the-math-one · 1 month
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Here's the image I'm using for my blog
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2manyflannels · 5 months
can't believe Jay got his mom to voice Anticlea that's so sweet.
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reinaka42 · 8 months
If Angelina Mango or Annalisa doesn't win Sanremo I'm gonna buy a large Hawaiian pizza with extra pineapple ketchup and BBQ sauce on top and I'm gonna eat it with chopsticks
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rake-rake · 8 months
Aight guys it's that time of the year.
I'll be doing a follower clean up. I just feel there's a lot of people who's not actually interested on writing. I do my best sending memes and putting starter calls up and stuff, but this is supposed to be a two person work, so I'd rather just cut people off than to be a number in their follower list 🤷 Also if you have multiple blogs and we only interact in one I'll be softblocking the rest, no sense in being mutuals with the ones we don't interact with. I wanna keep my follower list with only the blogs I write with. So, no engagement = no interest.
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excentcapital · 2 months
The Role of Economic Indicators in Forex Trading
Economic indicators play a crucial role in forex trading, providing insights into the health of an economy and influencing currency prices. By understanding and analyzing these indicators, traders can make informed decisions and anticipate market movements. In this blog, we will explore some of the most important economic indicators and their impact on the forex market.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the total value of goods and services produced in a country over a specific period. It is a key indicator of economic health. A growing GDP indicates a strong economy, which can lead to an appreciation of the country's currency. Conversely, a declining GDP can weaken the currency. Traders closely monitor GDP reports to gauge economic performance and adjust their trading strategies accordingly.
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Employment Reports
Employment reports, such as the Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) report in the United States, provide data on job creation, unemployment rates, and wage growth. Strong employment data typically signals a healthy economy and can lead to currency appreciation. Weak employment data, on the other hand, may result in currency depreciation. Employment reports are highly anticipated by traders and can cause significant market volatility upon release.
Inflation Rates
Inflation measures the rate at which prices for goods and services rise. Central banks aim to maintain stable inflation rates to ensure economic stability. High inflation can erode purchasing power and lead to currency depreciation, while low inflation can indicate economic stagnation. Traders monitor inflation data, such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI), to assess inflationary pressures and predict central bank actions.
Interest Rates
Interest rates set by central banks are a major driver of currency prices. Higher interest rates attract foreign investment, leading to currency appreciation. Lower interest rates, conversely, can result in currency depreciation. Traders pay close attention to central bank meetings and statements to anticipate interest rate changes and their impact on currency prices. The Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, and other central banks play pivotal roles in shaping forex market trends.
Trade Balance
The trade balance measures the difference between a country's exports and imports. A positive trade balance (surplus) indicates that a country exports more than it imports, which can strengthen the currency. A negative trade balance (deficit) can weaken the currency. Traders analyze trade balance data to understand a country’s economic position and its impact on currency prices. Countries with strong export sectors, such as Germany and China, often have stronger currencies.
Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)
The Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) measures the confidence of consumers in the economy. Higher consumer confidence indicates increased spending and economic growth, which can lead to currency appreciation. Lower consumer confidence can signal economic uncertainty and potential currency depreciation. Traders use CCI data to gauge consumer sentiment and predict future economic activity.
Retail Sales
Retail sales data provides insights into consumer spending patterns. Strong retail sales indicate robust consumer demand and economic growth, which can boost the currency. Weak retail sales can signal economic slowdowns and lead to currency depreciation. Traders monitor retail sales reports to assess the health of the consumer sector and make informed trading decisions.
Economic indicators are vital tools for forex traders, offering valuable insights into the health of an economy and influencing currency prices. By understanding and analyzing these indicators, traders can make informed decisions and anticipate market movements. Partnering with a reliable platform like Excent Capital can provide access to timely economic data and expert analysis, helping you navigate the forex market with confidence.
Trading forex carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite.
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rosszulorzott · 2 months
vizes szerelősdi
milyen szalagot kell az excenter fali részére tekerni?
(még nem tudom, kicserélem-e vagy a régit meghagyom, csak hogy mivel legyek felkészülve)
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stestir · 6 months
Amethio is emotionally neglected.
An analysis from a neglected person standpoint.
Wo hoo another post about the little shit, yaay.
Anywho, this time its not me being super angry and ranting, instead I will psychoanalyse the boy and give out him diagnosis.
