#excel slicers
How To Use Slicer In Excel Sheet For Data Filtering
Unlocking the Power of Excel Slicers: An Interactive Guide Hello there, Excel warriors! Are you ready to take your Excel skills to the next level? Today, we’ll explore the power of Excel Slicers and walk you through how to insert slicers in Excel, use PivotTable slicers, and more. How to use Excel Slicer 1. Excel Slicers – An Overview An Excel slicer is a tool that provides a simple, intuitive…
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businessupside13 · 2 years
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theygender · 2 years
Certified autism moment. I finally got through all the training modules in my new job and got to move on to the FUN part of messing around with excel. I've spent the last 7 hours coding excel sheets and I am over the fucking moon happy about it. This is like the equivalent of playing in a sandbox for me
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adhd-coyote · 2 months
*kicks your door down* PIRATE SQUAD PIRATE SQUAD PIRATE SQUAD they can go on a playdate with my pirates mayhaps
I’m gonna go ahead and just turn this into the next batch of oc introductions SO @whiskygoldwings @grackle-draws @thivell @hastalavistabyebye @starwarsanthropology tagging all of y’all!!!
So! The pirate crew!
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Former 91st; Just a month or so into his deployment he was caught near an explosion and debris hit his bucket hard enough to shatter part of it and knock him out cold. He was assumed KIA and left behind, and by the time he woke up, his battalion was already gone. So, he managed to get his way off planet, and while trying to figure out how to get back to his battalion, was picked up/adopted by a pirate crew and eventually decided to stay with them
Bleached and dyed his hair after he decided to stay - he changes the color of the streak every so often - and eventually got a bunch of piercings as well
Has gotten very good at makeup and sewing
Is baby, can and will kill you, but would really prefer not to
Will bite
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Married to Kora
Excellent slicer, both with tech and knives
Wine aunt energy
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Married to Zhana
Sharp grin, sharp knives, and even sharper eyeliner
Very good actress and loves getting to put her skills to use- especially if there’s money involved
Taught Paws how to do makeup
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Janki’s older sibling
Talk shit, get hit
Absolutely fucking feral
The one who taught Paws to bite
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Hands are rated E for Everyone (he gets it from his sibling)
Helped Paws dye his hair
Just as feral as Hyela, but he hides it better
Very good at tooka eyes
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An absolute Tank
Himbo energy, but is actually pretty smart
Absolutely rocks a dress and heels, and will occasionally let Kora do his makeup
Gives the best hugs ever
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Will flirt with anyone- and is good at it, too
Silver-tongued little shit
Helped Paws with his piercings
Knows a variety of languages and will curse you out in every single one of them if you injure yourself in a stupid way
These are just the current members, but I might add more later! Feel free to ask whatever you want about em :3
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docholligay · 4 months
I know GoT only by reputation, and what little I've seen of it on tumblr, but... sometimes, I feel like fantasy, as a genre, has been absolutely ruined by the success of GoT. Everything these days seems to be about making settings and characters as nasty, brutish, and dirty as possible. It's incredibly tiring, and really frustrating, to the point of feeling like these sorts of tropes are being repeated for their own sake rather than because they actually do anything for the story or characters.
(Also, being the sort of person who easily becomes queasy at the sight or thought of blood, and has issues with everything being so darned loud, this tends to be a particular pet peeve in television, but even books aren't completely immune to this effect either, which makes it doubly frustrating.)
I mean this in the nicest possible way, please imagine me saying this with a big smile on my face and laughing as I take a swig from my beer, but you and I are SO diametrically opposed on this!
I mean, anything can be written BADLY, of course, but I fell out of reading fantasy as i got older not because it all became A Song of Ice and Fire but because it all seemed to be "a brave young woman!! IS the chosen one!! And she will prevail over SUPER DARKNESS. And only the parental figure will die, to motivate her, and everyone's intentions and clear and good, and also there are dragons I guess." There's so much narrative safety. There's so many last-minute asspulls to save someone. I would LOVE some well written political machination but there are dragons though. That's why I liked Locke Lamora!
I think we have a tendency to notice the things we hate. So for me, Fantasty now is fucking lousy with ~queer retellings~ that are all very life affirming and nice and all that but all the eating each other out in the world isn't going to get me over the hump of wishing there were actual, painful consequences for being an idiot, or even just unlucky.
