#excalibur 54
benevolentfalcon · 1 month
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I once saw this man backflip and somersault across a room to get out of an uncomfortable conversation, so this tracks
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theoscarsproject · 2 years
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Excalibur (1981). Merlin the magician helps Arthur Pendragon unite the Britons around the Round Table of Camelot, even as dark forces conspire to tear it apart.
Oh man, where do you even start with this one? A messy, horny epic, and I mostly mean that as a compliment. The cast is absolutely insane - Patrick Stewart! Gabriel Byrne! Liam Neeson! But none of them can beat out Helen Mirren, who's at her scene-chewing best as Morgan Le Fay. She carries the movie in both it's schlockiest moments and it's most emotionally resonant ones, and that pretty much encapsulates why this movie works. It's A Lot, but sometimes A Lot is pretty great, even when it's not. 7/10.
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doronjosama · 2 years
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Today's eBay spotlight (Seller ID: RadioIndy)! Excalibur #54 from 1992! Classic mutant action by Alan Davis & Mark Farmer from Marvel Comics! #comics #excalibur #xmen #AlanDavis #MarkFarmer #marvelcomics #1992 #GottaMakeWayForTheHomosuperior #ComicCollector #comicdealer #VintageComics #auctions #ebay #RadioIndy #DownsizingMyCollection #EverythingMustGo #BuyMyStuff #PandemicHustle https://www.instagram.com/p/CiK0f8_uXj5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ndscottsummers · 3 months
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Excalibur v1 #54
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wrestlezon · 13 days
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Best Friends & Orange Cassidy vs Miro & Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford Feud (Oct 2020 - Mar 2021)
Hey, I finally finished putting this together! (its just tv stuff, i missed any twitter tweets)
I've supplied (brief) summaries, hyperlinks, and timestamps for each show, mostly to fite/triller where you can directly watch them if you have an AEW+ sub. If you don't, I tried to include some youtube/twitter alternative links where applicable. I've also left the bilibili video ids from before I got fite/triller, they're in blue.
(My advice: feel free to skip straight to Jan 06 2021.)
It's a looooong post, so its under this readmore. You can also find it as a separate page on my tumblr here. if i end up hosting it anywhere else i'll edit the original post and put a link here as well maybe
by zon :)
OCT 14 2020
The feud begins. The first match of the show is Best Friends vs FTR. Kip and Penelope are… playing… on an arcade cabinet in the arena. Trent accidentally destroys the cabinet while fighting FTR. Kip and Penelope to run off. After the match ends, they return with Miro who beats up Chuck and Trent. After a commercial break, Miro/Kip have a tag match (squash) against Lee Johnson/Sean Maluta and then do a promo about the broken arcade cabinet.
0:16:21 arcade break | 0:20:00 Miro Appears | 0:26:00 Miro/Kip/Penelope postmatch promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-42-20/2p88b/ BV1Rp4y1r7y9
(later on in this show, Orange has a match against Cody for his TNT Championship.)
OCT 28 2020
Returning from supporting Orange Cassidy in his lumberjack match, Best Friends bump into Miro, Kip, and Penelope (MKP, if you will) in the halls. MKP are pretty chill about the whole broken arcade thing and offer them some presents and halloween treats. Chuck and Trent are unamused. MKP then reveal that it was merely a halloween trick™ and beats them up.
1:17:00 best friends + MKP backstage promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-44-20/2p8ac/ BV1j5411L7GM
Also, Orange has a rematch against Cody for that TNT championship since their last match ended due to the time limit. This time its a lumberjack match. Best Friends are present and also take part in the chaos.
54:28 Orange’s match entrance | 57:50 Cody’s entrance (and the rest of the match)
NOV 2 2020
Excalibur interviews Trent and Miro ahead of their upcoming match on Wednesday over webcam. It’s 6 minutes long, and mostly Excalibur bearing witness to Trent and Miro arguing. Gonna give a shout out to their distinct webcam setups, lol (Trent is using workout earbuds and sitting in what has to be a large dim empty room, Excalibur is in his bedroom, and Miro is in his gamer office with a headset)
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NOV 4 2020
Trent vs Miro. During the entrances they show a clip from the interview from Nov 2nd. Orange and Chuck are hanging out ringside, as well as Kip and Penelope. Eventually Chuck runs off stage while fighting Kip. Dark Order appear to beat up Orange since hes fighting John Silver at the upcoming Full Gear. Miro scares them off and then defeats Trent with his submission hold. After the match, Miro puts Trent back into his Game Over submission and Chuck runs in to save him. Kip was following close behind. Chuck and Trent get both of their asses kicked. Orange attacks MKP and the two sides split off.
0:23:25 Trent vs Miro | 0:28:00 Chuck leaves | 0:31:00 Dark Order appears | 0:37:23 Match Ends | 39:40 Postmatch ends
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-45-20/2p8cy/ BV1wV41117E7
NOV 6 2020
Chuck Taylor fights Lee Johnson on AEW Dark. Nothing MKP-related happens, but at the start Excalibur briefly brings up the ongoing feud Best Friends are having with Miro/Kip/Penelope. Plus its a fun match for AEW Dark.
43:56 Chuck Taylor vs Lee Johnson
NOV 7 2020
Full Gear! Orange has a match against John Silver. Later on, he gets interviewed by Dasha alongside Best Friends. MKP interrupt the interview– Kip’s mad that Orange’s beef with the Dark Order caused them to show up at the Trent vs Miro match, and that they could’ve hurt Penelope. He asks for an apology from Orange and then immediately slaps him anyway. Best Friends get mad on his behalf but Orange casually says everythings cool and walks with the two of them offscreen. Everyone is confused at how chill he is.
3:09:53 Backstage Interview
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-full-gear-2020/2p83a/ BV18K4y1E7uE
NOV 11 2020
They play the segment from Full Gear on this Dynamite and announce Kip vs Orange for next week.
NOV 18 2020
Kip Sabian vs Orange Cassidy. Best Friends accompany Orange for his entrance, but return to the back. Miro’s on commentary calling Trent his Young Boy. JR brings up Kip and Penelope’s upcoming marriage. After Orange wins the match, Miro sprints from the commentary table to punch out Orange. Best Friends show up immediately after and MKP run off.
0:26:53 Match Start | 39:50 Match End
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-47-20/2p8ft/ BV1jK4y1j79q
NOV 24 2020
Trent vs Michael Nakazawa Chuck and Orange are hanging around ringside. Not necessarily MKP-related, but Excalibur mentions their feud. The Wrestling Observer article says that Nakazawa sabotaged Trent during his match against Miro way back when, but I’m not sure where that’s specifically mentioned. It’s really just in service of facilitating this goofy comedy match.
NOV 25 2020
Miro & Kip’s game livestream is interrupted by OC. Its a trap by the Best Friends!
DEC 1 2020
Best Friends have an AEW Dark match against Sean Maluta & Adam Priest. Unrelated to the feud, it seems? https://youtu.be/oLW9pywcIYI?t=2722
DEC 2 2020
The show starts off with the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale, and it has Orange Cassidy in it. It comes down to him, Wardlow, and MJF, and Orange eliminates Wardlow to end the match and qualify for the dynamite diamond ring match next week. Best Friends come out to pick him up congratulate him. Orange flops to the ground like a sack of potatoes. MKP come out to antagonize them and are held back by every referee.
13:45 Match End | 15:03 Postmatch End
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-49-20/2p8i3/ BV1KK41137KR
DEC 9 2020
The dynamite diamond ring match! Best Friends accompany Orange and hang around ringside along with a group of others to even out the odds as MJF has the entire Inner Circle backing him up. This is a pretty fun match. At the end, Miro comes out to knock Orange out while the ref is preoccupied by ringside chaos, and then MJF takes advantage of this to pin Orange for the win. Best Friends fight with Miro & Kip, but the refs get them away. Miro proceeds to kick the shit out of every security guard.
1:43:36 Orange’s entrance + match start | 1:57:35 Ringside Chaos + Miro Appears
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-50-20/2p8jf/ BV1QK41137mb
unrelated, but MJF has a short promo against Orange at 14:40
DEC 15 2020
Best Friends vs Chaos Project fight on this episode of AEW DARK. Miro comes out at the end to yell at them, but the refs keep him away.
1:42:00 Match intro | 1:53:00 Miro Appears
DEC 16 2020
(trent had a fight against jericho earlier, and had a staredown with ortiz/santana…)
Best Friends do a promo– They’re unhappy about Miro sabotaging Orange Cassidy, and hear that Kip and Penelope’s wedding date is being announced next week, and warn that they’ll also be at that show.
1:41:20 Promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-51-20/2p8ka/ BV1bt4y1k7SC
DEC 23 2020
Wedding date reveal segment. Best Friends’ intro starts, but its just a prank. They then show Trent being loaded into ambulance.
