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[ID: Six pixel hearts of various flags in order being Existentialic, Autism/ASPD, Monabyssique, Fem Butch, Masc Butch, and Disseaic. End ID]
#Existentialic#autism#aspd#Monabyssique#fem butch#masc butch#disseaic#rentry#pixel#discord emoji#heart#liom#mogai#queer
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When I was younger and whenever I would think of specific animals that evolved to look like common objects/nature it broke my brain cause I was like "How does something natural learn to look like something unnatural" and it fucked up my brain hard until I learned basic evolution
#post#like it went so deep i was like how the fuck do they know how to look like that if we werent supposed to exist in the first place#i think this started my downward spiral into existentiallism
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30 de ani...
Un nou capitol sau incep crizele existentiale?
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Jon i really need you to take me to the eye doctor dude fast bc i have begun uncontrollably existentiallizing people. I am sorry Andy you seemed nice. You shouldn’t have asked me about identity
#You also said no one loved me#Which like#i am marked by the lonely dude#Wtf#but i went for you first so fair ig#Tma rp#laertes bothers no one in particular
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existentiall chill
space cadet amongst the cosmic clutter
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okay fr fr i’m here existentialling because two weeks ago when i went to mass down here a dude invited me to a ‘prayer breakfast’ after mass which was really just a bunch of relations & old friends getting breakfast after mass and everyone was nice but tbh it made me super depressed because it was made clear to me that everybody was like ‘oh we’re those cool catholics who don’t actually believe any of that stuff about it being a sin to miss mass or remarry after divorce or any of that silly stuff’ and now i’m like. shit i always sit in the same place if i go back i’m gonna get invited again maybe and i’m gonna have to come up w a reason i don’t want to and look like an asshole/weird
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‘Having A Crush On Each Other’ (4) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three
All I Want For Christmas (Is You) (ao3) - lestered (clonetrobed)
Summary: AU where Dan is Phil's Christmas coworker crush, and awkward boys are awkward.
Art Class - narcissistpenguin
Summary: AU in which Dan and Phil has to draw each other in art class. Although Dan is good at art, he’s still super nervous since he had a secret crush on Phil for a very long time. Includes a fanboy Dan.
Broken Like You (ao3) - TearDrop1234
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at a theater in a nowhere town. Their friendship is instant, but the rest not so much.
Covet (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: The only thing making Dan feel alive is his all-consuming crush on the new deacon.
cloud watch (ao3) - howelllesters
Summary: I asked for people to leave words in my askbox so I could write a mini phanfic. existentiall-crisiss didn’t play fairly, and left me ‘clouds’. Or, pastel!Dan hates his new journal but writes in it anyway, and accidentally just ends up recording his feelings on punk!Phil, in a suitably melodramatic way.
Crappy Situations, Happy Endings - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan Howell comes from a strict family and lives with a homphobic dad. Phil Lester is the school’s ‘bad boy’ and also happens to be Dan’s crush. Things go horribly wrong at a Christmas party at the Howell’s house when Dan and Phil are spotted kissing. Crappy situations turn into happy endings.
Crushing On The Bad Boy - dxnhowell
Summary: In which Louise tries to help her best friend out by setting him up with his biggest crush, Phil Lester, the bad boy Quarterback on the football team. They’re total opposites, but Louise thinks Dan has a chance with him. However, things don’t exactly go to plan.
Drowning in You- botanistlester
Summary: Dan is the BAMFy popular boy, Phil is the quiet nerd. Dan secretly really likes him, so he always teases him and calls him names. One day Phil is fed up, so when Dan calls him a stalker he replies and gets really close to Dan and says “Would you call this stalking?” to make him uncomfortable.
fish me up (ao3) - megiaolf
Summary: Dan has a crush on the pet store clerk
Flower Crown Luck (ao3) - HeartsAndSpades
Summary: Punk!Phil has a slight crush on Pastel!Dan and when Dan drops his flower crown in the library, Phil returns it and they start talking.
give this thing a try (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan is a cashier at a grocery store, and Phil is his supervisor. One evening at work, Phil surprises Dan by asking him out on a date, and of course Dan, who's had a crush on Phil since forever, says yes. Cue, the freaking out and comfort ensues.