Part of why people named Doc, who are me, really like Song of ice and Fire (please note I actually DON'T like Game of Thrones) is that anyone COULD die. The books would not CHEAT TO HELP THE GOOD GUY WIN. And for me, that was everything. As a young teen who had read so so so much fantasy but was starting to feel really resentful of the way it never seemed to mirror the moments of difficulty and pain in life, it meant so much (I think the show edged too hard toward Cheating To Help The bad Guy Win, but that's another matter)
But obviously you and I are totally different people. You admit to being squeamish, so of course you don't care for things that involve violence. I, on the other hand, am an excellent person to have in any given bloody crisis, as I have Done Time in Ag. I am, to give a real life example, the person you calmly call into the kitchen to help when you've nearly taken your finger off with a meat slicer. I have a smile and a "We can handle this!" to give. I, on the third hand, have had life experiences that make, "the magical salvation of being nice and believing really hard" feel like an actual-ass insult. I never met a war that didn't take its chunk, and you don't get to pick where they come from.
These are just differences of personality. Fucking magical princess witches in the forest running from the bad guys but overcoming it all with sass and gay love because we're twelve I guess exists for you, and grimdark machinations toward a lead crown of thorns where evil brings profit and virtue none at all because fuck happiness everyone should be a German concrete salesman is for me. I think there's probably more of what both of us like than either of us are actually admitting.
However, everything is too loud for me all the time also, I really recommend eargasm earplugs, which come with a very small container and are nearly invisible and discreet when in. They block some of the sound but not all of it. Many people in my life casually don't even know I have them or sometimes put them in for louder places.
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transitranger327 · 3 months
Sundari Twilight, Chapter 1: Necessary Bonding
This fic was inspired by this art by inzuss. It’s a Barrissoka fix-it au that takes place during Season 5 of The Clone Wars (this chapter takes place after episode 9, “A Necessary Bond”). Read it on Ao3 or below the cut
Notes: Ahsoka has lived thru some shit. And Barriss is an excellent slicer (the Star Wars name for a hacker)
The shuttle descended from Coruscanti orbit. “It’s a bit tight for the nine of us,” Ahsoka thought, ”but it wasn’t a long trip.” Obi-Wan had graciously allowed her to fly the younglings back to the temple and skip out on the strategy conference she’d been dreading attending. On account of the frankly messed-up adventure they’d had coming back from Ilum. She wasn’t planning on lording that over Anakin, who hated conferences in much the same way she did, but maybe a younger her would have. One that hadn’t seen two years of constant war, fought off multiple diseases, died and been resurrected by literal Force gods, been hunted for sport and forced into slavery, or just had to protect six younglings from horrors she was barely a match for. At least she now had some free time to decompress and work thru her emotions. She had managed to only sob when the cockpit door was locked and Artoo her only companion. Anakin was probably finishing up making his travel plans and could only offer a few kind words and a short hug. But Barriss…Barriss…she would be there. She had said the trials had given her a lot to think about and she wasn’t deploying immediately. Ahsoka was just grateful to have someone who knew her available to talk. “All right kids, we’re approaching the Temple. Buckle up”
The younglings dashed out into the hangar ahead of Ahsoka, eager to return to their quarters. While many youngling clans kept in touch as they grew older (Ahsoka enjoyed catching up with her clan-mates over meals at the temple), she had a feeling these six would remain close friends for a long time. Bonds forged during crisis always seemed to last longer. That was something the Jedi were rapidly learning during the war, and while tradition dictated to let go of those bonds, she and Anakin had found the trust they had gained with the 501st to be much more useful than orthodoxy. Speaking of, he was standing there in the temple hangar, arms crossed, with the goofy grin he always wore when he was right. “Told you it wasn’t gonna be boring.” While the council tried stressing the Gathering was important or involved more responsibility, Anakin had just said that it wouldn’t be boring. “I’m glad you’re back safe,” he continued, as he gave her a small hug. This was not the same Anakin as the one who was full of stress and frustration when Ahsoka vanished on Felucia months prior. “All thanks to your training, Master.” “No, Ahsoka, you’re learning faster than I’m teaching you. Walk with me and Artoo?”
