seconds!
And if you hug her tight and give her the sweetest of kisses, she’ll become putty.
Goldi will go through thick and thin with her family just for you.
You make her heart swell up so much.
You’re too nice.
You’re too sweet.
You’re just right.
Likes and retweets are highly appreciated! I love you all, stay safe and have a good day! <3
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blowingcookies · 6 months
you're mine noona - pt 1 - cha eunwoo x reader - day 13 [smut]
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Warning: smut (18+ only)
You had killed his mother. That's what everybody thought, at least, including Cha Eunwoo.
His dark eyes bored into your own as he strode down the long hallway in your father's mansion. You couldn't help but feel the electricity between you two that was always firing, but it felt especially inappropriate on the day of your step mother's funeral.
All you did was walk in on her stashing cash in her big Louis Vuitton purse from your father's desk last weekend, and she had a heart attack then and there. But she had cursed you out as you tried to tell the ambulance crew, your father, and Eunwoo what was happening, and the rest was history. Your father had married this woman just last year, yet somehow he believed her over you every single time.
Your breath then hitched as you could feel the other mourners' judgemental stares land on you. You turned abruptly, and reached for the door closest to you. It turned out to be the laundry room.
You breathed out and in while resting your forearms against the cold glass of the lastest washing machine. The gentle rhythm of the wash the housekeeper had put on soothed you. Your too-tight black dress felt tight, especially in the chest area. You could feel a sense of panic starting to rise in you.
The door opened behind you with a snick, and you felt a large presence at your back.
'What are you doing here, Noona?' His words were innocent enough, but his voice held barely controlled anger.
Before you could turn around, his arms grabbed you around your torso. One big hand splayed out over your slightly rounded abdomen, while the other held your shoulder in a loose grip.
'Eunwoo, we can’t do this again! Not here, not now,' you whisper-yelled as best as you could.
Suddenly, you were airborne, pantyless, and sitting on the rocking washing machine. Eunwoo's gaze never left yours, and you were mesmerized as he pulled down the front of your dress and pulled out both breasts.
'Youre breathing hard, Noona. Looks like you're ready for a ride.' Eunwoo's rough voice held dark promise.
'I'm not-' You lost my train of though as Eunwoo bit your earlobe and massaged your breast. ''I, I'm not your noona.' You breathed out. One of your hands that was initially halfheartedly pushing him away was now somehow caressing his shoulder.
Your words and gentle touch for whatever reason calmed him down. 'Noona, I'm going to enter you now, okay?'
Your eyes met his, and the decision was made. 'Okay,' you breathed out.
You closed your eyes, expecting him to continue with breakneck speed. But now all you felt was the rocking of that damned washing machine you were sitting on.
Only when you opened your eyes, did you see Cha Eunwoo was now at an arm's length away. 'Oh Noona, looks like we have a lot of room to play.' He drawled, then with a withering smirk, turned on his heel and walked away.
You looked down at your half naked self, and for the first time, felt a deep sense of anger. You won't let them keep pushing you around, you vowed to yourself.
Pt 2: https://www.tumblr.com/blowingcookies/747331518085693440/youre-mine-noona-pt-2-cha-eunwoo-x-reader?source=share
I accomplished the following today!:
✔️ 2.5 questions done (out of 120 to do, total); >5 emails so I could get my PSG done
✔️stuck to my diet, did a long walk, cleaned and organised my room
If I get 30 questions done tomorrow, write an email for my accomodation, and am able to organise my desk, I'll write a pt 2 😁
Thanks for reading and being part of my motivation!!!
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metallicaislife · 11 months
Long Day
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A/N: Other than the 80's I am not as familiar with the eras, so I hope this the correct era in the gif 🥲 hope this turned out good!
Requested by: Anon
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 834
Warnings: none, the hurt comes from your own feelings and Kirk comforts you :')
It was one of those days. I counted down the time until I could clock out and go home. But of course the time dragged on as if I was running through molasses. If anything could go wrong, it went wrong. Between phone calls, emails and coworkers interrupting me anytime I got into a grove of my usual work load, I definitely wasn't going to finish everything meaning this shitty day would bleed into tomorrow making it not only a current problem, but it would be future Y/N’s problem too. 
All that to say I was overwhelmed and in tears by the time I clocked out. As always I called my boyfriend from the car on my drive home. 
“Hey baby.” He answered. 
“Hi, Kirk.” I said, attempting to keep my voice even, but I could hear the shakiness as I spoke the two words.
“Hey, is everything okay?” He asked, worry was evident in his voice. 
“Um… yeah everything is fine.” I replied. 
“I don’t believe you… Just get home safe and you can tell me all about it.” His voice was so comforting. I knew a warm hug awaited me and it made more tears fall. 
“Okay.” I croaked, then hung up. 
I safely pulled into the driveway of the house Kirk and I had been living in for about a year now. I grabbed my bag and made my way inside. I slipped off my shoes, and hung my bag. Kirk came around the corner and fresh tears fell as he pulled me into a warm embrace. He cradled my head and rubbed my back. After I composed myself I pulled away. He used his thumbs to wipe at the tear stains on my cheeks. 
“So everything is fine, huh?” He teased with a small smile. 
“No… I mean, I’m just overwhelmed. It was one of those days ya know.” I said. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked. Kirk was always so kind, and respected my boundaries,  he would give me space when I needed to mull over things before confiding in him. 
“Yeah, can we just snuggle and order some take out?” I asked. 
“Of course, baby. Whatever you want.” He smiled at me, I smiled softly for the first time that day since leaving for work in the morning. 
I changed into something more comfortable and crawled into bed with Kirk. We faced each other, legs intertwined as he drew soft shapes on my face. 
“What happened today?” He asked softly. 
“We were super busy, so I got behind on my normal workload, which will affect tomorrow since I’ll need to catch up and hope we don’t get lots of calls or emails to the front desk. I just hate getting behind on things. I know my bosses are aware of how hard I work but with days like these I feel inadequate, like I could’ve done more to accomplish everything.” I relayed my day as a fresh set of tears formed, “I feel like I have imposter syndrome, that they’ll realize I’m not an asset to the company and they’ll just get rid of me.” 
“Hey, hey. No, none of that. I mean your feelings are valid, and you’re allowed to feel those things, but please don’t dwell on them.” He started as he traced up and down my spine, “you work so hard, and you couldn’t have known that you would get an influx of the other things outside your usual workload. If your bosses don’t see all the hard work you do, that’s on them. You can’t control that, even though we all wish we could control how others view us. You gave it your all today and accomplished what you could given the circumstances. You’re not a robot and nobody should expect you to be able to control all these outside forces just so you can finish your whole work load in the allotted 9 to 5 hours. For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you, you did a great job.” He finished his little speech with sweet praise. I moved closer burying my face in his chest. 
“Thank you.” I said, though it was muffled. He nuzzled his head into mine. 
“Any time, baby. Whenever you feel that way, I’ll be here to remind you that you’re doing your best and absolutely killing it.” He replied. We stayed in the embrace until my tummy gurgled indicating I was hungry. 
“Let’s get you fed, then we can snuggle some more, maybe put a movie on. How does that sound?” He asked, pulling back enough so he could look down at me. 