Hearts on Ice (ao3) - yourlocalhipster
Summary: Dan has a small crush on Phil. Big deal, right?
Here’s Hoping - adayinthelifeofphan
Summary: high school and phil just moved and dan is like mr.popular and like he hates him but secretly loves him and Phil finds something that shows that dan actually loves him and stuff like that.
I think I'm in Love with my Best Friend (ao3) - marleejo0
Summary: Dan has always had a crush on Phil, but he knew that Phil could never like him back. That is until one eventful day when Dan realizes Phil might feel differently. Tooth rotting Phan fluff.
repeats and replays (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: phil’s had a crush on his coworker dan for way too long. he’s never had the nerve to ask him out, as much as he’d like to, but their friendship is good as it is.
one day, though, dan slips up mid conversation, and everything changes
The Scent of Pining (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: Dan and Phil grew up together, but were separated by university and the mundanities of life. After years of missing each other, keeping track of each other's careers, and asking their families about each other, they finally reunite at a Christmas party back home. Surrounded by fragrances that cast their memories back to their childhood together, they each work up the nerve to finally do something about how they've been feeling for a decade.
Thoughts and a Train Conversation (ao3) - croissantbleu (orphan_account)
Summary: It's 2009, Dan is on his way to meet Phil for the first time, and thinks back on some of the choices he's made
You Be The Art, I'll be The Brush (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: Phil is a harried art student just trying to do his best and he may have just a little bit of a crush on his sketching class' new model Dan.
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@haaretzcom .@presstv .@egypt .@trt @presstv .@israel @israel @ajnews @aramco @binsalman @secbli nken .@statedept .@peace .@sputnikint .@us_stratcom @rosatom .@iaeaorg #underestimated is that all are relieved that noone needs the w ar and that #keypoint the civillians must take that crxap whichthe regimes give them while fewest believe them after a time. i nthis dogmatic escalation andor bait to strike nuclear programme is the #critical part : namely that #israel is existentiall y s c a r e d of an irani nuke and will not permit it all in grade its fear be or be nomore. where every of these ballistic stri kes couldhave been a nuke wiping the only three main towns they have itis not necessarily understood how e x i s t e n t i a l this qu estion is and if the iranis made a plan to run for the nuke they did it against this a n d the usa absolutely agreeing about this noway nuclear weapons
@haaretzcom .@presstv .@egypt .@trt @presstv .@israel @israel @ajnews @aramco @binsalman @secblinken .@statedept .@peace .@sputnikint .@us_stratcom @rosatom .@iaeaorg #underestimated is that all are relieved that noone needs the war and that #keypoint the civillians must take that crxap whichthe regimes give them while fewest believe them after a time. inthis dogmatic escalation andor bait to…
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Identitatea de gen și sexul
De la o anumită vârstă încolo contează mai puțin ceea ce ai crezut tu până atunci și trebuie să fii mult mai flexibil. Am zis mai demult că viitorul va fi mai ușor de "ingerat" de către cei care vor dovedi ca au o mare capacitate de adaptare. Lucrurile se schimba cu o viteza fantastica si daca ramai intepenit in trecut vei fi frustrat tot restul vietii tale. Unul dintre subiectele in care am observat usoare divergente, da, nu ne-am luat la bataie, cu generatia mai tanara, e cel al identitatii de gen. Intr-o postare anterioara spuneam ca este o mare porcarie si dupa ce am mai studiat intens problema si am intors-o pe toate fetele vin acum cu o erata partiala.
Ideea de identitate de gen nu este deloc o porcarie. Imi mentin insa epitetul in privinta modului in care este ea fortata sau aplicata sau implementata, in special pe continentul nord-american dar si partial in Europa.