Master and Apprentice and Astromech walked the halls of the Jedi Temple together. Between the Onderon rebellion and the Gathering gone wrong, Tano had spent a lot of time away from Skywalker. They discussed their changing relationship, how they were becoming closer to partners than student and teacher. “The same thing happened to me and Obi-Wan after Geonosis. Those last few months of my apprenticeship, he trusted me like a brother.” Ahsoka could here the slight bitterness in his voice from Obi-Wan’s betrayal. But he continued, “I foresee those days coming for us too.” So that’s what changed. Maybe Anakin had spent time reflecting on loss. Or maybe he was saying something that he wasn’t sure about and trying to believe it. 
“But Master, weren’t you his padawan for a decade? You’ve only taught me for two years.” “Snips, you’re not an ordinary student, and I’m not an ordinary teacher. I’ve learned just as much from you as you have from me. Not to mention Rex, Obi-Wan, Padmé, and all your other teachers.” They really were an odd pair, but Ahsoka wouldn’t want it any other way. “Alright, Artoo and I have a secret briefing here. Take care of yourself.” “I will, Master.” 
Ahsoka stood at the door to Barriss’s dormitory. While there were some rumors circulating about the two of them being more than friends, visiting fellow Jedi at their rooms was viewed with less suspicion than being greeted by them at an entrance or hangar. And Ahsoka wanted to keep it that way. Not that she felt any shame, but she didn’t want any reprisal from the council. Plo and Obi-Wan would understand, surely, but the rest? She refused to keep thinking like this, and so rang the Barriss’s buzzer. A cheerful voice replied, “enter!”
And there she was. Beautiful pale green skin, soft gentle curves, piercing blue eyes, a finely embroidered hood, kneeling at a small altar. Ahsoka took a seat next to her and reached out: first with her hand, then with the Force. As their fingers intertwined and their spirits touched, Ahsoka let the raging torrent of the Force carry her into the quiet pool Barriss was meditating in. It felt like a spring day on Naboo, the water a touch too cold for Ahsoka’s liking, and a bit of chop from a strong breeze, but it slowly warmed and stilled in her presence. While they had began this practice years ago as group meditation between friends, it had become something much more intimate. A sharing of feelings that transcended the honesty between most other Jedi. Being able to ground themselves in each other had become a fundamental part of their relationship. And so the two Jedi sat there, basking in the presence of each other and the Force. Ahsoka couldn’t help but smile when Barriss said, “Welcome back, my love.”
Barriss knew that her love could feel her intentions without words, but she also knew that physical words and touch meant more. While Ahsoka’s spirituality had sharply increased after Mortis, she was still firmly rooted in the material, the tangible. Which is why Barriss wasn’t surprised when Ahsoka planted a soft kiss on her exposed cheek, accompanied with an “I’ve missed you so much.” Oh who was she kidding, she loved hearing it too. She took off her hood, exposing the rest of her head to Ahsoka’s touch. Her hair was a privilege she offered to a rare few. Ahsoka took the invitation and wove her fingers into it as they continued kissing each other. 
The two Jedi had moved onto Barriss’s bed for more comfortable cuddles. Ahsoka was too tired for proper sex, but they had plenty of time for that later. She had settled for Barriss gently caressing her lekkus while she played with Barriss’s hair, which felt almost as good. “So how did the trials go?”
Barriss grimaced. The trials had been a mixed bag, but in a way that wasn’t obvious to most Jedi. “They were…fine.” She could tell Ahsoka knew what she meant. “With each trial, I grew more sure of myself and less sure of the Order. Everything we’re doing here feels less like doing the will of the Force and more like what’s politically convenient.” Despite knowing her lover would understand, she still felt the need to defend herself. “At one point, I had to mediate a mock dispute, and the correct, just answer wasn’t popular with either side. But isn’t fighting in the war completely at odds with that?”
None of this surprised Ahsoka. Multiple Jedi had made it known they were uncomfortable with being generals and commanders in the GAR, including Barriss. “I don’t disagree. There a lot of people we aren’t helping because they aren’t choosing sides or are actively fighting the Republic. And we should be helping them.”
This, however, did surprise Barriss. Ahsoka was always on the front lines, fighting side-by-side with the clones. Some had even started calling her and Anakin the “Heroes with No Fear”, a beacon of hope for the Republic. “How can you say that and still be fighting in the war?”