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-52-20/2p8l5/ BV115411H7PA
JAN 06 2021
Chuck and Orange give an update on the status of Trent’s injury, Miro and the gang show up. Miro tells Chuck that he needs to stand up for himself instead of hiding behind his friends, or better yet be Miro’s friend and do all his chores. Chuck challenges Miro to a match next week, and Miro accepts with the stipulation that if Chuck loses he’ll have to be his young boy/rookie. Chuck agrees just to get this stupid beef over with faster.
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-01-21/2p8ne/ BV1c54y1s71A
JAN 13 2021
chuck vs miro. we know who wins– obviously. how would there be a butler segment otherwise?
0:15:20 chuck entrance | 23:02 match ends
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-02-21/2p8oj/ BV1xh411y7XX
You can also just watch the last 3 mins of the match on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vRsizDs838
JAN 21 2021
We get the Charles Taylor butler reveal during Leyla Hirsch vs Penelope Ford. Orange is in the crowd, rather unhappy. After the match, Miro commands Chuck to enter the the ring and bosses him around. He then forces Chuck to look at Orange in the crowd and say into the mic that Miro is his best friend now.
1:25:22 Penelope Ford Entrance | 1:34:55-1:37:33 Postmatch Promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-03-21/2p8pk/ BV14v4y1f7tr
FEB 03 2021
Miro and Kip have a short backstage promo about being excited for the wedding. Chuck is standing next to them, miserable. Vickie Guerrero then fetches them for the big wedding.
Miro gets Chuck to bring the champagne, then drinks Chuck’s glass cuz he is working. Miro gets mad at the person sized present hanging round the ring. Chuck says its a wedding gift from him. Miro is on to him, and trashes the gift. Chuck cuffs Miro's leg while he isnt looking, then Chuck turns on them. Orange also appears :)
1:00:12 Wedding Stage Setup | 1:00:56 Backstage Promo + Wedding | 1:12:08 Wedding… Ruined | 1:16:23 (segment end)
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-05-21/2p8sj/ BV1vU4y1x7E8
FEB 10 2021
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Recap of last week’s events.
47:35-49:24 MKP's promo, then Orange and Chuck
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-06-21/2p8tp/ BV1ur4y1N7Fd
FEB 17 2021
Orange Cassidy vs Luther on dynamite. Chuck and Serpentico are ringside. Neither Miro nor Kip Sabian make an appearance.
FEB 24 2021
Tony Schiavone has an interview with MKP. They’re very very mad about the wedding. Miro wants to beat up Orange. He says he likes Chuck Taylor and wants him to come back and be a butler for him again. Someone gives tony a note. Its one of those little “will u wrestle us at revolution? y/n/maybe :)” asking-someone-out-in-highschool kind of notes. Miro gets mad and says its childish and that Orange Cassidy is such a bad influence on him. But if Chuck comes home he’ll teach him how to be a man. Miro then crumples up the note and eats it, and then spits it back out at Tony.
37:13-39:35 Promo Segment
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-08-21/2p8w5/ BV1cp4y1H7Qv (0:37:25 ?)
alternatively: https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1364752741889900545
MAR 03 2021
Revolution 2021 Miro + Kip vs Chuck + Orange match announcement, plus a short backstage promo from Miro.
1:43:26 Miro Promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-09-21/2p8xm/ BV1MK4y1D737
MAR 08 2021
The Match At Revolution. feat. a lightly bloodied chuck
1:21:54 Marvez backstage interview w/ Chuck and Orange (that leads into the rest of the match) | 1:33:26 Match End
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-revolution-2021/2p8rn/ BV1Pf4y1t7GL
MAR 10 2021
Chuck and Orange requests a rematch. Arcade Anarchy!
31:30 Promo Start
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-10-21/2p8zg/ BV1rN411Q7c2
alternatively: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SGY6GgdLJU
MAR 17 2021
Marvez interviews Miro about how Chuck and Orange challenged them to a rematch. Miro’s not interested, says he is over it. Kip interrupts and says he super isn’t over it, and is mad that Miro doesnt care and also hurt his wife! Kip accepts the rematch.
1:33:27-1:35:01 Backstage Promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-11-21/2p90p/ BV1Cf4y1s7uv
MAR 24 2021
Video package about the upcoming Arcade Anarchy match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwRMbFy4SU8
MAR 29 2021
AEW DARK miro shows up at the end of orange/chuck’s match. :O https://youtu.be/d2hjXKRuHVY?t=94
MAR 31 2021
The Arcade Anarchy match! By pinfall or submission only.
1:39:29 Match Intro / Miro + Kip Entrance | (commercial break) | 1:43:34 Orange + Chuck Entrance
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-13-21/2p93m/ BV1yf4y1x7Kq 1:26:40 (?)
supplemental material for the arcade match lol: https://twitter.com/callmekrisstat/status/1377705137792290821
ah damn wtf hold on the tweet’s deleted. here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210914041200/https://twitter.com/callmekrisstat/status/1377705137792290821
what happens later?
APR 07 2021
Best Friends interrupt Death Triangle's in-ring promo and start shit up with them (again):
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-14-21/2p94w/ BV16K411w7Ug 0:16:00 (?)
APR 14 2021
Kip Sabian is nowhere to be found, which Miro finds pretty annoying! He just wants to talk, cmon. Well, since he can’t find him, he’s moving on to challenging anyone in the company holding gold. https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1382498000484851713
APR 21 2021
miro promo again: https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1385035045799448585
APR 26 2021
Kris Statlander started feuding with Penelope Ford, too. Here’s a Road to Dynamite where Chuck, Trent, and Orange support Kris through a promo video package. It’s one of my favorites.
APR 28 2021
Kip goes to see whats up with Miro :) https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1387583461939101698
Over the course of 2022 you’ll occasionally see a guy in the crowd with a cardboard box on his head. That’s Kip Sabian, out of kayfabe he was dealing with recovering from a shoulder injury? It lasted a while and when he recovered he came back as a my chemical romance lookin’ dude who may or may not have thought the cardboard box was controlling him? The gimmick didn’t get over so it got dropped pretty fast. He also had a short feud again against Orange Cassidy in 2023 when Orange had the All-Atlantic Championship– he got under Orange’s skin so bad! Anyway thats neither here nor there. Thanks for reading!
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grineerios · 9 months
So!! It's that time, folks! By the time this posts, the survey will have formally been closed. Thank you so, so much to the 65 participants. I never expected to get so many responses, and I owe the Warframe community big-time.
I am planning on eventually releasing platform-specific data as I compile it, alongside any other neat correlations I spot. I did this mostly for fun- the assignment's bar was low, but I took it pretty far because I enjoyed it- so I'm not a professional or anything at statistics! There will likely be inaccuracies, and I may occasionally miss data on accident.
So! This post is dedicated to sharing the data from all platforms. The data of everyone who participated is represented under the cut.
One more thing before I share the results! I want to give a massive shoutout to the following Tenno:
Operator Faolan (@decoyroid), Operator Bunny (@clockworkcrow), the Harrow Prime Operator/Kullervo Drifter, the person with the old Cephalon OC, Operator Lucille/Drifter Dove (the Accidentally Transgender Tenno), Operator Bird/Drifter Shrike (@aconfusedzephyr), the Wooden Puppet Warframe, The Gremlin Siblings, the person with several dozen warframe OCs (I'm calling you Costco bc you bought them in bulk it seems), Operator Mira (@yareli-warframe), the Mostly Dead Idiots person, the Infested Operator based on SCP-610, Fish Bait the Nezha, the author of the Symbiosis Trilogy, Operator Giraffe/Drifter Sarah, the Void Witch Operator, Meet and Starry, Limbo Umbra, Crab Frost, Operator Enara/Drifter Shrike (@ookamisoulreaper), Operator Ayatan, The Toothpick Tenno, Operator Kepler/Drifter Cam (@mythandlaur), and Operator Beth.
I adored hearing about your OCs, and it's always so good to see the community's creativity. I'm happy to do a little warframe sketch or something as thanks if you reach out to me in DMs.
With thanks aside, let's get to the data! :D
Player Statistics
Of the 65 people surveyed...
54 people played Warframe on PC. (51 through Steam, 3 not through Steam.)
6 people played Warframe on Playstation.
4 people played Warframe on Xbox.
1 person played Warframe on the Nintendo Switch
Start Date
5 people started playing in 2013
3 people started playing in 2014
6 people started playing in 2015
9 people started playing in 2016
6 people started playing in 2017
9 people started playing in 2018
5 people started playing in 2019
5 people started playing in 2020
4 people started playing in 2021
4 people started playing in 2022
8 people started playing in 2023
Play Frequency
A majority of people played often, but not every day, with 27 out of 64 people (42%) giving a 4 out of 5 on how often they feel they play.
The average score for the entirety of the surveyed group was 3.3.
