#exceptions include highly venomous spiders
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okay i lied, i sketched him up anyway.
The Scorpion/Carnorpion (lmao)
more info/closeups under the cut:
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tfw you get your dna spliced with a scorpion and all it does is turn you into vin diesel make you beefy and bald
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the stuff for this isn't fully written yet (so, not posted on ao3 yet either lol) but if I can get some of the kinks (not that kind of kink) (...maybe a little) hammered out on this wip he should show up... soonish...? i plan to include a flashback to him beating the tar out a teenaged peter with that sword whip too, but his main role will be to fistfight doc ock and get worms
also considering giving him a motorcycle just for funsies (not like Peter's little Yamaha though, something big and rumbly)
(ah... fuck i accidentally made him hot)
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Big inspiration for this armor design from Tradd Moore's take on the Scorpion in Venom #150 (highly recommended just for the art alone) but taking some other little cues from various sources + my own personal design sense and habits (i feel like it's pretty obvious how i tend to design armor, which is, like literal plate armor LOL) and trying to make sure the Carnage one doesn't look too much like Agent Venom lmao
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Metroid Halo lookin ass...
idk how clear it is in this rough sketch but the stripes next to the visor are lights lol
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tbh I'm not sold on the mechanical pincer design as it is but if i think of something i like better i can always just change it. or, you know, just not use it at all.. honestly with a few exceptions I just don't like the Scorpion's pincers in general XD so it's not surprising i'm not quite satisfied with them. They're technically auxiliary to the claws anyway. i like the claws better. really the tail is the most important part.
as far as carnorpion goes
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also i just realized i drew the blade on his tail differently for carnorpion but you know what i can just say the curved blade is just the new version to go with the special symbiote-interface armor 🤷 that's honestly pretty likely lol it's already a new version of the armor anyway so... it works.
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i like these pincers. peak weirdo. better than the mech ones. maybe he only has pincers as carnorpion (or venorpion, like i said i still don't entirely know what i'm doing with this plot cause oscorp and symbiotes are giving me some ... problems)
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also the jaw scars
afaik that was a superior spider-man thing but i just like them?? i always liked them, so I decided that fisk could probably rip his jaw off and then have the carnage symbiote put it back on but, being a new slime, not quite all the way there in terms of healing yet. then again i could also have ock do it when they fight. we'll see.
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(he also fluoresces under a black light after being mutated)
drawing this like teehee beefy tall symbiote host—what? what was that? edward? no i don't know him,
(jk jk lol but amusingly despite prominently featuring in the very early concepts for this AU he uh. well. i kind of wrote eddie out completely. lol. sorry ed boy.)
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sasan-00 · 17 days
Exploring the Marvels of Spiders: Nature's Silk-Spinners
Sure! Here’s a spun version of your article on spiders for Tumblr:
The Fascinating World of Spiders: Nature’s Eight-Legged Marvels
Spiders (order Araneae) are a diverse group of air-breathing arthropods known for their eight legs, venomous fangs, and silk-spinning abilities. As the largest order of arachnids, spiders rank seventh in total species diversity among all organisms. Found on every continent except Antarctica, spiders thrive in nearly every land habitat. As of late 2023, over 51,000 spider species have been identified across 136 families, though classification remains debated with numerous proposed systems over the years.
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Anatomically, spiders differ from other arthropods in their body structure, which is divided into two main segments: the cephalothorax (or prosoma) and the abdomen (opisthosoma). Unlike insects, spiders lack antennae and possess a highly centralized nervous system, with all ganglia fused into a single mass in the cephalothorax. Instead of extensor muscles, spiders extend their legs using hydraulic pressure.
Spider abdomens feature spinnerets—specialized appendages that produce silk from various glands. Spider webs vary greatly in design, from intricate spiral orb webs to messy cobwebs. The evolution of silk production dates back to the Devonian period, about 386 million years ago. True spiders, resembling the most primitive modern suborder Mesothelae, have been found in Carboniferous rocks, dating back 318 to 299 million years.
While most spiders are predators, consuming insects and sometimes small vertebrates, the species Bagheera kiplingi was noted for its herbivorous diet in 2008. Spiders use a variety of methods to capture prey, including webs, bolas, and active hunting. Their digestive system is adapted to liquefy food with enzymes, as their narrow guts can't handle solids.
In spider reproduction, males perform elaborate courtship rituals to avoid being eaten by larger females. After mating, females lay eggs in silk cases, with some species showing remarkable care for their young. While most spiders have short lifespans, tarantulas and some mygalomorphs can live up to 25 years in captivity.
Despite the fear some people have of spiders, known as arachnophobia, these creatures have significant ecological and scientific value. Their venom holds potential for medical research, and spider silk's unique properties make it a subject of interest for synthetic applications. Spiders have also made their mark in art and mythology, representing everything from patience to creativity
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bogleech · 6 years
Notes for drawing (and writing) insects
I do something like this almost yearly and it feels like it gets a little longer every time!
Personally I draw either cartoony stuff or hybrid monsters where none of this is mandatory, but here are some of the things I sometimes see missing or inaccurate in insect artwork that was meant to be lifelike, and even if you only do alien, monster or cartoon arthropods, or you don’t make art at all, you might still like to know some of these things!
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First off, an insect leg pretty much always has 9 segments. #1, the coxa, is what attaches it to the body and can be a short little “ball” or a whole long piece, but almost always bends DOWN. The last five segments are almost always very short, forming a super flexible “foot” or “tarsus” ending in a set of claws and sticky pads. All spiders have this “foot” as well!
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The foot is even still present on the claws of a preying mantis - growing right out of the “sickle” like this, and still used as feet when the mantis walks around or climbs. Basically ONLY CRABS have limbs ending in simple points!
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Insects don’t just have side-to-side mandibles at all, but an upper and lower set of “lips” like a duck bill! In some, however, these parts can be very small or even fused solid.
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Insects also typically have four “palps” on their head, an upper and lower pair, which evolved from legs and are used to handle food!
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Most *FLYING* insects have ocelli, single-lens eyes in addition to their multi-faceted compound eyes! Some flightless insects can also have them but it depends on the species.
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All legs and wings are always attached to the thorax!
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Caterpillars still have six legs! They’re very small and up near the head. All the other “legs” are actually just suckers on its underbelly.
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You will be forgiven for never drawing this but this is how many parts a mosquito’s mouth actually has. Every piece you can find in another insect’s mouth - the “upper lip,” the mandibles, the palps, etc. - are all present as different needles and blades!
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The word “bug” originally referred only to one group of insects, the hemiptera, including stink bugs, assassin bugs, aphids, cicadas, bed bugs and water striders to name a few. One distinguishing feature of this group is that it did away with all those separate mouth parts - all “bugs” have just a single, hollow “beak” or “proboscis” to feed through!
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The vast majority of insect groups have wings or at least members with wings, and all insects with wings have  FOUR of them.....except that in beetles, the front wings evolved into solid, protective shields for the hind wings, and in true flies (which includes mosquitoes!) the hind wings evolved into tiny little knobs with weights on the end, called halteres, which the fly’s fast-paced brain uses to feel its orientation, altitude, speed, surrounding air pressure and other fine data making them quite possibly the most advanced aerial navigators on the planet. OTHER NOTES THAT DON’T NEED ILLUSTRATION:
Insects and other arthropods HAVE TRUE BRAINS in their heads, made of brain cells like ours. They can learn, memorize, and make decisions.
Insects do have males and females and obviously only females lay eggs. Fiction is always getting this wrong, but I guess it also does so with birds so whatever.
Of insects, only termites, ants, some bees and some wasps have fully evolved a eusocial colony structure with “queens” as we think of them. Of these, the termites are actually highly specialized cockroaches, and the rest (bees, ants, wasps) are the same exact group.
The scrabbling, clicking noise associated with insects is usually added artificially in nature footage for dramatic effect. While their movements likely emit some sort of sound, it’s probably no “louder” proportionately than, say, the sound of a cat’s fur as it walks. In other words it should not be noticeable; what kind of animal survives as a species if it clatters with every step??
Compound eyes do not see a bunch of identical little images. There is no advantage to any organism seeing that way. An insect sees one big picture just like you do.
Only some insect groups have “larvae.” Others have “nymphs” which resemble fully grown but wingless insects.
The only insects with a venomous bite are some true bugs and some flies. There are no beetles or roaches or wasps or anything else that inject offensive toxins through their mouth parts, as far as I know!
The only insects that lay eggs inside other insects parasitically are certain wasps and flies. There are also NO arachnids that do this.
Only certain bees, wasps and ants have stingers on their abdomens. These are modified from egg laying appendages, so it’s also only ever the females.
The only other kind of “sting” in any insect is a venomous hair or spine, mostly seen in caterpillars.
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literaryeagle · 4 years
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Time for a new book review! This is Spider-Man: The Venom Factor Omnibus, which came out last month from Titan Books. It's a nice long paperback (642 pages), collecting a trilogy of Spider-Man novels written by Diane Duane that were originally published in the 1990s. Here are my quick descriptions of the three books in this collection...
The Venom Factor (1994): Someone murders an innocent person, and Venom is blamed for this horrible crime! Who is the real killer, and what's up with Hobgoblin stealing nuclear material? Spider-Man and Venom reluctantly work together to save the day!
The Lizard Sanction (1995): A shady organization is still smuggling nuclear material, and now the Lizard is making mysterious appearances! What's going on? Spider-Man and Venom reluctantly work together to save the day!
The Octopus Agenda (1996): Doctor Octopus has nukes, and he intends to take over the world! So naturally... say it with me, folks... Spider-Man and Venom reluctantly work together to save the day!
This omnibus does not contain any illustrations except for the cover art shown at the beginning of this review, so the original covers of the three novels are not included. But other than that, it's a great way to read this trilogy if you missed out on the original publications. In terms of continuity, the stories use information from the comics to a certain extent, but not everything is the same. For example, remember in the comics when Spider-Man faked his death, and then Eddie and the symbiote happily lived together on an island paradise for a while? According to the first novel, Eddie and the symbiote eventually left the island on their own, instead of Spider-Man seeking their help to fight Carnage. So I would consider this trilogy to be an alternate universe tale of some sort (especially where the Venom symbiote is concerned... more on that later), however Venom is still a defender of homeless people in San Francisco, like in "Lethal Protector".
For the rest of this review, I’ll use the same “The Good, the Bad, and the Symbrock” format that I did in some of my previous posts. In other words, I’m going to summarize what I liked, what I didn’t like, and also some points of interest for Symbrock fans. Keep reading for the complete review!
The Good:
-When a homeless person was murdered and Venom was blamed, Peter Parker said that didn't sound like Venom at all. Someone else working at the Daily Bugle, Ben Urich, also expressed his doubts that Venom was the killer. Wow, people actually being sensible!
-If you like it when Spider-Man makes a lot of quips, well there was plenty of that in this trilogy. There were some other funny jokes as well.
-The symbiote's tongue waving was described with the amusing term wuggawuggawugga.
-Eddie had a brief conversation about Greek mythology with a classicist named Alma. Literary references, yay! In fact, Eddie's dialogue in this trilogy was pretty good overall. A nice balance of clever and silly.
-Mary Jane had a dream about Cookie Monster meeting Venom!
The Bad:
-If you're primarily looking for Venom content, keep in mind that these were Spider-Man novels, so Venom was not the main character of this trilogy. But if you love Spider-Man too, this won't be a problem for you.
-Remember how it was revealed in the comics story "Planet of the Symbiotes" that the Venom symbiote had been imprisoned by its peers, because it had wanted to bond with a host rather than forcefully dominate one? Unfortunately, the first book in the Venom Factor trilogy was published before "Planet of the Symbiotes", so that information was not used here. That's not the author's fault, of course, however if you're a fan of how the symbiote was portrayed in "Planet of the Symbiotes" (a lonely being who longed for an equal partnership), you might be disappointed with what this trilogy did instead.
-So what did this trilogy do instead? Well, the symbiote was still a living creature, however it had apparently been made especially for Spider-Man. But after Spider-Man rejected the symbiote's desire to make their bond permanent, the enraged symbiote began to thirst for Spider-Man's blood, and until it can feast on him, it has to settle for eating others! So Eddie redirected the symbiote towards eating people who "deserved" it... in other words, criminals. Sounds a bit like the 2018 movie version of the symbiote (Maybe someone who worked on the movie had read this trilogy?), except the symbiote in these books could not communicate with words. Oh, and this trilogy began before Len Kaminski's comics story "The Hunger" was published, so the possibility of using chocolate as a substitute for eating people did not come up. Again, that's not the author's fault. I'm just explaining why chocolate was not mentioned as a solution.