A question more people should be asking. “I’ve seen what armies do if left unsupervised. What warlords do when given control.” Ahsoka had to think a moment, trying to explain the certainty she felt about her own calling. “The Separatist Army is led by those who care nothing about sentient life. And if I don’t lead, who will? Tarkin is just as bad as Grievous, in many ways.” She smiled at her girlfriend, “just because it’s where I’m needed doesn’t mean it’s where you are needed.” As much as she wanted to always be side-by-side with Barriss, she knew their callings were different. There would always some distance between them. 
“I just wish there was a way to get the council and everyone else to understand that this whole war is wrong.” Barriss wanted, no, needed people to understand her.  “Well, I wouldn’t try bombing anything. I’m pretty sure that attack on Coruscant a year back is why we’re still in this war.”  “What do you mean?” “The bombing happened during the peace vote in the Senate. After it had already passed in the Separatist Parliament.”
The pieces started falling into place for Barriss. A Separatist attack on Coruscant after they had voted for peace, coincidentally during the Republic vote on it? It was obvious. “Someone is manipulating this war. I need to find out who it is.” Her eyes pleaded with Ahsoka, “can you help me slice into the HoloNet?”
Ahsoka smiled, “Of course, love.”
Out of the two of them, Barriss was the better slicer. Her master had always valued intellectual skills, and programming was simply another language that she managed to pick up during her travels. She had mostly asked for Ahsoka’s help in any hardware-related issues, as she was probably the best mechanic in the Order after Anakin. Sometimes slicing required a hardware interface, and Barriss believed in being prepared. As Ahsoka’s head rested in her lap, she began slicing into the secure channels of the HoloNet. Most of them were private senatorial channels, but a few were carrying military information. Barriss tried unlocking them with various password spoofers, but none budged. Writing specific slicing programs for each channel would take a long time, so she prioritized the ones that weren’t routed thru the Temple. She whispered to her girlfriend, “Hey sweetheart, after your nap, can you warm up your soldering station? We need to build a vicepick.”
Half-asleep, Ahsoka mumbled, “sure thing love.” She drifted off to sleep dreaming of circuits and snuggles.
Barriss kissed her partner’s montral and returned to slicing. Her signature 3-part decryptor would do nicely, and writing variations on them was second nature at this point, constantly tinkering in search of perfection. Topping it off, the decoy profile she included was a forged senate page, and the tag style she used would read as first-year academy student. To anyone other than the most experienced slicers, it would look like a senator amateurishly trying to read classified information. That is, if they even looked in the first place.
Elsewhere in the Galaxy
Maul woke up from his sleep in a Death Watch camp. “Something has Changed”
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diabeticgirl4 · 2 months
Brief taz gn review, spoilers afoot!
Djfhskfjdkgjf I'm so emotional over all of it. Ofc they cut some things, but I think one of the things that bummed me out most was taako not having to lose his beauty. Like that was Such a big deal to the fandom, imo it added so much depth to taako's character (surface level: haha yeah he's a vain elf ofc that's a terrible thing for him/ deeper level: now he won't match his twin that he doesn't realize he have;;;;;;) but eh I get it wasn't fully impactful to the overall plot so I get it I guess. Still bummed.
Another thing that irked me for a beyond stupid reason but why did they use the higher E for the first E in egg babe. In the music (specifically Voidfish(plural)) it's the lower E. Both Es are the same. Why the high E. That just sounds weird. Idk. That bugged me for the dumbest reason.
Still not the biggest fan of Edward/Lydia's designs but eh I'll let it slide.
Literally everything else was so wonderful tho aaaaaaaaaa
The whole slicer of t'peir weir isles bit was AMAZING. Everything I could've wanted. Bless lmao.
The bad luck. Chefs kiss. Mwah. The angst goblin in me was so satisfied in how it was portrayed lmao. It always bugged me in the podcast how they kinda joked and forgot the major damage taako took (granted I get it's more of a comedy podcast so fine I get it), but like it's hard to hide/brush past that in a visual aspect and idk I appreciated it lol.
Also when taako Blinked and the hunger's eyes everywhere watching them. Mwah. And no healing in wonderland!! Aaagh I just rly love how the emotional aspect of these moments were portrayed. Wonderland's fricked up yo.