Squad Size
Most Tenno tended to play publicly, with 40% of you reporting so. Behind that, 31% reported playing by themselves typically. The more players involved, the lower the percentage of people who typically played with that amount of squadmates, with 17%, 8%, and 5% rates for squads of two, three, and four respectively.
Mastery Rank
The most common MR among surveyed players was MR 18, Gold Eagle, followed by MR 20, Silver Tiger.
7 players were below MR 10
25 players were at or between MR 10 and MR 19
24 players were between MR 20 and MR 30
9 players were of Legendary Rank (MR 31 to MR 33)
The average mastery rank of all surveyed players is MR 20.
Premium Currency
45 people (69%, nice) have bought Platinum at least once
12 people (19%) have bought both Platinum and Regal Aya at least once
8 people (12%) have never bought Platinum or Regal Aya.
Tennogen Cosmetics
Of the 63 responses...
39 (62%) people have purchased Tennogen content
24 (38%) people have not purchased Tennogen content.
Of the 65 people surveyed...
Starter Warframe
Excalibur and Volt were the most popular, at 22 people (or 34%) choosing them as their first Warframe. Mag came in at 18 people (or 27%) having chose her as their first Warframe, and Loki in last place, with 2 people having chose him as their first Warframe.
(Side note, someone answered Nezha as their first Warframe?? Pop off, you mad lad, I guess?)
Warframe Usage
Of 65 people surveyed, with up to three votes each...
Wisp/Wisp Prime saw the most usage, with 15% percent of people listing her in their top three most used Warframes!
Other popular Warframes include:
Hildryn/Hildryn Prime (8 votes, 12%)
Mesa/Mesa Prime (8 votes, 12%)
Harrow/Harrow Prime (7 votes, 11%)
Kullervo (7 votes, 11%)
Titania/Titania Prime (7 votes, 11%)
Valkyr/Valkyr Prime (7 votes, 11%)
Volt/Volt Prime (7 votes, 11%)
Warframes that saw little usage (1 vote, or 1.5%) include:
Garuda/Garuda Prime
Inaros/Inaros Prime
Loki/Loki Prime
Nekros/Nekros Prime
Nova/Nova Prime
Nyx/Nyx Prime
Trinity/Trinity Prime
Warframes that saw very little usage (no votes) include:
Atlas/Atlas Prime
Banshee/Banshee Prime
Hydroid/Hydroid Prime
The Stalker (okay, this one makes sense tbh.)
Favourite Warframe (Gameplay)
of 64 responses...
In first place, a tie between Gauss and Valkyr/Valkyr Prime! (5 votes, 8%)
In second place, a tie between Kullervo and Nezha/Nezha Prime! (4 votes, 6%)
In third place, a massive tie between Grendel, Gyre, Octavia/Octavia Prime, Protea, Wukong/Wukong Prime, and Xaku! (3 votes, 5%)
Favourite Warframe (Design)
of 61 responses...
In first place, a tie between Limbo Prime and Yareli! (5 votes)
In second place, a tie between Gyre, Volt, Wisp, and Wisp Prime! (3 votes)
In third place, a tie between Citrine, Equinox Prime, Excalibur Umbra, Ivara Prime, Mesa Prime, Nezha Prime, Rhino Prime, Sevagoth, Titania Prime, Voruna, and Xaku! (2 votes each)
Warframe In Relation to Player's Gender
A Warframe's gender presentation was primarily irrelevant to players in relation to their own gender presentation. Non-binary and feminine-presenting people were more likely to prefer one gender presentation over the other, with both groups preferring feminine-presenting Warframes.
While the majority of masculine-presenting people reported an indifference to their Warframe's gender presentation, they tended to prefer masculine Warframes over feminine or androgynous Warframes.
Of 64 surveyed participants...
24 identified as non-binary, androgynous, or genderfluid
21 identified as feminine
18 identified as masculine
1 of unknown gender presentation
Weapons and Companions
Of the 65 people surveyed...
Starter Weapons
36 people chose the MK-1 Paris, while 23 people chose the MK-1 Braton. (7 didn't remember what Primary they chose.)
38 people chose the MK-1 Kunai, while 20 people chose the Lato. (6 didn't remember what Secondary they chose.)
35 people chose the Skana, while 23 people chose the MK-1 Bo. (7 didn't remember what they chose.)
Favourite Primary Types
In first place, Rifles! (39 votes, 60%)
In second place, Shotguns! (37 votes, 57%)
In third place, Bows! (33 votes, 51%)
With the fewest votes:
Crossbows (1 vote, 1.5%)
Primary Kitguns (4 votes, 6%)
Arm Cannons (5 votes, 8%)
Favourite Secondary Types
In first place, Pistols! (37 votes, 57%)
In second place, Dual Pistols! (31 votes, 48%)
In third place, Shotgun Sidearms! (22 votes, 34%)
With the fewest votes:
Dual Shotguns (2 votes, 3%)
Crossbows (2 votes, 3%)
Secondary Kitguns (10 votes, 15%)
Favourite Melee Types
In first place, a tie between Heavy Blades and Polearms! (21 votes, 32%)
In second place, Swords! (20 votes, 31%)
In third place, Hammers! (12 votes, 19%)
With the fewest votes:
Daggers and Nunchaku (0 votes, 0%)
Assault Saws and Machetes (1 vote, 1.5 %)
Fists, Rapiers, and Whips (2 votes, 3%)
Favourite Companions
Of 64 responses...
In first place, Vulpaphylas! (21 votes, 33%)
In second place, Kavats! (17 votes, 27%)
In third place, Sentinels! (11 votes, 17%)
With the fewest votes:
Predasites (1 vote, 2%)
Helminth Chargers (3 votes, 5%)
MOAs and Hounds (5 votes, 8%)
Quests, Story, and Progression
Note: I feel like people got a little confused with this one, as some quests have more votes than their prerequisites. I will present the data here as I've been given it, with any inaccuracies included.
Story Quest Completion
Vor's Prize (64/65)
Once Awake (63/65)
Stolen Dreams (63/65)
The Archwing (65/65)
The New Strange (62/65)
Natah (62/65)
The Second Dream (63/65)
Rising Tide (60/65)
The War Within (64/65)
Chains of Harrow (60/65)
Apostasy Prologue and The Sacrifice (58/65)
Prelude to War (59/65)
The New War (56/65)
Angels of the Zariman (55/65)
The Duviri Paradox (55/65)
Side Quest Completion
Saya's Vigil (63/65)
Vox Solaris (63/65)
The Deadlock Protocol (58/65)
The Waverider (46/65)
Heart of Deimos (62/65)
The Limbo Theorem (60/65)
The Silver Grove (56/65)
Octavia's Anthem (55/65)
Hidden Messages (55/65)
The Jordas Precept (57/65)
The Glast Gambit (51/65)
Call of the Tempestarii (54/65)
Veilbreaker (54/65)
A Man of Few Words (56/65)
Howl of the Kubrow (60/65)
Sands of Inaros (50/65)
Patient Zero (55/65)
Mask of the Revenant (46/65)
Favourite Hostile Faction
In first place, the Grineer! (20 votes, 31%)
In second place, the Sentients and the Infested! (13 votes, 20%)
In third place, the Corpus! (10 votes, 15%)
In fourth place, the Orokin/the Corrupted! (7 votes, 11%)
In fifth place, Narmer! (2 votes, 3%)
Favourite Non-Relay Syndicate
In first place, Solaris United! (22 votes, 35%)
In second place, the Entrati! (17 votes, 27%)
In third place, Vox Solaris! (7 votes, 11%)
Least Favourite Non-Relay Syndicate
In first place, The Quills! (14 votes, 23%)
In second place, The Ventkids! (13 votes, 22%)
In third place, The Necraloid! (10 votes, 17%)
First Relay Syndicate
Cephalon Suda (24 members, 37%)
Red Veil (13 members, 20%)
Steel Meridian (11 members, 17%)
Arbiters of Hexis (7 members, 11%)
New Loka (6 members, 9%)
The Perrin Sequence (4 members, 6%)
Current Relay Syndicate
Cephalon Suda (20 members, 31%)
Steel Meridian (18 members, 28%)
Red Veil (11 members, 17%)
New Loka (6 members, 9%)
The Perrin Sequence (5 members, 8%)
The Arbiters of Hexis (4 members, 6%)
Gameplay and World Design
Favourite Planet/Location
In first place, the Zariman 10-0! (17 votes, 27%)
In second place, the Void! (14 votes, 22%
In third place, Earth! (8 votes, 13%)
With the least votes:
Eris, Sedna, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Europa, and the Kuva Fortress (0 votes, 0%)
Saturn, Ceres, Phobos (1 vote, 2%)
Mars (2 votes, 3%)
Favourite Tileset
In first place, the Zariman 10-0! (15 votes, 25%)
In second place, Corpus Gas City! (10 votes, 16%)
In third place, Orokin Moon! (9 votes, 15%)
With the least votes:
Infested Ship, Grineer Settlement, and Grineer Asteroid (0 votes, 0%)
Grineer Sealab, Grineer Shipyard, and Grineer Asteroid Fortress (1 vote, 2%)
Grineer Galleon, Corpus Outpost, and Sentient Murex (2 votes, 3%)
Favourite Free-Roam Area
In first place, Duviri! (25 votes, 39%)
In second place, the Plains of Eidolon (19 votes, 30%)
In third place, the Orb Vallis (13 votes, 20%)
In fourth place, the Cambion Drift (7 votes, 11%)
Favourite Proxima Region
In first place, a tie between Veil Proxima and Earth Proxima (21 votes, 37%)
In second place, Saturn Proxima (7 votes, 12%)
In third place, Pluto Proxima (4 votes, 7%)
Favourite Non-Standard Gamemodes
In first place, Free Roam (53 votes, 86%)
In second place, Grineer Railjack (39 votes, 63%)
In third place, Duviri Spirals (37 votes, 60%)
With the least votes:
Cephalon Capture (Conlaive) (1 vote, 2%)
Annihilation (2 votes, 3%)
Lunaro (3 votes, 5%)
Railjack and Archwing Mission Types
Skirmish, Railjack (41 votes, 79%)
Orphix, Railjack (14 votes, 27%)
Pursuit, Archwing (11 votes, 21%)
Rush, Archwing (10 votes, 19%)
The most popular:
Void Fissures (47 votes, 76%)
Maroo's Ayatan Hunt (30 votes, 48%)
Sorties and Archon Hunts (24 votes, 39%)
The least popular:
Kuva Siphons/Floods, Syndicate Missions, Kahl-175's weekly quest (10 votes, 16%)
Clem's weekly Mission (11 votes, 18%)
Nightmare Missions (13 votes, 21%)
World Events
Most enjoyed:
Razorback Armada (20 votes, 47%)
Balor Formorian (19 votes, 44%)
Least enjoyed:
Thermia Fractures (34 votes, 72%)
Ghoul Purge (22 votes, 47%)
Standard Mission Types
Most popular:
Exterminate (53 votes, 82%)
Capture (46 votes, 71%)
Survival (45 votes, 69% [nice])
Most disliked:
Defection (35 votes, 57%)
Hijack and Interception (19 votes, 31%)
Defense (18 votes, 30%)
Msc. Questions
Drifter/Operator Preference?
