#expect more art from me cuz I'm obsessed
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venatici-aube · 5 months ago
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Is this the place where all the coolkids are at?? Please accept this humble offering 🙌
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neko-loogi · 1 year ago
Alright, I'mma give my opinion again. This time with Hazbin Hotel..
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So I saw the trailer for Hazbin Hotel a few days ago and honestly, I am so disappointed. Like, you're telling me I waited years for them to release a trailer for the series, and this is all we get??
I'm not saying it wasn't enough, no, on the contrary, I think they revealed way too much. But what I mean is, I was expecting something else, because this ain't it, chief.
Alright so first off, we have the voices. I'mma be hella honest with y'all, this shit sounds unfinished, as in, it sounds like Viv got confused and published the behind the scenes instead of the finished product because omfg, the voices sound bad.
I genuinely don't understand the weird obsession Viv has with hiring celebrities or broadway actors into her shitty shows, it's not like she's rich enough to afford that- plus she does this often, doesn't that mean it affects the budget of the show? (I don't know much about that stuff so bear with me).
It's funny cuz, she hires these super famous celebrities to voice characters in her shows, but she doesn't need to, like, you can be a professional, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're a great VA. It almost feels like she does that because she wants to feel important, she wants to show off like "Oh look at me, I have celebrities voicing my characters! Aren't I cool?"
But anyway, going back to the voices, I have to say this, my least favorite are Alastor and Angel Dust. I just think it's absolutely ridiculous that Viv got rid of the pilot VAs just to replace them with broadway actors, only for them to make the characters sound flat and emotionless.
Like, it's funny because she makes these broadway actors imitate the voices from the pilot, however it doesn't come naturally for these actors and it shows. It almost feels like they have no idea what they're doing. It legit sounds like they're reading the script but not putting any effort into it. (Y'know how people shit on anime dubs because they don't sound good or whatever? That's exactly how I feel about this-).
The next thing I wanna talk about is the animation. Don't get me wrong from what I've seen, in some moments the animation looks alright, but other times it looks choppy as hell. I thought this show was supposed to be more 'professional' since they literally got A24 and Bento Box ent. for this. But yeah, all I can say is, the animation hasn't changed at all, the only thing that is slightly different is the art style but aside from that, the animation still sucks.
And finally, the last thing I wanted to discuss is the plot of the series. So as we all know, in the Pilot, it was established that Charlie (along with Vaggie) opened the Happy Hotel in hopes of redeeming sinners so that they can go to heaven because Hell was too overpopulated (plus the whole extermination thing). But the whole point of the plot was that she wasn't entirely sure she could actually do it or if it was even possible, and that's what made the plot more interesting back then. But here? It's absolute garbage. Not only did the trailer basically reveal way too much information already (before the series could even come out yet), but the plot was changed entirely!
Like I mentioned, Charlie's motives were to redeem sinners, but here she's more focused on having some kind of war with heaven/the angels. And that's the thing, now that we know that heaven is a thing in this series, plus the inclusion of Adam, it just makes the series feel so predictable, because now we know that the sinners can be redeemed, which beats the entire purpose of the show. It's like, "Hell bad, but heaven is worse" and "Good VS. Bad!!", cliche type of thing. You think a series 'made for adults' would have a more interesting plot than a kids show, but nah, we get these basic ass levels of writing. I swear a fucking five year old could come up with something better and far more creative than this nonsense-
So yeah, I'm honestly hella disappointed that this is what the series has turned into. I had high hopes for Hazbin Hotel (since Helluva ain't shit-), but nope, it turns out, Viv is capable of making herself look even more stupid by completely butchering her own series. Hell, I actually have Amazon Prime, but I am probably not even gonna watch this shit, I'll just wait till some dumbass on YouTube uploads the first episode or something stupid like that (so that I can watch it and critique it later). Because I know that someone definitely will.
Anyway, that's all for today, thank you for reading my dumb post- alright bye!
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stepswordsen · 9 months ago
【Magi】 Judar 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
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【マギ】 漢服(ハンフ)を着るジュダル
【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
Happy 15th anniversary to Magi~!! 💗🫶
I did a quick doodle of my favourite Magi character, Judar~~
You can read the rest of my rambles under the cut as usual!
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The sketch is originally from 2022, but I quickly resketched the hair and expression recently!
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Art Rambles
I just wanted to get the quick concept down so excuse how scribbly it is, I'll refine and redraw the rest eventually
Me scribbling his braids without refs. Well, I'll definitely resketch the hair and clothes eventually
I love how big and comfy hanfu sleeves are, omg...
Judar with red eyeliner and black nails is so slay~ I want to draw him with gold and red hanfu earrings eventually hehe
This bangs ngl~~
Also I'm glad I improved a LOT from 2022 omg
I'll refine later and make this less scribbly eventually
I looove the expressions and eyes in this one hehe
Judar Rambles
Judar is extremely important and personal to me, I feel this as someone who comes from a similar cultural background to him as well, Judar is EA/CN inspired and so his background and backstory context really makes me feel for him... Speaking personally, as someone who is Viet/SEA diaspora.
Like, ahhh, this character makes me so emotional... He makes me want to cry (in a good way)
Emotional tears, cuz this chara is so healing and cathartic for me.
It's not necessary for me to be able to relate to my faves imo. I pick my fave charas based on who makes the writing more entertaining with their existence and on my fave character tropes in terms of design and writing (they're usually antagonists, morally gray/evil charas, and/or opposing forces).
But with some charas I definitely gravitate towards characters who are easier for me to understand and mildly relate to though (ie. Judar (Magi), Hakuryuu (Magi), Suwon (AkaYona), Keishuk (AkaYona))
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Sen's unhinged meow meow mf pipeline
I first became obsessed with Kuroha at 12, and Judar at 20.
Truly, my character tastes are as ancient as time LMFAO
My cute murderous black cat sons! 🐈‍⬛
I actually started the sketch as Kuroha (KagePro) actually. It doesn't help that they have similar~ish hairstyles and expression vibes LMAO, but then the eyes looked more like Judar cuz of the rings, so I changed the sketch to Judar. I think it fits more this way.
Smug edgy asshole character, cunty Sen-core bastard cat, OK with murder...
Black cat theme, black/white (monochrome) colour scheme/design, black/white/red/yellow colours, both smug evil assholes with black hair, they're both antagonists, morally questionable and/or morally bankrupt, have smug expression vibes, are unhinged, violent and bloodthirsty...
And ofc, I was a goner!
Kuroha has red eyes when using his Eye Ability too...
KHR and Magi's Anniversary
In terms of characters, story, writing, themes, and art, Magi is my favourite manga ever. For me, Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR) and Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (Magi) forever hold a special place in my heart as my forever no. 1 favourite series.
Happy 20th anniversary to KHR~~!! 💗🫶
Lots of series are celebrating its anniversary this year. DGM's 20th Anniversary is also this year!
I might as well ramble about KHR and Magi then~~
I'd say both KHR and Magi are very important to me because KHR was the reason why I started drawing (almost) every day in the first place and Amano's style was the foundation/main inspiration for my art style... And it still shows in my art style. While Magi is the manga I fell in love with for its story, art, writing, and characters.
Amano and Ohtaka both have insanely good inking styles that I admire... I love how intricate and detailed Amano's inking is, and Ohtaka's inking is super gorgeous and sharp, and really stands out from other art styles too.
I expect DunMeshi to join that list and become very important to me!
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katiekatdragon27 · 1 year ago
To my other followers: I am so sorry.
To my two new followers: *comes out with silver platter* Here! Eat uuuuupppp~~~~
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This! *slams fists on table then slams face on table* This GODFORSAKEN MOVIE HAS ALTERED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY I'M NOT JOKING.
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Most stuff below. Lots of rambling.