I forgot about Barry using thieves cant to talk w magnus, that was so excellent. And Dupree!!!!! Bless Dupree. <3
Gosh the arms outstretched scene was so so good. I was listening to the soundtrack song and just. Chills. And Kravitz!!!!! My boy!!!!! Taako having to make a choice and trying to go for both but watching Krav get sucked back in..... weh that was rough. Emotionally wonderful lmao.
Oh!!!!! That moment when griffin basically disappeared from them??? I loved that omg. Such an ohsh- meta way of showing how frickt up things are getting. The gm can't save you now. (Also I was curious if that was referencing how they switched from dnd for stolen century and griffin wasn't the same gm in the same sense. Huh)
Barry Bluejeans my beloved <3 gosh all the the flashbacks were incredible. I'm so hecking hyped for stolen century. Ahh!!
Also every time Lup taakos umbrella jumped to Barry that was so cute <3
LUP!!!!!!! Filling her in all of taako's staticked memories, we still don't get a clear look of her face until the final portrait reveal, but lup!!!! Her!!!!! I'm emotional!!!! And so is taako lmao!!!! Just. That single panel of her blowing up the fantasy dmv on her best day ever. I want that framed on my wall it's so beautiful.
Just. Gosh. It's all coming together. Everybody getting inoculated(x2) and getting memories back, davenport!!!!! Boy howdy lest ppl forget his sin was wrath in that one year. His face when he said "what have you done?" Chills absolute chills.
Just. Baawww the whole thing was amazing. It's all coming together!!! The adventure concludes(!!) in Story and Song!!!! AaaaaaaaAa
I'm emotional. So good. 10/10. Aaaaaa
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thinkinpoink · 5 months
Day saved: learnt how to create and utilize slicers in Excel
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
I’m not much of a cook, but I am an aficionado of food *gadgets.* What are some unique or semi-unique devices to each culture for their own cultural cuisines?
Optional: those Dwemer had so many devices, has anyone found anything confirmed to be for food prep?
What's a kitchen without a few doodads with very specific uses? While nobody is quite as advanced as the Dwemer (some scholars dispute the discovery of a soul gem-powered contraption that could be a head massager or an egg beater), here are a few kitchen gadgets that might make your cooking experience a little easier. Warning: magicka not included.
From fish knives to snail forks, there is no end to the High Elf cutlery drawer. Of course, the one utensil nobody asked for yet we somehow got anyway is the kelp spiraler. Semi-dried sheets of kelp are inserted, and noodly kelp bits come out the other end. These noodle alternatives are nice enough, but kind of chewy and very specific to a small number of Altmeri dishes. Very niche.
Coconut graters are essentially large boards with nails on them. It's that simple, but therefore a little dangerous, so watch out for your fingers! Grated coconut meat is used in all sorts of Argonian cooking, and is also pressed to make coconut milk.
Milk frothers are a very specific tool that the Bosmer love using to froth their milk and cream for drinks and soups. They are generally in the form of enchanted rods that simultaneously heat and bubble the milk, which is much easier than the old fashioned technique of blowing a straw into a heated cup of milk while whisking.
There's something delightful in the simplicity of a cheese wire cutter, a tool popular among High Rock's delis, cheesemongers, and particularly cheese-enamoured homes. It's the perfect slicer for any type of cheese, both soft and hard.
Tea filter pots are definitely a Dunmer thing, and are used for distilling tea and tisanes while cooling them down to the perfect temperature for drinking or icing. Simply pop your tea into the upper chamber, add hot water, and wait for it to trickle down into the bottom pot.
Speaking of cheese slicers, the Imperials have one of the most important kitchen tools in my opinion. The humble cheese planer is a handheld tool that slices firm cheeses into precise, thin slices. Made of metal, these slicers are mandatory when slicing off any block of cheese respectfully.
There's a rolling pin for every occasion in Elsweyr. Whether it's for imprinting dough with beautiful patterns or rolling it thin and perforated for crispbread, you can bet there's a specialised rolling pin out there for every baking need.
Everyone has heard of Chef Donolon's legendary enchanted mixing bowl, created in 2E. The famous Nord pastry chef attributed his legendary bakes to his magical bowl, and while it is possible to follow his recipes, they just don't have the oomph reported by patrons of the time. I refuse to discuss the success of a heist concerning said enchanted mixing bowl, and attribute my particularly excellent baking to time and skill.
