#except Charles <3
elenafromthesky · 2 years
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presdestigatto · 1 month
new fic! in which Charles grapples with Seb's poor communication skills and Ollie is involved little green eyed monster, 3.8k, M
Charles is not at all jealous over the attention Sebastian Vettel is giving Ollie Bearman. (He's the one who hasn't texted Seb back, after all.)
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fernandopiastri28 · 3 months
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this took lots and lots of consideration ngl
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phantomeros · 8 months
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some more character designs for my hxh ocs.... Same universe as the butches ive been drawing
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icecoffee90 · 1 year
Hmm, is there something to this or are they just trying to mislead us? 🤔
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I also find it kinda funny that there's a picture of Charles along with "Cast" on the wall just like with everyone else, lol.
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cupidskissx · 1 year
Art as Dialogue
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🌷All Tied Up🌷 ~2k
“What are you—” Charles’ words stall on his tongue as his bandana is looped around his wrists, “Max…” Max winks and double knots the fabric.
🌷Breathlessly Devoted🌷 ~1k
They didn’t do this so openly, so publicly, it’s something that remained hidden away in dark hotel rooms. But Charles couldn’t deny him, not now, not today, not when he needed it the most.
Temptation’s Trajectory
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✨Monaco Malaise✨ ~8k
Using the reflection in the mirror above the vanity, he steals occasional glances into the bedroom as he wets the cloth and cleans himself off. Charles is still on his forearms and knees, face buried in his pillow, he doesn’t look like he’s going to be moving any time soon.
✨Azerbaijan Abnegation✨ ~17K
This week has been correction after correction, managing the fierce oscillation between wanting Charles and wanting to stop wanting him and now he has his arms full of opposite lock. Charles, yet again, has a front row seat to watch Max spin out of control towards the barriers.
Stairwell Scene Art Work
✨Part 3: Austria Abeyance - WIP✨
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beast-feast · 2 years
New target to sexyman-ify:
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grimbeak · 11 months
thinking ab an official nv halloween episode,,,,carlos and cecil go as frankenstein and his monster and they look exactly the same as they do every other day,,esteban would be a ladybug and would be scared of nothing except the haunted house and the shitty fake mask steve wears
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unanchored-ship · 4 months
can you pls give me ur favorite fact abt shrewsbury.... i dont care if i already know it i just wanna knows what fucking Gets you about him
you cant just ask me to give you one 🤧🤧
biggest reason is obv cuz hes a TWINk. A GREAT WHUMPEE. BUUUUT this is too broad since there are many twinks. lets narrow it down.
Tragic backstory, eh? Papa died cuz mummy liked sucking balls too much. Now you are forever cursed with chronic nervousness. Hmmm.
Oh yeah adding onto his papa dying, guess whose brother also got fucked in a duel. Lmfao. Shrewsbury loses. Do I need to discuss the emotional impact this most likely had on him??
Like... the guy was constantly nervous, arguably cowardly, timid, and jumpy.. but at the same time charming, generous, dignified,... you list the virtues. This is a very cool combo of traits!!
Also he was HOT AF but never took advantage of it. so points for that. (Although in the Nicholson/Turberville book it mentions in his younger years he had "moral delinquencies". but i dont know what its referring to i may have to do digging.) (Oh and in Weyman's Romance Berry's "wild and boyish days" are mentioned. Still dont know exactly what that mean..) "KING OF HEARTS" 😍😍
There is something seriously wrong with his relationship with Nottingham. He got sick cuz of personal jealously of Nottingham. Had useless shouting matches with Mr. Finch in the House. He wanted to resign cuz of Nottingham so bad Burnet had to prevent him from seeing William cuz he feared Shrewsbury would GO TOO FAR with William. That man was FUMING. You see where the secretaries ship comes from.
He's such a bitch to his uncle. next
he married such an interesting wifey!! she was known as an eccentric, an outcast in English society. Except Anne and George I LOVED HER. Like she was crazy in the eyes of the people but crazy and genuine is good when you're surrounded by liars and power-hungry ones. I love Adelhida she's my spirit animal.. also her brother is so fucking stupid and I'm here for it. They make a great family :3
Oh and going off of that marriage... Berry and Hida never had children. I have this peculiar thing for aristocracy peoples that don't have children. It's my asexual ass isn't it
He held some rlly powerful positions and was really critical in the government... while at the same time despising high positions. I love it when a non ambitious person is in a position people would die for.