From 64 responses...
Operator Preference (22 votes, 34%)
No Preference, enjoys them both equally (17 votes, 27%)
Drifter Preference (16 votes, 25%)
Warframe Preference (9 votes, 14%)
Favourite Character?
From 55 responses...
Cephalon Ordis (18 votes)
The Lotus (7 votes)
Clem (6 votes)
The Operator (4 votes)
Excalibur Umbra (4 votes)
Little Duck (4 votes)
Ticker (4 votes)
The Business "Biz" (3 votes)
The Man in the Wall/"Wally" (3 votes)
Grandmother Entrati (3 votes)
Thursby/Legs (3 votes)
Eudico (3 votes)
The Drifter (2 votes)
Cephalon Cy (2 votes)
Loid (2 votes)
Hunhow (2 votes)
Kahl-175 (2 votes)
Kullervo (2 votes)
Rell (2 votes)
Teshin (2 votes)
Yareli (1 vote)
Archimedean Yonta (1 vote)
The Stalker (1 vote)
Palladino (1 vote)
Erra (1 vote)
Varzia (1 vote)
Son Entrati/Kermerros (1 vote)
Tyl Regor (1 vote)
Executor Ballas (1 vote)
Nora Night (1 vote)
Caliban (1 vote)
Equinox Prime (1 vote)
Gauss (1 vote)
Lavos (1 vote)
Mesa Prime (1 vote)
Volt Prime (1 vote)
Ash Prime (1 vote)
Mirage Prime (1 vote)
Xaku (1 vote)
Revenant Prime (1 vote)
Nezha Prime (1 vote)
Bombastine (1 vote)
Lodun (1 vote)
Drusus Leverian (1 vote)
John Prodman (1 vote)
Konzu (1 vote)
Octavia (1 vote)
Otak (1 vote)
Cephalon Suda (1 vote)
Cephalon Sark (1 vote)
Cephalon Simaris (1 vote)
Cephalon Samodeus (1 vote)
Cephalon Jordas (1 vote)
Cephalon Melica (1 vote)
Cephalon Apnar (1 vote)
Cephalon Vull (1 vote)
Why do you enjoy Warframe?
Lore/Story (23 votes)
Fast-Paced power fantasy gameplay/Comfortable movement (21 votes)
Variety (7 votes)
Customizability (7 votes)
Character Designs (6 votes)
Familiar and Fun Gameplay Loop (5 votes)
Good learning curve/Depth to gameplay systems (5 votes)
Community (5 votes)
Ethical and fair free-to-play business model (4 votes)
Nostalgic (2 votes)
Do you participate in Warframe communities online?
I observe, but don't post (28 votes, 43%)
Yes (21 votes, 32%)
No (10 votes, 15%)
I am a content creator for said communities (6 votes, 9%)
If you make fan content for Warframe, what do you make?
Art/Animation (15 votes)
Fanfiction (10 votes)
Theories (2 votes)
Videos (1 vote)
Digital Photography/Captura (1 vote)
How likely are you to recommend Warframe to a friend?
I've dragged my whole friend group into this game (31 votes, 48%)
Very likely (21 votes, 32%)
Somewhat likely (8 votes, 12%)
Somewhat unlikely (5 votes, 8%)
Unlikely (0 votes, 0%)
Aaaand, that's it! Hoo boy, that was a ride. 44 questions.
Once again, thank you so much to everyone who participated, shared the survey, or reblogged to spread word about it. You all are amazing, and Warframe has every right to be proud of its community. I hope you managed to learn something neat about the way people interact with the game, or about the game itself! I know I did :D
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critrolestats · 2 years
Media References and Puns of 3-31 Breaking Point
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Thanks to @bumble-b-goode​ for this art piece!
You’ll find no sanctuary under this moon.
Media References
(0:03:18) Matt: …in collaboration with the Dungeon Dudes…
(0:04:23) Matt: San Junipero (Black Mirror)
(0:40:18) Sam: Cool, the Mona Lisa.
(0:41:45) Matt: The most Conan thing you could do.
(0:41:48) Liam: You destroy Excalibur and become…
(0:45:56) Liam: Shake Weight.  Matt: Yes, it is a Shake Weight.
(0:47:47) Marisha: I go (breathes). Heat it up like (breathes) National Treasure style.
(0:54:28) Travis: (sings) I don’t know much.  Laura: *singing* And that may be, All I need to know.
 ("Don't Know Much" by Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstadt)
Read more at critrolestats.com
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Cigar Store Boy
from hotashneworleans.net (2000)
I am an avid cigar smoker and have been for years. And I like men who smoke cigars, especially if they are hairy and bearded. I, too, have a hairy chest and stomach and thick salt and pepper beard. Though I’m beginning to show middle aged spread, I try to keep my weight down by working out several times a week; so at 6 feet and 195 pounds, I’m not in bad shape. I am a bit perturbed over the recent interest in cigars only because I find it difficult to purchase my favorite smokes. On the other hand, the number of new cigar stores enhances the chances of meeting a man of similar interests. So, my curiosity was aroused when I saw the ad in the Sunday paper about a new cigar store opening up near my home.
What an ad it was! It pictured a good looking bearded man of about 28 smoking a Hoyo de Monterey Excalibur No. 1 and holding a glass of cognac. He wore only a terry cloth towel around his waist exposing his thick chest and stomach hair. He was exhaling a thick, blue cloud of rich cigar smoke which lingered in front of him. The sex appeal was obvious. I thought that the owners of this new place must be gay, or certainly gay friendly, so I headed directly to the store which would be closing soon according to the ad. Of course, I was in need of some fresh cigars to replenish my stock.
The store was in a small strip shopping center and larger than I had expected. The front was filled with humidors of all shapes, sizes and prices. All sorts of the usual cigar and smoker’s paraphernalia was neatly displayed. There was another room to the side with several couches and a TV with a video cassette player.
I didn’t see any attendant; so, I slid the door to the humidor room back. The cool moist air was filled with the rich aroma of fresh tobacco, sweet and aromatic. My cock began to swell as I inhaled the air deeply. The cigars were arranged alphabetically. There were the usual ones like Belinda, Centennial, Dunhill, Hoyo de Monterey, and Punch as well as some I was not familiar with like Por Laranaga. The list could go on and on. It had been a long time since I had seen so many cigars in so many sizes. I was elated.