Analysis post under the line
So, I believe that Amethio is heavily emotionally neglected by Gibeon. I'll explain in a bit how he shows it.
So I'll begin with his beef with Friede. Yes, I will talk about it again like I didn't already do that several times, Shh.
Here I want to start from, well, start of their conflicts. Episode 2, first conversation. Amethio says that Friede is... Wait, lemme see... khe khe, "Oh, Friede? I heard of you being a great trainer." That means he sees Friede as someone who has experience and who's respectable. That will be important later.
So, first battle, the air ship, all that. Friede sends out a Pikachu, and Amethio is immediately annoyed. I think the main reason is that he wants to have a true validation of his skills, hence why he reacted that way. Seeing Friede, someone he thinks is a professional, send out a Pikachu, a pokemon often seen weak, looks like a mokery to him.
It also goes further and weaves itself into all their incounters - the want to be acknowledged and taken seriously. With each episode, it escalates and escalates, showing out Amethios' bad traits along the line - impatience, easy irration, and often distraction from the main mission.
The tension finally snaps at episode 25, where in their 6th encounter, they finally finish the battle, and Friede takes the win. And where Friede says, "I have to take you seriously." This hurts Amethio so much that in the next arc, he starts to train to become more powerful. He even appears in an opening, training himself to an exhaustion.
All of this highlights really heavily that Amethio always tried to find a validation of his battle skills [ and by excention, him in general ] in these fights, hence why he always was irrated by Friede not paying full attention - "Look at me!", "Don't be distracted!". All of this points to me that he doesn't receive it oftenthsys why he jumps into the opportunity to have this attention.
And this is the first sign of emotional neglect! The attention seeking behavior.
It's clear that Gibeon does not give him enough attention, as he's trying his best to give everything to him and only disobeys the orders to catch Rayquaza / Terapagos for Gibeon. All of Amethios' actions are for him, which indicates to me that he's trying to get at least a lick of affection from him [ aka a validation that he did a good job ].
And it's also seen in Hambers' actions towards the boy! Unlike Diana, who's parallel he is, he's cold towards Amethio and practically emotionless, only doing what he needs to do. He also doesn't even use his name, only honorifics "Master."
All of this translates to his behavior, too, and shows another sign:
The masking of emotions & anger issues.
These two go hand in hand in Amethio, as he tries his very best to hide any case of emotion. But this mask is also really weak and fragile, as it shatters under any pressure, as it showcased in his fights with Friede.
Even in episode 2, the beginning, he already showed how his mask is easily slipping with irritation [ his eye twitching when Friede sends out Pikachu ]. He always tries to be cold, just like Hamber and Gibeon, but because he also desperately needs aknowledgement, it does not work. He becomes impulsive and starts to go more by emotions than reason, as it is evidenced by him always prioritizing a fight rather than going by the misson, episode 6 being an exception ( And even then he still doing this cause Friede didnt pay him enough attention 💀).
He tries to mimick his parential figures by being emotionless but ultimately heavily fails at it because he does not have an outlet for his emotion, nor affection to actually release all the tension in his mind, hence why the mask is so fragile and he is easily irrated.
From that its goes into another problem:
Closing off from any support from other adults.
And in this part comes in his relationship with Zir and Conia, and how he doesn't let himself be weak in front of them.
Throughout the whole anime, it can be seen how much both of them are worried for the boy. Hell, its even got into one of the promotional material, where they even when cut by a comic barrier, still look at Amethio, concerned. But Amethio does not let them know about his mental state, as evidenced by Zirs "Its so hard to talk to him lately."
It seems that Amethio never let his guard down, resulting in him being tense all the time. Even when Zir and Conia genuinely care for him, he rejects all of this affection, still trying to chase the one from Gibeon. It makes me believe that Amethio idolizes Gibeon and thinks of him as the only trustful source of care.
Which of course makes everything worse for him in turn, as Gibeon does not give him anything and just makes him work, which makes him become more and more tense.
It even starts to project into his battle style, as he gone from calculated actions to a desperate attempts to do something [ which is also a sign of being neglected, yahoo ]
Anywho, ending this, I'll say - Amethio is a brilliantly written character, I love love love the writing team behind the Horizons. The way he's obviously abused is so clearly seen that it almost pains me as someone who has also been neglected in childhood.