-In The Octopus Agenda, someone used the R slur at one point.
The Symbrock:
-In The Venom Factor: Oh dear, where to begin? In this book, the symbiote was described as a living creature that had sentience, but no personality. It was compared to the Tin Man wishing for a heart. According to Eddie's thoughts on the matter, "sentience without personality was not enough to be company", but "their relationship was better than being alone". Ouch. So their relationship seems to be a bit tragic; a love that can never be. (However, if it makes you feel any better, I think it's possible to imagine that Eddie was mistaken about the symbiote lacking a personality, but the symbiote couldn't figure out exactly how to communicate that yet... or was too afraid to communicate that. So there's hope that maybe these two pining dorks eventually got that all sorted out. Hey, sounds like a great idea for a fan fic!)
-In The Lizard Sanction: Eddie appreciated the "constant sense of wordless companionship" that the symbiote provided.
-In The Lizard Sanction: When preparing to fight some criminals, Eddie took care to note the weapons his targets were carrying even though the symbiote could not be killed by bullets, because "he didn't care to put it in harm's way any more than he had to; that was no way to treat a friend." Awww, how sweet!
-In The Octopus Agenda: It was briefly mentioned that the symbiote massaged Eddie's tired muscles. ;)
Overall, Spider-Man: The Venom Factor Omnibus is a nice book you're a huge fan of Spider-Man and want to read more adventures about him, and there are some entertaining jokes. If you're more of a Venom fan, keep in mind that Venom is not the main focus here, although it sure is great to read 1990s Eddie again... fun dialogue! Unfortunately, this trilogy's take on the symbiote and Symbrock is not as good, but not the worst I've seen either. Besides, this trilogy began before "Planet of the Symbiotes" and "The Hunger" had been published, so it's not fair to judge the author too harshly for that. (Oh, and for a better take on symbiotes and Symbrock, I highly recommend the Lethal Protector novel by James R. Tuck, which I discussed in an earlier review.)
Well, that’s it for this review. If you have any questions about this book, feel free to ask. Take care, and stay safe!
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The Not-So-Amazing Mary Jane Part 21: MJ is more vulnerable than Spider-Man
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Last time I dissected notable times where MJ had to defend her self and others. That dissection defined the limitations in MJ’s abilities to fend off assailants. This time we are going to take a brief tangent and hold Spider-Man himself to similar scrutiny.
At first glance, a counter to part 20’s conclusions are that a double standard is in play between MJ and Spider-Man
How many times has luck saved him?
How many times has arming himself or exploiting a resource meant the difference between life and death?
How many times has he  gone up against superior numbers or needed help to save the day? Heck, sometimes it’s MJ herself who helped save Peter’s life.
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The problem though is that this comparison is kinda…disingenuous..
The key reason lies in the difference between Mary Jane and Peter’s comparative skills, abilities and experiences.
Spider-Man possesses…
natural abilities
reliable access to equipment and resources
years of experience
…that give him natural advantages over any non-powered civilian in dangerous situations.
He is physically more powerful than any normal human being. 
It’s not even that he can just do anything a normal human could theoretically do but better. That is to say, it’s not just that he can lift more, sprint faster, perform better acrobatics and heal faster than a normal human being. 
His powers simply transcend the capabilities of the normal human body. No normal human being can adhere to walls. No normal human being has a precognitive sense of almost any and all kinds of danger, whether it’s a holstered  gun or some spoiled food.
Additionally the vast majority of human beings lack Peter’s scientific acumen (which does  play into combat conditions a lot of the time) as well as his (relatively) unique web-shooters. He is also witty and adept at strategic thinking, most famously employing humour to throw opponents off opening up exploitable opportunities in battle.
Peter’s skills, abilities and equipment have been further enhanced through over ten years of on-the-job experience. This has given him athletic levels of muscle memory in combat and even developed his body to the point where he is incredibly fit even when his powers are removed, as witnessed in ASM #341.
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All this taken collectively means that Spider-Man is incredibly formidable fighter for almost any individual or group, be they super powered or otherwise.**
Nine times out of ten he has the options of:
Tricking/outthinking his opponents
Wearing them out
Surviving many attacks lethal to normal people, enabling him to either find an opening later or save civilians
Simply physically subduing them with his body or webbing
Rendering them unconscious (or technically even killing) them with his strength***
Using his scientific acumen to outright invent a solution to a dangerous problem. This can include modified versions of his webbing tailored to an opponent’s weakness
Turning groups against one another
Disarming them
Intimidating them
Getting inside their head
Spidey cannot simply pick any one of these options against any opponent. But the number of options available to him means that he has a high probability of at least one of them working.
It also means he has a pretty good chance of success against a wide variety of opponents, even if they have an edge over him in one or more capacities.
Using his resourcefulness and scientific intellect, he has defeated Morlun multiple times despite him having vastly superior strength and durability than Spider-Man himself.
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His fighting skills are such that he can hold his own against Captain America who’s generally more experienced than Spider-Man and a superior hand-to-hand fighter and strategist.
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He’s defeated a whole group of the X-Men, whose experience, teamwork, raw power and diverse abilities make them incredibly formidable.
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His fighting prowess is such that he was unable to be defeated by a similarly diverse group of heroes known as the New Warriors. Whilst the New Warriors are not the measure of the X-Men what made this impressive was that (due to mind control) Spider-Man was actively trying to let them win.
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Even so, there are people very much out of Spider-Man’s league. For example, Spider-Man does not usually pick fights with Magneto, Mephisto, Ultron or Galactus. He rationally understands that he would have no hope of defeating such people and leaves them to better suited heroes like the X-Men, Doctor Strange, the Fantastic Four and the Avengers.
Spider-Man is not stupid, arrogant nor self-destructive. Like MJ, he is aware of his limitations; although he does at times underestimate himself. If he regards a threat as out of his league, even one more directly connected to himself, he knows to seek help. This is exemplified in ASM #361 after he has proven incapable of defeating Carnage on his own. He tries to call the Avengers or F4 for help but they are unavailable, forcing Spidey to team up with Venom.
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Hmm, up against dangerous overwhelmingly odds and calling for help? Could this perhaps be something Mary Jane should consider in AMJ?
Only when he has no other options does Spidey chosen to fight people he doesn’t believe he has much (if any) chance of beating.
A classic example of this is ASM #269 when Firelord tried to kill him. 
For context Firelord is a former Herald of Galactus, putting him relatively close to the power level of cosmically empowered beings like the Silver Surfer and Thor.
Peter tried to find the Fantastic Four, who had experience dealing with Galactus and his Heralds. 
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En route he even mentioned how the Avengers were better suited to handling guys like Firelord compared to himself. 
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Unfortunately the F4 were completely unavailable. 
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Peter considers going to the Avengers but realises with Firelord speed he’d be unable to reach them in time. Briefly, Peter considers simply changing into Peter Parker and avoiding Firelord altogether. However, his sense of responsibility compels him to fight in case Firelord hurts someone in his search for Spidey.
Thus Peter resolves to defeat someone who seems to outmatch him. 
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But now let’s compare all this to Mary Jane.
MJ is certainly smart and resourceful. This then means she can outthink her opponents and get inside their heads as Spider-Man does at times.
But like I said above, Spidey has many more options than just those ones.
MJ lacks Peter’s specific scientific acumen, which limits her abilities to draw upon that to mitigate dangers. She cannot for instance invent a gadget or chemical tailored to a specific problem. There might even be viable solutions to a problem in the heat of the moment she is unaware of because you’d need a college degree in bio-chem to realise them.
Regardless of sex or gender, as a normal human Mary Jane is simply less capable of surviving physical attacks compared to Spider-Man.
She cannot move nearly as fast as him, nor even as fast as normal yet trained heroes.
Her strength level is average for someone of her height and build.
She usually doesn’t have access to unique weapons like web-shooters, nor even regular firearms (not that these are usually effective against super villains). Even if she were to have a set in her possession her ability to use them would be limited because she doesn’t know how to create or maintain them. Were they to be damaged, lost or run out of web-fluid she would need to turn to a third party to get them working again. In contrast Peter could create web-shooters from scratch with fairly limited resources.
And were MJ to have web-shooters she cannot optimise their use because she doesn’t have Peter’s other powers. She cannot combine strength, agility, wall-crawling and spider sense to bounce around a room, swing across a rooftop or even fire off rapid and highly accurate shots at opponents.
She doesn’t even have a mere precognitive danger sense, the single most useful power when dealing with Mysterio.
And her muscle memory, her battle instinct if you will, are pretty impressive but nowhere near to the levels of Spider-Man’s or most super heroes. MJ’s action amidst danger is not even half as regular as Peter’s. Peter has dealt with at least small-scale criminals for the vast majority of his adult life. It’s the difference between someone who plays a sport on every weekend for five years vs. someone who has played that sport practically every day for 10 years. The latter’s instincts and reactions are simply going to be better than the former’s.
Basically, unless there are very specific extenuating circumstances, Peter Parker enters into any situation objectively  safer than Mary Jane.
He has objectively  greater chances of surviving and ensuring the survival of others than she does. That would hold true even if Mary Jane is armed with a gun and is mentally prepared for what was to come.
In most dangerous situations Peter is highly likely  to be ‘punching down’ whilst MJ would be ‘punching up’.
This doesn’t mean he’s guaranteed of victory at all, but when it comes to dealing with criminals or super villains his chances are reliably  high  whilst MJ’s are far less reliable.
And those chances, that reliability? It’s mostly internal, a hardwired aspect of his very being .
Outside of exceptional circumstances his powers, experience and intelligence can’t be taken away from him. He will always be armed with that stuff no matter where he is. Even his web-shooters are tools he invented from (expensive yet) easily obtained resources and they are not strictly essential to his combat abilities. Were he to find himself without them amidst most dangerous situations, his chances for protecting himself and others wouldn’t be close to nil by any means and he could simply recreate them with time.
These skills mean he’s only intermittently reliant upon others in combat situations. Usually he could get himself or others to safety or diffuse most threats that crop up. Similarly his need of luck is greatly reduced. Of course luck has often saved his bacon but it hasn’t been a near systemic requirement. Even in his early career neither luck nor assistance played much (if any) role in his initial victories over the Vulture, Doctor Octopus, the Scorpion and many other opponents.
Mary Jane in contrast lacks  these internal skills. She has other  internal skills that can aid her and prove invaluable, but they don’t amount to reliably giving her a chance in the majority of combat situations. Not without external factors (luck, assistance, etc.) aiding her. As we discussed in the prior instalment, that’s actually how she has endured the majority of hazardous encounters in her time.
To use the sports analogy again, Peter would be a professional NBA player who is at least proficient in all positions on the court and Mary Jane would be an amateur player who practices on the weekend but only in one or two positions. Peter could go up against at least a large number of other players and stand a reasonable chance and possibly carry the team over all.
But for Mary Jane to stand a fair chance she’d need a lot more things to go her way. The right opponent(s), the right opportunities presenting themselves, the right amount of support from her team mates etc. The fact that she’s played a few games and held her own, even won some outright, is a testament to her inner talent. But as a basketball player she’s just not on the same level as Peter, or Black Widow or She-Hulk or Wonder Woman.
With all that context dispensed with let’s move onto a bigger question.
Given MJ’s abilities and combat history is she capable of preventing Mysterio and his cronies from harming her self and others?
*In fact Spider-Man has tended to fight more effectively against groups of opponents as his speed enables him to move between them and use his opponents against one another.
This is partially due to the fact that Spider-Man’s skills in tandem give him an incredibly unique fighting style that no one without his powers can possibly replicate.
**It should be noted that Spider-Man typically restrains his strength on a conscious and unconscious level. He knowingly adjusts the amount of force he applies depending upon his opponents but he also restrains himself without realizing it. The result is that the depth of Spider-Man’s  strength level is often surprising for him and his enemies. This is exemplified in ASM #700, when Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man’s body accidentally punches off the jaw of the Scorpion, someone who was designed to have superior strength to Spider-Man. Doc Ock himself is shocked to realize just how much Spider-Man held back.
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virovac · 4 years
Stat revision: Mutant Widow Spider
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The Mutant Widow (G: The Series)
Neutral Mutant Spider
Height: 25 meters
Weight: 10,000 metric tons
Television Appearances: Godzilla: The Series Ep. 120: "Web Site"
Webbing: The Mutant Widow can fire two streams of webbing from its rear like a regular spider.
Eggs: The Mutant Widow lays an enormous number of eggs which hatch into more mutant spiders. They follow her into battle dealing with smaller threats. Larger individuals use their webs  while
Toxin resistance:The Mutant Widow''s young are are divergent enough that most insecticides effective against some won't harm others, and even they are highly resistant to ones that do effect them, only being slowed rather than killed on contact.
