rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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The first US planetarium, the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, opened on May 10, 1930.
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I'm quite grimly fascinated by the YouTube pen pal creator sphere. Like… first of all, these people are just putting their full name and address on screen, huh?
Also, Idk, it just feels kind of disingenuous that they're always all "It isn't about the decoration or the extras! A simple heartfelt letter is what's important!" when they've built their entire online brand around elaborately decorated letters—that they, again, show in full on screen to millions of people who are not the recipient—with a bunch of stickers and tea bags and bits of confetti and washi tape samples added as gifts on top of what's used for decoration. Like, I don't know, if you have to disclaim a million times that having a pen pal is Not A Stationery Swap and that people shouldn't expect to be given these things, maybe you could reflect for a moment on what may have created this impression?
Like, personally, I never for a second believed that I needed more than "just an ordinary sheet of paper and any pen at all uwu" to send a letter, so it's sort of baffling to be gently reassured by people spending hours of work designing a visual aesthetic for their letters that, of course, I don't have to do it like that. Like, yeah, no shit, Sherlock.
I mean, I'm all for people having fun with stickers and washi tape and markers and whatever, but I feel like they've created this very false barrier to entry that I'm not about. It's bullet journals all over again.
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grimrester · 2 years
apartment hunting is a weird activity for me because i once did a contract job for 6 months doing nothing but editing photos for apartment listings. so whenever i look at photos online im like trying to apply a 30% less pretty filter in my head
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laylaheartphilia · 1 year
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Las Vegas Stucco a sizable one-story stucco flat roof image in southwest beige
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urusamajor · 1 year
Uncovered - Deck
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Mid-sized trendy backyard dock photo with no cover
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stlinzk · 1 year
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Las Vegas Stucco a sizable one-story stucco flat roof image in southwest beige
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En el mundo actual, donde las transacciones comerciales y financieras se han vuelto cada vez más globales, el uso de avales del exterior y medios de pago electrónicos se ha convertido en una práctica común. Estos dos conceptos, el aval del exterior y el medio de pago Tarjet Two, desempeñan un papel fundamental en facilitar las transacciones internacionales de manera segura y eficiente.
El aval del exterior es un mecanismo que permite garantizar el cumplimiento de obligaciones financieras o comerciales entre dos partes que se encuentran en diferentes países. En esencia, el aval del exterior actúa como una garantía respaldada por una institución financiera internacionalmente reconocida, asegurando el pago en caso de incumplimiento por parte de la parte avalada. Este instrumento brinda confianza y seguridad tanto para el beneficiario como para el avalador, permitiendo la realización de transacciones comerciales internacionales de mayor envergadura.
Por otro lado, Tarjet Two es un medio de pago electrónico que ofrece una alternativa segura y conveniente a los métodos tradicionales de pago. Esta tarjeta, respaldada por una red de instituciones financieras y procesadores de pago, permite a los usuarios realizar transacciones en línea y en establecimientos físicos de forma rápida y segura. Al incorporar tecnologías como la autenticación de dos factores y la encriptación de datos, Tarjet Two ofrece una capa adicional de seguridad para proteger la información financiera de los usuarios y prevenir el fraude.
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Banco Internacional. (2023). Aval del Exterior y Tarjet Two: Facilitando Transacciones Globales. Recuperado de http://www.bancointernacional.com/aval-exterior-tarjet-two
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thisisntapainting · 2 years
Wouldn’t playing with your wires be potentially dangerous?
Like don’t get me wrong. Stim toy fun. Stim toy good. But stim toy that potentially could cause arm paralysis or death? No bad. Maybe it’s because I see wires as robot veins.. but still-??
you have a point about all of this, and yeah, wanting to tug and rip at what powers my body is absolutely a terrible idea that will only result in pain and injury, but it's the thought of just even being able to confirm what's inside is in fact, not flesh. and to just look at internals in general. like. what if i could replace the exerior of wherre my ribs would be with glass and peer inside and watch so many things go by...
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quiet-nymph · 7 years
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Rainforest Garden by Sanber100fuegos
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esmitierra · 7 years
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Mansilla de las Mulas, León, Castile and León, Spain. VIA.
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saltoluzfotografia · 5 years
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Se viene el curso de Iluminación técnica y estética en Salto Luz! . . . Dirigido A todo aquel que, teniendo una experiencia de manejo de una réflex, desee profundizar sus conocimientos en la iluminación. Saber como iluminar un modelo, crear climas con la luz, armar setups de luces simples y complejos. Mas info x MD . . . . #fotografia #iluminacion #estudio #exerior #talleriluminacion #saltoluz #saltoluzfotografia #esquemailuminacion (en Salto Luz Taller de Fotografía y Lenguaje Visual) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8HlKilFiKG/?igshid=106xwhw12ycbk
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Church of San Cristobal, Comillas (No. 3)
Located above the presbytery and the sacristy. It can be dated to the late eighteenth century, neoclassical style is one of the most outstanding in the region.
It has a living room plan with three naves, the central one wider than the lateral ones, all this is covered by vaults of Gothic tradition formed by terceletes and warped. These vaults are considered one of the best in Cantabria, especially due to the complicated design of their nerves and the magnificent value of their keys, all of them have recovered their original polychromy with the last restoration carried out in 2013. The four pillars that support the vaults are of Tuscan order. The interior is currently bare with whitewashed walls where the absence of altarpieces is appreciated, originally the church had a portentous baroque altarpiece and other sides of the same style, all of them were burned during the civil war. The current decoration is very sober and almost only focuses on the architecture itself. As a movable heritage it is worth mentioning the magnificent organ built by the great organist Roqués and later restored by Spanish organorgans; the Cristo del Amparo, patron saint of fishermen whose feast day is July 16. At the end of the nineteenth century the Marquis of Comillas, Antonio López y López paid for some repairs inside the church, such as the opening of two oculi in the choir (to give more light to the whole) and some interesting additions made by the architect Joan Martorell (the railing of the choir, some stained glass windows and the pulpit grille).
Source: Wikipedia  
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cozydew · 4 years
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who else is super excited for fall? i spent the afternoon tending to our pumpkin patch and day dreaming of my favorite seasonal traditions! carving pumpkins with my family, baking fresh pumpkin+apple pies with extra love, and ofc hanging spooky decorations! ◕ ◡ ◕))
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autumn picnic: redux
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markuskoellmann · 8 years
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The Retreat Lusaka, Zambia Juli 2015
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rustylittlefox · 6 years
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Other part of the garden at Eden Farm
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