Principala confuzie pe care am facut-o si eu mai demult si care este la originea argumentatiei adversarilor acesteia este cea dintre gen si sex. Identitatea de gen nu inseamna identitate de sex.
Bineinteles, anatomic si biologic, dupa organele sexuale pe care le avem cu totii, exista 3 mari categorii, barbati si femei si mai este cea mai redusa a hermafroditilor care poseda ambele aparate. Cu alte cuvinte, din acest punct de vedere, deja a imparti lumea in barbati si femei este gresit. Un hermafrodit se poate identifica cu un barbat sau cu o femeie sau poate nu vrea sa se identifice in niciun fel. Si da, daca Dumnezeu a facut oamenii dupa chipul si asemanarea sa, trebuie sa acceptam ca i-a facut si pe hermafroditi. Chestia asta nu mai tine de liberul arbitru, ca oamenii astia nu au vrut sa se nasca asa, deci ori sunt rezultatul unei evolutii periferice ori asa a dat Domnul, ambele teorii ale aparitiei omului sunt satisfacute.
Asta e sexul. Genul e cu totul altceva, este felul in care ne identificam ca apartinand unei categorii sociale. Pana acum, si de aici si confuzia, genul era sexul. In ultimii ani, oamenii si-au dat seama ca unii barbati de exemplu au o latura feminina mai pronuntata iar femeile una masculina. Chestia asta nu este discreta ci vorbim de un continuum, deci de o infinitate de genuri, in functie de cat de barbat sau de femeie te simti. Numai ca continuumul asta se raporteaza la ce? Cine decide ce este un barbat si ce este o femeie? Care sunt caracteristicile unui barbat sau ale unei femei, facand abstractie de organele sexuale? Asa au aparut non-binarii, cei care considera ca nu sunt nici barbati nici femei, ci ceva intre.
Pana aici pot sa inteleg si este destul de logic. Unde nu mi se pare deloc corect este modul in care oamenii sunt incurajati in aceasta dilema pentru ca asta duce, dupa umila mea parere, la o trauma psihica permanenta. Sa nu iti gasesti niciodata apartenenta, sa nu stii cine esti exact, sa te temi ca nu esti destul de femeie sau destul de barbat? Pai cred ca nu exista om care sa nu fi avut una dintre aceste indoieli in copilarie si adolescenta. Fete care isi bagau vata in sutien sau baieti care isi bagau sosete in chiloti, va spune ceva?
Eu personal nu mi-am bagat sosete in chiloti insa mi s-a parut mereu ca am o latura feminina, inca din adolescenta. Sunt super sensibil, imi dau lacrimile la scenele emotionante din filme. Nu m-am batut in viata mea, am luat bataie de doua ori si nu am dat niciun pumn nimanui. Toate astea, va dati seama, ca m-au ingrijorat in adolescenta. Dar daca as fi avut atunci Hollywood-ul care sa imi spuna ca pot sa fiu unicorn pe o scara infinita, nu mi-ar fi fost mai usor, dimpotriva. Asa, dupa cateva intrebari existentiale m-am incadrat rapid in categoria barbatilor ca nu aveam ce face si s-a terminat cu incertitudinea si chinurile. Ce ii asteapta pe tinerii de astazi este amenintarea unui vesnic torment cu privire la cine sunt cu adevarat. Se rezolva treaba declarandu-te non-binar? Deloc. De abia atunci incepe chinul. De ce lumea nu te accepta in ambele toalete sau in concursurile sportive sa concurezi unde vrei tu? De ce nu exista o olimpiada pentru non-binari? De ce nu stie lumea ca trebuie sa iti spuna ei in loc de ea, ce, nu se vede? Si asa mai departe.
