#exo prompt
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yeoliesbabygirl · 2 years ago
Incorrect EXO
Sehun: what’s nostalgia?
Chanyeol: it’s when you miss somethings that’s really old
Suho: I’m home from work!
Chanyeol: aw we missed you!
Sehun: [whispers] nostalgia
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archernarbeta · 2 years ago
Please come home Mr. Rover
Prompt by @archernarbeta
Kim Jongin x reader
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You were 8 when your mother walked hand in hand with a boy, physique way older than yours. 
You were 9 when he came home with bruises on his face, blacks and blues decorated his skin but all you see was his eyes, full of rage and sadness. 
You were 10 when you became inseparable, with you clinging to him everywhere he went. 
You were 17 when he left, his absence emptied your soul. 
You were 21 when you met the wanderer, the feeling was familiar yet foreign. 
What would happen to you when faith chose to take its course?
a/n: hii it’s archie! the prompt in question is currently in the works and I’m super excited to finish this fic! it’s heavily inspired by Rover and the ‘wanderer concept’, if you can’t tell duh 🙄 đŸ€·â€â™€ïž but anyways stay tuned for now bcs I’m still figuring out the flow of the story (i suck, sorry) BUT I SWEAR I’LL FINISH ßčᯅßč
Also, read my other fics here!
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yakuly · 2 years ago
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đŸ« Fluff/Soft Prompts
» "You smell really nice"
» "You are more than that for me... you've always been."
» "I think you're drunk" "and I thing you're beautiful"
» "Just kiss me already!"
» "All I know, is that I'm much happier when I'm with you"
» "It's magic!". "No, it's you."
» "I want you to be the first thing I see in the morning."
» "Don't worry, I will take care of you."
» “i’d forgotten how stunning your smile is.”
» “you look better in my clothes than i do.”
» “i didn’t mean to say that but yeah, i love you.”
» “Has anyone told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?”
» "Isn't the view breathtaking?" "The view it's fine, you are breathtaking"
» "You are the it one I'm interested in sharing, my thoughts, my dreams, future, coffee and wine" "Wow! I'm that important?" "You are that important."
» "I didn't believe in soulmates until I met you."
» "Fine, but you owe me a kiss."
"Is that my shirt?"
» "You're everything I always wanted!"
» "But you're my home"
» "You're an idiot!" "I'm you're idiot!"
» "You're in front of the view" "I'm the view!"
» "Isn't weird, it's just...me"
» "I love the way you say you love me" "even if it's weird?". "Even if it's weird"
» "You are the best part of my day"
» "You have sweet lips"
» "stop thinking, and let yourself go at least once"
» "we shouldn't do this here!" "You're right, we should do this here!"
» "I said that I love you!" "Try do that when sober!"
» "I love you. More than I love wine"
» "Is that a flirt?"
» "I need you to hide that!" "What?" "Me"
» "what's with that little smile?"
» "All you have to do is say yes!"
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đŸ« Angst Prompts
» " There never was an us"
» "Love it's a choice not a necessity..."
» "They asked about you"
» "I was doing fine without you"
» " Stop acting like you didn't take all of me"
» "Can't you stay?" "..." "For me?" ...
» "Stop pushing everyone away! Stop pushing me away!"
» "You are hurting me!"
» "It will ever stop hurting?" "No, you just get used to it"
» "Were you ever going to tell me?"
» "I'm done. I'm done with your 'sorry's', I'm done with your lies. I'm done with you!"
» "You're apologies it won't make it hurt less"
» "I don't think I love you anymore"
» "You broke me, and I don't think it have a way to fix it"
» "Leave me! You always bebbeeen
» "I love you!" "No, and you never did. And both of us know about it"
»"I'm sorry if I'm not what you wanted"
» "Does it hurt?" "I will survive." "That's not what I asked."
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đŸ« Suggestive / Smutty Prompts
» "I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly."
» "You’re more than just a one night stand."
» "Like what you see?"
