chronicallysickofthis · 2 months
My favourite game to play, is it depression or a flare up?
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clickerflight · 5 months
Clove: Part 21 - No Monologues
Bois.... there's more to this story than I thought there would be. We vibing but this is wild!
Masterlist - Part 20
Content: Werewolf whumpee, human whumper, vampire caretaker, exhaustion, strangulation, a rather quick and violent death
Goldenrod was really struggling to stay on top of the pillar now. He was tired and shaky, his fingers trembling on the ritual knife as he tried to dodge and shield himself from the barrage of gravel Jack kept sending his way, hoping to knock him down. He was so scared. He just had to hang on till Ephraim got here. He had to. He didn’t think he could fight Jack again. He shouldn’t have swallowed any of Jack’s blood earlier. It was making Hyrum feel really sick and making the whole situation that much worse. 
The newest rock attack slowed to a stop, Jack panting below, still pacing back and forth. He was chewing on his thumbnail, looking up at the skies nervously over and over again. The fae queen had to know by now. Was she going to come here or was she setting up defenses against him? He didn’t have time. He really didn’t have time.
He chewed harder, running out of nail and just started in on the flesh of his thumb with his sharp teeth as he stared up at Hyrum, who watched with a numb sort of exhaustion in his eyes. That was good. Jack knew that look well. The pup wouldn’t be able to stay up there for long. 
Jack looked over at another pillar, spaced not that far away from Hyrum’s and stopped chewing on his thumb. If he couldn’t get Hyrum down with magic, he’d have to do it with force. 
So, the sorcerer started to climb a pillar, slowly and laboriously as he kept slipping down the smooth rock face. He nearly slid all the way to the bottom when he felt a stinging pain bite into his skull. He snarled as he realized Hyrum had chucked a rock at his head, and forced himself to climb higher. 
He scrambled onto the top, and without even so much as a moment to catch his breath, he turned and threw himself across the gap. 
Hyrum yelped, holding the blade up to try and defend himself, but Jack crashed into him, sending them both onto the gravel below. 
Hyrum was well protected by his being a werewolf, however that didn’t help with the way the crash had sent the wind right out of his lungs. 
Jack grabbed the knife from out of trembling fingers and grabbed Hyrum’s throat with the other hand. “Alright, pup. I hope you enjoyed all of that. A waste of time and energy if you ask me,” he said, picking Hyrum up as he gasped and scratched at Jack’s wrist. 
Vindictively, Jack slammed Hyrum into the altar, making the pup’s eyes go wide and dazed as his head smacked into the obsidian. 
Jack now took a moment to breathe, changing his grip on the knife and on Hyrum’s throat so he could try and get at his voice box. 
“I would tell you to hold still, but that would be a bit of a waste of breath, wouldn’t it,” Jack said as Hyrum seemed to come back to his senses, fear and helplessness flooding his face as he realized he just didn’t have the energy to fight back anymore. 
Jack allowed himself a moment to drink it in. How couldn’t he, really. The pup had always been so cute and desperate when he was scared. So perfectly defenseless. 
“I think I will miss you a little… not much, but a little,” Jack commented mostly to himself, flipping the knife one more time for good measure before leaning over Hyrum to make the first incision. 
He only got as far as touching the blade to the werewolf’s throat, Hyrum’s golden eyes squeezed shut with silent tears tracking down his dirty cheeks, when Jack was slammed to the side and into the ground. 
He scrabbled at the gravel, reaching for the knife he dropped, but a powerful hand closed on the back of his neck, the other grabbing the back of his clothing to throw him onto his back. 
Jack’s manic eyes landed on Ephraim, who stood clean and furious before him, lips drawn back to show his broken fang. 
Ephraim had felt his heart nearly fall out of his rib cage when he’d seen Jack leaning over Hyrum like that, but was glad to see the pup scramble off the altar, frozen in indecision between trying to get away and going to hug Ephraim. 
“Ephraim!” Jack said in a placating tone, trying to get himself sorted out to sit up. “So good to see you! I thought you’d be in the pits by- CKkk”
Ephraim stood on his throat, watching as the sorcerer tried to get Ephraim’s foot off. “I almost was,” he replied, leaning some weight on it. “Goodbye, Jack. Hope you  are remembered in tales for the truly terrible fate you are dealt in the afterlife. 
Jack shook his head, eyes wide as he struggled to speak. 
“Bck! N’v’r bck! Wi’ow m’!”
Ephraom threw back his head and laughed a truly cold laugh. “I don’t care. I have an in with the queen here. I’m not concerned about getting back.”
“D’nt tr’st-”
“Oh I know,” Ephraim said, leaning hard just to watch as the sorcerer’s face turned an odd shade of blue. “I won’t, trust you that.”