Mai mult, in US si Canada au aparut legi care permit copiilor sa isi aleaga genul, sa faca schimbare de sex si toate acestea fara acordul parintilor, e deajuns sa ceara sprijin la serviciile sociale, un fel de Gestapo in America. Asta este o mare porcarie pentru ca un copil e considerat ca nu are discernamant sa stea singur acasa fara bona insa are atunci cand e vorba sa se mutileze poate, pe viata.
In orice caz, urmaresc in continuare. Sunt convins ca toata lumea cu scaun la cap va accepta fenomenul insa nu va permite sa traim intr-o lume in care toate valorile vor fi dsitribuite asemenea genului, intr-un continuum. Pentru ca asta este anarhie si haos. Ne trebuie niste ancore discrete.
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De l’angoisse, en effet, Sein und Zeit nous montre tout d’abord que son principal effet est d’inhiber le monde qui nous entoure de telle sorte qu’il ne nous dise plus rien. Son habituelle prégnance s’estompe en même temps que ses multiples sollicitations paraissent soudainement insignifiantes en regard de ce qui nous tient dans l’angoisse. Mais, Heidegger le montre également, de couvrir ainsi le monde naturel du voile de l’inanité, l’angoisse ne concourt pas seulement à défaire le Dasein humain des emprises de l’extériorité. A la faveur de cette inhibition du monde extérieur, s’offre à lui la possibilité d’une nouvelle appréhension de sa propre existence, où forcément ce n’est plus en fonction de la présence mondaine qu’il se comprend désormais, mais où il se dévoile à lui-même dans l’extrême dépouillement de sa propre condition d’être-au-monde. Qu’une telle révélation ne puisse justement avoir lieu que dans l’angoisse, c’est bien, comme le montre Heidegger, que, réduisant à néant l’illusion quotidienne que l’homme pourrait être chez soi en ce monde et qu’il pourrait donc s’en trouver ontologiquement solidaire, cette révélation le confronte à la tragédie de son propre destin qui est de ne pouvoir être authentiquement lui-même et reconnaître son véritable Eigensein qu’en faisant droit à la seule détermination authentique de son existence : celle que traduit la temporalité existentiale la plus propre en vertu de laquelle l’homme doit se dire qu’il n’existe que d’avoir été jeté dans un monde auprès duquel il ne saurait élire domicile puisque la mort y est sa seule et authentique vocation.
Robert Brisart, L’évidence du monde
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Vacanța aia lungă mai înseamnă mici episodade depresive,indiferent de circumstanțele prin care ai trecut,god's favor the strongest warriors,nu mă refer acu la religie,dar luptele prin care treci îs necesare,într-adevăr, nu constant e necesar,dar te pregătește pentru ce urmează.După atâta furtună, o să vină zile puternice de soare.Just keep it straight and fight bravely.
Nu e vorba de depresie gen.
Ideea care e radacina printre toate tufele de spini adunate, e ca as vrea sa pot pune pauza la oamenii din jur, la problemele de la locu de munca, la sentimentele pe care le mai am, la ganduri, pentru ca toate trag de mine in acelasi timp, mai ales acum.
As vrea ca toate alea, sa dispara macar pentru un timp, gen secunde, ore, zile, saptamani chiar. Si sa pot sa ma bucur de putinul meu timp pe care il mai am, cu mine insumi. Sa ma plimb, sa cercetez in natura, sa fac poze, sa cant, chestii care sa ma faca sa heal myself. Sa ma apuc din nou de picturi, dar atunci cand imi doresc asta, toate problemele existentiale si non existentiale, apar, si ma lovesc din orice unghi, da nu ma mai doare nimic, sunt obisnuita sa stau sa mi iau. Nu mai fug de multa vreme, imi doresc sa mai pot face asta pentru putin timp, cum faceam in trecutul meu cu multe, dar m am maturizat, am crescut si am invatat din orice pisat de lectie, si acum contra-cost, ma lupt cu mine sa mai ies din pozitia de drept, pentru ca ma simt prinsa in cuie.