» "You look hot and i’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now."
» "Are you sure? Once we start, i might not be able to stop."
» "Make me."
» "What? Does that feel good?"
» "If we get caught i’m blaming you."
» "I really want to kiss you right now."
» "You’re not taking me to bed. Ever." "Who said it had to be on the bed?"
» I know they may seem like lollipops and rainbows but i bet behind closed doors it's all latex and whips.
» I don’t care what you do, just fuck me.
» I wonder what your (xxxx) would do if they knew what you were doing right now.
» "What are you doing?" "I'm going to eat dinner" "but there's nothing to eat..." "Well there wasn’t a single thing to eat in the kitchen, until you walked in."
» “that was the prettiest sound i’ve ever heard.”
» “now everyone’s going to know you’re mine.”
» “lipstick’s a good look on you.”
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mel-loves-kdramas · 2 months ago
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@for-exol January's 2025 prompt challenge:  X-EXO
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exouniverse · 2 months ago
Happy New Year
Pairing: yixing x gn reader
Genre: fluff, friends-to-lovers
Warnings: a little suggestive
Summary: You are getting ready to start the day and the new year, but your new boyfriend is still asleep, so you try to be as quiet as possible.
Word count: 620
A/N: This is exciting! I’ll be writing little drabbles like this one for this month, celebrating that it is my birthday month. I have it all set with all of the days assigned for the January Prompts from @creativepromptsforwriting but if anyone wants to request a member for any prompt, I’m completely open to it.
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Getting ready fast was almost an art for you, but you were also loud while doing so. This was a challenge now, as Yixing slept soundly on the bed, and the hotel room was dimly lit with the morning light coming through the thin curtains. You looked over at him, chuckling to yourself a bit, tiptoeing your way to the closet to get your clothes.
He had so much fun at the party last night, letting loose and enjoying himself. It was nice seeing him smile so much and dancing around with all of your friends.
Your eyes lingered on his lips, remembering the sweet New Year’s kiss you shared. You had to look all over for him as he got distracted mingling around. The minutes were ticking, and you had to still light up some sparklers and take your traditional New Year picture. It was like a scene from a rom-com movie, both of you finding each other on opposite sides of the room, smiles growing and a walk in slow motion.
The closet door squeaked as you tried closing it slowly, and you cursed under your breath. Looking back at Yixing, you noticed him shifting in his sleep and bit your lip unconsciously as if trying to stop any more sounds. It all seemed okay until you took a step back and stumbled with his bag, making you fall on the floor.
Yixing woke up at the sound and sat on the bed, his lidded eyes barely open, and his cute messy hair making you chuckle a little louder. You had tried to muffle your laugh at your clumsiness, but it was impossible.
“What happened? Who’s there?”
His voice was so raspy and deep even in his alerted state, but his sleepy face betrayed the sexiness it could have had. Your heart still skipped a beat, even though you found the entire situation quite entertaining. No matter how much your relationship changed the night before, he was still the same Yixing.
He spotted you on the floor on the other side of the room, and his eyes widened. “What happened, baby?” Yixing’s face tensed for a moment, as if he had let something slip that he was keeping a secret, but then quickly relaxed as he remembered the softness of your lips and the warmth of having you so close. “Ah, right
 you’re now my baby.”
Your heart melted on the spot, witnessing his widening smile at his realization. “I’m okay, just fell on the floor.”
“What?” He moved out of bed in an almost jump and reached just in time to finish helping you get up.
“Just clumsy me
“No, no, are you okay? Any scratches? Does it hurt somewhere?” It’s like he didn’t even hear you through his worry. He started searching for any red spots or bruises, but all he found was the marks he left on your shoulder.
You managed to place a kiss on his cheek and made him stop. His head started turning slowly towards you from that little bruise and straight to your lips. Flashbacks to the night before occupied his mind while doing so, his face starting to be adorned with a tender yet hungry smile.