Detatchable legs: Like a normal spider, can drop legs in order to escape. These can still twitch afterwards ,confusing some enemies. When the Mutant Spider is first hit by an attack that is debilitating (lowers Power numbers) , roll a d8. On a 1-2, she negates both the WOUND that would have resulted and the decrease to her POWER NUMBERS,  having instead escaped by merely losing a leg.. This may only happen once per battle. 
Venomous bites; The Mutant Widow's young poses
Weakness: A specific form of pollen found on the canary islands can paralyze her and her young
Personal Power Number: - 20 - Spider Swarm - The Black Widow's latest young have hatched. These inexperienced soldiers are considered more expendable and sent after ANYONE targeted by this PPNr. While quite small, their sheer numbers allow them to deal ONE WOUND. While the opponent is killing off the last of the swarm, Black Widow ATTACKS AGAIN for which there is no Defense Roll. other contestants will now consider her swarms a threat and include them in their focus rolls.
Special Rules
Arachnid Army-
-The mutant Spider brings her young with her into battle
The Mutant Widow starts with one swarm that has a Power Number half her DPN (cover bonuses included) and takes one HIT to disperse. Her spider swarms cannot make defense rolls for direct assaults upon them , but can make DEFENSE ROLLS for attacks that hit MULTIPLE TARGETs at once if they were NOT the target it was rolled against specifically (such as Monsterverse  King Ghidorah's Wing Lightning if it was centered on a target other than themselves)
If there is a pre-battle event, roll a d8. On a 1 the mother and her swarm arrive to the pre-battle event together . On a 2-6, her first swarm takes her place in that event. If the swarm survives and there is another pre-battle event, repeat the roll for next.pre-battle event.
On fourth and eight rounds, additional swarm with the same power number as the first comes to join the battle
The spider swarms WILL NOT attack any contestants during the battle, but will attack ANYTHING ELSE that is an enemy of their mother. Military, aliens, summoned kaiju that aren't a duplicate of an existing contestant  (example:, will not target extra Ganimes and Rodan's summoned by special rules). [An exception to this is extra Reptilicus, who they WILL attack. ]
All non-contestant foes of the Mother Widow must include her swarms in focus rolls  If the mother rolls her PPN , other contestants will now consider them a threat and include them in their focus rolls as well.
Bug Bombs! - As the Black Widow battles her monstrous foe, the military prepares to launch a new chemical weapon to incapacitate her. At the start of the eighth round, they fire 2 VOLLEYS, each with a PN of 30 with one at her and another which a  focus roll between her and any swarms of her young if on the field. If they hit, each causes 2 WOUNDS, with a minimum of 1 should the Black Widow manage to make a successful Defense Roll. If they are unsuccessful in killing the beast, the troops withdraw and hope the two monsters will kill each other. 
This was fun. I like giving the smaller-tier monsters more fun stuff to do. 
It will make the hopefully eventual Tag-Team tournament more fun
Mutant Widow was Biollante’s partner in the first tag-team tournament on kaijuphile forums.
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almaanipescontrol · 3 years
All You Need To Know About Spider Treatment Services
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The very sight of spiders hanging on its web makes the blood run cold for many. It is not a hyperbolic expression. It is true for many people. There are poisonous spiders that can bite you and infect your general health. 
This fact necessitates the importance of seeking spider treatment services from professional experts. Else, it would impart a ghastly appearance to your place and makes your dear ones live in constant fear. 
You don’t want it, do you? We pen down this blog assembling interesting information from multiple sources on spiders. 
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These antisocial pests love to inhabit places less frequented by humans, including attics, garages, basements, guest rooms, closets. 
All spiders are poisonous, and these venomous creatures are widely present across the length and breadth of the continent. 
The most feared Australian spider across the world is Sydney Funnel. Their venom is highly toxic, even fatal if bitten by a male spider. Other highly venomous spiders found in Australia are 
Redback Spider 
Mouse Spider 
Trap Door Spider
Northern Tree and Southern Tree Funnel-Web Spiders
Recluse Spider 
Australian Tarantula 
Web of Threats
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To stay clear from the beginning let us inform you that spiders do not carry and transmit any disease. Nevertheless, they are dangerous unwanted creatures cohabiting with you. 
The danger lies in the fact that they can bite, releasing venom from their fangs that can threaten lives. If not a fatal shot, poisonous indeed it is. Who needs poison, less severe or more severe, injected into the blood? 
Spider bites might be either Neurotoxic or Necrotic. 
Neurotoxic-The venom released at the bite site spreads into the blood to cause the neurological system. The symptoms include muscle cramps, paralysis, sweating, etc. 
Necrotic- The venom does not spread much. It causes minor damages like swelling, pain, skin blackening, or ulcer formation at the bite site. 
Spider Treatment Services 
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The bites, neurotoxic or necrotic, are both sound scary. Plus, the formation of spider hives and spiders crawling at your place shows you are very careless about the cleanliness aspects. 
Pesticides Don’t Help Much
Spiders stay comfortable and protected in their delicate webs. As they hardly walk or crawl across surfaces, spraying pesticides will not help much. 
You might spray the insecticide in the cracks and crevices frequented by spiders. 
Vacuum Cleaning 
Use vacuum cleaners at the places you suspect spider infestation. The suction force helps tear and pull the spider web along with the creepy creatures. 
Sticky Straps
Many people have used sticky straps to trap spiders. Spiders feed on flies and insects. If you can use the straps to trap other insects, these will act as bait to the spider. Coming to devour and in the process gets trapped. 
Water and Vinegar Mixture
Mix water and vinegar in equal portions and spray at the spider-frequented areas. 
Essential Oil-based Sprays 
To make homemade spider pesticides you can also consider adding any of these oil in water and spray- 
Citrus oil
Peppermint oil
Lavender oil
Eucalyptus oil. 
Professional Help
Seek professional spider control and treatment solutions if home remedies and tricks fail you. 
Spiders are no threats except their bites, and they mind their own business hanging on their web. Still, you can try the solutions mentioned here to get rid of them. 
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bloggermagazine · 4 years
Lizard Infestation Protection With Professional Control Services Provider
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Lizards are one of the most found reptile animal with over six thousand species living all over the world except some cold places like Antarctica. Lizard is a cold-blooded reptile and can easily live in and around the places with humidity and a little heat. Lizard control services providers discovered tha less than twenty percent of the species is actually living among the human acquired space or near the human habitat and it is really tough to ignore their presence. These lizards can grow up to around ten feet in some species like komodo dragon and some of them grew to be only a few centimeters like chameleons. These are also one of the natural insect killers living surrounding us but that makes this animal even more dangerous as some of them carry some dangerous venom that can create a severe impact on human bodies. Common house gecko lizards can grow up to six inches and primarily targets the insects and mites inside and outside the house but sometimes they can bite humans too and their saliva is home to toxic bacteria that can cause several viral dieses. The lizards are dangerous around children because of their natural instinct to fight back when fear insecurity. At the time a lizard can be so dangerous that it can bite of the skin and cause serious tissue damage and scars. Although they are a natural insect killers but they still needs to be controlled and exterminated if necessary.
Methods to control Lizards in and around a house are
Controlling the food they consume is often a good strategy to control them from invading the privacy of a human habitat. For that we must understand the species we are against. This can be a Mediterranean house gecko which is basically known to be of Turkish origin and also be called as moon lizard because of its nature of coming out in moonlight only to find food. Or this can also be common house gecko found in southern Asia and India. These house gecko can easily be found climbing up the walls and on the roofs most commonly in the corners and near the spider webs so that they can easily have their food from the preys caught by the spiders. The most favored way to control lizards from entering the house and living around is to stop offering them the food for which they come to the corners of walls and roof sights. Their foods are mainly the insects and by preventing the insects we can simply stop lizards from getting in to the house. The other preferred way is pest control which makes the lizard leave due to the lack of food it wants. Lizard spray are mostly the bio organisms mixed with synthetic chemicals to control lizard population in a certain area and sometimes also used to repel lizards from households. Some herbal plants like Neem and marjoram are also used to prevent lizards from home invasion. These sprays are used as per their ability to terminate the insects and lizards like some harmful chemical spray are used in area surrounding the exterior walls of a home and near the beams but mostly herbal sprays made of plant oils are to be used inside the home walls for the safety of child and pets. Repellent Granules for lizards are usually made of bio products like pepper and Neem which are highly toxic to the lizards in so many ways that a mixture of tobacco and coffee is supposed to make the lizard mad and eventually die on its own. Naphthalene balls granules sprinkled over the lawn are also a very effective granule in general to kill lizards. These granules are effective mostly outside the house or in corners of house area where it can be in reach of lizards easily. it is important to find and cover the hiding places of lizards to make sure the granules to work effectively. Phenyl and garlic are also effective to control lizards from coming in to a home. Traps are a mechanical set up constructed by human to immobilize the dangers like insects, animals and birds. These traps can be just to control, immobilize and sometimes leathel to the species they are made for. For example a trap set for bear is different than the one set for mosquitos. Just like that the trap used to immobilize lizards needs different structural body and sometimes a different approach to target is needed. Like a lizard can be entrapped by leaving bait like insects and then capturing it somewhere just to leave them far away where they can roam free. And sometimes even fly traps are used to immobilize a lizard which may kill the lizard some times. Sanitization of the area is an important step in order to keep a place lizard free which includes exterminating insects’ moths and mites inside and outside the house. Sanitization includes spraying corners with a repellent so that lizards would not stay and nest inside the house. Also it is recommended that the gapes or cracks must be filled up tight so that any unauthorized way to enter inside can be closed. You can hire private lizard control services providers to get assistance for pest infestation management. Find them through online search engines or business directories and talk to them directly. Read the full article
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Far From Home's Twist Is A Perfect Way To Write Spider-Man Out Of The MCU
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Spider-Man: Far From Home’s ending may have been a cliffhanger, but it provides an easy way for him to leave the Marvel Cinematic Universe behind in future films. It’s a confusing time for Spider-Man fans right now. An unprecedented deal between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios saw the wall-crawler begin his crime-fighting career anew onscreen in 2016, joining the MCU in Captain America: Civil War. With Tom Holland donning the iconic costume, Peter Parker’s career flourished across five movie appearances in a cinematic universe teeming with superheroes.
But 2019 has seen relations between the two companies break down after Disney demanded more of the box-office profits for Spidey films during renewal negotiations. At present, every report indicates that both studios have parted ways, meaning that Spider-Man is set to leave the MCU. This comes at a critical juncture for both studios, since Sony is looking to push forward with its own Spider-Man movies, such as Morbius, Venom 2 and the Spider-Verse saga. Conversely, the MCU is entering an all new phase, with an eclectic mix of new properties and few of its familiar faces. And while Tom Holland is set to stick around, his Spider-Man’s future looks very uncertain, given Far From Home’s jaw dropping climax.
Related: Spider-Man’s Exit From Marvel Studios Explained: Why It Happened & Who’s To Blame
Alone, this suspenseful finale might appear to be a very sticky problem for both studios to tackle going forward. After all, Holland’s Spidey was closely knitted into the fabric of the MCU, and was also primed to be a central figure moving forward. However, Spider-Man: Far From Home's ending actually contains the potential to reconcile the Disney/Sony situation in a very simple way.
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Up until its infamous post-credit scene, Spider-Man: Far From Home appears to be finishing in spectacular – yet somewhat typical– Spidey fashion. Moreover, across the movie’s last third, Peter realises the extent of Mysterio’s (Jake Gyllenhaal) manipulations, and the hero strikes back, saving London and defeating Mysterio (who dies by his own hand). Peter also wins the girl of his dreams, and returns home triumphant. Yet Spider-Man's subsequent web-slinging date with MJ (Zendaya) takes a surprising twist when they reach Madison Square Gardens, and see a public news report.
It transpires that Quentin Beck’s agents have released secretly recorded and doctored footage of Spider-Man’s fight with Mysterio, which convincingly claims that Spidey was the mastermind behind the Elemental threat and that Beck was the hero. Most shockingly of all, Mysterio posthumously announces Spider-Man’s secret identity to the world.
One the one hand, this is a rather traditional development for Peter. In a resurgence of that typical Parker bad luck, the public is likely to fear and mistrust Spider-Man again – thanks in part to the ever-sensationalizing J. Jonah Jameson. But the unveiling of Spidey’s secret is a key issue, since anonymity is one of Peter Parker’s defining characteristics. Spider-Man’s duality is such an endearing and compelling part of his appeal that Marvel Comics have rarely dared to tamper with it. Indeed, it’s so enduring that, until Far From Home, every prior Spider-Man movie had followed suit.