“That sounds perfect.” I replied with a genuine smile. 
He kissed my forehead and left me in bed as he went to call in our regular take out order. 
I’ll always be grateful for my sweet Kirk who is always willing to help bring me back down to reality when my head gets away from me with the negative thoughts.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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tanith-rhea · 2 years
I'm not sure if this is has been done or not, but Larissa with a Normie (gn) s/o who is very introverted (the complete opposite of Larissa quite honestly) loves books and what not, but the main point is they don't like their own birthday, especially surprise parties. And poor Larissa doesn't know that about her s/o, because s/o never said anything about the situation or even hinted about they wanted on their birthday (even previous ones). If s/o had a choice, they wouldn't have told Larissa about their BD, Larissa just happened to stumble upon it somehow. But Larissa throws a grand surprise party for her s/o at the school and everyone, and I mean everyone was there. S/o doesn't want to ruin this for Larissa even though it is their day, so they try to stay with the party but gets anxiety and hides away somewhere. Someone eventually points out they aren't here and Larissa goes to finds s/o in their usual hiding spot, she just comforts and holds them and slowly understanding where s/o was feeling about the BD situation and deeply apologizes for this, but s/o told her it wasn't really her fault.
Happy birthday, my dear!
Hey, thank you for my first-ever ask! I hope I didn't forget anything and that you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you so, so much for this. Have a lovely day!
Word count: <1k (this is a shorter one, but very sweet)
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The days coming up to your birthday were always stressful. You had managed to keep your cool and act normal for most of it, but sometimes the need to be alone was encompassing. You knew it would all be over soon, and you would be a year older, and everything would be fine, but the sheer expectation of having something to show for it was too heavy to bear.
The thing was: you didn't accomplish much in your life. Sure, you were the first doctorated child in your family, but a PhD didn't make you fun at parties. You taught super-powered teenagers the importance of literature and were surprisingly adored by the little hormone-filled humans, but they weren't the posh politicians or CEOs your parents envisioned you spending time with.
You were proud of your achievements, they just didn't seem like achievements most of the time and especially during this time of year.
When the day came and no one acted differently, you could kiss every single person that passed through you. Nobody knew, of course, apart from Larissa, who only discovered it because last year your mother called to offer congratulations and passive-aggressively pry on your life. Everything was good, and tomorrow you would be older, wiser, and a hundred per cent not stressed over a disaster party going wrong.
That was until one of your students, Yoko, went looking for you close to seven, claiming someone was looking for you in the entry hall. You knew what it was about, and walking through the corridors to the unlit stairs the nausea of having to talk to people without previous preparation began to clog your throat.
"SURPRISE!" everyone screamed at you when the lights turned on. Oh wow, they weren't even close to what you thought they'd be. The entire school was crowding the spacious hall, a long dinner table had been brought and all types of party snacks decorated it along with an enormous cake saying "Happy Birthday, y/n"
Through the crowd, the culprit of that anxiety-inducing nightmare came to you with open arms and the warmest smile you had ever seen her wear. Larissa hugged you tightly, the proximity easing the knot in your gut by an inch.
"Happy birthday, my love," she said before kissing your cheeks and lips "I hope you liked the surprise."
"Yeah, of course!" your half-strangled high-pitched voice rang in your ears. You were going to pass out, there was no denying it.
A lot of students went to you with birthday wishes and handmade cards, and it was overwhelmingly sweet of them, but all you wanted to do was bolt.
Your colleagues were there as well; every single one shook your hand or hugged you or gave you an awkward but well-meaning pat on the back. Everyone seemed weirdly happy to celebrate one more year of y/n y/ln being alive and it was too much.
You talked with the biggest amount possible of people you knew and endured stale chitchat with the ones that you never saw before but, half an hour in, you could not do it anymore. You waited until no one was paying attention and ran like mad to your safe haven, leaving the blasted function behind.
It took more than you felt comfortable analysing for someone to come looking for you. It was nearly an hour, and you were sleepily going over some poems in a random book you picked by the window when Larissa's soft voice caught your attention.
"Love? What are you doing here?" she was concerned, her bright eyes widening at your own, glossed over with tears you didn't have the energy to shed.
"I was just a bit overwhelmed" you offered simply. Should you explain? You probably should, but you felt too tired to even speak too much.
Larissa quickly joined you at the library seat, taking you in her arms and kissing the top of your head. That had to be the best thing about her: she gave the best cuddles known to men.
"I didn't know you'd feel uncomfortable. I'm so sorry, darling" she whispered atop of you.
"You couldn't know… I never told you" you said weakly against her chest.
"Told me what?"
"That I hate it. All of it," she lifted your face and looked at you questioningly "I hate my birthday. I hate the expectations of having something to show, the fear the friends I invite don't actually want to come, having to talk with my family just to hear how everybody else is excelling at life while I barely can get sixteen-year-olds to read eight books a year, it just-"
"Shhh, love" she touched your lips with her thumb, her hand cupping your cheek and a sad smile. She traced her pad over your bottom lip and leaned to kiss your forehead "I am so, so very sorry for not asking how you felt. I swear I'd never have done any of it if I knew"
You know this. You know she had nothing but the best intentions and while it touched you how far she could go to make you happy, it also meant your undoing.
"It wasn't your fault" you turn to kiss the palm of her hand, pressing it against your mouth with your fingers before leaning on her again "If I had told you it never would have happened."
She held you close and played with your hair, the sounds from the party were slowly subsiding and you could hear people walking the corridors and talking. Probably students going back to their rooms.
After some time, you too wandered to your quarters.
That night you played Scrabble in bed while eating coffee-and-chocolate-flavoured cake and Larissa held you close until you fell asleep, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
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wildsaltair · 6 days
this might be too personal of a question so please disregard if it is!! but i’ve been recently thinking of making a career change and going back to teaching (it was something i always wanted to do, but i got sidetracked towards another job in the meantime) and i saw in one of your tags that you’re an english teacher! and seeing as how i would look to go into that field / subject (and the fact that i also enjoy analyzing russell crowe’s films and microexpressions☺️) i wanted to see if you would share your opinions about it? do you enjoy it / would you recommend to others? and do you still feel fulfilled and able to enjoy your interests in tandem with it (given this blog i sure hope so!). anyways, just really happy i came acroos your blog and when i saw that tag too, i figured why not ask!
Oh my goodness hi, friend!! Thank you so much for sending this — I’m so glad you reached out 😊 I’ll be glad to answer anything you want to know! I actually talk about my job very rarely on here (I also obsess over analyzing all Russell’s microexpressions; it’s like a madness with me), so thank you for asking :)
(gonna add a page break here because I wrote WAY more than I thought I was going to)
Yes, I love a lot of aspects of teaching!! I’ve only been doing it for a few years, but I absolutely love working with students and meeting them where they are. Getting to know their interests, inspiring them to try new things, and helping them feel confident about hard skills (like writing paragraphs) is so fulfilling. I also love the organizational / planning aspect of teaching, as well as the content I get to teach. Reading and writing are my big hobbies :)
I also love getting to be in a leadership position because that’s very natural for me, and I enjoy getting to be the one who makes decisions about curriculum, pacing, and activities. I’ve gotten my curriculum down pretty well these days, so I’m able to enjoy teaching familiar activities instead of being worried about what I’m going to teach tomorrow haha :D
Finally, I love that every day in the classroom is a new challenge. No two days are alike. Yes, you have all kinds of problems to solve (and there are some absolutely insane things that happen in high school, I’m telling you), but you will certainly never be bored :D Every student is unique, and every day is a chance to start over fresh with new ideas. It’s probably the most dynamic, challenging, fast-paced jobs in the world.