Jack, realizing he wouldn’t be able to talk his way out of this, tried to gather the last bits of strength he had after constantly attacking Hyrum and after the arduous journey here, but Ephraim lifted his foot and slammed it into the sorcerer’s throat, listening to the satisfying crack of his neck. 
Ephraim stood like that, breathing heavily before he looked back at Goldenrod. “Don’t watch.”
Goldenrod, eyes wide and teary, nodded and turned away as Ephraim knelt down, slowly cracking Jack open to pull out each and every organ he could get his hands on and destroy them, scattering them everywhere. As soon as he had reduced Jack to a smear that no magic would be able to bring him back from, Ephraim stood up, stepping out of the now deactivated ritual circle to wipe his hands off in the grass. 
He looked back to see Goldenrod curled on his side on the ground, face almost touching one of the pillars. 
He got up and walked to Goldenrod only to realize that his little boy was breathing slowly and calmly, so trusting in Ephraim to deal with the mess that he paid no heed to the noises and let sleep take him. 
Ephraim clicked his tongue. He wanted to take the moment to heart and relish in it, but they weren’t safe yet. They were still in the fae realm, and while the fae queen was soft on his fledgling and Benny would surely do anything for him to get in his good graces again, Ephraim didn’t think for even a moment that they were anywhere near close to safe. They weren’t going to be safe till they were all home and that entrance in the forest was sealed. 
Ephraim carefully scooped Goldenrod into his arms, lifting him. The werewolf woke enough to grab onto him before he fell asleep again, the fear and constant adrenaline too much for his little system. 
Ephraim didn’t spare the smears in the gravel behind him any heed as he stepped into the grass, walking back towards where the castle had been. He didn’t know if they would actually make it since traveling in the fae wilds had turned out to be strange, getting Ephraim to the ritual place much faster than he expected without even seeing the entrance to the fae realm once on the way here, but he was sure Benny would have someone come looking for him, and there were already fae scouts out looking for Jack.
He walked for about an hour, Goldenrod only stirring to snuggle closer, when he saw some of the fog clearing ahead and a fae walked out through it. It was the gauzy fae from before. Kortops. 
“What have you found, Vampire?” he called. 
“My pup,” Ephraim replied cautiously. “I’ve killed the sorcerer, though you may want to dispose of his remains somehow. I am concerned he knew a good deal of dark magic and might have some way to come back.”
“I will have someone look into it. I will walk you back, yes?”
Ephraim was conflicted. He wanted to demand to go home, but he wasn’t certain how the fae would react to that and there was a large part of him that wanted to convince Benny to come home. But if they stayed they wouldn’t be able to eat. And Goldenrod needed to eat. 
“We will walk back to the palace,” Ephraim said uneasily. “Tell me, is there food here that isn’t of the fae.”
Kortops laughed. “You think we will hold you here if you eat it?” 
“I believe it may weaken defenses more than anything else,” Ephraim said a little testily. “I would really prefer to keep my wits about me.”
Kortops looked like he almost wanted to be offended about that, his wings flicking, but he sighed. “You have caught us, vampire. We are to be only the best hosts, and we will provide you with completely unenchanted food.”
“Every time?” 
“Every time,” the fae promised with a roll of his eyes. 
Good. It seemed Ephraim had discovered another rule the fae have to live by. They are, first and foremost good hosts, and they had to be truthful in their dealings as such. 
Ephraim would need to think carefully over all of his requests to be sure to watch for loop holes, then, and no fae would get to talk to Hyrum even once without Ephraim being there. 
“Thank you,” Ephraim said. Manners were likely important in a place like this. “When we arrive at the castle, I would like good, unenchanted food and a safe and secure place to sleep with a promise that no fae or fae servant will disturb us as we sleep. We have had a long, long day.”
“Of course,” Kortops said, taking on a subservient, though distant tone now. “Anything else for you, my liege?”
“That will be all for tonight,” Ephraim replied, just as distantly. His thoughts were already on the idea of a warm, comfortable shower and then a warm, comfortable bed where he and Goldenrod could curl up and he could ensure that his pup was safe and still alive. 
The palace loomed up through the mists again and Kortops led him inside, relaying orders to the servants who led Ephraim to a room. 
After Ephraim had triple checked that they knew to bring unenchanted but good food, he turned to caring for Goldenrod, getting some warm water and soap from the bathroom to clean his wounds and scrapes. Goldenrod was somewhat awake for this, whining and crying a little about being disturbed, but his demeanor changed as he smelled food as the fae brought it in for them to eat. 
Soon enough, they were fed, cleaned, clothed and in bed, Goldenrod passed out without even managing to say goodnight, and Ephraim, a hand on the back of Goldenrod’s head, followed soon after. 