This rare unmasking could utterly reshape the Spidey series, due to the effects it would have on Peter relationships, home life and education, not to mention the backlash that could arise after his "outing" from law enforcement, the media, and vengeance-filled super-villains and criminals. As such, something so potentially transformative to such a beloved superhero franchise needs to be given the weight that it deserves. Thankfully, there is a way to accomplish all of this.
Related: Peter Parker’s Secret Identity Is Marvel’s Biggest Spider-Man Gamble
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We can only guess as to what the full impact of Spider-Man: Far From Home’s mid-credits scene will be, since the film ends with Spider-Man merely reeling in horror – and that is a good thing. By leaving Spidey at a crossroads like this, it means that it is far easier for Sony to determine the next steps in the series, instead of hastily retconning the plot or rebooting entirely. Though Peter could very well accept Mysterio’s checkmate and go public, his comic book history – and the Sony/Marvel breakup – indicate that Sony is unlikely to opt for this.
Indeed, foregrounding Peter’s newfound celebrity invites audiences to consider the film’s ties (or lack thereof) to the wider world of the MCU. Plus, it would be somewhat out of character for Peter to embrace that celebrity because, across his mythos, he has nearly always denied that he was Spider-Man when similar circumstances arose. The only exception to this was in the Civil War comic event, where Peter was forced to go on the run to avoid unwanted attention. And this kind of plot could be the key to his cinematic future.
In the same way that Batman disappeared after The Dark Knight's final battle, seeing Spider-Man go to ground after his identity has been leaked would be a clever way to capitalize on Far From Home’s ending. It not only makes logical sense for Peter to do this to protect himself and his loved ones, but this story would also complement the approach that has been established thus far. After all, Spider-Man: Homecoming began the current series without the kind of immediate, city-threatening stakes that the hero has been known to face in his films. With Peter on the run, helping people if he can but trying to avoid drawing attention to himself, it means that the scope of the movie is smaller and more personal, and therefore its lack of extraneous Marvel references is justified.
Similarly, this narrative is something that the MCU could utilize as well, if it chose to do so. If new instalments are set around New York close to Far From Home’s time frame (such as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness) it would be very easy for glimpses of pre-existing footage or images of Holland’s Peter to appear in the background – on wanted posters, for example – to signpost that, where the MCU and its heroes is concerned, Spider-Man is simply MIA.
Related: Sony Can Retcon Tom Holland's Spider-Man Into Tom Hardy's Venom Origin
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If Spider-Man 3 follows through on this storyline of Peter going to ground, then it would also pave the way for a famous Spider-Man villain to make an effective debut. Moreover, with this new and delicate status quo in place, Kraven the Hunter would be a fitting antagonist for the film, potentially manifesting as a bounty hunter hired to bring the unmasked Spidey in by super-villains or law enforcement officials. Alternatively, Kraven could well appear as the traditional, deluded big game hunter exploiting an opportunity.
Indeed, the prospect of an unrelenting villain pursuing a vulnerable Peter Parker is undoubtedly compelling. It’s even more so when we consider that, aside from his dalliances with the Sinister Six, Sergei Kravinoff’s rivalry with Spider-Man evolves into a highly charged vendetta, borne out of his warped sense of honour, pride and spiritualism. Coupled with his use of handheld weaponry, such as knives, spears and nets, the inclusion of Kraven the Hunter would complement this renewed, grounded approach to Spider-Man and his world without the influence of the wider MCU.
Similarly, depending on the movie’s approach, the inclusion of Kraven the Hunter could continue the new Spider-Man series’ investigation of current themes through previously un-adapted Spidey villains. If Vulture (Michael Keaton) drew upon the disaffected working classes of today, and Mysterio represented the dangers of demagogues and fake news, Kraven’s plot could very well explore trophy hunting and environmentalism – if he is chosen that is. Tom Holland and Jon Watts have expressed a strong interest in bringing Kraven to the big screen, but there’s little to suggest what plans are being made for Spider-Man’s future following the divorce of Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures. However, it is relieving to note how many exciting opportunities there are for Spider-Man’s cinematic future after Spider-Man: Far From Home. Indeed, it could be an thrilling few years for fans of Tom Holland's Spider-Man – if the right creative decisions are made.
More: All 8 Spider-Man Movies Ranked (Including Far From Home)
source https://screenrant.com/spiderman-far-home-ending-mcu-story/
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Kraven the Hunter Movie Eyes JC Chandor as Director at Sony
Sony Pictures is reportedly in talks with director J.C. Chandor to helm a movie based around the Marvel Comics villain Kraven the Hunter, according to Deadline. If this goes forward, it would make Kraven the third Spider-Man villain to make the jump to a solo movie after Venom and next year’s Morbius.
Chandor is a name that should be familiar to a certain type of movie fan. His previous films include his debut, Margin Call, as well as the highly acclaimed All is Lost with Robert Redford and the outstanding A Most Violent Year, the latter being an A24 release that starred Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain. His most recent effort, Triple Frontier, debuted on Netflix last year with a cast that included Isaac, Ben Affleck, Charlie Hunnam and Pedro Pascal.
Kraven the Hunter is widely regarded as one of Spider-Man’s best-known and most formidable enemies. The half-brother of another Spidey rogue, the Chameleon, Kraven–real name Sergei Kravinoff–is a big game hunter who becomes obsessed with bagging Spider-Man as his greatest prize.
An original member of the Sinister Six, the baddie was introduced with the typical sort of camp and flair exhibited by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in The Amazing Spider-Man #15 in 1964. However, the storyline he is most remembered for, “Kraven’s Last Hunt,” was written in 1987 by J.M. Dematteis and Mike Zeck. That comic arc chronicled his final battle with Peter Parker and revealed Kraven was an imbalanced Russian aristocrat who as a child survived the Russian Revolution, a la The Most Dangerous Game. It is considered one of Spidey’s finest storylines. Hell, even Ryan Coogler wanted him for the first Black Panther movie.
Screenwriter Richard Wenk has penned the Kraven screenplay, which is said to be based on the “Last Hunt” storyline. Sony, which retains the film rights to Spider-Man and his famous rogues gallery, has wanted to bring Kraven to the big screen for a while, with the hunter rumored to be part of a long-gestating Sinister Six movie at one point before the studio partnered with Marvel to help it rescue its Spider-franchise.
After the Spider-Man ship was righted with Tom Holland’s debut in Captain America: Civil War, followed by Spider-Man: Homecoming, producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach decided to put a series of movies in motion at Sony starring some of Spidey’s enemies and anti-heroes.
The first of those films, Venom, was a massive hit, triggering the development and production of Venom: Let There Be Carnage and Morbius. Both were originally set to arrive this year but were shifted to 2021 by the coronavirus pandemic.
Also in development at Marvel are a female-led superhero movie, which is expected to be Spider-Woman, with Olivia Wilde set to direct, and movies based around more obscure (except to diehard fans) characters like Madame Web (with S.J. Clarkson directing), Jackpot, and Black Cat and Silver Sable. A sequel to the brilliant animated effort Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is also in the works.
Earlier this year, Sony also set an October 2021 release for a mystery Sony/Marvel movie, which conceivably could have been the Kraven film. It’s not known, however, whether that date will hold as release windows continue to shift according to the spread of COVID-19.
One big question is whether Spider-Man himself will show up in the Kraven movie, especially one based on “Kraven’s Last Hunt.” But Spidey skipped out on the first Venom entry and it’s not clear whether he’s obligated to appear in other Sony spin-offs.
Tom Holland is slated to return as Spidey for a third standalone outing–once again produced with Marvel Studios–as well as another appearance in Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe. The third Spidey movie, which was moved from summer 2021 to later that year, will begin shooting this winter, with Jon Watts once again returning to direct and details such as the plot and main villain kept under wraps for now.
The post Kraven the Hunter Movie Eyes JC Chandor as Director at Sony appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3hgjFIv
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Realms of Arkania: Ei im Gesicht
That about sums up this entire session.
         Today’s subtitle comes from a conversation I had this week with Irene. My wife occasionally takes an interest in my hobby and asks about what I’m playing. She usually begins by asking, “What year are you up to?,” to which whatever my reply she responds with “still?” That’s always a bit depressing. But a few weeks ago, her first question was about the country.
“Germany,” I replied enthusiastically. “This one is based on a German tabletop game called Das Schwarze Auge.”        
“The . . . black . . . owooga?” she asked, attempting to translate.
“The Black Eye,” I corrected, not also mentioning that most people translate schwarze as “dark” in this context. 
Two weeks later, she came into my office while I was playing. I tend to interlace hours of work with hours of play, and without fail, if she opens the door and sees what’s on my monitor, it’s during one of the hours of play. Sometimes I don’t think she thinks I work at all.
“Are you still playing that German game?” she asked. “Egg on Your Face?”
After some confusion, I realized she had confused one metaphor for an embarrassing facial blemish for another. I suspect for the rest of my life, I’m going to mentally translate Das Schwarze Auge as Egg on Your Face. Das Schwarze Auge probably has an actual rule about egg on a character’s face, with an associated temporary loss of 3 charisma points.            
I definitely don’t want these eggs on my face.
         This session, I mostly continued my town-to-town explorations, trying to find the pieces of the map that will lead me to Hyggelik’s tomb. These travels were interspersed with more side explorations that I sure hope aren’t tied to the main quest, because I’ve been doing awful at them.
Take the spider’s cave, where I started. There were two levels to the place, and it was swarming with spiders and some kind of spider cultists. The combats were of average difficulty, made easier because the occultists tended to drop vials of spider venom, which I could then apply to my own weapons and thus do about three times the damage–oddly, even against spiders.
But aside from the combats, I screwed up everything in the caves. First, I chose to burn some spider eggs, and I guess that caused the caverns to fill up with smoke, which caused my characters to choke to death if they kept exploring. I had to reload from before that decision. Then I ran into an alcove where I was asked a riddle: “What is as impenetrable as an iron wall and yet as transparent as glass?” Now, the answer to this is literally nothing, or perhaps “REALLY THICK GLASS,” but I suspected the developers were going for WEB or SPIDER WEB or something. No matter what I entered, I couldn’t get it right, or at least nothing happened.           
Ran out of letters!
          I did solve another puzzle, probably the one that commenter Alrik von Prem was talking about last time. The riddle was in the basement, behind a one way door, and getting it right was the only way out of the area. It was, “Who is the lord of all spiders?” I figured the answer had something to do with a statue I’d seen on the first level, where “the letters S, N, A, T, C, A and M form a heptagram.” I probably could have figured it out anyway just from trying different combinations, but I’ve known for years–god knows why–that the scientific name for the black widow spider is Latrodectus mactans, and thus figured correctly that’s what they were going for.              
Or else the authors were fans of SCATMAN Crothers.
           That was probably my only success. I fell into several traps and damaged my party horribly. I set off several chest traps, and there were at least two chests that I never got open because of the traps. I found a bunch of crystals and two Amulets of Someone that I never found any use for. I finally left the caves dispirited and annoyed. One condition I didn’t experience, to my surprise, was poison.
I returned to the road and made it to the harbor city of Ottarje, where a visit to Hjore Ahrensson produced another piece of the map as well as a new name in Clanegh (where I’ve already been).                
This was prescient of him, as I was never able to find any Thinmarsdotters living in Clanegh.
                From Ottarje, I took a ship to Prem–a huge town without much interesting except an abandoned mine. I wasted a bunch of time exploring the mine, which had no enemies but lots of locked doors and traps. The mine kept caving in, which took half a day or more for my characters to clear, and they started starving and complaining of thirst. Some things that I thought would be promising treasures turned out to be nothing. I broke my only set of lockpicks in a locked door. I left a second dungeon dispirited.
I kept circling the game’s western “horn” with the goal of hitting Hjalsingor and then reaching the island of Manrek, both of which were clue locations. From Prem, we sailed to Treban, Kord, Guddasunden, and finally Hjalsingor. Algrid Trondesdotter said she used to have a map, but she sold it to merchant named “Kollborn or something.” She also gave me a new name in Breida.             
This NPC wasn’t very useful.