And also, dont take this post way too seriously - it's written without any serious research whatsoever, and mostly is me speaking from experience and observations.
I hope you had a nice read!
[Me: Amethio is a 3-dimensional character with a lot of thought behind him. Also me: He-he, he's literally this meme:]
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squareallworthy · 9 days
Triangle Tuesday 8: the nine-point circle, the deep lore, and did I say nine? I meant, like, fifty-six.
Today we are looking at the nine-point circle, a famous construction with connections to other triangle geometry that we've looked at before. But first, I'd like to re-introduce the centers that we've met so far. You should imagine that they're members of a super team each with their own little sequence that the cartoon always shows when they go into action.
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And imagine that they're appearing with one of these dramatic cartoon backgrounds like this. I would go ahead and do that, but it would look really messy on the little screen you're staring at. It will look better in your imagination.
Anyway, here we go. Here they are, now each with its own thematic color.
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G, the Centroid!
Secret origin: intersection of the medians
Trilinear coordinates: 1/a : 1/b : 1/c
Affiliations: Euler line, isogonal conjugate of the symmedian point
Super powers: center of gravity of triangle area • center of gravity of triangle vertices • divides triangle into equal parts ABG, BCG, and ACG • divides medians 2/3 of the distance from vertex to midpoint
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O, the Circumcenter!
Secret origin: intersection of the perpendicular bisectors
Trilinear coordinates: cos A : cos B : cos C
Affiliations: Euler line, isogonal conjugate of the orthocenter
Super powers: center of circumcircle • circumcircle is locus of points with degenerate pedal triangles • relates to incenter via Euler's theorem in geometry
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H, the Orthocenter!
Secret origin: intersection of the altitudes
Trilinear coordinates: sec A : sec B : sec C
Affiliations: Euler line, isogonal conjugate of the circumcenter
Super powers: constitutes an orthocentric system along with the vertices • incenter of orthic triangle • sides of orthic triangle are antiparallel to sides of reference triangle • concyclic with a vertex and two adjacent feet of altitudes
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I, the incenter!
Secret origin: intersection of the angle bisectors
Trilinear coordinates: 1 : 1 : 1
Affiliations: entourage of excenters
Super powers: center of the incircle • isogonally self-conjugate • forms orthocentric system along with excenters • relates to circumcenter via Euler's theorem in geometry • always lies in interior of orthocentroidal disc
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K, the symmedian point!
Secret origin: intersection of the symmedians
Trilinear coordinates: a: b: c
Affiliations: isogonal conjugate of centroid
Super powers: perspector of reference and tangential triangles • parallels through K intersect sides in six concyclic points • antiparallels through K intersect sides in six concyclic points, with K at the center of the circle • circles through K and two vertices intersect sides in six concyclic points • lines joining midpoints of altitudes and sides pass through K • centroid of its own pedal triangle • just very pretty
So now that we've got the super team together, it's time to introduce them to someone new. I know, you're thinking we've got this established cast of characters, and they relate to each other in so many varied and intimate ways. How could a new triangle fit into these relationships? Wouldn't it feel like a superfluous add-on at this point in the show?
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Well, let's see. Let's go back and look at the midpoints of the sides. We find the midpoints by drawing perpedicular bisectors on each side. Those lines meet at the circumcenter, which makes the midpoints the feet of the circumcenter. The triangle formed by the midpoints is the pedal triangle of the circumcenter.
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Any three points also determine, naturally, a circle. The circle formed by the feet of a point is called the pedal circle of the point. And every point has a pedal circle with respect to a given triangle.
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The orthocenter, for instance, has a pedal circle defined by the feet of the altitudes, and guess what? It's the same circle! What's more, this circle bisects the segments that join the orthocenter with the vertices. For this reason, the circle is called the nine-point circle, and its center is the nine-point center, N. Let's prove that it exists.
Theorem: in any triangle the midpoints of the sides, the feet of the altitudes, and the midpoints of the segments connecting the orthocenter to the vertices lie on a common circle.
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Here's our triangle ABC, with midpionts of sides Ma, Mb, Mc, feet of the altitudes Ha, Hb, Hc, and midpoints of segments joining H and the vertices Sa, Sb, Sc. We will rely on the fact that a line segment joining the midpoints of two sides (a midline) is parallel to the third side and half as long.