Part 22
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff
@honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer
@currentlyinthesprial @scoundrelwithboba @whumps-and-bumps
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mik0is0bored · 20 days
Thank god tomorrow is Friday. I know I've only had three days of school by then but good god I just want to dig a hole and die (or sleep- maybe sleep. Death won't solve anything(unfortunately)) block schedule is shit but I like it at the same time (the block schedule)
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messilymoonlit · 1 year
that little voice in the back of your head? the one saying “it’ll be fine if you don’t put on your hearing aids.” that’s the devil.
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imgdreaming · 5 months
i think im going to completely flop on my test today :-(
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Hot take but I choose to believe Mia genuinely cared about Eveline to some extent, at the very least before the Baker Incident, because she knows Evie is just a kid. A very powerful, kid, but a kid none the less.
Like, if Eveline was around Mia enough to imprint on her, I find it hard to believe Mia didn't feel anything towards her, either, y'know? Maybe not to the same level as Eveline, but still.
Anyway I think they kinda deserve each other in some way.
I think in the world where Ethan kills Mia and she's stuck in the Megamycete her and Eveline have the chance to... start over, I guess. It's a process, but they live in the Megamycete Baker Household forever as a fucked up little family or something, I dunno.
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my favorite part about going home is the 2 minutes before u remember why u left
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lilgnomefella · 10 months
having roommates who dont do thr bare minimum and clean up after themselves will litterally leave you wondering if your just unreasonable to not want to live in constant filth
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paper-star-ships · 11 months
I think all my f/os should have varying degrees of a worshipping complex about me btw
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
I need a moment to vent so please scroll past if you don't wanna read. it's just about familial double standards, I don't think there's any triggers!
I'm so tired of being the only one in my family that's emotionally regulated- like I get it, we have a busy life but-
i haven't stopped working in weeks, I have a job now, I have volunteering, I have two college classes I'm taking- and on top of that, my mom still wants me to be social. I cant do all of these things and still be expected to be emotionally regulated (yet I am)
i am there at every event, I am doing the same work, if not more. i am cleaning every day, I am cooking multiple meals (at least breakfast and lunch, sometimes for four people, breakfast is usually just two but sometimes three if my uncle asks for something different- but sometimes I cook dinner multiple days a week on top of the other two meals)
any time I have the thoughts of what I'd say if I didn't regulate myself, I feel anxious because I know I would get my ass handed to me if I did.
but oh? my sibling yells at my mom or me for simply speaking to them? oh well they just need their mood gummies.
my dad snips at me? sorry, I'm just tired.
my mom blows up at every little thing and acts like a small spill is the beginning of Armageddon? sorry, I'm just tired of nothing ever getting done
my cousin calls me names and yells at everything? oh just a long day at work!
I'm tired. i am so so tired, I do not have the energy. i simply cannot be regulated anymore. I'm going to be for the sake of myself but I wish I had a safe space to dysregulate for a moment, unmask and not have to paint a different me.
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xfindingtrouble · 2 years
earlier when i was talking about wanting to reach out to others it was before i remembered i had a face painting event today. however, it was very successful & very fun but i might not be reaching out to anyone until tomorrow bcs fun or not 15 year olds are exhausting
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kittenwithbell · 27 days
I become fucking insane when in heat good LORD i literally want to do insane shit i need to fuck n cum SO BADLY it makes me want to play IN TRAFFIC
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greenieflor · 7 months
The one benefit to having undiagnosed gi problems is that professors rarely ask follow up questions when you cite them as reason to miss class
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clickerflight · 11 months
October/November 2023 - Sandstorm: Part 26
Here were are! The last part! Maybe a bit sloppily written, but I'm just glad to be done. This story ended up being so long. 46K words, I believe. Insane.
Part 25
Content: Demon whumpee, mer whumpee, half dragon whumpee, human whumpee, escape attempt, exhaustion, various injuries caused in previous parts
The halls were quiet and empty for them as they traveled along, and soon Sammy stopped in front of a door. 
“There are going to be guards on the other side,” he warned. 
“I’ll handle it,” Laurance said. He slowly lowered Matsu down, letting Anisha move to use Kira as a guide while Sammy supported Matsu. 
Laurance took a deep breath in and then let it out. He opened the door and the two guards there turned to see who was coming out. He slammed into one, sending him to the ground before rounding on another. 
Laurance moved as quickly as he could, but the guard rang the bell before he could stop him and Laurance snarled as he knocked the man out against the wall and let him crumple to the ground. He scooped Matsu up, bridal style this time, and said, “We need to move, reinforcements will be here any minute.”
Anisha found her legs and pushed herself on to follow along behind her husband as the rest of the group followed. 
“I’m coming with you, right?” Sammy asked, seemingly excited about the prospect. “There’s no way they won’t figure out I’m a part of this.”
“Of course,” Laurance said. 
They reached the beds filled with luscious plants and Laurance said, “Where do you want to be, Matsu?”