So. Flatland. It's a good book, and an amazing f*cking movie. I love this goddamned movie so much bro. It's not even like a "good" good movie I just really like it for no reason.
Some lore I have with this book, since I want to talk about it.
I watched this movie the first time when I was in 6th grade. It scared me so bad that I had nightmares about it for a week. I hated the style of the 2D world and was so scared about the amount of murder that I psychologically blocked it all out.
Now in the present (as an adult in college), my friend brought up the movie for us to watch during a movie night. I was way more excited to watch it than I thought I would be (cuz of my previous encounter with it and wanting to "reclaim" the movie), but we only got 4 minutes in before my other friends got bored and decided to watch something else. I sorta dropped it for a bit after that before @/goosesartblog posted their ONE - Flatland crossover and 10000 emotions flew over me. I then proceeded to watch it with my siblings, who also did not care about the movie.
Now, it has become a lifestyle of watching it every single day. Every. Single. Day. It's bad. I can't stop.
And it's on YouTube for free.
AND the book is on YouTube as an audiobook AND the actual PDF book is just there to read.
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Anyways, actual relevant doodles. These characters are A. Sphere (the objectively best character idgaf) and Carlton Cube(?). I saw something about them being John-locked and thought it was really funny. Also, I saw a meme about the two getting Starbucks or smth during the week I lingered, so here lol.
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Some more doodles of concept stuff. Actual A. Square art and some style testing, Hex doodle, and more A. Sphere bc I love him so much. His ass is gay idk if you think I'm wrong just look at him.
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Silly little idea I had about if Spherious *(the sphere from the other Flatland movie) and A. Sphere were in the same universe. It's unlikely, but I think Spherious would be the Messiah of 2000 and A. Sphere is the Messiah of 3000. They met at some point where their lives overlapped, and Spherious tried to give A. Sphere advice, to which he was completely ignored. A. Sphere's a bratty teen here and Spherious is a grandpa. They treat their apostles very differently.
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Another silly idea I had was that when A. Sphere "died", he was actually picked up by a 4D being named A. Tesseract. He stays with her until the war is over in his dimension, and he is able to see A. Square one last time during his hallucination (that's why A. Sphere's innards are seen). Also also, A. Sphere learns how to treat people better b/c of A. Tesseract and the 4th dimensions' more liberal views on expression and gender. Development for the stupid shiny solid.
Thank you for looking at this mindless rambling. If anyone knows of more Flatland media, please send it to me I'm starving. Expect more, and have a great day :)
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topconfessions · 2 months ago
They are spreading that he took the role in Squid Game cuz he's broke (listen, he might spend a lot but dude's not starving or full of debt like they be implying) and wants his fame back so bad that he offered to work for free (which he didn't lmao he got paid well for 6 episodes out of 7), that he went to jail for the weed thing, that he didn't get a script for Squid Game (which started as a fandom joke amongst TOP fans but these dumbasses took it as absolute truth and ran with it)...Essentially they are projecting Thanos backstory into the real guy, which is not cool.
(They are also making sad sob edits of that video of him leaving the hospital and being hounded by reporters after his attempt)
Girl.....what the FUCK
I don't even know what to say.....
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But tbh, don't hate me but aside from the weed jail thing (which is total BS and wrong! Seo hee did the jail time not top!) Needing money is plausible. Needing his fame back is messy. He was established in the art industry for a while but also..
THIS IS WHAT WE MEANT BY NOT WANTING TOP TO GET TOP INVOLVED AND OBSESSED OVER THE SPACE X PROJECT! He had his heart set on that trip to space (that seemed illogical and unrealistic as hell anyway) and was so convinced he was going to the moon with other losers (minus steven aoki, cause aoki is never a loser) that he became narrow minded about it. To the point where that's ALL he talked about and focused on.
He was given a lot of promises and verbal confirmations but nothing concrete. Squid Game really saved his ass to be honest. Idc who I offend with saying this.... but had he never gotten that show, he would've been SOL and had egg on his face even more than he already did when it was announced space x wasnt happening.
Tbh I'm going to chalk all these rumors and draggings of him up to that. He fucked himself over by not actually behaving like an adult and balancing his interest / hopes out for that project with the wine business, music, or art. Anything else. I don't even remember the last time he had that much passion for music. Last time I personally remember him being so passionate about something was the Tazza movie when he was basically professing he was going to be an actor and we all expected him to leave big bang right then.
He didn't stick it out like everyone projected and it slowly fizzeled out. He's not consistent and tends to get obsessed over one interest in an extreme manner, ignoring and negelecting his other talents and responsibilities. I hate this for him cause when he applies himself he can be really productive and make great music. Great stuff in general.
This is why I always theorized along with a few others back in the day that he was on the spectrum like high functioning. But thats out of the window. He just does this on purpose I believe. Idk.
The newbies need to stop stiring the pot and starting drama but the woe is me edits is overboard. Top came out of the hospital after he supposedly had a melt down after the whole seo hee ordeal and his rep / image going down the toliet. He had some past rumored mental health issues but thats just general shit. A lot of idols have had it worse than him and pulled themselves together better.
Long story short - I don't think he should've taken this project and he's elevated the show for better and worse. Because of the timeline, his lack of steady and structured employment / projects, him lacking a solid respectable image with neing productive at something (the wine is whatever, lets be honest) and the very slapped together details of the role, its prompted people to treat him this way. Top and his fans need to understand that you represent the integrity and legitimacy of a role and show when you sign on for it. Him being okay with this role and the way it is, as well as the vague way he got the role just makes it all weird tbh.
The director thinks the public are idiots if he really going to say he wrote this character on his own will but its screaming top inside & out. Like just take it on the chin and say I wanted him in the show so I allowed to come and be himself. Simple.
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I noticed how each chapter of Twisted Wonderland's manga series based off each game and their chapter with each Yuu/MC/the reader and viewer is different in a way of what would help contrast the focus of the story.
Examples being Enma Yuuken is strong and obvious extremally masculine there fore "strong" in looks than Riddle who's "strong" in the sense of brains and magic as he literally bulldoze across any set back to be the top of his school to a degree of being Housewarden a mere weeks since joining as a new student vs. this one guy who has no magic and only seemingly became a student regardless of background or magic history and is able to make plenty of friends when he can't think of anyone outside of Trey and Cater and Chenya to call his friend, maybe even doubt if they even see him as his friend.
Then we have Yuuka Hirasaka who is confident, kind, loyal, and brave as shit, proving her point by risking her safety for a animal in the road. Leona, try as he might, wouldn't even give a chance to prove he can do that because everyone already doesn't expect much from him, or at least that's what he said. He's confident for a different reason, also if you remember how things run back in the Sunset Savannah you'd argue Leona feels extra bitter and more in need to try and prove worth more cause he grew up not only looked down on by his magic and potion in the royal line but also is honestly scared of the women around him. He's more confused with Yuuka especially since she doesn't show much fear to him
Next we have Mito Yuuta who I love the most so far due to what may come. Azul is confident and arrant as a show off little shield cause of his own self insecurities especially his image, specially his body and it's weight. He was relentlessly picked on by everyone besides his mother mainly due to his weight which from that level of trauma he's willing to work hard to become the smartest, the strongest, the most respected, and hottest out of spite not cause he generally feels that he wants to, to him he needed to. And it's obviously still stuck on him enough to not take pictures regardless how much money he would make and even making Yuu(soon Mito) to break into something dangerous and steal the only picture of his childhood he was unable to hide in the mind set of destroying it, regardless if he thought it would work or not. Meanwhile Mito Yuuta is a big guy who's okay and proud of his shape and eating habits and kind of like the ones before he him he actually has people who want to his friend vs. the unknown certainty that Jade and Floyd aren't technically his friends, they openly claim him as entertainment and if he got boring they'd leave him.