I began to peruse the shapes and sizes that I like-generally at least a 54 ring and 7” long; but sometimes I like a nice Rothschild for a nice quick smoke. I was examining a Por Laranaga, about a 54 ring, when I heard the
door slide open behind me. I slowly turned around to see who was there and was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was the young man in the ad.
He had what appeared to be a Rothschild in his mouth and had just lit it. Clenching it in his mouth, he puffed deeply on it exhaling a rich blue cloud of smoke in the room. The cool, moist air circulated the smoke toward me and smelled even richer.
“Good evening, Sir. I hope you find our selection to your liking. We just opened the other day. If you don’t find your favorite cigars, please ask. I will be pleased to accommodate you any way I can.”
I was nearly drooling and my dick was throbbing in my jeans. I was enraptured by this young man’s devastating good looks. His hair was shorter than in the photo, a marine buzz cut, and wore a tight fitting V-neck T-shirt. His thick black chest hair extended almost to his neck line and curled over the ends of the V. His chest and hairy arms were massive, an obvious weight lifter. A trail of smoke lingered in his thick, black beard. His tight jeans exposed a large bulge.
“Thank you,” I replied. “I’m not familiar with this brand. Can you tell me something about this cigar?” I asked, holding the Por Laranaga out toward him.
“Yes, sir. That is a cigar stocked by only a few stores in the country. It is a Dominican, abut 50 ring with an easy draw, nutty flavor and is a rich, thick smoke.” As he spoke, he reached for another cigar from the box and begin to run his fingers up and down it like stroking a hard dick.
“What a come on,” I thought to myself. “This boy is gay! What luck!”
“I’m certain you will like it, sir. I believe men like yourself generally like thicker, richer cigars. It sells for $5.50 a piece. But, since this is our grand opening, there is a 20 percent discount on all cigars.”
I thanked him again and told him that I would like more time to peruse his stock. He invited me to take my time.
In the meantime, I looked over the entire stock and picked out several different cigars for my humidor. I periodically glanced over to the young man
to watch him as he took deep drags on his cigar and exhale the rich smoke out in front of him. My prick was swollen with blood and rubbing against my thigh and jeans. I thought I would cum right there.
Having selected about 20 cigars, I exited the humidor and went to the sales counter placing the cigars on top. The young man turned to the cash register and began to total up the sale. He clenched on the cigar and puffed on it as he then placed the cigars in a plastic bag.
“Would you like to try one of those now, sir?” He asked almost begging.
I nodded in assent. He pulled a Por Laranaga from the bag and then clipped off the head; then he handed it to me and held a lighter up for me to light the cigar. As I rolled it between my thickly bearded lips sucking in the thick smoke, he slowly puffed on his cigar. My eyes caught him staring at me. As I glanced down, he was rubbing his hard, bulging cock.
“That cigar fits you, sir,” he stated as he placed the lighter back on the counter top. As he took a deep drag on the cigar and exhaled the thick smoke in the air above him, he placed his other hand on his thick right pec and began to rub the nipple which was beginning to harden and become erect.
“Mind if I sit here a while and smoke?” I inquired.
“Please do, sir.” He replied. “I was just about to close up. If you don’t mind, may I join you, too. I haven’t had the pleasure of sharing a cigar with customers, yet.” He went to the front of the store and turned off the lights and locked the front door.
I sat on a couch and began to smoke the cigar; this boy was right, it did have an easy draw. I exhaled a thick plume of smoke in front of me. Some lingered in my thick beard. As the young man entered the room, he grabbed his crotch and clenched the cigar in his hairy lips sucking deeply then exhaling the smoke through is nostrils.
He pulled off his T-shirt exposing his massive chest covered in thick black fur. He fell to his knees at my feet and began to nuzzle his face in my crotch and lick my bulging rod. I pulled off my shirt and began to unbuckle my belt. He slipped my boots off and as he pulled my jeans off, my 8 inch rock hard dick bounced out. He puffed hard on his cigar and blew the thick,
hot smoke over my big, hairy balls and then began to lick the smoke from my ball sac.
I leaned my head back as my cock entered his hot, wet mouth and clenched the fat cigar in my lips puffing on it and inhaling the thick, rich smoke. It filled my lungs, and I exhaled it into the air. My cock filled his mouth as I forced it to the hilt, my crotch hair entangled with is thick, black beard.
He pulled away and whispered: “Feed this cigar boy Daddy’s dick! Face fuck your cigar boy, Daddy!” He placed his lips over the swollen head of my turgid dick, and I rammed it into his hot mouth. He began to pull his jeans off and exposed his bubble butt covered with a pelt of thick black hair, deep into the crack of his fuck hole.
I puffed heavily on the fat cigar, thick plumes of smoke rising to the ceiling and then exhaled a heavy cloud over my chest. It rolled down my hairy chest and stomach and engulfed his face. With his nose buried in my crotch, he inhaled the smoke deeply and sucked more furiously on my steel like rod.
Chewing and puffing on the cigar as I rammed my cock in his mouth, I took another deep drag on it and filled my lungs; then, I exhaled the smoke through my nostrils still clenching the cigar in my jaw. I shoved him off my dick and ordered: “Open your mouth, cigar pig boy.” He complied. I hacked up a wad of thick, brown cigar juice and aimed it into his mouth. “Eat that big wad of spit, boy. And don’t swallow it.”
He compliantly rolled the spittle in his mouth savoring his Daddy’s cigar spit. I looked down and watched his thick cock throb. “Stick out you tongue, cigar boy. Eat Daddy’s cigar ashes.” Again, this muscle cigar pig, closed his eyes and complacently stuck out his tongue to serve as an ashtray for the thick, white ashes from my cigar. He held his mouth open until I ordered him to eat the ashes. He rolled the thick spittle and ashes in his mouth relishing the flavor of the cigar juice and gritty ashes. His large nipples swelled and hardened and his beautiful hard cock grew thicker as the pulsating veins expanded, the blood flowing into them. His bull like hairy ball sac retracted with the further growth of his fat pole.
I grabbed his head with both hands and forced his face into my crotch and onto my throbbing, swollen dick. “Thirsty, boy?” I growled and then
began to let loose a heavy, steady stream of hot piss from my swollen kidneys. He suppressed a gag reflex and began to guzzle the liquid gold sucking the hot liquid from my rigid cock. As the river of piss slowed he sucked my cock harder and then licked the last drops from my piss slit.
My cock was almost ready to explode; but, I wanted more of this muscular cigar boy. I pulled him off my dick, lifted him to his feet and then threw him over the arm of the couch, his firm, hairy ass raised in the air. My dick was throbbing furiously and dripping pre-cum. I knew if I fucked him now, I’d surely come too quickly.
I kneaded his hairy ass cheeks in my hands and ran my thumbs into his furry ass crack. He moaned with pleasure and raised his hips inviting me to probe his boy pussy. I was salivating at the inviting quivering hole. Clenching the fat cigar in my mouth, I puffed harder and then exhaled the thick, warm smoke over his cheeks. He groaned with excitement as his body gyrated.
My mouth was filled with rich, brown cigar saliva; and I aimed it at the puckered fuck hole. “Yeah, Daddy, yeah! Fill your cigar boy’s ass with his Daddy’s spit. Lube this fuck boy’s hole,” he screamed in ecstasy. I took more deep puffs on my cigar and then inhaled the a large mouthful of smoke deep into my lungs. Then, pressing my hairy lips against the twitching pink hole, I worked my tongue in and then forced the full lungful of smoke deep into his gut.
I thought he would shoot his load as he yelled “Ahhhhh! Yes, Daddy, work your fuck toy’s ass open!” He reached over to the cigar laying in the heavy tray and began to puff furiously on it. I grabbed his hips and worked my tongue in deeper grinding my thickly bearded lips and chin against his hole and ass crack. I then began to work his hard ass cheeks in my hands and started to spank him. He worked his hips to meet each blow of my hands. The pink flesh underneath the dark fuzz began to redden as I struck him harder and harder forcing my tongue deeper and deeper in that warm, moist hole.
“Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me!” He yelled, the fat cigar still clenched in his mouth. “Fill your pussy boy’s hole with your cock.” He puffed harder and harder on the stogie. I grabbed my cigar, sucked hard on it, thick clouds of smoke filling the warmly lit room. “I want your dick, Daddy. Fuck my pussy raw with that fat pole!” He begged in excitement.
I flipped him over, raised his legs and rested the swollen head of my stiff dick against his inviting crack. He wrapped his massive, hairy legs around my waist as I began to work my turgid rod dripping with pre-cum into that warm void. His hole loosened as I shoved my dick in. Slowly, his ass relaxed; and he began to work his ass muscles sucking my swollen rod into his tight ass. “Yeah, boy, Daddy’s gonna fuck your pussy good,” I exclaimed as I rammed my rod in deeper clenching the cigar in my mouth. He stared me directly in the eye, his fat stogie clutched in between his darkly bearded lips, smoke exuding from his mouth and lingering in his beard.