           From Hjalsingor, we sailed to Royik and then across the strait to the city of Manrin in Manrek. I had been told that my quarry was on Manrek, but not which of the two cities. Manrin was a bust, so I set out overland for Brendhil. On the way, I stumbled upon a third cave and had my third failure, largely because I hadn’t been able to find a new set of lockpicks at any shop since my original set broke. I frankly don’t even remember where I bought the originals. I opened some doors with spells but soon ran out of points. I fought some pirates, failed to figure out how to work a lever puzzle, and to cap it all off, decided to sail out of the caves in a boat we found at the back. In a scripted event (I’m not sure if high skill in anything would have prevented it), the boat foundered and sank and I had to reload from back in Manrin. I didn’t even bother to stop at the cave on my second trip to Brendhil.           
Why did we sail out into the open ocean anyway?
           In Brendhil, Thomas Swarfnildsson gave me my fifth map piece but nothing much else happened. We hopped a boat for Liskor back on the mainland and then walked to Clanegh for the second time. I was utterly unable to find Yasma Thinmarsdotter, who was supposed to have another map clue. I checked every building and got drunk in every tavern hoping for a clue.           
This is where I am at this point.
          My pub crawl in Clanegh paid off in another way, however, when my first NPC companion joined the party in a tavern. Nariell, a huntress, comes with a bow and 40 arrows. I haven’t done much with missile weapons since my early unsuccessful attempts, so I thought I’d keep her and see how it goes. She is highly skilled in nature-related skills and at Level 6 is much higher than my own characters. The downside is that NPCs exist in their own box off to the side, which means you can’t put them at the front of the party, which means you can’t take advantage of a lot of their skills.          
Whether accepting or rejecting the NPC’s offer to join, the party leader is a jerk.
         My next clue was way over in Phexcaer, a long journey overland back to Felsteyn, then down the river branch to Vilnhome, then east along the river through a long wilderness stretch. On we went through Orkanger, Felsteyn, Upper Orcam, and Vilnhome, fighting some random bandit battles on the way, stopping in each town for a proper meal and bed rest. In Vilhome, we loaded up on rations and water for the long trip upriver.
After a couple of uneventful days, the game warned that we were entering orcish lands, an event punctuated with a skull stuck on a stick. In a scripted encounter, we got stuck in a marsh for a while, and Dormauera got some kind of disease that miraculously Halberman was able to treat.          
My first battle with orcs.
          The fourth day out, we fought our first party of orcs–a pack of four, which wasn’t so bad. The next day, we were ambushed by eight, which was much harder. On Day 6, we met a traveler who warned us that Phexcaer is swarming with thieves–unwelcome news, as Halberman’s pocket had been picked back in Brendhil for about 80 ducats.         
It turned out that I didn’t get anything for anything.
       We finally reached Phexcaer after a week on the road. Halberman immediately levereld up to 4 from the fights in transit. Another large city, Phexcaer had a few features I hadn’t found in other cities, including a “gentleman’s club.” It was interesting for several reasons. First, a detailed screen that showed several scantily-clad workers or patrons, plus an animated woman dancing, was almost immediately and continually covered up by text boxes. Second, upon entering, the party was approached by a young man who asked if we wanted to purchase sex. Two of the three resulting options are to express outrage at even being asked (in which case you get thrown out) and to get down to business and ask about Hyggelik (although, oddly, the game has us say that we’re looking for Hyggelik rather than his tomb or descendants). But if you do want to take the brothel up on its services, the only option to do so is within the context of the party unanimously declaring themselves to be pansexual.          
Three weird choices.
            Meanwhile, if you ask about Hyggelik, the young man asks you to meet him in half an hour, “two houses to the north.” The problem is that the building two squares to the north is an armory, not a house, and none of the nearby houses had any resulting encounters. Moreover, the game doesn’t even track time in increments smaller than a whole hour. I tried nearby houses in all cardinal directions to no avail.
There’s a “gambling hall,” but you can’t actually play any gambling games. I just lost 15 ducats in a scripted encounter. A town hall had a promising option to “use its archives,” but after we paid a 10 ducat fee, we were told that a decision would be made at the next city council meeting in 3 weeks.
There were several options to talk with NPCs about Hyggelik, but they all acted like he was still alive. A guy in a bar told us he had “moved to Hermit’s Lake,” and a healer said that he had gone to Riva, which isn’t even on my map.            
I’m pretty sure he died centuries ago. Are we talking about the same person?
          Unfortunately, I seem to have come all the way upriver for nothing. The person I was looking for, “Gerbald,” turned out to be a smith running a shop in the southeast part of town. But no dialogue options would get anything out of him, and the most aggressive options turned into a brawl. I left the city frustrated and confused.
I figured while I was already so far west, I’d check out nearby Groenvelden–the furthest-east town on the map. But it was a tiny place with no special encounters. So now I have to make my way all the way back down the river to Thorwal and turn my explorations to the cities south of it. Maybe while I’m back in the big city, I’ll see if I have any luck in the lower levels of the old fortress.
Miscellaneous notes:          
I’m having major inventory annoyances. Between all the equipment that I feel like I should keep for when it’s necessary, backup weapons, rations and water, potions and poisons, and herbs, I’m constantly running out of room.
Potions would be a great money sink if they stacked.
Sometimes, the game doesn’t seem to apply its Scandinavian naming conventions accurately.
             Or else that’s one ugly daughter.
         Treasure chests never seen to have anything I actually want, such as weapon and armor upgrades.
            A bonanza for a party of mountaineers.
          I continue to be amused by the absurd dialogue options when dealing with shopkeepers.
            No comment.
             I give 50 silver pieces to every temple I come across and yet my prayers are never answered. I don’t even know what they’re supposed to do in theory.
I’ve had some weapons break, but it’s so annoying to wait the 6 hours it takes to repair them that I’ve been throwing them away and replacing them.
           One thing that really struck me during this session was the overwhelming purposelessness of most of the cities and towns. Even the smallest is maybe 20 x 20 squares with a dozen buildings. In any given town, about half its buildings will have random citizens or will be empty, and the others will consist of interchangeable shops, inns, taverns, and temples. Maybe 1 in 3 cities has an NPC’s house. Prem was like 20 x 60 but hardly had anything more interesting than the smallest town. And there are over 50 cities! The developers spent an awful lot of time building numerous large spaces in which not much of anything happens.
This was also true of Spirit of Adventure, but that game had only like 3 towns. This one has several dozen. It takes forever to fully explore each one, but you must lest you miss that one important house.
I’ve just crossed the game’s 20th hour. By the same time in most Gold Box games, I was over halfway through the plot, had leveled up 5 times, and had six or seven magic items among the party members. For this game, I still feel like I’ve just started, I’ve leveled up twice, I still mostly have my starting inventory, and I keep spending hours exploring places that offer no sense of reward or resolution. I’m beginning to think that this isn’t a very good game.
Time so far: 23 hours
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/realms-of-arkania-ei-im-gesicht/
0 notes
Does Your Red Snakes Pass The Test? 7 Things You Can Improve On Today
The decapitated head of a dead snake can still bite, even hours after death. These types of attacks typically include huge quantities of poison.
Serpents had back legs for 70 million years before losing them.
What is considered one of the most "dangerous" serpent relies on both a details country's health care and also the availability of antivenom following a bite. Based on these standards, the most harmful serpent in the world is the saw-scaled viper, which attacks as well as eliminates more people annually than any other serpent.
Serpents reside on anywhere in the world except Ireland, Iceland, New Zealand, as well as the North as well as South Poles.a
Of the about 725 varieties of venomous snakes worldwide, 250 can eliminate a human with one bite.
Serpents developed from a four-legged reptilian ancestor-- more than likely a small, tunneling, land-bound lizard-- concerning 100 million years ago. Some snakes, such as pythons and also boas, still have traces of back legs.
Scientists think human beings are predisoposed to fear snakesThe worry of serpents (ophiophobia or herpetophobia) is just one of the most usual anxieties worldwide. Approximately 1/3 of all grown-up people are ophidiophobic, which recommends that humans have a natural, evolutionary fear of serpents.
The top 5 most venomous snakes in the globe are the inland taipan, the eastern brown snake, the seaside taipan, the tiger snake, and also the black tiger snake.
The warmer a serpent's body, the faster it can digest its victim. Normally, it takes 3-- 5 days for a snake to digest its meal. For huge serpents, such as the anaconda, food digestion can take weeks.
Some pets, such as the Mongoose, are unsusceptible to snake poison.
To stay clear of killers, some serpents can poop whenever they want. They make themselves so dirty as well as foul-smelling that killers will certainly run away.
The heaviest serpent in the globe is the anaconda. It considers over 595 extra pounds (270 kg) and can expand to over 30 feet (9m) long. It has actually been known to eat caimans, capybaras, and also jaguars.
The Brahminy Blind Snake, or flowerpot snake, is the only snake varieties comprised of only women and also, as such, does not require a mate to replicate. It is also one of the most extensive terrestrial serpent in the world.
If an individual unexpectedly turned into a serpent, they would certainly be about 4 times longer than they are now and just a few inches thick. While people have 24 ribs, some snakes can have greater than 400.
The most innovative snake types on the planet is thought to be the black mamba. It has the most highly advanced venom delivery system of any kind of snake in the world. It can strike up to 12 times in a row, though simply one bite is enough to eliminate a grown up man.
While the inland taipan is the world's most venomous serpent, it is in fact rather shy and also peaceful The inland taipan is the world's most harmful snake, implying it has both the most harmful venom and it infuses the most poison when it bites. Its poison sacs hold enough toxin to kill as much as 80 people.
The death adder has the fastest strike of any kind of snake in the world. It can strike, infuse poison, and return to striking placement in under 0.15 secs.
While serpents do not have outside ears or tympanums, their skin, muscle mass, as well as bones carry sound resonances to their inner ears.
Some snakes have been known to explode after eating a big meal. For instance, a 13-foot python exploded after it tried to eat a 6-foot alligator. The python was found with the alligator's tail extending from its stomach. Its head was missing.
Words "snake" is from the Proto-Indo-European origin * sneg-, implying "to crawl, sneaking thing." Words "serpent" is from the Proto-Indo-European origin * serp-, implying "to creep, slip."
Rattlesnake rattles are made from rings of keratin, which is the same product as human hair as well as finger nails. A rattler will certainly include a new ring each time it loses its skin.
Some serpents have over 200 teeth. The teeth aren't utilized for eating yet they direct backward to avoid target from running away the serpent's throat.
There have to do with 500 genera and 3,000 various varieties of serpents. All of them are predators.
Biologist Paul Rosolie attempted to be the initial individual to make it through being swallowed by an anaconda in 2014. He was putting on a specifically created carbon fiber match geared up with a breathing system, cameras, and a communication system, he inevitably called off his stunt when he really felt like the anaconda was damaging his arm as it tightened its hold around his body.
There are five acknowledged varieties of flying serpents. Growing up to 4 feet, some types can slide approximately 330 feet with the air.
Scales cover every inch of a snake's body, even its eyes. Scales are thick, difficult items of skin made from keratin, which is the same material human nails and hair are made from.
One of the most common snake in The United States and Canada is the garter (gardener) snake. This snake is also Massachusetts's state reptile. While formerly believed to be nonvenomous, garter snakes do, in fact, produce a light neurotoxic venom that is safe to humans.
Serpents do not believe water like animals do. Instead, they soak their snouts underwater and utilize their throats to pump water right into their bellies.
A serpent's fangs generally last concerning 6-- 10 weeks. When a fang breaks, a brand-new one grows in its place.
A serpent's tongue is a marvel of natureBecause completion of a serpent's tongue is forked, the two pointers taste different quantities of chemicals. Basically, a snake "smells in stereo" and can also tell which instructions a smell is coming from. It recognizes fragrances on its tongue making use of pits in the roofing of its mouth called the Jacobson's body organ.
The quantity of food a serpent eats identifies the number of offspring it will certainly have. The Arafura documents serpent eats the least as well as lays simply one egg every years.
While smaller serpents, such a tree- or- ground-dwelling serpents, use their tongues to comply with the scent trails of prey (such as spiders, birds, and various other snakes). Larger serpents, such as boas, have heat-sensing body organs called labial (lip) pits in their noes.
Serpents typically need to consume just 6-- 30 meals yearly to be healthy.
Serpents like to lie on roadways and also rocky locations due to the fact that rocks and rocks take in heat from the sunlight, which warms them. Basking on these surface areas warms a serpent rapidly so it can relocate. If the temperature level gets to listed below 50 ° Fahrenheit, a snake's body does not function effectively.
The Mozambique spitting cobra can spit poison over 8 feet away. It can spit from any placement, consisting of lying on the ground or increased up. It likes to aim for its victim's eyes.
Snakes can not chew, so they must ingest their food whole. They have the ability to extend their mouths very wide since they have a really versatile lower jaw. Snakes can consume other animals that are 75%-- 100% larger than their own bodies.