In other words there may be a chance other chapters would have a similar method with not just the design choice but personality design of future Yuus to contrast against the "flaws" of the chapter's "bad guys or villains"
I want Chapter 4 to be a girl, maybe make her beautiful in some way or have the personality of Jasmine from Aladdin that way the weird vibes of Chapter 4 being super hella romantic and even more ship baiting in any and all forms feel right, not to mention that scene of Jamil hypnotizing us in the kitchen DISNEY GIVE ME THAT AMAZING ART WORK OF JAMIL JUST LOOKING AT THIS GIRL AND MAKE ME AS CONFUSED IN MY SEXUALITY AND FEELINGS AS YOU DID WITH JASMINE AND ALADDIN WHEN I WAS 10 YEARS OLD!!!
I also think having Chapter 5's Yuu whatever gender (maybe male or masculine based cause there's a pattern it seems) but either make them somehow cuter than the ones before even if it's one trait or maybe give them something like a birthmark or scar of sorts that would somehow deem them "ugly" the their world but Vil would be lowkey obsessive of slowly as that was his character is, he's so obsessed proving he's beautiful and good and smart and strong to the point he obsessed over others and their flaws
Though with Chapter 6 I'm stuck on just cuz I want a sassy Meg type Yuu but also want a tall handsome muscular man who's like Hercules and everything Idia most likely would wish to be including with open mention of having great relationship with their family or maybe even them being an orphan
What are your guys' thoughts and opinions?
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 10 months ago
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "alexbutrandomthoughts "?
"I was screaming your name through the radio" by ElectricSplatter a must-read for all soukoku fans, this shit is so good i reread it 20 times at least.
It's basically bsd retelling but they're all singers and it's focused on soukoku. Honestly writing is immaculate and i like the way it was told, format wise, like how we jump back in forth from present to past, and overall it has everything you could want from a story. I have this one saved on my phone and i reread my favorite chapters from time to time
"Time Speaks" by SmallMoon333 do not get fooled by that unassuming title, this fic made me physically incapable of reading any other Lawlight fic, bc this one is just too good. It's akin to trying a high quality steak and unable to eat any other meat anymore bc you know how heaven tastes (i obviously read other fics, they're pretty good too, but this one is just my personal favorite especially the characterization is so fucking good it's crazy)
"Electric touch" by bejeweledhaze okay so you know the feeling when you need something very specific, you go to store, and the stars align perfectly so you find that thing, just what you need it, almost feels like custom made. That's this fic.
So when Kaveh fans died (myself included) after that one official art with Kaveh as a mechanic, i just needed to fill the whole in my chest, after saving every single Mechanic Kaveh fanart known to men. I decided check out the tag, but i didn't really expect much, i mean it's been like what? Couple days since the official art was dropped. Sure there is probably couple of fics but not something i would like, right? Bejeweledhaze said "lemme cook" and turns out they were Gordon Ramsey in disguise. One chapter, 33k words of pure and unfiltered masterpiece.
"School watches Assassination Classroom" by TheSteinsGateFormula so I'm a sucker characters react to their show fics. What of it.
Yeah there are not many reaction fics that i like cuz personal preferences. But THISSSSSSSSSSSS ugh so good. And very much in character and i loved from start to finish.
"MSBY4's Lockdown Survival Guide" by mintberries
Okay so this was just good vibes. Social media aus fics for me is what Isekai is for Gigguk (but I'm also isekai trash person, their just fun) and this is ALSO a covid19 au???? With my favorite team????? This appeased my sakuatsu craving soul and it was just dumbasses having fun.
"Duo Heroes, Double Black" by Yellow_Canna
It's bsd&mha crossover and it's beast!soukoku isekai/sorta reincarnation/technically regression do i need to say more
"No Water Is Enough" by Boomchick
Hualian angst, my favorite type of angst. It's sorta memory loss and i knew the suffering would be glorious once Hua Cheng remembered and it did not disappoint
"Pick-Up and Chase" by SKayLanphear was laughing my ass off with this fic. Marinette just constantly flirting with Adrien as herself and as Ladybug was a wild and hilarious ride
"one step at a time" by OuterWilde (foreverraugust)
Honestly, this was just good old slice of life and overall nice fic. I was obsessed with Ace Attorney at the time, and well with all the crazy shit that was happening in the games, this was a nice break from it.
"A Century Between Us" by Dulllull dead ass my favorite jjk fic. It's not finished, not by a long shot but it's so GOOOOD SHIT SLAPS SO HARD and well it's reincarnation fic how can i not love it and written so WELLLLL PLEASE READ THIS IT'S VERY AAAAAAAAAAA-
As for my name, originally i migrated from Twitter cuz fuck Elon, and had another blog which had my name and this was a side blog for me to scream about my hyperfixations, whichever i would have at the time and i ended up using this one more lol. Hence the "random thoughts"
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eiseryn · 6 months ago
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It's September 17!!! Which means it's the birthday of everyone's (my) favourite pharmaceutical doctor🥺🥺🥺I love her so much 🥺🥺🥺
It's no surprise that she's my current obsession and a lot of my brainrot is based on her orz so ofc I had to do her justice for her birthday! Which is today -- September 17~
Since Sept 17 this year is also Mid Autumn Fest I was hoping to draw her eating some mooncake maybe with Ceres or Vail or Elise 🤔🤔🤔 Let's see if I can squeeze in a sketch tomorrow.
As for how she usually celebrates her birthday? I imagine usually with her friends and Vail XD Maybe this year, they had hotpot and mooncakes 🤣* I imagine her favourite filling might be low sugar red bean or lotus seed. I tried to draw some lotuses in the BG of her birthday art but uhhhh I free handed them so they might not be the best. The flower in her hair is supposed to be a lotus too but I didn't look at a ref before I drew it so it's not accurate LOL SOME FUN FACTS FOR THE UPCOMING CYBERPUNK VIS NOVEL THAT'S DEF GOING TO COME OUT BEFORE 2030 (pls believe and cope with me)
Fun fact 1: The events of the campaign take place right after had a girl's night out with Elise + Ceres 😭
Fun fact 2: In the campaign, her birthday present from Vail is Meng, her ragdoll cat :3
Fun fact 3: The diamond-shaped green gemstone necklace she's often depicted wearing was Ceres' gift to her!
Comparing this year to last year's piece, I'm super proud of my improvement. I tried to keep everything almost the same except her hair is a little longer since it's been a year~ I think the main improvement is me being able to draw hands sometimes now XD (I REALLY TRIED FOR THIS PIECE T_T) Maybe you might notice other improvement I've made? 🥺
Let's also compare last year's Lei bday art (2023) compared to this year's (2024). For some reason last year's art looks really wonky in terms of the face even though I actually drew the sketch on pencil traditionally??? Also ofc there's no hands drawing LOL And the hair is shorter but for some reason there's no green dye? Although in this year's piece note that the green dye migrated cuz she didn't dye her hair so it simply,,, moved down LOL as her hair grew
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But to blab more about Lei's birthday while we have space 🤔🤔🤔 CONSIDERING THE MODERN AU where Lei + her friends are in university (and med school LOL)... I imagine the first year they threw her a surprise birthday party cuz Gigi is very good at planning parties 💅 But they can't do that every year or she'll expect it!
Lei is half Chinese so that's why it's really cool her bday this year falls on mid autumn fest! It's extra cool cuz she already has some moon motifs with her flower symbolism being moon flower + an unreleased parallel for the witch au/ fantasy au + celestial themed wallpaper i was going to draw... I HAVE TOO MANY OC BRAINWORMS NOT ENUFF SKILL OR TIME
Some brainworms at 2am
smaller party this year and it's a hotpot party!