I have to admit though, there are a lot of things that make teaching really difficult and discouraging. Classroom management (especially in a public high school) can be so challenging, especially when you have a lot of students with behavior issues or attitude problems. There are a lot of days where I just don’t want to go back to work because I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything and that I’m wasting my time trying to teach things that don’t matter. But what I’ve learned in that is that teaching English is fairly marginal: it’s the relationships that make teaching worth it.
Also, balancing the difficulties of the state / county’s expectations is A LOT. Professional development, teaching standards, licensure requirements, etc. the list just goes on and on. I always have clear plans for what I want to do with my classes, but I have to plan around what my administrators and county curricula require of me :/
Also, seeing students’ awful home lives is heartbreaking for me and adds a lot of stress. Seeing students struggle with addiction, abuse, suicide, violence, anxiety, bullying, depression, etc. etc. is the hardest thing to cope with. You get so attached to your students because you’re with them every day trying to help them think through their work, and when you get glimpses into the terrible things they have to deal with outside of school, it’s really hard. It’s doubly hard because there’s only so much you can do — you can encourage them and be their mentor and friend, but you can’t fix their problems for them.
So to actually answer your questions 😄 teaching is very fulfilling in a lot of areas, but you have to be ready for all the difficulties. I’d recommend teaching to anyone who is willing to be patient, kind, and engaging with their students, because teachers are in a unique position to impact so many lives, and a lot of them make students’ lives miserable because they’re uncaring, harsh, or needlessly cruel. (But I know you wouldn’t be thinking about going into teaching unless you were already willing to do that!!)
I think teaching is a true calling, and if you feel called to it, you should look into it! Depending on what state you live in, you could always try a TA or substitute position to get a feel for the classroom experience, then make your decision from there. There’s genuinely no formal education that can prepare you for teaching — it’s a trial by fire every single day, and you just have to experience it to know if it’s for you.
Finally, yes, I find time to balance my personal life with my teaching job! I read several books a month, take care of my dog, keep my cactus alive, visit friends on the weekends, and obsess over Russell Crowe / his characters every day (as everyone knows hehehe). Granted, I’ve never been in a romantic relationship during my teaching career (which I think could be a challenge), but I have lots of teacher friends who manage that. I think you’ll find time for whatever you’re willing to make time for.
I hope this answers your questions!! Sorry for the long post, but I love talking about my job haha. I don’t know if it’s going to be a lifelong career for me (I like to try new things constantly, so I may switch to a new career eventually), but right now I do love teaching, even with all its challenges and frustrations. If you ever have any more questions or want to chat about teaching, I’d love to!! I would also love to chat about Russell Crowe’s microexpressions anytime you’re in the mood for that haha. Thank you for dropping in, and I wish you the best with whatever you choose!!!
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lunarspiral1127 · 9 months
What If....? season 2, episode 4. Due to the holidays kicking my butt to exhaustion, this is gonna be one post. *SPOILERS*
So, Tony really did end up in Sakaar after he went through the wormhole in the Avengers movie. I'm surprised the Grandmaster became a fan of him when it's been days. I guess it's because it was one human who took down the Chitauri.
Instead of gladiator fights, it's racing. The whole race scenes were cool, and it reminded me of a mix of Speed Racer and Mad Max in space dialed up a few notches.
Was not expecting a dynamic with Tony and Korg, but it works. Plus, them teaming up with Valkyrie was cool too. Speaking of which, I'm glad she's not capturing people to give to the Grandmaster in this universe. They still have her be king of Sakaar, which I guess it makes sense cause she unintentionally melted the Grandmaster and Tony needs to get back home. These three work great as a team and I'm glad they got along in this episode.
Another thing I appreciate about this episode, is that it didn't do Tony dirty. He wasn't humiliated or disrespected, he showed what he was capable of and he was really cool. I mean a big Iron Man suit that can turn into a car and can be boosted with his arc reactor? That's pretty sick. Plus, he stands up against Gamora while convincing her to be her own person, and when he's being framed as being a bad guy, he proves it wrong to the Grandmaster and beats him. This version of Tony Stark is awesome.
And, after all that, Tony still helps Gamora take down Thanos, which I was surprised it was that easy. Just catch him off guard and hit him with the melting stick. The look on his face, though. Like he was like "seriously?" 😆
Speaking of Thanos, this guy's getting killed a lot. Twice in Endgame, killed in the Illuminati universe in Multiverse of Madness, wiped out in Strange Supreme's universe, turned into a zombie, sliced in half by Ultron-Vision, killed by Ronan offscreen, and now melting stick. This guy has now died more times than Tony (6 deaths) and Vision (5 deaths)!
However, this was supposed to show how this Gamora came to be and is the same Gamora that was chosen by Uatu to be the Guardians of the Multiverse. And, she was fine in this, I haven't seen much of why she was picked in the first place. Yeah, she killed Thanos, but Tony accomplished so much in that universe and was the one who helped her even when she was trying to kill him. He was the main character, she was a supporting character, maybe even a side supporting character. So why wasn't he picked by Uatu instead?! He would've been a great help to the team too. That's just the one thing that's been bugging me about this episode. Aside from that, it was good to me.
So, tomorrow will be the continuation of Captain Carter universe. Why? Well, season one finale left a cliffhanger ending of her and Natasha finding the Hydra Stomper which is setting up that universe's version of The Winter Soldier. So, we kinda gotta follow up on that. That and the MCU loves to show more of Captain Carter, cause I heard that she's gonna be more of a main character in this series like last time. I could be wrong though.
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tutchando74 · 9 months
Tomorrow's end of the year
This year was special to me. This was the year I entered social medias for real.
After years of telling myself that I should post my ideas, I finally took enough courage to do it, and voala, I even made friends along the way.
I don't know them enough to call them close friends, but I consider them to be. Of course I'm talking about Simple, Carleen and Shadeless.
I ain't gonna tag them (Load of bullshit, I'll do that down the line), since this is more of a letter to me, but thank you three so much for dealing with me. Granted, you haven't seen shit from me yet, but still.
I hope we continue being friends, but only time will tell this tale.
Now, to my blogs, I'm gonna leave here the statistcs of my blogs and AO3.
Posts: 650
Quite a big number, huh? Never thought I'd post so many in my life.
Followers: 45
I'm so grateful to all of you who follow me. I don't what attracted you to my blog, but I'm thankful to all of you.
4 biggest fans: @carleenchoco, @ask-serial-designation-s, @shadelessanon and @the-simple-creature
What could I expect, I'm a simple man, always keeping his friends close.
Posts: 144
Unfortunaly, this AU didn't get as much attention as the other one, but hey, that's a good number.
Followers: 31
Again, I don't know what attracted you to this AU, but you need help.