To keep from choking on huge victim, a snake will push completion of its throat, or windpipe, out of its mouth, similar to the way a snorkel functions.
The Gaboon viper has the lengthiest fangs of any serpent, reaching concerning 2 inches (5 centimeters) long.
Anacondas can hold their breath for approximately 10 mins under water. Furthermore, comparable to crocodiles, anacondas have eyes and also nostrils that can jab over the water's surface to enhance their stealth and also searching prowess.
The longest serpent ever before taped is the reticulated python. It can get to over 33 feet long, which is big enough to ingest a pig, a deer, or even a person.
Sea snakes with their paddle-shaped tails can dive over 300 feet right into the sea.
If a snake is endangered soon after a meal, it will commonly spew its food so it can promptly leave the perceived risk. A snake's digestive system can dissolve whatever yet a victim's hair, plumes, and also claws.
Snakes sleep with their eyes open. Snakes do not have eyelids; instead, a single clear scale called a brille secures their eyes. A lot of snakes see quite possibly, particularly if the things is relocating.
The globe's lengthiest venomous serpent is the king cobra from Asia. It can grow up to 18 feet, back nearly as high as a person, grumble noisally, as well as inject sufficient venom to kill an elephant.
The king cobra is believed to be among the most intelligent of all snakes. Furthermore, unlike many serpents, that do neglect their young, king cobras beware moms and dads who safeguard and also safeguard their eggs from opponents.
Not all snakes have fangs-- just those that kill their victim with venom have them. When their fangs are not in use, they fold them back into the roof covering of the mouth (except for the coral reefs serpent, whose fangs do not fold back).
Some poisonous snakes have died after biting and also poisoning themselves inadvertently.
Elephant trunk serpents are almost entirely aquatic. They can not wriggle since they do not have the broad ranges in the belly that assist other snakes proceed land. Instead, elephant trunk serpents have big bumpy ranges to keep slippery fish and also restrict them undersea.
The shortest well-known serpent is the thread serpent. It is about 4 inches long and also lives on the island of Barbados in the Caribbean. It is claimed to be as "thin as pastas" and it feeds mostly on termites as well as larvae.
In 2009, a farm employee in East Africa made it through an epic 3-hour fight with a 12-foot python after inadvertently tipping on the large snake. It curled around the male and lugged him into a tree. The guy wrapped his t-shirt over the serpent's mouth to stop it from swallowing him, and he was lastly rescued by authorities after calling for assistance http://reptileowner16.westbluestudio.com/the-biggest-problem-with-green-snakes-and-how-you-can-fix-it on his cellular phone.
The venom from a Brazilian pit viper is utilized in a drug to deal with hypertension.
Human sufferers may stop taking a breath simply 30 minutes after being bitten by a cobraThe word "cobra" implies "hooded." Some cobras have huge places on the back of their hood that resemble eyes to make them appear intimating also from behind.
Some desert snakes, such as the African rock python, sleep during the best components of the desert summertime. This summer season sleep resembles hibernation as well as is called "aestivation.".
The black mamba is the world's fastest serpent and also the globe's second-longest poisonous serpent in the world, after the king cobra. Discovered in East Africa, it can get to rates of as much as 12 mph (19kph). It's called not from the shade of its scales, which is olive eco-friendly, but from the inside of its mouth, which is inky black. Its poison is highly harmful, and without anti-venom, fatality in humans usually happens within 7-- 15 hrs.
Although a snake's development price slows down as it grows older, a serpent never stops expanding.
While a snake can not hear the music of a snake charmer, the serpent responds to the resonances of the charmer's tapping foot or to the motion of the flute.
Many serpents are not harmful to humans as well as they help stabilize the ecological community by keeping the populace of rats, mice, and also birds in control.
The biggest serpent fossil ever discovered is the Titanoboa. It lived over 60 million years earlier and also reached over 50 feet (15 meters) long. It weighed more than 20 individuals and consumed crocodiles and also large tortoises.
Two-headed snakes are rareTwo-headed snakes are similar to conjoined doubles: an embryo starts to split to produce twins, but the procedure does not complete. Such snakes seldom endure in the wild due to the fact that both heads have duplicate senses, they fight over food, as well as one head may try to consume the various other head. [20]
Snakes can be grouped right into 2 sections: primitive snakes as well as true (regular) serpents. Primitive snakes-- such as blind serpents, worm serpents, and thread serpents-- stand for the earliest types of snakes. Real snakes, such as rat snakes and also king snakes, are more evolved and also more energetic. [1]
The oldest written record that defines snakes remains in the Brooklyn Papyrus, which is a medical papyrus dating from old Egypt (450 B.C.).
Roughly 70% of serpents lay eggs. Those that lay eggs are called oviparous. The other 30% of serpents reside in cooler environments and give birth to live young because it is too cool for eggs outside the body to establish as well as hatch.
The majority of snakes have an extended right lung, many have a smaller sized left lung, and also a couple of even have a 3rd lung. They do not have a sense of taste, as well as most of their organs are organized linearly.
The most uncommon and endangered snake is the St. Lucia racer. There are just 18 to 100 of these snakes left.
Snakes kill over 40,000 individuals a year-- however, with unreported occurrences, the overall may be over 100,000. About fifty percent of these fatalities remain in India.
In some cultures, consuming snakes is taken into consideration a special. For instance, serpent soup has actually been a preferred Cantonese delicacy for over 2,000 years.
In some Oriental countries, it is thought that drinking the blood of serpents, especially the cobra, will certainly raise sexual virility. The blood is typically drained from a live snake and afterwards combined with liquor.
In the USA, fewer than 1 in 37,500 individuals are bitten by venomous serpents every year (7,000-- 8,000 attacks annually), and also just 1 in 50 million people will certainly die from snake bite (5-- 6 deaths annually). In the UNITED STATE, an individual is 9 times most likely to pass away from being struck by lightening than to die from a venomous snakebite.
A person is 9 times more probable to pass away from being struck by lightning than to die of venomous snakebite. Some members of the UNITED STATE Military Unique Pressures are shown to kill and consume snakes throughout their survival training, which has made them the nickname "Serpent Eaters.".
One of the terrific accomplishments of the fabulous Greek hero Perseus was to kill Medusa, a female beast whose hair consisted of writhing, poisonous serpents.
The sign of the serpent is among one of the most extensive and oldest social icons in background. Serpents typically stand for the duality of great and also evil and also of life as well as death.
Because snakes lost their skin, they are typically symbols of renewal, change, and also healing. For example, Asclepius, the god of medication, brings a team enclosed by a snake.
The serpent has actually held various definitions throughout history. The Egyptians checked out the snake as standing for nobility and also deity.
Anacondas mate every various other year or perhaps lessAnacondas mate in a huge "breeding sphere." The ball contains 1 lady as well as virtually 12 males. They stay in a "mating round" for as much as a month.
Depending on the varieties, serpents can live from 4 to over 25 years.
Endangered snakes consist of the San Francisco garter serpent, eastern indigo serpent, the king cobra, as well as Dumeril's boa.
A strange, new "mad serpent disease" triggers hostage pythons and boas to tie themselves in knots. Other symptoms include "stargazing," which is when snakes look upwards for long periods of time. Snake experts believe a rodent infection causes the fatal illness.
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anne-lida · 6 years
The old “predictions” memos
I highly doubt that anyone would read this because this is stupid. But I’m also tired of keeping these memos in my phone and I’m afraid if I didn’t post these soon, I might be going insane.
I’m sorry.
I can’t call myself as a “theorist”, but I also can’t deny that I kept thinking of possibility of what will happen in Venom movie ever since the teaser came out (or maybe before that). So I made these embarassing memos that contains my “predictions”. Some of them were already posted, and most of them were too stupid that I kept them for myself until after that SDCC 2018 event.
Apparently, at least one of my stupid predictions is right.
So, without further ado, I’m going to show you my memos.
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As you can see, all of them were last edited before SDCC. Also, I’m too lazy to even crop the images. But know that these predictions--which were based on the first two trailers and... other stuffs--were truly made before SDCC.
The first two memos (”Movie Prediction”) were actually made before the teaser was released. But they became some kind of base for both my post about the teaser  and the trailer.
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In these ones, I predicted the movie based on “Lethal Protector” and “Planet of the Symbiotes” comics. At that time, I thought having Venom without Spider-Man in his origin story is near-impossible, especially when both said comics have Spider-Man in them. But apparently it’s not that tricky. XD
I also predicted that the movie will contain origins and story of rejection for both Eddie and his Symbiote.
Also, I’m not sure if this was already confirmed, but I predicted that in the end, either Eddie will be divorced by Ann Weying or Ann will be dead. I hope none of these are true.
The villains... obviously there’s Life Foundation. I doubt that the Jury would be included. Carnage may or may not be included. And as I said in the memo (and kinda confirmed in SDCC), one of the villains would be: A. the more powerful, yet more monstrous and violent version of the “hero”, and B. created by accident or experiment-gone-wrong.
And obviously, this Symbiote would have more personality than the one in Spider-Man 3 (and CMIIW, I don’t think that any of Venom animation adaptation even have Symbiote-with-personality, either).
The “Thought on Trailer” memos were started as a draft for my post about the trailer and continued for more than a month. Also these memos is the main reason I want to post this.
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I already posted most of the part 1 in Tumblr. The point is--as mentioned near the end of the memo--most of the characters will be based on “Lethal Protector”, but the conflict will be based on “Planet of the Symbiotes”... I guess.
And about “his hand was extended by Symbiote”, I didn’t post this because I was too overthinking it. I thought no one except me would find this important and maybe I was just seeing things.
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It was kinda blurry and covered by shadow. But I saw part of his arm was covered with gooey Symbiote. And this is from the teaser.
Just like what I mentioned in previous memo, there was something different with the Symbiote in this movie (although I’m not sure I was thinking about “limb-extension” at that time XD).
Also, I originally wanted to post the “Edit2″ part--which mainly talked about “The Clothes-Timeline Theory”.
This is a stupid(-ly simple) method, but it kinda helped me to figure out the true timeline of the movie. For example, day 1 Eddie wore an Illuminati shirt with dark green jacket, while day 2 he wore gray jacket (or hoodie?). So every footage when Eddie wore Illuminati shirt happened before the footages when he wore gray jacket.
If I still have time before next trailer release, I might post the full version of my clothes-timeline theory (consider this as a prologue for the theory).
So far, I don’t think I was right for this part. I think I read somewhere that mentioned multiple (which I assume more than two) Symbiotes would be fighting against Venom, which means that the subjects should’ve survived during the experimentation.
...or maybe the first batch didn’t survive, but the second batch (after Eddie and maybe including Donna) did survive.
That could work.
Also, one thing to note for the next trailer: we haven’t seen Eddie’s “office life” yet.
Move to the second part of “Thought on Trailer” memo...
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First of all, correction: it was Eddie himself who opened the plastic cover in the teaser.
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I thought I saw a scientist wearing lab coat with triangular logo in this picture. Few days ago, I noticed the ring and I suddenly realized that only Eddie that wears ring in this movie because he’s married to Ann. Then I found this picture from the trailer where Eddie was wearing Illuminati shirt. The triangular logo in the teaser is apparently the bottom part of the Illuminati.
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This is one of the clothes-timeline theory benefits. We know that the scene where Eddie opened a plastic cover (which I guess would reveal a dead body part of the failed subject) was a part of Eddie discovering LF headquarter scene.
Second of all, I also heard that amongst the Symbiotes that would fight Venom, one of them is female.
If she is the same female we saw in the trailer (which means that “Donna” survived), either I apparently don’t have enough pieces to figure out how a Symbiote bonds to Eddie, or I called this stupidity because she should’ve have chased Eddie from escaping in the woods, yet I don’t see any Symbiote traces on that chasing scene.
Did you see it?
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I already posted one of the BTS videos at the end of my trailer post. The other one is this:
A post shared by Mike Monteiro (@mikemonteiro) on Jan 23, 2018 at 12:54pm PST
In this video, he was wearing gray hoodie, the same hoodie he wore in the apartment fight scene from the trailer, before the motorcycle-and-car chase.
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Which means that those “fighting for control of his body scene” happened before the apartment fight scene, since it was shot at daytime while the fight scene happened at nighttime.
Also, about the video when he was beaten up, it basically a non-CGI version of “we are Venom” scene... I think. I can’t quite remember if this is the one that I meant in the memo, but this is the closest thing I could find at the moment.
Basically, he was thrown off his motorcycle, he rolled across the ground and hurt all over the place, one of the LF men caught him, and... you know what happens next.
