lifebeamenergetics · 4 years
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Once upon a time I was a poet and rapper. I can’t speak to how good I was, I’ll let others do that. But last week I found this poem I wrote waaaaaaaaaaay back in 1995/96. I was struck by my way of thinking back then..I’d always attributed it to my Spiritual awakening in 2012. But, reading this I realize, I had the foundation of my current way of being back then, just didn’t have the tools or like minds around me to help me realize and actualize and I wasn’t in a space where I could it on my own. • ✨ I’m sharing this today because I want to let y’all in on my journey so you understand that: a) This IS a journey. I wrote this not as some deep and profound entry into SELF development and actualization, but just to express my own thoughts at the time, b) if you’d asked me back then if I’d be supporting people on their journeys all these years later, I’d have laughed at you, and lastly c) you know who you are, you’ve always known, just like I did back then. But then, the “peanut gallery” chimed in and told you that you were something or someone else.• ✨ #EXPANSIONCoaching is about integration and transmutation, understanding you’re a whole being that already knows and you need only be reminded and lifted up. #EXPANSIONCoaching is about dreaming HUGE and letting yourSELF truly fall in love with that dream because that love energy is what makes it real. #EXPANSIONCoaching is the sum of my own life experiences, of uncovering, integrating, transmuting, healing, and unlearning, only to come back home to my truest, highest SELF..and I want to share that with you so can experience that also. • ✨ The #EXPANSION Coaching Group Experience is currently open for enrollment and 50% off early bird pricing is live until 11/22! Alternatively, I will be open for 2 new clients in December for 1:1 EXPANSION Coaching also! • ✨ 2021 is right there!! Can you see it, feel it coming?? So, let’s get ready for it by stepping in, leaning in, jumping full on into your #EXPANSIONSeason!!• #itstime #whatareyouwaitingfor #comegetsomeofthisEXPANSION #EXPANSION #EXPANSIONGroup #shiftpivotEXPAND #EXPANSIONSZN #ascensionszn #chakras #shadowwork #healing https://www.instagram.com/p/CHlJL_ggVKt/?igshid=1gg67xj3lknx6
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lifebeamenergetics · 4 years
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Shift. Pivot. EXPAND. Enrollment is open and now is the time!! #2021 is about to be a whole new game, are you ready?? No, still a little unsure? Join the EXPANSION Coaching Group Experience!! ✨ How it works: * We’ll meet once/week for four weeks in a 2-hour group session * ONLY 8 seats available! * You will have an accountability partner * You will have worksheets that help you get clear and then clear(er) about what you want, why you want it and why you don’t have it yet. * We will cover: chakras, SELF and shadow integration, Law of Mental Transmutation, clarity of commitment, and much much more! ✨ I’m so excited to offer this to you because it’s chocked full of so much juicy EXPANSION goodness! I was able to take some of the most impactful aspects of EXPANSION Coaching and present them here to you in a way that will start to shift your mindset in just 4 weeks. And there’s even early bird pricing at 50% off!! #linkinbio ✨ We’re almost there, almost done with 2020, we can see 2021 coming. There is still time for all of us to shift, pivot and step into EXPANSION ahead of what the world looks like in 2021. Be intentional and no longer at the mercy of the winds of change. Let’s do it together, join the EXPANSION Coaching Group Experience!• • • • • #EXPANSION #EXPANSIONGroup #EXPANSIONCoaching #growth #healing #knowSELF #loveSELF #mindsetshift #mindsetcoaching #LawofMentalTransmutation #chakras #healing #energy #getoutofyourownway https://www.instagram.com/p/CHghkGZBZeD/?igshid=5ulh6qi8lnj8
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