We puffed our cigars simultaneously as I pushed my cock to the base, my pubic hairs grinding against his buttocks. The thick plumes of smoke rose above us and lingered in the air.
I felt his ass muscles contract and wrap around my stiff dick. “God,” I thought, “what a nice tight ass.” I worked my dick inside him churning it like the agitator of a washing machine. He moaned and groaned in ecstatic pleasure puffing harder on the cigar and taking a deep drag on it and then exhaled the smoke from his mouth. It covered the thick black fur of his hard pecs and then began to rise.
“Work it, Daddy, work this cigar boy’s asshole,” he begged.
I pulled my cock out with the head still resting in his hole and then rammed it in, my balls slapping against his ass. I puffed my cigar as my turgid dick slammed into the warm, humid and tight asshole. I pulled out again and rammed it in harder and deeper. He tightened his legs around my waist pulling my body into his and my cock deeper into his boy pussy.
I began to increase my pace ramming my thick, hard cock deeper and harder into his ass. With each thrust, he moaned “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!” still puffing on the cigar in his jaw. As I picked up the rhythm, I puffed on my cigar as my dick forced its way into his ass. I sucked on the cigar and inhaled a lungful of thick smoke and then exhaled it through my nostrils like a raging bull. His worked his ass meeting each of my thrusts and tightened his ass muscles around my dick as I thrust it into him.
Sweat was pouring from my brow and covering my chest. Thick beads of salty liquid formed like crystals on my chest hairs and beard and then fell
onto his tight, hairy balls. Suddenly, a thick ash fell from my cigar on his fuzzy sac sizzling in the wet hairs. He flinched working my cock in deeper. I spit on his nuts and cock and began to work the ashes and brown spittle in. He groaned a I massaged his nuts with the gray paste.
I pumped my hips faster and faster. I could feel my nuts churning and ball sac tightening. Another thick ash fell onto his rigid dick; I worked the pre-cum from his piss slit into the silky, gritty ash and wrapped my fist around his fat dick. Pushing my cock in deeper and working it inside his hole, his body quivered and shook.
“I’m gonna cum, Daddy! Let me cum, Daddy!” He pleaded. I could not hold my load much longer and implored him to hold his a little longer.
I pulled my cock completely out and then with one quick thrust I rammed my fat tool into his fuck hole. I began to fuck his ass hole furiously and more quickly puffing harder and harder on my stogie. The room was filled with thick, foggy cigar smoke. The smell of the cigars and musky smell of two men sweating profusely having sex excited me further.
I could hold my load no longer and ordered him: “Shoot it boy! Shoot that thick load all over your hairy chest and belly.” I pumped his rigid rod with one hand and massaged his nuts with the other as I forced my cock still deeper and harder into his hole. I sucked harder on my cigar which engulfed my face in heavy smoke.
He yelled: “I’m gonna shoot, Daddy! Your cigar boy’s gonna shoot his big load!”
As he screamed, his cock swelled and thickened in my fist; his balls already retracted, tightened even further. His cock erupted with thick globs of liquid hitting his chin and covering his chest. Load after load of creamy jism shot from his pole landing on the thick pelt of chest and stomach fur like massive pearls. “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!” He yelled as his massive dick pulsed with each load. He clasped the cigar in his teeth puffing the cigar nub forming heavy clouds of cigar smoke over his face and chest.
My cock could stand it no longer. With one hard thrust, I rammed it deep into his hole and clenched my cigar in my teeth puffing on it as my cock exploded in his tight, warm ass hole. As my dick swelled and thickened with
each load of cum, I shoved my cock in deeper and deeper. “Fuck! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh!” I exclaimed filling his boy pushing with thick, hot jism. He tightened the muscles of his ass as my dick spewed the thick liquid and worked his ass deeper onto my thickened cock.
I reached forward and smeared the cum which lay on his hairy body all over his chest and chiseled stomach matting the thick fur down. My cock, spent from spurting such a big load, softened and slid from the inviting, moist boy pussy. I leaned over him and began to grind my thick, fuzzy chest and stomach against his; then, I took a deep drag on my cigar, pulled the nub from his mouth and pressed my lips around his feeding the thick smoke to him. He groaned in pleasure and took the smoke from my lungs as our cocks and groins were grinding against each others.
“Thank you Daddy,” he said. “Your cigar boy needed a good fuck.”
“Good boy,” I responded. “Daddy likes his cigar pig’s hot ass.”
We stood up naked and covered with perspiration. Eying each other, he grinned and nuzzled his hairy face into my chest.
“Wait here, sir, if you would,” he said.
He left the room and went into what appeared to be the store room and then came out with what looked like a large tool. As he got closer, I saw that it was the largest cigar I had ever seen.
“Here, sir. I would like you to have this. It’s a 95 ring cigar. I think you’re one man who knows what to do with it.”
I thanked him and took the cigar. “I think I can find a good use for this big stogie.” I replied smirking.
He, then, reached down and lifted the lid to the humidor which lay on a shelf under the VCR. He reached in and pulled out an Excalibur No. 1 Maduro. He clipped the end off and handed it to me with the lighter ready to light it. After I had it lit, he took out another one and inquired whether he could smoke with his Daddy. I assented to the request.
After lighting his cigar, he turned on the TV and VCR and put a
cassette in. We lay next to each other on the couch. I looked up and saw that he put a fuck video on with two big, bearded hairy men stoking thick cigars. My cock began to fill with blood again.
“I hope you become a regular customer, sir. I am here to please and serve customers like you.”
“I am quite sure I will be.” I said in reply. In fact, I knew I would.
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tokiro07 · 2 years
Ch. 129 thoughts
[Treasure Trove]
In ch. 54, Juiz told us that Artifacts earned as rewards for Quests are weapons made to kill Sun, and while saying that we see Aegis, Soul Calibur, Life is Strange, G-Liner (though likely referencing that it became the host for Information rather than the Artifact itself), Nyoi-Kinko, Blade Runner, and three unnamed Artifacts
One was shaped like a heart, one was a sword, and one was Fuuko’s revolver
At the time, I assumed that the sword was going to be Excalibur, which I then in turn assumed would be one of the Three Sacred Spirit Treasures, but now we’ve learned that Rebellion is one of the Spirit Treasures and itself is a sword, or at least a spirit that possesses weapons
Whether the sword we saw is Rebellion’s base form or a separate Artifact entirely, it seems pretty unlikely that it’s one of the Spirit Treasures now that we know about Rebellion and have seen it in the form of a blade
But now I’m thinking: could Fuuko’s revolver be the third Spirit Treasure?
The fact that we know it’s an Artifact and it seems to have no ability whatsoever feels incredibly odd, and the fact that it’s referenced as an Artifact meant to be used against Sun is even stranger
If it’s basically just a gun, what possible good could it do against Sun?
Soul Calibur could potentially do some kind of damage to Sun’s soul, Blade Runner could make blades big enough to actually do damage, Life is Strange in the right hands could make Sun age into a dying star and weaken his power (Unfade or Undead could survive that, I would imagine), Nyoi-Kinko can be made large enough to fight Sun in the first place, even G-Liner itself could draw something helpful such as other Artifacts
So what the hell can the gun do that would even hope to hurt Sun? It must have some activation requirement that we haven’t learned yet that would make it a viable weapon, cus just shooting Sun with a normal bullet is never going to do anything
Aegis can block any attack, Rebellion turns vengeance into an attack...maybe the revolver turns hope into an attack? Or can absorb attacks as ammunition and return them to the original attacker? I have no idea, but for the gun to have been present for so long only to serve absolutely no purpose feels wrong, especially with how detail oriented this series has been in all other regards
Then again...if the revolver was a reward, why was it at the black market auction instead of being in the Union’s possession? Juiz would have to know that it was a Spirit Treasure, right? So why wouldn’t she have gone out of her way to get it?
Life is Strange was there too. Rip already had Blade Runner, and Akira was the one to find Soul Calibur, so what the hell was Juiz doing just leaving those? Did she determine she didn’t have a viable way to use them, so she left them? Or were they gone by the time she got there after learning their locations?