As I mentioned, I predicted that there will be a casuality or two as a cause of Venom’s attack. People from SDCC said that the LF man at the end of the trailer would be eaten at his head.
I... kinda didn’t expect that. I expected a more innocent person that could make biting his head would be a crime--actually, biting anyone’s head is already a crime. CMIIW, but I’ve never, never seen Eddie as Venom (not just the Symbiote itself) bit someone’s head in the comic.
I don’t know.
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After the scene where Eddie asked the Symbiote to “only hurt bad people”, I can’t quite predict what will happen next. I feel like I don’t have enough pieces of the last third of the movie.
About the second paragraph of the image above...
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I forgot if this is from the teaser or the trailer (or both), but this is a scene where an office suddenly went whooOSH...
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...and all workers and monitors were blown away, I don’t know why.
But what insterested me is that in this image below, there were the same office monitors and both rooms have the same color tone. Which I assume that Ann would be in this office when the wave happens, whether she works there or not. And I wouldn’t be surprised that there would be a fight against the “monstrous” main villain here.
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Then there was this image from the teaser, which I’m actually still unsure whether this happened in hospital or somewhere else (but obviously not in LF HQ). But since one of the people in the background was wearing white coat and the doors on the right were quite big, I assumed it is hospital.
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And about the memetic scene of Eddie slowly transformed into Venom in the hospital. I started to think that was actually the first time he transforms, not the second time.
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The main reason why I thought that this is actually the first one is that process looks much, much painful than the “we are Venom” scene. Usually, the first transformation looks very painful because he’s not used to it. Also, I think since this "incident” (of course there would be chaos after this scene, what else do you expect?) happens in public hospital, LF might be able to track him down and know that Eddie is the one who took Drake’s “property”.
Move to the last part (and last memo before SDCC came).
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I think in this part, I mostly commented on the articles about Venom in CBR.com. And yeah, I think the trailers and the exclusive photos have strong mystery theme in them. Honestly, I like that kind of promotion. XD
But then, since we’re playing mystery game here, ever since after the trailer came out, I felt like, “Okay, Sony, stop right there. Don’t give me any more clue. Don’t ruin my fun in solving this puzzle.” Yet, on the fandom side of me, I would be very mad if I can’t see new trailer ASAP.
Anyway, back to the memo.
This is the main reason I post this super long rambling.
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The latest part was quoted from this article.
Honestly, I have nearly no idea about Drake’s story aside from the “Lethal Protector” comic. From what I get from that quote, I thought that it is possible that Drake would become the “monstrous” main villain.
I’m not sure if this is confirmed or not, but I heard that in SDCC, it was said that Drake would become a host for a Symbiote named Riot. Either way, I’m still shocked and excited about this.
Although I’m fully aware that I’m not the only one who predicted this, if this is officially true, I would be so happy.
Still... if they’re really going to reveal the fact that Drake would become Riot in next trailer or other things before the movie comes out, I might be disappointed. For me, this is a very big thing that would be better if they didn’t reveal it before the movie release.
But if they’re really going to (or already) reveal such big thing this soon, doesn’t it mean that they’re hiding a bigger secret?
Well, maybe we’re going to find out in August, I guess.
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iamsoneurotic · 7 years
All Kinds of 3′s...
I’m not even providing a witty lead up. It’s happening again.
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I mean at this point it’s already Facebook official, so the element of surprise is gone. Actually what would have been a great surprise would be to write an entire post and NOT say anything. Then like, on the baby’s third birthday be like “SURPRISE!”... I may still do that. Nobody reads this.
I wanted to work in something about 3 being a charm, but that kind of implies that you screwed up with the first two and THIS will be the child that saves your family from failure, but I’d like to think we’ve done pretty dang good with our first two kids. The mere fact that I was able to keep them alive (edit - not kill them, let’s be honest, mommy keeps them alive, daddy just tries not to drop them too much) proves that first and second times are a charm. I’m very charming.
We’re going to be finding out the gender next week and I don’t really want to emphasize what Rach is hoping for out of fear the child will read this someday and think it’s the equivalent of being a duplicate Happy Meal toy - but it’s pretty obvious what she wants considering we have 2 of one gender and none of the other… She wants a girl. There I said it.
Really, Rach, I still say if it’s a boy and you're disappointed by that, put it in a dress while I’m at work one day and don’t tell anybody. Get it out of your system. Problem solved.
… That part about not telling anybody is very important though. Please don’t tell me.
Anyway - 2018 was always going to be the year of Baby #3. Not that THIS particular instance was the plan, but it would have been right around now anyway. Rachael’s one demand about this post was that I not make any jokes about or references to the conception of the child. So I won’t reference the conception. Not even a little. Absolutely will not talk about how babies are made and how this pregnancy is no different from how most babies are created.
Look at me doing what I’m told like a good husband.
So we found out in June that we’re essentially not going to have our lives back until 2036. It was a weird couple of months because the prior month we had a pregnancy scare which turned out to be just a weird menstrual cycle from some hormone-related pills Rach was taking… I hate the word menstrual almost as much as the word cervix - oh dear lord I’ve used both terms in the same sentence, I’m going to throw up. Shouldn’t ‘lady’ terms be more feminine?? Why can’t they have nice terms for female-related items… Like Vas Deferens, that’s a male-related and highly inoffensive word to the ears. You know what, ladies? You can have that word. It’s not like anyone ever says it anyway. Name a non-med school conversation that you’ve ever had which included the word Vas Deferens. Seriously, we’re not using it, swap it with cervix and let’s move on from ever having to mentally scar our brains with that word ever again.
See, this is the part about pregnancies that I hate the most. It’s not the hormones, it’s not the bills, it’s not the fear of finances… It’s the freaking awful words you have to hear for 9 months straight. Everything is all about mucus and cervixes and uteruses and fetuses and cramping and contractions and I’m fully aware that I’m supposed to be using commas instead of “ands” but I have mom-brain by proxy so I don’t care. That’s the other thing - I’m getting pregnancy symptoms! I’ve heard that this is a real thing that can happen, and it’s finally happening after 3 of these pregnancies. I’m hormonal, on edge, tired, I get headaches, mom-brain, nausea… It’s freaking ridiculous. Don’t even get me going on my baby bump!
In all fairness, this has been a pretty rough pregnancy for Rach. Probably the worst first trimester ever. She’s been incredibly nauseous, cranky, tired… Basically the usual pregnancy symptoms, only cranked to 11. The poor girl is MISERABLE. I feel bad, but at the same time I don’t really like having to be in charge of watching the boys while she naps and recovers. Nobody feels a father’s pain and struggle.
Oh dear, I was talking about menstrual cycles (*shivers*) wasn’t I… I can’t keep a consistent thought to save my life. The point of that was, because we had a scare the month before which ended up being a 10-day late period, we just figured that this was no different and she’d get her period super late again… well it was kind of true, only instead of being a month late, it’s going to be about a year late. The reason I’m posing with 3 pregnancy tests isn’t because we’re going to have 3 kids or because there’s triplets on the way (God willing), it’s because Rach took 3 separate tests because she couldn’t believe it was even a possibility… I obviously can’t go into any further detail than that because I’ve been banned from discussing certain topics by my modest wife.
We’re due February 13th. I feel like this is necessary information to give when posting about a pregnancy. People like that sort of thing. People also like pictures… So here’s the little munchkin:
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I should rephrase - not “munchkin”, we’re referring to this baby as our “ Lil’ Lily Pad”... Milo was very unoriginally “Sweet-Pea”, Noli was “Cupcake”, later appropriately changed to “Beefcake”, now we’ve got a Lily Pad. Not really sure what the obsession with naming unborn babies after foods. I often wonder if we as parents subconsciously entertain the idea of cannibalizing things we love. “You��re so cute I could just eat you up!” or “I just want to nibble on those cheeks!”... We’re lost as a society.
So that’s all I got on Baby #3. Now onto Baby #2! Noli’s a 3 year old!!! Yesterday was my little bug’s birthday. Did I talk about how I call him “bug”? I don’t remember... mom-brain by proxy, remember. He was a cuddle bug, so I started calling him Noli-bug, now he’s just Bug. I don’t know why it’s so appropriate for him. There’s just something about that little stocky, squishy body that just screams “little bug”. I feel like he’s destined to be in a gang someday with that name.
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Anyway, he’s 3 and I’m just so proud and in love with the little bugger. The boy is a cuddly ray of sunshine. He loves hugging and kissing and saying “I love you”, and we in-turn soak it up like a sponge. He’ll just walk over and sit on you without any warning and nuzzle right up. He’ll put his arm around you, he’ll stop whatever he’s doing at random to look at you and say he loves you, then he’ll kiss you on the hand or on the head. Sometimes he’ll play with your hair or rub your arm… It’s so much adorableness that you literally feel like you’re going to implode with bliss. Rachael says he’s the best little boyfriend she’s ever had… It’s probably true – I hated PDA when we were dating. Now I just sort of wait around corners and in dark shadows and guerrilla-style attack Rachael with hugs and kisses and retreat before she can tell me to stop… Okay, that came off as a little… assault-y? Sorry, but when your wife is pregnant, it’s very difficult to get so much as a high-five. You’re more likely to get slapped and commanded to turn down the thermostat… Which I gladly accept because at least she’s touching me. Why am I talking about this…
As I mentioned in my last post - Noli is still obsessed with Spider-Man. It’s actually gotten worse. We’re at a point now where you literally can’t give him anything without him demanding a Spider-Man version of it. My dad wants to get a boat: “A SPIDEY-BOAT??”. We take the boys for milkshakes: “CAN I HAVE A SPIDEY MILKSHAKE??” (hence he gets strawberry because it’s red, and anything that isn’t red isn’t spider-man… I don’t even think he likes strawberry shakes, but it’s all he’ll accept).
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The worst thing you can do for a kid who’s obsessed with something specific like this is buy them one of those ‘surprise’ toys where you don’t know what you’re going to get… You had better pray to God that there’s a Spider-Man toy in there because if it’s Batman we’re all taking a trip to Meltdown Town. I tried to buy him one of those things at the airport. I bought two, one for Noli and one for Milo. I let Noli open the first one, it was Gamora (from Guardians of the Galaxy). Naturally… he was peeved. So without Milo knowing, I let Noli open the second one… It was Venom. Good lord, we were so close!! So he begins his freakout, and I quickly scramble to salvage the situation and tell him it’s “Black Spider-Man”. He called my bluff immediately. Apparently he, like Milo, is now impervious to my lies and deceptions (which I 100% rely on to maintain peace in my home). So what did he do? He ran to mommy and said “Daddy said this is Black Spider-Man… BUT IT’S NOT!”. Rach tells me to stop lying to the kids, Milo doesn’t get to open a toy, Noli is ticked off and somehow I’m now the bad guy for trying to be nice and buying my kids some freaking toys!
Christmas is so cancelled.
Luckily Milo didn’t seem to care all that much. He’s pretty chill about stuff like that. Not picky about his toys, not obsessed with anything in particular except for Math (because he’s an evil genius – yeah, you laugh, but you’ll all remember this blog in 30 years when he conquers a nation through an impressive combination of quantum physics and basic arithmetic). You should hear that boy talk, he’s practically an adult now. I can actually have conversations with him… granted they’re conversations through the mind of a 4 year old, so they go to some weird places, but when I talk to him, it’s almost as though he’s actually listening to me and understanding… Of course that just makes me even angrier when he pretends to not hear me when I tell him to eat, or go potty, or put his shoes on, or clean up his toys, or go to bed, or answer my questions, or stop bossing his brother around, or don’t touch the tv, or don’t touch the garbage, or don’t touch the toilet, or don’t throw your toys, or where did you get that plutonium, or stop building Lego nuclear warheads with it… Basic 4-year old stuff.
I’m still trying to figure out where that red telephone in his bedroom came from.
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Sidetracked again. I joke a lot about Milo being insanely intelligent (which, yes, he is), but Noli’s no dummy either. His vocabulary is incredible now and he really just absorbs knowledge like a sponge (I’ve used ‘like a sponge’ twice now in this post). I overhear Milo actually teaching him words and numbers when they play together in the other room… When I say “other room” I’m referring to our living room on the other side of our house. When we’re home, we spend most of our time in the Family Room (TV room? Is that actually the Living Room and the other room is the Family room? I don’t get house things), but on the other side of the house, there’s the Living Room - which Noli refers to as “The Other Room”, but given that he’s 3 and can’t pronounce things terribly well, he says “Dove Room”... Which is just what we call it now, The Dove Room.