“Happy new year
” He whispered, the words almost a mumble. “I forgot to say that, didn’t I?”
A small chuckle escaped you as you held his gaze with yours. “Yeah, well
 you rushed to kiss me at the last second, and then
 we’re here, where our night led us.”
“I did tell you I like you, though, right?”
“Yeah, you definitely did!”
“Well,” he started, a smug grin on his lips, “today is the actual start of the new year
 Happy New Year, baby.”
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multifanhoe99 · 5 months ago
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Here is the prompt list this year! Click HERE for the Masterlist.
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yakuly · 2 years ago
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đŸ« Fluff/Soft Prompts
» "VocĂȘ cheira muito bem"
» "Voce é mais que isso pra mim...sempre foi"
» "Eu acho que vocĂȘ estĂĄ bĂȘbad." "E eu acho vocĂȘ bonit."
» "Me beija logo!"
» "Tudo o que eu sei, Ă© que sou mais feliz com vocĂȘ"
» "É magia!" NĂŁo, Ă© vocĂȘ."
» "Eu quero que vocĂȘ seja a primeira coisa que eu vejo de manhĂŁ"
» "NĂŁo se preocupe, eu vou cuidar de vocĂȘ"
»"Eu esqueci o quão bonito é o seu sorriso"
» "VocĂȘ fica melhor nas minhas roupas do que eu"
» "Essa é a minha camisa?" "Não, essa é a nossa camisa"
» "Eu não quis dizer isso, mas é, eu te amo"
» "Alguém ja te disse que seus olhos brilham a luz da lua?
» "Essa vista nĂŁo Ă© de tirar o fĂŽlego? "A vista Ă© boa, vocĂȘ Ă© de tirar o fĂŽlego"
» "VocĂȘ Ă© a Ășnica pessoa que eu penso em dividir meus pensamentos, meus sonhos, futuro, cafĂ© e vinho" "Wow! Eu sou tĂŁo importante assim?" "VocĂȘ Ă© tĂŁo importante assim".
» "Eu nĂŁo acreditava em alma gĂȘmea atĂ© conhecer vocĂȘ"
» "Tudo bem, mas vocĂȘ me deve um beijo"
» "Isso é minha camiseta?"
» "VocĂȘ Ă© tudo o que eu sempre quis!"
» "Mas vocĂȘ Ă© minha casa"
» "vocĂȘ Ă© um/uma idiota!" "sou o seu/sua idiota!"
» "VocĂȘ estĂĄ na frente da vista" "Eu sou a vista!
» "Não é estranho, sou só...eu"
» "Eu amo seu jeito de dizer que me ama". "mesmo que seja estranho?" "Mesmo que seja estranho"
» "VocĂȘ Ă© a melhor parte do meu dia!"
» "VocĂȘ tem lĂĄbios doces"
» "Pare de pensar, e se deixe levar por uma vezes"
»"Não podemos fazer isso aqui!" "Tem razão, nos devemos fazer isso aqui!"
» "Eu disse que te amo!" "Deveria tentar dizer isso sóbrio!"
» "Eu te amo. Mais do que amo vinho!"
» "Isso é um flerte?"
» "Preciso que vocĂȘ esconda uma coisa pra mim..." "O que?" "Eu"
» "Que sorrisinho é esse?"
» "Tudo o que tem que fazer é dizer sim!"
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đŸ« Angst Prompts
» "Nunca houve um nós"
» "Amor é um escolha, não uma necessidade..."
» "Eles perguntaram sobre vocĂȘ"
»"Eu estava bem sem vocĂȘ"
» "Pare de agir como se não tivesse levado tudo de mim"
» "VocĂȘ nĂŁo pode ficar?" "..." "Por mim?" ...
» "Pare de afastar todo mundo! Para de me afastar"
» "VocĂȘ tĂĄ me machucando!"
» "Algum dia para de doer?" "NĂŁo, vocĂȘ sĂł se acostuma"
» "VocĂȘ algum dia ia me contar?"