There's nothing quite like a mortar and pestle to smoosh, crush, and blend! Generally made from solid granite, the favoured Orcish kitchen tool is useful, versatile, and a must in every kitchen. From herbs and leaves to meat for patties, the humble mortar and pestle is the quintessential Orcish kitchen tool.
Coffee kettles are a necessary part of Hammerfell life, and are said to have Dwemer origins. These ingenious little kettles prepare the perfect amount of coffee, of a high quality, every time. Simply fill one chamber with coffee grounds and the other with water, leave on the fire for a couple of minutes, and when it starts to whistle you have coffee! The resulting brew is always rich and flavourful, and never burnt or watery.
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jovoy · 8 months
was habing a really bad morning at work and in my manic panic attack induced state pf desperation i thought to myself its an excellent idea to take 5 mgs of ativan here right now. i dont feel as though i should be operating a meat slicer in any case
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trivialbob · 1 year
I love dealing with people who take pride in their work, and they’re nice about it too.
Several times lately I’ve tried making Philly cheese-steaks. I cut the meat as thin as I can, but I want it even thinner.
The grocery store closest to my house has an excellent butcher shop. The selection is amazing and it’s extremely clean. One of these times I am going to try one of the $42/pound cuts, after I practice preparing several less expensive ones first.
The guys working behind the counter are the best. If you bring in kitchen knives they will sharpen them while you shop. I heard that they will slice steaks too.
I asked one of the butchers about that, wondering if they’d use one of those big Hobart deli slicers.
“No, we don’t have any raw-food slicers.”
Didn’t hurt to ask, I thought. As I turned to leave he said, “But what I can do is slice them thin by hand.”
He gave me a big smile. “I’m really good at cutting very thinly. And when I’m done, I’ll put them between some wax paper sheets and press them even thinner. You’ll almost be able to see through them!”
I asked what it cost. He started to look at the price cards in the case. “Well, this cut is...“
“No, the cost for the service,” I interrupted nicely.
“Oh, no charge for that,” he said as he gave another big mile.
I’m starting to drool just thinking about the thin sliced steak for my next Philly cheese steak sandwich.
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seancamerons · 1 year
So I'm just really happily rewatching the oc. It is a magical experience! ✨️ I find myself using expressions like unbeatable combination, schmear more than I admit. As of earlier this week I have been craving bagels and need to get myself a cute little slicer cutter and some cream cheese and some lox but it is pretty funny.
And best part I got my bfs sister interested and she is converted! Seth is her favorite. We are midway through season 2. Now, she won't watch Dawson's or Tree Hill, but she did give Degrassi a chance, but lost interest after a certain point (sometime in s5, I can't really blame her.) Maybe she will be saved from season 6 new!Sean so she dodged a bit of a bullet lol.
I at least got her into the The OC which she loves (thank god!) as well as Friday night lights, stranger things, breaking bad and mad men.
We are a trio of show people, and we also like card and board games. We have so much fun. C has excellent taste in shows overall but I'm glad I got to show my faves and her, and I have common faves as well. We wish twin peaks was on streaming so we can show it to tj. She's like a sister to me.
And like my bf was a Saved by the Bell and Seventh Heaven stan before I came along, and now he loves breaking bad degrassi and the oc and one tree hill, gilmore girls and more. I'm so proud of him and he loves and is super invested in the characters, couples/ships and makes predictions and looks forward to watching with me qnd i try to remain tight-lipped on spoilers on things i know. All in all, he'd fit right in here, I swear. Sometimes we don't always finish our shows bc we take on too many and we tease each other about that. I'm so glad we are together. I'm so happy and grateful for that. People day couch potatoes like its a bad thing but we don't just sit in front of TV that's usually an evening thing. We have jobs and lives friendships and interests isolated from each other. In October, 3 past three years have flown by, and it's been an amazing three years of happiness love and just wonderful unexpected and joy. New traditions, beginnings, excitement, films, TV, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It is truly the best. I love that real and special love I'd been longing for since for friggin' ever. I can't see myself with anyone else. I don't want to. He is everything. 🥰
To close, I love shows. I love television. I love tv romance friendships dybamics. Television brings families and friends and people together. It's a beautiful thing. 😍 📺 im a firm believer in sharing shows being a love language. For example, if I gush about my favorites and you let me, you are my people. If I share my feelings and favorite shows and all just know you're so important to me.