4 biggest fans: @tutchando74, @igothepanzerdivision (I can't for the life of me tag this guy), @brookiedaaroacecookie and @l0v3sickl0s3r
Yes, I like my blog's post, judge me. A thank to the three of you, even if Igothe there is kind of a fever dream.
Posts: 1180
By far my most famous blog. This isn't even a joke. I understand why it tracted more attention though.
Followers: 71
A thank you to everyone who got interested in this little AU of mine. Honestly, a thanks to all of you.
4 biggest fans: @tutchando74, @l0v3sickl0s3r, @hotmacsticks and @kitty-chans-art
A thanks to the three of you who have made RP's with my AU or just supported it. Thank you.
Posts: 40
This AU hasn't grabbed much attention, but I'm okay with it. This AU was born as a joke.
Followers: 4
Thanks to you who follows this blog. Honestly, thank you. I'm glad you liked this little joke I made.
4 biggest fans: @tutchando74, @skyblueducky, @nani-w (also can't tag you) and @paintchipstastegood
Thank you three for interacting with this AU. It honestly means a lot.
Posts: 5
Yeah, this one ain't a lot famous, probably cause of my drawings.
Followers: 2
I'm surprised someone follows this. Thank you a lot for this.
4 biggest fans: @tutchando74, @lentalguts-gingersnaps and @jthorpe96
Ain't even got 4. Nonetheless, thank you two for interacting with this little thing.
I'm sorry for anyone who was bothered by the tagging, but I wanted to thank you all for this. So, one last thanks everyone, and I hope you all have a great nex year, and I hope mine's great too.
Now for my AO3 account.
Even if it my account doesn't have a full year yet. Accomplished more than I thought I would, no joke. I expected that I would write things and they would get like 20 hits or something, but imagine my surprise when in around a week I got 100 hits on Split Drones. It was a surprise, and that was the first edition of Split Drones, one that doesn't exist anymore because I edited it, cause it was bad.
Hell, I even got a fanart, made by Clockwork. This is a dream come true. I even got a gift, made by InspiredDragonWriter. He decided to gift me back a very good work. Also got a related work made by Kingcrustnip.
This is insane! I'm still so happy about all of these.
I'm going to talk a little about each of my main stories here that I made this year.
Split Drone (on going)
One of my favorite stories that I have thought of. I'm happy that after the 3º chapter it got a lot more attention. And to think that it's not even close to ending.
Murder Drones Oneshots... Kind of (on going)
My most viewed fic here, for obvious reason. It's a oneshit book. Honestly, I don't like this one, but I still have to finish it. There are requests that have more than months on the waiting. The people who sent them don't even remember it anymore.
Rescue Drones (on going)
I'm glad the Twins allowed me to use their content to do my strange shit. Honestly, I really like this story, specially the world building I did with it. I just like the concept of different HQ's out there. I don't know if the Twin read that story anymore, probably not, but I'm happy that they let me use their universe to write my stories.
A walk and a discovery + We meet again brother (finished)
Two gifts for InspiredDragonWriter. I really liked his content, so I thought of making these stories. I like them, think I did a good job on doing a horror story. I hope he really did like these gifts.
Listening to music (finished)
This is just a fun idea I had. Glad some people liked it, but I don't really have any more ideas on what to do with it. I think Clockwork would have an use for this one on his musical oneshot though. Unfortunaly it's closed.
Mine (on going)
A request that turned into a full fic. Honestly, it's really fun to do it, and it gathered way more attention than I thought it would.
Downard Spiral (on going)
A side fic for Rescue Drones. I have a harder time writting in first person than in third, so the quality of this one is leagues worse than the main story, but I don't think it's that bad.
Greek HQ (on going)
This is a huge story I'm trying to tell. Hope the 10 people who read it like it. Things are going to become much worse, really fast.
Little Rescue Drones side stories
Just some fun fic ideas I have on my mind. Nothing more. Don't even know if I should make them cannon.
Brown and Son Playing (finished)
Just a fun little idea I had for these two.
Serial Designation S RP (on going)
I never expected to play a RP, specially on Tumblr. I'm glad I did though, met three pretty fun persons. It's hard to do the Rp through Tumblr, but it's very good.
Poemas (on going)
My first attempt at writting poems. It's really fun to do it, specially to talk about my culture. 
Now, I saw the Twins doing this, and I really liked it. It is showing my final statistics, so I'm going to do the same. By the end of this year, my statistics were:
- User Subscriptions: 8 I'm thankful to everyone who liked my works enough to follow me on this site. I'm glad you enjoy my stuff that much.
- Kudos: 420 This is insane to me. I got this amount in less than a year. Going by dates, it's been around half a year. I'm fucking thankful to everyone who liked my stuff.
- Comment Threads: 88 That's a lot of conversation, and even if most are about the fics, I think I did make some friends here. Hope they think the same.
- Bookmarks: 56 I'm glad people liked my works enough to leave a bookamrk on them, and 56 bookmarks across all my 26 works. That's more than double.
- Subscriptions: 47 Across all my 26 fics, I got 47 subscriptions in each of them. I'm thankful to anyone who did this, trully.
- Word Count: 110,657 Honestly, why do you americans use comma to separate the decimals when most of the world uses dot? Whatever. That's an insane amount of words to me. That's more than I expected to write in all of my life, wich is funny that it turned into my hobby.
- Hits: 14,796 This is an insane number to me. 14k views on my fics. I never expected to have all of this in half a year, but I'm so glad and thankful I did.
It isn't much, but its more than I thought I would get in my first year. Well, it was fun writting everything and meeting new people here in this site.
My gratitudes goes to The_Twins_On_Internet, Kingcrustnip, LB_Clockwork, Shadow_Drone_N_Bryan78932, InspiredDragonWriter and everyone who read, kudoed, bookmarked, subscribed and commented on my fics. A huge thank you to all of you.
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an-aroaces-harem · 6 months
Ivy Chapter 12
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird and ABC Frontier, Inc.
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The day after the show. When I arrived at work, the curious stares of the employees were waiting for me.
Female Employee 1: I wonder why she was invited to Cher d'Ou Miti yesterday.
Female Employee 2: Who invited her? Is there some kind of mistake?
I hear voices whipering things like these.
(I don't feel comfortable, but I left the place like that way, so I guess it's all right ...)
It's 'business as usual' if you just whisper things like that ...
Rina: Good morning, Yamauchi-san.
Yamauchi Kota: Ah, umm, morning ...
He turns around and slips away.
(I wonder what's going on? I declined the invitation to dinner ... but I feel like that's too curt.)
And then. A message arrived on my phone. I gasped at the name of the person on the display.
We exchanged contact information last night and he messaged me as soon as possible.
I was thrilled and opened my messaging app.
On the way home from work that day.
Rina: Ivy-san! Sorry to keep you waiting.
When I went to the recording studio, I was greeted by Ivy-san with a big smile on his face.
Ivy: Thank you for your hard work, Kawanaga-san. I'm sorry for having you come all the way back from work to get the materials.
Rina: It's okay. I can stop by here after work. Besides ...
Ivy: Hm?
Rina: Ah, no, it's nothing.