» "Estou cansad. Cansad. das suas desculpas. Cansad. das suas mentiras. Cansad. de vocĂȘ!"
» "Suas desculpas não fazem doer menos"
» "Eu não acho que ainda te amo"
»"VocĂȘ me quebrou, e eu nĂŁo acho que tenha um jeito de arrumar"
» "Me deixa! VocĂȘ sempre foi o melhor nisso de qualquer jeito..."
» "Eu the amo! NĂŁo, e vocĂȘ nunca amou. E nĂłs dois sabemos disso."
»"Desculpe se nĂŁo sou o que vocĂȘ queria!"
» "Dói?" "Eu vou sobreviver" "Nao foi isso que eu perguntei"
» "Vai embora! VocĂȘ sempre foi o/a melhor nisso"
» "Então agora é minha culpa?"
» "eu te amo!" "NĂŁo, vocĂȘ se ama!"
» "Quando vocĂȘ vai parar de mentir?"
» "Claro, por que vocĂȘ estĂĄ sempre certo/certa!"
» " VocĂȘ nĂŁo era assim"
» "VocĂȘ me quebrou, e eu nĂŁo acho que tenha concerto"
» "Não quero te ver nunca mais!"
» "Desculpe se nĂŁo sou o que vocĂȘ queria!"
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đŸ« Suggestive / Smutty Prompts
» "Eu nunca quis tanto que alguém me fodesse"
» "VocĂȘ Ă© mais que o caso de uma noite"
» "Gosta do que vĂȘ?"
» "VocĂȘ estĂĄ gostos. e eu estou tentando nĂŁo te beijar/foder atĂ© vocĂȘ perder atĂ© vocĂȘ os sentidos"
» "VocĂȘ tem certeza? Uma vez que nĂłs começarmos, eu posso ser capaz de parar"
» "Me obrigue"
» "O que? Isso é bom?"
»"Se nĂłs formos pegos, eu vou colocar a culpa em vocĂȘ"
» "Eu realmente quero te beijar agora."
» "VocĂȘ nunca vai me levar pra cama. Nunca." "Quem disse que precisa ser na cama?"
» "Eu sei que el. parece ser só pirulitos e arco íris, mas por trås das portas é só låtex e chicotes"
» "NĂŁo me importa o que vocĂȘ faz, sĂł me fode"
» "Eu imagino o que seu/sua (xxx) faria se visse o que nós estamos fazendo agora"
» "O que estĂĄ fazendo?" "Eu vou jantar" "mas nĂŁo tem nada pra comer" "Bem, nĂŁo tinha nada pra comer na cozinha atĂ© vocĂȘ chegar"
» "Esse foi o som mais lindo que eu jå ouvi"
» "Agora todos saberĂŁo que vocĂȘ Ă© minha"
» "Batom fica bom em vocĂȘ"
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nanaskura · 1 month ago
hey ! in an effort to get myself back into writing, i will open requests for some drabbles/one shots !
send me a gt7 member (will also accept exo* & svt* tho im less likely to complete them) one of these prompts and if you're ok with nsfw or not (cant guarantee it will be nsfw but you never know)
i will try and work on them and get them done asap, but ill only take maybe 10 or so
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tokidokifish · 2 years ago
it’s just so funny to hear the “garashir is unhealthy” discourse as the big dumb baby i am, who actually doesn’t much care to seek out toxic relationships and balks on reading fanfics that are even tagged with bittersweet ending. i am a vanilla wafer of a fandom girlie and i fuckin LOVE garashir bc i think it’s a genuinely healthy relationship built on mutual respect and affection, and buddy what else do you even NEED??
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wakingdreamworld · 1 year ago
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Alien Worlds - Apple Cinnamon
These images started out as a picture of a baked apple cinnamon desert. And it was a good desert but ugly.
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yeoliesbabygirl · 2 years ago
Incorrect EXO
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo:
Chanyeol, running into the room: Kyungsoo what's wrong?!
