lifebeamenergetics · 3 years
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My ok game is strong out here. Go on and keep arguing with yourSELF though..🤷🏾‍♀️😌🙏🏾🥰. • • • • • • #rp from @duewawrites 💫 • • #LawofMentalTransmutation #vibratehigher #vibrationstrong #EXPANSION #EXPANSIONSzn #EXPANSIONCoaching #mindset #growth #change #WalkIntoYourPurpose https://www.instagram.com/p/CR4HRn-AoY3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifebeamenergetics · 4 years
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Once upon a time I was a poet and rapper. I can’t speak to how good I was, I’ll let others do that. But last week I found this poem I wrote waaaaaaaaaaay back in 1995/96. I was struck by my way of thinking back then..I’d always attributed it to my Spiritual awakening in 2012. But, reading this I realize, I had the foundation of my current way of being back then, just didn’t have the tools or like minds around me to help me realize and actualize and I wasn’t in a space where I could it on my own. • ✨ I’m sharing this today because I want to let y’all in on my journey so you understand that: a) This IS a journey. I wrote this not as some deep and profound entry into SELF development and actualization, but just to express my own thoughts at the time, b) if you’d asked me back then if I’d be supporting people on their journeys all these years later, I’d have laughed at you, and lastly c) you know who you are, you’ve always known, just like I did back then. But then, the “peanut gallery” chimed in and told you that you were something or someone else.• ✨ #EXPANSIONCoaching is about integration and transmutation, understanding you’re a whole being that already knows and you need only be reminded and lifted up. #EXPANSIONCoaching is about dreaming HUGE and letting yourSELF truly fall in love with that dream because that love energy is what makes it real. #EXPANSIONCoaching is the sum of my own life experiences, of uncovering, integrating, transmuting, healing, and unlearning, only to come back home to my truest, highest SELF..and I want to share that with you so can experience that also. • ✨ The #EXPANSION Coaching Group Experience is currently open for enrollment and 50% off early bird pricing is live until 11/22! Alternatively, I will be open for 2 new clients in December for 1:1 EXPANSION Coaching also! • ✨ 2021 is right there!! Can you see it, feel it coming?? So, let’s get ready for it by stepping in, leaning in, jumping full on into your #EXPANSIONSeason!!• #itstime #whatareyouwaitingfor #comegetsomeofthisEXPANSION #EXPANSION #EXPANSIONGroup #shiftpivotEXPAND #EXPANSIONSZN #ascensionszn #chakras #shadowwork #healing https://www.instagram.com/p/CHlJL_ggVKt/?igshid=1gg67xj3lknx6
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lifebeamenergetics · 4 years
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This is a profound stance that speaks to the process of EXPANSION. This process is about integrating the fractured sides of the SELF, seeing them through the lens of #LOVE. You ARE already a #WHOLE being. Through integrating those sides, allowing them to teach you, giving them grace, and standing in gratitude for the support and protection they’ve provided is what EXPANSION Coaching shows and teaches you. It is the #LawofMentalTransmutation in action. It is healing and transformation. It is EXPANSION. Join the #EXPANSIONCoaching #AutumnCohort and close out this year of deep change by choosing to intentionally love yourSELF, it’s time to take up some space!• ✨ Message me ASAP because space will fill up! ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ #transformation #healing #growth #alchemy #transmutation #chakras #chakrahealingwork #ascension #loveSELF #Reiki #Blackcoaches #BlackReikiHealers #SELFintegration #SELFhealing #BlackWomenHealers https://www.instagram.com/p/CFFlpS0lmtn/?igshid=1b9zoc7qhgr94
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lifebeamenergetics · 4 years
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So much awaits your #EXPANSION. Integration of the #SELF inevitably leads to deeper, wider perceptions of SELF within the context of the world and life. What does that mean? It means once you #knowSELF and #loveSELF, healing and EXPANSION follow. You’re so much more than you’ve been allowing yourSELF to be, the time has come for you to step into that power. I’m onboarding three new clients for the fall that are ready to do this work and live in a larger version of themselves through embracing a larger vision for themselves. Let’s get to work! If you’re interested, leave a comment below or DM me!• • • • • • #EXPANSIONCoaching #healing #EXPANSION #mindsetcoaching #LawofMentalTransmutation #Reiki #chakras #growth #EXPAND https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMyBZtJsIC/?igshid=xqbnmv23tm1q
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lifebeamenergetics · 5 years