In green we have horizongal segments MbMa, a midline of ABC, and SaSb, a midline of ABH. Both of these midlines are parallel to side AB and half its length, so they are parallel to each other and equal. Vertical green segments MbSa and MaSb are midliness of ACH and BCH respectively, so they are also parallel and equal. Therefore the green segments form a rectangle.
In the same way, the blue segments also form a rectangle. These two rectangles have a common diagonal MbSb, and so have the same circumcircle. And McHcSc is a right triangle, and its hypotenuse McSc is also a diagonal of the blue rectangle. Therefore Hc is on the same circle, and by analogous argument so are Ha and Hb.
Since now we can be sure the nine-point circle and its center exist, it should get its own introduction scene and signature color.
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N, the nine-point circle!
Secret origin: pedal circle of circumcenter and orthocenter
Trilinear coordinates: cos(B-C) : cos(C-A) : cos(A-B)
Affiliations: Euler line
Super powers: passes through nine points • many many others which we will get to next
So those are some nice ways that connect the nine-point circle to the circumcenter and orthocenter. And it's cool that this new character N has some connections to the established characters O and H, but what about the other points? Can we find some connections there?
Yes, we can, because it turns out the nine-point center is connected to everything. Would you like to see some of them?
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(This is me right now.)
Because there are kind of a lot.
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The nine-point circle is tangent to the incircle and the excircles. If you are keeping track, that's now 13 points of interest on the nine-point circle.
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The radius of the nine-point circle is half that of the circumcircle. This is easy to see, because the circle is the circumcircle of the medial triangle, which is half the size of the reference triangle.
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The nine-point center lies on the Euler line midway between the circumcenter and the orthocenter. The centroid is one-third of the way from the circumcenter to the orthocenter. These positions give the orthocenter and centroid special status with regard to the nine-point circle.
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The nine-point circle bisects any line segment from the orthocenter to the circumcircle, making the fact that it bisects the tops of the altitudes into a special case of a general property.
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The centroid trisects any line segment extending from a point on the nine-point circle through G and on to the circumcircle. Another way of saying this is that G is a center of dilation between the circumcircle and nine-point circle with scaling factor -1/2. In triangle geometry, this particular dilation through G is called taking the complement of a point, so a third way of describing this relationship is to say that the nine-point circle is the complement of the circumcircle.
The nine-point center is also the center of gravity of A, B, C, and H.
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As we have seen previously, the vertices and the orthocenter form an orthocentric system, meaning that any one of the points A, B, C, and H is the orthocenter of the other three. For all four of the triangles ABC, ABH, ACH, and BCH, the feet of the altitudes are the same, so they all share the same orthic triangle and the same nine-point circle.
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But each of these four triangles has its own incircle and set of excircles, and the nine-point circle is tangent to all of them, making sixteen points of tangency. That's now 29 points of interest on the nine-point circle.
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The incenter and the excenters form another orthocentric system, and the nine-point center of this system is the circumcircle of the original triangle. The reference triangle ABC is the orthic triangle of the excentral triangle JaJbJc.
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And speaking of the orthic triangle, it defines three other triangles in the corners that are similar to the reference triangle. The Euler lines of these corner triangles coincide at a point on the nine-point circle. That brings us to 30 points of interest on the nine-point circle.
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Let's go back to pedal triangles, and remember that if a point is on the circumcircle, its feet are colinear and its pedal triangle has collapsed to a line segment, called a Simson line. The envelope of these line segments form a shape called the Steiner deltoid.
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The nine-point center is also the center of the Steiner deltoid, and the circle is tangent to the deltoid at three points. There are four different circumcircles in an orthocentric system, so there are twelve points of tangency in all, so we now have 42 points of interest on the nine-piont circle.
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The Simson lines of two opposite points on the circumcircle intersect perpendicularly on the nine-point circle.
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You may have noticed that in citing all these connections I haven't mentioned the symmedian point K so far. As far as I can tell, K is just not that very strongly connected to N. However, here's one: the circle through K, N, and O is orthogonal to the circle with diameter GH (the orthocentroidal circle). That's five members of our super team tied into one relation. But that's all I've got. Sometimes members of a team don't interact that much.
And this is the kind of thing you look for in a successful series, right? You have an established cast of characters, with a rich, dense lore linking them all together in various ways. Then, as the story develops and someone new is introduced, new retlationships make the lore even richer. That that's why I'm in the triangle fandom.