I love how he pronounces stuff, he still can’t say his “G” and “K” sounds, so he just replaces them with H’s… So instead of “Okay” it’s “Ohay”, or instead of Kabob it’s “Hobob”... I like Hobob, I feel like I could make a homeless cartoon character named Hobob and make a fortune off of insensitive people like myself. He could exist in the same universe as “Cider-Man”. I’m totally making the “Faux-Vengers”. Copyright Mark Marianelli 2017.
Anyway, I’ve rambled long enough and Rachael always scolds me for making these posts too long, so I’ll end it here…
Noli, you’re what our family has always needed, you give us endless hours of laughter, and the world just seems a little more hopeful with you in it. I love you, I love that you’re here, I’m proud of you and I can’t think of anything more joyous than watching you grow. I can’t wait to see what a wonderful big brother you’ll be soon. Happy Birthday, Little Bug.
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Love, ~ Bat-Dad (Yeah, he thinks I’m Batman)
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aion-rsa · 7 years
DC Comics Pulls Ahead of Marvel in March’s Direct Market Sales
March 2017 had 6,635,631 units in the top 300 comics list, an increase of 309,340 units from last month putting the month around 10,000 units below average. DC accounted for 40.73% of the units for the top 300 comics. Marvel accounted for another 38.9% of the units. Image had 8.14% of the units for the top 300 comics but did have over 10% market share both by units and dollars. The market share reported by Diamond includes all invoices sales for comics, trades and magazines while the breakdown of the top 300 comics only includes the top 300 comics. The gap between DC and Marvel in the top 300 comics was 120,967 units in favor of DC and was much wider this month than the narrow gap of the past two months.
RELATED: Amazing Spider-Man Tops Direct Market Sales in March 2017
Only two comics were over 100,000 units and everything outside of the top 10 comics was under 62,000 units and only the top two dozen items were over 50,000 units.
Sales were up a little from last month for all of the premiere publishers except Marvel which was down 29,562 units from last month.
If we zoom in a bit on the delta chart, we can see Dark Horse was up the most with around 106,337 units, followed by Image with 81,837 units, DC with 74,317 units, the aggregate of the non-premiere publishers with 49,115 units and IDW with 27,296 units. Most of the gain from the non-premiere publishers came from Valiant Entertainment, Dynamite Entertainment and Archie Comics which more than compensated for the losses by BOOM! Studios, Titan Comics, Aftershock Comics and Oni Press. Below the line, with a loss in sales for Marvel of 29,562 units. The net result is an increase of 309,340 units over last month.
As should be expected, the bulk of the sales came from continuing titles which lost sales. I say that should be expected not because continuing titles should lose sales but because the generally do. Whichever publisher can solve that problem and maintain stable sales on the majority of their titles will find themselves with a huge competitive advantage over the other publishers.
Continuing titles gaining sales added 173,027 units in sales over last month.
Three dozen titles gain sales in March. “Amazing Spider-Man” #25 gained 51,891 units with the over-sized issue and Stuart Immonen taking over as artist. This was the largest issue-to-issue gain and the largest month-to-month gain in March. The issue had the regular cover, a Johnson Venomized variant and a Christopher action figure variant which retailers could order a many as they wanted of each if their orders of the regular cover exceeded 90% of their orders of “Amazing Spider-Man” #22, a 1-in-25 classic incentive cover, a 1-in-50 Immonen incentive cover and a 1-in-1000 remaster piece incentive cover. Given those sales promotions, it is highly likely “Amazing Spider-Man” #26 will drop back down to the 64,000 to 75,000 unit range the title has been selling recently.
“All New Wolverine” #18 was up 29,255 units. It had a Bengal-illustrated connecting variant cover which retailers could order a many as they wanted of each if their orders of the regular cover exceeded 90% of their orders of the regular cover of “All New Wolverine” #13, and a Mattina-drawn Venomized variant retailers could order a many as they wanted of each if their orders of the regular cover exceeded 90% of their orders of the regular cover of “All New Wolverine” #15. “All New Wolverine” #17 only had a regular cover and a Bengal connecting variant cover which retailers could order a many as they wanted of each if their orders of the regular cover exceeded 90% of their orders of the regular cover of “All New Wolverine” #12.
All of the Marvel titles in this category, down to and including “Captain America: Steve Rogers,” have a Venomized variant cover. While that isn’t the only factor causing the increase, it is a common factor, indicating slapping a Venomized cover on a random Marvel title can cause a noticeable bump in sale. This is nothing new; back when Marvel was starting up the themed variant covers with the Marvel Zombies variant a decade ago, we saw the same sort of sales bump. Of course, back then it was a larger bump because themed variants weren’t a monthly occurrence for the majority of Marvel titles.
“Action Comics” #975 had an increase of 5,670 units on that issue and a drop of only 536 on “Action Comics” #976 resulting in a 9,469 units increase for the month on that title.
Continuing titles releasing more issues this month added 43,278 units in sales over last month. March was a five week month allowing a few titles to get an extra issue in during the month.
The second and third issues of “Justice League of America” shipped in March but only sold 8,359 units more than the first issue sold in February. The second issue drop of 42.94% dropped sales from 93,494 units down to 53,349 units which fell another 9.08% on the third issue to 48,504 units. “Justice League of America” #3 placed at rank 25 so those aren’t bad sales.
Continuing titles with relatively stable sales, losses over no more than 250 units for the month, removed 1,792 units in sales compared to last month.
Unfortunately, a slow attrition in sales can be a problem. “Earth 2: Society” has drifted down in sales from the launch around 41,000 units down to 13,653 units of the series finale this month. Potentially the end of this series might pave the way for a return of the Justice Society on the mainstream DC Earth.
Continuing titles releasing fewer issue this month removed 130,113 units in sales compared to last month. A half dozen titles which released two issues in February only released a single issue during the five weeks of March. Generally speaking, it cut the sales for those titles roughly in half. “IvX” #6 and “Deadpool the Duck” #5 were the final issues of those miniseries so there was no other issues to release in March.
Continuing titles with dropping in sales removed 404,898 units in sales compared to last month.
“Batman” lost 6,132 from last month which isn’t much but this is the first month since the New 52 launch in September 2011 “Batman” hasn’t sold over 100,000 units.
The average second issue drop was 35.38% in the top 300 comics for March. “Star Wars: Darth Maul,” “Super Sons,” “Elektra,” “Bullseye,” “Wild Storm,” “Kingpin,” “Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern” and “Old Guard” all had second issues released in March resulting in a net loss of 208,208 units.
Some of the drop is retailers and readers sampling first issues but a lot of what appears as a second issue drop is really an inflation of first issue sales with heavy marketing promotions. That might seem like a semantic difference. The distinction is between regular issue to issue changes in sales because of the content of the issues versus changes in sales caused by things other than the contents such as the number of variant and incentive covers geared specifically at increasing the sales of a specific issue. Sales based on the story contents of an issue are much more likely to translate into sales of the next issue than sales based on the comic gimmick for an issue which rarely translate into sales for the following issue.
New titles added 806,274 units in sales over last month.
“Iron Fist” #1 with 89,652 units was a strong launch. “Iron Fist” #1 has a 1-in-25, a 1-in-50 and a 1-in-100 incentive cover and a variant retailers could order a many as they wanted of each if their orders of the regular cover of “Iron Fist” #1 exceeded 200% of their orders of the regular cover of “Daredevil” #14. Using the average second issue drop from this month we can guesstimate sales of around 57,933 units for “Iron Fist” #2. We could be pessimistic and use the 55.51% second issue drop on “Man-Thing” #2 which was the largest second issue drop for a Marvel title in March and guesstimate sales of around 39,886 units. Or we could be a lot more optimistic and use the smallest second issue drop on a Marvel title in March of 31.32% on “Kingpin” and guesstimate sales of about 61,572 units. If we average those three guesstimates we get around 53,30 units.
A couple of the items in the category were one-shots such as “X-Men: Prime,” “Inhumans: Prime,” “Clone Conspiracy: Omega” and “Jughead: The Hunger” among other. Eventually my number crunching system will be able to identify some or most of the one-shots and move them into the annual/specials category.
Returning titles added 485,688 units in sales over last month.
“Dark Knight III: The Master Race” returned to the list in March after skipping January and February bringing back 107,892 units to the top 300 comics list.
“Silver Surfer” returned to the list having last been seen in November. It was down 135 units from the previous issue so it would not have been enough to close the gap between DC and Marvel last month.
Suspended title titles removed 291,142 units in sales compared to last month.
“Slapstick” fell into the suspended category because the sales of “Slapstick” #4 which shipped on 2017-03-01 fell under the radar of the top 300 comics. “Slapstick” #1 sold around 33,088 unit in December. “Slapstick #2 dropped 67.32% down to 10,813 units in January. In February, “Slapstick” #3 dropped another 42.53% down to 6,214 units. The top 300 had a floor of 4,812 unit meaning “Slapstick” #4 sold fewer units than that. Even at 4,812 units, that would be a drop of around 22.56%. Apparently being in “Deadpool” and “Deadpool and the Mercs for Money” in 2016 wasn’t enough of a launch pad for a solo “Slapstick” series in 2017. Or maybe the problem was too many other member of the Mercs for the Money team also got a series at the same time.
Defunct title titles removed 448,1568 units in sales compared to last month.
A lot of these items are things like the “True Believers” one shots from Marvel accounting for 139,886 units or Rebirth one shots from DC which accounted for another 126,047 units. Of the remaining 182,223 units lost by ending titles, “Clone Conspiracy” with 48,780 unit was the most notable title.
“Solo” from Marvel ended last month with 4,903 units. “Foolkiller” #5 was down 20.74% ending that series at 6,573 units. Both of these titles also spun out of “Deadpool and the Mercs for Money”.
“Karnak” launched in October 2015 with 63,672 units and concluded the six issue run last month with 17,004 units. The lengthy gaps in released didn’t help the story momentum or sales of the series.
Annuals and Specials added 87,395 units in sales over last month. As soon as I can figure out a way to identify the other one shots, I’ll rename this category to one-hosts and put them here which should clean up the new titles and defunct titles categories a bit.
“Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special” #1 was the best selling of the DC Universe/Hanna Barbera crossovers with 25,149 units. “Suicide Squad/Banana Splits Special” #1 was close behind with 24,834 units. “Adam Strange/Future Quest Special” #1 sold around 18,134 units and “Booster Gold/Flintstones Special” #1 sold 15,795 units. DC has solicited another round of these specials for release in June so presumably DC is happy with how they sold.
The various Monsters Unleashed tie-in issues from Marvel have not done particularly well typically selling well under sales level for those titles. Apparently many readers are considering the Monsters Unleashed issues to be non-essential reading. The “Monsters Unleashed” #5 ended the miniseries with 33,205 units. An ongoing series launches in April.
Reorder volume was down 10,221 units compared to last month.
Perhaps the most interesting thing with the March sales is what isn’t there: any sort of clear rallying point for DC, Marvel or any other publisher near the top of the list. There is no major title readers seem excited about. Maybe that will change with “Secret Empire” from Marvel. Maybe “The Button” storyline will kick the Rebirth meta arc into full swing and get readers excited. Don’t get me wrong, there are a number of great titles being published right now. But none seem to be the sales giants they used to be. Even “Batman” is slipping in sales. DC and Marvel need more titles selling over 50,000 units.
But instead of trying to create than next blockbuster hit title, the publishers and creators should focus on improving the titles they are working on. Tell slightly better stories. Make issues a little more accessible to new readers. Make each issue so good there isn’t a question of if it is worth the cover price or not. Make each issue matter to the characters and those issues will matter to the readers. For an issue to matter to a character, it has to have impact and consequences to the character. Those don’t have to be life changing, nothing will ever be the same again sorts of consequences. Each issue need to matter enough that it is worth reading. Good examples of this are “Saga” and “The Walking Dead” both of which had trade paperback which topped the trades lists by a wide margin over the third best selling trade.
For a more in-depth discussion of the sales data, check out the Mayo Report episodes of the Comic Book Page podcast at http://ift.tt/13EeU1f. The episode archived cover the past decade of comic book sales on a monthly basis with yearly recap episodes. In addition to those episodes on the sales data, every Monday is a Weekly Comics Spotlight episode featuring a comic by DC, a comic by Marvel and a comic by some other publisher. I read around 200 new comics a month so the podcast covers a wide variety of the comics currently published. If you are looking for more or different comics to read, check out the latest Previews Spotlight episode featuring clips from various comic book fans talking about the comics they love. With thousands of comics in Previews every month, Previews Spotlight episodes are a great way to find out about new comic book titles that may have flown under your comic book radar.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at [email protected].
The post DC Comics Pulls Ahead of Marvel in March’s Direct Market Sales appeared first on CBR.
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