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We are moving into a space of Creation. A #Yin dominant, #DivineFeminine #energy, Root and Sacral #Chakra space of #Creation. ✨ ✨ #DivineLaw: there is no Creation without Destruction. ✨ ✨ What are you going to create in this space of unprecedented freedom where you can FINALLY stop chasing and “securing the bag”? What have you always wanted to create but felt you couldn’t because you were beholden to your bills and this capitalist society? Will it be new relationships with yourSELF, with your family? That novel, that film, that album? ✨ ✨ It’s ok to feel afraid, anxious and uncertain but do understand: in most places right now there is a freeze on evictions and most bills due for the next 30-60 days. If you’re fortunate enough to have a place to anchor and have food there, then you are in a space of unprecedented possibility. ✨ ✨ So I offer and challenge you gently with this question: ✨ ✨ What will you Create? ✨ ✨ EXPAND. ✨ ✨ #EXPANSION #EXPANSIONCoaching #LawofMentalTransmutation #reframing #newworld #newparadigms #paradigmshift #perspective https://www.instagram.com/p/B97pSxGpOBs/?igshid=otfwk9ucmrou
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lifebeamenergetics · 5 years
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Re: #Divinetiming✨ • • You’re not late. You didn’t miss out and you’re not missing out. You’re right on time, for YOU, on YOUR journey. And you have the choice to go fast, slow, or somewhere in between. The #choiceisyours, it really is! Figure out what’s been stopping you and why you’ve been letting it stop you, then simply stop doing what you’re doing that’s keeping from the life you want, or conversely, start doing what’s going to get you to the life you want. Need support and clarity so you can lean into your SELF fully? Let’s talk! Inbox me or email me: [email protected], and let’s talk about it! ❤️✨🙏🏾🕉• • • • #transformation #healing #growth #change #reiki #chakras #EXPANSIONCoaching #EXPANSIONChallenge #mindsetcoaching #yourfutureiswaiting • • • #rp from @blackbusinesslife 👏🏾🙏🏾💞 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6LyrI5lVqg/?igshid=1u74cwg5aqcq3
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lifebeamenergetics · 5 years
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The #LawofMentalTransmutation is all about #mastery of #perception and learning to see the gift of your lesson in all circumstances, then integrating it into your understanding of your unfolding and becoming. Master it and you master #SELF and your #REALity. • • • • #Kybalion #Divinetiming #loveSELF #knowSELF #transmutation #healing #perspective #growth #change #Reiki #chakras #EXPANSION #EXPANSIONCoaching #transformation #lifepurpose #lifecoaching #SELFdevelopment https://www.instagram.com/p/B9m4CdZpWiI/?igshid=1978kc8hryyz9
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lifebeamenergetics · 5 years
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We will talk about WHY clarity is important but just know that it’s difficult to know where or how far you’re going if you don’t know where you’re starting from. ✨ This is #connected to the concept of #AlignedAction, your #EnergeticCommitment, and how/why you don’t have what you seek and/or you’re not where you want to be, YET. ✨ So, get clear!!! My clients receive specific tools designed to help them get out of their head and get clear, so I’m here if/when you’re ready, just DM me🧚🏾‍♀️. But you can always journal or create a chart with your top three life areas to be examined for clarity. ✨ ✨ #jewels #gems #tips #tools #clarity #growth #healing #EXPANSION #EXPANSIONCoaching #mindset #joinmytribe #thrive #transformation #purpose #clarity https://www.instagram.com/p/B9b0AuGJunB/?igshid=1q00f9iutvixp
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lifebeamenergetics · 5 years
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Your thoughts and ideas are magnificent and matter, just like you. So, go ahead! Take up space. Stop being stingy with your shine. • ✨ E X P A N D. ✨ #EXPANSION #EXPANSIONCoaching #powerful #courageous #mindset #mindsetcoaching #takeupspace #transformation #healing #chakras #Reiki #growth #loveSELF #SELFcare #SELFlove ❤️✨🙏🏾🕉🧚🏾‍♀️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B68PxF9F-cC/?igshid=11tic7kq0sz1g
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lifebeamenergetics · 5 years
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#TheHealingParadox™️ is that it hurts to heal and the only way to get through it is to go through it. Understand that on this plane all is temporary, ALL..this includes our emotions, our pain, our suffering, and our #perceptions of those things. Go to the place in you that needs healing, allow yourSELF to feel the emotions you find there, then (this is the important part) ALLOW those emotions to leave you if they’re no longer serving you. It’s ok..it’s ok to be scared, to be anxious, to be unsure, to feel like if you start crying you won’t stop..courage, Dear Heart 💜. Please know that your tears will stop, simply because as per #DivineLaw all things on this plane are temporary..❤️🙏🏾✨🕉. • • • • • #healing #loveSELF #knowSELF #SELFlove #growth #change #chakras #spirituality #theSELF #leanin #trustyourjourney #onlywayoutisthrough #reiki #chakras #EXPANSIONishealing #EXPANSIONCoaching #mindset #wellness • • #rp @browngirlswhobruja 💚🙏🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6oqrWDFa_k/?igshid=hlbj1v3zs7a5