If it's with her closer family it would be with Gigi + Elise + Ceres + Vail (so a party of 5) + cats
The only reason I might imagine with the Mertalline group (larger group) is so Flash can show up XD BUT ALSO IN THIS AU FLASH IS VAIL'S NEIGHBOUR XD so maybe if they're at Vail's appt he will show up anyways 🤔
I was imagining the party to take place at Ceres + Lei's shared appt BUTTTTTT just for the Flash cameo 🤣🤣🤣 That's going to be the canon
They probably have a dual pot/ divider thing so there's a white broth + spicy broth! I wonder who can handle spice in the group? Def Gigi... maybe Elise? I imagine not Ceres and maybe not even Vail! It's Lei and Flash I wonder of the two if they can handle spice 🤔🤔 I think Lei can, but not super spicy -- just enough to eat spicy food and not die LOL
dessert is mooncakes instead of cakes... DEF MULTIPLE FLAVOURS SO EVERYONE CAN TRY DIFF FLAVOURS -- classics like lotus seed + red bean (low sugar for lei + normal sugar for sweet tooths like vail and gigi) + maybe some unique ones like pineapple or ube or sweet potato?
maybe they do some moonviewing together too 🥺 take a stroll to the local university grass field and enjoy being in each other's presence
I wonder what Lei's friends would give her?
I'm thinking that Ceres would handmake some thing(s) -- maybe an album she worked on for the past year about their fave memories! Maybe a painting of Meng + Cillin, or a keychain?
Elise would likely go with perfume, scented candles, or jewelry like earrings -- something she knows Lei would like or use!
Gigi's gift is her presence in Lei's life (IM JOKING BUT ALSO THIS IS TRUE). She'd probably give Lei a pretty outfit that she'd like Lei to wear + it would fit Lei perfectly -- SHE MIGHT EVEN SEW OR DESIGN IT HERSELF???
Vail's birthday gift for the first year is Meng AS IT IS CANON but for this one I imagine they already have Cillin + Meng so 🤔🤔🤔 maybe this year it's his d- I'm kidding... sorry LOL probably something like earrings actually XD since he's gone shopping with her. He likely recruited the help of Ceres and Elise and Gigi for this tho. Maybe even a fluffy robe or bathcoat... IDK I feel like he's rather practical with gifts and he probably treats her well outside of her birthday / gifts her things anyways so XD
It's really hard to top a cat let's be real here
I kinda want to write a short fanfic... NGHHHHHH if I have time tmr (me doing all these things for tmr 🤡🤡🤡)
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naruto-ol-protags · 6 months ago
OH I DIDN'T SEE THERE WAS A REPLY, oops. wanna say *I* am so glad you're running this blog cuz it means it wasn't just me obsessing over these guys XD (literally got fire main's haircut in high school)
I'm looking at the fanworks tumblr and it's giving me so many flashbacks XD you got a bunch of kuebiko and nathan's stuff - you should back up tiami too! she drew a LOT a lot, also hina. I would continue listing names but then you would ID me instantly hahaha
:O @ the plushies. Merch?!?! How does it work, are they for sale?
Ahaha I see, it's no problem if you want to remain on anon! I was very much just a lurker during the booming forum days so it's a bit of the "ships passing in the night" situation here help. But I'm glad there are still people out there from the old days who are still into the mains!
The fanworks blog is much more neglected than this archive because I've been lazy XD But I've originally made it so I could link to Lofter arts and fics more easily. Here's to hoping that it'll happen soon.
The plushies ARE for sale and the situation is like this: Midnight is in stock, Azure and Scarlet are in production/pre-orders (in stock in around 2 months?), and I'm currently working on Breeze and Crimson.
Shop link Midnight listing Scarlet listing Azure listing
It's a project made purely from love so I don't actually expect them to sell (or return the cost of production XD) but if you'd like to make some noise about them I'd be grateful! Use ESCORTLICENSE code for free shipping ;)
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shoezuki · 9 months ago
It me ya boy alcoholic beverage, back again to scream about dungeon meshi XD
Wtf wtf wtf wtf. So much is happenin right now and I simply should not be stayin up so late (early?) to binge it T-T
Firstly Namari is freaking awesome. Love em. Strong dwarf? who knows her way around ore and love to see that she still loves her old party. Goin to check for Falin jus in case. Also love how she 1000% would kill Senshi for turnin mithril into a blade lmfao
Whatever is goin on with the gnomes and the magician blueprint stuff is sketchy as hell n I kinda trust the elves with that info more than them.
Tho tbh, can Marcille have it instead. If I met a dark magic user that was scared of bugs and genuinely loved her party, I wouldn't think twice about trustin em with my life. You can probably destroy the entire world given enough study time but you kickin it with the lads and tryna make a safe dungeon? Based.
Iconic bath scene. Love the sapphics havin a Moment™️. It's what they deserve. Peace and a heartfelt talk before everything comes crashin down around em.
The magician makes me angry!! I mean, they defo hold true to their name. Fully out of their mind. Would happily clock em for exactly 3 pennies. Tho I am hella interested in how they went from lil jester to obsessed with the prince n knowin all the dark arts. I wonder if they tried to resurrect princey n it all spiraled from there. Can't wait to see all that unfold in later episodes.
Also Chilchuck my beloved. Solidified as my fave. Jus barely tho, Laios was gettin pretty close. He acts aloof and disappointed but dude would be completely besides himself if any of em died. Feel like he'll try n scanper off once on the surface but not be able to bring himself to abandon them.
Marcille n the dark arts was a complete surprise like wtf. That's insane. But also hell yes, let the pretty elf lady go absolutely nutso and summon demons or something. She deserves it.
I know what Falin turns into cuz of That One Gif lmfao hut also hyped to see that all turn out.
Ever so slightly disappointed that Laios didn't lose his leg n have to get a cool magic one or something. N am desperate for him to have the sword looked at. Wonder if there's more to the lil critter or if it can help him further. Someone teach this man speak with animals, he needs to connect with the lil guy.
Senshi!!! Grand lad, not much more to say bout him so far but love that he's connected with everyone. N is intent on bein honest about everything he feels.
Love how the orcs went from standoffish to genuine allies. Love the sister's (dammit, I forget her name) attitude to everything. She read Chil like a book and recognises strength regardless of race. Also her fit is very cool lmfao.
Swordsman. Waitin for him to show up because wtf, he wanted to marry Falin?!
I went into this expecting a funny, chill anime. I blame you entirely smh. You made it seem so cool and lighthearted and now I sit at 6am with tears in my eyes because wtf the look on Laios' face when he agrees to go back to the surface. Not been so invested in an anime for a while!!! I stopped after ep 13 cuz my heart can't take much more.
I may have a brain cell when I awaken and come crawling back to cry more about the show as a whole or jus character things. Maybe screech about creatures tbh. I was genuinely distraught when the dragon ham rolled into the blood. Like wtf, I wanna see more dragon meals. I'm bein robbed of cooking content!!!!