In particular I like how Nicholson/Turberville refers to him as Harley's "tool". like. he's not ambitious. but he's got a massive amount of power(he was known as the nations favorite for a while lmao), which can be used to fucking sway the direction of England when utilized. Harley you lucky shit
So yeah hes got a really interesting personality, really interesting people he surrounds himself with, a tragic backstory yada yada
I just really really really like how he looks okay end of story
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wafflesrisa · 8 months
Listen I don’t think people understand that I can be a fan of certain drivers and yet never want to meet them in real life
Like I will go insane over wanting their careers to succeed but I wouldn’t go to dinner with them because the chat would be very bad
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alpinelogy · 7 months
Since other people are having opinions; here is my driver tier list as well
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I am not a hater so this is more of a guys that I will not shut up about. Anyone except no <3 I love and adore and I can see myself getting attached to them
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We didn't even get Lando with the trophy pic from last race did we
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The thing about Charles that most enrages me, vis-à-vis his plotlines and development, is that his crimes and his punishments are mostly entirely disconnected. He gets comeuppances all the time, but only occasionally are they a consequence of him being Bad, as opposed to just being annoying—or, sometimes, just being an easy target. And then sometimes he does or says something utterly heinous and the narrative gives him nothing but a slap on the wrist. Hawkeye and BJ (and sometimes the entire camp!) will torment him for minor, petty things, like destroying his French horn because he was bad at playing it. But the things he said to Margaret in the supply room in Mail Call Three were so vile that the scene is usually cut from syndicated airings. And what does he get for it? She jabs him with an elbow and pushes him out of the room and then nothing bad happens to him for the entire rest of the episode. 
I have a whole half-written essay on the utterly nonsensical way Charles’ bigotry is portrayed on the show—the way it had to be portrayed, really, in order to make the character function—but this is the single worst result of that whole mess, to me. Because this mismatch between actions and consequences affects all the other characters, too. If Hawkeye, and by extension the narrative itself, gets angrier at Charles for snoring than for yelling about keeping his family’s bloodline pure (not to mention being racist against Max—you know, Hawkeye’s supposed fucking friend?), then that says something about both the protagonist and the show. Something extremely unflattering, to put it lightly.
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muutosarchive · 1 year
☽𖤐☾ @taiixuan (𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞)
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"𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥... 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞." [...] preacher tips his hat. toothpick walking 'cross his line of molars, with a smirk. his dusty boots making faint clacks on the old wood of the chapel, as he slowly meanders his way down the center aisle. "now pray tell, friend. [...] what kinda' god fearin' outta' towner found their way inta' my humble ol' chapel? golly, ain't seen an unfamiliar face in ages." he pauses. "now y'gotta forgive a young priest fer all a' his small town curiosity. but what's gone & brought ya' up this way? can't be a sip a' the ol' jesus juice, i reckon."
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chussyracing · 1 year
does lestappen still deserve your attention? what bothers me most is that they lestappies always claim they're charles stans but when charles took pole and literally made history in a f1era all they care is the previous lap he made which is just mid
it doesn't, which is why i have it filtered, any lestappen blog i came over blocked and YET somehow it still sweeps through and manages to find me
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Hi clari!! I am in LOVE with your new fic, felt so bad for reader since I’ve been in her spot before :( I wanted to know, what does keigo actually feel about his sister?
hello anon!! thank you, i am super happy to hear it!!! <33 yes, she’s in a very sticky and complex situation where the ‘right’ thing to do depends heavily on who you ask :// good question!! for the most part, i leave it ambiguous on purpose, for two reasons: 1. i’m not into explicitly writing full-blood incest and 2. so each and every (real) reader can interpret it however they’d like to, based on the information i’ve given in the text and how they personally feel (aka if they don’t want to see it as incest, or romantic, they don’t have to, etc etc etc).
with that being said, as the author i write their relationship with romantic undertones. keigo has a huge crush on her—most definitely feels love for her that stretches far beyond the bounds of familial, but it isn’t something he acts upon because he knows it’s wrong and doesn’t want to subject his little sister to something like that, something so vile and heinous.
as always, you are more than welcome to interpret reader and her feelings for him however you’d like to, but again as the author i write her in a way where she does feel something for him, but she isn’t in love with him the way keigo is in love with her; it’s more of a guilt thing mixed with the tiniest hint of truth. in other words, she has feelings for him that tiptoe across the line of familial, but the intensity is nothing compared to what keigo experiences, and it all comes with a hefty amount of accountability, a sort of obligation, almost. this is why, in the warnings of part one there’s a warning about their questionably close sibling relationship. it’s there, tingeing all of their interactions, buried just beneath the surface of every touch and discussion, but it isn’t obvious. dabi can absolutely see it, though.
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