Baekhyun: Why are you only asking him?! We are both screaming!
Chanyeol: Because Kyungsoo doesn't scream unless it's an emergency. You, on the other hand, scream whenever you have the chance.
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kpop---scenarios · 11 months ago
11 & 19 for baek?
I'm so sorry, I got very caught up last night in watching live performances of Thunder and Playboy and the next thing I knew it was 1am 😭
You sat on your couch, flipping through the channels, glancing at the clock on the wall.
12:03am it read. You sighed as you waited for your boyfriend to get home from rehearsal. You were tired and wanted to go to bed, but you'd made a habit of staying awake until he got home and he looked forward to it.
Seconds later, the front door opened and slammed shut just as quick, in walking an exhausted Baekhyun.
"Hi babe." You smile, standing up to wrap your arms around him.
You stand in front of him, he's staring at you, his eyes getting dark.
"I want you." He whispers. "I need you." He finishes, crashing his lips onto yours. You melted into the kiss, your body pressing into his. He effortlessly picks you up, and you wrap your legs around his waist as he brings you to the bedroom.
Tossing you on the bed, he crawls over you, placing kisses all over your body, making you whimper, needing more.
"That noise...keep making it." He smirks as he begins to slowly strip you.
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owlsfeatherpen · 14 days ago
My friends and I have been assigning romance/tragic romance tropes to members of different groups and I felt like I needed to share some of them.
I blame @feralleprechaun for some of the most tragic ones.
I'll start with the fluff.
Stray Kids:
Bang Chan: Contract Relationship.
Han: Cinderella Story
Seungmin: Frenemies (Idiots in denial)
Seonghwa: Coffee shop (Barista x Writer)
Wooyoung: Fake Dating
Jongho: Grumpy x Sunshine (she fell first, he fell harder)
Baekhyun (Exo): Childhood Friends
Dann (Kingdom): Workplace Rivals
Arthur (kingdom): Best Friends
Now for the angst
Stray Kids:
Bang Chan: Unable to protect
Hyunjin: Right person, wrong time
I.N.: Chosen one (self-sacrifice)
Hongjoong: Enemies to lovers to strangers
San: Forbidden Love
Mingi: Betrayal
Again, this is only some of them. I felt like if I added them all or went into great detail it might get too long. But, if anyone wants to see more of the crazy we've been doing, I'm happy to share. Whether it's the tropes we've given other members or some of the details we've thought out.
I've also started a mafia series because of some of these prompts, but idk if I'll do anything with it. It's Stray Kids and Ateez with hints of Exo.
I'm still working on The Sky that Doesn't End, but life has been crazy so we haven't been able to coordinate publishing. Hopefully soon. I promise it's not abandoned!!!
I've also started a couple of non-related side projects. Two Ateez fics. A pirate one and a sci-fi fantasy one. The pirate one started when we were waiting for crazy form, and the scifi fantasy one was inspired by the photoshoot from Golden Hour pt.2 (Would you believe Ateez isn't a top 5 group for me?).
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youare-number6 · 1 year ago
Vertical Revisits - Exoplanets
I'm revisiting some old prompts and creating the vertical versions that I failed to create the first time around.
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trinityghoulish · 1 year ago
D2 Dawning Prompt
If the people of the city were to bake Dawning Cookies for your Guardian/OC, what would they be called, and what ingredients? How would they react? Ex: "Ginger Trinitybread" -Cabal Oil -Finishing Touch "Whatever your OC would say in reply!"
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itstheghostofmypast · 9 months ago
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Come the summer holidays, free time, and the request slot is officially open! Feel free to send in your asks and requests.
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✚I will write drabbles/prompts/one-shots.✚
✚All content will be SFW.✚
✚No prompt/ask catering to tropes such as cheating, manipulation, or any other form of exploitation will be catered to.✚
✚ I usually write a female or gender neutral reader.✚
✚Writing for✚
Stray Kids
Harry Potter
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