#ex-twitter user
soulpunchftw · 1 year
I broke my fast and looked at Twitter for a few minutes today. I’m sorry. In that time, I’ve seen:
*people trying to rehabilitate Lysenkoism
*new forms of antisemitism in the wild, from ostensibly ‘progressive’ accounts
*a friend of mine is getting dogpiled and accused of being ‘against the writer’s strike’… because she expressed mild annoyance at how screenwriting classes encourage formulaic storytelling
…yeah, I’m good and don’t need to go back. Musk didn’t ruin Twitter, he just pushed its shittiness out into the open.
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razglowe · 2 years
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I’m going into detail on why I’m back (tl;dr - boobies unbanned, was locked out of account for over 2 years, and Twitter is now on fire), but just know that:
a) I’m back and active! And; b) My username is changing! I’m Razglowe from here on out
Detail below, but expect activity once again! Genuinely so happy to be back
“Alright Ra, talk - you were so against Tumblr when you left! Why are you back?”
La Tiddy Like, for dead serious for one reason - artistic expression of the human form was banned. This is a huuuuuge no-no for me. I came to Tumblr for art and - while I don’t post the nude human form - I saw it as a huge attack on the community here. I was also trying to stand with SWers as much as I could. At the end of the day though, it’s sadly a losing battle for Tumblr (thanks Apple). Seeing they have at least made the human form not prohibited is enough of a reason for me to come back. Remember guys, SW is work and I do hope one day there’ll be less scorn around the profession.  Unbanning the lady nip was my huge line to come back. And so... yeah, the second I heard that it was unbanned I went “that’s it, it’s a sign that I can return”. 
“Fuck I lost my keys” When I locked the door behind me with my Tumblr account, I put on 2FA to make sure it didn’t get hacked. Through a series of boring events, I upgraded my phone (fine), changed my phone number (not-so-fine) and lost my handwritten 2FA backup codes (VERY not fine). I’ve been trying to get access back for 2 years! Learn from my mistakes folks - always make sure you have a secure location for these things, and possible put it down in 2 real life spaces, not just a digital sapce. It’s a nightmare to recover otherwise. The new “Account Recovery” form is what saved me (and a huge HUGE thanks to Tumblr’s staff for helping me!) and helped verify my information. I’ve got protections back up but it should be less of a hassle if it ever happens again. 
This Bird is on Fire That wee little blue elephant in the room - Twitter. I was semi-active on Twitter for the past few years and enjoyed myself (as you do). However, I honestly missed Tumblr a lot. And I was on pins and needles waiting for the day I could come back here. Art and fandom really thrive here for me, more than it ever did on Twitter. And I couldn’t really gel with Twitter as much outside it being a chat hole for me and my friends. But still, I wanted to stick by my one rule on the lady tiddy. Turns out everything kinda lined up with each other? So that’s fantastic news for me! (And for anyone else who is keen to see me back on here active again).
I’m sure things will be slower compared to pre-2018 and a lot of the people following me are probably inactive now, but I don’t mind. I’m just more here for the fun, the vibes, and just sharing fun stuff.
I’ll also loop everyone in on what I’ve been up to soon! I’m so excited with where things are heading in life right now. 
In the mean time I’m going to clean up a bit and clean house before I start posting more. I’ve also started to diversify on where I am (CoHost, Mastodon, TikTok, and might try to revive my Instagram a bit more), but I do best with text and pictures and nothing will really change that. I’ll make a pinned with everything once I’m done!  (Also I might still be on Twitter. Maybe. I just want to point and laugh if it becomes unusable) 
So happy to see you all again, so glad I’m back  ❤️
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sophie-baybey · 2 years
Tumblr is going to become far worse over the next couple years leaning further into targeted ads, gathering user information, and generally no longer doing the Only Things This Site Does Right, and I would like to firmly predict that all of the blame will be put on the influx of twitter refugees, instead of the plain truth that tumblr has been shifting its goals for a long time now (banner ads, leaning into and owning the "hellsite" reputation, selling merch of old tumblr memes, experimenting with ads that cover a quarter of your screen while you scroll (although those are thankfully gone now)).
The tumblr staff have shown they finally understand their community, and as the website's reputation heals, shareholders and suits are going to push for more and more money to be squeezed out of this place. This path was set in motion long ago, and I'm going to be real grumpy when the blame all gets pushed aside to just point fingers at the twitter people.