fuck sorry this has been in drafts for so long but. fuck yes dude i grin ear to ear readin what ur feelin a dunmeshi vsmsdvsudy. its so so so so good. feel free to ramble to me bout it all u want it makes me giddy
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aberrant-winter · 2 years ago
Murder Drones experience- Word Count: 615
Hi nobody will prolly read dis and that's good it's great it's fantastic so nobody can see my stupid ramblings
When i join a new fandom i'm usually super chill, i search a few drawings to feed on look at, if i can i draw the characters i like tge must but i usually do that wayyy later like weeks the months or years or never
And i never make ocs, i did make a Peppiclone oc but It's because everyone else's obsession with Pizza Tower kinda dragged me down as well but i never liked PT THAT MUCH. It's cool but i don't love it with my entire soul and go apeshit every time i see PT stuff
Maybe it's because i mostly stay in old fandoms and i probably was obsessed with them a lot as a kid but over time the intrest faded and faded to the point where i don't "LOVE" it anymore, i just like It
B U T with Murder Drones i finally felt this again. It's been years since i liked something so much, more than 7? Prob
And i kinda forgot how it felt! So now i'm lost and confused and i keep on asking myself if it's normal or if i should be locked up in an asylu-
So. Didn't vibe with Murder Drones cuz it was too popular and seemed like a cringey thing. Then i saw an incredibile Murder Drones animation and thought.. fine whatev i'll try and i was ABSOLUTELY BLOWN AWAY. Didn't expect that at all
Watched the full season and immediately drew my favorite character. With other fandoms it takes weeks to do that
Watched the entire season a second time and then i doodled even more characters (in another fandom it would take YEARS or i would not do that at all)
Searched many fan arts to feast on to satisfy my immense hunger of MD content
Considered the idea of making an oc (i usually never do that-)
Considered the idea of buying a plushie (all the official merch plushies i have are either gifts or from ages ago and i have a smol amount lke very very smol and only characters)
Watched the entire season A THIRD TIME
And considered the idea of making a MD Diorama/ Bendy wire posable figure
I only made dioramas with fandoms i've been in more than 2 years and the posable figs are all just fnaf. And uhh yeah that fandom is old as fuk)
All of this happened in LESS THAN A WEEK-
And with any other fandom it would have been wayyyyyy slowerrr
I went batshit crazy super sayan mode and i still am-
It's concerning and i don't know how to make this stop
If i should try to stop myself or embrace It
I mean- this is great tho! I'm usually very low on motivation. I don't do shit and spend the entire day watching YouTube
With Artfight i have a bit more motivation but with MD too
I finally feel... Alive
Like i genuiley enjoy what i'm making instead of forcing myself to draw random things just to do something
Most of the time i'll be like "try to draw this character because idk just do It to pass the time" it feels forced . For some reason and i don't even know why
But now it's "OMG!!! this character is so cool i have to draw it! I absolutely want to see how it would look like in my art style and all the fun poses i could do! Sadly it's kinda hard to draw but that's fine. Just practice and ur good"
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quillinhand · 22 days ago
bello, beloveds
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been a year since i made my pinned post and i decided to make another one now since there's (slightly) different shit on the blog now and i'm bored. so, read on if ya wanna know who i am! warning, it's long cuz in this house, brevity is a myth.
who am i?
hi! you can call me quill. i'm desi canadian and speak tamil and english. english is my second language, so if shit don't make sense, blame it on that. (or my lack of sleep, either works) i'm bi and use she/they pronouns. use both pronouns equally and i will gift you a diamond ring drawn on lined paper. :)
what can you expect on this blog?
expect the unexpected. :D
no, seriously. this blog is the dumping ground for all my interests, which change very often and gets serious quick. here's a small(long) list of shit that comes back often.
harry potter
ocassionally grishaverse
asian dramas
assorted books
assorted movies and tv shows
all the woods of indian cinema
mahabharata and world mythology in general
assorted music
cool shit
dumb shit
shit i'm learning, which includes random educational stuff and the languages i make an attempt to learn. on that topic,
politics, human rights
screaming about the hobbies i choose to do, which include but are not limited to writing, crocheting, drawing, singing etc;
i've too many favorite characters and ships to list them.
you can't find anything on here. i know, i've tried.
i reblog fundraisers for the vetted asks i recieve. i've made posts and fundraiser lists as well, all of which you can find under the tags #ask recieved and #gofundme palestine tags. Free Palestine 🇵🇸.
what am i watching?
over the course of making this blog, i've started watching a lot more television, which is great! currently, the ones that have me obsessed are the following:
strangers from hell, the savoir of my life
beyond evil, the buddy cop drama of my dreams
moving, superhero drama done right
hi bye mama, if you're interested in being broken, mind heart and soul
a shop for killers, ahhhh
flower of evil, romance goodness
tale of the nine-tailed seasons 1 and 2, the fox brothers own my soul
no, what am i watching now?
ah, yes! rn i'm watching the following shows:
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when the phone rings, which is my lesson to never start watching dramas while they're still airing cuz the second i drop behind finishing is impossible. 7/12
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stranger, which is on track to becoming one of my favorites ever. 4/16
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the story of minglan, cool period cdrama. honestly i just started this one but it looks v cool! that episode count is scary but if it turns out to be very good i'll be feasting. :) update: i am feasting. lorddd 16/73
this ain't counting the rewatches which are season 1 of totnt and starbharat respectively. the urge to meme both is powerful.
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just the one! i got me a sideblog for all my poetry and fic writing and i post every now and then. check that out!
and i got my brave wife, ao3. i'm aquille on there. :)
boundaries :)
no DNI's to speak of. if you gonna be here, be kind. that's really just it. if you know you can't be kind, then kindly click the close button and block me good measure.
as far as nsfw content is concerned, i do occasionally reblog text posts that have mature themes and content. i also swear, if that's a problem. i try my best to make sure nsfw stuff is appropriately tagged, but really, your internet experience is your own. you have been warned. :)
bigotry is not welcome. i do not care what you believe, i do not care what you think in the privacy of your own home and mind. i do not wanna hear it. if you do decide to voice it, you getting blocked baby.
i love leaving asks and i love getting 'em. talk to meeeeee!
now that that's over with, if you find all that interesting or entertaining, scroll on! if not, close the blog and have a great day. :)
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ratontheline · 6 months ago
Hey… Im back posting again…
Kinda goofy… I do remember what I said and I quote:
“There’s not going to be art for a while until I fix it..”
…it hasn’t even been 3 days, I had reasons.
As you may or not know I got scammed ummm I was not feeling so great after it 🤠 I really wasn’t going to post for a while, I was recouping my resolve and just trying to get my head back on again before I was hit with another whammy.
Amelia Watson ceases all social media related activities ie including streaming
Ummm it seems to be that my week just got EVEN WORSE HAHAHAHAH
I probably have not said it but I’m a big holo myth fan. Love everything about them… istg they are literally the perfect group construction ever made. They had art, music, games, yapping the whole shebang and they also had a perfect models. Anyway threw me for a loop this one HAHAHH.
Umm I poured my heart out on X/two imma just copy paste what I was feeling:
“...l'm going to be posting art again.
I'm not rily in the best head space but I can't let this feeling go. Not after this group literally gave me a reason to start drawing.
If holo myth didn't exist I wouldn't be drawing.
They genuinely inspired me to make art again.
To think that the group I owe my art too is losing a member - it hurts.
I draw for them... I improved so that I can make better art for them... every single one of them contributed to me stepping out and indulging in my love for art unapologetically.
To try again.
To be obsessive, to be critical, to be innovative with my art.
Like words can't even express the amount of love and respect I have for them.
...Cheers Ame🍻I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do, hope u know whatever you do will inspire someone out there. Just as you and the rest of the girls have done for me.”
Dawg first of trying to copy paste that was so fucking hard, anyway I was crying while typing that SORRY IF ITS KINDA DISJOINTED I WAS GOING THROUGH IT ACTUALLY😭
Anyway yea pretty much it, I do really mean it, like they are my shiny chariot (lwa) like if it weren’t for hololive I wouldn’t be drawing that how damn impactful they are for me.
Im putting them on a pedestal, I dont give a fuck if that’s bad.
Anyway yea that’s that but what does it have to do with me posting… well a lot.
I was sad cuz I lost my money, but I’m sadder cuz Ame is graduating… so I’m posting more.
It make sense don’t try to argue with me. I probably sound crazy whatever IM A MESS LEAVE ME ALONE, ig best way to think about this is to think of me like Akko she wants to become a witch cuz she watch chariot’s show and spread happiness. I watched them make stuff which Inspires me to make stuff to. Anyway I love them.
anyway cheers guys, sorry it this also all over the place, it’s been a rough ass week I basically took hits to my psyche like crazy anyway expect a lot of art from me for a while.
I am locked in.
After I cry some more CHEERS YALL😭🍻
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attapullman · 7 months ago
Mo-Mo, I hope you're ok with me poppin in cuz I had a little thought for Rhett that I desperately wanted to share with you.