Either way, I doubt the final Spirit Treasure is one that we haven’t heard of in any capacity, so either it’s that heart (which aesthetically seems the most interesting in conjunction with Rebellion and Aegis) or Fuuko’s revolver, and I really hope it’s the latter
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stormqueen · 2 years
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Books 55-63 (1-9) (10-18) (19-27) (28-36) (37-45) (46-54)
55. Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki 56. For All the Tea in China: How England Stole the World's Favorite Drink and Changed History by Sarah Rose 57. The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould 58. Don't Call it a Cult: The Shocking Story of Keith Raniere and the Women of NXIVM by Sarah Berman 59. Excalibur, Vol 1 by Tini Howard and Marcus Lo 60. Dark Nights: Death Metal by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo 61. We Play Ourselves by Jen Silverman 62. Wonder Woman: Afterworlds by Becky Cloonan, Travis Moore, and Tamra Bonvillain 63. Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May
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afaimscorner · 2 months
30 essentielle X-Runs:
Das hier sind 30-Runs, die ich für essentiell halte, weil sie gut sind und gelesen werden sollten. Runs, die hier fehlen, fehlen aus Gründen, meistens weil mich etwas an ihnen gestört hat und sie deswegen in Wahrheit eben nicht gut waren, auch wenn andere das anders sehen dürften. Andere fehlen weil ich nur 30 Runs aus diversen Mutanten-Titeln seit den 60ern ausgewählt habe, und daher manches einfach außen vor bleiben musste. Wie im Fall meiner 97 besten Storylines, ist diese Liste chronologisch gehalten. Annuals und Specials vom entsprechenden Autor, die während des jeweiligen Runs (oder kurz danach) erschienen sind, werden nicht extra erwähnt, werden aber in den jeweiligen Run miteingerechnet:
Roy Thomas’ Run  (mit Gast-Autoren): X-Men 20 (1966)- X-Men 66 (1970)
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Chris Claremonts Haupt-Run: X-Men 94 (1975) –Uncanny X-Men 280 (1991) + X-Men (2nd Series) 1-3 (1991)
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Chris Claremonts New Mutants-Run: Marvel Graphic Novel 4 (1982) + New Mutants 1 (1983)- New Mutants 54 (1987)+ New Mutants 63 (1988)
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Louise Simonsons X-Factor-Run: X-Factor 6 (1986)-X-Factor 64 (1991)
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Chris Claremonts Excalibur-Run: Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn (1987)+ Excalibur 1 (1988)-Excalibur 34 (1991)
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Larry Hamas Wolverine-Run: Wolverine (2nd Series) 31 (1990)-Wolverine (2nd Series) 118 (1997)
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Peter Davids 1ster X-Factor Run: X-Factor 70 (1991)- X-Factor 89 (1993)
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Fabian Niciezas X-Force Run: X-Force 13 (1992)-X-Force 43 (1995)
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Scott Lobdells Generation X-Run: Generation X 1 (1994)-Generation X 28 (1997)
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John Francis Moores X-Force Run: X-Force 63 (1997)-X-Force 100 (2000)
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Robinsons und Caseys Cable-Run: Cable 44 (1997)- Cable 70 (1999)
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Chris Claremonts X-Treme X-Men Run: X-Treme X-Men 1 (2001)-X-Treme X-Men 46 (2004)+ X-Treme-X-Men: Savage Land 1-4 (2001)
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Exiles 1st Series (vor Claremont): Exiles 1 (2001)-Exiles 89 (2007)
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Chuck Austens X-Men-Run: Uncanny X-Men 410 (2002)-Uncanny X-Men 443 (2004)+New X-Men 155 (2004)-X-Men 164 (2nd Series) (2005)
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Frank Tieris Weapon X: Weapon X (2nd Series) 1 (2002)-28 (2004)
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New Mutants (2nd Series)+New X-Men: Acadamy X: New Mutants (2nd Series) 1 (2003)-New Mutants (2nd Series) 13 (2004)+ New X-Men: Academy X 1-19: (2004-2005) + New X-Men: Hellions 1-4 (2004)
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Joss Whedons X-Men-Run: Astonishing X-Men (3rd Series) 1-24+ Giant Sized Astonishing X-Men 1 (2004-2008)
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Kyles und Yosts New X-Men-Run: New X-Men (2nd Series) 20 (2006)-46 (2008)
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Peter Davids 2ter X-Factor-Run: X-Factor (3rd Series) 1 (2006)-X-Factor 275 (2013)+ All New X-Factor 1 (2014)-All New X-Factor 20 (2015)
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Rick Remenders Uncanny X-Force-Run: Uncanny X-Force 1 (2010)-Uncanny X-Force 35 (2013)
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Mike Careys X-Men-Run: X-Men (2nd Series) 188- (2006) – X-Men Legacy 260 (2012)
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Zeb Wells New Mutants-Run: New Mutants (3rd Series) 1 (2009)-New Mutants (3rd Series) 21 (2011)
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Jason Aarons X-Men-Run: Wolverine and the X-Men 1-42 (2011-2014)
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Brian Michael Bendis Uncanny X-Men-Run: Uncanny X-Men (3rd Series) 1 (2013)- Uncanny X-Men 600 (2015)
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Cullen Bunns Magneto-Run: Magneto (2nd Series) 1-21 (2014-2015)
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Tom Taylors Wolverine-Run: All New Wolverine 1- (2016)-All New Wolverine 35 (2018)
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Generation X (2nd Series): Generation X (2nd Series 1)- Generation X 87 (2017-1018)
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Marc Guggenheims X-Men Gold-Run: X-Men Gold 1-31 (2017-2018)
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Kelly Thompsons Mr. and Mrs. X-Run: Mr. And Mrs. X 1-12 (2018-2019)
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Tom Taylors X-Men-Run: X-Men Red 1-12 (2018-2019)
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legends-of-time · 5 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story) - Masterlist
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Original Female Character & Morgana & Morgause
Arthur & Morgana & Original Female Character
Percival/Original Female Character
Merlin/Original Female Character
Gwaine/Original Female Character
Original Female Character & Original Female Character
Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, Cannon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Emotional Manipulation, Gaslighting
Physical description:
Amelia has light brown hair and blue eyes
Amelia never really thought about what would happen when she died. Wait, no that was a lie. She had wondered if she would be reincarnated she supposed or just simply go to some sort of afterlife. Or maybe she would wake up in the world of one of the very first Tv shows that she had got obsessed with.
Amelia genuinely did not think this would happen, fanfiction is just that! Fanfiction!
But hey ho here she is.
The usual tale of someone dying then waking up in one of their favourite TV show with, what I hope, is a twist.
Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Beginning of Her New Life
Chapter 3: Becoming Too Real
Chapter 4: Drastic Changes
Chapter 5: Family
Chapter 6: The Dragon's Call
Chapter 7: Valiant
Chapter 8: The Mark of Nimueh
Chapter 9: The Poisoned Chalice
Chapter 10: Lancelot
Chapter 11: A Remedy to Cure All Ills
Chapter 12: The Gates of Avalon
Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 14: Excalibur
Chapter 15: The Moment of Truth
Chapter 16: The Labyrinth of Gedref
Chapter 17: To Kill the King
Chapter 18: Le Morte d'Arthur
Chapter 19: The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
Chapter 20: The Once and Future Queen
Chapter 21: The Nightmare Begins
Chapter 22: Lancelot and Guinevere
Chapter 23: Beauty and the Beast Part One
Chapter 24: Beauty and the Beast Part Two
Chapter 25: The Witchfinder
Chapter 26: The Sins of a Father
Chapter 27: The Lady of the Lake
Chapter 28: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 29: The Witch's Quickening
Chapter 30: The Fires of Idirsholas
Chapter 31: The Last Dragonlord
Chapter 32: The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part One
Chapter 33: The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part Two
Chapter 34: Goblin's Gold
Chapter 35: Gwaine
Chapter 36: The Crystal Cave
Chapter 37: The Changeling
Chapter 38: The Castle of Fyrien
Chapter 39: The Eye of the Phoenix
Chapter 40: Love in the Time of Dragons
Chapter 41: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 42: The Sorcerer's Shadow
Chapter 43: The Coming of Arthur Part One
Chapter 44: The Coming of Arthur Part Two
Chapter 45: The Darkest Hour Part One
Chapter 46: The Darkest Hour Part Two
Chapter 47: The Wicked Day
Chapter 48: Aithusa
Chapter 49: His Father's Son
Chapter 50: A Servant of Two Masters
Chapter 51: The Secret Sharer
Chapter 52: Lamia
Chapter 53: Lancelot du Lac
Chapter 54: A Herald of the New Age
Chapter 55: The Hunter's Heart
Chapter 56: The Sword in the Stone Part One
Chapter 57: The Sword in the Stone Part Two
Chapter 58: Arthur's Bane Part One
Chapter 59: Arthur's Bane Part Two
Chapter 60: The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
Chapter 61: Another's Sorrow
Chapter 62: The Disir
Chapter 63: The Dark Tower
Chapter 64: A Lesson in Vengeance
Chapter 65: The Hallow Queen
Wattpad access
fanfiction.net access
Ao3 access
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Las Vegas Strip, NV (No. 2)
On a daily basis, there are tens of thousands of pedestrians walking along the Strip at any one time. As of 2019, the daily number of pedestrians on the Strip is approximately 50,000.