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moonbigs · 5 months
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hello! my name is cedar and im a life series fanartist. wanted to kind of get my name out there on tumblr (ex. twitter fanartist...)
you might know of my animations from different map parts but if not, ive been a part of the everything moves map and the tongues and teeth map on youtube!! hope you like my work :)
i have no idea if people do promo posts on tumblr. sorry. is this bad tumblr etiquette. someone TEACH ME ive been a twitter fanartist for like 4 years.........elon musk bought the site and my reach has been dead ever since. please i just want people to see my funny grian drawings and stuff
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gxlden-angels · 11 months
Idk I think it's funny seeing people on twitter say things like "Christians want to tell you it's all a part of Jesus's plan until it's them!" cause like idk about you but I've had family members 100% say they're ready to meet the Lord than interfere with his plans via a Tylenol and a flu shot
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axiomdagger · 4 months
hello new icon btw because i was getting sick of the first one how are u guys doing
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snowwtrapped34 · 9 months
I hate that I made this. I hate that this has to be the debut of my new color scheme for SMG4. I hate how this is my first time posting any sort of Snufkin art on here. I am immediately going to genuinely feel as if I am a horrible human being after posting this because that is something I do for some reason.
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beetlejuce · 10 months
Not on Twitter/X/whatever and refuse to download it again, I wonder how CATB Twitter’s taking today’s events?
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certified-moth · 1 year
all the mfs coming over from twitter dont realize that tumblr isnt the trenches anymore. Tumblr is more akin to a post-post-apocalyptic landscape. The land is regrowing, the people are rebuilding, there is relative peace.
Dont bring this anger and aggression to this site, god knows everyone of here has seen enough of it. Take this as your chance to become a better version of yourself, let go of your anger and learn to love and support your fellow man
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vampylily · 1 year
it really is so curious bc there's like half a dozen korean fan accounts on twitter absolutely /furious/ about the official idkhow announcement, demanding answers and saying that dallon is letting people cyberbully ryan (which at least okay, what they're criticizing is the lack of clarification from official channels earlier when it all blew up. which, if it was all false allegations, then people would have been nasty towards ryan for nothing. but then, theres going to be legal issues so it makes sense why he didnt clarify anything sooner) and dallon & company being childish, etc.
i was idly searching bc it looks like those fanaccs has been fans of idkhow longer than I have so maybe I'm missing something; it's always interesting to see different fan perception and information varying on site (twt vs tumblr vs insta) and language/culture (larger english fandoms vs smaller groups in different countries), etc.
the main point of contention seems to be how people around dallon has responded online? like his wife/mother in law and all that, and arguing that dallon & company are the ones bullying/being unfair towards ryan, asking for specifics on why he's kicked out (confirm the money stealing rumour) and how it puts a sour taste in their mouths. and fair, in a better world where social media doesn't exist and information (whether real or not) doesn't spread this quickly, it would be nice to get succinct information from the band w/o unconfirmed rumors. the stuff about his mother in law, while a bit unprofessional, isn't really a grave sin and should be taken with a grain of salt anyways.
if they are simply ryan fans, at this point, there's nothing really to argue about. they're unlikely to believe anything dallon/idkhow announce and going to support ryan. they were like "well I don't want to see dallon's one man show" and if so, they aren't gonna tune in again. as fans, it makes sense people find it hard to believe it/want to believe the best as a fan.
(but then one of them was like "well r*nnie was all supportive towards ryan and gifted him a car, etc while dallon only said he supported ryan and did nothing" and the second I read that, all their credibility went out the window. r*nnie r*dke. are we being serious rn. also that mf is running his mouth rn so fuck that dude.)
it turned out to be more polarizing than i expected so 🙃
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gildead · 1 year
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BIRTHDAY ART OF THE SIBLINGS FOR @rosadolces/@wariodemambo/@americanpepperman/a bunch of other bloggos!!!!
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metroid-fusion · 1 year
might be done with cohost for now btw it seemed like theyre kinda deep into like the proship bs on there
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placesgoneby · 9 months
being an ex scp person on Tumblr is so crazy because like I'll see a post going viral and just be like "oh yeah we were Twitter mutuals once upon a time. neat."
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azuremist · 2 years
You do realize your post “welcoming” people from twitter is basically you gatekeeping tumblr, right?
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kindlythevoid · 1 year
Just found out that apparently Reddit is joining us now?? I knew about The Great Twitter Escape and all, but what happened with Reddit??
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leefy-greens · 1 year
as an ex-active tumblr user who witnessed the death of tumblr (at least it seemed like it at the time) to then migrate to twitter (because all my favorite artists were migrating) to now witness the death of twitter and migrate BACK to tumblr… am i welcome back :’)
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