The ranch has had its fair share of critters, some tiny and some big but if we're talkin big, wait till you get a load of the latest horse that's come to the Abbott land.
You and Rhett had just gotten Artax settled when Royal, John and Pastor Jim had arrived about a week later with the big rodeo trailer. You and Rhett thought it was gonna be a good sized chestnut or mustang they were bringing back.
What you weren't expecting was the giant ass Belgian Draft Horse that came off the trailer.
Poor guy was a shaggy, matted mess with pretty bad hooves that needed to be tended to by the vet. Royal was pissed that someone had done this to a horse and when the previous owner confronted them about taking the horse, it got to the point where Pastor Jim ended up almost breaking the guy's nose (it took Royal, John and Wayne Tillerson all at once to get him off the bastard).
You and Rhett didn't wanna get too attached to him but Wayne and Royal ended up pulling the proper strings and lo and behold, the horse was yours. You and Rhett named him "Philippe" after Belle's horse from Beauty and the Beast although Rhett jokes that he should've been named "Beast" instead.
It took you, Rhett, Kayce, Rip, Billy and most of the hands and neighbors to help get Philippe back on his feet. Joy's dad, Art Hawk, a very well respected medicine man, even helped and though it took a while, Philippe was perfectly happy and content. Although, you two do find it hilarious that Artax is kind of intimidated by the gentle giant.
Philippe proves his worth around the ranch and even more so in the community. He's pulled the carts and wagons for the fire station and the police station after the chief had passed (he'd been around since Royal was a kid). He's even pulled the carts for Memorial Day and Fourth Of July for the parades and helped with the heavy duty work, but despite his hard work and huge size, Philippe is the most gentle giant you've ever met. Funny enough, he'll lay down in the hay too and let the babies climb all over him with no issue.
Now when his mate ends up arriving?? That's a different story for another day (lol).
I'm obsessed with Philippe! He is a staple of the community! I can't imagine how much all the kids in town must love when he's around to play during parades!
I'd like to imagine Philippe and Artax have some good ol' times in the barn - a trick or two on Rhett for sure!
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stepswowdsen · 9 months ago
Magi and KHR: Rambles
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【マギ】 漢服(ハンフ)を着るジュダル
【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
Happy 15th anniversary to Magi~!! 💗🫶
I started the sketch as Kuroha actually (It doesn't help that they have similar~ish hairstyles and expression vibes LMAO), but then the eyes looked more like Judar cuz of the rings, so I changed it to Judar
This bangs ngl~~
Also I'm glad I improved a LOT from 2022 omg
I'll refine later and make this less scribbly when I post this on main
I looove the expressions and eyes in this one hehe
KHR and Magi's Anniversary
In terms of characters, story, writing quality, themes, and art, Magi is my favourite manga ever. For me, KHR and Magi forever hold a special place in my heart as my forever no. 1 favourite series.
Happy 20th anniversary to KHR~~!! 💗🫶
Lots of series are celebrating its anniversary this year. DGM's 20th Anniversary is also this year!
I might as well make this a KHR + Magi ramble post then~~
I'd say both KHR and Magi are very important to me because KHR was the reason why I started drawing (almost) every day in the first place and Amano's style was the foundation/main inspiration for my art style... And it still shows in my art style. While Magi is the manga I fell in love with for its story, art, writing, and characters.
I expect DunMeshi to join that list and become very important to me!
How I got into KHR
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One of the craziest things is knowing that some of my mutuals/friends found out about KHR cuz of me because of how niche it is
Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR) is a shounen that starts off as a slice of life that eventually turns into a battle shounen.
KHR is still SUPER popular in EA fandom spaces (niche popular) and considered a shounen classic, but it's WAY more niche in EN speaking fandoms. Its popularity peaked during the anime's run from 2006 - 2010. The manga ran from 2004 to 2012.
I first found out about KHR cuz of my older cousin who had it as one of her fave animes… I was curious about it cuz she had a KHR Ani Future arc wallscroll and she started talking to me about it cuz she loved GokuTsuna.
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I immediately became obsessed with Hibari ☺️ I don't think I'd EVER been obsessed with a chara like that up until that point. I was 11.
Hibari is very important and personal to me as my first no. 1 fave ever, but I don't talk about him as much cuz I focus on the XanLena ship
I was 11 when I first watched KHR (I started binge reading the KHR manga at the same time while watching the anime during the Varia arc)
And when Hibari became my first big fave I was obsessed with I started drawing like every day cuz of KHR and the HibaLena ship
Amano's art improvement in KHR
(Featuring my top 3 meow meow mf faves: Hibari, Mukuro, Xanxus)
TYL = 10 Years Later (Future arc versions)
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Hibari and Xanxus are my tied no. 1 fave KHR characters, and Mukuro is in 2nd place. The rest of my faves are mainly Varia and Vongola characters
Amano's art improvement is insane. She has really gorgeous inking and detailed clothing folds, hair, and accessories. I love her shiny looking inking sm
KHR and Amano's art style was the foundation for my art style and it shows in the way I draw the face and eyes for masc charas even now (sharper facial features & eyes)
Like, I first started drawing cuz of Beyblade Metal (LMAO) 😭 but KHR was what jumpstarted me to start drawing almost everyday.
In 2016, I did a reread of the KHR manga (Battle of the Rainbow arc), and that's when Xanxus became one of my top fave KHR charas.
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Source: KHR: Vol. 39 Cover of Xanxus, and BIKOSi @ Neka (Chinese version of Picrew)
That is when I first created the KHR: Varia AU, where Selena (my KHR OC), joins the Varia (the Vongola Family's independent assassination squad, led by Xanxus), as one of their assassins.
Coming up with AUs became my specialty and I was really falling for the concept of Selena being around the Varia, a chaotic dysfunctional found family.
I think XanLena has the most interesting tension so it's my personal fave Selena ship (though ofc I still love 5YL+ HibaLena)
The only thing that's surprising is that Xanxus wasn't one of my top faves prior to my 2016 reread of KHR 😭 He is SUCH a Sen-core meow meow mf…
Xanxus' role as a major arc antagonist, his character context, and his character's emotional tragedy makes him super interesting.
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But I've always liked him as a chara. I'm glad my tastes evolved sm over the years~ I have all sorts of meow meow mfs who're all varied in their designs & charas🫡
The constant with my main masc faves is that they're all Meow meow mfs. And if not that then some other Sen-core trope
Happy 8th year anniversary to XanLena ❤️💜
I need to draw more of them btw. I first created my KHR: Varia AU (*) and the XanLena ship in 2016~~
(*) = My lighthearted slice of life AU where Selena joins the Varia as one of their assassins and eventually becomes Xanxus' S/O
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I really need to refine these... I started drawing the Selena one recently so I need to refine the rest
I'm planning on redrawing the last Xanxus one
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(Sorry I had to remove your reblog, my phone was lagging like crazy-)
You'd be surprised how much of a random origin these oc's can have-
Yes, I completely agree!! Especially the music part, at this point I can make any song be about them somehow-
oOoOO that sounds really neat tbh, now I wanna hear these three playin some spooky tune :00
Yeah, it definitely wouldn't work in an au like this, you're not looking too deep into it, it would kinda just spoil the fun-
Never underestimate Charlie, to her it's always go big or go home 💀 /hj
Y'know I never thought about the early versions too much but yes, now that you say it it was kinda like that! :0
I think foolish deception has a lot of potential but I'm not motivated to do anything with it atm, I do wanna revisit it in the future-
Heh, I can't believe the ash n five part actually surprised you that much, I kinda assumed that it was obvious, but that's probably just me-
Milo my beloved 💚
YESSSSSSSSS it's so fascinating to me!!! This makes the whole bad end au hit even harder bro...