Concerning pedestrian safety and to help alleviate traffic congestion at popular intersections, several pedestrian footbridges were erected in 1990s and the first was the Tropicana – Las Vegas Boulevard footbridge. Some feature designs that match the theme of the nearby resorts. Additional footbridges have been built on Las Vegas Boulevard. The footbridges include:
Veer Towers:. Connects Veer Towers, Waldorf Astoria, and Crystals Shopping Center
Park MGM and T-Mobile Arena Park: Connects MGM and Showcase Mall
Planet Hollywood: Connects Planet Hollywood, CityCenter, Crystals Shopping Center, and The Cosmopolitan.
Spring Mountain Road and Las Vegas Blvd. Corner: Connects Treasure Island, the Wynn, Fashion Show Mall, and The Venetian
Flamingo Road and Las Vegas Blvd. Corner: Connects Bally's, Flamingo, Bellagio, and Caesars Palace
Las Vegas Blvd and Tropicana Ave Corner. Connects the MGM Grand, New York-New York, Excalibur, and Tropicana
There has been negative feedback from pedestrians about the elevated crosswalks due to need to walk as much as a quarter-mile to reach an intersection to cross the street and to then walk back some distance on the other side of the street to get to their desired destinations.
After a driver drove into pedestrians on the sidewalk in front of Paris Las Vegas and Planet Hollywood in December 2015, 800 bollards began to be installed on Las Vegas Blvd. starting in 2017. The construction of the bollards resulted in the removal of 49 of the 82 stars of the Las Vegas Walk of Stars. In 2019, the bollards on Las Vegas Blvd. were shortened due to feedback from drivers that the bollards were obstructing street views. 283 of the 4,500 bollards will be shortened from 54 inches to 36 inches. The shortened bollards line 20 different driveways.
Studies conducted by Clark County in 2012 and 2015 identified issues with congestion. The studies resulted in $5 million of improvements, including LED lights, ADA ramps, containment fencing, widening sidewalks, and removing permanent obstructions, such as signs, signposts, trash cans, and fire hydrants. The studies also identified non-permanent obstructions causing congestion, such as street performers, vendors, handbillers, signholders, and illegal street gambling. Modifications to non-obstruction zones and increased enforcement were implemented in order to reduce congestion.
Source: Wikipedia
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allelitewrestling1 · 1 year
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October 14, 2020
Jacksonville, FL - Daily’s Place
Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Eddie Kingston
Attendance: 500
Viewers: 826,000
-FTR (c) d. Best Friends to retain the titles (3rd defense)
-Kip Sabian & Miro d. Lee Johnson & Sean Maluta
-Cody (c) and Orange Cassidy wrestled to a 20 minute time limit draw (1st defense)
-Hikaru Shida (c) d. Big Swole to retain the title (4th defense)
-Jon Moxley (c) d. Lance Archer to retain the title (8th defense)
0 notes
edelstahlpo · 1 year
Above Ground Swimming Pools - Right Solution For Any Backyard
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Above ground swimming pools are an incredible expansion to any backyard. By offering all the swimming tomfoolery and fervor of a confidential pool without the significant expense and perpetual quality of an in-ground swimming pool, above ground pools are an alluring choice for many families. With most above ground pools, you can begin swimming before long (and for certain pools, even around the same time!) as establishment. Some are intended to be long-lasting pools that you winterize for the slow time of year and yet again open in the spring; others can be handily dismantled and put away inside throughout the fall and cold weather months. The best part is that with a large number of accessible costs, development choices, shapes and sizes there are above ground swimming pools to match any backyard, any spending plan.
Above ground pools are normally accessible in profundities from 48" to 54". Purchasers can browse round, rectangular and oval shapes, in sizes from a basic 12' round to an enormous 18' x 39' oval, which offer choices for yards of each and every shape and size, as well as the capacity to swim laps, play water sports and give long periods of tomfoolery and diversion for grown-ups and kids the same. Above ground pools presently arrive in various styles, as well. From customary above ground pools, to the present more smooth and secluded plans, there's an above ground pool to fit the stylistic layout of any backyard.
Above ground pools are produced using various materials, giving a few development and establishment choices to look over. Customary above ground pools, for example, Excalibur Pools, highlight metal walls of excited steel that are serious areas of strength for particularly strong. Some more current above ground pools, like the Brilliant and EZ Board brands have energy-saving, eco-accommodating properties which is making them expanding famous. Their solid metal walls highlight a uniquely planned protecting froth center layer to hold intensity and save money on running expenses and utilities. Their plan likewise makes establishment considerably more straightforward than conventional above ground pools, and they can be introduced above ground, semi-in ground or totally in-ground - for the advantages of a customary in-ground pool, without the significant expenses! A second rate class of above ground pools are ideal for more modest yards, more modest financial plans and for families who maintain that the adaptability should bring down their pool during the slow time of year, or while moving. Intex pools for instance offer round, rectangular and oval above ground pools in different sizes, including a few models produced using a Super Tough® uncompromising three handle liner, with an inflatable top ring that allows you to set up and swim in a solitary evening!
Whether the above ground swimming pool is made of metal or vinyl, get together is typically extremely basic and straightforward. With metal casing pools, no matter what the particular development plan, the different pieces are fit and locked together before adding water. Customary above ground pools, for example, Excalibur's Ocean Wind, Palm Sound, Glenridge, Regime and Sandstone models can normally be introduced by 2-3 individuals in a couple of hours. Fresher EZ Board, Intex and Brilliant pools offer more measured development and a considerably more improved on establishment process. What's more, for an Intex vinyl above ground pool with inflatable top ring, you essentially fill the top ring utilizing an electric or manual siphon and fill the pool. As referenced beforehand, a few models of above ground pools including Brilliant and EZ Board offer an assortment of establishment choices for completely tweaked results for a portion of the expense of a customary in ground pool. These pools are intended to be introduced completely above ground, mostly in ground or totally in ground.
One more extraordinary advantage of above ground swimming pools is the way that there are presently as many decisions as far as embellishments and gear as there for in ground pools. For instance, purchasers will track down a great many slides, flumes, stepping stools and steps explicitly intended for above ground pools. Most pools can likewise be effectively adjusted for decks and fencing, giving considerably more noteworthy adaptability with regards to plan and development. Get more info Edelstahlpool
As far as water cleaning programs, above ground pool proprietors can now warm and disinfect their pool water without expecting to depend on elevated degrees of brutal chlorine or different synthetics. For example, mineral-based water disinfecting offers a cheap and simple method for sanitizing without the requirement for customary chlorine. Furthermore, new saltwater cleaning frameworks are presently accessible explicitly for above ground pools. These "salt-chlorine generators" utilize low degrees of normal regular salt to make normal chlorine, which refines and relax pool water.
Above ground pool proprietors likewise have more choices as far as "practicing environmental awareness" and settling on more eco-accommodating pool warming decisions that will likewise diminish the utilization of non-sustainable, costly energy sources. High-productivity pool radiators and intensity siphons can decrease energy use and running expenses, and give magnificently warm pool water. Or more ground sun based warming frameworks can raise the temperature of pool water by 15 degrees utilizing just the force of your pool siphon and FREE warming energy from the sun. We generally suggest the utilization of a sun powered pool cover when the pool isn't being used to hold heat, diminish vanishing and lessen trash. What's more, regardless of whether you pool doesn't highlight extraordinarily planned heat-holding walls, wall froth (a generally accessible pool item) can give each above ground pool heat-holding properties - essentially introduce it during pool set-up for hotter water and a more drawn out swim season - all with lower running expenses!
Shoppers ought to constantly ask what's incorporated with the pool while considering an above ground pool buy. For instance, many above ground pools incorporate the vinyl pool liner, yet some don't. One more basic piece of gear is the siphon and channel framework, which flows and channels the water, as well as helps in refinement. Some above ground pool packs, for example, Intex units give a helpful method for getting every one of the parts you really want to have your pool going quickly. Standard above ground pool units will normally incorporate a siphon and channel framework, a support pack, a stepping stool, a sunlight based cover and disinfecting synthetic compounds. What's more, obviously, add-on extras, for example, warmers, cleaners, fencing, lighting and games are dependably really smart, for most extreme security, adaptability and tomfoolery.
Whether you choose to exploit the comfort of above ground pool packs, there are many benefits to appreciate when you introduce an above ground pool in your yard. In any case, above ground swimming pools offer an efficient method for partaking in the fun of a confidential pool. While costs can go as high as a few thousand bucks, quality above ground pools are likewise accessible for just $780. Another extraordinary benefit is that these swimming pools are quick and simple to set up, winterize and bring down. With a not insignificant rundown of accessible shapes and sizes, there's an ideal above ground swimming pool for each backyard, so every property holder can partake in the tomfoolery and energizing experience of having their own special confidential pool.
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seraphsfire · 6 years
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poor kitty is just trying to have a Normal conversation with her bff but instead he’s gotta be Like This
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