Sunt constienta ca tot prin ce am trecut m a adus in pozitia asta, sunt recunoscatoare, dar mai am de invatat numai lectii de tot pisatu, si treaba e ca sunt atat de obosita deja, incat gandul ca o s-o duc asa toti anii de acu incoace, ma face sa simt un dezgust total pentru viata.
Si mna, cam asta e intr-un final tot ce simt.
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Sorry if this is a lot but all of the posts we have ever reblogged from them to our horde blog
We're looking for terms by niyo / notniyo, with a bit of urgency. Please send us any you find.
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highs i chase include the 15 min refreshed on-top-of-the-world feeling i get after i shower before reverting back to my mundane self
#bluris rambles#ok i remember when like#i used to wake up for morning praactices and then i would finish practtice around 7 and shower#felt good for a whle and then i would always get sleepy sometime durinng school LMAO#anyways noow its like past midnight afte i shoerr orr close to it haha oopsies#but yeah i am motivated fo rprob 15-20 mmin max#and then the existentiall crisis sets ina gain xD
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These beautiful postcards printed for Existential Eating on 100% recycled, uncoated stock were a rational earth friendly choice for a group focused on different journeys of finding self and meaning through free will, choice, community, food and art. TAKE 20% OFF POSTCARDS OR ANYTHING YOU WANT TO PRINT! Use coupon code PRINT2019 at checkout. Canada - http://www.clubcard.ca/ USA - https://www.clubcardprinting.com/ #clubcard #printsale #clubcardprinting #yvrsale#discount #printforless #saveonprinting#weloveprinttodeath #clbcrd #printing #discountprinting #postcard #postcardprinting#existentialism #existentialeating *Some restrictions apply, see websites for details. (at Clubcard) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuHVnuHhzL-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ire6ayr1iojd
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⁽ᴵ ᵖᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵃˢ ᵃ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵈᵉᶜᶦᵈᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵖᵘᵗ ᶦᵗ ʰᵉʳᵉ⁾
BLEG that was existential. My whole... philosophy of the UTMV lies in this video. It's a good reminder that we, the creators, are characters in our own story. Our consciousness, our time spent creating, is what powers this fantasy. It's fictional- it is, but it, like all other stories, is real. Not in the sense of being able to touch it, or go there, but in the sense of it being real inside of us. These characters exist within all of us, and when we die, they die as well.
It's even a thing is psychology. The characters may not be real, but your relationships with them are. In your mind. In your heart. These fictional beings like Ink and Error aren't real- but we put so much thought into their personalities and relationships that in OUR MINDS and in OUR HEARTS, they are real. And they will continue to be real for as long as we care.
It's really interesting. The Sans fandom may be strange, but it is one of creation. Its entire concept is based around a game, something we love, with characters we love, and wanting to do more with it. And more. And branching out, and creating OCs. It has nothing to do with the original anymore- but it's still real, and a story. Its own universe without a canon that we can create whatever we want for. The entire thing is about creation.
Without creation, it will die.
#quo rambles#ink x error#canon printer#error sans#ink sans#ink splotch#it's a good video and I really likle it#if you go to the channel they have more short ones#my favorite is Spoon lol#they also have a speedpaint of the drawing in this#which#if you know me#you know I am a big fan of those#I'm making quo ramble posts now because I did one and for some reason 8 people liked it which is weird#so here is more about existentiallism
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half of my pics make no sense tho. Like, here is a vase and a skateboard on the floor. How many questions doesn’t that bring? Who put it there? Why? Is it a trap? Who will get their feet full of shattered ceramics? (I would make #sims 4 existentialism a hash tag. But the hash tag section doesn’t have spell check and there’s no way I’m spelling existentialism without help).
#existensialism#existensialsim#ecistensialism#existentiallism#existenstialism#extentiaslism#existensiallsim#extensialism#existensialissm#eksistrensialism#send help
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