Ehehehehehehehehe I wasn't expecting you to be that curious about that one line, I thought you wouldn't bat an eye on it
It's mainly because of Molly and Charlie, do with that info what you will-
the one thing I'll say about the last part: I am obsessed with electric guitars
Dawwww you think it's cute? That's sweet, thank you!! ❤️
You're the second person who's said that they give off sibling vibes, I wonder if that perception will change once I actually talk about Maggie-
Cuz I see Milo and Charlie more as besties, and in a very specific way that I'll talk about eventually-
:'D Hehe
GFHJGJJGGNH Lmao I wrote the standards line as a joke but honestly I wasn't even joking much :'D
If you'd ask them about it they'd probably tell you they have standards lmao
I laughed out loud at the starco add on 💀💀💀
Bro shhhh the starco fans will hear us 💀/j
but fr it's not just starco, there's more examples of it in media but I'm not going to get into those-
Have you seen the amount of ship art I reblog? 💀
I swear I'll get to those two soon, I have the text written down I just gotta whip up some art-
Well, yes, definitely no one from the current tadc cast, that's for sure.
Ooh don't worry about Molly and Charlie we're gonna get to them soon enough-
Everyone is getting a turn eventually-
YES! THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP! The power of realistically incomprehensible to them but powerful love... that's real to us, at least. If it can't be to them. Sigh I'm not normal about them
Dawwwww RMB 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it, I was afraid that it'll be too boring of a read!
I'm glad my effort is actually apparent, it means a lot to hear that 💜💜💜💜
Bro you're truly special... we're all truly special!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
I can say the same for hexes on the shelves!!! It already is special to me!!
You too!!! 💛💚💙💜
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A somewhat comprehensible essay about how the Chaotic Crossover AU was created
Word count: Around 3000 words.
Approximated reading time: 25 minutes.
Summary: Me explaning my weird thought process and the string of ideas that lead to the Chaotic Crossover AU. I wrote the essay for fun, don't take it too seriously. I'm totally not saying that because I went off topic a few times.
It's seperated into 10 sections so that it'll be easier to read. This is my first attempt at posting a longer piece of my writing as well as an essay, I tried to make it interesting and entertaining.
I hope you'll enjoy! 💚💛💜💙
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It was around some point at the beginning of the year 2023 that my mom and I randomly decided to watch the movie Ocean's 8 together. I'm usually really picky about movies because my attention span is terrible and if I get bored I don't wanna watch anymore, but when she told me it was about a heist I was hooked. I love heist movies, I always did, and I loved this movie too, it's fun and actually funny and charismatic, with a decent twist to it that I won't spoil, but I definitely do recommend that you give it a watch.
Anyways, that day changed everything. The moment the movie was over, the moment that I went upstairs to my room, I had no real idea what I was getting myself into. I put on my headphones, put on "Mission Impossible Theme - Electric Guitar Cover by Kfir Ochaion - ALP Guitars" on loop, I took my purple hula hoop and I started to pace around my room trying to come up with ideas while spinning it around like a weird stim toy. Ideas for what, you may ask?
For my oc's to be in a heist together, of course.
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You see, my mind is very easily influenced. That's definitely not a good thing to be honest, but I don't know how to phrase it differently. Basically, whenever I watch something I immediately start thinking of oc ideas that have something to do with it. If I watch a movie about cowboys I'll be trying to make a cowboy au in my head, If I watch a movie about a royal ball I'll be imagining them all dolled up at a fancy event.
You can bet your ass, that I, heist movie fanatic, wanted my oc's to be in a heist together real bad. Thing is... at the time, I had a teeny tiny little problem that made this idea a little difficult...
I literally only had two oc's to work with.
Those two being Charlie and Mina.
The girlies. The legends. The og's.
...but yeah, still. Two oc's isn't a lot to work with. I did have Charlie as a plot starter, she's literally a thief, of course she'd want to go on a badass heist to steal a bunch of valuables. But how on earth would Charlie convince Mina of all people to go on a heist with her?
Besides... these two are a fun duo, but they're not entertaining enough on their own, seeing only the two of them interact constantly will get bored real quick...
But did you think that stopped me, dear reader? Oh no, no no no no no. I didn't let go of this concept. I felt a mighty need. I NEEDED to see a group of my own special little guys on a wacky heist together.
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In an act of desperation, I literally thought about bringing back my old Ducktales oc's and the Club Penguin oc's I had recently scraped. The Club Penguin oc's were a no go, I firmly decided to turn those into humans and to work on them at some point in the future. As for the Ducktales ones, I'd have to rewatch an entire show to be able to properly rewrite and redesign them and I didn't feel like doing that...
...but then, I remembered two oc ideas that were lingering in my mind, waiting to be thought of. A Making Fiends oc, which I did try to create but ultimately scraped the idea of cuz I couldn't make the design look right, and a Welcome Home oc concept, of a sleep themed character with a moon head.
While I was going to start to work on the Welcome Home one, I still didn't wanna tackle the Making Fiends one. So, in my mind, I firstly created a weird meta version of the au we know today.
I started to design and slowly form a personality for moon girl. While I was doing that, I added her to the heist even though she was nowhere near done yet.
As for the Making Fiends guy... well, he was going to be a self aware scraped character who was supposed to be able to exist only in this au, and nowhere else. It was supposed to be an universe where everyone is self aware that they're characters, and that I, their creator, exist.
The guy was supposed to be very mad at me specifically at all times, because the girls got their own lores and stories in their og universes, meanwhile his only role is to fill up space in a heist scenario.
I remember getting the idea that, before I even post about these two, that I should create a series of fake screenshots where I'd showcase these two without explaining who they are, as a sorta little thing that only I would really understand the context of.
...and this is where things changed.
For fake screenshots you need fake scenarios, for fake scenarios you have to imagine the characters interract. 
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The very first idea I had for this was Charlie, excitedly breaking into the guys house and then trying to convince him to join her crazy heist plan, and him of course not wanting to.
It was this bickering that I really liked. It was this bickering that I found insanely entertaining.
It was this bickering that ultimately saved both Charlie and Milo as characters.
These two are at their BEST, when they have someone to go against, a rival. Someone to argue and fight with. These two basically shaped each other as characters.
Most of Milo's personality was created while I imagined him arguing with Charlie like they're in a Danganronpa trial. And while Charlie's personality didn't change, it definitely expanded. The Charlie from a year ago isn't the Charlie we have now.
Also, I gotta add this, Charlie and Milo are basically Ash and Five but in a different font, I have realized that only later on, and I really love this dynamic. I won't explain who those two are in detail, if you know you know.
So, we have established that these two helped and pushed each other to become the best versions of themselves.
But let's be real, there ain't no way in hell Charlie's gonna convince Milo, even the Milo we have today, to participate in a heist that easily.
So, what does Charlie do?
Drag moon girl into it, of course.
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I thought to myself... huh, what if Mr. Serious had a soft spot for moon girl? And then Milo proceeded to shape Molly's character into place, with one of the most beloved dynamics I've made so far. Molly changed Milo a lot too, of course.
Molly is the thing that made me realize that Milo is at his second best when he has someone to care for, someone to love. Eventually this love did spread to Charlie and Mina as well, but he doesn't show it towards them the same way.
Charlie and Molly changed each other in a way that made me realize that Molly is at her best when she has someone to lead her. A lot of Charlie's personality came to be from me imagining her explaining something to Molly in a cool leader type of way.
And then there's Mina. Now you're gonna say, Mina's the odd one out. Mina's the only one who hasn't changed at all since I first introduced her.
Mina has changed, she just changed the least. All three of them shaped her character to be more caring and less cold, which isn't very obvious... given that it's Mina we're talking about.
Heh... I guess ya could say, that she was too lazy to change any more than that. Mina's the most simple character out of all of them, I don't wanna change that too much. Her simple character is fine, and it's at it's best when it's put together with complicated characters. And welp, we got three complicated mfs right here.