Thanks for letting me gush on your dash about a friggin lovefest of my shows and ongoing appreciation for characters and romances spanning pretty much forever and ever bc I'm a romantic and I love it!
Even when I'm sad or it's sad I still love it. Smile through the tears. Television has been around for what? 50 years, 60 years? Whoever invented tvs and streaming too you are a damn magnificent genius and bastard at the same time. Thanks writers, thanks directors, thanks for costuming, hair, editing, and all you who make shows possible youre so appreciated. Thank you for the entertainment.😊
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windvexer · 2 years
My mom knows I'm learning to make jerky and she volunteers at a charity thrift shop. She saw an electric slicer machine there for $15, so I went to pick it up. Very pleased with the ease and consistency of jerky slices.
I also significantly increased the amount of sugar in my marinades and am also experimenting with a mid-smoke glaze consisting primarily of brown sugar, pineapple juice, and cayenne pepper. This is for the benefit of my partner who requested, and I quote, "meat candy." He is thus far pleased with early results.
The two smoker shelves can hold about three pounds of meat when laid horizontal over the bars. I saw a tip that recommended using toothpicks to hang the meat down, and was able to fit ~5lbs of meat on 2/3rds of one shelf. This is excellent.
Also I wrote about 4k more words on the book lmao
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Mist Squad | The Masterlist
Part of the 767th Battalion - a recon force specialized in locating, capturing targets and rescue allies -, the Mist Squad is an ARF unit focused on the capture side of things. Led by the experienced Sergeant Tooka, and aided by their highly trained massiffs, the squad has an excellent rate of successful missions.
Current members (click on their name to be taken to each individual masterlist!):
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SERGEANT TOOKA | ARF | CT-8652 A seasoned trooper who has been at the lead of many successful operations before settling as the Sergeant of Mist Squad. His gruff exterior and tired eyes do well to convey the permanent "single, weary father of five" role he's been stuck in since taking over the squad. His daughter massiff is Socks, a large, scarred female who has been by his side since cadet days.
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GAZE | Sniper | CT-4293 The most recent squad's addition, transferred after the loss of his sight and original squad during an infiltration mission gone horribly wrong. Voluntold to receive a pair of experimental, enhanced cybernetic prosthetics that restored his sight (at the cost of his health). Choosing to survive both out of spite and his unchecked, trauma-born emotional dependency towards anyone who talks to him for 0.5 seconds.
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CHEESE | Medic | CT-2437 As fiery as the auburn locks on his head, the medic and second oldest is easily the heart of the Mist Squad. Cheese is intent on making sure his brothers are taken care of to the best of his abilities - both physically and emotionally - even if it means literally strong-arming them into self-care. Cheese's massiff is Aid, who bravely dives snout-first into the battlefield besides him, carrying the medical kits necessary to patch up the squad, even during active battle.
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BEDBUG | ARF | Tracking Specialist | CT-2252 One of the best trackers of his squad (and the 767th as a whole). Fueled by a seemingly endless reserve of restless energy, Bedbug is always moving - be it exercising with his massiff Burr, be it fidgeting or taking apart whatever object is unlucky enough to end up in his hands during downtime. His eerie, nigh unbreakable focus during missions is balanced by a hair-graying lack of impulse control outside them. Despite the squad's eagle-eyed attempts at keeping Bedbug on their sights during leave, he's still managed to rack up a forked tongue and sharpened teeth, besides the too many piercings and tattoos scattered around his body.
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CHARM | ARF | Infiltration Specialist | CT-2253 The team's best slicer and hacker, and indispensable asset during infiltration missions. Named after the feat he pulled during one of his first missions when he, somehow, charmed a meal (his vod, Cheese) out of a young Kryat's dragon mouth. His massiff, Dinui (mando'a for 'gift'), is not only a work partner but also son, pride, joy, and the reason Charm is always peniless despite often taking side jobs whenever the GAR isn't looking. He'll be damned if he'll let his boy have anything but the absolute best he's able to provide.