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lifebeamenergetics · 5 years
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Read, then read it again..then let’s talk..🙏🏾💞🧚🏾‍♀️. It’s officially #2020, how much longer are you going to wait?• • • • • #newdecadewhodis #EXPANSION #EXPANSIONCoaching #integration #SELF #loveSELF #SELFcare #happynewyear #mindset #mindsetcoaching #lifecoaching #supportteam https://www.instagram.com/p/B6yGuaeF3ub/?igshid=19mrjau9vihnz
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lifebeamenergetics · 5 years
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In 2020 you will hear a lot about #EXPANSION as society begins to truly understand how whole we all are ALREADY, and as we refuse to continue to interact as if we are separate beings..separate from others and separate from SELF. #Integration of the SELF as whole and #expansive is on the horizon, FINALLY, and I’m #hereforit honey!!! #IAM an #EXPANSIONCoach and as this new decade dawns I stand here ready and willing to support the new and full spectrum version of yourSELF you’ve been waiting to be for so long. Do it, step into your EXPANSION, baby!! Let’s set up a FREE call to discuss what that looks like for YOU and lay out some steps you can begin to take towards your EXPANSION. You are whole, you are magical, I know this already, and I’m here to let you know that everyday all day 💞🙏🏾✨🕉. • • • •#shareincasesomeoneneedsthis • • • #EXPANSIONCoaching #EXPANSIONChallenge #EXPANSION2020 #loveSELF #knowSELF #holistic #wellness #mindset #coaching #visionary #newdecadewhodis #lifecoaching #transformation #healing #Reiki #chakrasaligned https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tOVrfFE-J/?igshid=18xo5dl31n4do
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lifebeamenergetics · 5 years
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ICYMI: check out this article from @aforceofnurture on @iamandco’s site! It’s about the idea of #Divinetiming, and trusting you’re exactly where you’re meant to be in this moment. • • • #trustGod #trustyourjourney #trusttheUnIverse #growth #change #healing #expansioncoaching #EXPANSION https://www.instagram.com/p/B6LvCGhl7DC/?igshid=1ijb7hor17vb9
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lifebeamenergetics · 3 years
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Understand that all of your moments serve a purpose, even the uncomfortable ones. • • • • • #EXPANSIONSzn #mindset #WalkIntoYourPurpose #LawofMentalTransmutation #changeyourmind #changeyourlife #getoutoftheway #transformation #EXPANSIONCoaching #healing #growth #understandingSELF https://www.instagram.com/p/CR1Zr0sgSuo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifebeamenergetics · 3 years
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Because #LeoSzn approaches and all roads lead back to the #SELF..I want you to better understand yourSELF, embrace and love up on yourSELF, integrate all those tragically beautiful sides of yourSELF, and so coaching packages are 25% off until August 5, 2021!! This includes the #WalkIntoYourPurpose program and #EXPANSIONCoaching, a value of almost $400 and, yes, there are payment plans available 🥰! DM me with code #LeoSzn or email heal@lifebeamenergetics with #LeoSzn in the subject and we’ll make it happen because that’s what we do 🧚🏾‍♀️💃🏾. ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ #mindset #mindsetcoaching #growth #healing #wellbeing #knowSELF #loveSELF #healSELF #EXPANSION #purpose #integration #transmutation #itsyourtimetoshine #LawofTransmutation https://www.instagram.com/p/CRFJq1qgU_r/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifebeamenergetics · 3 years
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Gonna just drop this here! Open for business as of June 1 and giving the heads up now that I’m scheduling consults throughout the rest of April and May so we can kick off fresh and ready for June! • ✨ Have questions about #EXPANSIONCoaching? Wondering what it is and what all it entails? Let me know and we’ll schedule a conversation! It’s time to get out of your own way and lean into your #EXPANSIONSzn baby, the world is waiting for YOU. So, what are YOU waiting for? • • • • • • • #mindset #mindsetcoaching #growth #meditation #healing #LawofMentalTransmutation #integration #SELFintegration #changeyourmind #changeyourlife #Summer2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNitaPKgik4/?igshid=q8lx07yt2lrm
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