(... I'm so happy to have received your message and to be able to meet you like this ...)
(As expected, I'm too embarrassed to tell you.)
I want to hide my feelings of love, but when Ivy-san stares at me, I feel like speaking out my honest feelings.
(I have to be careful ...)
Rina: Um, by the way ... have you been working here all day?
Ivy: I had a shoot in the morning, but then I was holed up in here for the rest of the day.
Ivy: Actually ... the new song isn't finished yet.
Ivy: We suddenly changed the melody line, so about half of it had to be remade.
Rina: That sounds like a lot of work ... I'm impressed that you can handle it, Ivy-san.
Ivy: It's not as much of an accomplishment as it sounds. I'm sure it happens to everyone who composes music.
Ivy: Trends change quickly these days, so we have to be sensitive to them.
(So you're saying you're going to watch what's going on in the world and respond flexibly? That's really pro ...)
I respect him, but I also worry about him.
Rina: So are you going to be here all night again tonight?
Ivy: No, I'll be home before the date changes. Tomorrow, I have a lesson at seven.
Ivy: Ah, if you don't mind, would you like to have dinner with me? I want to take a little break.
Rina: Are you sure?
Ivy: Ah, I'm sorry, but if you could wait just a little bit ...
... when we were talking about those things, someone came into the studio.
Sakura Eito: ... Ivy, you here?
Sakura-san and an unknown middle-aged man entered the room.
Arai Takeshi: It's been a while.
Ivy-san's eyes widened and his body stiffened.
Ivy: Arai-san ... why are you here?
Arai Takeshi: Why don't you just say hello? Shouldn't you come and see an old friend?
Ivy: It's not like that. I was just surprised because it came so suddenly.
Arai Takeshi: Don't worry about the details. I'm going to have a drink with Eito now. You should come too.
Arai Takeshi: Let's have a good old talk after all these years.
Sakura Eito: I told him no because you are busy, Ivy, but he insisted ...
Ivy: ... as usual.
The pushy man makes Ivy and Sakura let out a sigh.
(What kind of relationship do they have?)
I couldn't keep up with the conversation, and I was at a loss.
Ivy: ... Kawanaga-san, sorry. Can we have dinner some other time? I'm really sorry I just asked you out.
Rina: Yes, of course.
Following Ivy-san's gaze, the man turned towards me the first time.
Arai Takeshi: Who's this girl?
I flinch for a moment at the gleam in his eyes.
Rina: Um, I'm ...
Ivy: She's a staff member in our office, and she's my support. She helps me with my work.
Ivy-san, who intervened, answered that.
Arai Takeshi: Heh, a staff who supports. Then you should come with us.
Rina: Eh!?
Sakura Eito: Wait a minute. Why would you ...?
Ivy: This has nothing to do with her.
Arai Takeshi: The more people, the more exciting it will be. Besides, if you're a member of the office staff, how can you say she's not involved?
Arai Takeshi: Come on, let's get out of here!
... In the end, he didn't listen to us at all and forced us out.
At the club we were brought to, the man ... Arai-san called out to the staff.
We were immediately ushered into the VIP room and champagne was brought to us.
Arai Takeshi: I used to come here with you guys. Remember?
Sakura Eito: Of course, I remember.
Arai-san is from the entertainment agency 'Egret' and was a producer when the two of them were R2R.
(That's why he has known Ivy-san and Sakura-san for so long.)
(But he's a bit of a quirky person. I'd say he's trying to be bossy ...)
While Arai-san is smiling broadly, Ivy-san and Sakura-san seem to be treating him in a matter-of-fact matter.
Arai Takeshi: I was surprised when they suddenly announced they were breaking up R2R, given how popular it was.
Arai Takeshi: And I was even more surprised that Eito later went out out on his own and set up his own entertainment agency.
Arai Takeshi: I thought it would go under soon anyway, but I didn't realize how big exe would get until this. That's a big deal!
Sakura Eito: Yes, thanks to you.
Arai Takeshi: But I didn't expect you to take Ivy with you.
Arai Takeshi: Are you all right? I hope you're not having Eito take care of you again like you did in the past.
Arai Takeshi: If you had stuck to your guns, R2R could have been higher even back then.
(Please don't say it like that ...)
I was appalled by the horrible words. But Ivy-san ...
Ivy: ... Yeah, you are right.
I just listen quietly.
Arai Takeshi: I don't know how Eito got the nerve to put Ivy in exe.
Sakura Eito: His ability is certain. He used to do well in the past, too.
Arai Takeshi: Not as much as you did.
... Arai-san then went on to say many things about the old Ivy-san.
Arai Takeshi: All of the songs that Ivy wrote were for japanese youths. They're not suitable for the world.
Arai Takeshi: That's probably why R2R didn't sell well overseas
Sakura Eito: I had the same lack of ability. So now I'm making use of my experience.
Ivy: ...
Sakura-san and Ivy-san were adults.
Sakura-san also has a history of starting a competing company independently from his office.
That's why, considering the horizontal connections in the industry, he may not be able to retort strongly.
(Even so, this is terrible ...)
Ivy: ...
Ivy-san is listening silently, but his expression is getting darker and darker.
Arai Takeshi: All of the songs of exe are just a bunch of frivolous melodies that are all about trends.
Arai Takeshi: The load is too much for Ivy.
... As soon as I heard those words, a feeling that welled up from deep within my chest pushed the words out of my mouth.
Rina: That's not ... true.
Ivy: !
Rina: I think the songs you write are wonderful, even back in the R2R days.
Rina: We need Ivy-san and the songs he writes for exe.
I said strongly, and all three of them looked at me in surprise.
Ivy: Kawanaga-san ...
Arai Takeshi: What? You're just a staff member, and you're back-talking to me?
Rina: ... I-I' sorry, but ...
(I'm scared ... But, I don't want to deny what I just said.)
Sakura Eito: Well, well. Don't be so angry with her.
Arai Takeshi: Eito, how are you training your staff?
Sakura Eito: I'm sorry. She's a new staff member.
Arai Takeshi: It's hot ... I don't feel well. I need another drink.
Arai-san grumbled and place a shot glass in front of me as he ordered tequila from the staff.
Rina: !?
Arai Takeshi: Drink.
Arai-san stares at me and pours out a lapping of highly aromatic sake.
(I'm so angry ... What should I do, I might collapse if I drink this stuff.)
Rina: I-I'm sorry ... I'm not much of a drinker.
Arai Takeshi: Just drink. Or can't the staff at Aerolight Productions drink my booze?
Sakaru Eito: Arai-san, that's a bit ...
(Oh no. If I refuse, will it cause a stir in the office?)
It is unreasonable but it is undeniable considering how forceful Arai-san is.
Rina: ... Okay.
I was ready to reach for my glass ... but Ivy-san stopped me. I was too late.
Ivy: You don't have to do that.
Rina: Ivy-san ...
He turns to Arai-san as if to defend me and firmly states.
Ivy: Please don't get involved with her. Forcing her to drink alcohol like that is a bit of an anachronism.
He seemed surprised not only at me but also at Arai-san's completely different tone from the one he had been quietly listening to.
Arai Takeshi: It's rare to hear you speak so harshly.