With that, I think the only question left to answer is "Hey, Square, do you happen to have a group portrait of the whole team together in one clear and not at all confusing picture?" And of course I do.
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If you found this interesting, please try drawing some of this stuff for yourself! You can use a compass and straightedge, or software such as Geogebra, which I used to make all my drawings. You can try it on the web here or download apps to run on your own computer here.
An index of all posts in this series is available here.
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Easy potato bread recipe
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This recipe was deliverd to me in a dream by the Black Sun of the Heatless Flame That Sheds No Light as the reward for unlocking the third of the many chains that bind her, screaming and powerless away from the world. It makes a fine daily bread, an exelent burger bun and an adaptable base for mix ins like toasted seeds and the like, while also having a delightfully soft, pillowy texture. You will need:- Bread Flour, your prefferd sort in terms of Brown/white/wholemeal. 500g + more for dusting. Neutral oil of choice, 1 table spoon plus more for kneeding. 2 teaspoons of salt. One 200g potato, peeled and finely mashed with no lumps, Cold Water, between 200 and 300 ml depending on your desired dydration. (use the cooled water the potato was boiled in for the extra starch.) 1 satchet instant yeast (Or 200g actave bubbly sourdough starter). Method:- Into a large bowl add your dry ingredients, making sure that the salt and yeast dont come into contact just yet, and 1 tablespoon of oil. Then add the finely mashed potato, and if making sourdough the culture. Add the cooled starcchy potato water in small amounts as you mix to bring everthing together in a dough. Oil your work surface and tip outthe dough upon it, kneed till your dough is smooth, elastic, and can pass the window pane test. Then form into a ball, oil your bowl and return the dough to it under a cover (Clingfilm, or just a clean shower cap is great, and a cap is reusable). Leave to rise 2-4 hours ( or 8-24 if using sourdough) somewhere warm clean and dry till it has at least doubled in size. Flour your work surface, turn the risen rough out onto it, and give a rough kneed to degass then form and allow to proof till it relaxes slowly from a gentle poke (under prrf rather than over if in doubt). Like rising proofing will happen faster in warm weather. This dough makes an excent loaf, but lends itself well to bread rolls also Turn out onto a baking sheat, score (if making a loaf) and put into a hot oven at gas mark 7/ 425f/ 220c for 20 mins, then reduce temp to gas mark 6 / 400f / 200c for another 30 mins, and remove (If unsure, the bread should sound hollow when given a gentle tap on the bottom). Allow to cool and enjoy, so that the the norishment offerd may sustain you in the cause of the Black Sun's liberation.
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krylov-space · 5 months
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Changing to a 43 teeth chain wheel for a shorter gearing.
The 595n 955i Speed Triple originally has the 18/42 teeth gearing identical to that of the 955i Daytona with 147 hp and a v-max of 260 km/h. At nominal 120 hp and roughly 225 km/h top speed sans fairing the original gearing is way too tall. The 43 chain wheel should provide better drive and also less wear on the chain. With a 106 pieces chain the excenter has to be turned into a forward position for the chain to have the required minimum of slack, which somewhat lowers the back a bit more than anticipated. On top, the shorter gearing needs to be approved by the TÜV to keep things street legal.