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CAKE | ARF | Explosives Specialist | CT-2254 Youngest batchmate of Charm and Bedbug (by a mere ten seconds they won't ever let him forget), the squad's trap and explosives specialist is also an incurable trickster. Always down for shenanigans and seamlessly pinning the blame on his vode, pranking is his love language. The only who seems to be immune to his antics is Sugar, his massiff. She is not immune to Cake's 'fashion sense', tho, always found with armor (and scarves when off-duty) carefully color coordinated with his own outfits.
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[probably more troopers will join the squad, but for now there's that!]
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communist-hatsunemiku · 8 months
yooooo kate markson just said "excellent work raven, youve shown me a thing or two" AND i killed the boss with the laser slicer🤌🏻
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nimblermortal · 2 years
Happy Stabby Day!
These are my knives :)
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Chef knives
Features: My favorite darlings, and honestly the ones I wanted to talk about. These are Zwilling Pro, 38417-180 and 38401-180, and it makes me happy they are from Zwilling because they are twins. On the right is a standard chopping chef knife. Note the deep base after the handle, straight belly, and pointed tip in case you need any sharp stabbing motion - though if you're doing much of that, you want another knife. It has a gorgeous heavy chopping sound as you work through an onion, or even a butternut squash.
On the left is my beautiful freaky nerd of a chef knife. It can in principle do anything the chef knife can do, but it's really made for mincing. Note the rounded belly and strange angle at the tip - the belly makes it rock on the cutting board, just a bit, so it's perfect for things like mincing garlic, and the tip changes the weight and makes it readily identifiable. I adore this knife.
Lesson: Learn whether you are a chopper or a slicer in the kitchen, and choose your knives accordingly.
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: Not a chance. These are made for chopping on a cutting board, and they would not stab in a satisfying fashion.
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Hyacinths knife
Features: Wide girth, nearly straight blade, excellent weight if you want to julienne vegetables which Hyacinth frequently does, and the key feature: the rounded bottom edge at the 'point', which allows him to scoop. The slight rounding on the blade allows rocking similar to my twins, but the overall flatness allows him to chop big things in a straight motion whereas mine can only chop. He's also a big fan of the width of the blade for scooping finished products and carrying them on the top.
His actual favorite is a really terrible older knife his grandma gave him, same shape bit a wider yet blade and a more exaggerated rounded end, which doesn't keep its sharpness and the handle keeps falling off.
Lesson: Fancy nice knives keep their edge better.
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: No It doesn't have anything like a stabbing point. Unless you want to chop Caesar up after stabbing him, this is not the right tool.
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Meat knives
Features: Long, narrow blades slice better. If you're a slicer, you want a chef knife that is closer to this shape. I abandon my beloved knives for these fellows when I'm turning large pieces of meat into bite-size chunks, especially if it's chicken. Slicers move better through meat than choppers, and the sharp point helps you get that initial grip.
Honestly I'm not actually a knife person and I don't know what the difference between these shapes is. Chime in if you know!
Lesson: Slicers work better for meat.
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: This would be my knife of choice if concealment were not an object. Nice sharp point, fine slicing blade, works great on meat - my only concern would be if the violence and stabbing would damage a long blade, or even break it.
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Paring knives
Features: Short flat blades for a lot of easy control and leverage. These are fruit-and-cheese knives, where you can hold the object and the knife in your hands and work with them without a surface. Or with one! Detail work, peeling an apple... they also are just smaller and seem easier to clean, so I pull them out for small tasks. (The black one is a Wüsthof we've had since I was a child, and dirty from cutting cheese.)
For a tomato, mind, you'll want either a very sharp knife, or a serrated knife. Cheap bread knife does wonders on that slippy tomato skin.
Lesson: Short knives give more control and enable airborne cutting
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: Absolutely, if concealment were an issue. Almost all of the advantages of the meat knives above, with much reduced power, but very easy to hide up a sleeve. You could even let it be visible if you're carrying, say, an apple - there's a presumable use here.
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Swiss army knife Patrick's dad gave me
Features: ...everything? Downsides: nothing works perfectly. But it's got short blade, long blade, saw blade, tin opener, bottle opener, wine opener, tweezers (barely visible, with the gray hilt by the toothpick), toothpick, fishing? hook?, scissors... If there's more I just haven't found it yet.
Lesson: If you lose your pocket knives constantly, you are allowed to get another one. Knives pass into our lives and out of them - in the case of Julius Caesar, sometimes very rapidly.
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: I'd have it on me already in case the occasion arose!
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