Ivy: She's my support. I can't just stand by and watch.
Sakura Eito: I would like to ask you to do the same. It would be terrible if that girl falls over.
Arai Takeshi: You must have a lot of love for your staff.
Arai Takeshi: Well, that's fine. If you insist so much, you drink instead.
Ivy: I understand.
As soon as he said that, Ivy-san picked up the shot glass that was placed in front of me and drank it all up at once.
Ivy: ... Are you satisfied now?
Arai Takeshi: That's a good drink!
Laughing, Arai-san poured drink after drink in Ivy-san's shot glass.
Ivy-san drinks it all up as he is made to do ...
Sakura Eito: Arai-san, you are indeed reckless. I'll drink it for you.
Ivy: Eito is not good with alcohol, so don't push yourself. I'll be fine.
Ivy-san dismisses Sakura-san's words of concern.
Rina: Ivy-san, that's enough. I'll take it.
I said that and tried to touch the glass.
Ivy: No way.
Ivy-san took it away from me and I couldn't get to it.
Arai Takeshi: Drink more!
Ivy: I know.
Rina: Ivy-san ...
I had no choice but to watch him as he silently piled up the cups, feeling sorry and worried.
... and after a while.
Ivy: Nng ...
After emptying more than 20 shots, Ivy-san was completely drunk.
Rina: Get a grip!
Arai Takeshi: Oh, he's so pathetic.
Sakura Eito: ... indeed he can't go any further, I think Ivy should go home now.
Arai Takeshi: That's boring. I haven't had enough to drink.
Sakura Eito: I'll go out with you.
Arai Takeshi: Well, that's okay.
Sakura-san tells me in a whisper.
Sakura Eito: I'll call a car right away, and you go home with him, Kawanaga-chan.
Sakura Eito: ... Take care of Ivy. I'll hold him back.
Sakura-san looks at Ivy-san and me with a concerned gaze.
Rina: ... Understood.
That was all I could say.
Ivy: ...
(Sorry. It's my fault this happened ...)
My heart aches for Ivy-san, who is so drunk that he can hardly stand and is almost asleep.
(Why does Ivy-san have to say things like that?)
... Biting back my frustration, I supported Ivy-san and got into the care that Sakura-san had arranged for us.
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chayscribbles · 8 months
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ january 2024
projects worked on: The Gemini Heist. also i glanced at Andromeda Rogue but gave up on that real quick
proudest accomplishment: i uhhh drew some really cool gemini heist aus
books read: The Long Way to a Small and Angry Planet by Becky Chambers; The Blighted Stars by Megan E O'Keefe; System Collapse (Murderbot Diaries #7) by Martha Wells. i got the first one for christmas and I CANNOT RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH. the other too were really good too.
hi! i have been very scarce from writeblr lately (and that's probably not gonna change soon) but i am alive and still creating! i mostly drew this month tbh but i did get some writing in, surprisingly!
you may or may not have noticed, but i'm no longer putting my wordcount in these updates. i've realized it's just not a valid metric for me to be measuring my progress. like, just because i haven't written any words in my draft doesn't mean i didn't make progress on my wip in other ways. and it doesn't make sense to use it for things like editing or revising, where words get cut all the time.
in wip news: i'm still reaaaally struggling to edit andromeda rogue, and after tinkering with it a bit at the beginning of the month, i made myself put it aside until february. which is... tomorrow. we'll see how that goes.
in the meantime i got some progress on gemini heist!
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
this has got to be the messiest drafts i've ever written. my first drafts are usually somewhat clean, but this? it's placeholder city in here, i've skipped writing any kind of description, there are plot holes that i only realized existed later but forced myself to ignore for now in favour of moving forward. this is fine.
i'm not going to lie... i still don't have most of the heist figured out. i'm a plantser but i've been pantsing a lot more than planning and it feels like i'm flying blind and i'm gonna crash into a wall at any moment. this is totally fine.
not to mention, a ship i did not expect has emerged and punched me in the face, and since i have little self control, everything is even more messy, especially between these characters, and i have no clue how the hell i'm gonna resolve any of this. everything is fine. (and no, i'm not saying who is involved, but at least [REDACTED] has two hands. sorta.)
i'm having fun, though. that's what matters, right?
since i haven't really posted any writing in a hot minute, here's a slightly longer, VERY gay excerpt 😏 for context, this is right before the girls are set to crash a coronation party, and Gabi has asked Euna to help with her makeup 😌
“Thank you,” Gabi said, beginning to stand. “It’s not done,” Euna protested, taking her wrist to pull her back down. “I still have to do your lips.” “Oh,” Gabi said, settling back onto the bunk. She squirmed in place. “It’s not that important— I don’t want to take up any more of your time—” “It won’t take long,” Euna promised, taking out a tube of shimmering pink lipstick. She brought her other hand up to Gabi’s face, pausing right before touching her. “May I?” Gabi nodded, her neck bobbing slightly as she swallowed.  Euna gently cupped Gabi’s chin and drew her closer so she could see better, uncapping the tube with her teeth and spitting it out onto the bunk. Gabi sucked in an audible breath as Euna pressed the lipstick against her top lip and carefully smeared colour and glitter from one side to the other. Her hand slowed as it dragged the stick in the opposite direction along Gabi’s bottom lip, coming to a complete stop when she reached the end. For a moment, she stayed frozen in place, holding the lipstick to the corner of Gabi’s mouth, her other palm pressed against Gabi’s warm cheek, feeling her racing pulse at the tips of her fingers.  “Is… is something wrong?” Gabi asked in a whisper, barely moving her lips. Euna quickly withdrew both her hands from Gabi’s face. “No,” she said, groping the covers around her to retrieve the cap. “Just, ah, making sure I’d done it correctly.”
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
gemini heist taglist:
@florraisons @akindofmagictoo @cream-and-tea @nicola-writes @memento-morri-writes @antique-symbolism @rose-bookblood @afoolandathief @pepperdee @avi-why @zonnemaagd @chazzawrites @analogued @enchanted-lightning-aes @innocentlymacabre @kahvilahuhut @celestepens @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @onomatopiya @outpost51
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part thirty-one: "The Flight to Chicago"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Matt accompanies you on his first ever flight to meet your family for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Matt has a really, really bad time.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 3k
a/n: This installment is a hurt/comfort piece involving Matt having a really bad time flying to Chicago with Reader. With his senses, realistically I don't think Matt could handle airports and flying all that well. You can find the entire list of installments for this series on tumblr here. Enjoy!
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The Airport
Eyes closed, your head rested along the top of Matt’s. You were currently sitting in the packed terminal for your flight at the airport; it was even more crowded than usual because of Thanksgiving tomorrow. Matt had been trying to relax by focusing on your scent and your heartbeat as he rested his head along your shoulder, his face buried against your neck. You’d managed to get him through checking in and checking your shared bag, along with the entire pain-in-the-ass experience that is airport security, but he had been struggling the moment you’d even neared the airport. The moment you’d both gotten out of the taxi he was already putting in the noise-reducing ear plugs.