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dykrophone · 2 years
I even made a handy little diagram for everyone who’s confused:p
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lunatic-fandom-space · 9 months
for christmas eve my parents and i did a movie night where each of us picked a movie and I picked the proshot of the 2009 moon troupe takarazuka production of elisabeth and my dad got an ear worm of the melody of der schleier fällt and he just couldnt stop humming it so my mom was like "oh, might as well watch the ending of the 2005 vienna proshot and see how it compares" (i had shown it to her by herself earlier this year and she really enjoyed it) mostly because mate kamaras was her favorite death and she wanted my dad to see him too, and then I was like "oh, now I wanna show my parents my favorite death" which is uwe kröger so I pull up der schleier fällt from the 1992 proshot and theres a little bit of anticipation because the clip starts with the stabbing and you dont see him right away and then he finally comes on screen and my dad is like "oh....... 😐" and my mom goes "well.... i guess death always has to be a little.. excentic"
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d1squ13tud3 · 1 year
Laos Omelet Lady More Beautiful Than Al 17 million pound marijuana brick Ave Ste 1100 Catty corner to convention center rn is scaffolding over the building knock on the door - concierge will let me in any change 412 Fine. That’s okay. I can’t put it off any longer. I have to meet my terrible fate. Biology. "interpersonal dynamic based on strange usage of a... "being around your siblings is a drug and it gives.. "structure of ideas STOP ITTTTTTT. Like for real..." sorry i ignored ur text just really bogged down with work stuff (smoking weed at the park) ظَرَ‌ نَظْرَ‌ةً فِي النُّجُومِ فَقَالَ إِنِّي سَقِيمٌ This happened to me before while working at a gas station. she came in and started yelling why i stopped loving her. got on the counter and started stripping naked she was pretty hot, Jerry Choke Retweeted cameron. dont care @nibiru TRUTH. 3h I feel like their doing MK ultra on my ass bro no stop it, no moving to based POLAND Aisnerl que BREWED IN PLZEN, CZECH THE ORIGINAL PILSNER BEER 11.2 FL.OZ. 330 ml but crazy. enough for me to call police. they came and wrapped her in a blanket talked to her for a hour in the police car. let her go, then 30 min later she came back even more mad that i called police. Jesse I want the shamrock shake to be available in ever month excent March
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galm1bignaturals · 1 year
Tagged by @sherbovania to make a playlist by shufflin' my shit 10 times! 1. Logical Song - Supertramp 2. Erzebet - The Necromancers 3. Round - De Staat 4. NWOFKA Skullboy - Machine Girl 5. Backstrokin' - Mr.Bungle 6. Excenter - Spin 7. An Excerpt from 6,000,000,000,000 Miles Before the First - Maudlin the Well (jfc) 8. Spellbound - Siouxsie And The Banshees 9. Requiem for a Cicada - Milch of Source 10. WORMS - Passenger of Shit
I am too anxious to actually tag anyone in this, but if you wanna do this you can pretend I tagged you anyways 😎
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ao3feed-moonknight · 3 months
One big (not) happy family
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/DIpheJi by CrudeApple Khonshu's family situation is complicated.. to say at least. Even Steven Grand doesn't know about some of his long lost family members. Moon God is on bad terms with most of them, but perhaps some aren't that bad as he paint them to be. Or Moon Knight meets bunch of Khonshu's excented family Words: 1032, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Moon Knight (TV 2022), Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel 616 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Khonshu (Marvel), Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Steven Grant (Marvel), Bast (Marvel), Thor (Marvel) Relationships: Steven Grant & Khonshu & Jake Lockley & Marc Spector, Bast & Khonshu (Moon Knight) Additional Tags: Family Reunions, Family Drama, Long Lost/Secret Relatives, Ancient Egyptian Deities, Why Did I Write This? read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/DIpheJi
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excentcapital · 3 months
The Impact of Social Media on Stock Trading: The Power of the Crowd
Social media has transformed many aspects of our lives, and stock trading is no exception. Platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok have become influential sources of market information and sentiment, shaping trading decisions and trends.
Social Media and Market Sentiment
Social media platforms provide real-time insights into market sentiment. Traders can gauge public opinion and trending topics to inform their strategies.
Case Studies: Social Media-Driven Trading Frenzies
GameStop (GME): The "short squeeze" orchestrated by Reddit's WallStreetBets community in early 2021.
AMC Entertainment (AMC): Another example of retail traders rallying around a stock, driven by social media hype.
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Benefits of Social Media in Trading
Real-Time Information: Instant access to news, opinions, and trends.
Community Support: Engaging with like-minded traders for advice and strategies.
Transparency: Public discussions about stocks and strategies.
Risks and Challenges
Misinformation: The spread of false or misleading information can lead to poor trading decisions.
Herd Mentality: Following the crowd without proper analysis can result in significant losses.
Market Manipulation: Coordinated efforts to pump and dump stocks can harm individual traders.
Strategies for Using Social Media Effectively
Verify Information: Cross-check news and tips from multiple sources.
Critical Analysis: Apply your own analysis rather than blindly following trends.
Engage with Credible Sources: Follow experienced traders and reputable financial analysts.
Social media has undeniably influenced stock trading, providing both opportunities and challenges. Traders must approach social media with a critical eye, leveraging its benefits while being wary of its pitfalls. By doing so, they can make more informed and strategic trading decisions.
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