“There,” Matsu said, pointing to a bed of plants that had low grade magic resonating off of them. Laurance set him down among them as the sound of shouting and bells ringing filled the air and he turned to see the guards coming. 
“Please hurry,” Laurance said nervously, standing ready to fight. Sammy gave his knife to Kira, holding his sword ready while Anisha just growled, trying to pinpoint where people were in the moving colors she could make out. 
Laurance headed the fight. He was coming to the edge of his energy reserves after everything that had happened to him, though. Still, the guards were even just wary of approaching him and held back a little, trying to go for the others. Anisha fell back to guard Matsu more closely, growling and snapping at any shape that seemed to be an enemy while Kira and Sammy helped where they could. 
The guards started to hang back more, nursing wounds and looking to their commander. 
They were waiting for someone and Laurance was pretty sure he knew who. 
“Hurry, Tsu!” Laurance said. He didn’t not want Jeo to get here and pin him in with one of those horrible burning circles again. 
Matsu sat in the plants, sweat dripping from his face, trembling as he gathered magic and energy so quickly that the plants around him began to shrivel and die. He didn’t respond, but desperately reached into the Aether to open the portal. He needed to open a portal back home to his pool, to his workshop, to his garden, to his kitchen. 
He grunted as he tore the hole open forcefully. Anisha cried out when she felt it, turning to try and find it. 
“Kira, get Matsu through-”
“No,” Matsu said shakily. “I don’t think I can hold it if I move. I need to go last.”
“GO, Laurance!”
Laurance growled and grabbed Anisha’s arm, propelling her through the portal, soothed slightly by her gentle sound of excitement. 
Kira and Sammy went through next as Matsu started to drag himself towards the portal. 
Laurance snarled at the guards, sending them back. He could see a robed figure forcing their way through the guards, so Laurance grabbed Matsu around the middle, hefting him up and leapt into the portal. Laurance felt the portal wobble, heard Matsu grind his teeth as he tried to hold it steady despite not having enough magic to hold it open, and then they popped out the other side, the portal collapsing as soon as they did and they fell right into the pool on top of the others. 
Laurance broke the surface, spluttering and wiping at his face and looked around to find Kira and Sammy sitting at the edge, some of Sammy’s armor abandoned at the bottom of the pool while Anisha floated on the surface of the water, apparently asleep. 
There was the garden, the back of the house with the sliding glass door that led into the dining room, and the mountain looming over the house behind them. 
Laurance laughed, overjoyed to be home. 
Kira didn’t need much help getting settled and cleaned up and she soon had her prosthetic arm set back up so she could help out with cooking. Anisha simply sat at the counter and ate everything put in front of her, asking for more until she’d had about five meals. She wandered over to the couch where she laid down and immediately passed out. Laurance covered her in a blanket and ate his own fill. 
He filled a plate with more food and headed downstairs. The hoard room was quiet he walked between piles of magical items and gold to the medbay. 
He’d dropped Matsu off here before going to make food so Matsu could assess himself. Matsu had dressed himself in a tunic and was laying in one of the cots. He sat up and took the food from Laurance with a soft thank you, eating quickly.
“You going to be okay?”
“Yeah,” Matsu said. “There will probably be some side effects from a drug they used on me, but I think I’ll be fine.”
Laurance sat on the end of the cot in silence, closing his eyes as Matsu ate. Laurance couldn’t believe everything that had happened. The beginning of this whole ordeal felt like months ago. 
He opened his eyes when Matsu had finished eating and took the plate, setting it on a counter. “Do you need help getting to your own bed?”
Matsu nodded and Laurance scooped him up, carrying him up the stairs, then up the next flight to where Matsu and Kira slept. He bumped the door open with his hip and got Matsu settled in on the bed. Matsu curled up under the covers and sighed softly. 
“Sleep well,” Laurance said. 
“Yeah, don’t forget to get some rest yourself,” Matsu said.
“I won’t,” Laurance replied, and with that he headed down the stairs. 
He picked Anisha up, seeing her tail twitch but she didn’t wake up. He carried her upstairs to their own room and tucked her in, crawling in after her. He curled up against her, spooning her and staring at the back of her head for a minute before closing his eyes, breathing in scents of home and of safety and allowing himself to drift off to sleep. 
An order was put in with the Kahtir and five teliar teams were dispatched to end the slavery issues in certain cities in that desert, dethroning many of the people in power and taking certain magic users to prison. Those cities were put in order very quickly by friends and family of the Adventurers.
The End
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embersofstardust · 1 year
I may have to have an emergency car repair that's around $300 dollars and I don't have the cash rn 🙃
but I found the hutch of my DREAMS for only $55 and I don't wanna give that up I'm supposed to get it this weekend 😭😭💔💔
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often i forget about getting sick and go through a whole day being like. hmm strange i feel hungover but didn’t take anything. odd.
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