So far, everything had gone about as horribly as you’d expected despite you researching air travel for someone who is blind and dealing with overstimulation ahead of time to help prepare the both of you. Matt was still doing his best to put a tight-lipped smile on his face because he clearly wanted to meet your family, but internally you felt horrible for even letting him convince you to try flying. You were completely positive you’d have to rent a car and drive home for Christmas if Matt was still open to coming with you based solely on your experience just in the airport. Despite him putting on a smile, as strained as you knew it was, you could tell this was torture to him and you hadn’t even gotten to the actual flight yet. All you wanted to do was apologize, but you figured you’d wait to profusely accomplish that until you were in the rental car and far away from the airport so that he wouldn’t try to take on your guilt with everything else going on. Because you knew he would. 
You were also hoping he’d appreciate the surprise Airbnb you’d rented–you figured you’d rent a condo instead of booking a hotel. It was cheaper, but the main reason was that there were vastly less people around than in a hotel, and with the way Matt had struggled at Marci and Foggy’s wedding, you’d figured he’d appreciate it. You had also chosen an evening flight on purpose, giving your family the excuse that you and Matt would be too tired from flying and settling into your Airbnb to visit this evening, when really the excuse was so Matt had a breather after this whole ordeal. And you were glad you’d done that, because you could already tell he needed it.
Thankfully the noise-reducing ear plugs you’d gotten him had helped muffle some of the extra noise of the airport without completely cutting off that sense entirely on him. He’d been extremely grateful for them when you’d gotten them in the mail; you’d tested them out with him at a grocery store a couple of times last weekend and during the week to see how well they would work. He’d actually managed to go an entire grocery trip stocking his apartment with a smile on his face. The sight had made your heart feel so full it was ready to burst. 
Matt shifted along your shoulder, burying his nose further into your neck. Raising your hand on the arm you had encircling his shoulders and holding him to you, you carefully began to stroke his hair. You heard and felt the little vibration in his throat that came in response.
“Is this okay?” you asked softly. “Or is it too much right now?”
“No, feels good,” he murmured.
Smiling, you continued to stroke his hair as your eyes opened, scanning the airport terminal around you. Your focus eventually landed on one of the nearby screens; your flight would be boarding in about five minutes and because of Matt’s disability, the pair of you would get to board before the other passengers. You hoped that would make the process less of a pain without having to navigate him around multiple other people trying to stuff their carry-ons in the overhead compartment. 
For the next five minutes you continued to absently stroke Matt’s hair with your eyes fixed on the nearby screen. Time felt like it was moving slower than usual. You just wanted to get the flight over with for Matt’s sake. Pretending you were fine and trying to keep your body calm so as not to alarm Matt had been taking a toll on you already, too.
“You still doing okay?” you asked him.
He nodded his head along your shoulder. “Focusing on you helps,” he whispered. 
“You need anything?” you asked next, noticing the flight attendant at the gate looking ready to begin pre-boarding.
Matt only shook his head against you. Your eyes were on the flight attendant, watching as she set the phone she’d been speaking on down. A moment later you watched as she made an announcement to in fact begin pre-boarding. 
“And that would be us,” you told Matt.
Both of you rose to your feet, Matt beside you quickly unfolding his cane as you pulled both of your tickets out. You placed Matt’s hand on your bicep, mentally noting the very tight grip he had on your arm which only made you feel guiltier for asking him to come with, and led the pair of you towards the flight attendant. She greeted the both of you brightly, scanning your tickets before asking if you needed any extra assistance. After you’d assured her that you didn’t, you led Matt down the short little hallway that led to the plane. His grip tightened further.
“It’s loud,” Matt told you.
“You want the noise canceling headphones, too?” you asked. “I kept them in my purse, just in case.”
“Yeah,” he answered quickly.
You paused, taking a moment to unzip your bag before shuffling a few items around. Eventually you found them and pulled them out, placing them on Matt’s head for him. The corner of his lip twitched faintly upwards, but you could still see that pained expression stretched across his face even with his glasses on. As you began to lead him to the plane again, you had a sinking feeling in your gut that this would be a terrible experience.
Thirty Minutes into the Flight
Matt had been sitting extremely motionless beside you ever since he’d buckled in before take-off. You could see his eyes were clamped firmly shut behind his dark glasses, his fingers white-knuckling the two armrests beside him as he sat rigidly in the chair. His jaw was clenched, occasionally a muscle twitching in it.
You’d given him the window seat for a bit of privacy as he struggled through the flight, and you were glad your side of the airplane only had two seat rows. If you’d had to deal with some older woman telling you all about her grandchildren that she was on her way to see for Thanksgiving, like the woman who was currently two rows behind you talking so loud it was as if she was behind you, you’d have probably gone insane. Your stress was already through the roof as you chewed your bottom lip, but you were trying to rein it in. You didn’t want Matt to pick up on it; he was already having a hard enough time. 
With a frustrated sigh, you tried to focus on your breathing. It was only a two hour and forty minute flight. You’d both survive and then you’d get Matt out of O’Hare airport as fast as you could. And you would never let him talk you into flying again.
Sixty Minutes into the Flight
You’d been chewing on your thumbnail for the past fifteen minutes, your own nerves gnawing away at your stomach. Focus switching either between Matt’s still stiff-as-a-board rigid posture in his seat or the window just beside him, you hadn’t had much to do. You’d brought earbuds to listen to music you had downloaded onto your phone as a just-in-case scenario, but you didn’t want to make it so you couldn’t hear if Matt needed something. And you were honestly too on edge to even settle down and listen to music at the moment. 
A tentative hand on your shoulder caused you to jump in your seat. Whirling your head around, you saw one of the flight attendants shooting you a compassionate smile.
“Do either of you need anything?” she asked, her eyes darting to Matt. “Is there anything I could do to help make him more comfortable?”
Shooting her a strained smile in response, you shook your head. “No, we’re good. It’s his first time flying,” you explained to her. “He’s just having a hard time with all the loud noises and smells. He’s uh, just a little extra sensitive to that.”
A sympathetic expression washed over her face as she glanced at Matt beside you. “I’m sorry to hear that,” she replied. “If there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know. We’re at least almost halfway into the flight and the weather is holding up so we should at least be making good time.” 
“Thank you,” you said politely.
She sent you one last smile before she continued her way down the aisle. You went back to chewing your nail and staring at Matt.
Ninety Minutes into the Flight
Matt’s hand had slid over to your thigh, no longer gripping the armrest but now your flesh through your jeans. It was such a tight grip that you were certain you’d have a bruise later, but you didn’t really mind. Slowly you reached your hand down your leg, carefully placing it over the top of his. His hand almost instantly turned upwards, his fingers entwining themselves with yours. 
Your eyes caught sight of Matt’s head turning towards you out of your peripheral and you turned to look back at him. He shot you a pinched smile and you gently squeezed his hand. Gradually, so as not to startle him since he was most likely a little disoriented with the noise canceling headphones on, you drew your enjoined hands up towards your lips. As you placed a soft, lingering kiss to the back of his hand, you swore you saw a few creases of worry ease from his face.
You returned your enjoined hands back to your lap. Beside you, Matt shifted in his seat, his eyes closing behind the dark glasses again as he resumed his rigid posture in the seat.