All of these dynamics were born while I was imagining them in the heist scenario. You forgot about the heist already, didn't you? I can't blame you, I did too... for a long time.
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I just started to imagine them in different scenarios and those kinda made me forget about the heist one, but, within this au the heist thing did happen... well, it was supposed to.
Basically the au began with them all just being thrown into this white room with four doors lined up before them. Each of them had a missing item from their inventories that they wanted to get back. They got to know each other a little while they were going through each other's universes, they found the items and that was it for a while.
Until Charlie found that a new door showed up in the room. The door lead to the front of a giant building, which turned out to be some rich guy's massive mansion. And of course the mansion was full of valuables that Charlie wanted to get her hands on, but failed attempt after failed attempt... she just couldn't get in.
That's when she realized that it would be far easier if she had someone with her... y'know, preferably three people. And boom she's at it with the convincing. Mina agrees cuz she wants to avoid another one of her aunts weedings, Molly agrees cuz Charlie told her that it's a good thing that they're doing this, Milo agrees cuz Molly is a part of it, and because he's baffled that she managed to drag Mina into it.
And because they were like in a heist together I almost called the au the "Charlie's Angels AU". Because y'know... there's Charlie who's conveniently named that, and the other three who's names all start with an M. I honestly still think it'll be a clever name for some sorta au, but I went for the name Chaotic Crossover AU because it's more simple and it explains what the au is about better. Besides, I feel like if I actually went for the title that's a movie reference I'd have to constantly stick to the whole heist thing or otherwise it wouldn't make much sense.
The only other type of name I considered before I went for the one we have today, is something along the lines of MMCM AU. Maybe the letters were arranged differently, I honestly don't exactly remember. Yeah, I didn't get too creative with this one, it honestly sounds like a band name to me... and yes, I did consider making a band au but nah, I'm going to use the band concept for something else. Also there's lore reasons as to why these 4 wouldn't really be capable of being in a band together.
So they meet up to create a plan, they have fun chatting and messing around for the whole day, only to find that the door which Charlie talked about dissapeared. She wasn't lying about it, she even took pictures as proof.
But, oh well, does is matter that much anyways? Maybe the real treasure... the real heist, was the friends we made along the way.
And, it was.
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Besides this beginning, there is no other plot to this au.
The rest of it is just them mindlessly having fun with each other as I put them into random scenarios and funky outfits.
I said this somewhere before, but, the au has no actual ending or middle, just a beginning.
Time doesn't flow the same, they're just meant to stay the same age, time has been stopped, basically.
There was supposed to be a plot at some point, but I realized that I would spoil a lot of stuff from their actual canon stories, and I am always overly cautious with not spoiling people.
Also, the characters here don't line up 100% with their canon counterparts, even if they do for the most part, because I erased their canon problems for the sake of having them be actually happy unlike their canon selves.
Thing is, to what extent did I erase these problems?
Because, for some of them, if I erase the problem then they're not the same character anymore...
So it's basically a weird situation where they are and aren't themselves...
...I'm losing you, aren't I? Yeah, I'm losing it too.
What am I trying to say?
I'm trying to explain in a comprehensive way that the Chaotic Crossover AU makes no logical sense.
...unless, you hear me out about the explanation I came up with because I feel the need for everything to magically make sense.
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I present to you,
The Dollhouse Explanation
Which says, that the oc's in this au, are doll versions of the actual characters.
1. The white room with the doors is actually a dollhouse. Every universe they go to is me adding another playset to it.
2. Molly, Mina, Milo and Charlie are dolls. I play with them, making up roleplays and scenarios. I dress them up in different outfits very often, like one does with dolls.
3. They don't age because they're dolls and dolls don't age, so it seems as if time has stopped.
Could some of this apply to the act of making oc's and stories in general?
Does this change anything about the au?
No. Not really.
Why did I add this to the essay?
I showed it to my friend and she said that I should keep this part so I'm taking her word for it.
(She doesn't have Tumblr or other socials but shout-out to her!)
Have I watched too many theory videos on YouTube?
Should I stop?
Yeah, but we both know that I won't. :)
Also, the au was inspired and influenced by cartoons in danganronpa, which is basically a giant crossover in itself.
I'm saying this because, like in cidr, the characters and designs clearly aren't from the same universes, they still kept the each individual art styles from the shows, and I really liked the look of it. But, you could still tell that the sprites are from the same project because of the lineart and shading. It's the same situation in this au.
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...this is a cursed addition to this essay that I, on one hand, don't wanna cover cuz Part A of it is the cringiest and worst development fact about the au and I've kinda wanted to just pretend it never happened, but it influenced Part B in a way as to where I can't not mention it, and also I find Part B incredibly interesting.
Ok, so, Milo was always pansexual, but Charlie used to be bisexual before I settled on her being a lesbian.
...I'm just gonna rip the bandage off, Milo x Charlie was supposed to be a thing.
I know, I know, eugh. Look, I will think of many romantic character combinations just in case I might hit the jackpot, I like to explore romantic dynamics as much as platonic ones.
And, for like... a month, I was genuienly planning to make these two slowly get crushes on each other, I was gonna hint towards it with some sorta ship art.
But then, I was reconsidering things.
I started to contemplate the meaning of life, as well as all of my life choices and how they affected my life, me and my oc's. I looked into the distance, and then I took one, good, longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg, look at Charlie. And then, finally, like a light at the end of the tunnel, my critical thinking skills tapped me on the shoulder.
I turned around.
"Her ass would never date a man." it said. I nodded, and shed a tear. It may have taken me too long to realize it, but at least I did.
And that's the story of how Charlie became a lesbian instead! :D
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And no, before you ask, Charlie wouldn't like Milo in that way even if he was female, or when he's presenting himself as more feminine like in the one purple design I made for him. She doesn't find him appealing in a romantic way at all. Same goes for Milo with Charlie.
Besides, both have standards... and different types.
Their relationship is far more interesting and genuine if it's presented from a purely platonic perspective, which it is, and which it always will be.
Basically, they're besties, your honor. Case closed.
The same thing goes for another ship I considered while I was still figuring out everyone's sexualities, Charlie x Mina.
I admit, I hate this one less, but still, it's the same situation.
They're besties, your honor. Case closed yet again.
Ever since I decided to keep it all platonic, thank heavens I did, I've always had this underlying fear in the back of my head that, somehow, people are still going to see it as romantic. I remember when I made the drawing of Milo and Charlie standing next to each other in greaser inspired outfits, I was like, oh crap, are ppl gonna see them as a couple?
But no one did. A decent amount of people saw it, and no one said a thing.
And I think that's nice. Beautiful, even.
I've seen plenty of characters which were, if you ask me, forcefully pushed together in a romantic way, despite the fact that they were clearly meant to just be friends. Having this sense of control over things, being able to determine the right path for these oc's, it gives me a sense of peace and satisfaction.
Everything is in its place.
Balanced, as it should be. 
Anyways let's talk about how this decision made everyone in this au absolutely unshippable with each other in every conceivable way.
1. Molly is an adult the other three are kids if you don't think this is a no go get the fuck away from my blog.
2. Mina is aroace and would never be in a romantic relationship, so that's a no go too.
3. The only two left are Milo and Charlie. Charlie is a lesbian and since Milo is a guy that's a no go.
This happened completely on accident and I realized it on accident too, but I'm not complaining.
Hooray to friendship! Hooray to platonic love! Hooray to platonic relationships!
They're just as valuable and beautiful and powerful as romantic ones!
Go tell your friends or family or partner or pet you love them!
You'd be surprised how happy they'd be to hear it.
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And that's how the Chaotic Crossover AU was created.
If you've actually made it to the end, thank you for sticking around, you beloved madlad.
I hope you have a lovely day! 💚💛💜💙
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