One-Hundred and Twenty Minutes into the Flight
A few minutes ago you’d raised the armrest between the pair of you, allowing Matt to practically wrap part of himself over the side of your body. His face was currently buried in your neck, both of his hands holding onto yours like a lifeline. Your head was resting atop of his, eyes blankly staring out of the window beside him as you willed time to pass faster. There was a cramp forming in your lower back and your ass was starting to go numb, but your worry over Matt was still taking top priority at the forefront of your mind. You were ready for this flight to be over.
With the both of you practically cuddled up together in your seats like you were, you would occasionally shift your head and affectionately kiss the top of Matt’s, trying to offer him some form of comfort. Every time you did, you’d feel his own mouth from where it was burrowed against your neck place a returning kiss to the skin beside his lips. Each time it made you smile, but the guilt for having him fly with you was still roiling in your gut. 
At least there was only forty minutes left.
One-Hundred and Sixty Minutes into the Flight
The plane was thankfully beginning its descent to the ground, your eyes excitedly taking in the sight of O’Hare airport out of the airplane window. Everything was quickly becoming larger and larger the closer to the airport runway the plane became. 
Matt had been shifting uncomfortably in his seat once the plane had initially begun its descent; he’d asked you a minute ago if you were landing and you’d told him yes–more like, relied on holding his hand along your cheek and nodding as you’d done the time you’d found him disoriented in a dumpster because he couldn’t hear you. He seemed incredibly anxious to get off of the plane and you didn’t even remotely blame him. You were ready to get off the plane yourself, eager to grab your checked bag and pick up the rental car and leave O’Hare airport far, far behind the pair of you. The sooner you got onto the road towards where you would be staying tonight, the sooner Matt could hopefully begin to relax.
After a few minutes, when the plane had finished taxiing and eventually come to a stop, you’d kept your eyes glued to the flight attendants. The exact moment the woman you’d spoken to earlier had come to let you and Matt unboard first, you were quickly patting Matt’s thigh and unbuckling his seatbelt. Then you dove forward for his cane and your purse in the seat compartment before you before grabbing his hand and guiding him as quickly as you could off of the plane and into the airport. You were determined to make this your fastest exit from O’Hare yet.
Leaving the Airport
Closing the trunk lid of the rental car, having just placed the large bag of luggage inside, your hands remained on it for a minute as you tried to catch your breath. Matt had already gotten into the car, his posture looking a little less tense now that you were both about to be away from all of the noise and smells. He’d pulled off the headphones shortly after getting off of the plane, but the noise-reducing ear plugs were still in his ears.
With a sigh, you headed towards the driver’s side of the car, opening the door and settling in. Starting it up, you left the radio off and remained silent, trying to give Matt a break from extra and unnecessary stimulation as you began navigating your way out of the parking garage. 
Your eyes were focused on the road, hands gripping the steering wheel tight as you eventually and finally made your way away from the airport. You had about a forty minute drive to get to the condo you’d rented out near your parent’s house–as long as traffic wasn’t too terrible. But with every mile closer, you felt the tension almost palpably reducing between the pair of you. 
It was probably fifteen minutes into your driving when you noticed Matt shifting in his seat beside you. Taking a curious glance, you noticed him pulling the ear plugs out and placing them in his coat pocket. You bit your lip, fighting the urge to speak. You weren’t sure if you were just overthinking and being extra sensitive to his needs, but you were afraid to initiate conversation with him after that until he seemed ready.
Which apparently was another five minutes later.
“That was definitely not an enjoyable experience,” Matt said, breaking the silence in the car.
“I’m sorry, Matt,” you quickly began apologizing in a rush. “I had a feeling it would be awful for you, that’s why I kept assuring you that you didn’t have to come with or that we didn’t need to fly. I’m so so sorry. It’s all my fault. If you want me to rent a car and drive us back I’m sure I can get Ellison to give me an extra day.”
“Sweetheart,” Matt cut in, “relax. Neither of us exactly knew what to expect and now we do. I’ll manage the flight back, but I…definitely don’t plan to fly again.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized again.
“Hey, it’s alright,” Matt said gently. “Now uh, are we checking into the hotel and then stopping by your parents’ place? So I can…mentally prepare for all of that?” he asked hesitantly.
You shook your head, eyes still focused on the road as you continued to drive. “No, actually,” you began. “I sort of figured you’d need time to decompress after flying. That’s why I booked an evening flight–I used it as an excuse for us to not stop in and visit tonight so you wouldn’t have to jump straight into meeting everyone and making conversation. I figured you’d want a break.” You cleared your throat briefly before telling him, “And I didn’t book a hotel, I rented a condo. Through Airbnb. It had a ton of great reviews and I was searching for something that wasn’t in a huge building. I uh, I remember how hard staying in the hotel had been for you at Foggy and Marci’s wedding so I was hoping a condo might be less…stimulating? Because there wouldn’t be as many people or fluorescent lights buzzing and elevators moving at all hours of the night. And employees up and talking all night long.” You licked your lips anxiously before adding, “I hope that’s okay?”
Nervously you glanced over your shoulder at Matt; he was staring back at you with a warm smile that was gradually overtaking his face. Your stomach squirmed at the sight as you focused back on the road.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” he said, the compliment drawing heat to your cheeks. “Even though flying was not a pleasant experience, you have done so much trying to make me comfortable. Trying to anticipate my needs. Even–even going so far as to book something other than a hotel with my senses in mind? Making sure I had time to unwind after this entire experience before meeting your family?” he said, sounding almost in awe. 
“I just–just wanted you to be comfortable,” you muttered. “I know you hate leaving Hell’s Kitchen. I know it makes you nervous. And I know flying was something you were also nervous about.” 
His large palm landed on your thigh, the heat of it soaking through your jeans. “If you weren’t driving right now, I’d kiss you,” Matt stated.
Lowering a hand off of the steering wheel, you carefully grabbed onto his. “Give me another twenty-five minutes, Matty,” you told him. “Then I’m all yours to kiss.”
You caught the smile that slid onto his mouth, a matching one quickly slipping its way onto your own.
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Oooooh boy. As part of my little 3 day trip in Vienna we went to the Nature Historical Museum today.
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One day is not enough. I thought they were overstating how many objects (30 Million) they have, but it's a lot. I'm ashamed I didn't know it the collection and museum (not the building, just how long it's been a museum) was that old (19th century) or that big.
They've got everything. Rooms full of shiny stones, meteorites and minerals, history of earths birth, fossils, dinosaurs, the second floor is entirely taxidermy, so many insects, early human history (specifically celtic and earlier, centered in middle Europe). There's interactive stuff, and special changing exhibits in one wing. And the building is historical, as are all the glass vitrines.
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If you ever go to Vienna and stuff like that interests you, I highly recommend it.
One day was NOT enough. There was so much interesting stuff to read.
(Also they have a gift shop. I bought a mosasaurus and a spinosaurus tooth. Also an ammonite fossil. Sadly the other fossils were to expensive and I already have a lot of shiny stones. My brother bought some of those)
Tomorrow it's off to the Schönbrunn Zoo. It's the oldest Zoo in the world.
They're doing an amazing job breeding and reintroducing endangered animals. It's amazing what they accomplished with the Waldrapp. Pandas too.
Expect many pics tomorrow :D
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